HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1946-07-24, Page 1VOLUME 56 - NO. Is. A(1yl .t 7111' • I ;3*.i. • ,y. ft; A y I sill - " `r. 111r-,;Iln!l, ()lot IILYTI-I, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, MI6. Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. Main StreetAhnost11(15 (f)N'1'ICONTRCTGOESGOES Back 'F() LOCAL MAN To Gravel Sii.'fEie Again„1111 \1 ,,,,,,,,,i •e!I a.:1 „,,,,.h ,.,.,,„, \till ir.ln-felt Ili'11 -rel of children to an] frill\ their I. Ill- t„ 1'„ll , ; tt at 1itl,lllt„ 1111'11 of Ill(' 1 \,i! \\:II,'!Ic l 1 ( lint..((, Iwt.t 111111!:: till!! the 1,111 leen, \\it!t irtter1',t t1'' l''':I'r of Ii',' Iliad1 I !lace !,rill Irl. ,Intl of intl•r1•t Ilnt ill}• iiioWilllir ('lllb Orlranize(1 thoronghfar' of the \illage by a slit'\\ L'iV'iIIUSiAS'1'IC MEETING FIELDII, lite 1,0 ta,lt \ir. frit.,'; ('!!i tt. cif 111111 frons the Ilell,lrtm nt , f I li:�h- , a 111Th him. :nld f"r I!:e pa -1 1!,111 la l \ neat of 11,, SATURDAY NIGI-1.1' way, ,l wuuli-t n. t I , 1'0 . ;ill rnlplllt re at (b' Provincial tar 1111, Hopp'! oil with ere,di..it i Parliament I;ii Alin_'-, •I rt'lll't, ba• stun', ;11111 'lilt.'" it', al'; I!,.!l' n 11'1'' ; C'CNTRIIIU'I'IONS THANKFULLY i hill"' 1 ,11'"''.•--fllllt' for the route saner busier„ lulu hate \'1111(1 wii'.l: RECEIVED 111111,1•'1 It1011 ,lit'! I'li!!tllll ntis.giVin;;, the clo'lul• of dm,t that fol- \Ir. I•:Iliull \till :Ihu 1'per,ll.' ill( Sal-' low in Ilse \Vaie of t.Viri flet ling loot- 1 • 0 `ert i •i 't:ItiuI, tit.% mil ht. \I r. Orl,t that tl'a\lir,, - the main -Irl 1't. .\11 uillllll,',l,t,i tlley'inn of butyl- K,^s Solt. llrlleefield, \\11'.11 11.1< \In111 of ill, Ili,( i• fit,l:n.' .1, \\,I',' iI- \t,!, held at the 11,!1 green on (*lured (luring the war, ;Int! .th'cll \till in-illt of Ihi •t'n' all 1 11111.in.', 11 Saturdat night, 111l\ 211th, wit' about' 1 he rt. -o•'. tie 1 a'ltielt .\mi.fmt iS !I. gt'lll•raliV II11'.'..liltl'rtal le I u 1• ,tor,' 1; 110 ('1 1. L;lt\II Itt.\lh!Ig! 11'1, hl'l'11' Mr. 1'!I'.( 11 ' permed the .1'111 11 for lieepe^r,. Ills' dm'. li l t'(t 1111(1 111 ,I lore"ttvll •'1. rt \lilt.(• (hiring the pot sella (wit. 111th\\' 111 glt!Ilt.' In 'I ur„Ilt '. nlahin,g ('111' 'x;nnine CR' ,mrfai i ' f ve,u- ,,nil a half, allhi itL li ,cine 1'n- i Ur 11th 11!, \\ if(' trill 1't' ItiVitl Niel: "the plain (Ira'," a 1 '.Ile 11 IF t\ t'I tilt-i;l't, Have kept their iutcre-t in to I11)111 he re lou \\lyre Il,er \\ ill the rather art' nn, iii;g fin ling, that Hit. game ;(live by ;iltending the odd be ttarntly' \telrotneti by oil friend-. the Bigg i t p Ilion 117, b",'ll ru•tn•-. tl'nrllan,vIIt in other r1tttrts. \ - fared, and in a tta: til t u !- n 'tt lit- -I by ont'onI' of the nt't tifig (till he tic better than tilt. I.r�lin,lrt grat'i I '1 eon,'1111•1! „Hurt It' 1'11 the (;rein •ill Lon 1)I('11le'1lo-f1iiV (t.1111111'5- ruad, so lar a, dal i• tomtit rtlt''1' !,,tel' for I) w'ling this year a, il'tfrkly (lay) At Sea l'()1•111. Con,taW' 1, .\. (111;111 1' III tl 1111.111- a, 11 -,11'1t•, ;In'! \(*til this in Vit.\\, val.- i 111,'1 i vir,ll n' .i,loneln. nl- the (cat-' :I, in 1111•1( II, (1' Ili'-t;it ItC; 11(,1.1- ' 1.,1!, 1111'11 \\•,,,.,. ;1111.I.IIIt, 11 tl h'iik 111\'1' member, of the 111\ill 11.•11.. CHI), iug the street. lel, until this kat. the /I, tail, ill runnertion oilh the grcclt. Ilivir L11nilie,, ;lull :ill t;!'-1 1.11 pt strict tt•as ,((1l•t regularly 'Vitt.( 11'11,. I I't 1 , I action is 11.1Ictl for by these ! 11ritolt'd in ih1 \lin,t'•rl `l'u'st., ,doll'; Abort ,Ill tll:,l can 1'r :ti t Ian\t' mein. .\.1'u, ,lei tl1't' I' -t o1 at Ivied 211 1 It 1 ! - , \11111 Llell' falll'I'r-, \,...p:'',� ylllny .iii ;It-, is the tyti grater, that run al'n': 1!„'1'1',r, icts bevtt I!utll till, 111,! in I t'rnoin picnic ;It the S,aiir'b 1.1 apt. t'1t itt side ill the `t•ert. 11:' 1 e.1. -e• ll'' Ilrn,t.l't'll\t' 1111'tllbl'1• l' ',ark, ih1, ;I tt'!moon 1'l lr,l•-Ill's 1. ..111The village trill so n ha"c til r;1!se :1 111.1rrie.l 111'111, (,huh (Wt11(1 meati ;litirroon of •1,or1.., ..11;111111;11,.5„mil a plea for a rt-sttt laying job on \ '. 1 -111 I. (1 11 1's. 1';l picnic supper. \Vitt feature1the (eat', Ilfehway from one viila.'it.!illi! to the \I r. 1irorge \Ic\sail tl,l, chairman ;iiliVitit... .\bout lift, i;ittltcs \\ill other, f the niecti11 • t 1'C intent! el1 111 lift outing. Officers Elected -•__\'_.-_ W. 11'I S. i\leetiiig Moved by K. 11•llitnore and Cert et I.icn15 Icolic 1)Iltc' l S iii ll' til it Harold \ uthltn he Pre,i The rtgular lily meeting of Ilie i:tit. \Intiitt c:t"ric.l. The Project ;Ill! I'inanr' 1' intuit - United Church \\'.M.S. \ta• held in \loved 1'y li,,r(!nn I•:Ilio(( ;1!11 1• .\. tet., \\*tth Co" r',' \It•\,111, a. eonV'nor, ilte school rutin( of the Cliiii'rtt. •I ht' t Cott an that I.1',, \aftcl be Vice -Pres- null with ll'' cx''rttiivi of tilt Itlytll theme of the 1111'lting \,1, "1'l'' !!only idr11t. \Iotion carried. Liens ChM on lite -lav 'Venin., (01- \I lesion \\•oil: of the \\•tinlan', \I i,_\I' veil 1') K. \\'bill\ 1'c and 11. \'lid- .Il'wing the girl, softball lir.', ;111 1 set ,innary Society." \Ir-. Marshall 6111 Ile:! that Gordon .\ugu,tinr be Serve I'I!Ilr,iI;iv, :\ug;u,l I;tll, a- tit' flat(' charge of the program. The meeting, t;1t1''I'rtasnrrr. carried. for the anntut1 Lon, Troll(•. 1-t vit.,. ipuna (Pith "(1 Canada." Villi -President \11th sum:te ted Its Lion ,'rank Ii;linton took charge of Mrs. \l;lr lutll gave us \IIs. I.ovvy's Ili! lit !)t' able to relit a power roller the meeting in the ;11' -'Iter of Pre•i- challenge, "Let the church 1'i c tip in for the green, this to be left it lits(1t nt N irtn. Garrett. The Prof'' 1 and it's pow ir to meet the 1-11,1' that en- hand,, I:itt,lnit committee bail met on IHly dangers our heritage." I lvtttlt 252 v.:(', , The President a:; reed to sec \\III, till for the ItIti'ti•r of arra teen ! coni - sung. Mrs. III die gave 11, a report l Haney, of \\'i»)atant, re ievelling and ud'lees. and 1''1'11 r';1"rt \t:u road sults of the (tattle hivur h,'s;rtal ;It .111)er-floating the green. accepted 1'y the executive. ta, of t\hich Dr. Sheridan i; ,uptrin- 11 \\. I. 1lall,lhan and Tames !)1'n- Lion Bert Ta kyr acted a, -eeretary titltit'»t. \Ir•,. I3nig''altl toll! 11s about holm \tel'e ;iplitiltttt'd to ,tet' 1'. Intl((\-(tf the Illt't'lilttl ill till' ;Il),t'tit'i ill 1.1 It. 51. Patti', lit),1 it.11 set hila••( ill \I;111 - fm,cr and \loses 1htltzhattcr regard- Sce,tta"y Jilin 1lender-on. The int'st tuna, 'Airs. \eat•>i1;11i till ;1110111 tel' III:! (1 'irk oft the green. i urgent 11111'o!I ill \b1' Illrel'llg It t'. ntll' Indian Mission wail. in Canada. \I 1'k. t It was moved by I. .\. Cowan tit ;till to ll'' cifect 11111 the 1'l!!!, , ternary llilb;n•n told of the effort, of t m 1 (. It. \\•;tt,(in, that Gorden 1?Iliott ;t•- be fn•trtn•tt,! to )% rite a lyticr to ail church at Lenten ('reel:, Itritisll Co- rutg' to have a load 1 f shit;tbie earth committee conven't's set 111) ly the ltttllbt;(, :t repatriation centre for 1,1- placed at the green for levciting intr. I'nitieet (ollttiti'(v(', informing Own pane,' Canadian-. hoses. Carried. of their respective duti'<, and also The l't•esidi itt tytnllttittct(1 1111( the giving them ;t list of their committee Fees Set and Membership C�nunit(ce members, with instructions titin' to 't in- \\'.\I•S. ‘Will cutrrt;tin the \li>siun A ointed Itand at their next !t;''h 11, :\ugn,t I•t p to lrliun 111 onrr. I': !1'h committee i; l,lth. \\'r \Nulla like to '1'r all the -mine di-'tt •:on it 111•,!•, Ili v"d left in full charge (.1 various\,bars members present. \Visitoor_, It ;tltlsl\', by K. \Vhitnlorc and !.. \aftel tl'atof tet' 1:r0 .,1; tycicunl,, ll'' fit for joulfng the club for the re- \- -v ! main't'r of the season h' sit tit l-1.110. 1,rrie:I. i\'I11 l'1'ia2'e Announced S'11O1;17 111,O'C1<S )ZOihl) mired by Ks \\'bitnore and L. N;Iff- :\Illi\?\'!' - 11111\S'fll\-The mar - EAST v \ Olt At11>I1.r>ttN Iia 1!111 1. A. (.:0\\;111,11t, Ilrrt Gray ;Ila' ri:at• is 1nt!ont •t' l of \Ir:-. I'ttby �Jame.1.,.\vtie be ;tpl'tit,tvd as ;t num:- john -ton, I1l tet, ( htClrio, to I:egi- 'I'he dotvnto!Ir of rain Miring the bership committee. Carrit'il. i:il i U. lira.:( nt, +'f \Vell;i»d, Gi!t:t"io. severe electrical ,turn( on I'ri.!ay af- \ lot eil by Gordon Flue(( and L \. The in irri•lue ct•rtantiny war , Ientn- ternoon ipellet1 trouble for many alt t- Co- In that George \Ir\,tl!, lames hied in \\',tt'r(lotln, I,y the Rey. \I r. mists travelling the rotinly road he-, Drub Int, \\'. ,i. ILdkthan and Stuart \liter', (wren Iie\•Ill and (flint'iiel\. (1111111vl:t,hllt`oil be greens i,ititllllttl't Car--"`t.---- road men ha\.e been httsv for some rich. Lngat;'elilellt Announced (illi' wid'niiw at'I straightening the Moved 1'V Gordon FIlietl and 1... I'hc cnga rnuut is ;unlounrrd of hill \vest of Attlearn' and even in dry \\'ltitnntri that 1, B. \Vat,ott see \Vitt. \lard l'it t i it, it i' r It Il' It. C. weather a ,gt'od inch of Ilu,t lays lin J 'H ill ;thin putting, Ihc, hods in I 1\'1'i• ala the 1111 \i Is. i\'Cir, 1'.f \u- ille toad surface. The heavy rain cool! condition, tarried. burn, to \I r. 11111 l .11e'x,utl'r Mae - turned the road stir fdee int'., 1 null':-� \hived by George \Ir\all tint! G''t'''linni, son 1f \Ir, ;old \Ir,. !ohs! NI ac - mire of 11111(, and i1!;'l11t,t; emit both (1nit 1:„11..„•• 11'•11 til' (lith try to \111\•1' i\;1\', t1f !tt!'l:!11, tttt lllal'I'I'I1 i I/ 111.1 cast and wi.; 101titc stuck in the the (•!11th House spray -painted, lir. place on .\ngust IUtll, 11)11,. "got.,". The sert ices 1 f tttn 1 111rt 1 \IeNsell dt'n,tliti ;I gallon of paint for i County jeeps was rt(ltirtd to 1(111 the the purpose, and i'. \\'h;in:ore to see car; through, and plot( r's't; wouldfind !'red lire,,t about lbr ,praying;. Car- I ATTENDED MASONIC GRAND Ihentseivt; \vith one of the worst kit;ll ricd, LODGE SESSION of tvas't job; on their lands, .\djnirnnent move', on motion of \Ir. R. 1). Philp represented myth V \\'. J. ll;tllahan and !. It. \V;It'•i!t. I.ed:;c .\,F, ;tn'! A. \1, No. ,i'.I,i at the Carried. (i. I:. Augustine. Sec'}'.' \las''uic Grand 1.tdg:' Sessions hell AT POULTRY CONFERENCE. :\Il members and r'1nnnittrc, dc;i,,_ 1'!f the Ctlitral Tirheical Sclio I, •To - Mr, Re'hert \\'apace attended the n;!t'd 1„ do "ruin Joh, \y'1' nrg'il I route), lost \reel:. .\t the \\'ednesday Thursday se sioils of the Poultry I'1• to speed ip their work, and to report 1 sl'"lulls, NI r. Gordon Gibson, of dttstrie (; nferttev held in Guelph oil to the president as soul a, their \verb \\''l x'ter Lndge, \y;u elected 1histrirt \\'edntsday, •l hnr-day, and Friday of 111(1 11rC11 tont:i!tic(1. h' 1.' call ;tooth- 1)t,,nly Grant! \last'(* for the Nortel last \\•cel:. • I ate Thursday sessions hail,1't meeting, Huron \L•tsottit 1)i-triet. to do \vitt( therai,tng of tirkt ys, an Wanted ------- industry of vital interest to Mr. \\•al- Members oneFLEW DOWN FROM WEST lace, \v.ho Iris a large turkey ranch:. Several of those present paid their \lis; \i, I. I.itittg,ti,t, of \•ictoria, The cont.:rent' e t'i'ted evt•'•V field of,t`.'.i'll f", (t'oi'l' ental'; a man and hi' 1 I1,('., i, visiting her sisters, Missy., the poultry industry. and art•ordin,'t t t wife to membership for the hakmet' of Lena aril \lyrtle 1.iving,tnn, ,liss Ur. \\'apace was nmu:t helpful, 1111 telt' '.'•I -in, It ii the desire of club Livingston flew cart to 'Toronto by ;fir, leaving Victoria at 7.311 standard time i n dintsi!a) morning and. arril ing at \Halton airport at 1 '; ,tatlara time \\'eint•:ilav n!ornint;, a di•tanec \yell conducted, members to secure a; lar';' a member• sl'i't as possible, as the funds in 1'11' HOME WITH BROKEN ARM ;chili tr'a,my ;1' badly depleted. Therm, re all contrilmrim; will be \Ir. Peter Ilrown is eonvaht' cit(!; a! cc!y Ilrtnkfully r•cciivcd, and if Idle that 1,1l::, fit,. and ;t half days I,y rail. his home here full iwing 111 ariiaciil membership committee fails to con- V --- at the l' rd \\titer Ci tt ditty Plant at tart you, don't hesitate to get in touch . r t r Windsor, where 1'e i. 'em cloyed, illNEW (,,1S. ST .�. ONS.. I with 1, 1'11' (,i them, or the secretary. IS C:OiN(: III).a which he suslaincd a broken right 'Your sttl,port and co-operation will he arm. During 'the your e' of his woe k I tip'pret•latcd, :\ new Stine? It' 1 l;;i ol'tt' station \It•, !lrotvn fell 15 feet fiom a cat- \, is in the &ours of construction on a v, all:, as i'. cniktpsc 1, site jest south of file proeut station OFi ICIALS AT GIRLS' CAMP wllir11 is operated by \Ir. Chest ,r ili;s \Ill la \lel•aroy and \Irs. \!orria'n. L. \I, Strinlgrour ;nue Son RATION COUPON DUE DATES 1,,.nlse .\ndcrsnn are in attendance ;,t hare the cont"aot for Ihr new ,trn'•- Cnnp'nc 11111' valid air st1t1at•-Pre- Ile Untie\• Girls Camp of the flit'.\ hurl, and the foundation work is al - serves St. to S2.3, butter 1:10 to 1:l5, Church, near Guilt rich. this 1V't•!:,ready completed, I meat \140 to \1.17. I:;ttitn hook six \lis, \!1'l?Ir y is Direct. r of the Camp .\s soon as the 11,.w• ht!ililing 1, cont -J will be distributed between September and \Irs, Anderson is Business t1an- lilet'd Mr. \lorri,ott witt move it, and' 9 and the 16th, tiger, the old structure will be torn down. • WEDDINGS hunt - '1'tivlor '4 Lightning Bolt Narrowly Misses Don McNall. Woollen Mill Addition 1 h' w•tdditle t\a, ,I'I,'It!tti,t't1 ill ti Is Storni Victim. Unite l (:hint( It tiatnrda,• afternoon of NIarfntl .\ntlrev, tLoll:i- ter of Nev. \\'. I. and \I r,. 'I 'I it,l, \ n.i'I aitl'ru"'1n 1crUir:d to'In Iia,,. l lull1 h ale mets flit(\ into( f `\1:111" !ill!!(, „121 of ,Ir. „H i "II Ill Idd\' sill!\ 1111111 I' ll.11''tllgll'tlll t'I,r I 1 .'' II'tl!111 )"ret lIt ell !t\ tete next \I r-. I ha le • :1 I \mit, I )(•relie•11 r. (li lift.( ,enrr tic irt,n! the II,I} ;In '; !1;,,1 L1ru ((lute gLnliuli ;Intl ulowin:•,bark t•t Il'b,!. 1„ the 11111' :oil it Iapet•, ft \\ bite candelabra pre\ id, .I a , ill Ihi !tarn. Stern) One Of Several l 1,1 '.torn( ((a- ci•ll' 1,11 liter ;1 ((Ilk 1 'lady ha(•l;};!'nl!i!tl for the yen tttt tt\. The .•1'1! ill, 1111' III ' ( •, 1'1'11' lit:- ! 11 ;I- „lie 111 The I1a•rtaue ,'rice it;l r,•,ltl lo. t1.. ) ear. ;11111 lir ,hili\, ,t rill that ',! hl a 111'.1,1 dt tial eve twill(*', father. mini -ter Io1 !'n• it tr.'h, trr,t'li lhi di•!r rt ;1',11!;1 font. .t!,. anti lee- ;I',i'trl! by Rti. ('. I'.. Taylor. Thante-- \‘;l' met et d';1 lit a ti loll of ;,Ili ' ' tr:t;ll 'till'!!! ti tt,Il,t'i!''1! 11lr 11 111.111 f11111, nettle of t;'1' bride. \li" II;n'• '�:';r1',,n'' tt ,11'. Firmer- ttafihld' I w•' !(It'It music lb. a; p:'1,' !1 of (tile -! '' m \t:l!I j'1'!_ i Ihr!(* 1„ 11 h' i„t 111 lilt 1111 ries Ita;b 1;Iyc I lily 't:to' L. . I lnl:t, t1'„!lilt,'(. and ;it:'tilicantl' 1 \I rs, \II' ir(net i;! 01 1i' - 'tike-, ;it i 1,1 11:11111- of her sol , \Ir \\'oll, brf"rt. for ,\!':It it w 1;1'! '1'1 I I-l.u.!ul;• rt ell"('!!luny II( \1• r', "Lord's 1 l' I"et. .at 1. 1'11. ,,1• .:It"r ret' 11'- '1 I ,dt'il "1. I I i''.' 111 ,1 !'rat, 1'r" ilnrng the •'wife, '"'itio: 111.1! it in.cd1 hall 1', eft 'Ven Given in marriage 1'y her father. i \tilt.'' Ihan it Ica;• the bride tVa• charmingly mitt mil in \\ lien it til -dike Y. in 1. 11.21)1u lit' The htlililin, on the main intersec- \Vhiie satin \till' an overskirt of nt't and thunder, all! finally ;t (lot\u ,.oily \\undine' 1indt.l Complete Renovation tion, r:''rntl\ I.ttrrita 't! by \Ir. \\'in ill b quant .\ seed -pearl orna- t'I rain ron111'H...I t h!o\\ 11,1111 tree- ' I(t• �';ntit, 1 lint ,n, i, in talc !1!nri•s, i 1111.111, iyel•II itt shy 1111\(' , tii ttllt'r at di'rtl!.t It\tern ;1111! telephone (' ":tll;l!!II- 1 of Itliltrgti Itg rxletoit't' alteration, her wr.l'ling, on a ba(*hing 1 pleated 11(11110, and flatten grain fill\\-. , t d re: air-. .\ 1':Irt'tion Ina been run net formed the I:dli from tvIdeh 'x- t!tn'tr_'ll the 1'i titre of the huili!in;;, tended her Ionv, (1•'111.le-timet! c:'il. Wocllcn Mill Wall Collapses ,!;,;,d„'! it int ' two pat \,, that the tike ttt re 1!71 grown', gift, ;I strand 'I•hl. (Veit (tall t f Il'. It;\Ilt \\.,'illus front and I•.i k halve, rti,ly be rented f ;,earls. The bride carried ;I white \lilt addition, which 1- in the rout. r' Iii ti\ilit!,1!ll. The interior of the Ilial' un \\ltirh \Vasa «l'owrr'd bon- i f construction e flap -1d 'sill\ in the j troittt 1 f': o . Eying 1onl;iletcly rt. - (met of It hitt, 1s:ill:tr11(')• r'' -t', and -tlitt11, wht'nl it caught the Illel lila".. diem -died,. :,Ir, Pitt\\ Prest i, (!hilly lltt•ardia, with tiny \tibiae fluters of the strong (tin 1. 'fbe tial! had j'kt ; the dicoraliu:', ming hi- nett' paint I:nolted in the steamers. 1 het if con ',titled, and waw 111011- ant' "I'ri's'(.' nru'ttine on the large surface. Ili'- l�athlecn Taylor, Toronto, and ; .Itll;.ort, lithe cement blocl.s, t f \\bice! j \l1'. blti ;(nth d'''ebts its to the ;Idyls - Miss I';un1la 1'entl;ln;l, I>tirnit, tvcrt' , 1t \tai enn,itnrt'd (Vert. 1'1'1011 is 0 it t;:lhilit.' o1 eon\'rtintt t1'' tel, storm• in- tim bride's itvn altrnaa nt<. 'I'luv "11 IIIc tritlgtt \‘'.111e11 hall beenI to li\ ittc ;Ipartoutt'. 7 h1' cu,t of uaa- tyrr, gCnw'nc(I in identical floor -length 1;1111 ten the (*CHICHI fottml;ltioll ,'Ver; tlt'al and labour may not \tarr;tnt the dress's tiff petal pink !ace and net, ;Ittil t'1,' et1!: r, ;Intl broke many of then!. expenditure al the '!try -int lints. 11 lire lens\ !are gt vi' ;(till ph':tl'd art hl'' \v'll tit ;Iht'nl 711 ice( long. 11 ;uarm1 ;Intl I 11yas eo,tly mtforttlt ti' occur - Went, 111 � in nlalrbin� sh•Idrs. •I'hcir ho11lluyts Wer' tit' pick p:nl: 1'mttcrflt' ;.Ire for \I r. It,union, \tl:l', i, in 111.. 1 111011 (('111 ('t(`1'V 1)ecori(tl(►il process of hn,•r tti,i his large addition J Services Weil Attended I?il\c;t'd Hunt. of 'futnnto. VVas Ili, t the \\noilen NI ill to conl;tivtiott, Citizens of this connntulity attended brother', best elan and the ushers Don MCNall Stunned By Lightniing j I!ir ;utnu:l 111.1 oration S'rtitc, of the \tct•r Itrticc Iltint and 1'. itt•iit (iron\:- :\ mote „triol, rata -111,1'', wh•ir!1, 111'(!1 l'nitiii ("emttiry on Sunday, illi nli'ht .have resulted in rtn anrllt in- Il'' centeter}' :,bund tune ''tautiitl- I'Itc bride's ntot'.trr rrlriVcil in a 1 II .ler tilted for the occasion, as the t,(, jury, ii Hot 111.1\ c.nl„(pmnir w;l wn o1 silver grey jer•ev \v!,11 gray ! families of the community i1cot•attid accessories. ilcr cor•ag' ui ale n;uruwl atertci! 'at til' farm honu' of ! 1 \I r. and \IIs. 11 ttit'd \l1'\all. "11iir;tit grates of departed loved -ones for It tt and !'1111: r ,', rt"rt+tell ihl' this spy ' 1 occasion. It tl1. of linterstrimmingIter hat.; Iw'o , 1 )on dd and , \lure \1t.'. Taylor 11•:1, ' lit \Ir . ('. the rem \\1111 illy team and ttamtn. of the Myth Pr;tnrh of N. Hunt who \yore pearl grey crepe ,and n tet' ;1 I,l'll for the l;Irn iu-t i the Canadian Legiona-seitthbCd at the with grey and cerise 1111 „'ries. 1ter ,dory the .(lull strueli. Later, I)o1 ! e'nnt'ry ;til, forming two line,, laid rnr;lgc was of Sweetheart roses. ,Ill1 w:',, -it:ttt, out the ',torn: on a t!I.1tt•'.", oil the graves f dt'pa•ltd vet- wedd'ng dinner was scrV'd in the hlorli of tin a in the •(ably, 0111' 0l (trans. In t•'t't's \tiere the remains elute l 1'a rine alt. the .ttndl panes had 1)'i11 removed It t re n' t buried in the local centetery, 1•.'111 ;I 'table \vitldi,iy li 111,'trtil'l' 1''11- telt' pools of V;lrtnit, families who 11;1.1 \I r. and Nit's. J. \I, \\lilt lull 1'n a � ' motor trip north. M. bride \V ,re a tilation for the h 1'"C,• The stall(' lt'.1 nteml)et•, of the family in the \tear, (•;I i-slerVed der:, of (h , door to the nttl,idt 1ta, ol.ctt, anti hurt. dvtoratetl. 'lite flag; al -t, ltark- I lents gl'1Vr< of Vricr;ul:,. hint, ;1 1'It of li;bUling r;uuc tlunugll ill' crepe (lith rt late', crt•trnlr;k hlarl:; stray," hat ;tad Marl: arcrss"rites. nit; \\,alit,\V-pane opening„ narr,.wiV n1' i (hr ,;n,11;cr for the afirrnoon tva; i'It Ilon:tlI, and continued illi \Vay the Rct•. A. Penman, pastor of the their return It. an l Mn, Ilunt \Vial I, onar,horu ('ni.r11 (',null'. lac tool: reside in 1)orchestcr. out t.11 nigh the ,(,11'11 door. The bolt The ?frit! is a VI* an(1-(1:111.211t r e,f It'it the y, tntc luluin a dsl11 1 ron;!I_ for hi, text : "("ou•idct the lilies "f IIIc 111'11, ;1114 ,llile•I'lllg froth d1:11111„ 111 licit!, IIt'Y 11.11 111'(, neither do they \Itis, !'bribe Taylor, of Itlyth.our 1':t, It ,hat it, and I'1 t 1 ,ay S;tlonwn in 111 his _ i; exlicl(ra Ito ;err- 1 n',lncnt 111 effects will result, an,; iion- 1 elory ‘las not arrayed like one of CONGRATULATIONS ;1'll ;Ih11 to be it in"11 „ten slay 11e t•:tt t ;t 'plrndid add(''„ afternoon, still pretty shaky, but glad 111,1' was nnt'li appreciated by Ihr Cangrattllatiun, to \IIs. Isaac Snell that the mishap tV,l< no worse, I !:tee crowd. Appropriate ht utas al -n t' Myth, who celybrates her birthday Horse Killed In Stall 1111111 null' to the ceremony. on Saturday, July 27th. \tang gr:ltif\ittt remarks were Cungratdatinn, to \lis. 1 fa \it._ .\ boll of lightning carne in on the heard as to the fin' ;type:trance of the (it'tan, who celebrated her birthday tires at the barn of :\!hent (iott'r, cemetery, 1'n \Iotday, lnly 22nd. !'•t t \\•awanosh re"ident, and killed \' ('ung(*;rtnlatiouk to \IIs. :\. R. 'I'as- ,t valuable \tor!: horse, \Odell was l:et.• who celebrated her birthday on 1 idly munching hay in the stall. OBITUARY Monday, 111y 1:tlt. Lightning Enters Two Nettles Congratulations to \1r. and Mrs. G. I:. Augustine tthti \Vitt celebrate their fifteenth wedding anniversary on Thursday, July 501. Congratulations to \1 r. jail: I olnt- stoil, Itlt til, who r'Ichrates his birth - lay on '11u'sa,ay, iuly 30th, Congratulations to \I;t,te1 I''nnclh Scott, tV!t , \t -ill celebrate his 7th birth- day on \ltnaay, .ingtl,t 5111. Slight damage was dome itt two .T. A. S'I'ItANG DIES Illyth homes. .\t the home of \Ir. and )• \. Strang, a former hu,inc snlan \IIs. \\'illi;un \\ration, a holt Carle in of Itlytil. died suddenly in Georgetown i n the electric ,Vires ;Ind Minn the on 11111 frith. elcrtric clock cord and also the \tall \I r. Strang previously mVntd and paper. 'I\Vo I.itchen du. r- tit the operated the baking inkiness note• rim bons' of \Ir. and \Ir<, Lorne Scrim- \IIs. \\•asmaii, *le :old nttt to NIr, gcunr, which wrrc °\lens is hrlit'Vt't1 to I ran!: llollymau in 11)27, after oper- ha11'e given the necessary draft for ;(tin,; Ihr hit>incss for tutu \ears. trial: play by the lighUling. 'I\Vo \\•Itilc here Ile built and occupied ,cpa•ate bolts, one e sling in by each door, met in the middle of the kitchen. the hates' now owned by Mr. Gordon I�IRTIIS Ind after burning.twit ,Ina!! ,bel, I:Hutt, t , ki1Ch'II Own, dls,l , Marelli 1'v,1(Il', Ills \Vitt', he !l'a'TS 10 iliotiril ('.\\I I !lI' I.l.-Irl l':;Is1 \\';nvaut,lt, nn i i one sun, \lax. Friday, Illy loth, to \I r. and \IIs, \I r.:\. I':. Clarke, and his son, lack, Douglas Campbell, the gift of a sun 'iv t' Mn, in the cellar of r. -Ralph \\•at•rcti. 1a!nct \\'uolhmtn, 1lupe(( 'Township, • • lll•\11\G-Ili Mullett Township, on when a cellar holt ,(lurk a tee 1'l(„1 Clinton Mill I L' the crilar lyindu\t'. .\(*cording to \\'cdne,day July 2-1, to \I r. and 1 lark the lightning Came into the rel - \IIs. henry 1bttllking, the gift of a lar, andlie and hi, dad made a hint- Fire Victim girl• ri'd exit, with balls of fire seeming around them, BLYTI-1 UNITED CHURCH i Firemen and citizens of Clinton Undoubte ly there are many other' responded to a 11•110 o'rloc*: fife ;darn( Il?ti in-tanrvs worth( of mention, whiclt;on \I 'inlay during during the height 10.15: Sutday1 Sci.\hu,tI. hale not colic to the attention of the of a ,,cvere electrical florin, \viten it 11.15: 'God'• (ct•ca'" S,'rv'rc Station. wrftrl. Se1\ice conducted t,y til; iklrr. F.vening Service wit; he with- Main Street Was Flooded drawn.l'he plain -trill 'sewers could not begin to carry ih' lt;n•y fall of \vatet'.'IiVrs close tit the factory discovered. and in no time after the rail( began r \ r WAN to fall, 1';u , t i l i ll at Ihr curb well t!!1' fire when she smelled snake, and LAS 1 Ir A« Ali DSII i : ' < ' i ,lt.timpl ly turned in the alarm. The almost axle -deep in water. On the • \(r. and \Ire. Rnhcrt (. NI rGowalt Clinton l,rlgade auwered the alarm cast side ill Ihr street, \\•here the side and \lisle \lil•lrrd C'hartrr attended, 1111: i ltiwtt Ihr \Vater 11\'11 withilt pro.nittli, and were successful in ex- ilic w'tdding 'f til' hot ocr', gran`1 1\‘‘..\:1(11,i \\n fret of the dnnway of 1)ubhyll, ;titgnishing the blaze, hut not before tali\ htcr, Miss .Ina Reid, of VarnaI hardware• considerable (,linage had resulted both on Saturday. Ito materials and machinery, Smoke \li„Cs Barbara and Shirley Buffett; Telephones and Hydro. Disrupted iand \tater :tilde 1 to the damage. T'Itt of ('arson\ill', also attended The local telephone i; still Inky heaviest loss was in the nylon ser- thcir ronkink leeading and s:lent the rt',airittg liars that wereknocked ot!t tion. Cause ni the f " • ••-• attribut- wccl:-enr1 with relatives here and Bel- h, the ,herr\(. Many farmers did with ed to spontaneous cc:film-lion. g I'aVr, of light, during the Eight, aril tilt!• -c l'onsidrra!ti' ri'anIl!g tap an,l tcpain' \Ir. ;and Mrs. Findlay \ (-flow in and ;t ', otlur, \\ills Incar' bird• of rotVs, wilt.\: 11' ,'u x,un,ivr l:uittiu,g nnt- daughters, of Feigns, with \1t.:. .\IIx :lit! milking tltachincs, had to resort rlitls'ivi!l have in he dour h'(,:"1' the McGowan. ' to milking the hard way at Afore, Haut can again rt.;el: 1;1: production. \t',u learned that Inc of the industries . 1'f the (itvtl, the brantlt plant of the London Richmond *Hosiery Company, was on fir'. \IIs, loscplt Petrie, who CAN'T KEEP A GOOD MAN DOWN Dancer Jerry Singer left his job with the 20tH Century -Fox studios to go to war. On Okinawa, a Jap sniper wrecked his left leg, Back from war, he reported to the studio and gave an amazing demonstration dance, as pictured above. Then he rolled up his pants leg and revealed his artificial limb. P.S.—He got his job back, FREEDOM'S FLAG RISES IN PACIFIC Filipinos stand bareheaded in a pouring July Fourth rain as Old Glory makes way for the new flag of the Ropublio of the Philip- pines at ceremonies in Manila marking the independence of the islands. Ambassador Paul V. McNutt, former U. S. High Com- missioner to the Philippines, lowers the Stars and Stripes in the presence of U, S. and Philippine notables. PICKETS GO UP WITH COST OF LIVING Carrying placards claiming they'll have to use planes to keep up with the rising living costs, pickets march around the strike -bound Chrysler plant at Windsor, Ont., on stilts. Strikers are demanding higher wages. ENGLAND HAS A WAR SURPLUS PROBLEM, TOO War surplus vehicles awaiting civilian buyers are stored in the Spanhoe car dump above near Ketter- ing, England, in a picture similar to those in many sections of the United States. The British Air Ministry is auctioning 25,000 motor cars, trucks and motorcycles at this depot. Highlights of the News Steel Workers Strike A strike was called last tvech by Canadian dell workers despite the action of the Canadian Government in appointing a Government cun- troller for the three basic steel plants in Canada. 'l'hc clanging mills were silenced in at least two of the nation's three basic steel plants, but in the third the situation was confused. Production came to a halt at the Algoma Steel Corporation pliant at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., and the Do- minion Steel and Coal Corporation plant at Sydney, N.S. However, at the Steel Company of Canada plant at ]-liamilton— largest of the three—sone 2,000 of the 4,501) men remained in the plant and company officials said pro- duction will be continued. Espionage at Ottawa Russia had "several parallel un- dercover systems" operating in Canada at one time, and they may still be at work, a Royal Commis- sion reported to the Commons. '1'Ite spies, it was said, obtained top secret political information affect- ing United States and Britain as well as Canada According to The United Press, a Russian (military attache in Ot- tawa had obtained a s ample of uranium 235, the essence of the atomic bomb, and rushed it to Afoscow by plane. Dutch Take Over ]loyal Netherlands Indies forces officially resumed control over the attire Netherlands Indies, with the exception of Java, Sumatra, and the 1(iouw Archipelago during the tveck end, according to Dutch headquar- ters in Batavia, ].)r. 11ubcrtus J. vin Mook, Lien - tenant Governor-General of the Indies, took over from the British the administrative responsibility of the Dutch areas on July 14 at Macassar, Celebes capital and headquarters of all hutch forces int the eastern parts of the S.E.I. Canada Met Objective Canada stet her ohjcctive in the first six months of this year by exporting 4,000,00(1 long tuns of Wheat and flour—the equivalent of 150,000,000 bushels of wheal -- trade Minister MacKinnon( an- nounced, The target had been accepted by Canada through the Combined Food Board last December in the face of a critical world food short- age. Bank Clerks Strike Northern Ireland's 100 banks were closed by a strike of 1,450 employees demanding wage in- creases and improved working con- ditions. FLYING HIGH Prctty Kathleen Turner makes ski aquaplaning look easy as she gees over jumps at Cypress Gardens, Fla., where she is training for women's national water championships to be held at Holland, Michigan, July 27 and 27, Dealers in Canadian Government, Provincial, Municipal and Corporation Securities ll' ISL I)SEC,U'T IT '2 L IMITED llurui h Erie 111da., lluminion firm, nlrig., Loudon Toronto New British Crown Colony Union jacks and Chinese flags flew ovf.r Jesselton's bullet -ridden wooden Survey Hall when British North Borneo formally became a part of the British Empire, ending ti4 years of administration by the British North Borneo Company. Representatives of the colony's 350,0011 population presented Mal- colm MacDonald governor-general of the Malayan Union, with an ad- dress expressing confidence in pro- gress under British colonial rule. Air, Al ac Donald, former British high commissioner to C'iatada, flew from Singapore for the ceremony, $14,000,000,000 in Reparations United States Secretary of State James F. Byrnes estimated at the final day's session of the Foreign Alinister's conferences in Paris that Russia had already received, directly or indirectly, $14,000,000,- 000 in reparations from Germany. Earlier in the week, Soviet Foreign Minister 1'yachcslav M. Molotov had demanded $10,000,000,0110, British—U.S, Loan 7'hc United States Congress gave final approval last week to a $3,750,000,1100 loan to Great Britain, The Senate already had authorized the loan, which is intended to re- habilitate Britain's war -disorganiz- ed international track, Washington beard that Britain intended to use the major part of the $3,750,000,000 loan to buy machinery and raw materials.Anglo-American trade officials believed Great Britain may be drawing upon her loan within a week. Price of Newsprint Up For the second time in a ten weeks period the price of newsprint has been increased to Canadian publishers, an increase of $6.S0 per ton, effective immediately, follow- ing an increase of $tl per fon that had become effective May 1, lute, This further increase brings the price to t69.S0, up $15.80 so far this year, or approximately 30 per cent. Since the pre-war price of if i0 a ton the increase IS approximately 41) per ccul. PHILIPPINE ENVOY Joaquin Miguel (Mike) Elizalde, above, formerly Philippine res.dent commissioner in Washington and throughout the war a member of the late President Quezon's cabinet in exile, has been named as the new Philippine republic's first ambassa- dor to the U. S. REDS ATTACK n+ c l s MANCHURIA noibtR Changt5un •1rilOt 57Cpin�� ii U •Kin f. PRovtNCr joi J o ru:h,,o / 1'..„,•Ar.than� •Tr.n�shon {^ 1 Reliable press reports say 20,000 Communist troops using scores of fishing boats have attempted to seize strategic points on the Shan- tung peninsula for a new attack on Tsingtao (1) where the U. S. Seventh fleet is based. The Com- munists reportedly launched their amphibious assault on Island of Yintao in the center of Kiaochow. One attack was reported at a village 12 miles north of Tsingtao. D Pine seer?' l( 01,0 7-/ MORE AND MORE PEOPLE serve sere is Kellogg's All - IV heal is Canadian whole wheat in its most delicious form. Flaked, toasted, ready -to - eat! Everybody loves (he heartening flavour! f Y Here's an idea that can help you save time and work: Serve Kellogg's ready -to -eat cereals not only for breakfast, but for mid-morning snacks, children's lunches or suppers, before -bed, All -Wheat, Pep, Corn Flakes, All -Bran, Rice Krispies, Bran Flakes and Krumbies are all made by Kellogg's, the greatest name in cereals. SAVE TIME ...SAVE FUEL... SAVE FOOD! CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 11.1111' c11ICIts 1•:,1111'1' N i:I:i fu lay- ing'. I•'I,e c;llaluguu in,' pliceLst, Top Nut,•11 t'hirkertr;, Ilue1ph, trrl- tar10. II.t1'l. JI'l,t" AND 0111 hs, flu ,)odors rrrelved in good tune 141yoldn--pullet. non -retell, ccicic•, r,•Is. .1slc for pt llv'lls' and breeds available, ;ty 1Iitlhery, 180 John N. Hamilton, Ont. LAKEVIEW CHICKS 5000 Breeders 141mnp r and 1;111 hl, 10,11 110,1(8, ►Intehe;, July 20, August 2.1.1, and 1we.lcly after, also limiter) tai skirt- ed ehieh: and pull. )•-. FREE RANGE PULLETS nl •nlh:a to laying ase, raised un - el' 1110:11 condition,. Send for Price lint, and catalogue. Rook your or- t)er now, :also new' put type range 011 hal hers, tnuni(1tnto delivery. Put type 1)1.0(1(10,1. oil burners. Boot( yours for lull delivery. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM, Wein Bros., I;�rler, Ilnlarlo, 11,1"1,1,1.11's b; 1 (. 11' I' 1Y 1: 1; IC S to laying for immediate delivery. Also tw'o and three week 0111 start- ed chicles Free e tial gnc. 'Meddle Cheek Ilntehrries, limited, Fergus, Ontario RELIABLE CHICKS JULY PRICES ON I1A111 C111CICS, 13urred hocks $9.75, Hemp X •1311. $10.25, STARTED CHICKS, up to 8 tvt:elts. Sussex, Barred hocks, Leghorn pullets. 111'111111)5 Let;• horn X lilt, Iluntp X 1111. Prompt shipment Miller's Chick Butchery, Torg ns, Ont, DYEING. AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information, \Vo are glad to answer your questions. Department I!. Parker's Dyo Works Limited, 791 Yong° Street, Toronto, Ontario. run SALE ATTENTION FARMERS 1for Sate: Regula' Tractor Tires, lug treads, suitable for bolting on steel wheels, front wheels - $5,00 each, ruar wheels - 210.00 each, I'. 0, 13. Toronto, When ordering, state height and width of wheel, National Rubber Co, Ltd, 6 \Vill• shire Ave„ Toronto, Ont. BRASS V.tl,vi:s, s,tFi:1'1' Gauger', oil steam, grease tles, (:arhultlor, ltoewolitlinetl, 1 6 13roeh, Dundas, Ont. C.tnl'1:.\'Ill1' - NE.1t' 11001(, Comm.to Mita un training walls, stairs, roots, tt asses, interior and exterior finish. A mine of Inform- ation tor those Interested In con- struction. Sent postpaid, Thteo dol- lars. Ntasterprint Company, Toron- to 14, Canada. 1:1,IN:TRIG a11►T1►ItS NEW, USED bought, sold, rebuilt: belts, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company 1141., 2:121; Duftcrlt Sl., 'Toronto, Ont. nl.tt'DINl,s un{NG tDNCItE:VE: hloelt c, wilds combined, hand op- eral,d type, size 8 x 8.111, two holes. Selling; price 0326.00. i1, Ai:\IITiNI•;.\F, S'I', I1l11JI.tS, (;('I:, Phone 9111-12, 0\I; 1111DEI, 1) ,IIIIIN Ill:)•:Ill; 20- 111 tractor on steel, with extension riots, (quipped with lights. Dick's \\',•llllne :hop, Nashville, Ont. 01,, IlE1tNI Iti Volt lil'I'UlIItN S'I'Of1; Olt 1'l:ll- tlaec, 4'ontplete instructions for In- stalintion ;111,1 oper:ttiou, also oil 11,111,1. \\'holo -:110,, retail. Agent lvnntrd. .\tontie \\'rather 1)11 lleal- Inl:. 3:.'1 t'hateuhrt•1nd, Montreal, so.tl,t, 5'19;1;1, WHEELED '1It,1C- tor: e\eellent emulltiou, sell or trade for ear, truck. Send for snap- shot. Nettle, 11.11. 1, I'iclterltg. 51/1 1'11 BENZ) 111;X('11 LA'l'11l8, !tl.,'' :.‘4 Inc, 52" bed, motor and Cushman chuck, e\rrllent rnndt- tion, .15e, P.O. Box 827, Teterboro, THE NEW IMPROVED HAY DIVIDER Can he titled to swath board of any mower Will replace help usually needed to fork hay belil,ld (tower 1n heavy crops. Also save lime, as there is no clogging of knife or knife cued, )Guaranteed sntlstac- tion, 07.50 f.o.h. Bristol, Que. Solo hlfgr and distributor for Canada and U.S. Local Spare into Agents Wanted. A. Arblc, Bristol, (rue. 1l IIES AND It,t1)10 PARTS )krill) '1')) t i:'l' I']I,EC'1'I1ICAI, Elven on supplies of till Iclnde; list for stamp. Economy Distribut- ors, Kingston, Ontario. I.tlt.11s x011 SALE J,.tlt( I) DAIRY r,tIISL IN 1'11,I,,tGi11 85 utiles from M"nteal, 40 head of cattle. Largo quantity timber pulp and wood, Trico $30,000.00. Box 93, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, 110 tl1'S iN)it SALE 1111 (10) 11 buildings. Edmond Fowler, Mit. 3, Rurkelun, Ont. 200 .t('Itl;s Itl,.t('K LI►.831, IIOS'1' land for corn, suyhealtts, grain. /Good buildings, Hydro, water, Price $20,a00.110. Essex 5 miles. Sl•s. Wm, Arps, Essex, Ont, 11.11. 1. ltl;s'I' 0 .t('Itt•: I'A1131 AND Y'AL- ley (Indent' :tined in Niagara. 1)18- triit. Young orchards hearing all fruits. Greenhouse, ehlcketthnuse, barn, modern house (11ydro), $150ni.f0, (;I!tntt,i Gat(1eus, 11.11. 3, 5t, Catharines. It1;W111'I' I'It0Plal'l'Y Volt 5,811; I'l'ItI%I;Y RANCH ,►NI) NA'I't'ItAI, tout haven, 50 neres, one of most unique farms in Ontario, Equipped with modern turkey raising facili- ties for uperitttng In business man- ner, 1'onreutrated group rearing strings un olevatoil Slope, with speckled and hrotvu trout. Perfect tuundutlnn for automatic ram sys- tem trout hatchery. )Neat qunntl- tI'nt'ide, ho, .1:t Ic (lita, alttes EasyrtngceessibierIIL . enrgihbiitsnn Ray distrlrt. 1110 utiles from Sarnia. Complete including 311110 growing turkeys many of rare Beltsville va- riety, marketable starting August, Sacrifice $20,000.00, (ht net -L., .0, Whaling, 30 W. Jefferson, 1)etrolt, 11A1111)111:SSIN(: LEARN IIA1110111':SSING Tito Robertson tnethod, information on request regarding classes. Robert• son's Hairdressing Academy, 137 Avenue (toad. Toronto, 111':1,1' 11'AN'l'1;1) 000IC - GltNr,R.t1„ (•0311'14'l'ltN'1'. small home: country woman pre- ferred, raft:)' wages if qualified. Uor 1411- i3 Adelaide W., Toronto. 111,1,1' tt'.1N'1'I;D DIETITIAN \Vrtnt,•,l al 51u 1tolia Hospital, Sal- ..rl' $lets.,( per month or $1111.00 per month with full maintenance. one month's vt10:1 ti011 it pay at rho mid of ono your's hrrvice. Blue 1ros,1 Plan available. I'ernlanc'Icy for the right person. Apply to Sup- er inlenge ht. \tuatt)lta fro p(tul, Ilruvenhtn.l, Ont, GENERAL STAFF NURSES Operating Rootn Nurses $100.00 I'i:II alU\1'II, 1'1.1'5 of alt) t ectal l l_'0,, 'i ;vett:li.i' t•tltottion with ply nn,I a $50 Minus at the completion of each year or Service. Pension p1111. I day Biel( leave with ply per month, acctnmrtllatile, Bum service to city street ear Ilnea. Ap- ply: ioperinl,•n,lertl of Noises, Tor- onto 110,11ital for '1'obeteuloyte, :'hone ,11'. 1163. MEDICAL ('1", I:.\1'I:1,I,I'.N'r, RI:.81, 1111- vults after taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheum iu,: felts and Neuritis, Stlnro',1 1.1114 Store, 335 Elgin, Ot- 1 1 11' H. I'u., t p.d,l $1.111), S'1'O31.1C11 ,tND THREAD %1.01t11S often nro the cause of 111 health In humans, all ages. No oro immune! Why not find out If this Is your trouble, Interesting particulars - Free! Write SIulveney's Remedies Serialists, Toronto :i. tIt'I'llhit's 1;/''/,1;11,1 OIN'I':IEN'r. '4'r•y it, It works. Arthur's Eczema Ointment, oust or the most effective ointments Ituotvn for the relief of nczenut: 5Uc.., IIUc, and 51.75. For In- formation n'ilte Charles Arthur, 82 Spruce 11111 Rd., Toronto, Ont. 19101'1,1: .11111 'I',11,1CING ,8110111' the goad results tram tticirtg on's Iteuooly for Itheuntille Pains and Neuritis. Slutu'o's Drug. Store, :135 Elgin, Ultatvn, Postpaid $1.00, IF YOU'RE BALD READ THiS! 1)o something about your h;Ilduess now, I(exontean Senlp Preparation the new, remarkable treatment for baldness ... has grown hair In ease after rase professionally con- trolled and supervised. New hair has definitelyappeared In most cation al'lcr 1r,:ttnlrnt with liexonieln Senlit 1,Npariton. ir(feetive 11180 In feminine baldness Start this now treatment for Mildness now. ito- member, If 1(exonlcin Scalp Prepa- ration dries not produce results aft- er following direetifns YOU (INT YOI'11 Jil)N1:1' iIACIC , , , every Jar sold Is Insured with n leadltg Ca - Insurance Company. I)on't postpone. Send $3,00 (cheque or money order) today for trial jar to Ilexonleln (i'annda) Limited, Dept. MUSICAL INS'1'RU,11nN'rS 1'RED A IIODDING'I'0N 11111's sells, exchanges musical Instru• monis 111 Church, Toronto 2. Oi'1'0I1I'UN'I'I'1E:S POD WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCIHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dig -dried profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates, America's greatest sys- tem. illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL IIAIIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St, W„ Toronto, Branches: 44 King St, Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa, PATENTS 1ErrhEAtSTONHAUGH ,t C0111'AN1' Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 king West, Toronto, 13ooklet of information on request. I'I11(5ONAL WHY ALWAYS %OItIC Fon 01'll- ers? Manufacture plastic objects In your own private home. The demand Is big, Capital required $5.00. Write us, It. Mercier, 3862 St, Andre St„ Montreal 21, Que. 11110'I'OGRAI'1I1' E'ILMIS DEVELOPED 25 GTS. GUA- ranteed one day service. N0 wAl'l'- iNG. Bay Photo Service, North Bay. It1111'I'OGItAi'Il1' TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 011 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 26c. REPRINTS 8 for 25c, FINEST ENLARGING SEltVICE. You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMI'Elt1,1L 1'110TO S1s11VICE Station 1, Toronto. DON'T RISK LOSING "SNAPS" TIIEY CAN'T 1310 TAICEN AGAIN Any Size Roll -6 or 8 Exposures. DEVI',LOPi:D AND PRINTED 26c 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25e Size 4x6" In Beautiful Easel Mounts Enlargements 4x6" on Ivory tinted s;7x9" mount In Gold,Silver Ctr• cess)(( Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 59c each. it enlarge. melt coloured, 79c each. Reprints blade prom Your Negatives 3c. Each 01;1"r, M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Itoz 129. Post Office A, Toronto, Print Name and Address Plainly. HAPPY 1'O11104031E)1 tVl'I'Ii EACH 25c order of more you receive; (1) coupon for two 6 x 7 heavy paper enlargements: (2) one of the prints "edge tinted'': (3) "double Beni" rpm wrapper; (1) quality unlltnitod. Films dets'luped and printed 25c; reprints, eight for 25e, Fresh films available. Vivi ory Studio, Saskatoon 7, 1V„ Sask, TEACHERS t1'AN'1'l,1► I'It0'I'l S'I'AN''1' '1'I:AC111':R FOR S.S. No. 1. Dayton. Apply stating salary and qualifications and phone num- ber to Leonard Cameron, Sec'y, Dayton, Ontario HASTINGS NUIt'I'll, a (111A1,110IE1) Protestant teachers for Aren No. 2. Monteagle anti Herschel. Salary $1300,00 If fully qualified. Apply to O. II, \Voodeox, Sec,-Treas., 11.11, 1, Ilybia, Ont. ISLAND FALLS, NORTHERN ONTARIO (North of Corlirnne) A Consolidated one root(, grade school, requires Protestant experi- enced female teacher for grades 1 to 9, Number of pupils 18. Music and social service, Including chil- dren's Sunday School class, helpful. Salary 51600.00, starting September 3rd, 1946. Apply In writing to Her- bert I.. Sanborn, Secretary, 408 University Avenue, Toronto 2, Ont, '11281 Il l at, %v t N'I•I:1► '11:8(11;11 1' I) it 5.t N lull\I:1Ltel 5,•11nn1 5.5. N... 4, it.,\ too utlglt ;ti 1 nasal ,,,111111. I'1'utriWltt, ;sept. 1. 11,\ .11.1, (,)(fern pinmb- tng, 111:1(,), ht,unitill btul111u}; au11 141 winds. 4'ilutmunity' 5011;11 1'1111, ;.41 ,1,, qullir'o•ato,n and s'llary .•x. ported. ,N poly I,. 1'. \Irl,l:uulid, 11.11. I, 11-,o.•1. 1'ti li, (hit, 83,t N'1' I ; D ll.t1'I: s3,000 1'.1511 1'1(11 5'1'01110 111:1 g;r,,c,•ry business 111 village. 11, ;I,Ir (1 It. 1, I'ah'don East, tint, 311111211 IR EA I, ESTA'T'E, MO 1I ti twa Itoulel'ard, Oshawa, wants loser) prop111y, unlnprnvcd, wood- ed, good beach, near htghtvay, w'.\::•rl:U'i't, I't:l:t'IIASI: Balled Lochs, New llatnpsiures, White Leghorns tory age from 5 weeks up to laying. flood price:' paid. Apply to Box No, 95, 7,1 Adelaide \\'., Toronto. German Agents Foil Allied Spies One of War's Secret Service Disasters Revealed (;ants,) secret agents who took part. in one of the greatest decep- tions of the war and caused the deaths of many British and Dutch spies sent from Britain, are await- ing trial at The Vague, They part- ly wrecked the Netherlands under- ground resista,,ce movement. The tragic story begins in the autumn of 19.1. Agents, with a radio operator were dropped by the Rival Air For• e in holland. Weekly they radioed messages to London, 'They in turn received in- structions from Radio Orange, the Dutch Government transmitter in London, Spies Break Down All went well until the spring of Ful::, when two men were arrested by the Germans. Under threats and Gestapo cruelties they broke down and told the Germans how Other Dutch agents were sent across the North Sea to Holland. The German Intelligence, using the code 8101 the names of the two men, got in touch with London. All through the rest of 19.2 they worked the radio station. "Send us 11),000 English cigarettes, sonic chocolate and another radio," was one request. And the R.A.F. drop- ped the supplies at the appointed place, The Germans learned about the explosives and the arms carried by Allied spies, demolition experts and saboteurs. They made many re- quests for more and more people to be dropped into holland. Thanks for Everything In all 40 Netherlanders who were sent from England fell into German hands, Some refused to tall(, others took the little rubber - coated lethal pills, '••hick brought death within a few seconds. A few, wider torture by the Gestapo talked about things happening in England. At last one of the agents, drop- ped into Holland, escaped. I -Ie got back to Britain and told the full story. The Germans, realizing the game was tip, sent a final message to London. It said• "Thanks for all the things you have sent us." 'Made in Germany' First postwar ",)rade in Ger- many" labels will appear in Am- erican stores on toys, porcelains, leather goods, and jewelry intend- ed to reach the market for the next Christmas shopping season, export officers of the American Military Government said in Berlin. Development of this trade is aimed at obtaining United States dollars to ay for food imports which the United States has been shipping to Germany, IIC CHECKED f,1. orMoneyBack k For quick relief from Itching caused by eczema, lldete's foot, scabies, pimples and others tchin(q •ondlUons, use pure, cooling, medicated,liquid D, D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and -!sinless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms .rtenso itching. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist ) I.tv for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. • INR/Ale ►YOMANNOOD... This fine medicine is very effective to relieve pain, nervous distress end weak, "dragged out" restless feelings, of "certain clays" -when due to functional monthly disturbances, MIA 1: PINNNAMS COMPOUND KIDNEYACIDS Rob your Rest.. Many people never seem to get a good night's rest. They turn and toss -blame it on'nervei -when it may be their kidneys. Healthy kidneys filter poisons and excess acids from the blood. if they fail and impurities stay in the system --disturbed rest often follows. If you don't rest well get and use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help the kidneys so that you can rest better -and feel better. 136 ISSUE 30-1946 BUYERS TAKE UP BATTLE AGAINST HIGH PRICES Representatives of veteran, labor and civic organizations, bearing signs protesting removal of price controls and resulting increases in prices, "picket" downtown Washington, D. C., stores in what they hoped would be the start of a "buyers' strike," Similar movements have sprung up in other large cities of the U. S. Fly Imported From B. C. To Battle Budworm I'he Agriculture Department an- nounced it is intensifying its annu- al attack on the spruce budwornt, which lttfest3 8.1 estimated 260,000 square utiles of Canadian forest and destroys )0,001),000 cords of timber each year, The weapon used against the budwornt is a fly known scientific- ally as phytodictus futttiierance, which destroyed the budwornt lar- va, and now is being distributed by the tens of thousands from the department's parasite laboratory at Belleville, Ont. 0fficia13 said the budwornt is threatening valuable while spruce itt an arc running front eastern Manitoba to northwestern New Brunswick and slicing into New York and Vermont, and already has destroyed all the balsam and 50 to 60 per cent of the white spruce in an area of 25,000 square miles. The budwornt defoliates the trees by consuming spruce needles, thus limiting their growth and killing them by successive annual attacks. In whole areas, rich stands of tim- ber have been reduced to bare poles of rottin►, .rood. The fly used against the worm has been imported from 13ritish Columbia, where it has kept the worst under control, and propagat- ed in the 13elleville laboratories. The- Bookshelf. Success On the Small Farm By Haydn S. Pearson ■ 1'he farmer of today is as eager to provide his family with the ne- cessities, the comforts and the mi- nor luxuries of life as the city dweller. Mr, Pearson is convinced that he should and can earn suffi- cient income to do this. Accord- ingly, he offers itt this book a spe- cific, practical program for (tak- ing a cash profit of $3,000 a year front a one-man farm of ten or twelve acres, Haydn S. Pearson has dealt with the problems of farm life at first hand for twenty years. IIe is firmly convinced that the opportu- nity to ,)take a good living on a ten or twelve -acre place is brighter now than ever heft. Ilis book is addressed primarily to the begin- ner who has limited capital and must, therefore, make the safest and most efficient start. Establish- ed farmers, however, will discover ht it much valuable information and sound advice. Success On the Small Farm , . . By Haydn S, Pearson ... Embassy Book Company, Ltd. , , . Price $3,00. Grateful Ethiopia Ethiopia, put back in a going condition by the Allies, is repaying that effort, 1'he little African na- tion, so sadly mistreated by Italy un(1 r direction of ;lfussolini, is providing 100,000 tons of wheat„ 10,000 tons of coffee for the relief of famine in Europe. - - - - - - - - - - - • SPOTS OF SPURTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS • . ("A Six Bit Critic") r.. Canadian chart et ed Lacks have recently been striking a new note in their advertising --telling the public of their facilities for leudug money to private individuals. But a friend of our,;, who is a prominent Turf AIIvisor--tipster to you - having investigated the matter, doesn't think so highly of it at all. "I tried three different banks," he reported indignantly; ''and the very first tiling every one of them want- ed to know was how soon I ex- pected to pay them the money hack. 1 call that a heck of a way to lend a guy doug111 1 I" + * * Horse -raring undoubtedly at- tracts -and 111ore or less supports -more queer characters than any other sport; and not the least in- teresting of these are the ones known as "stoopers." \'isit any race -track and you are apt to see certain Wren moving slowly through the crowd, eyes eagerly scantling the ground, and paying not Ole slightest attention to anything that goes on around them, or on the racing -strip itself. \\'atching them, you quite possibly get the idea that some jewel of great price has been lost, and that they're searching for it. * * * But they're not. 'They're merely stoopers, engaged in their quaint profession of seeking for inutile! tickets that have a value, and that have been either lost or -(tore likely -carelessly tossed aside by their original owner's. And we have been told that some of them don't do so badly for themselves, at that, although it is by no means such a thing as w'e'd advise any ambitious young man to adopt as a lifetime calling. * * * To Lea successful stooper you need eyes like a hawk -and a mem- ory like an elephant. '1'his last is highly important, because quite frequently some race -track patron will discover in his clothes a mu- tllel ticket days, weeks, sometimes even months old. Possibly )tot even remembering what horse it repre- sents a bet on -or perhaps think- ing that, because of its age, it has lost its value -said patron casts said pasteboard to the winds, and it falls to the ground to be trampled among thousands of other discards, * * * I1ut just let a high-class stooper, with properlyphotographic tn mem- ory, happen along. Like a flash he recognizes that one ticket, from among all those worthless thou- sands, as an article of value. In no time at all it is in his pocket; and before very long he will be at the payoff window, cashing in on his surperior knowledge. * * * 11arvrst-time for stuopers is right after a disqualification has taken place. As you probably know, a sizeable percentage of race -track bettors have the habit of relieving their feelings, when they see the steed they backed to win finish second, by dashing their tickets to the ground Then they move on in search of liquid solace and some- MACDONALD'S BRIamado.,„ERfoto& thing in the next race that will get them even. :\ little later, when they discover that -by reason of a dis- qualification -their horse (tits beta placed first, they dash madly back to the spot they had quitted and make a frenzied search for those now valuable pasteboards. But they seldom succeed in finding them - some quick -thinking stooper hag been ahead of them, * 4 * Those hotheads who tear up tickets before discarding theta are not looked upon with favor by the fraternity of stoopers. Too touch trouble piecing and pasting thein together again. However, stoopers are blessed with the virtue of patience -aural have all the time there is-su they frequently suc- ceed, and cash on what (night be called ''rebuilt" tickets. r * Occasionally they run into a real bonanza. One stooper told us a tale of sttcll a happening -the tale of a lady racing ran whose memory he still fondly cherished "She was a big fat dame who looked like she had plenty of dough," he said; and every day, in every race, she would buy herself one of those six -dollar combination tickets on the favorite. 'Then, if the favorite finished any- where else but in front, she would toss this ticket away -and I would be right there ready to pick it up." Here the stooper paused and mused for a moment. ''1 guess I'd be wealthy now," he witsfully added, "if some dirty jerk hadn't gout and wised this dance up that you can collect place and show stoney on a combination ticket, if your horse runs second or third. But some crook's always trying to louse things up for us hard-work- ing, legitimate guys." * * Which is about all for now re- garding s t o o per s - and quite enough, tau, says you! IL-. I Farmers Allowed Fairer Income Tax Mr. ils!cy's proposal to allow farmers and fishermen to average returns over three years for income tax purposes should meet approval, says the Financial Post. It 'is in line with suggestions made by farmer organizations and with common sense, Farming and fishing are unlike almost any other industries in that it is impossible in most operations to estimate in advance total produc- tion or income. In years of good harvests or big catches production may be two to tett tithes that of a Ivan season and much of the extra returns in the former are needed to permit continuing operations when nature refuses to co-operate. 'There is little man can do to produce commercial crops or !lig hauls of fish unless weather is favorable. Again, there are certain farm operations like livestock raising which do not fit into a yearly cycle. Props are grown this Summer to be marketed in the forst of livestock next year or later. It may take sev- sral years to build up a pure-bred herd before any sales are ntadt, The only fair income tax in such cases is one based on the average returns over a period of years. "Mileage Millionaires" British Overseas Airways Cor- poration has a name for 51 of its pilots - "mileage millionaires." Each has flown more than 1,000,- 000 miles, eAGE 4. of Elliott Insurance Agency BLYT11— ONT, INSURE NOW! ANI) BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. J. R. Elliott Gordon Elliott Office Phone 104, Rr:sidence Phone, 12 or 140 ••• COURTESY AND SERVICE, elhltANAANAAANNAAAANAAAAVIANAANANANNAAAAADIAAAANAANAN A SPORTS Londesboro and Westfield Tied In Crucial Battle EACH TEAM WINS A GAME BY DECIDED MARGIN THE STANDARD 100•ISOMOONEW. Dtini.rann()(1 Wins Fii.st 01 .Ain.i(.111tural Soci(!tv Si)()11- Seini•Final Roiind ori n" 11()(ist(t. (1111h half of 111,, symi.i.m.111 l',1!dh At.;ultur,i1 Socity 1. softball round. 1 tomgaini..11 '1' """ " .0111 ;Ire 11(.11'1611er 1,3 Ilic inangin of , inti!nd ,ins ion the tvelfare •1111 in the fit -1 gdme. ed ;it 1 Ito "1" thu' .\ltflc \lI lUt" licl th in, in.iy I, ate their don:lions ttith the .1 in. ,,4L,lI liss Ji.: L.\ t 11. an 3 1 1 ead tt Inch I On....2;innon ;two' until 1"nal13. ot.t.1.1,i. I; !hem and pushed 0,1( tt inning 1'1111 W. I. TO MEET 111 1Voinen:-. 1 iI-t1!i1li ilI hold their re.gular mei ling on Thurstla3. .N tigust pen.. The series opent.n. d for Illy 1113 tour:;! Dill. 1)1.. 1 ). day night, \I' tnme I itt IIiCtt "II- 1 1 .,1,1 meets thtrunner01111IF f the %, vie boro-NN'est fit hl s, ries for the champienslii;,. Wednesday, July 21, 1916. howoomumohnowfooramoromellimmoonOWirmanolf LON DEsBorto (oil)incs Loose 'l'() Milver- 'and c; yin' NI1.-„ \\'. 14)11 11 'I()5 ruIuhand NI es. (I. Cook. • The •Nuliurn-Blvtli C. Inline drop - All 1,ondeshoro • 7 To 2 luLul ati,th,• 1., thy visiting NI .1- , • „ lr 11 NI rs. ilton Hooper , NIr. ;111,1 1"•, 1,1,1(M111 1114y1, 1:11111 ;Hid IT! 11 1C:1:11 1111, Vci..111v.111 11::111 .111,1 1%1111 NI an igen George Cowan , l'ans stood by in !lie SI' \ 11' \v"'.11 \V. fed his Londesboro players over Tam1,13 ii and NI rs. G. I.., (:% ill! SIIII(lay ;, mini. a.: I \Gil, Iii ,I the \lilt et t,in (cam NVCCI:'•1.'11(1 %%ill probably iireor lic , \!i• • Belli 1 ;mien, C, .lerich, Nils:: , 1 et-mill:1;13. ;di,: 11., a C niforialilc leao. ,., knott.n. 1 lis bin ming v 'ci, from vie ' .,., , 1. it..1 t ,,it.ier, I.ond in, tt, , re 11,,iii,,, i III unusual J.:13- ii ,....it tt as co i ' 1 bench in NIonikt. ni....lit's g;our kept I ls-end. the entire nine te eein. a tol,co.t. o 0. his team on ati even keel throughen ugh fs itit „ , ,. ran.; •tanid on the , . or. :1 ii..,. , \. Vok,,,, Toredito (-II- 1 l enemini 1 i innings, and they , ion , toe t. s t ' I shotred a complete reversal of fom none. emnlint v.arlet.ed le over their ievitniGl r Gan. I ), 1.1(iit in ii1k. seetind pls game. emi (.....ir- • The wagers are still %%ide open as to U110 1011 take the softball ser.es be- tween Loinkshoro and Westfield.. Since our last issue both teams have won a game, and both have vom 'decided inargilts. Large crowds have been in atten",ance, representing Lou- desl)oro, \Vest field, Auburn and Illyth. From the number oi Illvth fans at the games it would appear that soft- ball is just as popular as hardball. In the first game ;it \Vestfield on Thursday night it was the home teams game all the way, with Tommy Jar- dine in rare form, and the Londe,- horo club swinging at everything hut the ball until the final when they touched oft a four -rim ra113.. The \\rest field supporters were Innis sat- isfied that their team tvould finish it in two straight. Manager George C wan must have. icd teats on pretzels during the intermit between games, becausen o Monday night Londesboro came up tvith coin:doe reversal of form, ;ind , trent appeared to be tied themselves in knots its they dr,ve ;iway 011 the right foot ;IS NI iirrat. and lept for every fly and grounder „ , , en, leario Wan, .1;111111101 itt that cracked cff the 1Vestfield hats. three-hattger, and s: red on sitc11%., fly ball. I /,ndelniro poi 11 11;r:1: 111 Irwin 11111 of 111e 111"1 ‘111..11 S1111111.1'coel Ilr. n'tui 1.; 11,11 ;ind score. I on C.; rter' ittIn Lon- deshoro \vent fart'per alica 11 ttw.) more runs in the third, an itt itt the fifth. They cl:nehed the game WTI a brace of rims in the ,:even'I). Niter se-rint once in the foortli NVestlield failed to threaten fir the balance of the gante, 1n ,de•bori iiud the victory sign up, and were 0t it be denied. The line-vp as they apliear...d t hat Londeshoro—Benny liieu, ef; C. Sundereot.k, r; 11'1(.111;111 Tunn-y, lb; Ralph Bromplon„),1); C.Irten, Bill 1.eiper, ss ; Bill Pollard, 211., lack 11. rf ; 1 \Idler, If. \\*coliell—Nlitrray NI el ) ell. 31: ; Arnold 2b ; Jasper SI( 11, 1.; Tommy Jardine, p; Gordon NI,.i 1 t ell, rf Ern't.; Snell, ss 1 hinvey NI el )(sw- ell, lb; .Eli \VA.11, cf ; Carie Doted!, c fll1 Canter repheed 1 1. r- ye). NleDowt.11 ;it 1st in the in• iljiu ‘,1:1 ter Pitelleti 1 hall an tin ‘Vit hill hall 1oIu, relieved tt lien he tt as ""(I h"I) l'Yi bit in the mild, by a pitched lull \tilde anul timely 11.111" h3" Irani ltl;at bat ;I' lie ',CC q;iI. ki.*!11 I \ reshuffling of the bat'ing order may fnL thn bac been .ant of the rets he on: -...online It f the hall improvement in the teami playing, nut i utt;t 1,, in run \Inver lut NI Over- , apart from that they teat. a ‘‘innil•t: w•:111 our wan oil has, and a team from the time they took to 1 h.. Anhui. diamond. CHuutunt. t\dth 1u1v 0 itt Illyttindt NO1 to distract any glory from Cie t man 1,, ino, itt 1.(mileshoro ttin, and in;Neil there \Glen 1 1. at 1 11, t ;ray NVestlield. it must be ',aid ilat '11"v ilk,' cut, and S. Braille erounded out, lacked the keen eilgt. displayt.,1 \vith the former game. Tommy Jar line arra „dimnll;tlnuidly. 10111:11(1.1 for :•0111t.' Solid Tho 11:141 1.0ndollOrti plityers, notably mon," it them being Ralph Ilromptim who con- diamond, netted solid13. three cutf t tines at bat. Keep:Ait; pace uuilt itt tt Ilverton 11111 i_nipnr titiui hadtirne lur fur.Illt.th Jardine was the lemling hitter for \yid, three out of foul; DECIDING GAME IN BLYTH THURSDAY NIGHT Ball fans in this area get a real break as these two teams fight it to the finish on the Myth diamond th's Thursday night (to -night). lioth teams face elimination as they fight for the right to go on in the group finals, The other half of the semi- finals, between lienmiller and Dun- gannon, was delayed due to the heavy storm on Friday night, It is unfortunate that the crucial game has to be played on Thursday far two reasons. First, it is the day of the 1313-th Lions Club picnic at Seaforth 1 Hits Park, and many sup- porters of the teams may not get home in time to see the game. Second, both teams will lose financially, as the p"c- nic will take away probably 150 sup- porters who toss their edlect "on into the bat. Be that as it may, neither events can be postponed, 'Fite Lions have already been notified about the picnic, and both ball teams are anx- ious to get the series over so that they can settle hack to a few days of rest- ful harvesting operations before Pen - miller and Dungannon declare a win- ner. Afentbers of both teams arc all farm boys. All Westfield - 10 to 4 with Tommy Jardine in Iris best form, the \Vest field team looked the peint of argument as well. The champions on Thursday night, win- 111111 Score of Illy game which i• in- ning the opening game of the series ci,lental, was 8 to () f r Clinton. 10 runs to 4. ()lily 22 mutt faced Jar- Of greater constnittenee was several dine up until the first of the ninth, arguments tvhich arose over the decis- a s Tommy fanned man aftcr man, and ions ni Editor Dick Atkey the chit. the fe‘v Londesboro boys who. did hit ton Ne.tvs-leeord, who came along got no farther than ro.0011(1 basc. his team to umpire the bases. Ilis cause was considerably Newspaper editors are in a jam most ailed by the worst kind of fielding on of the time anyway. so le...I/ably one the pant of Londesboro players, and more didn't make notch d fierenee to this, coupled with a few good solid Editor Atkey. As it turned out he smashes off the offerings of Tunney, didn't need to use 11:s pm\ ens of spec.; IvIto started on the mound for Lon- to any great extent, and he probably desboro, added up C, ten runfor tile found a few prespects to write his home team. The I...oncleshoro team editorials, \viten members of the (Tn. committed six errors in the field. ton team vehemently talked ,er girl-, Westfield scored three runs in the their manager, and (Icordie NleNall, third inning, three in the fourth, an l 11 I p.ate nmpire, into the groundon one each in their four remaining times wind the Illyth team ;col curet at hat, considered a letv miscues liy bast. limp. The NVestfield team coaste 1 along Atkey. 1?.entarkin...c afterwards, Um - nicely until the ninth inning, when hire Geordie said that he 11,1 1 em- pire(' ball games for years. hut never Raloh Bromrton, lead-off man for Londesboro, teed off on one of Jar- 'ward g '1' that couldtin the forcible dine's fast ones for a home runlanguage of the Clinton lt.it \vn Ilronipton drove the ball way over Jus- I, won't attempt to repeat 111".• plina•es. per Snell's head in h,ft field. ; On one occasi n "Izzie" Thud toil; a lead cff first, and when she attenedted appeared to 1,,, °le break Londesboro. needed, and (-nide(' with a walk to to get back the base called her safe 1 ont. An argument ensued, Arith "Izzi,)? Smidercock and Tamblyn being (.0 an the rally was itt numitt the middle of it. One of the Clint dt Miley rt.-- both runners home with .,Iass.ics "1",1,//.•e- reanatett wttnInish Yulir fare itt, in t .' a singi.;, ;di I scored. It•ter himself on Viten a "Start Ptuthing , the Clinton passed ball. The rally r:ivr1 there as I dropped the argument. liiu the next three men, Pollard,stiiIcr NVe can imagine that there ‘‘ ere a and Leiper, retired the s:tle. few times %%lien the cuFtcr of 'Ott TIte line-up as the ap,?eared at bat News-Rt.cord wished it had been \Ved- IVestfield—Nfurray McDowell, bneAlay night, and he was quietly read - Arnold' Cook, 21): Jasper Snell, If ; ing pro4, at his desk in Clincn. Clinton Girls Prove A hilitv At Arlyning.. its Well As Playing. Ball The young ladies scithall team in Clinton not en:1v pro% erl their ability k, lila?' hill, when 111Y3' tangled 1)1111 the Myth girls on 'Fite -day night, but also shaded our girl!, considerably frcin T. Jardine, p; Gordoe McDoudl. rf ; Ernie Snell, vs; fiancee \fcDowdl, 11r, Jim \Valsh, cf ; Graeme McDow- ell, c. Londesboro---Hugh Hiller, If; Pd!! Leiper, ss; Freeman Tunney. Ratim Brompton, 3b; H. Sundercock, c; Jack 'famblyn, rf; Glenn Carter, lb: Benny Riley, cf; Bill Pollard, 2b. The B13 tit girl, came within an are of vinning the game, when with the score g-6 against them, they 1, adel the bases in the Ivit inning, nnly fail to have a runner ,core• Nliss Janice Scrinigeour of burg is visiting her grandparents:, 'Mr. and Mrs. L. Scrimgcour, 12 to lo itt • • bLt Ille fit. it ;Ord N Given I 5 I 1 Itt' ;1 I 1 I 1 t) 0 I ti 111 k E 11 14 3 13 4 1, ittNI 1 Nino and itr'. I /It'd \lair. I hind', •Iient the tti.s.h-eiel ttith Mr and Mrs Ohomoloomoolsomonookornmfamwowohowoomow000•sog IsarnmAtantuiwomMOMMONMI BEATTY WASHERS, MOYERS, and N',\C111,11 CLEANERS. Sparton Radios, Electric rence.z, Record Players. , . wializtiormerkeszwaratuximiseariac JUST IN NE\V 1 -TUBE SVARTON BATTERY RAI) 10. (A,,,„ccvt, .1. &I4.1111 ...I .1 W 1.14W . UninilliaatirteinigaagriZnagirnallir=1 13ATTERIES—RADIO, IGNITION, AND ELECTRIC IfENCE, RADIO SERVICE - AIILMAKES. GLEN 'S. 5 \rod( Guarantee( 1110:Mints . 65, Blyth. , illness of her aunt, NI's- Clara I linden. given I.\ 1 mil 285 an I be: t l'ain•t.rt M She hia•sed \\,t\y Thuns.la v. Mod ...., r:, 1 1,Ii.2,1! rel Lined Ti ill( 011 S mein tool; Hack, in 1 1rits,els Ccindeo \\' 11 :in 1 11 L. 'kV:I!. ionlay it: h.,„ her paren;,-, v. Penman and \Ins. on Sit I urday. son, :1" TIIC'' a , d:' \ .111( 1"1 .,:!. :II I i. ! 1 I 1)1 in con,- Penmn. ' '1 he Nlary Cirier•on 11 is -i , 11 11 till ' NI i... v iii,ii,, 1 \ ,,,,,, 1,,,.:,,,,,,, It, man. .\ II, all \II. I l'Idt'll 1,cuis and held their July mei:tint.; tiling t.. In , i,,ii,ii, i,11 ,,,,„1 ii \, i , , ii,,,_1:.1 , aii,,r. 1,011; 11 a \ ‘‘ ell, Toronto, vi- lied Mg in Ow Similar S.1t. ol n . in of die \\ ith 1,,v, .1 Penman and In, Pen- Church. '1 ...le Prn i lent, 1S'enticth.1;:nt• man mei. the ‘‘,•,,I;•etid. ,, trong, presided. C.111 to 1Vons:li ,, Stintd;nland, i• 1 I emit ;111,1 ',raver,A :11()N li; rill l'ii l. 311.fils.‘11140 r, 0 n r E IV./ 1111-41(2 1 i-itMe. li-r Homo', N11.. and NIL, ' 1.(11.11', pr:1\.1n in tirii•Hi. ScH111...... , 'I'IlINITY CI-IURCII, Bl.'11.11 Jid)ii 1:itp,21,11.1 1 lesson ‘‘ ;IN read II,.\ \In, 1 1. Sh.,1,1e:o, L. , , \ 1 i•s .1, sic 11 e '1, 1,1,11.I 01. is spend- , 1 he minute-, of the last meet:or.; ‘,,, er,, 01., S:111,1:i af;e1. In,liti a. 11.... NI 1 ri.,:., l'.....1.., I. a'ol Sen - 111Q :I lc‘v d;i‘, 1C,H lurititit M1',:•••,I approvc1.1. \%•(' T.,1:11!.,1 :tut 1} n nutit, In 'ting for I., is \Voti,l, ;ail athl Jtote offering rs. 1:natil; Tainhlyn. ' \tanning. 1 c \‘ en Sound ;lni h nox, ;inn!, Mis. Sidney Lin- no; read 1- uiiiittg 11 S 11111.)12 11'a to Tr. 1\ \ a • alo 11 gave a ea I 011 \Vol'111 Pyacc, 11111t. ,,,1 5'1' il1A111('5, AUI3tlitr4 \lurid ti'd Idni•td, .\n nt1, ,,, 1 tit- 11.3,1 0110 1:1-1 1 o»Iav(1‘%111.; 10 111c •tl'1011, . Stilly 11 ik t te.ta's 10,1 1 I ;t. n, : :,1111,1tk INITI', BE I.G RAVE l';;;.in. ;1. 1.1.: 11,13 1' 1 1,13 1";11,;:-.H. 11 and 1,1•111.411•0.140.6,111141•04.4.0),../da8.11.01104•1110. 40.10111.1111.001111 A Ar rgo.c.42, Vie l of Sunoco Dyna said: "try just one tankfu corn! g back for ore! Our sales prove that's all vie ask!" You did -and you're uset A44 ttft;VICA (05Rit.,11'14;n4 WtS91tel . • dit THE NEW ALL-PETFIOLELlIti'MOTOR FUEL gives you a big PLUS over other highwtest gasolines Just test one tankful... that's all we CSS:C We want you to cony:Ate Sury;co ilto Dynaluel's perto:mance w:11% best you ever got out at any gas- oline. Try just one tunktul ot this new motor Wel. We'll leave the verdict to you. BO te please don't diluSunoco Dynafuel To get IN% results,wait until your tank is almost empty. Then till That's up with Sunoco Dynaluel. tell how the only way you can really good Sunoco Dynatuel is! NO gasoline can excel its LONG MILEAGE NO gasoline can excel its UNIFORMITY OF HIGH KNOCKLESS PERFORMANCE IN ALL CYLINDERS NO gasoline can excel its SURE-FIRE STARTING NO gasoline can give FASTER ACCELERATION And here is Dynafuel's BIG PLUS: AN INCOMPARABLE SMOOTHNESS YOU CAN'T GET IN ANY OTHER GASOLINE! • Wednesday, July 21, 19 hi. VEG_RT Trii0 \I 44.4y 14% 4:41 LI? ct Iti I 1, 1.1. t ; t; I ric, 1. .t t•It F 1111VOYIP [,\ 1/46.9 44. c_d d GR ( Oran vs, Grapef rail, 1. Bananas and Peioh, s, Crown Jars, Jar Poil.:‘,•rs, 'Zinc U., Parr.wa.4, Certo Crys.ds Jelly ro.41.•... t 11 '.1 Fly Coils, W'I on't, 14: Pilds, VI; Moth Dcd, rr-reen Paint, Barn 4irray„ and ;Thiel1: I ',I M en's \V o v 1, Shit .; t• , 1 14 Wcnk ',' i1. tl , ;tI I -,c., \It s;t to:: ••. 111i 'It r's NVE 1)EI.IVER pliurip, 9 1 t 1, • , • , 11! , • 11 t I, \. 11, ;11.(1- Mi...144614•1.1.44... 1.1; : 1111:171.1) 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 ' 11/:111 Flour, Oyster 5111.11, Sal , Er tit T1,1;7....,.7q -,..'.1,, rt.'.''. '- . .!.-J 1:i i.1 Ltd ij j J (E\ F.'. • '.. E. JEA0.114111201•111114( THE STANDARD ES 1 t ‘VAX BEANS 1' : BABY FOODS 1 1 L\N 1' SOUP ; 1 , GRAPE JUICE, Iz Pt) IT JUICE L I VIII FY 11.0U12 ,ctrutt 1 ' 1 1 1. .. 1111Z. Cooker! Cereals • t; tl : 1 TOBACCOS, .t s I. .I• & VEGETABLES • ' l'ar• . i • Shur Gain Feeds al Purple Calfmcal ,•„.4.c.• • Get prat. hindin• twine frora tile 11141"11I (WEIZ T Supplies are avaiiid:!e in SOO ft, per 11)., 550 ft, per - 'I 01 LET SOAPS a.; II, aut :7104 11 WESTF11:11-,1) atttl \It,. Mat 'lel/4)44,11 41 1 41 01t ' t• t!, lIIHIl .4. ,t 4.1 it ,tr.• t • ',..•dcd t '.1" ...I 1 \I. •. "..,t1.1- .•• 1 ' ' 1 .t1,4 11,•\ , 1,4111 414 1 1,1 11114 P1.1, -11 n & Locker Storage IS • ROX Y THEATRE, CAPITAL 'THEATRE i CLINTON. GODERICH. NOW PI A 11 NG: Dane Clark and r'O`v PLAYING' "hide th "le Janis Pail, "Her K'nd of Man", Marini:4" with Jr lin Garfield. I 111, n., 1Vetl., 'Fwo Features Monda4i, Tuesday, V1ittdnes:Juy rle 01:ri on, 'Frirlian Bey and Shirley 'Feniple, Jerome Courtland Thomas C•rtiene and Walter Abel. I , \It la atm tom, t 1.it "A r'nf.m.r IN l'AltAI)DIE" tI.,• I L:1.1 1; lc Jo ti Williaill Gargan mitt Err. I. "KISS AND TELL" I "SHE GE•I'S 1ER MAN" 'THE VItiCINIAN" PAGE 5 REGENT THEATIIE SEAFORT-H. (.PrV PLAYING: John Garfield and Clark in: "PRIDE, OF THE MARINES" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday loth/ MeG1111.1., George Iitiit and Ethel Barryniore. 1' • '• "•4, 2, ttf "THL SPIRAL AIRCASE" ry, Satinday Clautlett- Colbert, Don Aineche, and R hard Fei all. C0111 ING: In Technic -lot., "Night 1 1 111,121,1",c.l!iii.y ,,Fi.t '11,/:.(y1)1,, .:,Si,it ti,4\1rrility., , i , , 1 , , ,: . , i : 1 .,, , , ,, ,, , , , , ,, , 1 .. , , , . , , , :, . , , , ,;,,,,,, L , JOCI McCiea, Brian Donleyy and Filmed in l'echnicolor "THE VIRGINIAN" Sonny Tuf Is Joel Mc,. 'I, Brian I), divvy and , Sonny Tufts. COMING: "D() YOU LOVE Mlf." "GUEST W1E:U. - 0 '',:iL. 117.1 iLITI'd4 "NJ 4.:1141Ps;sa K .' ' t 4, r: 1 t Matinees Sat. & Hulidays at 2.20 lima Mat., \VIA., Sat., Holidays 2,33 plin Miiiiii,,ts Sat & Holidsu, ,,,, ..,,,,m p.,,,, In Paradise.' with Merle Oberon. COrs'IY4(;:1,,:111,.i?ow Is Forever - ,.1.1...1-11 Ihdr.weeeanfttletalier.14.41.........1.1.1140fienenem..1•411140 1T. 1:14: I VER--.1)110NE 39. . . , 0.00444:i .........:40.....*0-.....04:44:..:.4..1..:.•:••14.14.144:444.;. 44.4.0 1F4..•':**:•''..•:*+:'''.•':•'••••:'.:"•-•••.:...0.:•'....**:••••*•••••:•••••.'':;'•1 .4....,iii:..:4::,.*...;.•::iti::..:i i:••••••••••••••••Ii...' ...4••::..*4...:,1 4 • ''' 141'(:1.:Liill IllEATIZE 4 ' ''.' 1).int., . ...,. ' '.!: ..,;l'wo Show S N gl_it •1:: •;.: . ...• AT1(INSON' ,•,),,... • 0 .1: • '.: 1: ATTENT1 N. ,, ::: , WINGHAM;ONaTtA. RI0i. .:: -.,44 ,. r. itmliarl,.. It ;-. P.11, 'it. •,i; ... !).1!.;:i!, Ilild \VE HAVE ON HAND1- 1)0'0 14 It()()M• —............... ••• ...• ' MASSEY•HARIIIS REPAIRS. ::: 1.,,:'.,::;,,•;;;I .1!:-.I !!\1,,•,, ;:: Thui.., Fri., Sal., July 25•26-27 • . ' 1:* 1.' '1- .T1. It• ()11,S0 I y DRILL TUBES. "SAN "r.iTON 10" l', ,f, L;, AI{ )1i. ER'S SUN 1)RI ES ...I:ITobacco:4, Cigarettes, I.)up,:i:', :,:i., i :: Ei.r. I Flynn, Alexis Smith .. , t , 1.1.' ; ' 4•:_.1•I'il 68. PUMP FITTINGS and TAPS, .i. ,t,,I „ , ,: , tod ()titer S!',idries. :i; '1 ' • ' .. • ,, .Friga44 tttn If , .... ,.,,•,.iiykill 1 zi j ..i..A w p Sinrittlii. :ii „ .t.4,I, .1 „*. i Nt„ . \ ',1-1,.‘„h„:„.., () 1Ht ..i l',• ‘.4:t1,. '':'..1)en :111 day and evening.:!: #1.4 11.11.1 11 'I 1'1 ,,111.----. ( ... A. 0 ._ • – ,o,„ • 1.31yth.:r, .'..,:l':':•.1.;:'.;4L'.!, Ofi„ Ltd. .i. pnoNE 92, BLYTH 56.32 .::, i: NI a. : :-.1.1:..1:1. aft ern; ant :,t 2,Y), ' 1: .1.11 al 11 i'..)dreet. . s .:. ,,-....,........:44„:„:..:..................,„,:,....i.......:..:,.:..:..:: ;', M,n, luDe'6uW11/11-1.11'Lli., 2930-31 .1 ''.*:.,:.,;...:..:,,:.,:•,:,•!..,......:.........,;.•:-:.,:.•:••:.•:o*,..:4 „ Joao Leslie, Robert Hutton, in I •,.. IN I11P/IORIAM !-, "T00 YOUNG 'FO KNOW" ',I; 1 \1N\11 --Iii ttr.41141 :Hid 14 11110 1114111 ',LI' I "4 •t• -1 l'•• I.:4'. I I' '1. 1-1:t1."44-- •,, . : • 4. Hi t t • tit ,,, t, , j •, it.,:ii. j,1,4,111,14 ;,111 11 1.1,,,41,1, :i4, . • t'4 1r4 I. 1 \\ „, 1 , . .\,,,,_ .1,:l.. L1„1, i.: \;,11, HIL' „.1 ;1, ,: ,,1 ,.11 .1: Jon. • ,. 0CNaEr t t.\rv, ACIII1 l,ir. toe r 1,11,1 iv- rLr.r. 4, , i n :1,!., • • ,1'. 11 '':' I: IIII':111. 117-.2. i:i..,,,,s.,., .4„,.„ N.,•;11•., ;1,, 1,, 1,1y, .1 -, \ 11H ,,1 ,,;.I 1,I•, , , ., , ,„. ,.,1: .,,,. .f. II 141.t.', 11 -, 1:, ! en Ta4 11 an ! 11.s. hil \4 .0 T: %Ito., 1111.1 111. and 11 111141" , \Ir. •,.....1 \II-. 1 14 t •• ol., 4 1' i • •1 I \It,. •I V. \\,,1 .. :oh.,,,i- ... 1111111 III 1 4 I qt 44, ddit, • 111, 1 ),- „ , ,I, ,,, • r, c:ttur !A\ a ftcru-tn, 1I1, ltioasar,tylcoar.g•K•taz.ot9tImt.i,:•,_..4:4_4's.4:_t....4....9.!..-.4.:!1 , , .,• • :1:.',,.,•1:.0:,.....n.:c••:,.4040,9•,;,.:..:..';.,;.,:4•:...........1.;I: .,I:.I ,:.'1••, ... ...1.:• 11)tn((P1() ( Ii11)4v11c1 plai- 1 1:t SA1.1(rtllt'4.11:111I'1'ma1 II 4 14 1 1 t 4 14 44a " • I0\\11uii,,1t1:11,:,,t11t;,,1111 21 4 I Ow lPir1' " I `" ': "• :.,4;; 1 •I 1 ,., , • 17 I '4' t OW V, 1: "",'.1 P. ' .t. ' V'. —.— — :I- .: -',1',1 1 /:, 1' .. 111 1111 f1 1: 1 : ' '1 ' ' '' '111 1'1 1, 1 1r: 11. -1 ' - !__.1.. vt•it 1.,..•,,,,,.,1111 cji: I 1•V -- NIol.ris TONVI1Sili1) Ct/tIlleil ". '''' l:' v•l'" \ 1 1.. 1 , `i• ....I \h- \\ . C. Lim 111 vi•it- . 1 012. s:\ 1 !I'. 1'amil4. • ‘,2 \IlIll 1.4%., 1 1..1, Lt.• -...: 1 ' • "...Ito! 4. v 1111 \Ir. .nt .\ r- sInt 11, :1,.. 1,4 1 i t% .• , 4.„, ,. 1 4 ' • . ; • 4 11.1 I Id . 1111 Incmhu..., I", -t I. 1 ' : ' ;, 1 , 111111,1111 111111.11111'1' r.' 11 -, 11 ' f ' 1 • ..,•11 am! \l •••• 1. .i• 1•1•1441 and a 1 4 I. '1 1111. 1••." ' 1 fett. WI% 1.4 %%cut.. . the t.ta .., • . i• 4. vct. :444,1 1 . :1 1411 1 114,1 no. 1 I 4r, and , ..H ovt•41 hy 1. ..•4 • -1 " 1 \I,\ 14.1,1, 1..n. Itri• 14,-.111. 1 • .,1 111: Ivry, 1)4 .1,1- Y11111, 111111 .1 III: '1' '11•41,;14• 11 114•• 11111:T: (1111 1101 11.11;y11 I11101 1:11.1C•111•1'•1 ;:" 1I1-• 111 j 1:,14411 dm.," 1 Itivor. 1, Ch't•• " 11 1, :11111 1)111 , \ 1 t1 I, tl 1,t1 11 1,, 11 ' 1/11t 11111 1..t. \ 1 ,, c 1, 4. l•nill 114. It !'ll' 44 111 ci t•,.. fmt... 1) ,s, 7.1WIrI , Curl of It.,..4•4,41 ht. ,t 1.• 11 e 11 1( 1111111 21e. ‘‘ 1., 111(• '1 111' •\11,4•1-t (t4 cr had 11.4. • 1 Nlot•eil 1). j 111 t..o. • 1. 11.1-1t 1-11111 • to ha% c tom 14i• 1io44cc Cliarl.•• 1141 , • tit •1 1' r...441 Iu114 1 t% !iiI 1. 11 rmt44 t11.• 1,111, a., Kt....evict! lo' 111 1.40:1 1 Hill- :111 1 :\ Ir.. .\lt.4 141:.1 1% cIl vi4- s_ iiitt•ndent he 1 il. IA .44. I. ',..414c,1 4, t% th 14li. a :41 \h' • 1- • :i.117212=1/1511111132.13161161.1=X:W11111216.1001 4t. /7 ) 4142' 4'1 ,;f 1.75k) tti1/ 1."4" P•tvi1t •n 4- - f,4Y • •47'' )111•,,,,,,,!;,/,1 :•41 v!44 , /1Y4C1414; '444. it ,'-'; : ,;;;;9•-c:;,......9. ' ,'t", ! '44•4!9••..3,9•1*•;\ 4.4 t 9 -4.. 1', 4' ' frt.:9 •, , " • t 1•11.0944,41'.•I'v lt04, "4.4 i4) 114.1"•,i ;.? .4 I ;Its;14 " • • , : It' 'I::.;r:';;;;;!•,`' t• .44,44 1 4.1 ' 'XV • •%-..4.,S, • 44 1••••;•.4 ''()It the rat um!, men could anon em tid t';en, ementm urandeur and 11111111-.... 11 111111 1,• ..111111111q1 4/11 e, law the team, 11.0,4,1 1.1:111 1111 our bit in pub:cling 410 1,1 till all (huh nun tn.sks nil::: gam( uilling ti-n.ther instead 01 *gnat." --P•tience Strong • 44, 47T3r321 t, ",•:; 1 •,- se.,;',1;1La 13.• 12y "Mutul /Lid" s•41)plied wartime allies with food, and rynitions. By mutual aid, too, Crmadisn fnrinu5 did 1•12ir put. 33y !win- ing each other they planted an:I !mrycsted the crops which meant so groups of n';:itn,,,Lbo:•:; workcd first at one farm and then ac another. Far,ners from dif- ferent parts of the, s'n.42 pfoviace, or even from dificrcnt provimc•::, hecuoe harvest "neighbors" under government-sponsored farm labor inter- , changc. Another form of mutual inc meng farmers- purchasirg and marl:ctin:i; co-0'41.:ativcs.-played an in:portant tort in achievin7, Can -10.a%; food pro- duction recore.s, end i.; evert more vital now In this time of rehabilitation and rzecnsteuction. These co-oper.,.tives relith:e cost increastheir returns freta the sale cf p,:;21..ec. These co- operatives outpu, it:tprove quality, and redue.; the cezt- CI:: cor.;...mer. At the same time they raise the farm rt..•_n4l.:rd of living, increase rural b-yin7, build seli..:•:c.:inecting citizens, They con:r:Lat,i to the proe,perity of township, villF.tc, town, city and nation. Tt/tI fit, 1,1414 0/ YOUR LOCAL CO-0?ErRATIVE !cc? UNITED 11AftM:',S CO-OPERATiVE 1 IN i0EMOIZIA111 14)cN.\1.1.— In fond and luv:iv.t: 110110,14 1,1 a (ka). .0111 and Itt-otitcr, Tr. ,14442 141,\1ll, 14i11,11 action. in Francc, 1.0' car, Inly 23th, 19-11. 'a tattatt an NI 1 • Mac J11-1 4 t"- 1•41Y 441 14I'v 111i111411.•". n.., HI l , lIttl 114•11 detar. 11:11I, nothiutt '104 4 \ I4tIttiltatt, to, rim4. 111'111 4:111 t11"1111 Y Ye't Awl the (1:44 214fo4e Oral t 44, to,, 1,10,44- 14444 5140 ' :1 4tt 4 1 :41 1. NI 1, 44 e 1 lo:nly loved Au,' 44L' 1140 104i11:4 4011 Ycl, , I 1144r, In11.14e co: ,...01t011 • 4, \ 11 alcatIt ' •v' ' 414 1,1„: ,44, 1 , 1110 \\ 11 never 1.•rect. --Fit•er rommthcrt t1 14%. 11r. t144.r4 and Si•ter. 1•1, . 1,, 41. \l,•1:•:4•11, ttj t 4: 1 1 44'4-2 -1,1 NI r. tatu: t, Ha it. 1 1 ' 4., 4, :4 4444 14,1., Nli44q 1 .4 414 •• ,4,, .241 1" '041:', 444 1 t 1, 4w,14,1 44 tt II. 1 ,tt4 11, ;,:td 1441, 1111,1 Ir II. la a c ;Intl 11:•., ,,c,aer, itittil .40 ,. '4i 14441 Mr-, 11', 17; rzA 1,;; ' 41 :1t.s are badly 1:4•1:04..1. a Itc,ison - new honk ..a.• production slowed by 1.'...1.'1t,411e of materials. 41 40 .44 iiiLdy----1eturn ac - ('114121(411 empties. Pat them back into Cheek your 1,...:,criwnt today. 0 Ii7ent to nearest 00 •,) Retail store or 2:1' Jo p .1 , • -1% . :{0t 11,f.11 114' ; 1,4 EXAMINE hi• •11.t14(.1, -15-1 IN MEMORIAM 11 \ SCO,I-111 lovinit memory of tun. dear 4 '11. Art•111.e. 4% ht. \\0 1,i11,41 itiv 2s:1, 1"•19. Hill •ay time II. 1414 1111 4orro And 114 t forget. lItit 41. Par 1E1, 01114 P4,14111 1 14444 111111.11 444 uti- 11 yet. (;t41) 4.404te 1144 -trett 441.11 to facc it, \ courat.ie to bear the Id • 44, 11:11 41 1101 :1 meant to 1...c ytm Nni tom \till ever 14now, --St4.114• 1 1.4 11 0114,,, aunt l21'4, and Si -ter, 14. 4404-'V14-'4:• 1004I'It4i.'''' . ALSO CISTERN CISTERN & STOCK PUMPS - Plumbing Fixtures and Supplies. BUILDING MATERIALS. Estimates Freely Given On Any of the Above. I)ON'T SUFFER With YOUR FEET ;- .111 . Lt. 14 it 'Wu of 11 I), •tlI 11 tt, ; tat Ir::;'; 4. 'HI, 1, 9 :44-'4.4 id, 1'' • .1. i , :4•14.".. c11.4111,1aitt-, 1.. t, 11-,41 1.„ I., 11,1, . 1.1a. 2 41 .o. I '11 I, "c-, •1,111. N1.4.. 1),,, 1. tiy.n.4:1141., -------- ElYWAR1) \V. Et,i,i(yri‘ 144t1 tnctioneer For littrott 1;as returned 1...ont 44ervice with the ,y.i! .\ F, -re', and will he hi, former. occupation, .rru-14,411.204t. promptly titiNvcred 1:4,111,W:11c 141"2;itt,.4,41114:111 41111 be !mule 141.4 Cal9s 111411 at The Slandin 2 (Mice, tr. b.. cal!ing Pittmc 20.1, Clinton. (11.11.,,,0 model ate and satisfactitat Guaranteed, Notice 'I'() Creditors in the Estate cf 'llionlas C. Rogerson, Lite of the Village of Blyth, in the County of Iluron, Esquire, Deceased. .111 1,0 20:412 41,111110 ,iHl 114 1 • .44 1 0 :114,0 ,l,-ot':1 -01 111 1 ide tIrts -Am, 1.4 2!) tho .. 0441 licitft. the 2 -:;it, , or 11 ,,j •\:1211.t, ,\ 114 14,, 121114 04,11 11. 11,4 ;t4-4,41 44 111 1,t• di-tr4lourtl autto14.441 Ilor ittatti4 1114 41 thyt (-to. 11,1 alp 1.44,11.11 only 141 ,2„1. 44 11.14.I1 notice 411.411 1144 44 Itt44 4.4,14 (44, \ '-H ;,t '14141,,n, t1,14, Lill (1144 of 1414, \It. 1,04,, 14. 1:1 Nt II, \N K.4 ,, Clinton, c ht.' hol for th a 1.14t t Frank's Bakery PHONE 3S• mirm, AUBURN L. M. Scrimgeour Mr. and Mrs. \Villiani Nlos: and AND SON. Collie in and try ottr fre:dt home- Frcd Mo.. with friends at Ilrielit. Phone 36, Blyth. P.O. Box 71 nuoic N1N. Ellna ('.O/Il and .1 tutu 1:i110114.; It _4 ,,, - t - • 44114c 1041114 1,011,1 'II \.4..,1t,41..„ PAINTING I Nut-, Sconcs and Pratt l.1,,)* \Vi.hsIcr, ill. VII1.4.11.:1 1:1115, 441111 Ily the hour, or Ity contract. 11:41.4rt 4 to. inivi,„, (.",,„Lic,..„, Date i.,,a,,,, „....: Mr. and NI r,. Jatitc, \\ 1151(1. \toil:maw:16p. .1pply to 114... 1 lit ou• \Hs , innlyall has returned 01 her o_ ,i,lwell as our ltelicious 'Maple, Chocolate r ow aril Tait, phone ...,i'i, I'd) 1 h. holly. in London. 37-4. and (1.111(14te Cakes, \\ a4111, jolly -top ..j 1 lolyrood, with , \Ir. awl \li-. Bert 141s 1 Che 41 y Rolls, I /High - Al 14 l2tis, But_ of London, 44 ith Mrs. Charles NI. ' (1001)1S()N li1EED 'i'llE AIelill,I4()1) INIU'IvITAL NI r. ;Intl \h.,. lild. Nati and Frank : 1MIXEIt FIRE INSURANCE CO. , ! 4 , HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. Stet\ art 1.1:142 , f Toronto, \‘' 111 Pus- n ,ll 1•;ing. 590 LB. CAPACITY 4 -The 44 aviiii.; fichl• of fall 44111011 4.4 1 t AVAILABLE JULY IST. ,Officers 8inc.. Ci 1111i I1?, t Canada", were 1.111 re- 1, WE HAVE ON HAND Pre•iLettl, F. NI ctlregor, Clinton ; \ Vice l're‘ident. C. \V. Loottlutrtlt, ruittl- Ow intw. beautiful ,ieilit I have 'vett 4 , ,,, , : h,teen ; Seereta 4 -Trea,urer and NI an - twirl., ttf a ilriti,11 war hull,, !,t,..,, 1 , Clifford Carter, who reeettly arrived 1 11 ITC :5-1,1' 11)' 1)11 111 1)ti 11 11(I .; 4011, \I 1 leitl, 5100111. Itere farm 11,14 1,01,10 at F. 44-...1),4( 111 4 Directors 11:tti,p-hire, Fliglawl, about 35 mile, ; (lite Stock I'utiti). f:•4 411 1. whin. In her comment, about ' Complete Line of °liver Farm 's ,..:, .N.\.',.,rit4, ...\ rt,lin.1:alt1. IS, ( i ( iio.rt.liit; 1401:114 ', \ lei ;rc..2,or, Clin4on : Alex. 1r,;ntlfoot , . t. tl 1 11tt.1,11 hit , , 111)1. 11 ;,.) 1N111;.,110 11101,11 t.:S1'1. a f ''.'1\1111‘ X: ,1; \1111211.0 M \\ 1:i:1 \I‘t i°11111; 1101111 : V-. J. TIICWilrtha, t'linton ; ittini . ()eulogy I.citch, Clinton. ; john F.. PcmiAt ig.,enitisrucetield., R. F, \ IcKerchcr, Dublin : J. rt.. littlettr, Ilrodhaeen; CniorLie .\. \Vatt, Itlyth. 114artie-4 desirous to cifcci insurance or tratt,act other 1.1441ncgs, will be , (1.14e-stAl 10 their respective post of- f, ,it:.,:i.1;41y io folded to hy applications to any of the aname hoy,' d officer; 5trauglian and \ 41:111. (1:40,441:1 N11.4. Carter ids 41:111. that. the 011414 hread and the abundance ct 1. food -cente.I. 40e11 a relief fr '01 111c dark bread and the -.4-,treily 4 •otl. i.. What 44)1)1(1 he eaten hur1 in our In4 .t1 1 0011111 11/40 to suffice for 4444 41. thr44c 1.:144,41tptal, butta heing 111,. tl'cat for the Stm,1. meal. , s•t) b1mb1ne4 were t'xperieneco at hc. ht um hut the fin,10 the nearby cItic.: con1,1 he 0111 quite 11 1141. .0/?liER YOUR COUNTER hulih'• Thy h c'il'i"g CHECK BOORS V1" 11HE in 1141 country emnpuovt: pt. opa. 1 Equipment. Limited number of Manure Loaders to fit Row -Crop Tractors. Complete Fleury•Bissel Line, in- cluding the famous Fleury Plows, W. IL MORIZITI' DEALER - Phone 4 and 93. . 1314171111 STANDARD 1,1,1.111)41. one 4.40 ttl dress. nit. Ica 4 in.: . • t ;; 410)4 14.,4 expcn4i4 c, Colors arc morc . gatt dy here 44111),' in Entiland Imo c • pa 4tel 411:441c4 prc4:1"1. .1.4 .,te LiLerL thine I doll Lti eviler and c1 ft., • •, Dead and Disabled 7Animals in Fitel.ut 1. heeatt..c inttru thionau 14Ir. Carter notices Ili' iln fel ,'nI weather condition, and thc ji,t441 11(41. 114,614. 5In.44, conti414 Itcre the dry , weather has Itt coal the 11:1111ral 44a; c.1 1l,Grav Foronto. unit \h. I and NU:, 1251 Yottmt. , NIrs. l'car-e cf Fort Eric. youR LABEL', 0ith 141 4s, hank Stanley, REMOVED PROMPTLY. 1 Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Scafortli, 15, Uollect DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. TURNING POINT / Mary Imlay Taylor SYNOl'dIS 1'I1.11''t'lill . 111( Stroh let, Weak fu,11i1 rXrrtiun, 31,t „(( tit., liana( and };r:,l,r(I -dour a nazi„w L•�i,t, then t,,i pini t, -r, fir (c,- ,11:;11 by a lu•ot, 11,Iin:; IUtI,, ,111 11 4 11 111; nbu4( ( 1):,in 1k:1th. Shrl(1ul P11ty iia r11,..m • tall mint , 1r10. -t„tvly toward his Ii,lnies, Virga,. It Ir.I4 then that he reached the turning point in hi, thinhin_ 3111 ,tial 1,"t bill his ( 1 111`1 CHAPTER XIX ile sought a foothold, a crevice, and found one where the tree had ro,,t.•d, a wide fissure it1 i}te wa}1 of ruck. Ile swung toward it, got his foot into it, and, holding thus to the rope and the cliff, reached down and laid !r„ hand uu Sten - hart's body. Ile thought he was Still conscious. for his heavy 0)'c - Ii Is quivered, but ho lay there, a deal weight. Swiftly, cautiously, 'her' in tro;u1d the rope around lis body and made it secure tinder the ctrull,it i, balancing himself on a foot11old so nano\• that a touch might hurl hint down. "then, grasp- ing the slack: of the rope, he began to cli11lb. The ledge ,rented 3 thou- sand fent aboVe 111111, hut, at last, lie lay- on its brink, gasping. Ile heard sounds now other than the cataract, the crashing of boughs, voices! Ile tool: no heed of theta, fur, as Ile rose lo Ids fret. he tint' the tree that supported Sten - hart go down and the motionless busty swing out 011 the end of the rope. Sherwin lir:ie.:4 himself and began, to haul hila up 15' n)3in strength. Slowly, surely, he drew his mealy out of the abyss, stead- ied hila at the edge ut the rock, brought hint safe 01(11' and laid hint 41113; n. 111; tolt•II tnusrlrs ;10111(1 :old his head , :un, 1)111 S40111311. still breathed. He °pellet, his ryes :and looked tip in Sherwin's face, Sheer ter'r'or lcapod into his eyes, but he \43, 141(0111, helpless; Itis 1411111' lips 1111.0,(11„ but only unc 11,.,r l x31114 in .1 tlltisl,cr. .\ mountain sprang 4t a. h'i0kling close at Ilan,), and Sherwin cupped the water in his hands and wet his face and lips, 311(1 :04:1 Stcnhart tried to speak, but, ;is his rescuer brut to listen, Kealy hands fell inion hint and three 0:(s :I shout of triumph. "1,et hila,sheriff!' Sherwin, un his Lace- beside the injured maul, looked) 011 to find the posse closing in. He shook uf( the 11130 'who had grasped 10111 and ruse to his feet just ;0, Jim Keller J0III;cd up the trail. "ilold (11, Cutlet'!" Ji111 cried, "that ratan saved Stenhart—I saw hint—at 1114 risk: u( his inn life!” ”.\in't taking no chances, 11r. 1411cr, Here you, Adams, you handcuff hits; he's the lean we're atter!" resistance; he submitted with an iron cotn- posure. 11e hail thrown away his dear -bought liberty to save Sten )tart. • t reckon he can walk, after all," said the Sheriff. "I tow you fooling 1,°v; , \I r. 'lenhar1 c" Stcnhart tried to stand upright, but ills 114111) bad met Shern'in's and his mouth went dry. ile wet his lip:, shaking all over. "\Ve'd better carry loin," said J 1111, 'Cheer up, old chap, you're sound, no bones broken!' "I can walk," said Stcnhart thickly, leaning heavily u)1 J "The ledge is mighty narrow; can you manage without help, Mr. Keller? 'Tic sheriff was solicitous for the man who had helped hint stake his capture. "Olt, we'll do'." Jim threw a sup- porting aro) around Stcnhart. 1t was on the tip u( his tongue to tell the men to go ahead with the pris- oner and bring help from the ranch and a car for the injured man, but he remembered Jane; he must go first himself. The thought impelled Jim to look back at Sherwin, and something in his white (ace made hint recoil at the sight of his bound hands. Ile beckoned Cutler to him. ''Is it necessary—f meati, those handcuffs? )Sy Jove, 1 saw what he did; Ire's a brave elan!!" The sheriff nodded grittily. "Can't take chances, Mr. Keller, he's a jail -breaker; swore he was golf'' to kill Stenhart. I ain't so all fired clear in my mind what he meant to do with hint anyway—he Ilad 111111 all 11 u, -:'•l up with that rope!" I111 shut his teeth 1111 1. The ,tri 14 0140) was horrible, hat lie I•elll('Itl• bercd 111,11 be 11.1,1 telephoned for Cutler. Ile Iln(1 ,given this num into their hand,, and there was Jane -- They began the descent slowly. Jill, s1l11iIting 'tcnlc(rt, went ahead; behind sante the sherttit, then the men bringing Sherwin. A hca4y cloud had risco in the west; its purple edges were .weeping up• 03rd. The sunlight went out and, as they entered the steep trail, thunder rolled deeply across the hills. The way, narrow and difficult, grew (lira with the darkness of the approaching storm, Stc111at 1, weal( .1111;1, ,1 1r,n11 his fall, stumbled and set the stones rolling and tlhl1.l.,bng ahead of them. i . ,.steady', uld chap," said Jim, and his supporting arta tightened. It seemed to hitlt that Steniart suf- fered with some trouble of the 111111(1 as deep as the stiffness of his body; not once had he lifte(I his dark ('yes to look ahead of tont, and he was ghastly pale. Jim, glancing hack. at the sleep path, saw the feet of the men following them before lie saw their bodies. The sheriff mute next; Sherwin, he knelt', 41.35 13st-14itlt hi, guards. 0vehcad the trees locked their branches now, and a dense thicket surrounded than. They could hair the cataract less distinctly', but the rush of the wind in the tree -tops made a tumult. Jiut, steading Sten - hart, spoke slowly in his ear. "l saw you—you and Sherwin," he said quietly. "1 as out in 111. road; there's an opening in the trees --our glimpses the ravine. Ilow did you come to fall in that way, \iax;,, S10nh3rl ru11s01 himself; he lifted his head and tried 10 meet Jim's 1111011011111g (t 414, but Ile wavered and gasped. "I-110 0•:(; go iltg t,) hill nu•!!" he said weakly; "that was it. I venulam- bcr now, Sherwin was going to kill 1110." It was the naked truth -110 111or- t;,' Ulan knew how the change had st;:;d into into Sherwin'e soul! But Jim Keller had seen the rescue. "He saved your life at the risk of Ili, 04411," Jim retorted bluntly; Ile went down on a rope and brought you up—;old Inst his chance to make a getaway!" Stcnhart paused his hand Oyer his (ryes with a groping' gesture. "1 can't understand it," he mut- -he he 143.- g11ieg to kill utc- 110 hates 111el., "•'I'herl, by heaven, he dial a gnat thing --he risked his life for his worst enemy! Are you sure, 01,1 chap, quite sure•—that he was guilty?" Stcuhart's face took on an ashy whiteness, his lips shook. "I tell you lie did it!" he cried tvildly. .t— oil. Illy (Tod, what lightning!" 7110 heavens had been torn by a jagged flash, the dart: woods were, for an instant, ablaze with ittli then the roar of tlltmdcr rolled crashing around them, echoed trout height to height. The very earth beneath their feet seemed to tremble with the reverberation. Stcnhart reeled, covering his eyes with his hands, 1 c Jim, trying to 14(111)' Ilia(, was suddenly swung aside by the other man's blind agony of terror; the fall had broken his nerve—he was almost hysterical. The rain began to fall in a torrent and Jim, trying to catch up w'itt him again, carte abreast of a windswept thicket. Ile heard the men behind scrambling and shorting and thought of Jane. Ile had made her stay beliind; was she out there still, holding the horses? Ile grasped Stcnhart again and they carte to the last lap of the descent. It was dusk in the trail and the rain blinded, but sud- denly there was a tongue of flame from the thicket, a sharp report, and Stcnhart crumpled up and sagged into Jim's arms. At first he did not sense what had happen- ed; it seemed a part of the tem- pest, of Stenhart's utter collapse, and then he felt something waren and wet on his hands awl knew it was blood, ('l'o be continual) Blended for Quality "SALA TEA WANT A NICE KITTY? Mrs. Clare Newberry of New York City wants to rind a home for that pretty kitty she's holding. But there's a joker—the animal is an ocelot front Venezuela and will grow into a big cat with claws. CIIRONICLES of CINE FARM \\lien, a person has lived in a neighbourhood for over twenty year., and has had the sante neigh- bours east, )rest, north and south fur most of that time, it creates a feeling of permanency, for our- selves, and possibly for the neigh- bourhood 111 general. '1110 men are accustomed to "change work" 6(11 the sante neighbours year after year; the women visit back and forth -44114n they have tint4—at qui11inl;,, meetings, leas, or per- haps only on the telephone. On washdays a.; we hang things uta the lille we notice our neighbours have their washing out too, and it all helps to give one a comfortable feeling—a 141)1,0 of unity Willi the real of the community. That is how it has been here any way. Insofar a5 14'4 are 0011- 0c1.n4c1 I must admit we have not 411)11(01 back and forth very much but yet we always knew, that should the occasion arise, as indeed it has a few times, that we had only to ask for help and it would be given graciously and willingly, I if e arse there have, unfortun- ately, been gaps !eft in our neigh- bourhood by the wort: of the (Treat 1:03per but there has been very little voluntarily (moving away from the distt•ilt. .1nd now, like a bolt froth the blue, (0111(, netts 11131 two of our Heil;Itbours have sold their (arms. It gives one a queer sinking feel- ing. It is hard to get used to the 1(1011 That in a few short months these same farms will have differ- ent owners—and we shall have dif- ferent neighbours, hat ivill they be like, these new neighbour, \Vill they be of the "dirt fanner school" or will they incline towards ultra- uo,derrl methods of highly mechan- ized farming? \\'ill they be C011. genial neighbours, good mixers, or will they endeavour to live unto themselves, and to be a law unto themselves? 'Those are questions 10 wlliclt only 'line can give the an- swer. At the saute time We can't 11(11) wondering ---and with a little trepidation—because one's neigll- bnllrs 11(1 so important, especially to folk who live in the country. 4: 4, Anil the 001le who are moving away? 111 one case the place was acquired but on the other the lady of the house ha skived there all her lite, One can only imagine the 11(3rtache it will be to pull up slake, and go. I ant sure that as the day of departure gels nearer anyone so placed would find every 1044, 14111)' shrub, almost every nail on the wall, had some sj,ccial significance. The well-worn palls from the house to the barn along which so tetany well -loved feet have trod; the pump by the kitchen dour which has provided cool clear water summer after summer; the view from the kitchen window ... and o11, so tetany things—such little things, that may never have been of any great importance up to now. But to leave thein—all, that's a different story. But isn't that the way of life? Sometimes we must lose a lot in one direction to gaits a little in another. On the other hand if we take a chance we sometimes lose a little but gains a lot. * * Ili the meantime there is still seasonal work to do on all farms— haying to finish, wheat to cut. And ISSUE 30--1946 By Gwendoline P. Clarke • i ♦ • speaking of wheat—I have mended that hinder c•1nyas I referred to so lovingly last week. But 1 didn't mend it with needle and thread. 'Phis time 1 pasted the patch on the canvas, Whether it will be a suc- cess has yet to be proved. 1 ant hoping it will he because it was a Int Tess work anyway. '1.111, 1444): -end we thought we were going to be alone. Yes—actu- ally! But around six -thirty Satur- day night the telephone rang and a Wreck little voice said "Hullo, Aunt ;Wen, ran I throw my hat in for the week -end?" Of course there was only one answer to that ques- tion, Rut then we didn't see touch of our visitor because on Sunday afternoon Bob tool: her to Toronto to sec other relations. And then the house was so quiet I could not sit still—or was it because I was reading a very disquieting article on the Soviet Union—an article which proved beyond a doubt that Communistic organizations arc 1111)- hialtllily active in Canada and the U.S. is it any wonder we have strikes and yet more strikes? Sunduy School Lesson The Supremacy of Spiritual Values. Exodus 20:7; Leviticus 19:12; Matthew 5:33-37; Mark 7: 5-8; 34-"6. Golden Text--l;ut seek ye first the Kingdon) of God, and itis righteousness; and all these things shall he added unto you.—Matthew 6:33. The Third Commandment 1)11(: reverence for Clod is the great principle underlying the Third Commandment, This prin- ciple is violat,d by all profane swearing, and indeed by much that is called prayer, when the name of Cod is taken npnn 1110 lips, but with little thought of God in die mind. Guide to Holiness (01 requires us to be sincere and true in our speech. The word of a Christian should be as good as his bond. Not all oath -taking is sinful bol if we mus( swear to our testimony it must be in a man- ner to the glory of God, We may be sworn but we mast not Swear in the common, tricked practice of the world, 'I'Ite Christian's speech should always be scas(nc(1 with grace and truth, Serving Christ There aro three fundamental con- ditions of discipleship. (1) "Let hint deny himself," Self-denial is the denial or renouncing of self. (2) "Let hint lake up .his cross," This is to go on the path in which Jesus leads and meet the suffering and the crucifixion that lie there. (3) "And follow mc." This is to have the mind of Christ and that mind is to obey God even unto death, and to choose the lowly path of service instead of tl e path of ease and glory, The foolish man who seeks his personal welfare will not gain it, but the man who loses sight of personal interest for Jesus' sake will gain the very thing he has forsakul, •, A man must have a higher aim than "saving his own soul." Not self -saving, but self- sacrifice is the vocation of the cll}Id of God. • TABLE TALKS Canning Questions1 .-...+-..-.-..-... - - • 4-0-41-411-114-4-11.41-0-44-•4-41,4-4-4-.4.-• At this time of year hundreds of letter, from homemakers seeking help with their cunning problems, pour into the offices of the Con - smiler 5erlion of the Dominion De- partment of At'rirultnre. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions and their answers. ''•111 the recognized :lulhorilie; on honk canning used to insist Thal scalers he sterilized before using. Now a lot of people say this isn't Ill4r1s l0)'. Can yon tell 1114 fully: It i; not 11c(('s ell y to sterilize sealers before using; because the processing of fool in the sealer., sterilizes b 11 food and sealers. However, it is t:!•151:11 ia1 that seal- ers be thoroughly wished in lot. soapy water ;ul(I 44:11 rinsed ill clear hot water. Sealers, with glass lids in place, should 1)0 placed on a tray in the oven and healed to 225' F., or they should he half- filled with bol water, placed on the rack in the boiling tvatcl• hath, sur- rounded with hot water and brought to boiling point. Sealers should he left in water or oven until ready to fill. "Illy S11'3Wherrics 3ltvay; SITIll to float in the sealers, Can 1 pre- vent this?" There's nothing as stylc-right for Spring as a frock -and -bolero en- semble, This one, Pattern 4720, is a "sew -easy"! Pointing up a (ins figure is that inset midriff. Pattern 4720 comes in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16 frock and bolero 3% yards 39 'tech material, Send '1'\VENTY cEN'I's (20c) in coins (stamps cannot be accept- ed) for this pattern to roost 421, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. Print plainly S17.E, NAME, AI) - DRESS, S'I'1'LE NU11BEIt. Filed and Forgotten The insecticide now known as D1)1' was first compounded in 1874, but its practical value was no1 determined until 1tt;ltl, VICOMING TRAINS holy that sugar is rationed there Li less likelilulotl of this happening than when 111'34'5' syrup was I•sei1. Some fruits will float to the top of the sealer if (on Ileat'y a syrup used. Syrup in the propnitiuu of one cup ;llt,ar to one and one half chip, 448ler is rcronttnentled for slrawbirrie; and hearlies Of- ten an even thinner syrup 111)5' he used. elver iprnces iuh Ihlay ('alts(' fruit 10 float even in thinner 1)'1111. "\lather 3115':(5'14 4141 1,p her fruit by IIto i:011 le nn•tb,,d, 411 111:t'(1 it :earl it I:rpt 01(11 cs11'111 (01 1110 orca,i(,n:ll jar that went molly. Now you di) "(Il sllgl',esl t111'( Method, w11:11 i; the re; -nn?" '1'11e open kettle method is not recommended 11111111141 there Is a great risk of spoilage unless vet y heavy cyr11p is used. The method of packing sealers and sterilizing both scalers and ` soil logcllier i1 easier and lurch safer, The product will be more attractive as the fond is less likely Io hr ::il: up. 4, i d 4 , d n .111 dei n(. .4.iY+l.1 u4104 in..d '--" Von finites Staring 41 The St. Regis Hotel 1 (IIl1)/1"1 u • Idler) 11 mini ,,III lanlh '4 him rt 111,41 rPtpPltnll� do Single, F' -.r,11 1,p – 1)1,uhle. F:I.rm up timid I'n1,d IIInIn, tend Manu, Iter: N(Rhtl) iherbunrne 1,l 1'nrl1oa 11.1. 11A 41:47 iI Ja -, 11.1,11 1ih.ra1A.u•-,i a..•4',-..au,i/:..••w-• HOTEL METROPOLE All Beautifully Furnished With Running Water Rates: $1.50 up NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION Good Health and Lots of Pep Dr. Chase's .Kidney -Liver Pitta have a long record of dependability as It regulator of liver and kidney° and bowels. They quickly arouse these organs to healthful activity—sharpen the ap• petite and help to improve digestion. Clean out the poisons with Dr. Chase's 1'iidncy-Liver Pills and re- gain your pep and happiness. nets. a box. _DOME SOUTH POLE EXPLORERS "Yes, yes, of course I'm glad to see you—who's your cute friend with the crisp, crunchy, delicious Grape 'Nuts Flakes?" "Ha 1 Ha 1—I fooled you Jim 1'that's our new cook. She won't serve any- thing but malty -rich, sweet -as -a -nut Post's Grape -Nuts Flakes for break- fast." "Well what are we wafting for? Let's get hone quick and dig into that giant economy package," "And don't forget that Grape -Nuts Flakes are made of two grains—wheat and malted barley. They give you car- bohydrates for energy, proteins for muscle, phosphorus for teeth and bones, iron for the blood, and other food essentials. They taste wonderful. They're good for you. They're easy to digest." JUST IN FUN Take Your Choice Rastas and Liza were married but a short time when he came home with a big wash tub a wash• hoard and a handsome three-foot mirror. Liza: "\\'hut's all do truck you lining?" Rastus:: "You -all kin take you' pick. Yo' kin take de tub ;in' wash- boarr. an' go to work, or you kits take de mirror an' set down and watch yoll'se'f starve." Two Ways A bun(ptious fellow was giving evidence in a police -court. "You say you stood up?" asked the magistrate. "I said," retorted the conceited one, that I stood. If one stands one must stand up. 'There's no other way of standing," "Oh, isn't there?" replied the rnagistratc. "Pay two pounds for contempt of court, and , . . stand down 1" Proper Exit " What happened after you were thrown out of the side exit on your face?" "1 told the fellow I belonged to a very important family. "And then?" "1 -Ie begged my pardon, asked me in again and threw me out of the front door. Good Reason The park orator looked around. "You, my friend," lie said, gaz- ing intently at a member of his au- dience, "arc you treading the straight and narrow path?" The ratan nodded. "I am. And do you find it easy? "When 1 started 1 didn't, but now it comes naturally to mc. 1 don't know how I'd get on if I didn't stick rigidly to it and keep my mind on nothing else." "And will you explain to these ladies and gentlemen why you feel you should continue on the straight and narrow path?" "Certainly, if I didn't I should fall off. I'm a tight -rope walker," The Test One Sunday morning the pastor of a congregation noticed that an old fact had reappeared among his flock and after the sermon wel- comed the supposedly repentent backslider, "'1'llis is the first time you've been to church for a long time," he said, "I'm glad to see you." "Ah done had to conte, Ah needs strcngthcnin', Ise got a job white-washin' a chicken coop an' buildin' - a fence 'round a water- melon patch," Profitable Father had been teaching little Bobby how to do suits. Six times he had held out a threepenny -piece artd a penny and asked his son which he would have. Each time Bobby hat' taken the penny. "Surely, Bobby," said father at last, "you know a threepenny - piece is worth more to you than a penny?" "Not the way you're teaching mc," said the youngster. "I've made threepence on the deal already." An Idea He had taken a long time coat- ing home from work, and his wife nagged at hint for being late for dinner. At last she decided to change the conversation, and said chattily: "I hear poor Mr. Jones has had his wife killed." 'And not a bad idea, neither,' replied her husband sourly. Assistance. As the swan! sponged the had• ly batte red fc:'tttres of the would- be world champion, he m(1r01ercd it, tones of di' gust: "It's all right, Bill. \Vc've sent for a private detective," "What the dickens do I want a private detective for:" sorrow- fully asked the fighter. "Well,' sncerin!ly piped the second, "he'll help \ ea to find the chap you've been :yit.g to hit during the last nine •(»Ira's." Home Agar A colored parson, calling upon one of his flock, found the object of his visit out in the hack yard working ;(Hong his hen coops. 11e noticed with surprise that there were no chickens. "Why, Brudder 13rown," he ask- ed, "whah'r all you' chickens?" "!Itch," grunted Brother Brown, without looking tip, "some fool niggah lel' do do' open an' dry all went home." He Flew "!Hallo, old man, I havn'l seen you for sonic time." "I've been in hcd for seven weeks." "That's too had. i1u, I suppose?" "Yes and crashed." VOICE OF THE PRESS "Goo(' Luck" Fracture Note to the superstitious: The other day a hill broke his arm throwing kilt over his shoulder. -Kitchener kr, Ord. A 'Tougher Job It's easy turning out ships and planes like doughnuts in time of war. 1 he truly 1fcrcnlcan feat is to build a couple of million houses amid the distractions of peace. -Detroit News Glad Thoy're Cows An Australian farmer has in- stalled a radia in his milking shed, because it keeps the cows quiet, and "they seem to like the news." After what they hear, it is likely that the beasts appreciate the ad- vantage of being COWS, -Toronto Saturday Night Extinct What has Leconte of the old- fashioned busiacss man who said, "1 can't complain"? -1Vinnipcg Tribune f Stage Actress HORIZONTAL 50 Myself 51 Fish eggs 52 Southeast (ab.) 53 Upon 54 Sainted ones 55 She is a 1,5 Pictured actress 10 Erbium (symbol) 11 Each (ab.) 12 Measures of cloth 13 Account of (ab.) 14 Electrical engineer (ab.) 15 Lieutenant (ab.) 16 Born 17 Transpose (ab.) 18 Conductor 19 Toward 21 Like 22 South Amer- ica (ab.) 24 Exclamation 26 Inspires reverence 28 Accomplished 30 Short sleep 31 Possess — star VERTICAL (symbol) 1 Honey maker 20 Possessor 2 Before 21 Species of 3 Shouts tree 4 Tardy 23 Decorate 5 Sell 24 Subjoin 6 On the spelt- 25 Him erect side 27 Dine 7 Employers 29 Be indebted 8 Chapeau 32 Egyptian 9 Neither sun god 19 Tantalum 34 Long Island Change To l arnters If all the stvorils ev' re u n in- to plowshares and all the cannon into pruning fork, what i( hunt lu of farmers the c al 111,111, (t manu- facturers would look lila. -Chatham :'(s.s No More -No Less Five -day -week advocates pos- sibly have forg"tlr n the Fourth Commandment "Six days slralt thou labor." ---Stratford Beacon -111 rrld. Given a Chance One Thing ghoul those Nazi war criminals; they are at least being given a chance to die of old age. ---1lamilton Spectator. Deodorized Pets Deodorized 51 inks are h(•ing sold at a'40 apiece in the State of Oregon as household pets, more comp ;eatable than cats and not a menace to bird life either. -St. Catharics Spectator. Ammer to I'revtoue Pottle KE P S N ETH C G1fi3E . !ammo P MOON fi LEGARM MS To NEE E 110 TSA- O W0LE.. EN /DR Dr EON • A fi'T Eitza._5 O E TREN1? N ; ttpS AMPERE Ejt—Ts R NEte+ A; .STA MAT BRIG • Gu,. KENNETH B. WOLFE I Z 10 14 32 Network t9 (gnat,) ib 33 Sprightly dance, 35 Measure of area 36 Nova Scotia (ab.) 38 Any 39 Greek letter 40 Fishes 44 And (Latin) 46 Age 47 Bone 48 Iron (symbol) 32 35 4 1t 1S 16 I (ab.) 37 Determined 38 Property item 41 Underground part of plant 42 Individuals 43 Misfortune 44 Printer's measures 45 Beverage 48 Mist 49 Compass point 10 ill 27 '%' , 3o i3 1'L4 25 26 29 • p31 --3b 31 44 95. Ho 46 50 51 54 I THE SPORTING THING "I first became interested in buttons while checking the col- lection plates!" 39 41 HI: 43 41 52 55 POP—A Farmer's Threat MUTT AND Well -Traveled Road Up at Fort Frances, (luta, they are hlr)I(!( g a road to a pLu•r ed Despair. \\'e thnurht the path to the Pia( e \va' \v( 11-\kalma(ly. terhoronrh Examiner. Solving Unemployment A farm(r's wife points out that if a girl w•ish(s to solve pernlarier'tly the problem of personal unemploy- ment, she should marry a fanner. - Kit' 11,1111 li,,, rd• D'J'EVER? ITS ABOUT TIME TN15 (JUNK WAS CLEARED OUT--- IT� NO USE To US Sticktoitivenesa PirSI 51 1.11(1 i5 sticking to some- thing ynit arc riot slut k on. !'io1 c Chronicle 'Trlegrt(ph Easy Time '1'1„ •(,ano u':, uni„u d nutids re - dared hours on ships at sea. And what v:(111,1 am(11 deo ssith th(ir spate time' 1.(, r1 (e(1 and es.itr it the ni(r maids' 11r:nldon Sun. Might Be "Goats Sul vier )tikir,i I'ornbing." But supposing next time you're the goat I FOR CooDNESS eaAKE) DEAR, !— t LEAVE IT ALONE YOU ONLY MME A MESS OF THE PLACE -Windsor Star, And Not a Slip On• "Courtship" is defined by a col- umnist as "that period in which a girl wraps a man around her little finger, preparatory to putting him under her thumb." But that's only part of the story, She takes the poor guy to a preacher and has hint ti( 1 iu a knot. --Ottawa Citizen, Credit Canada's Sunshine Soya beets in Alberta show a snrar teem 11y of about 3,400 pounds pc r acre, in Britain about 2,850 In,nnds per acre. Credit the diffrrrvtec tr, our sun,hiuc. Lethbridge 11(rald. SAY,7HeRE'SNOTHING WRONG WITH THIS COAT IF THE CUFFS WERE FIXED UP -IT'S A SHAME To THRow ITou-r ¶/41,DAD( HERE'S THAT rSLEIGH I'VE BUN LOOKING FoR- 1 CAN FIX THIS BROKEN RUNNER WITH MY NEW SET OF TOOLS t, DJ EVER CET THE ANNUAL URGE TO CLEAN OUT THE CUPBOARDS AND -INE ATTIC DESPITE YOUR WIPE'S PROTESTS 1S THAT THE TAILOR ? I'VE COT SOME REPAIRINC FOR YOU HERE HOW ABOUT PICKING IT uP 7o•MORPO W ? 1' AND, AS USUAL, WHEN YOU CO THROUGH THE SO-CALLED JUNK YOU FIND A FLOCK OF STUFF THAT, WITH A FEW RE PAS RS, CAN f3E MADE USEFUL AGAIN I'LL 6ET I'VE SAVED $ AND THA7t WHAT THE GOVERNMENT WANTS US, TO Do 1NEVER THOUGHT OF TH,4T, DEAR. MAYBE I couLO GET THAT OLD FUR COAT OF MINE FiXED uP AITeR ALL. WITH THE RESULT THAT BEFORE You REALIZE rr You'VE SAVEDYOURSELF QUITE A FEW PENNIES DAWES 1 CK JEFF--- PLEASE PAGE ME A HUNK OF LIGHTNING! JEFF, WHERE you GolN'? so•D'JSVEa FEEL LIKE PATTING YOURSELF ON THE BACK WHEN You REALIZE 'fl AT YOU'RE ALSO HELPING TO FIGHT INFLATION `? 3EFF, ARE YOU HIDING /IF LIGHTNINGS 601N'To BECAUSE You'RE AFRAID HIT YoU, ITtS GONNA HIT OF LIGHTNING? ;YOU, No MATTER WHERE You Go! 1 DON'T \ I DON'T ,,tiit` isii 1 :i• _ -,-?1,1 'JANNA GET NIT; - lata'/s_.- 1/y IF IT'S GONNA HIT. ME, LET IT LOOK FOR ME! sE 6-lw BREWERY By BUD FISHER �e9/"(il /C A /q 1,/ YOU, WANT TO TAKE PLENTY OF SPINACH IF YOU WISH TO INCREASE THE IRON IN YOUR SYSTEM 4s -�� n • /.T t,teleaaed by The Uelr Syndicate, By J. MILLAR WATT QR THE LEAK REG'LAR FELLERS—Bound to Come Clean • �`f�•• ALL RI0b1T, Ti ( I l ITS ABOUT TIMl•. YCJ NAD YOUR. AI NUA$ OKAY- -WF'LL FIGGER. OJT SOMETNIN' NEW! WHERE ARE YA? COME. BACK HEIS! By GENE BYRNES E(pERT E 17 7 CLEANING HO,OBOT louGH -my Us ONCE' .1: e_ 1 t,,d M"It (11 a51,, ,1.,,,.. PAGE 8 • THE STANDARD ' ' ' WI e PERSONAL, INTEREST Doherty Bros. ■ The clouds of dust you sec hovering Su 111 m e roIeed s t\ 1r tl,1 tl1\\ " 1.l \,..r ';a, 4 ,tet ntyr,l Its ;illy dru••I-11111. ;terse, 11,11114 al ;n Ic 1 I front lair tuner street, 1\h: Ii ' vel tit,. I week -end 1, o I Specialty. g 1x011 road, ;Is Doparuncnt ui I ligll• Welding A Specialty. le,' s nun di,l al rl,nria' j1l1 whirl- Agents For Jntel'llatlOnal- I I I I i I,. RoseGas andl• g I Sunday \;,;'or, at tele home of \Ir, Car Painting and Repairing. . .4 We have just received a Shipment of Play Shoes, including Canvas, Elastic & Plastic Sandals, Men's and Boy's Camp Shoes. Boy's and Men's Swim Trunks, Ladies' Bathing Suits and Caps. Ladies' and Children's Slacks. Olive McGilI on ;111 the a,'rits mil a GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric lel# lI1 II1,1 II LII'f1 II: 11;11'1 t! l' 111.- • & Supplies 1 ler tI'•u, , Hirt road irk ni I dn,t Harvester Parts Supplies ,t 111 t, mit White 0'I I nut 111 (1c 'rge l •wine were, Mr. •- - - - - yttNJtNtI ttttNNNt/Ntt t ttN and \It,. Ralph Mines, and children, Ital It and Iutllattn, Ilmlerstone, :11- Nr. and \Irs. George Co\\all, ,uul 1 kali), Ilcn-all. \\Ir. and \Ir,, N. It. 1'hil1, an.l hon- - ald, ,fent last week visiting, t\;th \It•, and \Irs. 11. \lacl•orkin•;:de, of •To - i !onto. They were accompanied 1111111 tstayltAlt2i0*111)1 IXPIIINSINDOIN81.91 +♦NZeDt 01illriai lAge,7MX.1t1lt%l)t 1110NDIIIP, , l ht their (laughter, Jo,ln, who lead also ♦ • . 40.0 0.40 i 'w • ' ♦ . • 1♦0 ♦♦ • 0. 014 40••• ♦ •.0, •ii 0 s{t111t the pa't'io"; wel'k 111 I (,rcpt,'\. Yr»' 1»:.ti»y»: r!♦9'9 h Pl' "► ♦ . 1 \I 1,4 Pearl l i•dlcy and \I r•, ,I. ; Stnrgecn, 'T,'ronl•,, Opt ill a few ,!ay, .' l ;u \\ingltan, ;11111 Itl lets ;t; I NG.. and \Irs. 1.. \l eller, (loth -rich, °♦ anemic.: the 1"mun Ceinctcr). Decor- ;. ober Services, held on Sunday, after- ward, visiting \Irs. \Iiller's mother, \Ir•. Colrlo"gh, .f Myth. \lisses Ita'b;lra Kilpatrick and Rhea Hall art spending this week at 3 ' the girls camit north of leo I.liett. Superior STORES -- Kellogg's All -Bran Select Chicken Stew . Catelli Spaghetti Tilbest Muffin M4x Cottage Boneless Chicken Select Chicken Dinner "IT" White Shoe Polish , ... Maz' Electric Bulbs Fly Tox Spray La France .. Pkg. ,14c Hawca Lemon Cji1 ...... .. Brasso or Silvo .. 16 Oz. Pkg. 19c 15 Oz. Tin 23c 16 Oz. Pkg. 10c 2 Pkgs. 25c 7 Oz. Tin 53c 16 Oz. Tin 39c small 15c 25w, 40w, 60w 15c 8 Oz. Bettie 25c Salina ,,.._ .. 07c 12 Oz, Bottle 25: !mall 15c; large 25c SPIRIT AND CiDER VINEGAR. CANNING SUPPLIES Crown, small and medium Jars, Zinc Rings,, Rubber Rings, Parowax, Mcmba Seals, Jelly Jars, Certo, Certo Crystals, Glass Jar Topa. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. PIONEER AND LIFETERIA FEEDS. •t, A. 1. TOLE 1 R.O. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN GODERICH • ONTARIO. Eyes Exan.ined and Glasses Fitted, With 25 Years Exrericnce 11'111 be at R. D. PHILP'S DRUG STORE - BLYTH, ONTARIO. NEXT VISIT WEDNESDAY, JULY 31ST FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. TELEPHONE 20 R. D. PHILP'S DRUG STORE FOR APPOINTMENTS, .• ► II/t1 ttttNttNNN /ININfNNtt • •_' '\Ir. and \Ir-. II. I1all ;1n11 family 'motor„,..,..-.,-. -. J. have returned oiler enjoying ;r pleas- .t. dcas nt111d1ototnt thrughea4tent ? SPECII. Otntar;n awl Qi;ehcc. They also spent r .:. an enjoyable week -end w•tl \l r. and .t• \Irs. V. \I. Reay, at the it e tripe, near (ittawa. r, ;11111 \Irs. t-•lactnn Pelts and daughters, l'ar.'lyne and Shar.'n, have their home at Niagara visiting the former'., \Irs, \\•. J. I'ett4. returned to 3: rails, alter '• mother, •t• We Deliver. -- E. S. ROBINSON. -- Phone 156 .i 1 yY-f. .• f: kM-• •.+H`Hj.{a .4/. Hif1 N f r+H N;♦1 . R f. . iiM • H+f 1a!♦at 11i Ir r H}f1tN+NfH*11}NF♦l Hf11 M H H l1 f lit l H l i /f • 1 f .. H . f* #>f{ • Greeting Cards Headquarters for Greeting Cards of All Descrip- tions. Gift Wrappings for All Occasions. Seals. Visit our Magazine Stand. All the Popular Maga- zines are to be found here. Sparc Issues of the Toronto Star `'Weekly and The Montreal Standard (Weekly) are Available. For a Birthday Gift give a nice Picture - 35c. The Standard Book Store Vodden's BAKERY. WHEN IN NEED OF \I•ss teazel Putt, has returned to Lon -•011 after two weeks' h:lid';Iys spent 11;11 11 Ilcr mother, Mrs. Potts. Mr. and \Irs. James Scott, 'foron- •i -itch last "I•hmrsday lvith \I r. and \Irs. John hairservice. \1r4 Ilarr\• Ilrowue and 1{ic;I10- ::,cat the tvec1:-end \v:111 \I r. Ilro\ene in \\•iiighalli, ,\ir, and Mrs. Garth D•tlbvn, and • n, Donald, of I.undon, s,wnt the well:-rn.. neer Cie 11lnnr'a I,IIll ,L, '\Ir. and\Irs. C, T. I)ohhynI• \ r.' ) 1)ohhvti returned to London on Sun- 1 day, while \i rs, Dobby” and RonaldButcher. remained to sp,111 the weed: here. t•, and \Irs. earl \It'hnight,'' ;Ind (;;•th, ,Hent Sunday 1vitli \I r• ani \Irs. Reg;. Carter, \\'o. d t,lch, rl'IIIS WEEK. I•IOME-MADE RING BOLOGNA. IIO1'IE-RENDERED BULK LARD 15e PEIt LB. Delivery, Wednesday and Saturday. o McCallum 1\I r. Jack \ILKnight is nn11e ;reel ;runt, \Ir. and Carter, \\'oodstock. ting h;; • R 1:, \I r. ;Ind Mrs, 1. I':. II;I;ncs and fau- ily, fort Colborne, visited on Sunday - with \Ir. and \Ir,. George Maines. .\. I., Cool: 1• _ite.l recent1.. n;lh h;- t•ricnd, \I r. Louis (•rearcr, who with and sore, David, are s.renr ing _- their yacat; " ;It Roger', Beach, Mr, 1 1 Your Choke in Full Runge of Phone 19, Blyth. Jo 4141 New Samples Are In WE ARE PLEASED TO AN- N3UNCE THAT OUR NEW SAMPLES QF SUNWORTIIY WALLPAPERS HAVE ARRIVED. ' \I r. and \I r. George Cowan, l:rc;trer i, Pianist for the 'I"orzoitu i- Beautiful Designs Trio. 1vhich Ilgaiiirlti-ln tlhlys da'lyI In a Wi.'.e Variety of Prices, Visitors at the home of ler. and in the Imperial di;;in;; t•,`rtm of the 1 \Irs. T. 1., Ktlly during the 1001 week . Ruy;ll \'ark 111)1.11. MODERN WAY OF REMOVING were, \I r. and Mrs. \\•m. Devereaux, Rev. 1V. 1., Devereaux, \lis, Virginia . NIT-. and \Ir;• Harold \\'iglttIllln of''1 WALLPAPER. Devereaux, Chicago, Mr. and \Ir,, Toronit ', s;'ent over the \\'111: -end with Joseph Carpenter, I)ubl:n, Nies and the fori n'r's "other, and trill Later l , Mrs. Jack I)evereau, and NG-. and ,proal a wet in \l itnionl;n I,I;uul' BREAD. BUNS, PIES, Mrs, Will Devereaux, Scafotth, I with \II•s. \\;ghann'; parent,. OF FIRST QUALITY. PAINTS AND ENAMELS HOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "THE HOME BAKERY" R. T. VODDEN. \ins; Josephine \Voollcccl: is enjoy- t \Irs, 1len,on (', u -in and family, !ng a \vecks' holida).s, visiting her si,- S(rat1...rd, spent the 10eek-end ter, Mrs. 1lardisty, and 1\1r. I-lardi,ty, her mother, Mrs. \\'ightnait• Galt. EDITH CRIiIGIITON'S DECORATOR'S SHOPPE PHONE 158, BLYTH. PERSONAL INTEREST and \Irs, Drank Sn,"t!I, London, F. C. PREST \Ings Myrtle LiyingNtou is enjoying," and daug''rt' r, \l i-garct. and Mrs. 'Phone 37.26. a weeks' vacation, j \\'illiam Ju;!rI ;.all children, Sharon - \lr. \\'ill. Slorach, Niagara trolls ! and Gerry, London, spent last \VA- ,' with \Irs, 1', \lithe(, spent a few rl;,ys tv.,th his brother, Mr. Frank Slorach, and family, helere y;.+- \irs. 1\'m. keel is visiting the, 1.,0111: int; north for a further visit• \Ir. antl with friend iu ilalniflon, \Irs. Slorach are succc,sfnlly olterat- mg a large tourists horn' at N air era \l i •s Ir; ;1 1 I 'il y is snendinu her Falls. Ile report, the tour'st (ra:tc holidays w•II1 her hunt, \Irs• Irene very << +1)•I n• ,r1 ;: w a !ow Mart I'nrnrut, :\tor,1 1. ing this summer, \I r,. 1111'111<I I1 11,, and 5n1, ILm. Dr• an 1 r \ir. 11.:\. S. \'1)1 (' 1'f 'I' ll 1, of (''1; '1! .:1)•e ,Irenlliiu thr;r u n arc vat;iting;nr ori h Ile. ;I^,I snnuner 0a':11i r ni'h the fornter's \Irs. D. 6. Ito -It. ane! al sister, Mrs.J.rta \\•;1•,11;In, rr,tt•tg•' at 1klyfie'rt. I''.:h art' Ip,i r well, and delighted to mete 1'1.1 I1101•n friend,. Ur, \'e1;1s remarked that he had fade I to meet an out: . 't 1 1 L•.ked the 1vors" for the lad: of It., :i1e'lc .1 care. Ile ;Ilse ranarke g :h. t (!'c\• 111- j.:ycd reading The I3l It Sta,da:al every heel:. "It keel's us up w 1.h 1:11 tiny ill the 131. th c1,•l,nlu l'1.," h1 sai 1. \Ir-• 1Lnvard 'Tait x•,11 children spent last wct'k occupying a e1 ,hoar, LOHDESBORO ) 11Cr1110N I trt indebted to \I l•:1;U'ler I'Cl1ti, (i i\';blll'll, I 't' the cop Wednesday, July 2.1, 19116, . IIi1.lr .. .I J . VI I I .,11d,II1 .. 1...1 .1 . 1 1.1 :4.1. nsecticides Mothicides 11'c carry a complete litiv 1,1 Product-, In ort \Intl,,, D.D.T. SPRAY (MAKES 2 GALLONS) 2.4-D WEED KILLER BUG KILLER, 5 LBS. ARSENATE OF LEAD TOMATO DUST. TAT ANT TRAP . FLOWER SPRAY, WITll D.D.T. 2 -WAY SCREEN PAINT BUG BLITZER .. LARVEX . -- MOTH CRYSTALS . MOTH BLOCKS . FLY SPRAYERS bleb to combat IC. $2.00 75c 30c 1 LB, 20c, 4 LBS. 70c 35c 30c 30c 59c AND 98c $3.98 83c 49c 10c AND 25c 35c R D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER--PIIONE 211'. .1 .. 1 , u , , .•1.1 .11..1.1 . 1le .1.. .1 l 1 1 0[ st100C.tat<KtettCadlQ41119Ct69440.11'4.titQtAtVg1.1410.18,3Ct41.t,letCt.'.tsItC1k3C143Cgiw.t4'1•101101r1 r y r f l Ig Lt:$ t A wide selection of Occasional Chairs in good covers, at popular prices. f1 7 { LOUNGE IT E We offer a pleasing Variety in Studio Lounges, fit- ted with Spring -filled Mattresses and Cushions, covered in Attractive, Durable Fabrics. For downright comfort, try one of our Lounge Chairs. Upholstered in high grade Velour Covers, they are built to last a lifetime. A call will convince you of the many excellent values we are offering. J.S0 le Home Furnisher --i'honea 7 and 8 — Funeral Director, tNDiiDtTt97. iDISH NDa2.Z1J"s; r`X,.da71 t12ipadv,;:il .;1i TAD'i ii2i2i IN iNDai]q !lAiiAD7giYt#DtBibgilt i4 ++4:•44•04.•4•♦r40r •4 r4 ♦•,40••4,4 r•. r4 On4 140, 0.0•1•, r4 r•. P•0, •• Pn4+ u••r• O, r4 • • r 414.4Or r •i >4 N c ILL BLYTH --- ONTARIO. EXCELIIEN'I' 141001) - GOOD SERVICE Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG Proprietor _: ••. 4 41•••• 1•• 1•• 140.•4♦•.* 4 * .4.4 r•• i • 4 * 4 4 * r4 r 4i+ •♦• 141401 4 * •♦f 1•• 14.4 0 14 0 110 10♦ Or 4 4 r4 r4 r4 i, 0, r4 r•I 14.4+• ,II 1p,,,, I. .i1.444114411, 1,,.N. ,: 41JUL1.r J.114, I .al a 1411 111,..1.1 1111,YIML1ii•„►, 11.411 - CH'I E elm SEE OUR MANY NEW NEEDS FOR THE HOME AND FAMILY. bargabs : ES At Wendy's 5c to $l500Store Hampshire R;uu \Pith dr1;111i;1b11 renis 7 ewes; 10 lamb., 7 \l ary. 3 not. (;fats -5 hilly g+ at, \\'lilt re I will -- I ors. a la 01o(I1, do excellent Ilam nod: her arc 0er a1 o Ir11'\r1'1led W.r.. '•'•••' ..,.d• AUBURN \Ir, .\ndrt w \\e), :1.r died S itnrrlay at the 111nnc of \I r. and \D',, ,\n.Itew h;rl,ct.irmll, 1lt1lert 'I'n\yn,llill, wh(•ve as t str,11Lr, he Intl made hi-. 'home s are .\ter 1. of Ole 'n!!1',\ill;.; hue toll ,ale ti t. Ally for (fairy \oats as they are g''r11 !Irl:- b'e'lt : 11 .\Hutt -t _?:!1, 18,s0, at .\til••is- sitlnl;lrit\' 11 a regular amnion -all' 11.1 tern: ,3 nanny gnats; 1 goatee' lel', he 4411 1 ,'ll of file tit,' (;1''\I';t" i. lamely r int dental: Poultry -1 liberal 1114 seer, Ila, 1,11'; \\'t.hster an I F.iiz,th.th I):ty \\'ei•t'i. -The a" -!(•I' J':tiell• Helene ht'g to row- 1 (:otl,erv;tl ve rno•ler, 11:14 1.'I," 4 Al tell' ;Inc UI 11) \ ears lin c:111'1' wit) II;II 540'; 11, \1;11 , II by i'tihl- :\arti 'n Boren hen- 1rit11 egg-: 4'I 51:1:114 chic- 11;4 1,1Ire•14 t' the Dun:algo't t;••;reit. ;It Ilungville, not nlle Borth 1 f \\•a"1 kens, (t years 0!11; 1 :angle ,' iti,tl''1 1.11t1 -r they moved to -\.,hfivid, ;n1 I I'artnry, on Cie 1411'1'o:id D t,1, last of Jere; Red hired ,n"rl t;nine eh;chelil : then t \nl;;rn• \pllendici-tis I area, s't'd•' dies• next 7 hen., caa vote; 7 dal'Ide ger chic- \Ir. \Veb ttr liner nr'rrled, 111.' Dr. an I 111 s. Nelle, kit 'Iu, I x11'1 \\cel•:, beginning at Ltlt) (; \I., the f I- I;ctis \Vire' roue'' I n;1, a n'rm''rr ,i IIc Auburn than .r T• Ty '1,n'.,i' er, ti111'Ira, e) 1.' 1111'':1, . '1111! Itt•'.'4er:ti 1 1 1'' 1.'1"'\ Ma1'1141 1.l'. 7 '!1111:; Inl'I;,, ti 14'titl'h I.' II;1 ;11111 11':1: ;1111x1'5 111 Idle I'lh of 1i..I at 1.'1•' '11,1 1 of I)r, ;toil `,Ir .! Irl 11:;111, Horses- -I x'1,14111.1 111:Ir','are 111"i!i!'t1 with fly net attachments: J111y ,,44:11L„rutil tri yc.o., 40111 ;II 1', 11. I:;' al i l; I 1 Suitt:iv. 1)r. I.n1; i'I year, of 1; 1 16.; hay I rs', •1)3 P'•,• I r'•lling Itt ; 5etl,u•ator with tioirlg:Int' Tcallh )ne0lnitrl. Ile \'.as also ;111 ;ae I. 111 the 41.1'1 of \Wt' 1111;race 1 iron clad gelding mal, \1;(11 fake attache I; narrow-to':d cultivator; ;111' 1 111 of l. \t 11c's \nglir,;r1 11( 'pals at I.''mdno, ;11111 he an; I)r. teeth, always 5 years old; I sorrel Tull rll4es; 1 cow ra1;t•; 1 sulky rakt'; l'burt!t_ TI1, fnnlral was held en K;I:alricl; serve with 1111 goal;' I ie111 lire, \011) iir'tmrrd; 1 marl nide w:Ih 1 sulky wile; Ittla\al hay hadtr:, \In11•1a) froial the hirl:rnnnell regi d:'lice, \villi DC\', I. I.. II. II','n:ie:>nll, ('ottinent. 1:0:11 feeder; I wan eatimi is 1,I s,'tr; road drag, never used; I Intern:, rer'nr of Sl. \1;11'1', rhurett, ;n ut...m e, had \O;Ih ;r, 11 grill lit:rsc-sh'oe,, sr'n:e t;1'nal rider; :a\1.'; set ruler harit`'-s Inter,n1.1 was in 111111'. (e:ii tory. \I r. Fraser er Met •all, 1'f I, n1!'m, is I:;r1cr; 1 rmri;na lt1 r.e, that runs at , Point' rrttI tioil: 1 triple.es.ttns; n hi- 1 , r rl . I• I ‘' • .,I r. ;uul \less R:rh;11•11 111atrhlord \uLhiII.n,:e in i:ngland, nu11 •ti I g• ' It at s'. 11; 1 lovtl\0 wait -lied for -e, a pith 411 reels r1 wire; Dr;ir corn Id int - >qt 11 .u,, ,.,' n1 , ,1t 11,. ttrn}• I steers and cycle, latent Lever with hares; 1 the 1.1 •c; I 'teal of 11,11<: t' s1. ,+,. , '. and enjoying the lake breeze :1l I: n Rev. :1, and \Irs. Sinrhl r and Nor- 1,3 41, ;a.,; 1 pt'I;greed Il''Istc;n stat- of I -fashioned buck saw wide 11111 (1 - '. ;lull \I r1 '- • (\,il}-,itln tittln;I• ttty with \I r. tail i,caoli. "':1'1 ridden 111 Il;nm;l'1 n last ,Ocoee it ••t ,:red I}' Nigltt •ami ilanutetl I) tertians Ilm' ase; 1 llol Ilia I Pierian \la:,ler .11111 ie h;skier, of C' Iborit" 4''1.11 \1r• an'1 \its. •I'. 11, Slt••rr't'• eryb'r'r. I sulky plow, will Te fresh day of 4:111;' \lis.; Ite#ly Stoke:, (lllawa, \Ir<. T'.nn,t]il,, i5 pend ng the week w..1.1 \li 11ary Ky!c i• lea! #n \ '•1! ;lead Cattle -- 12 cows, gond 11'rkshire nhee barn, 4•, geared I_'I, cal., ho:1 Vele III', \Itn'I Mrs,' 1 ca1h- his aunt and uncle, \Ir. ;old \ir•. Earl tit ;,t 114•:'1 Hn-on, ' I:it•!-.'r;, trill 1irr''w in .\"Lust: 7 trot, pace or gallop; Castor nil ma'_ c ,1.(11,1, \I r. and \Irs. Kru. Ncwntau, \• c:irlitt heifers, corning ! years old; 2 "re spreader, wnr1;, lvtlil,. y.ot glee,: ;tel of \\•111tkor, wall \Ir, ;r,nt1 Mr4. ! \lis: !?'r4, Shar;te ret 11 :l f+t '!•:r- broodcny:<, with cream separator al Six cylin ler stone!, at, with ;11111_ \\•'1111.1 \'e-lrrielt. r side; I l'olnl I China hull, good as vatic emit-oif ; nearl-h:rudlrlt 1\Ever \1 r, and )_1 r'• l)sca• :\ "'rill. 111;1`•ard, \fr. and \Irs. (;ridge Noble, o New \Wcstminter, 11.1-'., are y shin' the f •ma'r's brother, \1r. 'Thos. Nob Ie, and nephew, hart Noble, and (Alin relatives in the district. 1 Miss Helen Clarke. London, is vis \;'tint,! her aunt, s1rs, A. Radford. I \lissc5 Violet "I•I00.11 and 11;11• \ire. Edna Richard;on, fort (''.1- \esbIt.t, 'Toronto, are vi ;lin; rtlalirr borne, has returned home after spend- in Myth this week, ing the pat week %v'ith tl:r s;:.tcr. \f r'• \Ir. Andy Kyle has r:turncl to To George Cowan, and Mr. Cowan. vont t after striding two weeks' heli plisses Judith and Connie Cowan, clays with his parents here, and also also Ken. Evans, Stratford, are visit- with Mr. and Mr;. Jack Atkinson at ,ante Mrs. McKay were Stratford • : ;t- ing this week with their grandparents, Sauble Beach. ors on Sunday. • ter onto 1•n Saturday after v•si•i"Cr to two weeks \t 'h her ';•ter, \Irs. N.' urn•: : c:itve, n;th pil,k sl"eking,; and chilled plows, will' 1•:'lve( flounce,. I Stele;let, ;Ind Irl ne• attcnal',I ;t re -ml yle and NIT.. Kyle and family. high milit;ury i re,; 7 t nulrn,i,l mill:' 1lnuseliol,l Gem's--')'allrug machine, ion at 1 ;.1'0411 on Sntrhty, cons, 2 of which are bulls; also 2 Icl'll bad as nen•; sideboard, nothing in ;' ; 1 \Ir. and ,`Ir•. ktt tare have rcturn- Congratnlat;:'tl, to \faclyn Kcchnic , CP11•s and 2 that never fell; 1 Pivillint!t ' 8 kegs, emery: 1s hint b1 tilt..., t'nittty; ed to their honer in O'tav;a after vis - Rock calf will have Pups by day of sale 1 keep -it -still; large ea;':I('ly 144;'1 it'"; \I r, and \Irs• Joh" D. Weir, I w• "other permitting: 1 J1Ossy cow. 1,:,5., lte'•!s, grad as 111.44'; 1 1i cardiac,' \D s. N1.sc, Iltiltzlialter, Itly;l,, 111111 'rf f;101'. In;th 1 01111 Pets; alio n.hcr articles i\Ir. Joseph Irwin. 1 'n (lead Iloe•--I ,tired •\Ia;t, r,in- 11o., sa' '' incline,, \I r. mrd Ilea. 11 ITournr l' e, ;ng 37 years o111: 3 01 1 pore's, rnmrmg ' feral -. .1f Sale---d•;I,h ; Ii:IL•Ince in the 1laln;ltr.n, ware \I r. ;111:1 \Irs. Clad- , 2)); 1.1 RI;1-d • I land Red sops 44111) , County Jail. Cold lunch:—Snowball; cure (•','. wIto celebrate; his 4th birthday on Thursday, July 25111. Mrs. Duncan :\Ili -'m, \Wcl!and, and 'vol ler \un \11;0;1,, t'he,lc'r, visited during the week -e"1 \vitt] \Ire. 5. A. I'ople4tcne. 1)r, John Ross, Dr. Annie Ross, \lis- se; McGowan and Alice Rogerson• making "ItaCl11gln(s: 7 liro\sii Leg -'and I';r1;1111 I'r,.,t SrrOe,I at \tidnte. \Ir4..\I;n•:tarct .\rtllnr wit;, 'NH-. and horny. pigs, with garden hair It rllci:i : N. U. Snaky, Proprietor. \Irs. (;odd :0 Kay ilolyrotel, ten their b;lel'.; 7 houlegged ;prig,; U. Silken'. :\nctioneer. Mrs. Duncan McKay, S•tr;l ' l and pigs. Ash Kellough, lac:,, 1338 3rd Ave. Mrs. Walter \IcNay, \Wind;.r, with Sheep, Goats, Poultry—Sheep — 1 E., Funky Doodle. Mr. and 'Mrs. ,McKay,