HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1864-04-29, Page 2, felt and Lake Koron Railroad' WINTER ARE AN9ENIENT. coma EAST. DAV EXpreSs. a0DERICE,• ....... DEr. .8.00 3t. :1LINTON " 8.46 *IA RPURHE - " 9.06 " • SEAFORTE1 4 3)14 CARRONBROOK... " 9 ,33 MITCHELL• • STRATFORD -.......atta. 10,',Z • " • cuts :so 'NEST ISITRETc-ALF1031tAD, .. .. • :DEP.. 43°' sCaA 656i-01-3233 t,"," 11A EtPURREY • k1LINTON GODERICH . - -* * " GODEIIICE, C. W., APRIL 29, 1864: • ° ;.•THERAMTT,TONELE,OTION: T-REstrn.-ble end'ed *an Tuesday. -••• evening, 3ast in the return ,Ofsh.orf. Isaac /Buchananby'a bare' Majority; 'of 14 intei: was, perhaps,the most. desperate, ever witnessectin Cada. When' it was. first, .annoanced: 'that 'Mayor,: McElroy *mild ,oPpese,-the 1.:).resiclentof the . Connell,' an • .easy yictory:was predicted -for 'the latter. Wenittst ettrifeaS' -that we: allartl in the. generally,exPressedippipion, that',.-editsIder• ingltheplatfo:int'hild din by Mr. 13uc1ian- an, and his opening appeal ttethe. pocket. „synipathies Of the city tt would, be useless officei in a Gevertitifent.,which has:lo 'It to oppose:hica. 13_,Dt/ .,14.:Speeeh at th enotigh to .pare tO-.Set..".1.,ip half a doielf or nomination revealed the WeakeesSes,'oi'' the d.juary ntions,a .Government'so'selidly :man .ito Palpably, that tite; iOaSibilitY•of lt)aSed upon the',Overlastinje--rocks bf."ccrn :defeating.him With a. strong':;eupdidate be that the •eccentricities of I came: at at Mice -apparent:. . We 'tan well the- :Pi•es'. dent of the Cetincil .1cLf oat iMagine, the .disnitty that fell upeti the tory about the sacred pre:cinets of Pabine"i pomp,- When --on... Monday nieht. after Chambers as harmlessly a'"'ehip in a • •••- • • well iustaitied confliet, Mr. Buchanan ,was' broae-pot. Theininse2British coristitti- behind h.y.levehtly.ifive yotes. he friends, tion .propenSities off4fonsieur ,Cartier -and' :ot ,conetittaiOnal, governm-ent :trembled in' his Freneli. followers: ,:entirely neu- tMir-shoes, but i-csols'•ett to%•"hin 'Matter' &elite, the poiSciii of Isheei Iffifehitnart'a' what it.MiglitTeost.:, Notwithstanding the ;Republicanism: :,sacrilde". to Lower, . . , • • .. Govarninental influence.; Oland •••Truid,-, ic>ear-o.:7,41,1)±.: sone one must • ,infinence'7,7and: „Wid.riek Tufinenee .generally -Toned willing,liRrthe' noble . Roman, to brought againsiMe.'McEicoy.,.; hisoppo-plunge into the abyss In larder to PrePi- fortnetigni of the adr_yance .op; the Rappahen- ; tents had .a hard fi'eht liate.the political god -a, and where could a acielrotOreduesclay,: as far as 'Boulware's tramples upon the Civil and religious lib- erties of the individual sinks into a\;311tent of unmeaning forms, and justice is an unsubstantial shadow. - Hence " Constitutional Government'r-is to be maintained at all hazard. These enterprisilt "grits,' :are ;dangerous, fel- lows, --they are rebefsin d'nguisethey . stock therem m vested.. That insures the wetild Milly;the gloriousold .flag k great line will pass ""that.'s'braved a tlion'sand years did battle • (lll'gugh Aroost661:," the garden of New •. Ilnd reStOre to the 13.1.1. -or mer and the breeze." A Thrt'frinds Of .:".,Con- Omits the trade whieh the jcide awake "blue stittitional•go'vernMent.". tuust;Ily.; to ...the noSes.''' seduced away ironi th6m -hy blinding rescue the"discharge 'of Out.....dutY wt -hi,, u mw 101105 )110u. 1,110,4 i9 of the St.. John to ilfl as •Britons; par.;arcc/(ertee,, :,.,)lave 'to -to tlie northWard eondeseentl:'6 the ns �f means not. cep- and eitstavard of' Bangor, 'which naturally tenapltted in the bes•,tp,r4 ,E4/10 .sneks the Valley /date Petiobseot .fortrade. • and Supplies. ' With a ;proper system of, rail - to, Anti `Matters. it?'" Eag - neeesear.Y7 roads:Bangor would Soon beeonte one 'o fl the in soinee.iiifies, in,. order tliatoided,*1 re-' largest mid, Most .PrOtiperou ::_efties in NeW Eagfand,"Second oaly iti' hisportatteelo POrt- init. • Thel)opPosite taught by • land., 1!lie subject bivi•-bCen preseeted to the do, nOt- thorough lV -understand A Nlassaeli eget ts Legislature by the GOverpor of the tendetiniei; of human, „nature, Cominercuzl:ditafelin. catididate,.let it be whispereti;": ie that:we Could. ask. is eccentrie;--but • 4.E Railway MatterS Nevi,Brunsvti - The European and -North ,..AMerican 11 Co. has obtained a grant of 400,000 itCrc Maine` lands -and. the credit of Batiiior $500,000. And the government of N Scotia have offered a gratuity -of $10,000 mile for the eompletien of the utifinis poi tiotisiof the line within: its borders, bes a guaranty of six per cent. interest - VIEFICL'Y SIGNAL. - ok. °liars go around the earth's cireurb• . ference four .times,-:' and, cover' 8,640 miles . R. beliides. silver dollar to weigh P"of itn,outice, 16 to -a poundk 2-.000 lbs. to the toe 'for our debt would .weigh, 126,000 - ions, and ova would require. 125 ships of -I,0.00 tons but den idPeesr each to carry it. . . ed " It Would make 62,500 trucK leads of 2 tone each, and caleulating that each -truck will eccentricity lettot rilivirjsTit Mild feria of insanity..DSsOttie blundering phulosoplaeri •teffeb; he ia-en.terins. of...Intimacy ,Linciiln; he c isa: "great: -,.;Northern.-., pill,for..na'"tories ter; 'SWal; low,),he Wishes to ;tariff -in favor Of the United States.'Ne' d aealtist the British (COD4it t" - • 1) G ertineentt• he 'not unfatorable 42:Sonia sndii ,constitutional)- relief to Grand. 'Trunk- ;,:he; bag placed it Oti re, Cord that i'.ice-reggraYat:ent of goveracug , Canada. ie:".wrong;and awair; icIzCzt.of 'till tit' .t.4. k ea -THE A.IVIERIOAN WAR. • _ • Capture of ' Nor ' Carolina.(. 150 FEDE:RALS---'--KALLET 'AND 2,50 ' / - oE,THE POTtiMAC, April,24: The, Ifichniond' Sentinel of • the 22.1d says the following despatch bas been received by Gen. Bragg :-- • .. ; • Plymouth, N.- C.; Aplil 20.' .7;o-'penera Braxton Bragg • : have stormedand carried this place, cap- tutirig One Brigad ier,. 1; ''00- MCI), stores, and '44;y. - '• • ,(Signed)..,,1„, it` F. 110IZE, I:\ Brig. General. A telegrarn wasalso fe"ceived by the Presf: dent from Cal. J. l'aylor•irnod, dated RoCky Mount', April 21st, .giving further .particulars ofthe caature of,Plynaoutli.by -the forces un- der Gen.'Holie, ;Vitt) naval co:operat:oh:', Ile •sayS that about 2,500 prisopers were taken ; 300 or -400 of -them negroes-; 30 pieces of artillery,106,00,0 pounds meat, 1,000 barrels .fiour,and a full garrison outfit. Onr loss -Was " 'about 3001s all. , Colonel_ Rice 'Was ainong,. the' killed. Two gunboats were sunk, sati other 'disabled,- and- another.- Small steanien cover a space of 30 feet they 'wduld • stretch a.distance of 335 'Miles, and niake a chain of truek's which would encompass the • great citi..s of New York,, A lbanj, and Troy • it) .an 'elliptical line. It wdUld take Man 356, yenta and 40 days to count the ainouirt ofthe vast debt estimating:that he (could count $60 per minute, Working 10 hours a .day and 6 •days•a week., • ' / Tal. ., The New York ll'orld _thus discourses on the eonditOtf.and prospects of the Corded. emte:.,,States-:---" Let , us done With senselesS del:113i .The -S'outh at the 'end of three years; is in a better conciition to fight .thaiiit-hasheea at any . preceding period. - Lake ourselves, it has .gcct over the 11111113 didieulties incident to theearly,atages. of a ' great war! ' It has no 'Iotirmr 'the machinery. th to create by which ,tirnit. and military ,aup.. plies are manuffiettired and its', pepulation furnished with- clOthins-. ,' It haa on har.d such 0 . ' a'aup,dly of anns'that hereafter only moderate adffitions-will-be necessary., Is soldiers ure cetel'ans 'and . its military'. . at„ t height. Three years' entire separation fro the Federal government has •weaned t Southern people fc001 tiny lingering affection' for the. Cnthrr.. During these three year's, they havelndiwii it not as a protector,hut ,as a - relentless avenger. •There -hs never. bc'ett an hour since the beginning Of the war when their ros*olution 'was' inoreq- blisti nate 'and, in- dothitable•than itis now:* . Such is,the;resalt ot a three 'years war` weg,ed on ' Mistaken Princiles:- We have only FOrdened the rebels And. made them ' more stout hearted: „It•ls tline we had.the. Moral' coat-m.1e to face the truth.' The -delusions which have been So inthistriously 'spread for the' last .six 'months have had 'a,-grerder tendency to help Mr: Lineoin'd.personal aspirations than to 'aer0e'. the' eoluitry fbr the terrible:en:act that is ,still before " . Emigration to the Federal States.- , - • Army of the Potomac, -April 24. , . We haVe Richmond -papers - of the 22ed Majority' Was not. itu:ned' . until -after noon orthe second -day. -R.ven_then,'out -of a poll of tieirlY ..-.1iberalisai Was separated from triamPh.by 'a:paltry „ tf..ert iotes 1 We ',regret :,extrethery..thal , - , ' snobbe.ry did not rneeive its deathblow. in far as is .concerned, but we ' cordially join 'in..the congratulations ex, . . tended to the liberals of the constitaency• heroic 'exertions put. .forthi by : them iTrt the occasion. Another sach battle,. We _ . are -satisfied,- will have:a different -result, . ,laaacaspeech on Tuesday evening sio . . • rich that we cannot refrain from re-pro- -ducing it: • He said ' ' ave have had -a great e test ; my majority will be about fifteen ''Vls ri it is declaredin a few clays.. This 'election bus caused as Much excitement as many'revold:" tions bare done. An attempt -Wag made . at this'electioato upset society.- (Cheeri and groans.) • An attempt was made to sap the fouudationa.tifsociety, bavetmerific in this election More than any. one in the , crowdecu(Cheers. deriseie arid other- _ wisei that's so. old fellow; you have. hid to bleed pretty freely!) I have contest-. effthis, election as- a, Emitter : of duty. that I would not be ja-stified. allowing Mr. McElroy to. beat me. Had I gone to the, caounin to -night defeated, I would have consulted my own personal 'feelings, and my own peace. of Mind ;. but I felt'that itwas for yobrinterest,. for the . interest of.. Hamilton,' / that I shouid,fight the; last, atall have done `so-• thediattle has been severe. • 1 ‘dM not wislato dontinaelanger-in. public life. .1 did • not wish office. cA voice Speak the truth!). aecepteroffice for your sakes ;.„,.,1 could not ..kelp -it," and. in the language- of the•Poet *Laureate,Teruayson, I.niay say. thank Goci,. we. are -a people ',yet.' None are '-so well- pleasat eny return to office as, those Who voteetapinst me, even the ,Mayorhiniseif jgT - satisfied,: great,majority of those 'who voted against -media so,knowing-that would •he elected.: They voted- against, nib for per. , sonal objects. 'Thiselectffin has Proved one thing to cue 'that is, that the people have had, 'an opportunity to stand uffiight .and vote as they, pleased. (Derisive ceers.).. When She poll isideclare a fotv days; • theta 1 will-hatirran,opportunitt ofspeaktug to. yea at greater length: ,i.,Itiji.t•the-time now to speak thy.ott when there' is) -116-6 an excite ,meut, therefore -I say,no morn tteyou .at, present..." V/ henAlte state. of the poll.: is de= clare.d,' then I will ,speak to 'you at much greaterlertgth,. and we will have an., opportit,; .nity of eajoying =Melees." rahiced=qbat's' so,' 'at yonvexpense. The Hamilton 'Times of T d . y , This evening-Closedorie _Of.the 'most. hardly ' conte‘ted, Mid at the same, time Most impor- tant, elections ever held in -this city. From .yesterdaj's vote, We' had every reason -to be. lieve that Mr..McEIrcy would be.eleeted by A • J " handaeme Majtnity. ' "But Government iti .fitienta, ,Grattd. Trunk interference ,Inq over . and- above all,"Mr. Buchanan money,proved, too couch in tho Present instals:Oat as they hive ortsome other occasions, for the Liberals of ; ,lAtr:Buchanan is -returned by -the aii.fority His return; flowetor, redeem -no eredit or honor oct that gentleman, albeit he is a Miiistar of the. ,Crown, for his succeseiato be.aseribed solely to -the' power of money -Id Open bribery., „Utider'tliese eir- -enmstanees • gr.' Butihandn -cantiot con- sidered the strtie ..\representative.of - and biareleetion; instead of being an honer to him, is reallys disgrace, and • substantially:a defeat. '- The Liberals of Hamilton, . with a few Wirceptioes," have done their , duty...nobly; . and,if they have not achieved agieat victory,, • 'they ffs leastdeierved it. MralfcElroy,:too; . mayfeerati hniiest`pride7ih-lhe hearty and - honest supporthe hear rieceived; Mid "la "the .fiiettliattat for he woulil'airibis" meat have been the, representative.cifIlantil- . l'ney have paved. tb.e ' Way for; -entitio` vici'ort, and they may Coesole; themselvati With the a:Surat-tee that 'Buchanan eai never, again 'Ohoaen . to repreileat the city of Ehamilten:'-; ' - • • • I, , - , " E_tirly hi the ninining, the rd,Filidi6f.,Ci3n, atitittional•Kitiveriintent' went to '.work with - a will, a:id steadily -the majority-, of Mr. Mc- Elroy wait:Mt-faced; Until at -three o'clocki'fim west/lima-On the:Opposite side.'afSpacteitor, '- Pamfftocie " - ''' ,',:- .- : ' ' .'", ' , .- . . _,-,,CMistitti_tional .Goieroment '' , a . . boort 'Itc?-aity wituntry2-z, Deprived Or. it, anarchy raises its .11 dia ii- 'Pe- is' ni f4 . . , 7 what f,'which Is ten miles below RaPpalfaintoek 'be.tter subject be found than the one in _. Essex county. , • - , , .. , _. ,, • • is is supposed to be the advance of Burn- .: Pretty "'friends ef. constitutional goV--'side'' exPeditinteni:4a2yitti7aat.slirialPeeinrloelt ionveL'ields: 'ernMent".' indeed, whOrequire to be Iniled'•. ge'ruitellcwsbautsr.gaLYIdeetransports, were at the mouth of into Voting for a inernber of a • " constitu- 'the Rappahannock. . . - tional" cabinet by promises of extensHe .,ia-1,11,Iiii,:s.aBspeaci,81-,8,t-.0:'.1aF.:;1::b:r.riiide:".,,:3etol'aattththAe.,.:,:icatiiae.tha,Yre-e-Wk!! C3911:4 advantages to. the .city 'of..Heinil- - ton 1 Pretty -friends -indeed wlferf ,their ed • to ,be leclitr,--1,1;,eiitiy,, a; i rvvee I a rae -rreep ervt as ino a IV o psolLe dread of torpr edeoes.rull: candidate on his election' Was forced in an. agony Of ,lioclaet to ek.claim ",likiltare sam•t- Th,? ba"tti ‘,... h iNch6vbhdadra,t),Ne.R.o.,'0•Ainplo.rilc2,!..,at. need in this. election more 'than a ' in the 'crow can -tell! .1"'" Do the Minic'. test.„reaulted in the capture -of the city by the . , i I d G . . nli 0.0_e Plymouth from Sunday;,theAfith'icrIleP29-th tenal-orge --grinders imagine_that by cal: 'Tire:els' and his fOrt,e,.1,1100'men. yfon wednesday noon, IRO u mg • ,en. ling a sp de -by some other nemer:they-ctin,:. The e,,e,ay Obtained posSession of the' tewn chiinie the thing itself? Do theY really ai,pt::ight .on'c?i?listekin the tai-tediu orntntt,-.FoGrt. ej;111 think that by a continual harping upon ihamssi, alga held ourt°9urribre til no' on "re ul e• la " Constitutionalism" •they can hunibuo- the people of Upper Canada into a belief that they are a single iota more loyal than adherents of the liberal party ? We dti not believe they think anything of the kind. _As we have said before, they enemy .an seven desperate assaults, .whose kes itsaid to be 1,70,0, while our loss is slight. General {Vessels, who gained such distinction „iti the sever. days' fight before Richmoufl,had- . . made in the siege. almost heroic resistance With his little b. nd -4veterans. - Several weeks since he crra,000.nsen, stating in a most solemn manner that it Would be merely wish by raising' paltry cries of the impossible to hold the oity-with 3 leSS nuMber. .kind'to-ttini public .attention- away frolin, General Peck,whos5ysheluad.ivei.Genemj . {Vessels all the assistance ;a paweronthe the real tharacMr "or the 'men __now . . same soletnn trimmer time 'and tomin' Called tor rehtforceniews . . .., It is -reported that the enemy has left 'IV... Mouth, andare now nieving- on Washington and also OnStbis,..city. lite rebel ram:- at Kingstoa'on the Neuse has; 18 i&. ascertained,, morel toWards Newbero,...„and is expected. to Make an attaekIda.dity:nr' turd boats and 'iffinfacements are immediately re- quredfiereand at,Washington. 2 companies belon.ingto ilte",2tid North Carolina Union• volunteers were among the captured at Plymouth, most of whcm ):Vere taken outand shot by the enemy, after our, forces,hacfsur- rendered. All the negroea '(7.6und. ,in uniform :were also shot. . - • • power. Such bolstering up can never succeed. The at of the Carter -Mc - Donal Ministry- are too freshl in our ;11 memo 'es to allow us for a moment to ad- trtit that the leaders of that administration Fe notitled to / naonopolize either the loyaltyLor the statesmanship of the Pro- vince of Canada. - , - Caters:gm DitIsion. . . The 'Hon: Mr. CatuPbellhas been return- - . e or t itation by a large majority. ever The.funeral of OctrinaiffigrT4lesser, takes Place' • The rebel ram at:Ply-Mna-th,' which came Mr. BrittonJ-11 the- elections have now place here to morrow. down the Roanoke. is expectO to act in con. LIT Y NOTICES. • Blackwood for April is out with a most enticing table of contents. It ',holds its place as first amongst periodicals of the kindY Atlantic ltforahly for May is a good cert with tit-% other rams in the attack on Washington arid Newbern. The can ies three small guns and one 64 -pounder. / With the aidrof a few gunboats these rams could readily be run down, as their semgoing qualities are bud. 'Huder the Cover of night the ram -at Plymouth sunk 2-ot 011r. gunboata; but it is not expected she wilf attack an) number. The article on California as a , . . . r pt.a e number of gunboats in the day EEC vine land, and the Gold Fields of Nova , Scotia are alone viorth the price asked for President Lincoln and General Grant. (From w York Jr:me%) the book. For sale at this office: - - % Forth Waterloo Election. _ The declaration of the result of the. North Waterloo election took place at Berlio yester- day. We learn by a specffil teleg;ram, that the member elect vvas escorted to the place by a large number of his friends; ziedompan• ied by bands of music. Mr. Bowman, iu neat speech, thanked the. electorti Tor the honor they had done him in electing him as their tepresentative. Mr. Foley spoke foram (F Ne ' ., Inn' as certain aa'anything futtir.e can be that Gen. GMnt will Move. againat'Lee-iii it... few days, and with -all the. streegth it iciPossi- ble'for the adminiathition to impart to.him.--- Thereace not two men in . -this country who are i.. more peeect accord ' im,,spirit and par: pose, and ..plam.than, president Lincoln mid, Lieutertant-Oeneral Grant - 'The President has, with anhesitating confidence, remitted to General Grant the entire shaping,ahd Control of the campaign; and Gen, Grant is justify. ing that -confidence, by'a boldness of concep- . . , hour. His.opponents =In the late- a a met odical directness of action. sti'egigle' thataugur'the grandest residnE' 3 he great. ... . _eareehi fora great deal *of -abuse front him. body of the lOyal people repose in these two . .. . .He entered a protest ''.6'itaining eight 'cl'ant's servants of/the:Republic . -each in 'his estri' . , . againet,lir. 'HOwniitna return: .„. :The enief ithere. the. Sallie eatifiderice that -theyref-4)8e ed on behaltof the mentber Cleet.. 4t is Most ont3:itt an allegation that no poll -Was demand in,each eiher-randhll the attempts of -faction Iunlikely that • this objeCtion will 'help. the' to.breeddistrust_and :discord acconfplish, -no- thing. ,but,to makefacton the more detested. defeatedstra er- neral - much.' The : ' - - - . ,.... . .- ; Returning.,a Officer appointed the time and ' ', FederDelit'Medenteil and " places;fer.holdieg-tue-polls, and- tharof itself. 7. .-..,.: r. weighed, .. , ..., is sufficient,' iihether- Mr., Foley heard -any! .-- - ',,_' ., body „demand the poll or not • If he thought - - : . '. .. Froatlhe_Albs;iy,Arkus. ,that 18sopponentwas, net' tusking e,:lell; lie' l,Extracti,frem remarks inUde-Lby Mr. '' John- Sh.ould haV.e..4equired'the.4teturning -Officer I - Fair, ontheIfitliinitant,'tiefore the'Deme, then'to, -declare him elected. But. haying,\_, allowed the Returning 'Wheel to iiPpiaintthe -, i ;Crate Asscialation:' . .!. NationalDebt is stated -to be 4,0oa,.. ..ea. ,,- ' lie and places for the *pbtling, ,ancl 'having ,...., ... „ . ,-..; 000;000 s ,, . , .. eetedliimaelf AO ,the tamestto get the . Tue 8 7'", 41 It -line been said that the debt is„so.great' ' majority at the "pelling'abe: has no right now that ii,soo,,,,,of for c..,,,,Ipro.,.,,,,si-pij-..,.. riiw to ask that the verdict ail* people shall be, aaa2piacticalinan....I propose tiff weigh it and ' set aside 00 50 trivial a plea As the.eue he hu ,amaata,..e iii ihat. we, may ihereby . obtain " a jet-uP, ' ' . ' ' ":- ' ., - • more defiajteidea of its,triimensity. ()ur correspondent sayi, however, ' that'. it, '' .=,A.".ailver 4f,t1lar inensareli, t.I., ineliga: fir 'has leaked.out that' the object Of the '..proteat -a;,,,,aeie-E, casiiaided.-edirto idge4iii iiiik-ii 19 80 afford Mr. Felei-ae.ezetele' for lleidiet -One foot in length, $24 so pladetrYvrilt make his oflite viithout asoatittiPaillaeleet, ' --Pre one yard ,in they tteet- length,-,and'142440 ,se, pjaeeo, i.:'i fle'lle!PEiteet '-itlit e,aid, 4.'ha:.!:- hie c°11e4ciPe&..l9.1-: will make Olia:Milelnifinph.=„;:„...Tlikeearih-rit hadefeateffiiffeir c. 'the -'hb9se.i.,.4d-: Itrscio.'fililid-td:':.'earCiiiii eiiii4, 'it ;iVOfild;' iliita,:actierifelbeiion.0"47..;fethiw4a0kaliti ilorefeee, reit.if,e0..$9,1:2,88ai.00.,a,,scejg(1...once Ao'..eions'iiiiiiiii4uid seyvg.'..iiiko,gor a. 'ie.-, round it. . This Veit stiMintait-bemultiplied 7,,e.ew.-ii::iiiiiiiiitely,-.desthibli. ....Id other , fe.sPeete the Rrofeat 3 re`.:i13ded'!5 612iii3134-:, Oyarttptitili4iitilll'14'7ierteliiir..nirtialhe'-'majtak.°Pk;ho'ef rce.--:Gtobe. , .,' ' ' - - ''' , , . . In the Federal Flouse of Representatives bit Thursday hist previously' reported hy_ Mr. Waaliburne; of :Illinois, . froin the Se- lect,Cotarnittee, to 'eucodrage immigration, was passed, provides for the appointment of a Commissioner of Immigration, Who shall not be a 13ttreau officer, but shall be subject to toe' Secretary of State. .., . second section pros -ide- s that contracts May be made ' for the passage- ,of,Ternigrants upon the pledge- of their -wages for repayment; which shall be a lien on any land they may aequire after arrival in the" country. . The thi41 section provides that the • Secretary of thelTreesury may. rediMO the tonpage duties on Anierican. 'vessels bringiagemigracts. The ,fourth "section deelareethat noemigrant avail. in.; himself oftite provisions of this act altar, be liable to military duiy,"duntig • the present war.The fifth ,section provides for the es. tabl isitment of an office of,emigration Ne* York City. to be filled by h Supei intender)! who marnfake contracts for the inland trans- portation of enngrants.to be paid for by them, and shall protect them , against fraud land ill), -position., ' remaining sections -provide that no peraon shall 'hold -aloe under tIN net whit is:interested in the sale of any lands or it) the furnishing of any trunspoliation lyorTheinsduiithecotfly,s,15e0. 004s appr.,0,priate,d1:to ca‘rry. -the foregoing, provisions into effect. LATEST NEWS PEOX EUROPE. Na* Yonz.i2fith--4pril.---Tha City of 13al- tintore has- nrriVed hem. The -bombardment ;of Ihippel enritinife'n',' It "is stated -that the Danes show ailms Of, rttreat...,,Maximilian probably sailed' on ihe.lfitholt:,.:for, Meaiee- Conference not yet assembled: In- the Hone of"Coninions oti the 12th ioataot. the. Goverphsent,was,defeatecl by a Matarity, Of 8 on the Minor -Educational question„,t- - 24ilnr Gibson 'stated.'that .ihere was.r.7ffininiediate. intention - of placitig-lights on Datint'..0 Where the Ciy 'of New York was wrecked, hint that the lighttat the entrance to -Cork harbor would be improved. :The Garibaldi enthusiastit Was unabated, He tisimd Lord. Palmerston foraii hour, also Stansfield, who was iMplicatedin a recent conspiracy; The, Morning' Iferald-!says 'Lord ; Clarendon's IBIS61011 to Par1s2s to restore amicable 'rela- tions Und:dispcl:Napcileon's irritatien against Euglandl. Maiinfiliaits-hesith is . improved.' It ia stated 80 will .46it Marseilles en ;mate thr-Mexico: April i4th. 7 -He has 'made sun- dry diplomatic and ministerial appointments. The Prussian's continued a vigorous hornhaid-:, ment of Dupre!. It is reported that the Danish fire was very weak, and that several. batteries- Were sileliced. A .Flensburg de. Spateh says the Danes were 'preparing -t� evacuatethe entrenchments. The 'Prussians iffJethind. had ,advaneed, further northward and drove the Danes Out Of Horsens, after a Short • engagement: • .13readstu5s"'= Flour neglected and- irregular.. :Wheat in a very litnited demand.; Winter -Red 8s a 8s 5d: per dental.' Corn dill, and ,sothe "instanties, fid lower • mixed 4s tr.28s 6d per 480 lbs. The mews -which we .pnhlish thii -morning Etom Northern Mexico is .ef considerable in; terest and :in:Mortal:tee:: -The 'rebellion of Vidantril the Governer :of the Iwo :States Neeto'Le.on and,"Coahuild, atinst ,Nstio. al nGOVerilM005i314 an en . He left the capital of Nuevo'reort,Miniterey, on ',March -26, ander:toter of. ciarkitess,. with -all; his tbroes, estiniated-at 2;000 -men/ add some twentylevenLpieeeS urt&took the' road to Engle Pass, in Texas: He was last Prande, 'the. artillery; Covering "his' retreat,, heard of at IlOreles, 'as, few Milesfrom the Rio On ,Idercli. 28,, ..their advanco of -the forces ntideriCol. Ortega; bectiaied Moaterey widen: the follotring,'Clay Generale queitada, Doblado ern! Antillon nrrt,Verl,' .acedinpitnied bYtheirAiviiions, .On April 8, l'reSident 'Juarez hiinsellreachedalonterey, , and Was' reeeivedCviiiir,treat'.'ciniectiatfatione.-Ot joy. The:blebilleaSauctorYeti:: the, NatiotiaLGov,. ernmetit -Oyer Vidharri seems to indicate, thut; the invadeiti of she -new .erripire here butfeti frienda„in.itio,NorthertiSMtea of the. Itcput,! If, id the -Ripe di.itecounts frearfAtexiCo assured utik-the peoplesoftheStales.ofNu.ev.0, :Leen-and Celt:hut* or bir,aa'o.‘ erwhelminf,,..majority. approved Of the:tree:eon-of: -would hot%,haVe beep' diffidult fOr the -latter- to,Collent ent forco 80 mulntaIn himself for 50100 tiwe itt 'le'.4elt.Ivefi4illit.;Tiiiirei,,:i!hi/,.littd:t0-,eirifiltijr:'11 'large portion:OthieTforces: to ,Check:. 'gross of the -Xeiketionilit- ,htejia.7 ?Mkt .fligbt from Mouterey,,.Without mien the the* of re .8iiiihne.4,-.,pt,,iveshiaWant Of con5clenee saffibiont support-Of:hie Cantosba the ,..pitrt•- of the peptilation".:,";'lliffp.Vdeliffes'ofMaximilian are anything:hot:brilliant. If the eoutsa,-Zof -eVents- EurepriikOulepanselhe withdrawal of-tlsc theeeed-in:iiiiagan addition to .his, Mexican' arrny,„ff7,(fOiligii,Iegioff''',.suffiCientlY tinnier' .6us "the daysiefthe empire arklikelytobe ra tia- "fiered.-N Trilrtee 234 • .I.,otto DERBY IN TEE CommoNs.=On day the -Earl of Derby once' more. took Ins SARI it) thst asstinbly which was the scone . of his early; and brillianttriumphs. Of course the reader will say be. sat under the . gallery or in the gallery -Which is called that. of the Peers. N.0 such thing._ -Ilia lordship sat in the House of Commons itselfund among the members of' the Commens. We milk explain an incident ,so curious, and. probably, • un-. precedented. Mr. Gladstone'SBaidget raiser curiosity 'and attract large -audiences, ' and ,it bappened that .when Lord Derby came -down to the House on Thiirsday he foundMo vacant space either in .111M Peers' gallery oc in the seats 'tvherePeers'are allowed to sit ,lieloW it; and..so willing to be,. dissapoilited,, he took a- seat in the .side' gallery' ;Of the flonse itself, on the left bf the Speaker's chair, from which he could best -.hear Mr. Gladstone. His lordship ie one of the- few men:wird have . . increased their reputation when renioaed :to On Upper Liouse, but it may, perhaps., have cceurred to him as he aatthore that he would like to tight his battles over again . orti.tthe • floor:ofthe. flonselOIC fismons; •Cuurists nuEXCLesn. Some ' dreadful crimes'which one bad fain hoped were itn- possible'ot perpetratiOn- -in England at 'this day, are reported by lastmail.' At Fisliertoif near Newark one Richard Parker, it butcher, Oen:zing, luitne half drunken,- shin:hi:4 Aged. father :tad mother 'because they rebuked 'him fr hts- itiregniaribabits..' A kitetterr Loy, in. be,Culder Vale Reformatory, notmore than 17 years, of age; stabbed the school mistresS, Who,. he- OWDS, had "treated. him like; a' inor)er," but hewaa,"possesied " with the. tnurdcrous intent, and, eduld- not -rest till the' de"ed was done." At Liverpool a youtia• and rising.surgeon is. found lying, insensible in his parlor, with, his Miele broken, his chest and I u set iously injured, , and, in a word,in daneer of death. Two "-gentlemen " had. called upon 'him, .ancl. locking the door behind them: haddeMandedthe surrender of snide - letters and n: locket, a lady.being in the case, ' and, when,this was-refased, u horsewhtp: was produced, and the .victiin thus -cruelly ill yANEgn lyiv.-5,idney Smith declared that. the Americapstnust have sotnethimg theta for they had invented a new kind of -wit, afid :a New YOrk miPer lately published,an excel- lent illustration of , the. saying. A Yankee had just cured a chimney, and was 'telling a friend how it' " drawed. " Pretty gado alter we'got the chininey, down -and ther end.up, missed one of the ciairs out' f the room, and directly_I see'cl 'another -of 'em shooting-- tuhrds the -fire-place. Next the table went; and I see the Lack fog -going up. 'Then I grabbed, the old - w,orrian' 'under one arm and theac,halif under t'other, and alerted; .but just as I got to the door, I eee'd -the cat going •across, the floor backwards, holding- on with her claws 'to the carpet, •.yellin,g awfully. It wasn't no use. I just Isee'd her go over the op of ..the chimney, and that waS the.' last of her'Y To equalise this draught, he put ii ponitiee on the I ewer. pert oldie chimney,.which effectually answer- ed the purpose. An Englishman telling the same story would riot have' troubled 'himself :with the minute description- of the attittide (If the cat, which, for -the •initant makes the, absurdity seem possible.., .S0UTTIERN MANEI"ACTURE '01`10002t1OTIiEE AND CARS. -At Macon,4 in Georgia-, and aIse at Alanta, locomotives have been built for more than two years past.;During the six •mo,nths alarm) number of machinists front Scotland have arrived- at these two place's, and locomotives are 'turned outmore rapidiy than heretofore. They are at work on nearly all the Southern rqada and are said to work - us well as those formerly brought front the North. Passenber tars and freight cars are now being-huilt at Savannah, Fayetteville, Greensborough and at two other points in Georgia. The curs are sadly deficient in the painting, gilding' and ornamental work that distinguishes the passenger cars.on the North: ern railroads.-- But III point 4.if strength and substantial comfort they are said to be all that could he desired. „ 'Doc Snow 'AT balit.11r.-The fiist Irish dog' show opened iu Dublin on the ,26th: A-11204,7 tbe exhibitor§ was the Earl of' Carlisle .who. senthis_terrier "Gipsey " to -the. show, arid also opened the exhibition.. The prides "of, the prize.dogs ranged from .£100 -to £10,0,001 4500 -was a very' eomiaon figure. • , „ ec6-- The Queerrof 'England., says' ,Mc- Kenzie has discharged.eve4 indebtedness .of the Duke of -Kent, -her father,, who died when She Was only nine month's: old;- - Victoria has no debts.ShepayS her Why as an,: honest vroman shoUld, and in this .sets -an excellent example to -her subjects. _ . She ie distinguielted not only for: her.proV- idents, but also for. the liberality: which they .give her thatheafis. -cif ex reising.--'- Otily the other day she sent 1O0Q to the. flied for the 'relief of the.-stifferers y the °inundation at Sheffield; caused = the bursting of awaterreservjr. •.She1 pays. arisincome-tai, which, including/: g25,900, "from the- Duchy-of:lame:01er 'hiitt the Parliamentary:grant of X38,5,00004oinits- to £410,000 per ahhum." . Hemarea few curiosities of fire insurance in.France, quoted'hythe Petite Revue, .as .from the books Of a French: fire inearanee. corapany .•'(1.) A. genileradrilibile had it spark fall Millis coat, in a-fn.:hit binat a sniall hole, and the cbnipany. paid tvici franes (thirty-seven' cents) for the repair of.: the. garment. -(2.) A housekeeper 'placed a ahmildei of veal a stove which. _teas over , heated:The ineetwas burnt to atinder, and the ineurance compaeY Paid' the Value of. the shoulder, •.They-otiglit ipstead 16 have given him,"cold shoulder 1" . (3.) .. An ...old paralytic lady, perished'froma .Cliiticoal. 'fire, whose flames' had cOnitnunietited clothes , .and the son and of the lady re: ;ceived eighty fiance as.dainages to the dreas,, 91 itis,feinitinother: ;that!' -perished • fromtheiffetta ofla" box' of lucifer Mambas with iyhichlt pteyed, taking' fita: • iThaiorcr- eats. claimed ovelve, francs ott•the cost of „the clothIng:of die little -.bey: '-The ..-insurenee 'company paid this re1ased to :pay .the -expanses .of tbe coffin and the funeral, whieh the -parents desired 'to.1,hava-refunded, as arising frora the efre,cts' °Pile fire.- . , A N:,iEi,rrzolv.--N.c; matt has ,blown ;:niare about .ffOnald, and.yethii.edbraela from the taint :ef ,,' It.was -an- netinced , last.Saturday eVening,...hy,'Mr. 'William Rob," Mson, a man Whose word the uttnelit reliapce 'can .boiiklaced,, that' he.:heard";Mr,..Maediinald .at..the:Liague_CotiVerition- the Chy- Hall bete in •-1849,' adricatti-onneiettion to; ,the'aisited.Slcaesrt We 400B;befOie'jieStil . Of sem " :as in seSsion; liaffieMiiired:)iii. birth. Under Tr ,thel Star ..SPangledBanner.; '.bot_itseeins'ii6 • . vieneftirther7,iliaathatrY. He 0PM:fly adveenteck tiettniacia,,,,thp eatieninttt07:tdthet4'11itoilefldiz:,),Saia4t te:e h t3the1Btish It islijA* ' ) Uoracet3t&ey,'ois AraOscioi,tro rested Oi a 33e6f1,it't,Piabnie13): -reqUI!jPg hi:31 480 he.:broaght Court of .0ver,ITerrain.to :Of -',Court pith is tug- e- ew •or 7kibune.a..tepo4 .oteettain :,PrOceeclings: of the Ceihrf;,'_eif-the-1.13Ht iiisgfr Bail 01-a4000. had beetraceefted for Mr,. .Greeley!S A CANADIAN SEAMAN 1580.WNED AT DETROIT. On Saturday nightrabout 10 o'clock, a sea - ' man named John Ketch,. belonging to -the schooner Catavaqui,`Talked, off Brady's dock, Detroit, and -was drOwned.His body was recoveted on Wednesday Mornini, and an inquest held over the remains: 7..T e deceaisiedd resided at Rand Eau, where- he leaies a wife a1)ot °muttm ournois6eicszgo loss. H. buried an only ch , CHILD DROWNEDi-On Tuesday ,alternoon, the body of a -boy nained Mne years of age, son of & shoecnaker resid- ing in Petersville,.. was found floating in" Die Thames, near Bleckenars BtidgeaLondon.- It is.impposed he fell into, the river during the,. forenoon, and thes gpt drowned„ tc)- The Earl.Of Dudley being- repeatedly importuned 'di -late by the reptited wife of a billiand. marker ft-) pay of his hrother, the, Hon. Dudley Ward, refused10, comply*: The Woman becoming . itaportunatea".,the 4arl. „or; tiered „her out, and, on" her refund -to depart, hre arm' round herwaist and:lifted her' the door, she teari... ng his wintikets the, while-. The lady sued- for an' assault, but failed to recover damages; whereupon is Lon- don paper enquires -m.4 tbare should not lie. some legal retnedy'for. a .gettiag rid of impu- dent people, especially women, besides send ing for -a constable or hicking them, 008. - Why not indeed ?, ' . -• , - _ rionEtticii MAIIICET FEES --the ten: dere for the fees accruinz to the office of • , Market Clerk -were opened t� -day; "That of Mr. Thomas Knox, of Exeter, • heitig - , - „the highest, was accepted.- - Mr. Knox I 'giVes :810 I 5. - Mr. :Sloan gave $9O5last year, but thought it advisable to reduce , Isis tender -for the present „year to $S75:-. .There Were'some six.t:enders, in all.' • h AprP,, 18t4 " , 14, PAratjovmmt5. FRESH ilirl'AYS IIAN1:). . Soler at- 4. Reasonable hrice, . MAITLAND., BREWERY, 0 ° BY _Bras. MoDONALD, ' - Goderieh. April 28th, - sw6,13.rel:4•2a1 -- For Sale- - Chea ..,.. . , - - A GOOlisretteea' b—le MARE, Sul$,T aud'har...,, Sir' nte..9.- for CASEI• . - ''' -2 -. • ',',:- Witt" Bi;.&011).:.AT , A BATIG,Algl ..' Eh; further Partie-ulars apPly"%to... - ''.:." .1 . -- ' JOHN ELLIOTI' 34 con:, .. ,. Huron and Binee.; Faelisismted out ot Her: .. 1.7. Gnt4ite.idilCII:Ot2:in1Prt:lei a27otfb.-1;64,:;vtiy7,su.71:7u.t.iiallcalre3-1:1‘triociIrli:Ff. tire: -e :,- ; ffiierifyii-Sale oflailds.-::, • • • lilerri.ong at the ..tiii ot Albeit A. Cheiley,,I. hive. ,United'Counties 01 Huron and narunc.tehanrd,sttio.tmoei: : -, , reeled agalut-the.Lande and tenements of William. seanlizi.edintearnesajoallhneanboEvxeelarednlefendantWaiNcp,- rt•on,in and -to Lot -number hine•on the,Noi.h`aide',. of Durhani..itreet in the villa0.. of 'Kineardine in- ' the County , of Bruce, vIhn:li lands,. and tette-- Inenta 1 shall offer tor sale at • rny ofRee.in the . ,Coari Honse, in tne town 01' Cioderieb, Mt .Tuei,,` day Me 1Vinin day of august' next, -Itt she ham orf .1, ..31.711.•..e 1. .o .1. the ,c,j,loolfick, Ntte__IsictnA....s- chenrioriN A' ,H,.L.lii..i........... , . BY' S.-PoitocE, Deliuty'Sheriff. . : - - • ". ; -Sheriff-h. pffiee, tioderich.1 • . ,- . TIIE MARliETH. , . ,,,, •GODE/IICLI, April 29h,lit64. Fall `liThcat,. ........ ' - .$0:85 •,5 - :00 ..- 0 Spring. do •• .r..-.:-....... 0:70 & 0:00 Oats, .......,......... . 0:40 ci) 0:00 Barley . :...... ,....... 0:60 a) - (F:65 '1.1 hay,ton.'. ' ,."........ 7:00 @,. 8:00' Wool 10 tb :.. :.........0:32 @,-0:35 ['035 ................. . . 0:40 - - 0i45 .... :...-...3.00 6 4:00 furkies, each-.................... 0:45 @. 0:60 ; leese, do' ..................0:30-„0:450 di delfens, `19 pair ........ 0:25 (5.4 0:30 •ltrcksi do ........ 0:40 (- 0:-50 1 l des,(green) ,.-....... 4:00a @• 0:00 f'arrots, V liush. :....... 0:25 , 0:00 - '1 urnipE .............).... 0:1n . (4) 0:15 butter ..... ....... 8:20 . (- __... 0:00 Ptstaioes .,4. ._.. 0:55\ .' 0:00 Wood...:, .- . 2:00 ) 4.1, 0:00 I, ras ....... :.. . Q:08. a -0:00. 't 7310. ; - - • 'Oh the 2Stli April, at his farittin the Town- ship of Colborne, Joni: 5?. •Ng* 211Thertiseit!ents• `MOM .ORTGAGE, S 1.1 • OE . • Valuable Property. 7 TINDER and by Virtue Of a Power of Sale contained in a Morfgage made by 'John McDonald, of the Town of .rGoderich in the County of Huron, carpenter; of the first prirt, Hannah McDonald; his wife: kfOT the purpose of barring her dower) of the- second part, default having been made in the due payment _thereof, will be sold at the Auction dart of Messrs, SMAILL & THOMSON,. Killrit0II,Street; GODERWEE, _ Wednesday the Day of June -instant at- 12 o'clock noon• the ,followieg property,-- vizi Lets. niirnheM- -(1214> 'one thousand ,.tto hundred :and seventyfouri and (1275).one,- thouiand two. hundred and seventy-five. (running numbers), in 'the 'said T'citvti”of ,Goderich:. -Deed under power- of sale- 'Full particulars can be had by applying. to the Solicitor, . ~ • J. Y,-ELWOOD; . • -Sol, for' Mortgdme.- ".Goderieh; Anril 28, 1664. wi4td . . -ROOM ,',....:11"A.PER$-, •N Just remived and fer ale et -the Signal Office Book ,and Stationery Stoie. -7ift.11,1.. STOCK ' 011eil - ONV: 911: • All' Kids if Office' Stab Lowest, • trade AatQs 177./ T. 3.1ff0023103iSE. Gederich„ April 8th,,i8,64... sv49 Ion -Ey To LEND. AF THOUSAND DOLLARS Apply at.once to So'LlYici•toErL, Irdc Ctiton °pli- 1 - Clint 2,larch 34. 3E64 MON EY,. TO -LEND - • N - - ' I Improved farms t per cent.; a'so '1.' few hundred pounds cat tort property. •. B. GORDON:1 .wssw5S1 • - - EED. •ANY QUANTITY OF BARLEY,.-PLAS- Ja•-and.Oats, for site.' Apply at the,3farket • sw60* " S. SLOANE. HUGH' .=:DUN „, 13MT hme�•bil'4,r/T.011ig1):,`getsti4?,-:g:Pc4 Ma. RI. JOIINS0.1,i5S Pintiaq trajlity, : A.-tei,JE:t=•is S , , Where he hasalerge slimly. of SPBING& S U.M rots} ai:ious, _ Very suitable for the Uoderi.c\IA TIX'Lle.. which lie' ,reatik to sill at ; • TH:E Lo'vtrzsT CASH -PRIOR. April 26th, = evr6"1 H SUBSCRIBERS HAVE JUST OPENED• OUT THEIR •ar -War , o ea a riNzrassonriuNT ITAND • eneb 'ApriitWi8 ' Cts, 703/N- V DETLOR & S • 712 -