Semi Weekly Signal, 1863-12-25, Page 241 R. 4, J T S E-4 1, EKL..Y S. JCA It B.z:ftlo and Lake Rarox aaaroad for theic hiller, arid' eveli after that, they -wore from �tlrc� adrBi-ablo genicints that"have in th;il?ormb� eweight .of steel used was -7 Ottawa.— arrall PARAGRAPHIST'S BUDUT �ccus-.d Of an hite'llion to chea "Tkj, LEA191" �M�T LFOISLATIO1,27 THE AMERICAN WAR. 7.\ - . — I bd&o �,Buile to be entirely ob�viatt]td. 500 t its, -W i if -'she hard been'l6mit of iron in ib, e file)' thOu"Ilt it necessary to i,sue a of the th �'e ot,�tbl , Wb6khr Prototype Is, LR ARRAtt0P-MCN.T. cieht,farce t iss 'WiNTC im-that - ibty 'irl know "What N-w`i7-'=' 'Dec 22.—The Governnieut'� - ldhave e6n-upwardB,,of 800 A iiihs'hingi ildftori�l %eided "kllaggly,Clear ft,is rill. a expetried 'that -there GoiNG XAST. t1viv were aoj`n� has decWd L�'at the 1 b6r�.itables, to insuic'protd6jidn t� gelf- tons H" iifthi�'Ait Llathag bill tbough i'lle iris, 361ety o� Ameriew Ves. he Ounard mail steamer ' Persia� Grit Le - D -w Fxp ructions tlezue�t'iicklet holde, (bui it on) had a burden istary., forLli t cointu"' a lit the -Point of deparL leiislatio�n in the nex"t l9sion WLre minute. vet amid .1 �13 le:,ving this -'Pot t requil�s that Ito lt�'rsun of 3160'0- t6us � 'to T�,wuship Ciluncils,'t"it�,which;,ther political - , , RICK, uve i and� as the turiff is arran­ed hy tile Vher horse power was tiOO tons; and! Sir.,' car- o' felIttive A, 8.40 A. u. ail the harry of a ell Inge of Goverilrtwnt it- we c I ump . ., I e'- -.red ? Ae *h,churcb. cle person; a sin- CLINTON 9,24 was issued in 2 1 dUy� %fter tIv,v. had- taliIeu s,nge� or othrrrwise�­on aiq 'the ntiw-Aet'referred io� t::�- Ther-CharleStOn7cou rir hall be uilo' d to'leave this prt as &- g:)S. tif at X3 3s, 'arid not pponerits of the:L�'.Nlr�lkj `6�d",�belabou ried 1,400 tons of coal, anti 1,000 tons of car for announ6o'-r1that U A P not excepting even the Mel .PUP .RF 9.48 a. and thQr hackers o. Had 81re'betn built of -Offiee, so untlious �-were ihay� there should; I c Witbolli first it-beivi a Passport fro lid s steel wiih the- Townships 1 divided. into Wards (just as if aiid s trimizision ood, ever ope thl%Lthic6th' -illy will bb,ivery se.) ry double �the 6girgoi�and 'the wcil�ht, of -the ihd�ceofid� P to aiir.lof gloveS.L-, Y le -P, ...... ..... tit F -03, while the' fourth that a gjaboat, fing L been stationed at 81 dy T C111RO VITWOIC.'. or' -I� 'for SEAFORTH, oudera.�will be c6aveyed free, there is same drift,iif water and 8peed,.she Ivould;'ealie they.al;ne " made the,error 1) of u,',South,.rra iialdic' 9.54 no dehiv. (Oh,ters -After the co' Marshall of this di -Ii 11 is ufid in go much' for' 10.1.5 reported, lulta: C114!1 i should "o type: but Ila NUTQAP. Xe of cintractoi \hull would.tieL r�duc6d to 1,100 to ap'lof the same Street, tire identi. emini 'ew Y c4t;oe furtluwde!ay th��- kept the utd Hoolc-by Admiral 817auldin,,, into, P 4 o -N' ork has been rtade4-, -11.20 olles­� If w STRATFORD 'Cpi'dlv pt evn-y vriiSel -lL,JVilI a to arriving At the i; tion "is printed in fall and �flciilst One -sixth. aiorie 1he rescrip tation on tLe morn her total displacement :or weight, would be cat Act in Ille b�fldings g.the �oi by, that .4 . UL [laid n -og,:esiLd arid he, Qutlet;- ing oi� battle,. we lia.re. again to 'r�lrhrced one-sixtfi.' A�pply -this calculuti ��d­ I hea, 12.3) �.N. , and unother vessel at Thron'sneck to eiaui: Ills oil to to wi,s glad to see zi Ili thijt'the exertions ofthe h ;`-immacu ate Prototype. nown couceruipg'yo ill, by re start- heK ouse power, in phice of 900 a e w6uld ii Townsiri p�- oun'cils— veseutaiiii wistry w, -essels leavi-ig tire. poi-i'.by NyBy of US -Pdki*; (29"tit. W95T %1 ine'% -:,entlom- If will pay.their� h 6re ippreciiiied iii3Ottawa.� Tit Irr' utid give' them, --requ -3.56 P. rarnksiot'br, of Ct,own,�,Lanls had saved STRATFORP ... ....... ARRI Sound, With instl4lctioils tb:detain: such As are eitsb- Order to dr�ive. at once to n! ire 7150, the bonsuiaption of coats WaMsjibollsl il." I'L a:jp� Neiv York,eitT p!�eL which will be pointed out. to�theffi. 006 tL With crance ..L)Ee. 4.20 $70 being rcilucedi-in pill o S80,000.in Iris' Moral 5.L a& who'livi- in .-IUSS' h' tIses ropem IITTCITCLI .,department. 11� without pitsscs. L4,11y'011e call obtain.thri pl'o. _-portion." -rel lishin� Zo&logic�jgardens,mlike Ili had - to S� Is -EU I orw1d nuthorit�,, and at -this place, 1pir, discliargi'n,, �Per pro� , 1� 7" -110 zl"ondori, Pa 03 (Nrr. Mac&iield I' call h,,vri Iris lopdty� of'wur, tile qu�egti6ti -wri� eiill ere those -who �citi�sL ROOK,— 5.23 ULL saved.:by w a ones; and 0 - I-Ist, H�iabiIr&,.inuii oth'i.,!, S �leag clerks,,-,� 12;OOLO per'aafl file,)- pe.ly­vqu�hed for. LL, 'The adoptiott of this rest assur, 'to" impoi ;erloq 0 7 -able"to s, nuwlihat t eS ate dertake ivigler* than 0 taI4 admission 'wit hollt� molestation. as been Ado to e pn eir ri'librisi.isa 'd b " h" l:�� A-ba'�'�wpt 5L'4.1;-' 'I . iy 6ae� tor,�iirtiznri rea- stringerit. nlbasau�e probably -' I U� 'k, � — 'arMotir-plaiin Ila But turned'out ar prevent- lr� � I L- , "in L jo 'obSe ­ ' ' ­ f ' - " L L- 9 HAAPUR . L h ... 6ftllL rve na�o o the Warrior wa 8 or eugme ve� good proofaaad� Some - I fi- . . �zl ElEy 5.53 z not �ert fit., etuii-.beg Ele�wa� "lute In sons. L pei-�ons 'had, beer,, repetition of L. e'Chequileake afrair� -44 - d out, and :,their kei�i up toj�,O 0 ............ . . ............ ... pruptitioner, ind: dervied L hi&', Weuts­,�jol e tufrue li;acea� re1fill6d;' and tL thp,in'hri�ingplacelit, ail V, (;I Or L oweri erStiec 1ile �But Pfiii;&Dei.PHiql:Dcc;. 22. en Ili _wlIb -ra,e fourteen ku an wei'k t Of CLEVE& 0EBb:-;JT',1 Ew.- - OR nlcll� � y�a gentleman QJreLjhA :* it o t nafa6d, to, th6m. �ny AVbra;,e fourte t %V�S� e y-tOprincesses. -'k 0 iom making. -he 0 �es.had-uot beixlre� Oe in her b y I aO�ounfof a r were, tu;-ned' at because they vVe�6 w -ho leftRichruona;On it) e 2 0 Ih inst., w� .11 not wa`il�ed, ibcir�plac . ave penjot��pultiii,�- Off theirl�arrivall to. t ,is[ ir 6 r � or c paper ves�f: e'LIBStaince e'a-Ay' bl J ' f'lf�d tile following later firfu rri� � H a:— mll t in, tbtiitl,displacemeu� 8 In-orain a irm, In AIT- clever o�f,'71N York 'on giowinz mon pnpe! ho,iiotbius�t �av�` -shbl . we I. lit 61 the outside plat- Wbdne4dayJ,ev6iIiif-1by the �ssmn­of an extra, -tie's of Kentucky. ii' �­ThdIG 11 A""' `-� ' ­ "' ii -in He denied c �3 of I -in J �4. to��miigration. lit. juriely on., the increass?, entrged at-stitne despatches' from Airistol,:. e _is Let them 'not �Jllerellilnt Mhip4Lffib f6f­ also thri'boutill zilivici,-lVe gave �tbem it, about;�orneitiird of 'th d length Into U., Vennessee,�stat e weight �of Eanrum6it to pr:5v6- thav the WIt b0a6rr -He- Ive operation.., Z., that G,C,n. Loriptree h:bis -army was- -to cr�atulrb:b6jnfong. enan an the gibli an last wpek as re 3 in the�wrhole vessel� t in a ship 01' WariL, OWL- t ba,'t brtea NyheB L* il� , , , , . ., I r and Kin-, milifflig Hblinan 'victorious in 1'6 9 vancui;:, and 'no do b 'f 4, ta sdrere battle would, uu,kB6vvhiw`the­len,;t �of the jburrrey� Alf thby are thl'.S Wsy, L '0 a CeFtam 'extellitt- Ym pti )tic wori? -je se "I, In, bulk 'h e. I* �On is tilt tile were being- car- be oil jilt ill t116 OL ing to tie extra' a ,h r quire roundbl'. I A,44 f­�Jon6boro, T�l L ­ . IL W hen � that:' If. 'that -can o, epen e 'on.'g'Lthat it. tntii;t.-iie- IfQils, vaier tiglit compartmentai the k owing ones Rnew,las.the� ght Was fixed for ! b 'Id" :d T's-entirely'unrelQ1 he whiskey'nitber'leads riellon. was not Of- i;a5b; emi. ht.11gec'. 'AciMlorcereduL' fro.61 Col. Jackiso�'Is, "ly: be � 6ver the Cbi X did r6t, do we] I. 'Re Wei:,lit was one-fourt da_' berdre midnightf,SS' the A�of the aveiage,plhtiii,� 'Goilftleft C. W.I. 6h reterred-to,the' ' L -1 1 1 tL Stli inai nopnssi'billty� could- tile a e be 'I Otfe:* U. Geil..SAIn. Jones' command were t rnJijimed go roricive, 122,OOD hii 1 %Olug convq muS _rL uj iately darkn -in for U�fe;Vof,tllis SS Suppusingtbe� plating of' the, Warrior to - d .1 'Still il sce]ritly. -J a continuous Iin&. a to Lorigsticei be [lie L ell. eiai a reach li&re af fli;A�dnte. 'I ,It,, r and the outsid6 its cffeC6-4Pui. ­W6-n4Y;--Jirt'6. the b�rse of.the wouldforn . i ejr year 182,71 when ill' RideFau Canal wits. Tile caterirl'�r had week, r a pro June(' "I -cgs, andidithi tilde when the Welland it ree-fourths of -an Jr I Up - Ca &,g�ritpii fee., -Meridian, Mississil? 'I, per bas be,rif tmd1'taTj'eif:,by' Mr. Dan platingli I '6sent one W�aa a c' irife�r4tf i.60� 'ju. PR� I P o repr 4urth � of the li�liall� 'Iyorded 'and em- 0 CHRISTMAS. nali'llie-St Lmvi�eiiceCau�ls, and the Grand rell'iIrts that Job Jofiiison?s arrity is.' ofnrda�rse ho canno V, b rve 9, 1 c criess proprietorgL,:�' I r -1 P? . , . . I U9 to r a sa a e, I in es,.tu, r�� bui Ill m0flon, Uri- lvei�'Jlt, if r,xuk -Road,,Ivero being lt� The Pro�ince ag we fomc,Gen nee., all it Isittiqiectured that it iateuds� to victual the lee a I rea. 'built aboUtLas jadeellgful rein dertu e to and -Lhrb�e inches. dun the� oxiernal the", : sp I as has'be�n perprii enougk to reach from, "Sin Francisco -t Ncv� 0 pin lo '; -9, � nee Afar :are Upon ed ii..pupulation ;is tile nicans:Of rim. Ha�dei a V 0�1 .;t*' '*as no the eve 'o it is 4 Fe ure `,t at eL OSe­ B gr6ater ho..t.!'. Ch, r � _ - . . j.L ' r, . Ure� !o steel, ,h eye�, t 6�e e a Since ployment.hadbeeb avirilable., It would be 1! ;4 It -is rurnO6d in Ri6hmo4 t1hat I not,id tire dr in riStafaq, r th fiasbeen:rb&ive a5'. or inar run in weiflit, or 0 0 'OVI � Sf.tbI1gttlr faile' t.one-balf irl� regar to,'whdt�is ;aftempted, erroneously, to� e, most joyou Gar nL aR I'SaVI 11�, d :t c I t 'a a L it) �j of an,;*,!, international, k'j�h-t Nor -4ta 'dt'7'- lit, be contemp ated, tuAave re- 01141V-h�pri of �e6ie�in, the folio r' wi e �k 16 to I the res t call th -war �fearbetr has �a�;ivcd Cc �Or. :Christmas Eve brou,;ht aduess to �wh'chjniig w iiess,instei of 3in.;, be -d6 Tho F.efe s Ifolil the . matw; ofpolipy,�,in view Of-"�Iv public Vio-Irs Lee- will be,s tit c Min Intii�! . ' r , . L r . . . I " to o and the north. est, �ronti'lnni S rsburg 9; -tred L- I . oj.�. - Re to. He re!bl in . I - 9 so persons are, tryine to,16tule'ttle t t its con-' heIvy diso nt for the "BOL.11 I Of d lormation haSb -d Co�federat6S tha n a ]iron to which now car fe= ermu a, an e sew regar , 'to -pm inimary yonn.- hearts in -years past -One ries,an.arknour,t) Sluk 'a eracyf6r 116dLioa to 'the' CbicII�i() 4PUtation and � the -bis'-one Into tile precaution-tnes iak�n t)) C 6 ort Of could receive save r and d' e1e; i3arm we ua f f i. . � � IS ters,�exc 'vLe! bii�a 41th their-wealilij� in- o 6vto shirk ta as If our sto�kin, '111. the cliimney 1�,Ilt 0 improved, ineans o cbminuniention ry in Virgi t1lic C, Una at %I�knter quar Mutter$,r whirili:ha herjtr�f Wh6fh e,publish- ;and zation, urrdcr�,Gc�tiral Early.' rJor"in genera , 81trej er I ie�� spil iaye BuLth"'L was not- the community iSi bieodrrieL r;,ant, woula be. supplied by efilaigiii�� �to stBfLeJhaf.�a:lielecfiirrd uf'riii�; arid rcslst'ing`pOwbr:�, b,,tween the vvest'and ilid seaboai,il' :ept; one divisiou-%Ihich is tri�velieris at the 66rume�6bmeut tile sarne.time be su IVITj ed: The.'�iic me' atri 4n to,' do a -b corner in ant I ation, of a Visit "from St. ' ich6laS, and'adIv brin� 'awreU 01 san e,vmtemeat exis�ted keepoi�i I'las-been made �vhich we' intensb, arid; bettinZ ain"'businei ce canal"Ifial N B 6adk to us hlat�y the,st. t I - I L, trus May 'in, l'r ' . r rginia, Only advatitageq. As at 'present, conit Ing to 'tire Go6r­iai �"StPd, itins ektra�.64�tjyf� J' in the vi qpity�of Staunton, Vi in con- prove Satisfactory, -men picie �out a cry inany"fire wIll' The, .-Standaird 'his - dr , L - f " " ., ­&�­. ­ . - 't"h a t _Cilfial, or by p c be like tild' 'WdJrrR)rr Coil[ is cn,der rerai��nse of early associations eifeciin�, the.' Avi It only : carry h t take, even betaor, London ra d,, 3 tons o coal,-irbic repou. tried tbr t lie 12 sequence pf thc� typroach of Gen I Avcrill's' have alrl,ugrered'i�.stick to­�ther f6rOnce- ill I at the, rate of 155 but the lar,,e'p e 1, r , , I 1 1. L, dreace is wo,ti) onel) enan. PfIblis ing'ar se as'*e sit in the 9'osy nook our firesides Of I e OLEA,va _�Y" e6nifill thatr c6m`mand. - ImbodbB;and n _�Vlr.a_bVelr it elf Rhodes wer ell-.. ilteir;livbs. air 'see wbay.-chw real y' -be, done -ad drily coal:for fivb�d Z22 &4 T ive could, not stand: Still.' a, h, IUOS,per, y, -iViuleiff fill ------------ la rly at the rovrsi of tiny ther would bb�a fio�,i of.emi-ration to Ulna-' ad�utice`. al;dr ould. arid' lc;6L-L Smilin, me, dea� -�siicililii`uo T',O�- , , -- -urib& to oppose General �Averill!B� further to put an end,tilt he to lv,we�­ L�4 e -t zn-�s of whidi 66nsumpiion, f steel she iv U so mize[i, cause to come hdveiso muchl:m6re �cnu,l*ying.ca�iicity,thatr 1863-m-Mh. LL,;- e MZJOFLLT, erf for ibeirs a. -dict. 7 1h da.'e These r were in a L tter`is- expected ill tilai we liaye:lately hud�-- a so 9 hun 11 ready for mysterious which itte dovern' fi�-hi is -�H B Airs quarter. plain.,i It ivill'bbi,the last bh`dncd,.a�d v 5 nienthad in view. arid which wuuld,be sub: e,can 4fer coalkarjo!i6ald amount to 2"51 lit It t e serdi`on;..afid; SJL r gifts, by. firm liCtle this ti e- mitted,to tbji%ViSdOm [n7the ConQemtb'Con�r �[Ve�iubaatutb 6frwhout jb6p- house � 66f,iijuiptio.01, r. IUI? Parliambi�t -at- the i qss i rissutelt ese men, tuarly 6qua to six teen' day s'lruton haa.-lb i B" J" Rc�d Inc. bill s bee abro-afed, arid ;ill persons ivlio that unless, OtLer - I hadr thi smallp�x 'a �dL b sea,- isconfinued. myth. Christmas gives- Bid cheers by have ,et honored proper til H6��Jused A�l hey 'really,�stund by'one art Hr c or e n,,, 14, not y to' a iefcit6struct of ill ' ' .. .... � .. � 11. e,.seen, tput substitute$ ill tucarniv and pr�eveutlhbrgligh -n.vy; , r I � b _,V)SIt0rS,;i�W i, � 0::�-'Thei ire have declurin,; thai-the Goi�-rnrnent 'ould 6e'here h, are: compel test pbssible i6terTupion f iron a,ve a -to 4ontent, in blf refreshing opportuinity, forl-soci I - w L led ti "OL ill of any! L question o ys a reunion, tOSliieL U,1 ' di6 wit I An outs oLfil 14,1865, and- �hat n6tllill�,� Short Of 'Uri, It t ernselvLs,-.­H. S.,Woote,st Cott. iid, -and also p' Steel -in rli�,ard If anti if L rotedt t e 'gentldare[IL L pb to bi�I So fin e WA edra,of f6f4:maiiy;,' 6b, �b- present, t ii� Only. rnatcll�'Biaki�- we shal,l, Mr., Lincol jteHouse. ad mAYL rest a` YL t its overntneuti,,if'L e _in daisireci4 -isitto Live" her*eiei and is . F eq fails 'to rcvLve Old- affeetions,we quake WOU! aprevent I " G arLtl- tinues, his se�ere dentinciation.Of tb6 Coufed* I tant that Eerh or in. erut Ad thencelfwth- in sstire that the have'been laid �powcr.-fronfpuitlji,�gpa the Otta,�;abuildings _ �'i ,at. -mude poo on thxs�, occaS now ab'4*r"""�,,"b�ili'ok6'x��ulAi��, -,!�; Wfidw I 'If i-s',ruinioured also L t a committee,U Cdfigrcss�-*-daitj�d '6n hi -great aiwing. i6h. . He -frelili ad nblir." son, Atb to co commissioners whO',will d h carry le gedth4ttliellRoyull wasmuch indebt�dt�� S. I�f in'7the grave -of un!zenerous churli�hlie xill be sent'rio1be'Court of Madrid in behalf oui &6*' VidwSrwifitont, -i-Pdilille 6f S' lh� tbousalli&'Of dollars "ba in t -of'.the ihJenterp�rise iind- b -1d isp 1I d by, Ili OSS'to I 'TA-morror*,wili--.b the' �ssiiatancli w -joy. o. Bess 1ye, e ri THE HE.E�VAW.IKIKG -of-the, 06t�lll&lerale !Goveriintont. bus rgnlj6i� io�Uu eitintE.L ty iu�*- regal to saget i e-Presidiin was�fouud,'in fit l 1 atoresai Sporting house ceopers; w oso' busi- memantfle, commit h ii and look.-, Ittak, ailytan4­7ee�l are Flour in Rii6butojid iiI V00 aCliarrel a6dis, 'tress iv�iltt 6fhce,��clud in dn,old in It Ship. 'It, - �I x�p a, Y,� a oif4aess by the young, sober Lgl�d' ch, ssl idwever;'td' it�ssels of rf I I .—, resginggo,vil, _y,,p�L q;f Sti rising. e - peop e ' firer 0 r me r nc�s by buiIding; in flint the re mature -in -years,L And thankful- des war, iv must Vei,retnei e cha"i* 'Wd Pon ent, all t 0 %,lute .1, genera y. rman fhB,cffr-,1.7 Ich for'.the inhered tbavth,�yw-had-.to e igereuts, we are assur -r And, careful -f C. or, The ieldgr lit d r 11 be7. As to hic. It 'd nuounce itj�,!�yery 7 are'f EVd � r , - ­ . I., of �aprz� -brethren- 66iv6d this morning, indicates, of the' vi,8,t,.- �r p we be very elzboratbly' , xiwhn� Irg a es�, on t the part o 6 Or Iy construrita ­ T r I e p d.act. that W at Iis�they were'6fien�dbi;Lnt- fo6r -,,or It poo 'Uliy jusfifitid lit stating j�k4trboth ar ell :� t0-.S4uiri C�im- ls� old e, me L�,'W`Please- the Presi. theif aa "Itiistat Enquirer '-:u�'io'ihe tuark, 'T fl , . - I in the that Preal.-I r Of 1heir respect i Tears rfenfmig44 ly� �Bd,- , 0-ilht'i whowill not be k�rgo it terned­'I�thc-rgieat: InterhirtibnAlL den'i Davis rom -each -tis�of.t elL no-xepairs hands deepr'ili �tdd in their misery. -haSrbee' -in par he,4,orld, wheri -co I e It, garteysmp while,in the case of m4?Zhanj Is '41 Waal ifit overnarrukt,.,and also in; the� er waslith eriiibefib UIL 4ni,,.rn hel replied 'I e Ouse idts6lt )`V, W be a trifle bi;,�rorltbaa whbZhe'f6ughi army;" , I eenaBL Will is in the'.whol �G­ ilealth'. � 41' ' f -h, TW d b�ve`aJ1nIlletiu'that nev. be aficted rV9. eq yrWingp legi installba Li,,, r L , e A decided. lihainge five If uld li` b' �rpnsl Will soun- nif If j:,wh Righl cordially do we wish our readers a PriZe L 'Fis�ht jbirnrit" d 186aw I , , . fa6r -of 0 "a c Merry. Christmas,'and _K _ i-Lg: -,thb. �Pssrils,- even idbrthe'mosi difficirltr dirbjmt'� i J ­ Uy n neein 'Sayers, -generally �be mride g e ,,,a( U"..'get'it lip hope they in JVc'�IV.6 atteir-o annou f-li cc' is'"ad' 6 to -day �Ist if -I :iSn'rt," ant. as we Bud I . I std6cesy repa6, could 0 4 A peahm uh-oaths.L Thoi;e'�W�"ho had,L arrstronrer_,man ... .... t!ng -L management 0 tare-davy, �tbei for L Actia iliii�b�vi haverA got proce �sjo on� 13 In nus to see m ny i ns of the 4.�tj. any'other'piece"of a whic, 1 -than L then. r, King fdo, is titmewhat, fil Once 'io wait.iill, to. ,a rp U �wourld Fort onroer- cc., 22. twelve, the Tlie , reqr tyr7 the it go, a lar - Unit4d;SlAtcj, st e r yet.', It )y - r of obtrreader� ate itftbre9ted f, earlier Miratiltiza h A!I. gerill4n hemtofoie, but - b26 is a man who, e4.to,ex1reiso ihe ""tign'co ';.is nol'a. ­-'ering"t at is I C' er ad C re fit ciryinp, aIt.hOu.gh,'f`b'r'0uT,ow­n mg,expetiments. -A a. OTTAW.A. L parti, :we thra 1c. it" is IlIe'lig lit 5hipl, WAS blown, away frO=Fryirlg. doubf-Iffre *iTmuch exceed sterie hi sel:t,in till Wed e& tit�aebel.hz,compur if ti etc a je*c xhi.b.itioas were while the Be dyiditntl tbir�, er-lifibrap4wita very aicL for er ride -at: bir�. at AT e Such -7 arrind fro in Wilinihmod. She r 6rti thtt never Icarries mucli flbsll,� �we, should o6w inveirltioiis and Milk MIRISTERIAL DINKERL: ��e number Arid grgiit�st Ca 'it matter.. o I, fro I of�lif?�Bzid eal �.audi -the:* Inesstin - �vr Contra 'd I lay.' 'Mrs. Liii'lioln Us n h The W an 0 If, 'boll- will -"be "lleary liritbiron,'for all! It In to the'Min, 0' Put doWn�. but, he, I 4cr istry in ttawa, morning s pspers�. wi to u y6rkl�r tr A ei Uuyr decided' .4UNjjV, -.wejjk to �IgL 4'. 0 rl,Fn alone., eeaan would aot, pled h. 80 ew t, Fuirfili�'ijourl,' use Dee. 22' - H still iber,fayorite e ment'w Any over -bat t 8 '1 byL con ' rae i if this directiono. until he. had seenihe _While &here site to she ha&`�eih6 p but five tt, four,.� is -on Ta a grea c- To ably. contain the shiockiug.d�tails. ran di . I .: -- I I esday evisuing, ast, was U I friily'� ta -eh st,her General net �orcii led at half,past the Kifi�ites. pulse,- contami 'h, V 'Bills CUB just I �­ ­, f b r t ose: Were his cha flms, -receive LOU` epan will.'hol&- hi Oes. nt"Oiven resu is o I oyages� y tho, th; thcstreet,�L 1J,,' US*aU q, money, in S, tomers., d if ar son s a- a H 'Kin. 'M s I lev A iess; 250 �tickets - tvinAboort Sold' At New York 'D,', 24.- launched. Le_ -her lie encourandli' ,h a fall frv`ULbl3 horse., lid r4uize,dto owever to zt�f& t eac Theili were six� Xiiiisters' of the b SE to 'L. Swift, arid ;recoliiiffitifi6mud !-r ;and, The ls!4.-r�achea,at. Hahfaxyestboa�. at r. it*' h tia, 6 YOung-pate to 4im,,ag*.eutE�ff ew,, L 'hili4ibln' Dee V<). rs. Lincoln wiis very.'pirdfuse in '0', -7 crowitt fpgcthe'r '-with" at th the her thanks presenti After bijJoa--,BB,a- I as her man willlcomir,t& to,vti� till%t6 greit Piii Informal! ow -pu ir will,got d" -nee., -T j,:!kVAen ar- Otfawh'sebtioh'; afid.1"the"If ho;t-m ute,:'nud the �,edlr.tfie' bf i Vig'ht a n6tab ,'! olfb�s �,f Ita Iii-,file6dom of tilt fr6na thi t t a 116, will be ofth A mechanical -buius in,EnAand 'has con. 7oung ed etw6dn K .an& `H� 'an,. Vhee'r­e�-w-as' Says that th e life 11.dse w t6A himself, she veritur �t oi I he " " L -!I­erq A6i e., ere: are no dlliotiL 0 b if ��to iflis C)idial reception of Ron. J. S. McDonald * . . . I I . I I I - I. I I " Structed a loll� j6� 7 wipthr,threirr,pai�rg, 6 bashful thq d , = e a- I - I buf little.sciiihee disp ayed,on either side indications,ofa reir'o' ider.1u; t ent U I down. f i m;'iy coils �'JbtLr-ph. gp�i 41his gade niovemput inwards yrfleels. some or all, df -which, ad far a une made. 'plili ve ongreSr a we or reach Press aad r The the G 1�rstan��­ the descri den't think I fiiJV an �gues:in.,th� future capital, Is in e contest. "ireenah - il�- AYaillin,;tow its has been been. reported ervi es :;�to , t Iid to ell . emy in t ei 110 can Uri( 10p, are -upon 1 e1q thea I tiflak Aie,�'J* I I � , I b6lieveA:that the' air evidence �'that,t ei. er kr,,oke;, r p,resent .7 & i& hb� If h 'hoiild axl4ibift I give, Us- Ithib rose, of"Monday-1 If public them Agar tter & condition are able�io­ much Ann P -J T 2 DuKE P dtl -rcfUSAl�6fEn;,lAud to S. bject, if this Plan, W, L learn with regret. says ar� En -lit in 5 heir -cilivifleyi * dlmi*rrisb�id s:dnr� ry i count h beeii roan s4c'ie,ficru US jeomruio�s �,h,et of epr Ave 1 reciate The- o d ' �fS minutes, anco. Upo Jake �piin'i it glish pape'r, �,Ilravlmt. 11 Wr 't The Msifb� ofq Wife s�iLd'to�ibe'�periecily,aita�ne'd;'3 %hai tire Duke f'5Z' ' . . � L", — 'T' I's -The, lrla�i I I is e m ewcastieid--so P�- UaXa,,Whp-presi�licl boreL fNG was deelilit -our-front, -,r ot�equa tojibef faalc:of �e p! pospd, congress ."I a' ed. �somqfiirues sg* M is to!t.urn.. sbai� curies;' and'ascrind hilh; "thus"*' if Seriously i ya -very r,')nse �of B f, i at he has b able �to,ait�nd, tbe.rurlm,,�' in fthe'Pre ble'�raij` or�.­, u The on�teu� pablishe'A' 77-11 te�timony, to the -great sucliess. 6 'wiis:fivoiAleJo,Rbjfj deSplat I tho saying �,OqIs 0. NG I I ,ee enormous y f. SUpp ICS O%V'ln-Lto I to irbriuverished conditiorlL eg exbhan�ed,betwli �.t at, ave,bebrilierd Construction;- purnl5rd� iit,�j i�,idl his il I Be $3, haS�aSsUured in cc ex� I on test shore( the,more-e' of iiinnifficiency of, llots� Eme of En�qlaud- 'and -M. Diotry'n, �d� t�racted`ftom an'' ifrfi6l4;"iIl' the L inch around, f6,L-Jfij otbe �eu Dirt Ru�sell I ia thlel cost o ra ltr6hill' di idsin _q1r,.j read . after in the face o a wor. o d'ffi It' ndarandid, their horKs�- Tlfe� in thrtb. t -ei. I'm r�; the 611� thalt,hel- �ji I ba�4 to, a The iwo'dps. cribes performai' ��,dfihjs new luo name.of b, I., PS -al; ners' in:ibe' gmvb�..Up, it is� f a rl�; 1 ere. an& the ill aid bl�nlcets,',*i�itije-sttite'cneiliIi o? dese' Lhuv 1. . , Ionic , : iln. . , .� : . If f , ratice ea S 0', t e ni, pr4b I nhil catiPbe �61'iridvpoh�; q the S e coun-' A&I We have receiiedt' thrb a _h able., patcheE o the BritistfIXabinet fully ;jBstify five d Ili he lid& boine'bat his pl6di,6 to 'th'' fir wjq Arid, called: be� See B;, luai�IIS , irs� rev our -I, r d, 3106rh o �pu jitd�atior,i, ro!n, eir �s rong position a derin., 3 try.. 'Fronithe- tone, of the specelic�q de &4, ludde hiil General cc's infant r can,be Oren bid Ouse, :�In advance., f, th t uywcomfortable� conclusionA. The Thus the process is slinple -for rea 3race it i t ' - 'A L* ' , - , I ­ . .- ;�, (ty., .%. 1. __ 0 Tli I . bb . L ­ . -6 - K E TS ion and com 7 44 gi� livered the .0ttawa, ��peqple. will learn'that Har� by't.increnii-1 �0-6 -�m=hi 0 the C )f uqtria), that power IV wh as �too rigor��ofwirfter. Aheir wheal basc,,,arrd, distriba rif be-, at:y�g;Ad-lents.' A mbud- mi to carry out pow. -is thetime ip,subscribe. n 611iia * d-, L� ­ , till,, the IN ineriLin ifitieS; Udds greni stryjare,detertnizied much caressed, by M��T Drou� b tlid'� M_ or the ascent of'he' is t The'probab 6 number of re-oulistmenis into Ira* ibeinsiiives ia this si�,Bificanbt phrase the��t,.,eea ecisimin its in�-,n y, not� Win­sid.- may�11:tu�,be.!tra�ersed y y ii th& by,a�igeri d: io! oe.regf� thja fi�afi tid� is -HE T Sbp**.iW Am '.The , veiLiaaeOrp&fro`m the,a'aill,ofilie Puio:. '�I!Eer,"41ajesty's Governataini has,,,00d eAsion U en"I f e, - a I em 'are ewl� OfSdmL e, mac is estimate at -1.0,000. The delay- in: fbr`belifVjII_ that If z�gzitgs, like,1 osp. I prs :o��,t e,pe� 0:8 o representative o Austria rage more ighly`,respcct�d, ng h,;r;e' path d f h h a� wit ad CAN. it If U; 'and' Montreal. men wh' the 30 d�y"' -.11 2�ageu` -which-such along the rgel!of te.tif:,61am" new series; pf`thAt �a'd�6;'. indicithig the pr�cisir date of Id Bitrrow -And toiii6us, taile�s Ididyb, thr mountain, strea,ms.­ L, i4,� 9,RP Of L fur101Igh has CAUSird many Ao�reconiiider�their a proj)d�iti6w(the reaubdiati I if of tfie",posses COUL Of" Vhld�j, ed 4" the' Quebec yLin A e pektodical, the Smen6fic Amer* o, 2il'ria life it g�p�"4p would.at,thieiafe� dtly., I al ' ' 19?rll:� first i"onliona. L highlands of' Scottalld and7 of j-, !Ba�rlty y throw Away The - dd'sire' td� visit Sion of I t -&'Co.; 37�3�ark R.,� publisbi�d by,11unto el" ould be Zscus3bd." The 0,��byshire and'the ay,'- "O"tifB" "l the vazt-sn6i alieidy spent on,�the Phrlia- homes du�iug trioll4lid �ql;encris io hQ iUirl Lttke DI;tricts', the Ilion ,V :NeUr York co'aime :�ys, has proved, more' drawn from, tbexefusal�� 0 irtigions of' Italy B* L purpose '0 arid Sp a hm, �t incuiifry%iiEildifi�-4 f6r nees, off the Ist ofjIln- trowerl'611 tiuruAlieliberal It -red Stir, b IV En�i At Ls -a) P AS. 83.5 �P&k- e f miles It& prece Ing I at �10 ustria-a a' en curriintAbr eak�vh 'L I, uary�, niaxt.,- i All. mdehani6s,'. inventors Fe -en Isting. 'double -iifasal� whi6h,re.nders' tire. ffieetm,, o are,a I within the'reach'o m e eap st rd, 'tie., it, mav,rea- man Eaqurers, Are- Ispensln�' tire, less impAdible-' In.13-a e not more enlightin6d:nb�w tha 6v to it .............. 40 kil -�jifj­ ­ - L ' . � - 3 were ry years ago'.. 1 :0 e(,44 UP. y �, I I I � '-L. '. 0.60 gmei, i� cUpklb,6 iif lAn4'io�d�.,UUO high -d - :wit nuomberst n. ­Fri5m; nPot b Can OwAr t to, is i7 Of. Duelist whiChLiT e too piteno' this'ritvrfiI�,iil 4bich, I �d ignorinit of tl� e 3�Q �goldia its chiaktins .... ..v o, st ;11�8 I V�e s, ter a rid 0' 0' 0' w ien,Xapol and, tci�ies When a �powerfu[ on weFe' :G L 0' MeDonald-Doiida, 0IISinet from jit eaV with the Streets of nPues J�Gd " 1 INGi , 4VIrtcomes 'e 'could'16 vIke'd e I I -_ th'. 1, r I dr d i ii f aggrandizement' ad hericei W 1. .- '_ ;- , ­ _ " ' L - ` _ ', : " ' " - " �'� L di -�wjtlkL­d6sfl -t,. :a , L. I' I . -' . ', '! L ' d Steam' tQCJlu6tiO v Zrantil I pro use conA d, uyupiry: raineJL Soaably look. fcri'zi hear.ti r support for the arid DD tUnijels And. prot6cted periodg bf1irne and where IYrt e Mulbe chemists ;ill classes of leaders --should TUrkies each pationin thiii- very' :Ably: couducied-j the discovereii eese 0' .2 T (0, - .2 ruqre reely round a-bFFve simi ar� to 'tha c(lor ing yt sey- passed, on 4 Serve to egrap i ,more rv�trlr I'L,to ris I ywhat upon' 'L 0.50-1 pon� conin�efi& ay,: hie report 0 t -1� X. `,�. di 5, filial Ux 01 worthless., 'A few' rfr. OUbtL et.,t cm visit the St. HblLn,s yveqdrsq.pp�r, do m6j fj ese;,men Inner, we extra '.S doidi 'Pose intelligence L toun:, life q� Calif6ruhr;, 6`2_5 By 0 qur. n)111. speech e substa On Satarfiitiy. eveniag ',Combio e' d I h C a Irkings could' not, ��ut -the tile f 'Ifia Ilides (greenj D ct� the 11rdinic it to the because. th Intelligef,,icri Of �th con' som anling the, svp is, bell L' J lid g`e for, I, ibe �bine, there, "T' heffiselves, - . . .., I- , . �­ `­ � -6:.124� � -ii U W re that" tlfe� irrated Ili his �reSiLdd inforests. 'I staken; an ell, ' hL -Saridii4W ­ L . . rid Oil tiisiting pr.rups.. c hnd , i6liable': i6f6imation it. imparis Vaiiderbilt's Golden I "I I �a w ere they 'Prill se � 1, 1 llon�-J 61m Xaedierfa!d-all ded to - : e� derslaillsBA clear WaS BB n -tlfii preseuceof men t6 whom he had, formerly-. I.Iii!ir'd ifines mo 11) gin�, BoOnerely not cogtiybutwi almost the fi knew Is 9- they If ppose I cgs P, -0 �blllld Pa ­­­ :40. Br ....... be d llowes at, ire, anllua subse tion stirg hid.!,�,� otatoes v,e,r;" it is-, shfle'to say iiloli'th6y have let''Ir"ose a. u At in OfSfuff ivere'to be D c M rs ve d Pe, r; L pricc. ion place and -n -'e' av� taken, heeil'tit'nothing, arid, iul.flieii principle- capable of - adapitition to exith: I where bushel'sloflfh Ili A L I . . . I I . - - �Ainst ii�ie' if d S �nce`riaerabersfor,Russell. Two,ofthe most has 4a Occasion- of the�kinrl-come off�mord­ everythi )Z wbi�6b I' ha'd, kb'pt1':,fr.-b�m, itie.m.. Stock. -Hit Int - e -for lines, of 9arp Aittbacarce a1ear,bad Wood..,, '106 edrves,have.'ric f �bgs�t 6 dripartu&�bf,�,B�'t L C '0 Up at. �Thu,thirte�ath' sfileforili. This b- PUS' �A[)l im�orthnt vulestionig whi: Iii- cc -'ied ihe T sedlthat III twgulshedL CoUpId' : Is It parties o merfivIlto wqte-sent, or the purpose t 6 qzATIA1 iatj� rt-�,rlj *611 Adapt, iTIG., ONT di They *1 1�geb-" Yes, 66y 1 -1 Ld"to .:'� � Z L . . , : .. .� I, - . ' ' : "'. ' peed, but e _f cc. vo me, ican periodica,,bb.: 1813,4-henthe�gdn'ilefiii 0' ei tention o t e, country, were the: connoction i�this able, Amin *blc' �martied­ tit; bu 'it will bb,t66, ression, sari y. hds'-ce e&' ie L ebl-�Iih'b�' may, travef�se, i e , phii:,s u as wit . If tile irioihei.' d6LaatryLiadthb preptairations -.o. h of discoieringj,th� Fall! iVffi6h or Bunt berav -and, ilnniig��t:iI:6 Ptfil� 4as �t oided, -aftir r- r�ee ng fh& ' -, ;7,1 � - _­ ."L", - '01681, All 6ihera harf,� en. into. 1 jiBril the Jaaua�y number SteidllyL, Increase ged, D ineteen L arid Ahe - lady a ye Ce a %­' � A ., - , . rj.� r It �a,,qr rather over t to ler.S, morning. is, t in, Abe ex 414- ' ­ "; . .1 ­ .. , , . . ar despAtch 3s inserted in ite ,, t I He is I!op Ivas �]Ad to 0-�40 ount iris' i Le Urtiro�`Uljprovecf,-�,,f. - sek1- AificA '-publis "f'dfilly,,6fLt�iy,t�6a,�6hitdreii, aft' wit es;i;o si nee.betore ing-An p6pu' arity; since -its -present 4 the p6licy'6f.. Who a measure- to C tio' 'At L 0 L to darif �sd IJ essisi A - A` childrewbiessed -their- ualon','- tivelve',:of i6peliedr by the 1bgjd�Ufj!jjr,, , L - ,, - - ". �I, I ...... anru NEV. 'in agreat. lf�lrtheritfibut�.Iiaid.bj-Col. -Turnliir� to,fhe" Al tr AIL if. eanri6 0:14, agBmQ,­Jts -:.man: as y om are -now iving� to rejotn� in. the L ��e� us,Al I be" e lain-.!' 0.70 z OVernment to provid ­rlir"efilaflo ' ' ' L y rgu�g toAI1dwJh;e vihit� 0:65, 'a�ement J d e v a.1 a 'i prospect,,t Bhrle effi�rta 4f the -�a defe u 0 Y;O "tfidij 011try", -which like"t1i r, a3l;however, ateJ�t an'thl e, pr6b Ing, is 81 t tfie egacies "of the All zmonq� hL ­'� §uceee L meeting look,, I' regultir *'hen -this appy c fmd,the'-folltiwing pliss'lag- " �l , , L'. .. , I I . Y�Idjtl gold field, 1-02 1 Conn L cazille, di am '0ariJy,­mVro fbit" L any Americ n MR T6i"01krol; Dee,. 234-1`9S3. 'fait rf� Vea!eF I. ran I L h, prepare 'i�--�er �acgba by Viire . I n-Lanot er article. sive fbreb tTlies;6-ef s" - be 'thoul-lit Ind W ioh,� faction to �thc' '11, - Uri 6--rdst',bave givon sati3 try let tire itig-day. -Sihcei that 4ul i�iirriagge�cltiy; d -by 11,'EaB116 ded in findin'j,ihe itita G ofits classi And' rill gne ;0 Tiilk ofpa�rr6iider� 0:80 (a '013. 'On the ea Ah'� Pwtid edritributorisuoh-na -tit iiisi., 6 d;:tb 'L ry 0..70' 0'tt�wa 'difficUlIty,L' -P ernment..'th fires US Lon.Hellow. I . jaw;� buirle 66iniiietided'Affb i6d ii*rp1)9As,&rertdS bblid e gets:too qmO L 14 Iiverriori: �Ll' 11 ­, I , ­ , e stou WI I not ling 'ut yolith."sin'gular Ed -la dLf6r etcher 'adn the. d6fi�.esi-Ifitiia,.6'Of. tibrin t the Intercob - v L and too "I . I .. exagger4te 'b fi Subsidy; �niiil, roIio; the Ocean rne;'D, mers6h, Bryant'L AIfSir�j ersonal III i ' State 'Hot' e� i, - ' ' I " ' ' L I - *' .4 ' ' ' j f 6 Z&;ditjOrI.ofL- Often drbped a sr�,eecil i --ma t iatsne jilfiad the or I I . -.0. ­ prospects 7� �Sc 0 lit t 6-Im'- af��, ifidwal affectioij and� gmiar:4L errim-he-advi6ed. th '- li I " " "'- . t­ ItioBarik6fU0 'rXinad .in -1 n6fth., L �i�laturd of'Vir;o. h ra. The �I 09 4.00 (a Mail. S�srv.reo,-and a�; Lowell;, Hatrrio, Bpecher, Ztuwe,;' e�i persona bea in ra er rnenaomg� er in A q ber� jul b, mo�templ i-, � - I JAi�-ecompanIZ4,62dpoSseSsion*of.t ddinitable eneid,"'iti- �� h" they. , I -, I ' - pe s t eir portion, h aild,% ers scarcely leiigi�e -6­�;,­ 1 h f b , - - " Of' inin6rit. � �()Ustst'll ­ Ilao ', artical higgw�ys,- upon-, which'- I hey had never par !­ � 11 1 . I I r In t e I c passage o t!rerls- 'rende� re, out ofthe way when he uSbdU ie'ce o n to avi V -dal bjr�;.' ratio, anguaweAhe '-,,No So' 177 T- eveiie& o� :un jh"ja V re,,w� �aluabi!e�. rejolie-affairsofth-,", 11J IiL pia,� lumeSL a 'she ii:nb� to interfe -1 1 "1 an.Tthil -­�'ihbugh azy'livoili upon the Wvim�: vo Para lelecr. 816*1� iWfirif, Add, iiffirwtird ll "ey' a.coullf n '6,­­"�L f"qqq". ;f&nfa porli.Wofith6 adltressj;!�L �w ere t 6- Pw'.14,11bMtse MILO.- Ad' I ­ J­tLf'­�', �rlre is so p erjt)IUJ thatit ee tuffigs the: G3ve rkeniti had A _the e .Very, original Jn!b�64�:6 ` "of e UlRe But go a6l ar, AS. tire. Look at file WILL -bLgn at', -,ability,', they' have. & film .�p at and it every turrr-�­Ddllae 0`�' inpardr N ic ure- on �all gre*veeteiht,� -ni�di6d.� Issu�s Ave elrfB-� which �encouragm.pferrttfr'6 The country this'day, be S- 4. '�'WE�z Presenti; hoperill, And LA - it,is wealth, and wonderful enter 1p resk�a�"LeS�1113`1 lit is to I b our., any,timionIn EuroPei.4'We,,.,hucvu ate J- gy, combined whir nattifally:10' 1Iulsh,JAnd­bdd6m t 'invl , welrire,on y true;to�ouesel,ia;��lo�,.,thd,cuuse� q, goo, tes r ta an a or ni, -o I t'lietoverth uidei i A,,;" I - rJHORT-�­ertam,barberhavin a 'i as ftic' 'o I els 6 in' have rendeted)sedond tb #f4t !of ao pji� Wage.' .;,,NiitfiB ,and tothe counuy;? till I�UT IT I va e I - .1 1 , el a L ­ 91-eatgiftol-gab in d pz hei`6ne four i;;Iufi( we'ca I DUD X. =lujill, o dm!om I I .. I., � , - g' j. ". , . I . L' . - 9 N 61iied ai- It � 0- a there,a�ma;a1wbq,­ 5kliPAS �Ahe�,resul�� of,the, se to,�zmuse hisF f.ciAbidelir id o�L-O`4 L iel, me that- t a db�S� of zep in,qur cOantryr,;,,,jgad,.�Ja, all this, '4e 11 a - 3 d- on or, hi en­'I'a, ces., -day dL' rv� ;us: ltc�171 e nam 3 i ginson,. of A, haaaso, blessed! theia-ini�thbir a., S1 UAs ar.�cothmercially, athenry f4' I ons on 'thdir"behl 0 or. we d( 9 Ole tru"Ifle? 'It Otero WL�Sdeh ii Onb� tnd�, I , ! Ig, ;arns,?�,fvlule L 'be" 'went 6J , " ' 77��7`� cbea 11heivo in ebei.1 �Ir_ )"not �go t if IhroU�h',h1S�J-ajjet-11 bme t4at deith has taken bat one I' eSS ),we.,go, f '10 -ehild . . ed,or cast outirom; - Ono ebte . , 3 a colfti ell I bloclufdi�­bat�, I _Slat6 ell creditfurthit arrollientert,the had made., IG0 HAirlilt.; hi traitorat�hti;irt, who deserves to be Ali 08 �'And, VY,VIRTUt amon, US.. They desprved Afeljii�trrrer i ell. it�wss itillo. N P. c.d Zterleame, in, took JJ -conWined rop-hro-evi once ed from IN hearthstone... B"11181) "Z ortgage, mWe-by�4kinig,-a f- -lyh S ree sons and 1pfit refusal tifLnghtrid to atte 'a Con 'I S'-lreeR�.!aq�e:JQ 8�'Seht, and ord4e his hair-iidt The harbor Hbnl�Y bf-,theT6,iRL'wrif,,Gc�d�ii&i,ofl� ihwfiixtiJ-,f, consddare�thazijbdy bid' f I. e 'a to,orclaiiiOul, caot�e,db,-; -None has CL Ifle, ii-' -weal out on '6 time e, tie 'tit ahtic-bas�tfiirliacco -P' "' " ;,voted., li �ht'sons-in;law Una �two flich -nopordifig-fu an Be erS at airyer cent., w eu it e an, ininoans, and iueu.�B�646 bu��d, -part '.iitid fitiiif ­6hbi!- r,cent. liburillt� ing stories, t tire- 4it trl uted m0`6 r AT �, B-� T), w eir,pre ecesson lapi4g;: -an eCOMIn.mirritated usquire; of,,tbe�hi Ire, In. Si r` h ' ' b 6L 'd daughter�s-in4a�,&AY-6r6 grandmehildreh w1ittid nine datti,litters' ei `ii"W per`i6fif'w -He� a 'd d' b votili, W I", )t,6 "t?6 Prb�1;0- " A161r,ra er t an a kbasts,.inore�lfoldlji,�o� drifiBri'llyto the� S' 'Ofj the'old, g' b-- lid, -'s vin Gt, �, __ Ttif6e d,,, , 1 r; en% h "it Th 'ii�ou-ht to 2�t 1 iild lsuliject7 . . it, of wo:great.�grand r6n,'werb sf, nsha��,B,, la, ?SUN rX LPIr GIN charadfe� Olttim pu litifilu itr;'l Wo 3 an nouw rur.scnt�,h a cut It.3 Ort trit,:tbereffi) *it have settled.,"it;'ifiLthey wire -e' d' ' M�chi.�inn, on thd Detniit-AudLM ilwAukie rail� ho4ld .c 1ro6pt;'toi6b-WVegt-of jy- e 11.01a 0,111A e, a4 present at this`�GdIdcn,,1Veddin-. a,'', If t eWpou I e by Tb h" d 6 'more df�thb, self-satriticina I -UI "I'AplJointed striliz d. :i4jta�pf- gypiti'm far aa. w, 1� ey, a instew are� Olin �:rxzqrlslve ahe le Bides th6se"- JaC6&- L ot*i� I c i. 'S. f 4 Fri' ag, Ire' bil-Sold" f li py�, as 1 4i Ion. an'the, 'boui 'Yarn. ,.b4 tatio;n-w Woh1d:f;oe mq wealth� of. Vi'rgir A 4ioilldi ofAe'O Ito I� a ­ . I � ; it -all e,, and ar'f6tlie'r'-iif`$20`0j � 7he Lap, 14r9p.y. L..". - I ! ­1� war; -a ter � full �consideirif� Tfi­ d tk:"- trafff rator was in avor orsoll, diled4a the�'64nh-. Aside fnimttlip,v. �Tut it sholitt, jJ Y A a, -'On6ar5it, b 6 e e- fonthe At* Uf tiont. `d- teli e een-compromise 'at �Ug, IL Into away! bjects 5 &D -i,18 4i 12.1d'oll ffppiifiitiliii� A Steel.Ocean. ana'she will e-tim V; a VO si ;* - I !J.l� hide qu nces w bl"T 6 Presept- �Or.,Setticd it'l ofutilif �Pvvzo le 6 7164 h. I . 'j- t04 :�P- . '�aliiibtWoffbeinglivr7` li I lid 60ASE;6� , TIToriq OL , , ;`7' -hich 466�'6:,0 ' : -h -f of. and �afidj�ab iliagrtll�� Ila mineraFfiii:4 e�� nlisted' 1 7" #Y All ON* e U25 tailei 'I be YvhIrilll 4)rna ment.: j It caji�,W 16iaviid .�. ', -U gr n re"a 'to, HIPT fq� lind litticoupir and,' e ­I� L_ a the "I""' rd at 't Short d4 it 61164;-1 ?s4yi' sal W ictk dearly, lie But o c a 4, Pd ron .154� the �aj�fi,djfi ", """ "b, ILM D 7p, Boling L $1 �perwbfg �,n ?en . "!Yin witric Ja1ranAtreen"'­ -vases �d�er,sffe,for,peacii, bbqau§i #fie,rlidLnot,br� 7nIT'l; �.T-, -aii iih azii1endid-coat drad o Two mill6kint launchiiii Woli- place 6 onjthlll!warr",��SlIe, e eg,,Sir,?Said tite NO AQ Tassed 14 ofy e ollp�rtb.liy o rbeirii -A, ddh6 f�e Polish-' oth t ese 15ih, at,t n w.�s akid t6w%thej ' the i1i;'�B0ertask �6r; coal. t, O� e e es promise; as S e�only Sti.u, ngston 11, 0 _"Jb� Ory 1,,, oro ii�hfsr FjtL eam a stron., resemo since to -the t1ler Vs ire gaes ere,- 'e`� it -Qui-gin, d4vr kessra. Jon ISz b -il�' v --,z -15 9,say�S u _ ia '9�, libeq r7aqt a 1� V and iiid4p e .9 7,p fqLty 1, -W e, �27%'fdndjv�`.ild,' ialllb�� -A q. 1, built. I io�ecompp;lae Stana- Up "86 20' A"d Aho� Wirlirber 'I 6h `W6 uveIy�vo.uug:.aaus:rL q f4k. -I' - meav w,*tlf6y;ffqi�iideafi*h,d6, hig."Ir much,the better for'diiiii 'l5ht`&64 bf S'U%Ie3. n otter 'IVdnAll0..rl,1 r7,' ter fig 11 -,tt B-4 no hey t Mesa come, o o"i o. ot-fi- Will nev.er��doQrftl;t&ri? tRatv of -pSrewhite Uoha.I4.with, ofietorit flie HotIe a 6!04rhdr, built f6� fit6e. of her ides UntI14 t Oqk'in the ,l- SeV. peace q6t mea first, "ho-,; txr2 V- I e ff7T496 tons,. arc In 'OfsteA lilates' And thou if fiL I - rK;��f gumclerit;., - Wvrer paiMfi- W leh�41ismbiliIhe&L I t r, 11711-111abitst6ri i d 1. Joann jn�t6- camq Iw �in orpoweri ,tll lutiVer In as 9 gypsum 11- 1.11, 11 1 1 1 . erril Small F-yesLjel&� rid bdio(Isteel,6i�e been� she co'n"s"en't" -Of Ivill t 17' Illesamel,, 'fiiZ'e7'f* 7 1-04 4 over JUIPA� ecog. p! k 6ita- -,!The we re,p. A tter- position tam �ever` �periine �An intelli ent,-corres ein -Confetferftcr,�­pS If 1 "Myt, � '%ri` '1-16" " ­­ g pondent'resid. 0 instani6, 6d lwaiFe er. Surf eed,,m 6 iingatGrand M-I-Pldl ­ , I record1dit4w4lelf the,sibel ha�b�6rf­. tr ERen jlqr�AV warm val GOOD OLAL''P et �q. e�srap-.y f, a', to OF,, d" ille" therF M, ritstry, 'rat es;,ok Going- 4 ecalre: airtffi6at, I AW airaug�tiibul XPPYW'to spyi, alvyi"�M21!�Aisp cialJou w.1 pen wyn� in Milt -or -Efid personally 'thi alfa PLI I �nl V, IF h -i! -&,- , 1 71- - ­fidelhy.;-.;-� ­ajojud' to" -i 0e� '64 ;th Sid eve -T ere .that r; Heed­;tWdd­ herZiiy�v fff,�� I _� to do 'j�nerx `wVif Is"d - Il piatim Weli 'd dignitpund 4kp* itteds-are, u ly 5,000' met 'enrolled now, -77 eviiiit on �10: from;,WettrL, ifi� of�Depem ert&:­;,� d Mi j b"). N .zill be performed I had iiofWAidWdKdfWAf.;44edtGi 'a t OWWhill; �5,Th;,Apar is,bfta,k�ra :wq �Ikre L ­d' p Kiibeling,, -tic[ the launch ountry., -her'sons diture. Though itliud been -hi degWi` jrhi now comp efed I c' lany,towlidnithe -t y �oe tie -.1 %1 ba,- 'Ve am ",eat 'OssfullY aiiebuitilLbed and'L the rat -,loverrimn -zp5Ltlfbir,-�A "(�rs,*ifl'aseeed- joc 'd �Kincarain 4 -muceLtO Ude diclotuti i e, will �d` ly as P�Mib[e;'it1had­.eztenda& 84-000- nBs3.­4f!i �t�kbh and,'fidelityL to the � itlifit�hAlqilin It W W d C6"e to 1550" "ImYdil he*�ahir �11­.11 -H -irginia an P1 1LQL,kJeavdn forL V 'y out mentr`gb save, zi d _,no mom,,,; her-�pqnxiglfh;LS '4ih Uht'b .1tiournau Ito 1put,:lnto;� all p �714, - . t and$ 0- 5 ilfui crin"tho: , , �SbuhherLi , J, _ ___ ­­, � h ' ' it, 7 mop, room. fi�l y1r,hernitaou :GL no, P p7ilt-biF91untl o,.engagemed y o�,'� " 3-0-!A�r w JX. in.-. TZPZY76-�,,the�, fit ffnen It, - -W- , ­­&­­ ­­..­".,-­ 'Joulluers I aff as'ai work -th" A. U41 toasttiip �%Tu we'son'llau.:1 4 � gp��Cull�t beenzent6redjaid by fhaL Min jRy�! muctrvt1hdi fifliiib nia-17,11iddebliazt. 1--openec4osindil siw al 0, Wela6Kep i1i f; Intiliftlition L' YARWON', I I Son is wagl�-:tlflk lid"' ,I Waf 66mrs 11!V �g-L P aome 112teresting t -lot; �Wlilidi&llft,,'b 'j'IfN­ a ., �r -waaXe r and" F vea m a 011 cur. "Wa vd,- - '- -y' qu, epwr ate zic�'if I 7�teut I ,I _O� q jr y eIIAINd- ­�­J led 1 silo to eoess ctured for ah' I isuia,jW ' I— ' London jounjid PrIm 1q, lhe'�'olofhing� Steel, As now. matm a Bair, 0 perilqt, �Pmq Of )KI 4, 00000"'151- FtIie5X,.--A9,U",u-h d 'v ii1iliffieli'l4t,"s, IU -19 e -M;YT "DAL] A iw i4i, some �One� 00t� 17,ThA4-il, -,;-a -f;thOSmOkcrS �IrO i a , Map, thi -:1 "�At must1b,­entrus it, .4d!,A ginj h 0 h le we gh won it of ; P mos u 3 4 -A 830 f ow ill d -to A. vc fill d^la in gre A in d"ben ip ror." RJUM 1111.1,180 note., 8!�h- t"', D tillf b M oa� �5011; viu­­ iffm­R&�'a 4g F'ol to now Built ­Our�An , _� ­ ... .. 4 11, Polls; 0 Aft:Wbtjl�g�!Jg �d�.U'Iffljl I y Urlt of, m0i t6 -k ALwhitii bring'off, ther battle'*hh6us: WIL - .1 -le U er a e -T u wu erproo P- AlSO;.WfieCtued. Jbil, r bt;� Aiiiii-tnkeii 'T.AU , jig 4' U 4funve,everyponna iAb Lud cu' LZ Rtt!, re I glove, It, ha it, V -,ire U The difBoUlty Ud, ime "weir; 71ft If himArearpriandSOXIII I 111 4 11111 1A -e. qwnii� j-l�zaonlv I a to iltir :!Poll 0 2Z1;:8t4W;, fro '4 -to 55� al has 1 11.1 131 before.seen it? tbaf ;i PT