HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1864-03-08, Page 2.41-liope not, ma'am,' says 1; and ilowti
steirs I Weet, gladenough that the job was
done, and-there.waa•ouly the, month of Janice
to: put in with the. Naleys. In 'the meant MI6
the thiligs tnissis had spuken of were wanted
• now thatthe tuoiley waSat last ia My ringers;
_.sitel I think vt. wits on the net Friday-,
alwaysan uttlueky dav•that-- I got time ta g9 •
.. down to Atidersou's shop in :Abe Elgewarri
15.0 .1 5.0 there yet-ea.very good place toy
lib TROPE- LL'ERS YEA R.:i heavy gradient1,- expensive statton
• .and so on to Southampton. He proposes
(7.-, to depart' froni tho idea of expensive rail-
ways altogether, and to build what may.
- • " be Milled a .tram road Thr a sum nct to ex-
ceed 000 per mile. To aceomplish
;30DEICICH, C: W.:MARCH 81.11,1Q64. -* • - •• d
this, lagli rates of speed :tie to be-ig.nore
• • - thus lid tting light locomotives and
priats and coin iuon calicos. 1 bought e hal , _
1 !lappet ted to want. it catne to nearly th; te buildings, -&e.,- would be dispensed with.
IT bq at last -transpired. that there
NowWhile wOli'ecl deeply' concerned for
"will be Ile regular line of 'propellers thi‘;
the farmers 'of .Brum,-,our 'sympathy
Id they teok it out of the iumeatid
g.,ve me 1 diust: tell pm missis
dealt at that shop befoie she got .00 erti:^n,
and could bey' nowhei e. but iwitegent Sir:ter,
they were very oblig,ing to her, mai 1 had
often got notes chan,ged them On . her
account., 01 course, I thought ,things were.
as right as toted this , mid -went home
quite satisfied with the pieta aud. calicos_ 1.
bad:bought. The same-eveuig, Mrs Mattin
caihe to tell me that she' Mid spoke n of me
to the-13;tyswater people, ,and I etnigjit apply
on Monday foreopon, when the •tuissis wd
be.aure to be at boirie..2-1got my tvork dote
and,got leave tvheii or:day:came, Mrs
•,.1.„,iutley never asked. whei,e I waS :going„ hind
nm seeming. to care ; .they! Lad every` one
thrown rce overboard in a manntw since 1
waridng't off I went full blow to get'
thepluce,, Mirs s‘tici It wee stieli a good
"enc. I was thin king of not hin.g but. chat as.
1.--wenrahnig. when. just at . -a place abere-1
, used to see the glazier comin,,,,, forwardAaUS
Policeman. the only one I littew-about Kil-
bura,,undthougli he liadnq just paid me at
tentions,,we were esort of acquainteeees. and
used 10 pass civil remark's -settee we' happeuell
year, in conneetion i'vlth the Buffalo and •
being ba.sed upon a knowledge of their
Lake Huron 'BallwaY,'between Goderich
actual condition -we ask' their represen-.
and Chicago. . It is. Mitch easier 't.c; make
. ,
tatives at the e...sning meeting_ to beware
this broad statetnent than -to explain fully
•how •they .cotinnit.theniselves to the Rail-'
the reasons why, the.great stutubling-block
r. ShOnly; „Or any
being the difficulty of ,.seeing - behind; 'the wal 'seicellea 'et' .111*,
other int,rested pavy. It i '• II 11
i. . 5 a.. very we
..seerie.s Of l'a..ilwa'Y inatiagetnen't. •.Theeitise •
•to.talk of' train roads which, should they
generally' assigned; is that' an arriinge-
'tient has been nasde with the -Grand
Trunk foi a joint•conveyarice", passcn- P
b bt 'It It 111 will be eirerlastino.ly gct
e n , ,
t out of re air and 'wooden ,bridges
would provioe for dreadful catastro-
gers and freight'between Sarnia and Buffo -
plies in the future . -and honesty on the Fart'
lo; in opposition to 'the 'Great Western,
which, this year -will also hayb. dsily of those,who would spend the money given ,
line of, propellers between Chicarm mid into their hands ; but, &rim= of 'Bruce 1.2d EdwardTtl''IFLean''
, '1.24 James 1,11unt,
Sarnia: , This ciplanation is very plausi- $400,000 is itrituenie sum of money to w
tn Yourer,
ble; and is strongthebed by the fact that be:raised by taxation, and You must re- 26 Petrie), Carroll,
tlre .3Iontreal TVitneSs, in ,speaking about thember tile imPartaat-faCt that Railway
Grand; cocipanie5,. when once in Possessi \on of
the monopoliiing , of the ,
And amt, ofsubscriptions to the
C n or Huron Agricultural Society,
v, At Goderieb, for the -year ending
31st DeLeniber, 1863.
• , •
No. Names: Remarks. . AnIOUnt,
Wtn Andrews $1 p'd awl in '62, 0 00
2 John Adams, , 1 00
0. Win MeDim,gall,
4.S Wet herald,
Win 3101w:1.in,
,6 James Addison,• .
7 Wm Piper, -
8 James Turrance,
9 George Anderson,
10 'Peter 1{01,-linantl,
11 '11;r. J Etude.), .
12. -John Robinson,
13 Hugh Ruse;
14 Thbass-Johnsten,
, .
13 in Kerr..,inerchant,`, Goderich,
15 'John ,Ilunter,
17 Win RUbbOil,
18 A:lain:is Foviler,
19 Cretirge Straehan,
20 liolit ;11ilosiey,
21 John"Copland, .
22 Jblitiliolmes, .
Trunk, was able -to, 'tell us sone weeks' aume•Y, tigItt" of w'Y an road' have no 31) '
bciwin Giant
sols-eniphatically NO SOULS. .Thde 3321 jwaitnae 10:Z71'2v .
• . • ;,, ago;that the Buffa101t L. H.,w1as to be'
vet: sorry, S,i'.rh ' sa'd h
right up, 'but I mint do my duty. ' You a•e, brought ;into'. the tueshe-s".a the -,Grana
the last. young- Woman I WOuld. hare GNPG.a.ted.:- Trunk:, Railway.;officials :May do'that
. the, liki.i to happen to. I wits going- to the . . . ..
...hudg,, -for'1,..,,i, but sino,, you ai,i.„--h.eie, it is any such al rangement has been made, but
.the quietest wuy. You nwst come .with int, the coincidence., between . the 1Vitnes,.s'
-and Pit teturti and break it to the fetidly,' assertton nod' the. transfer of. the propeller'
- -• What has happened to me ? and. what are •... ...., . t ' , • .
7. von going to byeak 1: said 1, wonderine if he ilne..from 'Goderichlo'Sarnia, as the West -
hid gone mad and there rrai Ion thaelenely eru 'Railway terminus; 'cannot:Tail to Strike.
road with him....- _ . _•• •, •_., ',, any buainessman: - But; Pe far mi we ca'n-
.,T here is 110 Inc in denying it ;'• .1" have:got - . ... . . ..
' a:wet:mat for you,' said the pill ictmian pul ;fp.? learn, 11 i's denied, and' the' failure of the
- out his Paper.- 4 You •are eharged,with being Chicago and Goderich 'line is • attributed
' • the riceompli -eof a eater of fo----rers• our in- , , •
---• - - ^ 44 ' ' to the -tosses sustained last year on accotint
spector had beem.look in,. alter then.' for scene , ,.
. titne .7-. but you are the -first We have tete...tut of low. rateS, loss on - excharese &e. It is
.. . e , .
and iyou take a friends'advice, 'Sarah, .you also worthy, of remark that:the Buffalo &
have worked so deep, and escaped so Ling,- , , - . •
.. j au tell allyine knewedmilt it.- 1 hey
L .H.: Co. • lost -thousands of dollars in
that the autheirities will let you off easy kr 18.6$, through the :negleet of sonte of its
your information. mid of coerseyoull repeat'. -airents dt B.uffalo or :elsewhere in sending
' pays he, laying his hand on itiy shoulder:
-4 g,ang of forgers, Mid iny thiowgil freightoto Boston and other ports
s there must be sonic mist,ke, Mr. instead of its proper ,destination New
ments thrown up, but lo, the whole thing
Bidens. • ,. York. As we intimated above, it is im-
burst up anu everything was sacrificed,
•gotitlem.anly proprietors of short,lines _are 33' Thomtis
capable of .sellim„, themselves body and 34 Thoinas Sowerby',
bones to Grand -Trunk monopoliesand ,3..,45 Fulton,Glienbzorgkeib.iloii,,, ,
vny shortly after paying the last dollar of- 37 Charles Young, ,
y'L'ourt'bortus, you maY wale hp to the dia 38 ticuierlamerdihisthiAlettine,e
grceable fact that too much was paid for . • •
40 Robert Wilson, ,
the whistle ofeven; the ircM horse ! We' 4.1 Jun ,Ron -
in Huron.were once- Yery inuell in: your 42 Archibald Dobbiepbsition. We i -
were' far from market and 43 Curtis Lawrason,
4 John Fair, merchant,
our roads sere bad. " We also hailed with 5 Win Ellwood, ''
raptures ' of' delight the commencement. of '6 John Patton,. • ,
7 hn
the Buffalo Brantford and L. H., Rail-
way, and'we tangibly. expressed -our...satis- 89Jn, J %Vrj,bt,
faction in view of the Grand Prospect be- 50 Isaac Saikeld,
fore .us to the tune of $100,000, „part ofi •,2AA di enxtn"Aci enrnaAhrn,
which you are assisting to- .pay. The 3 M MeTag,gert
money was -paid and spetit---dit6lies were 4 M itlel'aggert,
dug through the County and etubank- ,
7- John Passmore
8 Jacob Stokes,
.9 David ,Clarite,'
pp James Clarke,
1; 1 James Smaile, r.
.2' James Lomas'.
3 Wm Elliott, .
'5 ItoberiGibbons,
7'John Dunogh,
70 Gordon Young, ,
-1 'George Young,
Rot,st n,
.42 ,(:,..elowirgoe
3.-Mis•Jatic YOung",
5:G TriteMan,
N T Cuitead,„:
897. j:;ilactitn.teitrss°.:17,1:i!ilktril: rurtC:sr.evr.p.it.r: attic •
80.Thia,id Patten, .
1 Oeorge Weston;
3 ;Ilhonnis "Nneeshaav, .
On Frichly last after.a lee4thened debate '" Ilniker;.;
' NO mistelra:atfit11,4':said he, ; - 4. You get a .,• ,,. '.,. . .
t bell- 1 '
and t ie scenes to • •
• . note chatiged.at Anderson's h. the Edgeware. posstioie ior. one 110, , .. ...... ,
handed over Witheut ..fee or tha' illcs.' See
-Road de Friditylast.; lt was ...know!' at the point .aut.the true motives-'a_t ,work. ita the
the,reivard we livoie reaped : The harbor
- of the same. kit* hav.e come throagh your , .-.
hands ; in short; ,we know you to' be .an .ae. common-sense 'view..ofthe .tn,..a.t.ter, it. celr- niu6.11 as by.your leave,,r,a es were e aad
- coMelice of the gang, , you must come along tainly looks like a suicidal pone y to turo v •
1 w-ept cmietly with him -there waorno, d.d, . . . Conn if s<riousl "- rolose to improve the
' ' long at the office, for the magistrate was -sit- for a;partienlar Year, and. after harbor
' as a wind-up Our interest are• sold to the
• bank 10 be a furg'--"'Y ' good- maPj rc''re; Changes" brought about,' -but takims DI in
a a of G d ich was handed ov,,T without so
tro the police station,. • , upon grain so heavy. --that our County
away an established trade,' simply because
in anything else; but -they did not keep me It not.prove remarkably remunerative c Y P
harbors on the coast as a countercheekiand
'ling, and was taken' bfore. Min ; at 'once.
Hi -risked aie all about the note 1 hadebatiged
and I told:hi*. They shelved it to inc, and •
'1 knew.it instantlyby a little 'mark in the
cOriter: :Of coUrse. it Was -thoug,htl knew
.inere than 'that, and was 'remanded: but
Bidena-I must say he . was. ; ildly enough
-came to encourage me in the Oration,.sayieg
they 'had got is .elhe that would , brine. the
, guilty parties te juatiee, and clear my cha-
racter from all susVicion. The he broke
the news the, Nutleys, hOwevei-, was taking
the master and MIS3iS 11110 CUStOdy,jhat after.
noon ; the one,at-tus place of business, and
the other *.her carriage, witlyilnie • of th.e
yburig.r.ladies; but • the wortant c-a-fiied them '
as it did me to the police station, Where; T am'
thankful to say, we wet:clocked: tip -separate-
- ' ly:, They were 6rought before the magistrate
, next _morning ; `and; the master otniT,ssed
that he bad been bribed and bought, over to.
• furnish' spechnens of his employefs hand-
,. Writing..and that'ef. the heads of. Other elem.
•houses,, Stinkers aecr merchants,. who. cerres-
poilded with hitn, to an: agent of the 'gang,
by whic-h it was believed their Signatures had
'.-been forged to litany c'neques and bills, I
- -need scarcely tell you that the agent was the
, ; he torik the,specirnens, and he :Paid
forthetn, but.alvvays in . bank notes. which
.were every one found to be forgeries -' tod.
How the Nutley§ had escaped so 10115. posing
and- changhut theuralways appeared rb 1)0
like A mirac?e, and the best' of it was, they
did not know what. they were doing. but
• thought theist: geed bank -paper.
Make' a long story' short, as I don't under-
stand. the roandithout ways,: of the law, a„good
:many of the forgers were caught through the
master's confession arid some 05' hen were
the men svith thepins and chains rogues and
ittscals every way. as such folks coinmortly
• are, They were all transported for different
terms: The Nut leys zot off easier, on account:
of turning'Queen's evidence -• and ther,e Was
no substantial earainst miss*, 'thetiirif•
- Lunt sure was she:that, began the garne.-7•
- AriyhoW, the husband got six ' months! lin
yrisonment, lost \his- sitaation; lust 11'1i...cha-
racter ; andrwhere_the family weaf-lo avoid
their:tradesinen„ I.' don't .know, .. Mit tneir,
furniture was aeized and sold,. 'just as Mrs:
Martin had told me about' the -other fathilies
frequented, by . the ' They never
%caught hiM,,though he was looked for -far
-and near, and known to have ..been ;engaged
-- 1110 hundred bad doings besides; always in •
the Way ef.pel-Suadine• anebii ber UP penile
'Many a4tirne• the saying of 3Irs.. .Matein's
, grandmother has come 0 my: mind When I
happened to think' of. und I. wish it had
been :a policeman tbut was in my pine° about
one yeur after. I -had got" discharged-,
OUt it stain upon my character, bad got the
. Bayswater -situation and was comfdrtalile 5,1
it, when one daYgoing oyer the -fieldssctli
_the -nurse and five children to • •Kmisal' Green
berneteq„ where their -father was laid, I.sitiv,'
in the quietest.part of Mir way, a man' 'Sitting
..en the' stile before VS: had no frail Or
.glass at his hack then, but was dresdied like a
CatholiC priest-as.neae as I can say. ..I could
. not mistake him, however and. . he. did r.ot
mistake me, for -the moment I came in. sight
. p he got, and off towards London; passing
inc With is sort ofwieked smile thank
Providence, that was -the fast I 'ever sn.w ot
the Traielling Glazier. • .
, _
, 01; 20n Myna S. CLAttl.-
Tbe nottation whieh ,was temporarily oh.'
iiiiiieted"bithe' cold spell which prevailed
. a, eat the middle of last month, mragain open
(*Waits- far as.Sombra an Newport,au e
sinall "steainee Set . maichig
aaiiy trips between this port _and this plar.es
Mentihned., Indeed from the PreSent 'aspect
, *either, we •iiave little -doubt that the
navigetion will be open to s Detriet, in the
- •
course.Of ,few days. The -.winter 'may now,
' r,G,g.041.40. as pant 4,4ibeen.a most
At no time in this, leeiteity•.t
- Wits the•Snow"over three'. inches ,deen so that -
we -have nue had ...a ; day S sleighinthat
-31-kiglifn_i'S'w Ohl* df being called suni-clani
, the'eafire*inter. ,-. All iho Cord..
i„,?S.-tie11,,..aa.e_Vicryithilig.elie„. Mid te . be
done .,,I'Mg014-..; =ma .those engaged in
rn,bennharltO,dra"tylheir-iiinber on: the
• --baile!'griiited.2- gram - of , •Moighitig bas
• IA:fitil.foolelitb14y:141 ,eas'ies; and has"tended
inake.haSIneks:taueli duller- thatidit
wise would bee:I.-Sarnia Observer
urdl3roug,hain k3erjouly ill, at Ted -
worth, •Eitgland. '
freiglithonso, elevator, .and 'every n .
sary•appliance, had hee.n. prOrlded- ' It
- eces- Grand Trunk thus renderimr it a matterpf
ja a 'indifference whether the rails are taken. up
tacit acknoWledgenient that the lino cap -
•ft orM here to Stratford . or not. : If the
,not be made to pay at ail - :- -. _ '
.pcople. of Bruee 'throw.,aWay 6 100,000..
' 'it is not eVemdecided -to'kCep the.Sag,
,upon• a paltry, :one.horso, ineffiCient train
inaw rOute open, although, certain negotta- way•i. the 'County -will - be ruined for Many
tioes are gong 00 which may. resnit in the
years. They should edl into requisitien
-emPloyinent of a ' powerful 'boat on that
ever -y prinCiple Of prudence and. take . a,
highly:important line., 'Ther,e can he im ,
*ood long' look...ahead:before they leap into
doubt that •:th Saginaw trade; if properly
z'the too -Willing arms of i‘fr.: P. Shanly.:,'"
nianag,Cd, would be one Of:the best feeders.
theEuffalo &:L. EL.' R..vrill ever secure.
that.Valley can ever have to the E:tst and' Miss,Aglies
8,-2 Harris, Coiborne,
re are firmly convinced that if they were
• 1 00
1 00
1 00
6 Henry Reid, paid for 1864, •'1 00
• 7 John Passmore, do • do, 3 DO
8 John Salkeld, do do, • 100
9 John Adams, paid for 1863, 1 OD
180 Amos Mattin, do 1664, - 1 00
1 Robert Runeiman & Ce.,_do do, -1 30
2 Thomas McMichael, do do, 1 -00
3 Joint Davidson.' do 18605' '2 00
184 James Rhynas, do do, 1 00
• Tothl subscriptions audited • $234 00
List of Subscriptions Paid for the year
1863 and since auditing accountl.
1 00 M 0 Cameron,• Esq.
James Watsou„ 44
P A McDougad, D, .0000000000
Samuel.Plate, 44
W T Cbx; 44 _ 1 00
T 00
Geo Anderson, , 1 00
. Treaserer..
Andrew Don; ,T,h, Treasurer, in account
with, the County of lluroa Agricultural
L 00 .Soriely daring the year 1863.
- •
. 1001861• •Dr-
• 1 (10To balance On -hand from 1862 $171 ..76•
1 00 Itlembers'-subecriptions, ' 234, GO
Geverninent grunt,- • 084 00
:Canada, ompany s do . • 60 00
Amount fromBranch Societies,. 700 00,
Do du N.T CUitead as re-
' ceipts from'Exhibition, '7.8- 67
-1)o do, Mr N T Custead,for. . •
tickets, . . 1 '53
Do ..,de,—.Torrenee,'I'ickets,•• 10
• Do de John Salkeld, do 1 75-
• ' Do do Cattle do 350
Doi de 3 W Lihott,. do . 1-00'
. 81945 33
, 1-00
1 00
•• 1 00
1 00
. , 100
1 00
1 09
, 1..00
1. 00
I 00
1 00
1 oo
This is the shortest -route people 'of
'0.1F W Merlins, Bank, cff lidentreal;
on the subject • Of, Representatiori in:which
Mr.:Dickson took Mr. Brown 'moved
for the iipponent of,a select coinutittee . to
inquire and repetas•,ro. the -•adoption •pfsilfe
,meastires for the ad eancement of -we-ice:tare
9' Hugh John -stun,
met half -way they would prefer, it to all
90 JOInt Sirone
others. An immense amount of salt alone
7 7 1 J•trIled S,monton,
2 John Stewart, Huron Road,
would its way over the line and 7 th
Company are at all inclined, to,consider , .c.. t e , 0 , e; ,..10_,556,1 w..,,, c.,,,,,i,..(3-. i .43 cli'cilid:irci.7u1:11,:likl:irsh,
ties, who liave sacrificed so muc'h to . i''b•Ml.r...,r1;d'i'.e'cy liW•ti:e.2cl.for leave.te'introdlie‘ I 5 Mt.ss:s. VanEreti it -lion; hall:
. presentat on o tl • 6 1 l'uns I u''el *
the interests of the people':.4 these CoittiL:"'
the'eatisfaetion. Of knowin; that whi th . •
. . . .. , _ _. .s, I ,e °Y. t
re a line of Railway, they would have 07,3;‘)...spl,.11,..ft3l7.1,),V.,1,°.0C,,ta,,.;,!: in P•i I' ' : i'' - 7 S'imuel' Burke,"...
•;., so'crolaa',7"f;e'..„u•.(1 8-11.ehti'VaiinpliL: '
were_keeping up a 1..701'7111g trade for them= 13ill'eeuxu2,41.1'ih'..le..eyxe.:1!y17.1e::;?:y e'llx:jr.;:eiii!ti'''el idr.-.7.7s;ttl'-d'at...aisse• 4.. °9°.S!'1171ilun9„Gis °I‘laelMtaa`41.11,10' r,'" '...
selves,. they wonld also open' . a fine>mar'ket 10 Pri";itle tqr t''e -tePtesentavmu 'in' 1-'"'lla 1 Wm Mackay, Baal 11..6
of those: 001 -s at present inirepreseuted. : 2, '1.91-'11 13`iet""'"' , .. "
for our surplus produce. 'But we . ean. _ „.1„ 9,e 1)„,t.s.tate of poyjc,opidicm.,irt, 0,t: 3 •JOines Clarke
look for no.sUch.fayor; and '1.i' it -..do-es 'not reapeetive sections of Ans p .'m -.4.,..'.,,,,, 4 'A 1311 'N ---'-' ' '
Miit the tast ofthase at heild of afruirs,, be:Yend doubt that any 13111r°as ffiv%'rici,:.; ,Z 6, Ale_xturirleil•Waas's, .. .
. We shall h,sid 4)4.e_r an3i, fa,r4iie.r nraonld. beninteceptable to the majority ot the 7 James. liVatsoni 'Baker:.
. . . .remarks.1 ouse,mad could not be carried. 118 Hiii ...8 Jacob S Aliller, ..'• '
t lei etore was dest,ined simply to: rovide a ' 9 Wm je"l'ins
pilaviple of 11epresentation by Poidation 'Ruber1RuneM'an & Co
all and singular may go to Jericho.
We may have to- °an. upon this subject for , ,
renisdy tor ckisting inequalities, al'llir as it 1)0' wrn swreY, -
a week, untilwe learn the, result . of pend- wa.s practierble to do so. In the discuSsiblis;121,, John13,-Heset:v....) 2 .
neg,othttions: .. In the meantimen
, we i•I hn w
is IlOte, tarried oith a very, Strbni, 1
it-neere y trust our readers in . is fine .'olliint'eat5
county May be saved •the ovilS, Which even lies as'hetween `Upper Caliadian constituen. •1 o • Mrs S L li:err, .
that great and:glorious civilizer,=the Iron cies themoGlvaat whi'Al irattYlllin"-: were great- 16 ThoS lloddY, .
. .. ,
HMore oliJ'ectionab' -ble d . been, very' 17 Miss .1darsuret Campbell,
Horse, •is capable Tof inflietino• upon its er'ab - . . . , . -a - -
. ' . . a, ., , much lost sialit of. k or example ': . nintv Ur n u ,e, 4
lanocent and helpless victims.' ' , thotisaud pe'op le 'hi, flurn and Bruce had : 19 .Arld'''' Green,- '
_ .
but one representative.. while Niagara-. slid 125 1,0" myx'...k..e,' -
. .. .. \ ,, . , ort, u , . . Curn wall, wi th. but frem Toer to six thousand l• Misa Susan' Payne.,
: ' .A. RAILW i'Y'' I ' Eit C'. inlidbitants; ltd one member midi.- It was' . - 2: Mrs James,,Horniltolls
'' .., ' --.---. :-. bit reasonable to stippose'thitt 'the 'people of '. 3 rt91.hirl Mel(a•Yi '
-WtiEtt we, through the columns of the L,rwer Canada. .wuuld not object:to tins isle- 4 A lexana4,.,r-• Ymute", ,
Bruce .aera/d,,s.ome three years ago, can- '.quality being reptdied.' At the second read: 5 jobb 0 notil)11, .
menced a Railway agitation which result, ' . • -' ' e
• - , ' t::', he would eVnlain th . 'measure more in 6..J..941M, fit,It.G4hi,olii.
. • - , detail. Ile hoped to have the 'assistance pf.a 7 10,-,w1r) 611155.11,
that County' to -give a henus -of $400, the' lise bc‘l'usaukg sit. He thought also
ed in the offer on the part of •the Reeves large number of gentlemen oni both _sides" of 8 Robe; i D')IVIIS •
000 -to any reliable' f•jenillanY that should '1111i;utishteers who or a large proportion of them
might , reckmi on- the aissist.inee, of
comlsbruct a Rail±vny-ft-om Southanopton or deemed it expedient 11 t year .4..o put into the
some port on Lake ,Huron 'within the sP'ee.'h t''rn '"tl''''' Thr -"e" al'usilm•t° tli' Inc'.
quahly,,ancrto the n, eessity 4 providing a
County of 'Bru.ce 'to Connect with soul'
one of the leadin,g railways of • the Prov- '
' TZE -.21 , .111' " d'. -
ince, we felt satisied-thit shell'a line'would - " 2.___." .1i 'WAR'
immensely" benefit. a lare majority_of the . We thi„k tilere is „o; no room' 10 .d0sbi
settlers of that section. ° No doubtit that Sherman , has fallen back-npon Vick&
mild, especially /hose Ideated , the' burg, after 'suffering a -galling disnster --
Farragut bus 153 failedin his attempt ;upon
1. Mobile, It is given out by his 'ingenious
apologists that the affair was intended_ to
amuse the,COnfederates'while Sherman came
upon'theta iu the rear. The linit.,did not take
Very well. ,Kilpatriok has withdrawn enti
East9rn townships. At.pr000t ttley:are
from twenty-eiAt to 'thirty \miles 'froth
the harbors of Southampton and Kincar-
dine; and seventy-five Miles _frorn•Guelph
market. Any One at' all conversant with
'the wanta. and:necessities Of the farmer, mi
a new: country 'ititMtadmit at :once that
suck a distance from inarket ofer.Wretched
or indifferent 'reads, :accerdieg,•:to_thn
son, ther,pOSsibilityl of Agricul-
tural richtiesa, Of soil or
'Wealth,'Of-Matitiars°reSeitree''OMIatOne: for
bad market.4. H,enee It is bu . natural'.
that theihrthers of ,I3rttee.: should eagerly
.grasp at ittijit„..pli*s.P?1,e.:,SChetne,'hatriagiiiii
view the 'of 'at4s4aY.-, '.The
proposal having.; inlos
thing, the: ::'question... has; lath:. Airman(
until withirs thepastfew ',Weeks,' but the
Magic 'wand of 1Shanly: has created
a fresh excitetuent, ansI tle Itailwaifev.er-
proposes:Mid the, line: shottld Sta4.frottGuelph, paising through Elora, Eergus,
his alleged threatening posture bdfore Rich-
mond and Gin. Meade is called ttima to
account for his sins of omission and commis-
sion at Gettysburg. That 1 the extent of the
dews that his reached MS during the Past
three days. f
..A CxxXr!Scorestn.sitr,-4,yOung.lady, 'Who
aentintriaontat;' and aetife ean-
vaisei in Support Of thp,Vree., Chnreh, called
upon a poor MAC in trie'I;inkatif KitimIdy
Solicit. his' Mite and after'M 'vain tejitig-
big6ii•oiiviO odd some Medi*, by"wh1ejj 1,
niaght savia penny a ncek, to ,De .given for
the Suppott:of the Minister, who *as 'about to
bedrivenkfom'hisjcirk by the Vile.Erastions,
she aSked:', 7.7
Siem" ..'llav'ttate,h;'doeS' your Shaving ,"--coS
700 1" ' Tippeneea week ". "Could
not learn to Shape joint:114'746cl ' then, 'yea'
Might save' the twopence, which Yeti '..could
giie 10 the-suaientation "Deed, Inem
,I'Monieinuld to learn, but-plt tell ye whgst
.1,11:dm15,_.the‘mtnister'll':COnte,and shave nia;
I'll n•iii • " '
1863. Cr.
By- amount paid for premiums at
1 00 Godericl, $626 25
1 00 de puid irani-1.2 Societies, 1079 01
1 00 do do as expenses of dele-
1 on, gates to Kingston, , 20 00
2 00 dof0r Exhdilo)itimisdo prepartitiona
1 00 81 16
1 00 do do grant voted to Diill
2 1‘001)11 Saohea, ,d0 Stationery,
Printing, 20 .00
I 00 Postage: ,:te, ( 41 69;
1 U0 d18, odo Settictary's &slaty for
1 00 63
30 03
1 00 do do Treaauter's do do 30 00
2 00 du do Siaidiies,_ 4 30
1 00 Balance on hand 1271i
1 00 - I 81915 '33
1 00 ANDREW DONO G 11,
I 00 (Sli) jiAt00.111.3314.,..HGRui IC:7388'1(1;NR
I 00
1,00 Si• ji Auditors.
1 00
4 00
I 00„
1 00
Quebec Te,egraphic Correspondenre of the ;Globe,
March or i ' • -
The Public Accounts for tbe„ year 1.863
have just been laid °tithe table of the Asserm
1 00 'bly by the, hinduce Mlnister, amidst the'ebeers:
1 00 of the •Ministerialists. Mr. Holton' has cause
1 00 to' feet -proud' that he has Succeeded inpre-
I 60 :tenting thin JO E'.trlittuient one r_nl-trith earlier.
1: 00 than was ever before accomplished:
1 .00 The country will, be',Tejaced to ;learn that
'1 00 the finatiCiat transactions of theiyear -863,• as
' -1 001 shown by the Publie Ai:Counts, are vastly.
1 00 inote"aatisfactory. than' those 'of any other
1 off year for Many a long' doy. In their report
2 00 to the -Finance Migister, .afiaeloL fo the
1 00 Public Accounts', tlie-f-Auditors Say :--The
1 00 l'ublie. Accoonts for ihe, year 1803. whiel; we
0- have the, honor to sulstnit'io you, exhibit a'
0 more. favqrable . balanoe. thee' has been -the
0 ease for several years .puat. The ;five great
0 sources ef. revenuee-the Custonis
1?ublic Works,- Post Office ' and i'erritorial
out in England. The 'article is the special
pleading, of tin English lawyer," which - witl
Dot be admitted before the bar, of the Ameri-
can people. , The :ease hes iit a nutshell -
These vessels were built in Great Britian t
equtpped, provisioned and armed' in. Great,
Britian ; they were Manned by British sail-
ors ; they coal and; supply in -British ports.;
they sail untler the British flag, rind not one
el them was 'ever in] 15 Corifedeate port. --
There ean 80 10 special pleading allowed and
there is rid occasion' for any great amount
of diplomatic correapondence.. It is simply
pay 'or fight. .1,1We were 11 second-rate power
se migh t• accept the'dieta of the Times tied
submit to this flagrant violation of inter,
national 'comity.. jijile we are no'r, 'and: we
propose to inforce•the Te. Claim- in-.
demeity to the utter-mom:farthing for injuries
inflicted upon American 'conisnerce. by .11,,
Hifi vesiels, end we', must have .11 of, fight.
There is no other. course."
" LADY ELGIN'S REIT= '4-1'0 F'.:24•CLAND.-
Apropos of the arrival in England.lof Ludy
Eight, a London paper makes thefUllonim,
sad reflections: -"The maa by %hese side,.
she left her cotintry Sleeps far. away 'from it
noW, 'tenon the rhodedendrOns Mid oaks of
the 1-limalaya. He is one more MI, the lottg
roll of the English who lip in an Indian'gravet
arid she one rnoge in the list of _those- n.116
come, back, never to 'hear the !tante of -the
costly 'country without thinking of the little
spot in it a•niell is hers b.v ,the title -deed of
tens. ;Sim survives her; husbatic. pre -
de 68805. in the saloons uf Govezamentliouse,
hall)' Canning, -the graceful hostess in Cal-
cutta, the accomplished friend of Her Majes:
ty here -died before Lord Canning,.adding to.
his great anxieties for- the suppressien:of. the
mutiny ihe load of an irreparable loss. " Lady
eannino-'s predeoessor, again -Lord Dalhou-
sie's amiable wilb,---,•depurted thislife before
herhusband. , Can any incident of.1donieitio
less nein sadder?- quilted India;
obliged to fly from 'its ernel sun for her life;
but all . trio late: Her 'husband caught the
tidings of, her death at Sea frdm the hoarse
bawling of' the newspaper boya as he drove in
the evening along ihe Stand at Calcutta, and
re-entered his -palace it lonely maa,i, Three
Governor Generals:, and . two V ice4Zueens
dead'in. fifteen Years- such is the gloomy Te=
, • „
trOSpeCt .suggested by the arrival of -Lady
that is' the price we pay, enviers Of
England; for the country which We water. with
our leers and' fertilise with our blood." '
'Prsace Napoleon on England.'
,. • -
- On the llth February Pince Napoleon
made a-sPeech at the- Suez Cuo1 Banquet,
The Ottoman Porte trust to England for
support. Wc14 then, let us. ivieuk about
Eagland,"although, I .allow it is 'a. delicate
'question„ and the most dimerreeable 10 handle;
but yet, with, alt -go dime o'f moderation' and:
'frank'ness, L shall lend 'by saying lelust
think,. And 'fiest of all, 'even at the risk of
displeasing- sothe of you, I have .not therleast
intention of sayink anything , against the
Ea& ish people,and I' make a gretiediStirmfion
between this powerful -nation which,:aatractS
me. • Yes I I punnet dc'ny . There tid
beautiful Mirage on the Other, side of the
Chanuel, the mirageof thefliberti1 love so
well; and which attracts me 1(General chorus
of guests ;". The . Mira,g,e -of 'liberty 14!) - But
besides' the Englishi nation and E'itglish op-
inion, thee is the 'English GOvernmene Let
us 'lot be too 111r11'e1,1:11 On the English 'Gov-
ernment.. It Is opposed leyour undertalcing.
Lwill not say it is qnite natural. 'I disaprbve
0111 bit Lutiderstand it. It deris not attack
yottopenly. ' In yotir Caie, it prefers, means
more or less 'crooked. As -for ' 'an open op.
,Positioo,:yoti have nothing such to fear . from,
15.; 11 lins.viitten no notes. You will
find „a, :single dipldinatie docunient
011 tile-
suhject, It ytuts, forward •the Porte. I do
not blame it • :13514 will'eXplain the EagIish
, Where AO yan suppose:I go 16 look
tor us explanation 7_.Not in a blue .boolt, but
tise Peerage,'wheye,sas you know, the ages
of all the nobility 61:" England are to be blind;
It hen one opens the Peernge and sees Ibat
the noble Loids, now in post:er era 70, 75, .and
S()jeers old, one understands" how, With all
theexperienee of age, they se somewhat
oldhearted. Otte understands' how aristo
cratic old l'egiand pan tell Europe to her face
that she will give neither 151010 Sons ubilting
10 the i-i-reatest and! jhstest of causes; 10 1.57
and Poltitid I .. (Fut.ions cheers.)..- ,
Tux...INFANT. Pitusc..e.Hrer Majesty .the
Queen -of .1/Minil: and her eldest dmighter
are expectect:jo .arlive in England, early in
Ma mil,: Flo ni' Copenhagen, on a visit . to I thiir
Royal. Highnesses the Prince of and Princess
of Wales„ in oder to , be present ' at the.
christening of t he .infant Prince.
Reveille- have together produced $7;662 -
- •
0 490.98, which exceed the receipts ,frOni she
0 .satne soul ces itt-1862 hy 81.104,311; the
4 05 minor revenues of the Consolidated Feed have
1 -00 renlized $914,821.02, being an inetease upon
•,- 1 00 1862 Of $119,333.10; and the receipts of the
4 no 'Trust Funds and -other open accounts have
1 0,0 'been $1,183,004.114, Winch is an increase of
1 oc, $127,575.76. lVIellst the., cirvenue ,•has thus:
1 00 increosed in the aggregate $r,331,8•7186,,
1 00 there has been a:diminution of expenditte e to•
1 Co I hil-extciit of $228,873.47. inaltiag.. s tuba of
$1,580.745.33p bin in . sp te ot- this-greai iin.
prevenient upon 1802, tlome is still 0 sefthus
deficiency-, although very much less thau was
Expenditure, lesredemp-
estimated. '' ..; , -
. tion bf Deiit.......... I, .. $10,742,807.41-
'Receipts, lesssale ot Deben- ---
tinekand Sinking Fund.'. 9.760,310.34
. Deficiency .....,.-... : ... :. $982,491.07
1 00
1 00
1 00
• .4: 00
.4 00
. 1 00
I 00
I 00
I 60
. .
1 00'
1, 00
• 1 '50
'I 00
••I 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
2 00
9 Mess; s ePlierson,Glaseow & Co.;., 1. 00
130 Jellies McDonoigli, - 1 00
-.1 00
.1 00;
I 00'
2 00'
1 00
• ".2" 001
- 1 00
I -op',
•2 00
; oo
1 Oo;
' 100
1' op
-' 200
I 00.
1 do
.1, ou
; to oo
- 1 Cliartes 111eG:egor,
:'2 Charles lilake, 7
3 do do ' !mid for 1864,
• .
4 Thomas Dark,
5 Win Wairmgton,
; 876 ..-.EL
S'tV ,n1e'P'01115,,
9 Sirs 11,/ss
140 -Mts Sheriff McDonald,
1 Dante!, Gurdon, '
2 Charles
3 John V Detlor, '
4 John Butler,
5, HoJohrile
John Setyaw.oarri„,0ts17.
e.Falli ant,
6 ..
7 Alm d,
-, 8 J Y
. 9 James Wheatley,
150 Hon Danaid-31cDonald, -
1 James Diekson.,M f P,
2 •1101.i.ett amolonr
1-. 00
o 50
1 oo
1 00
1 00
I 00
I 00
1 oo
1 op
..o so
1 00
1 oo
1 oo
1 00
1 00
2 00
'1 op
1 00
2 00
1 00
3 James Torralmei
4 Jatars Chswingt
, 5 'Hugh Greaten,
6 John Whittett,
7 Samuel Somerville,
8 Wm McCrea,
9 'John Boyd,
160 John Cox,
-2-Alezdnitter Ellis,
-11 Andretr Green, ,
4 jhnt:Beacelioelmll:--
5 Hugh Manly,
7 Stewart McDougall,
8 John Satlteld, junr.,
9 A Sands,
170 Thonitai,uttori,
I Samuel Pollock,
2 'Angus Fraser,
3 S;initiel Sloane,
4 Robert -Cooper. Judge S C,
5 ,George II Parsons
Large i is the de6cit o this balance.sheet,
it is an immense improvement on the exhibits
of the last ten years, -nod coder, the:able
Sound s of Mr. Holt, assUreely 111 ,one'year
it will entiiely. disappear.: ' -
.We publish in othir co'lliains a full, account
.fl'om" our special -correspondent of the dims
trous fight tit Oluatee, 14, on, a, wherein we
lost me: e than a thousand mon.' The reports
•of the cerrespondents of otlmer Joel n agte
esientially with our own.
' The decisive facts are these ,:(..sen.-,Sey-
'Maur was at Bilther'i ,,Station, thirty-four
milcs trosaJacIsogsvilhe, on the FM-ridit Uen
trail Railroad, on the 19th of February, with in
riveolunamof 4;500 infantry, 400 cavalry, and .
20. gens, Hestated that coluinti on. the G
,Gunpowder Explosion at .duebee.-. ,
and'burytlig- seveateen men (so far ns 1.1earn)
in the latiins. Two men were.hlown to en as-
tonishing.distaneeong being fountiatJolin-s,'
Gate, on top of the ramparts. The , tiMber
and roofing of th Magazine, wPre carried °ref..,
One fifty yards. . The"damagain
the vicinity is Very' extensive,Wiedows„ fen-
ees, 'several ouilnidings- and virious- , other
property lurving„been deStreyed WhOlesate.
Busirafss iStabapende(1, in the city!, Great ex,
eitenaint Prey:dist . 'Ciauseet. explosion npt
let Mack 1-- -
,TEF; EvinExce, Triciitussr:S.7-Rev. Geo, M.
-Spratt,'Lewisburg,!Penn. wrifes--441 cheer.
Lilly recommend Mrs. S. A. Allen's. World's
Mr Rest:Orel., nct,''21,ylolialsamern.fer eurifie
aldnesaand reStoring. ,grid hair. Their use
'this hasbeen big•lily 'Successful.'
„Sold bir: drwrgists everywhere.- Driot,,198
ree-n.WiCh stii-7NeW Y•ortr. " '
Mewing Of the- 20t1, at 7' toWard.
.Olifetpe; at WhiCh:Placei-,accrdinir to his-,imi
forlilation,the enemy werePOSted itt fciFee.'
Although minting avolredly in seare.h..Of a
dght, 50 SkiiiiiiShers.were.throWn out to cover
nig flank, but tber,trOopS .Werp- =relied. in
,cione ordor, 15 thieo crooleutlh
',ci;v4a,01 ryi.aued
mounted ligf8ntly 1.. fn '
„cattle-. upon the .'eneiriy at 2 'n, xn.• At.that
tithe, Gen.' Seymour,ii troops had
tion, , over difficult reads, without:rest ,or -ra-
tions, for five beers, ."Lihauste,d,,:fctiat,
and -.hutigrY,l' 'says the 7imes narrativO,'
-they°weisestiddenly auscicel by a largetforce
of the' etienty; eosaceakj bcbigid a Ihick
Wood; !smiting with _cenmjace,nt satisfaction
'016.entry of -our 0160into his' *bush; very
mach after the manner that:the spider mould
have the fly walk, MO Ms parler.V--,-The ac-
tion.insted three hams. General. ,Seyntoity,'
having:_perMittedhiS IrepPs. in the first place
to -be, fiatified;.,eSiatilish,ed theta 'finally .be.,
ioen. lamiwaFIP, one nt,frOatcPrerennag•
staclgisa tbe .en,e thy,. one in, the
rear Prevontiner:flieir retreat,. In:that, horri-
ble trap, subjected ,to 15 fire in front froin
twice .their ,,nuat er, to a Ore,from sliarp.
Adotirs in tlie treei,4tiieh,:retideTedat:tillery,
Seytn.ohr heId his liravelfroepii:
aoind.6„.a.,ilaurvosi gietyy..thievirhesolan,egulter!t.;.W10...sith:tihttj,titaate;oliclod
Men 1-500 had been killett.Mi Wounded' the
remainder, were allowed tO, fall- back. Tue.:.
5411ilailiaaelinsett3.ntid 1st YortliCalarim.
egorediQiiiienti.coVered the ot,tioti, "Ana
80.-iii-Od to battle' of "Gliisteei;,-;Netaln,rk
Pay,,On speeimen-
Of from 'the Chiclige
butme a' 'Republican:Paper Oflurgeeirculaiion,
_in the Vedt.--•,--o -
0'WePrint elsewherelate article .frore the
London, rtme...on:the:Ortytaent Of the indem,-,
nhy for the Injury, inflicted 00 oar commerce
by the "Alitbania."7-5- and other pirates fitted
St. JOHN HUDSON, saddler, - late, of
the :trainee of Ainleyville, in the County of
.1furon., hu 511,116 an-assigranent of all his el-lei:to
and'propeilyto 'William G. Hingston,O1 the tow,n-
ship i?rmorrie, end ' Richard ;Bayley,,,•ol. the town-.
'ship of,Grey in the Counekof Huron': for thegen_
era; 'benefit of Creditore... -All ''''' i,tieS having'
claims against: tlie Saiil fiudson are erel_iy notified
to senilthe.saine, to tin riaid ' W. G. 11, ;along!,
_Dingier...M.16r n.djitstnienitiiand parliesindebted
to the said HudSon are notified to...pay the sit.4-
.W. G. Idingstaii withoat_delay.- , -, , , , . "
W. f4.- IIINGS1', ON , - . ,
Dited at Abney:v:0e; this 2th11 day of Mit ri.di„, A.
For Sale or to ent
HE NEW FRAME STORE and dwelling
_in Seaforth, lately (see -Opted by James' RI
Ross, in'the cettre'of the ' ' '
Business pit of the VIliale
• - 'JOHN BIRREI.;.k., Col.
, ippv4np.
11,podon, March b, iS64.
. .
negotiating oriole of hand drawn: by Iteblt.
Y:e3intav°%;1°beit"j:h!..n;aia,tti..,.iatah: eIi aethe2n4,fJ;antary,itdnetvc
been received ioethe same. .
- 0.11CT!,t.'.1OHNSTON.i
Arsbfield,'Itlareh 9 1864. - wient
Chancery Sale of Lands
51.4 It THE
Ann Mena Feltner, avife.ofthe defend':
ant 'robins Fahner, by OcorgeBeaw,s.
ber next friend,, •
-` Flame '
Eve Rnn, Caymans 'Ban, k'reslerickst,
31511, -Philip Inn, Christopher -Ran,
David Ran and Charles Switzer; 1.
fanis tinder the Doe of tiventy-ond •
years, b'yStirnuel Home Blake, then
Guardian, and Tobias Fahner,'
Ilo el lathe Villifoe (if Drediton in the TownPhipa,
of:Stephen thO County of 11uron,osi SATIJIL: .
Da Y TH b; SECOND DAV OF, APRIL next at'
two of the clock in the inierneon, pin-sus:fit tea, •
'Decree made, In this Cause by the -Courted Chan,. •
'eery tor tipper Canada, ; bearing'rate the third. •
day of-Boverriber,1868,,,with the approbation or
'Andrew Norton Bue-11,-,Esquire,34aster. in .Ordi,
nary °flirt. said Court, in separate narcela; the •
followingvMthilile lands iind preanses free from' '•
the Dower of, the Plaintiff therein., being parts Aid '
"Lot number,eleven1",ta'the sixth concession of the
snid 1 ownsliipr..or ti,:tePhen atco.iling.tO the plan
thereot niade by.,PatriekE Hvnilman, B., • ,
and dated the seventeenth February, 1864,,WItich
plan Will he produced at thetime of the Saie,and • "
111 the meantime may be inspected at .the Law .
.011lee of 1.41essmitra Crooks, Kin.ostnill:andCatta-,..:
each, , in the mty ol Tormitootnid a duplicate de
copy. may Le seen at the,Office' of .13enjarnin Y.'
Elliot,Eseinre,in the Village of .xeterla , the:.
-said County of Heron. .
1st," ,Lot_. A,' being' the northhalf of the .
said. Lot running. trout ' the sixth to , the •
titbh corieOtsidia along the 'fine -7:het-riven -lots'
eleven and tvretve. in.the _sixth coacesteon, and. "
having a friintage•of loutieb chains,. -two an&
seven-eighth.links,on the;..W.estern line' of The •
-said concession,,and Containing filly acres, -
About thiity.-fire acreit of ibis lot arerilearei_1,..and:
_there is, aslog dwelling of one.sterey thereon In a •
-good. :State, of ,.repair;.With, well co.nvenient
' 2nd, .Lot, r132, containing ;"tWenty•fiVe
parallel tri 'nevi aminetliately. ;adjoining the•laitly
inentianed parcel -011111e south and running from
the sixth• to the, filth concession, and having a
frontage of alMtit,5 chains and 1 43,100 'Erika on •
ilie sixth concessionlini:. Abauttwenty.acreaof
this lot are"Mearedienvethereza 0 tog barti.thereon
Ina lair state of repair about 35"by,50'leet.
3rd. Lot',111,-,rinenediately to the East of lot f
(Ife.retotore sold by the late jaciab Ran te
onegParsons).haviito,a -frontage ofabout tea
.cha ins on the Sideline and road Tanning. 'front -the
fifth to the PJX' concessioas on .ihe Crediton Vil-
lage side dad a depth efeboutEire Chains 143-300
links contain.* five acres mire or lens. -.1he
whole of this lot is cleared. .°'
4th, Lot ,,E,,•,acijoinirig lot 1? on the east, -and
,haviiii.t a liltetroittaxe on. the inll side line, and
.rond and depth as Lot Lit 'Containing Sive 50163
more or' less,' and being.wholly cleared. - - '
. .5151.' Lot adjoining lot E, on sise East; and
hnvirig afrentage. vif about Is -Chaitie,on the Said
sale line and road iand n deptli is( abotitabetrt five
ehainS and I 43-100 links,..Contafning about four
aeles. Three acreepf this hat are cleared.
' 6th. Lot ,0;1.hdjoiniiiilM F on tlie.Bait, and .
having'a frontage of about 8 aliaina 77 links -ea.
the said side line and roau,and adepib of About 4
jeaulii,inoiiluintilsgbOurtn..:Itah:ciere4E387a.157t sthueehe, te7es.;, eloi°uhtaitt:7zoi:11,
"film thither upon the -,said property co.aWistir
chiefly of beech; maple and oak.
l'ile,purehaser or purchasers Will, he .reqtaier1-•
to pay one third of the purchase money aithe.timar,
of Sale, 'arid' the balance ,in'three equal annuli
instalments•i.v.itti interest at theiale oft5 per centum
„per annn.iii, to be iecurea by MortgOgeor Mort-
gagea as the ease' may,relture;frtihEihe ratrchaaee
or piirchare`rs on lite rdslies'tbie lais'rsold to 'the -
Regiirtial' Of the said Court 4a ail other ,ri-tilareis -
the eonditnms of Sale will 'be the 'standing 'con-
orthesaid Court orClid'ne'ety.
Farther partii:ulars and":informatiorr can be hid.
3105.1 55 the Ptlicc ofthesaid
Village. at 1)14 L, tit Ali:saieurs Cio61M,
ltingsmill and Cattanael, and • -of lBcnswuis. • •
Blake nerr and %Veils, Toroth:O. ' '
thia: tWeniy-sccond, ,ativ' of Februom, ,-
-186.4.•.• • •
A: .
Notice to Citifittagtors.
T,11E-renderaigned Tihisiees of -Scheel-Section
NO. 3n the town..1.4 ufc 61b.dine,` *Air.
iti4ve 'E,Elg•DBI{S'4.to
. . •
MONDAY ThE 21st NAR011;',
At noon, !or theerection of a N'ew. Briek
I ease on EteNotIO,ddicon..E.,1),Limberne-better .
nnoivn -.as young's :School 'House. _Fland„and
peellications ofl.,341- Building will ,he seen- at
Gordon Young's residence; any, wise between:the ..
1418 and time ofletting. The said Trustees2do
not bald ',themselves to accept the lowestorfarir
leader.' TERMS -"made-known; on -the "day, of
letting: .
ALEX. KIRTPA1 RICK, ,Truateet.
' Colborne, -March 718, 1861: I. w6.-21
"FIEFAULT, lasing been. made in ibe pay.
'_tnent cifeertain money and °interest pay;
ahletinder and by Tirtue„of a "e,erteio" Indent -
lire 'Of 1116figige bearing Mile tlie•tW-enty-iiintiv
day ofApril, 1863, rind Registered in trio
13,egisity office'fOr.ihe County of Efurrin,•'''On
the-eleverith• day .of May,t, 1863, at 10
a. m., and tirade betweenHogli Piatt.e1.4p.
first,part, and Jane his Wife of the second -
part. (for tile pifittose;af barring her dower) ' •
and John Inaes.MacKeniie of the third part.
Jn , , -
pursuance °fa power of Sale contained
i:: the said"Mortgageithe Mortgaged.preiiisea,
consisting 05' all and ,singular, /bat certain'
parcel or tract of liad"..,:and,:pronSsed sitaate,
lying and being;iiitlie.:- ;"
Township . -Usborne
in the Protriace of Canada, and_ ,..heing COM* •
posed -or Lf Sik; in the flip d "aciiteeesion of the.'
said. Towpshipel,Thiborne, in.the Count,t.or t '
Huron'and ProVim-e or c#4.41:ootir.itoit!t
by admeasuremen,t.
One -Hundred Acres of Lind -
... .
,be the same More dr less, said lot nomber,sikt
hein,:niore rally rdeseilbectinaTfecil -
-C"anZda Company td the'Said _Hue' i'Dyatt,'
dated the.fifth.dayr, of April, in -the, year or
our Lord One' theusand eight 'hundred' ahci•
fifty-five; arid zee'oxideifitil theReitarrY Cffien
Rutin; and, Byne-6,1on the- 'ieightteritb-dtijktor -
June one thousand eight -hundred and My -
Will:1.46 So!(11.7P.O.WAlietioik ,..
*Oktn,,,,oiToh..,e,tioir,:edit,i,y.„,,,;thflic.,,.:7(cishoid.a...i..y,c:-....,:0,7L7aA..Piliibe,10..e.it,...;,,,, -
1 -,Soligi'-/Oriklr. .1,7. ::::JW.O1IRNBENI. 2dRA:CCEECICITrEZ::-
;. London. 5th Mareh. -is6,4:= -. •r• , - 3v6 -5t ,,...'
l!a.9 -1(
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• to/he
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Of Me;
"-valid 1
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• If 403 _1
ttras eh
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