HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1864-03-01, Page 2-17
yet favored the/ compeny; and the other
seven should he taken in order, as they sit,
before our eeeond batch comes on. It is Mr.
Mooney'e meet now, for exam ple,ane probably,
after hie prolonged rest, his intellect' r. ill be
fresh uudeeigorous.'
i !Stop)! cried Craeleet in nn awful Yoh e
'don't wake that man. I Wish to say a lea.
Weeds/once for all. I hare suffered --inurh-
lt is useless 'to conceal it- through this leg
night, and 1 am sepremely wretched at this
moment. No.narrative from Mr. Mooney-
no, nor from even Simpertore-couid xneke
, etre notch worse. All these storieshave beit
told, I am vell aware to exhaust me, to weer
me out : well, I'm !IAA° be exhausted ;
not to be' worn out. Still. an I said before, it
a sitigle• genuine installer, can he broil:elle
forward -the scene not _being kid in Yucatan
-ot an hottest individual in posseseion of 14
stolen thepoundnote, and' ---r- •
'Bob knowe ole,' intereupted Mr. Williem
'Bill knows one,' echoed Mr: Robert.
don't want two instances,' remelted Mr.
Crasket, viciously; 'one Is quite sufficient. If
one can be adduced, I say1
you -II give in, Mr. Ciaekeee. come,
. that's Mght and rale -enough.' •
No sir • 111 eat my hear ejaculated the.,
• iron nierehant savagely. .
" 'And. he shall ,too,' exclaimec1 the super-
cargo•with shrill vehemence. : elf Abut story
is told, and it don't -convince that 'ere Co. le
et right offiand•he dent'comeinto Out- verdict
-. 'pretty slick, I'll be dodrotted but he shall eat
Ms hat, linin'atel. all.' •
'Under these .cireneastances,' observed I,
. .
gravely, tt especially necesatri that there
should -be silence for Mr.
--•NO, sire Bob, ityoo pleas -.-it's 644e/tory.'
-observed the individual in question. -
. 'No, sir.; it's Bill; exelaiineu Mr. Robert.
'Then silence, gentlemen all, ifyou please,'
, laaid I, 'for e • •
IF it is the desire -of 'gentlemen of the
oppositiorr/to turn. the Canadian " House
of Commons" into a Pandemonium, we
must say that we think they are in a fair
way of achieving a brilliant success. IS
had occasion -a few -days ago to reVert to
the- discreditable means used by Messrs.,
Cartier & Co. in their attacks upon the frittering away the days and thus ensue.
. premier, but in the simplicity of our hearts
we thought the ebullition of spleen -would
stitational party, a.4 it now desires to be
tertned-this is the until whom the cor-
poral's guard delighta to honor! "There
is such a lack of true statesmanship mani-
fesied by the Ministry," say eppositionists.
Well,- here is statesmanship of an original
pattern. Surely no Mall of right-fecling.
or common-sense can fail to/be disgusted
with such a miserable specimen of opposi•
tion tactics as 'lee been shown during the
past few days. Faney for a Moment the
-cutery that would be raised in England
were the mentheCe 'of any party to attempt
such a vulgar exhibition -fancy Lord
Dorby,...Or.Mr. Disrae1i:4110.min be -bitter
enough on occasion, openly declaring that
in spite of rules or remonstrances they
would speak just anions and/ as often as
they liked: They would very soon finil.
themselves without support ' eitherin Par-
liament or out cf it. As ininost•deliber-
atWe- assemblies there has beena frequent
use of invectivdn the British Parliament,
but *hat a Wide contrast there is between
the polished salea.sur-or even invective of
Sir Edward Coke, Fox; the elder Pitt,
Burke, Chatham, (whose frown gave Sir
Robert Walpole a Pain in thebank) and
others, and the miserable, sickly \ drivel
that emanates .1:tightly froin Mr. _Cartier
and his confreres'l It is true that Pro-
vincial ‘A.ssemblies seldom aspire to the
lofty dignity of Imperitd bodies, but sure-
ly thereis no earthly reason -isrhyin this
ambitious Canada of ours there might not
be at leas% an attempt at dignified delibera-
tion. , Mr. McGee wants to have a Prince
to rule over us. Mr. Cartier, forgetful
of the follies of his youth, believes himself
to be the chosen exponent of Constitution-
alism par =cent -rine. , What a pity 'that
they de not act up to the doctrines laid
down by them, respectively, in the British,
Anicrican Mag,Z2171. and. La Minerva,
What end the opposition have in view
nt thus prolonging the debate upon the
Address is beyond our comprehension. --
They cannot deny that the best interests
of the country are involved in the Speech
from the Throne, and yet they quibble and
talk against time as though_ desirous of
-.'pass 'off and that the House ' would be
.allowed to settle down into something like
buiiness-like attitude.. Nothing of the
kind, however, has -taken. place.- Com-
pared with subsequent portions of the
;debate, the virulent, attacks upon Mr: J.
•S. McDonald are -high-toned and honor-
able.: If Mr. Cartier snarled and °noshed
- his teeth ' at the- commencement Of the
session, be fairly frothed' it the mouth a.
few days later. Itis. impossible to read a
full report of the speeches without bring-
. mg to mind the_descriptiotE given by Mr.
Dickaon of the little- fellow with, the ugly
head and- to 'wonder indeed that such,
-confessedly able men as John A. McDon-
ald andotherscan reconcile theinselyns to
' .thepolitical companionship of anythinr, so
. manifestly Tile and corrupt. We, will
give our readers a morsel ..of "the debate on
Tuesday night. •Here ,it is, only let the
reader bear -in Mind that it ,took place
:under the shStlow'of the British flag :
• Mr. TASCHERE.A.13- addressed the House
and -took occasion ,to delieer a runnieg cone
mentary on the Speech of the Hon. the Sofiei-
• tor General East on the previous evening.-
- .He took -exception to someof dee expressions
•used by the Sufic:Aar/General.; .
The.SPEAKER-Shall the second para.
.graph of the Address be alloseed to mesa
Cries'of "Yes, yes," and "No, no
Hon. Mr. 1. (111 has yet to speak
to the tiotionothies of "Spoke, spoke.
Hon. Mr. BROWN= -It is quoe clear that
the hon: gentleman is trying to waste the
time of the country11the present Lambent. I
.appeal to the Speaker ,to decide whether the
•Hon. Mr. Cartier hae nol already spoken. --
(Cries of "Spoke; spoke.")' • f
Hon. kr. CAR-1'.1ERI have not srmken
:ontlais subject (Crzetcof •• Chair; clittir,"'
-- and order:")
, VERAL kEmBEits--To-n hevealready
Hon. MP. CARTIEReasisted on spe,eleing,
-Efe,saitil have .already Spoken in explatia-•
tion -(the rest offire sentenee was lost itethe-
... cries of "Chair, chair:").: '
. Hon: Mre'DORION';eI teee . as.' to a gees:
tionOC oedeP. The hon. niernber- has. already
spoken: two hours and a bele
Th-e',SPEAE.Elt-'--The subject: .otr.whjch
, the hon. member was. supposed to be speak A BALL IN THE BACKWOODS. •
Ane,..' Was that:which is now, -before the House. - • •
• eappliniseo, -But he devoted all hinTeMarks Deed StOxste=4:itatie readein-your paper
. • e.
teethe- hot.::.therribet for MisSisenti,' dnd tbai af:thedoings in man' patrts oftlae Gieuney;but
was not the question' beforethe Haase:, (Ap-
. ,phiuse-, and cries of t•chetite.")l- don't recolleet-readinennythin ef Turaberry
. • Hon. of "or. at all but With your permission I would liWz,
'dOe:. order " insisted osiieekingee' to say n et: about: petttj'' L 'at. faStee
'e SEVERn-
AL MEMBERSeoAdjonermidjouro,
Tuesdnr,evening, 'and 10 fact. I think.tt :
(Cries of "Altair,. Chair.") . .
due to atleast that pettion.of the-Pnblle Who
Hon: Mr. CARTIER4T11e bone Member
for South Oxford know very !pry .well.,thilt 'when. t
"•• T take the,floor I intend to keep it:: ; (Leugh- to be Made neqnaintedtvith.the 'only plueeer
ter and pries of "Order.") Pinteed to.moke accommodation ititheee paris..' Mr: DaYs
. a 'motion to adjourn, if neeessint, And '11P had a boll. oe TtlesdeYtaste .
thing:hen Make Me yield, ilie,•flOoe at the. call „ .
(fidni thediniporinnities efinany Of hte frtendo.
of the Ilom Attorney General East:.
After Considerable disorder,and 10100 re. heboil t. a, large .hall Sineit,,. New- -year, and
. markifromthe'petiker, e. . - ' Ellii101t4'1,6.:nig)it,"was so Mother that no one
Rom Idr...TCARTIER". again &Rem-nisi:I'M hardly dare leaye his. fireside, and we were
speak; and arta crieadf teclialr," when • all progitristffintin. i'Coniplete failure, Mis;•
Boo Mr....BROWN.subtrinted it to the goad r,
. sensn.oftheliOnse' `whether -it e04z4; er*.14bi*ecl'.."4:
gentleman. who WeS:leadeitiftePonsideritble I 'eft.ltaidoOi *ho"Ididdlippee And it certainly
party the -Itouse'tspeaking, .was .stiCh supper `as .no-cine...pectnifttaget.
• iftertheSneaker haddeeineed-that itlyineild, • excepOn aileat elass.:eity betel..., fancy
Mediber an.the
.,-beroitt .7af.order.for hith IP 'speak; and -when 8.614 of tit',6,4t-teet tit,o,t4a 4titt fowls you eeee,
' noninktievi, that he ,tvai On( 'Of order in ate 44*,;a4-ih'15,4i'el'-s0".7of pastry you',..eeer..
teraPting tito epea!s a sehoed. time. -- Andel!, t413,t.0"1,witli banches'of;delictous gettPes and
. -for-the ptirOaset not Of instruotiug erneges.,hein'end there tiVern table,
,liat'.'of',,Consitming time and protracting the, siirmiles from the nearest rffilwaystatitin,ant
debate, If te. .yait tailt have .1111,444 ioftobt
.:tenond.. the Rouse -would
inbre an adjienniinent, and diet:Lb.
perfeetlyia order: :lfeo prominent a reeni-' 14'1401ii that 00 one wou!d have gruinbled 10
beri.Ofthe:Honse.'weite -,bnal toned to 'dory pay,. the price of InsttOl.i*.tes!;-,4,01.1titfOr
theIrtileitiltow2".donld -.ether: Membeisho'nir,"
peeted to-..preserie ,orderiri Tbe _eentitry4
• ' nate af the filet thnflin".tindrieeti,
*t tbai kiettineiritee eight': /after the whole day
• hoke6ii
*0 speak agaaust tinie
,to Btarj ittthchead'Oftbe.Con
mg.a comparatively fruitless seasion--
Poisibly they svish" to retard real feg,isla7
tion untji certain mernherS:who are now
too ill to leave' their. homes shall -be able to.
go to the 'eat of gOve'rtintetit and
bUsg., At any rate, the people 'of' Upper
Canada should not forget the actions • of
Mr...Cartier. and', those who austainhint in
Ins, rampant pdittion. '
tolvJN COLI.NciL.
The Board met on Friday evening last,
the Mayer presiding,. • .
Members present. -The Reeve, _Deputy
Reeve and Councillors Horton, Stewart,
Wallace, Cameron, Seymour and Smith.
.Clerk read a 'letter from Fire King Co.
.stating that Mr.. Clifford had been deli
elected Chief Engineer.
Also a letter from the Street Inspector
asking forthe appointment of a comroittee
to investigaM the charges brought against
him by Mr Longworth.- Referred to the
Road and 'Bridge Cominittee. --
Iteport of the reyision committee was
read and adopMd. Also,- report. of finance
eommitMe. _
'The Auditor's report was 'handed in
and referred to the_Finance CoirT. •
By Law for issning, Licenses for the
current year Was passed in due form..
. By -Law providing for the taxation of
doge at the rate of $1 ibr the first and $2
for every dog 'owned by the same Person,
over and above the first, was read and pas -
Mr Smith said he theught a reprimand
should be adthinistered to the Road and
Bridge, Comniittee, he and. 'Mi. Leonard
being the only members present at the last
-It was explained that several of the
members were unavoidably detained from
being present ,
The Council then adjourned for one
the 'ineal,alone;'; and 'I. anOtale,AleP in Saying
tbathad.thei•Atelither beed:ftiveraide;ittionld
ever, seen in.tlinCeiintY, laeCanse'l liavefseeti
leveraltpeople sffiee ivItee"-eEye at dezelf-diete.
Who told inc their:teams were at; the di/Penal'
ofsdaiankadeimild getinto thezn, but' the,
night t.Yrase ten.aieriny, tinetterefore. they
. •
PeterSteriert 18 Otrinotthase.v.playerS:Whe'
is a band in himself, and who-coniributed so
/Much to infuse that spirit of hilarity -so neees
snry•on such occasions. Were all hotels like
Days', travelling, weuld he much- more corn
tenable than it is. for it is us quiet a house as
could be desired by the most fastidious, und
the accemonedation of the very test.
Respeetfully yours,
Culross; Febreary 23rd, 1864.
The Municipal Council of Colborne met at
the Tavern of Jug -McDonough; Smith's
Hill, on Monday; the 22nd.day el February
1864, for the trims:teflon of bet/Mess,
Preseet, the Reeve and all the, councillors.
It Was moved by Mr. Rhynas, seconded by
Mr.:Yoe-net:, That the By Law as -now- revised
be -adopted and printed, to the number of
200.- Carried. _ ,
- Poneleceo, Feb. 22.
The Ifibernian arzited. about 5:30 this
The Richmond correspondence of the Tinees
asserts that if necessary. where one slave es
now fighting for Lincoln, ten slaves will be
found fighting for the bouth.
• The reply of Napoleon to the letter of.the
;Queen of Spain, announcing the marriage of
• the deughter of the Due de Monipensier to
the•Couet, de Paris, is said to be 'couched in
very afiectioutite terms.
Gan. Berg issued an order to the effect that
insureents voluntat•ily surmildering with their
HI'IDEI shall be permitted to retain tbeir liberty;
those surrendering • withoue arms to be set
five on a eertillcaie of legitimat on -then
fUture good behaviour being eguatetoteed.--.
Insurgents failing- to comply with either con-
dition fo be traesported-until eider ' shall be
Moved by Mr. Young,' seconded by Mr.
Huseey, That the followerg persons be grant;
ed a l'aivern License for tho present yeer,
provided each person pay the sum of $20.00
to the Township Clerk, exclusive of the Gov-
ernment License, on or before the 1st -day of
March next, and that a By•Lave ,be passed for
the sante.-Carried.. ; ,
• . • -
Licenses granted to James Symington,
panic! Miller, Antony Allen, John Fitzwil-
liants, Christopher Shannon, Willi:MI Robert.
ion, James Stacey John -Ross James Mc-
Moved sby'Md.Young, seconded by Mr.
Hussey, l'nut the saltines of the different
°Memo of the Township be the same as last
year, viz.,- Township Clerk and Treasurer,
$120, Assessor and Collector'$40, each Re-
turning officers, $3 each, Auditors. • $2 eitch,
Totten' Inspector; $6, selectors of jurors,
$4.00.- Carried.
• .
Moved by Mr. Rhynits, /weeded by Mr.
Hussey, -That each councillor is hereby atz-
thoriztel to Wee ibe declaration e f office from'
the different officer e of their respective
boards. -Carried. ,
Moved by Mr. Hussey, seconded by Mr.
Rhynas, That the Terinship -Clerk should
notify the assessor to assess the Township
according to the 22nd Vic., cap. 55, sec. 20,
provided the said act la not repealed, in addi-
tion to former instructions to him, and de -
firer the Assessment Roll to the Township
Clerk on or before the 1st of April. -Car.
ried: • ,
dali at all ports: Geaeral news unlmport-
hay been received: Trude -generulty wets
The , West coast or. Africa January =ties
Sent.esivie Feb. 11.
. •
It is -stated that the -Danes, have evacitated
the -..works 'ae Dupree' •and embarked their
stores and war material at Affien.- •
General Cameron bad ' made a euccessful
:attack on the Maoris, in New,Zealand, anni-
hilating the', tribe of Jalcewa, • die most
powerful tribe in the ..ectuntry,, south of
Auckland, killiter, 100 :ma capturing 200,
being nearly all the,fightirer nien, of thetribe.
The Blitish.-loseewas 35. killed and 93
The Tithes' leader regrets the heavy loss,
although the iiesults *ere itriportant i.so much
so, _thee the leading man'aniung - the natives,,
Willietn Thempson;:wiShe&to offer his sib -
mission to the Genet -at immediately ',after
.the struggle, rendlIVIts only prevented by the
deterutination .of his few'. remaining follow-
- The Post- understands thatT.the Engish
pe;vernintint has proposed an armistice to .tbe.
belligerents on the 'oasis of' the evacuation of
Schleswig., with the exception of the Island of
Also!), by the Danes.. • ..
This suggestion has met with the supPort
of, France, Russia and" SWedereeAnd is put•
formed; se a,„ preliminary', to a Conference
which itis- hoped Will fieully' dispose of the
lopg vexed question of the Duchies. , •
: eity zireiell says :-Whether--
•.• Moved. by Mr. Hussey,. seconded by ./dr.
Young, That the Reeve 'should' -employ a the alteraton in bank: rites evill 'be More. per.
tnaiter.t than the last similar redeetien on the
surveyor to Survey a road ellowance across
24th Deceniber, whieli it was foundtiecessury
lots 5 and 6 on the 3rd coneession, E.,D.,and
to retract within th, Me. or foter weelts, 01081 be
to heve thename comp -feted and handed to'
adoubtful questione> The probability is that
niedthe .Council by the -16theof April next. -Can.
- if war symptoms ehicken the contradietien
• • - ' that will occur, especially .; in' the .Germait
:Counei, then adjourned to meet, on 1
. . , • tradeo-toupledevith. the ,etztharawal of credit's
Saturday,' the'16thtlay of April; ,at the hour andt tie exorcise' of generatprndepee, may
Of 10 o'clock -• atehe Tavern. of Jahn Ross cause a further' dimii
nution n -the pressure to
_Stnith's Hill -
• Township Clerk. Some of the letters from Germany to d i
'' state tIta, - . ' 'f ' ' Y
t an increased sense of the internal
complications and external d Ingers tato
whieh he country may be &pen by -its prem.
LINES, ' ent course is beginning iu several quarters to
Written ity ties late Thos. McQueen,, lath, become manifest. _.- . \\
erto unpublished.- - .- , - LIVERPOOL, Feh. 12. .
, ;Cornmarket thin attendance. Wheet
The pleaenres of life, once 80 flowery .and fair hardly anything doing at a decline of at lease
Are fading away into shadowy care,
threepertee,per met, since 'Tuesday,. Flour
,e '
And the soul once so liVely, so cheerful'and neglecand to effect sales leginottee is
gay .., • , taleette Oufs-atid meal, ne'enquiry,' and the
Broods-1one'; in gtoorn i6t ne'er • pate, Piees nr° e°titie4JIY ;the"-Lsame•leltan
, , • . e Co n Meal offeriug at.'29s 'fid "White 33s per.
Tlie morn's toe)" tight falls 011 100dSCRpe ".„/' -
And bids drowsy Nature in etrearfaesta- awake,. .-
But to try listless leosom it comes butiootty,
That -the gloom on my spitit will ne'er pass
The.moonlieht that gambols on woodland and
Brings rest to the_ weary' and sleep to the •
But its silvery softness unheeded meat plai. -
Fr the rrloona on. my spirit Will •ne'er'..pass
In her loveliest robes maiden Nature appears
And her Meted), /soothes Mull despondency's
fears: _ -
Her sounds may be, sweet and her flowers be
gal,/ e •
But the gloom on .my spirit
The 'cheek of rhe maiden may ,vie with the
.. • Rose, - • ,
Anil beauty and love in each feature repose,
But 1 feel not the power of her eye's loving
ray, • , 4
For the gloom on my spirit ,will neer pass
• away. '
dearest friend, eztrtit's pleasure's -are t
Life is lonely to me rts the hoi-ne of the deed,
No longer I di eam of a hapeier daY,
For the gloom froue my spirit will ue'er.pass e
atvey. -
- ></'
British' American- Magazine, -Rollo
Adana, Toronto. T. J. • Moorhouse, s
•Goderich. a
The number tbr_IMarch is a superior one -n
and contains many articles of real merit,
peculiarly adapted to the ta.stes and feel.
ings of_canadians, for which reason it
should meet . with's treneroun support.-
Review department is, as usual, very
Harper for March is a good number,but
not up ti the Mark; in,curopinion. There
are in in it, however, several _very, read,
able articles. MoorhouSe has it on sale.
7 .. NENVIrotlx; Feb. 28. \
, 'The Royal Mail- steamer Asia; front Liver.
pool at noon On the 13th, and Queenstown.on
the 'eveninoi Of the 14ili February arriVed herdtl,'
, e .
. Lord .Derbyein the house of Lords ettackod
and,rEe:iterl Russell deferded the. Gove;liment in
r d e to dile suspectedu steam airtmet 'f he-
t e r.e - te proel cce papers,eending
7,1e the House of Cemmons Mr.'Layard.re•
iterated his'statenemat thet Mr. Adams ,made
no Tfficial or verbal conmiunicatIon, to „Earl'
lbu sell of the substance of MP. Seward'eelese
patch of the l'Ith of July ladt..
. Mr •Fitzeeettld•calied. atteebon to the en-
cutnatances atletaling- the- capture or certain
British I:easels by Fedend ereisere,the rinaer
of one of. the Crew of the 'Saxe& byea Federal,
ientenant; Re-aSSerted that, carl.Russell
lad..eot done enotteelt in the Matter,. and
hoved fer the eorrespendence: The Attorney
General opposed the motion: Hehaid the
principle.' of pi•ile adjudication ineAtherica is
he stone as in Englandearld ;the dispostflon
Of theeleneeieun Governnientis very. lair -IMO.
During. a general debate severa1 speakers
barged the Government- with a truckling
- I 'e
ore towards the.Atnerican GOY rnment.
• LordTaltnerston said It Was due to the
A 'in :lean Government to say that they invar.
ably received Englund's representatians a.
pirit of equity and justice. He quoted ethe,
1001' case 'us evidence , ofi a desire teeNd3
ight. !twits prejudicial to the goad under -
tending between Powers to accuse a foreign
Greernrnent of acts of which it is noeguiley,'•
nd,expeess distrust bt their equity_ when
°thing jiestilied shell elestiees 'The -tenure.
. •, .
Gammen ,ixo SAcisaw.-.-thesidnwheel
stea.mer,Cattadiati lie being rebuilt, „and
'rein during the courimonsivigatiou season be-
tween Goderieli and Saginaw.
LAKE Teo Sol.n.-,The tag A. Turner'
has been sold te Hieltiete''Boll, Of New York,
for 515,000 'cash. bile is destined for New
Orleans, where She will be:employed in the
. . „..
mwingservice, 1' •
Cnaotto Itiverc.,4-The Tribune saws the
ice -in the Chicago riVer is breaking Ape From;
present peeiepecise navigation will' Continence
eerlier than ,usude-and the ceniing,semion will
be An tin us Mil busy one. .
The Prepeleees ,Eviitb, Niagara,- Union,
Scioto; A.Ilegliminy, nit& two -others, Denies
not known, .fovnin. dally line between
,Pliietigemidi:Sitruin,,,,rutininv in Menne-6We
With- the Great ''Western: &Away, of Can:
ade: ,
- Tno ',clucks° Sanwra Paorsuca
followitig prope ors,
between'Oticago •'aed
Sarnitterintoliegert Connection, with the',Giand
Truiik Rsilway viz., F. B. Wade, AtiteloPe„
'MOOtkoinelk, San, EitinS* Gar; cashpinn,
find eithit`relf.." '
The above, whielti we clip-'froni an
ehange, is not...correct in everyparticelar.-
We' Will he able state tit" '
the Spring tride in& SO far as "Go -d • h is con.
Corned, ida fent.days.
Fleneburg, Feb. 12.
Troops and artillery continue to pass
through here, bound northward. •
It is not certainly knowri whether an attack
on Duppeln fills commenced, and but a few
wounded men are brought in.
NEW' Yonn, Feb. 27. -Tia 2 imes says
the steitimhip: Futton, from Port Royal, on
Wednesday lest. arrived here at a late hour
last melte, bringing ittformaticn of , a sad
reverse to our expedition under Gen. Sey-
mour in FlOn-da. We are unable to give
details, because after the Fulton had put
into the bayelle Was boarded by the- provost.
Marshal and quartermaster. with orders from
Gen. Gilmore to deprive the passengers of All
private letters. a. passengelby iehe Ful-
ton we are indebted for the- following main'
facts of the batele
On the forenoon °robe 20th lour troops
underGenoSeyneour met the ,enetny, 15,000
strong, 15 miles beyond "Jackeonvilte and 8
Miles beydraf'Satiderson, on the line( of tbh
Jacksonville and Tallahatesee railroad. The,
beetle...ea desperately. !Ought. during. three
how:se-and at sunset our forces overpowered
by numbers' retired to -Sanderson tat:ing with
them the greater partief the wounded. The:
7,th Connectieut; 7t11 N'ew Haven; 40 Massn-
chusettse 48th and I50.th New York; and 8th
United States were engaged: Colonel Frib-
ley of the eith United States erne' left dead on
the field. Colonel Reed,- aellungarian
officer wits Mortally :Wounded. ' • -•
All the officers ot Hamilton's battery were
wounded. Captant Hamiltbn, wounded in.
the arm; atid Lientenaete Mirmele. 'wounded
in die foot are at eGetteral> Gilmore's ' head-
quut•ters, Hilton Heade Colonel LienrY; of
Me.'4.0th •thissachusetts; bed - thetze 'hoiseet
shot under hien, but escaped unhurt. ,
- Ten Casmopolltan arrieede at Betiatorton
Mondey'evening',with 24(1. df the- wounded
-Colonel Reed- ainong them Who was
hying when the Yulton left Mt' ‘Veddesday.
• The enemy's lose is net known. They
captured five guns. -It is supposed' that the
treeps. were trein Bragge.army. Geo.' Har-
dee himself wile on the field, having eeme lo
'Florida on re•yisit mitts Una 41.130 to
'forineepecond interriage. Our less is various -
Or estimated at from 50ehto 1.300. 'Seventy-.
.eight Cert./Aerate ririsoneie were ,brought by
din,Fulton. We understand that the. puMer
of the Fulton hes a list- of the !tied and
wounded' -which he will show, but will • not
alloiv it te 'be cenied. • •'
The Herald's Weshingeon despatch,reports
a fight between CaPtain'ILirper's ebrupapy
of swatnfiedragoons and sontenf Imbeden's
men at the ineuth of Seneca' river. Penclle-
ton'S- Company:Who were bent en a road, the
des etch seys uothing of the resell t.
he,Heraldt naval correspondent dated,
off Mobile, 18th says the Hartford, 'with, ad- s
enrol Farragut and six Mortar schooners are z
with the fleet. It is rumen:cid they will en
eigetFort Gaines' to.day, Desertets -stale
and eitemporised: opch resources can ever
be subdued, that a vest expause of terrieoey
with such'a populatinzi cannot b&governed
as an obedient colony until some evidenee
is given of a chanke of 'policy on the part of
the government.
We combat for property, homes, the honor
of our Wives, the future of our children, the
preservation of our fair land from pollution,
and to avert a doom e hich we, can, read both
in the threats of our enemies and acts of op.
pression we have alluded to- The aituatiou
is grave, but furnishes no just excuse for
desponeeneye Instead' of harsh critietsm on
the Government and ler General, instead of
bewailing the failure to accomplish impossi-
bilities, we should rather ,Iee grateful for the
results that have reeardetd our labors.
Rereembering the disproportion 'in. pop-
nlanon, in Military and naval resourpes, and
the deficiency of ski led labor in -the South
our accomplislemen ;have surpassed theirs.
Assuranceis received -that efforts: at Rego,.
ciations will not be II nernel The' Congress
are of opinion that a ty direct eoverfueee for
peace would eempromme our sblf-respect, be
fruitless' of good, and interpreted. brthe.
enemy tie an. „indicetion. wealin8ss. We
can only repeat the desire of . die people_for
mace and oar -readiness to age_epe terms con-
sistent -with thlhonour- and rileigrity and in.
dependence of the: States and .eompatible
with the eafety, of our domestic institution.
We haven() altertiattte Moto do; out- 'duty,
of atiy•people intheannals of, the2.:World.--;-,
There is no just reason for hopelessnesS•
fear., Since the.outbrealt. of the war the
South have lost the ne-minal, poseessioe of
thellissirai pi Riien. and fragments/of her
'territory ;,but the' rederal ocenpancy is not
'conquest. . •
The efieniy iS not free, ,frouidiffienities.
With nn -enormous debt, the financial " co/a-
cre/14one long pestposed, - is +surely. Coming.
The shot crops . the United States, and
l.n!,iindant harvests. 'n Europe, will hasten
what Was 'Otherwise inValuable. Many segae
„clods -persons at' the North discover -in ',the
userriatiooe 'Of their government the certain
overthrOw of theidlibertieso A•laige nuniber
'revolt' from thetinjust war, and Would gladly
bring it to are ; inhere Wok- with alarm
on the „compleele subversion of constitinional
finedoto by ,Abialiam,- Liecoln'e and feel ia
their own persons the bitterness of the slavery
whielt 'three yeeM Of war liaye failed . to in.
'fl.i.;cetli-dtintin-^thaandSitenart4se.m-ePat tla'e NOTth- have
spoken out Against the usiffipatien and cruelly
daily practised. T e soecess of -these men
over ehe radical 'and despotic faetionte which
now rules:the Nottle, nifty open the way hi
peacefuLnegociation . mid te cessation of this,
'bloody and uttecessaly war. ; In conelesion,,
we exhort 52 telloW, citidente to be of good
cheer, and spare no labor or sacrifices ' that
may be neeessary., .to i enable us to , win, the.
campaign upon winch we have just entered,
fiffition,. but suffering and -h u nei leation are the
Welnive passedtltough great trials of af-
ezhobl masters -that Ind teitions. te relf te-
lianee. and • independarce," we bee, that' the
tipples upderescurces of, th'e connery vrhich
ire:nitric may be.sold to the gel% to support
and equip fig aethies,fletall- sPirif of faction
and pest party Zhflerentes be forgotmn in the
there, •are about 20,000 troopsea and 'around presence ofour eieidl doe. .
Mobile. Two Ape -clads, the.- Teneessee and. • '
Nashville are in the Either the' former
The .A C-htef' Justieel Lal'Oniatne.
• ...-•
be an 'ascent of the MississipPi by -those Yes- .
The Confiderate programme es. Stated to VI e deeeiy regret annt;,-me dee-tit
of; ben tools Hypo ite ' Lafontaine Chief
sets the•eapture of Near:Orleans and blOckade
Justice of -the Court of Queen's lieneh in
othfi'stbieheiyiY,evrerlidetitorel pli)letkiesr:isatteidd*NbyatoGiteete.r.IiLower Canada. which oceprred. yesiei.dey_
. . . . , .
will eiccudpv an imp-Meant:place' ire the history
Merruder and Taylor's forces. mormeg in Mentreat I. The deceased -judge
New Yetix. Feb. 27.-1-T1 E. • of- Cana a' bovine' tor many- years been
-Prom an rdflicer orrieed, in the Fulton,. we ntaang, the. feremeet 'f'" er Poll,,T4e mem.' To
e'er to our ferhes net:et Litke Cit. Gee. jud4ee: all Pat -ties °near lrAte'ailfYing• •'
derive setneVseeell-ei.pneocieilie ,af. die diens_ Ids great wdrik'net a man, a statesman, and a
• Re wei born at Bbucherville, iii -LoWni
Seymour Who coMmainfed the expedition had •
Canada, in OcrobereIeif..., H,e ,was-edueated
figen•placed 'under arrest by 'oleter of Gen.
for, the bar, and l'iroved Most •su-ecessful in hie
"Gilmore. Iles Successor is ;Gen ' V d .
. . 0 t1 .. , .
proteasion..., At file time" he nulled hiS•atMn.
who left Hilton Head, on Tuesday- lest ; Witl;
tion to militiee he was!' peenniarely in geed
l'Itnie4ee'e'e°ei •I'''Jualc'ttwiYille, ebaslatiffe\ •°I.' eircemStanees. , PreViOus to the: rebellion he
an 'entire: chvision..' Our , 01'T/dilation gays et
,was•the opinion .9, fi the °lice rd, 'who. t000lei pak,, tisee'erepresented Mr, e eaprtia LIZ il ilag :'l ab ae de:a' of morettlo2pni,db tiieeo hl
in tne,expecntion tnat our tome losses m Klima • ; •.; the straggle Whieh culminated in the
,w1,370n.deci .and-olidsingeee , . e aetereae .0t 1,337. _,. ,t4, ilia time of the re,,,
bhtween_ 1200 -end ParAYAn
trobps advanced. As itsonsour eroops were
throwing out scopts.add,Slcirmieliers .as ouart'
:Gen: Seymour is:e'er/ay. censured in ri lefob,e calmly fore,ebobt time. , As sheis
_ VIII§ n\O" evidence tigainit Ititn;. he was soon
bellior-he vrae decused ofibieh treason and
ble to ieturne'• Thogti .° lerettilent liiele'
led into a trap. .1.1etinilton'ealrietilleeory,illzedde2„h.1-. bea,,afetha Lamm; camida ptittiament,,..: it is
glempshooters Pinked,otitheir horges Mel the' knewnees a,pelidcal leader.
van and suffered Severely,
• '' sieeltheeUniont however, that he is best
' As the head of
gans luia .p2. be abandoned.. The 40th .Mnsea-
thP French 'peril is the] ileuse,,,aci ihr illy
chussetts, mountedinfaittry,:haye also suffer."
ed severely. - Ini the retreat many of our' of the late 1-14ert-'13tildatta'
the queriel ireth . Govetpoo Meinelfe on the
lie. 'took ...-part in
mounded were:left behind, withinthe enemy's, queettort, of tcppototttetits,, 4y.. ,
Go' Governor
'lities ciue troops Were. right in _front Of Go without consulting '' hs edvidere. He 'had
_Confederate batteries, in: r -piece' of woods, been appointed-,Atter4y General for Doeter
befoie we*ereaware of 'th'eir presenne; and Canada ; ite September:, 14342; . 'the. rupture
When their batteries opened a galling fire mir with Sir Charles Melealfe-- took place near
Men were driven back panic Stricken in dig- the elose of18,-4.- Tile eeleetioes of 1S4.4
order.. The-COnfederate force ii not known
frave the Tory Patly.aN vOtY Mtge majOrity
but is stio.posed to have been larger -than ours. a uppe,a,Cittiacte., Afil.\ Lefeetatiie, though
One of the prisoners captured elated 11111 the at tied hortd of 47-1,:ory , pirgo -Lto.„-'r Canada
tinops hadArecently ,, been hent down from majority, wee 'left .ihrioat2 without ,Upper
Chanel:sten imelrGerz:BeMeregnrd-W11.11,4,C0iLl.' "cdnada,aii.j,?,., de, coetletittettee of tbeeeeeete
1,11,ar a , , _ , - , • . of Me Tedies-in Upper ,Cridadee MT Drit ;et-
, , , waeena e . o govern Go country until. the
A-D35E'El$S OF TEE _ 'election of 1848: iltider the.,` Draper Govern-
alene, Mi.' Lafontaine' ,was reader of the
Lower Cenada. Opposition. :TIM 'eleetionti
- the Addresi, of thd Confederate-dongeess ,tenflu8p411;gte:ee•o6otehti-e,o-i' Re'ttilifect oloPoagrtfyit'ilh. 1,13Cj°7reirtyi
to the people of the Coniede.rete States haS largs
m ajOiity ,y14,11, ero leteetaiaeta party
been: publighede • It saws: • ",
The eMirie -ore 'the Federal OVertintendt alibade'dn,twItWtheier.dttlsttonie:dibilei t•J3.0toinuseed..Itt yapeOrf'
has proved that it. id not, desire peate, an retired from 'office and the -Baldvriirlafon-
vvo,a not,consent telt on any Mrms that we
could possibtY 'concede taine Government wael &tined in Fehruary;
Hineke-Moiiii Administration,
succeeded. On elle; 13th of August „ 1853\
Mr. Lafontaine wasappointed. Chief 'Justice
oit !.be Queen's ,Bench.fOr Lower- Canada -
At the bine of lila death; had 'oecupied
the Position but a little over ten '.years: In
Anzusti,I854;he was created 'la' .baronet of
Go TJoitedaingdom.
Inprivate life tlie laM:Chief.vras much, es-
teemed. , His-tatirir char:inter has ever,' been
regiirdedod iereProachabie.., Ai" a politieiin
.boihbefore MM.] Since the •occupied
a prominent and nomnirable position, When
he Wm; dleeatedto position on the
Lower Canada:BenCh4 the. emit/goal feeling.
was that nefi dike. nppopettient had been made.
In his death the Proineel,os_ee en able- and
O most worthy be. -
ion waswthdiawn. 'The Army and -Nary Gazelle saws the,
T 7et of this we refer to the repeated
rcjection,orn11 terms of:conciliation and epee-
iliitaty estiwatei wifi'
promise to then: recent contemptuousrefaaal
f t ue
a eceive the -Vice: restdent, who was sent
ltanded men.million sterling, with oiily the losa of a few
g . ,
. , . t: 'r•13,tidte, fci:itt aoffening the asperities of
of the °
iii'etheizeisedrnful reieelt611' fret
. There is -a' questionable report that ', teiwo. „eietear, andttal pofrer.t.,0 mechute .1,si4t,iveen the
ilist-elaes:E'nglish houses;soffeeeri '.1)Y,Of the .revlelera
• contending par MS.- ' ,-; , e '' • ,
ii.iera,arefebert to. despatch one :The:Ai-mitre of suchStrange conduet is .0b.
feetesesteamers afmatin pursuit of the pirates.
It is Suggested that•thia may be another rebel vitals- -The Republican party was fonnled
.ii_od,;e.-" ' "" - :, . e. . . . ,
armistice en the basis Orthee acne' ion f I
' It is confirmed Unit' Eteelati'd '' °Posed 411 t t acceni ''.osli this -object : The Union":
; .,, , stdiadteeestir_.aoyridsiLavirYornewnaidtsheelecefeqdtiaa,slitzhe.einfstirlute,
o al the ,,Conenitnea,tio,n. ihie,
Schleswig except Ali -i iny Ilie D.11105: I106.'' paliey;ledeentde:the Ccittegineirin, -Which; was
sin; Franee id Sweddi'suptiort the proposi. im bond,"reengiineil and rate:led .ishithrY
tion. ", It isetniectthet:Atediriti disients.. The and thesoYereigety,Of
sill,t is il° Yet known. ilabaurd to pretendt tat a governmen
Nothing,but mere skirmishiune was reported really desirous of restoring the Union would
om the seat of wa-r. T adopt seeh measures as the coefisccition of
Private- FettPeitit-ifie
foe:cement'," and rnakiteg SPienlaila efforts to ineite;theva taitsattcet-
Alcoa ; .1. „.Peee1011 forcible•abeiuctioei from their hs,,,esand
The ruastana occume A mnaan spite . . .
p • Id and edniritilSOri enlistment 'in the army the
.Of ilieFedet.el,ifirOtests.-..
. , ,• . :,,,:. •., . . , p t el ,..p•j,_1.- ' -5,, .1 ..c,,, 7t h,..,,:i , „98thodi i,e1;iti:tiiti.: ii0.11;iinci '109, rile,n'n4ftraaoP17, _f8-6sa:6:11.6taetimi: el ii t:e1.,g:',na°0e0.11.iiliSd,t'ottar,d11:iteile'llii. ::,!:',4,10:eh, tir4e6filitli'41:i: soFf.' tircih17:7
: el: . pBIitiei.;1°67:ii.idi:'litgirii;iiii:rii;ryse;,,,--d.'pt:..01::11;ieli:i',,u'riiid„r:dtat6',iesil'a:;u72.„'let.,:lfilitir,:401r:':,i,x,::1:d,,i,,e,de:ii.t''.66iceP.nv"i'...0tdhr:s15.::0.::...11:.9:',1,(6, 1.:i.'7,yt,eir7. • : , ticalg.' i Northern
. e. 'n liti h:, . Ap,..., i iai t. 6.6„atetr,l.fy,t' gt. 414; , , ttPoc ,nii ,h.i i .:1 174: nqi,ide'1:-1 i I, . se ..e. : i reeyts:6, ri, .).1.; .1 ). . :al . : ,i ,.sie!i 1:' , 7_ .,' dril' :73,;:e,:l. .1 Tent tr::, .11ii:. assertue. 66. 141u. Y.p .s: !.1. 6, i :d6::: :IP policy1 1 :4, eriti '?ii116.:::
dulli.*ad'20n4i1,.pet:cental -I- Wer: ' • • • , MidetlePeadent• ;', •' ';','':' : ,i: , 'O., • • :' -o•
ai to-' that ...rall,
li.us°66ted-itein'rd in the -.
Clyde, th. The e'rtnt's21,--6to,000
siMilar to those. in
Edittbltr.g, an "-;the'Alexandra' ease' , far,,br/t4'! .educe or by Ile
dt:ftebeediauart;.:P hl no ae Opgee,liert sons diml/nii,anirti!eCIKitz,!1191;t13,eei of
Resian'tne'eenatri.to establish au 'avbr,'..tr,4,7
=The' LoadoodrieZta; tibpaasi.,°;141.;teiceer'17 d"3ititsrno. t otphre%.sr,ttie,17.
te of
ata an continue. etz
t Consent to
;E'edeYeld-1,-;tt egti9n Ps' t21!°
the alle.g.c -d any i neglIgeile,e4e onalaye ieeee
d murder on beiard the okili like
,t,reettiOuS.Ca•se,e_lt. Y„, ; "ehinent ot t there ,
d-urzlag Ole "P,!14'1 die protec-
likk0 '
handonment of .
n which.a Suite owes Its subjects. .
Rendsburg, Feb 12,
The apes en thc 10th- were posted about
hour's March from` ffuppeln
criine, wall be an
P A 1.-Ernottorr.cor,latPr '1; - %Our
'ON and ITM;;Iiiplieation, ,reterttt- 0 hi,
Mid..disaPeeq.,fi'nomies will ifibik`iitleif 'that
" . ,
Rallseet Mtetv DokiitraiTY..-The, State
of: 'Wise/tie/sin' •.aieilleilities- the wondorfol
and qiiprecedenmd;ebiirapter."of ebeliiiiited'
;States iti regard to.tlieiseureeS. 'Of its growth
and strength. The leghdatureef that state
ba� nrdared,..-the GoVertiorli Message to. be
ifpiinted- in :eight' different Janguaes: Eng.
„lish; Gerrnati;, NOrwegiett,
land, Freneh.a4 SOneinittini, -The old, shg.
.orkines Teatenie-st�cki8 ldrgely represented
oc;vqiii..Of"064iir4i01 • • '
A a1lant little fellot -kizie• 15 pretty
HoraerAti.,,avray, lipped 6iiethe Milleo.and •
Create-4800164er a painter orideileidative,
irelt:eirdrtoelidtielher-ne iti:itieeared lo
'Parson* Block -entrance -en Kingston street:
sW32 W.• FANNING"'
.• . -
NT6I111 fabbrrtistmeniS.
20 Per Cent. DiscoUnt.
out to' remove into krfger _pietnissa
curly in Ajoil, offers the aboee-
or all
ash Purchaseg
-Amounting to $2.00 and upe arils on hii lama
and varied assortment of
_Miscellaneous Books,
Medical Books,
Photograpahn: 1311 ,ziat7,7k Boolari.
During the Montl:aonfl:Yarl3chil'olnesiy. -
33PilArEff i-ttiffekti-miewfora"
_ _
Books at
- 111E0. J. -MOORE(
"SIGNAL " °pp'
- .
tioderiche kora? 1st; 1864. " w4g
, ...
. . .Sheriff's Salitiof Lands. "
United Ceuntiee ni)DY virtue oft -Writ of Fzeri
Huren,aed Reece, D Pietas msued out of, Her
To wit: „ Majesty's Couety Court ot ,
Go -Celled Counties of lencon and ,r .Brose, :
and to me directed against the lands ana tone,
in ent$ ofelamee Cityler and Thoinia areCue at •
the /ma of Alexander Dryadalc,1 have seized aid'
taken:in execution alt tile right, nue arta interest ..
Of the said defendacts In and to lot,NumberThir- ,
ty-rour in the Frst Concession south of theleuthatte .
Road in the Tevenslim of„tEinetCrihne and Count," '
of Bruce, which land:" arketeaeizients 1 shall dame
for sae at my mike in the Court klietse, in the; .
Town of Goderich, on Tueiday tho Seventh asy
ef_.lune ne.xt,at the hour -of Twelve of the elect,
By S. P01.1.0vt.;;;Dept.sty SherifI:811,.c.rifi.:11..k. B.
. Sheriff's Office, Coderich, ? . ,
26th' Seh'y. 1864.- - 1 ,,,, - ' vie
. , .e. . •
Sherwood House Farin.,-
0 selt or „Le, with immerhate DOSSO11400.
• is comp:teed teflon/ 9 and10. 1s1 Io* of
terhant Bead in thetownship of-Kineardine, anti t.
within 2 and a halt moles of theVillige. 'It eOn.
mine W0 acree, about 45 of which are eleared.,-an'
particrattrant'&saciply 'pretti-
Feb. 276, e864. • - *sit
Silting Seeds of the County of,Ilurn
Agr:eultaral Society. -
elver Society wdl be -"Lefeliet•
tieh.on THURSDAY, 17th de y
1 slier the ton win °f MARC
awarded : ° g Pl:emium3 bi
Canada onipqny Priaesfor 'Sprig•
Wheal : ' ' •
Best' 10 finsitels -SprinelVitest, 58, 2nd.."
best do 57, 3rd best do $5. tt
- - _
.•• ,
corere ,se9zerr , melees..
Bes't16.busteledits .$4, 2nd -do $3, sra do
Best 10 bushels ,Peas $4, 2nd do .53,
do 52.
Best 10 bushels Barley 84, 2nd do $3, 3rdo 52.
Best 1. busliei Clover Seed $3, 2nd '&12.
' Best 1.-biiihel Timoth 'Seed. 532nd do
'Best '2 bushels Coin in ear 42, 2nd do
51.50;31d do 51. • '
, .
The aholiT premiums are opento.the
petitors'of Caphda West,. and'aVillbe awarded
to theactiial grbterti.otthe"grain only. iridelt,
raiustbe 'Ore -Zed 10 ineinbeth of the Society
for sale for ,sned:en 'the Zihibitis' . ,
£IULES 0" *Jig
tne'nihere hit;t:itig, paid their siiIrserii-
-lion; and:only `snch UTO etii1ed t compete.
1 The grain .exhibited mast haverioted pro-'
aced on.the'farre of 110 eilntiiiiir -in 1863:
3. AJl competitors for prsmiums Mist gb.'
the SeeretarYribtice oftbe description of tbst
grate they inteed to show on • Or before tin
o'cleek, A.M.;,of the dayofshOw,.in., 17t1
kAti„clit.,, in t. 4. Ceineetitera_ well- not rho
entitle/led:Mae, than one ezteinium for 'the
same leind`ef,gratitifrornehe Sons far,.
The Stud Heise show wilt take plaee
on Go 28th Of 'APB1-11-,. Goderiehr dos
notiee of ,which bei.giyen, '
e Seey.
Gotterieh Merck 1.-i"1664.- "' •
flAIIT10N.-Al1_person5 are Iserehy forindi
u negotiating* note hind for $300 -drama
by.DopenneBallentype and George •
faver'of 'William Dolman Or _hearer dated Ai •
Wectieter; "County of Huron,. eri the -6th of.,
Pebi wiry A.D. 3864; and die 1500 701401 after-' -
date with inlerest atl2 pe'r cent per:annuPi
no value having:thee. receivhd for the garde.
4 ‘..„-.."DuNc.a1413ALLINTYNIg.
troxeter Feb: -29,11 -1864."2.-yr53tgbeeitpsie
- • „.--
\qTRAY. ; 'yenta eila;
COler,White. The owner 18 requested to
prove property, pay ohnigetaatid'-reancirn her
froni'the premises of
4. Like Road West, Stanley.
-February 261h, 1864. ‘41,543t
3000 TOLOA
- IN SEIIE or .
-MTViTca,11E.P..1.2:101...x4:34... •
• D..010,33 dOODING,
Ne.xt door to the' CeeesPoteHeirss. ;•
f Mae - Leant on litotigstgr
or Itopineed, Fenn's, ,' • , „.. •
*iiri-bouT ANY liE-:14
intist bring ie title edeede- and 'wife IP execute-
Mortgege._ •
. w5sw5e41 •
OTibTos.12and 13,in The.8th :ton. efi'
Eldershee CoyatyPfBeelece.containing
miletsaf 1110 tkairiali.Vitlate
PA1i'LE. Theatutiaorst,:'iosonf clay 0* tbe.
-running throughitscoatre. '.'Any,..party.doitnuo.-;
-oipnransin,a,giiNictirrn" O.:divested:4 Sitatted'
cattl„pnietire mpatont OA thee above properlYstsr
very; resin:table rate.,IFC1--futther-partioniera!!.
• '
-0.rto the 'Beret 'of the.Township.. -
tderstie, Feli.17111;1864:: - v'e5elt •