HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1863-11-06, Page 2abildrUn,! " nd Still agairl, peaking of the is unparalleled:. Oh, hortest fricild, go -oil OVIR11al. . ufferin6s.of the federalB, lie said it whs- thy way rejoicing. th.pir Gethsemane, and they prayed, let this cup pa&14� fom us,� never ot Our Y olunteers and the Late Review tholess n tic be aoric." In our wil but Thi GIODERICH, C. IV.; NOV. 61 1863. a icstcr'iie said the llebellio;i lia-d for 'it� GOD�RICII Nov. 3rd,, 1863, tfiother Slavery " and'for its father, oh,, 7`6 Wic L7,111or f thr Huron THY rOLITICAL FARSO1q - no, we never mention' hita," Incalling SiR)-JI f Di.4ka your report o, ldft to P!, unto t4creb we re Fes tbc:Devil- held at Brantford , on �lic. 3 REVFR'E-,D HENRY WARx) BEECHER is Y, �Such st7uff may pe set clown .,'is far worse 'September, you 'remarked that a tinge, undoubtedly it man of no ordinary talon t. than Ilure b.n:t it is "just proc and pleasure * suffused your- face He is' possessed of just tlio�e qualities., of ar, the expressiods-of credit f4)r efficiency the t1iin to set an audience in a.. ro ,which render �an orator popI r in Anierit- 'ded t . o the i3odcri A vivid Unlimited laghter. Unanimously accor. We hine 'Mr 'Beecher will III ib w Volunteers. This feehii- must sure Command i5f.language, illucll�of.it really,thillkin�� ebined fluency in delivery', and. po�i- boon more or- ess reciprocated tion 6f his br readers.- every one of crur�. ownstrien'; not t e bappie3t.kn6rck in, the world of wofiv-, Pithy littic�spcecii dto�d-Brciigliam. will Si� thhf-your�Tom, lis Dick- ing tire occurrences of the. niornent into rliap�-go*fnrthdr than�tw,oliburs doliv6r�­ 1j'arry .,ln:k,y,- have been !'the combine to iu�ike - him pe, - . I - .1 1 . my In conclur� ances, Anierican, eloqu6nce. PIP the, eloquantsipeaker. of ew YoI Ili, - . " ' I I - I ; hich drcvrfdr1I1 ;a roving-remar -ing le ' ' sunl�we ter, wl d 'as woll'as rende -able by ihe off 9 � . . . . 'to. rs himself temark -hud 6ftlid,Gondral, in tiommanI was _§uiit by Rector Carnpliell, of. Liv6i-� the 'thous* I I f -inanner in which -he sets aside the �'rrlinost ands! of bystanders—, or- tl poo. 1, th-the'Scei'ptary of-th,c. Emancipation, :were a narrow-rainded view of tlic-iubje universal ie'straint which clergyman hve Society - altbonr-h I f6ai it is too apt to be iifdulg .-fiom. time, inaftlemotriaL exercised over their, npeci all . y , -,while in- the pull I At. 'Crltl,DVAL�J, 06t:--�91 -b expressions in y many i h Tll��eplv foyour letter� re, qe9ting me to* G Dilt[Cil hadAo n% to: the whole Pr ept w 6 ltle� seems to &I b irn$df at liberty t9 pun- l.'re"ationi that 17 14., W. u '�the a of Aloses, or to t�ll c6 that'lier.sons ar ebbtli able anind twilli pon itz�m good %i'ill "deliver A, le&ul:e Phi!., n" Ilull On the hirI Warand to I i ith story ;, to set his own faith abovethat f -, t,a -'a that: place Credit to the clmancipatio'n " -1 be-, to- you that- I -tire defenderstof their, Que -.A -ham, or,to play, as it werel, � withL the dvoiline tzi.ifivitemv conorpga;ioll to attend lad the Route f. their- tdIciption, oil a lecture oil tfiat`spc�ics ofeinanciprition'-whch 16 of Him 'who- is to be had ill 17&6r� y enter 0VClitSLXaaY e ueuce by I -,Christiviris.- In 'short, ;l r. a4i6llo . w' pretext - de§i,,i - ied to pio1 Agai . the a-)p6rrr;incc and condu ice forth. 1 1 f aBeceller is. a kind.of CarlylZt iw'Divinity; ave1in§urrcctiori�?'-I- retuyn ou tie p at oral of ARTI11L '&Ipafty Our,, t hence his t -ith a�iaket'ybll 86Eme,qA?bt intoudin-' to atti�lpd "; Cathie'& ihousz�ncls-.o f Vol unte - a . rs, a nd -Re g gtca popularity :w a laF. a s clam of-h6ardtivi and the leew pers6n pr anthii U nited Stit(I i 6 the' ministers Sof 'tn lilt �'ilreiorontti' view fessiri� th 6 0 h"h ' ' * 7 hf, ll� and. latTother success is- ic we all feel.prp the bursts of, app,.auqe. w ic frequently Ood;.I.Ithe utIlior of peace ofjL and wntillI, t6 convill lover of concord lbe better -e rin on u n the Sahbath� silence when, PO na ?rtricidal 4at, e a most supercilious 'obiimer tha" "fl; ihe7 breakiiig;� one o� t ahe pregebres. .,Sine atirocities which. as Lor P.nicd by d Brbu"h l3ralitford was no alli. IChiistian 'iniO have na all e'r's ut- '4m sat's ag- of the Gre"ebellicin; �fr. B a i accidental displityi but the legitimat Ult 'pe � ces ha�e'been f�arfully I s4ngui . nary. m1l. 6quhl, and at -which"' the vi bole ran 'stric a ntion to d orld StAndil 21�113SIL-21m()St'tO, t Me and di line, t A proeessed mess6n-er of the Crois he has our oil i -a ieutse'rvurit, infinitely ore faith. in.. the pb�a;Iay. o e AUG�, illIELL; slajor D4nuis wh then4.ill coinnia Reel -ofLi verpIzl I ol a d.steel than im, the ivielding of er a . . I -te incorp 61 of t lie DIVI*siu i I w 11 the)i v� let moral weaponsi and,: ilierefbre, he . prech', :tied - and'tl I])" Complimentary as, bsequifritly. i!vrid-by ildrdaptain fr war and destruction. 'Slavery,mu-st be THR W lt--� 1, of Milithri, blot atheftI Union thusi be the'Depa.6- , dintant Genera teeout, Qrx, S P -r -a presery -.11ebry Beech-, le local dection.sia-most of, the tates, 9: a' and �cce�fly, pubiishe . d ad,"' aiI int it t stn�ly have set at rbs er h6vlc resulted in' favo,i of ithe- GoVernmefil co u er declares in his owri eloqucnt� mann 0 t'O ability an ete" b- rmination,of dfe as yet -wibout final rcsults.�. lib that that a jec d ­.thou,, b t shdll be effecic`­ Tlle.bomb&rdmbhtof FojvS . unitar an n Icers and in6a to prove tbetii.�elvewort Oceans of blood, be " ured cut in -the 1II a bt the'kedd of'the Depa PO ( 1, 1 - I I - - I - I . Of, t4L. colif c Is-firuggle. In'thC �coursti of a . address "'."Slol;al shot* ai'the city of Cli top I tit, riud� of taking their 'place, shoulder fme ;o bi�cried'out ing.on. TliC CoUF6der, as are said some time ag I- soldiers - lore blood, hould4r, Witt. tobe 6onsiru&ink 'a sa 0 fort msidd moreblood'; pour, it out, li"ater. to, Britain. should they" ever unhappily,for 6 11 i\7- �-d f 8 t2 At.0 attal 6-a,�ihe federals,. country be.Called' upon,to do so. save 'the Union li, I ow, asi a- real the ulll.er, _., ' " L ' - ' , , N I . �But, IS as Conn, a Is ave retaken. perfectiorrn.dril Bavaria horrible hature'of 'this laii-tiage -out ft Lo6k Won in.;, This, iftrue� wilhbe ariol'the. hope expressed by.,Coone Pow -ino� from�athristlaq�pastor, we,'baie o air of c 'IN g is, yL,",W'lIlOI1gma.mta;u .-it, is, not great. ce th6ught thaCit was aliveriwell f6e,a.gantle- I , , e I .. .e. - - :", �J . Anddoing ont e, app.abiannop, Both arm ics attended vviih diffle er m�n.enjoyinga:,first-�tite:sal�r�* to fillrui-' their ililly b'r 6co to -be atciin­�7each been, thus spec nate su& doctrines7. but if he were. to ave. othef—Al6ade. h h - has, its t �.too L before t e :pu) ic glyce to-'retredt and the aerate bayonet throst, Be tendered them,a an -iin, it.easy its ol� ta:1 until, I P�orient Chooses s 'd I d I By of, t iat� the,­P�t of his stomach after'bre. st om. reastire iIrowe tbeJea pit 6 .1 ance. In -the absenco of any i in por- some fine morning, his views-,wi Voliint6er�corps of other ilia as i. and thus tant telegraphic news, we� '19' anotlier tl' -Would'iefia' imposed upon our" Volau is ie zibaoi to blbod-letting� nge. rap -a perseveratree in.t dolumn,asouthara acicoani of Liec's r necessity �of The flesh. might prove too a a h were spirit, and ifAe b on k not ampai,.n s el� vI fit read- Orill-alhd,-gifle,piacti�c so as to save their o pric credit and lcc�p, up t�e g9ud nam.e oft too deepi� theI ght 6vifriie an unc6n- "'I Go NOW this e In 7 -trolIable-destre' field; It leave the -maintai e& patfetkdn'! an only1, it 111rouldnot-be, efirst inatallceoforatoricab '9WDY:TS.1�­-A-'Igancc ov6.r t to stantand' atteiidance�on d co kb��d in. have read of. Pages of,our rdvea18 the painflit, ho y ulfl�..els.,atid but, can the inthb fapidl�'�%on'tlibjn7 hundzcId na Bia6che r has been delivering speech- or case iri� an� a,::.jvqry ttwit as its 111 rt- MaIrI "by' at­ti�nlli es in En'gland and Sco�iland, for . the pur-i young bloods who - adder� the' -Cover of drills,shooting—practic i 2 it s �arrd mlitchI t I I — , , - - - enlisting. the7sympdthiiis of the darkness, perpe rate acts -plot imaccordance vieTws'-hundreds'of III distant &a. kc�, pose of �British. pec�pI fay.cr ofibe, Ais .,i -rise: th the character org�entlemen, and the : v ans; ::: h e�a s the evpc t air own personal in in arguments, ifthey. failed to,catr'convic-, assiitcd:in,: their vile work - by the time � is- hjust or fair, that th are or, ra or, ra 0I he mue ass.' tion to't a min s ars, were at idle An '��igate ofa 4 l6wer:cl , hould h ' d d b ' flow d to do sa ? I venture assert tliart- there is not one: man' in. Goderi ore, It least, quite pjausible. . He endea,v 9 The presence of the baser: portion of Arn- - h' but w 6 were he once beyond tire Town ]h prive that Sliivei,� was thel bottom of Ora als"t and the"BuI t6 ar I ise I , would p I ro . tidly bo erican skedaddled 0 1, frequen tly COP— the war, that' � the Noith *as battlifig;:ixot iirlbu�s�, t o the �,ernieral'bldckgaardi 0 .­� t� - of the superiority ofO a Volunteeis; is the :restoration f the Unio ra,b merelyfor the at ',no small degree. Every day'we Are called the�ii,; one arnong�t'us so poor in spirit as. for -the eitine'tiouI of the ilat-Ittit1*911i" Upon to read, accounts ofi lawless itiogrudot his mite at; stated tij ties in aid aud that was the duty Oftandmischief afid we thint it is big �tbats' sta . n h tie their,funds ?' Inin aw inri fthe 14fid were bosti htire itch assi a the auth6' ties o rring is��enei-ally rendered.to volunteers in Blital every good, in n pra�y for, tion of the- wick I ed''Southerners. Well-: th ms elves� else I th will and thitit is absclt�tely necessiry t; iils� e kndwing. that. there wai a -,e�-� 6�taclta produ�eA,�ro�of'tiotiblel�bt,'e4sily to.be f;h�14r' existgnee ..at .a.11 in -many places., kno.ivnotl.iitigwliate�-er,cifLIie curilentexp in the way, of winniog: over. his audiences '.'�o6l!I 0ur'.9wn,,:zoo4 'towli.is not �es of I on I r,� . two Companies, nor by %�ht a ea U --..to the rightside, - the reverend, loolitician wither Wlio roarrr Are defrayed, bilLI ain at its-. band ofrow' quite sure tl set himselft6the task ofaccounting f6 r, the streets sit fiigfit 0 ihI t annoyance- very 9nust be i.nC great uh sthe hard .ords,' used by Aderal writers* of peaceful - citizens, and 'to the - serious bI ; und as f have alre, d at is neither fail, nor politic to'.allow the who nu -A64,orators (himself amorI inber) detriment of any loose property that may -to flill,ou �thq'sg wfi6' so willingi gagainst Great Britain- It, was because be ex�oied to -th ,as of- o�� valuable time wliibh, with Tnany of t a rava, the -X he in, 'Amer�cd loved Engla4zd so -dearly., -and' hawks.! ven diiI i'he­earlior hours, other4ise profitably emplove -It is, therefore, in, the hope �.(�tr will felt'deeply pained to, see �so - many ofthe, of the 'evening, it is a1moBt impossible for view ofthe'subjeotapon'the public 'general British., People �sy I mp . atbisin- with.,the �a lady to pasB'Certain str inat, and that'some'luelifis mI ;davised to ie edvAbi+-cryin'- evil; that *I have now trbu'bl -'.zI If Tllr� Beecher., could, reAiB119"I without ly'AnBulted.— witli these remarks but,' l3efore cl9sin YO1I-e`iB yet,ahother view.of the matter'whi �hathispeople lo ed�Eri�rlaifd; it wero�- care ste�s shou d -be take n`t6 abdte�, this thei WortVajourney. across lihe Atlafitic� tod6`:nuisance, before it goci nr�importatit nor un'w ar. Ifthe occurs to., me as *not li tily ofyour'cousiderrrtiori�, eiI be so,. but we 15�ar-his a6severiftions upon, the. town cannot affdrdto Pa. t Tollee, of'opitI tlikt AET11, I 1,EnY 4 is, e - at I fliarly't 11 t4l p subject would ni.be sufficient. t at. lea�t enI a a` m& to bI, I . 9i , red for th . a di f�nse,of our To io his M.' ', 11 it� inigh ',and H4b�r,-sboulid we"ever'lu I ithap,pily saviewed by the,brator in no me's "Smaill, until nine- or ten..'.o�iclo6k, thre�ciI with for6i-ri it y'et41 ter glorious nati011,—a ever veriino, in -breakin- h y a, UP: it a groups not heard, since� file. volunteers Were "raise dbwa lidn ofboys and yotifiginerimhic ,are 't . hat'any application: Jess - bein'- made �io t mition, which had .handed' -to iu,,the New Wor h G Children, Cot xcrunI this means of� defence -oih fou-inkin in seem- t ati than whai may -have beeir,,nI by th"Ci of freedom, and every, institution t�e��]�p,.:�in.the'm6re.er,6wddd tsin bf,the iC6 11 it and, 4 rI is not t Y. I Be& 'That'Whs vai pI and 'could ff 'Abbut� their business,., The-c6s ti, en-­19ch, 5 ti t-of"Oecu!i4rly the time h n i n ;ad. y p Ica -itapplaus6fromhis honest.' rangem a I a sh)uld be. made, either - by the not, fail to -elle site. an az t �Wou IeL Myor, a Council, or by general' Petition, in ;ider hearers, just as any po�t-pradizd allusion. ilbe adv . antages; . . We are donvinaed,� veyy stre-khen and 8uppoit whatever; Capt. �I�o d fully Lve dune - in to England3s,'&ie.at�,es,s,*,,�r.half expresse �­reat-. Will our town, ca,uficillbrs ,think the,ftiatter now' that d - hint that 4� ritoaa�nev6r­' Aemiattei ove� �tnl see,ft' 6 a Company has so specially a ey 0 Car ao�favldrably u ider the,ioii�e of --I is sure to�call forth, &-round ok I � I , applause, if Ez'Celleacy 'tire,' � �p . 1 11 � '.. oCommander-in-Chiet by� i "'Britisbers." ­ardprosent-i and,yeti.'un- D ­ I eprltyA�Jutin� qeueral­�an .is ifiiftt Beecher 8 �rviime 1o, follow up the- qrtuhately-�fcr XrI ^ � -1. ; , ' ' " �uc"ha',mo,�.�men�,,Ih,at,*thb�, fie�GREEZNWOOD'Ac A:1�6r A� at the vpl moTent It 'a'trial.of five days,durati fi�at the Torcin- orthy, of� being'-entizasted �.witll, the A to ssizeBi,�- ieenivi' 'A -a a or i an -'a, o con ri�g a Russian quadron. lafia, 09d tl1J. *ll� -d, t* dBl f", , -t, vey to I ge mur- -And the faithful. r ofCat-fierine,Walsb ri�anc6l that illey aCid h@rbor officers of.II 11 4ere themsel�ei, to the utt PPPI Wert quili Altltiough-%the'� a�b �iviaen e-apinst mqstto-o tainas.much"pro ciency,i�tpiii� it t as whit they have acco tio. ltr,aihad Wvet.bqen:.,.emtBndea -,to I,Afridr ,him a� veii n -I.- no :ap Or --the. coramanderg -of I�ritish'.vessels...`At 'entlysoconclu,slv(*�,as:to,-Y�irrant��ili' iiilishe6vvithiI ille'Rifie-in-so short a perio&l is -MY inner'giveri.th t e' uBsian� �in noging -in 'upimyotir c6larints with flie -'rea b out mvin�expressi to the f6elifiW' a , fi1eifaI tle 6�li�ati' G.,nerat-H.Wallbii& &P it W� oasted'16ud ly that oare all-gri er to Sor�ge. d, jile-�Tub. -LOND6,,q wA-Evwr&,d this.. �Boar I a , a - ov ngratulatioa`- is' -in a 'I'M act was,_ t. ere toa d, h ;�PVERTISER.­ v,,'c shoul, Avis, sooner tMi in cI to our I vo tintee zweep�n,Britis&'. on. . -- h rs� , I a nier" nall Which '116-ha�--b'Zin thiB tiealt little t is BE Jrom the ;eds D 0 both ompahiies- to t ieir,�pre8ent,ack 6ei �m�eric� love Eno, at 11C a, �tae, enterprising g of f� thin sherA? -2 ir dged state? of'�proficincy�;'au,&Ywoui *e1eli'ev'e the aa"hope thnt'some eafly-dilipoitunitv �ma r 1 11 th, y cice c ing, - ct�er�a to news tsom6, niark 6f , 6&� fdr conv e, ese e t, gvery. success.- servlceSLure�.fd _'.I. r - e L maiiii Dear Sir', ­korrurs truly, In Bicechar, alBo- gave. his, otbrriBl" WHAT` XEXZ?-86rae'- time 1 ast aL few Lem- ief A+ VEIL OF-YAMPLAY. r,a"nt eaf�� t G�dericn WltlloUt ces 0 his bill !�n Ace Tana., up in. th�-��oinht `.dowa- &ihe SHEIMI). §CHOOL.SEC. T&icu 1w beem i 12, -or- L n books,- ak'd. b6tob ion It P lip L Y '49d r, t in-; ud,, behold ;,,on e Berry, -au' 'b' Deer6iiis-that the' U alod ghall, stand I would at time, for Obtrudle either� on-yddr, time - 6 W - or.the or Act -Agaim.in-'a l0a"to d' h U t his, desire to Bee oodcomplatut. or vi a., bt"L7f!� 616% put Laae -on the giod honest Canada ills Our read - al scatLSome time a�o:to tlie local sape�nten' tar" half Its' 4itick-L, 'W -I would put s tha y ei�s Will agree :wit[L,u t such an act 6nL 5 16trLCt, StAtIll -tll , a cause WLbl Oil life i�Nl i:: - it "a' 19�M low a The Recen Campaign fa:Virg=a�:� ' "Thu's erlded tbirit'famous reireatand pursuit. ZOOM. R ti . rile blame oil school matters, i.d reflec so . AT I VE, T�E I�blcl 'i�EIIATE ".I OF Our army, returned to Rappahannock, I li%Vill�g IC)StL in the campa '-n about 1000 Merc the early part.of last week a ;r1lelancholy -irI 'of . the i gement of business- at the Kiniai I . I _ / V NCE 'AND RETR��i- 4iiled, ounded and having oftbe, precariousness huint, life ocim . rred at St.-boarris. 'It'appear, Pos Office, found its way into vo.ur paper, two weeL-s ago, and has . thereby, tickled the From the Oct. 26, - - , , taken, nea� 2000 pz�ison6rs.. Of the enf�my's loss in killed and wounded we have no 'means . I -th t , a a youth ged-4 5 yearp� J. -I Grammar Sch(�j durigpon of the per.3on. holding that oflice, No c6nn,cteif accolluChas yet bedn' pub7 lished, I durin of makinglau.es�imate. -Duriiig the pursuit our froops' never made, over twelve III a son.of-Mr: Teacho�r, ran on sonic business req i i airing puttibg him into tire. awkward dilcultrui of- atten�ptirrg to public epla�ration as to' of tile maYmenis our,ariny, tire recent e4nipaig in Northern Virginia, day. The! -results of the campaign 0��,ie Im. We took larp Of haste 4 a rapid pa�e for fibout am in& tile cause Iof mv. c.omp,laint,' tryin i, doubtless,,. From- the� inforftiali�n in bur we make u P:a and iniperfect.narrative. Al -�TIIE rd to ifl . akie tire- public understafld� 111"t I ])ad 1, wouldappiear to have a Gen. Lee's f infantry, de- "Ons"d. o not more t stopped , and . looki . ng about, found -the S E#T-WE E IC L Y S I:G N A L' . plan to send Al� P; flillos cot ps by. h route strby6d.thri railroad from Marrawas to 1?.appa'- I haniio�k S66ofi', and removed Meade's head- 1) young entleman fallen on thei -botthm'of dc Th�p'u1jeLt ufnry i�mai-ks to.pr. PlLiteh�rd. abildrUn,! " nd Still agairl, peaking of the is unparalleled:. Oh, hortest fricild, go -oil OVIR11al. . ufferin6s.of the federalB, lie said it whs- thy way rejoicing. th.pir Gethsemane, and they prayed, let this cup pa&14� fom us,� never ot Our Y olunteers and the Late Review tholess n tic be aoric." In our wil but Thi GIODERICH, C. IV.; NOV. 61 1863. a icstcr'iie said the llebellio;i lia-d for 'it� GOD�RICII Nov. 3rd,, 1863, tfiother Slavery " and'for its father, oh,, 7`6 Wic L7,111or f thr Huron THY rOLITICAL FARSO1q - no, we never mention' hita," Incalling SiR)-JI f Di.4ka your report o, ldft to P!, unto t4creb we re Fes tbc:Devil- held at Brantford , on �lic. 3 REVFR'E-,D HENRY WARx) BEECHER is Y, �Such st7uff may pe set clown .,'is far worse 'September, you 'remarked that a tinge, undoubtedly it man of no ordinary talon t. than Ilure b.n:t it is "just proc and pleasure * suffused your- face He is' possessed of just tlio�e qualities., of ar, the expressiods-of credit f4)r efficiency the t1iin to set an audience in a.. ro ,which render �an orator popI r in Anierit- 'ded t . o the i3odcri A vivid Unlimited laghter. Unanimously accor. We hine 'Mr 'Beecher will III ib w Volunteers. This feehii- must sure Command i5f.language, illucll�of.it really,thillkin�� ebined fluency in delivery', and. po�i- boon more or- ess reciprocated tion 6f his br readers.- every one of crur�. ownstrien'; not t e bappie3t.kn6rck in, the world of wofiv-, Pithy littic�spcecii dto�d-Brciigliam. will Si� thhf-your�Tom, lis Dick- ing tire occurrences of the. niornent into rliap�-go*fnrthdr than�tw,oliburs doliv6r�­ 1j'arry .,ln:k,y,- have been !'the combine to iu�ike - him pe, - . I - .1 1 . my In conclur� ances, Anierican, eloqu6nce. PIP the, eloquantsipeaker. of ew YoI Ili, - . " ' I I - I ; hich drcvrfdr1I1 ;a roving-remar -ing le ' ' sunl�we ter, wl d 'as woll'as rende -able by ihe off 9 � . . . . 'to. rs himself temark -hud 6ftlid,Gondral, in tiommanI was _§uiit by Rector Carnpliell, of. Liv6i-� the 'thous* I I f -inanner in which -he sets aside the �'rrlinost ands! of bystanders—, or- tl poo. 1, th-the'Scei'ptary of-th,c. Emancipation, :were a narrow-rainded view of tlic-iubje universal ie'straint which clergyman hve Society - altbonr-h I f6ai it is too apt to be iifdulg .-fiom. time, inaftlemotriaL exercised over their, npeci all . y , -,while in- the pull I At. 'Crltl,DVAL�J, 06t:--�91 -b expressions in y many i h Tll��eplv foyour letter� re, qe9ting me to* G Dilt[Cil hadAo n% to: the whole Pr ept w 6 ltle� seems to &I b irn$df at liberty t9 pun- l.'re"ationi that 17 14., W. u '�the a of Aloses, or to t�ll c6 that'lier.sons ar ebbtli able anind twilli pon itz�m good %i'ill "deliver A, le&ul:e Phi!., n" Ilull On the hirI Warand to I i ith story ;, to set his own faith abovethat f -, t,a -'a that: place Credit to the clmancipatio'n " -1 be-, to- you that- I -tire defenderstof their, Que -.A -ham, or,to play, as it werel, � withL the dvoiline tzi.ifivitemv conorpga;ioll to attend lad the Route f. their- tdIciption, oil a lecture oil tfiat`spc�ics ofeinanciprition'-whch 16 of Him 'who- is to be had ill 17&6r� y enter 0VClitSLXaaY e ueuce by I -,Christiviris.- In 'short, ;l r. a4i6llo . w' pretext - de§i,,i - ied to pio1 Agai . the a-)p6rrr;incc and condu ice forth. 1 1 f aBeceller is. a kind.of CarlylZt iw'Divinity; ave1in§urrcctiori�?'-I- retuyn ou tie p at oral of ARTI11L '&Ipafty Our,, t hence his t -ith a�iaket'ybll 86Eme,qA?bt intoudin-' to atti�lpd "; Cathie'& ihousz�ncls-.o f Vol unte - a . rs, a nd -Re g gtca popularity :w a laF. a s clam of-h6ardtivi and the leew pers6n pr anthii U nited Stit(I i 6 the' ministers Sof 'tn lilt �'ilreiorontti' view fessiri� th 6 0 h"h ' ' * 7 hf, ll� and. latTother success is- ic we all feel.prp the bursts of, app,.auqe. w ic frequently Ood;.I.Ithe utIlior of peace ofjL and wntillI, t6 convill lover of concord lbe better -e rin on u n the Sahbath� silence when, PO na ?rtricidal 4at, e a most supercilious 'obiimer tha" "fl; ihe7 breakiiig;� one o� t ahe pregebres. .,Sine atirocities which. as Lor P.nicd by d Brbu"h l3ralitford was no alli. IChiistian 'iniO have na all e'r's ut- '4m sat's ag- of the Gre"ebellicin; �fr. B a i accidental displityi but the legitimat Ult 'pe � ces ha�e'been f�arfully I s4ngui . nary. m1l. 6quhl, and at -which"' the vi bole ran 'stric a ntion to d orld StAndil 21�113SIL-21m()St'tO, t Me and di line, t A proeessed mess6n-er of the Crois he has our oil i -a ieutse'rvurit, infinitely ore faith. in.. the pb�a;Iay. o e AUG�, illIELL; slajor D4nuis wh then4.ill coinnia Reel -ofLi verpIzl I ol a d.steel than im, the ivielding of er a . . I -te incorp 61 of t lie DIVI*siu i I w 11 the)i v� let moral weaponsi and,: ilierefbre, he . prech', :tied - and'tl I])" Complimentary as, bsequifritly. i!vrid-by ildrdaptain fr war and destruction. 'Slavery,mu-st be THR W lt--� 1, of Milithri, blot atheftI Union thusi be the'Depa.6- , dintant Genera teeout, Qrx, S P -r -a presery -.11ebry Beech-, le local dection.sia-most of, the tates, 9: a' and �cce�fly, pubiishe . d ad,"' aiI int it t stn�ly have set at rbs er h6vlc resulted in' favo,i of ithe- GoVernmefil co u er declares in his owri eloqucnt� mann 0 t'O ability an ete" b- rmination,of dfe as yet -wibout final rcsults.�. lib that that a jec d ­.thou,, b t shdll be effecic`­ Tlle.bomb&rdmbhtof FojvS . unitar an n Icers and in6a to prove tbetii.�elvewort Oceans of blood, be " ured cut in -the 1II a bt the'kedd of'the Depa PO ( 1, 1 - I I - - I - I . Of, t4L. colif c Is-firuggle. In'thC �coursti of a . address "'."Slol;al shot* ai'the city of Cli top I tit, riud� of taking their 'place, shoulder fme ;o bi�cried'out ing.on. TliC CoUF6der, as are said some time ag I- soldiers - lore blood, hould4r, Witt. tobe 6onsiru&ink 'a sa 0 fort msidd moreblood'; pour, it out, li"ater. to, Britain. should they" ever unhappily,for 6 11 i\7- �-d f 8 t2 At.0 attal 6-a,�ihe federals,. country be.Called' upon,to do so. save 'the Union li, I ow, asi a- real the ulll.er, _., ' " L ' - ' , , N I . �But, IS as Conn, a Is ave retaken. perfectiorrn.dril Bavaria horrible hature'of 'this laii-tiage -out ft Lo6k Won in.;, This, iftrue� wilhbe ariol'the. hope expressed by.,Coone Pow -ino� from�athristlaq�pastor, we,'baie o air of c 'IN g is, yL,",W'lIlOI1gma.mta;u .-it, is, not great. ce th6ught thaCit was aliveriwell f6e,a.gantle- I , , e I .. .e. - - :", �J . Anddoing ont e, app.abiannop, Both arm ics attended vviih diffle er m�n.enjoyinga:,first-�tite:sal�r�* to fillrui-' their ililly b'r 6co to -be atciin­�7each been, thus spec nate su& doctrines7. but if he were. to ave. othef—Al6ade. h h - has, its t �.too L before t e :pu) ic glyce to-'retredt and the aerate bayonet throst, Be tendered them,a an -iin, it.easy its ol� ta:1 until, I P�orient Chooses s 'd I d I By of, t iat� the,­P�t of his stomach after'bre. st om. reastire iIrowe tbeJea pit 6 .1 ance. In -the absenco of any i in por- some fine morning, his views-,wi Voliint6er�corps of other ilia as i. and thus tant telegraphic news, we� '19' anotlier tl' -Would'iefia' imposed upon our" Volau is ie zibaoi to blbod-letting� nge. rap -a perseveratree in.t dolumn,asouthara acicoani of Liec's r necessity �of The flesh. might prove too a a h were spirit, and ifAe b on k not ampai,.n s el� vI fit read- Orill-alhd,-gifle,piacti�c so as to save their o pric credit and lcc�p, up t�e g9ud nam.e oft too deepi� theI ght 6vifriie an unc6n- "'I Go NOW this e In 7 -trolIable-destre' field; It leave the -maintai e& patfetkdn'! an only1, it 111rouldnot-be, efirst inatallceoforatoricab '9WDY:TS.1�­-A-'Igancc ov6.r t to stantand' atteiidance�on d co kb��d in. have read of. Pages of,our rdvea18 the painflit, ho y ulfl�..els.,atid but, can the inthb fapidl�'�%on'tlibjn7 hundzcId na Bia6che r has been delivering speech- or case iri� an� a,::.jvqry ttwit as its 111 rt- MaIrI "by' at­ti�nlli es in En'gland and Sco�iland, for . the pur-i young bloods who - adder� the' -Cover of drills,shooting—practic i 2 it s �arrd mlitchI t I I — , , - - - enlisting. the7sympdthiiis of the darkness, perpe rate acts -plot imaccordance vieTws'-hundreds'of III distant &a. kc�, pose of �British. pec�pI fay.cr ofibe, Ais .,i -rise: th the character org�entlemen, and the : v ans; ::: h e�a s the evpc t air own personal in in arguments, ifthey. failed to,catr'convic-, assiitcd:in,: their vile work - by the time � is- hjust or fair, that th are or, ra or, ra 0I he mue ass.' tion to't a min s ars, were at idle An '��igate ofa 4 l6wer:cl , hould h ' d d b ' flow d to do sa ? I venture assert tliart- there is not one: man' in. Goderi ore, It least, quite pjausible. . He endea,v 9 The presence of the baser: portion of Arn- - h' but w 6 were he once beyond tire Town ]h prive that Sliivei,� was thel bottom of Ora als"t and the"BuI t6 ar I ise I , would p I ro . tidly bo erican skedaddled 0 1, frequen tly COP— the war, that' � the Noith *as battlifig;:ixot iirlbu�s�, t o the �,ernieral'bldckgaardi 0 .­� t� - of the superiority ofO a Volunteeis; is the :restoration f the Unio ra,b merelyfor the at ',no small degree. Every day'we Are called the�ii,; one arnong�t'us so poor in spirit as. for -the eitine'tiouI of the ilat-Ittit1*911i" Upon to read, accounts ofi lawless itiogrudot his mite at; stated tij ties in aid aud that was the duty Oftandmischief afid we thint it is big �tbats' sta . n h tie their,funds ?' Inin aw inri fthe 14fid were bosti htire itch assi a the auth6' ties o rring is��enei-ally rendered.to volunteers in Blital every good, in n pra�y for, tion of the- wick I ed''Southerners. Well-: th ms elves� else I th will and thitit is absclt�tely necessiry t; iils� e kndwing. that. there wai a -,e�-� 6�taclta produ�eA,�ro�of'tiotiblel�bt,'e4sily to.be f;h�14r' existgnee ..at .a.11 in -many places., kno.ivnotl.iitigwliate�-er,cifLIie curilentexp in the way, of winniog: over. his audiences '.'�o6l!I 0ur'.9wn,,:zoo4 'towli.is not �es of I on I r,� . two Companies, nor by %�ht a ea U --..to the rightside, - the reverend, loolitician wither Wlio roarrr Are defrayed, bilLI ain at its-. band ofrow' quite sure tl set himselft6the task ofaccounting f6 r, the streets sit fiigfit 0 ihI t annoyance- very 9nust be i.nC great uh sthe hard .ords,' used by Aderal writers* of peaceful - citizens, and 'to the - serious bI ; und as f have alre, d at is neither fail, nor politic to'.allow the who nu -A64,orators (himself amorI inber) detriment of any loose property that may -to flill,ou �thq'sg wfi6' so willingi gagainst Great Britain- It, was because be ex�oied to -th ,as of- o�� valuable time wliibh, with Tnany of t a rava, the -X he in, 'Amer�cd loved Engla4zd so -dearly., -and' hawks.! ven diiI i'he­earlior hours, other4ise profitably emplove -It is, therefore, in, the hope �.(�tr will felt'deeply pained to, see �so - many ofthe, of the 'evening, it is a1moBt impossible for view ofthe'subjeotapon'the public 'general British., People �sy I mp . atbisin- with.,the �a lady to pasB'Certain str inat, and that'some'luelifis mI ;davised to ie edvAbi+-cryin'- evil; that *I have now trbu'bl -'.zI If Tllr� Beecher., could, reAiB119"I without ly'AnBulted.— witli these remarks but,' l3efore cl9sin YO1I-e`iB yet,ahother view.of the matter'whi �hathispeople lo ed�Eri�rlaifd; it wero�- care ste�s shou d -be take n`t6 abdte�, this thei WortVajourney. across lihe Atlafitic� tod6`:nuisance, before it goci nr�importatit nor un'w ar. Ifthe occurs to., me as *not li tily ofyour'cousiderrrtiori�, eiI be so,. but we 15�ar-his a6severiftions upon, the. town cannot affdrdto Pa. t Tollee, of'opitI tlikt AET11, I 1,EnY 4 is, e - at I fliarly't 11 t4l p subject would ni.be sufficient. t at. lea�t enI a a` m& to bI, I . 9i , red for th . a di f�nse,of our To io his M.' ', 11 it� inigh ',and H4b�r,-sboulid we"ever'lu I ithap,pily saviewed by the,brator in no me's "Smaill, until nine- or ten..'.o�iclo6k, thre�ciI with for6i-ri it y'et41 ter glorious nati011,—a ever veriino, in -breakin- h y a, UP: it a groups not heard, since� file. volunteers Were "raise dbwa lidn ofboys and yotifiginerimhic ,are 't . hat'any application: Jess - bein'- made �io t mition, which had .handed' -to iu,,the New Wor h G Children, Cot xcrunI this means of� defence -oih fou-inkin in seem- t ati than whai may -have beeir,,nI by th"Ci of freedom, and every, institution t�e��]�p,.:�in.the'm6re.er,6wddd tsin bf,the iC6 11 it and, 4 rI is not t Y. I Be& 'That'Whs vai pI and 'could ff 'Abbut� their business,., The-c6s ti, en-­19ch, 5 ti t-of"Oecu!i4rly the time h n i n ;ad. y p Ica -itapplaus6fromhis honest.' rangem a I a sh)uld be. made, either - by the not, fail to -elle site. an az t �Wou IeL Myor, a Council, or by general' Petition, in ;ider hearers, just as any po�t-pradizd allusion. ilbe adv . antages; . . We are donvinaed,� veyy stre-khen and 8uppoit whatever; Capt. �I�o d fully Lve dune - in to England3s,'&ie.at�,es,s,*,,�r.half expresse �­reat-. Will our town, ca,uficillbrs ,think the,ftiatter now' that d - hint that 4� ritoaa�nev6r­' Aemiattei ove� �tnl see,ft' 6 a Company has so specially a ey 0 Car ao�favldrably u ider the,ioii�e of --I is sure to�call forth, &-round ok I � I , applause, if Ez'Celleacy 'tire,' � �p . 1 11 � '.. oCommander-in-Chiet by� i "'Britisbers." ­ardprosent-i and,yeti.'un- D ­ I eprltyA�Jutin� qeueral­�an .is ifiiftt Beecher 8 �rviime 1o, follow up the- qrtuhately-�fcr XrI ^ � -1. ; , ' ' " �uc"ha',mo,�.�men�,,Ih,at,*thb�, fie�GREEZNWOOD'Ac A:1�6r A� at the vpl moTent It 'a'trial.of five days,durati fi�at the Torcin- orthy, of� being'-entizasted �.witll, the A to ssizeBi,�- ieenivi' 'A -a a or i an -'a, o con ri�g a Russian quadron. lafia, 09d tl1J. *ll� -d, t* dBl f", , -t, vey to I ge mur- -And the faithful. r ofCat-fierine,Walsb ri�anc6l that illey aCid h@rbor officers of.II 11 4ere themsel�ei, to the utt PPPI Wert quili Altltiough-%the'� a�b �iviaen e-apinst mqstto-o tainas.much"pro ciency,i�tpiii� it t as whit they have acco tio. ltr,aihad Wvet.bqen:.,.emtBndea -,to I,Afridr ,him a� veii n -I.- no :ap Or --the. coramanderg -of I�ritish'.vessels...`At 'entlysoconclu,slv(*�,as:to,-Y�irrant��ili' iiilishe6vvithiI ille'Rifie-in-so short a perio&l is -MY inner'giveri.th t e' uBsian� �in noging -in 'upimyotir c6larints with flie -'rea b out mvin�expressi to the f6elifiW' a , fi1eifaI tle 6�li�ati' G.,nerat-H.Wallbii& &P it W� oasted'16ud ly that oare all-gri er to Sor�ge. d, jile-�Tub. -LOND6,,q wA-Evwr&,d this.. �Boar I a , a - ov ngratulatioa`- is' -in a 'I'M act was,_ t. ere toa d, h ;�PVERTISER.­ v,,'c shoul, Avis, sooner tMi in cI to our I vo tintee zweep�n,Britis&'. on. . -- h rs� , I a nier" nall Which '116-ha�--b'Zin thiB tiealt little t is BE Jrom the ;eds D 0 both ompahiies- to t ieir,�pre8ent,ack 6ei �m�eric� love Eno, at 11C a, �tae, enterprising g of f� thin sherA? -2 ir dged state? of'�proficincy�;'au,&Ywoui *e1eli'ev'e the aa"hope thnt'some eafly-dilipoitunitv �ma r 1 11 th, y cice c ing, - ct�er�a to news tsom6, niark 6f , 6&� fdr conv e, ese e t, gvery. success.- servlceSLure�.fd _'.I. r - e L maiiii Dear Sir', ­korrurs truly, In Bicechar, alBo- gave. his, otbrriBl" WHAT` XEXZ?-86rae'- time 1 ast aL few Lem- ief A+ VEIL OF-YAMPLAY. r,a"nt eaf�� t G�dericn WltlloUt ces 0 his bill !�n Ace Tana., up in. th�-��oinht `.dowa- &ihe SHEIMI). §CHOOL.SEC. T&icu 1w beem i 12, -or- L n books,- ak'd. b6tob ion It P lip L Y '49d r, t in-; ud,, behold ;,,on e Berry, -au' 'b' Deer6iiis-that the' U alod ghall, stand I would at time, for Obtrudle either� on-yddr, time - 6 W - or.the or Act -Agaim.in-'a l0a"to d' h U t his, desire to Bee oodcomplatut. or vi a., bt"L7f!� 616% put Laae -on the giod honest Canada ills Our read - al scatLSome time a�o:to tlie local sape�nten' tar" half Its' 4itick-L, 'W -I would put s tha y ei�s Will agree :wit[L,u t such an act 6nL 5 16trLCt, StAtIll -tll , a cause WLbl Oil life led to a Certain delay in the management of The Recen Campaign fa:Virg=a�:� ' "Thu's erlded tbirit'famous reireatand pursuit. 6UDDEN DY -Ml I-, ST. T1103TAS­Ii ti . rile blame oil school matters, i.d reflec so . AT I VE, T�E I�blcl 'i�EIIATE ".I OF Our army, returned to Rappahannock, I li%Vill�g IC)StL in the campa '-n about 1000 Merc the early part.of last week a ;r1lelancholy -irI 'of . the i gement of business- at the Kiniai I . I _ / V NCE 'AND RETR��i- 4iiled, ounded and having oftbe, precariousness huint, life ocim . rred at St.-boarris. 'It'appear, Pos Office, found its way into vo.ur paper, two weeL-s ago, and has . thereby, tickled the From the Oct. 26, - - , , taken, nea� 2000 pz�ison6rs.. Of the enf�my's loss in killed and wounded we have no 'means . I -th t , a a youth ged-4 5 yearp� J. -I Grammar Sch(�j durigpon of the per.3on. holding that oflice, No c6nn,cteif accolluChas yet bedn' pub7 lished, I durin of makinglau.es�imate. -Duriiig the pursuit our froops' never made, over twelve III a son.of-Mr: Teacho�r, ran on sonic business req i i airing puttibg him into tire. awkward dilcultrui of- atten�ptirrg to public epla�ration as to' of tile maYmenis our,ariny, tire recent e4nipaig in Northern Virginia, day. The! -results of the campaign 0��,ie Im. We took larp Of haste 4 a rapid pa�e for fibout am in& tile cause Iof mv. c.omp,laint,' tryin i, doubtless,,. From- the� inforftiali�n in bur we make u P:a and iniperfect.narrative. portent. a nu�nber prisoh. h t. -ide's army to ersund cl�sesi,`hscc ined Me, overtakillia waggon, got in. -Arriving at the IL PI of destination, the drivIlif rd to ifl . akie tire- public understafld� 111"t I ])ad 1, wouldappiear to have a Gen. Lee's f infantry, de- "Ons"d. o not more t stopped , and . looki . ng about, found -the of: ma lqlous I ly the eoi�duct of . his oflited, tilb failli. being my civil . the whole time. . plan to send Al� P; flillos cot ps by. h route strby6d.thri railroad from Marrawas to 1?.appa'- I haniio�k S66ofi', and removed Meade's head- 1) young entleman fallen on thei -botthm'of dc Th�p'u1jeLt ufnry i�mai-ks to.pr. PlLiteh�rd. ,es tol'the Or- 11, latiIiii, there to cut off Mea4e's ( u to 8 ''a 'the Ra pidan to tile p the waggonquite dead. Dr. Southwick - 50 h9wolveri are. before file public.' who6e `�' boh I and the . Kintail.. deputy aie,�and JIL'S CorpS llloii�'Cd On the roitreati-tig I and Would -'I)Ciring our vdid 5plan- 'They was immediately called inj afid pronounced apopleXy.� tb� ca�lse Deccaaed. was -an eh; -Y; I leav''e- tile Jn,,ttte,L ifirely to'ptibliejudgartut I � the be'lins ivan, lids tiny -ai: � . ; rear,whe�i1`e ghc�uld Ltand... did krvir:4 ptirf�rmeof ail thesuccess- fill figfitin�',L And io6k n ALC * " attendant ille' Uraininar Szeho6l, autf ' 1gb y yespected—London. Fice Prelrli.-' -refer�,rI to -'the matter, sU t. Ia is e or no be- ther6fore 16sthtc.ihatth� eiiiir6contents. plan I-lill left Aladison County on or aboilt - . 1 8 theSth.instrint, ndL nio,�ed towards perry- As , ratbe' o t e,peno,d':' of -our . ing r t' h Wa roI of-, liv lyl. of' iny note'to, D�A?i I defy'lany'disputalibii, and,Jhdt'the`De;pn!y, of 113. file, BitTire dli�- Ewell, Crossbd the Hit ret�q ��, fbih - of Mdade`8 no -a ry victc the 'w I )1y giiineeby Wniker'� t�i�n d itild,-respected tc�c�ezc Kint#'.'s attempt to dear"bis,"own Co`ns�ierrcc idan at 6n,Ford. At,tbis pI ace oc- curred file first cavalry fight, in Which We, SmterI U il: ittrick on the 19th inst.. over.. �p in the CIbhtral*,Sch�611 Gddiich. kS throi[iA the inedium in 2L rn real paprdro%,e I asJUSt resulted 1" priis; the ene but -i at witbout 1Ier6�.NNewtonaud T A AuTHoR. Awl ofutile, and.almost iinl,,llw6r�tlly 01' tile ldlaff� of bstitutes. b k ac It poor half-starved-ruor� hflier who] i"rnatier,-scbm�,Pthat lette s which hest afris I h'id ieftifed- t6LI,ele'rise; had no�con: I h pparent v seen t roug t e d C`GeZhee, be.,�n:jiis reireatsitual e o Tbe�-Ne*16ikA1efrOiilo1itan RecordLsays tal, W.b'6r called' -hiiself It Avthir� , lfe;ry Tnevyllian; s a iar,�e With at; necti in' with the two�cifihe`dela' f., fiI yo W raucously with our advau�e, slid, having the wietha file e.,'Wel;lingtonlbdg'iPstra es; An there -mind ad a(-quinited thwsupl&intendent. Tire- bitt�l�s io,were 'ben6fi't of tbe�r'4ilm And irI bti III Russictiv it�l Ad iiii, B.itd I st weel, 'a I A(niz­ 'L "­ . %'as reaStm to suppose his whs affected. at. -lie rcferg personally refluded 'by .'me Sevelal' mointilI prior to. tire date 'of those car line..L'It- is ii� matter L of'Stirprise th,,t le , '�d to fi.ust,af6 I :cbrI Be to ( to sailors of the th hi fOr th, rest'.4thi duy,so at they. too Ii -has s -real. name is hi HeLi I. I . 1 1 1 1 1 ­ ­ - - rhwa and at.lie wasoncen, popialar rtotaling, ba Ws of lily poniplaint. i jb�m.. y )ton's bh&e the -Oij,Shud, ­,,.Harai * lit Al 6 festivities... )'he, Jack -,Tars !41g 0; auth �.r ne little 00 ro � " ng i ia ucy dof Stuart, mo'l,l.ng- na d, nirrI t it) shore -in stin, tllid their ilve t 'I' 'I' -as of WISI ebriVel. Ire oiCol L to I f(' . oct� Y Vance Ottwe reached, CuIpeppi r I i n i a t. t 'hey were all �i-ht' a g Ila ,a IV r large sale so e,. it or twelve y6ard en J L B.,iNNNTYNE:' C movin- slong the'railrded, the citemy Br�Ay w -e It in Big I 'water. They had w w hil. th 1 r L. d i I eyT beII fn t i shalkS,L. and', WI Mr. H pe"Ars a Way 111 0710 e: a Valu� L Cbh fributor to - - raft's ay enc6uniered at The batile t6olc place. on 'ilia Tarm of John. , , , L" e�be'rih lbound to I le 'N un- INC M, he r e-. st ates b Beni the all E idor'BcII �f�jb& ar��,eS f our cavalry --de Iiia fort 1 ]ad L astray by II Uri to t e ere., - a quittic e o �on 0 a a req �A.d set ftave o6or all r na e all r.t 't .6 he Sa top ie -Lunaf 9 In III 1 6 hat he -2s it I t Ct bt2gust 3 li 1863. bei6� thri!lw,h-blsTront�yard. ­We-inuy re'rentark on the� fat -in, of - sail do%vn,i per IlCon8cioiis-ofdanger. -no ,Ithere .no - - r I-eti-ged­: fr L - resent SA er.- itA tll�� iii L'S the . p6titioh of_ this 6xtvaoidinary individUal,L. of Nvi"On' 1. . L 'CL feS Stj Government of oa�edei.at eL Ste na'. O,IgI c ore 1, ey got into an It Was t current; �o raistinI grog. cellars, and d4nc- STATZIS CaUISER Olii)iI tirT s1'ho' Oster, ni. re eI ence-to I Is aSSe88;, I n such ear and dreadi 'had been-religioukl'It � which the sillf�Sted. Or., 13R 1Bh I PonTs. The United a.2. Vil met) bri-Ituslut Lots,' a$L read resIL)ccted by ' the Yankees P bleg Aii4 Ilu�s forpt in aimed 4.szelB Gedig.6 - Ma6ghim and Ethan' 'n-agedLin air brisidered.. coutitt&y,around was a little Niter than a wil., III of t1ie [JeW Searle,, The. Polar Allen, C cruising A;ongAlfe British CL M v,,d by4. seconded by J� Mor- erfiess, bi feabbs a nd crops�wiere anteircried iat��utdajr-ni­ eorl"Ilt' A6ban'ge in' "But tl lit w 6 ice d he beaill i fgm, about fiii�beart, an a s. file Jack, Tars of -Y Islafids,L,have - beew surnlarily * 6rderedfirom. ceEdward Islaild.�- lan,ithat the Reeve advicerelu. tive'.to�the prayer of ttri petiti arried, ... ion.. 43 $'a' condition.' d ConfeTeiate at [I raround.bI There.inreItbose er:o is o We Wit o,'were bent hmiand' Wt 116 rs "priLvte' : letter-fromi an 'office'r' attaelfea.io he Moved by J.'Morgilii -seconded by H,. Snell; Dale he instruat�d, for cavalry bivouacked tifere afiqthe_br�ttle and. bir horsesl in' it- text about on ma ing �Irem pa, fu u.- k y for - Ali: the No 'come -it the 1`01-10r vessel Blares tj��twheazt CpaiI toWnL an o . rde: r­krrme fr6;cdthe . G overnor 're do- thtIC. to gvt,plunlis and lt�. a T'it ilIL-rcpai r, mbraing thurdwere V�w a�na little corn.left. The ineacould be heitrd sooner, :were the s over 4 h the cOnI �ejiiiii;iiint orli(16orand dan quiting- b�,th'yesiiels to -put -.to sea, a, pI maticirl'inthe initittle of the Qlicenhaiiii,, Veen adthan .Car I ,vil bi J� Morgan- se'cou&d ty H; to shy bui;iling hiA; their,fires, "Pile on,,boys, ig butd - d old Uui6 'StlipIped braic'n I , new d, into'suiti-ofold uiiiftiiims . the deman in a 'A issue,,m d bic wilej rompt- I lip C6 ;� ie y with. 11nited States �. xeasury ter 1 1.1 ' L . . Snelit, tliat tli� Cie c ;;4�d` C. to .11, -a ue iotic In, _'13()ILIS oil Monde ffio�n-', y a�, fit e�fhb thin -Co uld be done. They �jag , Lnotes'are at a; heavy disc6int at thevarious 0m ntrys concerne., - 'that the f6ildwin" it -1 t oll tion will take place in School, Seetions, 5, '8 ing hd pt a certificate the corn �uk�d 'and burrit LIc'eri"aIiid'sold as substimteS'Lliefure III bad so flicieritly recovtrid. their semes to By ports of' those sislanda. ', Sbip,1 suppliti a' s nd stoieB cad'on ly. be obtained had 1ViZ.: 9� is 33 and 36, Con.. 10, and Lilt Of quantity of rails Ile v its diimi�'�cd and L ol� di see elloinge-in their hilpearahce.. * We .15y �ke. payment OfLCOI 'on.- I I to be Attached to School Section- that wei' t- lia�d no line to atteria to, such, mat - bear thattl e�Adanrl-.ha� been hunting for all' hy No. 9. ge6oncled , hij. J. d ;air, nit Lots 10, 11 nd 12, Con. 9i 'and il I I ; � , ­. . 11 ters. Monday -6ur a I aiiral�y the one my at Jefferson on,the road fi a pepper -om C I hsmen ljrrt� VI �;:hht, we' crinno t *L � :,- Se.- �TLbe Mountdiii yaper� sa hexcia Sal I -V ia-6 areMirelita T io 0 d S�ow, q I 'th, th f-thd catr6hicsi' li'iie a, rt. I t' 12 d W Coil. So be,atfiched t. -horil Sectidu �o. 4 And L6 s'13 Cpurt,11ouse,to'Warrenton. Theruati.obsti� u4te fight took place,� which resulted Iiii ibeL ig, . - , te�.Outr e�, 7,11. .,, tcI t6ker,a eirouitous.-route. of� ; 7 d 6 1 L ts:*Ia�l IT and 14, Coll.:5, be If s" o ectio�n No.- 3i due no. enemy 6elng drilved--lacrotI H4,ern'ilin�s Ri n;L to Wari which place. this uin- Tl DL iP, uml r�es iI sats .L . .1 16 Lj­ . . "Two6d ales Arrived., in town. n Friday The 'contract for L uildirg. tlic� ticeibeing gi ve _ n t o ; fit I p , -a . r L ties: a , o , neern , d e - C dL C D I ' d'SSentitlili enemy was also. driv e Alcus. btittile. To each of�Alr.ese b'ttl f 01 I,hundred triaht .,andiledldiyhi� at"ofie rickard*s.� on neh, r tbe "Hunter.�j,'Co k if grealla a anuel� that is,to�sapplfChicago, It -has' b -'For wit P&�"L water, can awar ad 6". d fly H-. riseconded War" pmonem Aw s,,cbrps,. le;�I,%d�tt en -t-en o'clock -'and 'niid-. r �' e" ylaw b e.' fi�issed- to' Impose %he d' Wi d4 cy It li� arrepton�pn ues nic -on a ur 6verlip-, th�,y Were nCurrent blltl� a., s taI tfi e -Cur- morning. ea une s array was: at thi �ifoalz, and' � believed it) bI parce proke'llito the, I,iif volia -ho�se, Pick rd having gone down to the town niost; lai�ii nougli o blockade for"' �ho By, bav&,Iialt�d at Warrenton Junction and he in the rrrean�irroi,�draqged one of the wcmen B �h ritain , Licruising,'t e' oI -m 07t A, by J� M organ', , isocionaled' by I-1. tween `tbaf"poi TWO at, and": 0 atlatt - S Lati, dow a from War- from the on 7 IlI -hadvne'6f;ihi seat ii the Alabama, -- . dy nd S;)dI1,-tbat the.CoUnCilLnowndi to' meet Hotel, Kinburn','o ko�diiy, eatori 'to in the direciion,'o-f Cut a ila.mosAia nICar'tbC, latici'lilace; Tdcs- ch66en I ofithe hc�us� a�ziis-rrnd - bulia nian jilitedber person to a'n,eX_L I 9r,; . A s, the heL' Levaiit' i fh P a, at the' orte:'riffdre o pur- lie a0 0 C,Yckj� Carried.: !'I day�evenln,, tj f6u�d the a inow - I - . . " , iel'it that be ine reiuilt abe a r res 1 1 th bid eraey.. an C. Dale, disseniien%, I unins'of ­ . . � j- I I " . - birth of, which his thsit s to gave, premature �each JOH N D' Itee' o:6 to' d N d 'fit) th(y therculien to rl,Chiild- lVe-decline asori the X , � southern 6�a eir VC.- THOMAS SL0­%N1 TIp Clark.. immediately turned to. ret ratI )*'ir steps',to ward'War.'enton but 'I. ung a rodd, 'crossed .6 paI guilt. present� X iniubee of the- Most fiavI& ozue War in t1ieirrote;' leadia­?.� W�r led from t 0 toy- e \f 12 vin,xeveral, o6irs brive'lleen lie ,Oct .,or 241�1 1 63.- utictiAI'tO Mllassasi; th t116:en�flly werealso moyiag infantry in. arge a arrested ori-Ausj4iiion� bt tli�esulvcannot be ­ -1 given Illation. -. t .,ses:, to guniahtee -the i i: At special mman-' callcl.�,, by, the Reev ' c this road' us ishu'UPwin Ithrifillows nobodygoodir I andqif le i an,- a. nby� in. -� Night came, a a ��Qs, ithis iniquitou s ransaction'be instrunitentall-in am Mil n ail a 6h .�?rrnmeat rill f6yed by-J� W`a�rwick, by -H. rooti he;vil' ng -out a bat6- or yourI -villiani, th� on on,,, se. sit li� that the the ellenlyls irifirintry- and thoramble of liciir '�116ry ul-In that irlfd&j�d L"the 'town 'd, a-4w�p MC31-al[on, the L. reside . n I t ph�K- me ng. Nol-ReBiduat Villae L, As,in thig'iowngh�ip L6666o,-.o' AhrI soun6d right.in front of them. Gen. r littlefic-ce, t.' aI thielcet ofold yc�fs,past;tL� 'men afid de- o th -terror of weak I' nt-wili'have wrou' bt int pss � aep;,; ­rl ii�- nineteen cut'leidsat arring ospital, L)m*4io ofj,4U, trazinburn to -,o a e-foa rrh? If art- aragos now; Chargeable :Cn, ead I r-e� field -iibit' the -enemy, Wuld P-h$s-bim 1by uunot:c�d,- his, b niera;6­�66bd it is. W,�'tru;it �thutl the duty- ikthematter, �rs thd, eveni g fqlow�nXlh e,races. at. spi4btiveiy, and ilint..the'-Clerk communicate �dad.to Iyarreutolit, 64�ar. Th a erwmy�wei;e so:ucarour. Ahat -ery and bring SLie I are gail�y to summary pull - nd, wiT Coutity�TL�&aiiver,�iLce6rditi.1y.: Cao�­ ��J moving ei� rd position war 0 'hriI. conversation. t comm�nd.und even oiI be disincily heard lif � Our ishment.0 loveo li Sirell, see d -b W�' Y'. - L ar- could tl�.­ situ.* tioyi.war, ext6emely critical�auy Dehver inarge-C. ''EYANCM,* 2 the Collect rL reenei've British. And A;'e,i,i'cans;l%"e'rim-p,4metit,�,ofta-.tes'af,tite discount as, he Accidental d f a pistol­,Wduld have diielosed our p i 0�itioll',� nd then,, ig A. letter f inJV the b owhr­,� ast sa c rate of County Treasurer -silver in, pit e of"Coulity ec such ym at of lie I'olinI force -i the enemy nofh- -b may e interested inlearn. C OW L Carried Ta d ing awaitil' us butle r surrender.- etioll 0 office dbr-- Stuo I gave is` and mail to un -'seerk j6arn delivered 'The newspaper. er-in return an -ofHei V" to of. ONUS�SLOANY I �, , Towns ip er '61 stand,that not of,- hat:the but t 'enemy wds to 0 t per has a ea§ 3b'L , _How nn LN T and inI of a enicl� to the� proper exe.: ak�ls�ap it th I its - t. A'corin6ill of beew called, C he're,L W, re the cunon"of Noo.- same readv ibrTegistratioll, at th� mpoits at Godridli since th, 17 Oct er was'resol asitheL best thing- tha c6i Id be ved L L. t . U to d esert 1116 as -probibited-journal wa, br ehviiii, banishment to Siberia. Deeds to 3154 cry": cavalry, in 't let 8,K olumns to to cut r� Way probUhly.,be 'PT 1§ i;s' prirvideki�aingt?.c Here 1§ the siffi6leprdeb -r' 17 rf�j V car w figure,.. ea. Cloth '179 G ols sillt,: dp, d' 0 dirmiA the enemy- ijui after some`.�reflce- 1, " , , , "L SS- 0 aUn�lifiiilhad remar cod 'that lzr�dlad,41ici had only a uion.��ivart xat� I big flbur��,53. ' , baSs Bried, 85: ,rcVt 7� 214�Jry t resolved not to�abaralbn his irtil- ruid very small had on several oecam t 'fi� o- ve, and often,moic, T ed it; I hiles, 43 11 ' A pi- skills, I bbl betif; 55 Ice bluttdr: 7 bls�orll' Gin file, who iN�as at Wiwreutoa. 4 his situla' . 11 1 tion- 11� crilled f60,il" ir ers b&LVO]finr'� e delivdred at el'4 This.'struck rife"with . sur - nuiry WON Y J Oiir`�aa­6n `icim me; k tacen, esper, 6,euterprise., CrockettEddini;;, L' r 1'4; r�dd to eir I ) P 100 his I' DO" ci' 4500 125 do 3" o'bees- 1,43 t41ow., 2 blltte�,' of' thisC ity�. Ill dwu O'tbZr,y6rm� I _ 1161l lal in ' c- lately ' stopped fbith to uudertal�e Anything ' ' ' a seer' e't' in the Wriapper of 16af of- AN, 0', d '1 -3 his, - I irlienera , mi-bt Stuart ordered 6�ead.� the same e ML 0-000D 11AIRS Sllftirn Chica.,O fluur,�.-10,0 them to �ut on filliI advance in file, dathriess f, . " f.. I . 0 n Anne until r.'somL is now rea npon'I hi to 0 XorlgaiI Secur4ty, ided in, por for Gbderi to tire road, in't dic enemy7s colunln,. 0 . the' police' Is at the presebiL,rno' 'ror further iirf, e�d -'.3143'blAour; 1053;do:t' `6noslia ee. f,,% 2 0 had Bay stirroUnd- 1vc'fy cif"die'sect ef,iournal is',4' con- ductec irI a muhne d' r, whiah�'­I­tust J6 : H.i �Nil. ALW, lerw Kineardine; oq�dHotr Be, Kineardine; or- bIi, C4, 41 Dl, inced 'SL Noble' T�0 ions all Coal V" El,' 1Y I he 'it u st B61a64othis people- to. holp 1;'i. Out." Eddins an his iIo lani U� t to Y by not the �baI Qlr� ir W. E.� -of doci icz-,Oi C. C minox".Esits., ii., ell lie C , rrI reaton in safety, cit er oynor is::masier-InViv That be�wlls en -- be Milliner, whikey. from Windsor and pri- bam .1 from l'the- T6e ad: and lie 6tuarl t all WI lbivpuack64 p hili� gagea in the� 'anesi o(i ng a -news no I - I ithiat - in the ape r' bakerV ;ve s, Car�ro I t 94d ��a�& tMti� �Pos et and that was a very ntelli- Lily I ancey D do o� Ike Ce," "IsIbore ports'- rir& iissoited 'hda& t le outou.610, feieq. �tli h ar tire ni.,42of Meade!s men, ors&s�Duri y ppointev idf the Ngtiooal whod ia, moreov ear "N T "A aters,, sta-eP4 iato'ou pi UiW ieverI the tr. _ teamer. ciota,, riaWg�eneiaI g� I e said Getfer�al,jiite i�p with ' ' `h' ' ' ". 'Rlf TLN�bElas e Countl&s, On Ito on 201 S chr Wabamie, Penetringuashine, s 'ni, in"' � . "L you 0. t;' y if d a wit -ridjo-morrow, ititinniting: that �gtaart would,'1h tbat,time b' a TEIG�,..�L� he. moA terrific; the s as b' commen Illvery at f' rorce�J;W.the 43r4l the 't, u o nd all,, UaQard, B argo. . a pris( It r. a 11s, 24.1 8er Nia'arn' Cbica-o, 'wood ana t sil! .� At' edn'e*sol'ay II Ir d' liesSirij ConS DOE hstr'sciota� aginaw,,genera Cam(). was,iniraled-by this`Crac4ing:9f ourskirmisli-, ers artiste N tsilia Be had bid Ontario i na v 7,tola and.ren erin, tiilia oven �boliterous. 11; .0,110, nd is Str� Olitonarloan, QPd C 6 and ;,Salt a f same, all ir-If-scim o the peoplI corrsiaqu�,nq� Par maLkve,,r-9mrngnlcat1�ti8 G 0 Ound spill; rewo fr�d fr4aI 11rilibs a n "Thirty -of he I he C, hs�hin� Islands, ballost.' 2% Surij,"ChicaOl, I to%elp 'A�L L ees ,Avancing columns; en iny is atte fare entigialytznsoencled,� . and all' -3114 n niii� .17 cords � the alic, a and fifteen of mint irrte]3��,`afieI the by, tr all and'giciods. -2 `,SciotA; Sagin, the reqri di 011.-Ahein oith,gr ' an dL ieig sLorux, cinumenced,'baxe Zon ract is i We i i�majn erta biecidiiv 7at ell bug' goods. .. bannister.. -The were; irI istionly fr6ni.B6I uar- by, the ected preferredto iwarit theI re of th' e ale- ment"k ty ty4n -SI t I eas a h at the timi of, ­ A � ., q� -r 'left tl t I I 0 st. u. is �6, rg6, And p' buBin&i, a cier,Ca betit re B07, taki..�. .. - I goo s o an - th h" 'd of am Qodbribb;,� 116irr.'l whbat,-biazi aiiii with �Irvfull goOdi,, com. u his'- ui di. *.fill V Ir ishosti 1: '6 s r ':L an rejoined, C e: -, e no y sufiei6d v, atrt a. er the Qntape,� due this in ter.,., orninI rdallRoalies he steaffier Ban�hec clet i-e&.fur,,Torbnio -yi,terd'Ey" 'at - t ple" ­- - .-other 0:1 -balie-Hirron Roadis That,�eveningl.Hi b&n'b foie tba 9t qailed with _great�., Violence' 0 T e ste Th if, fu' toiia mrile due from; - , teiu* Z 1011 0 th " i,a abe roh� ite 'beidci' tation,',just affe r '�t & moraing-, -en op -ail -t e-, M60I e 21, see al m evcr�l,availiblet� SpCeer fill I Abat-point.;'--W-lt air 'W , 'i a=ssengers w o�are elifirliI 'flid"ej are doubtless - up, rpoffion-of-�theL C bi;� 6, CO . Il bf�thd r il�o;i ong met am an a conieuted, to- jBilailin iniia - off -off tefor' -go On W 181k: %bgsda dav 'go n& endinlvorsto clean ­them'L out aa.faBtL as �dipatch hiis -lipi-ades of* -Het 3 8, COrpS Were ordeiddL�t(i'diS- loeie.them. 'of that dn6 or dirifthe'delayo Mic AW'ers,� L �ve m Ir &�I.Abce- , gill t at.4 the -ferr in e�� furnish two goUL'and ttui� e alL brbugh-the a : someJustainces, flqur,,bav�ng arriv 'B e, Wbihrlaw�already been nuIntiorf-ed rite,,. - in th ll"� dolutter is.' Whatv appearid to steam W, ; 0 as-; mer ad ie it� 's e ulatitne r�01111ho."Com, trac I ri r, ;hilt a in �arg�es.�pf inxite,moraing and a It sent aw , ay t e. same triflifig for�.:ii'of`I ene turned. oil[ MI er, At e v ur, ars 'th Budala". evenin in a -present, as; -ar a 71% . Y1T�ZL-In'aMb"5li -, 'e.ahl"rigadesthdi.' Ily usu,� at t is season ofthe yed F,-tHeF`sUFamer3L , � b' air .,incoa 'i Iitc lt�.1'01:;- - O(I'le t M it;4I p9pExr, xM� 'A n orti�iTsr.� ConI wlty"theL'arime' O'no re�"Ularity cas in, C6ftiiUC'X r -dtfdf aridable. d", ,on .4t s*19-tdi , J` Y'RE1 the iu miner 40P torisXjods' �f&&' f and-Ithey-,, NaSin t er rdnt;-,; "d the' farm �of -Mr. 1ohn Bell, one And aLlialf I L are�� now, Warting,s ipaidntr­t6�Chtjj�O,I�na' about 10i00J;bat41s-saft;f6r thmsardet&sti !k,r. �,eor car an red men killed-, 'and - ounded , ift-�:th i: miles eadtof A n, t a 24th� e 66 thieshat I ; AM -s6 l�- , :,i !1 2-;� tIon. :aever.e`,,� Oss,�,IrI y 161t, buV -fevr..,dead Tapon id ingan every" e- workinit th- L be all, Or 10 1;19fl !r'&nv*%Va*jmo9bI E" th BII e,� main body'of co e eif6c lite,spot�oaisllI dersih)I if ,rtl Zet-upthe tit e w oven Tht night Witte a WEE in. thA ds (a 9' F B It 6UNO old�.Iakge tallEf Yd I on�ti Ar"15 9 he ;.whae spa at, presonrjgfet commo. ticirl'in New Zealand­�- The, riative's 'see I in, when day brok -;nu--:`11ru'fsFd'a­- y morm eftemy'sw _forces 191folye �ehe yT, asrippe ur fo 'CeS 101L mttei �firmer. on,t][I r III Is, cravoay,� U ifoifid as -far As 'b- thrown forwa of sbXhathis arm w Cau-h I'D g t inpp� n-, , lar 'f 7ar �4s a of racI AIL I he A n 8�r trOgranfelirifo But towar th 11 manair 0 r r 6 er LEND e 'Wax jaL t6l" 'ovei Zrdd A nd,. and! follow ' na'ma a- reconnoismandd as -,e Is a fhruwr&VA�per� , voluniecri'�Would to put the in� ven 0 il tib at- t n "07) Ip. eft ch Oil surrecti down. back by the eucilly's inf. 151 ajoi t ad.- am