HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1864-02-26, Page 3°P non:natt alie" I gird; 4 ACI Tr in it .,., r. WC fibre.. nttacy . oaf es, 'Arai l Fite " uclarr ct ossa. Vas; sci an, abet- e Peon d ldrett s Unit IP pis. =gds i the mblie' °Ia eived, tnrecl Thft oare. Isms net ion ,rices 'Err, ;ens. r.d ego Mk - ens' ey f not Sed his zea i -.. he•. ed. .0 r-• . The weather continues mild and open and our streets are still eche bare of sleigh- iug, although the back concessionshave a superabundance of snow.., Them is little dr nothing doing in the produce trade, and as a nates -al conseq ence bustaess'generally is very dell for this swoosh. 3ftss.tos.trt,_ Missionary Meeting ...was beid•in the Methodist New,.Coneexian Church Mt Tuesday evening last_ In the absence .of • 'tbe.pastor, Rev. Mr. Cleaver, who isbut just ' recovering froiss-a serious illness, Rev. Chas. Fletcher'occuaied the chair., A very good'. . congregation listened to • stirring • addresses - .from Rev';ds Messrs. Eu_Iish, Ire, McCappin tied wnswefl_ - The choir gave a choice seleg- tion of itesic in eiceiteitt Ss'Sxsr 3r; REAnr ray.. e ar Yegriestcd to..announce that Gilbert ;rnf fie Esq: P <1I tspector, of London; wil gree Shaksperean Beadings. in this play on Tbusday evening 'next, in aid' . of th Epicopalian C'liurch Rectory. Fund- :. FP? particu`l'ars Will he given m' due `time. The pieces to. be rendered are;lreMerch ant of Tenice and Heed's Tare of a Truitt- ., pet. -^ From the reputation. he bears as an Qlegaat:and,, effective reader, We have no dotibt.that-Mr: Griffin willrive his audi_ ame a rare intellectual treat: .Th'e` tiayora:itg`Election:Set Aside-. II seems highly probable that, after all, -'we are to have a fresh Mayoralty Election Contest. IIost of our readers are- aware that two protests were entered against the election of Mr. Watson=one-in down%ight earnest before the Court of Queen's Bench' in Toronto, .and% the other, as. a :sort of : friendly counter = movement before the County:Judge- „ a learn- by telegram $om Toronto that -the Court of -'Queen's. `l ench;sustained the Relator, on all the, grounds taken, -and that a new election ' has'been ordered. `, The Court we' are ' informed; held that the friendly proceed= ings. taken before Judge 'Cooper were not bona fide. The::judgment, however; wilt be up ina-few days, and we willthen be in a position to give particulars. Consid- erable excitemen onsid-erdbleexcitemen ;prevails -in town in' View. • of the new election. It -is currently rep- } ortcd that either Mr. VarEvery or. Dr. 'McDougall will be brought out in: opposi .tion.to Mr. Watson;' should' he 'decide on. Police. Court:=-On VPednebday, last. Bullock; artist brought a charge against D: Kerr, jr.,-Esq:,. merchant, to the effect that- he. (Kerr) -r.. had violently `ejected, complainant from the Wesleyan Church.•on the, evening of the- Tea Meet ing ihereby-ht 'his spine very serious' To hear lir- Bullock tell his story one Weida ma ine force enough .had been. used to ,sling him`nine or ten reds.- He swore positieelv;as- to; the assault, which -was conimittedwhile: he was' 'about "do- nating "114 ,nseeting to the extent of three. York shillings, and. he was.' bound to have insticed'onein thd-premises: His first • .witness, a Mr. Shannon, knew nothing. about the -affair at all.• :Disgusted with what he eonaider$d, such' an Unjustifiable' loss- of memory, 3pr: Bullock calledupon Mr- Edward Sharman,:v;bo:swore that lir: • Kerr told.' him he coal& come in if :he:. -would promise to- behave himself, giving as a•, reason that he` had acted; iadly et'a preno`us tea-mcefing: • ]Ir: -Herr com- :mitted .'no assault ;upon' him Whatever;. `and could not have done so`wiitlzout liis (witneass) l.•notvledge. • Bullock asked if The would: beallowed, to holloa and slioitt if ie went in, if not'he didn't :think he would patronize the affair, .•,Wien he was• . told he could not enter; he chadenged herr" • to -strike filmand he would male slim pay Mr BgLLoo --' Well, -well, well -f" . 31r' .Bullock: liere struck in; declaring -that his witnesses hadn't, sworn right, and gave. the been-.so_mnch impudence that he,narrowiy-escaped-beteg"seat down for, a few dayg• r contempt_ .::The court •decided that -the asc'ae dismissed, Blain ..tiff to pay -costs Mr- ;B: expressed, sn premecontentpt or such a ." fizzlin police __ court;" and declaredthat he would` send cases`: to•yhe Assizes' in future. His wor aliip`told,him to avoid.: distnrbmgplaces.of -woaslnp hereafter, else > fie would get; into. letter 'from Exeter ralabitt/tbit Usborne • 'dotted in :the •Ferth...-Beforn1..er; -was and ili I:Meuse-mite:It taken up With casei,:thatilai..e. • 'nieitlement everyWinte4 since 1: have resided. -.fitere..(13 years); each yea-ifieseritieg differ.. irict •....,the`•:-Ptit•tetiMiltlinibilahed,•triat that •17Oid Mot! ..liairAiiiiittoo-Well-fintrioninfitity-;.Marketr fp' • 1110S: RODDY & CO. COIllip or rasqusi Oa! FULL 'TOCIC 0,04R1 INKS; BRANTFig:. .fi-,' Pg AND THE , ATLANTIC SEMr- FRE -133 R MARCILI DEAL -LEATHER) WINKS GOD ICH C ant Tailor. A 3rd SUPPLY I EL LIBERAL i_TERAIS1 And for•VARIETY Oli"GOODS.tho Stock FARMERS, COME. AND SEE ! n.iry Produce bOughl.andsold• '- Coil OR, Bottling and •Lamps NOTICE. QEAT:.E.2, TENDERS WILL BE' :RECEFV- lt7:e by.nifeliite,..;,?ocuouutuycittrfveryor, 'on the part. of tliSSR4.Y,1.5th MAMA, Far the' folk...Wing work, viz EPING IN 'REPAIR o 'MILES OF ORAVEL-ROAD tHE WORK AE Let ..in Sectionsi e grave supplied at a certain price iaer cord. „ The subscriber don't bind nifty self to accept the'lewest or any ',tender. Seeeigeatifins Mid fitful of 'fender rnav be seen at the office of afe suisscriber in CLIN- 1St 10 the 14th day of March, 1864; County Surveyor. Clinton. I'Tih Feb. 1861. C MEAT AUCTiON SALE IMP:ORTANT NOTICE Tuesday the 8tVer IVIarch HONDAS STREET, LONDON, - coesisrme or Drugs, Oheusitais,..011s,Perfumery AND PATENT ILBDICINES, :WILL BE SOO -.By.' ppsup-AUCTiOff; To 'Bali. both wholesale :and Re't ail purchasers: • -13- This is -well worthy' the ideation of both tondoti.FeL .1"6, 1864. W49 -td piNE LUMBER ! • LENGTH' S wawa wilt, as sou) CHEAP FOR --CASH! 1 umrPER F.efirnsly tab, 18$4, vr3avy47-3nt 0 • .Coll I'leclities,tapi, Whiehle pr area: ,to 7 sat -Cheap for: 'SIGNAL ,•OFFIQB j011 & On Mondny,' the 25th- Instint, WhOle- of their .• Rethaining Stock :T. 1 iltIPORTANT s AUCTION- :SALE kautoif the 'Hotel husineSS) ••oi•-6 ITECEE4sED AT THE LE IN IVIONTREAL e Base our Claims to Public favor fP TheSe Teawhave beep pnrchaSedSt confessedlythe hest Market, : 'Rind hand holders,j ind Upon the bestterms offered to the Canadian Merehanti. 1. • Cedar Por-Feng.ng, and :Minding purposecan OK ADD LIFE OF . ,of Richt/1011U: AT .1317TLIR'S Quebec, January 22nd,..).1.864 ALm:ium-thse Agent for the settleinent of the'Burlei,M. Fre rant Road. anct tot the sale of Public Lands Card:if, in the COMity of Peterborough, U. 0. Mar- Carrolim address for the present IS NOTICE Ds V the etthecrther, oni he 20th .inst., -a...note 'of - 1., hand for SS5:75 drawtrbi, Andrew Hughes These Teas have been selecteaby 'a person of.great experience, yrithout misting. -the - Sea forth afi'd Belunire, anr1 Dlr. 3 rces :1‘T -1711- SubSerilters one dent for -expense, attending , sate, commission, ,or efie, tfrdight onj ftaminou.: merchant, -ea Seaforth, On thellathl: . •Tilese-fea'S benfg iteported direct. frein the Celestial Empire to IT 1 their claniis against lb& Ettate to 21r. , Joh ' .T.,!:tr.VILT, 71 going to retire from • • of adnIteration vanishes for whatever the quality when it left Ohina it remains tbe I (.8q,ned,) - 'over the Country, ;reel _respectfully request J. BRO Ma:railton • all these ii5lebteci, either by Note or Bonk- Assighees.• 'Etarpurhey. wise they 'will be leindei,to his attorney for In vietrof our. determina.tion.ofbuilditig up.,an an exclusivel h b • --- collection. Atter this Ofice. parties put to ininifeSt1 t advantag to be as reasonable in • Et e" -1,7511.255 5 , In reference to"the above the assiznees eost wilt have therusel It to blame - Goderich 20th Nov. 1863. • with a general assortment of reasonable ' Goderich 20th lc 1863 JUST RECEIVED A FRESR ,LOT or SUGA32S, '13'110717RS AND SAUCES, Groceries of:the best quality, which will be iald at very i Ott.Wednenday, 2nd of AT:AETI aye receiving, large •adtStioria to the former ,_ ,., . . , .1. . whIjenhre;iirei bnece,s'otlodtahte.nobi;o:nietziRt.oredb5sGue,;I:e47ate4 : at nooe,lrit number forty:one7, on the West We . :' ' : . ' • stock, consisting. ot Dryi Goods, Mead,y male Cl thin Harware, Crockery, Gr.oceries, &C. IS AGAIN REPLtItIS3IED WITH CialZO TOB .1.14h; SUISbIt IBER EAS JEST -RECEIVED 'FO:CK-Of:-.•6R4o..ggigs Fun bargains, 'to call and inspect their very larr,e t f FALL WIN OF 1ESS- 31, It's. Layera,.ShltOna and Valchtia-Baisins,•Filtrai-Curranta;•...Figs,Prane a:- Almonds, Filbrts, tira;il find Comprising .in part: Side • Booth's Mira Gin; "Old'aiiiicallittni",Septch, Inshfind. other • ,Thiskies, ,Oinge r . Cliff EitRilte JOHN V. 1)ElliOlt 'et $02f. Eeptandsoldat e Steck of 1.:13T EtiRE ,CASH FOR •