HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1863-11-17, Page 4N
U tied Go P,Qrr
Tailoring 1 1ailorin&I I B90TS AND, S 10ES 1ANDS. FOR SALu I
Enron tin
, . - 1 4
of Her
lox; in,� Lands are ofle ('031"
The most'cerfa:n cAirc fo It sic ' kn, iil �ale oil `NDRY tb - 'Wit. c
want, itudmucli
i�%!-, - U
Pride is as loud a beggar as �H
inore siikkicy. HE fol red R, N F0 U* TO
Counfic., V`)1*Lvo`vcn'.�kid B,,,',O,'
-ss isa Tvcry 114%antageous terins: e it
r orkie I.AT)l 11F TlilWN' id 'I dIre( e,
at E�) I,, -led a'-ainsl the Land, and ten
n n rjt� Q - I i -
f1saae in e
scold CID -KID M37, Ka W 4C! 21-M.
trt� Oft e�
vid in rc
He whose soul does no-. s i he aid lVendani,
ing, llv�cd not ti he ONE ENTH ONLY 1 77 s 'a nhen in Exelil:ov, all Ill.
'I" -, v,
it with his
-or Tl= slid to
Beware Of jUdging hastily: it is hetter t6 -j
�:,. . . 'N 61'Bruce
PURCHASE X ON ClSll',AT HIE �URMIH 'NvIlich Lnnds and tencriteili, I ,hall ober f,;esihi
spen 111011. '0 11 - . , Puy�
SEA d all Opi by ),'r. F. IV. .1 oll!...
7 alff 0ifieenin the Court Hcnic, inklie Town ot,
I., x CE I:q.,<
Sammy, Salumv, my son.7don't stand g 1, .01;
G Tuesday the 'i%�viitv-16urth dav
vour head—stir vour:,! -OX� WEST STREET., November next, at ille, hour clf"Tw Ive
there scratchin S C of tile
o -you IN -ill Illake no progress in life.' W h Irmirth, %I�vvl�ct .'Ind. llrili(!" Nine Equal, finual Instal" t CI DeL, noon.
;,F in li,,141,t�s to HN 'Y.A CDONALD
I xw 11ir", 1 1�
father,: replied tile hopeful7 - Fvc Often liLaid Willi inievest-it(3-per6ent. 1, �r =
you,saythLotfly- way -to geton in kill. wulid 1; Mill
C CaPr than Enr, foi Cash, .1 Pill I r 15.,POLLOCK DCPII
00 L itill"ll
-N�T,O? IN*
a wad.' ,'c.
TOW.NSITIP OF 1101,dds:
4 -'s Offic ch;
Tale ot. a
14� I, IS63
A laiiv*s face, III coatiu. the DAV!D:DrcAh11ST1PR'S It Align,
South!', 8 in ist� Con, 56 a r�sl - �'R U PA, 0 .1, MA N.
tempt to load i�t wit, foreign a Crowri All
New. Boot & Snoe Store A I I- in,2d 6 '0110.5,
n Court
destro the ori��,iilllground. in.vI00%
S.n0j 217 -in 3d c6n.,.,l00.qc'1rq§, Uri U`1riIed1aO* I` y t
i1g: MM§
OT T11h; Doorg 8 ' ' ' -, - ": :',; , i . 'un
ub, iv- V! in Ist cm, 60 Acrest-
illwa -it' ''BE
mr if left alone but, -youat 0 0'.
or amc�ls� You,
T" T
No,. 20 in 4h d B',c,"cc,1 Faclas-SI Her,
returned.-rvoill a o4d) ofl.dys' Nock, , Manuf turds of 'Grist' and T16
con.i '100'acrc�;
atnong gkot sqllaxe; 7 J1. VARRD
a Pin
tlav�lsa lot Of 23 it" 41 or., 100 act. XWS, oil York-%.and.Picel ad to, L
four, Said lick I .. I '. I . 'Counly: Of,
kr -�ITJTETIT�, Y,(,),LT WILL FI'�.]) THE a 'e"Ou,
'M W&th�4 21 in 4h
busbari'd ptitiqlil.i,�ed 16
bell things ihfring� h I
Oilocula K�iiay mid sdsh�,S,�*-
statijh�lry to put in tbeE noicks, and S"'Inta artic. - I . � - � I - � , , -:' : 'rA cirecierfagainstthe Unds an4 tenements or 7
ed,fo� �vilc in . Goderich Thc "TOWINSHII at tfi�, Suit of-Ed'A'Ard
les of Virtue. to adorn.his parlov'v.-ith., ToolaccGIS'i -an 'y".fli!, F trick F,cel.
Ll,�;cst nrill.'be-4 'etc(ltvd St,,,k.,t 11 1,
el Hevden,PfaI;fflfl,'J hav&ICi7Cc,i-,d
ots 2 and 4 in.1 5th con., 1 Ob acres each hit the rj ARR
ally,olbell; 1.101j" in town.. gbi. I fl. -and illicrest of -I
Nuniber Six, -fn fit V,
G dt �l Sh [I� OF H&WJC�:-'
it s.la It
sto6k is of (lic vcry be,
Ah,! said old Mrs. Roosen L -B
bury�, 'larningi�tag,veat0iin- P NIC of NOW IS THE, TIME TO BUY s. Iend, At, hi and t� Lot I
F, a. Corke"sion- North, �f the Q�mra].Diq
-oil heieve it)% STR �TS- -and Wi,ter.B.at su 110',NS�FIIP OF. GREY:: bel and Countir-of I
the need of it. . Why, should .,I .0i sand'Show. Be re in iffie I ow-bipof kin,
NI -C swl.` h 01 EN ri Im 441 S�ti frou'Ve!�
with re. oil will o.2( . �i I -
D.McAtliziterls,: .... 1. 1 in 11;tCon., 100 acr. WlichlavdSaild t6errmnr� 3 sball ofler forisolea
Vm nosixtyycays,old� "and 'only' know t116 S
&e at I ic es�
name of three nioil't'lis in'tbe ycar� and mone�. yoll,
Lo'is:.34and-,1a in 4"cdn., f 6,fieres'Carh, I III% 'in the, COuri 11 oil, I in the town' of
ln&, child.rer" G-�
tI' -, the Fiffill day, -of Santa -
tits plir pair upwards; kt, 'Zt the
'15 -Let. G Lol�Ij,,%Jrk 8 e6n._., bOVT bf �TIVCIVC (3f - life CIOC
in -of ki,eall' N`i st St,, odericli�, OR.,
,ifallanEltintum: I -learnt., in's bIGAR ST0,,B,oF r.,211TCRE. best nssollinel
the names of ztj it or infil 'i youth �,Lots 3`1 �nd 32 -in -es Lach, AND-- H MID crich, on Tuc.,da�
spring Bov-,,', fi'orti'20 C .6 con�,. 100 act ary it
t ' wh6a I�was a little bit 99 acres
he i, . . 1,� kne.c 1' ;1-,, 25-p&-oeent.-cheaper tharilit:re,L 7 v, ARRIc
'Vo'vlcni�- I;obts, t lie. tarfie L S con.� 1,00 acres
n �J.O , IIN-11,1CDONALD,
190" acre s cac I., WN 0 0 111, SA`V�, S,
I .... T rit I T.
TheN Iringae`ectin,;�epitaph� I"Wn (I iil a �plcudi(V inbortment of', LofsLdSitrid 34 in. 1`0 con X67ing and dhin�s)".i 1 - .'' - sit ff� 1-1. B.
10 was cc 'I W-Lyl, Oil Illind. tlre�thQ,jUldItyof hichcannot ]Rea�ing X4� from ilie headi7oard,of a rebel P61I.T.00li, Deputl'
%vn4 -bb stirpa�sed. 'a
TOWNSH RYBERR ;crlfl -e, in*.the Vir esleyalf.Ceniefory, .1, b. Off TU
erloll$ ishing purchase Books antl'.Shocs -- I 3ra October. 1863
are invi ed to call and dvaiiiiiii; the 43 in I con 50 it W37
-ass Ill who &d w h6e id �bi bclse7: Bhicksmilth
-inds of
,4 ast I's Of ally kiescription ma6'tEr bride�r:' Alsci,dll�k - hi - ; - , .- I
C, mille Enter -Is Saie -of lan
to save, ful for 7 Apply"t.. �,E nr Fs e.
av fdcls than k ast, favors, Here I ize a A k"
in the'S611th rn Confad"aLyV piece to 1is dust, br�vo Southern f-ijild doii,�hortrrutld
Ilt sit y�to a C virille 017 of
1coril'ilaud'10. IJ reached sloriotis 6hd. U "'e ounn"8 Hlir.. and B out f VQ 1. f1i,) bilk' gOOLI bill ot.q A lid sit oes for ca0, Q., PAPILOUR 1U' TIM: NOV
dN- ctnt.DA ID,'N16AS
p - Iv lazd Elie bove flic sti pi's
TO wit: Of Her -NI ty's. Count
of the above,are
ed, In Loner of th losi of I lie Uwted�Cot rities ol 14uroWaria Bruce,
A s all `tIip6'�Vqxes. the 'j)lacc-Tk'v6 -Doc ra Suoth,of
led 2
5�we i.rit rest i it hev. ppr -hid, we, vouCd sol�iklit `6f. Our, stock before purchasing and to �nne diret -ainst thii Landi, und iene.
aovn is of Archibald YI ri1r, -Senn,'lit the - lil f
There7ll be no.Yaliketsi tfielowest remunerative. price' for cwh', ori or.ap- in ift ic
n exthan hn Doney 'Brvee, Julnc� rliaylalr,,�Jolrr
A iVith' trie sitilciri higff numn triist M;T N me - lid, B,�ass, Corper, and aU kinds.of produce taken i cMu rrich, (3 unit all(] 1ohri vle
TE T-InN G d V3 1 Me.�p ax in Exucution, :all
0 Cri 9' . I 1r.
the di,-,nity. if sikiks too ceasqto-be- iud'and',fake -said ino'%N-ii better self, sinic . :e 111lit is ri hi, nilie-and inte7csr, of� the eve in Our
mid -to Lot number Tventy-thitie in- coll4i
1q7TCT0JKERY,, artCounly of Brulcoeft
ndred Acres, more to
part- in'
cmilvni nature whicljjis A fi, 'W OUSE
AL ich iids.ari iqlneruents I shalt ciflicr f6r sale'
office,inifteXom-LiBouse7in the Towri
An�anxilfius father -bad been lecturing a dik- To�l.).uy Be s, d
-hill day o D Chi
(levilen, on lbe'Ei
obedient son. after a to lio k,
-ceinber next, at the Twelve 111& .1 'Od
i r
nBirds d'
he c�xclal U T
his -feelings, no signs 11ot
tions? oni tfile i,�ost IN,
-Ali ll�th� itlal position.
Ifi'. S. or,voci:, Deimiy S;'el
Ia,dened hopqiul, you ainy
er,,' replied thc. h. IsOflice, obtain .2 7)EGS to that he will O.Sill Augu,�t, lti63. Bibc] WV
aD T-
11 ter I Carl IN THErC "ALE 07 1AN,
tBoot a;nd Shoe, Store' (THE OLDEST IN THE:CO NTY, -4 -a llubbt�r
hN.iTiOV-ON- ZIMT. iniserfdian "6nize
Montauk- naiiioi�of Iri;tiians. once one� sst Gold,',�4ilver, dnContimlous Gum-Work.L o
-Particular' Attention, paid to the regulation' .,1 qu e �ofth rce 1
11111�E von will find t B' -B
D. G
most powerful irt\ A inerica'fini; U�l f
biid,drf�s and the preservation 01*,LhL u and k]3 q , I -
J�icii Facias issuii;rl�p it"
I,e,t 0 CCI.-.
t:d natural one§.:
von -and to 6N:e p",rsons 'their present kin, is 6y.rcster W k of FA T 1, �,l TO W'it-,
]VIntro. - Hi sul�jecissaTeElisba Bill, e- Y00TS A
and Stephen. King ro * �oe' AN DERTA LE $an ilqs n, IN, a
;6�� of' wmikinciiii tt��ovtitient or Fu q is Orlis,
-ersI at the -lk-Gordon,
rrayi dLclarinF thaf..t.he.rev6nuL:s of �Nirdv.lntn ccuiplete Ed, Iom q kl�, 1.� o Pha s, ricv�keep- a nI
-standing- a
ihellnt will- rind lesianicut oi'Donalld,
Ina' lie can B�3�A sernly of- tooth Powder
2'" kin dom:)vflf riot adm I, tile �th� W'rero'
am 'johil
'kerii on hand ]Oi lv5O Its, 'It
c:11MIlt be �,sla
The re are- t�o hilidg, of 06a is, ar.d 1) u, I ii U G6rdon; decea,,ed, Willi
lu'ST� STRMT, 'GOD ICH, C W .1. � G Exe
Gairdnzr.ani:1 96',bert I cutori bf
&�ealie d, and--Altlirinde� Cainerbri, I have -seized e-thelastwill and tL in net,
Cie N. done with ricatness.and dis- a e9, ; e.s e
that ave good for pat -tie ride,,," bahs bl' B d't d'i ITai, in.E.,viltion af! the fight, thle.ana in-
I- the ment of Thomas :UL
ot-seat ed 6il lie �aid defendant in arld to Lot umber
is s,)Llst ut 00king, in van ty, of
Th �lnd U ppe'ar 'I
,nd whose chi�f deli -lit is su6h thin -s.- a,e' nd le st 0 1
d' that appears tdst ab,'ci sthe k
e other that k homeLtbe giVis. that are Lsefol' and Cheerful 14, IS64 W33, o 0 nuf� tue and' h portedl 3P- i�lh lands, and tenements.1 ,hall onerlorsalleut
e diufiig�ro6m, ai�td 'alf the of -
in th-
SIADE T6i3ORDEIRI n:1 office,intheCourt ouseirithe-townctfGode-
on -hand a d'tjjPlCt6
G�. hiIII ways
HT greork Or sodrile.lit of Cofmxso Also,,,, EARSES JOHN 'N' ��CDONALD'
certain POWER'.S. FATEXT, �AUG- 3 1863.
home. ro le next,;ittheiietao TwcIvjofih�cfoc1c,00n.
Z, on. Tu6sday tile First -dav of Dc6lilffibejr-
A M W,ph tofmer� who, was stranger to mirrors. -B
Lumber- qnd.:C&r( woo ta ien in -'ex- r6f.1OcxI D6pcity Sheriff. lur- , '�'O - - I . : 1 .1 . I
cabin of one of. our T HE VICTOR14
who stepp6d' into "the
rifl'!s ffceGo ench.
Thiportwit Fum-ily X-adiciiie. 24thAurtist,�:IS63. cr I, pposi
�ier glass, Irhicb,he todk. foe a door 116 said: G stopp -a
:�arr stmali inr, in'froat of
6ih id Vtli Oc
All 'd
Gettin,� ud repl AND iring )iic,,,.on.n 1-1 say, mister, when'doiis tbis,h6re icp, lost of the gale of n&.
y from thorab reflectipp'lle. fieglzr: at the Provineial Ex-
onable term �AKD
LIV A fore bim,'he repeated --I s,'Lr �TOX CH, -led of
London, in, 1 E
U C 8-�f -a writ.
THIS B -B� Ticiii Facias issued out
Ir le
GOD `H of
when does th s.here boat start?' Incens
Itijigestion flious affe6tioi plfllpisrti,�n 01, - �r Aljc�tyls Cou ty
the stili'silent figure, be brbh "Go -to- j Cto�iiverress nf:lhe Bowels, Sick- TO w1i n
01 INTF, I' H6adachet.,Pil!esj.Jaundicc,] and all 6thermej ullt�of the IJ
thunder, you '&rkk sassa6as-co 10ed,. shook' -ill byar I etiort at�bjs Co nited Cal uro dB
6 out. Elie Heart
me, directed g nle'pSysk is fk�quircd;, an .0 W'heklt
-calf 'you don't lodk' int the Lands and tene-
hei4d bull Q -
its You''I.Irtue of. power (,I, wl :a a *here an operauggent
�d b, �Buildhng Society,I tL
WAS meitts ofJohn 0amerpoal, I he knew much, anyhow.' bf � inorti-6, dat6d the -------- LVe seized and in ken in rie- Dnald, I th. THIS -MEDICINE
d liai be the best vel 5votl�-bt tiner
Titenter 'I'tile cution.all Elie intercst.of, the said
id vlljl�Q'L bv IkI their notice. It' Defiendant,in and 4ic-ols'nipliber enafrd
Canada: of 11w �n part. COLLE vorkedi sub3llict to get dut.of.repair. in tire first range, Ovill Ortbe D
and�tll 'CONTA INSSO MERCURY 1.v ad
ta p etcd by the j�apid
fr c1cliril,ing efic
Oil AN e and County -of
lot by IS TNSTITU'j'lO'-1T, located in't ie liferhag- Fv�
A of
5at T�, ovdlkrI 1863, jifI becil'added
I or all, flie-same-more or less with thii-
BRLYAINT. STRATTON & GOIS. chain intildings:thdreon iii6chud, Which Lnildsind tene;
"unielfles BtINGJERY PALATABLE I'meats f shall O�fler lor-�alc at my officein file Gowt, _4 _�
. , _! . VIt.h1jtivy,to
at 12 nomi. L.o nurniler' 086 conninercial establithed fit New York, kinaritity, 61: soapl II;An under the uedthejnarols�iti It wil0ri for':c1i --,ate:'Jfennaleit� orchildren House in4beTawn of4ryod Tuesday ded to
-)t.hiard, ivl� J?;� Albany r(y, But halo, ME "i� It I, simply a IfelpinAte twfiature,'giving energy er, t '-DHYSICIikN, SURGEOX, &-(,*.'*, G llining- orlc-�iiurth.vf an ari�, with Detroit,�Cblcazoun t. Louis,- t; tile 11166111ne is darable fdolnasilluch 22n'ddoi,'oiDeeeii)bernext,,tt,,.thehour fTel-a
and a healthy action to the Stomach, the sprin tat of . -0
'OrFr` ' an I d ri�sidence�-LAs '.-The '6bjecE' of' o'itnpnrt to worl. injtwo in' a the efoek nn
stl�ect 10111 n
gIA �ar d ub,,!,i1P, atinovince to. -rbe'public- �ay]Iytl,c cn*4�0,yp�oce.�,Iffius,- t1tjbod,deriv,,4t,4ueco,. 7 Ru
dooteast:ol Dark'sHotel. andtical T1 o uron and,Bruce'that lid has 'on hand .'This Alecficine.bejti,� vtvi�y ple],asunt'itc, the taste�
lQuodin �aw, iind NiMl rniakelt& WigolisI; Har- onj nvtdidswho Sur
6R, Deply.Sb-6A.
cry fi6pirlar� With thos6i
14lamir ton- Aritilimefic )encerjah Buiine., wlnclr�will be, 'li,6r S9V 14 4�5 d ab- have been sick
lip, qurresp .en and 'fit ,ola ch'co f6 cas Cited with all ecret Castor Oil,,
Pe n vita n-,4 olld'� e, to . I I ..� . P u GOderich
hsIlit Aloe�, Rhubarb. rig
P.J1 TC I A -,'L\ ay of S�i:�l ge,162 ZS T 8 U R EE O -V hie I a Y nt Wherever;t hiiii been it- has and Re -k�y mor met.
East Street;-goderich. SW98 Fcrilarti YOUN PAss- i,,, he 3,863
inirchaA Ma- It r�ilt suco�ss,,nnd is likely tii supersede III]
wi eiiitf� th� i,vivan-thern-a Yult trial College of April lstI 1 S62�- -A,49 bill Other d-6od And plkasmit x3r., -Q01e, Sol i,itor f&r the es., �Tud�llt t withoul additionq` e *atr8 Coarlt
E OF S, `�F -�-CtTN O, nu IV40-Ld led Cin'tics of
is open day and evening., J 2 Hur it 'I- 4nnc�Frederlek,� y rrit, of r
JokDAN, and the -tradd vi,rup of, -a
'Na N��5 , , 7
-Road. e -127 Huiorr a7;d Bruce, issue �ut
sinvL11-If Hort ter I a; Ultra-
JuIv 1, 162. To wit; of Her itt.ihe Col- st 'ar
en; Peier Gil -
for Iii- Fletch T cen�t
Connlhtoflllu�on an.1,jinize,
0 or��enq for 3P.. T%T;Z:[n:t0 atfurstarrip- to rke directed. Against ibe lands and terd-
r A, Y T fa;i�, o tin light ded, 1.
I is, of 'Afleha
1, 1 �y D I V. I S 10 N COURTS, el 'riflney" 'fit I e ",strit
SIG iTor n, -John, ruce, ,cl-zcd�,nadl tikkeri iA- -r
I SUR ON r.1 e I I .. TO oil , , - " :
'C AA S H7 F E, ox.Ly exe uticiii '.ijie fd116wjifg,-, 015, the rig
UROT� c Iludinterest o thesaid 'The Sull�crjb I, a l.,C tent tW in I e ir sejV
LE rc I , d �tII6 P sicin of the folenslip Huron, i., now lirepared 'qre nbc�lc M - FOR S' ' p conce,
PHY Thq:XuniciPCql: C. ith
F A IR 7
'DER 1 o "tippliv the. NvIlill he a-irlal. OCTOBEP., 1863.1 an�, tenerachts 7hall ofIcif,))r iny office'ur a,
IS THE �hts ror ther.0, lull
Re� T.' Evew the IOW 0 X'- -NEXT
e a T F�c a d if' I. -,III whorest'it Nvil; be Ill
(INTI C�.MIIER OF TITIL CUR, EA -ist iv., .4 It
K`0- ,E .0 L a�ii with it ich an oetl 'ea D A 3,6�doricb; Monday, 12 It
xt, at 4fic hour of Twcflv�iqf, thd
ABOUT of ecember 66,
FA of one hum'died ser s of lin bclitz the shortens -�tlfi.
I Oth- Clinical Tuesday, 1
:� eIO noon.
w'll onfe Ivor 6? allow�rlg' file :n X
X MILES. F 111 01M half'of Lot 34, 4tli. c n�,ofWa-
L R.ICH INTsND;.1topassgBy- awltQsellor,convey �rkd Hairp 'to bc "t their' re 4idtirice, to ; Wednesday
A. T., RmLT.,y,1k. D., J,otfdont It of new which I T'h'ui-s'd-
is vel Road. Exet&r fly -1 t. &
and7oneand-a-li Irfronil�lle North Grit th d6iiation tip and ri�rrdy for crop� � -6bd beu� ilt W conyeye Ilk, the' pmp�i bved
etpr.;x lid rem 14 Poit.!=k, Deputy Sherifr.
Oity� Dct�g�
antron'.-TuesdiLy Uth
-dwellin, house an lu�, barn young�,Town hip of Goderic lj%ri;,-6f Lofs No-. ,gain should rt.nili(be purchvt,,,e� All fit, �ub. 6th'
C a ood rits oftne Infew' �Djl CEMBE 1
etor, �cll by da 12' 1" I-farvd-1'5 is that tfni�'�Iife
rd�v Ii andinn he boundaries whe i!eof are scriber cle,,ircs
-116uld Partic, a 3.
H 0 0� " Co . in I it Ci I at t he', distance of fi�,ew 'chains, _C7,1E, le ptoprie q. ter,-, Safurdayj 5th. of lands.
-j-1, oxe, ,
1desch ed' as.folloIN f Lot ryit Wi.. I, 'I HYSICIAN SUR(; 1 '0 ndli Elf- llih� bi4.j
tend, particti Sale
r! seven ts, in -a course due East frpm the A COUVELFER, Tuesday, l5flh:.,
tipork,t otj' I (�,j Y. virtue of a writ
pi�ration, -he eye'
ingsioa St., Godciich. nesdali 16tb. ed Ciiuntle
a. tso'. Ew11-1v Nveli waicred. To te sold, t' h nlan�,le of ��Ikfd L Clintbn� Wed
Sent] '2n( ur�.,�a
w,32. 'a
5fli 14 gk�te -Stiturday, I -thence Nov' be, 3ird', ISO. 1, Harpurhey, Thursday, 17th. 1 due cal iiii d ',B
0 due est I ve chains, nce
r; -i9tl.
N due orth one Chain theribo due east SiN t g(iknmOn
JU PRICE OF Di' Tuesday 2.2nd.
--AT-LLW, SOLICITOR OW 200' IaA Nov6 chain '�ev6ni� links - 'lthet,6 duescluth W Eresdu7,,23rd
A hairicery, S ay' of 1) be 1663 7th, d 'ed
,turday, 91st., 7 7 even, ecuif&call. the right, title rid iritcrest� of ft.,e �afd
Co. of Broue� atlis time. For hifth r partic"- �Cbaini S6,vdritj links to the. §6utrier,y limit'ol
'pply to sa
a nooi,, T�n A. M. -to Lot"Nueriller Twe'nfj�!
'f'; 'thefice due � west on6.cht I to tile
hIlt Tholinas Bilkie; in and
Liceia�d�, An& L-nrid,Ag-tin tile; r to
and" ]Cehlence, nftor,6 arld-p, Grownwill be gi , ven. me I nt,!'ori acrej one� rood und fourteen B - 'It' 'ib of Bruce,- cibritandri;,; Firty
Land Rurvevor. R. Coop 'ra
;irt.of Lot. B. so r; oJnf I ij,15, �01 ourn2o r I essi; 4hich lands ai3dterne-
otern h,,l bl'Colhorno. su � L, . 8 -3 1t imentsf shall offier for gale at my OIFICO hirtFikCialart
tw33 pbrch of 1. 1,
of Lot 13,,
1 hereby /661 ist,truai Dlti�e in the Town ori -Tuesday, the'
links on a. course 'I'linlleenth day of Jartuar' neil,jat Jhe Xottiot . at-
"ubove.to b
TRA,T TTR SUPERZOR, T, ATI- Hutmes, �rellliscs. 0 Al I firorn Life adm�asurel
ER A PRO V I NCIAL plaicii of be,,inninir,J
ercsorwhiell Lify the
fi4chains all OPT Of'the 6n�indl, BE 'eiltdred of Record ve of the clock-, noon'.
IV1L--EN�GILXEERS,'- 1 4 � T. gR , : - , 't1i, � �, I I
s this day.� -pursuant I, C Office-KavIsIllock, D the Stard It of 'y
i;1rn111P1re'isOn'the,pivcrn� s a FRAME IQU dd6 i6a t from'the south-v�,6sferly angle O`fsaid
'Goderich. Willi and other Land:f examined and .EWTRAME ORCRARI), irwo�reekb jot; thence due north iNventy Chains fbrty DAN.
Irb .. LI A 110, ri
-unthroue 4iRks to the limit of suid.!oli'; tb6nee dfae Pas hevalued. 'Clerk offbe Peace, Huron itiid,�r,
Ill... tl .1 1 1& . , 1, Bra e. v ':PoLlo
15 e south twerity, clia,ins ck, Depul,,Sberifr.
Goderielf. 1863. to si:aitherl v. limit. of :said lot t V911- M04. w38
f."tic fi . ..... ...... ... of the :0kirchas, iontly GASHI bal*i A,.,e dtn;l �h Sept.,
sly, -e�oarrrernain oil -8 years ofto ,;`FKEE- 'OF STU M P IAN.P.
aw U-ior Containing �y-admeusarement t�,o
AL L&N D SURVEYOR AND suit the ajrced�j
1863., wA0*d1 aeresar�,dsix�pecbtes of C. f Y irinnee 611breewritsof'
Civil Engineer, Clinton'. 161V J, '61; Pait:of,Lot I -at th LT. n
HAT valuable' farm, lot 13; 51h 6 ncesivion, i4� xomrn�ncing e,. is Eruro If',�nkl B
T Uoderich Towns - III abou tance of fiie chains ::RESTO:R R SELL, I icri Faelis:iisstied,out W 'C
seventf links -on a course TO n �t(!FltS
�Tohn Owit of I ITZ-r',Xa'- -Is'-Court 'bib
in on'.Ple"- Co6fivVi3ourt cvr I e Codni of
-D SU, RV due east frm tl,'e s6utir-we9jerly angle'of said. 7 AN �%EX �L ENT a-VIN(ItAl, 'LAN -EYOF TIP E, AM IE L PR MILE ODERICH Vakti4rlboa I;ntv C r f Ell taCoun
Surve,ing of 'every lot;, tfience,due,easf one *c6in.;Ahericc due
descri&ion;-and Arehitec�ural Plans. exceifted': aving,be�n Appo ah t 55'acres. cle ' d -.-a � quanti ty'of good soutb twenty Chains fbrt�.-I�nki to�tliesoutll-: XYLOBALSAMUM -E] a'o air,
te&.Exe- Witlik on are ties 6f Huron and r aAV 1R, "'STAN
eutors.ofthe InliC,WiItan-i:1TestatneIjt�l the iruittrees. There,fis good. waterurf the prinuct�s. erly limit of saidl It ode.
Larlds examfirked.and vall�kekl,- algal
of ; thendc'- ud -wes T risen dR It Gil" at the-'
Ist,the Landsand, Teti emerini 4f, -Tame. Bur
aof fatirm ivill be sol& -&it reason, -8beTWEL ERO0XS,wIth - i
The above b.16 tehns. chain) o t 6' be;;iiiklirig, c6ritairdrig' id,
argq`�f'ardbn, a
-AL -d- I
-ages, N Qtcsbf Hand �A�iilyto,
lot ice that all his Mort, i, be place, d�'pumpi;m r
-T F1 wo acres, at) six per 1,1OKea,'I'llave
stH" N A, ILV. C. ABUCK]!fEE, tseitileiTownship o Turn-
he.d ob I �, -, . � , � : Uhion, 17. herry,and kno" �bd nstne of thi,BLUE
I'meiv r,:V. 0. of lnnd.: ' L15, ' . , tiori thii rj�hi, title said
'UNGINE, 3 AXE Port Cre IS ot
-Mr john T. City' lead thr, in,and to LqEgire, th rthte
n -by adureastarement t -ches
ebunts, &-cli, &c.y ai�e at Nrr, Jbhrcstonl� Off., suits Of J mes Ha fi�,W-Q wrl-,
'in the i suRvEyoR: 1)6�
sinstranslwttd. . nPart of L C Lan gent and Conveyan.�er;., meardine ro Nove fiber 3rd", 6�. 40.3m oniffiencing at the distance.. writes. ,!'I very cheerfully add my �cstbncvrry,to. a
VALE-'BOTEL rand in thIr 6ceupaii a %ou
A. receipt will -s, a cours that of numerous frionds. to the great value of Mrs. on: Of the t(
sion C-1
10'. PVGIEL� B nrair�ihg on
ti- )Wnqhip of r nt�
of livpi� chains seventy, linb due. 'the prdpri�iorj�ilffi. "
'STON,' Tliet prop V hurio d*
a Cast fr . e!�, acres g concession,
"Itlybair - 'a . ,
T Goderhili, Octobar 27th, 'it xitite ofs�ljy*jjtin w F' Oft)
WX OUTT Is 61haii8ed a township, -ccintaidirf Ji ty a
SA 1, �thenc due north tivenV chi enfients, and or Ciste d A. HUGH o aN )Eu tire south said lot- mmiL,, has lakrgd`addit�6fis Q.impro at L
p Ic 6.0 T., ibm"forij links io -v, w :see
V. J.'IL COF.NELL;'N. Yi Civ KI ii�,rocirred
kin emal'iblivig
w39 li.to its natural color, inact growing orlbard iipot," b FO LE 0' the ItZil eon=on 'Chain illence dues�wb -oft 6 bair a
d 1 �5 �3.
twenty chatins' fEirty f6ra.rolintive.-The �iihing the 2#d:conccs$ion. aiid
'hnd Range Sduffi�ofDur' 6F'Ine EOW116111p, 1. Of" I'
Lo' 4inkis t).Aidha' d I. once kre� w oortS IS
It baG, rest6red,lt from being I#dy to its 31rattl3rd and b"u- NOTI Octob6 1'863 w37 t ani�;' all alf
chn L V- P res and. six pe-rehes of, tholi'Vall"o In'the mosk They- lisive
A -GEM ' : L � I to the oflieginning, containing by ad- Ittv. T. WEST,- Brooldyn� IL Will �teffak� to Can th
27,' C LOT No. 2ndL oncpssion To ineirswerrient two, a .%nyof ruce; while, and
K, 1, fferforsale at'dry Office, ."'e,
Rbiid avi REV. A., Mass, avo, fourif day of Noefrr�er rexi, at the. our io
restated my: hair here it, was bald, 4rid,where 7,'Isi Range
the 221nd of*0vtober, a re&uricl white covv�, T rh unt ti u'e copy. 'WEBSTE% �Bostora,
G Ceirjimjs�tibnerm (�uiiices Bilitch-, 16r t4king fidiep"Ofthd sub,tcribcr; on 111 Osst in the'
'Of 9:9 retl
with dirnall piece offhc�, leh� herr., And a- short eenek. them -with,1grillat aect. I ammov, ri�Bltheri bild & -,.nqon. life ilue I : I I JOHNSHAIV,, Twel re of thelock
tail.' 6%virtir,is re sted, to prove property. Rlirg n,,gray, - My hair was dr3i and Bilittle; it Is now paj,exp6ascs and take heir away. Is soft I JOLAN-ITACDOXA
T rip aLin you It
LOT N G 8,
ROBERT GRAHAm incur itie'- wn ip of Goder�eiill DEGEN, Boston; -That ifidyiro, THE -C 0-U' RT 0 Road K* Eli T� Port All -Concessr)EE Sork-h cto er Both, inoto,illic growth bf� the,balin'where ba1dmni5,is;1' epu
i,Queen?SLBenchIConveyqn r;, c, ARCS LOTS Nos, 3S and 39, 2nd brivoilla:evidettlice of estrous of,,seiling a'
Zkept of Farm and Tow beld. 'B�S'�S-
'Lots for SAI�j par- JL, Wafer, SawrMill, �situated on, Lot 22,,. (1,10� P�rtAll- q,.Nottp1cr5th,'IS63., below,B'
ee to, purCh0c,' I C viiiidutilhe'Worlit
LOT G.)'Sth Cohoession, Bruce., - LL." .,; acres);,Sable. Line; L e
liela.! �: Tfii� inill hi in krtrt ;Ifi
lots for sale, or, d6 0($chod Tiust
"birm rut—
TE- A'011kA ---W-ANTED of , Lots Ito.. 7 'A UTIFULUTATS. FOICUM
u) -pi �j6gj -id
-THE TRONT -80 Acres therei�,
ene!9 or,c!q,. ..a:,
s I 4,ACqERI 36 y vaily, Ko' 198 G
A -k. There are. SOL,
d emls,of age, with fa 'h lit, L -li
81ind: 9� 'Kiritlaill Concession.'Col orne. nth man� years experience in ranching;
4:,t aeres of eared 1 660 -4.*res;i
'ON, f mueh 611 6
it'if deaired-by the puchaiier. Therit a4 lonk, �iIS§10 tewnrsjjip� of (4oderich. Applii5a6t at pri� !irt. as a trefigagement; -Can pvocuri� 116 sold wi "DO -CHEAPAND 0 desire. salary not so 6onne"Ciiiiii with4he-fiiih; which,mill
.�hOcll's'ectlonNo. 5, ALL,: chool. RWARDLR AN D C6'M
Ueelisinti Ixvmair"ox� 6: W. Notes and ass,corfifiknrtc� lYor�pi
and ability.
orchard on the JoV. For particulars,
Ageounts, collected. Of anVL.'L-ihd e IU ; L , . ! fili-eba. Ista
L hold tr�lst or 2lid-cl class testur. nials, as to ciliaradlef
�Towh rich
"lifily to rich bration, 0
-Address �A. L i apply on Iffie.premIA6 to fait) An I ke viron
�11UGII DAVIDSON. K C Care DEE, PnITOITAIIII. An t letter s' ,a,
13. (301MON, ESQ..
G erick I SO pt,�, qOddielf" 0.
oCtober 213'.1863 Stattl y,�Oct.� 1863.%
ools*9 iiolicitor. Godcrick C, %V'