HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1864-04-26, Page 3_r. ‘v. CDuirtirri• ( a.e Mr. 1)unlu,,'sadvertisement itt another column. - Messrs- Fair Co,=have received s ` splendid Spring Stxl: of Goods_ (�} rat not having paid up for Lots in , • the Cemetery- should n:,d the Town T'rea-: tsurer's advertisement.. . list" The largest stock of Ladies' anis fs'.Childnn's boots and shoes •ever brought to this market ar-now-opcning and -on sale M Savages. y Vatrxt_r.—A tneetin cit all those i5t^,rest' ed in this gttrrie olid 1i held at •1 uitutr3 - hotel,. to-moriow etcui'n_ ,at`eeight o'clock, .for. the purpose of eleetln.,'Officers, &e.,' for else coming season- A full attendence is re, quested... Departmental Agency / THE SEMI-W-EE.I1LY;'- SIGNAL.` now likely to be quiet, and that he would be allowed to retain his scat without furth- er aimoyance. It should be his object to advance the interests of the town as long as he retained the position. Ile had been elected, over a highly popular and respect- ed gentleman, whom he entirely absolved front h.a'ing,anythiug to do with the efforts to deprive him"ofthe honor conferred 'upon hitt by the electors. IIc thanked those present .for the manner in' which they had received the toast. "'The Bar -of Canada" was responded to by Messrs._Davison, Hays and'.Toni;. The guests departed its good time after having -spent -au ostrcmcly pleasant even-. ire• .ITavt bad _tetany transactions with Mr_. Usury Grist;_ qeecan cot€lidently recomhtcnd,. biro to all our readers as- a' trnstworthf'and energetic. agent at the Seat of Government. for all business. tit., be 'transacted with they departments. - Parties_ -.wishing to procure' patents for lands or inventions, or "to .have 'crisesprosecuted itt the Crown Lands Depart .mentcannot. do-oetter, than employ hitti.-- See:his card in our adverthiti columns. SHAKESPEREAIIT•--.FESTIVAL IN G.ODERICE-, The Festiva] even on Saturday even ing last in the Mfaitland hotel by the Goderich Si. Geore's'Society in honor. of the Three- hundredth Birth -day of •the poet of England and of. the world; was successful in all but the numbers "'attend- ing it. the : tura outwas respectable, but we certainly -espeeted• to see a.rester numberI of -the lovers _of ‘Shakespeare pre- sent_ The fact/ tlf the festival Bung held on, Saturday night; had, •no deubt, much to do with detaining -'many who would otherwise i hacre been present. - Of the ." get up,'' of ;tile dinner itself it is' only 5n. act of justice tb ie.worthy host, Mr. 3., -Wil on,to say that it More superb spread of -the; kind was net r -seen ia. 'Goder'.icb. From the fnmense.,oast . of beef to the. Finesset upon tilt 'tables,- every atticle' wass of "the: best and_'- purest that • Money could procure: ' Is it necessary to state ' that ample justice Was done the viends? 'John Davison, _E'sq, president of the Society, occuptedl the chair, supported on ..""the right hi,31 }yor:Watson, ou'the left bg 3Ir. John Mitchell. I . Clifford, Esq., S RRc�. C ST�E HATS FOR THE M T I, Z I.:O ' T 1 Goderich March 1ith;'1S64.: sw56 CLOVER -SEED ! JUST ARRIVED Lim/ ASSORTMENT OF SEEDS . AAT -' M SAVAGE has, on hand"Ca Large .:: variety of C.Iso v I SEED, Fon •rota Flair and Vegetable Garden. . FREs11 I.OT OF' _ CLOVER . & TIMOTHY, Carrot and Tornio -Seeds. A SPLENDID. ASSORTMENT OP CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE In endless -- tiariety,quitenew Styles. -1 .Tus'r V11:13 - .., A Lill st«•L ol:all de.cri,tion of 'Iz-oc I .IE S'• LIQUORS, DINES` ' and. FRUITS 'Orders reccuwid lin all kinds of P1 A\TS'AND Which he is prepared to_dispu-e i 10 eoantry dealers. arid .utlier ..at LOWEST MARKET PRICES !. Goderleh Mar hluth,ISG4. \- w tf ' TEAT -DOTEL,'G.ODERICI !� , \}y ILSON, TYCO PRTET R. • THE 1 • tabote is most pleasantly situated on air eminence 120 Leet high, overiookin the harbor' ,nd LakeHuron -good Orchards €mi st, c and Rural Walks attaelied Board. $1 per day' single \Iealsor•Beds. 25 ceuts.v15ulOvly graced the `ice chair., After the .removal of the cloth,' the usuaLloyal'toasts of, :'r Tier Majesty," ;our gr.acious_Queen, "The_ Prince' and Prin cess of. Wales and -the rest, of the ' Royal Family," and the "G;overnor General, geese given, and respended"to` with enthu- siasm. One gentleman opposite our re porter struck up `• For they are right -good .Yellows "" after 'The seeond toast, but by a little effort ,the song -vas nipped 'in_'thc GODERICH FANNING :MILL Atill: /.1- P13YHlP 'ae1 try'.. THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO INFORM the tnhabua us of the Counties cf Huron and Bruce that he is still Manufacturing,', and has on. hand' a number' of his. THOS,- RODDY,=i - CO'S Corner Kingdon Street, PAIRSO\'S BLOCK. CASH ;PAID FOR .BUTTER AND EGGS, :-Godcrich,.itprjl Si , 1564. '�aw43 flIN-&O-�B- !:----- THE UNDERSIGNED' HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW 'YORK, TWO CASES MEWS SOFT FELT'WOOL'HATS PUB:CHASED ON. ,VERY FAVORABLE TERMS. T AND WHICH 'S ILL BE Goderich; C. W., Tlu:reb 15th;; 18G4. Cl. s E . D. FERE,. Yr ,,& CO ,. 11-0 1 Int oiccs of a;further_supply'of BOOTS and SHOES have came to hand,whieh,whe • •rcceived,a i11 be sold A.T ES. 430-17171,.USTJAI� g'RIC Spring Arrangement S'ARNIA, GODERICII, E1NCARDINE AND SOUTHAMPTON LINE, . 7x." MIL 30 3EL 1.864 ' 1364. • _ f' 3�� �• �4 � SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS & PUMPS - He world' particularly, dram• attention. to his -Mills. as he wilt warrant them r10,- free Wheat from oats,. cockle. slice , Ci:,` Pump; made•to order andwarrantede Fartarfot\' itshoo sP-� beta•eos.l'Tctoriaotrect add Cambria.Lvad. .. The Army and Nae v:: ti . T. Hays, ' Esq., _po, rended saying that although as., .s . a 'Yolanteer he -bad 'little espertence in the 'fighting line, he•was confident that: the Volunteers of Canada stood:; as htgh,,< as• kany in the world; and that if their services \should ever be 'required is defence of,;the country they would" show as much pluck as any soldiersunder-the sun_ (Cheers.) - Mt. Hoskerrespsttided ' for the. Navy, _-which would ever be. found' ready:. to take its stand beside.the army of G -.eat Britain.. • The President then gave "-'The Day we Honor," which_ was .received •with great cheering: • Zn _introducing ,the toast, he said there never ---was - a time in which • t Englfahmen. could look back, to their' 'native country With :-More pride than' at present. 'She might not'be winning -such great' battles by •.sea and by land as she :. -once did,but she was now greater morally and materially than ever befote. `Other countries night he great and. prosperous, but in that httle,Euglish home were: to be 'found in.asuperlative degree the blessihof quiet happiness and peaceful coatentmcntl -'(Applause.) . This 'was to be attributed, .to her good government, under whieh Were fostered not only`inti 1'O rtant material in- terests terests ;but all those great charities and -noble.: qualities .that_render a nation,' truly great. ' i The President next proposed the Toast GC ' LLIA <., :,of W r n 1 he�Iemor. of the:@vent• b, 9 SaIwVSPSAEE," which was .drunk in solemn silence. ' We, 'regret that `Mr Davidson a introductory' speech was lost. to the audience in consequence of various' interni tions which' -finally brought him P , to ilia seat,beibre,:he had concluded his remarks k - " The Poets; "of other Countries" was given;: nid'respondedto;by,Mr. MeCleue- , Ela .on behalf of the favoritepoet of Ire-. and_bMr., Watson, who..spoke of. ,Scotia's noble -bard, Robert. Burns.. - 'The .Commercial Interest; of Cana-' , Ala." was responded to,in'fitting,tera`isby' Messrs.• Watson. and Owen Jt Agricultural Interests.' Responded obI $Messrs:"John Hunter and Salkeld. • "' The Fress." Retiponded to by Resits. '.C4424 McCleneghan.= rt The.l,adies:' . Song: by bIr. Watson; ghe Lass of" Richmond Hill: Mr. kfierring res nded eloquently. o- Po proposedBr:bfcCleneshan" thi health ofJames Watson, Esq., "Mayors of Gode (Pptanbe•) , Mr, Watson _paid he felt hly 'flattered bY•_'the, veiSkind .ast hid :nixDner in wfieh. the Lo ha . been rt �. ar as Ig- or of Goderi r re- ceived. His career, BI y nch;, ~ checkered onebut had; -been a�iecy � , he, was happytore tell them that throb were ALor, a'cenr•focthe Sale of h1or_an'3 premium and prteni t LILT' ➢ a iOR w•hi.th9fimine r vet- Miled to give general saltrlact'ion to farmers -who- Save used them.:. HENRY .DODO;', Goder.ch,ailril.P,2nd.1$64. • 39- D . - D. ROWAN, Master, in_conncetiotl with' the Buffalo mitt, Lake Huron Railway itT, GODDRIGJI:' and the fist -etc c passenger stuamer HUI RON, ll, Cole, Master,., twice a Week between GODERICH .AND SAGINf;W and 012.e a lock with ''reseller �I�GARA, 6,'=DIe.Lntosh,':' ,taster; between • . ®t�ee�ich° and 'Chiba go TheCanadine leaving been nurcna-ed, for this rout . overhauled Anti -refitted in. as superior nee wtll..ply durtn2 fnsst.ason_l 01 nni.mation, mal.tng.,'tim shove'ecnteetioI,• (tend".and }m weather-`outons,) `Commencing on tl.onday:,18thApril,- will scare Goderich for Southampton every D1on-. Ir..Thursday and -.`Saturday, at o'clock, ' VVeinrn sante alte,nouu, leaving. hair ptcin at :2 ,';dock, p. uq.,oallu,3 euclr w:ey. rat- Itiaca'nli.ne Incgrhtoot 'sets _:(and Pt. .Bruce :When nue. 'iry-. and, practicable. ),t ill leave Voileiieh for Sa•nia-and Port Huron ri'\1 QUANTITY OI'.'ICARLEY,BIAS- MONDAY AND THURSDAY: EVNEING, .at 10' o'clock.''arriving in : time to connect.-: and Oz.s, for s1te. Apply at the \larket` o,': swGO c. SLOA\1:,. •T$E FULTON 11O11SE,. Market Square, Goderich: C.' FULTO1 ,`-,Proprietor. A 'fl L E.:ACCOyl h10 DAT I ON. for .the travel - /I, lin public:.. the bar supplied .at all Umes wah armee-hgnor , cigars, tic quad' slabhug and: attentive irostlers. - - C'odcrtch:April 12th. 1924..1 -1 11 { D. SERB,, :Jr:, & CO. Goderteh,C.W.,1864.: ' I'1 good supply reeeived,and'arraugements tirade -for receiving it at stated times WOOL CARDING!! cCO• do r - j1HE SUBSCRIBERS would beg to inform hos bustomers and tho.public that his now prima- l- iscsiott East :Amer.," \l, THREE DOORS FROM -THE SQUARE, will be opened on the first of June, for transacting .the, Wool Carding, Cloth Dressingand /dumdum' ing business, in Connection' with bis- WOOL FACTORY, where all orders arid. work in the above business will be punctually attended to. Likewiaea utety of • Clotjs, Blankets, ands Stocking, Yarn, TO`IN'�TJR..1E3f �g''RE�HNE�lS. ISth March, 1864•fi nreas .seem Goderich, Loth .March, 18t4. .KERR. Jr., '& CO. will be kept on hand to exchonge for cool: Having Itbis/ear.added another FIRST-CLASS . D0 LEARDTh MACEME C G. to ,his establishment, he will be' prepeired to execute far'mer's work to any reiteonabl, extent ,11 short notice: Customers.c5mtng to the factory themselves will be promptly attended to, t:s formerly,and .particular attention will betpaid fo those from a -distance` wishing' their IIORK _EXPEDIT=IO-USLY DONE: N. B.-=tyrhile thankful -tor the liberal -patronage of former yearn in the:above bitins* tha:. -subscriber, hopes by strict attention to business and sparing no expense in meeting -the Warta - of his customers, to still receive a share attic same. • • II .Remember the place -East Street, second door from CRABB'S BLOCK, - ` ' -• THOMAS LOGAN.. e -w,la olvg, _r e Satisfaction. . D. KERR,' Goderich, April 19th g 1864, A -LARGE STOCK 0r' SPRING AND SUMMER BOOTS & SHOES.. AT 1G 'with River Boat ler _Detroit and G. W.: and. - Ii1 TUI�N"I.VG. \Nell leave 'Sarnia, and Port Huron, every TUESDAY AND 'FRID A.Y, at 1 o'clock p. 10 , imtttediateiy after the. 'nrrival vf the( rand 'Trunk j'rain from Detroit. B.--1Tielreis can= be proc rest from any, of 'the agents for',Sa *inaw per Steamer Hunin;` or:., Chic, go by propeller. Nn ora from Goderich.. ltieularg‘ as to r rte. 1 freight; &.e,, apply C ANEVERY & RUMBALL1 ,. 1 ; •Godenrit. AGENTS eARNiA-W 'B.. Clark; ;IN VEHHURON-P. McRae;' Pt-ELCIN-W. H. Ruby; KINCA It DINE -t anEvery ;St: Itumbalt : SOUTH AN 7- TON -J. A. Burwash, Pt- HURON -J. W. fbcmpson -.- Golertch. April lst. 1864. swfz'wl l It ABR IiAM SMITH, Merchant Tailor EtAR'tt'F.1 'SQUARE, GODERI.CK has gat received a large and.well-assort- ed stuck: of YPE13g "WD • MNIN,ITE4 -SBoiQT$.ANijSHOE SGITAiILE FOR SPRING AND' SUMinER' IVE113, JUST iECE1FED AT s Collins Sen: s Jalne • s .... OEsr GODEEICB. KISf35T , - , , ALL IS' SOLICIT LUAB A=+ 4 FOi�r And a :vartrty of t ancy Articles, such as Shirts,Co11ars, Neekties,Caps, &c., WVhich he is ,prepared to sen Cheap for Cash:, } {, Goderich. Aprtl II, 1.863., vt2 FOR S 1,1 e r. a t Square, ke r �a ich. Godes THE SUBSCRIBER'HAb JUST RECEIVED HIS: Goderich, Apn1:15th,1864.- LY'S BLOC& •ass 6i. TER STOCROF GROCERIES LL UORS �. ,. . &cy bought at the BEST MARKETS, comprising TOBACCO—a. T OTS 13,6t. to13,77', near the RAILWAY J.1 STATION, Goderieh,.for 5150 each, At Five: Years Credit, or longer if required. Apply to /' 31. 0. CAMERON. Go cele n 2 11 ACItES of excellent ltind,being Lot No 6 miles: ':37e non. W. D. bf..Colborae, 10 . , Gravel. and; n.mile from•the from G c) acre a d., ood Road, acres cleared, tog:rchard;ofth . and t ,beds. =Also an _excellent orchard of the-cu'2 Ce . fruit„-- There is a never failins,`creulc.r g, thrott$h the centre. ' Apply to JOYN Propraetoq or to .- . T1t1TEMAN ; ' w4;6,u• j Godeuch G rid Erich Ap f 8th. 1864 $w6 w DWEL-L TO ' LET. AL Im .50ets.; From Mete. COFFEES 1sT 'Gt-rL.I S H� R.ECEIvED B ,17 Godertch,.April 4tb,1864: .wag, Assortment I Rio, Java, Laguira and Ceylon,' Fresh, Roasted` and Ground.' ACOMFORTABLE' Dwelling house and: <gaiden,-with good stabling attached,ad tog-the, residence of Mr. Treleaven'...Victoria Street Possessioa;frst of it ay. Appy to VANEVERY &,RUIIBALL • (ioderlchr April l2th,.IEf64 aw63 4t_ �TEtiV F1 .UITS,: . M. R's. Lay ers, •'Sultana and Valeatia Raisins, Patna Currants, Figs,Printes, S;c. NUTS : a: -o. Almonds, Filberts; Brazil and new English Walnuts. invite Fartners Mechanics, the Ladles, and, all persons, in search-- o• bargains; to caA and ins ect their very large stock of FALL„and i'1rIN- , • p. - .TER GOODS, comprising 'BUSINESS Cottons,' Tress Goods,. S1antles, S-h'awis, Ladies' 4'urs, ' Soots •:and Shoes, Ready -Made Clothing GLASSY ..I3A E D'?V ASF, Rta;L.IiNI;E Sugars;' Teas, 'Tobaccos, Loffees, Rices, Spices, Paints, (Oils, _ e., dlL( Hennesy's, Martell's,Jules,Rolim & Co.; and Rennault's Biandres, in -Wood and Bottle, San demait's: 'old Port, : Duff .Gordon's- and I em`artin s Sherries, DeKuyper e, Holland's and Booth's Old Tom in Old Jamaica Rum, Scotch,;Irish and`othor Whiskies, ,Ginger 19ine, kc. - N. KEGS! LO:CHFINE �HERI,ING- I • No 1. Mackerel in kit, Table'Cod Fish, &c.Sauces Spices, Lobsters and Salmon in cans, 'y Sardines, dm Eyeythmg int Muncipal> (Notice ” ai for -the ''� ision and 'A pe } iE Caurt .`of. •Rev _ H 4 PP id aftho 'lbehe tl W an osh . • hi o! aw will T =Towns p. residence of-Mi•:John Tisdale, 1.27; :con S, on- n�t' .. of :MAY e a , 8�0 tlld th DAY Y TTE S iii: An z al habeiical co y of st the h sskne 10, a P... pp :" went eaP .7! n„, the`Aasessmea£&oll fort6e 1, 7E y.. n" for public=rnsppet'ofl 01 tire.place' 4bove then- nned oa;and;alter Safurday�.tha;22nd last: �s J9DiES�SC; TP'' Tp.'Clerk :',,... w12.3t , Wa�vaaoshl Aprt1 18th; '1 6� Keptarid soldat the LOWEST PIi,ICE, ICE • P .'IN CASH' FOR EPS HE QuAip1TY0wool, F.. W00 , ' iter. 0 e: .. � n oxo �- L d >G,ODERICH December18th, 1863:, POOR : C 0 PY, 3 of DRY GOODS will'be found .very 'complete, and larges Their Stock than airy heretofore imported - 1 : SS GOOlis are worthy of special •attention: Mr Having purchased a large'lot of 'TOBACCO, `they are enable gond-article at 25cts., per -pound. - to sell'a g t34+' The subscribers st} thus early to intimate that all Notes an;. Accounts are '• expected to belpaid punctually and in ;full To'; eustai•, their,eredit, and to enable thein to sell for small profits,,• they are com- pelled to insist -on immediate payment:•, ' • ' GOD RICH, 25th Sept.. 3803 HAVEBEMOVED.TO TEE Storeorm�rl acct lled�,.by Twomey &$, f Y F, al-hea„ supply:of'Dra ,Patent-Metiicin , cloy: hey, hove Where, n addition to"their usu vya ?rugs, - • on land alarge,stockof. w ■ rL R Imported dgecily from o„ las owt ne of "oldest and.most reliable housea-in G g . ,,.Bce LVED A"LOT OF *strip. .HAVE ALSO REC>E T EY H E ^ r V.013* -0-� CS r A -ce - A _--r Whrch the oll'er very. doer ^ rt P - irMedical and;Family: ! ,: GODERE'H,' April' 9;' 3363;