HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1863-11-06, Page 377 THI� -SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL... d'. K 1ARGEST 0 CK - YET AM �oNFIDENC G Merchant TaUor a suppose it is Ilext will be tinders:too r as I large and vrcll-assort- z W -AL, 11 -V S IN stock of. r)'7Qd and th: U h ast rece*v�ed 0.,. E. C'610 gly., obse �azer,,nel,"h it the GLA shops will b -'Cdaccoidin, ow FALtIFcoyEaY.—Rev.d. W.:,T. Hunter,. Vide tr�ekly qighat, 16th October. 0- 0. 0 M) S idav rec6ven-a the 6ffectb of his'late in - An ariety of Fan6-Articles,.sbeh Shirts Coklars,,.Neckti,6s, caps, IV es:leyari. Kiiiister of Clinton, has so far' WAL� E-1 ry &'to be 0 toL'tnter ag�iin upon the fulfilment of his pastrial LTU'i6S­ _NTI.X[ATES to Ili,; custbibers andtli6 :-Public eneialj�, thadiis stixd, c in- season, -RE,. we,would of,woolLn cloths, adaptcdfor-th6p�es6nf.an:d the-approa hi I�ANIILTAR Wli 1. the. F ATIIF-SL OF �,11 'MAN"NAT I . - . � I I . I . L I I . ; . I I I L I t . - I I ; -11161a-he is prpa BoN ill � I , IL ' I : � ) - " " - r evening -the boysL i's vQry co calls will,,objige I L I I, - . , .. I L 7: indiscretions or- sh f n L ity aroun bf the,toi�n, beine desirous;."of celebrati tb th w. e Mantle of C L t'L '.AN IMT�IE N SE-, S,TOCK� _CLOTHING ON b, Selit. IS, !80� ay,,inade.a hn-e bon See A Y 'AFADE f - W rother or ffiendj l5ut when s s6tfsrm, in: order satis ac.torily life an s,of n th ��square, stealing the'refor, -we fear', S HA4ND. -Thi to Mee t GIWE 11 rge -my C�ustorryers in �the7 Cr�fli Departili'ent I -have'd and --bhrrelsmpon wtlich:th Att -i h1l the tar, -oil. supernn6 Tweeds, and, I have� ree ands. 6utter,:RICITARD CARxy e ylei and, t.have,beeri'p% ing lanqual- fi ified satisfacOqn. 'Ge eme: avoring u' may- re y o'n- ]pa]l F 11b Wer. ie',ar oi x1d lay the _h 'WN C t T IV, ntl Gauitcq­-Mic only Church, a wellfilting garmeni; ma�e rip..^with, �the �utmc;si c8are a -;d s :Bi gettin .3 It 6 villa Klongs 'k- h" d cut -according to the'latest klashions,� and L ge of"Kinbur or in an an atmod �xa c t1jodl- &IL to. st iornination, price,-. -EN, IL- 0"WEN c go var y ie ab T.TA �jc xxjust,�oraplc ed. it is a: beautiful fran-4c J0 Hr -edifiee� Tjxd orkmansbi dispI let made. u'p.by pod w6rkmep;�# the most -fashionable 1�ric`es rangz HAVE JUST 0F.EwEi) �&N,xlisoifr:r��k�r NNT�NTER Q.ERGQATS.. 1 t qfJl' F CON Fj-juEA- 1111, b* BUSE the pew-sj',p4lp1i and altar Can scarccly c. ing f "to hv�nty. �rom f dollars o gall�ry; 4owever, 'd, P�L-%Vo Uld a- b6arfiIv diihourice., surpassed., There is n ou�SCOTCR`AND iDA�N�A:,t)'I-lkri-\'�--TWEEDS. �'lt'is not -at -all ',b* Are, concerne j.w ias'the buildin- All the ast(.)qi,. ing orld corl�ic e OaTt 2 55c. that, Canadian T -weed- have FOI cit 0. idio ffimc , ien i n -pewi 'save f6ur, are ajrc`�d�L erI Ise 009 -the the ta�k in Ao a ord:. L T r m"aterialprpdac"ed'in -any.,�.puntry equals . - . - - . I .. I tha�. as. yet no quaJity.of.-c-lotht:� PA ETOT"'JAM 'Much credit is undoubtedly due to thedn- P WL S tlid-'ranadian-in durabil�ty or�in qbn�jprt. - I - ­!1�1 , :,�L � : 11 an&'surroundin.- ALLITLHE,�-NE $HAPE to, thIp.Honi6st, Fr�gal!Aiid liclustribus! habitarit�'.of Ki 'burn S PbR� GENTLE �[E EivikY-DA EAR, FORtTR USER le Piatecioji, neig�borhood, for �the- n6ble efforis 'pu� . , . L I L . : , -,* ,i� �f . '', - - . : I . 1. . 'THV� i[AvE :iI.So'ON 11 �I) A fortli, in oi&&r to ai praise-, OR�' IT for t he'; work-ing'man who. in . 9st pconomisc means,, or -for CCGM�JiShL siich a SUL S'L ADHEItING.!�o,' T E N T *.oTthyqbjcqt.. Boy's-Clo(hing, fioth'in-quals, the Canadiaw L E�S, MACNIFICE c an pTrn�, doZ" eII GLASGOW'R-0,Usl;.,.�1 -You -variety. -rable goods. EXCLUSIYELY: STEN' CUffS­, NP Runcir, x- 'HUf.ETT. mo�!. URS all. vai , tho t desi _W CL ' i- FURS. F70RS ?T!,:FURS.!� in' �f ta ff,, 0 C—Rcusl 6 1�.resbtcrian de- Froni- whieh, they prices. :,S lendi, elfureb, L belqr.irq to th will Mike to ad ssbrtrn�nt bf K,AfUT T Us REQUIRING Or. style deired., S IT 0 -W �b -R nomination,,is iilso being 'completed h 1S.! BO. arketyiL and from t <1 township allulIett.' The -NN:6rl-. -on the' SHALS� I SHAWLS S 11 A 'in grearv, Goderich, Gth,Ociq 186i. - reflects. credi &,lowest to the be-`st.� OOL',.SH-�W-L,4 jLj Pllfanthu Xardissus. all,var. �t on t1m woI n. -Taymenut ,-Ah6ther irisi de, 0 Mc of Deb.t� n --Lee, of'Bandou.­9'he'nu y P t;Tde 'arid F 0 well finished. and painted white.-" rowfiour firly., :For,remem-ber, LOSSES ill'utit.'b counterbalanced, by PROFITS,'el.sc.!he� CROWN 'IMPERIALS..' E SHAI ol-FILLED PA S t" This, oI with the f�ct that' itL dollars. 't 941ance. §heI at the bud.of the-fiftiiiicial yer lovill %v�e I ar ;3�drear aspec: SS GOO' action to-cus- y built 6n.an �eminence causes 'jt't6. priescnl� DRESS GbODS. PRE DS 1� Toi.§.,e' Sall s�dep tonI mq t W the bl LvQ' in -i i, dep rtment - h beeii-,sekct�d with eye ofthe' traveller at considera e [�'l e J>'S 'R d r -T :(NOS, ESPANGLE I e great cre, an consists of FR,E.NCJ:l -BULBS. ARRIV kGS -distance a Vefy autiful amcaran6ii 0 ffkk FALL �RDS. COBOU.�RGS AN LUST-RES-'DELANE8 AN6 Gqd�j c V1 TORIA' CO 866 Tbankftli for patron�'-e,��efi'avp received' e our arr i va in ri, EEN­LGLA , W 's im rtat;611," CLOT11�,. ABERD' Sine Tesm al the nev! V Dir�dt from He ' 11 ' and, aud:corq gr SF ADI.—The' editor of the- NICKMI34C ER. WINL.CE in all the' All arid,'WhIch is greater tb -our most sanguin expectations, we., beg; to d from hSignat. was. rouse leading -color, ­.NORWidA POYLIN'S' P L T h T St te a a tter, now t i4nj at dreams I st night thaItour cij-, or-carly this morni�n' CLO, our friends are beii I jrts,; 4 yar s aw f' Goder ODS. I le the �trains of delicious music' ITLAbe MO VIRNING DliESS- 470 angle: d ' 1 .1 ich, �11�63.. p I y y9e jpj : 'any previous time Jc' fuSjo 'd h Black G aca .8ilksjr6m 1hr p ings no �v in almost d I e r n our� if-dic -montent ie 'Was wl e. ric ee and,fiine, 7 on 11 L 'B 1-1 osi G "Sbaffs. The wne' w INubia or - l.in cry, in imagifiatipirback-to tha:"i sunny Soth Flannel lankets, Print,, p lai NTAL art&faneied he again heard, th6.na Cloud Sciarf.--.-Ladies' Hatsi. t mined a n 1n . DEPARTNE Ty ae� ALEXAND, A :KID, G LIov 0 VI Y.0, ditra-la.-W, of tli6, I.Iffickor' S 't UOASTE, A:Y ESj es., e Pariwo0aiT V Woolen G16 hat greatest cardand attent,im. littf rubbing his II a It ls 'im p-6ssilil stock'now in hiber t ore �htntatiorls,,, but on 6: to 'enumerate theirilry ens& a v r in., Gode L H6 and rI a i.d� sively C III Suffice it_to Say7LI tfie Reme hd blu! as WALLAC.E'S I � - I . 1�� liste i g� to a delightful screilade. His Xf,�t4NSAC n o TS :BUSINESS- -WITH HS beii�.�'bestowed upon' the pur'ehas&of thei'good-,,,. and' fail to De; t,7 unknown- visitors' (all unknown, 'except Crown. Lands, and'other A tj emI hds�a`taste for the toLan�ja�' Y or ge ri iti!kF�I Takes,out Patents L f6r 'Inv entions.- grafts and takes chvr�z qfRrW�4je-Ri00urjng the R'—) v�ill'pleaio,accepf his, sin beautiful 6'r c:a --a' 'good'. article hen 'the seeA -e ,n appreciate_ 'Dii-XER13j. J IS � '0 A L L &c., &c'., &a., rbr,Parfirg, 4=in cerejhanks fb the favor done.. Of�­61VE WALLACE d,,be will 6d r c:afiada. or elsew.bere. in. abiundance to�suit the most, in cc, n'.and St. S -ood Pil .tr e., SG W,H USE 6 20th 1 3, On- ThursdaY� Oct.- Sth-,- by the�-Rev C.L GLA- i-.0 tober. -zL.; Wesleyan, Minister. of -Bl ythe, quality. 0, �GQDEP W'j '20th'Ort. Bristol,, B- osb, to -)I'i's A;); Rltj)' STEW ItT: 'AGAM MNISHED WITH On the 4th'ivst., li� 0% --da�ghtcr-6f Harvey HideRsi RE Of SAW.&H, g1d76st '0 W 0 Eaq.,-15othofGo'd,,.nchTownsbip H]] I THE SUBSCRI61."a­BE, T A i�T T;ILS.L�TTST, R ETURNED, FRO. I T THE HARKETS. Square `:'Clob ch" -D EIT 4 .1% C e� G3 GODERIcify X�V� IV ITH A'VNUSUALLy LARGE AND RI --Uri) Agsoki�m-iT or, JV 16Sj an all- porsons -in h L di' e of Invite F-�TTers,, Mechanies,,"t e[ r T Speetrt e I L - r -6� I , ­ " , - " h ir� ve large stdk, of FA 9 9 � r argain Spring:do L . t WIN ­ b es .............. of E& G -I 9 b.30' a 0.35 T STA jor 0.."40r a 0.3 - I "I B ND AID Potato jQAT NS �30 0 15,.a 0.00 Fresh butler.. Woot per 1b." . ........ 0 a -0 34 Hiiy� per ton (de%v VERY I�EPA:RtMEXT OF YLTERATU -)� -, L A,tso, A. qooDn.s LECTION Or, E �i g g, _per doz.". Tor 00, a 4:50, JEXT OUKS k ST A NDAR' D: M 0, 0 5.00% a 0. S OT �L; ALIJIL NT, 13z IN M -R ME 0 E G FX i I A �A S .Wf H THE f assortment o 65 Peas 37A__a. 4,()C, S 23 a 2�c. er Pici�u e s;' e 11aser, All I An a li'rik" B�b� 'S d Tr tin Ut T 6 ­Gth—.Fall wh *at 9 Ic a� a O'neryp 8 Oats 35 a 4 le.— ich e offers at very ic �oii ks"sf I Sring 70'a ;w �jaies, C D riess Co e C.'. Elf lily. f�'vcir 0 Jleas� 50,a­�Sc� Potat'oes 25 a '35 Lyin,; peri�na rIIiitided big ableI auan�onipnts- Nvith'the leading Publishers f' 4Th' d ��ca' has ha& :the sfortane to' ose y- -one 0 ers, �avi M . : �,� ` . , I TA, retail. y afld- ng ye Ne wYo 1c, Bostou, and.Ph ifitaelphii preparea to SUPPly al I bfr tb4l� book, holeSal OfN 6 -a 91c. shaw eat .86 ION OF i'MANKIND IN F Wish tg.Lo. e r 'West e ices. ARI319PIN U HP,has resolved to Ma"litle of'C4hr1Wbvcr the whoI th t -s' 11atq Ices, die a�.,j S, �CaHVJ 4[ 'T A -F L (A M S And other', requiring a pantitywill be.served-on the mdstlber lLejuI ue ii ers ad ffff P "Go6d" 'maj not be, 6 Itj PaIll Sq The - B d A 0 -rHANLKS -C -DF1j-URN5 HIS MOST JI-NcERE Andt th6 p lt, Salifetinle:L'be assures the' ablic tl O;MtA =RARIES 1%, torthevery flattering encouragementhe�ba�. S�UNIIA. business, in God&­ 'eivedsincti he'-coninienced lN, not being4bie to execute over one-hall''of" _Xt]D W TRIC 9 f kurnished at- Loivest'1iade; Prices ILL OLD bini la�t-�cns6n; havin,� - ' . " r ' r , " I I "' ''. , , ­ _ L GOODS !o soured facilities f6r THE S. X00R11 -Cheaper 'if-po ib and: be :(I�und v6 corn te, an' �Iatger t I (And h6ir -Stock r E, �'Oet� �RY 0 e]l ec 2�jr.Tlie DKE'3S"dOODS. lqie '�Worthy 6 sp'e.IIition,,. nd "I none but, first-class trades 6 his t:xperience as Cutter is aarg 0 A 6 lot, f.TG,,BAOC t fiey -:ain No pu!qlla�sed' E re'enab b t an any 6 e a Advkta "�k :0 R entlosgesl d 0 K � ; 'N E; 9 'd eccinii to nein the Province, having caI on se :4�'good cessfullyin Hamilton business exte loss gincipally flrsr-� customers, and �having Prindpal. Establishinpals in, utter in one of xhe� thiiS ZdhDburgb,'SIiofla'na, ;he� fearlessly, stat, ICE' -,-._p D eaVy to intimate d A.'it i� that all, Notes an . OntAt,`UgDA, -the, -17th nt 'SON' . THE: lall� ZjTjjL�:jjj$fjijj ;djj6 rLnjnj.�PUhljC: that" HIGH EST ��e6j6d to .punctually in' f Accoun s ir CLOT�lMip. THE�`;SO the crIadit'LL, Arid to enable them :'tor.S& or s Tz0I A:<�Iforcr4 A S oliT FOR pelled toL insist on immik me if bst -E t bl'sh pate, pay ny �'S 'T. E �ronti)4 or DE h e H K -AZBUTLE S 2*- " ' ' :` � � �,, �,� L � W 01 1� 30; 186a� Pod�rieh, 36Lb qqt -F 'D 7' )HER-. WANT .TEAC 3VZ -A icate.' For paracul. I received- -class certif Octob� a Ist or 2ad r, al r f6, teaeber,for schooI W D; Applii:iii tdwn4hip f- (.-o2eiich-- t1mus -E M ,HUGE[ DAVIDSON.' ed SAl, -PLASTERS." IN, (;ASH. -.;.NO -W ORR� "S�, Adjou'r R: VAIUAEL T L A., fluron. This is a: od ca�viis.71, as .1ppive, T- 0 AS S R T M C P, F er ap.-,, ra;,e N- 1ACFNT -to envuss� for, MeGitE9 11 6 Ile in tlie Coii'�ty ot. V -ii)[3- �Tol for Sa A' i, OUH I-alf-orLot- 27-coneeiswa-7 a", eral Agent, 3' the In JOE en upso B. A -10T -OF to tlieir ua Igs, '-T-6wushijp.i>PMorrii. 'App 1235,�Toron,!o.,� A , zS ICE R*E 13y: GIVEN.L tbat�'a . 11' 7 C- NOU oVERIE. RALICIC, EXCIZ. 0 e n ---QE0RGECRb0KS, oa*,the-, P onis" a lar JOS S 5i 18 -UM -*C�oi bioem�bdr h,,., 63 mes: rA- G R F-. E S I -�U -L �C R- 'S ALE - 'N F �0 L A -T R"' os A -G oluo, --.'STRAY NR 7!�� .1 1. " , � ! - ­ , - , .,r,,,, a IN, rJV IF --'3E1 -11 116 of A th #Pjr, �,HA* , k,r A ',�REC A 'J.?7,_ �ard Coil - -; , -,;n,the ownI o 4CriW"jjb6jjtr thi, T Qbgr t Irough -b6in 'adye at, thI time a never- ai Ing cree ifinfi�ng "t 6�06 Lelk 00F Uaborse, abo . C, �� I , L � 'r 'k y�Wa; &dj ha� Id ERICH' ewelltimor theV :qgq -41: 7! A 6uA haodtalls-7bas -not,tipea reciaim ja pr 1P A9 P0 DI L T eo "Y' S. ou JI-Iiina III It ta, e k J7 pure dso F �j LIOM FRIER 'ABSA 3 t 1: C -Sheri GODER qpfz- th,4 5t Co. t obe, 'ay, -7 h ".get t$ 28th F