HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1863-12-08, Page 3A.
S-1 GN AL.
To the Muni ipal Mee- r
4t�jjo a,r1l �utj slich valuable information,.1 To the Free and Indepeji- C
QAu iaf.rj� b.in t1tat the glib stories he is tors of th NEWTOO S
e Town of
ay Y,t cost him dent Xunidipal Eec-:
'alking about the country in TORE VE
CHE 'Emm"ED, S
yours.&c.. tors -cf the Town of - Godeitich., AD1)EY1lN'X1IFE OF
'rown.shl-pVGoi]erich, ITec. ii, Goderich. A. g the'time is uowrapidly approaching Marko -Sqtiare, -Goderich. 7 STONEWAW "ACKS
when You Itill be callied upon to nominate
GEN'1:LE3IFN,— tl,u office of Mayor of the THE. SOUTHERN
Caudidates for
�vHt..k-r.—Now tl;ut the farmers of thispart
I I beg to intimate to youl.that I ,in a town of Gode,icb, for the ensuing. year; and BT,
of the couatly-tave got prettV IN I .
-ell oil lsi,h ELLARD, of Bite -aim
tilvir wo. aj e enabled to give some candidate for the,officc Qf.Nlayor for, the as I . do not imend to ienter the lists" in the
coming contest, I take this mode.ofin6matio.-
�nctolumot the crors generallq. Whent fO
such my inteution� in older that abundant op- AT-BUTLEWS- j;
particular i� f�w fi (lot incetiliT the exiieciation
ere i H portunity. inity be afforded you, in mahin.
grolin in the top, part of the ear tig for several years taklin a 1.
tire faraliag cknitinifility. Th s� n inter selection, wortlity of youisel es. and worthy of
Town of G oderie i, and respect Ily solicit 0, 11 '1(i
173 b d and Petersonl�
�OATSThis crop far exceeds jii % L 0qt9ber% ail received
list in -Municipal matter-,, You will bepre-, the highl lionor illut awail the suc-ssful
tvi�ljout any lcu.�,Ctiened remarks, competitor. AT.BUTLER1
Ne former, and in some -s f e pared—
olf t pl; icl, a mu I It racouipetenitl1ecisio upon ouryeam ago,- -after a keen and spirited
above thii ave Oil my part—f6l n j
h, nors of. the Mayoral.tv fell. to ------77777
art of the coutitry o ..'fill the civic chair. I contest'l ill
��Fiirrrlenilln this p. efficieney t
getitleni t.. solicitation,
'that n)y highest ambition will be, (if elec- 'SMITH'
101. Oil three sul)sequent, occastons,, YOU,: N!0'r N A R AS 00 -ME OTITE
i fbrcf�d, thr0u�,Iii the abundant vield bt, trilst� bl�wcvcr, you will allow nic to state EPT'G SO F AN11t]
,tire ABRA
n -of LI, tib;,�Lildly ano-withou Wilut Ti
this crop, fo,try the' evilerime t irasE nec ill'en rtir)osed in me
reoewed the confide
o er
A as e ha.T& witnessed the operation. A bh�nt P. -
ad -ertT el b " lie duties of the
with.% machincinste. ofthe !.'-poi u -, ted) to perfurria t fatia, years, I have,- th o
o1ce to
,Yre�.can trul say thai if prov65: itself to -be aspire irrsuch'a manner.aswill not the hig;hest oifice,in t ure
bi kly-, iatisfactdry inipair'tb�e llsefulness nor leskathii dignity r'..and'during
ahas! has.' well-, relizi-id 'of a plistioll �bieh has' been so.nob v:sus- that perie-dy ythe assistance and co oper titio, tline to Iose by o o Ahe 14 -6d dl The underlikiled b ii, hall the: inisfoi rie f It has yi�ldccl -respected p' aSEoCiatCd With roe t the. Board` 1, - .1 - " :' � :' ..'' L I - . ed stock of-
thejabor' besto��cd uT)6,k it. taiiied by lIq rcdeces�ors of those ',.abundantly. wherever it has been r4i�ed.. trust I havebeenTid �otne smallAegree,
1ife and health perinittifif,�, I, intend, s
an say nothiii, for or tru neatal in advancing b 'and ri sustaiiii. the horio ER Al - W. :1 IN GE1
not to retire'fifira. the* idature, - ut r A HIGH OP TON :0 M
there.is none of if. raised itt of the Town,
b" L�offfa coutitry.. will await your fir 'and je ally s;
ti n y u pla 3' HN,FAIR CO' 1�. 0 6.
is, Rar and dignity, of the, po i o o ce me in.
]Fie has rc�cil ed to throw the Nari,tic of'Chavity ovetthe whole 6 th
BAIRI.X.—Thig crop 'has: bee�n an averag�- decision., 'In'llow retivini':from the fl6ldof..municipal
H.4.V.E Z U!5.r� or3C y Articles, suca to
varivtv, of Pane
-ithas been raised. Politics-, permit mel; gentleme7, to thank you I I I I I -
FrAr�Seven ex�ellent.' patches of this very klllccrely,a�hd verycor ul s, e6ktiesl P
0 N'
have ongr to be, di Ii 0 not h B to S Uff L 0 f with G lt�
t in 'proEt, as it cif your c y:fim ille'many o:ro� have been ��sed wi It itch a6d spetciitl', mark onfid nce and e.
�'oiir-iiiost Ou extended to me-durtag the four -L0N1D0N.,, ANTL
Its's Yielded abundantly.. - con6deraf!
I at tfic Sallie tirtle- liel-4sq'suies -the public thilt; W h sell Ch
bich e i prepiared. to
T�)TAT This cr(5 JOH-N.V. DETLOR. years that I have occupiiA the " Civ
ots--2 has failed to. meet
.1 - . 1. : . , ..'' — . I - PALETOTS JACKETS
-rhe'expectation, -of the "farmer. Sev�rai im 7r I hvli the horior to be,
d.od. ha�-d let Gode GOCDS-� Will K. OLD, AT: 'PR
xhis'art� surrounAing, neigllborb OLD ICES INALL-THE'NEW SHAES�': -3
theirlo.-ijilto their potatoe. fields. not deem- 1�our humble -obe *t §erx't
piajing, the irouble Of S - cl., Goderiell, .3 . Oth Nov. 1.8 1 6 �EYAN
in, ther�7capable-b. 'i 3-d Dec., 1M., C . .,(And Cheaper, if possiliI6)) and
Go6E 11,LvEiLSo PY EM! D A! r C 0 R CIN
3., sw26
crop oil the 4hole, has To -A—MESWAT-SONi-E
d ari-ilve Tl��,,U,NDEIV, GNEI,
in�: 6f -1166ent oJsseS:-..!-;! MAGNI '00K
ielde rae return. 16; tdke. j,. -e tne ign I th t ur
CAltFor5.'::-!5everaI in� this part of llagain to' of mliciv lbr reCISIrAion, at, th
the country have riti-d vrops Of ttl6�5e uo'.t be'ome a candidate onors:, th
for the� e 'Deed.,
y wit ,.r..
ler and have done, koc A IEST,,�\ JE .011
j3EEiS.—TIli$e` have ivo bedn'raised very. C- he forthVnl�in,�',ticction.
vvic, Chair at t
-fo� lleat -ris can HE �IGH M'�S dr docu il�ilts at i.�
p e irulT, but 2e exec specialL
Godericb, 6tb et.1.18G3.
Y r2 an old 'eutt. 0'
be P�Oiiu;e 11jo ALTi
to. . improvet our inuch -celin, C"Ift6n,,Harpurhey 4nd Grailiton, 1�.vvanber 5th, 1,163 W414
The . Hon confident thai -you never, m$q,
Winter 'addrt;�.sed -ii wT 7%T, 81
U don. mass meeting in liiiad4lphi
J t a latlilf. S' yoa.fo allow. yourself -to of I- n :bi�Lpiiteu", to fill thi,, mayor's Chair,
of" Baltimoie,
il -b , f
encan gives a sketch e ., I I
Th;'NbrtA: A iii E
from wincil' lows: -L- of Etirop.q'
we � qao� 6 as r
titude w�ehe!d. in vbe,!e5:ei eiiet of your, (loin, ss re WITJ OLD I.T.P17 a,p:ctune of' the attitu� biltary
when the:Llvar'broke out was silown 6��r and her, CLINTONAOTEL -we.'shall hold wIF .1 -AT THE Farlian�
er the rebellion is, rushed ki
Tll!;; F6l.'l.OW;NG VAL�A]31;13
'led, there iS AS 111- aC-
out. %Vh`en1 this -is sett
count to settle wit thE
h '��,vo �reatnations T
8 IERS Cro�va- Lhwls a 70F,'E. S
Enrope- (NN'ild:�ind prol�oupd xlppfause, the Lotg ndL JN� 'S LA T
hats'), The IN ..CA$:K -T
S tmonts; ake,�L�U, ij�eakersaia be�aever, said a: word on th 1. Iluifiniz Lot 9 on the Central iloare Urvifts and tak- t-hurge ofPrivate Billo'duri
ftCliatol, jjoWL
atsub- Giebri,
ot, for Part s re d
Win. E. Grace,
and pwmi.ses
Geo. 11� neUni,�r Canad ject to artybodrin this' houie but,be lister, pica by I r. incer ns it'shue.sl'iop� Thii,i i. c*utb�ro.
R T N T, 0 F
kifew, -b;t. he 'fit, and he gites�ed what -jar--6 NValson, of the ino.�t eligible bulsine.s tandSL ill HeAepicted in . The, I; A E A S 0
'the audience,tho6glit. -raph- Wm� d J",rj part of Lot 29%un Street, v ic terms'the'lleiffily of., Engand sin' To
ace�.: J B. Gordonl7 Robert Parkes, TI;eXe,,th ilets xifflEf6ster and raiikle till the �doa inCli feThese 11obe J. %Vrig ht, 0
r�, �rt D6nu,,li, pposedvo ES 0
THACHER,36 yea�s of age, ';;itb
pled 1,): Nlr. and- the
4account.,� Heused to be o pi�am He -had learntsomething� if, -Goo( Ed 0 Lll, Z.1 with inany yeari experience, in, lea * hitig,
-desires a c 00 'an
th y lol ei, rllo. -R. Dar!�', harber, yeam.. -The sih of the Alabama e n'�ot No." lq' (in A.- ort at pre,- , ent as an engagement. Carl r c rot
AV; )ettson's' surv-ey fit upa; Ale P er, c
Whies, 13raildies, -vasion of -Mexico have awakened this'coun-L -v, ith a 6ame Cottage now
'g, Robs6;' Colirick, �,IarjiurhL as to (;haractenati Ilk:
he ex'pelled- from ifiis John Brophy, -
try., in It() 4,
- . M' 6(-cupied'6v AddroSA L
! as are� Ik. , I .
and' - t to.be'al- 11gs, V.fl oli1be-Loncipp, Sauces C! le it. , .1. continent, . -the' Baha Donald cuu�i�i .4. Lot 6,6r'�'nton� S,
lowed'to remain --a -nest of pirtifeli. ncl lie.
Thopias. N..'Dancer, Mr. building� cofi- >
it Nice , . g
day' when I j -
Kin gloried in black iegirnents a -Thomas K'il�es aSamuel 1�erit'aad;
zhould"marcir j6 ill If of the ont McKO by e hal I
nis marched 'in days� -one b7. (Wi' and S.
where the maep of New York and PenusTiVa' Flirg;sortj
delif James �Do ening ap�lwusai.) : And fr Admiral Du.
-Dart- E& Clil`1`6j'd,�
00ERICn 23rd 0 tont should -his
'lie hoped yet,to sli�!, D- or by.lipproved Joint Note at bet,
bshelfs -burstilf., over the dome dt St..
Richard If6filaorney, Baijtii�w �eymour, Jr., inw,lh,, with and, the residne 'in two' Ifs"vind th�: IaLl ns of London bridge� fumbw J�hm,-McDo.iald; W.'M. Sava,,e. equal'anaLlal in,11allitUllt', with ycar!y .11 URPOP ENI -ED:. WITH,
64 yl 'j'ihto.the i �tream.bel6w,': principa IS', AGMN
tit SeeLMiller, Jr4 UnPlail
S�1� to C, t
gnmence a IV. Satin e -su:nr�A. Leturge.
JAPAN. iothew Mattheli IT
Richard ebrp Vid' rl pa rt FR
ian, For furifie tThoma.,, Grant, Grantoi,, li--fltil Inton' I I lob
aThtis.- Rutso n,
At -the last dates noji�:tj,, It as� Coll'
A j �,7
'Cont"Sk" \Hiflial. . , I , : L , "�
ts�kea placesince the avi�ack upon the t6w i,;fiael G. T[1�7EMAN
jmdfdrt�of dmiral Ku�er. IX vvm. Sli-ht, jo, tin d J;
linif b��n affirmed that the - Japarise, in. this Ratillit -is.. arlane, Dee. 4, 1863. w* d
t E er, Vi,� RE
ty.tj- 3 lin ilbit
r, fired the:W�Ls hot, but it appears L John Vidian,
d IV in. IF q 'Meehanies, -t e, ra an a
an act I Lewis'Eilioti
that ?was not until we , had .'committe ri I I te armer, h' 'L d'' I pprsons:,:1n; segr�cjl of
seizing'th'reistesimel-sbel6n.-i Ricbavd Finn, - Vargai'r �sp jr
Is, to- call -and in - very, large stoe
6f hostility in Der 'i s p NOTICE
eif;t th r k of FAL.and. NJN
to Sittisma, and leaving with- their ear�iies Irt Ablahant Wilsolli Ed. Shannoti, rp . I I I E . v
TE9 PWIDSi Kagosim, - Bay. T iiid 'i
he, rnral corr�enced peitir Gillies, M. weatherald, indcr;igned hairingbeen appoln
'ould be
,JL culQrs oftim Iasi Will Aiid Testalnent orlhe
setion by ihe prizes,sh fCol,ert Bpoth,
WaWiriilShl hereby'gives
James Madisor
k &c..,are at Mr. Johnst6n?� Offierja
It Mort, The Libert Chat; Z
-burned.L and 66 fleet. form,- into line.
Willitilin Moss, AV in Ildr
fleet m4nijaeWaslyinT in Yokbama Z5 .1 11 .
7' the Court House, where. all payments are t
John Mitchell,' -W is"
Imide and all Air; Jvhnston',, Juliii "Butler, T S 1 N'F, �S� S
Notwithstandin�-the -diTerent demonstra
Gibbo ns,, Fred. Clhvket�
'b- Gcbrge ;essop, 'STO
tion ro.de& I'monoski;'-wilich is the HUGH JOHN
s Alfred CLtillinS, Fiarse,
�raliar of tte.'11and e:i - �'thfvt- pa�sap is now -PATRICK after -O!F�broke, J. W Giff. -1863,
-virtually cld�ed to merebint velisels, d
rtour Philip Chldrey�, . . . . . .
having beeil irr use for three 6 D .. I� 111�Donald, N E
wiiiiam Robeits
_A�Geotge wansomi
mo7uthrui 'sh64 witiv� its fortil,L'and the
The Prince, who made i3se of his b i . I . "
D. C. it'seems, -A Y, ;E";jZR�y -Vgaras
'h kandi;, is considered 39 c,on-
pas3age; jnsuc
S t Fiederick katai,� S'amuct C61erick; of land, Ile;: from Tioas-
FARM (if 6d
-7 sidered so unsafe for foreign corarrierce't a WHASED, T d Fiddler, GODERICHi 60 ac�res cleared; wi , go � , -, 'L!_ �.,. , :_,
insurunce:l6ff - ices4ill iiot any lmfgersc�ept, florlolli. A tL I I D Goo s
will tic given for 'a ding eoorar- 1AR i ;M: it's c ey, .0
appi�- 16J. B. GORD927�
David Forsyt i
riaks hi wa'Kenneth McLetid,
the' purchase 'nioriiy..
Edwqrd� Rattoll, the, asIrs. Clar, wife arnei Bisseti, ich o'rio'
F6 C for, Me,
IV m'. stymou R & Co. -W *i5
of�*-Ikv., ,D� W. Clark, Cin6innati,, Ohio cliarte%Vidde
have: �?mherd.- �se'd Mrs�- S A Gderjch:§ It IT vemb
w over ei,�Jjty -packages Fr�sh-
'HEIF#L Rat: L ith in Lg
S rRAY rp 1�-F, -SUtSCRI MRS ffeL r Sale,the Conter S-
p. cesi-,
e eareLb G'E:6RrF 'dressing my own find children�s haii. After IL,
fryiq� iatious: articles, I feel no hesita I tjo ind selected witli'grput now
n _y
JLL Tess'purchas 'Teas'
reemirdendin- voumas tlie,bet I � hae ever 4t1i Dec., 186S. into t e prelyll'ses rs in thej�-ade, and who, we kpcal advisedly,, as 'a jtfdgd' of
tTODERICP st f,.alt of lot �1,-9th con.',::Wtiwno�b�'ml
lor tt, g oSSyr appear- ds litak
lasea. v giy�;r lfh6 hair a so I latf� 4liality or alue, It Superior in Western
GENTLEXEN, A itlgust last,a'.red Heifer, coming, o and e- i ed.'? L I . ' so d' lairg
4�&e7 and �f tains, it in any-. lios2ori -d Sir white.�.spot oil shoulders, halfilf
Sold by Drug, A�Vor gistz everywhere.: Depot 198 Inl6ompliance ite spot 'prijorelleadi awill d �Ahid 60 'be �tbr nGreenwich 9t New Yorl�'. tion requetted prove pro R
ystilf as. a eindiditte for pe Y
I I % :. W
,yl, pay
expemes, ad take heraWay S toPub. 1.1,V, f
the riat of -the town of Godenc an
o y
DAN. DONIVEN ielf.- if eleeted, endeavor, to dl� 9
w41*3 F SALEz
'warwaniish, 07"OU TEA, f1i e to the best' of
duties o t le o c
n owthe'm'oirnmg� ciMonday, 3�ov. iQth, charge: the onl P li, d' 'ger
o t
the wi of Mr. -Joseph Grasbyt, of ille �t 1wrt- toy abilitYl% I&A.34'T.'Eii DW U
Con V- GOODS�Wiil
iship ofHulleti:2.of twins- sona., -the importe
N ACEN o canvass to 'd
11', for
you gentleme
T f ih n' an:� 1�retofbr�.
jl��16 rItjon
dence ou seedi to vellose in in�e; A 'a of -'special attel
The -NMSS GOODS are Worth
i�ircLhane"L for Y
ju. the Wesleyan Methodist
-C are remain, bT 'base& a kige-lot-of, TOBACCO t ey. are,enjIbleCl
�terriibr�v will be given- avin �purc
an tedtiesdayi' I)ec. 2nd, by the �R6v Yours, 'rket;r �,iz :'.[Fint hand tirebasell at c6rifb�sedlyfhli.best _q, to':sell j)6d:' t pound; -,i
-W. jTmiter,.'of jCjintonj Mr. J&hliL C43,ts"tOl' 'Adcnf"� 31ES W.ATS( N Thiise�Teas,have, bee
o�,er, boh of'the villilge, Torout.. jervas ofTered thii, nad1iiii. ere ants.
1235 1 le�best"
Hui &jdefs :in&npoj
�U.nndt a
�f !b
Ilii, r to inti rn:�q- a) I N ote and
§ , , * , ' L rb6, " , � swi n
�subsc ers,trish 6a
laumlier:of bri4bsmaidilwere emplilyed. b L rib'
y 4 per�i s e 1pXofi �1� ey
ot" e fbr 89.10
or �; , r rest �wii6iit costing eaSL )fi '0 theirlcre itp,.atl ;t6- enab1iah6in,,,1 coin -
J0 el neojj;�,,", Thes'e�:T hai en! selected or s
)R tL tendi= Sale
THE 1�kARKKTS. to the Grown pelled
and 'kerip. 'See' card in
Oil SATURDAY,-,ih6 17th
ns T
,ent: in L i eico �d
-GRIST 25�
Got�;Uil�jj, D69- 8t�,., 1863. T
HENRY eptg
t.A'6ritriial. all dia��-i
�tVall. iffheat�. Que e. fronithe Ge i
0 uh,-Dec-A, '1863. 'f vat 06T the qu, it itAremains These Teas;bein iflip
, 1*
7 2, Chi
4priiar do 32' anishes a
65 ES "FOR'L SALL _T,,'A. Er F'O U R T 0 A �EAUTIF T
0-�,(� 0:,
0 8
7W y, V In -35
.0. -e 16ek,. Goderi I vr
0. 2� one�13
v1cV` or our
4. 7 iterminaticinof�buil ln�� up-ai s-25, as a
-00 LAIII I verep vLJ6
-FD ad.. d latialied
,ork 4. ebleirl'our e ar
ion, Pr to olur ant e to e as'rCas
00% T in b
ali'd tile 66derich Station o the
.. 3;00 o'starl IA%e
�; 0 -45
Tqrkksi each 0 0:60' if by
...... 0:307 04 BE
.0 Do
lDd-6ris'" d - . L 7 .:0 1 1 THTavern formerly iiecupied 0:40, or-mer.7
Go erich. C. -,NY- wz; DT
0 lk'-'ZUBSCB.IBEFL-6fle-tO,rent.or,le&�e the stor docapidd l,'Twom
#pLair 0 & 01, 'k
S.A,. E
'00 5. Jlx%ms,, rne�,, Wk
-'o �F _ FOR
�0. *.ots, V bush. -diciiiesii -c. To
Oth, Nov,.'�,, h l
with 8
-5 'fiand'adurge Me 0
Goderi'li tb
housie,'No. 549, a hc;&e'
-S E E
ear the railivay-statiorn
toOMS, 11 1, C
:to'� G
-Juiptirbed directly rOm
one of the 61 S, DAVID,LAWSO'N, 0 F
v E.- H OF RR
ED A toT M
heat. . 0:68�" Qpderi��.f 7th No T1
0 L an qq 1EA
0.4 s
0:�OL townshi�,
-W , orlpil
.46 "49A I -T
s,.o c uppe Ld an ot very'� ow JLIL
W, A R
p o al;
dL a b
F.. C
0 rop6ries of tbe,b��t which ill bew, -at
io and viratered' Good I lo, nera
Toso=o, Ded.: thi, V �' - -
-at arlat
HICprermbes to-
QT�j i -spring Whiillt.
:�jb N6�
L ar