The Blyth Standard, 1946-08-14, Page 1'VOLUME 5(3 • NO, 50, nide„tate i Mt,,;llttil, Ont 11.110/111 pingiormaphas• BLY'1111, ONTARIO, WEIJ NESI)AY, AUG. 11, 1910, Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2,00 in the U.S.A. Second nnual Lions Frolic To Walter Oster Recovcrinh' From Lve Drink e Held To -Night, Thursday aliss Wilma Watson Bride- I,.1(', Everett Grasbv Mont' Local Horses Will Be Rac- 'I'o•11e Sh(►\ve.'c(I F rani ()vCI Ct \I r. \1'alt(r (),ter, i;uln,r oil \,'. I 11..1'. I'• . -",t 1�,.I h\. -on of \!r. \l,,, \\ ilnta \vat, n, popular bride' IlightrI\ 1,,t u, 1111 1 1 ittl;, i'',.:"1..,;1_ - rr ! ,, `,!, 1,:'., ,c. `0!:,111- 'I1 \\'ll- io be of Chi- month, 11.1, Ill,' 1,1,'I of ! I. LIt 1•1.111, 111,,,\ x1111• • •11:1!I,r,t t'e,l''e -''1, ,1 1.,, ,',�,,'.1;.' ,1 Iul'Iullq'1 1 I limo Ile o l \I olukt\ 1:,;!11. at lily Ilona, , ' fl'nlil '1. '11tH, ill)il'\' \\'110.1, h" n''i•t •''I, , 1 ;,1 ''' :•"'r'. I.'.'': 1.';1 i o•.'' of 'l',1' of \lis- .,LII'\ \IJuc, \\ hen a nu:nlnr a ,,+111(:,,11 "I 1\. ;IIUI \t ;alei' I 'f 1,,111 l' ! last 1 ,cal huj • to I't't;:111 front \'I.I•- of ir.nrl, t;athtred t„ p,r,.cm her t\ith dt•initing \tint',. I ,1 Ilii tc(I;III,',':I' ,h"\',' r. I sea- thatt, ar I it hit; in Canada , 11 the The inti 1.1,t ncenr;•,'tt what! \It-, (L. \ I •- 1 I .;-, 1, t v e "'i 1111\ "';d. II \\ a.. a I Ia :Imre pmt 1, but tiff,. c ',ed.-) • ...i., , \\ at 'n 1,,l, the vet:tie it „I iI;I t11 N( di he in tilt' ram. ;1.l ter sought t1., 11111'11('!1 !1:, lll'I•rt hit:M'i I cit. I:1,• t cr"--II, • Ills' 1,.„ tele' 11,1,1 troll, 1,:•,u', 1 \t1 t' 1;1,1,1-. a,!. e ! 111,1.• ;Ire;l1,'-�- ', attendinga the) „t ti ' hat 1.'I 1::,1,10' ,III r !e'1," t' lv,Itl ant!it,- Clinton next \Vt.lite-day. nal'-. -one- e'1 iii ,I flus\'.i 1':1,1!111 :I l';IIIV,,11,,•Int, a neighbour, \I I'. George Haim-. 1,m-. oil1 1,1 r+n-t 1..i 111,1,„11 r o „111 ;! 111,. eifl', 1 I1:lr', :i11,1 1'l(' 1.1111T t'I Pied (0.0 war thin,: um -or -cm] inter cls'.' friday atft(rn on, arul ,tad the \'t r•1. 1,'tr \ hies 111„_0' bride, ,Cud 15 It -Perim. 1,(.1 •••111.11. "fhe1 \Ir. 'fury will IIIli.ray.n.; (hr,•'o- cr" ,in':, \Hifi( w,1' n: n'atitcl'• Tilt, Stout and Texas Sadie, sial \I r. \11•. ()stet. It11s11,,,1, ,t v. !lite t'!", I. 1'11 •t Ill retire I to the , I I'llier Ile „In, 1" ;tntl cup \\11Th1,.l- •"t n.; t 11 the \\!;t re \Ir , \Irl\;at floury,( coffee, atee't,ilio„ t'„1, •cten d,l}•, \l1, 1,r! \1,!I be •t,u'firtt '(, it Ila, i self in the 1 , the fiat tittle. \Ir. 'I Initis via, laa learn for '11 i'11,iII,. wat, r, \Il 1;. Ilam- ;Cul \I r-. 1 . I;tint tit 1.•\' rt.'! , llli'1:'ll 1,11 .\, sent pall, beet tranlinn lu' ht'r•r, at 1,,,,.eri, n batt fttrtunatily he realized hi. iii,- as- ,'.r0{ the h",tt" • in .'•r\in:, ,1,11,111': � ,,Hit, 1',t I•;.1 ..\ I'. 1.t 1.' 1,11 n. Ile ,int,, 1:1tc !;tti,it', nuttttl thrill li;,el; take before ht h::,l a:! t\.• I •t:;:i0'. r,'irr•Lnlcnt,. 'tilt t'Vt'ui1,t, \1.l, a \,,I\', fait,! :01 1' r 1,t,,, .\'Iiiier 011,,1, 1:1,1,0,,.. n.111\1.11 last \\ (,,,L, \II. \it'.'i;lli !r1- ient to (la hill it'', 1.11,11, 11:0,;1. I lie ('llle,y:tilt' one. ,tt,t;, hci"i,' , it: it r - ea, in (tt nhe' !teen i;ctllu,k tun. l; 1;1,, 'lots tial f' :. truck contained a - Intl is of H. l \l1,-, Ch \\;It'ttu, of '1, amt ha' 1'(li. D111 1,1; Mi- tin 1.r-1 a, it wa' t,1 , fir-, race. 1 heir hone. may 11, \1l'dll'a] ;1'11 1x;1• -intuitional. ;1x11 is ll' 1 :life((" the attiesI, 1,1•, ,,'lit. t;lLutl, d ill a !fe,ti II 1'1111'1.' ;It .1 seen t' Mg 1!,rout 11 iheir pace.; almost t% as first expressed t11,1( Ile i I'I'!It 1Glvt'! ; I:cpt,ltt:Ai '11 I),pot. ';,i:\' tiff 1,10'\1., ;It 'hr lurid raft' tracts. s\'alkw\eel ret ugh t , do !lint serious I ! ---_\r�- Ilonourcd By Church Ladies : (I'' ;111"thee I.:11; elf Illi' i•-ttt he injury, hilt it i, new believe 1 that the Trinity burn i, confined to Ili, !' ,;' 1,1 ,1a,1 ;Inn 1 In 'I tie,.li' aftern,r':1 I'1, • !.tike. of '''1'''''•,, h: "I''''''''.1"1111" to It cal or- 1 ' throat, and on \loitd,l't Mr..11•t''r 'I•rinit' ('!hirci( lust at the home of 1'""'''''' 'n, 1 1 it I,indn':•, to Ilial, 1 111' left on \\ edutkdav ft r Lachine, 1 reported that he it 1, 1 11 t,t'i1 ui(eiy, \l1, , \\'„ t 1.t ) its ten0!cr their Its i i ,01,11' to \l1,„k \\illna \1;lt,ttn n het1tL1;u1,'Ic,r y. heehouse to 1,1)1;1;11Ili lis-, a!''I,loaching n,arli,tate I hiring the WLf)DINGS I,itiern,ntli \I r,, 1I;trry lir,.\,nit read ;111' \ 1 ,,111,1!,1„ and Mrs, Cunt (1,11,1 :\Ii,;it-tite \\,%j IS'I'Ii'IEI'.I) µi't.,cnte t the hritle•c!ect \\il,l a (,air IIill'1'iI1};'t011 - St1111) I ,f t r\ 1.a! b'• I Carte , ;till crt't;ll •,11;Ill I \l1,-, France, I loll) man t i Pled'," -,set's,•, \l1," \\';Ikon very fittingly 1•'-'•11''1 \\ ill, Ler cou,n,, NI i.., \!iltlli"ll :\ \•cry ptrctl\' \\'ct!Ihntt tonit i'l i i in ' S(. Insc III', clnnrh, I:ilt 111'-`11;, \Mall l „''l1, 'I, :t, ter \Iti1.h tea w,,, scree,( I,} l';t'ttr• the ht -1,c „ .,, a1,11•,1 by \I r. , S. Dnr_ Mrs. .1 nide hillough of Ihulg:onion l; bell:( \I aric Sind, act au',c the britt ' i I 1,l latus Clifford Percival II,Irrinl:ton.' \\ aril, \li,s ,\lite I(oger,on, \IIs. John.. \i''`,1y ,1.t the holm. of 11 r. itis( Mrs.!' 1 wittier,: it, \I r,. 'I'. I 1 I. I )av, •nn, and ilia . I I) ,1.t ell. , The (tide i, the daughter (tier 1,i \I r. and \It's. Leu SU'uh, I�itritrrr, ;Ind the i•• ,minute Da\\son. \!r. ar,l ,\Ir Colin Campbell, NI r, ins, i\ t Clinton I;at'lIn illi,. front tlii, Ili trill \tl•:'t in attendance at the \,•w l IantLnl _' roc, 111:, \\ l',!ttt'-,tuft'. It i- to h, I'olte,t that Iht•t \\t•rl• Itcttcr that: till, (uulrrich ;tare \let oil local horse, we're (altered at tel" 11;11) 1',111,; bell, of Oti ttv',t, ti,'tetl last groom i, the son f ',I r,. `lit,:are, 1. \‘, :Ili NI r, \Y. 11, l';tlllithril and I la rrington, Illytll, rlt , l o'ilea 1, ca I-ICI(1 11 or \! 1'. and Mrs. \\*. .\ 1'at:,'•hel!. Miss Betty (,1,111;' I \11'<. \\ eh,tt 1• of \\'ingh;u1., i• 1.'i it- I ur hif!1 \Ir. ;111'1 NI r.. \Itlent 'tailor,' \I,. \I. Allen, .\u!nn•n, entert;taiti'tt 'ti ti ,,tiler friend-. att her home a '1'i esda\' ,tt t charnl- \!r. a11ul \Irs. \Icx \I;uln:l1. of ill:;(\ a rr;nlgc,l 1 rott,•eau iect•Hion myth, here )'.rt'.t, oil Su nday ;1.t the in honour of \ii,s Ilaty 1). l'raio, l h ale of Mr. and \!r'. Clarence Cox, et -admit,. of Clinton Public Hospital, \Ir,. \\•tbstt r, to. S1. \\tut twill he nut rir,l .\fit n •t lith. in l eeently \\ its \I r. and \Ivs. Ila, 'I ;1\'- the .\iihlr'n l'lrt,'t1 1 hon 11. (;ny•'t• lot•. \very rectired by \I r,. \1. .\ Hen and \Ir \\', ,I. ('rail;, nuather of lily bride -1 \Ir. and NI vs. liaryty \let ai'uni, of !I', t. They 1'. rl c ctinduvtcd to the 1 I;! I1 , t ir,ilell oil >ttriiity' \1:111 a1, I•. ;ld ;,• lair rooms t11,!t1:1_tin', the 'I'r n"eatt I \I r,. I:. 1'incy11t. ;old :':fl I hmt' ;t'-1,,tl,lg II;, stair, in I (,Ile -t, al the hn11,1' ,1.l \!I•. .last \Ir:. t h r :I flernooh herr \l1,„ \'ilius Fred Cook un Sunday here, `,I t. and n Sit:bill. ii, and \1,r.. N. Chisholm. Ars,' \l1,'<. 1'., Ianlit'- ,u. \l1,,- Pearl little- Rohcrt I. Craig to e'idcrl ;at the rt'g • son, \I r. (lob Ilu,lkc of .\stifle! 1, Nit.. i,try. '1'11oy assisting in the twilling A. I?. fool:, of 111.011, \1r, ant! NI r:•• \vt'rr \l1,,, Lila 1'oungblutt, R.\., \lis: Earl \ItKnig!It and ch'ldren, \II•<. I :tura I'llill'irs, and NH -Ila ll. l'raig. \lan!'iry Currie and batty, f (;labs 1 III ears ro'alm \tet'e al'I';Illgyll hyatlitllll \ Ittilllber from the vicinity ;attend-' b,'u+mets of mixt."( Iluticr, and tall ed the trim e;1,i tett held at the home i •'like, of gladioli. The ro m "f Nil. and \Irs. lame, \Ir(;iti on Salo tea l;th!c tea, coveted pith attarli\.t, tn'day in honor of their (aught(,, \lis, ; lar. table eltttli, centred tt'ith a silver 11,11'11. prior to het huh! of 'did; and white ,\ vet peas, \1r. Erin Iltt,ht of the west is hell,• \\'fill taper.. extending to tach corner, int; \ir, !'rets Int It with the l,arve't for a couple of wceLs. I ccctlt gut,,, ;at the h me "f \Ir. and \Irs, \urni:ul \Ic1)uwell \very \Ir. and \I r,. Carl Dean, and 1'1i,'1 - ';•Ile bride ware a beautiful \\ hit,. satin gown with flo:,r-len::t'I v'e'il ;In 1 lona; \\'bile gloves an 1 white •li;,lters lu impel(. She carries( a tin\' 11re'atil of lime rose, over her \chile boo(:. Nil's. "I'helnia Strut), iter •i -ler, eta, the bride', attendant d 1.t' wore ;1 !,each satin g \\n hi i!l floor !en._•;11 veil caught 111, \with Il;,tln•e ••sit t''. i lune ul;lntc gluit,, at•I :rri d a wreath ttf pink 'name and ttl+i!e flow- er,. Iles• br'_ther, .\r,thuny :0trtlh, h,1.• best utast, 1 The groom's gift to the bride was wrist watch, to this bridesmaid, ;t Vati- ity case, the he,' elan, a bill fold. At noon 1 wedding (limier 1\;a, •VI'V- t•d at the bride'; home, hien thirty guests sat dtnin. The b. use \1,,l, beau- tifully decorated pith plink and white' streamers. :\fl,'r the teat was given to the bride, the bride cut the wt'11• ding take, and after it tier, all joined in dancing, and the bride opened her gift,. In the eicn- iit;i the harpy cenple lefi by Rutin for Toronto, Niagara Fall, ;lull Illi•tlt, amid s'cowcr, of confetti and go (1 ending with a tint: and white gladioli tvishe:, The young couple trill reside ;also a silver tea service at each end of in Kitchener. ener. the talltle. '1 hese i,ourin); tea it the :ifternt.nn were, \i r'. N. N. Stalker, \ticti., and \Ir,. R belt Ch uu beth, of •itttti t t; NI vs, \\'1,I. 'I)re1vTc) Sneak At Pry, .\uburn, aunt f the bride -elect, Palmerston, \1r. and Mr,, l'!;ttton lu the rel nnlg iMo,c pour lig Ica \were :',islet o, h:it.'It n"r, • r, ;unl \Irs. Dor Conservative h1Ct11C \Ir,.:\whir \\'ilhin, (;odrr'cl, mother land 11 111 rr, 'I'1,:'nnt,v. Premier' (ieurgc .\. Drew ;mil Jame.. of the groom, it„i,tc'I by \It's, R. \I r. ;end \I r'. \\'. l'. Canlpbcll, \l1,>: \I, \lacdnnncll, \I.1'. fur \Inskuka- Stalker. 'I'ho'c assisting in the after- \\ inn:fi•td, \Irs. \. (;. .\in'lic,VI'i!- Ontario, will ]1,t chief speakers at the 1 noon in the dining room were \l1,„ cd . n friday with \I r. and \I r:. \1,r Perth, Huron and Bruce ('ontnuntity i Inns \latsh, Itivill, and \Ii,s Mar- Ivan (arta, (Tinton. 1;askct Picnic sit msnred by the Pro-,t;;lret (',alit(, (iodcrich, and in the et- itis, Noxi( Ilan, .\ morn, is ti -Hug g t•rssive Cott rii,ltiye a„nl'iat iu11, to crit(; ;l'il't' \!iss \ 1t'i;let Strati:,1111 her cousin, NI 1"... \t vitt ti McDowell. IR' held at Harbour ;'ark, l;rtdericli, on and \I r. I:. Chi -holm, also Jun" The \li-si.,n I;ata I Inst 1.+n Sunday \Vcclnesday, .\n;list ,'illi. • \lar.h and NI:ngaret ('Putin;, In the \\itll ;I ct.'rl attt:'nd,tiit'e. 'I be rn'etitte. :\ sportsprograntmle wilt stall •ii I'titehen were \Irs. Ernes( Craig,(;1,d was It' by I.lo\11 \Irl),nvtll. Storit' 1 :30 Iran., and includes r'iulnit 1.t races 1 , rich, 'awl \Irs. EV.rctt Allen, (;utter- were told by \Ir-. Howard ('antp!mll, forIt:ys and girls, pie eating contest , ich, and \I r,. \\'1.n. (*alter. I t;(,lin'.; was given by It!ttti'e Rurbanan. Scrip- ture men an:, \vnu'n, nadirs' kick: the' Honoured 13y Hospital Staff. slilrlrer contest, a freckle contest for . ture lessen \\,:t,read by Helena '0\ 11 b• ys and girl,, prize int ihr one Inra- The staff of till' :\lexandra \pati ii Lorna Buchanan and(;crap( \iel w - lin;; Nibs Ontario y;hn \';ill be un the and Gem•ril I Insl,it ti l;udt•ricll, a!'1, ell. Prayer, \I r,. 1 I. t'ail!,b.'11. The r1'nlidint'nted \l1,„ Craig w'i!11 a sur -Alloy book wan taken by \Ir,. Norman L'!I':'r111,, '" 1.;u'! r';+1.,' for 11 U'Iehi1':• ,1.l ri-t• shower 011 :\ttgu,1 1•.1.. .Mier a 1'arlianu'nt. 141).mial I'Vcni, prizes Inn•, \IrDnwlll. been donated by vat -hilts members hltat'c !,arty the itis 1ntertati(I ,1.t \1r. a01'1 Kenneth 1'aiiii bill, parliament. There will be ;1,l :utisL' nurses residence. IncI I)Itt tit; the tic- \I r'. \\'. :\, 1'3nt;'bell iiitnr.d to m Ines', an I contestant, are t1., draw ;t light fill affair, \li.s I. Hewett:tut- (1•hatia 1.,1 atteml 1.!I; tied lint; on picture of Premier Drrh, Crayon -.r, a,1 ,u1. a Irlre's 1.':I behalf of tllr gitl'a. �atutit ti 1,l' the 1 Ittrr's nary, \Diss and (talo, will be supplied. (tai); \\ as the recipient of at l:it ' Noreen of Lauerirh. ellen shower. Treats for the children will be pr„ 'filen an informal hmch 1 Ii'v and \1,r . \\'ill 'fa�lur e i Dnr teas •t'I'Ve11, after \\'tlit'It they tilllg' ,.Mester \'I,(titI 1,:l \\.1'11111",1111v with riled during 1.h' a(lcrnn'n and fl'e'e 1:,tr Shc'; :i Ione Gr.n,t I'ci!nt'r." \1r. and \I r,, Inert '1'a}lar. boat riles for children and their par- !The. staff sl;tif i the l'lil:ton i'nblit \1 r. and1\'c1 at'l all (;nod 1,i cats if the \. wish to accompany then(' D1,• ,ital also ,rtscntcd \l1,'; Craig The addresses by the •lu'akyr: twill ! 1 \uhnrn 1.i'itrd on Sunday \title \Ir. start at •i o'clock. .\t 6:311 p.m, there a beautiful t\oul blanket, and \Irs. Dntglit' Campbell. will be a ladies' softball game between Mrs. las','cr \l'Ilrien of Iioderich, St, \(ares and Cwilcl :cis ;It Victoria t •• • h . , , �, \rs, 1?d, Kerschcusl:i and children 1.'f 1';11 h, A rctcplinn and a dance is 1\'11,1 I (lI•Ct(1.1�Ia1'(h vl(tllll Detn.), \'itt \1,r. and \Irs, Gordon planner( for the evening. 011 \.1 ay IIoi'ne Snell. -- \t ,\1r. l:ay \'lucent i, a 'I'uronto \•i, Official word has been received i,y itor. Unusual Carrot I \I r, and \Irs. Albert Stead, of Itlyt!t' \Ir. \\'1.n. 1.:1 -ley and \Irs. la 1,b 'The St:tit lark Is in tiossessinn of a that their youngest ,on, (,Ill. 1:aytllonti rkteV of Iletunillcr V„itrd \yith \1r. ;int! \Ir:, I•1\6n'1'Ivtor on Sunday, catrrnit it•hicll is a rather rare sped- Stead, will arrive from ,Titre oiel- mctt, and was sent to us be :qrs. It, seas on the :\tluit:inial, which is due at 1\'ilsnn. There k nothing unusual 1,1.11 t) x ktuday) Thursday. Gni. abr.ul the cal rut ikcl(, but the root dead, who is only 21 years "Id, enli,t- whic't was about the size of a darning cel :at \t'in's'', awl left fur overseas needle was 2 feet ?inches long. I i t :\ugu,t, P143, 1 ie •ttv action in - v--- 11•rance, Ilillautd, and (let•nlan., \yhet1' l lie itstalkers prisoner. ;rid '. to t'ILt GROUP FINALS EASY WIN i! was not nearly so close in the final game between llenmi!ler and \\'est field \\Then \\'est field annexed • ,Villti err' `'VUrlier i Met I part in one of the ,furred marshy: int- the )',null championship, \ 1,1,1,1,1,1 the The \\'itlinic 1\'rrk,•rs of the t>tit 1tu:cel by the Gernl;nis nn so many of t;:uuc 1(1 In 8. 'Pommy Jardine and the Line of \Int•ri• held their regular their captive:, and thereafter he '•(,rill t•t't of the \1'est11til team ittre in meeting last Wednesday at the home many month? in 11,1.:itital. After his „101,,1 forst. The gaunt 1.\';1: played on of \I is: Ttlna W1)0,na11. Two rltlilis rtltase he \vas flmtti 1" t'n!tlan'I, Leo the Ilenlniller diamond \Iomiat• night were quilted, after \•hick lunch was Stead, a brother who rcccnflt received served. Next meeting to he held at I his discharge from thh. e C N,V,R., is \\'istfield are now standing by for the hunts of \L•:, James Gibson. 'also with his parents, 1 the league itlayduwus, ( IIULLI;'I" 1' COUNCIL Full Night Of Fun And Entertain- ment Arranged PI, !,011,1' 1011 ;I!,' r. ,,+,•,t'.',. f„I' flit' ;.Inns frolic 1�1'UvIHCl;11 (;O%l0,1't1111Git Of- I, t,!) , it i 1,l,' initd to IA,. '1,:1,.0' 1„ - let's 9-M()llt11 (+("ui•se Ill 151.1;), 1,u tine Nllt'sint; 11.111.11'1',„\''110'i,11 (; (11111111c111 ,.i flu-; A ':all( illi, ring ;t nine 111.,1:1;' thtll'•t' for Nur-ing .1,s:.':Iu c•,lniner, in" ;,tt'!t.!tt'r The c tn•,t' hill col,,i't of three n Iah ;II -I 111,1i, n it :1 t ,11111 'IC !WTI ; r;lctl,'t' under -II;„•r in se!, (1'•11 hospital, ;and v, :II ;tad '1, ;1 t t rliii(,thi ;t, ;t (erHied' Nursing .\, i'tt it. The tt,:ct'-';tet' r,•tttll•'ies ;11•e -;ell in- t erikt il-tera'•t 1,u 1,1,,•1,1,' ; t:,,rtrl Iti-tlth; refer. • ice,: (;rule N l:datcatton; at't, he- t \\ ettet, t'1, 1and Advantage, of ('our',: Sixit tlo!lar.. FULL EVENING OF FUN AND ENTERTAINMENT '114. !;'\'h Li n• !1;1\'1' pony ;ill not to n,aal•:t thicon'1 animal Frolic an „IIntandiu_' or,. \ ptroglam, whits in, Ind,- mai t ,'int (,fitting .attraction, ,111 (1.' \\!1.'t attl'I1,(. '1111' eel nine.- titertatinent Re!, under n:t)' ;It I,:31) !,.n,., \, an exhi- hiliun-uftball game bet w(Tit ;11, All, Star te,un from 111\tlt and .the I.un- dc Imri, -oitia!I team, whirs glade sin h ;t e. od .h„',\"1,t: in the i wit! \\'.U..\. \. League. For this gunny the Myth The reLnItar Meeting of the 1Itlilrt 'I IIHItlil !e-' l'il't its iii;ti11!01;1111'C 11 iii 1,';111! lid 1.,' ,(('11!1.11 the-1'I'vit'1', 1.+f 'I'u\\II !'lilt I'ony,(it n10 i.n .\unll,t !ah, he 1,,111! 1111,11,1; the I,;nt' nl„itth-. (' '.t 1 Alex, Kerluedv, tit' Clinton, \h„ \,•ill it t!te l'ntnnntlily Ilan, Lon !c,boro, ' 1 trans;,..ren:ton hill lie pn'oi ided 1 'r 1 he hurling for the lllyth All-Star;. at 7:,:0 I',\i., the 16.1•\ t; awl all nu'rl' 1lnt;trit, rt•,ittent frt 1,t tile'! plat of i I orllt'boro \,'ill ha \.t. \\'tltt ]. Taa., on Iter, of the• ('omu'il i,r'-ens. Thr min• re-i,lcrc( to the Central School and t lie mound. Walter pitched for the. nit, of the last regular nu'ctiit of limn the Central `,,pool It) the ilu'lri-j \clown tie:001 I,I•t y,';1,•, and 111i, year Jul:, I:h here read. t:'1- tti•vrc the practical training, i:1lla- been i+ariintr ini' the (;tiderich \" 1\lctions :'•\1.'n. ,\ rer'iiir:tt. eta! L, :iy,,n M ! lean(. Ile' i, ;It l'e,ynt li\'ing in Lnn --fly f. Ira Rap„on awl (;corn(. C. tit' I)virn'Uucnt of Ile;lltll n cont -!d1. 11. ro. I'Mi: Baine ,I;onitl he ;1 real) itl'n1\11, that the' 11111th; t', Its' ; tltol,it'tl a; 1'1''11,111 t't tltr course 0111 ill,: -11c,...-- 1,ite'll•le. battle I'rtlit'rn these t(\••, tut 1);1-•illt: of the 1't',I!ilrl',t tit tltt;ii t- 1 (1:1-v Ocher-. I11. oil !1;111(1 for this eras(. Carried. I (ions. O!+;ltrttllttt:e, for ,'ill;,;'1'ittt'llt1event at h:,'(1, II\ I. it';l It i -itn ;1.1,11 W. I. len'- ' . l its, Iliat Cu. Ch 1-1, \\ rite \1ci<i11n1, its ur the rnjoyn,ent of thus attend l o\\,,,.11', tar 1„•11111-,'•nll to ,epcl•at' .,thishl';tt 1,1111: I'iirfit 111 after graduation. F itti 111;11' 1 t- 1.' ,i'lll"('tl ill:; 1.h', 1'1'1,110', ;In ultt,t,ttlttiitt, t'olleert the mainain Dodd, 1)rain frons theif\.itlrons the Superintendent of yon(• !"e;111 ha, been arranged. 'ilu. lllyth Li,,u; i11 -liraticlitk. Carried.petal or The ` urs' I:cei-tr'Itit+n 1 I' ,1, ant► (;irl, Ion(, of \thus the --1'y I. Ira 16:, -(in and John \\ 11..• itch it's, Department of 1iit!tll, Ih'o-1 I.iII, are tory proud, and \ye are sure. tutee 1,t' Ont t•io, '1oront0'• the r nnnnnity will he just as peon(( of :1rms'trolut, that 1,t' grant Sealorth T hair II ;tit; S3;.On. Parried. I 1 them, will awake their first public att- -tlt• (,surge C. I;t'eitvtl and J. Ira' ( t /1 ` For I't';II•alll't'. The ilalltd \\ill appear i11 Rall„ n, that Ivy (leek l,ay the Sty.' )iltilrio AI))lc S Too Few I U tatir brand nen• ttniff•,rttl,, and evcry- cr,ec mil 1)a mage on the Ilranc't I 1.)einandS ('Int' \\h, hat, heard ;hent in ((rachet' Nn. 1 of het' I)n,hl, 1)1';11,11 atl't Clic I oni .ii,. \till, ;III a1!tltih yeti, Fli per I :',11',11..,IMV(' 1'Sltre„1.'tl a1111;17.t'Itlt'tlt at t ii Vtii ttt NIunicii,al Drain. Carried. cent. Ic<, th in normal, trill n t ht ex- the progress they have made, Don't --Ile \\'. h. It'\\itt and \\'III..;• Dale, porting ;env apples tither to I':nrol,t' ( fail to he itresent, and give them a That l', -Law \u. ') .\.D., ;')lit, >ct ,•r the ('niter( States Chi, year. good hand in their fir -t public appear. ting the 'Iowll-{1.l t late all 2 and a i ,!inspector1,l llllrr, .\llttiltt.11tllS the program p,ol'- I I. I. Johnston, district half mill, b1.• read a first and second the fruit, and vegetable, 1.1ivi,itin, 1)0. 1 tion of the evening tt'ill be at group :1.f time. Carried. 1,11,1,1,1,1, Dclvartnu'nt of \grirnlnn 1, i or,kt.adin entertainer, from bui- lt -all \\'. I. 1It11e and \\'. I:. 1ch•Itl, -aid ,last of the 3,'511,,000 bushel, said I'1on, and last, but far from ;cast, you ';'halt 11t' -iffy No. 0 as read ; fiat and to beg int;' from Ctititti to the ('.S.',\ill ht entertained by 'your tttu fay- ,econd time be p,al,std. Carried. Cyt ttld innbaLly be front \ov;l Scotia(write stat•, of the Myth ;.inn, \lin- --Ile Irl I. ]:al,snn vl:l tion, C.,"r Iiritisii Columbia, when.. good cru(„''Lt;Ir,'Ih'ri�ehl'w' \\'alter untie(( and linunie Brow it, That Ile-1;sty No. ') be gi\en ;Ire' 1,'r;tnrtt•d. .\nnntntct•tnent of the . the third reading. Carried. importation of apples by the United Grand Draw for $200.09 -Cly I. Ira I:apsun azul (;e'rge C. State.. \vit, made in \\'at'hingt nye-.1 111101% n, That Int' -(:1,y \u. 'I to ,et the today. The prizes for the (;rand Draw, „n rale as read the third time be passed 1 "Certainly they \\im'I be fin'nt On-, which ticket; have been sold, will be and ,i .ned and sealed. Carried. 1 tario," he declred: "The crop here I on display at the grounds, ';'hese -IV \\'. I. Dale vt;l \\'. N. Iei•itt, 1 i, not expected to fill even local de- 1 t i'iic, amount to $21111,00, and consist of Thal the arronnti :is in'csrnle,l be 1 1,i;uul. " 11) vahr,lile articles. Tickets will be (,aid. Carrie,(. \\'itlt the short crop go hut,,: of n- avail:ILle at the grounds for all ;hone' --Ile 1;t1.,r'�e ('. known ;1111 1, Ila :inning -apple exlttt'!: to Etittt+t. cut' who h;lt•e not procured then(, ur lot year,. tt'a a h'•n, off during the t' i'v'l:l(•Il,al Iho'e it'll- \\ish tel procure more. on, That we do now adjourn, Carried. it arkels there in pre-\\ar dal\, were Lucky Gate Prize. ('teat ilrit:tin. 14'4411'111 :11111 \t,rw ;t\, .\iI tltn;c ;,;lining admission it, the Accounts •1,01 al ready market h':1., anlit•'inte,! , ground, user asked to keel, their ticket \'iltat'e u1.' \lanche,tcr, :\ttltu'tl iht•re again had the fruit been avail- stub-. l.m'kv gate i,rizcs of I5.. $3, ilridge Lights, Iii3.11U; Harold Beacon(, „hie. and S_'.. will be dr;awn for, and your I tel ing, 1,1 (1; \\'ilii;Int carter, roar) 1' pular export v;lrictit,, s;til Mr.' ticket may be one of the lucky nue , ,alit., 31.'15: .\rihltr \\'eyntontll, in \V- In!tutnn, ;use \\'ealthy, ;:bole Island. :;reining, N!clnit+sl.t, Ilaldh'in, lien LARGE DANCE FLOOR .r and grade( operator, _'7.1111; Arthur \\'evnu 1,111, grader repair, 3,0'); (;ort"" t ..'s, Saloon• and (;olden Russet. fine of the larges( dancing floors in I:adl'ortl, gas and oil, 57.35: \\', A. ________v ___ Ontario will he available [1,t all thoseIlrnusdun, nil, 3.1'11; :\rnu'n Steel Cu., ., � who w1,>II to enjoy dancing in lbc nitts- rul\cr!s, 78.I2; (;uladian Culvert Co., 11*1t1)lT1es `^!1(1111) Sel1C'dide is of a gond orchestra, cnl;,'t, 37.'it; \\•iliianl C:111`1.' tris- I With Win Over IJisto\vel mimiccull(•., 1 1-1; \\•, S. (;ib,nn, instil•- I I BINGO ;Inc,. tntw•tr utuwt'r, 7,11)1; J' h1, .1. Inner; .\(thonnh failing in catch a play --41 severance anal damage, .15.1'11; (;e,, \\'. berth, the .\tlhul•n-lllyt!1 ('nnlhint', :\ 111,1111110'111 I,inn(1 1)00111, t \yell as t'",\an. clerk', fee, and h} -lair,, wound tel, the regular hardball ,chtrlitlt' your other favourite gauzes „f shill, 515I,,le., 1. \Icl'Imre, 'ct•erance an+l da- ,it :\morn n 1.'\\'wine„Litt night\vitt, ;t will he avaul,thlt' for your pleasure. nla'n', 1,01(1; George Sn its, seyeratlre' 111-5 win neer the \i:iting Listowel the prncy, 1runl h, Fr01ic and damage, 17.(111; Robert Reattil, team. 1)ttring the regular season the trill.\ll Me dcvopcdc,lt„ the. ICll)'ith (.inns severance and damage, 11.110: \\'illiatn Combines w(:1, only three games, the \\'elfarc :1111 Scryice I'rtnd \\'nrlc. Le'per, severance and damat'y, •1110; first of the season against Godcri.11 Gi\e the (.ions \'aur \ihnle-he;nerd t;e rat. C:trtei, sheep \'alnat;'r. 2.211; one on the \Iilt'ertttn diamond, and ,nl',tirt in this: worthy cause. George f'al'ter, school equalizations, 1,;,x11; \\'illi;un Fns,, r"at(1 lights, 11i45, -Geo. ('11\\•;111, ('leek.' CHuilCH OI]NC' BLYTH UNITED CHURCH Sunday, August 18tlt 111:15; Sttnuly S,'li1.e1, 11:15: "The Good Sat;.: 'Hu. evening service itill be with- drawal. "11" she irll 'II)" thy struts m her Congratulations awl many happy re shy tante last \\'edny,l 1.v, The tante N t other organizations docs more nn \\'tdnc,,l:1.y was the only hentc fix- for the community than your local lure they were able to hili. Service Chill, The actin drawback to the combina- tion effort of the two centres was the Ilinl:'iitremetlt Announced inagility of p,la\ers to get together for \1r. and \Irs. John I;. \\'atsnn, practice s1,„ion;. They practiced NO, CI\ tit, announce the engaginunt of rare(\ as a team, and this was evident 1 their ,laughter, \\'ills lean (llat•hl in their games, i,at'ticulat•ly at the bat. to John Adair (;mnnnott•, elder son of 'I he placing' ability was there, lint the \Ir, and \Irs. Inv 1;unnnow, \\'est great drawback to )rceess, which is \ht,ttl:ton, Ontario, the r'arriaute will alwats a great liability to combine lake !ilart` in Trinity Anglican Church, efforts. was the fatiltn•e to practice. I Myth, on August -". The four teams in the play-offs are v Clinton R. and C. School tit \I urs' I''t'acttires Wrist I,u.ltnnw and I;odcric!t, :\ painful, but fortunately not too -- � serious accident happened to \f rs, CONGRATULATIONS Jerry 'Taylor. of Auburn, on Friday, turn, to Robert Issuer (',alley, who h(me, "'hilt' ste he a; "1"c. 1--)1'. Wei" ANGLICAN CHURCHcc!ubritcd hi, 3rd birthday on :\tet,- attended her to Alexandra \larincllos- tter u,I 6th. ;vital, 1;nderich, where ex;tntinatinn 11) a.m. \Corning tl'rayllriniitn,l Ser_ Congratulations to \(aster Billie (;ell. proved a fractured wrist, but nothing titin celebrated his I,I birthday on more serious. mon; "'Hie Child esus•" \*_ 11 :15 a.m.: Sunday School. I \\'tdnesday, :\ugn,t its. r t Turf to \lis, Iona Inhn- Notice i o Club TRINITY CHURCH, BEI -GRAVE stun, who celebrate, her birthday on 111!'1)lI)Ci'S 11:30 a.m. \Iornin,; Prayer and Tuesday, August 211th. .\ meeting of the lllyth Turf Scrnt,tt, 1'"unratul;tti,,ns to i\fr. :Ind \Irs ('Inb n,einb,,r, will Ise held at the Lone, Oay.1'rd who eel) lit :tit ,1 Ill) in \lentnrial hall, llI).'• ''t Friday ST. MARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN !'. •II \ycddint; anniVcrsary on l'Inu''d:r.', night :\u' '1St 11th, at 8:30, All 7 p.m.: Sunday School. :\ -'tit tell. nlcamber.:n•e urgently requested to ti 11.111.: 1':wiling Prayer and SIT- t''tncrattilatinn, to \piss Patin la b'' pre e:: for this important elan -Rev, 1:. \\'t'i'kes, of Sl. lelin's, 1),'vsnn t\'lu, celebrated her nth birth- Inccling. Glencoe. d,1. on Sunday, .\ugu,t 11111. \\', \I. iTc;::'t', :.crctary. "NOTHING CAN KEEP US FROM OUR HOMELAND" In the dark of a mid -summer night recently, a former Cana- dian corvette, the Josiah Wedge- wood, slipped from an unnamed European port and headed for Palestine. Aboard the vessel, crammed into every inch of deck space, above, were 1300 Jewish refugees, seeking es- cape from authorities and refuge in Palestine. Their journey and their destination were illegal, but a makeshift banner, left, proudly portrayed their spirit and defied intervention. Sev- enty-three miles out at sea Brit- ish warships spotted the outlaw craft, lay in wait until It entered territorial waters, then closed in. The corvette halted only after a British destroyer fired three shots in warning. The ref- ugees, below, their flight a fail. ure, quietly accepted detention. They were held at Athlit Clear- ance Camp at Haifa, Palestine, on an official charge of being a "menace to navigation." High!ights of the News Polymer Output Iligh Polymer Corporation of Santis produced a total of 212,641,000 pounds of hung -S anal butyl ruhht r from September, 19.13, until March oI this year, according to figures just recently released. The demand for Sarnia ntad( rubber, it is reported, is now at the highest level in the history of the company. No prediction is made as In haw long this extra- ordinary demand will continue, but opiion is that a substantial demand will be maintained indefinitely. A year ago Polymer was turning out only one kind of bona -S. To- day it is producing four types, plus three types of huua-S latex. In the same period the plant added a new commercial type of butyl to its pro- ductive capacity. General St it a In Calcutta British troops were alerted to stand by for possible riots as one -day hartal (general prof( st strike) called in sympathy with the postal telegraph walkout complete- ly paralyzed Calcutta, a city of 4,- 500,000. 'Tension mounted as armed civili- an police patrolled the city in ra- dio -equipped trucks. \Yorkers pa- raded through the Flreets shoutntt; "open the Treasury." There were no immediate reports of violence. All transportation—trolleys, taxis and rickshaws—was at a standstill. Newspapers suspended publication• Mercantile firers, batiks, offices and lel factories shut clown. Steel s were locked in front of most shops, especially in the European Fectiun, which suffered the brunt of attacks in riots last February, MONTY MUST HAVE KNOWN SOMETHING Will Unify Reich Zones The United States state dagazt- mcnt anucnnlcr,l Britain his ac- cepted "in principle" the 1'nil(d slates goy, rnum zit's proposal t'• unify occupation voiles is Co! - many. The dl partn,cnt's announcement reiterated the hope that I:to-ia and France likewise will accept. 1)cspite this hope, the expecta- tion among diplomats in \\';uhing;- ton is that the United States 11ztd Britain at once will work out de - for unii)'ing their own i.ona s economically, that France prob- ably will join promptly and that 1 t ssia will refuse to co-nprr;ttt. The announcement which may mark a step in the hardening of the great purer split in t -rau;uay came as Secretary of State Byrnes mel with Prime \linistur Attlee and Foreign \linisters \11.1otov and Ilidanit in the first day of the Paris peace conference. World Food Forecast A United States Department of Agriculture report predicted an "uncomfortably low" world fond supply for next year, Europe's food production may reach 90 per cent of the pre-war average, it was said, but fanzine was forecast for India and Carina, • Cattle Prices at New Top Choice cattle broke the all time price record when one load sold at Union Stockyards, Chicago, for $26.50, 'ten other loads sold for $26.25 The record set just a week ago was $20,35, Best hogs at q22 egoalled the modern pr;ce record set last week, the highest in 27 years, Battles or bets, "Monty" just couldn't lose. He wan 45 from Maj. -Gen. Churchill C. Mann, C.B.E., D.S,O, Vice -chief of Staff, Canadian Army, when the latter was Chief of Staff of the First Canadian Army in Western Europe, according to the current issue of Mayfair Magazine. Proof is the filing card reproduced above. Maj. -Gen. Mann's handwriting is as follows: "Brig. C. C. Mann bets £5 to , ,1 that the war with Germany will not finish before 1-9-45" The wager is acknowledged in the lower cornets by the signatures of Brig. Mann and Field Marshal Montgomery, oand the d teel2d Ma44. At13-t5-e 411eft, centre, is the inscription "Received, thank you. B. Kellogg's Bran Flakes are delicious. In n re- cent surrey Canadian housewives noted Kellogg's S to 1 favour- ite over any other brand. Yanks to Leave Italy State Secretary Byrnes said that United Stales troops would be NO11zdrawu from Italy 90 days after the Ifieetive daft of the Italian peace treaty. Presumably his press -conference rt;atemeot also contemplated the simultaneous withdrawal of British troop, from holy. HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention -- Consult your nearest Ilarness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies, We sell our goods only thrnugrh your local Stnco i,ent.hei Goods dealer. The goods are right., and so are our priers We ma nu factor° In our far tories — flarness, Horse Col tars, Sweat Pads, Horse Alun leets, and Leather 'I'rnvelline Goods. Insist on Staco !moat 'Trade ltlarked Goads, and ylu ,rt saticfa,•tinn. Mode only by SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD WRITE FOR CAT ALOGUF 12 Wellington St. E., Toronts Make this 3Oday test! 1. If you're really ill, see your doctor! 13111 if you just. feel dull and hend- nehey, you may only Iso suffering from incomplete climin;ttion. Especially 0 you're over 35. Here's how one simple Change of diet can help you keep lit! 2. Start now to eat. Kellogg's loan Flakes aces niar'ning, if you want to keep reeling fit the sinturai way, get more of the "hulk" your system needy by eating delicious, gently - laxative Kellogg's 1tran Flakes \Vilh Other Parts Or Wheat. 3. Just thirty days should prove to you how grand it, is to feel alert, to have the energy for all the extra things you'd like to do. You'll wont oto go on keeping fat the Kellogg way! Bran Flakes, Pep, Corn Flakes, All - Bran, Rice Krispies, Krumbles and AIL -Wheat are all made by Kellogg's, the greatest name In cereals. SAVE TIME...SAVE FUEL...SAVE FOOD! U.I,D,.4.0...a.v.cANApxs NU YOUR NEARBY FIRESTONE DEALER WILL RECAP YOUR PRESENT SMOOTH TIRES 10 KEEP YOU GOING SAFELY terisiont+tabi+rairlllli kiii+tlllomiLhOtu+ WHEN NEW fIRESTONE De luxe CHAMPIONS ARE AVAILABLE HE WILL PUT THEit1 ON YOUR CAR AND GIVE YOU A GENEROUS TRADE-iN ALLOWANCE ON YOUR RECAPPED TIRES... MIL all III r, ALI I d..�.laa�,i'ala'I uc6i�.+:1Jla This sensational, new plan brings you driving safety NOW when you need it most — it eliminates the guesswork about the condition of your tires. Just drive in to your nearby Firestone Dealer: if your present tires are smooth anti dangerous and he cannot supply new tires, he will arrange to have your present tires quality recapped by the famous Firestone Factory Method. You exchange smooth tire danger for the famous Gear Grip safety tread that provides extra protection against skidding. And what's more -- when new Firestone Deluxe Champion Tires are available your Firestone Dealer will take back your re- capped tires, give you a generous trade-in allowance, and put the new DeLuxe Cham- pions on your car. Why take chances — let • the Firestone 2 -Way Plan be your answer to driving safety. See your nearest Firestone Dealer today. CANADA'S -NUI first for... 'MILEAGE 'SAFETY . VALUE Classified A dvertsirtg .tlil:N'1's 55.1:1'1'1:1► AGI':N'►'s .1 N 11 sToltlail:la'1:111 to ,tilt, (er our list Irl Lutes un vt,,nhs, garters, nail clip - pet 14, phlslic lamp 01,1.1 0S, ra 3011 scarfs, tinunili13 etc Lawrence Lace Fabrics Co., 19111 Queen Sl. E., Toronto null GIIII:Iiti 19'1.1,1:'1'5 1:1(;11'1' 551:Elis to lay- ing, Free catalogue and prieellst, 'Top Notch l'hicicerieti, c;ue{ph, lett till 10, SUMMER & FALL CHICKS 7L•tt,•1112s weekly. Also 2 -- 1 week old marled Pullet t, mi \,•,1 i•toric.i rtud ,'I,cttit t . -- Free Range Pullets -- 6 w„ Its to ready -to -lay, raised on Free [tango, under ideal conditions. Sent] Ior Price hist and Catalogue. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM, Wein Bros., Eisler, Ontario, P1'1JA.21's 1: 1 G 11'1' 15' 1: I: 1( S to laying for Immediate delivery, Also two and three week old start- ed chicks hreo catalogue. '1'tveddlo Chick hatcheries, i inifted, Fergus. Ontario itltUtl,lats 5111►1'I,i) 1111 'A Goon Puy' -- we htn'e breeds Tike light Suns({, N 11. x \1', I,., and some (nl ted pullets, Immediate delivery. aider , hicks now for later delivery also. Bray Mitchel y, tau John N. Hamilton, Ontario. MILLER'S CHICK HATCHERY, FERGUS, ONT. 11.\1{1{11► It0l'ICS mels] To LAY 8 tl' 10 weeks Hemp. x lilt, Leghorn x 1313.4 k I; weeks, Pluck of Leg- horn pullets of 1511 at 12 weeks, ]ntntedintt' shipment can be Horde, nr'.t\Ess (►1'1'1►I(Ti'NI'T11:4 AN I:NI'I:I"1'loN,t1,l,Y ,1'1"I'ItAC- trt•e commission soles proposition IS II V1111111)1' to all bread, milk and other delivery salesmen, students, 1•ncnlh,nists tett,] el hers fleslt'Ittg pt 11 1.r full time employment, l'lease forward name, :idrlress and telephone number to iin5 101, 73 Adelaide St, \1'., 'Toronto, Ont. I►VI:INti AND CLEANING 71.11'1+ 1'011 ANI"I'11INO NEEDS dyeing 01 cleaning? 11'ilto to its for Information 1\'o too glad to answer your questions. Department 11, l'adder's Dye Worlds LImIted, 791 You;_, Soca. Toronto, Ontario. M1111 SAI,I. .1 1 t)\.'1'INT 51'1'1'1,1' 01'' I'ISII lit, it t;unrt,•r hrhns 1/u0111et 011 untlh•t,.lut prupogntion. t'oniplete solo,] :,-curing :t grunter Supply 3env •,Iter year, Soiln"tslcr System, L'„t W100110'1-1, 9Innilub,t. tlEIt11•tN 1'oON1101 NU P11 I'S, \L•tics 1 months old. Parents straight- hest traighthes]. i t t ting, $2(t.00, I,,•,t hall, Millington, Onttrio, lot t`• 1 11,1'1:5, s,11 I;Tl' linll-, s, til stem]{, grease apps, C'nrhuletnr. Recontlitionetl. 1 5 Dundas, lint. 111 111.1, tit 1111001' til:l' 111:'1'AIN- t•r I,rcc,•n1.•1 1(.1)10011g' Idey rrom ntll- sul,. I'otlpald 25'. Atomic Enter - i,, s. Lento Branch, Ont,tt•io. i:I,KI"1'1{11: 1t(►'I'0ItS Nl1%V, 1151:11 hou_ht, sold, rebuilt: bells, pulleys, hrnshr.. Allen Elect! lc l'ompnny 1.t,1 . _'""C tnfferin 5t., 'Toronto, Ont. GIANT WHITE PEKIN DUCKLINGS - 2000 WEEKLY .t';,il:,Lte for huntctli:tte Shipment, So 1Ii'Iilmgs — $22,75. 101) 1)ttelc- hogs -- *12.75. 5114 nueklings — $2:utune, I,uOu Ducklings — $105. No order less than 50. (;et y,tnr order In noel get them r,'adv for market for the Jewish holiday in September, Send for full particulars turd Inrtr- 1011i„n on Trow you can grow 5 Ib. Ducks in II weeks, O\'I'.t1(111 11CIi M,11131 No. 21)1 Exeter, Ontario. (.1101) Itl'nnl311 T1111':1) AU'I'll- ra,, Itturnational, Two Furrow Mise flow Ilke new, also Inter- national Eleven Misr fertilizer Drill. \\'rite O. 1', .Arbogast, R. 2, Rlilch,•ll, Ontario, MA(Ai N ES DOING CONCRETE block cements combined, 1111111 op- erated type, sive 8 x 8.11;, two halts. Selling price 1325,00. 1T. M.\It'I'IN1;.\lt, ST, 11NI3SIAS, QUE, flute 916.122. 011, III11INEIIS FOR IU'I'Cl1I:N STOVE 011 VCR - aace. Complete instruetlons tor in- stallntlon and operation, also oll cabinet. 1\'holesttie, retail, Agent wanted. Atomic 1\'eather 011 ]lam- ing, 11706 Chateubrtnnd, Alontrenl. FISHING 'p.11'111,I: BONES — Wholesale Price. Heavy Afumf- rnnn, streamlined, green outside, grey Inside, completely rust -proof, two sizes 1.1.25 and $3,25 postpaid. 1Valtor Dena Canoe and Boat (1o., 205(1 Muffins Street \\'est, Toronto, Ontario. It1:hIs'I'I':ItI:l1 ' III,A('l( COCI(I:It spaniel puppies for sale, Ch, My Otyu 11rucle and ('h, Belden Town - talk blood lines; also Imported black grandson Ch, lly Own Itruclo —proven stud and solid black proven matron — all reasonably priced. Apply Ashnumte Kennels, 7105 293, t;uelplt, Ont. TIRES \\'e are overstocked tit the present of good used trade -In tires (guaran- teed to he in excellent shape) 600 X 16 $5.00 A11 orders shipped F.O.O. Special equipment for yulrtntizing 'lt•ucic and Farm Tractor Tires, BEACON '1'11(1:, corn. Queen & York Sts. 1L1At11:TUN, Ontario. ON'I'.tltlO'S 9105 T MODERN 1:11I'Il'I'EI) '('1111: 51111' 1'AIta1S 1011 5.11,1: 11)) ACHES, 7 MILES '1'0)1ONTO, Jane 5t.: black clay loam, tile drained, good buildings, electricity, milk cooler: reasonable terata. w'es- ley Siting, 118 John 5t. Weston. FARM, 100 ACII111, GOING CON - cern, good location, 10 -room brick hoose, bank barn, excellent crops. Further particulars, write .1, W. Grant, R. Il, 5. Trenton, Ontario. 100 ACitES LOCATED IN LA11111- 4on County one half mile from Oak- dale on a main country road close 91' e o store,school a 1~11111 On the loo and n. t9 -room farm isituated good room . IL toted it ), d frame house with Hydro and run- ning -ning water, screened In porch, 1 barn 30 x 50, 1 Barn 23 x 50 stabling for eight cows and some young cat- tle and four horses, 1 good hog pen and double desk hen house and granary. The soil I. of ('lnn• Loam and In a high sate of cultivation with 13 acres of ynmlg bush. l'rice $7,11110. Phone or write for appoint- ment to (;car's 11. ('rots, 80 Myrtle St. 51 'rlunn:ts. 1 tl(tl. ('1111 ..tI.I Inn .51111:. .51,1, 3'1,1: 511 115('111,- 1•'ut bind w it good 13, ink 1 ;trtt, Large Fri in' tom 31111110d on reel lily ruid. Loi 19, ('on 1, \5'est 4;1111'r:ixn, Hydro soon to hu avail- able, 11: toile from School. Apply to 'Mrs. Ethel I,,,ullit, !t. 11, No, 1, Rol wood, Rita io, 11.511t1►1114SSING LEARN 1111111)1113111111N( '11111 Robertson method Infottnatlou on request regardhtg classes. Robert• non's Hairdressing Academy, 197 Avenue Road. Toronto. 111:1,1' WAN'J'I:n cool( - GENERAL, co11P :'PENT, small home; county tvuutan Pre- ferred, high wages If 'maimed. Itox 103, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. 811:IIICA1. 5'.59'1'1:1) — 1.5'IlItS' SUPPE (Ell of lthcuntattc Palms or Neuritis to try Dixon's Remedy. Munro),4 Drugg Store, 335 Elgin, Ott two. Postpaid 01.00. I'nl:l'I' JI'ICI:St '1'111: PRINCIPAL Ingredients In Dlxon'e Remedy for ltheitinatie {';this, Neurtlt.i, !tlunro's Drug :;tore, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid Edon. 8)USICA1, INSTRUMENTS FRED ,5 Itl1DI)IN(;'I'09 11US'S sells, exchanges musical !netru• manta 111 Church, Toronto 3. 4)1'I'Olt't'13NI'1'1ES Molt W 05119 BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dig•.Ified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates, America's greatest eye• tens, Illustrated catalogue tree, Write or call AIAR\'EI- HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 moor St, W., Toronto, Branches; 44 King St, Hamilton & 71 Rideau Street, Ottawa. I'A'1'IONTS I I31'l'IIIIIIS'I'ON11 5UG11 & COMPANY Patent Solicitors, Established 1690; 14 Kang West, 'Toronto, Booklet of information on request. PERSONAL 5'115' 11.5'.5 5 11 5'OiU( F0I1 OTII- ers? Manufacture plastic objects in your own private home. TIt demand Is big. Capital required 15.00. Write us. R. Mercier, 3862 St, Andre St„ Montreal 24, Qt)e, 1'IIOTOGIIArn5' 1011,.111 DI:S'I:LOPi1D 23 CI:N'1'8. t3It;t renteed one Clay service, No waiting, luny Photo Service, North Bay. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 011 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 111e. REPRINTS 8 for 25e, P'INI3S'1' ENLARGING 81ERV1011. You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to 1311,10,111A I, PHOTO SI.IIVICiO Station 1, Toronto. ANY SIZE ROLL 1; or 8 exposures DEVI:L0l'I:D & PRINTED 23e. 8 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS He Size 4x6" In Beautiful Easel Mounts Enlargements 4x6' on ivory tinted mounts 7x9" In Gold, Silver, Clrcae• Man Walnut or Black Ebony fintah frames, 59e each, it enlargement coloured, 79c each. Reprints Made rrotn Your Negatives 3c. Each DEPT. M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE no. 1211, Post Office A, Toronto. Print Name and Address Plainly, 11.11'1'1' 1'1)1110SOMEI 55'I'1'11 I.ACII 25e order or more yott receive; (1) coupon for two 6 x 7 heavy paper enlargements; (2) one of the prints "edge tinted''; (3) "double seal” film wrapper; (4) quality unlimited. Pilots developed and prated 25e: reprints, eight for 25c. Fresh flints available. Vletory Studio, Saskatoon 7, \V., Saslc, • '1'11ACIna1t5 %%'ANTED HASTINGS NOI(T11, :1 (t CALMED Protestant teachers for Area No. 2. Monteagle and Herschel. Salary 11300.00 If fully qualified. Apply to G. 11. t\'oodcox, Sec. -Teas„ R.it. 1, With, Ont. • 1'1' 5(3111 11 cult S.S. 7 Radcliffe Public School Combermere, Ontario. $13011 per year. Small school. Good equipment. Slate qualifications and apply to 5, 1'', Snowdon, Treasurer, Combermere, Ont, SAVANT LAKE 5,5. NO. 1 RE - quires experienced teacher, grades 1 to 8, salary $1200—$1400 If quall- fleallons warrant, Duties to com- menee Fall term, Apply to J. B, Mehuison, Secretary 'Treasurer, Sa- vant Lake, Out I'It0'T1:5'I'.%NT 'rl:,t(11E11, (111A11,11 - fled. for S.5, No, 2 Dtnnnter, Term to commence Sept. 3. Salary 11300 per year, Apply Walter Sloan, Sec.- Treas., Norwood, Ont. 111'S,t1 5 S. S. 1 111,:QUI1t1:5 1'110- Iestnnl '1'en,'her holding first class certificate. Dutles cnnunence Sept. third, 'I'e,tclteritgo {'lose to school, Salary $1211,1, Apply 1). Currie, Sec- retary 'Treasurer, tips:ila, Ontario. Ti;ACIHIIIR 55'AN'I'I;D Mn It PRIN. ripe I In the three room nubile School in the village of Coe 11111. Apply stating salary expected, giv- ing age, religion, references. etc., to \Vollnston School Area len n•d, Coe 11111, Ontario. 'I'I:,1/'111':It 14111 IN'I'1':1{511:111A'I'I: roust of three roomed Public School. One capable of teaching vocal mu- sic in tltt'ee rooms preferred. DltlIe9 10 comntrnce September 3, 1916. Apply stating experience, qualifica- tions anti salary eXpee( eti, Clive name of Inst Inspector for refer - 11. Kerr, Sec. -'fres.':., w•a, ()Mario, 55' A N'1' i:1) WANTED 'I't I'i!ttl'RASI': I'111.I.I:'I'S Barred Rocks, New Ilampshires. White I,eghorns ratty nue from 1 weeks up to laying (mild priers pals Apply 1n sox N0 95, 7:: Adelaide 55'., Toronto Aiu i R11,1.‘ line et►'u'uteslrr effective t 0 relieve pain, j11 nes Iistres; nttwcak, )igbstrunR 001 feelings, of "certain due to female functional monthly disturbances. All firtInslormf• IYpA E PIN Krv VM D s. Aricu1turu1 Societies' Fairs And Exhibitions, 1946 248 Fairs and Exhibitions Being Held This Year Royal Winter hair, Nov. 12 - 20 at Toronto August Aug. Alttt'ntl,' 29-31 1\rnprior 26-28 Brampton 31 & Sept. 2 Elmira 30, 31 & Sept, 2 Eon) 27 28 I I:rrow 20-31 Kenora 22 23 Minden 27 Navas ,,.. 31 Petrolia 29 Port Perry 31 & Sept, 2 Rainy River 29-31 Ridgetown 27-29 Sutton \Vest 30 31 September 2 1 Sept. Ap,lry 4 5 Blick ;lock Brighton ]ltlt•keton CIIe4tcrville Chile .,,. Delta 1)ettorestville i.,.,.•.,. • Dryden Dundalk Durham Fergus Georgtown 11vnters ICinntount \(ilverton 0rillia Parham Perth Porquis Junction South Mountain , ..,• ,....•. Sturgeon Falls Tavistock Val Gagne \rankled( ITilI 4 34 34 34 34 2-4 4 67 4S 56 67 67 2 67 34 67 2 5-7 56 56 2 67 5 4-6 September 9 - 14 Sept. Blyth 10 11 Bothwell'. Corners 12 13racebridge 12 13 Bruce Mines 10 11 Centreville (Addington Co) 10 11 Charlton 10 11 Cheslcy 13 14 Clarence Creek 10 11 Cot' Hill 10 11 Coldwater 10 11 Comber 13 14 Cooksville 13 14 Denbigh 12 Drayton 12 13 Dresden . 10-12 Dunchurclt 11 12 (rand \'alley 12 13 Ilanover 11 12 Lanark 13 Lindsay 11-14 Lion's Head 11 12 Lombardy 14 Merlin 12 13 Mildmay 10 11 Mount Forest 9 10 Murillo , 1011 New Hamburg 13 14 Newington 12 13 Odessa 12 13 Orangeville 10 11 Oshawa 9-11 Palmerston 12 13 Renfrew 10-13 Richmond 12-14 Ripley 12 13 Severn Bridge 11 Sheguiandah 12 13 Sntitln'ille 12-14 St•atlu'oy 9-11 Sandridge 12 13 Trout Creelc 10 11 Warren 11 12 \Vcllaud 12-14 \Vellesley 10 11 \Voolcr 10 11 September 16 21 Beaverton Binhrook Bonfield Sept. 20 21 17 18 18 SAFES Protect your 1111tICS and CAS11 from 1'111113 and Tin FIVES, We hove n size and type of Snfe. 0r Cabinet, for nay purpose. 5'Islt an, or write for priers err. 10 Dept 55' J.&.�.TAVLOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 149 1•'ront St 10. 1 emote 111n1nhllshed 18911 iTC CHECKED if a Jif � f y “ -or Money Back For quick relict Irons itching caused by eczcm athlete stout, scabies, pimples and other ileo rondRlons, use. pate, coaling, mcdi, sled, hot •), U. D PRESCRIPTION. Grc:tsclest .'.i•ticas Soothes, conttorle and .tuicla9j ntenstiitcltittg, Don't suffer Ask veer Arte;:1 t 1,v for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. When your BACK ACNES... Backache t ' s often caused by lazy kidney a -tut t. When kidneyse get f order excess acid; and poisons remain in the system. Tlten backache, headache, rheumatic pain, dis- turbal rest or that 'tired out' feeling may soon follow. To help keep your kidneys working properly—use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Time -tested( popular, safe, non -habit-form- ing. D'rnanJ Dodd's Kidney Pills, in the blue fru with the red band. Sold everywhere. 135 Burk, Nall, 19 21) Calcdlut 20 21 Clarksburg 17 18 Clifford 20 21 Cobden 17 18 Desbur,) 19 20 Drayton 17 18 Enda() 16 I,utsdrtle 17 111 Englehart 17 18 Exeter 18 19 Forest 111 20 Galt 19-21 Glenco•' 16 17 Huntsville 18 19 Kincardine 19 20 Lansdowne 16-18 Leamington , 16-21 Listowel 18 19 Magnetawan 17 IR \fauitowaning 19 20 Jfaxville 10 20 McKellar 17-19 Metcalfe 20 21 iddleville 20 \I idland 19-21 Afohawlc (Ind, Res, Deseronti) 18 Napanee 16-18 Neustadt 20 21 Norwich 17 18 Oro 18 Orono 20 21 Paisley . 16 17 Parkhill 18 Picton 21) 21 Powassau 17 18 Providence Bay 17 18 Riccville 17 18 Rosseau 17 18 Seaforth 19 20 Sbannonville 20 21 Shedden 18 Shelburne 17 18 Spenccrville 17 1i Springfield 17 18 Stella 19 Stirling 10 20 Stratford 16-18 Sunderland 17 18 '1'htssaIon 17 18 Thorold 17 1R Tweed . 17 18 Upsala 21 Wiarton 19 20 September 23 • 28 Sept, Aneaster 24 25 Arthur 24 25 Ashworth25 26 :]~rood 27 28 Avonntorc 24 25 Ayton 27 28 Bar River 25 Beachburg 23-25 Belleville 23-25 Bobcaygeon 27 28 Bolton 24 25 Cantpbcllford 25 26 Carp 27 28 Colliugwood 26-28 Drumbo 24 25 Dungannon 27 Florence 2-1 25 l:,00derhant 26 1farristott 26 27 Holstein 25 26 1lderton 25 Iron Bridge 25 Kemble 24 25 Kilsyth 25 Kingston 26-28 Kirkton 26 27 T.akcficld 26 27 Langton 28 Lurlcno\v 24 25 25 26 27 Moberly \[a n,r1 Massey 21 23 [uDonald's Corners 27 Milton 27 28 Mitchell 24 25 :Monde$ (Inds Res,) 25 Norwood 24 25 Oako(1 24 25 Ohswwocken (Six Nations Indian Rescrevation) 25-27 Owen 'oun(i ., 28, 30 & Oct, 1 Paris 27 28 Por. Elgin27 28 Port IfnpC 27 28 Ramona 25 odncy 24 25 27 28 Schomberg River 24 25 Sprucetli(e 24 25 Tara 25 26 'I'hcdfurd 24 25 I'horndale' 27 JUST PUBLISHED BACK -DOOR NEIGHBORS (Poems) 13y Edna Jaques $1 Other books by same author: MY KITCHEN WINDOW . BESIDE STILL WATERS. AUNT HATTIE'S PLACE.. ROSES IN DECEMBER ... $1 $1 $1 $1 Over 50,000 of these books have been sold in Canada At MI Bookstores or Thomas Allen Ltd. 266 King St. W. Toronto. I I THE WING WINGS AWAY Northrop's XB-35 plane, the famous "Flying Wing," is pictured above in "clean" flight over Hawthorne, Calif,, the giant landing wheels tucked inside. According to the Army's Materiel Command at Wright Field, Ohio, the strange air monster has had an "unprece- dented" record of trouble-free performance since its first test flight. SPOTS OF SPORTS By DRANK MANN HARMS r....�. ("A Six Bit Critic") About as funny a tiring as has conte up in our goofy world of sport in quite some time was the recent actitmt of i1 ister Ellsworth Vices, golfer and tenniser extra- ordinary. (In case you have for- gotten about it by the time this gets into print, Mister Vines is the ratan who forfeited $675 of his prize money rather 111111 travel around in a golf tournament bear- ing the stigma of a numbered tag.) * . * In explanation of his weird pro- cedure—an athlete refusing money under any circumstances whatso- ever strikes us as nothing Icss than weird—Mister Vines said it was a matter of "dignity 'before dough." In other words, he considered it quite beneath his dignity to wear a number so that the huge crowds following the play — the same crowd whose admission fees made such a lucrative tournament pos- sible—would be able to distinguish one player from another, * * $ Now if {\lister Vines had been competing as an amateur in an op- en tournament—like i3obby Jones of old --and wished to have that fact clearly known, it would have been quite another matter. In English cricket the "gentlemen" used to be—maybe still are for all we know—distinguished from the 'I'ilsotburg 24-20 Underwood 24 \Vallacetuw'n 26 27 \Valter's Falls 24 25 Williamstown 24 25 \Vyonting 26 27 Zurich 23 2.1 September 30 October 5 Acton Oct. 4 5 Aylmer Sept. 30, Oct. 1-3 Oct. 13eamsvillc 5 & 7 Becton 2 .3 I3rigdctt 2 Bttrfo- I 1 2 Caledonia '1-5 C'hatswot Ili 1 4 Dorchester 2 Elnit•ale Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 2 Oct. Fordwich 4 5 Ma 1 2 Markh;tnt 1-5 Mcafnrd 2 3 Melbourne 4 St. Mlarys 2 Streetsville 5 'l'cesw'atcr 1 2 Tiverton 3 4 Uxbridge 2 \\'arkw•orth 'i 4 Aberfoylc 7 5 Aluinstott F 0 Ilayficld 8 t) Belmont t) Erin 12 & 14' Fevershaflt 8 9 Iligligate 11 12 Ingersoll 10.12 Markdale 10 11 Mor,t•iantown (Ind, Rocklt•n Rocktatt 12 & 14 Roseneath 10 11 Sitncoc ( Norfolk County) ...7-1(I 12 Res.) _8-10 8 O \\'alslt Woodbridge 12 & 14 International n Nowlin.; t al I1latch and Farm I'1rt ► iI, chin rw Demonstration, a c 1 ct tonstration, Moron C ,unty Port Albert Ai... field, Highway 21, North of God- crich Oct, 15, 16, 17, 18 November Royal Winter Fair, Toronto 12 20 Walkerton (''hristut is Fair) 27 28 professionals, or "player,", by hav- ing a separate entrance to conte onto the field through, and by hav- ing a ''>\l r." ahead of their names on the program, And no real harm was done by this separation of the sheep from the goats, althou{Ut to our crude colonial mind it always secnu'tl a trifle stuffy. * 4 14 ()r if ulister \'inns It:,d en titcly refused to accept any of Cie vulgar money of a crowd so benighted that t'te,• tjuldn't fell him, the great Ellsworth, without the ;rid of a number, the might have pegged hint as a slight screwball, but still one who stuck tip for his principles no matter what the cost. * * 4 But !tlistcr Vines wasn't — and didn't! Ile was and is a profession- al, competing with other profes- sionals not only in this, but in plenty o[ other tourneys. And when the thing was over, and payoff time arrived, he by no means turned up his patrician nose in scorn but step• ped right over to the wicket and accepts{] the other $1325 of Itis win• flings like a little martyr. And, as the lady said, real nice world if yc,u can get it. 4 . * So all that remains k to laugh —and to rcconliiien l \lister Vines to try some of those cold com- presses, used for the reduction of tumid joints, un his aristocratic donee. ;Intl it's rather a pity, be- c;utse Ellsworth Vines was one of the finest tennis players that ever swung a ricket, and now he's right up among the best of them at golf, And any roan who can get to the top in those tw'o spin is --which, as played in fast cot,;pa:ty nowadays, probably take more skill, staying power and plain guts than any other gam's whatever—is cer- tainly a wonder :,nil :,l utuld be above: such petty stuff a, Inc pulled in Chicago. * * t For, IIeavcn knows, if people can he fount] who are willing to pay real money for the privilege of tramping several miles around a golf course, on a hot sticky day. lo watch a lot of other guys swat the little pill, the least they deserve is to know typo till')' are looking at. 4,t 4 k And, speaking of the noble game of golf, we ran across a statement which rather interested us on the score -card of the St. Andrews Golf Club, of 'Toronto 1't 1.0ca1 Rule Number Three it is distinctly stat - cd that "BRIDAL. paths are not hazards"; and we have been won- dering, ever since we sate it, whether a long list of much -mar- ried gents, from King Solomon down to 'l'otnnty Manville, Would entirely agree. U. S. Family incomes Almost half of the families in the United States have incomes of Tess than 02,00(1 a year, and two out of three take in less than $3,000, a recent survey showed. The figures represent the com- bined income of all members of each family. About one in 10 families had pooled incomes of $4,000 to $7,500, and only one in each 33 or 84 had joint income totalling more than $7,500. ISSUE 32-1946 PAGE 4. •••••,IN.G.1111111._11✓< ,. 7. ,M -.- Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH--- ONT. INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSUREI). Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. t J. H. R. Elliott Gordon Elliott Office Phone 104. Rt•.sidence Phone, 12 or 140 COURTESY AND SERVICE. •i1i0111alOtNrildn biltitatliNNAi1DLNIVitntatil aultDlDiNIMDlii7A)3 41)1a2MiNMliat - SPORTS 'Westfield Ball Club Annex' Group Championship hand Fri'fay night at \Vestfielll the group final opener, and were warded \with a good steady game ball, although the game failed to stir up the enthusiasm that was evident Londesboro Fails in Semi•Final Round. in the Loudeshur - \Vest field serir^. Benmiller Defeated In Two Straight The filial score of 4 to 3 for \\cstiicld In Group Finals, vas indicative of the closeness of the gauze, \\•Mich was in douhl until the end of the seventh inning, \ehen the The Westfield Softball Chili win the game was called by mutual consent group championship on Monday night lige to darkness. The nl;"giu (\( yic \ellen they, defeated L3enntillcr on the I tory was a triple by Tommy Jardine Bcnmillcr diamond by a 1(1 to 4 score. with two nn'n 1^i, the II;1<rs. The hit On Friday night they had 'defeated cause after t\eo \vete out. and had Bcnmillcr in the first game by the Bcnmillcr elected to wdi: larding close score of 4 to 3, thus winning the they might have Leon ler opener, as group championship in two straight taw next ratan up popped out. games. I 'Pommy Jardine went the route for On Tuesday night, August 5t,l1 \\'est- \vestficld, with (interne \Irlhnwell field eliminated l.ondcsh'ro in the catching. ilaslelt and Fisher divide'( fifth game of their semi-final round, the 1}enmiller pitching duties. winning the series 3 games to 2. Pretest Draws Out Semi•Fina1 Round THE STANDARD LONDESBORO \tr. ;ut,I Nlrs• 'fhroop, Chicago. ;Ire 111';1.1.—•In hint nlgnlly> of a dear isiting the latter's si^ter, Nliss Eliza- lin-lewd, loving father, ;111.1 "graffiti." \tains. Charles E. Bell. \\ Ito pa•,t'il gusty Mrs. t;latl\- Steel, Toronto, \li>: suddenly, .\ugu•t 7th, (•lata itltot', Mount Fore -t, soil \I r. ioc Burnett, l tt kolt. vkit('d mutt \Il, �o on(' 11C.1 1.11 1111' I11111•te11^ \\. 11r1111 .41111 4111 S1111d.1\•. ()I the allgt•!' tlra\\ IIg near, Mr. and Mrs. Ilethert I.;tlsin):,I \fho t,n,h from earth to b1a\en 0,11;t\\•a, ,pent l;t,l week with NI 1, ;tuts 'lte husband 1 111\e11 s1l hear. \irs, Sidney Lansing. The peal\ gate.. were open Sunhat vi^ills^ with \I r; \\'. 'tali,- •\ gook voice ^,hill "t'.1110-, Ilya and \irs. l;. Cool; wcrc \Ir, (;, .\ud with (nevelt. un"{I,Ihen Cook and Mrs. 11011011, Toronto, Mr I Ile •;tiro;; enter,•l1 Monte. and NI rs. Mile: tarter, and Ililnald.•`Sadi)' nti•^rd ar\'I e\er rcnlenlhered Torouto, and Mrs. N moan Carlen, and ly bus \lift• .\nn, and \Vednesday, Aul;'ust 1.1, 1916 IN '1IElIORIAAI IIMMINNIMMOMMEOMMEMB In\ ce, Clinton. Nlrs. Nemo ;tui Bernice, 'T't ratio, spent two lays last \\ eel; with the for - tiler's sister, Mrs. Robert Scott. ND. ;til Nlrs. Garnet Johnston and Card Of ri'hanks •1'i,e Family ily of the late Mrs. Frank \\ ittse desire to express their apprt'- I)tvid, Niagara Fall,, are vision, nation to the neighhotn•s anti Irirnlla friends here, for kindly acts and fl1 call Irihule�. 1"r her. :\. Penman ant \Ir. Daviel Special tll;uhl,s to I)r. Iletin, \Irs. Inn- er; \Visitant left to Tuesday t., visit ter toll, and Mr,. Nadel, ;tm1 to Rev. A. °l '• con'e's (laughter, Mrs. Fors\ the ;0 S'nrlair, and Pa. .1, 1.. 11, I lvudersou Dawson frock, Ii,t', f for their scr\•ices, NIr. and \Irs. Irr&'l .\rrnstrong and Eleanor, Hamilton, mil \Ir. and Nlr•. (Chit(' Of Thanks lint .lrntsu'nng, '1 'r.'nto. are vi' I tt a1r. and NIrs. Jack; ',rnt•trong this 1 \w,)it l.1 tlruth the Blyth \\'omen's week. l 1 wt tole, the Blyth Rett Cross, and \I r, and \less Dayll al;til and 11 r. the It.t'.'. Literary Society, for pa'- and NI rs. buy Coffman, Detroit, spent cel, sent to me Miring my absence the \\Tel: -end with \Ir \I r, NOM. urercas, .\ll neve gee:tole ap;trrcial- 1.:\l'• Everett 1scaly. The semi•f•nal round between \Vcst- field and Lon(Iesboro \vas originally scheduled for a three -game series. In \tr, and Mrs. Duman \IeNichol and the third game au mnpirc's decision (laughter, vis'ted on timtday with \11.. resulted in the 1\'estfield team protest- ing the game, which Londeshoro won by a one -run margin. '('heir pr-otest was upheld, and an agreement was reached to change the series from three games to five, with the protest - 1' WESTFIELD (In•tended for last week) and .\lrs. \i. Bosnian, Nlrs, Pat \\talker of '1•'rontt\, visited k -end wiih her sister, airs, E. Rodger. NI r. Harold Bosnian, Loudon, is Off'riu': \\a, received by Bobbie tion Fairser\'ice and Master I/avid, and ed. Nliss .1nn Fairslrtirg went 10 Itc- •ruit with I.hem for a holiday. gave the members three rules for he - Mr. ant \1r^. Swatesier Israel f Nit- 'iw hat in : First, Couuua s'mrthiu� opener visited with \Ir. and \Ir.., I?. to menhcty ea -II day, s.'ine'hing .good; I. Crawford tan Sunday. ; ;coon ' . I.It1 k fur something pretty every day, n flower, a ,tan', a leaf, an', The \1'. ,\, will Iud11 facie monthly; stop 1 ne- enough 111 say "Isn't fl meeting on Tuesday, .\ngn;t 211111 Du le , beauttif change of date( at _'.:I) o'clock, in the baselnitu of t!u' dottrel. ,\II the Ia1lie; td"; Third: Ito something for ly t'werr day. Hymn Ind and prayer by the I't'cstdent. 23 present, 'of the community art. Mei., cid \\'e 1 \Its. \\'. (.von Icft (.n I richly for arc goingt to welcome our wan heidt'<.h") weeks' t•',it with her ^ons, I)r• Pont' and get i' itt tinted with them I E K. Lyon, Le:Intin:;tnn, and 1)r, ,1. and stake thew feel at It ole with ns. 11. Please tiring cake of <aut)w'•cltes The \fission Band held their month -I \Its, C. 11,It,,n, \its. 1.. \\'ebstet'. ly meeting tinn•'ay morning with the \lisses Dern \\'at'on ami .\'.i'•c Fing- 'President, ICenne'll Attns'r, n!, itt tit„ land. an,I \Its. E. Ilesk left 1'n 'rues - Omit. Hymn .'t,1 and "God Save the flay mart King and Lord's Prayer in nnis,'n. "Scripture \vas read by Billie t'otvan. spending a couple ut week, with his dercock. June Manning reit I a Tent- ed game standing as a win for Lon- parents, ND-. atrl Mrs. \laural! I3os- Ilerance ,tory. \I r:. B. `hobbrooi; St Nlark's t:hur\•1\, .1uhm'u, held desboro. The fourth and fifth games ''an, read a story and Tera Leon read a their rlatgregatinnal picnic yesterday were played on the Myth diamond, � Guests at the home of \I r. and N1 rs. \lissii nary story, Mi -s Kirk toll a' at Harbour Park, (;odcricll, with Knox and \\'estfield was victori:-us in both Nlar\•in Nlcl)mrcll, are Nits, \\'ti,. dory, "flow the Call (ante," and ,he I'reslt;,terian Church as their guests. instances. Mar•kintoslt, Kitchener, Niiss Colina • Benmiller Quail.es When Dungannon Clark, St. Catharines, •\1 r•. ('b,rkN1cLen;t n, { Chicago, and Nliss Annie Clark, Refuses To Play Protested Game rnnto. Following protest action with League Mrs. Nlauriee ]human visited on Officials on the part of f}etmtiNcr Nfonday with Nliss Nl mbt'I Sharman, of in their series with I)ungannntt, the Godcrich. Dungannon ball club fa=lcd In put in airs. \Valter Cook spent a few days an appearance for their pretested with her sisters, M rs. Jean Kechuie game, an thus Bcnmillcr advanced and NI rs. Mat garet Flarrineton. into the group finals by default. Bcn- Mr, Stanley Aid,. of St. '1 hostas, miller entered a protest against an tl- spent Friday with Nlr. and airs. \\', legal bat nsrd by l)angannon in the A. cartildten, sinal game between the t wo teams I INfr. \1'111, Bush of 'furant is spend - 'which was played on the :Auburn dig- jug the month of August with al r. twit mtond, and which was won by Dungan- , Mrs. Bert T'avlur, and other friends. non 10 t.t 1. Bcnmillcr immediately 1 Miss Florence Buchanan and Mrs Dodged a protest no a I)ungannon bat Josie Strachan of Brussels, visited on which was over the regulation length, Thursday with airs. Jack Buchanan. Their protest was upheld by \1.0.:1.:1. i \Ir. and Mrs, Albert \r cher\' of officials, The Dungannon team re- Hamilton, visited hast week \\•ill air, fused to play an extra game, and so and Mrs, Fr;ll Cook antl other friend, /he stage was set for the finals he- Miss Mar Tunncv of Brantf rd, is tweet Benutiller and \Vestficld, visiting her cousin, airs. }falter Cool: OPENER WAS A CLOSE ONE and 11 r. Cook. .Miss Thelma Snell, ni Stratford, vis - A large number of fans were on ited over the week -end with her cous- ins, \hisses Norma and ila 'Taylor. a1r, and \frs. Clifford Crozier anal Joan, of Crewe, al r. Colin Cr, xicr and Nliss Loren Crozier of London, visited on Friday at the home of Nit-. and Mrs, 11'.:\. Campbell. Mr. and N)rs. (Iifford Carter spent a couple of clays last week in London. NI r. and \irs Arthur Siteigleher', ' and children of Kitchener, visited last week tya,th airs. Spcigleberg's parents. air. an I Mrs. \\'.:\. C Ir,ph011. Nliss Ruth Hoy of (;oderirh, visited last week with her friend, Nliss 1iattie 1\'ightina n. Ntiss Norma Ncthcry of Hamilton, was a week -end guest ;1.1 the home of \1r, and airs. Fred Cook, Mr. Ronald Edgar of London, i; helping Mr. Alvin Snell with the fano work for suntc weeks. 11r. and Mrs. Alex Nethery f Ham- ilton, visited with air. and air:, 'fel- ford Cook, and other friends. Mrs. N. G. Ainslie of f;ollcrielt, is visiting her brother, Nlr, W. F. Canlp- hell and NIrs. Campbell ;Lod her sister. NI rs. Bert Taylor and Mr. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs, IVeslcy Stackhonsr and \Iiss Eva, visited on FralT'ty with Mr. and Mrs. Earl 1Vightntan. al r. and airs. John (year and babe of Kitchener, spent last \vicek with \fr. and airs. J. 1.. \IcI)owcll. air:. Thomas Gear returned to Kitchener with them co Monday, Nliss Edna Smith of Kitchener, spent the week -crit' tvitll air. and Mrs. Gor- don Smith. bliss Maureen Knox of Kitchener, was a week -ctrl vilest at the home, of air. and air:. \V. :1. Campbell. Threshing is the order t 1 the day. The grain is a good sample and gond yield, A ntisccllaneotts shower was given on Friday evening al the home of Mr. • r and Mrs. SV. Albert Cam shell, in hon- our of \Ir. and N1rc, Kenneth Cantu. hell, who were married last winter in i?ngland. Mrs. Cantplfell }u -t rnmimt to Canada last week. Mr. Nlarvin \Ic- Dowell gave the address of welcome an'rl good wishes for a happy married life. Both Ken, ;ril his hridc thanked the many friends, for their lovely gifts and good wishes and the welcome giv- en thein in the community. fl\r a holiday up north, HELD PICNIC URGENT Bottles aro badly needed. • el el Reason — new bottle production slowed by shortage of materials. 3 • Remedy—Return ac- cumulated empties. Put them back into circulation. Check your basement today. • Bring them to nearest Brewers Retail store or telephone for pickup. Blyth Radio Service RADIO REPAIRING — ALL MAKES. ELECTRIC FENCE RE1'AiRING— COMI'LE'I'E STOCK Of ('ARTS ON HAND. 1 1 111. 1, NO MIP'. -,Ire .. slay 61111 h I ,.1. 1 I. 11.11,. dM'MIS. 1Mw-4,4111M .J . 11. . 1 LARGE STOCK OF RADIO TUBES FOR BATTERY AND ELECTRIC SET'S, ., I Y ., 1 MI 1 yY .II I 11.111 .. b r111. II 1 Y..Y.11141M 1 .1 M I 1 111 , 1 SPARTON RADIOS, FENCES, AND RECORD PLAYERS. BEA'1'TY WASHERS, IRONERS, AND CLEANERS. ALL REPAIR WORK GUARANTEED. GLEr,N ,1 EC Fork Guaranteed. .I1 • I 1,1.111.,W , ..•16... eWM11MMIMM'J.I ill ..11I.I11 MGI,M,L 1 11 .111..1, 1 . •1 lytlt / • Farmers drive ears less than city people and get low rales from Pilot. But farriers do dri1e-41110 unin- sured nevi dent could wipe out your 110111! (11' your savings, tiny the full protection of Pilot Automobile Insurance now. BERNABi) HALL ('hone 122, IBI,YrI'II • Representing We write insurance to cover selected risks itt Automobile, Fire, Personal Properly Floater, Burglary, flute Ulm's, and other general insurance. s.• THE PROVPCE OF PROMJSE... Central ONTA , t Il 1-0'►1 rich pasture lands have, from the earliest days Of settlement, sustained larger herds of dairy cattle than were necessary to t/ie Province's otvn• needs. in these `earliest' days, which were not much more than a century ago, dairy production. was exceedingly primitive, but the 1891 census disclosed the existence or 1,565 cheese factories In the Dominion, of which Ontario had 893. 'Today, this great shaving is par• allele[ in erety branch of Canada's dairying industry ... To- morrow, the Province's facilities will be more than equal to the demand for milk and its growing diversity of products. Published by 'I'iIE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) A COBNlili ON CONES Nearly six billion pounds of milk are con- sumed or processed annually in ( )nlal•io; din yearly valor of Ontario hairy products runt around $110,1100,000; ()llurio hitter 1111(1 cheese pruduelion is about 2011,0011,1100 pounds a year. The oilier credit for these fat figures, which are about one-third of the Iotali fur 111e entire Dominion, goes. til (1111ariu's 1,21111,01111 milk rove— themselt es a 111110 of Canada's dairy licit's. The 1'ru'incc's 1i,011(I,II(Irl gallons of ice cream, him - el', moonlit annually to 50% of the ma' m's ',undue. best'—t\Ilir11 ala,' r\plain the 1101 114'41111e 1.OIIr•1'1111s1.11111S11('8i of young (htturians. ....11,111WI/ 1111111all 111 \Iil4(lion , T',,yi-tech Blyth ?1111 lnl,1� \Vclleslev Lemons, Oranges, Grape Fruit, 1';1110,•1. 41111 Bananas, Peaches, Cabbage, Onions, Ripley Potatoes and Tomatoes. \en• 11:111iburt: Stratford I:nlblo Hillside and Canada Vinegar, 1:xrler Crown Jars, Jar Rubbers, Zinc Rings, 1,i•to44cl Certo, Certo Crystals and lain,;tr,linr Pickling Spices. (;alt Sea fin 111 1 Iiffl,rd Zurich l.urhnu4, . \litchi11 {larriston . Kirl,lon I )iii ;ulnen \taller( Tee,44atet• tit. Mares VEGETABLES, it'AU, it'A1It DATES Wednesday, August 11,1940 THE STANDARD 't FRUITS AND GROCERIES DRY GOODS AND SHOES Men's and Boy's Work Boots, Men's Overalls and Work Pants, Work Socics and Work Shirts. STEWART'S GENERAL STORE WE DELIVER — PHONE 9 I 1 1 1 11.4• I , , S. , .111 1, 1114. 1:1 i•1 a,, , 41 111. ,1 HAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer. Specialliit in harm and Household Sales, Licensed in Huron and Counties, Prices reasonable; fiction guaranteed. For Information, etc., write or phony Harold Jacktcon, ILIt. No, 4, SeafortL. Phone 14r661. Pertn antis WILLIAM II.IIIORRIT'1' LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Specializing In Farm and Household Sales, Licensed for tho County of Huron. Reasonable Prices, and Satiefactton Guaranteed. For information, ete., write or phone IIVIlllanl 1•I, 11orr1U, phone, Ro'ldenco 93; Shop 4, Illyth. Ration Coupon 1)ue 1)atcs Coupon~ n \V valid are ,near-preser- wes SI to ti?5, bolter RIO to RIS, and neat \I •Ill to \150. Butter coupons 1111 tt, 1:17 aryl 11rvat coupons \140 to ,\15'1 expire August 31. FOR SALE llantallI . Apply to Karl Whitfield, phone 1341, Blyth, 50-I. • 'Tiverton I' ordh%icTI Hayfield . till,). 3, 4. ti; pl. 6, 7. Sept. 10, 11. tit pt. 111, 11. Sept. III, 11. Sept. 12, 13. Sept. 12, 13, GOCERIES TOMATOES, PEAS, WAX )1EANS. DICED CARROTS & BEE'T'S, AYLMER BABY FOODS Sept. 13, 11.HABITANT SOUI' Sells, 10. TOMATO JUiCE, GRAPE JUICE, Sept. 10-14.1 GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Sept. 14, I. ROBiN 11001) & PURITY FLOUR St pt. 14, 19. Sept. 10, 21), �epl. 19 to 21. Sept. 19, 'll. Sel't. 20, 21. Sept. 2.1, ). Sept. 21, 25. Si pt. 21, 25. Sept. 11, 27. Sept. 2(I, 27 Sept, 27 Sept. 27, 24 (lit, I, 2 (lct. 2, 3 Oct. 3, 4 Oct. 4, 5 t )ct. 8, 0 ; Fertilizer! PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR FERTILIZER FOR YOUR FALL WHEAT WITH THE Blyth Farmers' Co -Op- ierative Association. Blyth, Ontar:o. — Phone 172 FOR SALE !<ilihen range, Princess I'at, in good condition..\pply t1' \Yard Knox, phone 23-12, I:lyth, 50 -Ip. NOTICE .\nynnc wishing to trade a piano for ;t table model Hideo Radio, telephone 35, Illytlt. 50.1p. 1 I . 14.4 , SII I„ 11+. 11. •,.IIII Wheat Flakes & Cooked Cereals LAUNDRY & TOILET SOAPS TEA, COFFEE, TOBACCOS, FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES Pioneer Feeds Shur Gain Feeds j = Royal Purple Cal(meal Egg Grading Station & Locker Storage WE DELIVER—PHONE 39. s. ROXY THEATRE, CLINTON. Now Playing: Vivian Blaine in ',DOLL FACE" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Alan Ladd, Veronica Lake and William Bendix .\ 11air-ra-,.tlt; 1,1111 \\rittt•n by {tay- mond (l handler 41i11 pro%ide a,tin,n, -11-p,n•1' ,111(1 nl)stet.) ;Ind the sii- ,,clb '•i t' ll-iligllt star, 4yill delight 4 11 in "THE BLUE DAHLIA" --.\dst I':ntvrtainnu'nt— Thursday, Friday, Saturday John Fa; ne, Maureen O'Hara and William Bendix Laughter and liar, art' interspersed in tlli- delightful tale of a couple 44111, adopt a daughter "SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY" • c' PAGE 5 CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE GODERICH. SEAFORTH. • Now Playing: "Without Reserva• Ncw )'laying: Veronica Lake in tions" with Claudette Colbert. 'MISS SUSIE SLAGEL'S Monday, 'Tuesday, Wednesday Gene Tierney, Walter Huston and Vincent Price Flout tltc 111441.1 !,v .\114;1 ct 111 . :Moes I'nc of for 1111.1 tn'ro••ing,' -t re, n .t, Iris- "URAGONWYCK" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Merle Oberon, Turban Bey and Thos. Greene 1(Him, a magical .\shin( \Ight•. fant,t.y' in 1111• full gloryof T, t luu- t'111ur "A NIGHT IN PARADISE" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday John Payne, Maureen O'Hara and Gary Cooper, Loretta Young, William Bendix Dan Duryea til:; ,,"r(I'3 b\ a ca -t Ili ,lllnldr I;)44 bite. in a grand thaulatic ru- in \limn:tll4 lolul•on', gr i•;It -a411 1144414-e. 1 thy \\ est "ALONG CAME JONES" C "SEN'I'IMENTAI. JOURNEY" outing: Anna Neagle in COMING: "SHOCK" and "TOO COMING: Ida Lupine in "A YANK IN LONDON" YOUNG TO KNOW" "DEVOTION" . Mat.,Wed, Sat. Holidays 2.30 pm Matinees Sat & Holidays at 2.30 pNutA. IL. �[j' ERNICK Matinees Sul. & Holidays at 2.30 p.m •;. 1111.;. •;.4.,4 s ++•:4++++++++++++1 •4.4•s ++4.4.1 S n.rcri�tyri)iTrl -ti) LV `" '•S A'1B`TE'AiTIAAI : Polarise, Mal'Yeluhc, S • WE HAVE ON HAND— :1lohiloil, Esst:luhc \ 3. ti ,i, _. LSO. NAFTEL W. F. Smiths, - _� .1;A. MOTOR OILS. PHONE, BLYT'li 68. MASSEY-HARRIS REPAIRS. DRILL TUBES, PUMP FITTINGS and TAPS. AGENT FOR— ,t' PHONE 92, BLYTH 56-32 IMPERIAL OIL, Ltd. ���` ••• TOWNSiIIP OF iIIBBERT Notice to Creditors TENDERS FOR TILE DRAIN .\ll person, having *claims against Use I'atatc ut John Charles 11eIft•ou, I'I?Nl)I1l•:.i will be rccv14ed by the n late of the \illate ,,f Illytl. deceased, 1l t t lt1 tit 8, nII � 'III\'I o required iu forward na tl cu• .\11g11-! 14111, 1940, for the repair f lar, t1) the undersigned on or before the \\'all;, r Ilranch 1)rain, 'I'u,vttstlip the '0th day of August, 1946, after supplying the tile. 'Tender, to be sub- nhic11 date the executors 4w3l distri- mitted a,c'n'din,g to Uy -1.:144 No. 10, blue the assets. 10.15, "I'oo11-llip of 1libber!. which may 11:.\\K 1)ONNEI.1,\', Gndcrieh, be , 10.1111. d 41 the office of the 1111- Ontario, ~elicitor for the Executors. der,igne,l. .\ certified cheque for tell 1 49-3 per cent111'1,1 accompany eachtt'll- der. Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily arcept,';1. 51) New Hampshire and Barred Rork Tilos. D. WREN, I'nllet 18 NV old. 'Telephone 85, 50.1 Clerk of the Twp of Hibbert !Myth. 50 -Ip. PULLETS FOR SAEL ,1.1I1a 1:11, 11 ,yIS,1,111�� tokeIpIiurvesI Fru il cInai eget(' hies 0 Ontario's orchards are heavy with fruit and our fields are filled with vegetables, All hands are urgently needed now—to harvest peaches, tomatoes, apples and other fruits and vegetables for a hungry world. Young men and women! Join the Ontario Farm Service today. Get away from sticky streets into the sunny out-of-doors. Earn profit and pleasure in a worthy cause. The season of need extends from August 10th to October 15th. Accommodation Is in Private Farm Homes or Y Supervised Camps. For four weeks spent in the open fields, one way transportation will be given you free, Return transportation is yours if you remain until the end of the harvest. Fill in tho attached coupon and the Ontario Farm Service Force will send you a registration form—without delay! CANNING HELP NEEDED Volunteers are also needed to help can this year's precious crop of fruit and vegetables. Apply at the nearest cannery -- National Employment Service office --- or to the Ontario Farm Service Force. DOMINION -PROVINCIAL COMMITTEE ON FARM LABOUR Agriculture -- Labour —• Education 1 MI WS I sty MI 0 011 1® OMI CPS 11O1 r 0 or. 011 — SO N MI WI Iss MAIL THIS COUPON AT ONCE! Dolene farm Service Turco, 112 College 51., Taranto, I want lo "lend a Hand". Please send me a roglitrrllon form and all necessary Information about the Onfurlo Farm Service Force, Homo Age (please print) (must bo 16 or over) Town Address Tel. No will be available Iran, lo And would like lo be accommodated In: An Iropected Farm Roma Ll A 'Y' Suporvtsod Comp U 1111111.11111111. 0111211 1•11111110 MISS 01 1111 01 OM 1131 MI5 11111 1 1 1%44111 LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM—ONTARIO. Two Shows Sat. Night A •1' •1 „ Spey. tart, tagidu•le at 8 I',\I• " >• Salln11;t4 at 7:15 P.\I. ',('Ilanges in time 44i11 be noted bclo,w': •4 ';',Thurs., Fr•i•, Sat., August 15, 16, 17 .H "TARS AND SPARS" Janet Blair, Alfred Drake, Marc Platt :\n cxccll,'nt nrn,ieal about Coast 1,nartl ;; \I at : Saturday afternoon at 1114 41 •_ 4a Mon., Tues., Wed., August 19, 20, 21 1 Betty Hutton, Barry Fitzgerald •- ;•wt..•H•• ••11•. •;. •;. •;H;,,•,,;. ••1 o .•.:. ,5,:,,411•, •t, f;. •;, 4 44. "STORK CLUB" 1;�.;. •� 1;.1••..;..44. rj.,;..;1 •;. I;..;, .;..;1 •;{ or:. 44 .z, ATKINSON'S•� POOL ROOM. :1• SMOKER'S SUNDRIES : : Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Pop, and Other Sundries. •: +Olsen all day and evenin •,•1111ain Street Blyth.t 1111,,. .. ............ DON'T SUFFER With YOUR FEET or an itchitu! slain , (tet a bottle of 1'1.\111,:\(' Irl in your druggist. The 11144 ,pee'iy remedy for athlete's foot, I 5 bl• i t t chi( stn •, •,• call u I ,loi�on i4y, , tl , , , bnrnille, itching feet, heat r;1-11, nu)s- ,,nito, black fly and insect bites, or itching .(sins honey back gyarantce. 4414. EDWAIt1) W. ELLI07."I` L4'C.,'wd l+uctioneer For Huron Has teturnetl from service with the Royal Canadian Air Force, and will be (twinning his former occupation. C''rrc,pun,lence promptly answered Immediate arr,,ngcnlents can he made for Sales Date at The Standard Office, or by calling Phone 203, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfaction Guaranteed. CHARLES F. DALE LICENSED AUCTIONEER. -._ Specializing in Farm and 1lousehold Sale,, Satisfaction (inaranteed on All ~ales, 1„r information phuue 6)6-4„ Clinton, or ,write R.R. No. 4, Clinton. 50 -lop, LEWIS ROWLAND AUCTIONEER. Licensed for Co. of Huron & Perth. Satisfaction Guaranteed Prices Reasonable. For Information Phone Lew Rowland, 830r 24. Seaforth. or Write RR. No. 3, Walton. Arrangements can he made for Sales at The Standard Office.. ALSO CISTERN & STOCK PUMPS. Frank 9 Bakery e 1� �� Plumbing Fixtures and Supplies. BUILDING MATERIALS. Estimates Freely Given On Any of the Above. L. M. Scrimgeour AND SON. Perone 36, Blyth. PA, Box 71 PAINTING liy the horn', or by contract. Expert workmanship. Apply to Jas. llirons or Howard Tait, phone 56, Myth. 37-4. GOODISON FEED MIXER 500 LB. CAPACITY AVAILABLE JULY 1ST. WE HAVE ON HAND Three -Way Pumps and One Stock Pump. Complete Line of Oliver Farm Equipment. Limited number of Manure Loaders to fit Row -Crop Tractors. Complete Fleury-Bissel Line, in• cluding the famous Fleury Plows. W. H. MORRITT DEALER - Phone 4 and 93. ORDER YOUR COUNTER CHECK BOOKS AT THE BLYTII STANDARD PHONE 38. BLYTII, ONT. Conte. in and try our fresh home- made Bread, Chesley Rolls, Dough - Nuts, Scones and Man Muffins, 1311t. ter Tarts, Cookies, hate Loaves, as ,yell as our Delicious Maple, Chocolate and Orange (Takes. TI -IE I1'IcKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers President, F. 'McGregor, Clinton; \'ice President, C. \V. Lconhardt, I3rod- hagcn; Secretary -Treasurer and 1\tan- aoer, M. A. Reid, Seaford'. Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton: Alex. 131-oadfoot. Seaforth; Chris. 1.couhardt, Born- holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John 1.. Malone, Seaforth; Alt.. ttcEwing, Myth; Ilugh Alexander, \\Talton; George Leitch, Clinton. Agents John E. Pepper, Ilruccficld; R. F. \tcl:en-her, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, 13rodhagen; George A. \Vatt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promply attended to byapplications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post of- fices. Dead and Disabled Animals �!! REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50x31; Seaforth, 15, 4'ollect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. TURNING POINT /v Mary Imlay Taylor SYNOPSIS CHAPTER \ X t Jordan's bullet found its stark and Stonham was dying when ho was brought back to the ranch. Old Teresa revealed that Stenhart had nightmarea dur- ing his Illness, talking wildly of killing. CHAPTER XXI Shocked and dismayed, Jinn hustled his sister into the old hall. Unconsciously Ile dropped into the chair at his desk. "I wish to heaven the doctor would get herel" he exclaimed roughly, "Ile started at once—as soon as I 'phoned," Jane replied absently, touching the old desk affectionate- ly; she remembered Sherwin there, Jim, huddled in the chair, rum- inated, "Jordan must have got us contused in the storm—he was a crack shot. Poor Max—it was for nue and he got it!" Jane said nothing; her hands were clasped on the desk. The wind swept the door open and drove the rain across the hall. Her brother rose and forced it shut, bolting it. Then he turned on her, at the limit of his patience. "Good Lord, Jane, haven't you a heart? Max is dying—he loves youl You're — you're a perfect stick, standing there and staring in front of you!" She looked up and her white face twitched with pain. "I'm sorry for Max, but I'm thinking of the man he sent to — a living death l" Jim bit his lip. "Look here, Jane, he's a brave man, I acknowledge it, but he's convicted of a cruel crime; you've got to let hint dropl" "He's not guilty," she said first- ly; "1'11 never believe hint guilty. No guilty man would have done that splendid thing—he saved his accuser!" "Fine, I grant it. Nevertheless, he goes back to jail for life—you understand that, Jane? For lifel" "Not if there's any way on earth that I can save him!" she cried passionately, "nu!" Jim spoke with brotherly scorn, "You can help too, Jim," she went on, not heeding his derision. "Delay them, keep him here—and give hint a chance to escape!" "To what purpose?" Jim asked her dryly. "To be a fugitive al- ways, to hide away somewhere, in South America, perhaps, under a false name, hunted, advertised for, never to know a moment's peace— a condemned murdererl Bah, I'd rather go to jail! There's no capital punishment in his state." "You've never been in jaill" Jane retorted. "And you—you 'phoned for Cutler, you know you didl" "Sten ha rt—" Jim began, and stopped. "Oh, 1 know!" Jane's gesture was eloquent. Jim, remembering the man sus- pended between the ledge and eternity, to save his enemy, began to walk up and down the hall. Jane dropped into his vacant chair and laid her head on the desk She could hear the fury of the wind outside. It grew dusky, too, in the old hall, for the day was passing swiftly; tomorrow— "Pm sorry, but I can't do a thing!" said Jim hoarsely. She made no reply. A shiver ran through her; tomorrow he would he on his way east! There is so little in a day—and so much, Then, suddenly, she heard Fanny's voice calling to Jinn. Her brother an- swered hurriedly, went into the sickroom and the door closed be- hind him. For the first time Jane was alone. She straightened herself in the old worn chair and looked about her. In the daygloom of the old hall she saw only shadows here and there. A clock ticked loudly over the desk, and it seemed to remind her of the brevity of the span of life. The rain no longer beat with such fury on thc,window• panes, but the wind shrieked and howled in the distant canyons. Sherwin %vas in the other building still. The men were there; she could see Jose and Pete Rooney rubbing down their horses in the open door of the stables. She rose cautiously and fled softly down the hall, post Stenhart's closed door; it seemed to her that she heard voices but she did not stop to listen. She opened a little side - door that led past the kitchen and ran into the rain. It was falling lightly now; the gray clouds had broken on the distant ranges and the high peaks shone in clear weather. it seemed almost like a promise, this lifting of the clouds, and she called Mac softly. The old ratan emerged from his quarters with a long face. "You mustn't get wet, Jane, better run back," he warned. But she caught at his sleeve with shaking handy. "Mac, I've got to see him{" MacDowell hesitated. "lie's got guards alongside of hint, Jane; It ain't no place for you—" She lifted her blue eyes steadily to his. "Mac, I must see him— it's—" she choked—"it's the last timet" The old man looked away, swal- lowing hard. He had known Jane when she was five years old; he hated to see her face now. "Quick, Mac, I've only got a little while—they may call me back —they think Stenhart's very badl" Her hands, on his arm, shook and he felt them. Reluctantly, he led the way into the long low build- ing; Jane caught a glimpse of the vacqueros at supper and, with thein, some men who belonged to Cutler's posse, But Mac got iter past them to a door in the end of the room. There was a moment of delay and then it was opened. Mac had spoken to Cutler and the guard carne out and sat down outside the door as Jane went in alone. The little roost, with its one tiny window -slit, too small for a man's body to pass through, was dint with the coining of dusk, but she saw the tall man Map sat at the little table, a tray of untasted food be- fore hire, his head upon his hands. Expecting no one whom he cared to see, he did not even look up and the despair in his attitude went to her heart. She thought of hint, as she had seen him, brave and free, going down on that thin rope over the abyss to save his enemy! A proud light shone suddenly in her blue eyes, and she came close to him. "John!" she said softly. (To Be Concluded) How Can 1? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I prevent the oven from cooling too quickly? A. When the oven has been very hot, it often cools too quickly if the oven door is opened. Instead of doing this, if a pan of cold water is placed in the oven it will lower the temperature gradually. Q. How can I prepare a good toilet water? , A. By [nixing two ounces of elder flower water with an equal quantity of distilled water. Q. How can I prevent the dip coloration caused by a bruise? A. 1f very hot cloths are applied, one right after another, it often prevents discoloration. Q. Ifow can 1 economize on butter? A. One pound of butter can be made equal tc two pounds by add- ing gradually to one pint of butter one pint if milk and a little salt; beat with an egg -beater until smooth, Put into a mold and set in a cool place. Q. Ifow can I keep winter coats free from months? A, Have a small window light in the coat closet. It will also afford air to clothing that might other- wise become musty. Q. How can I remove fly paper from garments and furniture? A. By washing with lukewarm water. Right Side Up The yak, beast of burden in Tibet, gets down icy mountain slopes by drawing its hoofs togeth- er and sliding, always landing right side up. The Quality Tea "SALAIlif TEA BABY MAKES HER BOW Making her debut before the camera is Jessica Louise Jackson, go- ing on six months old. You niay not know Jessica, but you know her mother—screen star Deanna Durbin, with whom she's pictured in their Hollywood home, CHRONICLES of GINGER -FARM A small announcement appeared in a weekly newspaper just recent- ly which said—"Chas. E, Cutts has decided to spend his vacation on his farm this summer. lie will continue the eight hour shifts— eight before dinner and eight hours after." 1 thought tit 1 was pretty good -- and not so exaggerated as some folk imagine. After all what else can a farmer do other than work long hours when there is wheat to draw in, mixed grain . , cut and oats to stook, all ready to be done at once, all equally important, and very little help to do it with. Last week after the milking and other chores were finished and we were supposedly through for the day — it was about eight o'clock—Part- ner just couldn't sit quietly. He wasn't satisfied until he was back in the field again stooling wheat. And there he stayed until nearly ten o'clock. Tonight it is Bob who is out. He found a man who was willing to conic in after supper and now the two of then are out cut- ting oats—Bob on the tractor, the man operating the binder. 1 sup- pose they will he out as long as they can see. And there von't be any grumbling at the long hours either, probably because farmers, as a class, take. a natural personal interest in their work. If a job is there to do, well they wan'. to get it done—the sc aner the better. A day, or even a few hours, can mean losing, or saving, a field of gra, or hay, 4 i 4 No, long hours during the har- vest and haying don't worry the average farmer very Hutch — al- though one can hardly say as much for hired help. \Vhat really gets hint down is the lire and cry all around hint for more pay and shorter hours. That, and the things the farther cannot get that are ab- solutely necessary. Yes, farming is a great life when you can't get extra help when you need it; when you can't get re- pair, or lumber, or roofing, or shingles, or evert trails. * * 4 Yet in spite of all tl.ese handi- caps farm people still carry on as well as they can—and of course our city cousins think we are making money hand over fist. Last week for instance, a young couple visit- ing here wanted to take eggs back to the city with then[, The eggs came to just over seven dollars. My young friend said as she gave me the money, envy oozing Wi'1 every word she spoke, "Gosh—rand you stake seven dollars just as easy as that'" "Wait a minute—I'll shote you something." 1 handed her over a bill. It was fur $62. "That, my clear," I ex- plained, "is our account tor just one month's chicken feed. You will agree it will take a lot of eggs to pay that $62.,, * 4 4 But as ever': farm woman know p.ying the bill isn't all. There is a tremendous lot of work inv raising chickens and looking after laying hens. And in this connection there are many women wino work far too hard. 1 want to 'ell you right here and now, that a lot of farm women nmakt me right down ntad. 'There are v oaten all over the country carrying water and heavy pails of feed who have no bu 'less to be doing it—or the ntc't to let theta, no matter how busy the:. arc. One of our neighbors who does practically all the work in cornice - By Gwendoline P. Clarke e • • • tion with the poultry "to save the then" was feeding her turkeys the other day when a varicose vein in her leg suddenly burst. That, as you know, can be a very serious matter. But after a while the haemorrhage stopped. The doc- tor naturally advised treatment but "she didn't want to have it done just now because it was such a busy time". In the end she was obliged to—but the next day she was out looking after the poultry as usual. * * 4 There are also woutett who put off dental work because they are afraid of being laid up for a day or two. It's wonder to me that these women ever took time out to have babies, however they did, and now a good many of thein are grand- mothers and in many cases shoul- dering responsibility for their grandchildren, looking after then while young mother and dad take in a dance, a show, or a trip to the city. Here's where I stop — because I'm getting madder and madder just at the thought of itl "Lord, what fools these mortals bel" Puzzle The new invisible eyeglasses are reported 100 per cent perfect. How- ever, some of us are still trying to figure out how in the world grand- pa will find them. —Toronto Telegram. Yes, it's pretty ... it's slimming ... and it's easy. 'That's Pattern 4631 with just four main pattern pieces, straight seams, no sleeves to set and n10 tvaist seams to sew. Pattern 4631 conies in sizes 32, 31, 30, 38, 40, 42, -11, 46, 48, 50, 52. Sire 36, :t! yards 35 inch. Send TWENTY CENTS (20c) in coins (stamps cannot be accept- ed) for this pattern to Roost 421, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto Print 'dainty S17.E, NAME, A11 111;' STYLE NUMBER, ISSUE 32-2946 Sunday School Lesson Making Our Homes Christian Exodus 20: 12; Mark 7: 9-13; Luke 2: 51, 52; Ephes, 6: 1-4. Gulden T'e'xt—llouour thy father and thy mother: that thy days shall be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.— Exodus 20:12. The Fifth Commandment The principle of the Fifth Com- mandment is due regard for those to whom, under God, we owe our very being. This commandment is put first of those teaching duties to smut because our first obliga- tion after our obligation to God, is our obligation to our parents. Four things are included in full obedience to this commandment: (1) Respect for our parents; (2) listening to them; (3) obedience to than; (4) !support of them. '!'here is nothing surer than that woe will overtake any son or daughter who breaks this com- mandment. '1'he child must honor his parents regardless of what their personal character may be. It is not a child's business to sit in judg- ment upon the character of his parents. But the parents owe it to their children to so live and act to- ward their children as to make obedience to this commandment. Christian Standards The Lord Jesus was perfect Man as well as perfect God. He sub- mitted to the laws and conditions of our nature which IIe had taken upon Himself. As Jesus' body grew stature, so His mind increased in wisdom. The divine stature of our Lord revealed itself with the growth of Hie human nature. \Ve arc not to think that Jesus gradu- ally grew in the favor of God, as though there was a time when He was without it. As He grew so He received more evidence of God's favor and of man's good will. Parents and Children From the example of our Lord we now turn to the injunction of His servant Paul. As Jesus was subject to His parents during the long years in Nazareth, so every child should follow His example and render obedience to hls par- ents. This is not always easy; particularly is it hard for Christian children to honour their parents because of their dissolute and sel- fish node of living. But the fact that they are our parents, that they brought us into the world, should stake its respectful to them. This commandment carries with it a promise; in fact it is the only one in the Decalogue which has a definite promise. Does not this show how important the fifth com- mandment is in God's sight? Smart Girls always carry PARADOL in their handbags! Be Courteous: Dip Headlights In the United States, automobile clubs have been engaged in a utost praiseworthy campaign to impress upon motorists the value of cour- tesy in "clipping their lights," with very satisfactory results, says ilte Guelph Mercury. Isere in Canada it is a courtesy that is seldom ex- tended. This is not required by law, but is believed that if the ap• peal is properly presented to Cana- dian motorists, it will not require a law to snake it a general practice. If motorists would only realize that they would be contributing to their own safety and pleasure ley staking the practice a general one, there should be no trouble in se- curing the co-operation of the mo- toring public in bringing about this reform. Von Will I';nloy [%toying Ai The St. Regis Hotel l'OItON'I't) • {every Room with Until r. Shower nod Telephone. • Single, $2.50 up — Double, 1/3.50 up • Good Wood, Dining and Danc- ing Nightly. Sberbonrue at Carlton 'rel. RA. 4185 HOTEL METROPOLE All Beautifully Furnished With Running Water Rates: $1.50 up NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION THEIIITWAY TO KILL FLIEG Effectiveness proven by 66 years public acceptance. WHY EXPERIMENT—WILSON'S will kill more flies at less cost than any other fly killer. USE WILSON'S FLY PADS ONLY !MC Ai ANY RETAILER! "Have a care Jack Dalton! Unhand that package of crisp, crunchy, delicious Grape -Nuts Flakes!'" "But these are no ordinary flakes{ They're made of two grains—wheat and malted barley. And skilfully blended, baked and toasted for crisp- ness, tempting taste and easy diges- tion." "Curses! Foiled again! Every time I try to make off with some malty - rich, honey -golden Post's Grape -Nuts Flakes I'm stopped by this guy Curly Crisp I" "And why not? That's a neat package you've got there. Those Grape -Nuts Flakes supply carbohy- drates fot energy; proteins for muscle; phosphorus for teeth and bones; iron for tate blood; other food essentials." "Hand over that giant economy package, villain. I'm a bit wolfish my. self, when it conies to Grape -Nuts Flakes!" T JUST IN FUN 11 Easy One !le was enlarging on the dangers of modern foods and with a dra- matic gesture he pointed an em- phatic finger ;.t a rather harassed - looking and inoffensive listener and demanded: "What is it? We all cat it some- time or other, yet it's the worst thing in the world for us. What la it, 1 say? Do you know?" ft appeared that the little man did know, for he replied, in a husky whisper: "Wedding cake." By Instalments Although he had his good points, Tommy was no scholar, When the school exams came along, his fa- ther said: "If you score fifty marks out of a hundred, my boy, I'll buy you a bicycle." Then, one day, Tommy brought home the results and handed them over in silence. Father ran his eye down the list. 'Then he asked sadly: "Well, Tommy, what will you have—two spokes or a brake dip?" Two In One The weary father was marching up and down at 1 a.m, with a wail- ing infant in his arms, when there came a knock at the door, It was the tenant from below, carrying a pair of new shoes. "I say, old man," he aid, "while you're about it, you might break these in for nee." Keep Cool The sergeant raged as his squad of recruits turned left when they should have turned right and vice versa. Private Higgins was the greatest offender, and the sergeant, going up to him, bawled in his ear: "Haven't you ever drilled before in your life?" "Yes, sergeant," rcplicd lliggins, 1 once drilled for three years." "Oh, indeed , . . and where" snapped the sergeant. "In a quarry," grinned Higgins It Would Too A dear old lady had been pre- vailed upon by a young relative to attend his school's sports. She was much interested in the tug-of-war, and after a long tussle between two teams she turned to her escort and said: "But wouldn't it save a lot of trouble, dear, if they were to cut the rope in the middle?" Fifty -Fifty Young Bill: Look at your old worn boots and your father a shoemaker. You ought to be ssh•ymed of them. t'oung Phil: 'That's nothing. Your baby brother's got only one tooth and your father's a dentist. Not On Water Proprietor: "You come into my restaurant, you order a glass of water, you drink it, and you calmly walk out I" Scot: "What were ye expectin' me to do, mon? Stagger oot ?" Too Bad Three Hien arrived at the rail- way station wit the intention of catching the last train. ks t1 ey reached the platform the train be- gan to move out. The nun ran for it, and the guard and a porter bun died two of them into the guard's van. By this time the train was going too fast for the third man to get in, and he stood disconsolately on the platform watching it disap- pear. "Ilard luck, sir," said the porter, "I'm sorry you were unable to get on." "Yes," rcplicd the man. "My friends will be sorry, too, They were only seeing me off.;' An Insult Mrs. Dinsmore: "1 wonder why Mrs. Scadds got so angry when 1 said I never would let my husband dictate to me?" Mrs, Cradwick: "She took it for a personal allusion. She used to be Mr, Scadd's typist." And They Did Doping to inspire his workers with promptness and energy, a business noun hung a number of signs reading "DO 11' NOW" around his factory and office. When he was asked some weeks later how his staff had reacted, he shook his head sadly. "I don't even like to talk about it," he said. " l'he cashier skipped with $1,000; the head bookkeeper eloped with the hest secretary I ever had; three typists asked for an increase; the factory liaiids decid- ed to go on strike, and the office boy joined the Navy." The Answer Is Yes Two men who had been bachelor cronies met for the first time in ten years. "'fell nuc, Tom," said one, "did you marry that girl, or do you still darn your own socks and ilo your own cooking: "Yes," was 'T'om's laconic reply. OUT OUR WAY 11 1 By J. It Williams ' HERE'S TH' THAT POOR GUY.'"' LET ON YOU DiDNT SEE COMPLETE,1JEVE.12 SEEN A 1T, `IDU Fi{1hEADI DON'T BLUE PRINT MAN GIT OUT OF MAKE AU ENEMY--NO- OF ALL TH` A COAT 50 QUICK/ BODY ELSE SAW IT! RECOIL GOT CAUGHT N T./EVER LET A MAN K .IOW MECHANISM-- THAT MACHINE-- YOU SAW HIS STUPIDITY -- MOW RtG1U NL- MIGHTA BEEN LET HIM GfT BACK INTO HERE 15-- KILLED-- HE MAY HIS COAT AN' LOOK LIKE LESSEE-- BE MAIMED F%R NOTHIN' 1-IAPPETJED UM-•_ , LIFE -- ' tt AN' HE'LL LOVEkV- _ BODY EVEN WM,- NOT TO LOOk Orchestra Leader HORIZONTAL 3 Hypothetical 1 Pictured structural orchestra unit leader, — 4 Street (ab.) 5 Post 11 Help 6 Metal 12 Ripped 7 Tellurium 13 Pedal digit (symbol) 19 Fastener •8 Lieutenant 15 Behold! (ab.) 16 Male 9 Alaskan city 18 Singing voice 1012 months 20 Canvas shelter 19 Father 21 Period of 17 New Mexico office (ab.) 22 Upward 10 Absent 24 Italian river 21 Plaything 25 Rodents 23 Postscript 27 Fable (ab.) 30 Measure of 24 Afternoon area (ab.) 31 On account (ab.) 32 Supplicate 35 Small particle 37 Musical note 38 Him 39 First man 42 Not fast 45 Too 49 Vase 50 Iridium (symbol) 51 Electrified particle 52 Dined 54 Units of measure ly 10 A 1 a. is•easo RW0-1•;10•1S ION n NU woes. wo .1nMwer lu l'revtouN 1'urrle T R U M P SE 4LR Q A.D g E 1N T ATME��cN a E'E O S',': P L O T 0c,,kr`1T:ioQ 1 LT R 0 iBE,N�NTE YY ; S:XL _pL NG. a -• -' t4M. 6[N. T I SR OQT; GEE GE R - 1i1RAlti1L`ft 25 Knock 41 Against 26 Arrival (ab.) 43 Place 28 Also 44 Native metals 29 Cured hog 46 Italian money thigh 47 Shortly 33 Provide with 48 Upon weapons 53 Erbium 34 Ybtt (Bib.) (symbol) 35 Exclamation 54 Frequency 36 Beverage modulation 39 Symbol for (ab,) gold 55 Palm lily 90 Pull 56 Jumbled type Z 3 4 5 6 7 9 9 110 BIZ f'413 h , iq ; �9r:,rl/2' 15 19 2411 3Z J3 3i 56 For 39 40 41 57 His orchestra 49 is made up of -----s 52 VERTICAL 1 Bucket 2 Suggestion 57 I,1 tsiPityi 444:31 35 3b 38 1 42 43. 4'f r; '41, 47 48 Nt.� y ,rf'sf • `"yc51 �, so e. 54 55 d: 5G {(lf 53 THE SPORTING THING "1 told you not to walk thru that fence!" POP—A Vacancy VOICE OF THE PRESS Saluting S,alutint; of officers will be con- tiutu d in Canada's army. it is a part of the discipline 11 hid, in turn means efficiency. That its aboli- tion should have been suggested is carrying democracy a little bit be- yond the limit. —fort Arthur News -Chronicle. ]sigh Cost of Destruction it's a queer old world, with strange modern ideas. A world in which mullions and millions of dol- lars are being spent in learning whether atomic bombs have reached the point where they can destroy the world. —St. Thomas Tittles- In Fact, Strainer A native of India has a at -inch moustache, It must he quite a strain —especially during the soup course. —Kitchener Record. They Dig It Up A lot of folk who say they have buried the hatchet, always remem- ber where they put it. —London Free Press. Canadian Illiteracy You cannot call Canada a literate nation when her motorists cannot read "No Parking" or "School— Go Slow" signs. —Quebec Chronicle -Telegraph. LIFE'S LIKE THAT Outmoded Virtues A Liirillebi executive rays the greatest asset of the working giri is personality. Competency, willing- ness and bring 00 time in the morning ;are just old•fasliioned vir- tues, —Saskatoon Star -Phoenix. Hot and Cold Furs It is raid that, as the result of thefts, there are a huge number of hot furs. They can't be the ones women wear during the heat waves. Those unlet be cold furs. •--'1 oronto Star. Most Often Wrong A dictionary is a book to which you refer after an argument over how to spell a word—only to find out you were wrong. —Guelph Mercury. Likely Well -Founded Then there are girls who suspect father must have kissed mother a day or two before they were mar- ried. —Brandon Sun. Hurtful Extremism Extremism injures rather than helps even the best of causes. Jew- ish Zionists in a New York parade walked behind a Union Jack be- smirched by a super -imposed Nazi Swastika. —St. Catharines Standard. riiii,v!!!! v/ill!/,!(/ f/ / %US MODERNS. By Fred Neher "I think she's a gold digger .. , first word she said was 'daddy'!" MUTT AND JEFF—JUST ANOTHER MATTER OF "LEND LEASE" JEFF, WHERE DID YOU GET THAT UMBRELLA? �.....-- V� _.._.. WC, BUTYOU �I KNOW' v JEFF ,LET ME ETTIN'WET! r MY HAT Wis AIN'T THAT'S WHAT'S FOLD 1'NE GETTIN WET. Gob' A ENGRAVED SISTER! ON THE UMBRELLA! HANDLE! IT'S BETTER THAT WAY)/ MUTT, I THINK IT'S BETTER IF T AOLD THE UMBRELLA! OUR LEGS ARE GETTIN' ALL WET! Nature Still Working Fanners in Ontario are reported to be in better hopes of a bumper crop than they have been for many years. At least mother nature hasn't gone on strike. —1lamilton Spectator. Spread It Around An economist says that only half - a -dozen men in the world under- stand money. Perhaps if the stuff were more general, understanding would be more widespread. —Peterborough Examiner, Latest Models And in the back of the dream house, it scans, is a mirage lvherc the veteran can keep his car. —Winnipeg Tribune, "DAYLUTE" DUST A specially developed and highly effective fungicide for daytime dust- r„on potatoes, pumpkins, cucunt- rs, tomatoes, melons, sugar beers and squash. Does not require dew to compete its'reaction, Contains 7';, metallic copper content with tri- basic copper sulphato as the active ingredient. 'Trademark Regd, A"GREEN CROSS"FIELD LEADER PRODUCT 11 1 Sweet CANADA'S STANDARD PIPE TOBACCO 115 By BUD FISHER I KNOW BUT MY t.EGS %��-'-/ ,» %'""//, i t►.. - : FORTYYEARS ,'��� �/ ? OLD AND / �// :MYHAT�,— IS BRAND fit/. NEW! • HAS YOUR HOME TOWN ST1" 40T A VI LLAt3E I DIOT REG'LAR FELLERS—Doubly Protected HELP ME 'TAKE M15TER. FIVETUN'S PANT* To TH' TAILORS AN' I'LL SPLIT T1-115 DIME. WITH VA ' I DON'T KNOW T LEFT V ARG AGO 1 By J. MILLAR WATT (Released by The Dell Syndicate, tie.) By GENE BYRNES OW OH I TH' WI1OLE- GA5•HDUSi: GANG 15 AROUND TO' CORNER. AN' THEY'RE AFTER U5' SHUT UP AN' KEEP YER. HEAD DOWN PAGE 8 THE STANDARD Imenverventiglomainitaimitiovegmscr' tevettatmoilvo-- '11 PERSONAL INTEREST Doherty Bros. 'Summer Holiday Needs We have just received a Shipment of Play Shoes, including Canvas, Elastic & Plastic Sandals. Men's and Boy's Camp Shoes. Boy's and Men's Swim Trunks, Ladies' Bathing Suits and Caps. Ladies' and Children's Slacks. ., Olive McGill NI rs N. .-. • , NI rs. tia.th I b.bh\•tt and little riMatiliDINDtPeDINI/t2talan))1ViX);20****MnilliNDITANNIMNDInDhlt714tAMMINIfer. , I koitaid rdward, returned t„ their k4:441,.4.1,,144.4"144.4•41'+1444.1•44.*:"1.4.•:'•re.'efi-•.:•+.1.•.1.i•oe+.1..1.01.0...1.•*eoe.:4'..*:', I 1.1, Inc I!1 I .( iltl.'n last Stintl.ty. \I is, Irene I Itille\• has t•eturned home .: " ! from VIN'I:.III.; relative, in Poi t Elgin 0 :!. .. and List wed NIr. Norman Sinclair silent se \ eral days last neck in \Vindsor. Master lottalt1 Tunney is vi-iting his grandpa' ems, NI r. and NIrs. Thomas NI illcr, of Brussel,. Ir. I 1reen, Mi•s Elliott, and Miss :sheer. of 1 oronto, visited o(td. the v; ( els-end \\ ith NI r,. E. Oster. NIr. and NIr• N. \V. lyle have been etijo•Ing holida!, in London, Paisley ;old llogie's IIea(sh. 1 I NH- Alma Rockett of \Vintls r is 1 . visit:n.4 her parents, NIL and \lr. .\I - lit Stead. I NIL .\ rthur Sims of Toronto is vis- / jting \\ ith friend, in Myth and Sea - forth. 1 Nlis, Ella Sharpe of Toront,., spent ' eel; at the home of hie !,iIII.C1., - Super' „ orge lost \\ L't'k at the holm'r. and NI r•. STORES -- NIL and Mrs. ( ieorge Fear and Mr. • an ! Mrs. Cameron \\;a1,11 simitt Civic !el Orange Marmalade . . . 24 fluid oz. jar 29c I I olitlay wed; Nidgdra Falk ' 1 Diced Beeis or Diced Carrots . 2 20 -oz, tins 19c 441 NIrs. I ltil 1 ut-ker of .\ rthur, \ Lite(' - :1 SPECIAL COFFEE OFFER ? over the \\ eek -end \\ ith NI rs. I leorge 1 Nabob, Maxwell House, Chase and Sanbcrn, Red Rose, 1 lb. bag 43c .e. cilhiwi.ii. .4 . Wilsen's Fly Pads . . . , .. Per Pkg. 10c ::I: \ I .r. an ; Nit's. 1 /obit\ it and Nay, vis- r3t lee," • "- Fly Coils ......... .. 2 coils 05c ?ited in Ne\\ Miry, last Sunday, \\ 1111 till' Fly Spray and Sprayers. .0 1. ormer's ,ist,r, NI rs. 'truce Eletcher. GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For International - Harvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing. 44,1 41,P4Ped. A. L COLE R.O. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN GODERICH ONTARIO. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted, With 25 Years Experience will he at R. D. PHILP'S DRUG STORE BLYTH, ONTARIO. NEXT VISIT WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. TELEPHONE 20 R. D. PHILP'S DRUG STORE FOR APPOINTMENTS. 1 Kellogg's All -Bran zc ..arge rkcg. Cream of Wheat . . (Qu:ck Cockinl) Pkg, 25c '.: NIr.- .•\• Mad.`11.1<illditlu "1' is vse (.hat - Royal Yerk Orange Pekoe Tea .. half IS. pkg. 38c , \vorth iiting hr daughter and Minute Gelatine . . Per Pkg. 17, :: ,i'll-ii1-1:m, Mr. and NIrs. R. D. Philp, , t CANNING SUPPLIES .:and family. Crown Fruit Jars, Memba Seals, Red Rubber Rings, Zinc Jar Rings, ..: 1 \l1. •'1111 \I r•'• (411d n 1 'main'. Glass Jar Tops, Certo, Certo Crystals, Parowax, Jelly Jars, .1:4,' Mrs. Flick, Marjorie and Pat, all of All At Low, Popular Prices. PICKLING SUPPLIES Vinegar, White Wine and Cedar; Pickling Spices. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. PIONEER AND LIFETERIA FEEDS. Prant ford, spent a \\ eel; with Nit. and t Mrs. I. Iltil. \Ir. and NI rs. I I. NI urr, \\*roNeter.. NI r. and NI rs, I.. NIurr, Rosemary and . , 4. Jimmie, 1 e,to\%el. \verk.' Sunday or• \\ ith NI r. and rs. II. I Itilley. 1N. Ic; s. n. • 4 We Deliver. -- E. S.R013INSON. -- Phone 156 NIL and Irs. S. IIden and rr „I I faow, formerk.• of Windsor, ' visited the latter's uncle, lr. C. T. ! Dohbyn, last \\....ek. 1 NIr. and Mrs. Leslie P.'plest ine and • childt•en, of Lon.lon, •pent the day week -end with NI N. S. A. Greeting Cards Headquarters for Greeting Cards of All Descrip- tions. Gift Wrappings for All Occasions. Seals. Visit our Magazine Stand. All the Popular Maga- zines are to be found here. Spare Issues of the Toronto Star Weekly and The Montreal Standard (Weekly) are Available. For a Birthday Gift give a nice Picture - 35c. 1 The Standard Book Store • NI r. James Nie\\•conthe has returned t'' his home in Ne \rad:, N.J., after visiting relatives and frieuds in ) :Master Donald Haim's, son of Mr. -2 and NI rs, Cteorge 1 hint's had his tonsils and adenoids itt ttie NV11112,11•1•11 1 10!1•11:11 011 NIrs. CI, 0. Bradley of Fort LINIstIN .1.#.#4,P•14 SPECIAL THIS WEEK. VEAL HOME-MADE RING BOLOGNA. HOME -RENDERED BULK LARD 18c PER LI3. Delivery, Wednesday and Saturday. H. dawn Butcher, Phone 10, Blyth. 1111111113 I I I Wednesday, August 11,191d 14 11. 6 1 •. I .6 1 II . 1141.114.1.4 L A 1111 Insecticides & Mothicides NVe cart! \• a complite line of Products \\ jilt kli11.1 tl) 111(:(1`, \ltli, Hit D.D.T. SPRAY (MAKES 2 GALLONS) . 2-4-D WEED KILLER BUG KILLER, 5 LBS. ARSENATE OF LEAD TOMATO DUST TAT ANT TRAP FLOWER SPRAY, WITH D.D.T,. 2 -WAY SCREEN PAINT BUG BLITZER LARVEX MOTH CRYSTALS MOTH BLOCKS FLY SPRAYERS . $2.00 75c 30c 1 LB. 20c, 4 LBS, 70c 35c 30c 30c 59c AND 98c $3.98 83c 49c 10c AND 25e 35c R D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER -PHONE 20, an..1=,XerSIKNA,Dgina.9XAILI UNCIPPOSIVIteibli4tOCCKtStC1{141CCIVCIIVVV4%::Z.VXICK:•ZtiNtCVC.1...!:tZ'w..".41VC.4".:te.v.ZI,ZWV/ V LOUNGE FU We offer a pleasing Variety in Studio Lounges, fit- ted with Spring -filled Mattresses and Cushions, covered in Attractive, Durable Fabrics. For downright comfort, try one of our Lounge Chairs. Upholstered in high grade Velour CONTI'S, they are built to last a lifetime. A wide selection of Occasional Chairs in good covers, at popular prices. A call will convince you of the many excellent values we are offering. • Home Furnisher - Phones 7 and 8 - Funeral Director. .11 thlt1011)116:011)))**NrnittatrtarrAra9NDMaailiDe-A:.1411:1:::ZIDi'21::;',)11V.V.I.41*-..242.•,Z.:;',:.;*?,DeliZIN 4.04' es: _ • Ont., and little children, Poln•''t .....'"*“.•••-••••``"! - • - r ...! • nruce and Bonnie SII7a1111, Vs Ilt) 11:1V0 I ,...,....a. ......... 61•14. .11 .11.1.14 1 1 1.11111 I... I ILI ..1 • II ‘.1 41 hi:411 N:k.:ting Willi the frriner's moth- '. e3 = er, \IN. Sadie ()ruing, and other Nery Sltiiii)I(!s Are In - frien Is. ka• als t been visiting in 1.11cknoiv with her hrt,ther, Hugh, and WE ARE PLEASED TO AN• - I. wife, and in Palnier,ton, with Jerry', 5131.1 IICE 'THAT OUR parents, .NI r, and Mrs. \\*. NI. Itt•ad- ley, before returnittg! to their home. NEW SAMPLES QF - NI r. and Mrs. \\'. J. Manahan and datuditer, 111 ra .11111, 1 rs. John lief iron, and t rs. Simon Manahan \\ ere at Wa,aga Beach, l idland, Vic - tilt Harbour, \Vall:erton, and also ! • • 1 14114 •I I• I • )444444-44:43:4 A++ 4.44:4444:44:44:44:4 0:11+ 4:4 44+ 44 11:4 4;4++ 4:44:4 *414 4444 4:441 .84 li• +:* 184 4444 1:4 4144 4:1 4:4 46:41 I. i i t e (I Ills Mart vr Shrill, ''\'''1' thc -t' c diday week -end. i LIONS! . LIONS! I,IONS! :. \ isitors 1.. Hi N! i-", Ella and Cath- %3 li . V. .1 • It r i• + t'!"•11.'. ""1.1.'t 111'd w`ick "re. Mr. •\• ! MODERN WAY OF REMOVING 1. Pater ,,f I Limit:tonMC, NI r. John 1:. ,N1c• I i re. ,,:,:;...0,:.,;!.•, .. I s ti, .P., NI iss Nay NIcKettiie It of Valiccuivcr, It. „ Mr. A. C, Mc- ; WALLPAPER. + ,,,,„,.,, i'". --.?..:: '• ( PAINTS AND ENAMELS • :: Kenzie, of Kingston, Mr. W. I. Pat- I i crsnn, of Ineknow, . W ...., -4, s.• Mr. and NIrs. Howard Augustine atm THE SECOND ANNUAL SUMMER FROLIC ;• s -ii. Jim. of Ritkr,eway, accompaMed = ,. by the former's mother, 'Mrs. Fred te: of the ..., A-11,glIstille. allit .stel.. NillIk1111e. • * • t t, i 4 Port Erie, spent last \veek with NI r. F. C. ... BLYTH LIONS CLI1B .:. , ..1.. r ant rN.1 rasM.(1;errgstf (-1.(‘!vn;s11.1;11 (*.twat' a ild • LONDESBORO: son, jiy. . 1 •:tratford, spen.; the ; Phone 37-26' r! I. week -en -I with NI r. an ; \tr, I ;corgi. -Ls,. (A ...., ...,• (.. . . ,:, will be held in the „:, (*mull and Mrs. Robert WiLduntan, 64 t. thrY Wen: arC01111)al(i011 licffile 1).Y their +414 1 4, AGRICULTURAL PARK, BLVFI-I d :t :, aughtt.rs, Jud•th and Connie, wit i V an's e have h.,,,i, vi, th,,, their gra mbitrent- 1 i.•_*; on the evening of+,t, for the pa t two \\ eelo. ,.: 41 I Sunday ("Illers a! the home of NI r 1 . BAKERY. •4. Th •,.. ::and N1rs. liet.rge Co\\ an \\ ere Mr. and " NI rs. Leslie Dalgli. 'II and daughter,. rt 44 ursdaY, August 15t :::,:ii.,,,, Cuddle-, an : children, all 1,1 WI-IEN IN NEEI) OF f-..: lattice and Nam!, and NIL and NI r• . .1 ! Stratford. .-. ... x , • BREAD, BUNS, PIES, and :•••. I 1. CI. C.1.10111•11 of • A FULL NIGHT OF ENTERTA1NIIIENT & FUN .., Innerkip, an•I Jack C..1clough . f I., 1.- . y . HOME-AIAI)E CAKE !,.,; and Nip-. I.. O. NEllcr of tt• °It COOKIES .. GAIIIEf.l• - BINGO - BOOTHS. .: 1.,, derich, Mr. aml Mrs. Clar,•,1.•.• NI il- b . REMEMI3ER A: ler of ( sod...rich, v, ere visit..rs v. i,:i Mr-. ! 4, OIJTSTANDING OPEN -Alit CONCERT I ( I 1 1 , .:4 .:0.,...oug.... 4 ..i.. Mr. an i Mr-. A. Penthleton and BALL GAMES AND OTIIER Al"PRACTIONS. ,s, Jackie and Edwartl, of Lond.dt, Mr. . 4 1 414 ;Ind Rivers, Strat ft.rd, spent ' "TIIE 110ME 13AKEItY" 9.' MUSICAL CONCERT BY BLYTII LIONS .,:: 4,. ,t. I I:. H. T. VODDEN. BOYS AND GIRLS BAND ,,ii,, thi. tin hold., art! Mr. 'Ikons HURO BLYTH --- ONTARIO. 4.4 44 a I EXCELLENT FOOD - GOOD SERVICE Meals at All LL ours. SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS FRANK GON HAVE ARRIVED. Your Choice in a Full Range of Beautiful Designs In a Wile Variety of Prices. OF FIRST QUALITY. G I". Proprietor .•+++ ++:4 4..:4 •••• 1 41 44411 1 1 • • III I 11.13.1. I 11. • • I • 11 1114J16 116 •6111.1111.11111411.1 •And11.4...481.1•“••••1411C41.4 if C IC SEE OUR MANY NEW NEEDS FOR THE HOME AND FAMILY. bargai E ▪ At Wendy's 50 to $1.0 Sore I .4 .1st .1 14 .6 L WI.. 61 .4 1-- ATTENDED TROUSSEAU TEA ' A number of ladie.• from Myth at- tended a trusseati tea Oven by NI rs. j.tiite I ct ;ill of Clinton on Saturday, for her (laughter, Helen, \dm is short- ly to be married, rs. NdeCtill rect•ived the titie• ts. The gifts and It cusseau were titlit - ed by the bride -elect and her sistyr, Nliss Icathleen NIct ;ill. Pottrir uta itt the aftern 1n wereivet' 1 vo of NI \ I c - Gill's cousins. NI rs, A. C. Andt•rs ,11, , London, and NIrs. \\iatle, Itelgrave ' and in the e \Tilingtwo more con,i11,, NI rs. \\'. J. Douglas, Idicknow, an I NIrs. \\'. NI, 1 1(mry' Myth, The as• si•tants were Nlisst•s I Idyll 0realis and Jo.Nnoc Unningliame. 14,14 Open -Air Dancing To A Good Orchestra. • Jitney, and Old Time. Good Dance Floor. • •1 • 3 ••••+ 4 -- GRAND DRAW -- FOR $200.00 IN PRIZES Draw to be made at Mid -night the night of Frolic. Entire Proceeds for Welfare and Service Fund. COME AND HELP US TO IIELP TIIOSE WHO CANNOT I-IELP THEMSELVES. See Large Bills For Further Particulars. granddatight..r's, tN1r. and NIP.. J. J. Sims and 'laugh- + ter, Linda, N1r. ;Ind NIrs. A. :I: der of 'I oronto, s.lent the holiday .1. week -end in Grand Pend and Dash- 4' w i,t1! . ' :`1 T.'. 1"Hit'lq ni itelgrilvt'' 1' vt'ittllt' Nlis:; Gladys (or is spending a few 44 NI r. and Mr,. Is:mm(111 Cowan an 1 hr tti!!ce, NIrs, Hosford. • days at Shakesneare with NIrs. ('rirar ;i: children .,1 Midland art! eni.tying lidi- ' and Mr. and NI rs. I ;eorge NI e NI illan. \ 1 ',-. and. NI rs. 1 letiry I I unking, lett- 4. flay; with rekoiye . in this dish jct. ' nett, titid Nt „floret iterti. i, , ,ipt,,tt suit_ Rev. J. L. II. and Mrs. Henderson .1 : On Tuesday, accompanied by it i• par- day with Nit.'„ otittitt att!,1! Eiwarti. will be visiting relatives in Highgate ..1: (tilts, M r. and NI rs. (;(...re... Cowan, \Ir. 1 CO 111,131.111ek and \Ir. 1<enneth from Thursday until Saturday. 4..• they left for Port C. 11)..rne,' where ic!;11,, 44 1 inillit„.11,,r, ,\ ha:: wit ., hio., Visitors at Trinity Church Rectory , , .'• I - • 'ill 'isit for• c d . ' . f 1 . I. t 1 t " ‘ 4, -nnt t' .1)'• ! huen helping! Mes•rs. Georl.ze and ("1 M"ittlaY ‘`i'ilit' the Rev. i! 11. "lid ' .,, Mr. and -Iirs• A11"" (." `v. Nit' and Orval NIcGow an returned home on Mrs. Jame', of \Villghalll. and 1111 \Veil- ..:. x Mrs. Ernest Gow, 1?.alph ,!ttill NItirray, 1 Monday., nesday, Canon J. N. II. and Nit, it ills .. Woodstock, spent Or' week -end anti ' of I<:itcht'ner. t.1.• 1 I t n v Civic Holidav \yid)* NIr. and NIrs, W. NII's• \Vehster and Nfrs. Taylor of , Lawrence Nesbitt, 3rd line of lit • St. Helens visited \vith NIrs. Albert !,,, .... m,. \ I wan \\•tikii iiii mittim, at !ii with m rit. I n'a wa '1! nth is at the new A Imlica ti .t. Mr. and Mrs. (In '4' Stumm 'amp, smith of Ila 3•field, ..i: Eris, Bonnie Pn.1 N rum, Mrs. !ann.; .. \Vchster's granddaughter, \Its. Aubrey ' I old I 1 lie I•s!\•• R. NI. \V (11 former 4. Crcrar, Shakespeare, Mrs. J. \\'ilson, ir. and Nit's. Franl<lin Bainton and EAST WAWANOSH PERSONAL INTEREST NI r. Andre‘v Snell of littIntrit spent the Iveel:-end with NI r. John NI ills. rs..'\ lbert Ilrighant and 1.:11:(1, sp(utt a few days visiting relatives and friends in Toronto, +4:1444011,144:44:4414:61 4141 o:444 4444 44 44 4444 4.1444.4 441461444 4444444 44 1:441 4:41 44444 44 1:4 0144144 13 S Pent th . Civic Holiday with Miss Nlild-ed Charter is ting Cden)ce, in holidaying- at Ittegie's Wednedaywith ' L • ani I)"nna Miss Betty Pocock,Hespeler, spent Mr. and Scott her friend, Miss daughter, of Gorric. spetit \Vednesday I from her operation in 1Vingham - (laying \vitli their grandparents M GOW I; recovering nicely Helen and Murray Duffif•Id arc ho'i- 1 \nth NItss Annie Ball near Clinton. 0\m,I.inss G.tady.s I !teach. Blake of Colborne Daphne Dawson, in Blyth. ship is vesting with her uncle and pital. and Mrs. \Vin. Fear. aunt, Mr. and Mrs. K. Whitmore. :51101W011714r,:'.. •,) .„. EDITH CREIGHTON'S DECORATOR'S SHOPPE PHONE 158, BLYTH. Reel r .•f rinity Church, is holiday - int; \\•ith NI ris. \V(elsc:!, and I'llaittp, at 14:11111. :tint is 111) v :ding old friends in tov.11. ArrENDEL- BLACK KNIGHT CELEBRATION IN I-IANIILTON .1(•scr. Robert \Vall.t.se, Antal Sel- lers, Wenn 0i1c-on and Thomas Gras - by attended the animal Mack Eniglit Wei -anon \\ It'clt this ,y(.:tr \\ as hel I in the City of Hamilton on Saturday, August 10111. ,1ceording to".... \Val - lace the celebration was an outstand- ing success. I