HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1864-01-08, Page 3az. itt0 • THE SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL.. *lir The Signal Carrier Boys 'wish to thank their patrons for the kindly manner in which they were treated on New Year's day. ter An Indian Was froiea to death at Clinton on the night of the 1st inst. He bad been drinking, and exposed himself to the intense cold. Ki- Our townsman,- Mr._ Polley, ` is about establishing a daily stage line be- tween Goderich and Kincardine. We hope ••the- enterprise will prove to be's•paying one. - -7Tow isaIP or GoDsalCB.-The Cone- etllors elected sre':Wm Piper, H. 'Ford, Geo. Weston, Jno.Churchill,. David. Pat- ton- The tatter, is, it seems; disqualified, and : will be compelled to give way to . his •- .opponent, Geo: Cox stanley;El'ectiOns,' ... . In. haste I communicate to you the names • • of the successful •candidates for Municipal honors In this ,-towrnahip. We have bad''& „keen 'contest in every word bat ward 5, where one et the candidates retired the first' day The names of :the Councillors elect are as follows ':- Wand So. 1,-, Alexander Cameron, • oppreed. -by • Dr. Wood, majority Ward 2; Peter Adamson; Esq. opposed by Robert Spikensoc;'Majority -19. Ward 3, Alexander Jo,iason, . opposed' by Thomas ised to return it to the. recruit in the morning. Morning came to him, but the officer did not_ Whit. men are treated by the Sinners a, badly as the blacks. Recently,. three who were drugged•by these scoundrels, died a few hours after they had reached the island. The writer saw two men of powerful frames in the hospital, languishing Hader the influence of poisonous dries that bad been admioistered by the cruel swindlers. The officers do not hesitate to say that not more than one-third of the white recruits have received the fall amount of their bounty, and they receive about $100 each, the lion's share being by the :la, mere.' THE MARKETS. Gonssics, January 8th, 1864. 0:80 Fall tcheat,. • f0:S5 Spring do ..... 0:70 Oats, 0:371 Barley, 0:60 Hay,ton, :' 7:00 Wool 43 lb _... 0:32 Peas . . 0:40 Pork . . 4:25 Beef,_ 3:00 Turks,each .. 0:45 Geese, do ... . _ 0:30 Chickens,' 1 pair ..... _ .. 0:25 Ducks; do 0:40 Hides (green).. 5:00 Carrots, L'1 bush. . 0:25: Tel -nips 0.1271 fSQLter, ..9:12x; Potatoes ..,.. 0:40/ 0:40 0:65 7:50 0:35 0:45 4 75 4:00 0:60 04-5 0:30 0:50 0:00 0:00 s.1 0:15 0:15 cd 0:45 0:00 SaArOSSH HASTDDuET AND EGYOh'DYILL2, ' January 4th, 1864. Fall 'Wheal-, $0;Si 091: , 0:643 0:70 Spziag 'Wheat: 0:48. Peas 0:45- _ Oats _ .0:38 ` (5 0:39 Bayley._.._.._.__...... 0:68 .(na 0:70 Pork4:00 `� 4:50 Keys, majority 6. ward 4. George Ruder Pntiitoes _ 0:50/a 0:50 son, Esq., orpo •Josiah' Secord,:,B ••,..Hides per 1080s r• 4.50-.: 4 io. majer'ey 20. -Ward 5.lhomm B?iru, V: cbee kriesips: 1:1.0 �I:i,i posed by• Samoa Rotch, Esq„who retiree: _ ,h , , ,. ,11: 2:00 2:25 ds Cox- Cord w god dry I.50 . .. 0-00 Cordwood,' green / 1:25- ' :a 0.00 iar'rttL. At the Meuse, Goderich, on the itis Inst, by Ret_ Mr Mclitd, Mc_ Carats ,Mtools- Tos, to Miss As Boste, both of Colborne •` Fallen in the Hight." Dino -Atha residence a ;th. Township • of Goderich,'in the nightot the first of Janu- ary, 1864, of dssease of the heart,. Hsaar LASS, Esquire, -send 36. • Deceased went, to, bed about eleven at night,. `near his; parlor'fire, and when his friend Mr. R..&eh,who waswith him... rose the\mortt:ng, his. companion , was quite dead,$asing,:apparently, passed away: with out a struggle, his -position, being, it seemed, unchanged since the, tine of his retiring to rest. Re; bad complained. during the- day, bad spoke of .sending for Cole, but changr ed' his mind. His: remeioswere interredo_n the 6th, at the Goderich Cemetery, the Cane- ral being attended by eery tnarryot the Home•' rocs friends 'of the departed gentleman, who had , during some "years' "'residence in the, County; gained the esteem Of all- who knew baa. j �?Ir. Lake died unmarried, leaving' relations ra 'England An. inquest was field -by' the Coroner,' Dr McDonggali, • bat there , was' no -doubt as to the'cause of death, and a verdict war rendered aeeordinely., • - < Livediky Sils;...dpeoeolat wk.. and koi- ..._trIurt- dQ'lamgesai?o.:reed rli mevmsrr s'<'del ' ,+ Tb on 1,741 kali, Aee aorfr.itfu{ bees, uprigki, -'r' II. xs;to,d': radi,er,' fatiis.,s:tlu..irl::.• •• Batter .. 0:12; 0:00 Toaoaio, January 4th,1$64. Fall Wheat :: .$0430 ( $1:02 Spring Wheat. 0:70 ( 0:81 Barley..... 0:70<..: 0.80 JOHN.FAIR:& CO. �rwILL SHOW, On SATURDAY, the 17th ,Instant, A OEOICS ASSORTS/0:T or PARIS &' LONDON'°BONNETS, C,odeneh,l6th Oct.. 1363. FATAL Analog-cr.-A. Hien-named William Mnlldowney, of the Township' of Normanby, 'County of Grey, -was killed on the,16:h inst.,, while diggings web for a: farmer namedTone. • He was at the bottom of the well, when the handle ' of a sugar kettle, • which served. the ,purpose of an ordinary bucket, broke, wd it felt upon -and crushed in his.akullHe died front his injuries a few hours afterwards. tar As Mr. 1Vowlan was gotngalong _Main streetlast. night, he saw,,.nearthe rtesidenee of Mr. Merritt, a horse standing. on the gideof the street,with its: head in a reclining posture. - Observing that it' did not move, Mr. Nowian approached with a view, of making an evemmation, when, mneh toliss "astonishment,` he found the horse dead The poor animal had been - frozen. standing. -Hamilton Timms. -The fire atAldershott; camp, in which so assay horses were destroyed reCentl!, is de. scribed ase shocking affair. Only eleven horses were saved out of a batch of :eighty- eight_ :The building 'in which ,the' horses were stabled was made of timber and straw.. and the, fire.consegeentiy spread- . alarm-. in, gine/mess. '91" L young - lady of sixteen •sununers lstelyarrived at.Lomsvtlle,; who had served eighteen months in the Federal army, been .eoniected with seven different regiments,. 1partieipated in 'several engagements, been. aersonsly stranded twice, and had -been: di - covered and mustered. oat sof service: tight tinier. -She bra Canadian by -birth. and says she is'boimd to upholdthe •`anion.'' c- The lfarefeSigea4 in . a long edito- mai, written 1n an excellent spirt and with oat attacking any persons character, showing from the past acts of J. V-Detlor;e Esq., as iConncillor, that he is worthy of- being the Major;,of Goderich, among -many commend-. -able:acisof S[s. Detlor, mentions one par- : It nays, " The winter of '59. it will -'be.remembered,:was a Teryhard.one for this PpO: of. the Town:; Mr.Detlor.wsrmly advo- rktedthe, principle of Supplying work for. those: who were able and willing to earn a .subsistence for themselvesdaring. the :.period of suffering. "That reconsider one of the noblest, acts ethos This- is i-very;important sngggeati a for • other Town: and City, Councils.. They ought to provide wort for the destitute .poor This ia:a thousand times better : than mere charity. Itaronld preserve the self --respect' and moral- ityofthe•ptwr; and it wonid be a most es eeient.=ay. of advancing town imprcvementa of vitro kinds. We hesitate not to say. shatit.* t it duty of the Connczl to :trry to dsioiidee somefkind'.of work for the destitute: Gaardiaa,:.loroido. rhe Ht -'Man • BLANK BOOKS, FRESH TEAS, EX. "T,TLY!° TkiRECT ' F11,0I11. CIIIlNI A. PURCHASED AT THE GREAT CARGO SALE IN MONTREAL / THE SUBSCRIBERS "offer for Sale the Contents of,over/nighty packages Fresh 1 Teas purchased for• us adnselected with creat care:bGEoaGE Katt.. Esq., now for over thirty •years in the trade, and who, wespeak advisedly, as a judge of Tess, whether_ as regards make,. quality.,or value, has perhaps no superior is 'Western Canada .' Account Books. Day Books Ledgers, Jour-• nal'', Minute Books; Cash Books, Indexes, Memorandum and Pass Books A FULL ASSORTS T In tbe: above now 00 hand, and W=T'.T " B E ' soz,DAT Lowest Trade %ice 3' i FCR CASH. NOWT It THE TIME To subscribe to the ENGLISH' .IND AMERICAN And the place is the Sinal Office Book &;. Stalianlery Store. Goderich, January 1st, 1864. w49 We Base our Claims-to/Public Favor FOR SALE OF OUR :TEAS. UPON .`t.,r:' : ie . o -it ' FIRSTLY: These, Teas have .been purehased_at confessedlythe best Market, vis:, [First hand holders,] and upon, the best terms offered to the Canadian :Merchants. SECONNDL-Y: These Teas have been selected by a person of great experience, without costing the Subseribers one cent for expense attending sale, commission ,_or 'else , [freight only THIRDLY These Teas being imported direct from the Celestial Empire -to Montreal,' all danger of adulteration vanishes, for whatever the quality, when it left China, it retire* the same - FOURTHLY: In view of our determination of building up, an an exclusively cash busi ess, it is, manifestly to oar' advantage to be as reasonable in our, charges as possible , therefore, WANTED - ThT EDIATELYA = > G00D-BLACKSMITH, to do general job word:. . Must be a good band at horse - shoeing. Apply, if by; letter, post paid, to PATFRSON BROTHERS.' Kincardine, Dec.. 21, 1363. sw33-2t' MONE-'--T, LENR CANNOT NOB WILL WEBE ,IINDERSOLD';'- D. KERR Goderich °0th Noy., 1863- - A'L.SCOa -.WY PISTE.,.it./Sr RECEIVED A FRESH LOT .OT FRUITS, NUTS;, SUGARS, /PICKLES AND SAUCES,1- with a general assortment of Groceries •of the best quality, which will be'wld lit ,erg reasonable prices D.` KERB, Jr.;•' & Co. Goderich 20th' Vov.. 1863. D ST arket , Square, ' Goderich - THE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST RECEIVED HIS WINTER 'STOCK OF GROCERIES, LIQRO T FS.SEES of TNF CANADA COMPANY who may- destre'to.par up arrears and to ob-•'. rain their deeds can procure moneyon•reasonable: terms byapplyin; (iifbV letter prepaid) to J. H. MORRIS.:' Solicitor. 3 o.1 WeItiegton Chambers, ' Jordan Streeter Toronto. Toronto, 28th Dec. 1853. w4931 Tat WLT Neesoss sssi.Tssareb is Nei Yost. -The Yankees, while willing to recruit esegr es for their srmiem,-and while professing the :higbest"philanthropy,. do net teat he ya Sornieste lace -,with particular kindness or i�The -New York `Treente'deseribes ane ofitriepniter:liar en• Biker's' lar' Bund, intbat barber There are about coloaid spidiets. on the eland, and to one campny our 90 men o "fent had received 4• ase, I.boaatv'whtehlytatbeirdne., Weimer is iiie.M.Fn ofar=ty who had ban foreedinto abs agar, and yesterday Y poor fellow who &idtthuileered theday before and iecetved its rioosb Hesaysa lieubeaaaz advised hint !o"pt ce his boeniy alooefm itis(the. tieti e- s). i t3aaishs:_ so tbat It: weald ;rte tee: ee efl ter trek the Men -m..7' , The Canada. -Company WILL apply at the next'Session of Provin viai Parliament for certain amendments to the Acts relating to the charter of the said Company• • ;` Fasassice Wt r'cn)C•ommissioaera W. B. ReassertCanada' Company's Office, Toronto. Noe. 24th, 1863. • , - vr44'9tpxx • -- NOTICE TShereby:risen that parties' who have par chased Lands from the subseniber, and who are in arrear, are requested to pay the same on or before the, FIR.T DAY OF Mf3RCS, 1864. WILLIAM HAWKINS. Toronto, 17th Dee.,' 1863. w47 -6t TO'FLET OR.S T1L. A GOOD- ,Tavern Stand, comprsng a hood,, •.t1 eomtoitabie hos e, open ified.:drivingeahei, .&e., together:wrtn an &t-rr of lard; known as the Farmers' Ian, on the'Noithern GravelRoed, four. miles trom Godencb.. The pr..pe ty wi l be cold: or rented.- Apply, on the :premises, to WILLIAM ROBERTSON.: December 20h,1663,. ' its_ STRAY STEER. izatE into`the premises at the' ,wbaertber,•'01 V , 9i con s, Usborne.nn or about the 10th;of .last, a e d atter: 35to`wner'in tetinested;to, provepropeitc, payexpeases and take hireaway. JOSH 1siA t Y:nr T!NE. : c December2etb, 16E3. w4Sl3t '' STRAY`STEER - ., "bought at the -PEST 1V13RKLTS,` cornprisimg btu 50cts. TOBACCO -a Full assortment I From l5cts _ COFFEES: Rio, Java, Iogatraand Ceylon, Fresh, Roasted and Ground. �t�. mtothmDte�-theaabaenber is.„ l:l Aped a namgthtes yeah old.- 'The owner i$ e to !Ova prop rya par e5arm"aadtakaway , J t,tea ?tee,borre • Seisnehr'Dt a hh i w4S1& F RT.37.Z'S .S's. Layers, Sultana and Valeatia Raisins, Patras Currants. Pigs,Prnnss, S. Almonds, Fi berte,.Brazil and•new;Engliah Walnuts. OP LIQVO Hennesp a, Martelli, Jules. Robin & Co., and $eonanit's-Brandies.. in 'Wood and;