The Blyth Standard, 1946-10-02, Page 1THETHE VOLUME 57 • NO. 05. Ly Blyth Community Memorial Hall Rest Room Fund Contributions Atnmult I'Ic\inll;1\ Rrlunird <LGl'J.,(; Leonard Sho',hrook Rees i'rrtis A. Colson William Br \\n John Taylor \'alter Short reed Allen Searle Mrs. \largaret Dale t)r. A. Rn;; II. Davi. Armand 1<ernick \ir. and \Its. \\'111. ('ockerline Joint ('aIr'\vcll G. Caldwell F. \Iar hall T.ornc Honking \\'m. I.. 1hulking John Collinson STANDAR BLY'I'II, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 2, 1916 Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. Three Club Members Address Regular Lions Meeting Myth linited Church ; • SCHOOL BOARD MEET 1 veo,• Ln'gr convrc:Int on was tires- The rc•gulu meeting of the I;I_.tlt School board was held un Suptrllher c•t f at Illy )Rat,,,, IJ;1, �ri'\'irr la ,t till!'- ) day. \ Vou',curie, ('hof:, iwd the 27th, at 8 p. in. \lith tic following d. y. nl: and gave Itv , ;'erial numbers. I'ru,lee, pec tut : I? J ('artw right, R. 5.00 Excellent Accommodation it _,, ptnre I� ••lits• were real iy. D. Philp, t:retghum and J. .\rut- Bel•rltard 111111 Ai1TtC'(1 rl,OI t,li,d ILMI n 'Ihur,,l,l) ftI1 of with ;,r111 S11<iilg. ,• t :1 iairlw good representation of mem- 5,6(1 And Parking I1�11Cllltle5 Inn Icanrtte '1':It .•n :utd \late I<ylr.i ).linute, of previous meeting \very I'll] Vacant Secretarial her, present, Lion I'rrsident Norm. :\n aopropri,te ,tart entitled, "'Frith I f Offices ! ?.(() ;I r,rnwwl .I, r,';{•1 ill Illutinll of 1rlt,- + •'` ! Garrett expresser) gratification al the At. IiitC'rnat1Oiial M;itc11 Rruthcr,', real I v :\lire \Irl<rq; l i -.•00 h ; I blip and :\rntstrong, 1 inrrcasel alt, uwnce over the first fall rt•. The mini-t'r g;, \•r an :l�lress, ?.6n lit the hi.,tore ui the 161�t year; of ••\\'hat Mann, r of ('Mild ti(rtll 'I his \I viol he 'i'rustcc Philp, sccon'I'''I RETIREMENT OF LESLIE HIL- !'\''''ting, and hoped for a still better ?(10 the the Ittational pit,\vino, matr.h (If Il \ i tt (t I w'hi h Inc f 1!o\\ing awar,l, bV Trustee. try ('rel htnn, and carried, BORN FORCES CHANGE attendance nlarl<. 2110�tvhilc accommodations ons \vete utnhty lw'rrc distributed that 12,IO he remitted to Fedcratinu 1 After the usual tier.;.:g eseerefses 5'r°i well provide/I for the people attend- of Agrieldtu:c to allow Nativtal Film consisting of ,ing,, the reading Ail 5.The Robert Natke's Ili dent's fur :Mr. Bernard (fall lyes appointed a; hoard film, i„ hr ,Itntvn monthly in adoption of tic previous meeting's' �') I in:; thematch, there was a wally a Secretary -'Treasurer of the Blyth 1910; Le lie IIanr1 nn, Lorraine Haw. myth public Schnol, nlinutc<, a lu'it•1 musical )In I l tvai 16.66 large question mark regarding the 1 ' J 5.()O parking facilities for the thuusatl,l, of ihnn, Ralph Ilodrl, line (lo td, \Val.•rlr• On notion of Trustees Philp anti \luniriPal Telephone Sysicni at a „11.1-vcd. (':Irl 1Viiitfield favoured with X1)0 rats and trncla that \were used as J; I;son, lar!: I<ylr, 1111111 \Icu'rit, ('ti •:;!t:: n. L'oard orcidcd to 'over tnccting of the ('1111 i swncr,' held li c ,ctnu olv, 1(ond:ly. I lr sucrc� d; 11 r. Lrsli 1 I, hn tiibihorl,c' rmttTt- 110 i.arrg \\'alsh, 1)i:uute 11'asnnul' tile, line insertion, in the Blyth Stand- I 'Intal t\Vn n'nuhwrs nn the cornet, and transportation. it 11;1, often the case llflil� oft, mu,' (rlldrl'rd bl� rc,lg-'tlaf(�tt 1(1.(10 Second 1'e•Ir seals: 1•:oi•I Itrigh;un, ad, for applications fur the Position due to connoted ill health. \Ir. 11'11 J'�:nl and iti Carl \\'Ititfield gave a piano that the tractors, both for the use of I 16,00 the plowmen lt11 :old those on demnnstr+- Joan 1<ernick, lheii \I c\a11 of Set retary- Treasurer of the Schnol hu t nnlnbr. r. 111 n cry roundly ap enntmcnres his new duties aoven;her 2.00 tion. \were called in for the ttlital i;llt '1'11!1 d \•car Seal, : shirk,. F'Irnncr, a( an afm:ai salary of 450.110, appli- 1st plaided and greatly enj 'yr (I. Shirley I'il'llip•, Marlene \\'alsh, :\nar.eatioti to be in the hand` of the tires President Norm. c:llleit on Lion Bert \ir. and \Its. l)iihotn are content Jeancttr \\';t 0n• 1, ent Secretary by no' 11, October 7th, I .tsf.e'. „'t\, n r i the I.i n, 1';u l: l')1�c• plating a \sitter holiday in N,11111ei n 1'ontr11t Year Seals : \litrjori • hiller. .\Ihet"til, \t'hrre it 1, hoped illdt the ("itnlnti t I�? ;t report. Lion Bert ly, Lois Doherty, Clarrntrrac 11'11•! \lot d I,} J. :\tn+strong, scntndcd ! rep,�rte', to: progress, and suggested by R. O. Philp, and carr'ie'd, that change of climate will he hone ii, Hal to' that titter trustees lie appointed to Rhea \fr\all, i)nu;la, \\hitnu)rc' 1 )` \)r. Hilhorn's health. i ''Thursday, October 17th be declared a ourchcsr the park site, also ...tend to fifth )'ear Seals: Donald C' w'at,'. \It- !fall has also been appointed to srhunl holida\ 'to allow all students the inkiness !natters prrtaiiiira t, tits: Kenneth lo!ln:ion, Margaret Marsham, • u,rcwrl \Ir. Hilton) as frca>urcr i ; who wished to attend the Intonation• lo acct. This was agreed opal and Roher \larshall, I . , :rte lllyth United C hotel\, al Plowing match. ions Bert •i'askcr, titan. Ch''llcw and Sisih \'car Seals: \Ir:. B. 1 tall, \Its. On nicdiun of Trustees Philp and Two °I'''. secretarial 1o,it1""' LDrank Itaint,m \were appointed, I.. Ililh'rn, Mrs. 1'.\iarshall, which Mr. llilhorti hits held are till Armstrong, Mr, (Gray \Vas allowed the I'hc I'rc-idem reported on the 'Zone Seventh \'car Seals: \Ir. M. Holtz- 1 usual $10,01► as a field Day grant. to he let. One, ihr scrretary treat Inecting held at llarristrul on 1Ved Tile following account, , \very passel ttrrr', \,ork in rnnneition \\ith the nesrlay niohl of last week. Ile inform - un motion of 'Trustees .\rnl`trnn * and T)lyth 1 uhlic Schnol lnarrl, iv,‘ , ah'ra,ly b c'I the (tub ' !mhos of the 7.n it no for tenders in this i -sow �'f '1'lte i Creighton : meeting to he ti hl in (iurlerich on C. T. 1)01 hen 7r Standar,!. 1'111 other p sition is in I 'I ilanh•givit tight at which time connection with the Union ('enleter\,'tbe 1.i n, International President will II. \Ich.Iro}', coal and rcmoVing; , ashes . go.17 of \which NIT-. Iiilhorn isatso Secretary be the (ll 1 e - 17.55 J:uc,t speaker. 11e has been Treasurer. '1 he Id:, tit lions met in the \lent - 101+1) Int p,.sc. r f pulling sonic unfortunate John T. and NIarjnry 'tcwart 19(1(1 caul ,ti a WWI hole that 11311 Intexprct- Albert I.. Sellers Inc \laerna Bol, Bell 1lcnry Young Tern Lawrence Inc Nell). Drsnelas Stewart 1.c'She (rtrnls; I1t rb. ltossell Lloyd Longman \Vrs. 'l'amait 'Hubert 11irmts Stanley Riley i<ennt tit Scott Leslie Bridges fink Chalmers Mr. Franklin Baboon Miss I;Icnetic Tiaininn 5.0'1 Idly developed (bring an un\vcicotnc •1.00 rain storm, 2.(YII This year, those attending the "\'ic- 5.01) tory \latch" can rest assured that the 2.06 parking facilities are the hest that 2.110 have ever existed. The concrete tutt- 2119I ways that w•erc built for the planes 110 using the Port .\lhrrt Airfield during 1000 the \war year; will provide a safe and 1.116 solid parking space for thousand; of 131)1 c:r.s. '1•he committee i; anticipating that there twill he close in the neigh - 3, 01 borhon'1 of .,ct'ett thousand cars mak- -J10 iitg Ilse of the arra that is living set 201) aside for parking space. and they are •'f10' confident that they will be able to (10 1 ;tits t it guarantee that 11.) car or 5001 truce. ow'ne'r will have any cause for \Irs. Bert flainton• 5.00' NIr. and Mrs. f . Litherland 1.00' Maitland and 1. R. fleury 10.09 Mr. attd \fes. ,Stcwat't Iohnston 5.00 \I r. and Nies. Norman Hamilton 5.00 Row. 1. 1 . fl, Henderson 5.00 tee have reported the heartiest sort of \Its. A. T,yddiait 5(\•60 co-operation from the owners of cab- ins, tt'aiter cabins, summer hone; and \'croon R. Speiran 111.(1(1, huuu' oil mors in making available ac its Elizabeth NE ills 5.00 cuulnuolatiun for the thousands that 'Total To Date f1,8'?,i.fti \will she in Huron County for this wears international. it is felt that consideration by the Nlili( �Su.bsidy I)iscontlnilc`Ll visitors to the county will he given to the fact that this year, as never lie - 'The Prints Minister, NI r. \Iackcn,ic; fore there is, everywhere, one of the king, ann'uneed this evening that the greatest housing shortages that has government, after carefully examining ever existed in the I)ontiiioit of C';nt- :ntd rccrntsiderinv the'•sihlation as a ada. This shortage, naturally, k he - whole, has dot Mrd that the producer's , int; felt in 1furor ('runty, as ;t is else - milk subside ni ,5,:c per h\ludrt.d lbs. where, !,fat through the c '-oncrati�,n nit milk sold for filth! consumption 1 am! the hospitality of the people of (which is equal to slightly Its, than 1furon, the committee in charge of the 1 I:: per quart 1 rhnuld not he con- billeting arc sure that they will, \\•hen tinned after September 0(111. the time comes for the International, On May 10th last the government ( I'1' able to aceonunodatc' everyone announced the continuation of the who is in need of living space far the Producer subsidy on fluid mill• sales four days of the Match hatter, 'Tenth \'c•ir Seal: Mr. :\, F. Cook,. Eighteenth \'car Seal: \lrs. C. Gras - by. Seriptnrc Memory Coorse •-- tier's Part 1: Frank :\rntstrone, lack Caldwell, linnny Faster, h1tit Gal- braith, \\'aync Iactorin, ;atilt Mc- Knight, Albert \Vas,on, Dianne \Vas - man. Tleoinner's Part _2: Jimmy Fnstero Betty Galbraith, \\'avnr faehion, Garth 1(c1<night, Dianne \\'a,lrrin. Primary Part 2: OIcnt' 1 nutrias, 01- ive \lane \\'ikon. Miss Enid Brigham real the names and the minister presented the awards. SUNDAY, OCTOBER GTI( t t 1 Standard uI he contemplated 1-0111,\''1 from our attcmling the Paris Peace Conference, ;. A. Gray, lumber for manual and his Godcrich address \\ ill he his mi,kt of \1 r. and \I rs, I lilt �l will training .. i,,'t1 •first after his return. The Club de - year. over these facilities this hr keenly rrgrcttcd hg' a wide circle Frrl, of Agrienitttr•e ;..UO 1 cidcd to drop their next regular meet - J. of fronds. It i, also a move twhirh i'he flilleting Committee of the lTu f. :1. (;ray, field da} grant 1\1.(01incl, and attend the (;derich lone \Irtting adjourucd on 11011)1 of 11 r. and \Its. (lilt,rn regret just as meeting in a hrxly G, hear this Dut- ton County Plowing Match Commit much, but it i, to he hi That the Tru,tccs Armstrong and Creighton. I'ehanec of climate will be beneficial `landing sneaker. Leslie 1lilbonl, Secretary. , I Thr I're,idinl then prnree,led to to \I I'• PTilhnrn's health. � call nn three (•Itch nuntbcrs flit• short Mr. ililber" took "ver the dulirs as [Illy Centres I�OOICiIIj; Over' Secretary -'Treasurer of the 'Telephone I tnldresscs •nn their bnsincss lir �'oca- �� lr )o1't Buildings With De- System from NI iso Gladys Fawcett on (ion. Those called on were lions j r •January 1st, 1940, Ihc has horn \teas- Frank, Rainton, Stuart 1)urn•aril Sulu I o Purchase Bert Gray, in that order. lion Frank urcr of ihr Hlwth l'nitrrl Chlrreh i•r. i \'arinns municipalities have been 10.15: Sunday Sell, oL enditi: delegations to lo,:k over build - !1.15: "David's Great Prayer." Cont- ings at the airports with a view to nnntion Service. '1•hc Sp'sion trill meet lntrchasing suitable ones to be used in in the Vestry at 11 o'clock, their locality for skating rinks, re - The evening service will he with- creational centres, lac•. in this con- drawl, on drawl\ in favour of the S occial 1larvest ncetioit last week's l.ttknotw Sentinel Monte Sct•t!jco_!<,,!hc .\Iigl can Church. t•t:ocrts a�move on the pari f the I'be .\nniversary Service's will be'' llau;un•n (tub''�if that t'lwItt The held on Sunday. October 13, at 11,15 Sentinel reports as follows: and 7• 11.15 Rev. \\'. I. \\'a olirey of "\\'ith the idea in mind of establish (Clinton and at 7 p. tit. Rev. Reba }fern, ing a recreational centre in Lucknow \•aria, wil he the guest speakers. for the youth of the community es - V Pccially, a deputation from The TRINITY CHURCH, BLYTH 1'I 'i. ill; ft:, woos wort: has alw••c\•, gave :t Very interesting discourse on receive\\- the highest comincndati, 11 b\' j his exleh'ivc \trial .pulling business in these clnscly associated \\ bit the war-i'•"itti'''•tinn with the 1)lylh \\'Dollen ilius organizations with whit It he has 1 Milk, and also touched on his new ad,litt' 1 to the business, the glove fact, ry. (.ion Stuart Durward stroke c n the dairying business, stressing the word pasicuri tatiot, and how the in- . troducti,m : of this method has revol- utionized the dairying industry. (.inn The Tluron Comity Federation . f • Bert Gray spoke interestingly and lgricnlUu"r Scholar iiP to a worthy 1 liumor-ttsly of his vocation as a pub- sin'rnt entering the first }'car n( the I. school teacher and principal, citing Degree Course at the Ontario :\gricnl- little incidents that brought forth Clansmen Club recently visited the thrill College has liven awarded, this Illatty hearty laughs front those listctf- c. erstwhile Port Albert Air Naviga- 1 year, to Russ S. Procter, R. R. 5, ing. Thr rcnnitla of these three ;4!,,,, •.. at the former winter rate of 55r tin- \\'r would suggest that if you, the tion School to look over several build Ilrn,,els. Liens were greatly enjoyed. 10111 Sunday ally! twit til September 3(>ih only, (hi August reader, are intenrlin • to Visit the 19Ih ing, which might he suited Int such a Filch eligible applicant received car- were of Minstrel show days 27th the Henke of ('on:nu,n; adopted g 11 a. nl.: Ilar,,"r C(11tI bolt and purpose. Purchase of these hitidings were brought back•when James Law•- International, it wohlrl be well adv s 1 I I first consideration I,y the Committee, Sermon, '1'lu' lector. i; made through \\'ar Assets Corpora-' ;itt,l the award Io Ross Procter woos ric and \Vatter Mitten: sing two fav:' a resolution urging the got•c•1 n11wttt to 1 cal to \•Fitt to the Chairman of the , reconsider this decision in order to Billeting Committee, advising hint of 1 i Stanley Sihthur;m will Its guest 1 tion at ;t fraction of their original cost, ! Itt;ttlimr•hs• 1t tsi> felt that he had ouritcs, Jimmy sang asla solo, "Car, ' cnsurr an adequate return to still: when you will be attending the soloist. t' but for the most part arc not 'tall the qualities to make hint a leader in ry Me Back to Old \ irgutny, .alta;; i ' Match, aur! how 111 Itt will he in your 7•,il) p. n1.: Il;u'ecst fir nu St'rVu'r' able until after the international his (*comic and 0omn11mit\. Hi; jimmy and \\'alter sang, as a:duet >)l. ,rt producers without any fhrt.Irr in I Preacher, Rr\, Bev. f!. Darr, lis:\., Plowing • \latch in mid-October. The school read is excellent. Ifo t,, h an few verses of "I've Bceti •\Vorli:i11! on. crease in the price to consumers, party. The Chairman is Ihr. Gilbert I. T11 er Gnrlc'I'ii'll. t *File govcrnntcnt, in rrrnnsidel•ittg l rat n 11. k. 3, t tit rich. I'inu' is Clansmen delegation were pretty tut- 1 ;alive part in athletics, and in 1'9.5- the Railroad.': :\ quartette contiost \lu c h\ \Its t,. \\'allarc, Lawrie, •this decision, felt that if there were growing, 111111, the International 111:S animals on their selection of rite of 1940 was Secretary of the Bows' :\tlt- of Lions Stan C'helle\v, Rill T'tuell, ;Illy real assurance that the conduit 11 11 i, being held, remember, un 11C- 111111C1 and 1'.11 01ic• the huildiugs. Plias are being sought ` iitic Sncicty of \\•inghant 1-Ii_It School, ati^It of the tirettcut shhsiilt ttld tidier 15th, pith, 17, and 18th, at the TRINITY, BELCRAVE on this and (their buildings, at which „f which he i, a graduate, llc al;,,' dcrcd" the number, "Drink to !Me Ong achieve the objectives endorsed by the Port Albert Airfield, north of (lode- time the matter will be submitted to tool: ;In acti\c part in the 1 ttenint So- I).\\'ith Thine Eyrs" The entire 11 use it might he justified in c011111 I rich, and sitnale,l right on the Blue -Blue- '.''0 I' lit.: Evening 1 l,lyer and tier a meeting of the Club fors final de cic.c.s!,being President of that Society group assembled, led by Llan Tattier;'' uin,r, Ihc subsidy for a furl her limited water 'Highway. Visit HOMO ('o ltily nom. r'sinn, Organizations in Port Elgin, in 19.15-10.10. 1 lis tt•'rk in the Glee I Stan. Sihthorpe, sang several former, , 1,,,,i,11 of limo. in (act, Itow•ct•cr, this October, you'll find a friendly S1'. MARK'S, AUBURN Paisley and \Val!:cit n arc among C'lttb was also outstanding. minstrel sh.•tV selections. Iloty those there have been strong indications welcomeawaiting you' neighboring. to\t•ns \t•Iiiih have ti- For four years in succession, Ross Lion, really throw themselves ntq::: Service withdrawn, tri tv made the purchase of build was active on ('Flit leave as his older singing; those ,numbers. We should'- V ings." brother enlisted, and he w''s required have more of this. Miss Elizabeth. Alll)lll'll (i1i111'C11 Held Village of 'Tecs\vatcr is also in on the farm. ile has shown a kern in- \Tills was at the piano during the•-cv»; Hazard- Watch That Match , ihr midst of a campaign flit a skit teres( ami taken an active part in all ening.-,r----r„�,ri,r Anniversary Services ing rink. Just recently a reprc,ent'1- community and Church affairs. Several guests were pra.fitt, v1941 tive of the llippel Company met with ' Ross is the 1') year old son of \1r• them beluga Flying Officer _ Vet officials cf the town, and if\forntatiott Stctt'art Procter, whose interest in Rutherford, and Mr. Verne Speirail=k tea; to the effect that a skating arena ;\trie•ultura1 a((;t rs and Co-operative Rutherford, new hardware merchant. with regulation ire surface and a scat work is well ktiosvn, The meeting closed with a lust ing capacity of from 3,000 to 4,0(0), it is with the hest wishes of Itis lions Roar. could be built for 425,0110 or less. community and of his Federation V _ 'Meetings are being held in the toren that Doss left, Last Monday, to begin in an endeavour to work out linen• his Course at the Ontario Agricultural 1 DEANERY CHAPTER MEETING ci:+l arrangements. ' (• lege. HELD CONGRATULATIONS 'I'hc Huron Deanery Chapter (C. of Blyth Masons To Observe I:) met in myth this \Vcdttcsday he- Pilst. 11111ste1's NIirht been connected. Ross S. Procter Wins ,Scholarship f That even if the snbsi ly vitt rout in- urd, nlill< producers would demand. and at lea'1 several of the provincial hill: heard, \•otdd be t,' eparcd to atlihnri''c 1't;illfiraltt increase in the C.P. �CC1U,11111('ll Ilei) a mighty Price of 111;11: Feer and above the sub- sidy. ins\ day last Saturday 1'e,;,,,:ting fires Under these rirrnnlstance; the row- that were se'( by s 'arl:s from a loco- motive travelling east on the line m- emo -se has felt the wise and proper ula; thrc:';h 13t th. \s a result The corse is tr here to the pro';1ant ai- gtanrlarrl bas been asked re' a sub - to annonnrrd 1111 on October 1st to relorn control nvcr the price of srt•ltier to bring to this attention of it's readers the eminent datoter that II,w• flair) mill: a'h Ih• f ' the ir•oy;nral int- t .a cststs from fire, elm' to the rcry dry state of everything, from lack of n,oisItIre. Hunters, traversing the vine- an'1 otet within provinces, and ficl?s and hushes, are asked to guard ' attains\ carcle.sncss with matches. whit,• tooter w'ar•i'nr conditions it \vas' 1'\cryunc should guard against rare Oro i ods!" to r ll !ish an overall Policy o..f , „ . 1 Irssncss on their Own properly, A match, or cigarette butt, thrown away i)ry Weather Increases Eire lhnr•t:t•9. Conditions sur'rimihng the t t'odiction of milk for the fluid mar- kt\ tart wi'lele (tont prot•inec to pro .\t anniversary services at Knox United Church the guest speaker was Rc\, ,\, 1?. \I ikon, of Rodhu'y, a former !Methodist minister who cants to Auburn in 1019. Mrs. R. I). \lun- ro presided at the organ, a -sited by Miss Vivian Straughat at the piano. -Mrs. Fred Plaetzer and Earl \\'ight- tllatt were soloists. ;\ quartette was given by Misses Vivian Straug-ham Colleen NIillian, Betty and lune Marsh and duel Ii' Aubrey 'I'"dl and Garnet Farrier, of \\_hitccchhurch. National Film Boards To hats 11' 1."'"r• when t}le "" ham -,it i; completely c xtingnished, I Show Ill This Comintinity .'1'1..'!""‘, hoand rned trill: \nand, sh^ttltl r WPC fol! itt•isdictiott. The 1'r' nc \ Hoist cr a",t•'li,t,•c"1 at ihr 'ante Clue Ilial the soth;idy of _'sir 0n Saturday \viten a spark from the 1 liven made for the follotVito. dates: Per hundred 1)(11111,1s of Milk used iII railroad en:dtn' sot fire to a hed,;e 1nndeshoto Oct. 311, '.3(I p.m. the manufactory of ronec,lratr'1 trill: running along the tract:, that acts as Blyth. October ails\, at 10.311 'slit• products \wnni"I ako he rhsrontiuttcrl ort Sr")cnllrrr 36th. S.t"ulhlilc' 11,14 ; a snow fence (Intim; the \\'inter. The Dungannon, Oct. 131, 3.30 11.111. otl \Sartent l 1'riees ;end Trade p'till ( hed••e took fire immediately and spread T,tIgrave, Not, 1, _ 3ll p.m. the aulhorizr_rmi\s t'nl pried Bioard i rapidly rlosvtt the track in the thit•rrti0u I'brse lilnts ;ue sh, \en for the bene n1 Mervin hnhnl`ud's Lu•m bilriinga. fit .of the school cillildrrn, ;anal if p1's- mill: pow'de'r• es in e-aporitted milk, c .irlensed mill: Fe•• for the rarely of the buildings Bible, \\•ill be held at the s'.amuls, !Ol- and lila• be the cense of a serious fire. The lllyth Fire Brigade received a Arrangements for Intal ,hotvin';s of rail to the farm of NIcrvin Richmond the Nationnl Filnl Board p'etures hat's Cocgratulat'ons to \Ir. 1?i1ter Pollard w•ho celebrated his birthday October 2 Congratulations to \Its. G. Lawrence w'ho celebrates her birthday on '1'hurs- ginning with Holy Communion in the Blyth .\.F. and A.M. No. 303 will Church at 10.39 at which Rev. R. M. ohxrtc annual Past NI aster's Night at P. Bultecl ryas celebrant. an Entrroetlt Lodge meeting 10 by held I Guests besides the county clergy ht Ortohe• '1st in the were the Venerable Archdeacons Do - day, October 3rd. Mm11ay ntg. Congratulations to \Its. Robert Ri- lodge rooms. On that nrcasi' n all ihr i betty and To\•nshcittl, and the Rev. Icy, of Ltndcsboro, who celebrates , lodge offices will be occupied by Past Jack Roberts of Alert Ray. bo birthday on October 3rd. 1 Masters, and visiting \lasons are ex - Congratulations to 1.0011;1 Cook of i eete,1 front other lodges, :\ goodat NOTICE OF TIME CHANGE TO \litchcll, who celebrated her 9111 birth- t0ndanrr of nunlhcis of the Myth LiONS BAND MEMBERS day on ()dither Isl. Lodge is hoped for. 'i'hc Second, attd • Congratulations to \I r. Harold Cool: "Fourth" Deers, will be cx"mplificd Ni embers of the Blyth Lions Band of Myth, wlt t celrt+ratcd his birthday ltv the Past \Iastcrs. are asked to note that the hand prat-.. on Sept flutter 2itti. I The date for this meeting has been 1 tise next Monday night will be held,`,.., Congratulations to Stewart Antent changed front October lath to Or-) sharp at 7 o'clock in the evening. T.he'_ of .\thorn, who celebrates his birthday toiler _'1st, due t0 another meeting* Myth \Iunicipal Council meet itt='the •',.' brought neighbours, and the fire \was' It :eating accommodation, in the on \Vrinesdac Octohcr 9th, with which it would have conflicted. Louncil Chamber at 8:30, and tto band • \- heat out before any damage resulted. case of the Myth school is not ado- l'nngraoil,ltinns 10 \it. and Mrs. R. \' practise must be over by. that time. I Band members kindly be ort \(lite; §h.t,> MI afternoon along, the lint` from r nate. in this event the sh wing twill (';1t \,:r;g It who celebrate their Sillldav M01'I11114T Disturber myth in Mc\aught station C.P.R. sec- he held in the Memorial Ilan. 17th nodding anniversary on \loud:')'' Recovering Nicely ;+t 7 o'clock. Pays1I I tionnlcn had ;a busy time patrolling, The filets will be shown herr ct St''tcnlhrr ?0th. P Islys$15.00Ime ( aur! fighting several hlazrs that were cry month in the future. l'nngt;tnlatiotts to \I r, and \fes. \ !eller ir�m 1\'. J, Sims, of Sea CKNX ALMANAC DISCONTINUES Per rt. nhittg the peace and trot v — Glenn Gibs n, \Vho wll ccichratc forth, informs The Standard that he nitilit\ rf Meth at an early hour ort 1 started. The worst hl:Ize occurred near PUBLICATION Slntrlav morning, 1)r. George \1. Ren-\Ie'\aught station when sec iunnie+t ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED that (((11, wedding' antiiwersat'}' 011 is recovering nicely and able t0 be g ` a, far atcay as Auburn were called to \I r. and \fes. Iobn \Jason, Belgr:n•c. Friilay, October -1th. around after his recent illness, all a(� The CKNX Alntattae, a,lveekly puh- nir, rf Port Perry, Ontario, was (ill (i,oht t;.c fire ---�'"' \'inch will be good nays to his many 1licaliott started' at \\gingham some rd 4'Sf") and costs in \\'iltgh'm Ma wish t0 :ntnotinc the engagement of v ihrir daughter, Dorothy Catbcrnn, t� i� �.1 01,1 friends in the contnuutity, months ago, has ceased publication, i�'rate Crnirt rnt \l the i'It alter he had I)ERSOtr AL INTEREST \Ir, Sins expressed regret at not and it's subscription ILO has been sold plc:,dc•i guilty t" the charge. I IN MOTOR ACCIDENT their d ghter, • orothy , son „f \l r. • •,r• rev arose nut I. Friends were sorry eo hear of the David Johnston,ltlu0wale, and the Nit's; R,-.:1 Ilradn,ck w•ltn has been 1 twine present for the Fall Fair, es- to The Ledger, a London publication. The charge t ( til. ,t ,pidly as be wanted to hear the Stihscribers of the Almanac will re- nt a syn-r'rlrrl: Sunday morning, 1 'trident to \I r. and \Its. Fred Som- lilt Mrs. Johnston, The \'Oddiltg to visiting; relatives and Inciricn,l; as fat 'Rally , re- train street dishnbinnt 'Itch 'weak, yrs which occurred while they were take place at the Brick United Church, \Vest as Vancouver visited with \Ir. it' tit Boys and Girls Hand. ile says I ceiye in it's livid a copy of the Led- several citizens front their sound oil their way home to 'Timmins last 1 ;It ? oclock, on \\'cdnesday, October and Mrs, S. Robinson over the week- he hears many remarks about the I ger until the cx'tiration date of the slumbers, I Monday, 9th, Lend, band, and their all complimentary. label rolls -rotted, v.- Vetfceorto S ant Leite;.??te TREASURE OP THE SEA sly George E. Walsh ,t `o;'.t, t'II wrist; t 1: lit 1: sires over the sift, (1,111 Iho .e: (1(111,!1„d, 1\t 1111S to Ili, -, 1111ene) :(1111 t.1111ths ubtnu•d. The :.I:I lel el, '01 :111t,un:uie at Twa, 1u11,:ire; him as:ly, 'I'ueu stalls tor tors, tt h11 • twat of his men sntsr; t.:1 11, '!:. in the ow -Mi:; fi ht th,•)' (it ,v„'Pogo ,ed hl gear hs,Ic t'1 Ihr i;n!:,:. '•\\',••t-1• 1414 111f 111 Ih,•lu !or 1 'jite " 1 )1,1k 1,•1L the 4111, hilt Ii, ,;I rel ut;.'. CI-I.APTL:R VII no ,111 -Illi iltll'i' r ;:u (.spl;at.1Uo11, but her t).s were tt;ttt'IIII.: i;lla imlllli,Iltl't'I) "It -, ;,!t,!, lila ;I ,tagc farce," he Ian,;!ie,'. ily, "but it tta tt:c bt. t I 1,,!1111 u , , t Ih,• time, 'I'li:,t l , , Turn II„t,, ed the ,t,1l tt;!, ,t sae, ri, 111 n!c , "1`, I t 1'11 p'.a,e 1 'tl 1111 t) Ii,lt the tit n li:. !;e t 1:111 i I tit I. ,Left ed all !!. !, !;,,,! happ..:led to min the :timidrrim; of the 1 its a, c, Hine, a, Innen as -0,1e 't ranee to his 0',;:1 tale..n:!. Ile snh(val,ct1,11- ly L', 1Lt 1 1 11 hat idle t)1, :-hc 1!ad, tll! h. v, ,11•soi.oii!.'i\ t!l,t (0111, \ cd Ili! a•, Lc 11,1,! the -t,'t v, \\'hen be l'.;1.& 111 ,,;e ,11111_ .,1111; ,1.11} the) I ;:t' I UP. ,:m,I ill(' 1as1 t;, 111 111;4 of ,11:i'c X1,..1 t 11 :,!,1 int lir! hp,. "t1t'., Ile curt I,u!et!, )1111 r 11, milli l ",.nil wets 1 ucu \t ill pets, •t in Ctl:nl!; 1111: .`rlwlurl SII lona as Ian al:';n'd 11111 Lcep at u. I'1n urn ti bet; 1 tan tett sou ah" gre'ttc-t favor bt It f1,. rat¢. I'cI Lap; I will. 1\ here trill vt•,l g11. ' she sntlhig with Itc1 c)cs ;,11(1 tills. "Back io the lugger." '' Youldn't they Lill you if tl•,') laid, hands on you again:" "No, .1101 right a\t;tt " he tc plied.. 'It's my supposed know ledge,''of the exist( nee of rho.,: jewels- that would protect nu•. :')I- ter they were con \ inccd I 111.1, been 'deceiving them - why, the I don't imagine I'ticu would ;re restraince by any scruples from wreaking vengeance." 'O'But y on didn't intend to watt until then:" she added. "No, 1 was planning to leave al the first opportunity, I was on tins lookout;' ,for f ships.' "And ..this schooner being the •first, you took -it to get away front emr" .'r. a, •�1.,�,, .1r,e true," he returiic1'-iis eyes twinkling, "1 :really didn't think of myself when 1 decided to change ships, I saw what they intended to do, and heard your defiance of them. It was -was -well, a habit of !tine, we'll call it, of jumping ill when- ever there's a chance of an advet:• tore. I wanted to see the fun, and Tuctt had refused to let me come aboard " * She appeared a little amused by his evident attempt to avoid the real reason. She suddenly grecs, more friendly. Turning to him, she said frankly: "I'nt glad you came, and I hope you'll stay, Since father lost his reason, I've har everything to do. It was the storm and the crew - they abandoned us right in the midst of it. Fathet was down with a high fever, and I -I -the niers didn't trust Inc to manage things. I think they wcr' superstitious about father; he talk ed and acted in a way that fright ened them. His mind - here he conics now," slit broke off in a whisper. "Never mind what he _--says. ale's not responsible for what he tells," Captain Bedford, with a vacant stare in his eyes, carpe tumbling up the companion, mumbling and grinning to himself. He was a man past fifty, stout and thick -set. grizzled of beard and hard of mus• cles; but the mind had beep thrown out of gear by a knock on the head, caused by a falling spar Ir. the midst of the storm, Catching sight of Dick, he stopped and blinked hard at hint. Then with ad idiotic ti in on his f ice, he ap- proached with both It utas extend. ed. "1s it ye, r. Crew'?" he called cheerily. "Ile tat:cs you for the urate, r whispered the girl. "Humor him. "\Fell, it's most time \re pulled up anchor, ain't rt? There ain't goin' to he a storm after all, f told ye s t - I t.r]l ye so, 11 r, If it wt.n't f',r that pig- headed superstition of yours that an easterly wind mean; a hit; blow yc'd belie •, e,l me afore." Ile came up and 1r 1Le l Dick playfully in the ribs. 'Hien glattc iug at hl, ,!atld;ttel, he added "Did )r till hila a!lout our treas- ure. hila': No 'I hen III tell hitt: pic'.c,1 it up --up- \\'hat's the name of that reef now :" I le plac- ed a hoot to Ir: foreleei I in alt at titude ul th.nl;ht. „ r:,:1'1,11' I; ink?" ad.., I I)ick, smiling. ''1 I1,1t's it -- Rent 1 ! ,r B.n1k! Ilow'd )c know it, M r. (.'rew? Rose must have told tc. 'N,I, y• can't lural Inc h: 1111,1 \e \' conldu 1 h;tte Ott_'.) 1 .t thing ,mitt in ycr life. helm ink I 1' heti 'c t)a, cul.',111.' 1!, 1\)II tvitll the 111';•))1.• 1!a! II,1' 'Heti ,'a: ,11 I ;e111) : n ! 4,v' 11 t;:,f tut . :j. ')\'1111 slu,l's that 1 1';,111 1 ,et -n1 10 1Cltlt'Ih, b1; Ilei 11:111 h;r an ,Ise; the cal, 1 deer' ;1 \\'c II have a Brant of •,1 togctht 1 t al 'n, hate to In' 11 .Ile t) Ren in harbor No," st: :itlg for tttc ,dc, "I'll !:;til het " "No, fa:L:r," Intel -nu it/I Rose "i: a rim. You nava t;o below and r, 1 'Al r. Crctt ant! I trill follow. II g1.u'll nti,kc sonic hot droit; it t) itlt it's." "Coffee! Coffee! \\!tat that for a capt'n and Irate- lie snot tuft "That's Inc ladies l,t chihlrcn, \\'c'II have ,1 sip of ,:tat ale. N1cdlu:d, \Ir CRT, Iletviuk- cd burnt!). "I:om. can have M.. coffee, but w e'!I ill ink to each oth- er's health in good old Jamaica. Rh?" Dick nodded and smiled, which scented to please the captain, for he descended the stairs, rubbing his hands and mumbling gleefully >f' 4 t. Rose Bedford was a child of the sea, bortiint' - en:a 11 ,,'ap,'rt vii• lage, but brat and brought up on the .ca under the tutelage of her father. her !tether having died ,it an age when daughters have only the faintest conception of 'teat need of maternal care. Captain Bedford was lonely; jealous of re- latives who gave his child a house when he was away. and absolutely hungry for her companionship; '111(1 whet) he could no longer en- dure. the separation he literally kidnapped her and carried her away to sea with hint. \Viten Dick Jordan stet her site was as competent a navigator of a sailing craft as any man afloat, and her knowledge of seamanship had enabled her in the crisis to save the schooner after the crew had abandoned her. Captain Bedford had been injured by a falling spar, and for twenty-four hours had hovered between life and death \Viten he recovered the use of his muscles, but not of his ntiiud, be was worse titan useless. alis babbling frightener' the supersti- tious crew, and reduced them to a surly disorganized, mutinous mob Rose suddenly found tliat list seamanship was of little avail without the power to command obedience. It upset her more than anything that had happened to 6a1 she was weak and helpless in n position whc' t her father would have triumphed through sheer physical dominance. The crew disregarded her orders, and took m^'tern in their own hands. They abandoned the schooner in the middle of the storm. (To Bs Continued) • MARY HAS A LITTLE LAMB . . • . And so does this market in Cincinnati. But Mary's real name is Joy Ileuber and the lamb will some day make a nice roast dinner. Despite the current shortage of meat, the market decided to advertise its supply this way. New Saving Bond On Sale In October Individctal purchases of the new Canada savings bond \vhiclt till go on sale throughout the I)nntinion in mid-October will be limited to $2,0110, it ryas announced. The bond will be available in units i;f `.111, situ), $;,no and 1;1,000 or any' combination of these units. :\ striking feature of the new bonds is the privilege of turning them into ca-lt any time at full interest, at any face value, pin, bank, Designed purely a, a personal savings facility for the people of Canada, the bonds will he largely sold through the payroll deduction scheme set up in most firsts dur- ing the sv:tr Inc the sale of victory bonds. 'flies' will also be sold through b;ullcs, authorized invest- ment dcali'r, and trust and loan corporations, (';'0'.‘`.. 10'. 1 `lir j� J A./ ,ceot.......vm. Bet you could think of a dozen way's to use these peacocl: motifs on your linens! Well, go right ahead . , results are sure to be beautiful. Embroider ilium in vivid pea- cock colors. Pattern 664 has trans- fer of 14 motifs 1! 2 x 4 to 61/1 x 1I inches. Laura Wheeler's new, improved pattern makes needlework so sim- ple with its charts, photos, concise directions. Send 'I'b\'I•.NT1' CENTS in coins' tstantps cannot be accepted) for this pattern to the Needlecraft Dept., Roost 421, 73 Adelaide St, West, Toronto. Print plainly PATTERN NUM 13 E R, your SIZE, NAME, A1)I)R E S S, rrtive very Qif gOUSEWIVES" medicine is rad ve Q This to fin relieve ePain nervous osecertain al tired, ftaoj due to female functional monthly disturbances. This is something worth LYDIA LPINKMM $ yMUIED ISSUE 40-1946 100 Years Ago - Believe It or Not I From a menu card put out by Iloniss' Clyster 1lous', Hartford, t otut.) Iloniss' opened in IRI:I, when women swore hoop skirts, frilled cotton drawers, did cleaning, wash- ing, ironing, raised big families, tint to church Sundays, and were ton busy to be sick. \lett wore whiskers, chopped \\'loft, bathed once a week, drank 10 -rent whiskey, and a 5 -cent herr, worked 12 hours a day and lived• to a ripe old age. Stores burned coal oil lamps, car- ried everything from a needle to it plow, trusted everybody, never tool; inventory, placed orders for fords a year i advance, and al- ways marc maitre, NOW women wear an ounce of underwear, smoke, paint, powder, drink cocktails, have pct dogs and go in for politics, Men have high blood pressure, little hair, bathe trice a day, are misunderstood at home, play the stock market, drink poison, work five hours a day, and die young. Stores have electric lights, cash roisters, elevators, never have that the customer wants, trust no- body, take inventory daily, never buy in advance, have overhead, mark-up, markdown, stock control, dollar day, founder's day, rummage sales, economy clay - and never mance any money. da0ay Schgol Lesson Paul's Background and Early Years 1'ltiIhp!ri;tns 4:1 tt Golden Text: - Remember also thy Creator in the days of thy youth. -Philippians 3:34, Paul's Citizenship 1'aul declares his nationality and his citizenship, Ile was a Jets, but hour in a human free city, Tat sus, and by being born there, Paul him• self has by birth a hontan citizen, with all the rights and privileges of Roman citizenship, Paul was proud of his citizen- ship and forwent no opportunity to declare it. 'There was ever a fine self-respect about the man; not for his own aggrandisement, but in order that those who opposed the Lord attd tltc message he felt called to proclaim should realize that he had forfeited nothing that became the dignity of a Boman in following a Nazarene. Paul's Religious Faith Paul was a 1iiarisee, a member of a J elvish sect which held rigidly to the letter of Judaic la \v. As a 1'har'isce Paul hated the followers of 1esns, Belonging to the San- hedrin, the governing group in Ju- daism, he was a person of impor- tance. Ile undoubtedly regarded r Jesus as an imposter and sought 1 to put an end to Itis enfluence, 1t was while so engaged that Patel \vas arrested and miraculously con- verted. Saul's Conversion Said, before his conversion, had ever) thing in which a Jew gloried, But Itis eyes were opened ;old he sat' clearly that the things that were of such great 'aloe in his eyes were of no value whatever in the cycs of God, and he counted them all but loss "for the excel- lency of the Icncrtvledge of Christ twos my Lord," Ile gave them all up and counted them as nothing that he might find Christ and the priceless Ueasures that there are in hint, John Barleycorn Not A Doctor Now 11 hasn't been generally adycr. tiscd, but John It;u•lecot'n has lost his lob as a doctor. Officially, that is. \\'Risky is no longer to be listed in the United States Pharma. copoeia, says The Christian Science Monitor, This means that the standard book of authority on drags and medicines, which is the guide and counselor of the man behind the prescription counter, will hereafter omit mention of spiritus fruntcttti as a remedy. The announcement comes from those who arc work- ing 011 the twelfth revision. Reputable physicians long ago ceased the general use of whisky as a medicine Its omission front U.S.P. means that if the United States ever had prohibition again, whisky would no longer be avail- able on prescription, Which is nothing to worry about /4/0/alifill ,Apply Varnish With Full Brush w'if'1 , 1'.:1 hen h an l "tlotvrll" , Ila, 1. .I:1 ! 1'.,11h ill•i:11I1 ut11111.1!.,y 1 '.t if], 11,r!tt. 't' .,I;ou'd 1: IR' I1-..1 . '„II 111 -1: 01: 11 :t 111,1'1 ,. 1,111.4 t1 h. un ti!. 'r the R: :1 ;,11.1 t : ,11'. 'n a I, 'i • one 1 var!.,, .! ,nt face i,I: ,.f• that d'•. 0r t!:e v u ni •h brit ,h t) .1; 11(11 ciao cl,•.ut, \\'IIv1 a 1)1(1,11 1 1; been 1 in varnish mid not t:•,.r- ()uglilt' c!'.1 tv'it11 Imt;t,•ntiue, t'1.' inside p.ution of tI ' brush in iv bur ml'' a!rll tvitll !tt.tII soft s!.,n; of vat ni-h t'Iti1'll 1, r,1 rn the net.) time Ih,, 1r,1,11 i; n-,•,1 and teal t'1 finish. WORRIES FADE as you enjoy the comforting stimulation of llaxwcll House Coffee. Its superb blend contains choice Lai iu•Antcrican coffees. You can't beat it for mel- low, full•bodied goodness, Ta'flTme 1'41 1Z TONIYS d"5F DRUGSTORES Good' Health and Lots of Pep Dr. C'hase's Kidney -Liver I'itli have a long record of dependability NH a regulator of liver and kidneys and botvt'Is. They quickly arouse these organa to healthful activity --sharpen the ap- petite and help to improve digestion. Clean out the poisons with I)r. Chase's Kidney -Liver !'ills and re- gain your pep and happiness, 35ets. a box, 0 "Say no more. Brisk says all!" Brisk is the ex- perts' own word to de- scribe the rich, satisfying flavour of Lipton's Tea::: always fresh, lively, and full-bodied: ; ; every cupful so refreshing and enjoy- able. Try brisk tasting Lipton's Tea today: sr- CIIU ONICLES of GINGER FARM By Gwendoline P. Clarke Strange how one can sometimes be in the world but not of it; how there can be shortages of this and that and one not be aware of it— not until one requires something that cannot be bought for love or money. , Here was 1 canning eve'ytliing that could be canned --- with or without sugar --- afterwards seck- hig a few words of commendation from my menfolk for illy indus- trious frugality. For which they did Manage to give out a few grnts, which alight, with imagi- nation, be interpreted as verbal signs of appreciation but which were followed by Partner asking —"What about peaches? haven't you done any?" "A few jars," I replied. "There are also some in the locker." A little later Bob looked over the "fruit" of my labour and said, "Is that all the peaches you've got?" Reluctantly I admitted it was— at the same time I felt something thould be done about it or I would be forever after disgraced, So the next day I bought ano- ther basket of peaches — since a bounti1til ration board had allow- ed us extra sugar — but when it comes to scalers, that was some- thing else again. Sure there were a few empty jars on my shelves but there vas a chip out of this one and a nick out of that tvIiich reduced the number of usable seal- ers to exactly two. It was then I found sealers in stores simply didn't exist. And why?? Bcc.tse the ntanufacttne of glass had been practically stopped for lack of a chemical compound used in its manufacture. This chemical is no h Heti procnuthlc ht cause the one i and on1) blunt Iliroul;l,uut the length and I tr,ulth c 1 t:mada t'ltich product, it, is out on stripe — and has Lien for nmol' three months. 4 i St it looks as if you and I and 111rs. John 1'1)111)' cannot foul onr- 1(Ives into tlfioking that industrial iitikes are no concern of _ ours. They are definitely the collet HI of e vcryonc — but what we c,ut do to help 11110 It plorahle state of affairs, dear only knows. However, no situation is r purely 1'1111. We learn scntctliin), good even from strikes. \Ve find out the hard way what goes into the mak- ing of many everyday article. The connection between the textile strike and shot t.igc of certain nec- cssau y garments is obvious but bony Horny of tis stopped to consi- der what went into the making of glass? But we learn in a hurry when fruit spoils for lack of scal- ers; or when milk isn't deli\ crest unless an empty milk bottle is left 00 the step. M a * \1'c find then that ntcessity is not only the another of invention, it is also the foster -another of en- forced economy. When scalers cannot be bought we forage Through out-of-the-way shelves and cupboards and bring forth nlauy forgotten jars used for something other than their real purpose. Yes, it is surprising what we can do without when we have to — or when we get mad enough, Honestly, the price of some things makes Inc so mad I just ,sec red. For instance the other day 1 noticed a small tea -kettle in a store — the kind which. before the war, we thought indispensable for quick boiling and which used to sell for about a quarter. This one was more than three tinges that 80101101 and was as thin as paper. 1 put it back on the shelf and said, "Boiling water in an open kettle is still good enough for Inc." But even at that I wouldn't have minded the price so pinch if the tin and the workmanship had been of good quality. 1 feel like wear- ing old clothes until they drop off my back for the same reason, * * * We were just as well off when wages were lower and goods cheaper. As for a 40 -hour week what are people going to do with their time? Of course higher wages are needed when there is more leisure time - It takes nnotn- ey to pay for amusements to fill the gap. The simple pleasures of home life are not commonly appre- ciated these days. • * • I like to hear Partner hold forth on farming versus industry. The other day two young fellows drove in and wanted to buy the farm) They had been working in some kind of a plant, thought things over and decided that the govern- ment just about gave everything to the farmers on a silver platter. n which car I wonder why the armors out West are out on a de - very strike and why all this agi- tation for continuance of the milk subsidy. This week should bring Interesting developments. GEARED TO EARS Fine precision -machined parts, ori- ginally used in bomb sights and other military devices, have hecn made into jewelery Buffed down and gold-plated, brass sprocket chains become chokers and brace- lets, as do aluminum and bronze bushings. Earrings are made from fine coiled springs, gear wheels and bushings. .At top, . Ellen Bucci;, models earrings made of alum:I:urn sector gears, shown in cic 'e up below. Fa }! 1-n Incomes Greatly Exc ed Operating CaL'.3 'I he latest figures issued by t1t Dominion Ilm'cant of Statistic,. I to vide a rough oteastu-entl 01 hr1\\ t n the present income of farm(is and their costs 0t lion, reports the \\'innipcg Itei l'ress. The new statistics refit � t the Lu';;c gains of Canadian ,t -,ti culture since the beginning of I' war — gains in price which far t coed increased operating costs 'I'he average cost of operataon on the Canadian farm, ars c,tinstt(d by tlic Bureau of Statistics is as i1 per cent higher now than it was on the average between 1935 and 1;110. '?'hese costs take into consideration faint implements, building mater- ials, gasoline, oil and grease, feed, fertilizer, binder twine, seed, hard- ware, tax rates, interest rates and farm wages. As against an increased operat- ing cost of 38,(1 per cent, the in- crease in the price of farm pro- ducts on the average lhrout,hont Canada is reckoned at t'2.7 per cent. 'Planes Fly Almost As Fast As Sound Only 40 years ago the speed per- mitted motor cars on the streets of cities, towns and villages in On- tario was 10 utiles per hour — 15 miles in the country. But vehicles were already ,travelling at high spccd in special trials, says The Toronto Star. A railway train had made a short distance record of 120 miles an hour in 1901, and a motor car was to attain the salve speed during a trial in 10Q8. But men took to the air and flew at speeds hitherto unknown. A Gloster Meteor has just established a world record of 617 miles an hour. That is better than 10 utiles a minute. It is better than 900 feet per second, and sound (in air) travels only 1,000 feet per second. Matt is traveling in the air al- most as fast as sound does, and no one can tell what further speed the future holds. Novelist An•1\er l0 fret l"1),. I'uaale w.L. A. ry P4 ...JR 111 AR Y E L L+ (fit`.%, (HORIZONTAL 59 Italian money 1 Pictured 61 She is the author of novelist, • 13 Operatic nolo 14 Singing volae lb Barren 18 Editor (ab.) 17 Near 18 Negative 30 Jumbled type 21 Lnughter sound 22 Anger 29 Age 25 Erbium (symbol) 27 High card 28 Make a mistake 30 Domesticated 82 Story 34 Him 5 Accompljah 8 Kitchen utensils . 88 Tropical fruits 40 Lair 4$ Also 43 Concerning 45 Moist 47 Honey maker 48 Pint (ab,) 40 Rhode 51 TIsland (eb.) ungsten (ab.) 52 Electrical en- , gineer (ab,) .58 Egyptian sun god 54 Vend 61 86 Scarce several — • VERTICAL 1 Mother 2 Space 3 Disencumber 4 Georgia (ab.) 5 Scale of pay 6 Measure of cloth 7 Size of shot 8 Sharpen 9 Pound (ab.) 10 Tree fluid 11 Great Lake 12 Biblical 17 Epronoun xist 19 Native metal 21 Torrid 22 Frozen wzter 46 Swerve 24 Skill 47 Ifas existed 26 Fish eggs 48 Recreation 27 Change area 29 Wireless 60 Sick 31 Exclamation 53 Rivet' (Sp.) of laughter 54 Compass point 38 Timber 55 Lord Lieu - 36 For tenant (ab.) 37 Stitch 57 Account of 88 Enemy (ab.) 39 Was seated 58 Right Worthy 41 Seine (ab.) 42 Golf device 59 Behold! 44 At liberty 60 Like a 3 '1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 la 3b 43 DO THE GULLS BOTHER YOU 9 tesv 19 >-20 7.4 57.721. Eb :4';''632. 3 28 31 j a 11$,- '!Wj 38 }x; 40 14 4'I � ;-1 4b !l,'`` at4 47 ;4,,; -.ye 49 50 '51 L2;2Sf 57. Mf 53 ,v:5,; r ;2;11 , r,• 55 } 5b 51 58 T, ; 59 60 Beware Dangers Of Hunting Season Approach of the fall hunting season leads us once more to the melancholy expectation of seeing daily stories In the papers headed "Killed In Hunting Accident" comments the Chatham News. Every fall the story is the sarne; of the men who go blithely out to get a little recreation in field and woodland, a certain number will dle because of their own or other's carelessness. Probably there is not much that can be done to remedy mat- ters. The minting grounds avail- able to ordinary city folks are usually so crowded that accidents are, as you plight say, fairly beg- ging to happen. The high inci- dence of carelessness among hu- man beings makes it pretty cer- tain that the accidents will in due course materialize. The best that can be done is to remind each hunter that he carries a lethal weapon which a moment's heedlessness can turn into an in- strument of tragedy. WIN APPROVAL by serv- ing delicious Maxwell House ... the coffee that is "Radiant -Roasted". This special process cap- tures every atom of good- ness In the supremely fine Maxwell Mouse blend. '•. �kSsts ?'•:. �•:fl� tt,•1 ,: .r ere r�rYr rf. �G::war... ,ar:i .,. f,.:rll•.r• Prewar White Bread Looms For Britons The first step toward a retain to prewar white bread for the people of Creat Britain was taken rec enlly when the 11inistry of Food an- nounced a reduction in the extrac- tion rate of flour from tri per cent to }h,', per cent, it \vas learned. The result of this easia,g of re- strir tions, believed in authoritative circles to Lr a preliminary to the end of Britain's tv,o-month-old bread rationing, will be felt almost immediate ly in baker shops throughout the country, t\10'1 the loaf has become datrl er since the end of the war r#Pesge gf 0 RI( with P rrQ@cONBUitrys Ifo LL'etI'50,:) "!lark �t0taiorrow'sATOMIC J r'lZlt 513 , cg/ here today—the ad; `O,lf 1C tot ). m; ,( tit. r'!evoIitIioa :.,t. 1' to itan ..1 t R""et f Radioactive enfant hotter _Ia 's: produce of by the , rays r✓'� 3'4440 `par a faster, Quintan startkrfi algid �i'r cYr. gaicicer ...:"°A.........,.„... res gasoline. :, It c ijres'o e hiATOI-IED SETS BRAKE LINING 11'1111 Firestone brake 1ining you get abso- lute safety • . rtstound- int, mileage, Sets are "matched" t o 1 It e mechanical action of your car to give tau 1 It e e a m e braking action as when the car was new'. YOU KNOW Firestone tires. Now meet Firestone Auto Supplies—on sale at your neighborhood Firestone Dealer's Store, where ALL YOUR DRIVING NEEDS CAN NOW BE MET. A new era of service to car and truck owners has arrived! As you would expect, ALL Firestone Auto Supplies are made, tested and proved to uphold Firestone traditions of supreme quality and value—worthy com- panions for Canada's Number One Tirel 'Your Firestone Dealer is proud to offer you Firestone Auto Supplies— items you need at prices you want to pay. Get better acquainted with them all today by seeing them for yourself, 0101 PONIStil It�g1S 011416,1 p p I INCLUDING CDN G null•ellea putol l ohcs Von Auto Lumps Seat Covers umps 'thermostats !lose llml'hator nrdy Grill G Cables �Flas�y `� all llia8i(ite lites ilea am Adaptor kale EIt ?TENS VOR 100 CPR rirasfonec AM°�;oN 0410a11 M ea. ma *.anter -p • 4 The "big brother" in Firestone's new line of quality Auto Supplies is the dynamic Firestone Extra Power Battery. A new, mighty "power package" engineered to end your battery troubles. Here's power to spare for split-second zero weather starting—and the efficient operation of everything electrical in or on your car! Larger, heavier plates contain greater quantities of active charge -returning chemicals to hold more stored power. And the patented Fii.O•hiatic covers automatically prevents over -filling and corrosion, MAKE YOUR FIRESTONE DEALER'S STORE HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR DRIVING NEEDS L f « e NO! I'M A MARRIED MAP\„ SIR PAGE 4. elegawalwripnemmest Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH -- ONT. INSURE NOW! ANI) BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. J. H. R. Elliott Gordon Elliott Office Phone 104, Residence Phone, 12 or 140 COURTESY AND SERVICE, Citfllo-Dtlq)*464701)v3t2tmAAlitiat8t;t'ilaW DINDMAN)IitDtANA)ti1)INNNDI)INN)11i+l ill THE STANDARD Wednesday, October 2, 1914 LONDESBORO WEST FIELD tr, 1l ttta- 4.itt1' tour+tell It me I•it sunlLty atter ,Itentluig .t month in I Tomtit.) itt.) and St. t•athtrine. Bob 1 dun. \\'no i• attending the niter•;ty at London;, sticnt the ttcrl: cull t\ith Ills t;r,tn nether. NIr \\•nt. l.\In. \Ir. and, Mrs. John \Icl:nielit and \I r. and \Ir- .\Iv,tl \It' h night, ( tall. .pint the \t eek-s•uli \\itlt NI r. and Nlr,. John I'ins;lan,l and Nlhs .\lice I ulcland. \Ir .Uex \Neil, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert :Olen. l' Imct.ttidations to Mr. Cohn Tam- - -- _ - , hl\ n, \s ho ccicltrate 1 her 84ttlt hirth- 13ELGRAVE "llealth hole'. Nlrs. hen. \\'heeler , dad. I•hur.day, October 3r11. g;ne 1 splendid \lotto. :\ rh1 rus \y;ts 1•Iti• \Neth \\e \selenute \Ir-. 11. The regular monthly nieet'ng of the Rilly and fan 1' to the Village. tuIg by six girl-. also t'nj,,yed cont- \\renren's institute w.a, held at the rhe \V. \I. S. will holed their regi• home of \1rs. C. \\rade with a gtw.l inunity singing. •I'Ite meeting cl'•st•,i lar monthly meeting in the basement • h)• singing -God Saye The king" t i The of the Ch t un litirs'l;ty• October attendance. This \vas "Chill \\•elfare htstr>, assisted hs mi.,. J. \\hccicr ' loth at 2.30 o'clock. Group No. 1 trill meeting. Mrs. 11. Procter \\ the , be in charge. i Nlr-. C. Hanna, NI!, C. Logan and The AI n Circle \\.II h LI their Convenor of the afternoon's program. Nlt 11. 1'roctcr, scr\ctt lunch. .1.1,eThe meeting was opened by the , monthly meeting at \lis 1•.. I11•ac,mn•s President. The various reports were October ntre:in trill hr heal un 'buss hone Tuesday night, Oct.tbt'r 8th. The Saeranit•nt of the Lord's Snpper \\ ill be observed on Sumlay at the I morning scrtice. RATION ,COUPON DUE DATES t•om,ton' now valid arc sugar -pre. serves til to S,10, butter R1R to ll?l ;and B?.t) to 1127, meat O1 to O.1 and N151 to NI53. given. It wiN witdecided to have a tl,t, Oc:uhcr __all. home-made baking ,ale in the Orange Hall, on Tuesday, October 8th at 3 p. in. Lunch will also he serve•I. Miss CARD OF THANKS Love, District Schcol Nurse of \\ a\va- nosh atul Ashfield, was present, and 1 ttisb to thank all my Iblvth friends explained the advantage of the Medi- who seal such nice cheery cards and cal care given through school nurses. I letter, during my recent illness. Roll Call was responded to by a --\V. J. SI NIS. r; I 1 1 i oldInnnoto \I r. and NIrs. I hntxat Nlcl'allunt of Bluetit, \lr• :\lite Richard, of I:dnu>u tun. railed on Nlr. and Nits. Frank Campbell, and other furca is stn Sun- day. Mv. Nt ruga Iladfontt Ira, sold his torn 10 \Ir. lack Il;tllah,ttt f Uunny- In•o,,k, \Ir. and \Ir.. ('Itarlc, Smith and children wt.!: tteek-end guests at the home of Nlr. and NIrs. John (lea• of I:itrhroer. \I r. and NIr•. \I aoricc IIs,;utas vis- ited over the \veck-end with \I r. and Nits. Jack llihman, of Artier, and Nir. and NIrs. Robert Bosnian of Leaming- ton, NI r. \\»il,f n, of Toronto, \I1„ lily, :dcl)Inycll, of liodcrich, visited a Sunday with Nlr, ani Mrs. Nl;u•- sin \lclh)v, it. \lr. Carman Morrish rt'uncd to Toronto with his sister, \ir . \\•ikon, after spending tht' past seven weeks with Mr. and NIrs. \Ic- 1)mt•nrcll. Nln, I I\\ in Smith of \\•ingham, vis- ited on Sunday with his sun, Mi'. (ior- slon Smith and \irs. Smith. NIrs. Parker and NIrs. Poster of Kincardine, \lis, Phot'he I)insntorc of \\'ingh;on, visited last wreck with \Ir. and N1 rs. \\•nt. \\'Splen, and other friends. Mrs. J. NIcllricn of C;udcrich, is vis- iting her sister, »\Irs. Got•don Snell• The Minister of Finance ANE FOR PEACE announces Canadians are thrifty people. Their record in war financing will stand for ' many years to come. Through six years, millions saved and in- vested in Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates in a way no one thought possi- ble. Many thousands learned the con- venience of regular, systematic saving, ` whether in small monthly amounts or by larger cash investment. As a result they ..have accumulated substantial personal reserves with all that means in increased future security and satisfaction, Because suggestions and requests have come to me from all parts of the country ' that: facilities •for this kind of saving be continued in peacetime, the Canada Sav- ings Bond has been created. The issue of War Savings Certificates and Stamps to the general public will be dis- continued on September 30th, and final instalments on' the 'last Victory Bond issue will have been completed in the near future. Canada Savings Donis, therefore, will provide an opportune means for citizens to carry on their regular savings habits without interruption. E SA,4 i ?. 1r S The general public should note that this time there will be fewer salesmen than in the case of Victory Bonds. Although the new Canada Savings Bonds will be sold through banks, authorized investment dealers, stock brokers and trust or loan companies, these agencies will not be able to approach every individual Canadian. This means that for the most part it will be left to Canadians to assume the respon- sibility for their own purchases of Canada Savings Bonds. If they wish to grasp this opportunity, they should act for themselves without delay. Canada Savings Bonds are designed to be the finest investment available to the public today. I recommend them to you as a safe, profitable and convenient in- vestment for personal savings. I now announce the terms of the new Canada Savings Bonds, which will be offered commencing October 15th. MINISTER OF FINANCE ...Features of the new Canada Sai»s Interest 2'4% by annual coupon. Purchase price 100%. Accrued interest will be charged if pay meat is made after Nov ember 151h. hsued in denominations of 150, 1100, $500, end $1000. Dated November 1, 1946, maturing in ten years. Non• callable by the Government, but redeemable by the owner a1 any time at full face value plus interest at coupon rata at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank. Nontrans- ferable and non•assignable. ods - Holdings by any one 9 Ariti t\ ---. person limited to 12000. Registered as to prin. �C ? cipal, providing pro. tection against Toss. , Available for cash, on the Monthly Savings Plan or by personal arrangement with a bank. Blyth Radio service RADIO SET'S AND SUPPLIES - RECORD PLAYERS. SPECIAL PHONOGRAPH NEEDLES—Up to 4,000 plays for 11.00 Equip your Radio for Playing Records - Enjoy Their Ric'tness of Tone u 1 , 1 , 11 . 1.. 111 i. .I .1 11 1., I• 1 RADIO REPAIRING—AII Makes and Types. Now is the Time to think cf having your set put right for your favourite full and winter programa. I I 1.1.11 ti 11.. .I . •11 IY.I, ■ 1I 11 - 1, .-;li-i,LII 111 11.1. 111..,. BATTERIES—All Types; Aerial Kits and Repair Parts; Tubes, GLENN . Work Guaranteed. ECHNIE Phone 165, Blyth. 1111.1.1111M. •I •.i ,.Yil ,. X1111 r,..1 1:11..,0..-1.1 e.1.41 • •1,11.1.11141. 111 1.1,1. r, and \irs. I)ttncan NlcNichot and fled ('ros< meeting, at \vhich it was daughter, of \\'alton, visited recently anounced that the school ha, bought at the home of \Ir. and NIrs. Nla rice' a new radio. .\cti\•itit•s for the year Bosnian. \vert' di rnssrd, girl the Christmas con- A number from this vicinity attend -f cert date was set for 1)ect'ntbcr 17. elf the .\nniversary Services ;it .\u- The program included; j••kes ;old rid - burn on Sunday. herr, :\. 1;. \lilsou, of Rudne}•, a former pastor, was the the;, Lloyd NIct•linrhey: reading, guest speaker. \Canon 'Tatler; recitation, Carol \lt. and NIrs. \\'cslcv Staclaunt,t, Beadle; it•Uvntcnt:tl, Rent \IcClin- and Nliss Eva of Ilrncefield, visitedc").;rcrilation, 1larlene 1?asmn; stn Sunday \vitlt Ntr. \\'m. Nlcl)t,\yell, musical selection, Lloyd and Rent NIc- Nlr. and ,NIrs, Norman \Icl)uacll. (•lincltcy; reading, Joanne 1•:asntn; piano selection, Ronna I laggiit I game, directed by Lloyd Nlet'linchey. v AUBURN Funeral services were held Sunday for James \\'ebster, well-knmvn Mul- lett farmer, from the home of bis son, Harry, of Mullett. Rev. C. C. Ander- lames {)arid<on, ;a life -I ng and son, of Auburn Baptist Church, offici- ated• The pallbearers were; tinyhighly respected citizen of 1)tntgannnn, Cunningham, Ernest Pattcrs»»ti, James' diel) ,herby before noon Monday after lacks.cn anrt \\•illiai n :Nuel;nnbatdlt, `having been ill for nearly a vocal.. Ile Interment \vas in hope Chapel come- \vas horn 8' vt'ars ago, a son of the tery. NI r. \\•ehstcr was horn on con- late Ruhert 1)avitlson and Nlartha cc:51011 13, Mullett, in 1875. Ile was Nlenat'v Davidson, pioneers 1'r. iu f)un- a member of the ilaptist (.hurch.' Lannon, irehrel, Inn the 1)a\•idson Surviving besides his wife, formerly Imme•teatl, the first farm at the north I•:ya Cole, of Mullett, are t\vo suns,! earl rt the y llaLe, t\hrre hi, brother, Harry of Mullett, and Roy of Niagara i Robert 1);t\idsnn, nn\t• residrs. Jame: Falls, also two sisters, Nit's, George l)a\idsrut had shared Illi, home until Barr, of Londesbnro, and Mrs. \\'.I Becker, of Rotkfot•tl, 111 One brother' he retired from active farts life anti OBITUARY T-- OBITUARY JAMES DAVIDSON and four s•tcrs predeceased him. Mr. and NIrs. Craig, of Loudon, with their parents, NI r. and Mrs. James Craig, Robert Chimney of 1)onuybrouk, has bought the \\•allace homestead from John 1lallahan. \ir. and NIrs. :\Ipho nso Boyle are moving from their farts in Fast \\'a- \yanttsh to the home recently occupied by \hisses Irene and Nlargarct O'Con- nor at St. :\ttgnstine, Nlonday afternoon the pupils of Au- burn public school held their Junior nuwed into the village I t live with his inter, \irs. \V. Il. Siothers, on \lain street about 23 year, ago. Surviving are one brother, lobert, and one sister, Rebecca, NIrs. \\'. R. Stothers, Uuuganmtn. Others in the fancily Nuhn predeceased. him ever^ ifugh, NIrs. O. (Nlary) .\ngnstinc, I rs. R'rhar i 1P.11•t) Reed. Mrs. lames (Naomi) \\•ikon, NIr•. Stephen (Sarah) Stoihcr, and Theresa in infancy, EXAMINE YOUR LABEL •4.1 k.+:4. •i••i+4..:*-00.',.9+4++:44'...:44.0.40o 4++:44'.H:N4•1.40o eoyo,:14.4 ....i. r 4.44.4••..•01 •4• a i•y.+4•4.•.••4••...y'•4.4.' •• i .71 Saturday Night Is Movie Night In Blyth. iCommunity Pictures PRESENTS FOR YOUR MOViE ENTERTAINMENT-- . N. Those Riotous Rascals Fast, Furious and Funny LEO GORCEY and the BOWERY BOYS, IN "FAST COMPANY" WITH HUNTZ HALL, 2N1) BIG HIT --- "The Shadow in Behind the Mask" i., >; M .: •: ?• • 44 , • Saturday, October 5th 4;4 444 • 10 11 4,4 STARRING KANE RICHMOND and BARBARA REED. At the Blyth Memorial Hall - 8.30 P.M. 1• Adults, 35c; Children under 14 years 18c (Tax Included). Remember—Community Pictures will Present Movies Every Saturday Night—Same Time, Same Place. .141•4:44:41014:44/ 44 44+44 144.�H�1.2 44+ 1:,/I/+.444:444184444:, 4444 l:44:4+44 4:4484+444:44:40:44:41:442.1y./1 1.: >• 14 M 1.4 :• S4 :• :4 >• >• 14 14 :, .4 :a ;,• :A 1.4 40 R >: •00 :54 Farmers, Attention: POWER SPRAYING 1 -laving purchased a complete power spraying unit, I am now in a position to execute efficiently and speedily, all types of power spray- ing such as: Orchard Spraying, Weed Control Warble Fly and White_ washing, Agent for J. K. Crang and Co (chemical division) for Rotenon (Warble Fly Control), DDT Animal and Fly Spray, also effective in potato and turnip spraying; 2-4-D Weed Killer. Karnoleum Disinfec- tant for use in stable and poultry house. Up-to-date Whitewashing Equipment. Edward W. Elliott ' BOX 293 CLINTON. PHONE 201 Wednesday, October 2, 191(3 IT'S NEW. MIR•O-GLOSS THE NEW WONDER FINISH. For -Linoleum, Wocd, Metal, Scr^ens; Venetian Blinds, Etc. Applies easily with brush or sponge, Dries in Forty Minutes, Stain resisting - Eliminates waxing or scrubbing -Transparent -Water• proof -Long Wearing -Not Slippery. WASiiES SPARKLING CLEAN WiTH MiLL) SOAP AND WATER. Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Ceoked Meats, Flour, Oyster Shell and Calf Meal. STEWART'S GENERAL STORE. WE DELIVER - PHONE 9 AUCTION SALES CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF CATTLE At 1.ot 211, Conre.-.ion 6. 1lullctt 'Town- ship, 3 utiles n'.rth of Clinton, on No. 4 Highway, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER IITI-I year- grid, i 1'' ,l( 011, din .\Iu it 20th ; 11,11 .40 e11 Durham cow• 1 ear , 11(1, not bred ; I turll,lln cow, 0 1 ea,- - old, dm I ), rn1h, r 3(1111 \111 ,Dile row, ? 1(~0'• old, slut' Feb. 7,11; I l sylvan 1111, 0 yea's 01.1, due \I:u'. .i(Itlt ; I (arca"rd , , ,11, 4 rai, of 1, dm. \i:(V 0111. YOv\(; ('.\'!' I1,1 2 Durham heifers 111;Ited ;(11(1 blood -tested, 11/2 years 1111 ; 2 1lol,tvin heifers, 9 month; 01(1; 11m1hanl heiirrs, 1 year old; 1 Jer- sey -tear, 10 months old; l Jersey steer. 1 year old; 3 Hereford heifer,, 1 year old: 1 Hereford Meer, 1 year 0111; 1 Hereford steer, Ili' sears old; 1 1I,1rctord heifer, Ila years old; 1 1 Int haat -leer, I u.t years old; 2 sprint; ralscs; .1 holstein heifers (sprint! calved; 1 Durham heifer (sprint; calf): 1 Ifereford heifer (spring calf); 2 Hol- stein steers (winter calves). PIGS; I fork sols, will' litter at loot; 1 fork hot;, 1 year old; 1 acre %axis; Inrnips; three-quarter acre Mutt:olds; quantity of potatoes, I \I 1'i.I': \I I':N'I'S : 1 \'cssot 8-ineh ?;rain grinder ; 1 2 -r -w' turnip cultivat- 1 ,r. TERMS CASH. John Blake, Proprietor. \V. 11. \lorritt, Auctioneer, 04-2. Clearinir Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, Implements and Ilousehcld Effects Lot art, .\t Soulh-h;tlf at 2 p. in., as I \\'atvanosh, 3 C.\'1'1l.l.--14 Durham rotes, due to:I;I)th, on freshen in January, Fehruaty ands March. 1'urehrcd Herefords -3 con';, (Incin 1)ccclnber and January : 3 hull., 10 months old; 1 heifer, 13 months .40. Steers --I6 Durham and Hereford steers, weighing 850 lbs ; 10 Durham and Ifereford steers, weighing 700 1bs, Calves --R Durham and Hereford calves, 9 nlontlls old; Ill Durlonl and 1lereford calves, (i months old; 2 Dur- ham calves, 2 months old. Anyone buying these steers may leave them on grass for two weeks. NO RESERVE - TERMS CASH Arnold Dale, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, auctioneer, 01-2. 1.111111ws: AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements At Lot 20, Concession 14, Mullett Township, adjoining the Village of Illyt h, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8TH commencing at 1 1'.\I., as follows: HORSES: Bay gelding, Belgian, 11/2 1 guiles ('on. 4, north-w'cst East of WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9TH cominlencing at 12 o'clock, noon, the following: HORSES--Rnan marc, 8 years old; Chestnut marc, III years 01(1. CATTLE -1 foist ein cow, 8 years old, due Jan. 1st; Holstein co\v, 8 years old, due Fcb. 10th; Ilolstcin• cots, 5 years . Id, due \lar. 1st ; Black cow, (, years old, due Jan. 5t11; Black cow, 5 years old, dtic Feb. 1st ; Mack cow, 5 years (40, due Feb. 4th; 2 .\yreshirc cow:., 5 year's old, due in February: 3 heifers (vaccinated), (hie in Nov.; red hcirer (vaccinated), (Inc Mar. 1st: steer, 2 years old; heifer, 2 years ofd; 5 steers, years old; 3 heifers, 11/2 years old; 5 steer calves; 5 heifer calves (vaccinated), 1'I(.;S-5 sows, due in November and December; 40 chunks, 11:\1' AND GRAIN -40 tons g(011 hay; 2100(1 bushels mixed grain; 5(I bushel, wheat ; 01/2 acres cern ; half - acre waxing turnips. I'Ol!I.'Ik\'-lu0 Rock -Leghorn pul- lets, laying; 75 Rock -Red pullets, lay - SKY HARBOUR AIR SERVICES Operating COUNTY OF HURON FLYING CLUB Pilot Instruction Passenger Flights Piper Cub Sales and Service. Write for particulars SKY I-IARBOUR AIRPORT 130X 309, PHONE 1180, GODERICH, ONTARIO. 05.1. .PNNNNPNPII PNPINPPNNNPNPPI NPIPINNNNPIIPIPNNPPNPNNI./ PPMPI414~41 PI~✓.IMPPNNNN•NPJIJ•Pr THIS CAN BE YOURS CANADA SAVINGS BONDS Interest 2.3:) Percent, Payable Annually, B' nd may he redeemed at Par at any time. Bonds in denomination of .'f50-$100-.1500-41000 PRICE $100 For Full Particulars and Application Forms See Your Local Representative BLYTH--- MR. GORDON AUGUSTINE, Blyth-'Phcne 127 Blyth, _ f MULLET I' '1'OWNSIIIP--- MR. JACK ARMSTRONG, Londesboro-'Phone 25r33 Blyth. MR, W. R. JEWITT, R.R. 2, Londcabo:•o-'Pltonc 850r4 Seaforth. MR, W. J. DALE, R.R. 1, Clinton -Phone 841121, Seaford', EAST WAWANOSH--- MR, JOHN S. SCOTT, R.R. 1, Belgrave-'Phone 623r2, Wingham. MR. FRANK TIIOMPSON, R.R. 5, Wingltam-'Phone 629r3, Wingham. O. T. CAREY R SON WEST STREET STREET 01.41 GODERICH GODERICH THE STANDARD ' PAGE 5 GROCERIES Harry Borne'. Flavourings, Gelatine, Sandwich Spreads, Sweet Pickles, Chicken Haddie, Sardines, 'teas, Cof• fees, 'Toddy, I'ostunl, Canned Meats, Peas, Peas & Carrots, Mixed Tomato Juices. Custard Powders, Pudding Powders, Pickling Spices and Jar Rubbers. BULK MINCE MEAT (Please Bring Container), Pioneer Feed - Shur Gain Feed. Royal Purple. Calf Meal. A. L. KERNICK WE DELIVER -PHONE 39. Save Money - BY USING MARVELUBE GREASE NO. 88 IT'S SHOCK PROOF - REQUIRES LESS GREASING PHONE, BLYTH 68. LES. NAFTEL AGENT FOR- 1�1I'I+.I�IA�, 011, Ltd. 1 ROXI" THEATRE, CLINTON. NOW PLAYING: "Somewhere In The Night", with John Hodiak. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday "THE LOST WEEK -END" -.\dm's Entertainmmnt- 1 (I1'nanuc p:, lure 'Kling from the page, of a widely -discussed rim e1 departed!, the horror, of intem- perance. Ray Milland, Jane Wyman and Phillip Terry. Thursday, Friday, Saturday Susanna Foster, Turban Bey and Alan Curtis. .\ fast-nlosint;, action -laden drama of the Ilarhary (`last where nen fought 1 r three thing,, wealth, power and "FRISCO SAL" v IP CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEA'T'RE GODERICH. 8EAFQRTii. NOW PLAYING; "FRISCO SAL" NOW PLAYING: " A Walk In with Susanna Foster. l The Sun", Dana Andrews. Monday, 'Tuesday, Wednesday Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Cornet Wilde, Anita Louise, and Ida Lupine, Paul Henreid and Olivia de Haviland Hath S}(Ines (trees-tr,ct in a ,tory ,otl ,, of 111� ih-v't -d •I�t,'i- ;11ll1 ;I I,tntilr! trauv,e urul 11111 none hctllren { "DEVOTION" Jill Esmond and moa, in 'fcchlnc Our, the hu11111 Hood ('ar U , ^11 the tradition. "THE BANDIT OF SHERWOOD FOREST" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Jack Ila'ey, Marcy McGuire, and Anne Jeffreys 1'rt-entin'; ;1 nnl,i(;11 fun --hots that', st•'nctly hep and razor sharp. "SING YOUR WAY HOME" COMING: Claudette Colbert in: COMING: "SPELLBOUND" "TO -MORROW IS FOREVER" w:th Ingrid Bergman. _ Matinees Sat. & Holidays at 2.30 p,m. Mat., Wed., Sat., Holidays 2.30 pm NNIPPIPNPN+PPP.PNNN N• Thursday, Friday, Saturday Susanna Foster, 'Turban Bey and Alan Curtis tale o1 a gal who •Moil,, 1 the most not(riou, , ,1st of all. "FRISCO SAL" COMING: "!3PELLBOUND" with Gregory Peck. Matinees Sat. & Holidays at 2.30 p,m. PPPPI 1 .1•444,++++++4414444.4”1444+44.1". It+0 ,. ,...;. ,..l.+r,..;,.; +.:.:.+00.":•+.:•':h 44SMA++444.+.H•+.4..++++44"441 :: ATTENTION' _' LYCEUM THEATRE • 4. WINGHAM-ONTARIO. +: ;: Two Shows Sat. Night Y ,t :. ?. ..t Shots starts regularly at 8 P.M. '` Sattnday at 7;45 P.M. r. „ %-('hanger in time trill he noted Mow: 3. "AWE HAVE ON HAND- MASSEY-HARRIS REPAIRS. DRILL TUBES. PUMP FITTINGS and TAPS. 7., 4.1hurs,, Fri., Sat,, October 3, 4, 5" (SPECIAL) -' ::A. W. P. Smith? "SMOKY" PHONE 92, BLYTH 56.32 r.'I'hr ,tors of Man's love for a he'rse^' 0.4 Fred MacMurray, Anne Baxter, 'Ilio ,hm1, e;o'll night, 7.3(I and ').30" sj 1Iat ; Saturday afternoon at 2,30. K: Mon., Tues., Wed., Oct. 7, 8, 9 "CINDERELLA JONES" ki Comedy with Music, Jean Leslie, Robert Alda H•N•N•N•N•..•N�.1�H•..•11�.1•.4. 4:4 4:4 ...... .. . . . . 'NP.NPIPPPPNPPPNPNJPNI PNPPIP, ing; 25 roosters; 3 shelters; 4 drink- ers; 1 arcl feed trough. HARNESS -2 sets of double 11(55, r' I\II'I.I':\II';..'I'S-Roller; hay rack with half rade; Massey -Harris bin- BLYTH. der, 7 -ft. cut; Massey-Ilarris hay ELLIOTT Real Estate Agency loader; \IcCorutick-Deering fertilizer drill; \lasscy-Ilarris hay rake; Mas- sey -Ilan -is manure spreader; Mc- Cormick -Deering cultivator; 2 sniff- lers; ;\dan!'s farm wagon ; set of sleighs; Massey-Ilarris r,,ot pulper; turnip drill; set of scales, 1200 Ib.; Fleury plow; New Century plow; set 4 -section harrow's; ,lcCorulick-Deer- ing cream separator; two -wheel trail- er ; milk cart ; electric fencer ; 4 milk cans; chains; forks; shovels; pails, etc. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -- 1'rin- cess Pat range; salve and two chairs to (latch; two wash -stands; brass= finished bed with mattress and springs; clothes horse; fall -leaf table; two other tables; toilet set ; dishes and sealers; wash stand with sink. :11.50 'I'O BE OFFERED FOIL Business block on Queen Street, 5:\{.h.: 50 acre Grass Farm, South - half, East -half 1.ot 41, Con. 5, East \\'awanoslt. Everything to be sold, as the faros is sold. Norman Radford, Proprietor, I-larold Jackson, Auctioneer, 05-1. FOR SALE 10 1l Ostein heifers, due to freshen in October and November; Also 25 ft. Toronto \\'imlutill, Apply to \\'alter McGill, phone 11-12, Blyth. 04-2-p. Our .Agency has the following property listed for sale; 100 acres, 10th Concession 1-lullett Township; clay loam; 10 acres hardwood bush; 11,42 storey brick dwelling; frame barn 28'x(10 - 36'x 45', cement stabling, water in stable. 100 acres, Concession 8, Morris ! 'Township; frame dwelling 18'x20' - ' 10'x18'; frame barn 36'x52'; second ' barn 30',x50', with 'canto 30'x16 ; - cement stabling with water i11 stables; quarter -acre orchard, 11/2 and 1 storey brick veneer dwelling 011 Dinsley Street, Blyth, 1 with quarter -acre of land; also acre of land with frame stable 24'x 42', \\'ill sell separately. or the entire holding. WANTED A girl, for general work. Apply at Commercial i Intel, 141yth. 04-t 1, Public Notice After Thursday, September 1911{, 1946, I will not be responsible for any debts incurred in my mune. (1,1-3. Rt)f1F.1:'1 J. C1IAl.\1ERS IN MEMORIAM ANDERSON -1n loving memory of \\'illiant Herbert Anderson, who passed away one year ago, October 7th, 1945 God gives us courage to carry on, And strength to hear the blow, But what it meant to lose you, dear, No one will ever know. -Ever lovingly remembered by his wife, Louise. 05-1. CARD OF THANKS \irs, \\'nl. Johnston and family wish to thud: the kind friends and neigh - hours for their many acts of kindness, expressions of sympathy, and condol- ence, and for their beautiful floral remembrances, at the time of their recent bereavement, CARD OF THANKS Many thanks to all the friends in Blyth Community who so kindly re- membered ole with cards and flowers during the time 1 was a patient in the Clinton hospital. --Ella '?i. \letcalfe. NNIPNINNI PPNP Regular Meeting, Blyth 1.O.O.F No 366 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8TH All brcthcrn are requested to attend W H Morritt, Noble Grand W G McNall, Ileo-Scc'y Applications Wanted Applications for the Sec- retary -Treasurer's position of the Blyth School at an an- nual salary of $50.00 will be received by the Secretary up until noon of October 7, 1946. Leslie Hilborn, Secretary. Y .,- Clinton Nurses Graduate Ontario Street Cnitcd Church, Clin- ton, was filled 011 Friday night f 'r the graduation exercises of the Clinton Public hospital nurses. Rev, \V. J. \\'oolfrey acted as chairman. Mrs. E. \\'enlorf and Miss tLlva \\'iltse played organ and piano ducts. \Irs, I'. M. P. Bolted sang a solo. On behalf of the board G. 11. Jef- ferson addressed the people, urging them to stand behind_thehospital and %viten called upon` to make donations toward the contemplated wing he hoped that their donations ','ottld he Most generous. Mrs. \tae Rance \Iac- hinnon recited. ,hisses Eileen Sutter and Coronna \\'cndorf sang a duet. SALE CANCELLEDDr. N. 1lnhhs 'Taylor, Dashwood, M.P,1', for Sh Moron, spoktimeoe n e The Auction Sale of John v;thle of havirizouta h"gin sal in slttathl- T, Hallahan, advertised for ler centres. ;qrs. \V. A. 0..1,es sant October 10th has been can- a celled. Rcv• C. C. Anderson addressed the graduating class. stressing the fact that "these girls are now going out into their chosen profession and if they take Christ with them they Can indeed be angels of mercy." Dr. F. G. 'Thompson administered the Nightingale pledge to the nurses who included Mary Olive Jane \\;atson, ! Lois Marguerite \Iontgonlcry, Leila May Agar and Kathleen Elizabeth 1 oltugblllt. ,Miss Jessie Grainger, sup- erintendent, presented the nurses with their diplomas and \miss Nettie Sin- clair, the assistant superintendent, pre- sented them with their pins. \Irs. J. Sutter, presented gifts from the board. CARD OF THANKS \Irs. F. Metcalf wishes to thank all the friends in Blyth Community who so kindly remembered her 9th birth- day with various gifts. FOR SALE 140 year-old hens, Scott Barred Rocks. Apply 10' Sant Appleby, phone 45-14, Brussels. 05-1. FOR SALE 1000 bushels mixed grain (oats and barley). Apply to George Nesbitt, phone 13r13, Blyth. 05-1. ALSO CISTERN & STOCK PUMPS. Plumbing Fixtures and Supplies. BUILDING MATERIALS. Estimates Freely Given On Any of the Above. L. M. Scrimgeour AND SON. Phone 36, Blyth. P.O. Box 71 FOR SALE 150 13arred Rock Pullets, Apply Ernest Smith, phone Brussel,. laying. 05-1p FOR SALE Purebred Ilolstein heifer calves for sale. Apply to W. i.. Griffith, RR. 1, Wroxeter, 01' phone Fordwich, 35r21. 05-1. GOODISON, FEED MIXER,. 500 LB. CAPACITY AVAILABLE JULY 1ST. WE HAVE ON HAND Three 3 -Way Pumps and One Stock Pump. Complete Line of Oliver Farm Equipment. Limited number of Manure Loaders to fit Row -Crop Tractors. Complete Fleury-Bissel Line, in- cluding the famous Fleury Plows. ( W. H. MORRITT DEALER - Phone 4 and 93. :: ATKINSON'S i.,„ POOL ROOM. J X SMOKER'S SUNDRIES :Pi = :Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Pop, e4 :re and Othcr Sundries. :l ,tr ;t Open all day and evening.: Main Street. Blyth,•? Z. li 1.4.+++.:44.4":44-8.4.4.+4•00:-8.+4.4.'''. EI)WARI) W. ELLIOTT 1,4•et led i,uctioneer For Huron Has returned from service with the R, yam Canadian Air Force, and will be otttinuing his former occupation. Correspondence promptly answered Immediate arrangements can he- made for Sales Date at The Standard Office, or by calling Phone 203, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfaction Guaranteed. CHARLES F. I)ALE LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Specializing in Farm and Household Sales. Satisfaction Guaranteed on All Sales. FT information phone 6lt-4,, Clinton, or write R.R. No, 4, Clinton. 50-1(rp, wPIP.PPPPN4PM-44P PUP+PPNfNPrP 4 • Llcome Tat Returns, Bookkeeping Financial Statements for Farmers, Business Men, Professional Men, Garage Operators, and others. Arthur Fraser'. Telephone: Exeter ,17:•.- P.O. Box No. 118; Temporary Office at thb .house of the late Dr. H. K. Hindi an, Huron Street, Exeter`." '.- Frank's Bakery PHONE 38. BLYTI#':QNTT Come in and try our freih-liotite- made Bread, , Chesley Rolls,. Dpu Nuts, Scones and I3rat(ttffintf; Btt to Tarts, Cookies, Date Loaves, rat well as our Delicious Maple; Chq oIato', and Orange Cakes. THE McKILLOP MUTIYA FIRE INSURANCE C HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, OW; Officers ' President, F. 'McGregor, Clinton; - Vice President, C. W. Leonhardt, Brod hagen; SccretatT-Treasurer and Man. ager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. • Directors \V. R. Archibald, Seaforth; ' Frank' :McGregor, Clititon,;. Alex, Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris. Leonhardt, Born- holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton;. John, -,r L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex, McE't tngi'' I11yth; Hugh Alexander,' Walton;', George Leitch, Clinton, Agents John E. Pepper, Brucefield'-�Rti F, a McRercher, Dublin; J F.- Prueter; 13rodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth;;t$' Parties desirous to effect insurage or transact other business, w111..:`tic prontply attended to by appticaj ns to any of the above named 'of ors fiaddressed to their respective ,post of- ces. - • Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. JUST IN FUN Landmark An elderly roan standing in a queue telt semen& nudge hint on the back 'Turning sharply he saw a youth about to leave the place behind him. "I'm going across the rutin to buy some cigarettes," said the youth. "That's no reason why you should hump me on the back." re- torted the elderly gentleman. "I didn't bump you on the back," the young man said, lust as Indignantly, "1 just put a chalk mark on your coat so that I should not forget my place in the queue.' Great Speech For the first time in his life he had been asked to make an after- dinner speech. and for days before the function he rehearsed his ora- tion before his wife. Finally the great day arrived, and on his return home his proud wife enquired how the speech had been received In Style Mrs. Style: "I want a hat, hut ft must be in the latest style." Shopntau: "Kindly take a chair, Madam, and wait a few minutes. The fashion is just changing." Sentimental The Scotsman had lost a pound note. Sadly he entered the adver- tisement office of the local news- paper and handed in the notice he wanted inserted in the "Lost and Found" column. The clerk had difficulty in re- straining his mirth when he read, "Lost, a one pound note. Senti- mental value." Just Like That The inventor of a new type of hand grenade says: "You merely press a small projection on the easing, a detonator explodes the eharge, and there you are." Or there you aren't, as the case may be. Abbreviated The private had been given the job of announcing the guests at a party at the major's house. "Captain Jones, Mrs. Jones and Miss Jones," he called when they arrived. "Shorten your announcements," whispered the sergeant. "Captain Jones and family would have been sufficient." The next arrivals were Lieut. Penny and his family. "Fntlrpencel" announced :IA private, Pat Wins Three tramps had boiled a ah'cken and were arguing how to divide it One suggested they should toss a coin, "Head," called Sam, "Tail," called Tom. "I'11 take what's left," said Pat. Quick Sale In the lounge of a large hotel mach patronized by black market merchants. two doctors were com- paring notes.' One remarked to the other, "I've got a great many cases of hysteria." A man leaned across and said. 9'B take the lot, mister." - • - • Taerrperfenced Police Judge: "Well. Sam, about your son stealing those chicken. I've decided to let him off this time, but why don't you show him the right way?" Sam: "Ah done tried hard Judge but he goes and gets hissclf caught anyhow." A Reminder An absent minded man called upon his friend, the family doctor. After chatting for a couple of hours, the doctor saw hint to the • door and, as he was shaking hands, said: "Come again soon, old chap. family all well, I suppose?" "Good heavensl" exclaimed his visitor. "That reminds me. My wife's in a fit!" Cheap A doctor was knocked up in a small village at about 3 a.m. by a man who asked him to cone out Immediately to a place ten miles away. The doctor dressed quickly and got out his car. and they drove furiously to their destination. Upon arrivel the man asked: "What is your fee. doctor?" "Half a guinea," he replied, in some surprise "Here it is then," said the man banding over the money, "and cheap, too. The garage man wanted thirty bob to drive me over." Comfortable Misery It may be true, as some cheer• ful philosophers tell us, that money does not bring happiness, but h does help one to be miserable in comfort. 'NO SAFETY, NO SCHOOL' SAY THEIR MOTHERS k I'• ij. S.iyJnC+: -,u ,t�tt ? (Vi � i- c• t�t'Y, tifl.P1UK'DO .a .t. h :'fid K.N'" .i ::il'. A; a G ii:iul� •Ly. V.,t '0 '.0 r / , r v;I,x7"' Irate mothers in Tormey, Calif., are keeping 14 school children out "on strike" and have issued "No Cop, No Kids" ultimatum to county officials, The mother - sponrored strike was called because no crossing guard had been sent to Tormey to escort children across hazardous highway. a HIGH — AND ALMOST DRY — ON A SAND BAR A drama of the sea is told graphically in this remarkable closeup of a grounded ship and the sand bar that stopped her. The veseel is the liberty ship Helena Modjeska, which grounded on the Goodwina on the English coast. This inglorious end of his ship's voyage prompted the Modjeska's skipper to shoot himself when he went ashore. VOICE OF THE PRESS Re -aligned Priority You'd never recognize them now, but we remember when Supply was the big fellow in the old -tints eco- nomic sketch, Supply and Demand. —Winnipeg Tribune. Definition A pedestrian is a married Hoot who owns one auto. — Chatham News. Veterans' Last Chance Some War Veterans are asking with reason: "(lave ve I helped to win a war and lost a chance -- a chance to earn a living and mike a home; to get an education and build up a business? — Spectator. Few Luxuries For every five shillings ul im- ported goods, Great Britain today shows four shillings of exports. Only sixpence in every poand of imports is spent for such "luxur- ies" as clothes, films, and so forth, the remaining 19 shillings and six- pence being expended for raw materials, food and industrial equip- ment.—Galt Reporter. They Don't Agree A lot of well-intentioned people, who feel sorry for the poor German prisoners of war, are urging their speedy return to Germany. Mean- while large numbers of said prison- ers are doing all they can to stay away from Germany.— Woodstock Sentinel -Review. Don't Even Look :\n .\ntcrican eye- specialist b:antcs fifteen per cent of highway accidents on faulty vision. • Anil Iron many of the remainder are simply not looking where they are t odor' I'cterhorouih I.'antis, It's Always Tcncorrcw Some ,pcaktr should conte along any day to tell tis what butane of Coat ',right new tomorrow we weir told o much about ye•ttrdat - Rr: ndt•11 Sun Sparc Time Job If a per>uu learned the mantes of 2.. new inserts cath (lay, it would take hint more than leu years 10 memorize all of those which scien- tists have described and cata'oencd —St. 'Phomas Times -Journal REG'LAR FELLERS—The Quiz Kids Definitely A Chore "The technique of sanitary dish- washing is being studied and tested at the University of Michigan," re- marks The Windsor Star, "but it is too early to know whether it will emerge as an art or a science." The safest opinion would be, "as a chore,"-13rautford I?xpositor. Harder Still Those \chu say starlings are the hardest birds to catch can nev- a leo e tried their hands on the doyc of peace. --Toronto Star. Cheerful Thought 1':;imcthin:, Inas it onlinensa• thin,. Von can't kitty soap chips, hitt neither can you get new shirts to t'.'; ••h--l:dntnnton ,Journal. Free Air The 1 icyrlc was invented by a :cot -man IG1I years a,;u this sum- mer. The earlier tires were of solid rubber. But being a Scot he de- vised the more economical pneu• uratic tire, which is merely a thin skin of ruhber, stuffed with thin air. And the air is free.—Ottawa Citizen. HELLO, BUMP! ♦+�-..-� •-• f • • O -.Y•-•-•-•-♦ 6-•-•-•-•-•-H-1-•-•t• v+• -•-r'•' UM TALS Autumn Suppers s v c • • : - I. o . - c <- c ♦ e-o-•-•-r++��-�+++-�-�-r�-�tr-r-rv�--�-o• Afton Lod (Lay 5 \yolk, tt ltct►t er in tLc lie! L factory, uflicc of home, app(tites are usually pret;t keen, (spteially with cooler evei;- inE's to hull) put an edge on them The young fry don't have to Le [~leen a second call to suppu- as a rule these days either. There are still leery dtliciu''i desserts using late fruits such a., c( bidets or cott'the puddings made by topping fruit with slightly swecteucd tea biscuit dough, or plain cake ballet. baking and serv- ing with a fruit sauce. l3ak Brown Betties made tvith alter- nate layers of fruit and fine dry bread crumbs, mixed with a litt'tt melted fat and sugar are always popular favorites. 1•i., home cc tr.ontists of the 1).3 - minion Department of Agriedi- lure's Consumer Scclion, offer re.. cipcs i- cipcs today which will provt-c citht r heat ty main courses, or, as in the case of the Cucumber Soup, with the addition of a good salad and dessert, will round out a su,) statttial supper menu. The two cucumber recipes also take advan- tage of those large or partly ripe cucumbers which may be hard to use up. Corn Potato Scallop 4 cups slice. raw potato (cut m ?q inch slices) 2 cups corn cut from the cob (raw or cook-']) OR drained canned corn 6 tablespoons chopped green cr sweet red pepper OR pimmnto Y4 cup chopped onion 2 tablespoons flour Salt and pepper to taste 1 cup milk Vs cup grated cheese. Place a layer of sliced potato in greased casserole, add a layer of chopped pepper and onion. Spero kle with salt, pepper and flavor. Repeat layers until all vegetables are used. Pour milk into casscr')le and bake covered in a moderate oven. 350 deg. F., for 1 hour. Re- move cover, sprinkle the top with grated cheese, and return to oven for 10 minutes, or until cheese ;s melted and top browned slightly, Stuffed Cucumbers 6 medium cucumbers 1 cup sausage meat 54 cup finely chopped cele -y leaves • teaspoon salt • teaspoon sage 1 cup soft stale bread crumbs Cut cucumbers in half length Strike Affects Whole Nation Strike Halts Production At Soda Ash Plant With Far Reaching Results It's quite possible that you've never heard of soda ash. Until quite recently it did not figure very much in the news, But whether you know it or not, it affects al- most every phase of your daily life, says the Sarnia Canadian Observer, Soda ash is an industrial neces- sity. It is produced at only one factory in Canada — a compara- tively small chemical plant at Ant- hersthurg. 'l'he employees number only four hundred, but they happen to be on strike. The result is this: The big paper mills are worried over the possibility of cutting pro- duction, even snaking temporary layoffs, because they are running short of soda ash. The production of aluminum, front which so many household utensils arc made, is being cttt ap- preciably for want of soda ash. Bottle manufacturers and users arc making frantic appeals to the public to conserve bottles. The dairy industry, ;according to the president of the National 1)airy Council. can only function normally for a short time more unless house- wives return every possible bottle. All this for want of soda ash And if the Aneherstburg strike were settled today, it would take nearly two months to get glass - making furnaces hack to the re- quired 2,700 -degree temperature. SAY! DIDN'THAT WD BROTHER O' YOUR'N HAVE,' A BIRTHDAY, LATELY SURE.- •• HE WAS -MO LAS' TOOSDIAYI \rise, rttatnc rutin crit !.„ft ;lot - lion ttith s j, (nett ru, 1)11:- in in 1u"iling i,t,; water f,r 5 minutes. Drain w(il. (.:(.wk sausage Itllat, add seasonings and crunihs ;uul mix \cull tog( timer. l'ile stuf- finq in cucumber shells. Place in a greased baking dish and bake in a hot ut cn, •tum tit g. F., for :•'S min- utes, or unt;l cucumbers are ten- der. Six servings. Cucunebtr Soup 2 tablespoons minced onion 2 tablespoons mild flavored fat :3 cups diced cucumbers 11/Z cups tomato i teaspoon salt 2t, cups thin crenae sauce I,tutvn the onint in the fat, Add cuctrtnlcrs, tomatoes and salt. Cook giattly until cucumbers arc lender. Then press through a sicyc ;end add t(- the hot etrant same. Scryc piping trot tyitif toasted (tread crumbs. Y`t' li1:f1NS r1 LOT when the meal includes Maxwell House. This marvellous coffee is extra delicious because it contains choice Latin-:1111erieatt coffees • .. the finest the world pro. duces. Tau 'tVili Stu, Ing At The St, Regis hotel TORONTO (1 • finery Huum 1TIl1, Bulb Shutter nod 'relellhntll` ▪ 'Ingle, $2.r.11 ult— Double, $:I,SfI ti / e Gond 100041 Hitting and Danc- ing Nlgh(ly Shcrhouvne ut (':triton rel, IIA, •11n,-, I(()0 lBEA 11.11111,1.1' FUR slSnta' $1.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA PALLS 01'1', — C.N,11, S'T'ATION TO EASE SIMPLE HEADACHE C +.; I12 tablets ES •G0E$,TO.WORK 24tableNEW LOWh Ids iN l4ST . • � faDlefs pgl29e '` 2.SECONDS': ase GENUINE ASPIRIN IS MARKED THIS WAY 1 By GENE BYRNES OKAY, MISS NICKNAK1. JE5' PULL. THEM QUESTIONS ON THIS PARTY HERE -HE'S TWO -YEARS -OLD AN' A COUPLA DAYS! :i:,'wept Ca:fed Advertising It 1111 rim I<� I'1I,I,i:•rs ittitltl:u Ito(lts, \I:t% 1)':111; III. ttho, t„ P \ i1,. \1 ,i „! 1 t . 11,. I•' o.•u,. 'I',.1, ',.r11 11 ,'I, 611, 11,11, 1111) n n•. A fist% s'rtit'1'N.It ('lift k• It\ 1,,111,1 for 11111 &ate 1l. h.,, 1 , 1,1 rlui 1, ,o.de1inr, older lifer un 11:11. ! lt, I3n .f„I,1) II .11:1,1 1)i, I'1'LI,IYI'til •ti.i. .tt;i:si 13 11 la;lir to )stub'. .\I:o I';ill halrbed ehir!rt. 1'rowpt (1r10,; 1•y, free rut•If:'tte. '11tve;id1u chid; 11:,1, 1,1.10:; I.lnulch , Ontario, III'si:1Esti 01'1'nIt'1'1 A1'111a (;.►till I11' 11E1'1 It\ \1.111, Pttlt your old (sulk Je\tellery, (;1141 teeth, Diamonds, ta(x)ing Sil\•er, (.11% 10) per 1 chi premium on 111))1 5uILlacIIon t;Ila urah 1.4,1 or pate l returned prcpair. 1:irhy ('onipany 1.)(11//': 1( i,� ' 13 (111',•11 EN! -1,, '1'1,1'11111”, ACCOUNTING BY MAIL To S11A1,1, It1?TAII,I:ItM AND 11 I'M - nes,: men who cannot afford to litre n lepulnr bookkeeper we offer tin C)erten hor,kkerp)tii 1111(1 tax sere• o, \\'elle fur d(Inis MAIL CONTACT ACCOUNTING 1)0011 :Inn, 2) King til. 1:., Toronto. AN I:tl'I:1"I'IOSA1,1,1' 1'I"1'It.11;- tive cunun!ssion i It1 llropn:lll(1n Is nnil:01l1! 10 0111 1/1.(.11 11, Milk and other delivery salesmen, study tlts,V:u•attoa- lsts and others desiring part or full time omployme 1)t. Please forward mune, address and telephone num- ber to Box 101, 7:) Adelaide St. W., 'P1ruolo, Ont. 1)11.11N(i A11) l.'1,):.1N1IN(: ittII) 1'011 ,1N)'1'IIING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning:' \1'rlle to us for Information. \\'e aro glad to an- swer your questions. Department H. Parker's Dye \forks Limited, 791 Vongo Street, Toronto, Ontario, I:IJa:'1'It1CAl, 1:(11111'JII:Nit' NE11' “CYCLO IIII" 1.11111'1'iNG plants ,powered by Briggs k Strut• tun gas engines. A. (2, or D. C, 350 to 2700 wall. British gas and Diesel (1111-111(51 troth 1 to 200 h, p. ata• tionary or marine type, Air, tank, nullaWr or hopper cooled Large steel( of threo pin:( notora front stock A.C. or D.C. 1Velding mach. 11(t, electrodes and accessories. New gas engine driven portable self-1,ritning centrifugal pumps 7001) gals, per hour. 'Total weight 90 Ilio Operates 5 hours ono gallon $1119.119. Fanners, lumber and fish. Int: Industry — In most cases — tax and duty exempt, 1\'rlln for prices to .\IIIaIuco Electric 11'otits Limited, Montreal — 'Toronto — linlifax — ltouyn — \Vittnipeg, ELECTRICIANS STORES ONLY \\ to for our c:llaloeue on fluores- cent fi\lures, desk 1(uups, bed lamp 110 cycles only. Also toasters, hams. Give \1'.1'.'1',1:, llrease nunt- bor, Gordon -Harris Supply Co., 5351 Waverley St., Montreal Volt s,t1.t: ATTENTION NOVELTY 8-1-5 uiii'i:itEEA'1' V.1111E'I'II:s IN one apple tree, Al.n :McIntosh on 110(19 roolstoelts. Neck and Red curr:u,t Plants for commercial and private planting In Ilse. newest vit- riolic,. Pi111,i.PS I'A1T\IS, CLIA• TE.\I'd;1, \1' 1'11,1..1(;1:, QUE. 11'TO I'.11t'I'S AND ACC14tiS0ItIES for all ears )'rice List on request. I'f: ton rings for all motors at pre- war prices, Dept, w'., Canadian Auto Parts, 339 Queen St. \V., 'Toronto. (7.11,1.tA1/1;11 1111' 1(001,' IlARN, 47 x 27, nearly new. Jars, Ii. Hage- dorn, l:urge99v111e, Ont, Nldl"1'1'\1; OU'1'IIO,11tI) 110'1'111tS — \uthorized purls service; ship any - whet e. Neptune Outboard `rotors overhauled: workmanship Guaran- teed. Scope Sales co., Box 572, Ot- tawa, ttntnrin. OSI: 111)111) IIIISII 't'I:ItItI1tiR, h'I;- male puppy, Sire Imported from Ire- land. 5:17.0(1. \Vrite 111nrkthorn Ken- nels. 1; . 'd„ I'll lone 252, Kingston, Ont, — 6,000 PULLETS — 00000 lIcndy-to-Lay Pullets, also sovcral thousand 2 to 5 months old. These pullets all raised on clean, free range with plenty of space and tender green feed, under the most ideal conditions. Send fur Price List and full particulars. — OIL BURNERS - New pot type oil brooders, now pot typo range burners and heaters. Prompt delivery or book for later, I,AK )' VI10,W POUIITRY FARM, ►VEIN IUROS„ ilxeter, Ontario, PEDIGREED N 1,: \V ZNA1.AND 1Vhite Rabbits Junior trios $7,00. Senior bred Does $5.00 each. Keith Ferrier, Route 3, Perth, Ont. REGISTERED BROWN SWISS Ilerd for sale. 61 lend, ono bull two years, 21 milk rotes, 8 two year old heifers, fired, 11 yearling, 6 heifer calves, 7 hull calves, Still -O -Val Farm, 20578 i,nkeShnre Road. Bale d'Urte. Quebec. Eighteen utiles from Montreal. 10 IT 1VItOL1':SA1,10 CA'l'.11,O011E, Merchants and storekeepers only. Send \V.1'.'1'.H. Lieens0 number for our 1+"Fee \Vltolesale Catalogue, Penny -up Merchandise Co., 13n1four Bldg'., Montreal 18, Que.. W1;L1,. itllhfn, 'WALKER .10 0 X - houls, 8 months, have proved ex- eollent on Fox. llartman's Kennels, St. 1'I(nm'nl9, Ontario, FARMS POR SAL►. ONE IIUNIiIt('1)) ACRES, MED 11111 cloy loam, fifteen acres, wooded, balance 'tress. Immediate posses- sion. Elizabeth \Weir, \Vhnghllnl, Ontario. 10.11111 250 ACRES, 2:50 Ti1,i,Ait).F, solid brick (louse, gond out build- ings, good wells. School van to T'ublic and Continuation School. Co-operative cheese factory In dis- trict. Hydro available, 29 miles south of Ottawa. Apply N. Crowder Mountain. Ont. 100 .tC1t1;S, (ULTII'A 1)1,1;, COM) building:, well drained. llydro in• stalled, good wells, 1 111110 from town, schools, churches, creamery; with or without stork and Impic• meats. Apply to I:uccno Ouellette. 12.10. 1, Alexandria, Ont. C1101('10 10:11151 CONTAINING 10S mires lawn)O in the Counts' of Ox- ford 3 1-22 tulles north of the Village of 1)rnmho. Farm all under cultiva- tion and In good condition. The buildings consist of a ):urge L shape steel hank barn with cement stalls and steel statluchlons, cement silo and hen house with sontlnern ex- posure nn second floor. Two storey stone house to good stale of repair. Farm equipped with hydro. Early pnss(•ssl"n. 0'0' further p:trliculnt•x amply. The coition Permanent Trust t'1).. \lbods10913, 0111 11111% 11 llttIni'""t \G 1,1: t11\ 11 1I IIOIt1.""t \1. '1'1110 iL b •11• "n 11,1 11,,,l. I;,'.,it ltla11o11 011 1, lnr (11•-r+ Robert• 10,11,11,• ;u„ .\'.1,10019'. 117 1 . n 1• I; ,d, 11I:I,II Is 1\'I'l:1) 11111 SI: T11 11111 til: 11.1h,tN 1x(111 p1 1•, ,,;,, 11'rlvl t,rs. 11,111•0%111d 00,;1:; nn l p1u"19•)11; prndurte. tt'ri',I If, ftp Prodo. ! • Kitchener, 1'tl'%ifl,ll (111.\'I'll) (.11(1,, Got) 1) , 1 " 1 bout 4, 11,•tereneas. Ap- ply MI:. i;. \, I'r'1;, I it I)I''1'I4IltlToff s (('.1'.1'1:1) 1'OIt 11111111) 011,• 1.f ,• no, 11', and outer lieu -1 Ie l,l articles , ti'mt r; y i'rod- uet,, 163,, ;1 II 1)t; 1'11,1 .\V01111e, Mon- r,,nl, I)u„I„,•. 111;1111'.11, 1'1'V I{x1'1;1,),!':\'1', 1)1:.11, tn'aUhr% nfler 1'I hong 111„01'+ 1tenundy for Itlo,umati( 1'alu!I ,11111 Neuritis, 91 (01rr'.) Drug Stole, 335 Elgin, (maw!. fust paid ,.(1,111. RHEUMATISM IA"I'It01)I CI\(, A \1:11' ,1.1Lt'/,INU Rheum:rl ' -p;ln1 Salve to sufferers of Ithen nriIkin - Arib rttIs - Sciatica -Neuritis This ",\tulri':ul Ilheunta• No Pair, Si lee” developed especial- ly aril :tft,•r vont i )tent research 11 ,u•Iuir.h!u to you 00w. This special introductory trial 118(0 is 111(x• potisrre hill the relief obtained Is priceless. 'Take advantage of this special trial offer itt a saving 10 you. ,1vaflable now in Canada. One ounce tamtainer for only 81.00, If vol suffer' from: Itheum;Itisnt-Arth- rltis-S'iatiea - Neuritis - )'old Con- pinlats and really want effective rolled—"American Rheumatic l'nln Salve" Is what you need, l'rove It to Yourself es chemist's tests's have proved. \(,'rite direct to American Drug ,1 chemical Cu., 232311 Moor St., West, Toronto, ontal'io, Corr ad 1, Send looney order or postal n•It. No 1'.0.1),'51 or station please, 1 '1'111.11,—I;vl:I(l' SI I'p'I:It1;1t 0I( Rheumatic foots or Neuritis should try Itixo!'s Ileinedy,Munro's ►)rug Store, 3:17 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $ L0N, 51psi ('.1I, 1 \ti'I'l11' 111 EATS FRED A 11000IN(:'I 0A 11191'9 sells, exchanges musical Inetru• mors$ 111 Church Toronto 2, (1I'I'O11't'l.'NI'r1110 Pent tl'(1011F.N 131i A IIAIRDR[:SSFR JOIN (':\N.1D.1'S LE-II)iNG SCHOOL Great opportunity. Learn 11;rirdre sing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, 1hou::uuls successful Marvel graduates, America's greatest ays• tens. Illustrated catalogue tree 1\'rite or call. MAI)\'I:i. II.11RDRESSiNG SCI 1(101,S 373 Iltoor St. R'., Toronto Branches: 41 King St., Hamilton St 71 Rideau Street, Ottawa, I'A'1'ICN'I'0 1'I:'I'IIEIts'1'(INIIAI'U11 R COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 189U; 14 King West, 'Toronto Ilooklet of 1ntnrmatinn nn request I'IIttSON.11, '011.1 PIANO 111' 1:.111, WI'I'II new method, you can play 111 one week, Easy to learn, \1'rlto Box 5(3.5, sacrament.), ('aliforma, 1'11O'1'OGRAI'D 1 IMPERIAL QUALITY IS QUALITY AT ITS BEST 01111 1'1:.1)1 ItoLINU )'.1ST SERV - Ice and )'Ino quality work will please you, For satisfaction try im- perial, G or 8 exposure films, de• Volnpe(1 and printed, 30' 1111'I:IIiAL 1'llO'I'O i1IIlVICiC Station 1, 'Toronto XMAS CARDS FROM "SNAPS" -12 FOR 79c Wnu(• ne,lti9'es make the tnost original and pleasing Christmas ('mrd•, you can get — yards that friends treasure—and rho cost Is 9111911. Select your favorite nega- tives and send then) to us. We'll return 12 attractive greeting curds with your pictures printed 011— and enVelop'x for mailing—all for 7:1e. Order early. (2 Photos on ('alendnrx 25e.) 111.119% 51. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE )toe 1211, Post )fflee A, 'Toronto (Print Name and Address Plainly) SI'I:CI A1, Ill' I'D:It FREE ENLAIt(:I:11I:N'I'S WITH each 6.8 exposure roll tor 25c. Re- prints 3e. fast efficient guaranteed work. Crystal Photo Service, 1600 Dundas West, Toronto. 01(911' S CANADIAN AND 10 0 it 10 1 (1 N stamps, glint and used, on approval. We buy stamps, Claude Lnnglole, IA Albert, Vlctorlaville, Que. COt.L11;C'roltS! SEND $1.00 1001) aeleclion fine approvals. Refunded if not fully satisfied, No trash, A, Bloom, 5317 Yew, Vancouver, Can- ada, I'It1:11'Alt S'I'A111'S AT I.0'.V PRICES to responsible approval applicants, also assorted packets, 5c. up. Mr. Powell, )lox 1.1.1, llntnlIton, Ontario. TRAPPING 1VO1.1' - GO \ - 911NI( Tit meats use the best trapping system and gland seems money (nn buy. Write for particulars to A. 1':, ITisher, Box 420, Calgary, Alberta, WANTED (111AN'I'1'L ' ill' ',AIME WILLOW trees. Clanger Limb Company, 86 King Street West, Toronto, Ont. 1%'IHI'I'il Sl1Olt'V S'1'o11i1:S, i'OPTItI'. humor for pleasure and profit. De• tails Literary Mosaic, Guelph, Otit, WANTED l'OUN(. SINGING CANA- ries, young Love )Birds (Budgies). small breed puppies, Top prices paid. Write full particulars, Doug- las Pct Shop, 279 Danforth Avenue. 'Lbrontn. No Nation Wants Third World War Lot's SU'abolgi, one of the Labor numbers in the house of Lords, has been offering wagers in New York that "there will be no third world war.” Itis reasons are that no nation wants it, that no nation IS now featly to fight it, that there is no food in Europe for armies, and that the future terribleness of tsar i; acting as a deterrent. —Ottawa Citi7cn, ISSUE 40-1946 COLLAPSE CARVES NEW PROFILE IN AMERICAN FALLS Before a huge section of rock collapsed into the mist of the deep lower Niagara gorge Sept. 20, the American Falls had the profile shown in air view at left. flow it looked afterwards is shown at right In photo made after 120 -foot wills section, four feet thick, broke away with a crash that rocked the area for miles around Niagara Falls. Radar Plowing- Solves lowingSolves Problem Of Manpower if you area farmer, how would you like to do your plowing by sil- ting in one corner of a bit,' field. and by just turning a few knobs, operate one l,) Six tractors at the saute tints'? a -I:, the tit. 'fltotnas Tim's-Iournal, That is not an i1, G. Wells vision of 11011110 to collie, 1111 i, actually here. It has been done in England, where, generally speaking, the farm; are smaller than in Canada The tractor used in this ra;c was the ordinary type fitted with what k known as the Queen Bee appa- ratus for controlling pilotless planes. in a recent public demon- stration the control 1'111 was in one corner of a 11 acre field, and the tractor was all set to go when the controls were operated. 11 then began to mew's by itself, and made right or left turns perfectly. 1t plowed n50 feet of furrows In 10 minutes. Although only one tractor was used, other experiments by the Royal :aeronautical Establishment at Farnborough, 1\ent, showed that one Hiatt could just as easily handle half a dozen. Radar plow- ing can go a long way toward sol- ving the manpower pr.)blrm on the faring. Canadians Win Five First Awards Canadian coulpalucs carried off no less than five firsts in the New York Financial World contest for hest financial reports, relates The Financial Post. O\'9! 3,000 indivi- dual reports, reprdtenting 80 in- dustries, Were examined. Heading their Icspcclivc indus- tries were the following: 13re,t:ing—Canadist;' Breweries, Distilling — 11 i 1 a 1)t \\'alker- Gooderanl & Worts Food Chains—Duluinion Stores. Life Insurance—Sun Lite, Railways--Canadiat. Pacific, That is an excellent showing indeed, :11 a field where competi- tion iS IIIIIISIlally iterry. There are fat lltor( companies in the United States than in Canada. and many of tllcut are far larger, too, but in the coull'iling under- standable and interesting annual reports, as in a lot of other activi- ties, mere volume is not a factor. Let's get more reports of the kind that win awards, 6,000 -Degree Heat The hottest torch ever made was on exhibit at the final sessions of the American Chemical Society's meeting at Chicago. The torch is a flange made by two gases, fluorine and hydrogen. The heat is more than 6,000 de- grees Fahrenheit, which is the surface temperature of some cool stars, .-.'.-....-.-.•-.4 .-. •-•-. • .. ♦• -. .-...-N-• • 1 . f -.•M• 1-. . •111 -•♦•-.-NY SPOTS or SPORTS By I'1 ANK MANN HARRIS ..-•.-.-...-.-•-•-.-. 41,-• • • (",A Six One of the great chants of what we might call take-a-ch:u',ce or haphazard radio listening i, It, un- expectedness. If yott listen syr, t'tnatically and fallow the forst chart - t1e meati the published program listings — you know that :It a certain tillle, and on :l t ('rtan station, you will get. for example, \lister Sinatra -- and you can have hint, lint just take a stab at rcuuloul and you never know \':hat )111) are liable to hump into coin- ing across the air -waves. * * + Just the other day. for instance. we got guile a surprise. Idly twisting the dials of our T,B. set --- its tubes have seen better days --- WC happened to cut in on the middle of a speech. And, from the r'(rllest seriousness of the speak- er's tone, and the solemn manner in which lie was adjuring his hear- ers to gond habits, self-discipline and general molal conduct worthy of their high calling in life, the would have bet money that here was some reverend gentleman ad- dressing a group of theological students bound for foreign mission field.. 5 * * So, imagine the shock when we discovered, a moment or so later, that it was an ollicial of the Maple Leaf Ilockey Club giving a bunch of the hired help a public pep talk at the start of a new season. \Vc regret to report that we didn't stay tuned in long enough to learn who the speaker was, but can as- sure hint that his talk — ‘‘'hat we caught of it — was highly impres- sive and well calculated to inspire the lads into giving their all for the dear old shareholders, + * * Likewise we chanced — in a somewhat similar manner — to bust in on an unidentified sports commentator vlto was talking about Joe Louis in 1 style which was, t0 pot It 11111d19', a trifle flow• cry, One of his comments, in par- ticular, struck us, It was to the effect that Louis, by coaling in at 211 pounds against Mauriello, was "demonstrating to the world just how big and powerful he could be if he really wanted to." + * * Nott/ WC, ill 0111' illll0et'Iiee, w'otlld have thought that Joe, ap- pearing at such a weight, was merely showing the world that he held Tanti so cheaply that he hadn't even bothered to tram down to proper fighting poundage. But then, no doubt there are lots and lots of the finer and more subtle things in sport that go 'tray 0001 our obtuse head. * * * The case of that same Joe Louis, and the seeming inpossi- Bit Critic") ►+..�++..�+.•-. �•� hili))' of finding an opponent that tan even slake him break into a mild sura), s1,n elmty or other re mind; us of an aged couple named Mulhern, of Hibernian extraction, who lived in Toronto's Cabbage - t ,y; n many years ago, Over a I10141lly f,el1011 this couple had been engage) in a series of law- suit) regarding a certain piece of property, \\ith a elan by the name of (':moron, 1'. Ito was Otte of the Quern City's wealthiest inhabi- t nits. + + * Matters haul steadily and con- i.tently gone ;IQ:Mist them, 'I'itne after time the various Court:; of I.:tic had decided in favor of their adversary, but still they kept on trying. At last one afternoon I\tul- hern came home and broke the 119900 to his spouse that the latest of their long list of appeals had gone the way of all other's. "But w'e're tint )'rough wid hint yet." he added defiantly. "If it takes the last dollar we have in the sock, h'e'll carry it right up to the Slut- promo hurpronto Court in Otlywall," * * + "Dimly, we'll do nothing of the kind at all," replied Mrs. Mulhern, quietly but most decisively, ""Plat old --11 of a Cameron is too powerful for the likes of us ordi- nary mortals, so from now on we'll lave hint to ileaven Above to t1ra1 \Vitt." + * + And right now it looks as thein;)) the Brown Bomber is sev• oral lengths too good for ordinary mortals. Of course Billy Conti, wlto must be a real glutton for punishment, is offering to stick his neck out for yet a third time, and already they are starting to smoke up a next years match with Bruce Woodcock, which sounds like a natural, Bruce having been knock- ed out by \fauriello, who lasted a whole 129 seconds against Joe. 13ut tidying the situation with an unprejudiced eye, it would appear that the best chance of ever catch- ing up with I\ Ir, Lotlis would be to leave the )thole matter to sonde higher power—possibly that of old Father Time, Maybe, if we wait long enough. softie night Joe will trip himself over his own long white whiskers, and be too rheu- matic to arise before the count f Tett. Green Lumber The new vapor -drying method of seasoning lumber removes as • gulch moisture froth green oak crosstics overflight as will evapor- ate in 15 months by air seasoning. Soviet Evangelists Active In Canada "Cultural" Delegation of Visit- ing Russians to Appear in E:very City in Canada Re, cat art'. les in The Financial f'o,t have pointed out that (;nada is inetit:,hlt' going to be the target of a vigorous l )slap effort to soften us up ideologically as part of the I:r(n)i111's offrn-ive apai n -t the (10111onrracit•s Inler._lilltr a'llliti„Ila) confirma- tion 1,11(1(, in the current "evangel- isti,• campaign” being staged by a "cultural" d-I(gatiun of visiting 1111--I:0I editors a1111 stag).' artists, under tI r sponsorship of the Uk- r:tio;;.n Society f('( Cultural 'ries \I road, an oflr'rl Soviet organi- diligently titan - ;wed 1y local i'u•'oplliles, greet the drlrr,atil,n \\'hereyt•r it goes. A festival in their hone) at I':dnuotton tlrrw 1',1)1)11, 1'rl:ainians and k1).,i:1t10 com- fit i,r Canada .; third largest racial );roup, after British anal 109101. \Id1•t of ilium live in ti,,,htlV knit 1,9numinity cli IOr;, The cultural dclrl',:Iti1,11 i; utndo:,t,,od to be ap• toiaring :11 Clay ( Ily and trtw'tt al'1•,1-; ('ana11•) ober(' a Slavic cllrtcr e9i-t-. 1\'e ,sty thi; d1'i,•:,ation arrite at Toronto's ['Ilion Slati,'at, w'atc•hrd the fervent cro9,l1 of ,everal hnit- (lre•1 9,111 l::tel mine 1Lcre rarl9 in the morning to hid the visitors tv111 coke, li.tened to ittlpa'1,toltt'd $,)►•;lies in the station waiting tooth, ,sty the clenched fir) 1 ont- 111uni.t ;1111(0 Mat lcc•10 14011.11110 :111 MT!' the 1/1a00, \\'e w(tn,lrred w'Ital 191,1111 hate ba;ll,cn111 if Can- ada tried 'ending a ''rnitnr:tl" dc''c- Rati"n to Non. -Ston Record Set By North Star P.t. ilon. C. I1. IIowe. recon- struction minister, toil Ii, I. Synl- inepttt. pre -8101) of Trans -Canada Air ).int s, returned to Vancouver las week from Santa Monica. Calif., t'lving from the l_'nilcd States aboard the North Star. The fight was completed four hours and 20 minutes after the take• off from Santa \lonica, a distance of tan miles. Poultices of Mecca relieve pain, bring out cores, heals quickly, no scar. 25e, 35e, 50c, $1.00, I r" �� i■,i 11414 Ilii 1 ll. 111 If Ihptured Try This Out ,110110: 1 )regi(: i!Oi I'ro%ldcs (:rent ('1,1,10)91 and Holding Seeurity WITHOUT TORTUROUS TRUSS WEARING \n "eye-npcuing" revelation to sens)))e and conuiurtlble reducible rupture protctinn stay be yours for the asking', without cost or obliga- tion, Simply send name and address to William S. Rice Appliance Co. 1.td., 9 West Adelaide St., Dept. 121-I1 Toronto, OnL, and full detalls of the new and different Rice Me- thod will be sent you Free. Without hard flesh -gouging pads or torment. lug pressure, here's a Support that has brought joy and comfort to thousands—by releasing them from Trusses with springs and straps, that hind and cut. Designed to se- curely hold a rupture • up and in where It belongs and yet give free- dom of body and genuine comfort. For full information—wrilo today( NEW IOW PRICES 11 tablets 18c 11 tobleh 29e 100 table) 79c GENUINE ASPIRIN IS MARKED THIS WAY MUTT AND JEFF— Well, Anyway Jeff's Speech at the Peace Conference Kept Thing' Peaceful By BUD FISHER /AND SO, GENTLEMEN, JJEFF, DOME \(fDON'r -, LIKE IT? 'IMUTT, I'LL NAVE\ YOU LIKE WHY ITS (/OU UNDERSTAND I MADE THAT VE12Y THE NEGATIVE AND SHUT UPI ! EMYE p ITS INSANE! ELIMINATE THE SPEECN• INSULTING! SAME SPEECH AT ONE MEAT BALL! THE UNITED NATIONS ,vITS AWFUL! CONFERENCE! 19 i!f YOU MADS AT tj DID! ?HATSPEECH TF1N'I)NITED NATIONS SECURITY ►I! \CONFERENCE? ANDA HAPPENED? PAGE 8 IIIII111,11111.1.1111.1)M.111r""mal"."6"Ilmmu-..— THE STANDARD 1141/11"1""144441444444"4444444441"""""*'' ' ''' " ' `e PERSONAL INTEREST Back to School a ,,,,..., ,„.., th resident, N‘ a-, a tt e.11.1..• ti-it,Ir Al to \\ 11 ovei the \\ yel.- t tid. NI r• 1.1..v41 Wild.itif. r rt....mm.1 \It 1"mir-,,n \Vrie'it .4 \leaford, Doherty Bros. L( 1, wile and. Electric s,,,,,h,, Wekliitg A Specialty. ix unts. 1 11. N. :In I \Ir., ,,1•Il'i.dt. 1..gents For rn Inteational- A ; • • \IL 1. -\ I'I:.1", .1. 1.• III'', `!' Ilarve...;ter Parts & Stmplies " '''" d'''''' I"'"`"I' "i''' i''' I'Vbite Itwie Gas and Oil. ,,,,,i aunt, \Ir. and NI 1•••. 12..I. NI. \Him. I;ul 's ,Ittendmit l'n•yet - Car l'ainling and IZepairing. \I r and NI r• R. I 1. C11 \\Tn. NI r. 4;* at. I Vi -. II•trold (11,en, and V. I,..! 'ill, 4.f I11 'on, we, 0 wie.t., il i Olive McGill ,,,,,„ ,,,,„ ;,, t,„. i„,„„. , ' \Int.. l'i. A I \Ir. mi.1 \I••- (;a1 fill I 'N, n A„, ; 1,, . ,,,,. \ i ,1.,.: il,, ir i :., OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN a li 0 , .1;taidtter, \l ,.... \V. .1. NIcCall, owl \Ir. 1 1 ftlialtlikk2rPtPtIttiabiltAANDIMPOINN,441174,r2rNIMIOW.1)11420421PJZItaDIDMNAIPtr4. ,, i 1, 1 .•,1,1,, t GODERIC11 • ONTARIO. ,Iii 4 111...:tt,t,:l. ,I......-.,,. I.:. 0. 111;111(:01,,,(IfIli.;,,I.: Eyes Emovined and Glasses Fitted, 4 ! , • 1 . .1, ' I '"• I ' ‘ I.I I'I ' ' ” ' , I , ' ' t Mil ,.5 Years Exrerience i \, \I. t -Ise! .11:4,i, 0,1 4. .". 11.I s ro-se..se to.; o.r.•.t OOOOOO ....rseetee.o.ts•"*.r., _ — 'S. Mrs Frcil kii 11,11..I. .4. I: Mequon, is — ..... - i' yi•Iti•••4 her ,i, i.T. NH II. \I 4•LaIten., ; ..f. a• -I \It. NIcCallit.r. Y., \Ir. Fli:il I NI el:.•11,'e, of NI orri..„ ..t. 1-1. rerelroi• 1 CI. it .!, tit., 1. lhott S. • ,, t. ; Peal l'-t.ite \it. m.y. Ct.' Steinhoff Stokely's Tomato Soup, Finest Quality, New Pack, 2 10 -oz, tins 15c .)I1,441t'• -tri Kellogg's Bran Flakes .. Large Pkg. 15c ..i,. ott,ied by t'otIrty 1'01H:dile Clink, Good 4 -Siring Brooms—D2 Each 79e **.. .-..:ilter it'd 1;11111,-. It i, mit 1r, \lc- r, Superfoam . . Per Pkg. 29c •. Vtn,',.- int• -•..i.11 to movc t.) 111\-t]) at ' '/. —COFFEE SALE— 4.i: 1'.,• • r,,,,..it t..t•,.. 1,..,..„ riiiii.,,,Th \VII., !,,,, ,.„,,,,„ Maxwell House, Nabob, Chase and San5orn, Red Rose :14. 1 Lb. Bags, each • 43c +* 1,1,t1.1 11,1 • •(.../ tit il e er,v in 1 Hawes Paste Floor Wax . 1 Ib. tin 45c .:1. 6.11, 'Ll t•,11.e a ....•ii.,,i1 14.,-,•inyintr oil , Hawes Floor Gloss . Gant Tin 59c X.\i'"hv +' *Il' a l. f'm .11 1•:\. ter• 4 ! ' Old Dutch Cleanser . Per Tin 10c .i*. \Ir-. Frink F111,,tt returnt.,1 on `,, 'i Charm Per Pkg. lee ,,..:.. Illy ,',,. f,!,, ,, f(.\\ (Hy.' v,,1 \,;,t1,-; J, Rex Imitation Black Pepper 4 oz. pkg. 08c to, 1,, I. ! ;yew-, Mr, :in 1 ml.,, p• ..i.• l'e•-h. sta,1'.••• T •e.,1.1•k. . i • t 1 , PIONEER AND LIFETERIA FEEDS.Es..1...; . \II \\•:,?•.1. l,.(1:I1 I-.- tr.tt,.•'1.1-, 1 ',.: thr1.1.,..t11111,. 1.1', I.', :11 F -,:,t; ,•nt'v .', i)eilv(ly, Wednesday 'and FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABL. t i. ... je ih,• —11'11 half ,•f IT,h -,el'i half of 1 t 4 ....!,; .12 1,•;1 1 \a..% an -1. Th'. I- 1 111. a I - ' e.. ; :114 V ill, m,\\ l'i‘ t. Mr• I ), 1,i'aturday. We Deliver. -- E. S. ROBINSON. -- Phone 151 e 1... \ .•1-;;11 . ,,,. 1,,,,,,,,..,: ;,,,.. id .:,1.1y 11i' -4-4.-4...:-.....;--8-k-8.•:-.:-.......,..........00+00.......--:•00,.......:--:-.....:-:-:. l'); •:, ,,,,,,,I .‘,1 \ 1 L Boys and Girls Camp Shoes. Boys and Girls Running Shoes. Sweaters, Trousers, Dresses, Rain Coats, Shirts For All Sizes. L COLE R.O. Su -- FOOD STORES -- P C THIS WEEK. VEAL FOR THE WEEK -END. FVESII AND CURED MEATS. A GOOD SELECTION OF COOKED 1EATS. 11111111711M11101=109111111111111111111111111=1:1315ri .1•411110 .11.1111 1,U41,4 Speiran's Hardware PHONE 24. 1 BLYTH. TEA POTS, COFFEE POTS (enamei and pyrex), KITCHEN STOOLS, STEAK KNIVES, BREAD KNIVES, CARVING SETS, 24 -PIECE ENGLISHTOWN CUTLERY SETS. . THERMOMETERS. LADIES • 'WEDDINGS Ball - Dexter 1 ,=4 Wednesday, Ocioher 2, 1M Baby Supplies We carry a full line of baby supplies. Guard the Ilealth of your "Pride and Joy'. Baby Powder 211c and 55c Baby Oil 59c and $1,10 Infanta! 90c and $3.00 Dextri Maltose 65c Pablum . 45c Electric Bettie Warmer $3•95 Lysol, 35c and 65c, Glycerin Suppositories, 35c Bottle Funnel, 25c. Oil Percomorphum 75c Twin Tips . ....... 25c R U. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER,—PHONE 20, •10.1I.Irolli. Kttilet:0110:10:kV44341/Ce414147,KtiittAllgt4titC10411141C43Z4ItstiVOCCICtIC4441V4104100(411 V Et 4 1 ileepallum Butcher. Phone 19, Blyth, 1...01,0•1 6,11.4.6.•-••••......1.40•444•••••••••44.41.1 I Ih14..*I..µ14 101., IIII • th ll‘tliliC(‘ \‘;i:, m1)cxt tr. Are tflt..f a I. t•ely Antrum tveddIntt, N • iii ncy're A Little Late, But We Have Them-- Cold Pack Canners " I 1 • Idest daughtyr •\11'. and NI r I 1 .onde-lior... wa. iwirvied Mr, :-Stailley 11;111, only son • ; f Mr, and \ Auburn ••!iieli li: place Saturday, Si• timber ;tt Welt noon. Tall -tandards (4 '1 WE ARE PLEASED TO AN- NOUNCE THAT OUR NEW SAMPLES QF SUIV,VORTIlY WALLPAPERS rt" UNE FURNITURE We offer a pleasing Variety in Studio Lounges, fit- ted with Spring -filled Mattresses and Cushions, covered in Attractive, Durable Fabrics. For downright comfort, try one of our Lounge ('hairs. Upholstered in high grade Velour Covers, they are built to last a lifethne. A wide selection of Occasional Chairs in good covers, at popular prices. A call will convince you of the many excellent values we are offering. 1 !4 Home Furnisher — • Chellew Phoney 7 and 8 — Funeral Director. ! W0l j 5;i7:4)1DtVADJMailMIDIXILIWANIADMR4110009:4-../201D01W1212WAZI2I4)1DiMININDINk 11 URON GRILL • , 'aldia and 1:111: and white aters grac- 4.1 the elnirelt altar. 1-4 HAVE ARRIVED. ! ' Thc ceremony Wa, peri.‘rined by I ' 'te Nev. A. renn-in, mritattist for , Your Cho'ce in a Full Range of he ,,cca•ioii kva.. m iSl Min.1 hi/111:111 : !II Beautiful Designs 1 .1. j I 4 Kitchener, and NI r-. Frites', !MIAMI , ! In a Wile Variety of Prices. : y . oti ,Ild \lt-t RoXIV !1:111, ,i-terN i,1 tilt• , .! '4ridegr.4;"11 sane.. "1;11 MItic Thre 1 MGDERN WAY OF REMOVING \I;ln.,and "0 Protiii.e Nle" i .. WALLPAPER. , .: Given in marriage by her father, the .. FRANt GONG 16.11. Proprietor 34; PAINTS AND ENAMELS 1 T, '0...:“:••:•,:,.:.•:•4.4...844..;,:.•••:+4.44+4,4#4.4.•7•444.001•4.4.4”:+444.44.4.+4+:"24:.*:i BLYTH --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD - GOOD SERVICE Meals at All Hours. 'trifle 11.1111. ;1 charming tiictitri• in a 1 •own of antiqui v1iti atiti aliirmed • „id, 1,„rir,,it 'r lie bodice iiiil1 33;CI long tight fitting il,,eves, My -point at the ‘vri•t, and in- ! 4.1 ylt". a 1..4"1 ....4,.....M41.1,1(.14 tilt 02 FIRST QUALITY. • • * ....•,'._'It'"I'1,1 III: I' il'i•-"P ., 11,,,,e11 v, it1 a ' ,4 P,•••1 44111.1,. Itert:1•1 collar of rn, sit'll. IVItIt a 'Y.; ; ....1 ow. )1, in -ii.• are -I:onc•c• tn-in tommoe 1 -hi. \tore ;3 11.1•0.--111.:1 11 einbro:(1,.-- ' 1 1: -9 0 g a -71 - Ski -Dunk Avenue Potato . given to us by \Ir., George 1 1•11,,•, .1, veil ,,lt) a \I U\ veva cf Se,•:', I, r bone 2,7.:2:t, LOODES3OROI '.. ' Trust cld Ski-l)unk at e-ttue to come 1411.0 It e tw,, : :nti.,,,‘,. .• .., d in. - ,•:,,plit 13 1. 11 14 ;v. r - 1,4,•,-,.. 1 i I" I l'•'(" ., . , , , , , ilt-f::.;:x...ir- h.e.,,lr,: -71..VD:r.Minfairan121Da5=1 ' forth with the rarest of rare frcalcs• .: .ortned, have grown togctl•,..r. mut.' '' '' ''''r '!" " ' "` :1'"! '"'""11'1 w •`""•• 0.4tIC....14.- ii•-•.• VO.t.•••• . . so far heard 'If this r.e3S131i' ()I1 SIlt" ill tile manner of siatm.se twin, .r;,•1 1.and \\ C,I;o1 -- urday Bert Tasker brot.,;:tht to The a pt ,olne Standard „. 11; :•• ndard cffice otato .as an yone 'dile with freak a • 1Itil.it, preferal.l. p4. t •x ttt,m !In their ••-ti . • 11••••li,..mai 's • .seVcral 5111111 PlItat.06 011 it. The p1-1- Macintosh Red,. • ere the \ 1i1 'iit4 a.• Fei•n tatoes.were growing much in the same • leNt. r. 1.s• 'Nrmit Itts ter staire IIAKI;;RY. 7 manner as temat-e,, would grow on a SELLS FARM •Ittr-It 11t1:11,i!t; net Nine. Bert remarked that he had SCCI1 - v 'I 1 1'11111'1'1 .11 1 CUt" 11 a \-•tecklim4 NIr \ormatt P•t 1•• It ,litnilar case before. but not for some • ' ' '"'`• t41.111 f I ;" 1,„.,. 1, „ii,- „I farm, cow...n-111g 1(11 acrts on C• li- ars:: The potato crop in tile alley • !: 4tite hest in years, hence the rea- -1• \\*ay.:11mm. to \Iv 'zi,kirthein flowing on tlie vine — ' ' " ' ' • '' - •'''''_R-:•eitOttgli r-ont 'lir in '1" '\• I 1t 117 : 141' !ORDER YOUR COUNTEP 'rOMATOESi CHECK BOOKS AT THE 3 itt)h! r., .11,••11.1er n't itutiSrthc frraks of natute its • l'erit 1 h•\•er ty.- re a floor • g ,v,•0 ainia Iteer. ••••• 14 41 :11,1 a",t1Ire io-1 1 a • 1,11 BI,YTH STANDARDil..,f • and earrie 1 -c. t'' uy Your nada Savings Bonds At The Blyth Branch! It's convenient to buy Canada Savings Bonds at your local branch of The Canadian Bank of Com- merce. Buy CANADA SAVINGS BONDS ---Your Best Investment—for cash ---on a monthly savings plan on other suitable terms. Qashable at full value (plus accrued interest) at any time. Denominations: $50, $100, $500, $1,000. The CANADIAN BANK cf COMMERCE The Bank will make delivery of all Bonds on 15th October or as soon thereafter as full payment for them is made. N. W. KYLE, Manager. ';•ye, 'tart l'InIc 11 ! . mi. 1 • 1 i • t••• ite I -on" r• and i•tt•t• Hee 1.1-,••er, trimmed !CI (1•I. 1 I. \• the I • ",', • s, P:1 ht.• " re %lily p. rf-rm- $49,1•14n •••••14•••• me...•• • WOW.. ,„„,, Mr 041.4. 1t rict 11.. bride olio e r pint; 1111 ,thi•••-iii•I•tY, of the liridettloo,i1 e,.. ; epe . I•11 1:••••1e. 1.4 41131 the ‘\ ere Mr. 1••11:1 rine and .:1..rt leeves. \Vit'd it ic••••••11, brotlier-ht -hot of the lo i '0. t' re I..: e.vit acei•-•orie. :old carr'14.1 '1 1 l Ilrit'sh Tan Com tritioniul ty'th 1.41)11 I 7 :I'la rm., ohm hr. i•oit Idete lir eti-initlile she t't" 11 't '1..4,1.• Y....re a eor•inte ci flutter fly t• " br'd •:1 0•• awl a in td,litn• ito,1 • -; -.• 1.•••,1 it 1 C.. • ,` ;111,.(`'.11 \',1, the pdft of the briclegr, to freir r. turn \Ir. a»! •.,,o-41 •i•Ith Pi,. ,• and v 11 it ,411.• \-.-rt- blacl; ac- N1r, (\1 r yiit Auburn, .1•14•. .\ hr 01(' hri •egrooni', te•,th; r t,Ino '1 11 11 ol e,1, ••••1 el(") WHEN IN NEED OF IM.E1AD, BUNS, PIES, TIC ME -AI A DE CAKE C 0 f) E S EMBER, CHF ;3:1, ii.1'. • %oh \\*It • Cdm'ioli. `,'.•;•Itre.• 44, al 3t I HIlit \\**11111..1 rd Ad -ii•••. all of 1 omit' hot- 1<4t Young -- 1 '•itt, Chet' n: ken., Cart!it• lilil \Ir-. Stewart Chatthier. of 'I orento \tr.. 16thert It NI Tan, Seaforth: NE:•••• 1.:t \v“,11, N1:s • 14t'11) kohl) NIrs. Vera 14lidi, ni \\•,,teri,,„; Coneenoi.. \ I i•••• \ Tabu, :.00A! PACEI13 AT TEESWATER FAIR A 'mre (ea; )r, eet at the Te.4.,,•a1 1.•,•,ir 11 \\•eilne.,1\:)tat:s: front 1,, it 011' ;I 11IIINC, t',,'111 11 v,.t11 many feattires. Annor..t the It rs•.. entered in the r 'ring event- tvc-e Chri,t..,,11,•r Stout. v itli 11.''d Trrvey tip, and Top I 1-1 Cuutri:e \Ir. NIc':;111 ofI,4.ml-sbor • and Ir.. Hare. \\*ill- alit 11,,. 227 P.It11., mid .11r. Turk ek- The hrihe', gifts t lier attendants and fourn 31 the 2.15 clast. was pretty e"tina Hit-. and flit' Iicr SI 11 .-1 lit 1 w•,,,,;0'. Mit to itt itvlt man toil tish- injiire41 about a 111,..itli io.to, and cr. \very 1, ;Miter key ca -e.: and ti:• in .1,!teif the faet opt ,e;„. ;•a,•: 44 pill, to the boys. Ft,r a honeymoon to the MusIsul.1 abb. liclritt‘•((1.11i1.: usual form. he did rettorlc- 1,1111.,..1, THIS STORE SERVES TO SAVE. Saturday Night is Candy Night ) I N .., .1 Canada Savkgs Bonds To Purchasing Lintit Of $2,000.00 Titt limit 144r ptircilases of the new , Canada Saving- Bond hy individuals has 11.-w been set at $2000. Purchases n( the new seenrity may only he inade in the multi. .4 individuals and not in the name of firms, institutions, ot• in tritsz for second parties, Vie decision to pliwe a limit on pur- 1 ehases by in :hvi.lita.,,,Imars out a state- n;cnt made hy the NI Mister of Fittance i.1 the llonse of 1, rmolls "-ast June1. \Ir. lIsley pointed 1111 at that time that, since the terms of the Canada Savings Pond would lie more favour- able than those available for c2inpar- able •cctiritics at (lie time of issue, it tvould be nevesi•ary to rt•strict nal holdings. If it • limit were set, the 11331 security would naturally be purchased in volume by institutions and larger inve,tors for whom it is not intended. '11)3) Canada Savings Itond is de-igneil solely as, a personal savings ftriitt CASHEW NUTS FRESH FOR SATURDAY. udy's 5c to $1.00 Store .\11 Canada :,ay.itzts Howls will lie r:-..tistered a, to 1 icii•ttl. This regis- tration is made necessary by the need 1 t control tttiint but tvill offer pro- interest rate is exuerted to be consicl- tlolevt.t".ottitint,.;11.11.11; I etrisl ea g;:tntise0, t i) I 111:11ci•rir_ (e,rt f b:.:tniscro hsr:11 fif. jovr ifav- 11121, bond,13ttV 111 rvgi5tered in tin, ourafile than that of comparable tn- mime of itltIirl ;Is iclt ai a !jilts. It vestments at the tittle of issue, the prolitible that 111;111V purelia,esxact, terms of the Canada Sayings he registered in the names f children !tont! will not be announced by the aml others those (elm wish 10 1;11,3, Al mister of Finance until Se.2tember tutItil, 1,.antavo f the investment 3(tth. 1)cnom;natiow: of the new bonds still be $50, $100, $744'411 and SION). 'It' but ‘‘111 would otherwise r..-1,.icte 1 t4, the $2,019 l'utit on pm in the'r (1W11 3110110. EDITH CREIGHTON'S DECORATOR'S SHOPPE PHONE 158, BLYTH. BIRTHS Alt unnual f,•ature of the new bonds MI1,1,E1?--In Goderich Hospital on k the priviii••••.• of turning them into 1, Thursday, September 21,tI.,. "16 to cash til any time f r fuht face value, I NI r. and M rs. Clarence Nldici, a sett, I plus ititeru:1, at any bank. \\'hile the (Edward Paul).