HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1863-11-20, Page 2% 7- W E EKL Y SIGNAL. TH� S�Xj and- Lake -Autba -Aistlrcsat,�. Lb but can give 46 account of thr.4obbety, i6at-which4lortgo would lave- to bi carried into� e&ct, we should have first re- lifrag, on further this -he was. robbe pro 'i ast st 1'. rav,,,i,.Us st 1'. rav, .Us .rr%zjc walil, c I" Who lie roviidocni ill Is that Ntw u7cr 1 1 M r 11 pay, in CqmP lance i at capturel the rebel. prisoners and Jimpris ad di, Of At' len Act,. at 6, cents fit the dollar of its an le thi rebel refugms'Whis, were g6iiij to under- WINTERAIllitilikerm0t. We. t Is amount abo4at Stated. in&' a cis rot pr.c -irouldlsi� -and thesit we should have tallied' K �' vi been. -$6,125 &no Ily,- take the raid, like I ;'f GOING CAST. instead of its, Original itibility of $68;80 an- oursitAerstion:wille Catuadiiins, and fiogge& e -'*'Daring th;3 4ast: few days therebass' ------ �,t AT mrrit. intili, rp V, D,,.Fxp,,� gated in M aaicipa- uuallj�',-But ii1as_q`crikeJaany,one yea paid them out 'of \their boots off -hand. fie be, Militrwy Store �d - . I _ . tbor?u,�Ihly- 1859 1 paid' to ore even that rediscad.amount. In' bord,)r\S tea coutei'mis6'a handle, Department owing to the arrival � aila depart- direce CLhTTQN .............. 9.21 ,jL--nA -8-40,A-314 ilite'resk,%nd mariy.will be. ter Arthern -been unusual activit y in' I F Convinced thair,over 4 the injustice do,.. h.6 3,318,:and '4359, more of,�Cler I A erve, thoussiod volunteen"hal6f,theim vetemnA- !: . opey''Aii. put t6 its., It . ureof war mateps consideral5l qusctiq: Counties; which, though they-Iloirowed lnl*e. in arcount, 77 . a all i U le44 than three.weeks, or sue an expe r� a 9-54, advert 0 f6r th-sit year. In' 1860 it 'paid 2,7 a sign, and,where would the Kanucks and Blue- has.been iretrt.4estward. repently' Durin4 CAltR0Yl3uuO.K_.-. it, io.15 &I fr m tire fund, have pn�id up both raterest 1861 it paillssit. � In:1862 it paid 1600.' n6sesbothen? Thou P. of our- fig Q.36 in dis liting, nearlythe whole ol'yesterday, heavily laden _J X-FT-CHELL:.. sit I Sinking fund, �vhile morg' favored, r less (in the Slat day ofDecember� 1862, th� I 'a. men arwalreadyvery, anxious to, swist the r down Mountain street to The c' STaA .1, honest cipalilies have allowed their' rem of interest orvits dalit," witli.. trite the e not k of ilie�Hr�fliih,-162 and -what would strum, the `7 )I hivevitrid'for a little tussle With ohe of calls we e y ;bar itdres-were b4i r it ", I h III toaccumalate in sonsi shitme. �rrears and expenses,, amounted to $386 at idul. Aniongthil tuaterialsent away Bind; XG EST... for the wait.* ST. fill manner: in other word� Part Eopei by fitilare'to pay lingy whelps 3.5e P. interest, had 'Still, whilo we perceive the AL `,motives ' 5 V, there were eight oteavy, te jocriL ali its original. rude )red Sol& d s4melmot - ithb/,ga ltv�40vevni.�a nesi of$866,460i incurred -in - 1815344 "i'to which- have actuated L,th!k �Qanaditma in-Alivir,,orts Xwt.,; 23 and .301ozes abot.atid, i notific 23 81,246,618.- And at the" shine date, lien kind deed,'vre do not the' less Vreciate the CNARON BROOK aII'the-municjk!�_lities`who wi�rein deiuli'itin ID shiSll" h s. very laige viiiiiety at asiortaA 44 5A3, -undeir-we-arrAligintlent:' of- the. Relief iijkLitaelf Geneiallilzbas-ifamtetoBaffill a'. 5.46 11 'their pn*ents to the Al ito Ve ronicle,'Nov: 16. authdrizing aectingusidim of five cents.h the� and Will See -to'ili thit-affiars, there are in a -the' t '64611 J a t: doIlar;.,it')vasjin arm, rpiise.- Bank-- HARPURHEY . ......... it. 53 11 ub,145 ��.eldutd j`Wth 19,1�1 W or, for the f6ur'.,(eirs thaf State of preparation- against any � all ICLENTON-.. it _1- . . 1. n 'Let had, bets ikQl he im heir f,t e Act o 1858, th if, b at. I arrears were no drunk the tainadians, Ahini'-Xor - t IT 'HE - AMERICAN :WAR d -up tip a- certguaL date,- warrazsts.w�ould paia o04�7. u6i6ad of$24,*500. ndl I warnin and assure them thit if. at: :Bank ­7---�- isstie iinmediately��hereiiier ibr�coilectldn. 11 th ;h�j liope, in which ,the liture -iahall desire to �ro .77 77777777777-= Th 'I own 2 a;, liture :they: p - used, borrdwed , 860 06-0 W believe.the:ti!uis spi V; Wt's IP'O H e. .1 -O"Iort H9Pei is situ i O�o I, �Iig I! Fly, Pf States, and' W�� 1(164ioN 1�0%1. 17;--w4lie' Is' in Marcli,-18532 becoming liablelior.ati it kon-, I a P-ept& it ,ua es:aad bleasings.-of a in�g.declares th'it a le H f �Ireildlj expimeli aria, we may, expti�tlhcrel4ro` 'jJ'pnifii6n(of$4;800 ihtetesi and sinkii ad. e4bbted that i6 ' rills -Mead assid.- L�e re full 0 vernmentt 4 ey wl one mem, a ill 0 1 a:, on iieetlantL � of, ei� a' to hear very: soon'of ii-OriD a: esa�r4l�iesflg In! I 85J. is paid $6, 400 f6i that Sak,par of th will have k batfW -ere the end of. the pres- asury . the previous vear.L: la:1855 � it.paid the In f, 0 616810";� eat week and 1 to brii,� into' s17, �Proy'i' full peesciiiit neighb6tirly cooddet. :fhe ni" 4 tak"' ficiattic jit':ofa,86�. - - In-.(* mprmlpn 1856 1851 -and, I axpol 7 asay tbaVVallitraigbim and' is con rated -ad- I n, d' duil b unii�ipalhies. still i' :amOU L IGODERIC e -amounts y thel b default. - Xhere.,cau It Pat 'njJ,.;'th6 Mdhey9,­hoWbier,,' whicL hevgller.Tewettbave�JoSt.�A" somewhat, is )sw liarn;'directly from- We "WIr )0,'186 - X 1 -,2 3. be no� question that t1i C. ii -They are fiont to -day; It is udderstoodr that Gene - Re.' er. -both 'in URCHA E -has'.fully� ar6ive -ued to: site towtisbij from thei -Cler,,y tied&, and if thi- - vit:clover iii they. pro- ral Mda6 upt only advars6ei to the Rapi- D,A d when, such, q porttinityin4higniat P Into mea�u ided�ythe'Recei�er gerves beft, rots Ced �irar .y are R-1qAN r-Rosj au�tn;"if6i'Loaa-.',iFund: indebted' e at this rebef,,dars, carefii -7 1 1 n. e days i ti6s ito. pay.their fin�debtedn 't- the.T1 undwhhi instead, 0 Soats%veeks since we, publi§h6&all article cipall e e 0100 iouid be re.,,orted to.' When Mr. Ga:t's �Re oil R a t;;beAbey,b6th kn'w�Lrijljitbo' ii,.that-he-is.'to 'crO!s.#':,b eEILITY. I t. ad - they-rievettled'it io:, Le_ 9ye the �11101. :z- owin,, in' 'lieller Act, it pai&W the our overn. L lief of IL858 uni In Neu. under the- Close ot 'the' w *ek, a d obtsi ba tId - passed, all It . if,pos� 63"'L in lit th�y WoUld have cell 11111t i d to rein Lo Fund S'detits i thidollar 'ck itts' It Its �hcreln triurnph ed and' is ar !tssessm . 1, - :L In-which_me�endeizvored _tlidt 6t origisal liab.lity of;$4,i400., Sin�e, iitL -sald The army in excellent, condition, Cam; eut,of vd.cents iii the- dollar, the 8able proper being $3.04, t ur, to be feadt fiie�lcoustan ly. gloriouslit. As it isi-we 7- differenee.-between that and the actualliability :his p4i&absolutely 'n wioaanding,tllc�,r flo I Od of g , rpenbacks or(, -nil.. Onthe'91st Dee Me.! mist.ehher,iict them do pecialki 'the eavalry. ciwn,as�tooignurant to '_,ihe'Pr6vjnm, N -,Wits fbX:tha`i her, 1862; theAebt,ofthe township .6f;H o t'orauslinct L t I been* of c L om.. ."A F6115. Island H119 SUBSOIJ _11Dr S eight. pa being.hortie by e, k#w-abiluCthe olo Nl�w- YoAK, Nk IS J7f;]@RSL offer ale the CiOrlt&n of over- _h S ties ated by the.war,.-thi-_ vaun tea prosperity -of U -inui;-i. - At' nj I ii -o' o to the had iecreiiSed front I The ancient ge6se sayed�Rtlm C, letter of the 14 th, to the T -f �60,00,0 to $91"�8a;: 'air!d Vlleilj�in jt.L !oas puribasIdd fl�r ad, iduee wail ihiereby-', n j 6�zne us and'sHeeted with t , rely 6zoItGE XEmii Esq.� now to at thelutlae_dateltmaa­0�252 iii default ufi Jer bUt, these 6,o geese­.mad�', no effort, 6- save grea C fto� trade And ddlysta'-aJudke. 'Of T Siates was' b4sed, Pon a matters reoiam -pretty in -in the \ h th;' SS�YS f6'L o7ef thik'�, years Muni I �hicsj whi�h�eiiher had not borrowed uo in ame we speak has the Belief Act arraii�e e t of, -pei. tern . Coo whi America.,, What a spl6odid?openi ng, for 8L hi t ality. aound.basis-�-that while ineicliants,mobey fro ' theTuna it all,-br Stage as tbe� were.at last advic .h.ther W ea. as� ingirke or vaIUe,L DO, SUperi in The adjdinj6gL t. -of Sumter, is stilf M -11 1' d a �historicalimmi:irvility or 'C, ell li�d excrelsed broke* etl'Lprudence-in borro Ft�nd; 8 elit' &6.;',were,:i,groWln ;vring, tha� they It L Cobou�g borroi �ed so 'The 'bombardment upon: " L 'd . 0 . ur�r _g Sit ad Z.EvJ,'.`Cd, aria' 4weti *ilfull Ile' iontinuedat intervals,'our batt.' from the:kullicipal, 3601;000 1 Y, i, fiku!t, an an assessment. of eries eing' occapie principal y in re urning ain:i vc L I prcducts:..and recei, --Jorz a-ried tura \d" live centsin the dollar would more thencover in,1855; in sill, $5ft000,invotvifi.-an anfild a LS ub.1 WFAvor liability'�OF;$4­0,00,0., � 16 18�4,itpaid'$26,3 3.' - ,Th t' the game, it, Mr. He�tiU I ofivoultile� and, 6 works on, Sullivan's 1$53, $LOU06 ill'A854,aild�,$160,06 m,re- 9' C"C ric4; the-gietdisparit��'bef�ei:m the prices, n6vo I. r'been. ini do ------ ou -thele,et tire Jiability-. The'rileasnee.iii fact We t '&Stc�Adrnandcd- -for,nearly.. Fop E;Lbp' CZ�R,�TE . S AS. PON -na -In 11 - 920. 'In IS i7, evcry\ar�cle in, 5:' ­ 'Maritt AL 'Ili 1857 Whal about tire Ir?, 'Whon-the was tantamount to ma tia., the Pruden uni- j 856, $5i purchased the West $LI2 000. besides $1.847 Jetuihedj 'Comot pro. fiLrui,!r had -a is T he 7P6�tls, 'Wa6hiiigion correspond peitalty'o oi,i tio. be' raise. b bristles: and- ent elpitl1ties ;6aro, tha fthilrockidasilesil 'r, M. its In grotle; Ila er�j- Resertre money. In" 1868 the�, 0 ay. 91 says, here' over- an t ii r r direet`t�n ency to. zing ab6u� a' t was'some dispute, here r i Hog& co P Se , with which the defiatiIiing'' in Sh w- 6 little 6f, i e -ancien re, - you tried, unicipaliti�s 1fid, menis %vere�iiii '$1 710 lt�ing iet2in,il fibm. amusing qUeSji6dr �rsd it 1S'L on . er osition is now bor'rr'o�ve, be ond th6iriibi it oratall'everits tleCergy-]�OSPI�0,2 6e Its o Gen: iS-- 5 DW. so )r Ilitei. - "Our p thi T e dol to twist',his neck 4' didn't y64 'You- Mea d rought before wil.�iagneas'to reipiliv4.: -in ill lir tirrafigement; Cub6urg shot 110 do�� ' esi re 'to, advarimtypon the facety St %%�kon.eo bjL the facts It -Perhapi-it tias to 86m; hai e tin ea UM, L ea. is el O�., rt , L m;jd Ili t It b1b pie old renogade�- eek is extent a ubcoissary consbIluetice ofAhe'courie yel is, [aimed, by' some- of his lenstr, S us, dixrini; the ast, .w -or- 1w e pitid Ili, each of". the IUSt last F I R " ' ' V 000,annually.� But Oil -It becornes usi not to friends that hte.do 0 -Go i p 69' desire to.p4sh, n A TL Y of!66ursayou didl 1 11 e e,been purchised it �qdqfemdly,1112 7b pa*rii-iiD�thc mosti-easuil obsirrorthat the which' had, been purs d by ill Coalition il nee, but that eneral Ralleck is 6ppo TheseL Teas hai bat tp to.s.y'a w'ord'*'hich' se ti�, toAhe prebsure 'of f. our bills OJII);J e ill hol&rs,]'Imil;�upon the best terbbs adi in I erelliantsii not :the- layie R, - Ila . I . Is r III , and" it I , ' 'd off6tiW61.tbe ()all and [Aw; 13,,621, andwailin defiall Is tb otho the, ilitj b sai, at Witiv nequ a lamount,,�L aVIIJg; PS U I at' a te4d to cr6ate, bad ing between the two both �greatesC sufferers by 7the or support- �i id- riothiri If , GetteraL allock Und-Gencral Meade war It I,$, all in 11 62. 0 i3k her 1-8 he Ing q futeadvance LL large��mouuts to be boro jIn It b t 'Cannot. help retort' aid a -reed that no IS -E-0 0, N M L YL. prieek '-.ff the-�'dre compelled to'pity� 'it * U a On. ill e to ties r0 our the ii ol. CID r"S, h hL a their made t iswinter; but' that the,'Piosi.' 'son. ere. no 1 asona 8 pro a Ci IllibrSon of gre' at -0 tempt- dent. insists!uporst more fighting befoielbb: rience, without t the ies; tlt�q i1iLy that t�6Lintlriidi,),tlitie�'borFowioi.r wouIld� rI;ii Ull have witl& 0 These Teasis�e'li6m--selected, �v.a C': ri�wed, Wh6n th th p6. let bbf�r be h- rb e now ave a �atche the' at' �qos Ing and3c, ds'badly sor Iner ed. �16 Orr rs one Cent for �xpcnse atteadingL ;to 'th i to CID misgidii"diels -win r. compe a wr 't eL k8 f I f As e. army. e?se It op'e- 3 themselves. a a'abun sum of. the to inipt'their eng B Subs 69 to on y liou �n; -nep e PSL.- ratiorls,unti. next Spring;. t is a singular' i inga mission 'ha which euthr tht� Thil'anited countics of�Nort)lumbi�rl` d'1- intoyp'u happy family,., Condition of things. diffibr� of;lifli, in tbi - - f ' e end, they will 'be, 'act' top mlinicipa ittes all Dur acii the towns'and to it. d �At. east four to therthe storizu before which, had a potition,i.it which'it wus,difficulL in thi�fs bove mentioubdborroWed� in liar h, �jse bhe'�ofour own elegant' expressions, en te C6 lei t ial Empire tot--Montreal,all. anger,, thoustinds of mechanics and �trade�s, "t if ilelv� impossible for\sdirie t men. have ths� reputation of, bcin;; op. Thes6­Teasi beingz,impior ir ti t see it in, t at I,- t. posed to L Sl20iOOO;. in�1855 $120 000; in 19 6,' a h Ii 'h a 0 further ;Van, h L f -A. them;,tb'�dy-iri-full the inteiestand prosecution of ibei war. yToigh - i5f"Adisery -and f $,152;00'0i,�nd in V957- 68000 thin, wh ejeft Chi , oil It 4in 'of- Gen s es fdr'wh r I] e _ in -'all $46 of adtilteradoii as anf�el cr' two rein falls� rr�omtthe, opera v s e hTnPnnts t --suRring. anual li;bil iiy Of i36 meSUrsinee OMpany. L er battle on tl L e _w lid 'as the .4 r-bt mce t the whole.of. their lia I - It, the 3'lgtL Of" December 1�'62 the oril,i al' Hallieek is nOt Cager, ll'"indebtedness ;of it ese counties had, in L er d -the so R L P-la-hati6ock, Anil FO,UL�'R T fbrmlsuchi& numerous CI h ebilltyj could,be one wa h, 'L L oil IirpnTg, nmej we a A . . L z t at:misery'is s6F& y $48,28C' - The assessment 'of 5. eta in is-. The, 6- j to ama dollar, had it been ell L il en' n aunual_meetin� of'tke Share. -go to Gettysburg, aud,�i re In view of our detir'slas g up an an . XC Usivel and 1 n eta ta�kefroffi them -stich ai,�Compo- N . I L " ihation of/builAin cral. stril urged sitibn as, they:'actually could �py�. would have ' ' 7 " L L - , , fitSed Y Cash briiine�33 It, "it _C3. ment t6me�t the iffiol"ntl al eis 6f- the i Company to Ur ell n I rl�o,e named Ok dremptdri!y,and hag -gone back to fight. a . . I arges as p'oSstbI'eL;, UIP' more\ihan SUfli Manifestly to our advan#�e to 6 r6aso able iii "our there ore pliiee." '�Ndw York -�&r'iristanoe­� hak 111'jds"tic��e' 'to -the re-st, 6fihe Prq�tnco w' it a c'o in - place in illat city on Tuesday;the1ith ult d im, anything like,7a If. the enemy. asolr' 11, hrvest of nutted' e and, Vvill-starid upn­kin­ th composition so ow ­w the'assessistile, roper�y lit h I it It s -read uponL�Ithe occasion. fair. for b t bo., codrittei, yie d e a tk,' T .:N04 11. WE, BF, the'lazitrE G 'Meade�r is a SOLD 11. fy��thousands rroweid front the to give:'in deidil'- or we superfiCid. � � 1. � 1, 1, , h 4-tottil of, $4�'006 or $4 debt, 'ard 00 eimaturf;iactuallypaid n accot, I is to. l.ii by .beC h it�tvi will il Gen�iall too�Lcasrjioirs� at­t,mes 7 prudent s a �Oftbe 5 cents ill --r III& f( atier fatnfrom the dollar du a., ill he smditors,.by levyin,�, �eam onTincei -December. 18 as ot IY ref� '�U& to-Alle, b6inesti of h�.Compwi even e is, d 0 0 a I btW d KERR9-',J -to 31st 1 -that -'it - iSin y :,UCAO ing�money poursr ment,o interest afid'sinking�.fand �0_8.645,'eqdal IIi a little over $27,dpo l or dur L a powee to beat army, un er G en., Lee' Go I ng, I, e past year, which' seem to be Mosby is gatherlsigL'all e� ti� on its ark ass eas satisfactory, the it ilsiifr�me� idth" nature 10i now' assu- Of ;,5J,mnt3'iu the her town of Brant: the f andrPoit flopc. bbernia� f . � L , �iord borrowed i506, it Ilum T f Is ra d ea ereLand'Warrer SOCil#iT but. Jq_the rom. the Fifsid,InVolvin , an annual lialtil ty, n e�' for'tjie 409il66, 0 f therlhve-4)rrdwed 'f ap our fr6ops� ay of rotaliatiotii V 1I0;000,_,.Tbe Casio Brantfordis pe u. bifi ied, At the 30t of Aprili'the Compan I fiotwthe �'by is and s _6�,I�rf emselves-for'tb6p'ay' 1859i'it "bad -fallen c it- d tar., Preiloiwly to tiring :the' 0orrfbdei;te,Vim-inia and poliejej df�$101,131. them iii tisli.-Ament td� the w- ea ing at y, Journ I h, , '' L premium income its enjare an mrinua lit a il��SaySL'-.- :6eill Y�;ceiitsin the sideit;ib!'y in arrears,�Althoug upt-id tbe'sa H �LO.T antoThi�claimi by death -he' "72;ty. P rr-ngetnen 11, it 0.coj��at, �oitio as �PiDrt tipe and Cubour., ur old tieduri Tie sthe 'aintoluse- in-, everyAaL sTh has p id 1$20 000 less than was calLduhsteXbri.7 The W6 -which com6s is identlyniost je of intoje- of ill L z e under 6 tents lit I y etveiv� ss�il ing,requir lm a unfairu fit vestments, as increased, ha�ing exceeded si Arrival:01 *6. Titttlinia. wrth�wge e thii&llar'arr� gated Toio x'per 'Cent ; indL on .the e t of Grodeiries of4lib,rbost-1 be�soldat. -very J Xjlcar pr-ofitou, �nak A- di�id 11 of. five per. cent. o.tht reason FeS� :whi6l -iia.iaT f4ari'� e8a f 0th April n nd( O.t:o d ilar'quii rup '_iBuithe rat Shareholders T4ieab� faivortablia, , arranemen 1,reseiving:on the'. ljoads'6 -ST. J a Teutotiiii,. rem,the%basin i 7n U al6L 'B M" :And'Like facts spoitk* highly ia,4%rorofthe marsi;eeuent S�uthuriiptbii, Nov. 6 od wopc, ere �t op dt.-the�e�lgtri es, ve as- "holdi:ns securiti,alargei autrijilaii, the co -5.30 lativWndu .1' iary 'Pay I'd, I C 30 Toneit h preie66dings whitilif,a . re 0 Adin - iral y 'toL� -sloti6ed, the Federal" 'h ni�dithi. formidable; -characterr W jiCh t op -position it.iis r6qire reseiit Govern nts in I he 76 'S�'t. t eLv6a he �oai'. 0" Deo sge to ellliith� 18t steamer Kent 9 r, ours f85OOi 00,'through nnn. 6tCffi fide refused— OUS.E'T LET-;7k,.pc�,,yq ost I in nr atui ca be �r seye r ra ssday, Ili --ht ritual a lo�a -defiulter 'r. the. '5' yeaidbac -arbtUrhraS­ sequenceL d the determination of- the M ie, n WAS ice 486;,V�Jt it Li qiukgist; Of e M It � I he .'Jllocl;ade'� run- �d - - C' k - I : , ' ind-' araintrement has t, to eiriinguish'tht-flames 'fom CrUla. ullArar - r-u:ri'� - itpayment litidlilereii6ed to 872 a :Som instauces: _eors in" H ad, Fundi ceirtal ii t 'e rangomens' rhe arstou: it i., It attempting no tv� or. 7- a, nie on Friday Joel in 'L asifs W'mring,� rom Payable under�lhat'r i y. C , C Awt El kyj0dt. 14.Lhe 7 -itouieJk-var- - 1 1. - L :S JZE,�_ b iing in the bay of_Beil�ial earhsmis w eat, t erverrip oy�r&A' $9,42p,anliusill l$riLand r;%te.9 eomprMilat we, pai siace the set MANtiFLACTURERS- XND- DEArLERS MI)Wt�r.; Nd+. 4- e insurgent co ouglis tt,� arrangeirierit intro. e y- ear, eewpuric injuries,, tre afaLserious ebaret le IN si�a borrowed, $280,60 numbering, it is suid, 600;istfantry, and wil I- �robabljr disfigure­him4�i �fb. il-wia The to of Nial F) T3 and- IX joriarld hi tii.�f�orm 4ebLtpd mullicipalities,have, IC no men't iiflate�est, baid 'i I. cava r7, which advanced,on Sundaylinto Vr Do oi- CIL. e_ Wre, ar a is Yin' b hvnia�-' Pressed' y'the Ru diaiiiniiihing lip eai , 6f-th,61"t creasid on the,3 let DecemberA862 to$4M, e g een laiii dowa thei'r�arias Oster ay in rL e, row w 'caL'thety"t, b; "Xuderibe H drels: have been rested - while att'impting to E S rL O.7 ",,years zae rrovirim bas1hdLrd PaYL "ifiteir." 431. tilt to 6.iirilr ell you that, Act:', in.t;� of td 0 -,4jabiltty, of $22,400t it vri s 6f Slkie, and in.Gai d (.Iv, o e amount, or,gtma annual licid 400�had withurms.' i'TH 343tri R 01 13 -coal Oil ain -riyerst-.�, over'100,,hc�rs�ii�, 'Lrrendiied L ce its e Cnadd f which L U ss' ill II ex - US in their to t, e* All& mailicipalities,were rateable a allui o"the Ri isBoo" ced.-- I .were SIDI 0 y '­ ,— " r -, 6.� , ! would- have,!-produ' OnL reliable n aiis6irnent 6f'5 d6llar oil s�veral�o d Plaf, h 6ii. five riiquired,xb piiyruim�jlly $2;413i' being W, a; prqPprty on from the L ndon Dis- was O,AIDD 38,262 'and hf-J, 62:'�, $92,589. 0 _,Docemberi�, 1862 Din lov-�r- e in t 6 foix y6i authority that the, Gra,4 Duke Constantine u " h rs' 814� in- T 3MO41it lbaSr d aulmos 61 Will be relieved fr' be'- Xpe a diefit The 4%lAec y.s:- We nor! of Poland,: and �652;- undi'6n DIMM"idid Cted"�', oa�j' ulter-foi the wi�l` will travel'abroad. 'Ptirk, 9 I�EDNESDAY'ItAgti;� t f nalt uAd J,pb,rt par -0 &got[ with Jt oess r, O b�'� f' erest, iowd $800 000 - and iridebidne bTOCJDHOL21, OV. &.ftnhl. Udede. . ... .. III, Frei ""ties' -d Lanarlk i6d, Rimfri 1w b 1 6-- U. I Th�60 arn e tl,�bb ill"t ific fri4fideLandad. ge�' b- d his he"i a aries-ire rmeived-t jPravince,am. A9y'paid.81,16,5;I.ofint 'Ire 11 Ing i o same SO to in se I i (ISS to theSom T.:D McGee, sAre' about offir 2tij the'!'LdA';VGjsd,�'y lhii�_nbn'p eading, artieft'ad thii'Dano�Gilrin _Otfi�e Air Col so Ark their up eon now b prei - ' �f � .. ­ . y no:means I e till t'of is, - ' -, - , , " ' -, r - , ;iiatio n �OftbatL ge I) tie ib a, i's rat _or�. mont a as an Col _44 p isistency�'by'ereetmg, or�hirrl a D�:Imarklf'peucei sliould'heidiSM6661 VOCILL`AUM16U=e� XU:'�`IC, at biL 'Vj� an r% V r6du aettTO'LEN W - r, jjj�i� 0*60�Lperannuraw'sirid1h -have L 'they 1)4 it , md att' , , bf��cehtts,i' the dol depea h of sugad Th,,'� on an avera., Appurt� 1t_was_'approachih;,�mheG.. must tie re It ;to t e e all Ing mallicipm d. _aCtUalL Y pall treal. to doy,., The QueWa speecEsays,'that frieiid� r 11110cic nq� Wore. elmigs ;1111 it- .*rsd a 11. se"a, a vei 611 a ,y,. have relaiioni continu oreIgn aiod ligsprove a a, 'a titan a are ts'aultomto the iiiiii -about $30',QQO at the Prospect of C nes a,Y Nov. 26th. h&.6 �qeif @1 tint, of conititution4refoins his Oen r � - ' . �Witlons kl 041 - , ON - Y 'PtildJo, Y sul-Gerteral, A r� Giddibgs� II be 'Ived 1011 Ig amount the een definittly,reso 'lijar towards hrfiitihin'g amona ear YeTr hrolfih7L rpose wil.1,on heredita, y. ee nee -of. delatilte"`6 ontresl,�Charked,,wit I Complittity- in tfie 'natoriti finturrei the list of So tion thima6lves -for- the �Ptl f It rMs­ -V';!g ' .11, ifiti t e. was , �,!, f L L all U the' lurgest Amounia; L arrest of.one Redittith, wnerebyh ach:annotiamsislist no, demoristration, Will art ill llUOTTAR31-L' LE p, an e :HbrLMajesty: de� te a only1Vrtherefbr,,1to,tLe-; rot . tp� ly fhe vef he Made F S1 oi- lit; the- stlanicipultiets Whi tie insurrectiow in �St'. d tin in I opayments alto eL -ttoverri the_name oft'SI mingo. an UIC ai&fiot atA :,the�efqre, ir the uch personal �ib�iy!�n opea for the gia,, b f. . ..... xcntwe ave'lloeicc th 0 rid -&O _7,W t6 1 _OU lie A 't at the'! Or hent eir uty ry avle,�p, nee a i ar its f6i& I 'lots ba"lle F ovince;'had,46 o �Onoifrably`fiil fill' �tb un[t "a is as Tieiii'aiif 100, ILa I uppre IOU. n;r AO, of iwec on which theyptrizinaily borro o0,000.,­�-Qh �ldop�.t the.0olicy on' whiLh, th�v,.�Tg he' d bit n,,teMpOr;sri1yJn0rrv9_ of iustruqtinr- the, Shc@F'toAevy i -6r p"ing interest, all f afh;i I a 0:�- Mr. Andrew toryL of aid, fund aS they fili bo,bearin 'eTploypp, t -whi A` -as title, The towship 6(�BiunicDrd, Which b HItD Fd.uND DFAi�. An w I, e. Oujda if Or met Vith a iserious,seci ent J,, I, ay, yr,"H­B.' id Is re whil ;thresbii '.L Zak zr.! her, on.the,body-of- 61 d I d c -V n a d" yhid thewholo;aiimant,jdlij,� $1,311: L drid;ial e:- a'Mollie rj�L Ile -Ft?rn Npfiore us gives t till -deta Ob net'-*, W %irifte6t;'Within 8580 -.tlr li�fd E4 a' le the t I mhde,childj� oneI'W tw6 w;eii�ola f trd& shadd. ithe tranaIstectoos-wiii �h'6ah!b' L Within-tM13;, fhe t)wn which Pall cou'rouRi on orrowing' UnItt- itit a f,4nd'ther C =1 �,�z owin Oun is ra or -vicious, kicked him'on the e4 A AQ it', -,ship of-Middlettin, iA : IT eyAl I triads ' ­ � ­ . h ',face, w d, L . 1� fli . b&, o��Col.. W -eq Ol"Ess6zi within - or, D e L 1 $749.: 'in the Impblic Col., Gii- 711 1. - , )if. tea ing the botieli 6 is riod� his -lit POA �morteft examination of ej. . - F gar "y , r U y:amotmto e r,. Utid yr and the ju C ��!$l e.a"smf J�L ej-'atit 11' V ill W 'd1b, X P. -P. THCWi A . ... .. ite in-conseq 11iisvin, eat and. bruised in a shockiii. maurior.. ei n'with the en". J g'paid,owery' 'sbillidg,t t a dUb;yp ic on, noWt -exten T -h :sufferer is doin- well tP hsiahjke re urn; he d Ila wit 'furnia D are 'Hi a �#.ese;strikep,,49. he cupt� J tion child had,�'died;1rorss­�CXha& ej- lee XheSherilrof H &B� f Thi toLwns�6f1qrt!; op re U --tL, bad elt, ni unde the ca cleirei1" ,e�6,9 the o hid slh��rtd tie, _Grsi*alrBslIJ _(Which IT6�rowe( pqsure, An At'th nest k; n';;,mme,will tie given-lor a 'Ire q, inq nothing-,Wg,ns qrfamod As' to- i urge on 61,th money. Forfarm itilk'"MUC all ��A Iro?61,0, L 4 'k 4. 'ge of fliet b6; hstla 20LAMM. G'AtDO.Wir to '000).,V Weddififfies, of" GiZe�'- rd h a -thil& but w6-aii,infdrinted that. prinpipal e nesiti'orto iff.'I�w ich; borrowed',' d ce-then a el uWhiss� 1566: btiaired- whi hqut4hg� 1p�vp�beeq.a owedto� or. WO wh r to 'borrowed, $F57�1000:j. wile., i,bovered"-to be,oni lfirei�aud!_. ef el�Scovbry of Ue un �grg��e' P4F ttell at the door on the, Concert. U jt�j T till parents, who, lier, 'fisrtherpsiticaters a be, ". P M U e: Use loubtless were 000. FO Trisr,:uuu, but -In March aPdAU, ramm. - es. MOTT, TOOH-OPPERS T_ ifsAcistfoyers sa,'tile,examinatioubf TEr d6nqy4tb7 1frifig Ups wa$ ei� - - - con ats were totsillyAe _4 dy'l4i had bten iii-idireot this _thaif'it. b4fluti �u . lloden account 0 In'tereSt at to �Aea 1863. idir ka6wledge sio ��L l6to�802 earcesurd n -JeDqd,, ":lot Wo. GOD 4joj�� I- � tone �d reell&aln inq -0,11 Cprevi?n�:!Uo a,2 lie d" an I �uo - sic I', lvirUf �MW 4)uiilti�t f4rth�l the person, undenak- b tpof III IjndJ7 r W.' 'd Yin o;beo 'r , _ll Atpe to 'm on' OCCUrr tor a V oltriteei to, I, e hriaenjibite&Mdot iep ql?nual nadian border. lif ter the Yeviewof 1e3 *dim"tfisliargzails -Audiop lCC t4 t alhe regiment on'_ BalWell.rForeaVori'Monday' "of lati fill, UY) �Ihe- per-.pl to seize,onou"ities on tblttea; bizi,`Hood;Ri&r.�. af, v t Witte' ItO rkirs ora neraL -Cand alias d ,,v3Jp[. L�:Xt The'qovifrnotGi 14MF a seriiess by info and el-at!fhIly $400' No 11.019" ST , - Ai wiscart yjS se oint arany -ga ' P or ern' accountf,:ayi, elo" 'of pement �,W, to �gatw, 'P h hill Olt Q]LIP3 sy� Made -the otren"red us. ut, atlt Is V U essape t Utr t 0 f�_owtcao�,L-a 0yeM 'L 11 . _, X a-9s'es away, gratitude,ths, weim. rom the ranks, !'Lieutei)dnt:BradJ6jr only' uot.so carried am not, men one are ;,was o sbrvdt6 Al 1: It i lwliq�j ing from, the foresvw�thb�raiil#ny., stei� -tfi4,VDluntmcS;were:mar;Ch.. 0 thaft oon. d apf not perceiver there was a e'elfi'sh feeling. at the report ;to lie a young :gctoi,rUkmeAMu ble spr fte u ch tin ,when the: y in a r _ Y,7. ......... C h Dung", t OTICH TS,4TVIR NL'! -t disa van ehave�ki4redi� ";r Id o7e Yrr -A ditighter'Of. NO ro a -U Ott? ad' a9wi IV 0 r? o to o --r U 11 �Sjli r SOT."I'l.ss Ip Um i -A Aid! YVIIJO,_ kt b tire, u- provinCIAL, ag, litvhie am tinsungry futberof Los F, id ill PI fir JOT+N.K o.',Canada exposed this, relief plot for late th,pi-e-, very seri?i�,IF.�u y e, it ea sUnt -sea h ralirtchei,,ajpp� and d eire e Jhad",�tiD �CoilssatL tMID rebel COPIOUS J,7­.'� in nInqy' At -present; no iMMaJUS -bev intertist" to "do 46�w th' 'b ar"pi t th lit imbis- 't was She birisgIs f, 711 h Y ;% much r t ra J'U= b pwrzo W11- Ing U, it Sheriffli Offi Od -W.bjdb, was iti., e we- 04 oil Dk -If - �666ld 061;,6 dtherw d Tie' -/with ri t 4diS aocru�q_dsse Mention' 0 0 28tb 0 o"Ilied at he 0 it_ig mith ILIMPM Black 'Unanall ev?5t7mf # W4 11 aw �F�or� ei f6r Tax I b aBelo. I P. -LIL-Y ilk is d gare w h e in re reii ae done,to"0�= the' Pill' ilk b onnithiiii, cannot aone] S-0 t, V. '13 oqr)andVlace�)L el. --z 'piome, tif-i ase adb bad, kept this wer, Slid that the� cQuI11701 11131ioanXiMel'i I Wells i e 45 Wfe F 11overno of-Usnaft- D I f r 46 Wfta� allo " �, I �d t On no "b 1 F.ecret, an`4 Find al to T -'io� i�trrr`r n9470 froln; his eXpeet hires' to - 444 14 them' 17ik Nor.,! W3. mt.