Semi Weekly Signal, 1863-12-25, Page 3'THE SEMj-WE-E\KTY,; SIGNAL. on ------- Tothe, Free ahil Ind To the, -Municipal i dent Xuuieipal etaril (tonfi* toft of the T0VM vv:: TREAS111 EASJ]J.A� 00derich. tors of. the Town. of bm - In ord m give otirlmndss an. 6p purtunitv of enjov ing 'tile holiday, we pub-! - Goden,bh-, L time is now rapid�y up TOL pr"cjpug ridays ay earlier. than *h6n �ou will be ca1led upon to Umniiiate- N WE I ish F paper a d Z! that .1 !ar caudi4t ufli,,e of Num,of !the an e he -Sia—Z &ffi-� be !closed! es for 'the r e I:beg tq intimate to you that own w_ lant a, t of Goderich for the emining 3;ar I a the Xvitirfor thd a� l.do not intend -to'lle--ter -the lists" inj candidate 6 th�* oflice of ` G TEr NN -rslmt. during the pa,�. fewl Town oLGoderich.imi .peffd�y licit - . M c6i coittest. 1. tak this mode o inic mv intention. iii..tyrder 1 .4 that ibumianti.p. I F.I.T.I.,selUbF Public AucUon,.-Jn-ibe!T4lW'- tug 2, dsys haws 'delie-htful. the clear_�rac' your --ffiag'.. portumay amy be ufforde4 you, �ih pabin 11 a. oru IN FUN, an -�..)where, i tae firm fivrt bound �Having, for several years taken ar: inter- pre- the big h h election-worthr of iyours#lv�s,,und-wc ....... ... .0 , d Way, 'I'c6b, 12-ki. fb-ti.:g b�eaerztlr�*qering I 'Municipal'in ttersyon wibbe nor 'that ivini an A6- esi in a -3: JutiluxurT, With a little inn re snow on paped—without any leugth�ned reular�s competitor. th ould. h—mothing-le# t,� on:iny part—foi.a.competent decmiown Pcif F6ur. �,b. arter a; een and ted 9 TOLLGATES! jo lth� IT contestitthe hM0r&Vf-th6 MiLT mspect� Ass it is,' our my,4cieng to.. �crde chair- itt,vhich yo w - ocezuito -1 22fiv . . n.threersd sequea -is, sig . ix -.-CE J�L .. 6 tru�. however, W .,M allow. tat'e' my to's IT .1.1 , L 1w the Count%- o -,Hum znast be vqt pleasin.,�tq gentlemen, kind1v -aid. without. aojjcit�tfon, Ishpipk. _,Pars: -that m. e oy"d -'soad'- JA;wli un�'tne-3W zoad - T higheir:azabition I reneived t� enii the t6j. _rform -the dutiii�.of-gie, ofiic� -.tp iD. JL 7 Wh, Thus, for a�pexiqd of fmir.yesirs. I lLi . ve, th �:eafiffiind Wid. ch aspire in such -&*iii-not :*x a -manners '(Fates:.6n �es­OrCi)piea Reating in. Conn ecti6 ary, W.'r- I UMORASED "I essen. the.d P on sa Na tr..,Y-ear,� 'Ie- Ut "Ing IN "Cox, in enirig Iris; r. W.. T. of.,those. a4-6ciated 4th me at,the B zin so 0 Soa - �.the 0� U,p0SL'U_qn,whii& na.beeir -bly hd le-y-an-ChamE, of 'this to- ite�iiirs, e'� -soldieparatilffor ,m waileld. f sus- tfiat-L*id,�b ..assistanc-6-and co, o A �.therssistzm c6andcoopq i6 -1 zained'�y� my: 7, IT M "' *' - -_ . -& 0 the, chalr� The attendance. 'jowink o�'a I , . 1 1 - , .. I I 1 0 havc� rust ba;Fe,been. in ik and: �_health permittini, Ljinteua- �.1 d fe* III U.S ft M.%" In in ode couibInation o:uhfi�orable 6 ces ztra , entil, i6`1 the 'not to retirerom: the candidature but 'as' not it, ofhe Tnwn� and In sus in 6, ihp� onor E S V13, iiaer occasdo C of. of of of_ SitiDn' U ep Y,ex itiDn' S RIBERS oI the o�t� JAreSScs were deji� SitiDn ' -,d ­ L L j* ' t, WLiii �wzit fa d d - I e4ht-T IP-64gea ne aQiEionS'nn M!;U'= b 4dr-us aa.-seiected with �reat care' b _t 7'r 11 _y, GroligF DQN7 ALI -E 8 - now rctrrju�g, m e eid of municipal for no* LONT hon-,dd4ubje=t �to- Cleaver Hunter -p- -M ---to than -th "de, and sp6_j[ ly, as -Teas, , e il dvised] ,d. T-hiLve the'lLonor to emem, whether as regirids di'va �w Sapenor P very*siacereii danadaL. as pe ha and very cordialiy for th r ps no estern -Gen Mau A�T[)TSL,& tlemen ud speci�l Marl�s '�our --co, y W sernnt the- L -T -IMK'A �LET IN AL i. -HE, 't0f ittain i7ries qr T _BF ..Your Most co;;aJera,tion'extended to -me durm.-� four aseur, ciaimg- 7W fo ithten �0,4N._V.'_,DETL' R, good 0 _711�T EAVEALS I KAXD A-! -7 -di T spr,!� oa jGates FOR �A_Lt. OLF Z0, j7n.fhe 0 or eheen' "The' 'butchers. 1. haveI&the honor to be; PON. deri E63. sw2T C- 1* niPmen, IC .,,e -eral T41 ug xuake a Ene�show of.B;4 ALUn;I P-4 MA pefftent �,t� L , �r 713, -, , , &5,, na fhe country hai-e _bL6 --hi 'ToUr huzxible,�, ob a se, at th�, w� wiumn`nn 'the.,< 'A ,26 �;O 604ai-ing,and rcpI Ile 'better �supplied.. bee never n ESq"L -P To JAMS. WATSON, TR S T L Y' they Flom� 1'. Up"h the purchased L been at' offeied,�to �e oti6ei hes�.­' Upo : ia� t h� thebest term that our hZ h 0 pa, 4ate upo -the gd;eSr hraVe_ Kay r has determincd not sFtected,3 a�=n to hia-ea to reimp. the lo'nors 0 on, an& his friendsare d6dfident� the �Nvatsoii iiiiLt-thelofthcom' io!"� or ghise T, M win the. da in :,Elect and Although cs hxve been _A erson.6f vrith�ut costing Ae b, 'Pen affedt"I Certain, ainount,,6f. 01 do, penence n sale';,r. COMM Qw�ec Ath '-Deceiiibtr, 18M on�_cejjt t4 ��cnie te din jasion, 6r else, [freI you. ara'. an 4t by one tfr oib'cr For and! OTICF I dditional. of spirits,.- ih,�, iov� to admi; jhaj much o -Improve our N III& heait' in t -TOLU -be f�r liss, �feelirig corifirlent T= In art Order cirautiepaLe,d' p arIn' 71 '1 R_,L" D t.. y of n. ;to fill tho �XaTor's, Chair, thanwas -the F 11 er ks :Way competent and'L f Fc 0 ies,;tdro,uzhout rovim:ei� -1he Celesti in lv�o,pen These Tess 1I jMporteCjLdir66t frorn I This,.fabt.s t1or' -Pec ly left 'China ead pfncat:. '1864, of�kdulberatioti vanishes, for what� Ptm to Temaim 111 I TM -TMET JNUY, for t e of -the -duestiou.'. -putin zxomination he zame, i�id'ixa -the made 'in th:6 Baijk 6f racire�j��r, its! assure, y�rj Ve 'Pauna- over and.,above aud 16nor" F V - U R. T -,'H LY ahle mea 'to Wx..-XcD0UGU14 on_ iecupe your electi -�eterxdiurtton'of build'in a zn,eicl sview 4 We bus'mieiss', it., c nThe-mgu1a_r­'ha1f­yiii15� 'Exanuirrati raauifcstly��D out advantage t� hc.aSrmjs0�Ubjjjj� er ore eftb.VaUtbo=CjJL 2nd- ano, lecirver frow terday.—;. _2 C ot lua� AW NLOR',�V T. o _e=aninrafion G, btherauimals�ubjectlo'Tojj Q :G- e*rge Cal�<' t mcauaro --th, recovery ot t c sarric Pa David cAllister. but, on aa ih G- N. -dete to try t1te ex j��iznefit ofpush� 1,86 IeefiroT -ounty rrivors gh in. e, a, In -some 012, Robeit P kis� .'B.. Gord res we c R6bert, T_ _pic PrIsHer the: 6han -006 oD..Shade Goodin T-, Xaeld6, itors Ed, as, it enables vis. RubL PIR, TIES in'' Canadal �Wes r t, intending o Jno.,R- D I ture'for sla paruizertzszan fojucL-e-b3-,,ac�tuit1 [Cr 1�rnn 121. IL Coferick ting LOTr OP. G ore, 11'9* rivate orLocal A. or. couferring`t�rj:Iorate N` E rog-ress -,.inaae in -the�sev"' 1-R W allace John-.Hald�n, eral 'partson. 0 -the -efficlenz the sei E. Hosker obwers, f6r-bomicercial'or other purposes�o Prl urv*,eva, or,,bo Paum y d C. s UMS Neil McKiaboh Tho mas Dancey ries� unda" i aRso aor for doing anyth; th:z,geaeral� ' 7t: f -ten in. jo. z6act the rtxnl�nt -Grocerieg a-lhe� JA I*- virt P The Prirn� Department qu k. be sold at very, ig rty OFother -parties, ire-her.6- Robert in a Moii '01W , 'M onable.pn V liammm gust& an�� Christiva,C�M" F 1SAVD El ohjr­Mtj,�*ell 7ason, by 66fied �tbqit6+, ani xeq�i r�d�bj.,the, rd, rmj�� , e as examined. ilHaML Wallace Countil' wd fo Gidya: Xorgpll,, nEd. Clifford ch. 20t'h Noi., 1:86 the forendo and., ivi m pleased to�� See D re ui�is&,djri -fulLi sThos� Dari ,maL Sev TVV0 M0jqT'HS"'S_oTlCt' OfLIh -that. the little7-1611-, are _Richard :o give 113,� John�McDoaald AT. t - - o in a- g� Per ;_-11; '!, 'z e Th Kiddle� Departmen -.which- e, ts..atue ThdmiL, Dix aeob,See- h �Canada'Gc� $ni� Leturgej E0 Rii E7,'0' Th., Saunders. a -examined in, the'aftern6on -is Iaii&ht 1; "MatthI Mattheviiod �k he,'touut� or ichard Harris iilierj. ldidc, c4ies,of th,� Iof such 'ete or each d' 'be ctbAer: all reedi Thompson. is Very superior� mchiel cc;mask Ueor-ge,Rai,63, Thos,�Ratson-' poticeSL ce oqu G6d _to:: ePriVateL Ofli con teacher, nd hak 'e-V"id: giT Bills MI -AT ]E;:IJTL �Qr� jes, --under.1) cz ed, into Urbert, sented within'the, first Jhret _Weejo of'fl'l'er not 'Ont fh'. n be rLU 6_70 John n EL 'n7ED HIS S JUSTMECL -ae6jrtruent but AITODD. THE SL_BS_,RfBEP'HA h�_r 'aneal -;ffll be� Dr. mest sprightriaess' which t,.Taff -in, �tison, ra its th a4yanCe 'PL�ter�o.jj O� _or. a "Ej_ h 11 IN Que-c' -46, Dec. '1863. SM3 td. _-md'dation ob�, ija ' c)ore,, ',RobeftBoth, 1. fj serve sing e aw her method 1W Vought MARKE"; �,cmripri G 'etton. ne recitations 'an _M LE F� stru John SQUA la-ge,atd: L W­ ereLP, 2;a4,�Y�Ch; Gi�bdhi orge es�oj;l; d: Clar;_"*�.11, t Sarnuel Firrs 0*y_JAN.rs* 'OF' we-wex��sorzy-fo, ntitiiejhrrt 'D "Fiter O'Rar6ke All Willmin re wasilot ip Chidre�T n rom., 50cts.I ']L I W Qu6�q _Nb,� -'I 2i 11'VX Do *A J. W EBY GIVbY thd"b6. ther sub ect, in, c6 been -he ono�- Geoige'Swiurson A rietv "o I'ViAticyAril NPTc:Pq-5 9ER 15.0*00-,ici;ii W -land iii the Towaih,ip awevdr. that Arthur-, Mimb C n desill 'Luther,,i� the :of e(L 7h D L a�d saftmet ou illbi -offered r prt, N jor si eok AtL 12�0.'ojocfr, noon. er A 'd the 0-fficiof.'the res- propo.rtion- of'Ah6 aU.'C �nk�� in lio unrul b� ideat' Age' It A er,; &C. in whic case thLi h tea a 'o �JS prepared d b- -hi t Kariy ,an e�7 Iiaies:tissett. ILGIXIP�Ga 6 �to Sell. -of, FERRUA W.13�i6h h _�Remry C on r` T oSec a Ry, next h_ 'Con��j at cellezit teacher dir �un aim, on, res oasterlzud has quistioria Widd.., es,-�ihore_or less. bl Witli' -ndir in three he: itibo Iand.-�Ji� �M`tcsted.�A :SIX his pu�ils. _T h i.h6mas.CoRherd., scaili, and therelazlil out alur S'l�ROM;GOD ue_e inst ents, winteir'es't. S U".'G 'in haeL N_ dfthe-iot�'can� 41everness quies on application t -tm erixis o ring -Par Cut or writinIm es- to the branches' taught the De C ON. �en _jF -ye�ia,.z they. are ma ng, :r�pi bi Goizaicu; Ath D� 62; 31cD0 UG Allill ner. The , , :, M. - _pem us.9 pe— p Wereo.WrLt- and-TI aleritia Raisins, Pnt�as' U its the�.above 4ffie sc o re III �q rOf in 'I-jz rate." L �of ------ ra" e crich 'zisaimounted 'd and, a ts. plejg MTjjIf Jow, a_dntjea� of the, office �to the best of O.r ML W ",Iw t fultori a i�f, or e, JOHN-FAM',al �C L son Thank' the Coll t JP; SATURD Cc A 'the �17tb� DS F den toL-repoSe in =eII ren NTA \ , . A or, vott Be -In DEPARtMt _fjj _jo f�C;l (D sclr r Yp7s aithfulli. oAD at"Ske mom -XvIsheq -avr2 or 'Wzan �O S, U R the The.- Jaconesy a, Martellis 'itilf9itmaffies, inwdda andBottle Sin 'd D. GNAW -ei direct _old 46t qn ,W2 me- j�mes, 611andSL other �OLJXI�k 'J)ep L oB kt*,Vish and gy r �lyine Iars who '6� 1 2 e S '7epeilm OR AL sit, 'pasm I through t 44 eA-BEAift UTAS S "L� e%�ishi& *&es to �&ejjj 1 7 G LO Tece Th ARGELY 7xTp=e tberrr ;Y- n-1;*e a— 7a _tT'iI 7 1 77 ,5 TT 61 17, Lpp _ly" at _MttENTAT --tw; t A R] CE "d "E', 'E Xle, 0;1 w r : il 31)e ) IL place in M e AN G A �o d0j 3*000E i,to .9m, _T Wr Jio�thC :C