HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1863-11-20, Page 3T H E.. S'tM I. W. E Y. S I G X:,A;L. t lk'6*2 th4 channel will' Soon become an 7 t. Of no lessh-post.ce, it to; the growing interests of Ito absolute necessity, and we; only 7ondisi w�)' acli.vn s1etj,,.e no, being taken k-. Ite, Pli E.Is NEW B0,,0K8'NE1 C xereh"t AB- G&4.%ii COsGEPT,�N'Vc Would With this channel open for th Montreal." ADDerg LIFE OF lks e reception of direct the attention of ourreaders to t1ke the Vast volume of oar products, biontreal, !a* "wax adrertisdinent of the 'Gravid Conceit io 'iiiv 'York, would be the insttad of N great 9TORWIM, J101180N. IND quaxO Go"derich, I breadstuff depot and market for this, con- I= ait rewived a lasig%,and. cotrie Off on wedniSday. elmaing next.— ed k Th4i objI;ct isp,raists, funds to procure -ifi-- 'Tim 90UT]1tR1*,WAR9 strumeaLs, &q.., for as Dlram'�ana Flute C::�- The London S ilT. pedaitor says, take the LL IN Coal. stal6s.of cabbag"s. serape them; leave theta -14udl in connection With ��the, Rifle house on -the 6.06asion. th�i�likcveeietable miriow, :and it will be "d a Tartety-oll,rancy.Arikkiii'sacb, found de'licious. A cheap delic�cy­"ly. 'a Ther�'Wiu doubtless be a crowded in. water a bt iuId th pex day cook 1.110.1-11.1 Shir essil pk,-�­ sies, -and C RAD 31ti-my--Look oift-for tens of a 114'Washingtnn Stai bas, been.mak.; r�odeyls, U -1i Peterson's, BjLD'kwtiohb�aS1io -tenceriD in,g invesli�,atiqo and coine'to the conclusiost, odio*, all tecei exts r, it, it P titateit r in. �nd abou . t- .-r, must bare �iiied­Rbode Island gt#��"that.thenuimbi�erof 'rps !,A!r BliTLI*S. :_to Wa 'Ch, e b ijll� be Tashingtolri does not reach- 15,000, -as here. CaSh. Ratilk-, or same such name. There I WqN 8Q FAMILIAR J�e2g t t 0T' torlore stsiti� but only seven� o 'h N tiIund iss. the.'detes�tor. s quite, it -A1., Goderich. Sept. IS )y _ji THE —'tmde its, thi.np of -this .1-ind�among those 40HITFAIR & 60,fl jir rank Stew ra- The —nlem�ers 'of., the." flo4tiug_'I� population: a tvil.L SHOW, rt, with luniber; from" Ramilto isport, any ta s of 5-2. in.,; -on �Ive I_ e 0er, a to tb* , .- . : . 0 are UPL tn� i t in Ztt6rap to :enter, the, harbor I r, Nat tin' SATURbA7i%�:­ 17th IiisIxint. Or -east pier 'badL bills upon innocent inuceepieFs to 'w�a dri7len. t07 the in the-j�le and s A CHOICE AS �nixtsir, or a sl� ro en, -in t L b L' two), arni ships,. and is a total ever d . Ye Ia. fAct, it is; as welrf�r to be I I - I , - ;44 linvin " ale cajolin,.�.inn8cents into foreign ea, stments. if6sst� isshore -under Fort.-Ohta - 'is� * � ­­ I 1�i t 4,i d F0 'in. �Shd �t,, tile undersigned as had the misfortune to ose� y one he Iat& ale T. one t.-money'thep take -1 r n these -,rec�-,, �reW'sa;red. 4 'iT j Ar 1. -7dareful wha LoRgo Old as prisoners at�, : , : 'El T In - dky..-�. of -0pbb-.eksV' C,:!- ' he Corifedmtes-h. XANMD IN'. G Goderich,'16th Oct., IM*r' SW Richmond 960 army officers arid 9 n -ral o a 1 6- 'd has- t res ir4 tod'i row 1hellallitl CiOtF Ile TQHN FA1 ICT.. I cers. y z ne rigia terj Neal Dow 14 e of qkaivity-over th0*boI0; that POLICE ns, J' �e Ink rgeon�s, -231iieutenanteolot is .4t HAVE AqS,0RTX=T Colonels, JUST OPSNEXY AN. A�t 0 IM 3M P', "W"LAUR, the Pdlice s a. a .5-9as st�nisurgeons; 28.majuvS,246. cap Wr� I, nd 29:7 second lieuten- a, in 0 U Couri—on Wedne fi t lieu!I--naots;�a oun, - an named Xiell"I. CONVEYAN flV%­ I The`,"G-bod, ay, noi h ad' I' Afer .witk the: �G lily at'is-, rge of aas alt. :D Dillon was' tried on a, cha it�on �lse pe�ou of.W. H, Brallo�k-. iirtist.- 'Phe' Lincoln-Cha�e 'Contest. has lid at t e same tiuie,he-imur�s the e3� pub ic that; r P H E Lfr.N D E R ',,I. C 6 WVLETOA - JACKET Our reporter gi-zes the . of cons- the wdnxan'i;�de�ar ent. deed ten ea into�, an and,siviind to the proper � exe- p R ssCU'! . Ia`v nIN ALL THE_� not &Inlon Of 11ir re t SHAP -121 . -new'Fren lVu 4 !!, gistra ionii a ain follow ng; tate,�,Iviz:, AT pl ant in full; 00S LL BE a31r. ]3mUoekr 'said 06S is I.) ni,ght ... t 1:.Oo 'Y vi�'!F 4�Ao ij� _7 (JeVin� issh etter," by I hedper, if possibil U Ty ces bee, and oes- be, end or- scotnomefr� thisshurclitoBT sit _in -eme Otiier-d6cument�'at ljw 4gures, T'5c-,:Vd&:it 84 thisi,100. -;7 �MA NIF CENT=STOOK goneenPra clu&ng 'a $3,000-. lore nb—toleDilloabout" d mu'IY9 emu ak JOR" GAL . I . . I �( shav, S a t to day. rl' r"i �- L , . - - , Rebht' Lo ses H6-odapau kieLedmeb,�hiae austrack- uieid inbacU'wh'ile it iEI yet ad, h N'6' ;3 var 7 q .1enitr,4wsrs'aii6ff-,,O,�i�r,eedonarsWpar�iu.�, J� E' they will- MiLd io' lj�;` It THE TS. :N,EY , qadL ar *hjW N, 'D 18 iiCb, Ct '66t., GarlEntcH, Nov �Y,F 63.� SLl,%1:0F 110.\t 6f-black-6�,es.] - A S nsiderable' FaP I - 1, ' , - ' - , .11.� 63 TH E Vi� ap eared to hare a ca �511antity ,:,d 0ROW N, I Kip F of. I rciu6r concealed abola;:�LiSr pL $100't0$W00GDr0LjA-jtS lats; FOR aproO�3 U:30 '3 Sor Aftisr -he-aring- ail theieviden is now ready-lo'be loaned by 'Cu Lai' 0:60 0. 6 Ipon free' Foif.rthr wforma- -,4. ton Z ....... 7:00 to 32 '(a),' -L-5 0:3 0:35 All da. ic 0 a It OStS ........... S E �ET,:S-K T�N HER- .... 3:00 �4AO 0 0 5� .:4:,.5 br A. Cuvsixy� �Pork ....... .. 4:00 Eqq Kinc LtaWa'ShjpL C�avvjj hese Bu hs are this Fall'i'r'i tio VIA'" gS 40 0:1 02?� a, ]KONEY TO, LEND :�liickehs, pair 'O:L25 (d, 0-50 -P rtlivice to. the'luterests of Tuilkies, each e�t fhe Duel, d ..... . . 0 In the olid, OfthL excitement oft th NXIMTEligr­ 'CASH OTIM' SIM 0-95 0-'00 h b. Y 0 Tar,. VED FRM -PROP 6 �u I* $200L 0: 1j' 0 rkpplv, if . at e outitet inop -TA, catnpai m3tlm.Lv� l5ortune tite elterI p0ttt 9: 1 2� P 'T qcc- .1 I -Advocate or', call 'attewioa. 'I J)� 5 asio .3 Ct, 0�40 ILL .:6:00 r: -S S 0 0 ne 2: o o a-ricuLturaL North-west, however, svhdre� A Ar O ­.NI L E-T: E co�t cf export OF 'o wisL-2t-o NxIdazie ur cer -uiiuc�fs-- is L;eeU;ajLi,-&rviW question; no which vill ortune. 1000 A cres In, 0 e-1:11ocliz- 0 onfbr� .-:80 5 0:,Ss.-, A -BEAUTFUL ESrATE -FOR SALE, -F A X, GR - , SY in, Wheat ....... h1lis 0 67 result- can'be. inopp 0:4,0 I , 1 _ 'Ostajv� Ship n tC, "jrt D T projected Outs .0:35 Ur�,!"_,_, r risnonts'- 'for. In4iiiii1ons.— � he MeS iksCau;1jr ...... .......... 0: 7 - D*aiid Milli Ale, Torte the MUS6 feu�tble andL iniportant, of: all the- 2 Dli;k0tr I I, W* die�, Gili! hauk f thi, Ri op i'� r " I �. . ­­ I r. , ­ * L L 16 1 U1, it proij I;. VT. OF Barley . 0 ilereduairiull of the t7 a is now eturii the pplsr, if N'�l paid. J. H GORI)MV. ESQ. ad SS' In tl ZV` 20, J80. "jjCjt6r.' Goderich. C.W asked US llatteiiiian-0 the in His' and ....... 80:80 :,00 %L'$l ----------- 4 or Birl ey the SM411 stinj ts com-, ; '. 0 'O:TO 0: 7 'i6zans�hxe ta�xhq reat enefits and udvaarag -10, Y pared 'eS I OT ND I L VELLFI\1§1�rDL he construetio-I ofxh� k use, a.' a' h6ase iviii 8 in �Uehj,,,jj1j ail al water C6urSe %F N11 roins; pea caii� be' STRAY,�HORL �r; % 1 11 1 r, AM SIM rr L ra %TAY SIMIIU�n 1863. w39 obtained beiiy&n the lakes.arrl tFe tide. RTC .3 13,rd Ocrt9bir OODE which ill zifto - and ready pa�sage f heW aft h& frec she li. 'T LAWSON' Jr alAnd Ot ft, uz W set s w 2 0 -3;111' OS'.' -�i v., 1 63. Wr: et suk is 11:e nr Fur, ;E2,500.,000 -sterling t a ship t can ii .can slat- iw;5n iine. yel ',i4n- 1;:'Ly ul)on If W A NVE -be construciedfunt ill- Geur-_ -noc in.s: n n be PO V _ake Eturon' tu il u nd, and f6.r' W-Grcl& r -a good -ANNOUNCE TRAY EJE HAS- UST RETURNED T I tq'rrjtojV willbe gt�cn Tlf 3 hit Lot 13 ve k� 'SALO. in tile C,)untV'Ov,r,HUfQn.r- This hx a .... .... ..... . and the-Frech-Mttawa and Vitavw ro AL NI �FRIE Ift Con., ,ra e chinice ay, Eluroq CcG Farmers, 11 W� a and ,p ik-arer to thaaaq.' -j� "to BUL4ulo—'. d&ess, nvite e. Hav `27th'6ciober, I W4L-3�SP4 :A FROM THE -ains, to ca ins nearly 600omiles u6arer '7v�dj-4drgo �Srock �iu N Is �a Genera I A S cbinp��Sin u SWIr Box J235 3 liverpool t9ais by ftny. other water- �colliin is :and abo r i010 m. es. rRAYLINEIFER. L. Out 58 7' hii; Cnal buivin-ab ur WI117H'AN Uhii Prerni'I'S. Or'L c!iher,� AX�D'VAftTRD,1AS901tTV­'­ on, on whole r'oljt�. �ot E ]��ilt'uf lot 21, Sill con., %vawan,wh. in. WhiA 31 suires aieralreadv earistructecil arri th,c linter pa i appointed Exe�. the arsold, white ,pot On sli.uldem, hiiltv;l' only requi,e. enlar�tir toullativ of assage 10M J A -It 1,eHAR Ry,tUf WaWi T and t1.k* wbite WhlteL opot on1brehead., e Lnush, hereby gtv"� 'BL A- - T"C"Utorsaftl ;Ind AN RD V U 10 STA A Act nee to 1ITtRiAT -�es up ay. counts, thizi,pro D ARTXEXT;,0F­ I - the� cokj4t Howse, wh�rk: all I he owh'ir is to -P proly notive iliatIall atludeQ. the dista froto, Milwaukee rty, pay _liosed cours(t is W20 miles, e LThe DAYi DOXIVkiN,.., a1*3t Sit, �OV LSO A:,GOOD Mi6 Atb,,11M. w4 reccipt. will bti sudt, S al: I I f I r � E Pro the­rnous�b HUGH JOH 7:, t� � _ : , NSTOX� N-1 tobcr�2 JN�3 rich 0 Q TRAYED froin th�prern . I L K­YUGr' AN, \Frenth�,Rive+,dn Georgian Bay 390 rni!e� TE RJU srl ST �i . . . . '­ _ L , . " 3'0 --Gode 63 Lke n ­ OR 18AJE 0 S it 0 "d a an i 'r Slimg laq, a whiuI *teerNtjernk�jd 44 r O�Wiwa Ri�erto Montreal ........ L306 Wihrcd- !Sutall re� F FARM ward will to an,� r"n-gs ag- infurina- 0101-V x va Sv�t pe. Vil 30 e Ia Tlie-dista6re from' illvaukee B ffidoL overy J Or '0 AC RE. he jSL 9"�o jaj�C 1�ge a, assortinc -o M t :lak%.s:zijd1 rivens' IJE?s7RY RUTTLE. h od ,9,.-4nd Sftti6ht W42*� 'orL Al kind One cun�red!Ljr see," therefure;'igaf with. FOR' ASH., f I off auvery, or. othe e�jjng road.to,Luckno1W, one 59 vercome on: &j& 410 We survern. -Tiielaiid is ofthe ub� 6, be frens John filcltot,Uels witlilbel6adi.hgP. IA is the entire ruu can -It ItOM she premisei o I f the sulneribe ut cone D, to *11 'of their boo in uny� re bteitqtialiiy, high, arY WI rave r� abo andwell Waler'd� T Tit) Ia M' ntreal, Which. Our` e(krs; are' a,�aref is.a spring creek Ili Wziti:r Priide 0 r' - _ge, r1i N&mryor][t n and Philadelphia; �he is, prepai(id -.d-r.o 0,eaa two w�iek�r a whitish -colored: cow, 1� ad ty. is - r%; t e. ea t -,w rodsorthe Theirti jg--4^ Spcp%, oil' C, -.You g and Whick j:� at all times p, d A'_tW person returning, 6.� nihe Will. I St. Lawrence l6g.hoiise' two ins, -P S.rSI. -fA ale XC �mhard on sht�Lpreqiliies w md, Shoes '.e�sialjy as .brq�tuff siiiIrketnst thint of, ishers Lo ON a GOO - bO' Y6r�� in Zbout the sitaie, time.which it Barris 3m? Of ag la, -e it in Buffi%j—(). 480, SW20-w-2t 1Viiwnno`Lh Psen' rL 2ndi;AS,63. 3m? Dow relyules to, p In. other W, -�ire4li'liouiid. for Liverpool or ailier, A4EIFER.­ -ers 11, L , '�L ft ­d _% , Re, -words, y,thiis con :enlpTiit(-Ld.i outp',grainfl,iur, -pork, &c�. can lie pluced.on shipbord FOR L�C _qass�rj E into t1e,� tityjo*lftbvserve, on:themost i �a� the c-�se';'Inay.be, 74 �vrmg,aL d And o 13, b:h Con.*. in'rDtingatinoni) wawanosbi n—q -6 South of�Diir� I'S' an 19, ist Mn Ety wiukee, thu%- Doi only �pl�cin- ;bout. the 29�4 Oj�l, W'o t is.� country ID A 'mu St 01'k- in orfe oq P -ha -d, ES �Their' an ar the, pr odocM L rket tw an lies btl*'- he owflier-la-rrqu will be. found '.V-.r.V and. tai� �he, k, f' _ger equally4s�,,w`d as that of-Rew Y ed t6 prove property pay'charkes, LOT No. 27, 2nd- imart t Riivay. rices. thawany-heretofQvie-lil tinait;r & required o. iransp ese Wawancish 27th Fulr�lea at 1 - owest Trade W40*3t tY III r-, on -third LOT, 7, 0 7 d st RaP�e pro ucts at-uia�k t als�; sit ,.8ou THE, .0 alpD&Lf ]MOU _ 'SE, enoe pre ase get The sa4in'. 'of lipic, a§ well �29 af aE ASH, FO R., WOOL; W39 ,t6IS( .'at 1863. fiei-nr upiin the Canal, which rang�ii SIr'qAT; 0 ICT rL po s,LOTS fjoaryjto.�OV. pr. bu. in and iirbjVjo� LT THJ� t e u, e W- �i4fil,'ft"irly t&�intmitit&-st an.itai6votsita ilu�ortaqi:e o, th"i ere iiiA Do rhata'Roud, Kinca ne. su sari 'd does rnCe� -via 1 15 aMOUUtlllg as It, SS,on, B ccoun s, -are to IT � Pa,!, A and juL�`f�jf�.i'� "d Ory bliciiii4he 6ereulerdp'o'F%he, seven'r pro ticing, DAY HOTEL, 'd punct Covn-� ,rthcijj� to -sell for small,p JiLapdo enablo a sl,o4tie a bot lt&; if, aur, 1of millions of dollars, be 13 ad t I ILIP11" r .�ksnita !0.1� titieval'so US tT PiIOTU O=011ded L thi Parding' LU41WIP, no eon - 10,-, ON, CREDIT -1 Ind 0 To a offi em to hial in Lize, Cloth DressInF. ate that '.PUD usi� ortill tnigave RI _now In eve nir er, *h1cb;tfiiS prop Did App V'Lto "jibe lrpauonagohessPW' 6fdollitrSr JUhUalIV in bee� hii rhile q of to , L . �. r ' '- iupfinis ed st tal, r�� 7and luiviij, d seworkmen, he Sv93 Sctua!Ly, wusle ai e' w27]-�, n exectIte. orders, io b6ii,�& W�a ords, IOcoMosio.; FW'Jlg 1 a" 0 -1137ofWale"'in "he (;.Ilnlv ing -ih,,�E6er 'Can-]' oul fh iFfiiigs'- i hit i I k itting"thOir wool, 'he Will kill meri the'shari of. plittrOD11ge #01'fq dii� hot bo'� 't eFrays me :0" exp th ve time to ot 11 u vu I �kobie "Titp 4 _towed n In st 'S e cnidii&t e sai e d LA out --side of': Vochanicil 6ted, be Id I atiOn'll'i OrItor .,?Wl 111iji Villige h III apt, ��I! I fro h'ath is snualw on I e York., by; nlr� ee� BuiYuloand a- inA:! )Are oi� 6�ed uring aS �of� burning,44primlit iheii7 value id'6fterftimg ibem--� �&-M to thirty cents per ashes is I tile'. -in ,cash is t:L Ot, er-VOU 19 in essengd,from: sin b 111xe:hig 4% 60"" d oiliusl 'the Westi iu i& one itL free' 75,,add ide 471ctoria t-�gqo --aa ,,,cl Ot. bec . ...... ...... 2133rroad jhe` M& Inful;m uc' of, ";3 7�- i6pfit;i, is oisr shl p -s �T of; Olcitie,%nd,toe &,o,: trae feis,golng- .1ijone a 61iin suir Pei Isild, anj orthRolinderyin' ti�M"jisfiL goof b THOXAS t6d 3j 61 7D ry rmk.�li6Ea�kctlt!�Ugtt���it�;t�6d Hotel",on the�' Dig a. neit, schame M,A.Ve ShtirtL Re -fj time.", NOW Milli" trAlar, I - —r , ­­ 'r ­, � er-T, y with t&;�� �idr I ead- 1-01 r a 'd th Ili t- V ore. arillimptic to IL j9r3-ifwilLreqi:h:e bui',`i�ry litti FOR- A i us in the'coanty the -importance. " ­& e hotels, pertkA GREAT toil �ly 10 !now �befas:4,the westep. tefie&&j a. qileen'Stree in Ifthe 0 aty t -in S motor -Ing-po, ' k- - , -17,Coneessnoi% tovnr. ca 0'r 6 an, part oliot Provj no 'ratiout 114 aereii� DAY 4 j shr T; c D! friends �G A R k tast �--Jn cous qneace, ag 111"Tell' pMdi1Pih![,;S6iW id �Ktbbl siduiputi mall, T11 IT A 1N gal, bar ,jr.an "'0 red *C"W e Aw. Jjjj Ia Wall 01 'this IC44L -1 "or, 4 qa�, over on" UEMA V tr Jmprov�mei� -4 With �X. TS jp: snd�on I hold n our pe, tToR�113 `A "r Roy bush lid fi VIM thaii rich, JuT to 000