Semi Weekly Signal, 1863-12-15, Page 3IE 'SEMI-NirEEKLY �IG TI N A'L. To t0ae Free and Ind6pen.. To tb e Municipql Elec- 7 al IV RLI C EETINP. dent Xtnieip Mec. ors f thib Towu of W BOOKS n of Goderich. tors of the tME, KEREO TORE Tow Ooderia. GL A, !he h now rapidly rtl�p.o':,Chjrig L- tF]E to or of public meetin- of thc E of when you will be ca�led upoit to oulill Square Gode'Adh ADDEV�S OF�
,',t D )7ard will be held in the X et , a%i,d's V Candidates for tl,e llice of Illay, STONEWALL" JUK101 lluron;llotel, thiscivening, at h' , the alf-past I beg. to it tiinate to you that I am a town of Coderich foi- tliL ensuing yer and T�E so RN �W-AR fevell. andidute LtirthL offic of 31�yor �'fbi -tire As j do 1not intend t o . e enter_ the I ist.i': in,-tbe Town of"Godcrith, and respectfiffly so]* i I take tki mode oNatimatin, lelt COM1118 contest COUNTIES' COUNCIL, such -tin intention, iii order tha; 66 ELLAPID�, OifEtteililllWond. ouncil Illeets this afternoon but. I'av'r)g for �ev' VaL years tffl- of AT RUTIM, in COU= of many of thc� members it' -niatters,yo will4epre- th� unici al Illay lye afrolj�d %,oil; jigh bonor that The- en an inter- Ibeing by the storn.), little 'or no, pared—without any lengthened, remarks I competitor., the isu I ecessful. Godey a Lesli n upon. Four year,; ap. and, Pctersonq� To bus esd will be transacted to -day-, -otnt deciio October,'all rece e zifter a hcen a pirited ny-_,JIici6ncy to fill the- , civic chair.. I co" ntest, the of tire 3111y -11 to, T., bif , T t h r,'you mill-allo me to atc� my 161-- Oil three:subsequent,6 SEV�'A,E STORM. �Yestcrda, M L1 s' you, -1 RL 'ternoon,, N rest ambition will be; (if c.lcc- gerlilemehi �i`)dlv apil -without ion, aOT iQ� -SO -,FA Alia af that my IN BEII _vllcft OTH ih co'rifidenae WITH' THP fed) to je�frm the duties of t -h' 'SRI T 'o west, c offi�c to q4;inged W the N rth and I �fliieh I aspir 6 in,su Thus; Joripieroa brought' asw�eping snow, storm of the ell it manner*ris o f-fo It ye,arq, Ihav not c, 111W your'�suffrrtges. bf��uj)i&L the highe Ii 'ill dbrill -of impair the usefulnessnor ei§8cn-thedig�rrity H gular -old kih�.J. 'Ohant Taff
Vliat awo "derfui coun- the ift'Of tbe'rn a �8t Ofl6'e att er.
P . I elee of a�positio�'wliich -has. be�n ,so nobly sus- adT SQUA try for, changes that, �p,e�i,ioq; by tb,,e,assistance an co'operatio -XA= GG.0 3) E -respected prede 11 il. I . . :
d by h'iy ces of;thos� d gne� has had th� w oiiLit in t -the, :as Ane to lose �by one �of the I k6dadl . I I . Ad - . , �, r I :, : � �:� , :: I Las! ast recei,ea large arA"wel DECIDEDLY- PL1rCK.---As -Mr. Rober Life nd -lieal'tli have�been,in. so�rre� small- and lit�vi prs 19 t inl6lid e0 ck of A e can idature' -but I "Ga R oft%the t.oiirnshl�p-o'f Halland I I I 1. I - n' . . strurnental !it Ad the material . I w§ not to retire'from h a- I r . . -horne' t-Y'Ofthe Town, All it) sustailling-1he honor A'HIGH proceetlitrit froul-this place 'on' or GENERA11 't W11V will, await: -fair, �and legally -expressed and dignitv-o�f-tllc me in.. co,.9: 4 iday'p,verring last, his hor�o fell, and the vd ourr� anUrtunate entlenian �Yas' thrown. fro ecision. H the Mantle oydr.the ;�hole, so it'l 0 1). S III now rdtifing from the field of 'u �hds d4o, throw. hat JU -Lddl6 still fell. hea:vil H, �VE ED, AN ASSOIel 21ET the r. �ST, OPEN Y upon the froz- I hzw� thehonor to be�. eto thank Yon ien giound., "And a con -ds, lie obtained his entlem very sitiul;ely aiijl �,C,. cor ittly or,t entrany ariefy,of raniv, Aki�les, sucr, Ai
u's�al In nlori[rfe ql, Y d. I cquanin!iity ie agai 'Upo��'p m . Ost ob*t� servant X a, spec d ruarlm 6f' your- cobfidence and d ihis nd i, - - G.04d, af Mde to' 8 i h -th, �Guilt� hli�rse an Your ell for v .1 Dr; XdGre.66r. ofJohntown vsit Iayin& ext dell the -four LONDON,. MA -N ES, a morni�� an� 'Arid: a-� sanitAlme lie a tju� s1lie �To HN V.� DETLOR. years that.,11dive, ccu ied Illowing d- lau�hin�ly� telliui� Chair., c .:public that Ali= CRIETS;,"', Which he d to�.t 11 Cheap fir' A TS 1i I havelhe honor to be ip�, of his ativ.entures; . of the pre�lous Godcrich,.Dc�c.4 L�88 w 7 i 2 C ni-fit, theDr ma�e ari-ex RE. NEW�SHAPE' :1� I : -h; aininatio� and' AT '0M RICES -V ILL' SOLD Genl emen I :� , kN AL 'at his left -collar boqo,waS. tGoDE I N, �id Dec.-, �1863. Your'bumbf�;, informed him th' THEY HAVE LSO ON HAND'A, broken. sat qu:iety while the c :, � if. C. C A (A�& Cheaper,- if liossible,)'�and -E�! Dr. dressed, -his wounds. nd w the To. JAMES, WATSO.Y, Esa., 30th. ov., ISG3. sw26 ove , r expre� TO -7 a CLIN sed mrs IFICENt elf. i�reittiy Nor Adv �ta bf o es.:. tof 1. -. 'I CONVEYA-N eived -It is ,eldomi le. notice in'the S it 01 that our L 'we hear�ofsue:h starmeh� pl Ucl' —Owen respected��Iayo� has.-d6teirnincd not gain,'to* '.8ound, 06 HF,UNbER.C11CNED air triprIpites rint T i topit,iiii,r ext.
,caadi6tg for the�'�`honom of"th, -i 9 r � '� 1' , . 7 Civic Chair a! the:f6rthebming� Ele o j�uuon oflbe-.vanle, 1 -ca v for reeisiration� at; -,ti rrom wilk-b they will ak JbIlowing P.41 . , 1, - , r to O,&r.- in air*, $Loo FA.A.� Acm�E�L.T. On Frfaay,morn7 n old settler and have done YOU c much improvii I-PA11D ornising yoting. -]rH]E- Dodds;. - -,I pr farmei,Lj: �o r Aown, . aill], -90derich, 6th�Oot. i863. -residing � on , r _ I ), r, . , I Otherdliou;nenis" 6qlka!jv l6wi 77 at
zl�ed 3'5 years, and. in V gures. Lo fleeliti con dent that, a c c 01, t No.:96.; 5 OH' GALT It west -of To- y Clint6m, 11ai .p rpeywid "ranion, Fronto and Sydenhain 11oad Glenol, -compew way �1. In" to fill the: Maytir*s Chair, We met tectfully,-lisic Y.-ou-to% P. ALLOW Y.Ourse With his death in- eu stid If to b dch andT un- apFcar.� that in the Put in nomination for the 'act of Pullinl- �a chain out of -.evertt ol�your!,d bing. so, we assure . YOU, We expected -manner.. It Den 63:1 E E R S, KI N. S, WOO L- , crotch *hich he hadb6en usin,; that sb.l� iis�ev�ryfiair art - d honor"I DEPARTMENTAL!'. morn7 e gave -a suddenjerk-to, the6h, secure -your election, ine'r he P� -thcreb�� :a-, are, OTEL which -flew oll and. tire hook struck. We on,the right' teniple causing FOLLOW' NG T-tLU E suddild ua,tionLof the ]lead and disfocatlon THL brait of th& neck., is 'Of the-verta IN rPRA-1,'S.1CTS BI H �Ours, t esp tittily.. LOts - A�d: U11 Illgstl' VIZ.: was instiIataineous. f'PLAST-M S., , I . I ''. r � I .. - Mr.. Dodd' wa RE;�L'�SH.1.?
8 R s 'a Win; E jL �Cfown Lanls'lin& olher'Gotr'e G6or,e Cattle, rnuient 1)� Councilloi-of the orth I. uildin, Lot No. 9 on the' P_artf"Illl Talce� I�S,, Invent DAvid cAliister, Vard,a promisitirr 11 Ion$ L�-
QeO. IT. parsozis, in Clinion with tliesfiop aiicljm�n youngr.maa, universally"lik4 a y'oo�d �Cr. N. -Davis, Ja'nte- for s Watson, n 21,t. Lcfr d iper Cniiadri� bri1sevritere eij�bor'iiltnd: kind husbdad- Re �1�ave-s A 3 P� wide- J. Cordon— Robert Parkes -ulaill e , I I
a w-und-d youngfamily toinoarn his I L R 'A S 3 `0:RT TV El N T' 0,F us 'Tr , oss.- . Rer295 - ' - -'- - s , I I 1. I . To -Shcot� 1, etorm Rtreet D. ooding, TEACITER., I36 XClf!� ol� wifamily, A, CAN R. W. Wallace John RaIdall �Jr t?lccl tij� R3 Tire. LR� Dark; DdSvia Robt.. Oir'en, jood firame szo:tc alitl FAM I LT G.010 %.fl. 0 E UCKSWINDLED AT' hl wiihnuny Years �experjimce� int'leac ETROIT George Hobso:1l' H. c0ric al,4o the A lThe, Detr6it ertiser of-F,riday has the desires a ch6ril. Sain t eS J�ta]jdf ry nor so. Tue ail ou* i A. !win e 5t pr�-�nf -asianen-a-errient. can-piocumlliftt 3. Lot No., 1.9 oi rt folloWing ��A chap ' named Georg&' - IV, Poliv i�- nwith a GQ1tagL fbelcoll, not" l`o'-haiater and ability; Williams swindled. a man uarned Alci. Thomas m6kles', Sauee� lom Jeorgfni, .-C 4udson I - I - Tfi , ''.. , .. . I I , ! , , , 12 . :. , - -., Xorl Samuel Peut!aud, C Lot,tll Gi-alizon, oil ille arel DR. PRITCHARD Out of 8-1dri Canad - - : - . �un- w3o ", 'S�ch!�ol ?", w money, a (myt, or.two John biiildhig4 Robert cKay, ip o an acre. with .,a tra 6 rdt- tainin If -ergason, �',since by-lddte,Yanke� tRcl.-willizims Jolla F Mor )remium"oVer jold and-` kindly, proff�red In D -McIn'hes' Jr- 116ilert Stur'gcon� to _6bj�� _ - - :S said liremium. - The- pride tOf Richard tT Tho� Da�k- Ed Cliffi),d -the Cinuck- was no dol1bt excited by,th6 YL � I ''I pretended- that, the' money ;was'worth. it William -ice James Dorialdson, P. RI 'John McDotialll b5, pprov&lJoint Note at, idea. ofanada m IS AGA
-y being more pr6ciods Thomas ixon, a-606 See -Miller Jr., 610vths Will' -the r�,,,idue n�two I __ _ I 11 .
one D' . J ercst yearl SHEVV -11 with lot EXI ;�tfiaa'the'yellow -b�oys,. �nli. he iat�usjcd ThOsAV. Stin6rs,,' 'J.'Heale, t6 )Iattliew. aWilliams with th. -as. ze -son. A. Leturge e mbney1which %, -th Mattt I it he siaw of it. He got a glimpse of his, Ri d EAI�;3,, George Vidian Commence at one o' clock M S' X- :IJ W as F L-, Y�' I JL�� ge Bat� ra�� leco Ira FRE TE lil*aul Oligingfriend at theDetroitatid-1, ee G Thos7lituison Torr fu ' rther Michaer CQrnasli, -the -proprietor; de�,ot last evening and,made -a �ormal Thorna., 4�, GrUnLQ1n, I!. fialc,,C.Pmton� Tho.�. J.h.-Hi i.,d 1�nox,Harpurftev; or7ro 2: dentand�!*for,histuioney.� makiho�li promise RobertAKLt,an; _J M tiwer,e restored, he would 'Vidia I that, I TRUEATAN say John -John 'Porter. lecaig, Coderich. w45td rnIDg Attcti-)licer. rot4ing about that little'dod,� donee Lewis Ellio�. IV*� T L the premium overgold. -Wilarrastepp6d J th� ladie� arid all pe�,S6nS, 'seiic -d a sal disappeared -brallam Wilion Ed.'Shannon lnvite Fa'rmersi into oon near 't and bar aiiis4 to calli ariddnsp�&ct t] eir'� -stoc -FALL and[111�11�.
hrough. ih �eter Gillies, therald �9- Y�ry,, Fgq e bacl -door,. but was',finally Elijah Moore Robert Booth,. '�TER GOODS compi- arrestd"by 6ffiber Monahan,.and led d in _L ' , I I . ibdft Chandler, Jimes Madisor liam Moss Win Atidrews:�' I Mfi)F Ckc%uvLANDS. John_*tchr It ell,' a Lew'last a sad 'and somewhat William GibL On Thursday bons John Butler ue '-or. I 2th, I G 1. 7- remarkable case biic, A of drowning . occurred be. George Jessop; Fred. ClaAe ton -'and Brock.Vlille. - A tailinc Alfred Coli- &IMUCL FUrs� OT IS that about .3. IV. Gifft N�15,00.0 er lah!L. iiT tbe`17owrishil5s of tween Kin, cowstartellfrom the forme�, �ort, baving on es of -f�om the Ahrxeric�a lirmy.7- Philip Cliidle� Donald'X�Douald, Afthur; and Luther, in the County of board'& deserter, X T 4 W611in't011 U C�t will be- 0 6r d �1`or lie, whztold'the boa� "Wri"Aht;, I -As a- practical joh- ,e sale bv Will liam Ro bertsonil� �V illiarn lills, I). C. IVICK4,, Abetio'n, at'the."011ce-of- the resident. A,,ienf 'ould touch at 0
-d�nsburg. . The American 11 I .. , :� Jap cement as truth, Anda A. Dono,,h 'F ,sl E�q., in: Elora, on the acepted-the, announ -George Swarrs6rr 3hortidistance tbi� side,ol'Brockvillejun chard Poiby Oard, w itb'th'� intention ofescapin.,to' Frede�ick Manti Samuel Coferic I g, -,o . verb riped, Ri Richard' U-1ow 0 05 7 Zecond .of FENUARY, next 'Goo S�D- AT THE,- ss- the Canadiirrt'shore�. He;stiuggled longnd Chas. Horton, H. -F*dul PUR 11' Dre ,manfulr3r, hut finiilly,�overcome,bythe,wavei;' Kplin6ill Foer�';�h, Id T
ree 'Cib a eb as!, a E -Henry Coloslrey, Two-fiftlis-cash, and, the rentrilh6ir in. th lie s ak to, rise no more. d annual instalments, w4h interest. �oh� Barnes d can, be L to e in . e 0 hovVever, youuig OF You-.�q LAUIES'1', V R mes un ersi Ists of the lot.q, Shawls -
0 -a Sa I I,'. UssrAN AlCiRSTS:' ar 'It oappainB t t" 1`-'�e Widder' d, to th D part ent, oi�toi, th URAL Cr i�n Land rho Crimher. ent. arre'sted. Fiit7,, d , , I-'11 , 1 t I H I t ]ladies �re 6iritinilattly beini,,' Wx� McDOUGALL, R tAm the most Pit U]EJPX- yi., Ladies a s m:, seve-ateen to rt girls 2of fro i6es' Co%ru[UISSIOPer�L 'r JBSCRIBERS offerTdr Sale the onteufLS:Of: -Xiiiiieteen years, of age—some of them even UdbEizic 4th Deler" 18601. OW', were tmkea one X Teas pur S vouuzer� dight last eek chasel, aitd selected wlih gr6tcareb d y6 4tokai kEltit, ksq..� n P GENTLtiiiE.I., zrid. i��e n6vi shutj'pris6n�,.bld ar� for '��Fe speak a6i' 1'�tdly, as a� judge' of T�as a[ un over� thirty year i'iir -the trade, and who� Boots-, en,arlawotiu;n;.are�all treated slikein 06TICE. Ad , , , * -1n.compliancewith ihg above requisi-i whethe:r.As regard MAIC e valute has p6rhaps superi t �Uratter of �rrest, arld. are invariably s"eized S: qu ity,dr HE Undersigned h Cana In lion T. be, to'6ffer my' dot; oa y 'i n,gr T,cutors ofthe Inst'Will andl�*ta ment,ol the d X adeCloth' -the. middle, of the ill -lit. -These nocturnal , living; ll��n'appointed txe. self ai�. it -candidate for :iisits may, cause Eioalc lic necessary b u ty 9 ich, an -s 14�k,,Ry, of -es i. -the Mayoral '. f the fown of 6.oderi d fare j.A,rl� Wdwaboish, hereby gi% itis'not the Russians V'V�ho,feel it - and on the. pledge myselfil f elected, t6endevor t�s dis. is Mibriqliges, Note 0 alins, m -OUR TEAS UPON, thri Court Holise, where all payinen FOR SALE -617 notice t at aWh -oflland' Ae we�B counts; &c., &c., are bit Mr. 3 r tbe-duties f to t�c - best' of other hand, ihe scandal that-wou'l be caused`charg oft,!o ina -by taking a number. of innocent youn- girls 6 t through.the-street; in the llaytime,' in. t mi6&- and All buqin�ss tranqactpq, Mr. Johnilmal Ieceipt, will be'sufficiellL �tody of soldiers, iii -avoided'. From tenr at Tbankin YOU giciItlemeo, for Ille-confl- `JOHNSTON�r T�ei night till,lfblur next-m6rniag' are - ifte Rds ir-Stock of DRYOODS will �&found 'verv, a�domp ete,-and l' offi6al.fiorirs for deeds that',will riot bear the 'e 0 wb�iv 27th I S63. sian diinceyotrselim w repoi EN HUGH PATRICK -NUG than anV hereto ore jmported�
wei , �:'w39 God 29Rr- The'DRESS GOODS aTe ` Or't y 0 , special attent' 7 Iight of day.— Warslw Zetter n, h iom Yours� �aitbfullyj V1 -g(, ai ;T L Y,* R to re eri rW27 JMES: WAT50N.' se a good article att2tctsi.-�pei pound. These Teaa have been - purchased at Colif rket, viz [First hand a& -,-Why is. bacon -like the:,asthma-?�� -Becausesmokin-� cures it. ff, 31 ric a 40HA FAIR and ui�on I hebbst terms o died to the an e' 'h ints. sS�
Cp��i The stibscribo scar] tto::1ntlmjt4' -'FOR:. ULE WILL Sit Caitadi oiar 't �0 ex, ect al t us am� P r A -L their �credit - and.t-6 en Y tliai all, Notes"
&E-010 U-0 A -cc 7 Tllt-AIARKETS. bT- ELL FINISHED 9p, SATURAY, the 17th :Instant,. : , , . - , , ' , To -
ave ts A iisORTMEXT OF otohoulie,'No. 549, a- 6uqe with -8t 'A "I -selected by esmall profi h CUOICE" These1eas have sol2 oftreat:Oxperience, withoid costing the peile sist ' on I te paymlarlt�� rO kii1wiri station. 41, Ing, -or e se, 11 ��. 'L GODipcErit Dec. 15th, 1863, ins; near,,.. Sub;ydribers one cent, for expense at ald� . c6nimission, I .:[fieiglit only, t APPLY 0 t DAVID LAWSON -p 6:170L ODERICIT, 25t Sprin.. @)�10�72 de:mcb, 7thNov.,.�8G3, a* . [HOLO'N G w20*3mosx� P., 0 LY� I 412 <)af.Sil-.-.,...�.�...z,-,...�..-,�.Oi3O 0:32 7 Goderic 16t ct.�1861 n thL o e" Teas ding imported difecti.froi es eat or Ina, remains t 'same. Wool 'V ]b 0:32 (O, -O.:35 intelid ]it' 0 obal e R -T H t Y:': Alk�l ... ..... -60 0:,65 '0 .13arl . . . sW2. , �� Th e Celestial Empird 6 'Montieal,'all, danger
'T 1:00 @- 8:00 X 0 NE Y LOA,'N' of-adVIieration,vaniEh' f4 ';whalieveiL the 4uali t�'-V&n efh ton.. Nis .................... 0, 37J C&, 0 4o T ten, Irr innt interest,on pr u tive'-F I " , 1 uper F, O��ULL
........ �:00 (a), 4:2-5 �A -PRO ERTY, -A ........ 'F VANKOUGHNET, �n years, and' reallifesi ar, oir a reas6nibleln our h -as possible; there 0�0'L % - - L
ess I Is tOL b TT �4i fell cut I 6r el6v &6ntag 'L" IILtL6 Oount�,f o ut ing. p an i ef 1.00 @a) .4:,00 Barrister, Toronto d -fb ilLd'L K El R, -45 - , I , t HAVE c up , erin ��iew�'of�ohr.dctilrminatibu -in exclusitel ih usin 0. (a,) 0:60 -y ci Geese; do 0.30 0-45 :roron!o,24th N, ge ;perhapLs6m�ar�.�-ettingrt.ytq:p�!li�,,and�qe4jre, 0:530 341 4F -,O-.'25 & 0 30 chuihge. -But; as I find:ihaL t4er6 are triends, wh'Zo(� ATE,ZEX(�VED T -,dn 0 `4`0 D wiih the to, retain�-ittnl Irlyt betIlth beingi Hidee E P, "tilt to;oikhar, th,� duty of�sup ri, b -hipsthat'41,L rmer y, ee -5.0 1 0 0;- �mrich tmprovcd�l ore 4, 1v ace ie RAY NOX TU, BR 70 ST W C N, T SO, DA
arrots, 9 bush. 00'' L .1 6 hilendent fbr�ile town. �c 'WOM6$� 0.25 tO.-OO OAHE INTO,.,MY,:-PREMISESi-' Lot 118, :have charge of at prmrtt, 'aud nlsq�fbr those'of en hfield an olb ld� 11 ever, to hold, the ituation against wit 'W & co 5th' Q-orr.,'Waviranosh,on the 28th Nor orne. ',I:would.ot wi Da K'E -15 iier, lb63, adark redcowiabo'ni 9 years, o Op -20th No W Pot4toets. 0.45" horas ruined in at the poiLu er is re- of -the pe le, and thb�e� friendly ib here n ad itigii �OV 'ad PIYL:6r d), 0 ts.� The own are le'. G derich; 1,963 0�00 quest , arni'llis property And pay c -flivor q od--' edtool.i. solicited to petition n Inv. large jtOek:of. 'BOWERS, 2._09L xperls�' - as"t_
not' that inedlS 'in L Jin it 'S' Dec. 4th, '1863. L ROBERT, C- I ed L , , Re&ves. -trAl to 0:84, G w4 4C> IU",R'A L� �&E.ED
Dtingarition rti�vniinend M to . L I L C'�'2'
WOaTIT, it Fill Wheat, . L T 'S
I36rlerich, 7th Dec1863- w45 Ms st ie 1�516 houses inG asgiair.; �&Ooj4
0.68 Imported directly !from one ofth6tolddrAndoo .O,:0.40 ''T 'JUg, RECEIVED, A FRF LOT Y 14A, AL 0:'00 'g A RU Ir OLt S -LOT jig " , LV.E� �,
VWANr " r, , im A �TRAY, OX 0:37J o: r rk lJa�ctft-- �t R''
E, 04ME,mtothe �e r, �lot, IT to IMS) SUGARS, PICE!E& '"D S & V niiiieli.ofthe'.Rubisrribe 4;,eori' nHuron enerma -aso ment of'Groderies�lift]I6 best qld�jfy hi h- -M --Id,a Very id dit. r,t, vdiy� low rA a gliton C ToRo;STo,, ec�. l4ib'L 2 about the 'hi . �re` s"t, ox;fivii or -six years, So -__IV 3 S'S Wl Wheat U;i,, 80. �$0;9� te reasonable,prices, rog _heat te odical and'Fjnlilv� �C 0 SP W ....... r Up
.0:80, paychargesandt6ke' IGO 09. r,:9; 1863; Aorl, rA