HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1863-11-06, Page 4D
A Lodgmig-Hptise'Victim.
X -T at I
thd, Cle'Tken Well Fulice C6u'1 folf6winj LEuids are offered for ila U U
0. 11OR S1 .11l, F NIDRY
-4g 1 -lailori 11 WARKI LAND
Ini; dle of D
T 11AR'
in circuint L.ym. OF TQRONTO� TIry advaut igecius terms:
under -the. follow"16
97 C> JIM
stances :— - ,, - " * ,,, 1��
The applictnt said I -am. al:�w Studr, nt, ""In 'Lurrrit ldi�g rul
�on that. lie lig" opened in tile above fill
and front toy �eadia- I lilivefound th:Lt InW is e ill
tile Nits, Fanq1G0'ods1J6ba:C'C6S
e-aco try ;,.nr"p- �,id
P H,
40i"c'n"� . 'eruia cc i b il 1. r. Ft' IV.. Hollis �ov; A,.L ru,;Ds
do 'i"it I ,d.- -Lary is lililia,aeiv �atcly 9 llil y RCHASE 10HY IN CASH AT T138 OF MUMS
'FaJhf;n,'people. are ibew.it cited to'I�'et into�it'.' Ilu �J -
Wit t).rF
1. - . " I I : -
Itis ilsd like -bad weatb�r;, in6,,t'*peol,lc.a c STREE N THE JKAZI�XCX IN
g r
'ow, alihou It cond di�or irtina PIT E SUBS031BER, OF, FE
glad when t!lcy get out -of it. -N ih�- Madiet. Sripi`ar,; And hope. Nine E
-L Sale'p at -,reduced, pl�ices, a in nal unual, fist Wen s�,
J. assault zinother Li, kTCHE, ent of
I Idlow illAt'a alanllia thc� bv triet attention anti proir )d1(d usillc�� to CIGAR, STORF10F X, or
defene 61. his Wife; anil'tbat n I i I -tells �,li6 ncrira.,.ha�c .1'publie p�t I aterein at
e m 1 7, with
lie,irrtheayeofthe law whembe pleads:-Ilot Wdst street, - G*ricl B L'S
juilty-to a�n offi%nce helias cornmitted'yet I O04cri kpi�il,13, Isr-.1 -1�r Lobsters, &�C., op� Iron
wit -Oat R di'Sand, and., Ho HIP OF MORRIS: )RIC
Crown -A
tie to a tnau wbo )RK E4- ilif -n�Cbvrt
-now wl�at call
want tb k be do `100 q1t'- 1q3 alwaysonliand.
: � I . : I . - , 6A-S!i,',BLi
aa�s lr� Will do f6r me and my aog, and is �Xwn4- STER,, �sauth i i in fiit
g con., ZiO a
VN EE I south
me' and thnt Without rh% me 'panssi sjujs�l �14S a1cq3 9XiS3IL,0,\7 Squtb 1' 8
a ways annoving, a lst con., b6-,acrres,, IR R U NO I Wk -N!-` & 0"
asor'i. ll,in-2d' con., 10 acres, At',
orte GER,M'NW , 0: STF L
Th�-Ma-,isti "as that the -.iuq3, jo 011tiriv!1r.111 jo:uvol q! j0J ��inmlLir. South -A 21 in 3d-con�, 100 acre Sheturen.
'applicitint N� _V_.3[ 3L. -'Grid
�ste tn�quircd Ifow it is;
�L 27 143
I and of what be.cout. Nortb A 20 in .4h con., 100 aC S.
1p!m ToV'Saimuot, ces`�.� Bellows, Stocks hd, in 4h Con. 100 acres
ins anariybd jatllo-iq Pon pual,11 JlaqJ ol 'R Vi rth 2
217=9211*7jo Sa!I1jLV.ZJ'
6led- and Haminer3i i NortYa�23 in:4,. cc ., 100 acreir
s I I .. -Xi
n.' Cir cul"ar
on seer sir, 1'wris -i Itui Sail Sall
Appliliairft� Y kf�i and H h
5-mLlial.jaso aill, Siw-
e E wtt�. ai�d.- NS,
I saw;n the ne.wspap6iis � tha� IbCre wc, C fur: 1: saA-laqUl,;)qJ �,ali;)")u �1:
In IV([
llscisscq Inv pu-0s: U -YET. 11-�, I V. Del)
1 ; - -
belctinaii1aiiy.6 ua- oi p!)jizdmT.wu X TOWN HIP OF - HOWIC
nished'apai nts� to 1xil smiour- stirii q , lauluti
tio P;)!.l oils 2 .3, and 4 in I 5th con., 100 a.0 9 �gch
'pliv lui,16 IlaJ4 Ill Psalm
as described a�s qiiiiit,� and ializ,
ofstudionj habits- I to k: -stiq a!aill lutll kus o! re
4i,Vtor li'gentle'man- GLASS" PtTTT-Y PAI
tibzi�'The zo6in
marly, onys u
before the fl'oor above me. was let to a m,,n -ATTE
't rb�rn, but haid b 311� pino�
not eeni injt, NT110'N' I 3E1
Turpe tin�, Lead I ipe, rought,-Ctit apd Horn 0 26 in-Tst clon..4013 acres,
*IiK a wife ar�d ll�uvii�. That --min �mnd his R111410XV Al 61 azixsw aff-i ARR
rsiail�'- Twines and Cordage-
-V 0. apv.qqsl:,) all 01 p6u Lots 34and 35 in eon., 16Qacred each
=r,, tho-terrOrof Inv He. had no �\ . K 1� . .
as nnnoy6d: lon
.20 S
Catil-ti.,nolitiv- *ilsvjI,,y)vub,q5ns*Xq� * " T Rubber I 'ch,
the house lo�,, before I w i4eiiin - ; lots X1 and'3� in'6 Con., 100 a:cresea
sp�pr'p[n6. !ickiiiii-Ir g Lot-26-in`gctin..�99acres,
Oran ev'c�irr. nrly in the morn1n,,.w1lh;-.PQl'10 a -i'
q, o� ion -a
and c a -SE-PERNTOR" Un E vin
Platforn, n&C
D6n�, l0Wneres,,.
(113�MJLIIO Lot 32 in.8 i
his playiti� of a ddlci- and�,somet' It Ni fross-cu C irculrir,.Pit�.arid fla.d Sit TtOl
UY Xdlliving,�L4 e�p
sJu.10ijoh JO 'uo�l� llaim: -er's Hardware;, Carpenter, 'Lots, 3".d ' id I s,,'Wood Saws, A
-her - C: , Ri, . w.! ',
Boots and Siloes. O� con;, 100 acres'eaeb.� d R' iug'
arjiCd it with a llute.�. W .1 w I.Ca inet-Milz
-loiner's Too!,4; Borin4'Machines; 14,
the children would dahce,nndl would. venture an& yr,
House Firriiishings ofall kinds 9ash T WNSH P QF TURt:BERR
lu 433NA IV4= ICA-3EX0
oq r in I con., 50"Scres. . listantial n islaner,"
ilju 'L.1, . I - � : S : :� , - , .
th 'Blinds Doors and
t6 risk'rny life oil ill �trutli if ic a- ---
that, the chi ld rew practised the art. of bec(,ni , - E A, -D UAR. ea TC
dhop &Hmd Axe ran Castings:
inY tumblers or a6roba�ti;, - I have ult Idall pt d''. irizis otauy lesc ption made*to order.1 1�o
'ted With the mother�biirt.to no avail, for- slad, AT AVPI t, C WrDDER,Esq�,qcdericb,: all kinds of nine inery
C e, !17.Eq - , - -I- Is: c o r
From Blood and oth r '' lebratd,in�kcrri. t tj p.i,� on shori aoiicp! A eir a
me, and calls rrie a wretch6d old' :bT-T11*%TC wis e
or. 9 e:own r,,.
only derides
�AL Agent for �COA. PLATF604 and
ims ... � �. I � — - I d THOMAS GALT, Hsil.,
-Shoe 'Staref,wiih ti�'C,Largest'Stock of 1 )-. - � , , bachelor, and.tells'lue to'remembe, ' r thatl was Greiat;�:Bobt� aiid COUNT R,SCA TOM
once a child myself, and flat I could not put, wn34
hand" Supir KettLig; Wagon and Pipe' M 6ar patterns 6AII6 fibove-ar'111 T
old heads onyo#gshoulders.� WhenIspoke =:00MS AA A 2'
to'the�ather'that was worse -for It - said 0- S4ELF of: e -an- inispect n of Our -stock beforetIrelmipig
e, IRE would'solicii
pin aill luqi ]I'll - -"- I - ing the abc, th
Nvould knock n4 Ao'Nim staim and kikk iny dog 10 You -will find:'�tfic-lar�est,and elsewhere, olffl�i� ve df �lov�esi -rem merative pficis.fbr cHA� or or ap-
WHD iN, T�Ki be �oxah
"17(11 01 -'N o-Lezi in exchange.
was a; man ofl�o taste if I ola
after me, and'tbat.1 proved['Cr"i� �Qldmetal, BiasipCopiper, slid all kinds'of, produce�ta
liliatlil ;iqi joi sa
01 S.11
uopa�oj�aq BOOTS AND SROES, at lown� prices than, Puirebaled from the 1or S I
did not admire hi's performainces o 'the.,Viohii..
-uloilnib und.t4ulnWit
eveolibmil id Gxlericfr Nitbre., by,
The ma als' told me 'that I w
n 0 as i"d, and Particulai attention �aid o Cutorn Work—'
only fit foi- a lunatic asy um.11 ded
HaVi6g.4eCL1ycd the ervice� of ;i -66d workmen
e in., ig is, t 1
bad better - engage. other. -apart
meats; and e OTSAS -and 1'9 lst R�n-e S6iIth 6
done with- tie I ham' agj Kirid
lave the.house. The applicant �aid; b6,would Bri it Wesi
twetin artic e that call not he ATTO'
ar.d. by tl,�ing'thc best materials, lie can u
e -N adopt tfiat course, anilleft* th Court amidi BOOTS., A,
the titteraj -all pKesent. - Oss.
aFlOurfcoted. uaiS stard LOT No. 7, 2nd Concm�ion TvyrnsMpaf 4 ir Anh
AW. 14,IS6 Frellered,ittid set-, up in thii, ,lost Natural poittion. a
pi. W33
11 paid for mill kthdsofbirds and am.,,
to order. Ca,
. � . 1 .1 . I WT No. UtRange, �o&hDar�a�,
Is fit for at a n un-, THETORO IE, C
the de( of. a surnmer, ill t Mr., McINTOSHIS-G
�peniog. a Gieezo k. *T0,C0lLILIbG
GODERICH evening.'a. pas South-Ioarbm -, -f tbr called �k the. "reside�ce of LOf "PHIS, IN§TI gd 7un6N, locat�d.in the Nerwaire:-
JL icir! rnstteutii;'Tv�witli, has just beenadded
ex "OT Gbrft,
� BRYANT, STRATTON'& CO'S."chain'bf d 39, 2nd Concession, SOIL
tended upvuxds, Ioldin- a Erie. YH afirs one,oflis�pa�i6io , and:46und ill
the doorway a little boy With hoth.�b.ida Comn
Br�o',Iyh,P�ila(l�lphia,-Albahv-. Troy,'fuflato, WT �th don�ession,33ruc&-
established iaNliw Yor DuirlidthRoad,"Kinenrdine.
1-1Vhat are you doi here,nit I
Chiveland�, Detrdit� Chicago'ara St. Louis�
7 Thi object �of
'and Maies tfiorough ',,,Co b
Young Men and ..practical. 8 and, 9, Usitlanil.-Cone i n
rep y;, ess o � I'o i, I
ninstruction in.
quired the minister. nMG these 061leges'Lli to imp. -of
'Flyin,, my klie, a lip pFom THE F6NTWAie.
Tr, Was� -NOR I, &GE 'SALE cheape r -keep
"Flyiu!ir your kite P exclaimed %be pasitor,-, memal La iwl CJIEIP 1N.D ��ON,:
IL CRENTo AT Spin rian -Business
ei� -no kite-. you can see nbae�#Ir, ii,, Correspondence,, cc
Perimarishi; &c,. and'ito fit tf6i an f business 'they Apply
no them c, qk sir�' msporidid the -�11 can.- V4111able DAVtD
-lad 011se
nots6e it,:but I it is there, for"Ifeels it Scholars*
-, NI : ):LOT IN THE 3%�X 4M 33. ipi, Is6ed in Canada VA
A2 Ne- Boo e. St stinlept-to coinpltitii his course in any,'C6114e,'�f .God
naffections are set:upon things ab the -dhaifi,�� iind veriiii, withoui:,idditional For
If on ovei to' the -two'116or South ofKays'."Wck h The College is open lilay �nd cv�ral�g,r
RJG u pl bie �we,shalftrilve wseuse�6fit,,,which cannot 'be Jie,ha li� n
Huron and Biuce that a d, E�� DAY I REstBEN-r Pitt
a j6 oniei Carria-6, WaOns, 4ar:, Market'Square hisNFor fiirih'�,r into, please e'r Col- �T _ERT
M TR [T EMAN will -ell 1)� anctio to &c. Wwill lie Sold clieap� for cash. or ERE YOU, 'WILL: ar, w. -FOU �G _Rff
wid,by approved I' !ege, o en
G. nGod�ich, under W Lar est and best selected Stock of Boots NT,STRATTO.N V Cn
; r�' '. :.
virtue oral powcr a,certain ron JP
tile 21lli davot'Deceill4er. 1860, -Flolarlsll
letter stamp.��. Address Bimm
P.AS9 KO and Shoes ever oflered torsale in Godiiriclr.: The
To tO., fl -';'1863.
stock is of thevery best quality, rind wilb-be Sold'
w49 6m
fe inGo0eirich town.
le Canada
W: , 1.
will s,to`�f p i,ng n�
�,PTSICIAN find, I lie. ;ZS tile worth of Wil �yor OTS Noq;'11.7,
6iircE; an aM 'FORSALE l assortnient inr�nisl,. children'. MS. 'b-. c1ii Lrd, M; ID.,t L
of Ilic 2nd p&t,', NOW IS THE. TIME TO BUY 'ei
Yur Fail and Winter Bools ana Shoes. � Be $fire Very eai I& his
and buy thein,at D. cAllisterls,� where you
11 A
iapas ahlrother kf�ns
-(arprinter, �fthe Iiit part
1863- kin rc a ri don
, 21St day of A d.. r6iiidCrice-Eiist S�rat wn37 G,'A. 1§63. 1.4 1, rising,VillaV, of �Rrverkdlfle, in'7ffie C
Lot'�`rurinnng number 986:
f doo- and Buys"i ftbat.20 cents per iiairu�wiuitdli - Ji'situatea main
612ruce. This On -the
an em,, SHMF S, SALE OF LAXIfii road bet;weeti Kincardine and! Widkerton the
County Toa� ol.Bruce. 0- ' �: , ;� � �� 1� �,
Oarkart �Vest :�Ire�et, ill the said of Qoder�ch, Nlitrils kntie Wes 25 per'ccnf chea th' 'AWA
tofio�, and Women?* boots the same, TO 11E. SOM' : .,
Lot - bei 16.,'Son6. side *f 7M. �h '%Vt7it'hhlf ofLot 34, on the 4tb'cbti� of'Wa annot ASHIK MACHINEr ard 4
F1` P , . You -will: also find r j splendid as�rtrrrert of
-SU RIGEQ -d acres o�,land. beirq The Home Manufhcturci�'thv'qunlity of Whiche W Airtinuii, in the., own qf-.A-iamiidine,.aad11otSr7,
-Ai-Mits. i 1. . . I
Un to Con �s
'-ffY S T 1DY writs,of
-P. hpodre VIrtne of thre
CI AN, e
A -P Fieri-Facias issued out
Office and Reidence LCLAN I,- . _ be Surpassed. and J
East 8treet,�, , Ian licr& ofnew, . 'Persolnirlwisbing to pUreh of�,:H,!j Majeil', C
SW98 Ithas,10ficres, .4%'49; �0, �1,52,ahg 53, itr the Vilinge ol`.Riveri�
mill ase 'Boots and'Shoes a Ourt. Ot Obtaiiied !he Fis.6tr pujitl� at
ell it broughly -re- �d-lqg dwelling house �,an lo- barn - toow! of K=62rdin in
a, -aM,ieadyfbrcrop. -Ag6oa'hew- ar6i�,s*tfully-in�vitedto.tgll:ind exandfie'the
eh� has a, d logged up, untVCourt of,,theCotinty of bitlo it I n , Undcin Afthi�lthke T un Of I Tt
a �o Ili
,, ock 6:11nited Conn . §61.
be q -before 'purchasing, 6ise- Waterloo nd6otmtyCOurtr.r)fth V, Co -good,
a -5, on 1he.North-oPthC,Dur-
_2A �c. It is4.,d;;.odli.d,2 al where. Huron and Bruce; and.to.: directed TIM Lots Nunihem; 3� 4.,
TE1OF TOM, HU asThe sub azainat the"Lindi- -and.Teneri�earts me 'iaii,MarLet e Village*of`�Kincardizre,
SkA�,LEY-�-CLTN to : -; I . SqmLre;iwth
scriber feets'thankibl,forl favors, offames Bur�
RY McDERMOTT, rt r r;ou,Jameslention and Hugh Gilmore, at Wi CO0DtyoCBruce,-c, is er and-ould justsayto all hiscuqtomer� oeii,for cast)', 'BOB SAYING INE 'o U111 Juh, J 162. buy good boots and Sir find friends, its offarrics Ha� LA nrtbekldrta-,es� - lits ,,,or i.b,, ' I r � so rkley, ' Charles Hendry and Wil- Also Lots5. 6and 8 an the Purliarn Rod, and lot
Tated Oetbbe Sla WILL S ETTL 111 N E I.G NO R H'O 0 0, to � -izlid and taken, in, Execu- b
1Z. MC121tosil., T. �D. CXa., W40 -td ; ' ' ' L per centi buythem.a.t.DAVID Mc�AL� AntrnrMcKeiii,l hli'Ve,sL eminence�:
tcrcd.� �6, be tion all tire rght, title and'nitereat of thi said D�� 25, on the &.rtli side 6fibe Durham Road, in the
�'Well,wa Sold at �he fi�indahti, in and Wdeclaniid' to bet eau OfAgHozh?"?��' '6114
IIYST.Chk-,� SURGEON 6 t6lLofNine in the f6urth.6oriCcs- he.. best yc�. brought. under Townsip Of Mineariline, contlinfing SO acres
ra4jna�t I . I I - . of
Retnienib, i 'the' -place -:-Two- Doors.South 'their iLotuied 'it it, girriple.in its 6nstruction-,eaidly eaftj.p.arialfyeleariH.� EW61 Wd)
0 Ic Block, Market-601are. ft,of theL'ttminAip. of Brant,, containifig One"
8101 I
bundkA acres; L�t one in tile 6econd c6nicessiou.. Worked, tin not so e bn West side o Qu
3 eiich, 27th August, I Sq. _pair. epu Street in,
oThe cleiinsing pi,66�ss'is effe6ied by thd rapid the'Towa
O'�Uat -Olt 2
A T1 1AA d' bitict to get 6ut of r
v]Uw 1. IOWT CE ---OF $1,290
lswl03-w31-3nitts1' of said township, Viintaining'filly acires,, also, _Af�Kincardine.'
tcaShlandL time; -For i I urt-her parti6l- -water'iti:the. ichin6,"d not by . t.R11
tart onI IRA LEWIS
nOf C�rrick-��i:ontaihing�fortyo6req- hiso.Lot presvzraorrubbi i thereby- ayiding4lie,M1121-
Fifleen. 16 heeiglith-conceition �of,. the low fo,
am apply to T onia�, H61ines, i"ner of Mai�r ce -3id rich ess Sdrrist�eir.' G erich.' -
tile 2ndconco d 26in the Jist,injury to the, 01st falmics,..'With &;in
hip of li ap, thin under -wakh
LTOSIEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, STZR- 'A Licenses, and Land,Agent, Blythe; or to Matt 2 !.P
Resi�hihce irt 31r, T.'Evc VALUABLE F RX qtmaltity of" the blind -
and Lots-a4an
JLJL 7.6ro
Street, OWUto. lifolines;gthe piciniscs� Agood title frout file 4D.R. of the't6wis
N THE: contdini�g.one-�iindrei-it�d-fiffy.�ereg;; .1, iqr�,n . system.. ns'�w bavemied tlicinaie I: . L, I Crow�. ill be given, \,A P.�S h. -Pe � �4k
ENCF . S: fiedtfiai-the,ini6bi�ne,i�chpable..otdoin�as ouch
ounty of Bruce-, 1: which Liands and tenements I
ptchiller 18th I s W33�3t
TO -N 'work in two ho�rs as' ean be' accomplished'
-A T BViLT M- 1) London;:'Tuos. NICHOL, w.. sHir-omilcongonXt! shall Uller for sale at my offee in the Court House
day by the'�brdiriary piocess, thus
ELLIS, At. D., New York,, :ABOUT in the Town of 06derichz on uesdaytheTwen Y
_!10A,GE SAL fourfh day, of N6,vernti,i Savin I g labou 1.C-%,0 0, clock
Twelic of the noon, ite
v24 ;rnexts at the lacurt F110M iGODERICIT f me
nad one
HYS and.a-ha'ffirom the North Gravel gem
Tire. undqrm�miprr
By:S.POLLOCK�,Jb�pui�(,Sb6r!ir.� Sheriff la,01fice0oderich
tend, paru:t4larly. to disca;� ! and surgical bi. the.
L, Sol' TET Ili rilip S de irous of selling a jood
'1863 chine& and'Jhavulg,gi sittiked oA�"t�il, �1 io,
to selp
rtione hp6d the eyei�- G I
!! PrWtdi, Nlk. F,�TER Fis ytrWill,
'PaWic.Auction atWs, l4th Atigt M their ctitire,patisfircition'..
-1862: fW17 re
A OWICK VILLA(; c.71)ec' . 6.7 Holelii Isaac rCder��k, Suble Lihe,!Lake, J. Ji WWrht, un, B � fir . '
IT below ay eld. The'r6ill is in fir5t rate running
SiTU Eb ARO,U,-� 1, fro �ro
the opric
Jeweller-, Coxi'Sipial OA c e,;
driff s Sale of'L' :Lds.. 0 a Id'IlhhoZ3 a 14entiful 484.01y ofiiinber in
T oRNEY-AT-LAW SO Est Peter'Nobill"D Cum- rdi 'b
. . 'to nial.6 Iil
is led by i good s
A ollawetry Convey�njer. o creiik;7 Tfi aii SWaeres of Iiii�-61jaiiidiffid in
T , , I I , ", , 1 -11. �., . 1 11 , hill, �fcito'R iNAKTION R001M&1'11I1`1 C H OWN OF GODER i 77 ingS';rRobLWbbons J uly- 14
United Couniies 6r Y iftue - of a- wint of lies- a
of Bruce' ias. Fleteb6r� connection withthi
TABLE -TOPS V: 'naluesirright he added3 if neiiemiry.
:014' ,, -, , . , 'Huron and Brucel'� B.; Esq.; Rev. CI nfllj-which wiUdWsold,with
VIRT�E OF Fjeii Facials issued out' Marik, �theiI
_UNPER AND Y POW. ITO Wit. OF -Her- -Aijesty?8 CJ)Unty digiredbV the purchaser. 'Thiiie is a good
rSA I p1kIb 2 stlay 'MINMbliber, 1�q3, xi. of Sale continued irt-(Two A rchard oh, lh� lot.: Foi-plikiculars, pricej-,&c.p
-CIVIL -ENGINEER AND PROVD'MIU Saturday,. I �g RICH.., 'Court of thcJ7nii ClinDties ofRuron andBrucii E :OgLy
and tome "directed against the Larids and.teoe- on ilie premise's to
ad cri;vorth,, of: th�e -said WILLIAM I ARTI,
Land uivcvor.' Offl6e �and. esidenQ 'onqm. eby,Jobn Long
Comerifs ofJoh. C. Xarke
n y, !2, 3863.
ar- y
ri5a . Building Socieiy,I�Aiivei Seized and-talien'in ExC' Itillhu fb� the Cou6ty,-of, uion, isnd�v'p?epariid cule 'Oct Att
Town of. GoderiA, of the'.first,prift-, microh,at,thesintoftbe Hur;D. , Th,,S, r,br, purchased the',ratent
P- R "Y Elle
itBeing i�inrler.doiverj oftb�e se6ohd.pai,t':�aaid "bn Defohdant. in and to Low number Seven ;and feelin
)E tJ2.,17-TArFPy --szr - !,Rzo� IRAV' Lontrvoith his4ifc (for the purpose,of cution.111 the. righttitie And inie6est of,'Ehe on; 7t6 supolythi maebine.0 ivirich he soliciiis zitrii1i
aedo'3 p. in
100 acres of land (thore or Jes),abodi 50' -el of the third
ille Empire of Frauc&, Eiritui niack'and. County t. wisetlidiiii�and-,66rious Wpsh-is fiei&rhed"
res -c car ino§uremeat Fifty'acree avrsaid John I, )1id same,more or lesi with, tin ifi�lto be iesfed'at their God6rich' . Wild and' othe'r Lailds exdin�ined and' ac 617whichai Ce under cultivaT d' I' 'and thli--other r made by the y:ad --the 1.711�
e �'l IVI1 rNGINEERS. PROVINCIAL io. ill tire Township tXC0iorne. n e m ra ','south of the Durham oad' a6d 6ase with 'wbicfi ar�.
:LOJ,9,`aAd part,OfLol Nine ii -ill fi t' e -assuied tb5i,all Who test it will bti.pI
IV., &yr�6Vr, �6� A�v Lj�
C of- with't 'e rao. idili Lint air 1,4rt : Ilhiro,
TaTued.'. 1by ch
6, rWorth o dingsthereon,j teqe�, will; be coni-y'eyed,l I �y the I - pro I trieto I ri . n A.N EXCELLEINT'
-L. HI-IMMAN. on. .�.FRAVIE Hdb�E Ei d by him, 'iL86-ned 'to 'th ieetW, Which L.ands afid d
the an
G rk6e, in-
wv]6.34 - NEW -FR. LRD, tWOCreeill.. inentslabill,606rrtir.�aileat,ffiy6ra�ee,in. e on,, agaifi;should it n I, TAVERN
run through the land. %i 6ther-�onveniLncjs, said"John W. Soymour—i Eke
Houie iii'tfie TL Tuesday.tt.-
in ofthe" hiA
neit,at. thWhour OFT ad
lefault having bee t said on
0*6 offhiderich, 'on scriber desiie
the dubrpaymentther f 22nd qo3 we, t -shou d belhorling 1, shing f
oftneclook. noom�t- cohrui -r ned�
N 4, BRUCE. try'n TP
AL LAND SURVEYORAN� RQ in with. ill iii
'Civil Enzirfeer.,plintoti. CAS lilarge Stable Shed"
I . 10 NAL
Onefonrt HN MACDO: ll qrden,
arimcan rem I am, or . L S 0 IAD 'AUCTI
4, bal rnorti-iRge tor 8 years or to
'S. PoLLocr 'be d k 1"'
sei, as a -reed llpOn� AT:THE POLLOcK, r � - 1-1d"d?t,1i6-,R,L- - - .
�e . I in a St., Goderich; an xiown,
:John ]Donilaon. �uit the pore a OCTOBER,- 1863.
Sheriffla OffiFe, Goderich;
Be T
loth f; Clinton, Tue d y,.:13th.
�L,- Civil Engineer, &0' pit
r e�
hey; lVednestlay, l4th, -siar km -
r e�
, . - , -, I :: County �pu
'R19- FUR SALE es 501 - E:X pur 'S'a .15th. over.
M, -1[3ROVI i4 1, LAND SURVEYO R. c 16t-, Div.r God-Cric anday' N be SA
AUCTION�MAkf OF : -: , Ave,
lr� M n i.,
9,Of ev:7
des�ription,' and AMiftectuial Plna ' "te 2nd .114T
n oth.
K -stofi.Street, God h ame. uct' Lands'examined,and �alu - ed- FA SALL OF :LANDS
Ilkli-FIELD,1863.'. 'w52-v.Jv$r' y e�, paid
6th sprion. Tuesday -
DO United ountres�o
ER, 186 Octo 1863 iva ".tf,
Huron and C..?.
f I fine or a. *A of
all nveyi ncer, Kincardin 11th" SH -4)19CEX-B 3 "Tii, W, t f
D-NGINEEP A-ND'SUI 414th.dlty
&CO TOWN .12.1. on nues, of`Ru�on and Bruce,
VEYQ?- GODE1111,011: , Xff 'ri"C , NA
of. of 6, Tuiw U
A. D. 1863, at 12'of the: clock, noon, and to th�, Lands and Tene- E13ZDERS 'adabeissed-to the Pol�t
loth master, T LMING VIZ:`
URSERYMEN, D lot, 13,
tie s Cnt� not I
tlmtL Seven,
and. brnan - nial.'Triies, Sfirubili;, u6 1 T 6'e', andultir-ri'umber , "'Ot, I i � 1 1. : - � I � I .2fid, HArpdrhe`jrrkhursdi�;17& oftlitiiaid defend- IH.A -,b , ii Clintou,-Wedue8d�y- -16th,- Glairdrier,11niVe" I -en in DR, H 1 Si`�
-F F and-taL
Executon T Geoer�li will[W iiiieind al'Quebe -u
5t t 6z
t an Exeter,, a ur ay, 19N in,ando�tol 'In bei 'T 4,�lil 0iomptly tended to� W 1,n certain paic6l, or tract 611- Dun-annon,,Tuesday 22nd. ent
of , � I '-a d being 7th Baylgel nirect�,b6thi in, ageo hicar. CEMBER A
ise's situated lyin in th ij d, Wednesday, 43rd; the vill f
co�veyan, o er
2 dine and Countyozi'Brui�e, contaira - & f H
John Cr�ftxvbelf ngbyadmedr, ...... ...
'PrOIH:i� 06fiftioidt for four yearg,1welve r e halfacre,of and, e�ItO
B Nk R A A6`HNT sbout.55 acr�s a rinamuiy ofjobd Au at 2�nA, M... ure-qii� , d
more.or cgs -
which La udaTan emefits I shalli -O�
be The same the Court House in Jimes'per Y�ee eae way, tween"'
alei sit i m in
T -N'1I1P`.0F,Gr0DE,R1GR It be A
00d Wliterpri the preinisel. OW
im �7: OV on''.71desday"tille
a I"C The al COUNTY 6AL
�.W R. C.00PE%
bea,,at -the hour
V,%la f ne.6 &,B.� teenth day of
H; sa migand 'oil
OHN FINLAY,. boing:eomposed of part 5, in _th" of Telie Iwa AN
Maitland Concesslon,� of tfie said TownAip certilly the .0 50,11N MACDONALD,
J 01i Rie4&3ra (36derich, containing 14,2 acres more 6i les'3-., copy 'P'the riginal, AND1101ir
URT-OF of I . b4eby. lbove to be,
tin 'Pot -Mortgage ban be By APP
eeii7&Piinch;Convcyanber, &c., Amel�� Deeiltiud6i rer, tb;s pur;su nt�qAhd�StriliuW. cockle -cl
r Sheriff ls:OffiCc,�Qodr!6h,, FOR the re o. o e.
desirine to purchaief kep E,t seen the o rd ltl�ibivihg Sale"O� EX f9ce of the Solicitors. Term"s of At of Farm and Towa--LotSrfo
ChLUTNT FIR ,A -lots for'sale, OF 11 F DIrM 1011 -Au�.: Ie63. 28
b� asccrtainedLyaplply�g to J.,X� paiteB fla - �d -D $TO
Xlerkokhe2eacerRuronatd Bruce. �y All )kica
9 e. I
ap,-200-,aijsre9.;6f exie of
q 1, eth -ienesi-4f-the I
gdp 1$63- 'ek-,
be Ailsa.draij,P�sf6�� d, Railway
God�rich, ravel. 11 91
reare,100 acres,cleared,
olt�� t �0 �-,�W OOL '-Gaderica
The .28th Sept./ Ci A S14
40 �011 which- &ELWOOD ii
nearly clear ofi,itumps.,'Godd'dwellifi, and t,.
T' . T 10"ph
50 68 1 red- - MR
-PORWARDI W38, ous.may e,�pe
IUU ople bear4ug. -Tallf ofthe. he,Tenders td,state�t
-L:'- Mcrchao1,ANvBaHuRoN,,C: W., Notes and farn"old if -desired-- It is within m'6hr Jrlp,�(Itoi',Jud from DI tM
-I, � '. �,
Ofit�,eollected; Business of any �,'Ond �nj, Liakelitgadj5 T d thci,P. O.-afi'd" is
qor tin NDS -FOR SA -LE 'PA ' "' , , ,
a. A, notices�dl '�(OTIC
to (46derich. ,
the prnises., ondbWti essu
T- rr r. . - a U, a 'ANY On-IER`DELETER10VS:DRUQ- 0
tion as o.�con dnsr�ofproposed'Oontract'
ENRY BROWN A :� BAR HE :n, &-turni 9 t links lo a �GR
nto hi�mifi the,,W�o�I,Carding,'-Clot e t e- Craig t suit 01,
and at th
'T R. EN T I F -A -2 1 rt exteli -. bb Post Offie6s; OfAilss
O*pr,,16, and p rt oflo�t 17,�`eopmoiqn-. B;�fowrfi- Man6facturihg buSi i!*1,
-Rbad,�Gvl :,
�!oitild bg tq� stati thiit
l�,conJhLxniRgAboqt 150 acriis-- 'no i�xp.naiii'tias %6C a (thiii beasonygip-rid 1 B
f,7 PonTn or ily! land belonging to the late Xr�Ang;up Id having h I? Ire
e mate 'te. ilalmv�"givinig energr
-ao�Riiring�jb!q flourish!", Vil �6ngaged,the serVicegofexperienilied,ivorkin sr7 exan eriiiiecilcr
er- and U
;U0 0, AC -So, EDERS
�qr, undersigned-havipg-,buen yointcdExci- en OSTIO"I PE ns�,
until ff XDAY,'the 2nd, e; KX - a sractiontothebrbirtheb fi-, Ge&;- Jes
li�,--e'ot'Lri�tliiid:�'J'nt-ouseqtience of -the he to Oi jt e sprnizoP
sillingii Ira !r- wilr-bE ribilp,'from, ris o f t h t i, I I i su, wi I f ra M m, 6 iiiii I r Wn 1 0 1 the day -of ut; ofthe Pirovinde, I �2� 3 lie whcnc�e ThC'b6d7F79.-,'
L Hilron. sixteen'ruiles from eric i don C
ZATV -)n, for the,,rantl gnf -'sub8criboir , is - an- -any, amount in the ye business, in- all its variw of -their
ty 'Oo� hlieJA3tFSHARRTjWQf a o he, I .
tothke 87, er,'�aSi�, cas or 0 small rez3,pl 'of Ili.Ilhats
me Ing I be hef
ftern'.16 w Uolbornei� J pa casg� n
as'lierewfore..eorrij _ste.� y4l�op ome,ver e bo
'will w1d in ilijidow
from Gode asame, a
-ich -127 Items or -Land, a ino. eirunniiig*bVe�3.to5vearPs6rediiJ Thfii bont 60 acres cell , cleared ard in,: them. The highest, inarli� t --quality, ravel Road, andZ mi
'�"T'fic mile ftoro the North6in G and"balance secu" wilistintice, 4&hAY - H EIFE
the dingroad4o-Liiek�o uiile and a.hah givethe
Y - -Farm lin, ages, NotesofHandi; k-.
W �v tin h e
�ree all. paP166-0v a high,state of cultivation.�'. Appli- Is a e Wil barga in, tw'66 JaAds are' ofei
'r �kcct st into beft
few rOdsof the grivel'road- is. a1urge Wid
canta, to state h -t price *ill
CleaAppl tbeE7�rietor, d 'th infit"V
log-houia,, t*p.barns�, it y9nagIr"i w"' TiL TRUE ]KA -PC
ll,busi'n, ,trati, ed Mli. J I nd very eligibly situated
be aufficiel t. ow much rent. per yeur ior.�'yiaars' quantfa paid in Cash �3
A I Id other med
pp y to 6od 'W' -1 'Ifd'
I 'fro- buis,'a 'ell" Ifiip�,The owner ia, uejt. an Cagan I
CPrCial3esir arlfi fi r1f ree, A; rolbome� ppraisq,kc.'-
Auctionec;,, X 20ih
a ROBERT GIBBONS, Goderich. JA d'Ag6zit. -editoproi;,J,:pm
t '" I . , : A
c�, �c
1� W Oil God ric dt,
-6 XAS- L
embe r 26d I - i � ]' '�
RIX GOOD. NUC Or -t -pay, charges, and
lep r19tIi,,:IE63. TH6'
JU 7r7ib 0