HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1863-11-24, Page 2Will 6 WEFK- XA L. THE -S,EMI LY SIG zflao., and, Lake 'Auron Railroad Piretellilous 11ilielt it will have earned- thd McD-,ugail, the reti,iiq i1r.sident, le6low PARmdRAPH'IST'S BUDGET'. in. its I Inure OX61 ou,,h puiveriz;II that, it bui recently ploughed.., Fo Xclitit Obberti.5rutellim thanks ofthe wlloi,�C'ommunity.l Mr. Wy I i v su it,,— At v mould.were it r At a! it- ("(,Unit g� Olt% p: �ell iltic() abounds in'gold; silver, thisircustin �lou(-thing;*�ILI'iyirautijriju—vrli6i-e _j: after Much (4 WIINTER AR.SrANC15MII On Satu�dav morning, the Association, horourh p-�lveiijaI is lite r ferred �o Road 'thos., lifl. 130%, . I, Ne W if -7E. --The Rai.war Interests." mlide s( lite' W, toast Copper find C nitabar. t s. -s on the co -lo. will InE Scio-TA SA'FE.�`Iv -11TC Petitibn GOING EAST. throtudi :I committee, presented rerrillik gicat kisidnesil of thesi i Dot be'as effectual as'late ploughlog, or 'j'. j �: -I , on an-mau, Lee Ili' C:�- Mr. Cubitt, late Lord M or Q f Lon- e plou'llin"'in the . winter. Tif'the� rains or glad It 0,1 I-�,, the piesi. T�e ell 'if; van ',ductjonof,$2. of the Spectal'or, wit I -a ver rations e and fro�tt;`of ;l�ter cirn bein operal1011, -ben learn tillit thd1rumars of the loss of the- ......... .12" '�A(l A, M. TY' E�4 I y lh,alth of" 14 Captain Die%; proprit-tor of the don. is now dej,l. I has married met] L Silver tea -se rvic<as -I inark of Qreew-!. -diess to remark that Ili a soil 'IS 1�un . to CetliLr nft(.r -it 11 '_TO\ it�is ��Ie� n ;ulvc,ization- will. be more 1. hawlsoni bar[) COUF E 91. prop. Sciota have proved - false.' 6' Rum is used in the Westf diesirstead Stj- %V:ks ours. .,Ili u"lled being knocked ab"t- on � the trip 'from- It was agg, their rippreciati6n or his services in i " I , in tile. pmparf�tion of ini. f 'Ouji n a wit I a, tie Lou :� . ....... �. :, 11 1 1 11 of turpeniii el plo P%,,, 0 RT 11 9.A4 tv,xt rfllowed, andthe I pa rho mpletethan it would ll',under HD 'Codr�!ies` tou'lidl for, the Lnited. SlI I La n - , J � Py 4nonths- st'llill. tuitill, and maintaining tile institution.— C::P:- The any other Aud-more'llian' Saginaiv to Ctlicalo -for two 'weeks, she, CA imoN 06x ..... ­ l)a1t; lb�,)W upabout I I CI cl qonfederates,are reduced to'mlak T Counlipspr uronihild artice W1 I I meet in -t ofthe 11�1;1 this, the mor6 c�mlp!Lte the pulverization is, ofsuch tas- MITCHELL IT"" followi*ng is a repo; iroeoedings with lite Id -andy otit'of pelsi the:Cd�utiluuse Goderich.6n art ited at"tbe )atttr Pace 'yesterday in .1 _Ili,, Ili. inmons. Ow STRAXFORD .......... Alta. 1-1.20 61,, which had existedduritig the meeti "I the lotL,itIl that soii.ivill retrial it ell and 1. tD Fire B�hilxad dwiy L at extracted from the rhe Aege of Char:eivton hits now lasted lld--6unsecl�iiintly the,,re-iter will be Tuesday-, th 'Fifle'leflill day of Deceffiber far une hujld�d ail(j twenty. ol'.1ertilizi6g: niatte, TheCo�unct. Glob, of Fi eight days. the av�.i !�h!e amount 3fb 1�1)eo,, I . . 1, . NEXT. -n it 6oil� whicil wiil 1'romote tire growth any everrin­ ......... AiI 3.5S P" !Lr- TBE AMERIOAN WAR.,- b,- Mrsilc' Thunthr. RLChIn'ond now con. In 1 1; 1 VoLT;NTXjl1,; J.NSjIr'c j�io.x— The 'Bri.. ... ...... I) rr. '4.211 f CoUjltie� it's sevew Norl s� Clerk.' jade Ill njor inspected tlie­corps of the t- :o.03 "I 11-L Prc,s. -�Ssoeiiilion of Iwid i ta 'hern ne wSpaper clir.rilsRon- crops iN K Nof. 2 1. o�r. 24ih, I P w tile Lecture lt­,m 4 tit(,- INIC-t-li.I ftrs6Tt!v- FW YOR Gode�iicb, �N 43 3v ....... . 14 5:23 denm town on r-riday: vrid� Saturday-levedifir GX11RON '11001, Telegraj;h- 11 D­Wljoazail ortho Her:ill The AIMERICIAN EXTRE MES. r Ay . CN? F inid tlie�prernites cf Is . St.. The'aTkilleryc'ouipal-7y-.w�utflir� ........ —Mr- aqIiington'letter says the The. te!e,,raph, states, that, sol� 'Sit n, ill, tile 5.53 q th, Ass,ciatio 22, A,416once�ision,.Gode HARPLTRIlEY .:,.. 11 - I 1 1. . � - buvigr� Richmondl. ce� I I iel;tib, NVar Deparfinent,has ildvices froin Barn.- dieninfre'welf fed, h6wever -the evolutiblis with -their usual precision, r- 11 (1 1-t, .1 The fo'lowi,.� geltlemen cre It"eselli. YIZ'. rich 1,tiwli�hilII a`66q�'qiq 'I'M Sc�r)jcinbar last. a side: to-diiyi, find I ls,�. stated iw ofli lal.­ iTT XTON ­ ... .... te "Pri GODERICH 7,0 ncm.s. IV. GiNesl�v.. Ham:lton'.Spectrit,tor.; may be.,* Beech�r I- but wh,m lit! sard� the ()tljei: LI at' meercatlGied�),� lhv�Ad�s, lw6d, 7fia�k and lw!W� and r6deived a well-- cri a �hbbnjijj 13�. 11 - , . - I . in, in.— Gun. Ni.,,bur'IrN -ic, i u; Circles thilt"they '"are ellco A I. Hall, tlial.fie vievied th:s Russp-Ambr- :,,,al;outt..oL nic;,ithQJ. . I'lie -owner. isire- " 111�, do itulated the.1tilitis-uporr­ lit ging,.L.I d. f' 'die inipor Ing Rxele �It Pill, Citirges and Is TI X ke )e I sjo� cong, f f, 1"' ifet,yree aver- ­ I : 7, LOats -.' �,Thd aryllin ' aimers� ti -P cuts 0 lip S.Z I pro'-' thd. rapid-, progms� sts�'no negr jabo, %V 'N"o.rrall SNuili o�- liffilyli GII J -Thearni 11191, . r� Sion" lie inieti inight listen d sstill' i3serilill ­ J�uitu�i - - ing, Said what his COUIltij offile'Potoill;iC.1 - 14U I!,, o r R NV43-�i tQfd them iti�ohjy required steadinses,' iVd, _T Xampi)ell., 13jjlt�;I' Cllia)11�70'7 %V'J� COX, 10 w the � inost hurnilialit in -d'.')'It necuipies. Madison 0 urt;�urablc. qouthwar, V, .1 . . I . �; , , ", L ; , �NowirllWr 2 1 st; 11863.�; W. it' I 13o,,nian. ill& vorlxbai %,"allesse 11�6 the God C:j-,-The almy of the otonifte,will. not dBi f thedand -much be CkinStItUlLot, led.,011 isbir; H ri V- X. p�oljN so advanced !,it �all f jllI� tli6 b6st -lie, District. . IS J iiij florlI tolday, wh'ich looks, very. iuiiclr� ikc"- - .1 . . I a atteptipm to' ref-I&T tlie on(I cittro h "Itule ll�l first daw, V i 11, ^Stait's "i, i n -'L Miles '113eli,�vll;e -ha. kle­ W- H. F,o%d, a flajj� L --� ioliA. a Farint -that i)ertalns to clivil 'Ireed,�m -rushing Bei,f,'­., ti:_ otitoons went'down ast, tit, it. fore. Itlay-nexi. morrisliti. --h Courier, -'X. LV; Ibe P I Re 1 �t5 d GODERICIt, C W� N 117, 4,, IS 13.1. burst, Well-,k6a 71etr-roph,; li. T1101 d" -.0ml-'aiialry 'I" already; i is-sai got The MraWst-YsMi� devil to he earth -it: the,preactice 13 R wad, E conocs-� Geese ""do forces. is spaking ihrou, . It l3eeeber. :�:Ci I n air -c, for the notice, �iSel�ared Land iviell. -THE-IMILITARY CONCERT.,, Simco, 'Re becau. S 0 forntcr; 71). .'-Brf�)clI in the:II JI Lde's, IrAti polxeri tll�ivl I y' ..R,,car&r:'J 6-M,le.ni ft.`itni'torrldiislira, _No ;do ­ . I the IlUrror, (it: A 1',LL power to lill to tit(! feinced- Fraine 13:iins� Log, Hot:ie, :with -well it'lld ubts arc'fillt in' the inind,'' of' - ' 1 Rjpier I i , lie 'S. t,,d "iciiiii; il. Gitneron, Port Hope Gana. I , hat is rat ter iough—oa tile LI hour IV�hut 'ale, MeD "Llit Illen as to suit 61 an. h t a supfw as -a jj�ritraj­ er' prev: ssluns of, I lie purn�,anda sn)pll a sri-in d D 1, 6rat oPte tolli �e'k I on llaiingllia& the -pleasure of Ifides lirsali, 've -.have�no besita St. Tlrutnyll, nrl,aiie .4 aifdn.; Atlasia who was ih Toronto -Iast`� J(,ur�itl; 1,rnes nient, between N-6:ido and'Leo. �Irl I list lie in llns Fodr 'awd ii;m; f I Cirin n�' hlost:of -week one o t eirehe U T I`rere -:is arr.ti�aty respeciI 136rn;ide� The s�rcets of St. Louis niiies,�fio,� do&, urnips'­ f nor. litIlliger- -jerins tl;ilsy. Elillun%t, or,: tion in announcing that the Concert,to be E Friday.nigglit. Th�. C,irixtItution,irt; I'li-nnas S&Ilais, xonite;ll L116 sourb T __staK�4.forthe ast,on: a., t-tlie-Mat Depuft ent but i�'ls 110 10 pleas,tpt &otildition. A paper c, that'elty 9:1 Vs erUSI �Iitls` be -douittlre 11"t"At)' In 11,; . B u t te r Ec er Hon.- gentleman seems to en' I. v n n e- I c s d - e ir'd� ni r i g w: i I 1 1) 6' o n, -otal oc� Client ell 1.3e 1111, i I I e In t clLb: d h py, exe a a. womair �iva fliered-to Pat t 'uidlI: le L sin,p, . . e, P gevuri- IV. SL'iJ--hn's,,n, Port 110 - I .. , , . . " - . ' hich marks tile predi6i'.,ns o r fl�i-e� S taw -office Cfu thc'preinies. pre axe h' nrvdc firitish.Ainericon, J1 3oninriam I it D 're this, RuIlisian Admiral C lb r6e;,,'No%� 24tl 18 3.' �w43-tf hcalib��and,fI If th in .. is few d, -Is since., �0 JI 11 bestr. of tliI6 kind 'hltene III -ever' II i to "4 n u 11 eil -'case - q eve In ts -of JI imporwncei - arv�s­ r,,,us,, S. II ea I k an o lice �lre IF llii�d laid �s e ,onan from.thecorninand'of the .41artanz4, - Una We great y - regret 0 716illstrumelwi ts art-, -I din in,r ;r G. 11'. IVOJ (i�7.' F1 A, ba.. MONEY�Td LgJID' is d. I - �� III � "' re the comi and a v&I to oi,6 hmill tie the propert5 �f. Flat-wic-6I fI opp6sitionI pre`s�'is� calI to inform -Ca ' orde d, to I! of tile Chicol. cc:. editor , of' I 'or fi fa-'tl lirins Johh�fxalt, Esq.- and is adian )V.�, mertun, iiia i� the 'i ;fis;.tis, I -eat eilberl pe N inipro;,ej I, Z" percent - aSo a few filustrarA whieb, occurred -nt ,, - - - _ ' i"� I s, �!Y� ertI V�se,�n ehadoic 6iil ore-- . , I � , ,: I ­ ..Lie The laller is the, siml, hilude d bidkie ih-s'best 'the mri�i u in:.- n,u ritis L 'aneretiam. capzlelty oipi, 0 c poun son Iowa propt� N.... one of -C S Nov. 2 1, 'h'- I resideti cc bit Saturda Cal tal�nt 2 Ill, , " -Iie -ii read rrom;the Fd' tile 17 Lit i ii,;t, J. 13.,� IJQ�,DO be ItL r testjhat call, tiptili6d in tbis ina eng�g�d is, th� b&Bt.t6 found in Geld' Ours - Iwo'; pe"'ples.. The wS.,w5M:: loi 6f� ill,- 11 MOW,. 72,1netz Lfwdori- Fitee� Tllc� P�;st'z New.Orldiu,,37 correspon ent exp6rt trien(14,hip bet.ween tim- ' I . . C::)Ian,The�Princeiif Wulesis-avel:y d� the sek�tibms are Ville u'lIlriaes according Barley Y��XSENTAL TOBLERY p ver. a -owns Florid� aud Al�bamaAI( rich, an excellent We' r4s, Ayr Ubser ud Adver'-, �ays­.G`6neral Banks entered Bi :,I,d it is buli�v(d tliat Iiiii royn. I . ;L Ir -T ,d ilite'rp,ettio'l. I Ar,� these vess4-,, a I See amongst them our. old 'r or, tire! alf fw6e..- if - r'( ,a to ill e , : to Fedfr -17 di -n,: 'to tile doctrines of Prinuc': R EA ;lie '.gl d ebe Me 'ic 5ti; with a sill, lie bels 11ARIDWA, 0 --which has - be had, bli'rited the olZ pij�4t�,, - .. I A , L �., . u c ruir�i` Ajetteir vi&i.�xezid fiom'llessr,:�J� I S. I ljllired'Stat�s barilcks lie. he C; Londoii�� tonnis'. a faildrite' "The Last Rose of, Summer, of w'hich there Are Uorttillak"ff? - ft"they Arc, it would nut ()ill oui:ts,� as�sailed for 40 sapposed jobbery-,- chal; tile adiia,tii ill- ot I. t r rid iofbr�per�v, part iNotwitlis our- ' 6 iVIC predilec- be an net 0 Cornlly'-Irr tile PriIke to direi::t th;� noloo' p publ6hing of a.tn,de'7jourtrai 'bv� I lit'A.,sociA or tit e to w elf Ill u ddered� all', tit cy 6o it I d ',,I I tll`c`- I ­ :. .: i I , iparison 07, len�;d a�'�trkt and im]Partial con at officers'of-Russi�i, to p UISUe th(lin here - tions, w , e VF. e air :'decidedl� C.pnger�,afi G t I It is-�taie� iii -it 'Dr. Cullen Rornan lit be ]SUMS, �fbr, overn men a 1,jr,W. seconded by Alr.-M. l3o9wLll;, fled or� �ih 6th. e%ir t -bey mi found 06 occan Ilouil of' paid Mattei's 1�11S)Cal, and with The 31exicam Generalt2ah, bufit�wonld lie his irnptr�ifi'�4 duty At-cordinir -Porlk tl�,,t tile Wssrs. 131;wkburt;'s recom �Ckitbulic Nrilhbisliloj) .'of Dublin, -resZjIu07 riend.tiifi -is, �who, v as a, jtirI by the old and new V h' !-iri Brownsville,� :lite I ielifirldn ti; 01 t�je Wito I L :to sirov I em cling to 16 sweet pluinlI ji)urr"I in the inwi:c9ti cr izon,lemns o liahood,wri* de, 0 publish'a tvade� refugee . I - I ­ . I eid&iI6 Nothin- could biifiirer­ It on the6th' wits -t ;cre�ce to. lI direct missi most 6f thet: a LheAssuclati,mbe �eferr(!d.vi, a conan:ltee a 0- so muchlavor,iTi ilia TiTuited Statekandwhich wittiou -r on :Is olde' W- T�;c 0 I und '�ghi.& oppositiouists May still carp cI,�jposed If . ..5!Lssi-s� NiVylici MeLie'llial calb;cl upon by the civil titho ities- to r Diniq in prefer f warlike instruments al proInarrime'. tire Invasion P 'Fill, of izens -to aircst the,' pfa r, der- hinfu'dvs in� tits florid `66ndpos�tiofts 1�ter' dirys We - Piracy is It ciiiiiii, againsi-die cIviiized..world and 'put' out lh�coafla- C'o i ble, the F.6ote geriticm6n never Cot Alirik ib on., w lie, c -1 l,z. 0 S A perfect'.f!'crush, in -.the i - I . to be-tiltitdo'irit, e,ei -wid Lit all Co op' t i -an& I'lic (W'* I`innin delir.er6d' S Ing of the rebels 11-ilund, wid her lib6ratio from on op- h a ve-,r Car"fill ,qu j)cenared -adtiress to'fhe titemliem ,I rcIiiC, it, -in we [lot tri-ean I o cias6- A position tojsslie such 1 Liras,; ai;diit,�i ctice (A 11��l huse natiolls- wlio a Victoria to�mp'rrowxiiglit ai� an cn­Ba61-s­ st"T'i)(il't Oi tile p -.'a Q Aker the cntraiico�of G . -Kansas this ycfIF Itussia ill 1hfs-:C1Z'4ory of I st II, Ineellu- The 6tton,,crop in Ldit6iI - , ­ - I ­ .1 1 re Store fuil -pii ticulars; 0 11ccajo 'ciii-itlza .'n- tif AV.esl'ert, L Gtherinlv dhi,iv�'Harowa Pal t yestero if T lie �,reen-&-ed- has be�n a re� late suice I ss.' V". Zan su6ly I "t 7- 0 BF1 selectiolif; .d -',x.ZmZ close vtlr siri is -Nlatar tira an "U�Qp, pxo�ramniefbr s lI :�Ierid.nev ) 1I riirf- witl� his� force adva ruir,sent lite ,I ale r�UCV Luell,.Ill C�UStr,COIIMLL With eilch Z4her, &vc out, 1juiz, wh Lre justift-d In as:iumall thatshe %V' n'd, 50-1 71" 0 whiimas-favorab,a to and '11, hl.cs at alticii I raTe�.tharI:an� lolll� thit ki.d�,mis6d in �krylarid all( coin ajoubutfividut. ; , o r - i i' i sit General ��t,)ry itLTown -Ay (Lith a. -eat 'tiea:: LX ill-feeiin is and. sou,,Iit refun In BrownsNille Cot e:&red aiiif6l to.qhe au'r gi mter at be4Xri6riI success'ful "in file *urlId has.placed' 011I LL '�nfon hand .I full assurtinen T -lit 7 as 10, Wb ell spl�ihgi no twellii,inilly ill li, bus then liolste cyi Aid tier They have.atpr& Ca d fl the Frcncli a�,.� The Duriver II bo'Ut 'urid h.1p I E' quite tillprow e.cretioti4tt,,,(fQ,tl�e,�'iiiii,.s� lieklokerbra 5 is a, Ka US w tie -:ill, �arietiesv'� sent fr')njfrie1ildsi (if: III NL�rthcr;i8tan!s, P � litr - rii,,u 'klowin day Oabal a y the Wailiin�,t6nsrd Missitsipin ave�jovariabl'� SCk061 -XA:111' �U�I; R: the 'old. y0ne. there must, h. !W. eked - 'e - I 'llinell'! N-ATIMN, SECT16Z; ia.9, ill Itjyi:4 )U.,L budn-afira*nil 'amount -t.f writin­d6h6 in w,lb beo-ri,. P, ,iI Huii i ro the Eve Oirit. ku-jws flis�t 1,11c, G.D'E'RIC' e p trty-and shot:, -Ruiz', I was - a ,ain e had' tb f failed. Cy,,r wid hili isaval vom T ell in II t Otilibut:'on ol NJ,. wlli� )fi d d -1iT Nl�' llisbatiei'he�e dt� no Uell dwaral, the,viri4�s,ftpur Men,st ju ging, rorn the' was a6in foiI fl r, by ell Sh' pleasure 4 atteri'dino, the examination qf -to 'I I =it -faryland I it that. thk�`,Alabu used gall, fir ILIA valw4bItk: uddrIsil', i.SSU6d a pyol) oil -re-establis An �entl'y ai Uni�'n,Ge ith "a d�t u. L�h I- abo ntiti 'Vereall , , propos' 'orterrias, who has�'s�ized lil aturnorais !in d ibiri ;'u,id eit�rf,onii lino`W a vote,of �1 It "': " a qu a es,ofstecl Penn up., Darinni 2 wits 'd to Mr;; C ave n Tna w 116 took place yestu- A: -a atit nd FZori a an; in u ti,ii-d­d in the CoN r neia ivals 'lit W it, I at III stiasoi III-- f6a"wing gt- ilemell were� elect IiL: larly commis8ionvd shil,s of -a. all s6,,ts,,- d ay.. Sel qnI ind6edi - have therlast'ye tr of t'ic eiist6itrcle 6ffb6'Qa g rit he ht vitrie leei,- o -We- seen 3, T 1-4 Of -w file 31Lxican,coftstitutinfir-of J 857. rotten a,;-,. j:-;, e dience turned -uporr.,t ,fee fit I (I Oil Fece S am, nlet! j -o Clancy t llisiI 'the. folf6win Ce oearcrs )d velit power y ussia, as, )v r' CC , 0 -ow4 h -was stispected of G lass iind J`UjtL�"' Qjj," More general, pi fi han wis eihibii� t is - i tire. �un fellow, Ili r- jezci w o �j t be � 70 r the sti-ealled Up, hot_, ti� Mentio littI items werexan' a President�D Wylie, �Elll.j ,114orde�, P�ini-& olorsj 1111vils, : ii -es, Nails. -Washingtob� 'OVL over 1 111,6c� hill tl'Fowin-01I Pggi. And gave .,him hse,ere _It ea,by'tb_�,cbildxciI w1ohave be�n­taltiglif; wo6'id i un thieve ris brockrvl,'.e.� " � , I ILI UI Lill knids"-fi-Coupt-i's' Tbdls - 'SlIiade- ill FloUx­:::)I1l Y6'9td-rdayafternoon ab6iiii 90 of Mo� by'S f5uni.shn:I It furned� out after"Ms that j;,, at s' by Ali�s,:Hc-,L. 45�000 1;rI 'me, in' It'p;4, for 's�vei-Al �cars' bAk uiI others il�'�he sa" . I - . I , - - bravc, Itlisslalls po%�d,r 'and IsC �Vi;�e 1,7;dkident-7M�.Ken �a . wit I thSL Shovels ; I 1, -Brashe. WhfteC T ?Ile I wIlI IV ild"tioles. 4."d ""i irc&� ill*' 6 of 111, thanytth tlievcs�clsufa,iyl IiI �uropean G,j I 1 176-nrer,"li.l ]evil Ir Icn approa�hed` Wirhin tI It wrow, man,liv] betn I Pp out gus hi Ls ffibe,- of,. Goddrichj -In . C 7 reasurer- Mr: ThomRs. a an excellent m6iifii6ii, :Wond Wiid �fea IngI riti g,* cypieri geqgr de.'N Scretary'll'Office... $41-60 i§, lry' iind 3��al ton, 1I the intention of Makii,,; ' Mor,il' Po"", alner -le. too �L111j)"OUS to. and pri&i 1. Goreirno� 'e, had u 171 '�u Inuch-for 'oil -ill ag, aPAT, ebie -�`Echu- Motitreal. Cifi, a view, ot Ch f Opping Xes, 0 r , ala, o -tile railroad. Beiirg.dressed_,in 'cildty nit! ke A 'ra le� P 5&,4ai Rejst.ar's 2-7. Orary. T6d a uniforms 'a eAachinerit',offiria 19t celelL d and -o i ro &c. the pupils were-. c�iefall��.m ary -liiic not a� 1, tvu w6 rorget - It is -0 r v,,ull ds li.at�r all 1�al,ihiljg; , . I , 'PC ]to I Lr r.,ict that, fb ExecuiI Ctuncl 40.25 G w:,. rinsylvania and 6th hio, -Cuvnlr�, andeitiriced.a. oromi P linister'i; it 120-50 `E.,'�ecutice, Coiantityc�'Yessrs.'. NICLaell, -,IC soccurred' IOL Fiaimee.;N ' jCCj'b tit JILL he orr sti'l,�Itult'-wurtls :Ili, app,ilIeiawd in wiveisitv tB bi nr�*�Ound_�-j -11., li wh�lvt- 4k erlu t ICL' fi'ei_ljl�6rho6i af Yet we . e C fication— ed and car w Auditor?s Seymour, And �Jxht a by even §id.11ery-HdId,;iare,. C OiF Larhp4. elennei 17-25 lan, ile most 6LII f, hcl 6-a tjla� 1'. ff,iid,!s And, 'I,16nitorsjiv�e ofGe ede. al P; C�S, t., pro L Llee,a Sing 1, p490.6. C tile S.Ime Call re as 1 0 le sl.t:PCII Cj eej.Vrhjng t1lat sbolIld ve ' JS out, to, -retire e 7 mjcL Go,tsellulColf's� iuvd, 11,�,div: eserves InI d' 101.50 that it 1". been sp, al; b 'b�`Tne ld iii, 1�ir , the C praise for 5� 0 IV ei r3 i6to thern y wideli seveiral. r R U'U-no th . for h 1 11 1., . I se be WCJI I it .1 vii belie ab tire tinie 'mist6ol, I iends, but -11#ip Works 7 ill i rror.wh 1� d1d Ile 're Sj('re f I d .40 ir, uV �owell and secon�ed bv�Nfr. `Io6n d's overe entire i he ��Lvv. have explo or . it '0,ij JII rour the'schoo .0 T,:ILt Whereas it' I ILI y-, recerit -fired 'I vini'llbe'all all_ SUR-. 67 60 An 'Isli o lr*,s' 'i;n tlm:couirs '61' -juii iiej that 0,.b. worrnded,."��Tlie rebels-,wer.eL. '"InSta 1 t d at apt -C0. ofLorld6il'.� SFc�ajvertisernent -tie,mantierin which- she. has -discharged. I V�i %v4.3 I I I a - Cro eparlitrierii ,d 8111CIII, lie Sle 66 Ciia�lcs�ibry I ga:1- pi-cciatilill �ot* Fe6ral t6yubl,,it" d Crow-, Lands. isners o it,,- uc ier onerous 'an duties., At 36'9- 00 1 f WSjL)4ers'Cnajj.0 coliecraccounis pdrs'- d a�d driven into Snicker's Gaj�. -Experienev'd aavaltifflucCls ex-plaiii t: 4i. 1��c flis i)y 0;e slid -untilochin" iA�461,e. it) 1I et�:rtial . :` I -and rt, i lot,* a b6ca iticurr Of ille gung were Captured. LlIlLdL by 1 110 'N olliti:n J)""ICIjil"S oi' truth, eq,;ity Exported -6 lCuliturle Vill: tit, V, hav ad) by,I)e,scI& -fact that thil project] ie children are with E, [air- -by -Ing Seats in IL bus Ell[ wer -brie 'd i,6 see 1"!� I at 61 a. f t I I is 1, 'Were ..Slijilled or "rease "'befur , a,.bCing'raq­j ME .-$13 225 1 . * - * e3t­to, repIy. that- Pi'jjje� a d e, Nov. trial' -Vijl(te'L�-4tld. ,ther,�o iowr I -ed C `U I g 11 .' r� ih,-ir h�h:I it k. W of tirne U. f 11 . .., -er, T13(firciiinst.,have been ink eno �h cou�- fore re­�olVed thai 'Ltjl.� Prasideni,' on hthai New Yox -, 2 'mod honic. hat 'Goi;ts,hakit-41' iS ivit -it tile English and --Mr. 93. Coi, of the S�7. petition the Le"Ist f "Thzt-junction Shcrmarr with-. Th� nas p 7, th'e'Assol7mtion, alu;e or Ct��'rt is relAed since In I'll i -.4ef cs� St P.4te awi g in W Ole 8 1 goo size s eamer ne I I �II.. - , - I , "_ G ,�,non t, sulI tp pa ),a two d I lie a, -a mu as, paal:ed �jj. Some [ts h ri'.wi;ic,i to" fi.'rangue'el d nifinentillihEl: L cii�ull�'Eovs a Grant'16 reintbrce l3urtisdde� e hall lidar' I his is 1, L ijbAs, I 1LL, ONI)b., A Khme%I Ile let r to t If true erroa If. -But we ku.)%v neve - N ­ West will les, o :theivppo4tuna, paper s asse rt that jjobS enable the cul.lec-duct of such 86btIi�" te lie: -He ul�,,ihf the- Hooker's ljiif�s, "broke l6oso 'and chfir,ed L 'I �:5 11 & S:t JL ' I I . T ' luss, Gbitst 'ilut III I i ON-TII -- PAUL Sr. Crime, it �.Howlck. t. d " ar' Jv�Cij the,,IJI e now going t It that Pritre . -iiakolf 1) ujaii,-s fr�:Liaetit-sj),ecbeii oil I Ili civil -e a PO Ill( 111 lind I 6roiinia-ns -,ob-' French' One: of t1ii riloisfati-beiods crimes:,known-to, on. 61 le . Mo -e I li�.Nlr, 4�owell, an seconded by If,-. 7th:afic - ntions tile fic-lit li�t ion field Wier, i 6 a b 'y mLLltL .4.f a , III I'lial tire 1�resi&nt lire fir iuIIS!i across ill . .1, or. WILL q, , j,"rpetratorS by. all . I I I . . I . - N o r1t I i re."i I nianlI was it;qiorI Ahat lie (iiiiii crn-,-f�t aAsLduloui r6porteis th'! bq� pointect out Pal I "L , . I­66�1 i . 01 111C Le,;' I as "... , . I " It Dep it . . g1sj4AnrR,.,. "Broad Ri�er, in which th�tbruter-whib-d �sims or 'irI $50f 000 6 ,1 j'on of lio pe, M, Clay alid %I r. tile jaf6rl.'j�r w S couji tI 4� ix for I lie u �� stage A)n nrw6pa- hill,, ejst�,t in re 1-*111I,*IIm i rs $1.7,50,043 , " a . I I IneanS. Cavalrt�- or somet iditted" 6ii :StliII B,ivih Ity.or. , iese,, pe -r. -I, and send-wein to tire, difi PLII the latter. During the figr%t many of ihc� d "17 2.3th S by. hge.about 7 in corifusion!itnd� ran; II ­' . -'­ . d Rjoung Say. it )klus awd I,lesp,l &NERA11 A G 1.111NIStI.r. i is Ili rep( os 193 as IV'�..TS . &�Co� ey, WtIi 7 lu:l� i1j)011, I re, I'mey or b Ill d' -Cars dfta­'e� 1raired Eic'ii s; who lived of* hewnf,apel S, liskill"etheln to Gjjtani,�i:, bel regirnentq sk dadd]C� -to., the Uillon ii G 221 77: 7 . a r� e ri fil ;f tu� best di:scripiio -e 1�1LICtiti(lOS, ind.io 1*,)iwa:d fliel to ranks, arj&po,,nred­ i CL ljo­1eij SEET-11,Q: OF T11 -E PRESS, ASSII tw-ezi to,;uIiI 6 their fir 3Tieleavell, berS Laf-p', ­ _ , , , _ I Brat Hoolic 'Ile. And, t!jenI which Gen r has to show ill Of a 11rin, e's el,,,lI t6jl�' near W 6h a litit. MIGN OF UZZER CiiNADA. men% ruler coinrades. t Vet. IT M F - _'Vo`tes, of thunkli IN A�.NjelepjliIsLjetter.�f tile loth': to� the' w 'tell We Uxam is It -P 0-1 L tire the hotn�y Fire T"'VIS) ell o twelve tile ol'the 06 soc T fr�lu and Like Ti�ijes States t -Th6 unk G cat,Westai it, und, Bu t C jar is hardly, Col'aV lVe'url, rure,sav- �E distinjulihing, -IoLto Ej S. pit ny , lives -11 )orl't le�de. ;lit T- N tiron - "I'Llo 3 Couve'.sati,-Woh In$ hb�en tile' establi�lirnent of 1.%�.iheile dap ofAs iation,71iien lawyers, H P hit letriphisand r- C:::p- kaBtria will,b6rro%v thisi year 100;00j)a C,silc t1li16,b.S I-st 'c';oFted Ill :an tit Wficittloii,,i-Ifargin, ' ' -Yark hAve -at 'the deticit theslijLfjee�t in -all cases a -premialn 'o a ,a­,ays. III- esten,iin r. �tri Ile lest6n Railroft4r is -bein- qbandoned by our 5.�i �946 tti coL at chU . 'i �,4 hoind�'from,--Mias`� hliuse--about-­ d 000; natirelyl, 3 ��hs, , , iviiiie. doctors, idae4ers, a0jrr short welk �,e s 6�1 Press Olt the li­�Ltlw�', .. e 1. PrIate this,, In and the in 1) qjporiringi w lea I ie- fute. M�N ee,pnI on,� PrC98 II is 60 :or thd b6d`,A - ill 6r- iltin rary, ses a I'LivIc I'Llo, Co. prov6ibut he PQ;�. -rUi ly'arfircei 1 0. -'b � �L h L ;01,6�tlulate to lite risl Clr `a"r'ec�I f, as t c expense ofguardi` ep%,rt, a, 'OL every profe4sibrr. meet 6 r tbI li M,-.Dwi;ht; manager of' eig ill k7tlhouglit it ii�� bdir reason: ates of almost' .01 r1,6m f to �glven-1 M r. Blty:14-d., tn" 10111n, Eki S,'sdillefl lreir'- " S"I;e- reat� '' L , ' , ' 'L 11 , f - -i ­.Tnyldr, II jl� is JjUt� on -It e- ounvary be - "now Bilfilel -ie o en '�,ni'ne;�12,060.660' )y ­X� ini�ich& JbIb Tblieurratili Cii,,m Q, t is As8o6iation. arid�tciCaptain-'Dick, of ll speCial_ tates ill 'r in circulatio ihe Li�rth'wllilu repeatinz it e. Aween s utadvices w� leti-kreutzer lit Iv XST LOSS BY T erald� e:'L 'k A fh6usand p' ITT li � B tie , Ko,;,i6li and, -Turnherr d' ithdraw fr a &k 41V YtL an )IV tres �tir rei& I I I I -Fire ,f*,property'1�revt,nv' de,,Icripfi6n. t tdnce ofsaille ouses, It rew to �44pppse that editors, who are e ictred. QiLeeilialj�-wtlel, for his'10)crali -h lI - �Sitnitdry. CDM- dLi,� to. tte�m�-tuber Pribee ni, 7� r from the F,�r IS i to pdssess at kasr -a sbare,of the iding th---re 'att inding- ilre. �ainivajL rae� 110 el, L" �Vber.52,000 I. ..... thal, lie fiijjS io iiud ativ ting.. mission rt,_,erlt i I ' )zvrt Lo4sLIi ,ellied and j�iid 'ini';irtada, without h6r down a.dL el(j,L Is LrA ci�6r1ermodth Ia. rL* a says that'the principa 1 -.0 's 00 iof�relp mable-bank notes 11 -,eatizati"n SL�v-a A rtspet:i' mier,ace to the U)nimi Dl�"tor, b stilea b 1 o. t e s; -6 --the dimilit; 'it) tile teiiiiII'allon'tiII ivair, but, itl..a nit,-' I rrt d as -n i.�lv Choked ippli�s lbr the prisoners in Rich- pr in ja�L i ; e should wilih to enraq mai illerlf�).L tion of the floating -P atte, iscusawn arose itrreprd to bers�nal� rP, mon.d have been orwarl. a 66,6,0,00 jacill .0 batI thi,r,,,,, o n. cc a, This desirable A di -fail. f d d for �Lrbich amount -8 Ill" r I Mus"o,ilat-candor, D pt. I OL cominit'd i�%apet ill -rising hersoIt to year., rinarki: iri�ulged' ill I I I te I wspape, 9, -1UO lie I P,jjilCzSSL iy �Cei debt of -t a lit-Isves lie I hr , J�Jlte:, pr�spc6i, i'l illeL fur ", Astimnecs grarnpd lit t�very firin. when the IIj()ti,'h rt�, L I lire. MO 'a e 86 P - I �a I -kin-Ab&ethei '-be6' -Ralesmoder. il;`Wagwith axaai fine are GaniF lt�, 'I es !ve n d" Buirlim-ton 'Vt., N 1 21 o,e bitti-r:saier wiis ever utteivd I),' t1l" N of his bar ng a*t large-, mad6ap,L 1� ' numst pltrtivldatin��olfcy- ound nAi- 'N"'ved J`F -inbnd,- sa�s thei 71! . I 1w Ponce., pa,il Inontli ha-' ­ r. IVZ1a'ce.,ar.d1secori�ed by Mr.' s.allie foill the. lips ed a, IlI . Cfai�,,; � iom I C; ­ �j,,IItje th, It Lid established i d '19 ye -IS discred '.to ill 4g To Consideralil t� Trhe'jJIio�uIari6n'ofRieh ovbu� t.�tllar, of:t p ?t�ing, '�,Tliat.iir the-Ppinion 'of tilis meet, e excitement was. cat Be I , ­ . . L : . I I 'never lmoi� ItI . lit csterda� e in - Agistratfs o tatioii ;under, the 'hauIle of the 'Presi-Asso hedise�issllons Carr the nei.,hJ)orboo4, 'fill, �aldl.l led 'on Its joOrn in'the Vjlla'�6SL6f R6U.Sc'�� �P,)int, bq�irvr, is iii6cas,11 g to air exteut ufari Laglish IlI it Furnis iii ivo,pc,tt,,�ci. -and, alj,InL� eii)rtion. - Upp�� The Aleetin y 'bL I 'at is -I� I IC sy" - - 'uiinina� h t1�.,aC,­1VB!I­` . te Mitost,,rwound'have, be, ' I ' flat, toe ev( ry fie 'v;hii:t Otrj6cs or ihe d.;, -r Q Cmi riO:i; in"r, ellee joL the Per.> nal �Ioliljpj� f,tlleS , joUrrlIlln, Rr, 4h1St Ilbans. y raportS L that a body of becoming a arnlill.: : On Tuesdai, uborl.300 suet or, thieat' the perfidlous�'&i lI1e:0o'rlrt,"nv. in'-itloati�ealt 221 niacid so earIj L �� : h "I , L , , , 2Z St 11,aut, 'Com- o A j SOL, e ear P I I oi.(jre. i . I . L I - 1 .­­ . I I in Toronto on Fri- a3 Rst,.. L ��r to it 3 ere roug t iere to re., it B, -,Slreet, or.. tr�;n d the jilfol lualin. wit1lin about­t)yq-� 1 .,If the profmierors,o had, pinnned; II y1ii.kee'tillaoner W receive 'OtN j,lrlous the i �resti ordan & tlyry cc eniitled gal,ts u( art(, I e' the. Ti ad'i, Beize F 6ri �Mor�tgo - Tntis, h sCeills,­ that the rule of-exerernei s alle Ards, �there, wins no,. constat oriI con n , tl� driding was tbC'mo,t' tinfla-v ihirefore dcs­�.vih6 of -,14e censti,e- (it' 6rid,,C,� at ito. niery; destroy the diitw� Ive t le e authbriiiest,:and, �- 1, us . I I . � . .1 . * - , L ' I - ;I It Irani I �w, ,%v24--6ni P B, It is� ABAocilit 6's Point, and plarder anotheir"ll.at Irano' riezelat:d -here yestitudit �tvg, is to lriv�. a'iii�w and jrbivei�fti surecessful that- has tu en" placc.:since tb'e W43. tlre'.spqv 1114" Ek'nS, ')Ad jIll left At Abonf.siX uI ev, :Iatisiville Land tirliogtori. Informa ion I t ji. City; abo'lit ,I Cryqpposin,4, queurnsiance on e 6 e pre L!Ire, rl�w In,,' 00 j)'ris-' I ­ f, L'i I I 9HEamrs ��,e hild, bi�' �aboul,,homlit, -er. ,ivilL,have �the I st, of' I ILI; OF 'LAX in the evening.­ub rpniz *i h' ks'liciati6n. Theire inIr h -Smith In a prt 'd' iluBsia, how�v �0 -at, -of t. It i dmidehl,at the �n xt T e ollers to eef %v to cost All d, Wqr" ojiC M 0 fthe�Aisociariundiah b�,;6id at.8elle, ofsue a plot rid ov.. try 2oo �8�m� bar 'ajn� IL D8: in . q;abiIis. 1,ji,�ni­tirc spirit of ofthis port; on' �rj� %Vh ch coulid be' p'lif to I rn lice. C� . tIntics- and.Collector 01app; liowe� tha�f.'po-rfi h4r (36min,ritiu, befter bqe thip Lie. in allu virtne �Xal good-fiedl6w.Aipow.ii: illore cotiIi 'X day. a. The inirriediately took.steps toe Xll- :'o6sition hits no such -immedi-ate iniel,esl e wriv ofTerf- V THE "'L PER mpnt Could:agr'celo an exchain )it food terx�s with iil.ktikind;�.us,th anti fB,-Ij.'(. I ditioni Exponas a I * :col ('a. i�) wit: I`ieri vaoias re�iduet-iisiit?d thi,r' -nigre- mar "ed-flian, ever bef3re. e municate'with the-oflid,r in' charie of tire It, Mor ihni'live Towl th, tisah&,6Fthtjtn ilf hisu ar or pa insu ftir, Powers' 0 eStLril' cat. 6 Xhout tweniy-ti�c crent i1trI of tire press to it d u Cd I r', rlier Alaj,.Sly,jrC� ask wliIiit satI at ei�ht-ole�!pckto,j W ns inatin nil Europe; ltussi;ieiin !atf6M Wile i he p 1, 1; - . ill A;, ho soon a I s g its Jns�;Itnil to tile directed aiiainiii he ]aid ­and rare. 3xbiic:.may, be ine tried to, be' sent� Danville, 'drid 24,, soon newts :rcady tiil�gi�erthe renegades a warm recep- t6,Cf .1 Nlarj�.C.rd. adnrinistratDx ifall Cbuucii met,on F,-Iday iiKaujtfg�­ �Ch� r wit i�Kini' Th. we FLiatlb y rigs Ho as aud exa.tio�i it� 'd.a, in, I irica as in and '111.'gular r I * ".., f -jho�V rf�jrr`�;. nei liblIrs LvIro flI fLcf1tr(-V.,, riulits ant] 6i�dils last f6r' th fidinsidtioffo gen6tiin n cilssary arrangements, can,- )e 7 7 �Nfr;-�D.')IeDougailj ofthe-Beriiii-Teie-rup t a a6illij�g Will) At' rst si&bt 'it' 'would that our O"L, wlinel Ford el . , 1'. , 'L e, I "heart rcpieated y couipal!ed- occripied,41re"uhair; Wjli K lit a) RUlclia is 1 1, 1 1 11,;ly -t*.Uur,;I,0'-' an -d �she'flnds -,6dfil jaLVXe,'Ut'0j V ad resi in stilith; tit the bus&ss'ismot ofir ery-h 'Ifie'vii:i&chaij, rt Political, roT` :tbe'L ri­ht' tftl�. and in- -d- the ,,ult F�,rd; I Jia� ,eiz r Presentm-LTJI6 "M euyy nature, vill' er su:,perr e -chair. The itx'i6s -for 'Iii,lher wgiI 4ypr,,, p 0 11113!1,11,11ropo3ed tire standaLd lo alrousts. ull-oi ''tried it can 1:6$tit part,of the I i orinwe asses if. arW'to ea t�hah' -ou�e ati in tiw� &o 6 :lot itic' . iii, riva's Reevc;,Depa�y Reev�: 'CMin6illicrii Itua The porter house-ofJoseyh Kitw-'i. No 48; 'puir.11,ze.a r.W neb 'uf Lit Ntim6i!r One lit tli, �' enth je,,,I - 0�, has 'M Ypyl; atid I 'I . es"It'll ­, , : ­ I I � L I ­ I'll . . reeIporidL-d to lit x proper it lro6bba. to I, Clnllip,� -Se a' to 'be tbere.," We Madison St�v6t. wuB,the-sceirre ut`�a71ivel -United,Siates,itilikiintl pnive in . the, other c tern divi,�ivn,of. t1wi:town,Iliip rhC reptiblie, would have-svorn- , .of' 6:,41111 S thli Tire -Natewha, Anthem was.sanw; b V 'if , . , r . '!In(' - - I- - 0 ', r file "C"nt'illalli, 4 leld, in ,ewartLan . mi � L ' fearni,for.,exampie, mem with -whom I J�f Petil.pborou,li tt%ni,� Re It �iteo';*:ail held its head too 'tencin red OF Hand te09 'the' roarr f7. ai,'vesterday tnorr.:rr-,r bit'weerf-III&Ci - d' and' pit.-'riijail lI i;i 6-works�ml` fZtr rid:- ' I ­ " . 1), that iaq, and 11r. IV y Rortofi hill!, acres more or le-; :; NX 'I %,11h I a ScjniL$jj' fr6mI -ing, ' 'e' bjm;folfi��rfor sale avmr,witie Nommunidation. De is -A, Fine -0 SLn " of" -kaejrm;j�- Wal"Ill je,,on.fi, Ei 4 riaB;'as:4eIl1 as!\z ot'h6� mallufa�., Ili h to seek cotnin�oid 6 Vag n a 1.�­ Id � Iris trier' t.bc iu i -- L' , � , If inifie'I'tva 'of Ve, a many',apo iticial b6it 'hiie'not eis; 6fCwitjc1hmu;�* or eg"'w ItI al 'b' s - on 4iW i )ealth if the Gove rrior'-Generul -was disposed the adinit ns, I, of b'd p -it., ee tih on -�t.: iiI cibself in -�6 ;qu�nc� iecl;,�ofI6ilivikIlibe: ty in Elistei ti Eur6re, , for e hour OF giving furt er PaTticir arS wi 'the. inibili ty.of- call '--ofl;rookVille. 'etisp6mled to Tire J, )ties erow , , 1 1 1.1 1 1, sLewid day i,f 1)e(-efnbtr 1,nestj at a . e,owl xi*�tbe tearin�, d' COVISIStil 0 f .1 1 .. M 7 - 1, , pjoy�SL�hd 6wpl6�(:e",jo uL hclndrea�jin� f ie ' ll�a;ce�:iii TwelveQ1,theelticc, reference ar "do',in:,the Hli'milton; Speciafor� one' ary M r. ! -bi;. . fi ty years. TI a I -,o -fitiniCs IV.Ihite-;Th Brov�nt.-wad "i,oi Wq an . hi OL� Ce L ln�not, ennedyt. rare -onfined tit ter n St ri Be Isj)al,j U 'to'. �PoYere IMM s This A:­da'nrjejb.SL,CrI Ritile 'Britanilia." The others;wem enjoy' in,,: I emselvis .0. he, Come It f I cunfeinjilate ftour-in, oot 0 x1tanifid 116i chair n +ointL q ,161y or Tv a -n tile - W,LlBh -p:0tr. hind d,,by. to,tae,cily,�� B SL.L Por.t6ft,�,DditmLy, -mnti- e�6resseid. himself high,1j:,pleased. eou"t". h" the jairel� UrI B ente �r,;ter than dtitiLob.of..;.,I,ar.i.d.'BrDw.n I pr`ayIPI Or-.;. t :.y r�e tlic-saloon.: -The�: ac' country;l.a enten'a cdmp ete Sit owevert' friend Iw� hbI P,,s��i,t gatherilig--,airld Com'jilimented ineL Yin' Mr, J� "f 'WILT, Gillespyistoneofthiijoliest;.' ns�' twirs �tvere-.well disp6bCd'a;'rffr r. GilleSpy,_ oft couid'bp achieve reco,,,nii�d If6t uiAiJI income taxIlle, b t-nattired Work ill L. . d'b'y �i W34 Qrlink ' tc­ether,'Itirit as tit loveri.we It ess,some arrangement is le, ed, macy tile, C6i,fedcraCy­c0Lj,I ever L­ art-, silver iou;�vilthp renalculf If 'o' e pro ession. ThiI same is, avirg left her.- lund, I helir eyiI, liasiI;ions we "I.. Uall e- made with, t Workmen. Ili. 'BI.ston, -As: it, 1;l.I o;, H I�HE se,:unnual. author- a M0t Afneried ii Jdur L i his.efforts., E16�tjjorrght the ill, No. Cris New Ye�JL" 12. 17 S And- 'iligp would4iiiii-d the has been ;diirre:�to v mbcr veloped aud iyjlI reir up V AF ounct as no i e pro sLzion 07-, the innumeroulJ other fnstanC6 ro fintfiiii 0 it -iibe �.e down jkijj�SL� d . ..... r I ­ I writs, at ss-, wilich', lac&sional ly, le, u, E:lc:,ti)' to 3 lle_of twd' omwbehalfof, 'In call. r -0r!e,gV!e3,f0 net 0 1 : �Ay,�,�,aslsessoZa W sevided the,wair, V�ICSS61B­ Citin., d(I &detffj _4tooic the 'd* etween,ci ittir not- sk" or ti-­ht­.�.The, la'tter .9 of: diffellimV poki tim- wid iady for,se�,�fbrsome,iitne past.' Towit: 6 -aj�ivlx -6 collect6ri, that and was n t :paid- "rect- heifelcaunfide- -had, "ot L, , _Lls. the cLances o -an q'i be jj� I,j� eNv York-firni-ordered their femaleL Co, d r 16 1 nint in f neonlitei- aj'fij�t,Lbut, f. Her p if'hi�q dpjii 0, PaStr eer],, forthwith . and 'The.pr . oce nt that we �,p L A N xpression o muttit 1; e-Avasplial] resse his wHi oyees to eaye',thbi� hoo ps at ioincj� a- against ill -le-Q step 'would bi- iii.- -ind�f6rt&,;e, �.d a�grctIidi-al, d ThCIIWcrfele Wick, apropellerowhed­�M�l' �i' ' 1� ' , tit Wei isedI say,that 'the A64ociI :11allter a la�& n�iqielfeini�nts of iin"n Orcfi,� at t ja su:t of Da�,d. Ma��ilj _was, Arty. Whiti tit h L' ard xLecessiii W I-- aaiihvstato. said heillefieved by L tannin -is I I ij u`rc d I e worl��­ f3cott,j ishes.,hasI tendeffey.. th4fib �off-t -itrut'j, rI ioaceomodllI the'p III ­ - the,touchinge-o lI k1I atidjbornai as ex; fr6m I'l � I,,� ., L , ie but, iiould,:, benefit '�irs a 6-do',.e�d�a;pai�-of�r6volvers,��:i�d bat h- -eniWextIcution theii*jjeW,ln;�, Band. A M04 oniv 'wou oil PT. f6 I", - " I - ireiied-ind,ink fe C�- '7 .- -1 property, -Iflark ois one to-N� �6 tents e r ., r1e -lis,, he d M. -V l", ., I I .­ .1, 1 - NP, , , .. : 1: - -.' the -the q'ifent.y.cn.en ered-6 'Chica­o to Sarnia in- connection, wit T14 girls� piJI rre�,�. 'Aftera )ehkth�bear-�Mcussioni, in whi so,tre, I I - , ti: Q ­ , I 4V : mein some 11LI trial ilrZ one 6f.tlle-w,eaFiohsIo 1.3rownixeiI viz:,'Part w I- 8 e.- Cusick wits vl:Qci�ki y'llia Lite Canjidi:lil, Pre shoved 'i'm' her,' raiid.,NUA,bitis been ris;_,partiCipate, III himself. 0 La . , ", -­ Z ,if nearly.Al; -mein back rooin osed: to... wit as (1121 �ar-;eeper,` �6lt `IVIII B - I; us Asso ley. �ubdivided bj'Simon 0 hA"''I ' " ay, and, a] hands,,it"re-Bulip rehard.'knt, "A AW.' Ve�,I,Wli, of.81i�throv he I ost, 0 14�?" bi ne 0 e principal �6�jbctis-Iof 1 San.- A7'9fiaA;.`f4iievn-sireetT north thAtbe -Waier' 'I Ben,r-rankii, "Mr: Wyliie ,live followed him�thilfibr ot The AdvoUser i CANAD1 AN jTP.Nis., 6: J.Sr� 9�' b.4�11[14?, 6' the 'Ife Calluda, ays tain Silr�: 1'�Ifi I ai�d 2 T oved sby Mr. Crabb, seconded 1�r�d , t , ion lour, oure. npi birrithrottAxthe heirt.L The wounded- art,itt aitd north or T`L2,� EA9 A��RafiA- ii the e I �TR I i _ H ' " 'I roj�osi,ig,othi* tuaII he, said, ft ;SL t d onle,baII i rOug on e con try irr. no an c. ar, to 4. 9,10 If �12.1 1 had -only time North "eet' lots 1 2 3: d logs to"', h' 15.16: 17.18.19..,20 T at Is Councilz ilkh,'kree Alw. e­"Clarried,. pro tl�61 aaytllin:'� 'bill have,ii;hbttnd"�-Gan id ' ' ' h: ' " "" �b 'a' - I I .: �, 11 "1 3* ast year MCI, 1861 to t lie 6�41;;I b is. , 19, e�!, I art,.f lot, 1 'counvy laid, littiew fallino., on zd'eaeral has been I �ut Alontr . 1 2� a t,,60Lah actdr un 'to t is end; at the I;iltepeclI �i ."', � -- 7 :� tron and ake- 'upert9r. ineii, y�xic, �,Jse(uI " W - ..::: , L " 1 1- , , , prbb A� Ejd6�he;1'6hIkd7Vi. &� f,6t 192�i6 q): 14 eX "8.1,f, L I ' , , farih.loitlti, inthexillage Has In. froin. Plred resolutely.. againusit the a Uy the- swj'�ednt�ip.rop pelfecting iI itiected with a, -phicei 0� ',eminen6 �3er,�patk �� -.211r. Liingw,prth's petidonfor$-25 6i ssiI eller'lin the, lnkea,,�-aind, Bruce.-Iiii 18-131-k�60 ftl�ihe 6rp. some of-li �h,, ­v�as in e er which....hast:-.,beco briii'd, but il,,. I rI postalcdonfract. fin r a2mag& --ddne, 1I yvater-coutso. to �Ahe bj-,fiest� �thq JRo4pth-precinct �wfts of remar In '13 gia, all iii the P-uialy or Tirru6iI. Which lAds and in jin,: , 1 ,� 1i , �im& d , - . gem e� . �0:�)-!(ZiAna Fill Governrf�I ML_r "­ -,H�' , -L-, �' , ' , S�lln odeilitlI V,,;,.f,, fence*as� re eirred.16 R, -If-arieditor'now Secuiti�� arb-' �ai1Vded1toi;thgCcfhrda, d ;Wislsbj�'who, 6ccu'pi `S1 j arrestir-of the,'r n.. �m '061grourid�L'and:effecte(ut e,. : 'I I :in-thej iudena;athe .0�0'ef-Ell"fair Xperiment; co g pf� l '-' I. e li,lir itf-T�,elv. of Ille cltick,iioon. f oad ;rud Bridg�eco d ;ct h d .1 rio!t1repri�ss,4ndsirat� �ieog-whegi.engine and-walkirrg-beinfln vo hi OaAil� adThneing� The:4in"?s, of, Lii,- �,i 'It re a asi I wi� -j ;Z-' done iw --,yer to seetir'e the einit bmth to dijj.r9'bjBrthesd1 toll! 7 b , b if& `6 k J 011,&�M-A C E QN A LD , MIttee' t of,his.f li,�;,owaids.ptill r Ing : - jL col pri'd . to JIM!* ithivairtshiiis. �jtjs;pmible tj�dt ih6,,.b6&nnde st4tes;�thaf�Ausiress AS'; G r � ' �� ' ' � :'� L � - L" , L . , - 'I ­­­­­ 1- Shetift, H. �LB­ Accouht�pik�l:I inaill'roadr-work 41 G:V'.' b9ilInly. tp, desc the4tfulaa 06-calilid 13 ace.­%yas, proniptiy,,in7,atteadane4�,upo"; I 'EjS 'Pit , a , 61, the �Mr., %Vhj�e,�;�t 'frie ?�4 I k.-, n , IS' At 10;5" -dis r n, at 931, with, as a15o,0em9Wiy account 'from do I ly ,thaelfish�*,fwxi PR thI r I tal� spark, bad 'fled' an manageab! e Yy the a ra parento and. in :)cc 0� a sorne -eloqueof terniB. Ille It bdoefor;�:staizs...! Tbe-, b, h, 'd ineA t'e'r"Ili try an upward'1endeilUy-.'L a W� alrman Jr; ut t, e -qb Re 4il N v -20th 63,-,i,7,,. -j referred to!Fidaneb CbMinittbe 1111 -the' tluriiii-�*LnI ffer. h IT Ili ns Li ment4wDem o6ja%:�' W his nole-speech, lI gave in II, -too� beaviij, C::2- by4 lav6L� en, ed: T I 'n 1i b- -- ' ­' I , I� 'I l ' L nisig as ocen I I , !4,11 ACCO untof, �T- !J. iff A, ,a a., parna y organiz -as held, -ppilido! d,,,,.'r",� . L 1 11 T 461�rfed td,� Firiance, 00-M-, CAP, rd., i�! some inl6r�Btafir1int V., ucheiville.' Tux.c�tte: And AT. �hr& -Tick" t r f e a at filli 'lut"i . ' * 'I'� . `e�41� )yI., er eing, )e j in , , , ;";: ed is 0 he :en Ar .1, L: , :i e on a I tied I t�onery, T .11 6 princif A inivifig.been 4 Exe- ii Brac pointed C 0 1 c las aMh late e 'e D.�, D., Ne',ximarketi GaLlad t6 i'I .0 ti'lf th i , - '. L, ." siz L Ri.iie l, plon 'holders -1hat ali'llis -"Ac6fillint of L.,Chandl�x,,V.' I,_ S;, Sif A. FNAW" 1'4irQf� er IlI Anity, of. Wu%vanosh, hqreby,kives' frefiziri- and -thawing of a soil,, exerts Froat 7). Mr�-Jobnsttmls Offlice, �jn naillarcialliliterests;,.of lVorld's Hair -1 . esto re�L AIj'a,:ZyJol�QEjAmU c, a Aili C., r. lIll I LQUIn-"' "i lie yinaportallivin ue'rice qm seciiiI '1I th M inad onrI the Lake,Dvats have Already: �6. a,ver R, Wnl�h het"'aLjjK;jjSpQSQZj "of; They acted.like a c nxm.!�-My,-,hair'isasit' �rl oil ere.,airpayinents are to rue aiiarRij r ,4 ',sometfines bru�d. I I ityya 5 a a--',ieWreii L J� I , I 1 -11 It - "lei ' �iiiel� c&nsheie -3 id �4 erquar rs. I n Sa 0 all buslorsstrdirsacted A r S 0 at r e t a itie Ildbidiiiiii6mlif,ii 'Biit� coillip L -11.11- ill iI up., A'Lle 4lil �'duc:tion of -taxes ormiRaflibir lot.: 4Go&rj "on, �c Y, I ". , 11i 'It 'd i�gston -made, hdrA�t It gold ill a soil III ­ Tlwft, bas1aid �rrig iit, 6 G its een !t 9)�;111�­ i.§Q�V9 I— "Utitry-rewspape no C 9 PoIr was'drIln. with' i!l the rip.,,on �b h ch t I"_ ree ampion on 'P T K -ot of ouf will C�t . A' sic NLTcTj DrSI a ourt, lr�',was aga brou4t it p, S �nd ili�A�cst vert.W'f the,, d rtni fbre�the time of r C rice Gb Tt