The Blyth Standard, 1946-08-28, Page 1THEl A VOLUME 56 - NO. 52. 111,1" 1111, ONTARIO, `VIE NT SI)AY, .LA UC. 28; 1916 Subscription Rates $1.50 hi Advance; $2,00 in the U.S.A. Clinton Collegiate BLYTH REST ROOM'' WEDDINGS Cummuiir - Watson us Service For Pupils Starts On Tuesday bill ,Ich1)4!(ul 11Onuurc(I ' LIONS (11,I11i (.ONS11)Il;1i- Bv 1 t'icn(Is 1N(, 1' ltI SI'11I i .1'. L„1,',, of \i.,.. and 11r-. `:. \1'. In a doulde ring r, reln,n,\ at T1 ioBAND UNIFORMS PURCHASED full hill cut -adios that t\r an -I',\!, N,I• ;.,t ll,, , 1 �1 _;It;tt'liti'.t ii it\' .\noheiiil (britt 11, 111\ III, on Tim, -- i1"tnlcetl in la•t \e el.'sStandard the u.et"'• , ; I'•i:l , •lolls -!:'u on 11:1 ;illi i'ilu"II ;II :.II "t 1", I:, \\ tIIL;I .\1 III I \,,trio\,, nit.i•ting it the building of a PIIb1.e iter 1, “.111 in .lean, only dattilti 'r of \!r. and 1111<, 1'i' 'I.I\ Ili:'!I'. 1', w t\ li I' ay'. -llt,rll.'. ! Blyth, and in that ;limonite( unlit \c ! 1„11'.:. I,' ,\ I„''tie hi \\"t•lituu1. .\ ieat_ 1 i"0' 1 IL, held in the Memorial ILMI I. I1. \\',tt,,,n, I; \til, \a, uua,,d iu' , u I II;Irsfla niubt, tilt- tnelnlicr, ,le- ' I;, "! I'',' ( \t ru,.;''tntert,lntni, ill \\ a.. that r\eryl,o,it in 1 1111 ;utl tu;Irt tic;,, r" 1 lin .\,Litt 1 iwln1u,11. ill;,( unan1 111 11, It to nrci!ct•c the Ilse >ttrrrtlnrliitp, rural arca \t,ntt,l he ,, "',,t' . ,,,wl\ ti the \\•:n::h:111 i in \le\\ "i the Ion LI\' uiC tlm \\•e�t Monhti,lt, ,':n of .11 r, au,l .,\Ir-, hand I I uol in, l 1 the b111,t bion. Fall Term Introduces High School Area Plan To This District PUBLIC SCHOOL HAS BEEN WES.'FIELD WINS EXHIBITION RE-DECORATr) GAME FROM BLYTH 1'' ;!$''.'.ill:! the fora-ulnnlcr vat a- l'alll'll 11,"11 to It,,'"tt tilt I'iln,l tri !h..i1ie, I"',i., v.!!Irlt all ,!-seal- ' \\, if, id ,,':'i,;lll 'T,,IuI hall tx;,el+ 11„11-tituut, 11111 is oittn for tllc tail I I ill (iuuit!,n\. vibe cllnrch \las b'.out- i;'1'I,!, a., a r st of better' than 11)'10.0:1 111;11;1' 1111, ",„Iblr, j ill�' I'Iilallee ! i :!: I'!t' 1,11,' \. III, 1„ ,r, -s ill VIiI ii to t,l, at.. , \II',oilion gam... \\.,, ar- I I' 1 ,.! on I !:$ •,1,11 idol twee. I Ilfllil\( til'C,tr,ltt'! • tut' Lit t'trt'Itntt\' i t I;1 1 tntt Cuuutit+c i, roree,lnit \!ih Causet',nt;,. ,lit. 11 r. Ilill C..\\ an r;utvc,f \u,l a pi, Lin, ti ion fr"u' the le-luu;.0 n of rine f,lll Icln, \\ ill I with pink and %%.11•11;,:1ittioli. The lit' !,",Int"n of a :unable site lir Its\t!t ;unl \ultra 't \I"uda\ ni,,il,. .,, ,,Lac:+ ril;tn"e;lt "1t- l;l\t10 tho'J. , t';+, ,u' ,il're surd I;i,l t\:,. isle 1e- plails ;Ill'. \',:11 he 11tt' t„ hitt Int tit rt ilii', key. I,'I111 I b'll,lt I'-uit 111,'- ' ' r 11 Pill'h 11;1, I Lit (-m1).1,11;10, t n a lit, \-Il;,til esu\1d "I 11!,, 1,,11 i'11111I111 into ac,i"n Ma Mg (.n' la'•t pili of iatcd, I'll,., in "1 .+ I" it ;111,1 poll, 11 �t l 1 • rt. 1 he Continuatl„11 tit•hi"1 llaa l'I":,,1 ;t1 ,: ,li•''lls,•'d, an'I ;1 ronifuitttr ap• September. \\ ilt t \ ' n,!ud itul "f II:, u,iu0\ "2"'''1 iricnil' til LII:,, who aisv'it' talc in ,,\try gatue 11's ttt,,,r', \lith t1t adoption of t!It' Poi t t et 'lye \otn' i Ilii t n in til;tnlace Its her forth r, lu•:I;'r l t, iib .\. I. 'I'll'her a, warren 'r. ,'t b,+;l. tt;l, t n it,ul,l to a e \\c-tlit I'i 4 ) .tire; !'Ian, mot ,n- Il;t t'!, net\ ] lit'h tilt" t I l'Itt,t' i flit. II 11 \illi'; It'ilei', .(11,'W‘-'.1'1,' I,1':de itul",' ;t 1t"t\II , 1 h!l1'lt ((Atli, , -11 !, !, „t't'1' tttt' t 11'ltttl, ,!tl', in Intt11 .'i t- I\\:,' v'''' a-•I-t,'d tit ,et\nig \tin a rather ,tanking gams• by the pit, \\bu ha\e• becu atten,ti ig that in- w'itlt a cart', t,leit,; do not pea it a\\ I\ till)' '.tt!-binlling iut'nte,l Cie ntel:iit,,' l tidy .,11 ---died ,tort' t.I 13 to h. 1 oth ,ilat:ull 111 1111' 1t;t,1, \dl ilwi\ dill' italits l ealiz„1 it \\ ;is just a practice advantage if the illi „kin being gamy, and 'cart icida ty tie ;Ill -,tars t,t,t\1;1t'd b\' ;hr Clinton C. ill',.,.' le I11- wcrt inedine,d to slat\n a hit. One of .titin,, I;o,tr,!, aitch 1611 run dais\' and forget il. Maki. up \ort mind 1 a;id line net edged t\it1 .\I,'ucon 1,,,,..,.1011,'!1 b\ .\II J. I1. \\'at -„n ,lull 1111,, and report hack to the Executive. The sm.tgr•tit,lt for a . Lions 1 ail: secnied t1'hat t'011 \\ ill give. \t iikt. Cie amount j 1„1'11111 tilt' \' 'he, Sitt!ti-t•ot'cl•l'tt bill 1•friends, \' b:' it ti•r popular one \\'nth the 1;eltrrutls, all,' have it re,l,t\' \\Il l'tt+ lull, t'te,re•'I tit' Ira, -t "1 IIIc Itt;e,i 11111 • departure ffromtot\II is I•t'-1., ittIi'brt,. the t:rt1 i er cart,. tt to that it t'ct, L,I,tpn it ttttt'lh . t lout', ,reeve• \ Cr(' :'r, tle'I, 11"t "Illi bt' Ili-' young; pr.t), (i. llrnttl at,'" .utit'i1itt tilt 1 . Id'. l,\' -vent,;((' t',!!,, Ln tt him. Ile I" tilt' Filial"' l "ltiltlttll't ;I, •1"11 ;11 lily -pointed, The full -gored shirt tit' .tip tit 1 ii titbit, Iol' Illy ha- I,et n an ar',vc in n'btr "f the I I 1 Chtb nn•1111crs t,u,tiihlc. 1 r least(\\ ended in ;l ,heti train n rt st room (traject, and \:u i us club .Mu't'e is till' Copt• of the letter' on 1 ;tl!,t 1\d, ittit;,eti t,\• 1\t" 'isle peplum, i ' .I' t . , t I'll' I•II it, ! (llllfell, anl al Itll'Itlbel', pl'e,l'llt offered (he'll' il,al, will receive, and if \o,l ,1 ,u'1 rieei\c ctttte,1 ti int :\lenc,tl lace. Ilex hand - it, torr r Int the l;!}to !land. r •\it',rt it obi Ilia lie i, a fine 1\tm of tante in the can\':Is;in1 1 he 1-i''''''' 11, Itt;ita' your contribution ;1111't'.tt made tett, i tiittl'al,it'red t\ 1111 ,111. t't,^e,, i ' ChM t'+,111 rttttitt'tt X51)1)1)11 It) itlt' rest , olnl" new, , ,I,'I t -.troll• rte exprc,. t;tt'tit, Ottt,, ,itpl, t tt', ilalt heed \"'ul'II b`: tin. 11'1'"ur"ttIhi 1' "'i fund 1'1'1. tall, ..1.),,,,rl'iiizt'n: Il ---:\ nt,lic rest room'g• rcat-great p tnttlnoillet 11(1 car. Iii"' ;!laical• al wally\lheit \r sa} (JUL art swat t ' see hiul Ito. mac 'Tin' blab till ,non be holding it', for I;I\'III! 1.111 tlilll\' others, 1"11 a• go• It \a, held in ;I ;ltrnt I e t, i regular semi-monthlyml'utll,gs it hill, \',roil Inch f"Iltn\ 1:•11. probably have felt that •tied ;1 rt. •t lcallttre,, of ilial: ;rill flute t'ir,l iter ,1i.t,en,itt lith club nu'etiugs itt Ail \will,' be a con\enit•ul ;+dtliti to fu ' titers. She c;u'ricll a cascade of for the nlunlh, i if lily and :1ul;ust. 1" otlr \It'llltrial l tart -tot• itt Ii -t, of IV11;trtic't• t.o,e,. Tin.. matron of il"ti-. l� o'r U' , ,-._---tr \•au, font fancily a,t,l oar VLiiwr-.: our, \II•,. .1 mold I;er'tllot, 'Torino.), 1•Il,. �i�(llllnt :11111011llceci The hall ltt;i"d b:l, wade detailed l \ore it fill -length t' tun of ro,t ,til: The ent;ittttnit'itt is announced of plans for sutit :in ;ntltitiun and only i taffeta t\iill moulded bodice in i,a,tt,l,' :\ nit iiuth t"c!;\ell, eldest d;lighter Now ikvailable a\\';111 Poll' gt Itt lull, •11, Port l,t•fore uffeet :t lt,t flown. panel. She \\ 'irk= of \\ I. Cock \ell, and the late NII',. ttrtceedint; with the nuces,;u•\• build- shirred gloves Ili matching material, (:url,\'ell, of Ilriton, to John 'Myrna., Fall Fair Prize Lists Are int; alteration,, 'these alteration, and it Juliet colt and >tt.,ul'Ier veil and additions will c' nlpri-e a 2o' by In' carried a sheaf of Joanna (till tore,. foul \vailitttr room, t\o tv'a`ht room., I 1."1 ie \\l',t, of 'I','e•`tt,ltet, l•ttt,itt of and a kitchen with ,tote and sink it- I the bride, was the rink; be;aver and stalled. .\n ibis unit \ ill be heated 1,\• 1 1 'y'I Stinire,, NI it, hell, wasbe-t titan t011t I,O11'C1'S a last Nater heating sv-.1 tit, During The \\ editing music \\ as pts tied b\. Ingersoll 'Track Record the first week of Septenlbtr a can- \It •, 1 lt.i aill Harris and \lis, Heal' r \';usct' \\ ill call on you or othert\ist. .\•iron, \\'roxetur, cousin of the bride, communicate \illi y for the purpose ,:,n; "•1 ilt- Lord's i'ra\et' beiure the et rtreiring your. contribution. in ccrcuii il.\ ;tml "Ilerau•t:' during the SI. \tint, only son of 11r. and NIrx. I. C, Ste \art, of I;I\'th, case the canvas -RI fail, to call, you may ttl;lkt' )'writ' contribution at Paid; of Commerce, ttivth. This i, a rare ,i_'ni0,it of the register. The soloist t\ a, wearing a pearl grey snit with rot age of Col ruses, The usher, \'ere• tpportitnity to iso , nu•rhin,; roll- 1; 1, \\'arson ;t11'1 ',lop' 1)111111t:0nd. stt•ucti\r for our community. Make 1.:(.11..\\ ing the rcrtnuiny it reception \\ 11,11 was IR Id at the Itonu•.of the br'ide's parent-. "Plisse il•-i•tint; it serving \\ ere, \iis, \lots Nlilne, alis, .\list yolil' contribution a generous one the canvasser calls. Yours for a !letter Community, --Myth Rest Int"nt Finance ('ons- ti,'1 error, \lis,, Josephine Woodcock, mitre,,, 1), (i, 110,1,1, N. \'t. lilt', J. S. ('belle\, \1r,. (i.'lc(; 11011)111,in." V Iiarry Longe. Godericli, Il�011ll(1 I)eil(1 Ill •`.,"ili• ttirh, and \I r,, :\lair, of \\est N10111, - Harry R. Long, t\cll-l:no\n incur- ton. ante agent, died sudden'\' earl\ '1 Ile,- Prior (tt lit r marriage the popular da\ morning al G cleric!' in his ttt,llt \"trig bride \\ a, the t;ncsl t( b"uunr year. Ile was found collapsed in the x;11 ,t'\eral front seat of his car, parked in the '1'1)e couple left for Nlusl:oha, the garage. Its ;t neighbour who summon- , bride travelling in a pearl gray t\wu! cn medical aid. .11i ;uuop y \'as he'll. snit \ith na\'; acct -„Dries and wort. a ('nrolnl'I' I)r. \\. I'. (i;lllill tt'UIIt111111'- Iq•1',iinlof ret' rot's. I'ptlt Illy\\' 1't' - ed death due 1 ' coronary t•onibosii• turn they \\ ill reside in Loin! n. Tile car engine had not been running .I br bl',( 11'I,IIrS tit •1 host 111 friends when he \\as tiun•l, are extended to the yonnt couple. \Ir. bong \\ as bort) in b'enntiller, a ;til, Mrs, I. Itainton, \Ir., \, 1', Gar- rett, and NIr,. N. Leslie. ,t.iuoug the guests t\erc the ten grandmothers, Nlrs. .\,lit -,u, of Ford - sot of CIL. line \Ir. and \It',. Janie, Long. 11c received his education in `he11i115 'TOII!'llilllleIlt ]lcnnliller school and the (iwdcricit L111ove(1 ('oitet:iatc :\fttr iii, gr:nit,ttiolt fruit, The '1 enols t'iub had a very enjoy- able school, he taught in Colborneable tournament tart 'Thursday \Vitit Totvttsltip and Dungannon, and \';t; a 1 i)r. awl North, Barrett 'I he regular monthly meeting of the \\'waled', 111,1'011...e N\ as held at the home of \It,. \\'illiant I:clly with 37 ducted a grocery Inkiness in (lode- lldtalci)' a ntnnber of the inuntbc'rs :lttcnllit g, The President cpened the t'ich, and for the past ,tier:+l \'ear' t\ti1 hirable to get out, especially the rittutitt wit the Institute ()Ile and had an insurance office n \\est ladies and the junior members and it the Lord's Prayer. 'i'ht'b nsiness and street. NI r. Long "V;,, .;nr :udtllt t, hI ped that the next tournament re:torts were dealt with. :\ \real ,.Jo, church man and a public spirited cit- "\ill .cc all ntentbcr, prt',rnl. Sniff- "\ty 5""n\• 'Tennis,ee" writ, cottribut- izen, lie \•as a metier of North tient membership fees ha \•t• been c I. e'd by NI us, \\';titer I' ,tort:. The (iar- Street 1'nitt'I Church, and of the tectcd to pa\• tot fixiti; tp the courts, (1"i, I;rigade anti t!Icir Ica'Ier Nit"'se\siot, and a furulrr suprlinlett'lcnl''ut•w• 1;11(1',back (axes and t (itorgi' \11(.114', were pre,cill, also the of the Simla\• sehwui. !It- \'as a ma., present there i, a small surplus of, Ilrn,scls Brigade. \Irs, Michie out - ami a Fm.i,sler, ;11,n it menthe,. „t � ',U;) it the bank, 11 this; coupd bc' lite! the- anti\;ties of the tial' and increased by ;t few' more membership, the club would be it the position to !my atw:iter net which is badly need- ed. The follo"ving are the paid up members to date: 1. 1 i, R. Elliott, N int' n and \I rs. Garrett, Dr. and NI r,. I ludil and family, (lar, and Mrs. I), hurt\• and family, Mr. and NIrs, Harvey NIc('allttm, \art•. and l�\le and family, Ironic and \Its: flair ton and family, Jamie and 'Vivian liar• 1)obbvn, U"nnic Nlorritt, Jac': .\tkitson, 1)t'. I�ilp;It rl.. RwV Doherty. . Anne Jeanette \\atson, \t rtt liutherford. ('hristt.t,her Stout, that good little sorrel pacer, owned h\. Donald \Ic- 1'll;u•les, wf I,ucknit\, :111 driven ;utti trained by I.1 -y4 'I'ttrvev, wf I;I\'til, bttrueil tit, the race tract; at Itiver,rll last iFriday, lot br c tal,lishwl a new track record of 2,10. rat"ng in the ?.IS class, 'I he pre \iou: tract. record \'a; a fracti,in over 2.10 (utile,' be 11 r. 'Tnt\ey, (.'hri• ;"pier riuur bunlr with t\'!.) fir'•i and a ,rcond. lir. '!'ttrvi" r,itt iths that ('ltristo- i,her Stout i, going better, and fast- er, tight now than lit' ever \int, and be expect. Ile \\ ill •di hetet. Last spring be started hint t n the tt'',I, bat aftt'r a fait' trial,\vitchtd iii..n bac': again to the pace. Dies As Result Of Iniuries 11r. .\tt•ili Smith, St. 'I'hount- resi- dent, \thw recently suffered severely from lite rts,llt• of a iractur accident, died in the St. 'I Mena, hospital on Friday, in 111- 52u1 year. NI r. Smith re, ined a' 28 Horton St., St, Thomas'. \Ir•.. Smit!" Was formerly Florence \\';1t ,n1. of Ilullett 'i't,t\t,hi;,, Ile is also survived by one sou, \\illi;un Al- lan, and a Batt;liter, Nora 11aV, I tuer;d services were held at 2 p.m. wn \Ionia\', to tit. 'Phomas t.'ctnttcr\'. BELGRAVE former principal of \•ie;toria l'ub;• beim,. the winners and Jamie Sims School in Co lerieh later Ile colt- and Non', kyle runners up, l'tifor- the Godcrich Lions Club and the Pub- lic Library Board. Surviving. besides his \vifc, formerly \liss :\t':t Fisher, are six brothers, John. Ilcnnliller; "Vin, 1lauiltnn; 'Phomas, Oliver and 1lartid, of Lethbridge, and lir, !4'n - Sett Coals, of tied Deer. Alt•. 1.otg \vas \veil muton in Myth through his connection\\itlt the i?i- liott insurance l\gcncy, and bis clratb is keenly regretted by tunny friend; Vert'. Legion Branches To Attend NIis,ei Is"hel Spier, and Ilelen Johns- ton of the i;ru,1els ('lass demonstrated it iuntsiut! 1,it1ure' of tie \;;lilt \trot from the lith litre of \lurris straight "then the alt-s!ars refused t ' ,suit at thrangh 1n the Clinton Collegiate olt the end of the re ;Ittalittit nine :Illlitg` ,\'ti .1 Illllttay. 111?, 111, is owned, ,a the game lent eleven tial tt ,, tin- i•n,l will be opt rated, by \Ir. Frank til darkness forced a halt, I'Jliott, \io tendered 'uceessfnlly t ,1 I'''tttt tit ! IINth't \tt' ''it Ittt' ti tilttl,t the contract for iii'r titin,,. The bit-, all the \\ ay for the all-star,, lith winch i, coulparatiet'1\' new., and in NorV. Kyle uoinu t1r reiti\in bol excellent shape, \\'til ac'tttt toilate wv-• \\'"tfiuttl, \Itrra\' Mrl)oiell ;illi it forte, anti it is expected that it fill 'I'ontttty Jardine divided the pitchiti br (ascii to rapa,,ity by the pupil, chores. 1;;11 ('arta did the receiving. who \ill attend Cullegiale on thi s Not ankh iha, been seta „i \surra)' route. :\ schedule of the time tablo \Icl) to's pitching, but lie 'hot\eti for each concession beginning at the plenty of ,dill against the :tib,ttrs; 11111 'till' if M"rri,, and continuing Thu annual Myth Fall Fair Prize "1"1 it 'lulu;tt •Iarrlinr'• arm give, th ougl) itt tainton \\ ill be found ci,c- I,ists are now ready fur distribution, out in any of the crucial palms colt- \\here in this issue. and coitus uta' be pr,'curud frau" "tit' I Ing tit, \I1ium\' should fill the bill ver\• I'he bit, \\ as given a try -dill run on Fair i;uarll Sect'ctarv, tiiss Lena tl'cli, 'I'u,'.,It;Iv night, tiller a nnntbcr of in- 1.i1'ings!"n, or at The Standartt Of_ The mnpirc, Lor this goal,, \'err tcre,tc,l citiztn, \tent along on the fire lael: 1', \alt, distil, :It tllc ttlate; 1;;11'route for the ride. 1:Vrryune was 'Ill's year's prize list i; one of the (:rail, :luburn, on the bases. quite satisfied that it would be the ni"-t elaborate ever published h\ the - -`-V be -1 bus running into the Clinton Cid- Agricultural Society, The boob con- MONDAY A HOLIDAY. Idi,,, tains over -10 pages, and hrside, Pie\\'ben ,ho',pirig for the \\eel: -end, 5,te,,Litltr ;cttitu•nladl\•, cvcrvnite prize list, carries many advertising 'Ion't iori'et that llonttn\• is i.ilbor \\'illtol rcgrct the closing of or Continit- Illt',.itl;t', from local btillle,,tlll'tl and 1),I\ -;tilt! ,1 t'llblt billda\. ,ltit,ll School, but if it shot111 prove to industrial firms, a, \\ ell as mato * * lie an adtitiit;itl' to pupils to attend Illi,llll',, ▪ plait', outside the Illllitl'Ip;tt----v'-"- it Itt,t,t,'1'il l "lit gime, \\ here a broaderit\'. TO PARTICIPATE IN TOURNEY. tiehl '.-f education is it\aitablc, then \\ ill i,articipate in a -'ft- wt belle \c everyone will he happy in Features of the lair this \ear \ill lie the \at•iotts classes of races, a 2.23 trot or Lace for 8150.II0, ;t 2.15 trot or pace also 151(.o0, a road trace, a Indies' peril race (in sill:ic,), runnini. race,, and pony classes. \'ar'tons stir- Ve-t ficl,l hall day tournament afternoon, in \\•itghant on \tun- 1 the loos; run. 1.a,t year the atten- dance at the Myth Continuation St'ito„I t\';t; the largest in orally years, \\ hen around forty attended, '1 he at- tendance at Clinton Collegiate this. \ car i, ittpridicl;+blt, but with the in- Prltmi�\r 1)'roW `11() Addt•ess W. I. Convention rounding -drool, are invited to Parti- Premier (icorge .\, Drew will ad- cipatc in the school events, and to be dress tilt- members of the \\'Imt mo': in- rlutturali,nt of the bas ,\•,lent over a Present \\jilt banners, for the big itt- I si ttile when They meet in annual con- tide arca, it trill itcrca,e ,greatly, and nide «hirli iiill leave front down -holt Venni, n at Hotel Clarion, on Novem- 1 may reach, or exceed, 250 pupils. at I.30 for OR. :\trirultilral grounds, her 5, Ii mill 7. The arrangement. were Public School Re -Decorated. This parade \•ill be marching to the completed on Tui,da• when the con Pupils ;itrn,fing the Public School ntti ie of tt\u bands, the J;lyth Limp; Vrntiun committee, of which tilts. Dred here will be ticated to a brand ue\v Hand, and the I.ttcl:no\• Pipe (land, O,ict, of 131\th, is first \ice-presid,,"i' l rt decoration job in the three public ib,th band, will also Iii' at the ground; 1E0 ;It Ihrcl London. \I:tttr rtbcr 1 ,,(tot,( rooms, During the holidays "lir, uihott the afternoon. prominent speakers are also iuclt'ii•,1 j the three rooms have item painted, Ilul n '\\' take on a bright, cheery as- itrt. The walls Matic been finished 'ill ;1 light green and the ceilings itt white, The nett' decoration job t\ill • 13 " h This \\'ednesd:l\• aitcrul:un a "Inch- indeed, pre -eat curvet\" surroundings for teachers and pupils. The ,;int• teaching staff has been I.l cion arc sponsoring the CIS\\ l'(Igag ttlii- year. J. .1. (fray will I continue throughout IIIc night. 'I he t• Earn Dance in the Nlcnu,ri:ll lull oil ' be in charier as principal, NI 11, lark of moisture is very apparent, ;111'1 Snibcrland \ill Itt\r charge of the Saturday night. listeners of this ; although it acts slow up threshing op - do Saturdaynight radi,\ teattre'cratiwus, it will be warmlywrlrwntctl. in!tran(diate room, and NII,.; Ilrnung over C1�\N, \\'ingh;un, will have the V will again have charge of the )lut'',r itittt . The Huron Cpunty Holstein Show, to the speal:int.: agenda. which proved such at attraction last ^--v GROUND VERY DRY - RAIN NEEDED. \ear, will again be a feature. 11'111 1,e1r10n 1 ane ticctictl taut is falling, and farmers Suonsorhur Barn Dance Mu, arc tr\ing 'to get land in shape The Myth I;rauch of the Canadian for fall\brat, are hoping that it \iii opportunity to sec their favourite Il;trn 1)ance performers in person het adeasting from the stage of the \I cntwri;l) Ilan. The program will be transmitted by special i'i'itiont write to the station transmitter, and thence re -hr adcast over the airwaves. Come and sec ltutt it i; done. and see your stars, and at the same time give the lllv'th i.egioi Branch a fin- ancial boost, r WESTFIELD TO PLAY MONKTON FRIDAY NIGHT calming tomatoes. 111',. Mithie, in her Mr, :\it'a \I'Uowell, of el'',iiltt remarks, cxptcs-ell the apprt'• the \\'tsttticld ii;lli Club its ciatim' on behalf of the ('lass and her -',ill t . , iv nigltl that \\e,tfield manager informed self to the In'.titule 1 r ntahiu' t'tc'' would go int,' action against \hull:ttnl pos,'blc. Nli-s F. I)nrnilt ivInt I in the second rotund of the \\r.O.A.A, TRINITY CHURCH, BLYTH lith Sunday After Trinity 10 a,nt. 11tiy Communion and Ser- mon, "The ('taraelir of .1 esn,." TRINITY CHURCH, BELGRAVE 11,30 amt.: \lornitg Prayer. ST. MARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN 7 p.m.: 8 p.m.; Sunday School. Evening Prayer, BLYTH UNITED CHURCH Sunday, Sept ember 1st, 1(1:15: Sunday School, 11:15: Mt•. Earl Anderson of Bul- atttnticll the meeting spoke briefly to'l'ls•-do\ttis, The 1"•'<' frame will hegra\e, \\til rwndnrt the scttirr. the class std ctt(1tctcti a tlue,tionait't'' ;Hasid on the \\restficld di;u,toud Cts The r\rning service Mill Ile with - reviewing the ttardrn \'oil:. 'I'11c l:o;i I Friday night, commencing sharp at ( dt•au. (':,11 \\ as answered hr "My favorite 6 RN/. The return cath w ill he 1 Lwast Suit!ay morning \I r. \1'illianl \tgctable, and how I like it prepared." '1 he next meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 2'111, instead of September 17th, because the School 1)rlllllllva(I Service ---'----- Fair is that day. The meeting- \'a; On Sunda', September 8, there \\ill PURCHASES PROPERTY. lir nt;h; to a close b\ singing (lod be a drltttthead service at \\•inghant f t' 11r. ltti\\Iattd \'inct•nl, f i' t,t \\':t- Save The Ding. Lunch was served by all legion brander in this zone. The wan•sh, has purchased the dwelling the hostess assisted by \Ir<. S. l'rte- parade \ill assemble at the school and property on I)iltslt'r Street, front ter, Mrs. liichartl Procter and AIts. grounds at 2.:0 to hr ready to proceed \I r. \\'. R. lh'smarais,who i; hai'iul; \\'ili:trd :titin Irons. at 3.0,). All members of the pistil :t household sale. with the intention \lits Dorothy \\'a,tr 1a; rt•lurneri branch are urgently reguesl,'d to at- of immediately Hawing hack to \\'est- home after spending the holidays at tend and well riprrscnt our braut•I1 on tilt Canada. Mr. and \Its, Vincent \\'asaga'leach. this occasion. :\ further announce- ntay not occupy the tiNvelling until I Nli,s ['Ask ('owl:, of Loudon, is meat will appear next week. next spring, holidaying at her home, 1111,1', soloist, of Toronto, ,alt,( t\\o played in Monkton next \Vetliicsby night, delightful stlo<t Mr. Bush is a for - tiler pupil of \tr. Cools, and dtriutt the war he 'trved in I•artpc CONGRATULATIONS Congratulation, to Gordon \lasou oto celebrates hi, 17th birthday on •Tit alav, Septetuher 3rd, Congratulations to \1rs. J. 1':. Ellis of I.istot\el, \\ Jut celubrate, her S tttt birthday on 'Thurs'la\. August 29th. Congratulations to 11 r, and NIrs. I':h\ in Tat h"r w Ito ctrl brat(' their. 25th" \vending anni\cr,ary on Satur- day. .\ngust 31st. Congratulation, to Airs. T. 1i, Phil- lips tubo celebrate,( her birthday oat Tuesday, .\tigitst ?7t lis COMPLETING NEW BUILDING Mr. George Radford is rapidly com- pleting his new building. which he ha, placed to attjuin his property on Main sheet, NI r. Radford moved the large frame structure in Three solid sections from the emergency airficitl, tt it i tt was set up iu Goderich To\•u- Ilip during the war, IIe transported'' it t., Pl\ttl on his large float, The RECEIVES CERTIFICATE char,ec of a ..group of entertainers for ''wng "ill he used to hoose his Miss ('lore McGowan has received the armed services. , lice( of trucks, stn,( other equipment her Cettificatt in Eiiutcnt,try Indus- during the "tinter months, trial \its ami Crafts. HOME FROM HOSPITAL i'1~:RSONAL INTRFS'1' SCHOOL SUPPLIES. . \la;+cr 1)• n:dd Lte of ('olb, rite Tt'wn,hi{i is visiting hi: con -in, \1,11'11 1'be !uwl S(and.trd hit, int acsortment NIL Robert \\•at,ou, 1ludlclt Town -f srsupplies including public 1PI 'd Hamm. school text hooks, read ship, returner. Io Iii: hone on \Iontla\' \' for school op - ar'i'l• two month, in the Clinton hos- 'Ir. and Nits. R. E. tido\\ of .\Ili:ton, rain_;. .\ •' ! ,'n,; bag win be given pita!, where lir was confined due to ate t•isitine \'6th frien•.is in this con- wtt,l e\cl•y athotl order of ;1.00 or injuries is suffered in an accident, ,tttu;tit•, I II 11 1 1111 I,I11YI.1•■I I UIIr.■■ r.r MAIMCrr•••1111 JUST WHAT HE NEEDED King George receives 38 horses from Queen Wilhelm» na of the Netherlands at Buckingham Palace in London. Thirty of the steeds are black and destined for the household cavalry, crack regiment which supplies escorts for the Royal Family. RIGHT IN DER FUEHRER'S FACE! These German women are lau;hing fit to kill—at none other than Charlie Chaplin burlesqueing their once -loved Adolf Hitler. The Chaplin film, "The Great Dictator," was recently sprung by surprise on an audience of some 400 Berliners, who thought they were going to see "Kitty Foyle." Experiment was conducted by the information control division of American Military Government, NEW HOMES FOR SWEDEN'S FARMERS This scale model represents the type of home the Swedish farm worker will live in shortly. It was exhibited at the Swedish Agricultural Exhibition in Stockholm. Sweden is making strenuous efforts to overcome the housing shortage. BRITISH SET TO ACT OVER IRANIAN OIL FIELD STRI KES A`arb;yu, 1' Kirkuk SYRIA �� 1 Tripoli Mediterranean 0 Sea Haifa Port IPALEt3TiN�C' �oex \ Trio ..=..."said 1TRAMS� moues' \ jj'IORDAN ' Co>� I •Cairo. Damascus Baghdad 1 IRAQ ( //////i////////// - ozrim Britain shifts troops in Iraq Petroleum Iraq to Iran border, warns British, American it will move into Iran i;- rench & Dutch) without consulting UN if — roduces 90,000 British interests or liras / "�.arrels daily are thought endangered / R A N/ Oil Co. (American1 !AI Kuwait Kuwait Oil Co. p (American•British) BAHRMIN I. EGYP Standard Oil of California and the Texas Co. produces35,000 barrels daily. ii ......Oil Fields 0..... Refineries C. Existing Pipelines Domestic unrest in Iran, highlighted by two strik:s of 50,000 workers which paralyzed vital British - held oil fields for weeks, may compel Great Bri:sin to move armed forces into Iran. The British government owns over half of the Anglo-Irania't Oil Company, whose Khuzistan wells are the largest in the 14ic'''lc Fact, producing 17,000,000 tins in 1945. Iran has protested recent dispatch of Fritish troops from India to southern Iraq and 1 .s derl;rndcd withdrawal of British forces now con- centrated on Iran -Iraq border, Hih!ghts of the News Paris Peace Conference Italy tvill ask the Conference of Paris for the right to help draw the ptace Treaties for Austria, Ger- many and Japan. The Finnish delegation tuts ejected (roto the cott1111kSion a1141 oras lid(' former enemies must pre- sent their views in writing unless invited to appear. Prince NIinister Ping of Canada warned the Conference to stop ''wasting vital time" and prepare "decent instruments of peace with- out endangering the futuf•e by futile discussions." 1'1'ashington has prepared a note to Moscow rejecting Russia's pro- posal for joint Soviet -Turkish con- trol of the Dardanelles and offering for the first time to participate in the defense of the Straits. War of Nerves An American transport plane, the second within tett days, was Tired upon and forced down near the Yugoslav border while on a regular flight to Udine, Italy. The last word from the airplane report- ed dont it was a target for aircraft and anti-aircraft missiles about half way between Udine and Klagen- furt, Austria. The seriousness of relations NN ith Yugoslavia was emphasized in the release by Washington and London of notes strongly rejecting 'Bel- grade's account of clashes between Yugoslav and Allied forces in Venezia Giulia. The United States charged Yugoslavia with conduct- ing a war of 'nerves against the British and Americans and accused Nfarshal 'filo personally of making ugfounded charges. THAT'S NO Jet Plane in Test Flight Squadron Leader \\'. A. \Yater - son, Canadian -born member of the 'British Royal Air Force, achieved a "inn'" air speed of G°0 miles per hoar in a test flight of the second "filar" meteor yet plane in England last week, 1)n a similar test (light Aug. 14 (;roup Capt. Donaldson, Commander of the lioval Air Force high speed flight, reached 62(i miles per hour. Communists in China Mobilize Venal) called the 1:10,000,000 Chinese in Communist -dominated areas to amass mobilization for full- scale civil war against the Chiang Kai-shek Government. It was emphasized that not only troops but also all of China's 130,- 000,1)00 Communist population wtas being mobilized. The Communists are: said to have 1,2110,000 regulars and more than 2,1100,)00 guerrilla fighters under anus. They control small sections of southern and eastern China, thousands of square miles in western, central and north China and all of northern 'Manchuria. There also are strong Communist forces along the eastern seaboard. U.S. Seamen Strike The National Maritime Union ( threw picket lines around maor United States ports on the Great Lakes, calling upon all sea - to oin a strike aimed at tying up the American side of the lake shipping industry and halting the flow of iron ore, coal, grain and oil. Union President Joseph Curran, estimated the union's lake strength at 4,5110 and strike headquarters BUOY, BOY! This life guard keeps a wary eye on an old Navy mine that washed ashore on Coney Island beach near New York City. Bathers thought at first it was an old buoy, but Navy experts took one look, said it was a mine of the type used in New York harbor in 1941, and ordered it towed to sea and destroyed. D'J' E V E R? THANVG, BILL, I'LL 8E RICHT OVER/ // predicted 4,0011 to ;1,011U )that' tti'll'k- ers would oin the walkout in sup- port of the moor is uc, a shortened toot k tt el k. Lake Walkout Likely The Canadian Seamen's l'nion charged that the lake shipowners appeared .to be hedging in regard to settling the three -month-old dis- pute with the labor organization and indicated the possibility of a new seamen's strike unless the Federal Government takes steps to have all agreement signed tvithout delay. Calcutta Riots Rioting in Calcutta subsided after four days of looting, arson and murder during which between 2,0(1)) and 3,1)01) persons were killed. London took the view that these grave disturbances would not he likely to upset the efforts to form a new interim 1tvermmtertt in India. THERE'S A SURPRISE awaiting you if you haven't yet tried delicious Maxwell (louse Coffee. It's "1{adi- ant•I{oastcd" to develop all the extra flavor in the superb Maxwell Blouse blend, MACHIN]ER Y NEW AND USED Of Every Description Phone EL 1271 H. W. PETRIE CO. LTD 147 Front F1, %V, — 'Toronto "RTIC OUT A SELL' .Y Ili YII Ili hi i .1 41.1111111. GY..r IYn..1ilNi rYIYwVW+1.411.3 You BLAICETY, EtLANK! CET ouroF HERE. II 7 D'J'EVeR GETACALL l ROMANEIGHBOR To7ELL You THAT ASTRAY Doc 15 RUNNING WILD IN YOUR VICTORY GARDEN— OH, DADDY, SOME NASTY MAN FRIGHTENED THIS POOR LITTLE PUPPY .4 6 AND You CET THt=RE JUST IN TIME TO SCARE HIM AWAY-- WELL,WELL POOR OLD FELLOW BUT WHEN You GET BACicrT�o YouR DISEVER )EEL THAT k$NDNDSS To You U FIND YOUR YOUNGSTt:R ANIMALS ISN'T SUCH A BAD IDEA CRYING OVER THE MUTT YOU'VE JUST CHASED AFTE l. ALL LACK NORSE 6 .11W DAWES BREWERY Cktssfied Advertising 11.1111' I:IIICI(s 1.1. 1,t,rrt S I G 11 '1 1i' 1: I: K s 111 JI lllr f,.l immen111e dclt4CI!'. Al::n loco and rhlee wcclt old 4tell• 1,1 ,•higks IIre r•a114 444. 'rtvr•ddle ('hick hatcheries. Limited I'ergna. UlltnHr. t,11`.1: N/► '1'11!1: 1.\ 111(111':Iti\1. Four f lrlolwr-Not', 4Ilt r rhlvlc+. lilu,kin❑ ,.0/1014 44,40. Sprrlat 1111 N. 11. 4 11'. I. st.1rt4 d pullet; for pr.kni ,t :Moment. tart detail* (soul Bray Ilutt•herc, 1 3o .1111(14 St. North, Il,ullihl n, nnrnr'io, MILLER'S CHICK HATCHERY. FERGUS, ONT. it.11titl'a) micas 11111:1) TO h'i' .\ 1 441 (h> Ilnlnp. x IPR. Leghorn x lilt. •I r (doles. Plock of Leg• horn pullets of 160 at 12 weeks 11(1tuedi:de :•hl1)1)101)1 can he matte Iii sl.'.1:,s ((I'I'Olt'PI'NI'I'II: MAIL CONTACT ACCOUNTING -\ 0. tr and 1110111111 I)Irlhed or 1)44l - comilr_ ;111 our bolk1eptng and to•r„urltiit:: problems Sub 11Owl's to NI 111 Contact Ae- vow.tiul !imply place all their Fe l,'q 114 1:111 (,lips, rash voucher!, 1r11 111 ill l','4) )'), Payroll Particulars ('r., in out s, I1-addre.;:(d envelope :ld mall perlodirally 1,1 our office. l )1,gr ;t month \r e :end }•011 n sunl- nr)11' ul your basin(:, transa<•linns. t)le''' a 4 0.1)1', o1• on t','I.le`a, 400 fur - 111 -11 4 411 nigh n 1-,1111p,••14 statolarnt of !stir nffails, 4sith 1omplcte In- come ta' Noll, v'(Iielent and eorfklent int Ire to all hussars., men wiles)) ;111111:,1 11111 )1001' 110(5 not r(rtulr'e the cyo.+ nr n full•Ilule n1'e01111t• telt, l::ll'Ilgr (;ror(ry, Drug, Dr y- wimp,II 111111;u'r, Plumbing„ Hue- t0rs. 1-)ent nos, etc, 1'011 ran safely h:oul met' your aernuntlnt; 11"d- a0•h, s to MAiL CONTACT ACCOUNTING ('nlumon\\ (':11111 1111141. . i I:In1 St. 1:.. 'T'o'ronto. \\'Tito for Informaliutt and Her monthly fees, DYEING AND CLEANING DAVE 5'4111 tNY'I'IIiNG NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Deportment 11 3', ricer's nye Works I.iml*ed, 7;11 Yonge Street. 'Toronto, Ontario. I:I,I:1"1'1111'.11, I:QI'II'111:N'1' 1'6:11' ''('1 ('LO11M" 1,1(.11'1'1:11: plants ,powered by Briggs 1l'•. Strat- ton 0:1:: engines. 1. I'. or I1. C. 350 to 254144 watt. frltlrh gets and Diesel (mala!- from 13, to 2110 h. p. sta- tionary or Marine typo, Air, lank, radiator or hopper cooled LargeFl Ors; „r three phase 01011.0s. Prom stock .\.r', or D.1'. \1'01.1110; 11ach- 1aes, 1 leotrn(Irs and ncens?lrles. NI 40 cn:; (n,gino (1010(11 portable -elf - priraint; centrifugal pumps ;non ;,al:, per horn'. 'Total weight 914 11).. 4(prrnlos 5 hours on( gnllnn (441,.0(. I'nrinnt•s, tnnber and fish- ing' Industry - in nlosl rases - tax :1011 duty exempt, 11'rlte for prices 111 Alliance Electric l\'nrl('4 I,hnited, !toot's! - 'Toronto --- ilallfax - 1111yn -- N'innspeg, Port A 1;ONs'I'.tN"1' SI'I'I'1,5' OE I'Islt halt !quarter brings hookiet 00 ('altitivolnl propognlion, Complete details, assuring a greater supply ,rear r1Iler• year, Sollmnslrr System, Iiox 223. \VInnipeg, Manitoba. Inst(:LAO 1'ItoOI;` lil•:Y Ills'1',tIN- rl' prevents t emn(•ing hey from otlt• side. Postpaid 25c. Atomic Enter- prises Lon;; Branch, Ontario, CONCRETE BLOCK MACHINE 1':asy to (hil(1, tort' cost. Sell blocks, build 1111us1•, bunt, ere., economical- ly. nee details, \I:Istcrprhnt Co„ '1'01'11110 11, un 1:1.18'11(144 All►'1'olts NEW, USED bought, sulci, relnlitt belts, pulleys, brushes. Allen Islectrlo Company Ltd.. 2326 Dufferin St., Toronto, Ont, 51.11'liIN1: .iNI) SYI:LI)IN(. snot Its Northern I)rltnrio growing town, fully equipped with 5 lathes, 3 drill Presses. shaper, grinder, miller, etc., contained in fireproof bulldblg; also 3 eleetrie welding machines turd 2 acetylenes; growing business, steady 1000011., now has 20 e►n- p1115'C s: h:u'gnin for quirk stile. Box 1108, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, 1'i:'I'.5LED .11.tIDI:N 11,1111 FERN, 2410. plant postpaid; other choice ]'erns, 11iuso Plants, ell'. Free list. Aiken Nursery, Chino Panel, Que. -- 6,000 PULLETS - 11080 Itea(1y•to-Loy Pullets, also several thousand 2 to 5 months old. These pullets all raised on clean, free range with plenty of space and tender green feed, under the most ideal conditions. Send for Price List and full particulars. -- OIL BURNERS - Ne v pot type oil brooders, new pot typo range burners rind beaters. Prompt delivery or boots for later, L,\Kmy) 1151' POWalt V FAiRM, 'WEIN !ROs., Exeter, Ontario. TIRES We are overstocked nt-the present 'of good used trade-in tires (guaran- teed to he In excellent shape) 600 X 16 $5.00 All orders shipped C.U.D. Soeelal equipment for vulcanizing 'Pruett and farm Tractor 'fires. BEACON TIRE, corn. Queen & York Sts. HAMILTON, Ontario. O\T.tltl(►'9 51OS'1' 1101)EIIN I:QDIPI'1:D 'T11(1> 51101' I',tI11IS 14111 44.11.1'! CRO!('1! DA 1111' FARM 1'O11 SA1,1:, 150 acres, good soil, good buildings, (lose to school; 18 miles from Lon- don, 2 miles off highway No. 100 In Oxford County, 11..1. Oliver, R. R. 3. 'Thnmesford, Ontario. ()NII HUNDRED) A('It1:S, MEDIUM clay 1011114, fifteen acres wooded, balance g'raSg, Immediate posses- sion. Elizabeth \vele, \\'Ingham, Untu'lo. 100 ACRES A1.I, CLEAR I:\CI:L- lent land with good Batik Barn, Large Frame house situated on county road. Lot 19. Con 4. west •Garatraxa. hydro soon to be avail- able. th mile from School. Apply to MIs. Ethel Lotlttit, R. R. No 1. Tielwood, Ontario. 100 ACHES LOUA'TI:D IN 'AMR - ton County one half mile from Onh• dale on n mail country road close to store, school and church. On the farm Is situated a good 9 -room frame house with; llydro and run• ning tater, screened in porch, 1 barn 30 x 50, 1 13nrn 28 x 50 stabling for eight cows and some young cnt- tlo rind four horses, 1 gond hog P00 and double (leek hen hoose and granary. The soli Is of Clay Loam and In n high state of cultivation with 13 acres nt y'ning hush. Price 87,000. Phone nr write for npnnint• merit In fenrce It. Cross. 80 Myrtle St St. Thom:is. 1' 5 1(51'. ECU( SA 1,1'! 41111) ,'.11?(':!. IN N0I1'I'lll'11111:11- lifid di uta 1. 110 aclrs ,111 01 11 1 0 for do\ed fat:Man. GU acres hush and p� •t 111 '. Ihie,►t house awl frame barn, '1. Sr. I'dal 81, \Vest, St C'at11- atmes, o wt:trio. 11,511111111:S44I NO (,(1.5tt.\ 11A11)1'111!SSING '1'1110 Robertson method Information on request regarding classes, Robert- son's Hairdressing Acndcrny, 137 Avenue !tone!, 'Toronto, !1111,4' %IAN'l'1:1) SYAN'i'ED - 1IEAI'5' '1'5'1'1: rot It- 1,1no).: to tc rl) in 'Tannery, 1)00d (cages, sl4.0415' 401r1c. \41(10' The tt Hyman 1', 4114'1111!• 1.(111110:l, 1,0(1- 11.10, t14>41) o, 111:D11'AI, 4.0111) 114:%11,'1''. - 1:51:1(1' sltl`- f.'r(r I'r0111 I!heu4lal(' ('.this or \g'u'ilt: :•houl)1 arc Lltxr,n'a 11,.1110 10. 1 1110I0. \Ilan^ /i/11" 1'"i1p;ei11 $1.1111, '('((5' 1'1'1 1:1 1:111' )0'1'1'1:11E11 OP I;h(nnluti ' 1' lies or Neuritis should try ((\on'' term -qty. ;11111u'n's Dru(; lot g, :1::7. 111c'ict, 111taIva, Postpaid AIIiSICAl. 1N44'I'UIJMI:N'I 44 1'141:1) A 1'111111JNG'I'l)N 11115'!1 sellsexcllnn,es musical Instru• 11!!•1110 111 t rrh, Toronto 2 4Pl'l111'I'1!N I'TII:44 ('(111 I5'I1511:N B1. A 1-IAV!tDRESSER JOIN c'ANAI)A'S LEADING SCHOOL Oren( ')p'.ol unity Learn 1!.)+4resstrlg Pleasant dlg'.I.Ied profession, good wages, Ihousnm s successful Marvel gr:oltultes. America's greatest sys• 40111, Illustrated catalogue free. Writs or enll 1),\Rl'P:I, 11:\I PDRESSING SCHOOLS 356 Moor St. W., Toronto, flrnnrtles: 44 Ring St. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottwa. PATENTS I'I0'rII1!I1N1'ONIIAI'G11 .@ 11(455I'ANY Patent Solicitors. Established 18110; I4 King 1Vest. Toronto. Booklet 01 Information on request. I'I:1(SONAi, 1'1(131! 1141311; 111111,E (10l'IU44E. 29 Intere;,ling lessons answering many puzzling questions as Armageddon, 'Millennium. {leaven, Death, and Sntvallon, i\'r'lle Whir 0r•rnlnnr, Madison College, Tennessee, I'III)'I'1)GI[AP111 1'ILMS DEVELOPED 25 CI:N'I'S. Gunranlerd 0110 day service, No Availing. Bay Photo Serv(ce, North lily, TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your 111111s properly tlevrtnped and printed 6 011 8 EXI'(P114lRE Itut.l si 25e, lllsl'IIIN'I'S 8 for 2hc, WIN EST ESL.%110ING S1slt\'ICE. You 1111(5' riot get rill Me (lams you want this year, but you ran gel all the quality and ,service von desire by sending your. films to 1111'I:1(I451. 1'1111'10 SI:It%II.'IC S1ntion 1. 'Toronto. FINER "SNAPS" COST LESS 1'1((1111"1' 51A11, 4410115'1(111' Any Slzo atoll 11 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED ANI) PRINTED 25e 8 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25c Size 4x6" 111 Beautiful Easel Mounts Enlargements 4x6" on Ivory tinted mounts; 7x1)" In Gold, Silver, CIr- casstan Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 59c each. if enlarge. !lent coloured, 71)c each. Reprints Atado Prom Your Negatives 3c, Each D I;1"1'. 81 STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Il oz 121), I'osl Office A, 'I'or0010, Print Name and Address Plainly. 1'1:A1:11101(44 WANTED THE 1105.1,1, AND MATHESON SS No. 1 requires the ser\'1COS of 2 teachers. Salary to commence, $1,400,00 and $1,200.00 respectively, 1)01' school year, This is a 2 -room school, ;average attendance. 55. The school is situated close to rutin highway, about 7 tulles from South Porrupine, Apply to 10. A. Shap, See' '., Hoyle 1'. 0., N. Ont. 1VAN'T11D-I'R0'I'i:S'TAN'1'TI:AI'll- er, 11181e preferred, for U.S.S. No. 3, Vankough4et, 17 utiles north of Soo, Ont., on Highway 17. Number of pupils enrolled, 28; (trades I to \'111. Salary up to 31,500.00. 1)uties to commence Sept. 3rd. Sante quali- fications, experience and age to ('has, J. (Intl), Ser.-Treas., Kirby, 11, R. No, 1, Ontario. SVAN'14si) - l'UIILIO S C 11 0 0 I, teacher for S.S. No. 2, 'lodging and Deroche, 1)041es to commence Sept, 3, 1946 State salary wanted. Ap- ply to E. D, laoss, Searchmont, Ont, Ii,tS1IAltl115'll: - l'RO'Ti.S'TANT teacher with permanent first or second class certificate rind several ,years experience wanted for 4. S. No. 1 1Cashnbowle; salary $1,350.00 per annum; enroiment 10. Apply to A, 1Iolinshend, Sec„ 5, S. No. 1, ICa- shnhowlc, Onlnrio, 51>AN'TED ItEPA' 1:44 5'I"TI1N'I'I(►N1 MANI'1'A(ITGI(1111 obs iN'1'I:ItNA- (lo0nlly known line of Beachwear must have 3000 to 5000 feet of space for textile manufacturing Imme- diately, ff you ore nnxlou..4 to 1n- (rense employment In your town and know of space available, please address your reply to 67 Princeton Rend, Toronto 9, Ontario. 1V 5N'l'i:D '11) f'ultl'IIASPI P(1Li.E'I'S Burred Rocks, New ilnmpshires, \Vhile Leghorns any age from F weeks up to laying. flood prlres paid Apply to Bnx No 9S, 73 Adelaide 1\'.. Tnrnn t n Egypt Takes Over Citadel of Cairo Great liritai4's 64 -year ocenpa- (fun of the Citadel, built 700 years ago by a sultan who fought the Crusaders, ended when King Fa- rouk raised the green and while flag of Egypt over the sit('. Premier Sidk ' Pasha hroadcas: that tits Citadel had been the first Egyptian fortress occupied by the British and was the first evacuated 85 part of a complete withdrawal promised by the idritish govern- ment. .\ new British -Egyptian treaty is hcittg negotiated, 1 Canada Exports Pure - Bred Stock 220 Holstein Cattle Sold At Average Price Of $2,037 To British Buyers The names commonly associated with the breeds of live stock to be found in Canada .use those of the older lands of Europe, of England and Scotland and the farts lands of France, Ilolland and Belgium. Ever since farmer; from these land, cane to Canada to build new homes they have been importing foundation, or breeding, sloe!( for which • the older countries were fanlIlIN, 50) S the Ottawa Journal. Their names have become as (411101 ar in Canada as in their 014(5nal home;, \lass mot einem of high-class breeding stock has now started in the other direction, and it i.) inter- esting that one 1,1 the Largest pur- ella;es of high -clan; breeding stock ever trade in Canada is to improve and infuse neva blood into the dairy howl, of Britain. $10,000 For heifer The 1lolstein-Friesian Associa- tion of Canada, largest breed or- ganization in the British l',Inpire, Inas just announced sale by Can- adian breeders to a special buying mission sent out by the British Friesian Society of 220 specially selected holstein cattle at a total cost of more than half a million dollar,. The quality of these cattle can be judged front the price paid, an average of $:!,0:47 at the farm, and the fact the animals selected must the highest specifications ever established for a large scale int- porlation, 7'hc English buyers paid $10,000 for one two -months -old heifer, a daughter of the famous Alcartra Gcrbcn, world's champion butterfat producer. Top price paid for a hall was '.I'he fact that British breeders and dairy larmcrs have come to Canada for animals of this calibre is a tribute to the great strides !talc by breeders ill this county, There are rumors that other liriti'11 buyers are interested. Al- ready our rattle enjoy a fine repu- tation in the United States, many have gone to NIexico in recent years, to other South American countries. lust last week a trans- port 'plane left 'Toronto with eight pure bred 11olstcin hulls aboard for Cuba and Puerto Rico, Seven of them had been purchased by the ('1161111 sinister of Agriculture. The yang bulls were in the hauls of their new owners n'ithin 12 horn's, the cost about the saute as %Olen shipped by rail and 51atct'. 33 Ayrshires To U.S, The Movement of pure bred stock i., not all in one direction. On Satnt'day at 11ot'i('k, One., R. R. Ness and Sons sold four recent- ly imported Ayrshire cows and heifers to a 'Toronto farm owner for a total of Ss,1100, lint at the same ',ale .tat Canadian bred Ayr - shires were ptn'ehased by U,S, buyers. This export business in high-class breeding stock has be- come :45 profitable sideline for Can- adian farmers, an inlporlant factor in Canada's export trade and one likely to grow. OVERCOATS ON THE HOOF Yearling rams brought a new price at the Idaho Woolgrowers Association's Silver Anniversary Sale in Twin Falls, Idaho, These five went for 31,125. Care Is Needed In Using 2, 4-D A warning about the (1,c of the hormone (weed -killer 2,4- has been issued by the Division of Botany and Plant Pathology, Science Ser- vice, Dominion llcpartment of Ag- riculture. Lases are on record where the application of this weed killer has resulted in ,injury to nearby vegetable garden: or flower ' bc(16, 2,4-1) is selective in its nature when applied in the pr,,per concen- tration to weeds its lawns; but tunny vegetables, ornamental gar- den plants, shrub,, and tree, ate just as likely to be iniured as are the broad-leaved weeds. The following precautions should be observed \viten applying 2,4-1): 1, Keep well away.frotn all orna- menlal plants and garden plots. 2. 1)o not apply 2,4-1) on a windy day, The wind will curry the fine spray for sonic distance, 3. Clean out all sp;ay apparatus, nosing pails, or IVatcriug can., with hot soapy water or washing soda, followed with a thorough flushing out with warm water before using for any other purpn4e, Costly War Japan lost 1,17.1,•170 men during eight years of warfare, the latest survey of the demobilization hoard showed. Of 777,1)76 Japanese army casu- alties, 72),07(1 were killed in action and 52,01)(1 were drowned, 'Total navy casualties of 397,000 broke (lown to 2110 killed in China and 397,120 killed in the Pacific war, PERFECTS MILK PRESERVATIVE Professor Gabriel Bertrand, 79 -year-old retired director of the Paris Pasteur Institute, demonstrates how tnicrolysine is applied to a bottle of milk to purify and preserve it without refrigeration for as long as four or five days. Two drops are sufficient for amount of milk seen in photo above. Spies Dropped In Packages German saboteurs and agents encased in hon(p-:shaped contain- ers %vert dropped three to a pack- age behind Allied lines cluing the war, air materiel co11111Pw1d At \Vri;;ht Field, Dayton, Ohio, dis• ;lo c(1 ('1'('0(111)', as, (('(v 4!1111141' 411(1(1)' at \\'right. I'i^14i by technical intelligence ex- pert-, each had three Wren strapped 01111iu. Directly above them was a compartment containing four 1,arar'hutcs. IN lain advantage: "It enabled nun of special s1:i116 to be dropped \without junlpiug experience. Ontario Tamworths Arrive In Britain Ten thoroughbred Tantwot'lh pigs arrived in Britain from C'att- ada recently marking the first ship- ment of such breeding stock to that count's' since before the war. The i1ritish importation was made un- der the auspices of the National 1'ig Breeders association, L011(1011, Eng., and the shipment and collec- tion of pedigree (locuntcnts was handled through the Canadian Na- tional Railway's colonization and agriculture department. The pigs all bred in Ontario, ratite front such points as George- town, C'raigville, Palmerston, Gormley, 'Mitchell, and Woodville. • SPOTS UE SPURTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS --•-•-•-•-•-•-•- ("A Six Bit Critic") a .s.. +• _ _ •-.-. It will proh;thly be no news to our reader, that some of the hold- er, of front pews at Maple Leaf Gardens have been exhibiting a trifle of annoyance over the. fact that, for the coming season, the price of their choice locations has been upped considerably. The other day a fes' of the boys were talking this (natter over, and one of them expressed impatience with the (itns writing hot letters of pro- test to the papers about the raise. "What are they squawking about:" he said. "If they figure gypped. why don't away and let it go don't have to attend if they don't want they're being they just Slay at that' They hockey games to, do they:" 4: "That's just where you're all wrong -they do have to go," re- plied another -a Hamilton man, we suspect. "\\'hat else is there to do in Toronto on a Saturday night * 4 4: Football talk is in the air -foot- ball workouts have started -and it won't he long now. And while we are all for frankness and open- ness, calling a spade a spade, and all that sort of thing, we wonder if the football boys aren't stressing the money angle just a little too strenuously for their own lasting benefit. * * 4: It stands to reason that, fo: some sl'at's past, no Spol'(S fol- lower over the mental age of trine has really believed that football gladiators were doing their stuff purely for exercise, or were sweat- ing and toiling because of their sheer love of the gridiron pastime. But there's a vast difference be- tween vaguely realizing that ath- letes are getting paid, and having the fact that they are thrust down your throttle at every (urn. 4: 4: 4: Canadian football !lust neces- sarily be played, on many occa- sions, under such unpleasant cli- matic conditions that the specta- tors require the stimulus of club or team spirit -to say nothing of a little of th kind carried on the hip -in order 40 brave the %veather. And in normal times it might be rather hard to work up any vast Measure of club or tear11 cnthus- iastu when you know quite well that eves')' man On the team )'Otl're rooting for 5(0(11d be playing for the opposition if they'd laid mole cash 00 the line. 4: 4: 4: Im the olden days they did those things a little differently, and gav4 us fans at (cast some excuse for behaving as we did. \\'c could kid ourselves that Rigg Bozo, the plung- ing twiddle tying, had gone to Ot- tawa solely to enter the Civil Ser- vice, ('('ell thongh we knew illsi(l(' us that he couldn't unassisted, pass a Kindergarten Entrance 'fest. We could dope ourselves into be• lining that \\'hoozis. the speedy end, was hesitating between To- ronto and Hamilton only because of his inability to decide which of the two jolts offered promised the finer career, 1414()1 though we knco right well that his private idea of hard labor was holding the !anter, while his mother split the kindling. And we could almost slake our- selves accept the statement that 1)111111)(8, the running half, 118)1 gone to Montreal to pursue hi, studies in higher mathematics. ('vett though our reason told us that 1)uulho couldn't add up six and five on a pair of dice without the assistance of his fingers. k * 4: lith now they are stripping all these pretty and face-saving artif- ices away from us, and it is forced upon us daily that the boys are shopping around, waiting for the highest offer ;and the utmost dol- lar the traffic will bear Their (('ord., and actions tell u, that, to them, the only difference between the Double illue and the \'ellow• and -Black is the size of the pay check -that they N ill struggle and suffer just as cheerfully (Icier the banner of 1lontreal as that of Ot- tawa as lo11g a, the dough is forth - 111 of which 1(111y be, as w'1' said before. greatly to the good front an ethical angle. Thcoretically, honest professionalism is greatly to be preferred over veiled ama- teurism. But sport fans are curi- ous folks -and sentiment plays a very large part in their actions and reactions. And while they know that the money angle exists in football -that it has existed for many years - flaunting it too openly in their faces could prove dangerous. * 4: Sports promoters -- in other sports as well as football -are too apt to forget that, for the past five or six years, sports have been far from normal. Fat par envelopes, both masculine and feminine, have he1411 just aching to be spent. ('.very weekend thousands of ac• tion -era\' in Navy, Army and Air Force personnel have been flock- ing to the larger centres, intent ell fun and amusement and not at all critical of the quality offered 'Clic Toronto Maple Leafs - to Mention only one of many -stave drawn record - breaking crowds with teams that were, to put it mildly, sometimes rather painful to watch, And any hind of a foot- ball game was !icier 111;111 no game at all, But those days arc, if not quite over, rapidly approaching their end. The easy -money era is about past and a time is coating when sports fans, as well as sports par- ticipants, will be doing a little shopping around, And while risk- ing pnl'm11011ia in near - zer0 weather to shout and fight for your favorite club may be all very %yell when that club's winning (»- losing rlosing really means something to you, it is hard to wort: up suffi- cient enthusiasm to ward off the cruel Autumn blasts when you know exactly how notch dough every 1111111 on that club is draw• ing on payday. Canada Abolishes Priority for Cars Necessity of obtaining priority certificates to buy a new passenger car 0r tuck has been eliminated in Canada by C. 1). 11owe, Recon- struction Minister, This does not mean cars will be readily available, as there were some 60,0410 persons with p0ority certificates when the system ended. But henceforth all, (‘en those who held certificates. will have equal opportunity to obtain a new car, as distribution will be entirely in the normal channels. t'AIE 4. 1�r THE STANDARD RATION BOOK 6 WILL BE ISSUED SEPTEMBER 9" and SEPTEMBER 16" The green Application Card No. RB. 191 at the back of Ration Book No. 5 must be properly completed and presented to a Distributing Centre in order to get a new book. Distributing centres will not be open on all days at all hours. Dates and hours will vary in oach locality. giving full particulars as to `:� ' •'+ HOW, WHEN OR WHERE TO GET YOUR NEW RATION BOOK The first coupons in the new book will become valid September 19th. Failure to get your new book during the official week of distribution will involve delay and will mean that you will be temporarily without coupons when you may urgently need them. THE' WART.YNI ' FIJI ES' iIL111Dr`�'PRhI E BA WALTON Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kellar have re- turned house after a short visit in North Bay and Ottawa. At present they are entertaining relatives from \Vest Virginia. I..1 111111, 414111 .. 641 \1 r. 1luglt \\'cyton. 1.1.6 .,,IAN 11. 1 4 . 4 101 N6.(I14b , , n nk inn.ln' .1.1 1 I I 114 411 ;Campbell is \rn•kim:; RBIW 1111 1.1 MOM WANTED :\ co I:: also a girl for general Cork. .\plly at Commercial Hotel, - BI� tlt. , 52-tf. _ WANTED .\ 'Trained t. Ilii 11og. Apply to Ditn \Icl'.inmon, I hone 24-12, Brussel,. 52-1. I LOST Lcnse from a child's set of );lasses. Finder please notify James Laurie, phone 9'I, Blyth. 52.11). PULLETS FOR SALE I" 120 pullets, cress between Hock and Leghorn, starting to lay; I.25 pullet,, Rocks and Sussex. Apply to Gus. Bisback, phone 18-8, Blyth. 52-1p. WESTF'IELD \I i• st s Edna and Audrey \\'alsh of 111 ny,tll were guests on Sunday at the home of \I r. and, Mrs, A. E. \\'alsh. \Irs. I:u scl (food of the Base Line have returned home on Saturday after sticnding ;t month with her sister-in- l;nv, \I rs. Douglas Campbell. \Ir. and \Irs .1. 1.. \Icl)otvell sport the week -end itlt \II'. anti \Irs, John (Tear, of Kitchener. Mrs. I. 1.. Ellis of Listowel is vis- iting with \Ir. and \Irs, \\'atter \Ias- .on and other friends. \I r. Melville Crown of Comber, \Ir. and \Irs. Johns of \\'hcatley, and the latter's sister, \Irs. 12ihhle of Comber, called on the fornter's sister, \Irs. \\'. 1I. Campbell and \1r. Camp- bell, on Sunday. \I r.. and \Irs. Frank Harbour!' and family of 1lcnsall were week-ettd "due is at the hnnte of slr, and \Irs. \\'m. \\'allot, \Ir. Bell and children and \Ir. and Mr,. Harris of (iodcrich, have recent - Iv moved on to the farm of the late \Ir. Lorne ;:thttchotisc which \Ir. hell o had recently purchase], at ; \1.10 to \150 and O1 and Q2. I Masters Victor and Cecil Campbell Cutter coupons 8111 to R17 111•l meat spent the week -end with Mr. and \l4') to \i5) expire .\mgrtst 31, \Irs. John Prccnian of Brantford. RATION COUPON DUE DATES 1 Rt._ul,ttiou: hate been recently re- Several of the friends from this vise(' and landlord- may now ,give a district attended the funeral on 'rues - now valid arc sear-preser- straight six months m.tice to vacate day of the late \\'tit, Snell, Londes- Coup- 115 NTS SI to 525, butter HIO to RI's, meat terminating at any time. horn, ONTARIO PARENTS (AN TAKE THESE E(OGN1ZED PRECAUTIONS } AGAINST THE POSSIBLE ‘1 • THREAT OF POLIO It Is In August and September that poliomyelitis (polio) is most prevalent. During these last weeks of summer, thoughtful parents should observe every rule that will protect their little ones from this disease. In our Province, comparatively few cases of polio have occurred as yet but in some sections of the United States, infantile paralysis -as it is more commonly called -has reach- ed epidemic proportions. The Ontario Department of Health therefore urges every family to keep in step with the common-sense precautions outlined below. Read them carefully. Encourage your children to practice them daily. Guard your fatnily's health during this particular period of the year! If your child is ill do not hesitate to seek medical advice DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FOR THE' PROVINCE OF ONTARIO J. T. Phalr, M.B., D.P.H. Deputy Minister of Health Russell T. Kelley Minister of Health Wednesday. August 28, 194d Blyth Radio service RADIO STS AND SUPPLIES - RECORD PLAYERS. SPECIAL PHONOGRAPH NEEDLES -Up to 4,000 plays for $1.00 Equip your Radio for Playing Records - Enjoy Their Richness of Tone RADIO REPAIRING -MI Makes and 'Types. Now is the time to think of having your set put right \rr your favourite fall and winter programs. .,.. t .. . I• . 11 I:4 .1 .1 1. i BATTERIES -All Types; Aerial Kits and Repair Pats; Tubes. GLENN KECHNIE Work Guaranteed. Phone 165, Blyth. Yee 11411 IN 111, Yee 111.4 .14,1• Illi Ii1 11 1. 14 4444 4444444.144444444.4.44444.44.4.44444•.4444*4444.•.4•.•••444'444.414.•.;.••.••.•••.•.••..t'.••.•.••,•••.•.,1,4444•.4444•.4444• % LIONS LABOR DAY FR LIC •t• MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2ND : •• • • 4 :4 :, >4 ,• `4 :4 :4 I :4 WINGHAM TOWN PARK 3 NDS -K- \V Boys' Cal, Stratford Coes Band, \\'inghant Band. 11.'I'1,1 NOo', I'I la'0h\I.\\('I'..---Soap Box Derby; Parade; Child- ren's (.'on;ests; Band I)ctnonstrati•.us; Softball 'Ti urn tineut. P.\'l'Nl>(i 1'IiRhOI't\I:\\l'I?-I'aradr: Tug oi-\\':u•: Burn (.'omvav Nan t cvilic Slip v: Bingo and (litmus of Skill; 1)aR•c in Arena Ill p.in. to l :mt.; \lusic by ,\vr mire-, modern and old time. MIDWAY - AFTERNOON AND EVENING FERRIS WHEEL - MERRY-GO-ROUND - PENNY ARCADE WEDNESDAY, SEI''1'LMBER •I'1'II, 0 P.M. - Ladies Softball • $25.00 Purse to ;\\inner, ;S; CLIFFORD Vs. BRUSSELS -.7.30 P.M. • Midway acid Games. ••�.�••�.4�.4�u•♦•+•,4404:.•�.i♦.•0•:.•:.•0•:••�1�••�.•0•�. •O•�4.0.�• �••�4r�:•�.•�••0•�•.d•�••�••�••�••�.•�.•0•:•r�.0� •�.0•.�••�.•:••:.•:•.V 4 ; •. •: •: •: •: .I; •t4 •I, 3' .t; 4• 414 4, : 44 44 4• SVNS 4•444.41•04• I N Clinton Collegiate TEMPORARY SCHOOL BUS SCI-IEI)ULE COMMENCING 'TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd. .caving Junction No. -I highway and Con. n, \I, rris 7.-15 am. .caving Junction No. 1 Highway and Con. 7, \)orris, 7.511 1.111. .caving Junction No. 4 highway and Con. 8, \)orris, 7.55 1.111., .caving Blytlt (Elliott's Sunoco Service Station) 8.0)) a.m., .caving ,lune. N.1. 4 lliglmay and Con. 12-13, Ilullctt, 8.05 a.m., ,raving Londcshoro -- .. - till) ,caving June. No. -1 Ililglnvay and Con. 8-9, Ilullctt, 8.15 a.nt., .caving June. No. 4 Highway and Con. t-7, 1lnllrtt, 5'0 :1.111., .caving June, No. -1 1lighwa_• and ('on. 4-5, Mullett, 8.25 a.m., .caving _lune. No. 4 I Iiglmay and (on. 2-3, Mullett, 8,3)) .\rriving Clinton Collegiate .. 8.•15 a.m., 1:01: 1\POR\I.\2121O\ P11ONE 139, 111.\"1'1I. 1 WNN1tNNNNNN~~ NSI IMNNNPINNNIINN##.11~t♦NNN• r ; • 1)[tEK,[t4(141IK�(KKt�'tcCtit4K,'(101KtCtCK•:'itC(Ctt;KKtCMK'Yq Elliott lnstiraiice Agency BLYTII-- ONT. ) INSURE NOW! ANI) BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. J. H. R. Elliott Gordon Elliott 9f Office Phone 104. Residence Phone, 12 or 140 COURTESY AND SERVICE. . 47/1)*;hastO DiXDlMMIDIDaDihiD iln-DV:12ail12atnaDiDiliD DI%DiDilDID1DIDIN/D1DINLt WEDDINGS FELKAR-TEBBUTT On Friday evening, August 23rd, at the United Church \l arse, Blyth, \I r. Everett Eldon Fclkar, son of \I r. and \Irs. C. E. Pcll:ar, of iginonlvillc, was united in marriage to .\liss laizabetlt 1lcnt•ictta 'l'chhutt, (laughter of \I r. and \Irs. Oscar E. 'l chhutt, of Scaforth. Rev. A. Sinclair performed the cere- mony, . I1.1• . II Ili 1 I a ,., . 11u i i e . .1 i t144..11,1,•p44 440.44744.4.44144414444: :4 +44+444:44:4+4:4 744f 4:4. 444+1:44:4 44410+4:4414414H41:11 :4 • 44 4, ; :4 44 :4 4. 444 't4 '4 4., •' 4, 44 414 4.4 44; Farmers, Attention: POWER SPRAYING Having purchased a complete power spraying unit, 1 ant now in a position to execute efficiently and speedily, all types of power spray- ing such as: Orchard Spraying, Weed Control Warble Fly and white_ washing. Agent for J. K; Crang and Co (chemical division) for Rotenon (Warble Fly Control), DDT Animal and Fly Spray, also effective in potato and turnip spraying; 2-4-D Weed Killer. Karnoleum Disinfec- tant for use in stable and poultry house. Up-to-date Whitewashing Equipment. Edward W. Elliott BOX 293 44 44 :4 • 4, 4• 44 4• :4 44 :4 :4 :4 44 4 '4 :4 :4 .4 44 .44 :4 '4 '4 CL1N 'ON. PHONE 203. t +. 4444.. 4444 ... .4 '_4ii'�'4`_'4� 4+_+_+.41. 4i1.444�4-4t`_4t+St "f`-'+'.•!'_•,,_Hti!y`! 1_+.•4'_'41 Wednesday, August 28. 19,18 VEGETABLES, FRUITS AND GROCERIES Cro1Y11 Jar,, Zinc and Rub- ber Ring, I'aro\YaX, i%Icn1- ba Seals, Certo, Certo Cry- stals, Jelly Maker, Pickling Spices, white Wine Vine- gar and Cider Vinegar. Men's Work Shirts, Over- alls, Work Pants and Work Boots; Men's and Boys 'Pies and Braces. STE h ART'S (:ENERAI. STORE. WE DELIVER — PHONE 9 1 101 J In 1 11 dI.....I, .IL gall .I1JYd-aL jg.11, •IIAIL. I-IAROLI) .JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer. Specialil;1 in Farm 011(1 Household Sales, Licensed In Iluron and Pertrt Counties. ('rices reasonable; snits fiction guaranteed. For information, etc„ write or phone Harold ,laclieon, 11,11, No, 4, Seafortlt. Thione FINAL WILLIAM H. MORRITT LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Specializing In Farm (Ind Ilouscltold Bales, Licensed for tho County of Iluron. Reasonable Prices, and Salietactton Guaranteed, 1''or information, etc., write or phone \'Illiant h1, \lorr[lt, phone, Ito$ldenco 93; Shop 4, 13lytlt. 4-4•t.f, AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE At the residence of \\'. I . 1)esmar- ia.,, I)iasle• Street, F.a,t, 13I\tit, on FRIDAY, AUGUST 39T11 commencing- at ' I'.\i., au IlIllolt,: Bedroom suite; bed and spring; at 12:30 ,harp, the following: day 11(.11; dining -roost table; bnilel; I horse, ;\ years old; 1 urate, 4 years n1 1; 1 cow, 7 years 01(1; 1 cow, (, years chairs ; 2 armchairs; rocking chair; t organ and stool; earls radio stand; ol�l; - cow,, 4 years old; 1 cew, 2 year, .dl (aW i)urh:iii 1; 3 steers, sewing machine; hashing machine; scalers; 4 Moor rug,; tool: stove alio 2 years; 3 heifers, rising 2 stove pipes; lawn mower; thowcls ; )'ear, ; 5 calves ; l sow, (Inc to farrow Sept. lith ; 7 chunks, about 110 lbs,.; WEDNESDAY,SEPTEMBER 41'11 axe, take and hoe; 5 bags of potatoes, - and many other articles. 11, chunks, about 711 lbs.; 1_t5 hens, 1 year old; 275 cockerels, 111 weeks old; at 12;3(1 p,in. sharp the following: TERMS—CASH. 2 colony houses; I brooder stove. 1R)I'SI?S-1 hay horse, 8 years old; In case of rain sale twill he held in- 311 tons hay: grain; creast separator; 1 black horse, 11 years old; 1 grey side, _'r,' extension ladder; pails; iron ket- horse, 12 years 41, \\'. 1Z. 1)c -maria., Proprietor. Ile; grainery hags; forks; turnip drill; C.\TTI.I: — .\II Durham Stock — \\'. II. \torn itt, Auctioneer. 52-1. harrow, 5 -section; cultivator; disk ; 1 Uurhant cow, seven years old, bred Jul). 1-th; 1 Durhaun cow, eight 11 bred July " I 1 Durham CLEARING AUCTION SALE ((i I ;rn1 Stoel„ \I;o•hincry, and Ill n•eiu J(I hfleet•, on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10'1'11 ,1t 1.•,1 .,n Ion. 11, 111(11(11 'I'+nwn,hip, :'_ lune, tve' t 0l Loiidt•-,boro, at 12 'clot k, til, fidlowi11g : tiolZS •:ti- Ilrottit mare, •f year old; -orrel 1teldiug. •1 tear old. ( .\ I I IJ: .3 Duritain cows; Ilerc- ford cut\ ; 3 suing calves; 1 calf, ri week, ol�l. I'll 1S-8 pigs, chunk,. I \I I'I.t.\I1•..'. I'ti --- 2 \saw ],; hay rack ; gravel hot\ ; stock rack ; pair leil;b,; cutter • rnbbertircd buggy; \lasses -Ilam, binder, 7 -it, cut; \Ia•- ,ey-1IL1rri, al:inure spreader; \I;tssey- Ilarri, mower, ;lite cut; Massey - Harr'', grain drill, 13 -hoc; \Iassey- 1larri, fertiliser (Bill, Ii -hoe; \Ias- se) -Ilam, cultivator, I3 -tooth; \la; sey-Ilarris hay rake; roller; cutting ho\; 2 ,euffler,; '-fnrr, w plow; gang p1 tw; Fleury ltalkint; Hutt.; pig crate; ' waggon boxes; turnip tonna; turnip drill; fanning still; grass seeder; 2 sets harrow,; hag truck; scales, 2000 - lbs.: horse clippers ; buggy pole ; set double harm--; set single harness ,et plow harm-,; cIi:tins; scythe; gratin cradle; rubber horse collar; h1.r,e collar,: grind st t e ; (i sling rope,; itawlt,rl: nope; 2 sugar kettles; \\hifilctrecs; neck yoke ; tel boxes; waiter t'ouc'h; wire stretchers; cedar posts: er•o,selft saw; robes; horse blanket,.; 2 horse rovers ; grain bags ; \eheclh;rrow' ; 25-fft. ladder ; 22 -ft lad- der; 2 li rse stall post,; grain lifters; .\\D 11.\\-10 telt hay; 1111111 bus. mixed gratin. l iOt'SIf IOI.I) h:I� l� I;(" I'S — Diana 'tanner ce,ol: stove; coal heater; china cabinet. I•:vervthiit must be ,old as the fai'n•, is sold. TERMS CAST -1 \\'illi, \loumain, Proprietor, Harold Inchon, .\uctionecr, I?. P. Chesney, Clrrl:. 52-2. AUCTION SALE FARM, FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS :\t Lot 13. Con. 8, (»Thorne Town- ship, I and three-quarter miles west of Auburn, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2ND THE STANDARD 1 GROCERIES TOMATOES, PEAS, WAX BEANS, DICED CARRO'T'S & BEETS, AYLMER BABY FOODS IIAI3ITAN1' SOUP TOMATO JUICE, GRAPE JUICE, GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ROBIN HOOD & PURITY FLOUR Wheat Flakes & Cooked Cereals LAUNDRY & TOILET SOAPS TEA, COFFEE, TOBACCOS, FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES Pioneer Feeds Shur Gain Feeds Royal Purple Calfineal Egg Grading Station & Locker Storage A. L. KERNICK WE DELIVER—PHONE 39. DISTRIBUTOR FOR --- ti I'olarine, 1'larvelube, Mobiloil, and Essolube MOTOR OILS. PHONE, BLYTH 68. LES. NAFTEL AGENT FOR— IMPERIAL OiL, Ltd. \t: ornlich 11 -dist: fertilizer drill; \Ic(oruliel: hinder, 7 fl. (long tongue and sit 1'l tractor to11gt1e1; mos(11', 6 ft.; rake, 8 ft.; hay loader; slay rack and stock rad:: \wagon ; ('oehshutt riding plow•; ''-'I fleury walking plow; sleigh ; cutter ; buggy ; fanning mill ; set of scales, 211011 -lbs.; engine, 1 - horse pow el'; cutting' box; other ar- ticles too numerous to menti n. Stock and implements will be sold without reserve. '111e farm will be offered for sate with reserve hid. 'TI?R\IS: On Stock and Implements, Cash; On Property, 111 percent day of sale, and balance in ,3(I days. Charles •loncs, 1�•R. ,3, .\ohm's, Pro- prietor; • 11,trt'Id Jackson, Scaforth, .Auctioneer. 52-1, CLEARING AUCTION SALE Lot 11, Con. 17, (trey Township, 2 and a half utiles east of Walton, on BLYTH WED., SEPT. �1 - 8.30 P.M. MEMORIAL IIALL. years o t, \ret tt y -Jt t; pt' sant cow, (t }'ears old, supposed to freshen \o•. 1st; 1 Durham cow, 7 years old,PLU supposed to freshen October loth ; 1 ; Durham c,.w, 5 year, old, supposed to : freshen January 5th; 1 Durham cow, • n„' ij,_ 4 7 years old, supposed to freshen Oc A5 the (Creat Creator Ir �A1' tuber Milt; 1 Durham cow, 5 year's S has given IIIc a nice crop old, suppuscd to freshen March 19th; ,g 1 I )urh;n row, 5 years old, supposed of Plums, 1will pass it on 't to fre-hen February 11th; I A}'respire s to 0111' CUSt011lerS at a - cow, 11 years old, supposed posed t:+ fresh- --••'' ` • I l Special Price if you come en January 21st; 1 Durham cow', 7 t to 0111 orchard. g'•` ,year, old, supposed to freshen Jan. IT7 ;` 5th; 1 Durham heifer, rising 3 years r -'t' 31 old, supposed to freshen Dec. 25th ; Early Varieties Ready I with o 1 Durham heifer 2',,: years rid, solo Next Week. posed to freshen \I arch Lith; 3 Dur- ham steers, 2 years old; 3 Durham heifers, 1 ,ear old; 3 Durham steers, 1 year Old; I Durham heifer, 112 yrs. old; 2 Durham fall calves; 4 Durham calves, 7 months old; 3 ).oting Dur- ham calves, PIGS -6 pigs, weighing about 150 lbs.; 5 pigs, \weighing about 10(1 lbs. 1M [' L E\ I E N T S— t Good Shape) —....,-,., -..ti,..,,..,.,.,..s,,.. i f .. a 11:•. sa—�. t-fr - PAGE 5 ROXY THEATRE, CAPI'T'AL THEATRE CLINTON. GODERICH. NOW PLAYING: Dane Clark in: "HER KIND OF MAN" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Gene 'Fierncy, Walter Huston and Vincent Price. .1 f tet fns (slut ..t I ,ve and \iol,•nre, trio the 1,.t:�e o1 a novel by .Mira " (on, "DRAGON WYCK" Filmed d in '1_:chnicoler 'Thursday, Friday, Saturday "SUNBONNET SUE" i tt Iu'!, , and the swt II,, the songs ,Intl I!Ie .caudal, of merry \Ian- liatt,tu', cuarlie,t era, the gay nineties. Gale Storni, Phil Regan and George Cleveland, NOW PLAYING: Chas. Boyer and Jennifer Jones in: "Cluny' Brown". Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Joan Fontaine, Mark Stevens and Arline Judge, .1 c,t•1 1irtn,tlly il;ttvll in all dc- p;rtnu n1 pr. •e11t,. ,d slur} t 1u v. ;l it tr. tither REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTft NOW PLAYING: Ana Ncagle in: "A YANK IN LONDON" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Gene Tierney, Walter Ruston and Vincent Price, ��IL ndi llw 11,111 is illi, ,l(+rt' of ttic .Ig( -old struggle between ve-t ell interest, and the tt• rl,inp uto. "DRAGON W YCK" "FROM THIS DAY FORWARD" '1'huraday, Friday, Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday I Dorothy Lamour and Arturo de Dordova. Jack Maley, Helen Walker and Ozzie Nelson Homs to til 1,In1i 1. the t;lu:,tic for 1\ it'I I('tlw •\'.tllre and a radio ca -t II 1n l tall "f romantic ill Art I.inl:l tt 1', Howl, fou ,hate high jolt.•, "PEOPLE ARE FUNNY" "MASQUERADE IN MEXICO" 1 COMING: "Miss Susie Sla tors" COMING: "The Blue Dahlia" COMING: "Hold That Blonde" and 6 \'!olt I nlerlaliunu nl-- "1 "Follow That Woman:, and '"Tokyo Rose." Matinees Sat. & Holidays at 2.30 p,m Mat., Wed., Sat., llolidaya 2.30 pm Matinees Sat. & Holidays at 2,30 p.m. •• ♦INJ'♦N 4••:•+.1•••.••••04..• 8 ••8•.•..441•4.4•�.•1.O..l++,.i f.00,•.:.,•.;. •.:•.:•.:•.:••:• •.:•+4•.:,:,••:•.:•!•••0•:•4.4•.0,•:••••0•`;..�.J..:••:4•;..;.•:•J•,.;41..E.1•4•••40.•:.•3'1•) 'r•, .... o•..•o. LYCEU[`THEATRE_:ATTENTION! j:.i4; WINGHAM—ONTARIO. _, :. A I �O� \ 'tl .t 't '- Two Shows Sat. :t ' •. r , al �oSl. NightP +WE HAVE ON HAND— '; Sllotr -tart, regularly at 3 I'.\I• 4. .; POOL ROOM. :�� 't' -• >+ Salm 11;11' ill /:'I1 P.M. " =i �^ 'I! MASSEY-HARRIS REPAIRS.44 '('hanpes in tiulc Will he uotell helrnv�. •_' 41: DRILL TUBES. 1 :t: SMOKER'S SUNDRIES •1 '• .. ,•• ";Thurs,, Fri., Sat., August 29.30.31.„ ;(.Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Pop,^t' PUMP FITTINGS and TAPS. .t• ... „, rr :t; "TIIE HOODLUM SAINT" t' X, and Other Sundries. -1 r' ,:i 3: Wln. Powell, Esther Williams �t.Cl)C'11 all day and evening...;, =A. W. P. �11• t�1.�. �� >: •,•Alain tr„, , Blyth.', •t• PHONE 92, BLYTH 56.32,E I NI at: tturday afternoon at .t. t 4 I•i.•Ii.YM.i•y.1•.1..�•.,0.1•.�••:•.,0.1..x.1.•/..;.1•.�•.,0.�.�..�. „Mon., Tues., Wed., September 2.3•'1: t.•Ju:•.:••;i.;s:•.Cfr*•.+.•.•.•.:••�••�•D•.�•.�•.l•.;..�••0.".:.4 (SPECIAL) — oy "SARATOGA TRUNK" " DON'T SUFFER With YOUR FEET o,, Gary Cooper, Ingrid Bergman y. or a n itching skin , Get a bottle of s' I3crgnctl and Cooper in the best-" I'I•:\III..\C fr, 1n your drurgist. Tho seller by Edna I erbe<. tell ,;,ee'ly remedy for athlete's foot, ;;Two Shows Each Night, 7.30 & 9.30 .• I,nl,ull It'1', t'ol'l)>, eaiklllst's, ctuIIt,Ia111`i, ;...,.0• ••.0.:u4',''• ,••.•:•.:..:.:�.:u:u:•.:u:•.��.:n:..:•.:..:; l,tlrlltilg, Itl'Itlttg let, 111 (t r;t,h, IttU.- J.It 0nit';, black ill' and insect bites, oi' �r+ itching slain. Money back guarantee; ,r, 4�I tt3, a''rx'> .c,kr NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS .\ contract to repair approximately 11 roil: of Open Porti n of the Hanna Drain, will be Jct by Public Auction at 4 p.m., .\nt;ust ,30th, at the ditch. (;1•:O. C. \I :\RTI\, 51-2. Town -11.1) of 'Morris. LABOR DAY Monday. September 2nd SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES Between all points in Canada and to all United States border points. Fare and One-Ouarter FOR THE ROUND TRiP. . G0: any time from 12 noon Friday, Aug. 30, until 2 p.m., Monday, Sept 2. RETURN: leave destination not later than midnight, Tuesday, Sept. 3rd. Standard Time MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE Adults or Children - 25c lull pau'ticulars from any agent • araDcLPts SCOTT' AIL PATRICK );A L50 MVP!V PRODUCTION' DIRECTEEY GARSONDI{ANIN;i Added Featurette - A Leon Errol Comedy. 11 I I - . . .1.1:1 I,- -1 I• 1.1. 1 11 111 1 C. HOARE Fruit Farm - Clinton, Ont . , 1 1 ., I .11 1 1 One truck wagon; 1 \Iassey-Ilarris • 15 disc drill, with grass seed box; Dog Owners 1 \lassey-Ilarris riding plow, tinny new ; 1 set of 5 -section diamond Ear- Tape Notice rows; 1 Peter 1lamilt n cultivator; 1 steel land roller; 1 John Deere tuns- OWNERS OF DOGS are hereby ' CKNX a I'' n ance ore spreader; 1 International hay”: notified that any dog found on ottr i""1'('rty iluturc \1'll.l. 1,1. SIIO C U\ 510 1 11n''. rake ; 1 \IrCurntirl: Ureting binder, I '\'his is a drastic measure that we 0-10 cut; 1 Maxwell in-tln•ow binder,nnlst enforra as our chicken ranch b -ft. cut; 1 \lax\-etl in -throw (list; has hecu invaded on several ocrtsions. loader ; 1 \las>cy-Ilarris side delivery SA'.T'URI)A1' NIGHT 1 Deering mower, o -ft. cut ; 1 gravelbox; 1 hay rack, to -ft.; 1 Clinton E• J• Cartwright fanning; still; 1 buggy; 1 half -speed Portland cutter; 1 set sleighs writh bunks and holsters; 1 steel grader; 1 ked spring; 1 rocking chair; 1 3- 1 harrow cart; I st.•neboat; 1 wheel- burner New Perfection coal oil stove harrow; 1 Renfrew cream separator, with oven, good as new; 1 davenport; 5 years old; 1 electropail; 1 extension 1 heating stove and pipes; 1 extension t ladder and 1 ladder 10 feet long; 1 table; 0 lilting room chairs; 1 small steel barrel; 1 steel water tank; 1 table; 1 0 -octave organ; 1 flower colony house 8'x12'; 1 sef of single stand; 1 toilet set; 1 dinner set of harness; 1 set of brass -mounted team dishes; galvanized wwtshtrh; 1 nickel harness; horse c+-•Ilars; 1 pair of horse tea kettle; 5 -gallon coal oil ran; 1 blankets ; 1 pnalhole digger; a 'watt- I set of irons; 2 .stall \windows, 18"x Following the brcadcast a dance will be held until midnight in the her of cedar posts; sctne plant: and ; 231,i"; crocks, lamps. Pictures, lawn • i Memorial Hall basement. scantling; 1 anvil; material for 41)- I mower. The Legion is pleased to have the opportunity of presenting this foot hay fork track; 1 hand cutting No reserve as farm is sold. feature to the citizens of Blyth and Community, and it is hoped that box; 1 light wagon, and other small TERMS CASK. a good crowd is present articles too tnnterous to mention, Tolbert Marl:, l IuPrictc•r. The adnrisaicn will be—Adults 40c, Children 20c; Dance, 25c per person HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — One 'Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, COMING TO BLYTH AUGUST 31st Under Legion Auspices The Barn Dance will be broadcast direct from the Hall from 8 to 10. Dance To Follow dresser and washstand; 1 washstand; E. P. Chcsuc3, Clerk, 52-1. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT /p,,..•, ,-, jj':t. � �'.» l.acc•,,ed lnctioneer For IIuron F,'-. Ilas returned from service with the �Canadian :l Royal , +{) '�'`,,. ..;'a; Rl Cdiir Force, and will be ' p rt t (nitinnin • his former occ tp.ati pn. • a ;,j:a ;az C rrespondence promptly answerers A 'a t t ;t wa Immediate arrangvittcats can be made >'1 for Sales Date at The Standard Office, i/) W {a >3:<!I or by calling Phone 203, Clinton. E.4 ):, 3 :r ;t: ,,,. 1If Charge moderate and satisfaction Imo -+ >'ia�'t i ' Guau•antccd. W F `i i'i`' CHARLES F. DALE M �j `� ;, W• WW diet;fir' �. °'. it z ' - LICENSED AUCTIONEER. -4 Specializing in Farm and 1 foie eholrl i ' ti. Sacks. Satisfaction Guaranteed on /111 Sale,. For information phone 010-4,, Clinton, or write RR, No. 4, Clinton. 50-16p, ALSO CISTERN & STOCK PUMPS. Plumbing Fixtures and Supplies. BUILDING MATERIALS. Estimates Freely Given On Any of the Above. L. M. Scrimgeour AND SON. Phone 36, Blyth. P.O. Box 71 PAINTING By the hour, or by contract. Expert wot'kin mship. Apply to Jas. hlirous or Howard Tait, phone 56, Blyth. 37-4, GOODISON FEED MIXER 500 LB. CAPACITY AVAILABLE JULY 1ST. WE HAVE ON HAND Three 3 -way Pumps and One Stock Pump. Complete Line of Oliver Farni Equipment. Limited number of Manure Loaders to fit Row -Crop Tractors. Complete Fleury-Biesel Line, in- cluding the famous Fleury Plows. W. II. MORRITT DEALER • Phone 4 and 93. ti ( ORDER YOUR COUNTER CHECK BOOKS AT THE BLYTH STANDARD LEWIS ROWLAND AUCTIONEER. Licensed for Co, of Huron & Perth. Satisfaction Guaranteed Prices Reasonable. • For Information Phono Lew Rowland, 830r 24. Seaforth. or Write RR. No. 3, Walton. Arrangements can he snide for Sales at The. Standard Office. Frank's fakery PHONE 3S. BLYTH, ONT. Come in and try our fresh home- made Thread, Chesley Rolls, Dough - Nuts, Scones and Bran Muffins; But- ter Tarts, Cookies, Date Loaves, as well as our Delicious Maple, Chocolate and Orange Cakes. THE AIcKILLOP \MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE • SEAFORTH, ONT, Officers President, F. •\fcGrcgot•, Clinton; Vice President, C. \\T. Lconitardt, I3rod- hagen ; Secretary -Treasurer and Man- ager, NI. A. Reil, Seaforth. Directors \\', R. Archibald, Scaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex. Rroadfoot. Seaforth; Chris. i.eonliardt, Born- holm ; E, J. I'rctvartha, Clinton ; John L. Malone, Seaforth; :\lei. NteEwing, Blyth; 1htgh Alexander, \\Talton; George Leitch, Clinton. . Agents • John E. Pepper, 13rttceficld; R. F. \1cKcrcher, Dublin; J. F. Prttetcr, Brodhagcn ; Gcorgc A. \Vatt, 111yt11. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be prontply attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post of- fices. Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 5001; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. =u+ ,p TIRIEA U RE OF THE SEA By George E. Walsh SYNOPSIS Ctt.tt"t't:tt to When a �te,ir bound for the ('lilted States from South .\soden': sluts In the t'arlb• bean sera, Itlelc Jordan assists the pas>enget•9 into lifeboats. ile Is coming haled for this by lieu Petti- grew, a L.S. federal officer, who was rcturning Irick to the States an a •,„ivited felon. CHAPTER 11 ].tick was surprised into stain. meriug by the question. Until then there had -been no choice. Ile still considered himself Pettigrew's lean; he had not thought of mak- ing a break for liberty. Ever since he had left the South :\uterican port in 1len's custody he had been a model prisoner, and it seemed slightly dishonorable to take ad- vantage of the disaster to escape. "Why, the one you choose for me," he answered. "It stakes no difference. Is there room for both of its?" "No, not in the,satue boat," carte the unexpected reply. "That's why I'm giving you a choice. You de- serve it—after this." Ile tvaved his hand around to indicate his ntcani4•. Jordan w as more astonished than ever. Pettigrew was eyeing hint as a ratan, and not as an officer of the i:tw; he even placed a hand familiarly on one shoulder. "We're just man to man now, Jordan," he added. "We're not go- ing to leave this ship together— can't you know—captain's orders. you go your way, and I go mine. If we meet again—on shore—l'II pinch you. It's my duty. But just now• were — \\'ell," laughing quietly, ''friends, I guess. 1 don't mind calling you that. 1 wish you good luck! If you reach shore and I don't I wish—wish—" * * * Dick never knew what he in- tended to wish, for at that moment the harsh, grating voice of the first mate interrupted, and Jordan tumbled into one boat and 1Ien Pettigrew into another. Almost instantly they were set). aratcd in the blackness of the night. Dick was free, in truth, then —not on probation. He had the whole world to roans so long as he didn't run afoul of Iden Pettigrew. As they drifted through the dark- ness of the night, he smiled broad- ly, while the others sat and moaned or spoke in awed frigthened voices. ;Would they ever reach land? How far were they from the nearest shore? That was the burden of their conversation. At first an effort was made to keep the boats together, but this was soon abandoned by the sea- men. There was always the dan- ger of collision in a rough sea. * * * In a couple of hours each boat- load was a separate unit, depend- ent upon the skill and exertion of its own crcw for safety, with no knowledge of what vas happening to the others. The black pall of night descended upon them, ob• literting the rest of the world, and circumscribing for them an exist. etcc bounded by the gunwales of the boat. In this narrow space they huddled, awed and terrified as much by the sense of isolation as by the roar of wind and waves. Jordan was not greatly surprised when the accident he had been an. ticipating came; it seemed the in• evitable climax to their adventure, and unavoidable. A gian. wave lifted them clear out of the water and upset the frail craft, rolling it over and over before allowing it to descend into the trough to be trampled upon by the mountain of surgint, green brine. After that it was every man for himself. There was no further op- portunity for team '.work or mutual co-operation. Dick Jordan found himself clinging to a few boards that had been in the bottom of the boat. it made an excellent raft for dhe, but hardly of use for two. In his eagerness to take full pos- session of it, a fat man climbed upon it, overreaching himself by his greediness. The slender raft sunk out of sight, :ld %%Len it finally came to the surface agajn the fat mans was one. Jot datt retrieved it; clung to it; chudbed it with both hands, re- fus:ng to yield his hold even when the was es rolled it over and over and buried him fathoms deep rat the sea. Ile had hien three days on the raft before the will to live hail fin- ally cracked, and then, fortified by the raw food washed up to hint by the mass of drifting seaweed, re- vived, and once more struggled to reassert itself over exhausted, tor- tured flesh. It was a real sail that his red - rimmed eyes saw this time, but he refused to believe It for a long time, laughing at his owls incon- sistency in hoping and praying that it was not an optical illusion, and declaring in the sante breath it could not be anything else. 1t was not only a real sail that he saw, but it was coating in his direction, hearing down: upon hint at a speed that quickly dispelled all doubts, :\s the boat drew nearer, Dick made out its nondescript character from its sails. A two -masted lug- ger, quite common in the Caribbean for fishing and coasting, with lump- ish hull and mildewed canvas, spotted like the coat of a leopard, it slopped along in the rough seas as if unwillingly propelled by a power that it could not resist. Long before any one aboard sighted Dick Jordan, he had stud• led the craft front stem to keel with greedy, anxious eyes, taking in everything from the clumsily beat topsails to the ill-fitting jib that was forever shifting in the wind. "Fishermen," he concluded, speaking his thoughts aloud. "I can't be far from land." A moment later, %viten the lug- ger acted as if about to change her course, he raised Itis free hand and shouted with all the strength be could muster. Even at that dis- tance, it seemed almost miracu- lous that they heard or saw hint; but keen ewes had been scanning the sea closely, looking for just such derelicts. It was their busi- ness to pick up flotsam and jetsam of the ocean on the chance of find- ing a prize. * * * 11is cry brought several black faces to the port rail and Jordan's former conclusion that the lugger was a native fishing craft seemed confirmed by the appearance of the crew. They were swarthy Caribs, an ancient type weakened and diluted by the blood of pure Negroes A burley half-breed, with the white part of hint show- ing in his straight hair and mot - led complexion, seemed to be in command, for the order carte from hila to heave the lugger up in the wind and lower a boat. Twenty minutes later Dick sat on the dirty, ill -smelling deck of the vossel, greedily eating and drinking food and liquid that un- der ordinary circumstances would have repelled him; but nature's cravings had to be satisfied, and it was no time to be critical. The crew formed a half circle around hint, with Captain Tau, the half- breed skipper, and Black Burley, the lugger's state, in the inured- iate foreground. They were in- specting hint with something more than curiosity—with greed and av- aricousncss, Dick thought, but he could not exactly translate it in words, * * * Captain Tun had an evil, sinis- ter face that in repose was hard and sullen, as if the white blood itt hits was silently protesting the injustice of the trick played in mingling negro with it; in action it lighted up with a fierceness of either joy or anger that had an ele- ment of the fanatic's, ('I'o Be Continued.) ISSTIE 35-1946 �i "SALAD 'j'EA BAG S Conrietz` HE TALKS — THEY SAY Meet Ben, the famous talking dog of Royston, England, who is reported to speak intelligibly, although his vocabulary seems to be limited to "I want some." And if one is to be limited to three words, what better three could there be? Ben, pet of Alfred Brissenden, is pictured watching a friend pour tea, and, presumably, saying "I want solne." CHRONICLES of GINGER FARM The scene was Ginger harm; the day was Saturday; the time was nine a.m., and we were more or less at a loose end following an early morning down -pour. It was also very hot and humid. We heard the motor -bike coat- ing up the lane. In a fete minutes 1301) came in and said quits casu- ally—just as you Wright say—"the baker is at the door"—"Well, I guess the threshing machine is on its way down!" Partner made no comment at all but for a few min- utes I said plenty. You know — nothing in the house to eat . . . couldn't be done . .. no pies , . no cake ... no meat ... no noth- ing ... and why tverc they corning in unexpectedly anyway? * * * Well, it appears the thresher were all set to thresh on the faros above us. And then it rained — and that was that. Of course, rather than lose time, threshers are only too glad to pull into a barn on a wet clay. And we cer- tainly needed to thresh so there was only one thing for me to do— make the best of a bad job and get on with it. Mentally I pre- pared my dinner menu ... sausage would cook about as quick as any- thing , , . potatoes . . . beets in the pressure cooker . . , sliced tomatoes ... lots of apple sauce— (it was already cooked, thank goodness) . . . and pies? Well, there was no time to make pies but I could buy a few clown town six, maybe .. , yes, I think six would be enough. But that's where I nut my Waterloo. Pie—there wasn't such a thing in town. - I wocld just have to make some after all. "Sez you" I said to myself after shopping around for lard or short- ening and wasting my precious time. No lard, or shortening any- where. It was ten a.m. when I left town. It was about 12.30 when the din- ner was served to ten hungry men. Don't ask ale how I did it for I will never know, Iiowwever 1 cc:•• tainly did have very timely and welcome assistance fr on Partner and ncice Betty, They were busy peeling potatoes when I got home. And the electric stove was also a great help. The warming oven is grand—it saved Inc that last nein• ate rash because 1 was able to lift things ahead of time. I kept every• thing delightfully hot and yet did not dry anything out, * ,r After dinner it was back to town again for more supplies as we were having the sten for supper as well. They also survived that meal successfully. Around six - thirty 'trice Joy arriv5d by bits to stay the weekend and nothing world do but I must sit down and she and Betty would do the dishes. I sat ... it was an easy order to follow .. for a while anyway. But soon there were chickens to feed and on my way to the chickens I had to take a squint at the gran- ary, And was it ever good to look into—such a nice lot of wheat, and a good size bin of barley. Yes, on the whole the day had been quite worthwhile — and I'm hoping the Hien didn't feel top badly because they didn't get any. pie. They were very nice about it anyway. Given time I might have thought of something as a substitute but at the moment nil wits refused to function. * * * Now iet us leave the threshing and step back through the n eel to last 'Wednesday. That was an- other big day. It was the day on which presentations were made in By Gwendoline P. Clarke • • • • our Ward to the boys who had served in the armed forces during the war. The council, the people of the community and the Wo- men's Institute had gone all out to remember the boys in a big way. '1'o each was given either an its - scribed gold watch and chain, a watch only. or a signet ring ac- cording to the type of service each had seen. '1'o the father of the only boy who did not return a clock was given. ltut how we wished that Davie -- happy and carefree as we rentetnbered him— could have taken his place tvith the rest of the bows. When the young "vets" marched up to the grandstand the old "vets" were called on to bring up the nal-. And there was Partner. starching with the rest, proud as punch because he and Bob were the only father and son on parade. I got quite a kick out of it my- self. Probably it will never hap- pen in our family again. Following the presentation the veterans of both wars and their ladies were treated to a swell ban• quit by the W.I. And believe me, there were pies for that steal any- way. Sunday School Lesson Right Uses of Property Exodus 20: 16; Proverbs 30: 7-9; Matthew 6: 25-33. The Eighth Commandment '1'lte principle underlying the Eighth Commandment is the sac- redness of property. To take any- , thing front another, secretly or op• enly is to break this command- ment. Falsehood and vanity are coupled together in the Scriptures, To walk after vanity is t0 walk after that which is false, To be vain is to have a false opinion about ottr- .elves, to be ignorant of ourselves. Two Dangers Extreme wealth and extreme poverty each have their danger's. 'Che wealthy man is tempted to be proud and to think he owes all to his own wisdom and ability, In ad- versity man cries unto the Lord, in prosperity he is apt to forget Ilint and even to deny Hint. Ott the other hand extreme pov- erty has its temptations. The ratan who is starving is sorely tempted to steal to satisfy his hunger, and in his bitterness of spirit to blas phcme or charge Cod foolishly. The God of Nature 1 he God of Nature, the same God who reveals I1imself in Jesus Christ, provides for the birds; cer- tainly then he will provide fot 11is children. While "the birds of the heaven" will teach u, not to be an- xious about food if we will look at them, the lilies of the field will teach us not to be anxious about our clothes if we will "consider" (learn thoroughly front) them. "Be Not Anxious" Anxiety is a foolish thing—it never accomplishes anything. When we worry, we have "but lit - Ile faith." Our Father knows what our real need is and we can trust Him to supply it. If we will only put (loci's kingdom acid God's righteousness first, God will see to it that we shall not lack any really good thing. \lost of our anxiety about the future is about troubles that seldom conte, and God will take c'rc of our troubles when they do coon. TIME TALKS.I A Long, Cold Drink :1 jar id. ready made syrup iu the icebox for use at a moment's notice will prove to he a great tittle and sla;,u• saver. Quito often when sugar i; added to a cold drink, some of it docs 1101 di;solve and i; lust. The syrup is made in the propos lion of 1 yup of water to 1 cup of sugar, brought to the toil- ing point, minim(' :and stored in a towtt'ed glass jar in the icebox. Ary syrup or fruit juice left over af'zr canning may also he used. Sipple ec" drink; lilac lemon- ade or orangeade are very hutch intr,roted by the addition of a few fresh berries or berry juice. The house economist; of the ('aiusunter Scrlion of the Dominion Department of Agriculture suggest a few recipes for long cold drinks. Blueberry Quench 1 cup blueberries 1 cup boiling water / cup sugar Few grains salt 1 orange, juice and grated rind 1 lemon, juice and grated rind 3 caps cold water Pour boiling water over blueber- ries, Add grated orange and lemon rind and simmer slowly for 5 min- utes. Press through a sieve. Add sugar and salt and stir well. Add orange and lemon juice. Cool. Be- fore serving add 3 cups of cold water Six servings. Peanut Butter Shake 1/2 cup peanut butter 2 tablespoons honey or sugar 1/2 teaspoon vanilla / teaspoon salt 3 cups milk Place peanut butter, honey or su- gar and salt in a bowl with Mt cup of milk. Beat with rotary beater until smooth. Add the remaining 21,, cups of Mille with vanilla and heat well before serving. Serves 4-5. Banana Shake 2 large ripe bananas (1 cup mashed) 1 to 2 teaspoons honey or sugar 3 cups milk %a teaspoon vanilla ,y teaspoon salt Mash bananas with a fork until smooth, Add to the milk and mix thoroughly with rotary beater un- til well blended Add honey or su- gar, salt and vanilla and) shake well before serving. Serves 4 to 5. Raspberry Egg -Nog 2 eggs 1 cup raspberry juice 1 cup milk 2 tablespoons honey or sugar 1/8 teaspoon salt ie teaspoon nutmeg Cursh 2 cups of raspberries with lift cup of water, bring to the boil and boil for 2 to 3 minutes. Drain through a moist jelly bag, add wa- ter to make a cup of juice. Beat eggs with salt and honey or sugar until light. Add milk, raspberry juice and nutmeg, and beat well with rotary beater. Chill well be- fore serving, NOTE: Other unsweetened fruit juices may be used instead of rasp- berry juice, 1f sweet fruit juice is used, reduce honey or sugar, The Farmer Pays "Farm products cost more than they used to." "Yes," replied the farmer. "\\'hen a tllatt is supposed to know the botanical name of what he's rais- in' an' the zoological name of the insect that eats it and the chemi- cal name of what will kill it, some• body's got to pay." Farmer Group Is Still Largest ,\t the last census that of 1!111, there were over a million Canadians engaged in agricultural work, or 31.7 per cent of the total gainfully occupied people of the Dominion, slates the ilantilton Spectator. \I:utufactul•ing had the second larg- est group tt ith 5111,001, or 16.7 per cent, this group igclmded 14l:cis, tailors, machinists, etc., whether employed in a manufacturing in- dustry or not. Then rune services, clerical, professional and personal with :thou: 111 per cent.; constuc• tion, general labor, and transpotta• tion followed; with fishing, trap- ping, logging and alining lotting about six per cent combined. .\Ithough the trend has been city - ward, the• agricultural population is still the biggest single group YOU GET THE SAME delicious Coffee blend whether you buy Max. well House in the Super. Vacuum Tin (Drip or Regular Grind) or the Glassine•Lined Bag (All Purpose Grind). THEIII9TWAYTOFEIES Effectiveness proven by 66 years public acceptance. WHY EXPERIMENT—WILSON'S will kill more flies at Tess cost than any other fly killer. USE WILSON'S FLY PADS ONLY 10C AT ANY RETAILER Good Health and Lots of Pep Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver fills have a long record of dependability as a regulator of liver and kidneys and bowels. They quickly arouse these organs to healthful activity—sharpen the ap- petite and help to itnj rove digestion. Clean out the poisons with I)r. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills and re- gain your pep and happiness. 35ets, a box. COAST •TO•COAST KELLOGG'S ARE CANADA'S choice for any meal anytime! Want an idea that will help you save time and work—and at the salve time keep meals more interesting for your family? Thousands feature Kellogg's not only for breakfast but for quick snacks anytime of day! Pep, Corn Flakes, All -Bran, Rice Krispies, Bran Flakes, Krumbles and All -Wheat are all made by Kellogg's, the greatest name in cereals! Pep Bran Flakes with other parts of Canadian whole wheat are delicious, Extra crisp, extra thich, Your whole family will enjoy Kellogg's Pep. SAVE TIME... SAVE FUEL...SAVE FOOD! Egotist "Did anyone in your family ever make a brilliant marriase?" "Only my wife." Keep Away "Hill trot his nose broken in three places," "11'ell, if he takes my advice he'll keep out of those places hi future." But Not By Gallup Many people wonder why, with all the numberless queries put forth by the Gallup poll, they have never been questioned. A certain Boston dowager, on meeting Dr. Gallup, demanded to knov why she had been ignored. "Why, madam," protested Dr. Gallup, ''Don't you realize that, considering the millions of indivi- duals in the United States, your chances of being interviewed by one of my then are about equal to your chance of being struck by lightning?" "Really?" the lady rejoined. "Well, 1 have been struck by light- ning!" Good "1Vlien I applied for a job the manager asked if my t unctuation was good." "And what did you tell hint?" "I said I'd never been late for work in my life,'" A Lesson Well Learned The memory expert hall been given his turn in the village hall. The audience had not been enthusi- astic, and the questions asked at the end of the show really infuri- ated the man, When one dear old lady cams up and asked hint to wlat he at- tributed his remarkable memory, he thought it was time to call it a day. "Well, madam," he explained, without a smile, "when I was :n the Air Force, 1 once had to stake a parachute jump from a height never before attempted. Just as I jumped from the 'plane, the pilot kaned over the side and yelled: 'Hi, you've forgotten your para• chute l' Believe it or not, madam, that taught me a lesson, and I've never forgotten anything since." Let Out The prisoner was on trial for stealing clucks. His counsel ad- dressed the jury at great length, pointing out, firstly, that it had not been proved conclusively that the prosecutor had lost any ducks; secondly, that the ducks found in the prisolier's cottage were not those of the prosecutor; thirdly, that the prisoner had established an absolute alibi. . Just as the judge began to sum up the prisoner interposed and asked if he might say something. As an indulgence, this was per - milted. "All I want to say," remarked the prisoner, "is that i wish I'd never seen the darned ducks." A Life of Ease "WVhat would you do if you married a rich woman?" "Absolutely nothing." The Night Before On the ninth stroke of the clock Simpson awoke with a start. "Gosh, what a head I've got," he groaned. "1 can't go to the office today." IIe reached for the phone and called his boss' private number. "It's no use wrapping things up," he confessed, "Last night 1 was out with sonic pals and I'm ashamed to say I overdid it. I wonder if i could take the day off, sir?" "Well," carne the boss' voice over the phone, "I admire your' candor, Simpson, and 1 shall ex- pect you at 8.00 tomorrow. As for the day off, it's yours. Today is Sunday." Speaking About Time "Pardon me, but have you the correct tints?" "Don't keep any artificial time, mister. It's jest milkin' time and 1 don't pretend to be any statisti- ciali. If you're a city daylight sav- in' man you Ido do your own add - '1', subtractin' or multiplyin'." Got Acquainted Dora: "What became of that bashful pian and bashful girl you were telling ane about?" Jack: "Olt, 1 introduced them to each other and in three weeks they were engaged." Nothing "1 hear Smith called you an idiot." "0111y - in a roundabout way." "How was that?" "He said that in the matter of intelligence you and I had nothing to quarrel about." Rhubarb Pie Two workmen sat clown to eat their lunch, and one began un- wrapping a parcel about 18 or 20 inches long. "What's that?" asked his friend. 'Well, my wife is away, so 1 made a pie for myself." "A bit long, isn't it?" • "Of course it's long. It's rhu- OUT OUR WAY 2 I DON'T MIND PACKIt.)' 1 `sot IR LOOT ER YOUR KIDS HERE, FREE GRA-TIe,•-BUT WHEN `OU COME 10 -1R'1IN' 10 FIND -TH' KEYHOLE WI1H CISH OF JrrlER GELA- 'TWE PLIDDIN' IN 1H' .AME HAND, -THEN 1 DEn1ANP NOT ONLY WAGE 5 l BUT -WE AND A HALF: • II By J. R. Williams OH,�HU1 tip' I 44 DON'\ DARE 1O EET DOv J --11 IE POS-, WOULD BE RIGHT 11.110 rr, OR `IOU n tvHY MO1HER`; GE -1 GRA`! ■ 1 IU. S. Naval Leader I ■ ■ IIORIZONTAL 52 Italian city 1,6 Pictured 53 Wintry U. S. naval blanket commander, 54 Containing Vice Adml. nitrogen — Howard 56 Stage performer 58 Rogues 59 Erects VERTICAL 1 Younger. 2 Vegetable 3 Louse egg 4 Near 5 Soothsayer 6 Roman date 7 Not any 8 Guinea (ab.) 9 Girl's name 10 Garrett 11 Repaired 12 Merge 13 Give 14 His — is active In the Pacific 15 English statesman 17 Sicilian volcano 19 River (Sp.) 20 Ascends 22 Fish 23 Melodies 25 One who prices 27 Area measure 28 Upward 29 Paid notice 30 Accomplish 31 Yes (Sp,) 32 Universal language 33 Symbol for actinium 35 Transpose (ab,) 36 Krone (ab,) 37 Mother 39 His ships the Japs 41 Acid fruit 43 Light brown 44 Bombard fiercely 49 Goddess of infatuation 50 Position Aanttrr to Mellow* Puzzle f2E A. L Az 1r a orf,:%t:•11 w :t'1 PA12 1:7[]LZ•]tls�t LAUREN BACALL 411 WWI ii431 lb, Magadj Marin i:Ir_1 i:E 1 I:11 0 14;A iTiVNIA Win j1jji�1� r ,+,�{ • 1. WEI MO V • 14 Bear 16 The gods 18 Aircraft 20 Seeks to attain 21 Glitter 24 Blasts 1 40 Caper 42 ,Demesne estate .45 Journey 46 Fabulous birds 4? Part of "be" 26 Idolize 48 Dread. 33 Performs 51 Greek letter 34 Series of links 53 Station (ab.) (pl.) 55'Ream (ab) 37 Engines 57 Symbol for 38 Afresh cerium THE SPORTING THING "George spends all. his time studying models!" FOP—Purely Co -incidental G 'THEY' \/ rOUN D AN • ESCAPED LUNATIC• VOICE OF THE PRESS Or Was hcstaman t portions may tact smaller this summer, we are told., So ashen the waiter brings us a damp plate, we'll know that our soup's there somewhere, --Loudon Opinion. No Steel Strike There British occupation zone in Ger- many is suffering from sharp food, ca al and consumer goods short- ages. Hut no steel strike, —\\'indsor Star. Auto Equallty Automobiles were so scarce that Ottawa discontinued the priority system. Result: Every Canadian now has an equal chance at not getting a new car, 1111 C. On Its Own inflation in Canada will really be under way when the 25 -cent meal, which now costs s0 cents, goes tip to a dollar, —Edmonton journal. Be Sure They're Your Own A beauty expert advises slapping the cheeks until they glow, Be sure, however, that they're your own. —Kingston Whig -Standard. FUNNY BUSINESS Minority Rule At kart, a strike -ridden public ought to have the right to vote on Which minority the people want 10 run the country. --Toronto Telcgi am. Fisherman's Wife "1f you're looking for niy hus- band he's gone fishing; Just walk down to the dock and look for a pole with a worm on each end." —Ifydro News. What Are We Coming To? The makers of prefabricated houses foresee the time when people will turn in their old houses every few years for more up-to- date models. It is their hope, ap- parently, that future householders will be unable to resist a new job with improved door handles and cigar lighters. —The New Yorker. How Right! Michael Faraday, who dis- covered electro - magnetism, was asked by Gladstone of what use it would be. "Some day, Mr. Chan- cellor, you will be able to tax it," carte the reply. Faraday predicted right, and the evidence is one item on every electric light bill issued in this city. —St, Catharines Standard. By Nershberger �1 .( 1%4 "11//,114"♦ 11140,,,. �` , .•-•.. - .fir •. •.., L,I L� t lu, un,it./ �j','U�,"..•gr,r'r•,u, ',Nr, tall. . ,'. ••I r•5...e 4 .44 'till)/,I 4 4'4 11'/.11/. • • ,l •.... ,r.. 'ui`'%•:.; ".AVIA�5!''�. 1.1St1TNtAttiviet,INC.T.M.IaG.U.1.PATSOle R, •' "Bought it from a service station—makes it easier in case one of my daughters wants to elope!" • The American Dollar If prices in the United States continue to rise another 15 per cent. as they are expected to do, then by next New t'ear's day the United States dollar will have a purchas. ing power of only Gs cents in terms of 10310 prices, —Ottawa Citizen. Might Be Different A judge decided that just be- cause site tried on hats for several hours straight, a woman wasn't necessarily insane, But maybe he didn't see the hats. —Guelph Mercury. Twins One -hand car drivers are twin brothers to the fellows who insist on changing seats in canoes when the water is rough. —Guleph Mercury. REWARD your family by, serving delicious Maxwell House Coffee at mealtimes. Maxwell House has more delicious flavor --- fuller„ more satisfying body — be- cause it contains choice Latin-American coffees. You WIll Enjoy Staying At The St. Regis Hotel '1'OItllMPo • Even' Ronna WWI Bulk Shower and 'Telephone • Single, 112,50 up— Double, 11:1,50 up • Good Food Bluing nod Danc- ing Nightly Sherbonrne at Carlton Tel, RA. 4133 HOTEL METROPOLE All Beautifully Furnished With. Running Water Rates: $1.50 Hp NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION MUTT AND JEFF— Ten Years Can Make a Difference, a Lot of Difference, About 100 lbs. of 'Difference. HAMA, OR, BOY AM Z HAPPY! A GUY I DON'T LIKE STOLE MY GIRL! DIDN'T YOU' LIKE YOUR -`GIRL? SURE,•1: LIKED. LIKE A DOLL! -SHE BROKE MY HER! IN FACT ONLY WEIGHED HEART WHEN I LOVED HER! 110 POUNDS, SHE MARRIED WE WERE GONNA BLONDE, BIG ?HAT GUYTEN GET MARRIED! BLUE EYES, YEARS Ac3O!, WHAT A GAL! GORGEEOUS! HAW qtAlti SHOOT. I FUL J ai;.at WHAT'S' ''THERE FUNNY? SHE IS NOW/ By- BUD FISHER Pit -45 il. WANDJ=RINO ,ABOUT IN THE CAMP I m -IAT MIGHT JUST BE A COINCIDENCE By J. MILLAR WATT (Released 1r Th. Bell Syndicate, ret. REG'LAR FELLERS—Rapid Fire Mentality HERE! HERE' WHAT'S THE IDEA OF TEARING AROUND WE, HOUSE LIKE THAT ? By GENE BYRNES ii PAGE 8 Back to School Boys and Girls Camp Shoes. Boys and Girls Running Shoes. Sweaters, Trousers, Dresses, Rain Coats, Shirts For All Sizes. Olive McGill AMP THE STANDARD PERSONAL INTEREST \Irs. J. I. Ellis, of Listowel, i, vis - iting on, r,. Oscar hill and family, \Ir..\r- nold Seller•, of Barr, ,v, \I r,. Itc\ivy Stratford. \Irs. Nichol, and \Ir. and rs. T. 1I. I:d\karils. \\ ere visitor, \\ 14th \I r. sura \Irs. \\•alter \l a•un on \lisses \Ivrtle and Mavis \\Trite of Galt are visiting this \\ eels \kith \I r. and \les, I'reeurun 'Turney and fain ily. \I i,• I)orothv Pople,tlane returned I homeI n "Thursday after spending ; Iwcels,' holidays \kith \Ir. Duncan .\l - i, n of \\'elland. \I is, Gail Sutherland e,f Sea forth ith \I r. and \Irs. Walter Nlas- visited last \\eek \kith her grandpa r ..1)0 11)1DIN3tIN'tDiDtikalkOM?tiM3tXDM))))04iNDIDINDtipiDiNtlitk)*1 1tDINIANDtkitt , cut,, \Ir. ;Ind \I1'•. V. 11. R(11,111 ''11. '�• ♦ 4 ♦ 4 • • W44�44 4+4:4414•'44:444 X44+++♦♦♦•0♦•.••♦0.♦1.4.Doi 1.140•.') \Irs. Florence i1 ista uv of 'rectum ell "i!4- 414.4" 1'0"1'•'!'1'0 •i'h•0.1♦ ♦ ♦ • 4.1•'14 • • • ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ • • • • • • • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ • • ♦ i i Superior ♦ R -- FOOD STORES -- 0 }�1 We Deliver. -- E. S. ROBINSON. -- Phone 156 Campbell's Vegetable Soup ..... . Chicken Haddie Fry's Cccca .. .. . ...... Lipton's Orange Pekoe Tea .. Pretzel Sticks . ...... .._. .. . Pimento Stuffed Olives .. . _.. Jiffy Whip Chan. Wax ...-... _..- . .. Max No Rub "Spic and Span" .. .. . .. 2 tins 21c 31c Half Lb. Tin 19c, 1 Lb. Tin 31c Half Lb, Pkg, 39c Per Pkg. 22c 6 Oz. Jar 35c 18c 1 Lb. Tin 59c Per Bar 05c Per Pkg. 25c CANNING SUPPLIES AND PICKLING SPICES. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. PIONEER AND LIFETERIA FEEDS. visited for the past \\eel; with NM.. and +t. \I r,. A. Stead, i Master 16thert \larshall visited a = fe\V day, \kith Ili, rous'n, \lurrry 't', Rc'd of Mullett. \I r. and NI r•• \Vill 'Tnnuey and son:, ''demi and Bruce, 'for oto, :;lent the {last week with the furuu'r's mother. ♦: 1 \I r;. Benj. 'Taylor. .:i ♦:I \I i„ \Iargaret \lar:hall returned Saturdav evening from holidayinc relative, at Marl •ek, l'cntrali•t and I.onde,horo. 1 r;. Robc;1 Newcombe ,pent the \week -end \•i,iting relatives and friends in Loudon. \I r. and \I r,. \\'nt. Carter, Ilob, linoii,. and Gordon, \Ir. and \I r►. t•:arl \l '1<ui;11t, visited on Sunday \v:tlt \I r. and Mrs. let.". Carter \\' •od- st,1 •.h. \Ir, and \Irs, llrnn \\'ikon, C'ode- rich, NI r, Frank \\'are, London, vis- ited one illy last wee!; \kill\ \Ir. and! \I r,. \\'tn. Carter. \I r. an I \Irs. George fitter, \\ ho :1 :f ., ., :4 ;4 have li•tr- 440..441♦4+4.♦♦ 444+4.4.4•.SHO.•44+4• f4HO1�H4W':1♦:H:N:.♦:•0. 0+':••:♦:1:4•:••:,♦:H:..8+I their and \I r;. School Days Are Coming Fast It's not a nice subject but -- the old school bell will soon be tolling again, calling the boys and girls back to their studies. Yes, it's just a little more than two weeks away. Close enough to begin rounding up Junior's School Supplies, and there's no place better to do this than from our complete stock. We now have -- A FULL STOCK OF PUBLIC SCHOOL Ti;XT BOOKS AND SUPPLIES ON HAND. YOUR PATRONAGE WILL BE APPRECIATED The Standard Book Store beet) -pending some time \Villi 'laughter and son-in-law, \I r. Nesbitt, and at Albert I cardiae, have returned to Sarnia. ! \!r, .and \Irs, C. N. 1'eo cf Sarnia \were \Vecktmd visit, rs at the Nesbitt i 1 home. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON Be Ready in a CLINTON -ONTARIO. ENROLL NOW FOR FALL TERM -SEPTEMBER 9TH. Be in a Few Months to do Valuable and Necessary Office Work \I i,; Mae hell of New York is re ucwiug old acquaintance; around Tllytlt and Clinton for the next couple , of weeks. She is a former resident of Blyth. lcv. \Iclvin and \Irs. Vender of Cass ('it.:, NIielugan, spent a few dap• at the hone f NI r. and \Its. \I I enry, on their way home from Chau- tauqua, N. Y. \I r,. :\shduvnc of Stnathroy, spent the week -end P1 the home of \I r. an I \Irs. R. Herrington. \I r, and \Ir;. Charles Salter re- turned home on Monday after a two_ weeks' vacation. Miss Marjorie Stewart spent Sitio day at tltc house of Mr. and NM... \\'m. C. Jack, Newt ::it. \I r. and \I r;. Frank Ray of \Vimd- sor, are visiting at the bonne of NI r, and \Its. J. I1. Stewart. LONDESTiORO I)r. and \Irs. \Iarwuoll and fancily, and \I r•. I. t (;.;ford of 'Toronto, visit et ' with NI rs. \\'ill '1 anthlyn nn Sunday. iii°, Miss \lary Jamieson returned too Toronto •-•m Sunday after spending v her holidays at honk. \Irs. \\'. Lyon, \Irs, C. \\'arson. \Irs. :\. Clark, NIissc; Doreen Arm- strong, Margaret 'I'anthlyn and Bina Isirk ;use in tit. 'Thomas this week at- tending tet,. NI i sit n School at .\luta College. \Irs. \\'. Cuvier, Beth and I'.lva and \Irs. \l ionic I.yun. Brandon, NIani- COURSES:-STENOGRA A. STQNE Vice -Principal. CLERICAL. M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, B. F. WARD, B.A., Vice -Principal. PHONE 198. Principal. COMMERCIAL, SECRETARIAL, NEGIECT CAN STEAL YOUR BUSINESS • Nn business can afford to face risks which should be covered by limn.. ince. Let us analyse your needs, explain how insurance can protect your business from loss in many ways and arrange plan. ned Pilot policies to coverall eventualities. We write Pilot Insurance to rover set; ected risks in Automobile, Fire, I'cr•sonal Property Floater, Burglary, Cargo, Eleva• tor, Teams, Plate Glass, General and Pub. lie Liability, Fidelity and Surety Bonds. ,1 BERNARD HALL - Phone 122, BLYTH Representing ,.1 . 1 .1, 1:. 111 ,PIT/, i• t' t ha, spent Sunday in Kitchener ‘with NI r. and \I r:. Spence Hann. \I r. and \Irs. Jath Sinclair, Ann 1 and Marie, \I r. an 1 \Irs. Bill Riley, with \Irs. C. Watson on Sunday. \I r,. t tu'1. •I'onal:0, is vi-iting Penman tin, \\eek. \lis, •!bolt • \\',,tt. Detroit, return- ed home Sun lay ,liter spending a \veck \vith Miss Mary Scott and NI r. and \Irs. .\. Jamieson. \I r,. NIarea vet Manning spent the r cl h-rnd \V th \Drs. doe NI orris in Paris. \Irs. Garry hood: spent a few days in Toronto last \veek. .`.'isles Flrs.s`e and Esther Jamieson spent a week in Kintait. \I,•. ay' Mrs. \\'ill NI ;Inning, ('.til, Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For International - Harvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting. and Repairing. NN f.: 4,.: ... A. L. COLE R.O. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN GODERICH - ONTARIO. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted, 'With 25 Years Experience will he at R. D. PHILP'S DRUG STORE BLYTH, ONTARIO, NEXT VISIT WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. TELEPHONE 20 R. D. PHILP'S DRUG STORE FOR APPOINTMENTS. • Wednesday, August 28,19.1(' i l l I ._ I 111 111 11 1 .11 Insecticides & ,othcides \\'e carry a eo1111'1te line of Product, surd\ which to eon1hat Insects, \l oths, Flies, Etc. D.D.T. SPRAY (MAKES 2 GALLONS) _ . 2.4-D WEED KILLER BUG KILLER, 5 LBS. ARSENATE OF LEAD TOMATO DUS'i' TAT ANT TRAP . FLOWER SPRAY, WITH D.D.T. .. . .. 2 -WAY SCREEN PAINT BUG BLITZER _. .- .. -... LARVEX MOTH CRYSTALS MOTH BLOCKS ... FLY SPRAYERS $2,00 75c 30c 1 LB, 20c, 4 LBS. 70c 35c 30c . 30c 59c AND 98c $3.98 83c 49c. IOc AND 25c 35c R D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNUI IES, WALLPAPER ---('HONE 20. 1 ,.1Md• ae.l l 11, m.. 1 .1 ,. 11.1 ie u.. , •.n.1I-,aul.1 LJ ,, I.Aa1-. • I>144 E 1411CtC+Bt PIA110414 1C1410C1(1tClitHtCtCICtCtCftCVINA11 t6'at£VC;'►:'>i;IC'C'CI, 10410.149 ►IINNId4,+rNNNNNINfNNtN~ I LOUNGE FU IT SPECIAL 1 We offer a pleasing Variety in Studio Lounges, fit- ted with Spring -filled Mattresses and Cushions, covered in Attractive, Durable Fabrics. 'PHIS WEEK. i FRESH AND CURED 11'IEATS. A GOOD SELECTION ! ° OF COOKED MEATS, a Delivery, Wednesday and re re • Saturday. M. McCallum Butcher. Phone 10, Blyth, . 11 1 a 1 I .1. 1.1 1• , .11 I.I11 I .• I 1 New Samples Are In WE ARE PLEASED TO AN• NOUNCE THAT OUR NEW SAMPLES QF SUNWORTIIY WALLPAPERS HAVE ARRIVED. 1 Your Choke in a Full Range of Beautiful Designs in a \Vile Variety of Prices. MODERN WAY OF REMOVING WALLPAPER. PAINTS AND ENAMELS OF FIRST QUALITY. ••• F. C. PREST Phone 37.26, LOUDESBORO 01. 1,11 a 1I.1 .1 Vodden's BAKERY. WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, HOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "T1IE HOME BAKERY" H. T. VODDEN. For downright comfort, try one of our Lounge Chairs. Upholstered in high grade Velour. Covers, they are built to last a lifetime. A wide selection of Occasional Chairs in good covers, at popular prices. A call will convince you of the many excellent values we are offering. 1 Rome Furnisher -- Phones 7 and 8 - l?'unerat Director. :v y 4414:41MIi7ii]s714+ND71ttMINI1151141l$ili'iatDM219at2a-DiLita2;:12iDaNDIDIDe hetet:i's7c ciDai,1?*111 14.4 44♦114.41 ♦♦H4•♦♦♦1♦ +4. ♦•14. ♦♦1 ♦♦ 44 44 4••4 4:4 1:4 4:4 4:4 0:4 4:4 4:4 1:4 0:4 4:4 4:1 4:1 4:4 4:4 4:4 4:4 4:4 1:4 4:4 4:4 I . i 1 1:4 • i 4. ♦:a .1 'S 3: 3: ♦2: - .b HUR 1 L BLY'1TI --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD - GOOD SERVICE Meals at All Hours. ♦_. FRANK GONG Wm. Proprietor .♦,♦••41♦1•♦•N•♦ ♦1H• 444. ♦11.•14.4• ♦4411•..4 4114 4.111.4• ♦1111. ♦41.114 ♦4.11414114.1.1..4 41 ♦1114.11 i . 4. 1114 14 / .4.. .144:441. • .11 , _ 11.11.1 Lis ,i .1. 1114141 1 1 b 1 1 1 I I.1,i. .:I.J .41 1..111,.,, 1 „ 1.1 .1111 1J1-414.1 a 'School Days" Scribblers, Exercise Books, Note Books, Pens, Pencils and Rulers - All Big Value. A Few Lunch Boxes - At Wendy's 5c is $1.00 Store ,11 r Irl boilmo • \Vood, consolation, \Irs. 16bcrt C'ald- %vell. Instrumental, Gail NI alining. , Closing hymn. Lunch was served. HULLE'1'T (Too late for last \week) On Sunday, Mr. and \Irs. Jd_hu Wiley and family and NH. an I \I r;. Ben. R Icy ;and family s'sited with \I r. and Airs. George NIann. \Ir. and \Irs, Blain Dunlop of T'inistino, Sask., have been wi,itiu� with rcl;itiscs and friends in Con- stance cnnnnnnily wsvterc Mr. Dunlop attended Public Scilly 1. Mr. and \Irs. Jacl: hcllar, \\'alto(, \I r, and \Irs. Mich: NI r. and \Irs. Mandl \\'inters, and son, all of \Vest Virginia, visited on 'Tuesday with \I r. and June spent the week -end with ;m•rtttge for September meeting. and \Irs. George Carter. Alr and \Irs. lark NI ()roc,' in Ilantii .. '1he sympathy of .the community is Hamil- ton. 1 here being no other business, pro extended to relatives and friends of \Irs. Nunn, \\'innipeg, and \Irs, 1Qtani followed Duct Luis \fund and the late \Irs. \Vitt. Lawson, svhuse Seamon, Regina, spent a few da es ,'1:whim :,h bbruok with Gail Man- funeral services were held on 'Tuesday, wit11 their sister, .\irs. huddle. 1 n;ng at the piano. Reading, -Miss i 'There were no church services he'd \irs. L. ('artwright is visiting \Irs. h';k, Scripture read'„•r. Psalm .121 i in Burns' Church on Sunday as Rev. Fre d Shobbre.ok. The 1.;ulies of the \\*. A. and I: 'n- de•h:t'o Community met in the base - Was read in unison. 11v11111 164: uo :\. 1'cnnian is holidaying in British Canada": 'Trio, \Irs. Fangrall, NI rs' Culuttth'a• Sou:La' Seh of \vas held Il the regular hour \with fifty present, Joe 5' addick and \irs. Allen Shad- nun) of the Church Tuesday after- !dicl:; Reading, \lis< \I"Iwill:; address ti'•r'n to hull the:r rogutar monthly ', f \vele 'lie v.a; rcatt by \Irs. Penman PERSONAL INTEREST 1 Mr. and \Irs. George Bellamy of eeting and to \vele e the English tc the English brides. They beim:; Mr, Jack Stewart spent Sunday with \\'innipeg visited with \i r. and Mrs. `m!,ell•n t f sur local hays to tha lnr;tl- friends at Donekal• i F. I). R.tticdgc over the wcck-end, c; )led to the dcccratcd platform and I i'y. The prc•ident. Mrs. I..•S';ndercock 1 e;:rli presented with a pair of woollenIrs. \V. Pullin of (,alt, an I Miss and accottr,aniell than on a two- presiding. in the absence of the se-' , . Victoria Pctz of Preston, are spending n'weeks' holiday hip to Cr;l\ cnhur,t , hl;utk,oi by \It•s. I1. Brims hit, from crctary, \Irs. B. Brun -drat \\ fl; :,11,,. p 1our Lonlesboro Red Cross, then \lis• some time wird' AI, iloltzh;nur and Ottawa and I Icshcrton, returnit'g 111,inted. The meeting (petted ley ;it? Mairh presented each with a basket of wife. bonne last \reel:-ettll' ing the 1)oxoingv and repe;ttini the ,, !, " gladiolas. all sang, "For they are jolly Mrs. \V, Kechnie visited last \\eel; \Ir• and kir,. R. M. \\'"4.t. Kin- T. eel's prayer in unison. hymn 194 good fellows," Each ht ide thanked with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. cat -line, were 'Thursday visitors in was sung.\T"e"ed that \liss N rk hay the ladies for their hospitality. Con and Mrs. Fred Chapple, and son. town, attending the Gunt.nton-\\'atson flowers for Anniversary Sunday. .'irs, test arranged by Mrs. S. Lyon, the Wayne, of Brucefield, wedding. S. Shobbrook and Mrs, A. Clarke, to winners being, first, Mrs, Edwin Nils; Marilyn Riley is holidaying tv:th her aunt, \Irs. George Mann. 1)E.\'I'I IS Pi?T l:"g-ln Clio, NI jell., on Satur- day, .' tnst 24th, .\Ifred Peters, be- 1-n'etl husband of NI ;fry \\'aynnutth, ;u•rl father of \irs. Anil Coe, Saline, Mich. Funeral was held on Tues- day, August 27th. Mrs. Peters was': formerly a resi- dent of Hullett 'township, 411 44...,. 1 11 .J..'A. m. ,..* V 111 a 14,1,144 1. 1111 EDITH CIIEIGIIrTTONT'S DECORATOR'S SHOI'PE PHONE 158, BLYTH. i 1 SKI-D.UNK AVENUE BIRTHS SNt l\\' B.\1.1.-Oit Sunday, .\it: it t 25, to Tuut and \Ir,, Snowball, of 51:1.. Dunk Avenue, t\v:us - Antos ;111,1 Andy. For t!te information of ditto" ttttsid.• the Ski -Dunk Avenue circle, Snowball is a cat, the property of NI r. and \It:. R. 1). 11101, . She is master r f the alley, as well as tte:ol pious'. and rat catcher for the neighbourhood. Foot. NI t-'nfor- ntation on \\'cehte,day to the effect that the twins are now triplets.