HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1946-05-22, Page 1VOLUME 56 - No. 39, LYT DAR BLYTH, ONTARIO, WET) N'ESI)AY, MAY 22, 1916. Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. SCHOOL AREA MEETING IS POORLY A'T'TENDED t INTEREST AI)PARENTLY LACK- United Kingdom Prepared' 131vth Legion Branch holds To Continue Purchase First Regular 1leetin>:; TNG AS VERY FE\ J ATTEND of Canadian Bacon t b'y our Legion Correspondent) -AA-- The demand for Canadian bacon fur The Ilt,t regular meeting of the the next four ytars was clarified when Ill! Ili 1;ranch of the Canadian Leg- "1'I,Iy hall" \\ Ill ,o•rn h, heard rill -'11",' :.l \Vtn_hant on Friday night, lfutt, Janes G. Gardiner, Dominionion, Y. 42), was 10,1,1 in the \lenturhlllin,IIIII; front the ball Lillis of tlli, \I,IV 17111, \!1111 Ili,;, d((I'I3ns Minister l•f Agriculture, recently an- 1lall 4.11 T1e-(lay, \lay 21st. 1di,ttiet. 'i'itat i•, providing the 3113th- Dere nl,ole, and 1 group: f nlncd. Ni lr w1(3in m''1, ;In{ ,la\' ill.11 \v;1\•, ,-41,,,,h11, 4'I name, was feral\11 up, ttrnntced the result, ,.f negotiations The fart that such a large crowd 1' with the British \Iinistry of F.,. I. orad a•,enilded ladies u, very optiut.1 During the past \\ eel; reprl'-elita- 1114. Ill}Ih ;'ire- lin,( themselves IM - The United hingdoln i; prepared) to i -tic t, f having a very strong Itran:•h ties, of ball teams have 1111't in \Vine- ed tip t\itll Ilse 1"11"wing Icatu:-- purchase the maximum supplies which in this community. Another goo l 11111) a;:-1 grouping) haws' been edeas- ' i:l.:h. 'i1 1I 1{;;lewd Nine; melee Canada can provide in 194(, 11)47 and fe;dare of the ..\ ening \vas that sew- rd, and ii\ertun. The convener of this 1948, Further disctt;,ion, are to be 1 gl"rap i, '11.' .\. Il ll, 1\3I'. fete era( new• "recruits" were enrolled. li ONE ENTRY FROM BLYTtl held before Jann;a•y 1947, t„ c miler (lar 1,ranch, as a Club, hope, to brI The 4.111. entry Iroul Myth in „t trams are entered in the \1'.0.:1.:1. I be o:b, r grow; f lora) inl1 rc-) requirements for 1949• , one of the most active •clubs in the'[ nanved hall this season will be the The contract price for (;rade :\ and totally,! on the ,ante night, Coln- /.ot1c, ;,1111 3\ ith our large membership Girl's S itll,all '1'e;lnl, which has 1,1.4 11 ri •d , !'rte i li \\ in: tire's tr;un; :-- \Viltshires per 1(10 pounds f.o.b. sea- !' we should be just that, very easily. ln•artisult' for the pa -t Iwo. \\eeh;,' lir:s,,l \\'a!t ,m, ('limon, (;nderich hoard was raised to $25. effective .\•I- t'll 1, 1946, and will continue to Dererll- O1)t• presidt'o1, Comrade n1)r. I\i1-ion evening, \ben \\ rather would per- '1•, 0t,l,ip, ,and (;,,,1,1,,,, , . • n, \vital hher 31, 1947. The pi•ire for the 1,148 t'atrirl:, occupied his ['residential s •at Hit. l e'4re,eut,ltive, front the various' the Conwyner, ll, Lauder, God( rirlt. r t ' \'CI')' ;tik, :[ltd 11111('1' 'ell, gavul \\'t'','l'lllll'> 101)1 ''ll',1 In the girl', league , .\ ,rll,•dlllr nl c agreement will In established ata lilt- l )aloes for thc..c :\ public nuetilg; in connection with the pr( ,lu.cd I1i:;ll School \r';3 1'11311, (i)Ofl Luck To The Legion in -di in ti" \Iem ride 11:111, \\(Ines- I The Standard is in receipt of a let - (la\• 11'1;111, \l,ly 13111, war vera ln,i,rl�' I ter trout E. C. Bentley, of Galt, and attend'''. '[The di,a1 ; oatoll 111 (,f 1.(11 among other matters, of a personal municipal of fici,IL 1);1, at nature \vas the follo\ving paragraph: the meeting l,y the rather meagre '•1 ,et. by the ne\vs that the turn-ott of ralep,o"crs, 1'I e -cat \\ ere 1:1)111 buy, are starting a Legion members (,f the local School ill ill, l lIr.ulcle, \Voll, here's lots of good representatives from the 1, cal a' un- We ow,: and strength to theta, \1 cil, the School Area Committee of the leave a thousand members here lltn•on County Council, ;11111 a few in- 11 tcres;ed (11i,•ens. Rave I . 1. Il,1;nt.,n (,erl,iie 1 the R()1 '11. J. SCO Prl' DIES chair for the matin:, and imr, (hl('edIN TO1tON'i'O IIOSPITAL the speaker of the evening, \1r, 1)31f-: I{1)!,L J. Scott, of Bclgrave, passed fin, of the Department f h:dur,lti'll'';Iwa\ in tit. \lichacls 1Iospipal,'I'oron \1r. Duffin explained very fully the t„ un 1\'111111 day running, at the age set-up of the prol(.,.ed «111 ,i Area, 1)i 47 \ ears. His death is regrettably financing', courses of study, equipment.' reported by '[The Standard, and he will and facilities that will he available td' be 1111 nrned by a host of friends the student, ;tad ;Ill other a -pat,• thoou„hout this district. Mr. Scott had Several question, weer :(Ils\err in ;( adllrl'ssell 111(13 font gatherings in most capable manner. �, ' this area, He was a Past President of The County Council c42u:nit1Ct.' the Cuite 1 Farmers of 'Toronto and a ccmt,nsed of 1. II. l' lIhMI 1, its -err(• [,31'1 11 Dirrct,•t. tary, Reeve J, I). I1eccn'it, I':a01 \\,1- \vanush, lain Arnt.trun, 111111, tt, OI31'1'UAItY and \\'arden R. I:, Shaddick, ll(3sal!, all spoke briefly. -T A vote of thanks was tendered the Mrs. [''red Argent speaker by 1'.. I. Cartwright, Chair- \I r,, Fred ,\rgcnt, passed away at ratan of lily Myth School Board, her home, I)insley Street, Blyth, on \' Saturday, \lay 111, in her 80th year, ,1`. Lady after ;1 lengthy period[ of ill health. 1 loltlillent DUI'l.,dll11t111 I d 1 \Ir». .\rgent was the former, Ann Mrs. R. 1)aviduon Passes I':ast, d;ulghtc1 of 'I'h..ntas East and One of the Dungannon district's fl. ryas \luff;ttt, of Mallett 'Township, most widely-1:n.w•m figures for tunny In 19I'2 she loarirel \I1', argent and - years, Mrs, Robert Davidson, died ill following their marriage they resided hospital at Gode'ich \londay even'tlll. f1 r ;+ number of year; at llarlock. In \Irs. Davidson, the former, \larg;fret '191'I they took up residence in Blytlt, 'IcCluskey, for more than In years, Ilcsi les her husband she is survived had been widely I:urwn as a ncwspap- by one s n, Reg, of \Velland, District Ball Teams Lined Up For Season's Sport er date but will not be below the $2 ? 51) sante basis, which was effective ,.h old do veru 3111!, :\ dub of this type on forming, -Ith 21 Public holiday ing the 19.11-45 ;agreement. i sutras ;1 great responsibility its regards The 2-Ith of \lay has returned to Auburn -Blyth Combines Entered In F"[lowing this announcement the veterans of \Vnrld \\'ar 1 and 2• 1l t; the st:ltll, • f a statnt,dry holiday ;131,1 ' W,O,A,A, Hard Ball Series. Wartime Prices and Trade hoard de- I Ill, to tr, to carr for the sick and agc(I, 1 \111! be observed as such en friday of s- clared an increase of 2 1-4 cents per' for the ve .rain,' families who are in this week throughout the Dominion, l triftll\illtblll\(11 l mldl)lllII I y la tlIlarr.31'1al I pound, c:,rcass basis, in domestic i dlstres, and Really other things call- During the \var. only six ,tatttt"r•1• 1:131,. a pl't'\'roll» wholesale prier ceilings for purl:• The neete I with veterans in both dome.stie holidays were officially declared, and ,,'itil'n d•i The Standard, the Auburn- relationshipimus hetvicen 1313 (lorllC»t:1' anal ;end busiml,< problem;, 11111 '4th w,ts not nuc of thein, a) myth Cond n r, have placed at entry export price, which has been in effect 1' Ile roue pundcnt nnishes 11) make though it was gcncrally obscrwe(l ill in the \1'.U..\.:1., and the following(31cli during the past two years, will be some form of an apnkngy for :t sontc• Myth, maintained, 'these increases in baron,wltal inadequate report of the first group was arranged ;It a meeting field in \Vinc11,1nt on May Kith: Auburn - prices represent an inereasc of appro- I meeting. The troth of the matter is , xilllately $3, per hog, 1 14 wceer, the that he was "joed" for the job at our Lions 1\itnstrels Have I' 1111 i i ( 1111inrs, l.urhnow, Gudcrich. quality premiums of 3. par I;radr \ 1 fir»( regular meeting, and has been Schedule Next Wed:(•halon R;tdiu Schu .1, Listo\'rl, \[il- carcass and $2 per (;rade 11 carcass caught with leis--, well, off guard.-- verton, ;old St, Marys. A single t , . snc�dnlr nil! be played. The tram have been reduced by $1 so that the I(e hope; b.w3v3r, to have a full The I,lyth nn; \linsurls weer net increase is $2 per hog. This in- detailed 11111",11 of 1111 ucxt meeting{, given a rousing recepti 'n by a full Irl, workc•1 out a few times 011 the creased price will, it k hoped, add a house at Cardno's hall, Scaf,(i•th, hast -\"1"11."dianln114, and There is 1:111: of 1'h11rs(Iay night. 1\'hrn the curtain an exhibition game \with the ('!intra rolled bark lnnll tly at 8:311 pan., an Radii School. The house games .ritt estimated crowd of 500 were in their this series will Iw divided equally he - seats. The show was staged under 1011331 Anhurn and Blyth• the an,piccs of the Scafurtll .\,rico'- ! The f dlow•iig schedule in this group tnral Society. The warns reception 11I;ts been drawn up: accorded the cast was greatly apprec-' lune 5-I.10•:11ow at Milverton. fated, '1'113 cast \•its treated to sand- June 5 -Auburn -Myth at Godcrich, wishes and coffee after the sh w. Jnne 5 -Listowel at Clinton, Heavy Week Coming Up. lune 10-G,alcrich at \Iilverton. 1)I-1.istowel at St. i\farvs, 12--.\uburn-lllyth at Clinton. 14-(;,dderich at 1.ucknnw•, 17-.\uburn-lilytlt at Si, Marys• 17-!.isto1(1 at T.uckatow. 19-\lilvcrton at St, starys, long, will be rele:l-ed i11 the near future. stimulus to hog production, says the Rc\'iew, WEI)1)INGS Bentley - Sims '1'rcvitt \I tutorial Church, h.xcter, er correspondent for this semi, it offuneral services were held privately J. S' ryas til( scene of a wedding~ of local county, She had held office cm\lunday at 2 p.m., from it>tcrest, \whet Rev \I \ hunt united in various organi::at:ons in church and ('Delle\'s residence, with Rev. J. L in marriage Audrey Eleanor Situs, public life. II. I Il udrrson, rector of Trinity Ang- Rig, N., of Exeter, and \\'alter• I..d- lir::n Church, of \�hiclt she was a Mrs. Davidson, who was in her ()lith member, conducting the service. ward Bentley', of Galt. The marriage year, had been in tailing health fora ( Interment was made in Clinton took place at puree o'clock, Saturday, number of years. Recently she un-! ('cautery, Rind 271 h. (le•went an operali 11 in Godcrich hos- i The pallbe;errrs were, Messrs. \Vel- The bride is the (laughter of \I r. pita( for amputation 1)l her !cg Iingto31 \Ic\all, 1':(hvim Cartwright, and Mrs, \Villiant Sims, and the bride - She was a daughter of the Tate \I1. 1 \I .es I loltzhaucr, John Doerr, Thos. groom is the son of Mr, and \Irs• and Mrs, Joseph \IcClu,kcy, of Gode- I, !\C Iy, and Robert \vat,. Earl Bentley. rich township. After graduating from v_---.- Given in marriage by her father, the Godcrich Collegiate Institute and `V. M S. Meeting bride's costunn c was of ivory satin, Model Sell() I she taught school for The re;pear meeting of the W, M. styled with a net overskirt, short two years in Co leech township. S. \\a, 6(•1 1 in the school roost of the sleeve, and bracelet -length lace );loves. Forty-six years ;Igo site nlarrie'lUnited( Church on "Tuesday afternoon 1(ler finger-tip veil was held in place Robert Davidson, and they made their' \lay H. with a bandeau of orange blossoms, first home on the 5th concession ofJIts, Garrett Irl the worship scrvicc. I. and carried a bouquet of red car - Ashfield t wnship (01 the fa"' naw Thy theme: The Christian I1001e. Af- f nations, white snapdragon and bony - owned ly \William Snaith. They then t,,r the c;tel to worship and prayerI tidier, The bride's only ornament \vas lived i1) Godeielt for ;t shirt time be -•hymn 39)3 \vias stung and several ap- a necklace of three strands of pearls, 'fore purchasing the I )avid»nn home- ' prulu•i:1te Scripture passages were read i gift of the groom. stead o11 the northerly outskirts 01 i (;rare Nk,Il Cr,nwcll was quoted as' hiss Labelle Sims, Reg. N., of lit- chelur, acted as maid-(1t-Itnnntn•, lluug;uuu,u _, 7 years ago. tying "Every anther should make Mrs. Davidson %•as a faithful mem- religion the foundation of the hone. wearing a floor -length gown of pink ber of Erskine ,Presbyterian church , Roy, and girls need God desperately. net sh alder veil, caught \with blue and had hchl offiee iti many church \\'ithont Ilius they will he like ships flowers and she carried a sweetheart organizations. without sails (3r rudders," The Presi- bouquet of roses and sweet Peas, In the cc,ur...e of the past 40 year; dent then cunductod the business Hiss Thilnta ilurdio, ►Gt11lrne•, \Vas John W. IIanna, M.P.P., Re- leases Llformation On Road Expenditure 11)1111 \\'. IIanna, \I.I'.P. for Iluron- llrm•e etas received the following h1- . formation 1 n road expenditure, which , he ;las parsed on n, The Standard, as - sinning that it tiny be of interest to subscribers: ",\butt $[,01;0,00( will be ;pent on highway construction and improve- ment it the riding of Moron -Bruce daring 10-11i, The following work will be undertaken:. Grade, Gravel and Pavement Highway No. 4, Teesw•atcr l(1 high- way No. 9; highway No, 87, \\•ing- ham cast I11 miles; 1lighw;ly NO. 21, :\ntberlcy to l�itcardinc; lfigltway No. 811, ((;ravel), \\'inghatl-;\nebet•Iey; 11liglew:ty \o. 87 (Gravid), I1!uevalc- 1l rrist:ut; Complete culverts, Port Albert-:\mhrrley; Complete pitting. Pore :Miert-.\nberley; Complete pa'- ing, \\'ingh;ut-'freswalcr'' -- v North Huron 1).1).6.11. i Visits Blyth Masonic Lodge II. A. NIcllurncy, District Deputy (;rand \easter for the Masonic 1)is- trirl of North Huron, which c mprises I thirteen lodges, paid his official visit 11) LI)th .131811, \o, 3113, on \1(ntdsit v July 1') -Listowel at Auburn -Blyth, bridesmaid, wearing a similar model, luny "-I.istu0wei at Milverton. she had been president of the \edit- peri . night. \I r. were nrncy is a 'Trrs\talcr1 `V. I Meeting Postponed -„- land Presbyt:ride of 'the \\'.\LS„ sec- Shirley Phillips and Joan \VIlitficld to the Maid -of -honor's, in blue act lutw _ Godcrich ai Clinton. 1 resident, and brought adintgr \vtlt hint i l'he lllyth \Vo311(13 institute rr, luny 'i -I.1 h tllw at SL Marys. rotary of the l ungannu i school hoard pl;lye.1 an instrumental duct. The re- ( with shoulder veil, fastened with pun: i ;a dcic' ltiun from '[ ccs\\ater I. (Ige, 1 naso monthly matin has been post , - vice-president of the Red Cross work port , f the Presbyterial meeting held flowers' \ lair attendance was noted, and potted from the first 'Thursday of the Indy _I \lilcrrtom at Auburn -Myth. at Dungann. n, and Red ('Cass work in \\'ingham was given by Miss JG Evan Sims, of Exeter, acted 85 hest I the Second Degree of \lasonry was t July 2..) ---Lucl:n1,w at Listowel. month, until Thurs,lay, June 13111, at , convener, president of the library, NI Ont.. ural, a11(1 1 -111th \\'ilson, also ( f I�.xe luny _dl-Gudcrich at St. Marys. ! 1 loaf W. \l. S. meeting will be ter, 111(1 Ralph Davis,of (;;alt, 3 111tId exenlplific(l by the lilytlt Oflierrs. 'I'lu 2;,i) 1\'hem it will he hcl(1 in the NI - board, and had held various offices in The main address of the evening \vas given tub _') .(nhurn birth at l.ucl:nn\r. 1 urian Hall. The Institute have had t,\ Inly ")-l.istu\wel at Gudcrich. the \\':men's Institute, i in charge of \Irs. Comings,•, secretary out the duties of ushers, . iss h. I change their meeting' - Sttrviviug 111e her husband and one of tete Ikthy (land, on June 11, We1McFall, of Exeter, Played the nuptial 6Y M r. Mrf,urncy, 1311.1 ,rowed to be due to cirru"1 fuky 29 -til. svelit at Clinton. 1"f outstanding- duality. Mr, \Iellitr-I stales, but will hull their meeting as brother, James; a nephew, Allan Reed,' extend a special invitation to mothers music. [ley spoke on the symbolism 'f Free always first 'Thmrs(lay 1)t' each month. Westfield, Auburn and Londesboro whom she had raised from infancy and aw, their babies, \\'e would ask all For the reception, held at the 1101ne \lasonry, Other speakers of the ey- Thismeeting- promises t,• he very in- In Men's Softball Loop. who now lies on the Davidson It. me- lour members to be at this meeting to of the bride's parents, the bride's \\e:cume the Baby Band, mother was wearing 811 ensemble of cuing; were RL \Vol•. Bros. 12. I), trresting. \lake a special effort to flues teams that carry lord inter stead. Phil ,, lllyth Lodge. Ur. Fowler, `['ccs-' attend, and bring along a friend. \Irs, est for readers of The Standard ar' The funeral service will be held Hymn 394, "happy the hcnte when lilac green crepe with black accessor- 1 ! 5 f•I,,all Serie Gull is there" was sung, and the t1iC fess and the bridegroom's mother chose \water Lodge, \‘',,r. br'. Thompson, F. 1). Rutledge will have an exhid,il of entered in the \l1111s this afternoon (Thursday) i1) I?rsl:in� I eeswatcr, and \Vor, Dru. Scott, Myth handicraft. There will be an Inter- of the \\'J).:\,:\. Entries have been Presbyterian church, at 1:30 I'.\I„ Re•, ing rinsed by repeating in unison: a gown of gold printed sill: jersey. j Lod r. \Vor. I,ru. \1'. ll. \lottitt I (•ailrg debate conducted by [bre( placed by Westfield, Auburn an God he in my head, and in my under- The gift of the bridegroom to the g C. IL \I acDunall \will cnmduel the ser-, ucrulicd the (•hair•, in the course of tncnthers 011 Daylight Time, while the 1ondrshnrn The following leant:: vice and interment will he in Dungan- standing, bride was a lapel pin of gold filigree;t 1 God he in urine eyes, and in mY to the bridesmaids, a single strand of I his reut:trka, the n.D.G:\f. compli- 0 other members \gill prest'ut their view: will operate in this group; \\'estfiel(1 earls, and to the hest nam, a silver mentcd the Myth , ii:,.rs f r theirI on Standard 'Tints'. The roll call will Dungannon, Londcshoro, Auburn, God i,e in aline mouth, and in. my cigarette case. proficiency, 1 Ise answered to ":\ place 1 wont ! like I4•nn1iller, and Godcrich Township• t speaking, For the wedding trip to Drhuit the Following the wore: of the e•ening,t to visit." Conclusion of all business . Representatives met in Auburn on CONGRATULATIONSthe members of Meth Lodge served + and proerailt a social time will be on Tuesday night, anti \while they fail • God be in mine heart, and in nt'Y bride was dressed in a suit of heaven- Cong.�ralulatons to \I t•, George lhinl:i113, y 1 lunch, ;old a pleasant hour was spent enjoyed with refreshments. Re11unt- , cd to complete a (all schedule, the 1 bloc with halt!: plastic accessories• his bird Sr,, of Blyth, who crlchrtltes God he at urine end, and at my de- On their return the bridal couplet In couwersalion, her the change of date to June 13tH• date; of the first four games have his birthday Thursday, May 23,1.1. p;tingr, Anteu, wilt reside in Galt. V t' been announced as follows: Con•;ratulaticms to \I r, R. 1t, Philp ------:------ Former friends of the groom i1) C Purchases 13usincss 13loClc May 27th-NVesificld at Benmiller, who will cd,,bratc his birthday on BIRTHS I31'1t1511 Brides Arrive \lay 28111-Godcrich at Auburn. lllyth, will juin with The Standard in , \I r. \Villiant linggart, of Cliutun, Friday, ;\lay 24th. 'May 311th-.\nhurn at Dungannon, \I • h•DD-in Clinton Public Hospital, extending best wishes. Thr liner S.S. .\quitania Berke I at has purchased \It. i.c«is \\1litfield's C-ngratulations to Master ,Iinttuic \lay 30th-I;Cnnlillcr at Godcrich on I': :.lay, May 17th, to ewer, 1311(1 ----- lfalifax on \lunday-, and in the lid business bloc]: nn the sontll-rant ror- Riehl, of London,6who will celebrate0\fns. 11111: Medd (Drnccn Phillips), are the names :f two wive; from thisnc1 of Queen and l)insley Streets. 'f,,w•nship, Itis second birthday on Friday, ;.\lay of IIu1111t Township, a daughter - Purchased Property (district. They are: Rita, \vile of Pte.l \Ve understand that the new (.'wncr The Standard hopes to be able to 24th, Gail Arlene. The baby passed away Mr. William D. Radford, has 1)111-1 E. 1-unm;blut, to •1. W. Vounebhlt, , will arrange two living apartments on publish schedules of these various Congratulations to Mr, Stuart Dur- on Monday. May 20th, and was bur- chased Mr, G. A. Sande'son's rest- Auburn; and\largarct G. wife of 111 • sec-md floor while the ground groups in the ,fear future, so that ward, who will celebrate his birthday it'd it: Clinton cemetery. Rev. A. dential property on D'iusley Street'.IF,1'. J. N. Stiles, to \V, 11. Stiles, ill, •i. will he utilized for a hoot and 131. ' intcrc•ted may clip them, and East, J Brussels. l slu c store. hdlg them rap far rcf•-renc on Saturday, May 35th, Simclait officiated The Seafortlt appeara nee was tit• June fifth staging of the show, and netted 311111 the ll!ytlt (.inns Club almost ;+100.no. 1991• The grass receipt; were close to June S.:23(4;1;I. Next week there will be three • •11(311 appearances of the show, On \lunday 1111c• night, \lay 27th, it will be presented lune 19-I.ucknow at Clinton, fr. in the ,liege of 1111' \\fashion Town •lune 21-.\uburn-lily til at i.,istu\•cl. Ilan, tut ler the auspices of the Wing-' Jmnr 2O-\lilwcrtnn at T.istowel. ham [.inn, flub. Thursday and Fri- Imre .:rd ---tit. Marys at Luckno\w. 1(1ay argil,, \lay• 30-31,1, the slt,'n• will .lune 20 -Clinton at Gudcrich. he presented front the stage ,i >1;11•- 1,1111111 2$-.\uburn-filyth at Milverton. lay hall, Godcrich, tinder thy ;in_' June ?$-St, \fart's at Godcrich, pi •c' of a group from the \victor:a •Inly 1 -Clinton at St, Marys. Street United Church. On lune 7111, luny ,3-l,ucl:no\v at :\nhurn-Blyth, the show has been engaged by the, IuIy 4•-(;uderich al l.islowel. 111cns:111 Agricultural Society, and will lily t'' --Clinton at Listowel. ! !,resent all evening performance that Jolly 10-\l il\ crh,n at Lurknnw, July IO -G dcrich at Auburn -Blyth, night, 10 wind rap their annual sprint; stock show. The show will be takers ! July 11 -St. Marys at Listowel.to lirusslIs, where it will presentedluIv 12 -Clinton at Auburn -Blyth. , tinder the auspices of the new ly-form- I J Illy 1 -\I ilwertom at Godcrich. cd Brussels Lions Club, The date for luny 15 -tit, \larys at Auburn -Blyth. this appearance has not yet been. set, 1.1uly 17-1•uc1stmv at Godcrich. At least eight nthcr 111111111; have' July 19 --St. Marys at Milverton, been endeavoring. to book the show. July 1') -Clinton at Lucl:now. non cemetery. —v TURNING POINT Mary Imlay Taylor SYNOPSIS C11.% VEER 1.%1 Sh„rw in ieaf ti- Stenhart plans to marry Jaura and determines to loll ham fiat. in the ineanttine Jou tear- the newcomer fa \\antett by the :sheriff. CII APTV. R Jim, still anxious and perplexed, looked around. "Hello, Jane — Stenhalt! Couto along. Fanny's overdone, she's faint; I've made her sit done,” Stenhart, following Jte, cause in slowly, leaning on his stick. "What's it all about:" he asked. Jane was getting a glass of water for Fanny, and as she brought it Jim held out the sheriff's paper. "Look here, Jane!" Ilis sister ignored him, fussing over the other girl. "1 coling bet- ter, dear? Sit down, Max, or you'll overtire yourself!" '('hen, straight- ening up: "What's that, Jim?" 11c handed her the description and the picture. Jane stared at it, changing color, then she flung i' down. "Well," she said defia!?sly, :,!tat of it?" Jim saw the anger and pride in Iter lace. Snddenl) he remembered the scene by the creel., when he found her there with Sherwin. "By love"" he breathed, and turned sharply. "Max, look at that!" Ile snatched the paper up and hand- ed it 10 Stenhart. Sic uhart \vas radios it when the heard a step on the veranda and Sherwin carte into the hall. His arta was bandaged and his face was colorless. "(tit!" cried lane impulsively, "you shouldn't —your But he did nut look at her, he'. vas looking: at Stenhart. There was a tense moment. No one spoke, then Stenhart laughed -- (:ruched out loud, holding nut t' paper and looking at lint. "It's the man," Pc said; "can't yott sec? l'sc) our cyt'•: I't c 1,11otvn this ((dim% before - his motto's John Sherwin; Inc killed his old uncle hi•causc bc'd left him out of his will, cut hint off. Iles escaped from Erol. Ile \\ as -ci tcnccd fur life. 1 know, u! II 's ;lit escaped convict'" Sherwin said nothing. Ile fact! him :Ind his right lt;,nd (hopped sud- denly ,o hip hip. Stenitalt ,brier.«!, crumpling against the 1\ al!. "Don't Its hint kill Inc'" he pant- ed. Jim :Pate(' fin e, ,,t (t but Jane \\ as ahead of hits: shc,cauclil at Sher - w in's sleeve "Tell ttte " she olaslttttd, het lips white, "tell tut it isn't true!" "It's true tha, I'm the oral they want," he said harsh\), "and it's true," he raised his hand and point- ed at Slcultari, "it's true that I came bore to kill hint. ' There was :t terrible silence; the others stood staring. (lunihl)•. Then Stenhart backed farther ;ora), white and shaken. "He'll kill etc — don't let (tint conte near Inc:" he cried Hysteric- ally. Sherwin turned and lucked his scorn at hint. "I'll not kill you here," he said coldly. (lis face was white and drawn; he slid nut look at Jane again hut at lint. "You can give etc up " he said harshly; "l came to tell you so. There's a re- ward," he added bitterly. "Sten - (tart here !tight like it!" t * 1 Jim intervened, Ile stepped in front of Jane and took Sherwin by the unwounded arm. "Cooter" he said sternly. Sherwin cast one quick look of anguish at Jane, turned without a court' and went. As Pe went Stenhart collapsed into a chair, hut Jane did not even glance at hint. She stood with her back against the wall, staring in front of her with unseeing eyes. ale had dared to make love to her and he was a convict! Outside the house, Jim had his hand on Shertwin's arm. "Melt away," he said gristly; "you saved Inc and you rescued my sis- ter — I'll do nothing:, nothing at all. I\1elt away:" "I don't \rant to make such a claim upon your generosity," he said stiffly. "b'ette'r give etc tip" Jim swore a little. "I'n' not that kind," 110 said: then his c) es Irav• Bled toward the distant windings of the road. Ile took out his hell - glasses and searched it as Lir off as he could see. IIs made out a dal patch moving on Ili- tipper road. "You go and stay with lilac until dark; that's the sheriff up there. After dark you can get off," Sherwin said nothing: if he want- ed to make a plea in this own de- fense he saw it was useless, he was judged. "\Ve'rc not so lar front the border after all," Jim added casually. "I'd head that way — if 1 were you." Sherwin looked up. "You're gen irons, I appreciate it." Jim turned away awkwardly. Ile was half tuts to the house when Le tin lied and spoke over his shoulder, "I'm 1clyint.t on you it)t to stay :onnil Las I':il,,nt:is," he said grisl- Sudden\) he kite;hod aloud, harsh. ly. \\'11at a mad fool he had been. Ile '.night hate I:ilIed Stenhart un- der the tree- that morning. It '.vas uscicss to play Lair with ;t snake. His eyes swept the wide slopes of the ranch. The sten had stopped (hammering. It was supper time, and he could sec groups of them down by the corrals. In the water under the bridge he saw the big white horns of a drowned steer; there had been too much to do to recover all the bodies for cremation. Presently he too might be found ly- ing in some creek, starved on his long hike for freedom. lie had not moved from the spot where lint had left hint when he heard old Mac call to hint. "Coote in belt. l'vc got some. thing for you to cat," the old man said brusquely, holding open the door of his own roost behind the kitchen. "You know I was going," he said quickly, "Did Keller tell you over the 'phone Tutt now \lac smiled. "Von told ere, son! rye lived a long while. l learned Lott' to get behind a mast's spoken swords, a right smart while ago. Sit down and cat, ain't any use start•• in.." ( To he (',intinuet11 Radio Time It is c-tialate I that .\metier': radio audience 0' ,onlposed of 33 ntilliun f:lntilic, who us\ n a!rtuost 5t0 million radios, says the \cit \'ort; '(fore . .\ccording to a sur- \cy the atc•rca;:e moldier of these families spends four Lours and eight minutes during :u1 .Ivetage clay listening to ,f,01,• radio In��granl. Luw School r, Tt,.i 7_ L Fi . i tg a New Sense of Values Luke 12: 19, 20; 18: 24-30; 19: 1-10. Go! *en 'feo.t.--For the kingdom of (.lid is not neat and !riot:; but ri l teousness and peace, and joy :n Ilse holy (il!ost.--Ronin s 14: 17. The Danger of Riches 'Chis nl:ut hail accumulated through the honnty of God, au abundance of goods. Ile planned life of east. and self-indulgence hilt God intervened to remind hits the t the futtna was not his ow it. Itec::usc tic loved carthltrc:+• •arc more that heavenly treasure the heart of this rich elan was sorrow ful. The rich arc store ready to (rust in their t' t iltla than in God, and while th,y do this it is impossible to enter the l:ingdunt, Christ does not stay that a rich than cannot enter the lingdo,n of (leaven, but he docs say that it is very difficult to do so, The dim - of riches is that they capture tl e affections, cngn ss ;t ntan'- tinte and drat\ the heart from (incl. Jesus and Zaccheus 7.accl'eus was a rich man, prob- ably int rcasiict, his wealth by ex- tortion in gathering taxes for the R. nut a 11 guvcrnutent. Ile was 1110,4 to sec Jesus but he had a handicap—he was "little of stature" and there It as such a throng of pilgrims around Jest: that he coald not get a glimpse of Hint. Zacchcus, deterutincd to see Je- sus, climber up into a tree, above the crowds. Jesus saw him and proposed to be Itis guest and to abide at his house that day. Zacchcus did not need a seconu invitation. Ile cattle clown from the tree immediately and received (lint joyfully. 'I•lus public honour done by the Bfessiah 10one so rlespiscrl by all classes :Of his cr.tun1rynic't c•ilolrltd Zacchcus. Zacclleus' Promise Zacchcus' solemn vow stows that a profound change had occur- red in the publican who now made a sacrifice of his wealth in the most just and generous way, and per- sonally received into his inner life Jesus Chris'. 'I his is Christ's' justification for mingling with sinners. Ile caste into the trod(' to sale lost souls and thus Ile is often found in the company of those oho haver wan dcred far from Clod seeking to sate th i. SURPRISE ON WHEELS Screen actress Susan Peters, paralyzed from the hips down in a hunting accident over a year ago, recently gave her actor hus- band, Richard Quine, a pleasant surprise by driving to meet him when his plane arrived at Burbank, Calif,, airport. It was the first time she had driven since her accident. She used the specially built car with all -(land controls pictured above. CHRONICLES of GINGEN FAIIM \ file still feels quite comfort- able these days even though it is the middle of \Iay. There is still very little growth in the gardens and fields although we did have quite a nice rain. But that rain needed to be followed icy '.warts. sunny days—and it twasn'.—I won- der why sontsonc doesn't tell the weatherman about it. \\•c hart had a busy title at (finger Farm just lately --quilting for the clothing duke on June 17-- )ott havn't forgotten ibout it, have lou: Uur regular Institute meet- ing was last tt cel; and 0e thought it might be a good idea to ha\e rt take the furan of a quilting. Not only do we get ;t lot of ;;outs Work done that way but tltc \cornett get a better chance to visit. .1 ,d how, says you! \\ell, l roust admit we du a little gossiping hitt it was all good -oat iced as far as 1 know. Su, believe it lir not, I don't think anyone's reputation suffered as a result of our quilting, Dot I am squally sure that suute 1 copse, somewhere, are going to he much warmer and comfortable with our good quilts ; cot cr them. They acre really lovely quilts, beautiful- ly pier «I, Hell (narked and well quilted. \\'e don't eater to the ids:+ that "anything will do for ovcscas" Brost of our members like to feel that the covers tic nt:d:e nut only give warmth but bring a liltlt hit o: cheer into home, that the war has :tripped of gaiety :and charm, ':turd,) l tool; tints orf to at- tend an auction sale. I stood around and froze :11l afternoon and then castle away without buying a tl ing:. But That wasn't my f ault— son'hody :tltt;ays raised my hid -- and there wasn't anything 11\ant- ed badly enough to stake etc keep on bidding; ag; iia and again. 1 ant not Scotch but we do lite in a Scotch settlement ,o it may he that l have absorbed st me goo 1 old Scottish thrift through the years. It may be that that nt:d:vt in c g o canny a t :1 It auction, \\'Itether 1 hu) or not I still like an auction salt 1 like to watch the scut of n ie) spirit that gets hold of the crowd which I am sure ;s responsible for a lot of the wild bidding tli:,l so often takes lilac.• '.'pun arriving home that day v. hat a surprise 1 got! \\`ailing on the tab!( for etc were six beaut- iful carnations. They were so per• fret it didn't scent possible they \\ ere real. But they were—and so utas Daughter, who brought then'.. Flora ors and Daughter, both on hand for Mother's I)ay, So also ,.ere Bob and his pansy plants -- little blooms that will perpetuate \father's Dat' for many weeks to CJ11IC. l\'ith Daughter around to tell it "TAKE GIN PILLS !" advises Sydney woman. Recommends 40 )ear old remedy "1 suffered for years Jrorn kidney trouble without getting much re. //cJ. i'heu 1 tried Gilt Pills. After taking boxes I /ell rely much int- proved."—Mrs. V.L., Syd ney,N. S. Gin Pills help remove the acids that can cause aches and pain. Sold by all druggists on a "Satisfaction. or-nsoney-back" basis. Use proves their merit. Regular size, 40 Pills Economy size, EO Pills (In the U.S.A. ask for Gino Pills) National Drug; & Chemical Company of Canada. Limited ISSUE 21-1946 By Gwendoline P. Clarke we heard plenty about the shortage of !teat and stockings in the city— hut mostly meat. 11a)'he that ac• counts for the number of strangers there were in our local stores this '.week -end. After awhile the small places will be sold out of meat too and then we shall all go vegetarian, 1 * bight now tie are anxiously awaiting the results of the Itlilk Producers' request for the contin- uance of the winter milk subsidy. It isn't that we are so frightfully concerned about the subsidy but we are curious to see what will happen if the gm•crttstent docs! t code across. \\'e can't imagine how a milk shippers' stu'ilce would he organised to be really effective On one newscast the other day someone is reported to have said that farmers are getting better prices now than ever they did and that must of them were satisfied, Partner says that is perfectly true up to a certain point, \\rc are get- ting good prices and we 1VI:R1: satisfied. But not now. Good prices don't meat a thing unless indu.try and agriculture keep in pace nidi one another. At present ,r hat the farmer Luys is about twe jumps ahead of what he sells. Right now we scent to be on a giddy old merry-go-round, with everyone 00 the horses and no one in charge to stop the music or put on the brakes, But still the farm pork goes on, and that being so I must away and put my chickens to bed. They have the run of the farm now lint at night there are always a few who haven't sense enough to go home. ,and in that they are no worse than some of the human race who should (:now better—hut don't. TARE TALKS.. !dol people Iote ,t gaud roast of \cd, butt doe, civet -pate (soon Inn\ to tool: it: Long, sloe, cooking in heat will cool, teal atoll ant! still Jeep it joie). 1-xperintent2. I :tt r short it that a Maintained lens permute of 325 deg. P., trill du the tl icl„ prof Pled the t ytluired length of tittle i, allowed, 311 to ,;5 minutes per pound is cunsi•Ietci1 hest. For top of the sto\c cool.ind, moist heat and low -sunnier iilg 1'ntpermure will tendcrire the meat and keep the tine coven tex- ture. (toiling temper,' tl lends to stake weal stringy. Veal Goulash 1 1, lbs. stewing vcol 3 tablespoons flour ;'4 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper 4 tablespoons fat 1 cup sliced onions / cup chili sauce 1 teaspoon paprika 1 t, , c, boiling water OR tomato juice 1/3 cup grated cheese Cut veal in 11..x" cubes and '.dredge with floor to '.thick the salt and pepper have been added. Melt fat in Dutch often or other heavy saucepan, add (Heat cubes and brown, Add onion, chili sauce, paprika and water or tomato juice. Cover and simmer over low heal for 11/1 (tours, or until meat is ten- der. Add '.water or tomato juice during cooking if required. Just before serving add the grated chess', Stirling servings. Veal Balls Au Printemps 1 Ib. ground veal 1/3 cup quick -cooking rolled oats 1 tablttipoon chopped parsley !rt teaspoon Worc:,tershire sauce 1 teaspoon salt I,q teaspoon pepper 1 egg, well beaten 5 tablespoons flour . 3 tablespoons fat 6 small onions, sliced 8 medium carrots, chopped 6 small potatoes, quartered %1 teaspoon salt 2 % cups water 1/2 teaspoon paprika 2 tbsps. catsup or chili sauce Combine meat with the rune 1 oats, parsley, saute, salt, pepper :Ind egg. Shape into balls, roll in 2 tbsps. of the flour, and brown well in (lot fat, 1'L•tcc meat balls in large baking dish and arrange vegetables in la3ers 011 top. Sprinkle with salt. Blend remain frig flour with fat from meat balls, a d 1 cup of cold water and stir until well blended. Add 1?ry cups hot nater and stir until gravy is until melted. Si'. 11 1Ct ALL • ONLY Sowr DRUGSTORES ./ Ih tkcuetl and sutuulli. Add pap. lika and (,Hoop. l'uur m'er meat ball, ;old tet ctal,les. Il.tke in a nuldetaa• t ten 350 deg. I'., for 1 V hours or until vegct•thlc, are Ien- drr, sc1 \ ing;s. N(11) : 1.anth niay he used lit Platt of tc,tl. Want To Reduce? It's Easy—Eat Less colt!n i; to "Si in. ,i1t10," Ina;•,tin t t the New bulk pull;t, c\ercisc i, :a poor educe. I o Ince eke pound, .I L;51,,,11114 lass would Il:,tc to (a' wlc,;lc lul lice alit! a haI low s, oI th) slty trout) tor 1(11: husk, of (c1 '.talk 111 miles, or (d) chin.. the \\'ash Melon monument •IS lin es, \\'ltv '.tut lust cat Ica, and says yourself lot of sort •Intl ural s.' REWAi{I) your fancily by serving delicious Maxwell Roust: Coltec at mealtimes. 11Iaxwell !louse has more delicious flavor -- fuller, more satisf y fug body -- be. cause it contains choice Lalin•Autericau coffees. --- "IT'S A DREAM" ----• rhat'tt %or:it your it lends will Fay or >c.ur dress (or even your topcoat) when you've had 11 re• dyed to sparkling nen los eli est by the fnnlnu. %alit pt trees or Ito-I)g el rig Fend yours In u+•, together with your color choice, and money 01 der for ?:; 00 plus return posIngc. H'e'll re-uge your hushnnd's hal tle dees nal• form in black, blue, ted, green or brown, and make It perfcrl for civilian use (or on l) gl:t p0, gle:tiro:its 5::.69 pati+ return post. aIle. 1Ve specialize In till (cues of re -dyeing. (\'rite its for pricer told in lot mations i1nt,I;'K t't►wlntlatl'I'.1 I►vl: 114:1"1'. Ilnutlllon Ilnlnrlo Good Health and Lots of Pep ' Dr. ('base's Kidney -Liver Pills have a Tong record of dependability as a regulator of liver and kidneys and bowels. 'I'he1' quickly arouse these nrga«.'1 to healthful aetivity--sharpen the ap- petite and help to improve digestion. Cleat out the poison,'. Milt I)r. Chase's kidney -Liver Pills and re- gain your `asp and happiues;, it )cis, 11 box. ENDS OVERNIGHT BAKING! ':•.,::sass:;, • 4 packets In each carton. 4 large loaves from earl' packet. Made In Canada I)lssoh'e New Fast Rising Royal In water. It's ready tor action In 10 minutes. MAKES BETTER BREAD IN HALF THE TIME! EASY '1'O USE .. , extra -fast ... New Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast gives you bread with the old-fashioned home -baked flavor your menfolks love—in less than half your normal baking time! No risky "overnight" baking bother—New Fast Rising Royal lets you do all your baking in the daytime when you can watch the dough ... knead it at the right point! Get New Fast Rising Royal from your grocer. It stays full-strength for weeks on your pantry shelf! JUST IN FUN VOICEOF THE - i � �� ' �1 HE CRESS 1fe'll Ile Occupied he I'JI Liao 11x11 jll,l art(st,l the quisling mayor ,•I ,, sni,lll lore.) lihllal('d by the r\llir,. i ',hall he null( ',led I1) •(i,(lot\ 31)11 5t ill hehavr ee 11(•0 the alhr,l ,1,Iie• get bele.' he •,,l wind), "I shall pat on 111) coal .1101 1,,11 and tt,lll, out," the ,Ini,In1); :115, wrred aiih some . tl, nlpl ,It 1111, tidy. "Oh, \5 ill vont said the marl tau. "..Mol hat ;t illy ,11 ,15,1 v(,ur hat 1)117 Earns Before marriage a for a Y.uru:ur. After "\'" i' silent. wan yeal ll- mainagc the Counted Out A nlan was passing a public- house w11e11 a figure hurtled out of the ,I, or and landed in the };tit• ter. ;\ small fellow picked hinisctl up and said angrily to the passer- by: "they think they can get away situ. that! I'll throw every one of 'then) out! You stay here and count." 111 'x(111 the little Iran. A moment Eater a hod), landed i1) the gutter. "Otic," counted the p,,,strby, "\u, it's nu shah:,,' said the little A Shame, Ain't It? Mother: "1111111, it's positively shameful the way Junior talks, 1 iii•I heard Ilial say, 'I ain't went ii i0 iei1',' I athcl "I should say it is a sI ani'! \1'11y', lie has travelled twice a• ,such as most hot; his age!, Special Attention ticvcn-y-ear.uld I\ tamed) was lis- t:ally restless in church, s1) his nlulht', 11;11 pleased oar Sunday morning, to sec hila silting; with clasped handl and !bowed head I!Irrlugh1)nt a lung prayer, \\Then later, she expressed ap- preeialioll 1)t his alll'I111\t' 111;111111r, 1 1I hay, fa e 1UIIC11l',I with a 111easan, memory. "That Ilv he chuckled, "walked i11 and tint of my 1;111(1 r\arlly lw'o hunlhrtl and sixty-five times!" May 1-Ielp Ilono\,In uas bring ,1)1)5511 115;, ;( 11) 51 huu,r 11y' IIIc c,l;nc agent v Ito 55,1, p 'rllaps a bi l l_ mole m inclined to ',Illdimi than some '1 tribe. "I think I must 1111 ;Ii en1, "that there is one dr;nv. Ir,n h to this house. It is very close to the railway, :.)mil )'1)u may be disturbed at night by the trains Still, I'm quite silk' that alter vivo 1)r three (lay; you'll gel used to n and not 111 tics. it," I)uuusan thought lot a luonlent, then said: "Sure worry, Oi'II sleep at my the first three nights. brother's Lesson One The 1105.ress entered the kit• ellen and threw up her (lands in horror, "NI). goodness, Jane!" she cried "1Vhat a kitchen: !:very pot and dish is dirty, 'Hie 1:,ble is a per• feel litter. It will take you all night to ,:Isar things up. 11'hat have you been doing:" "It is not so much what I've I, 'en doing , ma'am," replied Jane, "Intl Your daughter has just been showing me how they boil a p0• tato at her cookery school. Valuable "1'es, my own t:o)i went 0111 \Vest several years ago to make his fortune," "And what i5 he worth now?" "1 don't exactly know: but six months ago the authorities were .,ffering X2,000 for him," Temporary Apartments "1'o,i don't mean to say yon art nut raising any chickens or little pigs this year?" demanded the postmaster. "Can't du it," replied the stihur ban farmer, "I leased all my farm building, to city people." It's Time Wife. "Do you realize' that years :Igo today we became en gaged?" Absent • minded professor. "Twenty•five years! You should have reminded me before. Its cer fainly time we got married." • His Chance Full of complaints,the champion grouser of the golf club entered the smoking -(stool. here Ire tackled the secretary :thou! the nnmher of worm -cash on the grans. "Look here," he said, angrily, "isn't this the lin)c of year that yon ircal worms.'" "1'es," replied the secretary, "•Vhat will you It;‘e." 1401 tidy KIiOWS rilrl, II„I „1II' ill 1,00n, In 1 dhildnl•. ,.i \\lel her, 11,01 i Ilnl, 1M n, r, 111(1 1lard To Place :1 1.1.1y clllrl r ,ay5 unr cit ilii,I lion 11;1` hr 111 it';IUu't,I by the •tl"U)'i'le (ll mail 10 keel, l\0111,111 ill her 1'Idn Idle Widest pail Is 11) here(.).).)( '.'.1111( place ball)' i•. -C11;1111,1111 111 \I w's Ile Ilas Sound Background . \I,.jur-1 ien(r,)l 1/an Spry, u'llo is 10 a:Sln ie Clic post of chic( txectn- ivc connni,ionrr of the lluv Scouts Association of Canada nest Sep- tember, should tic an inspiriue, 11i4- tirc in the movement, 1-1is long connection aiih scouting, starting as a cub ;1))d progressing thr1ul h to a Rover and then to a Dover leader, gives hila a snlutd hack - ground for his new task. -Ottawa Citi/111 aA I U. S. Army Group M Days of 1'l,;ce II 1• I,liul,,tr,l I1.,11 111 Ih, 1 idled 1111, )1'111' 41i,lalli lit 1 •, II• \vdl die in II'Jlli ,ncidiml• :111,1 1,1111,1, IMO 51)11 In iuinrc,l. 1111 or Illi 111',1, 1'' ( Itl;l15;, J, n1nal Also Autos 'Cluck sell haul( t,.illi tram,.. at I(1 rl cro•`in} ` ; !, I,•,,,,,I: nn (nick has flan;" -Quebec (:Inroi,1,1,' •I•,Ir;.r.11.11 Turkish Gall \\'illi unmitigated gall ;lilt, sit• lin} astride the fence until near the end of the war Turkey i• steki,lg a ,rill -billion dollar loan frons the l.'niled Slates. -St, Thomas Thioles-loulual "Light" Housekeeping A' a rural 55 last W:t.-k the bride was presented with three lamps. 'I'llis is the first intimation of the light housekeeping catching o'. in the country. -Guelph Mercury teuaver to T'reviuu,+ 1'07.71I. HORIZONTAL language 1,6 Depicted is 4 Powerful ex - insigne of the plosive (ab,) U. S. Army 5 12 months 6 Destiny Division 7 Lubricants 12 Solitary 8 Rubber tree 13 Those who ail 9 Of the thing 14 AI1Iiex 15 Gossip 17 Assist 10 Go from place 26 Ornish ac- 93 Above, to place count money 44 Ventilates 11 First Chinese 27 Cereal grain 45 Road (ab.) 19 Exited dynasty 28 Organ of 46 Shut Violently 21 Regrets 14 Heart (Egypt) hearing 48 Observes 22 Man's name 16 Tungsten 29 Mimic 49 Babylonian 23 Symbol for (ab,) 30 I1 is (cont'.) deity 36 Rent roll 51 Malt drink 38 Ei11y forth 52 Truly 41 Exclamation 55 Lieutenant 42 Polynesian (ab.) chestnut 57 Railroad (ab.) samarium 18 Debit note 24 Compa spoint (ab•) 25 Maxim 20 Countries 28 Ostentation 22 Encompass 31 Suffix 25 Encountered 32 Indian army (ab, ) 33 R'Iorindin dye 34 Jumbled type 35 Card game 37 Flowers :39 Half -em 40 'Therefore 41 Sea eagles 43 Boat paddles 47 Gaelic 50Ilead covering 51 Greedily 53 Beverage 5.1 Having greater height 561':axle's home 58 Changes 50 Female horses 'VERTICAL 1 Lose color 2 Of greatest age 31Worn; ir,r:l THE SPORTING THING "For heaven's sake, you two! stop quarreling!" STUFF AND THINGS "Can you come back later? He's out at the moment!" 11 un Flattery It 1- `,0,1 that .\un,lr,ill •1)!11)1 r 11:1;, 11, 0111111 ,l ;, !di „Ilt; Noll, for IL, 1., 11 11•. 1 1111 1)I ILt 1111 -nus I• Il1,It 111) 1;Mild II- 111.1'I,nr 111',1 II:, 1'1;11cll 51;11 (11113' 1,11,11 couulry ;,nil peoldr til Illi world, (ire dl i• Ihr 1,,,•,tcr nl tl,llltn'I I'toh;,11. 55111.) Illi iicrulans talk t1 the lirilish ,111,! the Ito, i,1ns 111(1 ,1,11)111 the •,nue compliment- ar) ;111iludr hal Ihr liritislt and Rr•••i;11is have I(;on d flora (Alper- 11C1- to "Iie\rnr of the (irr(ks a 11, 11 iht 5' conic hr;iriii ' gills" --or exagecialyd rulnl lilnrnl,. t:l,,,llnun News They're human, Too 7 11( huu5ing short., ;,• has cau•cd many a person to have to live with his in-laws and to learn, .)meth to his turprisc, that they are human lit1n145. - itch( tier Record "Safety First" Oyer in New Jersey they paint bee -hives in distinctive colors, so that a bcc staggering Ilonte under a load -a load of honey, we mean -will know his own hive :1))d won't try to enter another and get thrown out, This looks Tike a very smart idea -and not only for bees, either. 1Vhat happens when the bee finds his own door but can't locate the keyhole isn't explained. Presentably he crawls through the keyhole, which man can't. But man can crawl upstairs, which beer can't as they don't have stairs, 1Vhich is just as well, as a queen het tvaitiug at the held of the stairs would he a tough baby. -Ottawa Citizen V13C[000 ES FINE CUT 1►) 16 POP -You Can Count On Them SOUTH AUSTRALIA WOULD SUIT YOU, PRO PI: SSO R' I WAY? 15 TI -IAT A 0000 PLACE I QR INSOMNIA The Melon Family '.I , u•, til Inl,L(r, ,Intl t.qua,l, ,1I) I,t,I ) i,,een in lulls. •fht•e. 11,,lt lull Hp to Illlrt or four Int squat. ll,t) •11ouh1 not tic mole tlldll -I:, Ilt'1- ;111,•5( Mcsin 11.11101 - in}' 11„Inl,l 11, -I 1:1,11,'11,d lo 11 It,llrti n.,unnr or 'shirr; still i1,r.1 a s.\,il j 1 his should Lc h)hlly niisrd \\ill, t!1)' r, .111;11 }!,u'llr1, :,til :0111 then lei\ 111 inch drt`•ing; of tit •. on. on tut, 1l;n'( ;1t I'a•I 2 fttt \keen hill.. 11IPOSSIBLE'I'01111)E the fact that 11Iaxis'ell House Coffee is expertly blended, The superb Maxi%ell house blend results from a tradi- tional knowledge and skill of the urt of coffee blend. mg. 11orrors1 11'hrncv(1- you are tcuiptcd to 411 w'onu n's fast:icns of the day, just go Ity to the attic and look :It 'him of tl,c illu'lrattil magazines of 211 year- hli•li,nl Science \lunitr,r, Here's Speedy Relief For Tender, Aching, Burning Feet Y,nt feel 1,:,y he wo11, n 11011 1n• flnnnvl II cit yo; 110111 you rhrl'l go another :tel,. You: thud wily feel tan 11 the) I, re r1)11014 right Into IIto fl,th 1'ou roel stmt till ovei with the pant and torture; L'ou'd give (n Tull(,! In 1;1.1 relief '1 wn or three eppllrnll,,0o- 01 1fu"ur'e I•:nn•rnl11 ()11 find in n few 0111)1ne:, the Nilo nod solent•o-: all l,penrr No Moller hos dl.,courut;eu you hive be, h it you lu,ve not tried I;InernId 1)11 Ihtl, you helve some• thing to tenr'n ,;s•r n hnllle Imlay til VUiST'S«s afti•,1:ack ,`Goat- . blycr Lor' ""��1� 44),e Co►d holy Vit`mlft;andtnllcagc. 5 ,... Sa(ti•Sur d onit►uc long - tion for$upprr$tjcngtii EXTRA VALUES THAT GIVE SUPERSTRENGTH *POSITIVE SAFETY EXTRA LONA LIFE AND MOST MILES PER DOLLAR Only FIRESTONE gives you these famous extra values that hate en- abled Firestone tires to eslablloh the enviable record of being the only synthetic lire to stand up on the Indianapolis Speedway for 100 sullen at an average speed of 100 miles per hour, When buying new tires DEMAND FiRESTONE-the tires that STAY SAFER LONGER. FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER C0MPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Hyalites Ciento Geer Grip Tread for Eau: Tlac• tion and Mileage II TIRE By J. MILLAR WATT 7 SHOULD 6A'/ SO - THERE ARE MILLION5 OF SHEEP Tf-IERE f MUTT AND JEFF- Owing to the "Man Shortage" and All That Sort of Rot EVERY NIGHT I SEE YOU WRITING A LETTR! WHO YoU wRITiN 70?NEW I�JIGHT PASSES WHAT CHA DON' I'M 'ter'' YoU NO, I LOVE DOWN NERE IN WAITWG CERTAINLY THE HALL,JEFF? IF.ETTER MUST THE I WROTE LOVE ,1 To MYSELF! YOURSELF,IJp STM Ai4! om, •S MORNING ARRivES Lolc.IzaE 'tiIIoRNIM; p BIG BOY'ti By BUD FISHER %hy reat,7h, c !' O. 0 0 REG'LAR FELLERS -Slightly Rattled MY WORD! JUST HEAR THAT RATTLE ! AND THIS 15 A BRA'ts NEW CAR.' 'WA] S WHAT 1 SAID- GET RID OF THAT RATTLE OR TAKE THE CAR BACK! ti y'1''(5: ,S Via MY WORD' THE GARAGE IS TEN BLOCKS AWAY BUT 1 CAN STILL HEAR THAT .0 RATTLE ! 1//if rr, { By GENE BYRNES TIfAT 11'AN'I' '1HE CAR, POFPA- THAT RATTLE WAS COMIN' FROM THIS BUNCH OF KEYS 1 FOUND YESTERDAY IN \ THELOCKSMITH'S ASHCAN , f PAGE 4, • 1 Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH— ONT, INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. J. H. R. Elliott Gordon Elliott Office Phone 104. Residence Phone, 12 or 140 COURTESY AND SERVICE, doilhat at2m t x:nhDamtoi, wa)atmaaa ,zamplzi%)**)*),DI)talm m In Memoriam li THE STANDARD - LONDESBORO Card Of Thanks Nies. \V. Jones and \Ian, tit. Tho- \\'e wish to express our appreciation etas, spent the week -end with the to friend, and neighbours for their former's parent,, Mr. and \Irs• John kindness shown during our bereave I hing1antl. I stent. Messages of sympathy, floral \les. Eric .\flet, (;, dcrich, i, spend- tributes, the loaning of cars, and the i ing a few days with her mother, \frs. service, of the Rev. J. I.. II. }lender - Fothergill, who i, not very \ve.l. \Vc s. n,,were greatly appreciated. Special are glad to say that she is home front thanks to \Irs. \\'illi;un McLean, for the Clinton Hospital. her services. \I r. and \Irs. Norman Griffith and I —Fred Argent, Reg. :\rgent. little son, Niagara Fall,, spent Sunday • -' - with the former's parents, \Ir. and \Irs. \V. Griffith. S('ND1';RCOCK—Treasured memories \Irs. Laura Sundercock, Clifford and of a dear stns and brother, Pilot \\T1 S'1'f'IEL-D \larwin \lci)owell• 1101)11Y. visited with the lornur'a sit , Officer D. K. Sundercock, who was Mr. and \Irs. John gear and babe' \1r. and Mrs. \\•rat, Carter and Jim- ter, \liss \label Sundcrcock, of \'ar- I accidently killed, 2 years ago May '1, 1941. Of Kitchener, visited over the week_ my \t ere 1.. radon visit(); s on Monday. rads on Sun 'ay, end with Mr. and \lrs..1. 1.. \Icl)ow- 1 \Ir. Ne man RoiLter of tit. Cather-; \1'c welcome \I r. and Mrs. 111 utr to ell. \Irs. Gear and babe remaining inns, spent the Week -0111 tv th hi, Somewhere back in the sunset, the community. They are tiring where for a longer wait. 1.rother, \!r. hater: on Rodger and \\'here loveliness never dies, \1r. and \Irs. Quauce lived. \Ve i pe Mr. and Mrs. Clarence COX visited Nin. Rod cr. they will feel at home among us.. He lives in a land .d glory, on Sunday with Mrs. Sam Cox 01 \I •r. and \I n. Norman McDowell Midst the gold and hhtc of the skies, visited on Saturday ttith Mrs. OsbaIdeston . George McCall of Victoria, And we, who lave him dearly, Godcrich. I It,C'., is visiting her relatives and dcston of Godcrich, Whose passing has brought many \Ir. Gordon Harrison of G dcrich, friends hrrc. It is six years since Mr.\ir. and \Irs. Albert Campbell at- tears, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. \\'. tended the farm Sale on 'l'hursday of and Mrs. McCall and Ivan left Lon ill cherish his memory always, A. Campbell. ,\I r. Richard Gardiner c f I.ucknow. , de horo to make their home in B.('‘viii., l c brighten the drifting years. Mr. and NII-:. 1)auglas Campbell cis- We arc sorry to hear that little Bet-' and Mrs. McCall's maty friend; are —In loving ntcrnory, ited on Thursday with M r. \\'rat. \1i1- ty Illair is ill with the mumps. \\'c glad to sec her again. M •thee, Dad, and hlin0r. Ice of Goctcrich. hope she is not having too swell a ,39-1p I g •\1r. Arthur Spciglchcrg, Brian and time. Barkley of Waterloo, were week -end visitors at the horns of Mr. and Mrs. AUBURN \W. A. Campbell. Brian and Barkley \I r. and \1 rs. Harry Dodd, l rode are retraining for some weeks with erich, withMrs.William Dodd, Sr. their grandparents. \ir. and \Irs. Gordon Smith and \federate, in the Muskoka district. Barbara of Toronto, are spending this \I r. and \Irs. Percy Younghlut, week with Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Mc- Douglas, Barry and Betty Youngblut, DowclL Oakland, with \Ir. and Mrs. John E. Dr, James McClinton of Timmins, Youngblut, .Miss C. McClinton, of Godcrich, vis- Hiner Kellar, Windsor, with Mrs. ited 00 Saturday with \I r. and Mrs• Neth•, and Lucile. Frank Nesbit, with his uncle, at • 1S IT 40QtIfl' MR.BROWN? ASICKLE might do well enough on a very small experimental plot, but for real farming efficiency you want something more adequate to do the lob. And when you wire your farm you are definitely on the road to farming efficiency. How much power you will be able to use with economy and satisfaction will depend on how completely your farm is wired. Make your wiring installation adequate from the start for all immediate and future needs. You'll save money that way, and avoid costly and irritating delays. No matter how little electric equipment you start with—even if it is only lights in the house and barn— you will soon want to add some of the labor-saving, money -saving electric devices for barn, tool house, home, dairy, and almost everywhere else. You will want these things not lust because they make living more attractive, but because they really make money for you. Of course you will have to have enough wiring to supply enough power where and when you want it. The economical time to wire adequately is the first time you wire. Ask any experienced electrical contractor or your Hydro rural superintendent for advice as to the best way to wire your farm. ASK AT YOUR RURAL HYDRO OFFICE FOR THE NEW FOLDER "HYDRO GOES TO WORK ON THE FARM'! \I r. and \Irs. James Scrintgcour and family, Milerton, with NI r. and \Irs. .\Icx. \Veils, on Sunday. The Hallett Branch of the Temper - Mr. and Mrs. .\Ilea Sltadtlick, Nies. ,trate Federation held is first ntectifl R. Sha'diek surf \Liss Ruth chaddick, in the basement of the lAmcleshoro spent Sunday with \I r. and Mr, tinned Church hriday evening. Rey. Walkout, at Munro. 1 Penman opened the meeting by use Congratulations t n \l iss Phyll•s („f hymn "Breathe no me breath of \tanning who graduated from the God followed by prayer, '1'hc speak• \\'cster•n Ontario University on \Wed ! er of the evening was Mr. A. T. Coop ncsda>' I er, Clinton, who very ably outlined the We arc sorry to hear about Mrs. Canada Temperance Act. it was also Fred Shobbrook's :+ce:dettt. Site fell stated that iittllctt held the unique last week an I broke her hip. Her 1r:sition of being first in the county to many friends hope that she will soon have a majority for the Temperance. be home again from the h' spital. ; The following slate of officers \vers Unite a nuntherr a'tcnded \Ir. \\int• \Vcbstcr's funeral on Sunday. Miss l.awtly 'Vetting spent Monday with \Ir. and \Irs• \\'oodinan. Temperance Federation Met. from Lnndeshoro , then drawn up — Chairman, Charles PHIL OSIPHER OF LAZY MEADOWS 117 Harry J. Boyle, The twenty-fourth is coating up. That should really occasion delight in the hearts of every youngster in the Wednesday, May 22, 1946, 1 4-. Fruits and Vegetables ORANGES - 392's, 25c; 344's, 33c; 28S's, 39c; 176'a, 59c; 150.'x, 69c. GRAPEFRUIT - 126's, 5 for 25c; 96's, 4 for 25c. LEMONS. BANANAS, TOMATOES, CELERY, LETTUCE, CARROTS, CABBAGE AND COOKING ONIONS. DRYGOODS MEN'S MOLESKIN PANTS, BOY'S FOX SERGE PANTS, MEN'S OVERALLS, WORK SHIRTS AND STRIPED WORK PANTS, ALL ELASTIC BRACES FOR MEN AND BOYS. BOY'S AND MEN'S TIES AND WORK SHOES. STEWART'S GENERAL STORE BLYTH. PHONE 9, WE DELIVER. • 0.44.4.+++:4444.44.1.44+-441.4 4+4.44 4.4g..,.,. ,..•,. ,. ,: 44 >. >♦ 4,4 >. , is 44 i4 i. i. Stewart ; vice-chairman, Frank c- >, 4.4 Gregor ; secretary, Frank Tarnblyn. treasurer, Norman Alexander; Pollitt; Divisions—No. 1, \Vitt. Jewitt, Londes- born ; No, ? George \Vatt, Myth; Na. 3, Howard 'I'reyartha, Clinton; No. 4,II Edwin \\'cod, Blyth; No. 5, Harry s, Snell, 1.owleshoro; No. (t, Arthur, ;•!: Clark, Auburn; No, 7, Guy Cunning- ;; Irani, Auburn; press secretaries, Mrs.I : Fangrad and Miss Rirk. Rev. Pen - ratan closed the meeting with prayer. Sunday is 'Temperance Day in the Sunday Sch 11. and we are to have a country at least. \\'hat would the \V.C.'l',l'. speaker, \Irs. Mackay, of r,hc••I year he like without the care- London. We would like every hotly free spirit that always scents to conte to conte and hear what she has to tell on the twenty-fourth of May. us, As a boy 1 always had trouble with \' holidays. It seethed as if it either 1 rained or else there was work to he done 00 the farm on the day of the holiday. For s: ate reason or other my hors nut on Friday night at the home parents were always more lenient hots of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, ever on the birthday of Queen Victor- newly-weds. \I iss Edythe Beacom ia, Possibly they remembered them- read an address to the young people selves ,what it felt AUBURN :\ large crowd of friends and tteigh- like to work at and a group of pupils of S.S. No. 9, children went llullett, Evelyn IRaithby, \largaret Cunningham, Floyd Stanbury, Doris he pre- 'Young, Harold Kirkcomiell, Eileen of Its Cunningham, and Ruth 1)acr, display- ed letters forming the word congrat- ulations, while \liss I3cacont read ver- ses of poetry. \ bcamtihtl chair was presented to \I r. and \Ire. Sanderson by 'Thomas Ilagg'tt and Roy Daer. Lunch was served. \liss Betty \larsh headed her grade (".3rd forth) at Gov` rich Collegiate at - the Easter exams. M iss \larsh lives with her grandparents, \1 r. and Mrs, Herbert slogridge, of Auburn, her parents, \I r. and Mrs. Bert Marsh having moved to Blyth last fall, Miss - \larsh remaining here to attend G. C.I. Arthur Ferguson and l:e'th Arthur home while the other fishing. Victoria Day was a day to pared for. The nt--rc fortunate were ablo to secure a loan of the bamboo stick used as a whip on the binder. Others had to select a strong sapling, cut it dotvtt and whittle and smooth it into /hape as a fishing pole. Fishhcoks used t he two for one cent and Ave invariably bought the big- ger ones, fearing I guess that the small whales w•h!ch were certain 10 catch Wright \wriggle off a smaller hook. There were quite a few as well 'who used bent pins. 1)cw worsts . . , , big, fat fellows were caught the evening before and carefully tucked away in a protective layer of dirt in a salnt•n can. \lost of us had ottr lunches packed at hotfte. A few of us managed to gather tip a nickel or a dints for some special forst of treat to take along. Some of the bigger boys who worked out during holidays and on Saturdays would have Money to s;tcmd. They always hougbt cheese and crackers at the sic re and possibly a can of corn or peas or sar- dines. That was a banquet to make yottr eyes pep out. The river was three and a half utiles away. \\'c used to start fishing along a mud creek and then work ottr way up to the river. \\'hat a thrill there was in suddenly landing out on the hanks of that river! It really wasn't very bier but in those days it seemed like a raging stream resembling the Saint Lawrence or some of the great rivers of .the United States. The fishing was never really very good. Occasionally somebody caught a chub or managed to wangle a sucker en t the line, and once we even ( naught a horrible, looking thing known Ias a catfish. Just the same however the gamic fisherman ort his tract of protected water on the \firimachi in New Brunswick never could have half the thrills we did. Often it ended in a voyage on a he arc -trade raft and half dr; caning. 1 certainly envy the youngster lucky enough to he going fishing on this twenty-fourth, I aright even go myself. attended a meeting of funeral direc•. tors in London on Friday, i Archie Scott, \lalad, Idaho, is with - \ir. and slrs• Jam's \\'ehster and family. \ir. Scott last visited here in 1928. Ile is a brother of the late \Irs• William Symington, who lived f.:r many years in the house now owned by Nit's. Jantcs \latch. Glenn Raitlthy was itt charge of the \lay tweeting of the 13.Y.P.U. Sunday night itt the Sunday School roost. \Irs, R. J. Phillips presided tat the piano. The devotional exercises were in charge of Ge.Trgc Robertson and Torrance 'l'abb. Jerry \'csterfclt sang a solo. Margaret Jackson and Evelyn Rr i..hfiy played ;t piano duet; Royce Phillips gave a reading. The topic was t tken by Janes Raithby and a 1 - .13ible mail was condtrtcd by Evelyn Raitlthy. The 'offering was received by Allan Raithby. Miss Sadie Carter underwent a ser- ious operation in the G sa lericit hospital on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon \V. Dobie, 13111 and Gerald Dobie, in \Vinghant. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hamilton, Godericlt, with relatives here. M Ii ' 1 Bill 1 1 I ABERDEEN-ANGUS S, 2N1) ANNUAL OPPORTUNITY SALE 12 BULLS - 38 FEMALES GUELPH WINTER FAIR BUILDING SAT., JUNE 1, I946 These cattle have been selected from many of our best herds. They are in good breeding condition, Here i; a chance to purchase an Angus bull and females rf excellent breeding suitable for 1 foun- dation herd. All cattle are fully accredited for 'I'.11. and negative to the blood test. This is your opportunity to secure breeding stock of your own price ONTARIO ABERDEEN-ANGUS ASSOCIATION A. C. McTaggart, R. H. Graham, Sec'y, President. Parliament Build';ngs, Toronto, Ont, FOR CATALOGUE WRITE THE SECRETARY. ANNOUNCING THE RESUMPTION OF OUR DAILY DELIVERY SERVICE. LISTOWEL TRANSPORT LINES, LTD., TAKE GREAT PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THE RENEWAL OF THEIR DAILY SERVICE IN TIIIS AREA. The return of many former employees from the Armed Forces, allows us to again carry on the efficient daily service formerly enjoyed in this area. OVERNIGIIT SERVICE TO --- TORONTO, HAMILTON, GUELPH, KITCHENER, LONDON. GIVE THIS SERVICE A TRY. LOOK FOR THE SILVER AND BLACK TRUCKS istowel Transport Lines, Ltd. LISTOWEL TELEPHONES - 15 and 155. ------------------------- ------ - rs. ._errs, re,, am - o,nute er Seers, with Mr. and Mrs. Russell keys, Mitchell. 11) Mrs. Albert ming is a patient in the Godcrich hospital, Mrs, \Villiant hairs, with her moth- se WANTED 200 PIGS - CHUNKS AND WEANERS At Community Sale AT HAROLD JACKSON'S FARM ONE MILE MST OF SEAFORTH. Wednesday, May 29-14 P.M. Also a Number of Grass Cattle and Springer Cows. IIAROLD JACKSON PHONE 661R14, SEAFORTH. , airs. 'I'h •mas Doyle, who is ill. Frank Sloraclt, Myth. :,itss Josephine Weir, with Airs, s1r. and \irs. John Vincent, Gode- orc•tity Reid, Godcrich• rich, with 11 r. and \irs. Fred Toll. Mrs. \Niles and her sisters, the \lis- Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gard"-, Ken - s Collinson, with Mr. and Mrs. tteth and Robert J. Scott, with Miss Mildred Scott, Reg. N., Mitchell. j ,Wednesday, May 22, 1916. NOTICE Court Of Revision Township Of Morris Court of Itevisiun for the 'I'own,.hip of \lorris is now open. All appeals on assessments must he in the hands of the Clerk by June 10, 19.16, FOR SALE 12 window frames, 21"x41", first grade chis complete %vitll glass, I5/" x31", A,pply, R. D. Philp, 39.11). TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF GREY TENDERS will be reveiwed by the undersigned up to 2 o'clock P.\1•, on t ural sitting to he Iidil oit June 17, Saturday, June 1st, 1946, for the work at 4 I'.\1., at the 'Township Hall. of rcpa'r and improvement of the (ol- 39-2. GEORGE MARTIN, CLERK, loving Municipal Drains:— Beauchamp Creek 1)rain— Notice To Contractors Estimated Cost $20,0(X).0) 'I'ENI)I':RS will be received by the South Branch llvaucliamp--.- Cotlncil of the Township of hast \\'a - wan .,h for the construction of the East and \Vest \Vatwanosl' 'township Boundary Municipal Drain. Plans and specifications, Etc., may be seen at the Clerk's Office, 1.ot ?'), Conteninn 5, East \\'awauosh. essarily accepted, All tenders must be in the hands of Security will be required. the Clerk not later than 3 I'.\1., June J. H. FEAR, CLERK, 4th, 1941,. Township of Grey. 1?'I'IiEI., ONT. The lowed or any tender not ne- 39-2. cessarlly al'r'e itcd, R. R. REDMOt(D, GROCERIES TOMATOES, PEAS, WAX BEANS; DICED CARROTS & BEET'S, AYLMER BABY FOODS HABITANT SOUP TOMATO JUICE, CRAPE JUICE, GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ROBIN (HOOD & PURITY FLOUR Wheat Flakes & Cooked Cereals LAUNDRY & TOILET SOAPS Estimated Cost $2,700,00TEA, COFFEE, TOBACCOS, T'urnhull Drain, estimated cost 2,350,00 FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABI-ES' Plans and Specifications may beI Pioneer Feeds Shur Gain Feeds seen at the Clerk's Office, at lapel, •Royal Purple Calfineal . Ontario. The Inncst or any tender nut nee- Egg Grading Station & Locker Storage EAST WAWANOSH Belgrave, Ontario, \Irs, John Ellis is visiting Miss A. 39-2. Township Clerk, Toll and other old neighbours. Tenders Wanted The Huron County Home Committee are ask- ing for Tenders for the supplying of 150 tons of Stoker Coal, 25 tons of Anthracite Stove Coal and 25 tons of Nut or Stove Coke, to be delivered on the Track at Clinton, Ontario. Analysis of coal to be submitted. Tenders to be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than June 15th. N. W. MILLER, COUNTY CLERK. w Tenders Wanted The Huron County Home Committee are ask- ing for Tenders for the erection of an addition to the Barn at the County Home. Plans and specifications may be seen at the County Home. Tenders to be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than June 15th. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. N. W. MILLER, COUNTY CLERK. 9.99• .•.4994• 0,•9.91•• 1 1 • 9 • ••••:••• ••••• •••• ••iii •iii•• %• • i•• •••• ei •••• • e.i • i•. •.• • • ••••• t+•i •••• •••••• •••• • i RESUMES NEGOTIATIONS As the nation's soft coal miners prepared to return to the pits for two weeks, John L, Lewis, United Mine Workers head, resuming negotiations with nine operators in the Labor Department building in Washington, is questioned by reporters. Miners agreed to a two weeks' truce in their strike pending further discussions on a new contract. BIG FOUR ACCENTUATE THE NEGATIVE f-. ` D'AOSTA German treaty was not on agenda, but U, S. proposed four -power; 25•. year disarmament POLAND. control. Plan met • cool reception CZENO Austria's demand for return of South Tyrol from Italy turned down cold Big Four agree to return northern.Transylvonia from Hungary to Romania Bessarabia and Northern Bukovino, taken from Ro- mania by Russia, 1940, to remain Russian. Bulgaria to retain Southern Dobruja, taken from Romania in 1940 Trieste BRIGA and,' w ,.. . ..40104,Italian treaty talks • isMIN 0.0wrecked by deadlock ' over Trieste's future r,. status, Disagree on r= reparations French•I align committee reports on disputed areas of Briga-Tendo and Val d'Osta; no action BULGARIA RHpDOPE MTS, ..,....,...x..-.004 004 mportant Danube control question left han•ing SiCiLY zee claims against Bulgaria and Albania were left undecided TURKEY Yugoslavia given island of GREECE """""• Pelagosa, with Italy accord- l""l ed fishing rights; Italy re- yVM I tains Pianosa, but may not -' -' , 1.: militarize the island ; ; Disagree over future of Italy's Dodecanese Is. I 'i More "didn'ts" than "dids" came out of the Big Fo.lr foreign ministers Paris parley to draft peace treaties for the Axis satellites as shown on the map above. In addition to disagreements indicated, the conferees failed to decide on Italian reparations; disposition of former Italian colonies; fate of the Italian fleet; and continued occupation of Italy. TEST SHOWS FORCE OF V-2 BOMB • Force of energy behind a B-2 rocket is dramatically indicated in photo at left, above, showing crater left by rocket's exploding fuel tanks. Note comparative size of men at crater's rim. Photo at right shows rocket in flight. Photos were taken during test firing preliminary to the May 10th demonstra- tion of a fully -fueled V-2 at Army proving grounds, White Sands, N. M. AT SPY TRIAL • Chief Justice J. C. McRuer, above. who will preside at the trials of seven espionage suspccts being held in the Ontario Supreme Court at Ottawa. THAT'S A PRETTY BIG PIPE, BING Josephine Blum, Hollywood, holds the giant pipe sent to Bing Cresby by an Army captain in Germany. Bing is surprised that it actually smokes. HigIiIghts of the News U.S. $3,750,000,000 Loan The ?3,;30,000,000 Loan to Britain bill, accorded Senate approval after lengthy debate and defeat of nu- merous crippling amendments, will be considered almost immedi- ately by a IIouse of Representa- tives committee and then referred to that chamber for open debate. The loan agreement, reached last December after long negotiations led for the British by the late Lord Keynes, provides for a $3,750,000,- 000 loan repayable in 50 years with interest at two per cent. In any year that Britain sut]crs circumstances which Make interest payment difficult or impossible the interest may he waived. and can- celled. A King In Exile Victor Emmanuel settled down to a life of exile in Egypt last week after a reign of nearly 10 years as king of Italy, thus joining the growing ranks of Europe's home- less royalty. The weary little man and his wife, the former Queen Elcna, were greeted by Egypt's King Farouk when they debarked at Alexandria from an Italian cruiser. The Italian cabinet ;.pproved the assumption of the throne by Crown Prince Humbert, but specified 1113 powers would extend only until June 2, 011 that day the Italian people will decide whether to con- tinue the monarchy, Setback at Simla The British Cabinet rllission's forthcoming statement 011 its con- ferences with Moslem and Hindu representatives at Simla will con- tain a declaration on Indian inde- pendence, probably indicating the approximate date by which India will become completely independ- ent. The ,British cabinet mission, ad- mitting failure of an eight-day conference with Moslem and Hindu leaders on independence for India, made it plain it still has hopes of solving the problem. The conference ended in com- plete breakdown, dealing a severe blow to the hopes of those who had expected a quick transition front British control to Indian self- government. No reason for collapse of the negotiations was given. The three British cabinet minis- ters had hoped to help India draft a constitution. Canada's Loan to U.K. At Ottawa the Canadian Senate approved a bill providing for a $1,250,000,000 loan to the United Kingdom. The bill now awaits royal assent. 1D'J' E V E R IIN CeRTAT e No LY 16 Y Se SINCE DoROTH YGOT MARRIED 'ISN'T 1T,DEAR.? Canadian Strike Threat The threat of nation-wide strike action next month against every major Canadian industry unless union wage and hoar demands are granted, enlcrgeir as the keynote of a conference of the National Wage hoard Co-ordinating Committee of the Canadian Congress of 1.ahor, held in Toronto. The committee endorsed the de- cision of the International Wood- workers of America, 11.C., to take strike action on May 15, and the decision of the United Rubber Workers of America, CIO -CCL, who have set \[ay 27 as the dead- line for strike action unless they receive an "adequate wage and flour settlement by that time." IMPORTANT DIAMOND DRILLING RESULTS Now Being Encountered on the Properties of MYLAMAQUE MINES LTD. We recommend shay,- In anti d'onipiuiy its n RISK CAPITAL INVESTMENT BREWIS & WHITE 100 ilay Street, 'Toronto 1, Ilnl. EL. 72211 i'lease nail your lurest informa- tion concerning \1ylnuiailue Nines Limited Nome Address Loan to Belgium ]ld lgian Relegates and represent- atives of the Canadian government have signed in Ottawa all agree- ment under Odell the Canadian government will grant a loan of $;'5,000,000 to Belgium. 'I'I1is loan brings the total of the credits granted by Canada to Bel- gium since the liberation to $100,- 000,000 the agency added, BE FIRM! Always insist on Maxwell IIouse Coffee, It's Radiant -Roasted by a spe- cial process t11at captures all the extra flavor and goodness of the superb Maxwell IIouse blend. GDEN'S Cbte eter Rolls an Al t . 1k.,.,.. i, .1. 1 4Y 1 in.ii, 111 . if ".. i, 1,1 Investment Service To assist investors in the selection of securities most suitable to their inch. victual requirements, the services of our organization are always available. Your enquiries by mail or telephone tvill receive careful consideration. 36 Irving Street West Toronto 1 1VOod, Gundy & Company Telephone: ELgin 4321 Limited Y a.. . I.. ii111 .Ll ,1.11 I'M FED UP TRYING TO FIND A PLACE To LIVE,/ . .., . 1i. i MAYBE I CAN HELP you— I'LL GIVE YOU A CALL To -NIGHT I1 DJ'EVER FEEL LONELY AS THE WIFE ANO YOU LOOK AT THE EMPTY ROOM WHICH YOUR. DAUGHTER LEFT WHEN SHE GOT MARRIED ITS THE LEAST WE CAN 00 FOR THEM, DEAR, ANO THEY'LL BE COMPANY FOR US TOO,/ r T BUT NEXT MORNING YOU HAPPEN TO, BUMP INTO A RETURNED 6OLDIEi'- WHO `TELLS You THAT HE AND WS WIFE CAN'T FIND A PLACE TO LIVE AND WHEN YOU CET -ro THE OFFICE AND PHONE -THE WIFE SHE HEARTILY AGREES TO RENT THE SPARE ROOM `To -THEM DAWES ...DVEVER FEEL. HAPPIER. IN YOUR Lire REALIZE WHAT A GD 0HEN Tu2NoU YOU NAVE DONE FOR. THEM ? CONTRIBL,TED BY 6-4W CKBREWERY CLASSIFIED ' ADVERTISING 11.1111' t•III l'IiS S'1'.\R'I' 11(1'1( I'LOt'IC ItlOI'I' 'I'IIIS year — \Till Top \0101. '1'011 Notch 0h10k8 stake fine birds. Eve Top Nut111 chtelc L, pi o- lecled by 1110 hest means known to modern poultry selencc, lu breeding only the finest ptlllurunt Government Approved breeder's of known livability and prudu0tivi- 1y arc used. After ineuhition a careful system of pre -shipment selection and culling protects Sou from receiving any weak- lings, Top Not,•h 4'l Ick. are great- ly redueed in mire for May de- livety, 1\'rite for free catalogue, :\Iso eight weepy to laying nil - lets. Prompt delivery. 'rep \inch ('1i''I;rrles, Guelph, Ontario. RELIABLE CHICKS Batton Strait; Leghorn anti I3red to lay Barred hocks are uur out- standing flocks. Hybl ds, Leghor0 x Burled hocks, Hemp. X Barred Rocks and started chicks. All flocks blood tested. May chicles now available, Miller's Chick Hatchery, 1''ergus, Ontario. 1)' \U)' IV.\N'I' JUNE -J(1.1' , IJi, lc s, 111e14w4 order naw to 111- :11 1e Lisping 111 11)1 3(1)1 u'L>h, and delivery date, \Ye have ehirhs for Inlnledlttle .Iclivery nod wIlI have sumo sllu'ted .pullets 0:0'13' ,I11o,' Please order oow. 1Iray Il:uehlry, 1:10 John N. Hamilton, Onto! iii. 1O \V.\ !TING 1'011 YI)I'It ('lll('lis when you order from Tit -eddies \I't• ora hatching I35,a(0 'hIeks Per wool( and eau) give, prunlll1 tiotively on all the popular pure breeds and hybrid crosses in soil sexed pullets and cockerels. 'I'w'cddle rhllks are something' to crow about! A 'I'lvcddlr flock i- 4, healthy (1001: , n pro(iurtive Roel; . . n flock that wilt (tin for you a rightful place in lh0 Large elon14'stIe and foreign mar- kets for eggs rind poultry meat. Ewc,y 'Meddle ('1tte11 y011 I'ecelve earrics the finest elarneleristIc" of its I'llllul'll1111 tested 1;ove1'It- luont Approved breeders, Send (or Iree catalogue and greatly reduced price list for 'Stay, Also ei:;111 tveek old to 20 Ivey]; old pullets. 'I'tyyddly ('hick 11a0c1- ,'1ies Limited, Porous, Ontario. HEAVY BREED PULLETS 20c. os'e\, Sussex N Il:uup., Rurb X I('onp., Now llvnp. and Darrell 1;,011 pullets tae„ ,lune 17e. Book your order NO1V, 1Lul per lull de- posit. Order from this Ad, Huron - .1.1'e (Tool, Ilatelmry, Loudon, (Int. REDROC HYBRID PULLETS 15c. '1,13'• ideal dual-purpose loved. (dont mealy 1r"ilrt-, 110,1 and persistent 1:3114, of Jorge eggs, barred I't•I( anti red saute prise. Prompt Allo- w. at, Ilig Luck I':I31n. \li1I" Ito - t. ()Mario, 25 FREE CHICKS 0111: 11.1111 i'llll'I:S A111•: 'I'JIL p,,,cen3' of I'uundnliou and 111e- gi-Iered Utrds..\II I:r'ctlets blood tested Priers Thum ae to 251. ,\Il emit:,ntred excellent lay els. Don't de1:3, 1441111 non'. (;")1)1:0)1 ('hick Hat. herirs. dlritannin Ilei 114,, too LAKEVIEW CHICKS .I'i'i'L11,I:'I:i) II REEDING 1'I,1\'I :1,0011 1)111:EI)I :Its I:o,ol; your order for \la4 or June. t1':111 the se4l'I11y 01' mealt, there will he it big d ill:) ) for I'.ullu'3 :old Li-1gs this hall and \\'inter ai a11J':1 tIve prices. It will pay- 3'"u to pal in an c\11': brood nt .•hleks this year, 1'1001 1"I' OI:I,1\'I:It1 --- \\'ith n ea- pac:ly of Gauen I,ll(e1•Iew Chicks wce1413', twr expeel we van 4iw1 prompt delivery after May 17, but to he safe, book your order 1:1 once tar 31ay, June or July. SI:\II I)Ill'0S1'I' — Fur quid: st•t'- \ i •0 send deposit ‘villi your in- t•uti3 or order, :101 or, will bout. your order al our prices 4411 '11 :1 r,• wary reasonable. \\'c w'111 promptly snail you an ael:nIw- It dgenu'nt or your 01'111 r, and if it shouldn't suit yin \we guaran- tee In return your deposit at once, This plan will give you better service. '1'1(1; BEST N'i: i:v 1:It Il.tll -- Nell �teDannel, huderieh, Ont, Colin Campbell, Now Richmond, (Sue - bee — \\'ell satisfied, lust 1 out ut' 101. (lope you can supply more. As high its 100 eggs from 115 Leghorn p111101s. 1Vouderful pro- duction reports Reuben Kennel, Shakespeare, Ontario. )1I(II:DS: barge 'Type \\'hlt(' Leg - horns, Pure Sussex, Sussex N New ilauups., D, Ruch X New !lamp., Itur14 X Leghorn, Sussex X Leghorn, Leghorn \ Now Damps New Damps., and Darrell !lurks. LARGE WHITE LEGHORNS Day old started up to 1 weeps old. I,nlceview' Leghorn: a1'14 the large (Nine. mated wilt cockerels front I'Id, stock— "Real Eels 111111 hies," SEND FOIL 11'1:I:lil.Y I,IS'I'l — t( Speeinl Prices on day old chicles, pullets and cockerels, and start- ed chicks. 1IAV, .1 LSE AND 1'.11,L 1IA'I'l'II1:1) 11001: your order for May anti ,lune, or Fall 11011'1ed Chicks \'1111'.1..1ICEV11':11' 1'01'11'111 Falt)l, well, Drns., 1':xeter, 4.111). LARGE TYPE LEGHORNS 12c. Leghorn Pullets 211., after June tat 21c. All Breeders double hloudtested and backed by high Pedigreed foundation slocic. \lawny lluroudole customer's report best chicles 1 ever had, Walter Morton, Dryden — We were %veil pleased with the pullets we received front you last year, Pullets laid well. Heavy Breed Pullets 20c. Sussex X N. 11tu»p., Rock X N. ]lamp., Itnrred' Rucks, Pure Sussex and New Hampshire pullets 20e., after June 1st 17c. Pure Sussex mixed 141„ Sussex X Hemp., Mock X hemp., Rocks anti New Has. mixed t3c., after June 1 le, less. Sussex X Leghorn, Rock Leghorn and Leghorn X Nev 1Tam1. mixed 12c., pullets 22e., after June 1st mixed it. less, pul- lets 3c. less. Assorted pullets 18e., June the. Assorted Mixed 10e., June 90. Cockerel and started prices on request. Order from and enclose this .\d, 91.00 per 100 de- posit. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, London, Ontario. Itl'11.IING SUPPLIES IILOI.1( 3lAC'HINE 8" ANI lu', 1;11 11141 C Staley 81:whiners. 25 SI Alban's Street, Toronto,' Ill SI.\ 1:•, 01'1'011'1'1 .\ 1'I'I KS MR. WOOL GROWER 11'4- operate n l;uvel'OUI'nt Licens- ed \Vuol w':l'ehouse and are pre- pared 10 purchase this season's \vo01 clip according to Govern- nu'nt. (;radL1e 1•4181idards J)nd 1)l eylablislied Government prices. Prompt sl•Itlementa made, 1'ou can apply your wool credit against blanket purchases, \Vo Ito 1101 handle used woollens nor aro we able to do ('usleun( \\'ork, 'I'll]; S'1'1).1'I'llltOV 11'1101,1,1:N 11I1,1.s. 1.1111'1'1:1) S'I' I t .(4 1' 11111)1', 11;1'1'.1111)), DYEING AND CLEANING IIAVt: YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for haul motion, We are glad to answer your questions. Depart. ment II Parker's Dye Works Limited, .791 Yonge Street. To. ronto. 1'1111 SALE I'ItI:A1II'31 1. 4'1.1'I)ES11.11:I: STAl.- 1iun, 27110 1'yt'i0 Renown. En- rolled for 3 years, Brown, while markings. Sell cheap or trade for 010ek. Foaled in 193I. Alex 1'raw'ford, Dox 71, l;o seou, Ont, 4 (4)IAI;t:, SERVICE STATION ANI) house for sale in a small village near 1 'allninetnn, 8 room liottso near g;1a4e. Must be sold toge- ther, ('rile 90,000 for both. Apply Drawer F. Jnclesons Point, Ont. CEDAR POSTS FROM 3'' TO 7" tops. Apply it & G Lumber Co, Subsidiary [3ogdon & Gross Fur- niture Co, Ltd. Walkerton, Ont., CONS'I'11UC'I' YOUtt OWN TELE - scope to study the stars view cra- ters on the moon, ICI( Includes 21." object lens, 3 foot lube, eye- piece and Instructions (or assem- bly, $2.50 postpaid, S. ,lanes & Co. 512 Canada Building, Saskatoon, 11.1DIOs — NEW AND USED. HARD to get tubes and parts of all kinds, List sent for stamp. Econo• my Dis111hl1ors, Kingston, Ont. TURKEY POULTS — PROMPT DELIVERY Isis can Rive prompt delivery 011 1:road 11reaslet] llrunzc Turkey 1(ey !'nulls, or hoot( for May and June dell\ cry. !'nuns hatched from blood10sted, pttllnrum flee breed- ers, under ideal conditions In most modern 1946 model, all electric and automatically con- trolled turkey Ineubalwrs, and hatched in separate, nen' turkey 811' 0,11,1111,,11181 11a1chery. Send fur 1'riee hist 1(11)1 (1111 particu- Int's. No orders arecpled less Uu111 50. -\(I' 1;111.1i1 41" — I1(10IC Y11'I: (II11 11'1111.1•: 1..\KI,,V1I;\\' I'l'ItKI';1' 11.\\'( 11. I'os. 183, I:'ett'r, Ont. !'hum' 17:1, HYDRAULIC TRACTOR SEAT New A1t.oi"I• I:•'/. !tide 'Tractor Seal, I'nsseoge'r eau' (10 (0)1, ell. 111111a10, ride L,Ilgtle 011 your 1mut or. I:111'si114' Ti actor ('o., 11'e,dstsl,, Ontnr10. I:1.1':('1tot 3)11'1Dlts (0I:w, tisl:)1 heath, s,.lo, rebuilt: hells 0111. I1.ys, h'nshrs Allen Flo Irl(' Cur0• p,113 1,1:1. 2:176 DnlleIin 51 '101• MOO 1111 C11O11'I: I'L'(,UItESSI\'t: I:V111t- 1)0411'e1s sS for 91.111: 58 for 91.75; 100 [01 $•!:.Intl: 2a0 fol' 95 till, pre- paid 111 1.1 Nursery, 11'est River. Nov:, Scotia. ATTENTION FARMERS For Sale: 'Tractor 'fires, mule of rubber, suil4Ido for belling on steel twhds•, $10.00 each. 11'Iten orderitt4 sl:(!' diameter and 4011(1 of tolled, National 1lnhber ('0, Ltd., 5 11'1115hire .\we., 'Toronto, IMMEDIATELY 1 horizontal 15 h.p, sle:un huller' eulaplele, sut hje,l " 10.1. Apply C'ry'stal Cleaners. 115 Princess, Kingston, 1)11111 . P.11111S 1'1111 SA1,11 5IIIRALDI':N J1:11S1:1 !'ARM ((EO• istered, Aeetedlled — 11,0.1".— City Milk Shipping — 2011 Acres Good Soil — 'Praetor, and Imple- ments — Modern Brick house a1 Village. nod Station, Jas l'or'an, \\'est Boone. Que. '1'1\'0 IIUN Di1EI) ACRES FENCED eighty workable, sugar hush large bank barn, spring water, large house, water, Milk, tele- phone. In between two towns. Brazier, South River, 101 Al'111: WARM \1'I'I'll lll'DRO, 11 miles East of i1'acehridge, 60 acres bush and 40 acres clear, 7 roomed Iodise, barn, stable and garage, brooder house, other buildings, Apply Fred Ellis, brook, Jlustcok:„ OM, 150 Al')t1: I'.\RA1, 130 VNDEIt etlltivatinu with lir without stock and machinery. Ned Ste - Namara, Masson, Quebec. 11AIRDIt11551NG LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method Information on request regarding classes Robertson's Hairdressing Acad• 11113', 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. 111:1,1' WANTED 't'\VO MEN \\'ANTI':!) TO WOR!: on (0101, 21) utiles east of Ottawa, 3'081'13' elnp1nynteul 10 the right men. Geo, Spence, 1,eetltlld, Ont.' OPERATING I1U091 NURSES, AL - so Obstetrical 1)1111 General Duty Nurses for York County Hospital. Newmarket, Ont. Stale in first letter salary expected. Anp1y to Superintendent, COOK Ulf:NE[1AL ANI) MAN FUR gardening and to help iti house, to live in, private apartments sup- plied, family of three Write or phone .1. M. 1\'alhn'e, (1014191111, Ontario, HOUSEKEEPER AND MAID Permanent positions, best wages, comfortable home, large grounds. Twenty minutes from downtown Toronto. Two adults one school child. Excellent opportunity for widow older daughter as; maid, two sisters ete. Write Advertiser, 59 114lgow'oud ave., Toronto 8, Ontario, 1111:DICA1, IT'S 1'1t(IVEN — EVERY SUL''FI1It- er of Rheumatic Paltl1 or Neuri- tis should try Dixon's Itemed7. Munro's Drug Store. 335 Eight, Ottawa, Postpaid 91.00. • S.1TIS1'V 1'OURSI'1LF' — EVi:R1 sufferer of llheum:1 0e Pains of Neuritis should try Dixon's 110- ntedy. Munro's Drug Store, 33:• Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. 11I:1)Il'.,I, S'r)MA('ll AND 'THREAD lvtllt\ta often are the cause of 111 health In humans, all ages. No one Im- mune! \silly not find 011) if tI1z 19 your trouble, interesting part 'cu. Ines — Free! (Write Muiveney'e Remedies Specialists, 'Toronto 3 M:\KIi LIFE WOR'I'II LIVING! \VIII' SUFFER do Mull countless numbers of happy users are doing for the effective relief ot: Chronic C'a• tnrrhnl conditions (as In Bron• chit's, Asthma & Sinus Pains). Skin disorders such as Rolla and Pimples: Arthritic & Rheumatic Pains; Ask your Druggist for Odorless and Tasteless ADAM'S GARLIC 1'1::1 I1 LES or write Richmond Adam Co., P. 0. 374 Vancouver. Can. 93 per 100 I'enrles. enough for 5 weeks 1l151'1411 .% NEOUS GUNS 111:1',\I11ED, SCOPES mounted. Special twelve gunge shells for (leer. A. llerrgott, Gun- smith, (Woodstock, Ont. ('OIlSA(;ES: LEARN TO MAICE your own, Send only 25c for coin - plop lesson. Florists often pay eeparts 135,011 110113', S:(I(lorla Plower Shop, I'bstor1:1, r)hto, 1'. S. A. Itl'S'I'1- S'I'I:I:I. 'I'ItEA'1'14IJ 01'1; SI'1:l'I.\i.TY RUSTY ST'EETi roofs anti leaky asphalt shingles. Built up gravel and pitch roofs. A11 work guaranteed. Write for estimates. Peterborough hoofers, vGG Water St, Peterborough, Ont, Ml'SICA1, INSTRUMENTS 1'P,E1) A RODDiNGTON BUYS sells, exchanges musical instru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2, 111'I'llll'I'11NI'l'IIIS 1,011 WOi11CN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Atarvel graduates. Amerlca'a greatest aye - tens, illustrated ratnlogue free, Write or call MARVEI. HAI AI R IMIESSING SCHOOLS 358 Moor St, \V, 'Toronto Branches: 4.4 ICing St. Hamilton A'' 74 Rideau Street Ottawa. I'A'I'F,N'I'S 1'1':'I'l1EI{S'I'ONIIAUUtl & COMPANY Patent Solicitors, Established 1890; 11 King \1'esl, 'Toronto Booklet of information on request, l'llll'I'DGIAI'ty TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed (i Olt 8 EXPOSURE ROI.!» 25c, REPRINTS 8 for 26c, FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE Von may not get all the films you want this year, but you can trot all the quality find service you desire 13' sending your films to IMPERIAL 1'I111'1'11 SIERVICit: Station I, 'Toronto. FIL314 ELOPED 25 CTS. (lUA- rnnteed ane day service. NO 11'AI'I'1 \(: 1111 w Photo Ser vice. North lo,t ACME QUALITY & SERVICE L,'oll developed told 8 prints 25c, reprints :11, 1.8(.11, 4'' x 0" enlarge- ments mounted in attractive fold- ers 2 for 25e, )rlc \1 end service yu:lran ttied, .11'1111 I'IIII'I'11 sl:ltV1('I: Stn, 11, 'Toronto, (_'A311;RAS — 131311':01,1'11: FREE delivery on faultless Miniature Cameras, complete with Eveready case 95.25. 127 [1101 for above 27c, Free !'rice List Photographic supplies, Write: Dept, L Cameras By :Hail, Shelburne, Ont, ANY PICTURE ENLARGED Size 111 X 11 inches, 98c. Inch, 1,1n1t two (limy Studio. Dept. 7, '12 Kenneth Ave., Toronto, GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE I'l uStl"1 MAIL SEiRVICE Any Size Holl — 6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMEN'T'S 25c Size 4x6" In Beautiful Easel Mounts Enlargements 4x6" on Ivory tinted mounts; 7x9" In Gold, Sliver, Cir- cassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 59e each. If enlarge• nlent volumed, 79c each. Reprints AL(de From foul Negatives 3c. Eaeh DEPT. al STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE MIA 1211, I'osl Of flee A, Toronto Print Name and a\ddress Plainly. WING'S PHOTO SERVICE All prints with decide edge. 0 or r 9 exposure rolls 25e. Reprints oc. each, Box 2, Station J. Corolilo. STAMPS IN 1919 'nth; CANADIAN GOVERN - 411e111 put out a 95.00 War Saving Stamp. Will pay 950.00 for each copy uttered in undamaged con- dition. Good stamp collections also purchased. I3ox 3060, Station 13, Winnipeg, Canada. 1WAN'1'El) GENERA!, Illi GROCERY ST01110 to prug'ressive town or village. 1L•(t'e 90,000 down payment. 1tux • 92, 73 Adelaide \1'„ Toronto. 1 ECG BUSINESS \WAN'I'1:0 IN small town. Substantial ('ash. \('rate Dox 9!, 73 Adelaide \\'„ Toronto, (totalin, \\',\N'I'L0 — Ex -officer, wile, one child urgently need house or 3-4 room apartment, anywhere within 511 miles of 'Toronto. Write P.O. Box IGO, Stoney Creek, Ont. '!'CRN 1'OUIt FEED, MASH, AND grain Bags (whole or torn) Into cash (4Ve pay freight rotes and highest prices, Write toddy to the 1.0111100 I3ng Company. London Ontario. \\'.\NTI:1, NEW 011 ('7.110, 1 lathe fur turning axe handles. 1-21 In. bend saw, (live prices and full particulars. A. 13. Tur- enne, St, Pierre, Manitoba._N 11',1N'I'ED '1'0 111'1' WANTED TO BUY Best prices paid for good wal- nut — either standing trees or logs. Telephone 4-4754 Kitchen- er or write: PANNILL VENEER COMPANY, 42 Edward Stret, Kitchener, Ontario. ASSAULT WINS PREAKNESS Assault, with Jockey Warren Mehrtens up, makes it two in a row as he streaks across the finish line to win the Preakness Stakes at Pimlico track, Baltilnore, Md, Hard on his heels is Lord Boswell, rid. den by Jockey Doug Dodson. On June 1, Assault will try to add the Belmont Stakes to his Kentucky Derby and Preakness crowns to make a Grand Slam in the Sport of Kings. N+� 0.4 SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six Bit Critic") ...., 1'llel'e arc certain matters in con- nection with sports—and more e I)ecially regarding sports pages— which .lever cease to puzzle us more than a little. And the fact that 1ve, personally have occasion- ally been faintly suspected of being a sports writer doesn't make the puzzle any easier, 4 4: For exaulplc; down in the State of I\Laryland last Saturday a thoroughbred named ASSAULT ran a mile and three -sixteenths in comparatively slow time—almost six seconds behind the record. Yet pages of wordage and piclureS regarding his feat were published ill papers all over the map of the United States and Canada. But w'llen, just one clay later, a trot- ting -Mare tagged I:AOLA, clipped three full seconds off the world's ul i I 0-and-a-quarter—possibly one of of the greatest sports perfor- mances in fifty years—hots' much publicity did the lady get? About as much as would be given to a corner grocery stickup 1\'illl loot anlounting to a dollar and a quarter, 4• r Asked the reason for such ;t last discrepancy in coverape, any sports editor would promptly inform) you tl.at it's simply because telt times !Imre people are interested in thoroughbred racing than in the harness -horse variety, But if you Si'CCE Liverpool vs Ulster Englund) MAPLE LEAF STADIUM 11'ednesdny, ,Imre :1 — 7.15 11,111. Tickets, tI11.511, $1,11(1. All Senlr Reserved. 3LUL 1)111)1:1)7. TO t'Is'I'1•:R cru Maple Leaf Stadium Toronto Enclose full payment for Hikers requh'0d, Our 15 penis tvlllr each order 111 eu4cr cost of r131s- Irulion, —j MACHINER Y NEW AND USED Of Every Description Phone' EL. 1271 H. W. PETRIE CO. LTD 11; 1'runl SI, W. — Toronto 'WIl 111'1 .0 SEM.!," LIFE can Begin AFTER 40,/f.. Around 40 our energy lessens. But, ex• perience has taught us to do our work with less effort. The years ahead should yield the greatest accomplishments, the most enjoyment and happiness. They can, too, if we avoid the kidney and bladder disorders such as Back- ache, headache, Rheumatic Pains, Lassitude, Loss of Sleep and Energy which so often attack those around 40. For over half a century Dodd's Kidney Pills have been helping men and women to keep kidneys and bladder in good order. If you are nearing 40, or past it, for the sake of your health and a happier future use Dodd's Kidney Pills today! I 2 5 DON T just comp/ail o(itchinq, burning do sometliinq about it •' If you are troubled with itching piles or rectal soreness, do not delay treatment and run the risk of letting this condition become chronic. Any rectal itching or eoreneas or painful pnssnge of stool is nature's warning and proper treatment should be secured at once, For this purpose 1{el a package nt Hem - !told from any druggist and neo as directed. This formula which is used internally is r. small, easy to take tablet, will quickly re- lieve the itching and soreness and and in healing the sore tender spots. Heat -Bold isleasant to use, Is highly recommended and it seems the height of folly for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile con- dition when eo fine n remedy may be had at such a small coat. Money back if you are not entirely pleased. NOT]: The sponsor of this notice 19 an old, reliable firm doing buslneas in Canada for over 20 years. Ilem.ltold must help your annoying and painful pile condition—must do it quickly, easily and pleasantly or your own lest of this remarkably surreasfu' formula costa yen nothing. Try (1 toils,. .—..—.+1 asked 13111 to tell you, honestly, just why there should be such a difference of interest in the two sports, what then (would the an - Wet' be? Boiled down to essen- tials, we think it would be some- thing like this—merely because, over a stretch of years, sports edi- tors have devoted ten tinges more SI ace, ten times better writing tal- ent, to the one than to the other. 111 0111er \yards the running horses have been blessed with more and better official and unofficial praise - agents an ' they—rather than the merits of the sports themselves -- created the greater interest, 1 As an illustration of what purr gaily hue will do, take the case of the 1111' -:\ lc. NESS STAKE, al- ready alluded to. Reading and listening to some of the junk put out regarding this event, one could easily get the ide:t that it's a real 'classic'—enc to be compared with the English Derby, the Grand National, or even our own King's Plate, lust how much of :t 'classic' it actually i' can hest be judged front this: since it was first run in 1873 it has been at five different distances—utile-and-a-half — milc- :ultl-a-qu;u'ter —mile—mile and an eighth—and now a mile -and -three - sixteenths; and also, for a stretch of 10 years it wasn't run at all. C•la,sic Ile eys! 4, 4: 4 Continuing along the same line, lake the spurt of lacrosse. For our money lacrosse, well played is ' just .tho ut the best ..1111 Most excit- ing game there is, Wet a conlpar• atively mild and tedious pastime called baseball has all hitt w'ipcd It clean off the Wrap, Why..? \\'ell, for several reasons. But princip- ally because there isn't a day in the year %%hen you can't read sonic• thing --:and generally something in1(1051int7—about baseball; while about the only time lacrosse man- ages to make most sports pages is when they carry a small story, tucked (town in an obscure cornet', You 11'111 111th, 'tnying 41 The St. Regis Hotel 1'))11(1('111 • !:ter) ltoont w'111, 11,1111 shutter and 'I'elrphone • Single, 82.50 up — 1)ouble, 53.50 up (a timid Fond, 1)11110(: and Dune. Ing Nightly. Sherboarne 111 Carlton Tel, RA 4135 1 I,uIJ Ii.l. a,lr-I,l'.J IBJ, I I .4,p:)'N,:I',,.tbldliArttu ■i,,.. Art Halliwell Auto Wreckers 1405 Moor St. W. LA. 4433 Toronto Are interested in the following (luol11,4 you on your used car Quoting' you on your wrecked car (no matter how much is left of it) Quoting you on your used scrap machinery Quoting you on sow' new and used auto and (ruck require- ments Quoting 011 your new tiro re- quirements on our budget Man. %1 5� DDT RESIDUAL Household Spray A sure end to flies, mosqui- toes, moths in homes, camps, restaurants, etc. One spray- ing praying properly applied to walls, floors, ceilings, etc., will kill insects landing on it for weeks. In addition to DDT contains a quick knock- down agent. Non-staining— no unpleasant odour and safe to use. *Trademark Read, ASK YOUR DEALER FOR "GREEN CROSS' ISSUE 21-1946 regarding the annual meeting and election of officers. Of course lacrosse has lung car- ried the curse of being run by a bunch of men imbued with the sporting spirit of the small tad who cries, "If you won't play my way 1111 pick up my Marble's and go home"; by then who are far more interested in seeing their own names in print, and hanging on to office year after year, than they art in the good of the game. in On- tario lacrosse is practically con- trolled by men living within ten miles of the Toronto City Hall. And yet, if a lacrosse -loving citizen c.f that metropolis twat ted to have a look at his favourite sport some Saturday afternoon, 14 here— alt Where—It's/Uhl lit have to wend his tray: Don't ask us. \\'c just hap- pen to live there, and wouldn't be likely to know. But we could tell you, right r ff the reel, what's going on at the baseball park. 4 4, 4. :\1111 so, to :11r. Hugh 'Tcntplin of Fergus, and to others intent on the revival of the best galls on earth, oar wet y hest wishes—;old :t small \.ol'd of advice. If you want to gel any where, call for a bras; -new deck: and start a fresh Ileal. "foss the old deck into the discard ---;Ind get I oiug with it hunch of men who are more itterc-ted in seeing lacrosse played )l:au they :re in how it Is run bchino the scene-. or 4411,) does the runninc. Unusual Features In Fiberglas Car 1 pas•elgel' autun:,blic with body constructed of fiherglas plas- tic and incorporating pruhahly a dozen other unorthodox features \vas announced at 1)elroit by \1'ikliaml L. Stout, noted auto- motive and aviation engineer, 1?xccpt for the doors, the entire body, including floor, roof, sides and ends, is one piece of fiberglas. It Late.. a smooth finish indistiug- uihablc front enamel on steel. Other unorthodox features in- clude: Engine in die rear, no chasis 01. axels, wheel» individually sprung on air cushiol,s, wheels at the end of car without conventional overhang of standard automobiles, 137 -inch wheelbase, 00 standard front and rear scats, interior space six feet wide with the floor Incas• acing 11 feet: driver's sett is fixed to the floor and „dju•tah!c: inter- ior can accomodate two or more movable reclining chairs: at rear end of interior is a six -fool couch that can be made up into :1 double bed. .\ bumper runs all a:v and the ear, the dears arc opened with electric pushbutton; and a curved (windshield protides \i'Ie uno1- slrticled driver vision. The h( fly material has ten times the inlpllct strength of steel and cannot be dented with .1 hammer. British Soccer Internationals To Visit Canada :\ million dollar,' ‘4 ()rth in sac cct' talent is about to hit Canada. It's the visit of the professional team from Li t crpool, England, the second blitzed city in all of Britain (luring the war. Undoubtedly the coining of I.iv• crpool, in their red shirts 8"d whit pants and a half century of tradit- ion behind them, will he the great fcatue of the current season in Eastern Canada. The Liverpud- lians play in 'Toronto, at Maple Leaf stadium. They'll meet prob- ably the finest team in all of Can• a(la, Ulster United, a club with .1 30 -year background that has won the highest honors the game can bestow in this count'}'. For this special game Maple Leaf stadium will be reserved practically in its entirety, and fans will conte from as' far south as Windsor, as far north as Fort William and Port Arthur, and as far east as Montreal. Toronto is the only place in Canada where Liverpool will play and the other cities itt which they will appear in- clude New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Baltilnore and St. Louis. J PAGE 8 1 1 1 ,! NEW MATERIALS— FOR YOUR SPRING ANI) SUMMER SEWING HAVE JUST ARRIVED. A Good Assortment of Slub Silks and Ginghams in plain colors and floral patterns. Spring Shoes for the Children, Arch Shoes for Men and Women - Sisman, Greb and Hydro City. Work Shoes for Men and Boys --- Men's, $3.95 to $5.50 - Boys, $3.25 to $3.50 THE STANDARD PERSONAL INTEREST Doherty Bros. Mrs. Lloyd \Wettlaufer is visiting at Iinrgessvillc. GARAGE. r. Peter Brown, \Windsor, spent the week -end \with his wife, here. rs, James Hoffman, \\', odbridge, spent last week with her sister, Mts. John Staples. \I r. \\'esley Bowen, Royal Oak, Mich., is visiting his mother, \Irs. 11. I tort cn. \lis, Frances Johnston has returned to 'Toronto after a visit at her home itt Illytlt. Nit.. Reg. Argent, of \Welland, has .= been visiting his home in Myth, be- ing called house due to the illness an 1 subsequent death of his mother, the ,. late Mrs. Fred Argent.62111)ADI NIINNIXDIP'mmDIa0%)IX,ID1Pi?ItiniklikhA li01 2iTh))1° •''9 \I r. and Mrs. Jack Bowes, Ingersoll, fi.i •i •�H�.f�.f� f�f�H:• ffsri'.ff0.t,• ff.Ml,1•+ f ,H;• •�••�.•;f•O,�f Cilli `•H 4.�•Offb•iHVfi•f�.f••i}t•�•O.Oifi�f,J•;fill sprat ty the cch-old with relatives it: Olive McGill fi Superi -- FOOD STORES -- CAMPBELL'S VEGETABLE SOUP . GRAPE -NUTS FLAKES .. ....... CANNED PEARS • t: wits On their return they were ac- contpaitied by -Mr. William Ilowes, who i is spending a fete days itt Ingersoll. \Ir. \\', G, \lc\all is in Tor nto this week its connection with itis husi- •• Hess as Commissioner of Agricultural 3,. Loans. Ile was accompanied to the • 2 TINS 21c 2 LARGE PKGS. 25c ' 20 OZ. TIN 20c : SPECIAL COFFEE SALE MAXWELL HOUSE, NABOB, CHASE and SANBORN RED ROSE, CLUB HOUSE .- .., . 1 LB. BAG 43c PALMOLIVE BEAUTY SOAP, 2 Reg. bars 11c; 3 Giant bars 25: OXYDOL .... -.. 25c FRY'S PURE BREAKFAST COCOA, Hf. Lb. Tin 19c, 1 Lb. Tin 31c PUMPKIN PIE SPICE ..............._ ... GARDEN SEEDS. NURSERY PLANTS, MANGEL AND TURNIP SEEDS. PIONEER AND LiFETERIA FEED. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. % We Deliver. -- E. S. ROBINSON. -- Phone 15G PKG. i0c .0 ;, , •H�.++ :44j•4�H�•• p:•i' 1"'P'i••i•1•• 1,•41••1H:4.144+0.**:H:H1H;•.*•14.1**1.1H:•;H�•Q11.;H;...•ij CIIltrclt for special services on the oc- t M �'I"'"'i"+ 1N 'i" nFF R. D. P}•IiLP S DRUG STORE casion i f the burning of the mortgage on the church. Pincer Street Church, t ►ww• 4N,11•44^I14.4•N4441..•M44•14hrN4N•I city by \Irs. \Ic\all. They hope to attend the ruining of the King's Plate on Saturday. Mr. Ronald Leffler, of Ottawa, cal- • led on \I r. Bernard Hall, I n Tues- .: day night, \Ir. Leffler and Mr. Hall .. were "bud Tics" in the army. Nccd- ;1; less to say, the re -union was a happy one. y rs. Fred Genttncr, Dashwood, •. spent the tweck•end with her dough- ?, ter, \Irs. Fritzlcy. She accompanied Mr. R. Pollard an 1 \Irs. Fritzlcy to Burford on Snnday, where they visited •_• with NI r. att'.I Mrs. George Fritzlev, 3,. Rev. A. and \Irs. Sinclair will gl 1?. to Sarnia for the ‘week -end, when Mr, Sinclair will he in the Parker Street Acetylene and Electric Welding A Spe'cialtyf Agents For International - Harvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing. _ Vod:en's BAKERY. WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, IIO.ME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "'TIE HOME BAKERY" H. T. VODDEN. IIIYNN+ L COLE R.O. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN GODERICII - ONTARIO, Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted, With 25 Years Exrericnco will be at R, D. PHiLP'S DRUG STORE BLYTH, ONTARIO. NEXT VISIT WEDNESDAY, MAY 29TH FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. TELEPHONE 20 What Do You Read? When in need of Reading Material for holi- days or Evenings, visit our Magazine Counter. All the Popular Magazines in Display. Extra copies of the Toronto Star Weekly available, also the Montreal Standard. A new supply of Birthday Candles and Holders All Colours. The Standard Book Store • �•it;= SEALED TENDE.?S MEMORIAL HALL ADDITION SEALED TENDERS will be received by the under- signed up until noon of Wednesday, May 29, 1946, for the erection of a one -storey brick veneer addi- tion to Memorial Community Hall, with erection and equipment as set forth in plans and specifica- tions which may be inspected at the home of the undersigned from 10 A.M. wail 6 P.M. each day until the above designated date, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 38-2 FRANK HOLLYMAN, Sec'y-Treasurer s 1 Li 41 I 11 Frank's Home Bakery FRANK'S HOME BAKERY IS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. We are welcoming all our old customers back, and also hope to meet lots of new faces. We have a bake truck on the road, with plenty of Fresh Home-made Bread, and Good Things to Eat, and a driver that is more than pleased to serve yeti. In the store we have Fresh Baked Goods Every Dav, including Pies, Orange Raisin Cakes, Jelly Roll, Date Squares, Doughnuts, Tarts, Cookies, Date Loaves, Etc. PLEASE DO DROP IN AND SEE US. Thank You, The Management and Staff, Frank's Home Bake Morris Township Council The Council of the Township of •Morris met in the Townsiti;t Hall on May 13th with all the members pres- ent, The Reeve (presided. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Sarnia, is it fornn'i• charge of Mr. Sin - ;,clair. t i John Knox Iloltzhattcr and Alan Holtzliancr, of Beverley, with their wives and families, visited last weck- w end with their ,pother, \I r;. M. ifoltz- hatter, and \f r, Holtzhatter. \lr. and Airs. Leslie McElroy, ac- v • cc�mpan'cd by \frs. (iordou Morris mi. and \liss Nettie ('amphcll, all of 'To- ronto, spent the Week -cull with rcla- owes it! Blyth. • cd by Sant :\ !cock. that the Road l.i- ability insurance be renewed with the • General Accident Company.—Carriel. ;1 Moved by Charles Coultcs, second - cd by Joseph 1'ttill, that a grant of I FOR APPOINTMENTS. PECI Wednesday, May 22, 194, .11 1 I. 1 1. I - '.1 .11 ,^ THEY E THE FOLLOWING ARE NOW BACK ON THE MARKET, AFTER AN ABSENCE OF SOME MONTHS, SOME ARE STILL IN SIIORT SUPPLY— SCHiCK ELECTRIC RAZORS ELECTRIC HEAT' PADS CUPS AND SAUCERS HAVOK MOTH CRYSTALS LARVEX WELCII'S GRAPE JUICE POLISHING CLOTHS ........_._ $IG,C0 and $21,50 $5,95 $1.00 to $2.25 49c 85c 35c 25c FLAXOAP ....... ..... .... 25c FILMS (ALI. SIZES) THE NEW DESIGNS OF WALLPAPER ARE NOW IN STOCK. MAKE YOUR CHOICE W11ILE OUR RANGE IS COMPLETE. 1 i y 4 '0 4 R D. FH1LR, Phm.'B. DRUGS, SUNIII 1I S, 11'ALLPAI'FR—PHONE 20. .1 .'L 1 . ,,.Y 1. 11 GIdJ:LA..1, d. U %.� .L.GOn41�4n .a...�.r.YYrrr�t'�'vN.irYa.W. 1 ettatQtct;octet'yta�omtctetzt.'.tw::tZvcto•valt e.tczty c,tct ,tzt:t,.•c .;a4iei�•cctatarc4 2 We offer a pleasing Variety in Studio Lounges, fit- ted with Spring -tilled Mattresses and Cushions, covered in Attractive, Durable Fabrics. For downright c'omf'ort, try one of our Lounge Chairs. Upholstered in high grade Velour Covers, they are built to last a lifetime. A wide selection of Occasional Chairs in good covers, at popular prim'• A call \rill convince you of the many excellent values we are offering. JO L , rJ� ti • 1 home Furnisher THIS WEEK. VEAL CHOPS. STEAKS. CU'T'LETS. ROASTS. FRESH PORK SAUSAGES - 25c. HOME -RENDERED LARD. 1'1 Phones 7 and 8 — Funeral Director. 19 3i0it�dt9?id?2`NXIkPt�i'Chat'.'�L'"ialDi`di'vtiisi?,111Si1`3i:r21u,-,a;:42";�, 2tw.,2111,:'iaiDt.1;�1a=1)1alhiD11.1 iH'H•1 •• •� ••H•. •4 4x441.4 •4 ••� 4, ••� • 1,•1 •••••, ••, ., ••, •,, .•• • .•. •;�.•, •;,.•1 i •.•• i • ••, ••, ••. ,•,1 . ••••;. ••1 ,•.OHO i • f•� ••. •••.•. ••� ••, i,.) HU G 111, •=f BLYT1I --- ON'T'ARIO, • EXCELLENT FOOD - GOOD SERVICE 1t 1• Meals at All H t�tars. 44 •_: 4=: 4=: =J a: ?: 4'4 i , $109,00 be given to the Pr: yincial f Delivery, Wednesday and :. FRAN L GONG Prcp et sir ; • Ploughing \Iatch.—Carricth 5 .�• 1 NI n v e tt by I I . Johnston, s e c o It rl t' by I 1 , .; •44; .0 y.40.*...1H�.4;• •;,.;. p1•;. •;•.;..;H;HO .;. 1H;• 4;. p•d- 4;• •;- •;. •;1 ;•,;,.;..:..;,.;. i,. ,;, •;.0..;,.;..;, •;, ;,..;..0.1. r;.,;• •;H: •;, l 1 Saturday. S. Alcock, that a grant of $5(Lh'll he �; ' I v l' n t o I i r u s s e I 4� 4�H4H�� •,O.�HOO,H:14;H,14� .1. •4.;, •0 •�**:**:*+ .O.1..;H;' r0 •;• •;H;- O,. •;. •;, O,. X1.,4 ,;, O,H;. O, •;,.;, 4.' 4' 4' 4' •;, .;.4;.4' •;, 4.'8' O,• •;•) i; Fair.—Carried. Moved by Joseph \will, seconded4110 j 1 j by Charles Cottltrs, that ;I grant of 1 •� t;;�Si _ �'� , \1't�cilia 1;'211.6(1 be given to Bclgrave,Farr.—Car ■ - r'crl cCallum 3, But:Iter, Phone 10, Blyth. 1 \loved by 1.'harlcs Cottltrs, sccoil le,1 ,_,, .�_-�_�.,,,_ _ .,,_ ._• by Harvey ' Johnston, that the Road ••.••••••,•�•^^`r^^'•^"-^.''�'�"'�"' •_' bills as pt't'scntcr '_' by Ow. Road Super- Weu.l:r.i+--I.+++*'ra"* Y.Y,Y..1,I..":nu I.. i -I ''' ,t, intendcnt he p;'id.—Carried. Rt (,7 , ;t; \loved liy Harvey Johnston, sc,•outl- I ilei' Simi);(.S' Are 111 ; :_: et! by Sam Alr:•-k, that the bound -try i 4 i •_• WE ARE PLEASED TO AN• - 't' NOUNCE THAT OUR i •i, NEW SAMPLES QF • - i' to charge the other to\wnsh;t with half SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS ' ;f HAVE ARRIVED. " Your Choice in a Full Range of ; '• In a Wile Variety of Prices. - >+ between Hull: tt and Morris be livid- I cd, \lorris to take from the *eh `ol house eat and 1itlllctf to fool; after it from the school west, the Clerk's the arconnts yearly.—Carried. ` Moved by Charles Coulter, second- ed by Saul Alcock, that 1iy-I.aw No- i 4, 194(x, be pa- sed prohibiting the ' clumping t f garbage, including stones, . cans, wire or other refuse of any kind , ,:n the sides of the roads or on Town- - ship property.—Carried. \love! by Sant Alcock, seeondcd by . Joseph Yuill, that a grant of $2011.00 1 ' i be given to Brussels Legion.—Carrs I. I l ii \loved by Charles Coultcs, secon•led 1 by 11. John>lon, that the clerk notify i i all parties interested in the Myth , ,4 � Crock !)rain, that there viii he a tncctitig l•1 \,a)• 27 at 9 a. m., at Jas. It i Phelan's bridge.—Carried. • 1 Moved by Charles Coupes, seconded by Joseph 1'nil1, that a meeting of the Beautiful Designs . • 1 =. MODERN WAY OF REMOVING WALLPAPER. PAINTS AND ENAMELS OF FIRST QUALITY. • * * F. C. PREST Phone 37.26. LOUDESBORO ratepayers of the Town, 1111) of 1 be held in the Township hall on \Ion- • $150,01. ' day, \lay 20th at 8.20 p. m. for the I By -Law No. 4, 1946, purpose c4 dacussing the High School \ I1;•-I.;ny to pl•oh: