HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1863-10-30, Page 2R THE 'SEMI-Mr-E,EKLY SIGNAL.. whatever be the dates of. their respective life and death between us, at, far as they, are before destraction." Has there been any Progreos of the Civil Witi. moored at the Victoria wharf, in that !in- 'a finger, and had evidently either been beaten Commissions. concerned. it is not necessary for them to mense busini.and operations have been stand- or kicked *ith savage ferocity. From its 42. After the pwtsilng ofthis Act, no offi- be destroyed that we may live. They seek diminution of National pride? Hasthere Army of the Potomac, Oct. 27th. lly prosecatedTor thi purpose of fitting her blacke ap�esrance Diamond had received We h any quililm, in consequence of these pperations, a terrible blor, possiblywith a fist, on th o briefly report the skirmi thing operations for sea' There was also a seiyeres,,,Yom�d -a Adjourned Sal car of the bqrvice Militia-Asill be appoinwa our lite-:%ve d,Ir not want theirs; ave ll!p, generally speakin, "Lrind except. pr­cvisitciially� until lie. neither the put pose nor the wish to subja,'ate beneath the rod ef affliction ? Nay, bat yesterday, it may be-stut-d that, the 80,111i. intimation was received from the Foreign right eye e Ote - Regiment, of Buford's cayalry,tried their Office -at least, so zc�uch is said, and has head the Be jusi under the chin, in ie e wit On hu, Ratislitetorily passed through tht thvin. They have no motive for the war i. 'd h F chool of military imstruction hot - has not the fiery crucible revealed more k vinalter re- hAve nothi.a., at, stake but the advainwige they 111, son file Bearton acknowledged its, high quesiters-to the efrect stick o by a stroke from a boot. The poor OF ferred to, slid received a eel tificate thereof or miflit h)l,e to �,-t oat.of' 44 by forcitif of dross than of real gold ? Have not .11111 with dismounted rebel cions' f h th 'o t evessels being intended victim died it sunrise, after suffering intense- fou us an I Sulphur Springs road, acid was repulsed. so at I "Finfederate States of Americas they ly passed an ititts comlocliotl', or subjugatiwi to them. Use 'iumes blind -ed the eyes of B, -as insensib ishtl! he�shali have satislactmi-y the exhaling - ford then put !it the remaindcr of that be!- r the o -�-he � le to ;be last. The we- exaffilcistion before the &.surd heroinufter hope gone us' Succeeding in this, there is no gale, but t . bay were unequal to the task. of would not be parmittedic, depart u-tiless satis- was t a story about two men having killed 'evidence wall; given that their destina, LANDS FORTAM y have no right no f4clsory - him wi h a club, and Floating disclaimed all the co Mentioned slid received a certificate thereol. rnti,mal motive left. , The man so that -they can see nothing beyond , w�islh the 11 manifest destiny" of ihe United Re oing the enemy to fall back; another be' tioic would not form an infringement of the knowl"5 Deceased was 44. Au Adjutant General of Nlhitia ma be iiihmitance, no privilege of their.own, I" a Ige,of the horrid deed, ieer gale of his cavalry enabled Buford to soe the Foreign Enlistment Act. it, this state the a middlVaged marst Fleming was nearly about OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN fluist an appointed for the whole Province bat'inwst we seek to d,stroy or impair. And surely pablic as taught of yore from the stump ba0kis.ol, the rebels, nnd witness iboir discom- a I b &ilary they will But admit that they have not amon, ffitir remained till Tburrsday last whets a rev- ad a course determined N ave received a military educutiun. the Sam age,' and h The ]acids now Ing unsold for Tax. fit4re. The losses on eitheraide'l. am unable and the Senatorial rostrum ? $3000 per ancient. Ilso a' Dep.-Alij.-Gtic., therrI the -'elements of grenvmsl; and o enue cutter conveyed a 0xitom houie officer look, a d Mrs Diamond was a freith, fair look, ..a will be agairie"Inoafflne'red for isle on' th I I' *ive.,.Ln�t n,',il t a supply train,-. of, 20 or into the Great Float, and pat him oil board of ing woman ol' about'thirty-five years; of age. 30� hap - Ey is at a a lary of $2000. pilless.* Ricffvwnd. $entfillet, (jejober Wliten - �seaeie is proolaim6d amil the 48. All non-commissioned Officers in the 21st. to have been attacked and the El T-siusin. On Friday. this proceeding Both fhI formerly belonged to the Coun- Bi sickening but fntoxicatin- smell of' blood Is d dest oyed by the rebe.1st. bet7!en yA& appears in. Amleric�n people v re Baltimore, on-therGains- Custom House!'officer, who, it is, said, put the to bay eeli chiefly dictated by jealousy, for Militia shAll be appuitit-ed by the' officer vo leaves the nostrils of the M,urawnrictid c: was fullnived by the appearance of a second ty of trim,� Ireland, and the in Tue'day the 17th day -00y. 'BOA mauding the Corps to which they belluux- 1110 Roc ­.I. slid, shall hold their -rank durin- leasure, and they will awaken to a sense of the horrors - bro4 arrow" on the vessel, and remained atende eeli�g once existed in the old coun- in the Court Room, in the I . I - - tien -son who has Washington, -Oct. 27. in any pet -been lc!non-cotftmi%�ioned of war, and, we fe�, they will'find that . 0 . in charge d(the ship. About - 11 o'clock oil try.betv n the murderersif who dre how day. uffic;r in Her Majusty;s s�rvike, shall not be it r 0 it it 'a rhe city has been wild with rumors of it Thursday night, the Goshawk, alider.the eoui� jail to a wait their trial at the next Asitizes." it is -much easier to, unleash the dogs of battle to;d;by in front, but all such re- mand. of Lieutenant Cheek, acting tender to TOWN OF GODERIGNi bound to serve in'the Militia in a lowermade Th than he held in Her Majesq'i Service. ulleiss destruction than to call them i iltLst ma) be set down DR. singiards, for 'two her Majesty's' ship Majestic, weat into the n aI I - at the hour of Twelve olctock, noon. sons_ A Story -of a Nose. he bad, at tire Lime -of leaving Her M-�jcsi,y:s, re firat,.what is left on'theRappashan- low-watef basin, which is not yet open for I bervion., been teduced from 3ac'h grude.' In any event, the body of the people will no -k of the rebel -army do not want to fight - I I d ained there- on Friday and JOHN MACbONALD GODE-RICH, C. W., OCT. 30,1863. ..be heirtilv sick of Warfare, but what' will So end, the Union army hall .61 yet i,-,uud S"`a`t-u`rd�ay.sBOa"S" 49s. Whenever the Militia or ally part aturday, morning bar Majes- Nra�y g ine-slave been said. About did 4`th�i Its, ell Sberiff"A Office, Goderick, laida'r So long ty's ship Liverpool dropped fical her pricrvious. and thereof afiall be called out by. reason of war, become of the million of men in.arma?----a an rbody oranihing to give it battle. ihe nose ; es6ya have been written! upon 1 28th Oct., 1863. Who 1 a invasion, insurrection or hatmitient. simiger salhal'issicei at Clucttauda,,a- and Abingdon mooring -6, and took is position in front' of�.the ; out it, but nos - it," haii'lieten iun-ab Will tfisey quietly return to the mounted- I t led- no bu,tfe o tie p; Its themof. the officers, non-commissi sited offi , I arquase, t Its 1, otomac need ve a F'rehelimen. would -hav" THE EF I ECTS OF THE ERIC.&N. entranog w the Morpeth Dock, with her fires body, a ever -ilitia, so els ed out -fn banked,tand her steam dlivionsly upa Inthis.. ILOR N cers and men of the 31 Z, ous hiiiisdrura of eirery-day life, or, on the ;be!expected. T Actual 8,srvice, gliall be paid at such rittes of WAR. Ti ' - thoug; of founding a novel upon it. Ed - contrary, must the United States become ines"djilpaich..-Army of the potomact condition she lay all dity, ard,general opinion - I - mand boust'i last sensation -work is an - daily, pay, und Shall receive such allowances SLOWLir and Sadly the Greit Civil War 27ik. 'The enemy -continues to tict'dentanstra- connectsid *ith her beim, iiiI position a boi- . i every res; an aggressive natioui and at once seek. to, &t�sbuj as well as 'the Gushawk, wai in titledl' 41 De Yez d' n pact, as are paid and allowed to dra-&s its bloody. length, ilon'L -Now the live on our front. Yesterdai tis-tha Sixth, lief ths un Notaire and the 30. Canad and men of the relative and, correstrou. to and N,L ith New York Cavalry we'rteeoing out readiness to prevent thdapprelleaded dep'ar- officoc�s , I eata6lish: the I lonrosedoctrine, at the point. stolci ii thisi.litched. in the 'AbUicher.' 'tier lsl.jos,y-a.�b, F cderal cause seems 'D E7 URNS HIS MOST SM0ERETHANKil p?nding- riokk or grade'in ;roWr, - and dent Bear Deallicin Station,:to relieve Fourth tare of theEk Tomlin. $a, far, however, as arm�r - of tho,, bayonet? With an, Zodrpen 'L M, 1, �, I . I JLL fdr the very flattering encouragement he hex vice. anon' Confederate prowess revails, At 'Sozah and Mexico un &ew'York and a Picausylvania Cavalry regil., present aptlearances warrant the conjecture, ' "A�`Iiser,Jstss iiglily sVi�eclsble notary received sinoo-he commenced butchless in Gode. der'the protection of It, on picket, tliey were opencid,upon..by the precaution wad* nuecelisary. Thici stispeci. rich, riot being dble to execute. over one-half CORO$ FOR rmum. tirtlivick. one moment ih�e glitue seems lost to-. the met U __ (siif the Fa�liurg St. Germain,). youn the orders'llrouglit- to bin or France and Austria this would be bit of the rebels with- artillery. A brisk skirmish ted vessel remains ino6rell'ilou-"ide the Vic- 91 ri-lafrt Season-, batrip1s; 50. The Commandenin-Chicif may, in the South, but allula the fate of war decides, ri6k aucl­.witll-looking, with. a handsome DOW secured ficulitiesfor tLye�t of war,miso, in addition to the Militia, the question, and w rk would have -to be eruihsld,-lasting several hoursI forces fial. forces wharfr'sad up to Saturday citernoon did as k,llai -so, often done b Ifore almost llna� back to whiiin, one mile -of Giorgetow�,, not appear in a condition fit, for sea. During tCismasal nosI igirnadianted with Spectacles on regincesit-ofMilitia by voluntary enlistment federal amiestowards T6 enemy showed' the whole of the earl p f S d work� alicount,o( s4ortuight. L At one L Of the ove . n upon ourlofiutry-liuel� marked, out for the art 6 attic for General Service.during such war, and for against. all boo, in favor of, the weaker the North. Pole. Eveii this task nai nothing bull iDialitri; -there il�eri, faw casual men ivere, busily employed in prosecu the mr reclioptioritin the green room of the Im- Carrphg'o-h Business Egh 1176, a reasonable time after itit termination 3'su(; power. h 11, ill it li�L uniitercit�lng to forgot 1h %. sive Id Z tiei oin.eithii side. Duerillasandbuiliwitack. different processes which could fit bet for a, 'llybdre the yossag ladies of 'ssbe� of an I ng none but. firld-olidis, had offhe re;imenta to be subject ,to. the proy -moment have its, diffloultics.- -WhitthiIn.cou atliins So far las tould be 61sherved' from the qmsy�. C, d amVoyl for a -the atite. of sieges, tbI iq- dingly bold,.eud their opei . y estimate ,, a And a4, . A. Itlieves his a penance as Cut done with the men of wai? Perhaps e I . . rills. with' t1i0i Scidretary of the 'rarkish in anee this Acs. tiri are excite 7s, qe 'bas!44. hitilill hi jjra_.f no*,, th vitend in everydirection. no admission was allowedsin boiard�tb6re "s Second to none in the.P�rOVxjnaet havingen advance of armies, or thol-fat 7 " ' " " 1. . . on 'I, ASROCrATtONS. P tioh$'.wbo!i#tes. him to the duellc, in Which only Eclution of the questidi; would be in �, 71,.fbune7# :desp Washinkon; 27th no Government officer-indliariss of illel-crsf� business exteri-wely and silecessfull �ln HAM f Ditty- sanction" flIed d glineials, Bali look a9somo'.6f the itch, a awits"cene -,blade,'and -immense standing army, ana. a snore cen� Oct.,' says th d Died to make progress in his BOSP is cut ving 'a 51. Tie Commarittlet-in-Cliii bt b .' d incii0sillyArit-claii�custome null' .99 at persons who arri.4 -from the ana.everylbing a is P , , the organization, of aisociatioals for Ourposes effebts, presie. ith by s1omeat (witness of the utter[inoHe of theFrinci ablishments -it and spoollfre, produced h* iC� the usual way. rh. ship is evidently 4, po�v­ ran �way 'csf Drill, and of imiciperideiii; Compaoieti4f traltzedform.of G.4orn;nal.9 I s"My to-n1l z Pilata- that a colum' Of rebel. erl bals, or rather prepartisliptlp c.dusbast flibm �lihotit it is not recovered, Edipburih,- 6 ad, he r sdutastW*&.- ise but ',fijjt�yj jVhieh. ddCapied "'Dicty muldses i� pas- disceribig public -that' Qr likely-fo ari oft thitrwar between vanell, "a ldfistiiry compoied of professors, milaters Or VAmbert, the. notary,, -runs vem. W r h, ; mouth, he North assbits.that itIs sing a given point,crossed the Rappahannock,, nhit; DosI in a cat I for over three r ouAll atter We'may, thus speculate ith reg b .,do Ifir.he to have, two capolw -�sr Schotils or other public brethren ? T uetsr'of pen(ons eugaured in or a out, in] as, aceomp in -the risee bythlic 7 oupils of UniversitiL "the, fature that is. in i.h at. - . I . -L , , ''. L.,W store for'sthis ssadl ai!Happahatillock y�iitlerday i1squi. ..far advanced in'eqitruc r 6��N.G CAN in, y 9 ­ . . . . 33Z nstittitiolds,o wa� hofy�waefare-that the striijil ark. The 5th co�pa Wlire� oidccr�(V.to ion. Her bulwark am inside *to filill down Aut... . I , . - the, end is still, an -s. recco ere o.: be same race. a Bass the-sama, or Militia Officers; or of incin on the ts 'a If 'h kh I -the sit his custablinhinecirequallo-the -best Establish-. otherpersons Its he -them iss,cheek, ifli'ossible. ltis!.iiipsir nd She has,. two port holes in gin st-stocki bii one of light #arkri4lisc�-4recdoin led to-, Outwardly, a wrapp and -that one cavalry';1a . d' J)olirt silern, disa-�reirqblj an f Asir-;8jectat6raofthecon, L ml�srit in-Torcilitoor Montreal'. Militia Rolls, �or of such. ad profou Ell the e scal du� id.thenrBiy estiveL. 0 '- 'Stern, iasie� fit, but, such Associatidus'4CEints- slavery, mo apd that L The .1%syst Japail file -of human ission having 'bee ed. : I't is also - statk: the chasers.!' Her qides�are evidentli-strodg, And Itstligicalicience. �.Cod�rich, e.shly.los p p: bace oEsindly4whiP I cl,illito',provilib a substitute. I -ant.h allnut.be#i6vided with anycloth- id, short, its cabise is one. upoh which the. rebels are in- -force -stb6iiit, Stifford, C.tirt armourtplatedi'%but bar fair mostfirmidable'r Is ad a prallowance* therer o air thousand f nag --(84-00) a poor se, God in His'.0inni�.0tent H -Walter career a re� at eit'indybe con- tl y at looi 'o "in' ', charlict-6r,joleriyed. 6oin bar sull�nly . t oune.' . Noth,mirfurthar heard, f*r.6m,,:th F�D. -116 liable -ibsh toutof.hslef �lesisingbf the God of B, le �s ctn As a *be] to be 'an caper. Oi�,, LTTA�LV.. Out or w en it will �csoiclioisazae af. ST e,tbis rmi. LAND belaid , Ge "a L i 52.. For-the-'.purpore af�'enabli�- 0ifficers sistent In . ..d ;7'bick �rofisses to re. eal, to pro I a a new, -nose for the n F OR ..SAL�E pro' lo 'and ; . ly i voked. If' ibis: really'the iunwed t6wiards f' E Bri ge... -everyone I sstop. gcc�d Wi TheFuew handle� tan h orneth like'litycitery, and which of Militia or,c jdates, .. r conimmsions� or caIie,and tb -rooted one, 'Specialto-the World. Wasbington,27th.77 f R as, Wt. ru -a sentimen(a deeply no one about will mit knowing a Oman,! �,dd lin Yes the:L-�Botaly'l promotion in- thi Militi "t a -fo . f I A S�ddki-iG� -c;OF 'OF, S&1djDE It4ig.icsserted here,'6zi the" ve�lrf,highesi an. of.' '0 pro ect.t lemse ves we'sbould'expee to witncscs� -an�. exhibi in a knowled f bi is o.f,, r ton is,,a capitalspecimenof the ship-builder's'art, pact. -e- o t eie. mi itary duties, drill thm�itj,: that: the removal of � 06ne%l Meade joSe. T f Zdal, patriotism, self-sasiri4c6 througli- place, . in 'the London. 'GAol onJoeday 'r. 'Time goes on land the b6comes,ruday OT.No.11, -NorthBoundery in the -Township and,discipline, the Commatider4n.-Chief. may 0 +bien decided Upon', hissirwiji take places. slid if let.loose. with aliostile iiiiieut: would'no ugly Customer.. was L excellent -quality, andhas sievan- the iallaor sJohn - 'g �S NiislinSchool of Military I uction. In- man a h,* world nh�ht. lasi� A young s�?p,,a3goVerntrie'ijt-�eAti��settl6'otI a proper doubt prove an tho' iyaiei� i carrier, fioni-whose arm Th 'is' vin�7speiit.hig,,2,QOO,�"franes,in i ar to 118tt but the fed ral states, named nevitirfiiiiin creek running thrcingh it, -and- h d kil tanhered. 'The lot is -about 3] miles 'Was 7, ken n it the CO iithe aet,is _ a convicted Of: aggravated as- succecisor.� my-z:is.cbamiog pdaition- i ' at the . , - �? , . - 'me, slid 1: ther mose �ngam 4he villoge% of hai'seldom seen' 00 P nsection- of the Province; A d B AM k Our.-. ir' �w 'purpose miy..'ente�,'in o -arrangement. with .1 somewhat fi�sr strategil to Fraticuslown. One 'tbird' �csf the l purposes improper, ithe love parts as a months Inter,.. the hand- purchlisci money s]6*n�'-balauceio five an aljrr�, oflicor, Q Aer Mi righteousness of the ca se -of sault at -the, recent assizes, and in order to' b T I fdar, the esty's Force!� Mention, Vc�� in ree -nose is town to a Hen edrs ifi'pedi- New York Oct. 28 The Rev. Hen Wnrd Beecher, delivrered d L�fiok want 4 -foo 'and CASTOR WIL The -British�Nis Los; for th� best' freedom, even the- I tufor, indtion ag- d * bi stalme�ts­ A�.�ly Dirimandin so a ,in eth "art means thi. escape his sentence of three i' Phil. his promised Mature on � Amer-' of efrectin,,ifie samEr-in codn�ciiFh w'41h ally i I a. - L - r L tax at t a ot. 27th 663. trat, Izement ave given wa' '-befor tendaryiWhieh he considere W severe, A correspondent of' ' is nouriiheg bacl into health, whichrestoris lw�n tSL eaty'i h uarm'sinic Halli: tiverptiol; L 06 ReEnmerI Regichen Her : aj e� the theXciluinbus,, Ga., h ilie 16th incit." IV - - - I.- --gave Ehjairersaya the'official reports ofthe less- li�fore-i, densely.'ero sidd-audiebe' U a usual feet re. " :L Rdd'mak3,,'Sll,Desessary, R�Ies and qf� more�. . The millions on rmine , to e`1va t e.worl&.altogether. a. Feartir h � STRAY Ek W w :"At if!f,' W -killer, re lady goe a eased h purpose by hanging him- 999 ent 'h L, , , , ' of id_ in Ac -p Elo 1� lations; and as:tb'thdtermi' upon whieli �lio6sf new paper by the' sel loss ja killed, woundtid'and missing in the afone timeere' artsinied,bf a Sodth- solves.td­musrry;� but on t e; morning thd DoPy mil- cte d 1'� ' b ed -156c, wid- money citeated battle of Clsickaminugn,umounts, to 17. to 15-�c rcires of Ro'beit'WiSSi y - ten ed naptlaIS'L -The �13, tfi on.. In rip ft-inistructioh. ffiavr be. compensat to his cell door With a'st of toweling era sympathizerskaYing-placirded the- town ' d Military war, have turned the nationail head, and wa with bills calcalatetl,to.. inflame the public �Edticatiomimosqgst the -Officers ar�-cormts cl�theL h rt; When: f6Und L in was it, iainst;'Xr. Be.cher. r' rs lady'vy oilat rst;' a on I. .,a red heifitr,' �2 -andL Can4' we Lfe to --natio6a ea Larp, nuinbe We tL tW 0 . . , . I ' ' Lt , J . roisperou e-uotaryc nose 1up., Theoneris "vest.. The poo ie . shiv6rin - ghastly, corpse. hi h` Ali Sees w1nit.- a nd -r6 s imes, iix a Nort& 'wind a., d 'h or fio, nose, cannot cairr]r dates for�C6 r soldiers in thair ofsecessionists-were at the meeting, and did top, Inmissions as'Aroresaid. out X r ptirpose aal U -B6Jkr -�j� a W a] There hsAieen,a jood do.4 of trash 6 1' hey could. -to get up"a row, ind, i6tericupsit 'Spectacle �b jg�. The ead'isi- 53.. The Orn tre ch I contractors at1d. of ircu �tb J ell� n a eviry- step. were, _r - 1:� a a?gs ad Mr., Beecher at _an ope. time to time, and among . the applicants for NEWS, I . TE. ating in the.) papsmrs recenify. pecting the ractice -1 6 pr I o . spor. - b h and on the 'Is P retires, a owever, W%a:'great Only, SE.7 everdesc4ti6n fatten. owalma or purpme'L se e ity, in t a North, notwiihsi�bdtng the I'STRAY7NOR I ct. 66ahL peisbins' in � 11 -ch sec. ekvironi,, I P"i�an 'has &.silver noSe made It is'trtie that mo ivhole, Mr. Biether-sieciption, from first so Ope pbans don the habiliments of woe to be '11:5- The Mexican �agents mItracted heuvy burdens of the �war. - 1' , - " 'L , ., , , *L ion. of the Pravince.'as. he inav"Ishink fit. for- hd- a for daily', se'.'[- - the purposeof attenifib for the buildin,, bl'some iron- war vessels f6i nLy is easy, that the -o�era.arcathe, theatre list, was veryLL en�liut castle. He wes, ire.' [44hi��streets�by 'eager in One-Ahy, iii, ta ang runs inst scid'lisihool'of Mili-: j�atl6d asiddl oney-, I" the' incinsure �f the, quahtly interrupted Such. the d t at high-priced: cries lilidutishe beginnifig-ofea. ()rdL ad r,on the are crowded mg-buy,i'an h w do or zde.' they lnsiruction�aud, if neciessary .. remov fo the�empire iii�Pmhce. �but q1towed,giout ca getters.' Th, lactiess'Aaa tact, and could 'at by -Genera dWMDC -there is - tober, 186Y. oned' er prescribe It is estimated, tht-he ciinoc�mious'nncn; goods secure a tea y sale;'but another b desid. rs old - hic 3 -k lared 0 13 meleis lusil.,italks1 an,11 less pleccgin,�'pi�iurti tvhi�h would be not be. put down lamor. Mr. B.' showeill adyer&a -.the.,Cimo PD is �iloing N10 I by, 'dispacelul out boa walhk, if, 0,t its, t persons" b6, of 1 240,600 Is My noseV exclaims i the throl. ls'haud'lsilli��.Jasl not been jeclaimed the iillowances'-io be pciis[L: to Itick ow mate'lles',are used: in.the, AtalaVery.,,excite -notary. 0 -s fit clurin 'their stay -at the same, aml. th�­periodjlralon,;th ghfares of the.'Unitod Kingdo' 6a-very.day.` The �pcicias - of ilie h Jf insii:week -now, it i . nit - a croW4ed &rou -well'to bear in tDind. Yveins interested In the tri. h of tfib'g'.jth. -for rficKAey shall undcIrgo,such illistrile*imi. nes�,e�saries of life havii'Advilificedl6nbrinonsly, clulp, asserted t Sir, itwas -not my fdultj� rei6mstbe' b�,P it% the Pound hfid scild. th, 91' the Am -great cities. asineaf prosp rs ia a he telegrap d got rali erican the BL G T Ntws.�-T the b�,P an -sdmi'with suiall, fixed incomes-, and was th"Was tre b) k4atercauier, 1 -got -int,) a factory., ABSALOM FRIE iroubiO,`and' muiutt tined�that,tho N6r y upoilthe 'course of Military', Inst -motion 'as- and 'thery is, l6it'i'make hu�y li has sularies',kere never'l;6 straitened Ifor meansiAl; caught'in ibe fee [oth,(;On 54�`Every'person-wbo 'shDll have entered its �ne fronalXashville to ChattandcA the ro6t mill b d shall ad varim bell thof th 'Tp. Huy� Huron- 0. -I ed, d't newspaper replo'rt -Contractors stgreke'et' tfor the Uniom be m6d�;ii belie,,4� woIlild III hereinafter pr6v (1, thereupon and while. a es h 'i lot as II)RI v 6 I"/ T al:: is �,es, so j,was torn, comp etely 'It t ej)eri�d rescribred in �c anger hap thencefbrth� and f6r b . idthtille-inisci Is' Is, stock operators, all 6 had g tinintely secure the Bay"27tb Oct6heri.180. p, eyL,Gene- '�611, hive d6r�ie- morniiig ofthe 3rd o of: and. upon' ral to rder, 1ni11Iif1tUZe( money -Oat Of- blO oil I�XI,et us 1�11 tsfl exceedid-li' 'wall- for,, Mr. B-,beli6yed thav`t of such Gs�erai 0 ssi-nin- a the indei e En,�lisnd'receised in fees from ateuts Mw ichboloped M bethe morning, fixbd 7 a just two yeaj,�s; If -9 at not So -Cler or at Boll of Eiltry fbc�. suck t maic�'-i good ih= out 'of -the war. while ft Speech 'at Biiiii-owrici and' the and ota&r soure�S b rmiIr the year ofl.the In. y a nuptiils.' isls perty-,hoiders; mechaiiieg, all� in fact; of th d raMS in the Mersc�, toAhe Queen's R and' Regulations, the. lastsI pray to yn whose - amm6n---and Moloch :is boul, Ehibition no'-Iess it sudit than 6 seasation novel, whichkis� JdHrfJ �VM K, 'Act%litud` the �Of -the7 North toards BrEgland tb�Such i; � . ­ - fL , I , Rules �Jcn�dL,Articlos-of ;eJ6� '00, income is fifteerikundre do the hostility laeis. jsj'Imlsc;ast �T lll�rsl � year add 1 16 � or lobIjollytimis �inav-'lon�g�eofitiniiel" th would disappear." He 6noludell by poiu�ing geLin:0'ar War, and, to. suckother L Urdeirs� Rules* and ess-a e w3b IF in, ib b6"f6nfided Ola greitbi extrqi�� sqoWr. in view of the ihi-eate re, 'ind to eludes fiv6-sixths of* oui whole populdtiop.- a ofwhiiiever :PatuLre - Do lia hisId Dorsetshi and Soniersetshire'the out thz� mi�g aspect' of L RegUlatiEssia, or k farm' Wa as a' ­ "'. I a poorest a asses ave not-asyet,experionc- trill make M. which' Her M4jesty's T600s-aris subject.. grasping �I , , � , I: ", " . ­ .? h gance. toviiiethekas, it is very i;�lf witeiin. ire -feeding :their, horned be is and Th Tairs'throug-houi the�worldl,t-kin&red nations and On- SATURDAIrr Ihe 7 It . an - y, appropriation of��moneys for like�Engladd'ansl America Should not lie,esz thea; the unpreacellenad i,wheat. The jrrain'is mixed.,with od! actual sufferin!,;, -iis there is �n tash�' L h a r P.- Set af,drt a jeans led men in the Larmy; bdi,theaticti-le o'I CHOIC ASSORTMENT,dir purposes ' re s all be' after tishes ? --- 4hy the.throLw ti�'Lof fight for th ro morl'ana ivith barley' fior the il,-bod trangedf.for.united they vvo�ld,be� Match for v 'for or'rathei fbod on&Lfjol, ties upon foreig Ker so t less tha o nd ol- vas no sum Do It oner- lidu&ed . th usa d Ing themorld responsi 'The French 11 as�.ithns-blien'f6riligpa , styear.. oal, 'A vote of t ian s to Mr. Beech' er w L as car , - usstra;hau "to Su�z Curial, but I have no particula L M: for"itiS A -1hifialbrilie-piarposs ofaarryiag-, sinto effect I k � -.1 1 1 1 *- Coinniiiiioners are onthe ba d A -why so �in had twist, with�great chebrinef,::but n6t-uu- Oro-visions (the,th di asled, the ree peace ing c Bases, sun which.was abundant a. yearsince urede, e,sse' Nisht ��ih ps wiR-leaye f6r Parii a withbisses add groans. 'HOW imp6ssillle to escape the conscription ? Es' the�29i;6101 at 5ve'dollats and'fifty.4cellI ton, is1nOW 0 6 t at con �SW2 -'b* ld at a San b There 1,7. We think the imagnip, to a nite y terminate, topther with an'siddr6si was 'dilivoreil 1863 The Nort-Service Militia must be regizill I nine dollars add fifty�centsi; nitfut -be, Heaven seems, n i a ance o Mo- NubarPailics,ibe two jeeat qBestii r, 6ve!vte entcL.per . p El 1ef6r& the L&erpool'Southern Club Is Mi.. ma, of terrim betz -enrolled '-.be� called oui�once a -year . can js�uow apa ri if so required by, she Commaudcij�: ney . twonty3wo cents, on th at' five r!g t ark so particular, as and the presse ultra, views An -fisviir of' the socith'r- wlien.the�Mokei in.Cble -dollars per'barre T j�'6 d f; - against the purely proucing portion ofthe eath. of Me. Dusield, th �sr; dollars is now eight ivillbil locate It �; I oill' have a ten ency, to oorate. . o' ri I lsoss�ssibna and i6rced ' dbor. �ht fols r at,Wsu�adld �oililisti,fiiuch fiearor'6 ctikill, E a h ' d V ry or t Beiesfcsid Hspe, who titeiterated his oft, oz.. Star sinn&.Oui id, .��tnerican',comsmunity­� tlie lood. of flat was -caused by bis:6lood liadrig been com- same piopok b6l,'ds. good for I'lie C all afterwards entertained Me Hope at it. Add, filpol east,objection tb�wbi pletely very article' d fuel pur., f cours ' by , it , so or be " o ' ftb6 dissy.-, the ch is it shin is' 6 and o as says whi chase co some I o talk of, prosperity d add u , 9 d greeqbacks,hBs isoned by 0 his e,: a baoqumwhere4646r� oritimenis were, I lis"ito d` been t th the abs6riltigh. int of clothing,,fccod'an a system-�fthe:sodorof diatid 'garde �ch he tinct and'so still. "I have. f reLquenCy,1 Peace-Questa IL ustry, L PiLCeS I Sir� Roundel''Palujor, Aqornay efierall, rkci�S' d butim or-. -st�'Icvatidn lik c rewar to coristantly pairtieg and--go6d, times when, Mi. wilkinsildi in a valivablewol att 4 "of n1 1- - had been'tuldrossin: rhis-einutittients, at Con-, Aiisfralia�'lbeen.oni -Neade"m ar4y has been driven under �nd ho coricesisondent of a metropolita The -'truth length -6 imor��n -way r �hese are the rule iI met a '.upon as fiIianciaily as, alfowfug my siderablo. He permanent intr riclimenti to, near the -Poto comystates rtha�. the notorious Edwin. a, as the. evil. dciys'�are add while hunts his,own time to tra4�is may, benefit by the'd�eration, it b well aspoliticaby"I pen ence-- was fully 'Mae.. Gan,Leej ' -after diii-ently", pursuing. ines.isitowin London in ocis any ind th6y no 66.wed� that Eng ould of ric6gnize�the walk alon, tba'.imid 661need myself by -buttle !6i�imable to: 0tain it, 6 1 6ii 'that tb istrictS iRmillioiIiaire, w4omi-if,he A liask( I eqause cer in e L grain 'pro acing d a of the West I'losd b6L h- tled;, He conjended� that England was bound ad -then' 6i s� the. sile4ae,, U't a, -adveenry.was too fleet..�,-He -the time.'may come when',' a breaL-L, URSION �vv th hint thaiL ia t yp Searetary�Chnso7seems to, St5difluntiltheifiald' "ad' b no of mr. e bet'6 his, e is about-imintedlatel jo, 6� d . wil avily. I athe face . a to th . 0 ni�r 'belligerent; rights to the.Coinf6der, a "a.s6and b has the fo-re - to. f Hymen.` ficst'-will cost'a tho4saiid­d6l1ar6;c i�hd-we' think' to extend.. `h Cb1bo re content hituseft witlismill. I- I I .. I I wthi. thes itude, f atesj,and�stiongl dance th 1 'we go. oil mue on �e�'�at this- �Rte' dQMOiiStr&;ed:-tha-,6bli ' gai a .1 on y capons viintages a W 'his been lecti . irin� at ti6ns;iestimr, ov. �zqlazid'156r'conl�nuea-ne f h" 1, 00DERICK a�-his�:been able to� gam from ),d of Eeastem. luxury and, Bugaraban 0 it like 'i tseb. h ickin I g- up a eitern w Mr..Roebsuck B loit Be no more u out pr6sperbuls, U Iowa rns 'AND INTERXEDIATE-STATIOX8 TO, great, many -fin' -wit bep Swansg��.. near Poole on Y.' Times'. trality. low cryi 0 :t e, night� ird - frotb y46nder.;:g an partial eficoitnterii and.' W heat add rn h -fallen, 7far b, , " , pre.- aclacation he. t Isan ad aniid the -rocks.: Ji k I wremusiv gleamy ar rating-pAcelt.- lind up6sa�, ectuor enlar ed'on the benefits of education e -The L dorcL;�n;.e, n nearer to his I � 9 On it, When f raising men umon­ k owill now tike a as a� moans o isorial On that as the, nzg4 d66penisi- the bar of the distant Brajitf6r ",own The destruct ositio -th bridgeover the-farme seer' pa rd and, cc:smpe�ea 'to, their -fel- . rt.of Mr,Palmerls spee,c,h:'vvhickshoivi that f6jr, - howl stisssi at Chat-� Of 'his Q h ' doubt.ubout the spir'it','an-d'deiign ion* of e lows He'dvowe fittaselfaRadical.butRA. Tli,e:,11 Tiin,60." an Ro' ail or sava,ge species; IrOcm which be defencill the Rapidan by a freshet;' and, the swollen�. *ithr his.produce, at Il,-serioug IOSSL d: hk Z83100g& al'ism,vorisisted. 'not in.'pfilliu,-- -everybody 'of the laws resoptlng-zthe,iro'n'-'c!]*,�seizedin the i�ld. 11iir9l & sound 0 h th-3. same iime�'p�vi ouble old, prices 'down,. but in eadeaysiring ID. raise �YeiYboily� n 6i the RappahaunbLek, may a7e 666�eat6hes flici OF'1qOVEkBZ% 03 re - a eredL it e;p the Mersejr� diays'ths�7Minlstei-s have nVis-been ad , 19 -lit is I p , o , r4ve rther -expul Sion "and 21timiliaticiii of- Mende' a army- or eve requirc,--- t ere is lidetigionj c'fiel, in&ifieabiidoe� of some, dd farther ddsw1i till all spin is bashed, and - n -The London::Times t Inks. t at at must,L ave a P4, re h 'I Ranthe'- -THE OWN OF BIL n -I've uy, h' `P, ­ LL , , 1. i - ' d-'.;' owder d )e&ut to do thfa-ril ready.' The uthe line c3t battle, bad doub ''dfl- ly6om billio bill -fa f articlehe-miny b - " signe 'for the same irir c6,aiJhb..'Alabama, a Glinp 11, :swerficl m6ralefF commanders iifl Es hical -6f t noiseless]; civei', Your heads, Iecton the war. something unsound alFthe'bo eL M it cri qAod -the nor whether they couldrise lawtully'.despatch. in Mexico add the condi. fi�ht, are L as you H e'through' a, grove o giant p6sitioddt� France a i�e fi'giber the suspected-- destination. trek� ­ It retrialithe weakness of the enauI 7ill is alsoan indirect evit to be lippr6hoinded. alleged 'a It a , causeSI of - th ' a discs- vclj� bot:w 6 olm_ pour contempt on his hopes -of sulijugatin- ti6nal-ae'eeptarica-of she Lcrowd:by-the Arblin ter T' di )ngh, vc� �61y litietilly:bbirjea ba�ao- 1"Y jed, od woseeinto'bave. ssappcea�bd;%thc can pro. againat ltleiro.�­ 6dmi � 11 Meade,wus not The toiniptatica t6 make,mone, 't dki Maximilliadamoant-*to iometbidg� I sense -grows almost painfd oy in rauce L nore is said of &iirkaving b6i�m iYoMidisti. 6 of _tha I n Richmond, but, had to fly before in favor of the r6bel Rcs'ec�sfis' had-alio. W�t quit thelLfield bef6re Th aw� iss� however, to make nsthaRLa diVerS16d R'SDAY 5th',-NOV-��, INST; audmanufhctu.,e6Lis.8o 1--reat'that thoustinds asuro.- Yon,quicken your poor and L ''' . - J, the case peribetly'selear, f6W 'will be found to -be &11 An Excursin -bittl�'�� was quit' I juI iCopnylains and t thaI eacao ss�ain into if nassidulih as they'are, a f6rcible and, p tho d d4at den there W Lee whoray. him a short distance. of Wash- a over. � t is ad rraiii worl will,be unable to-resist'ift the 80 f..the ea'of 6neA suspicionenough to it'd B'antfbrcf:aDd baek, on the p6nowing Schedul I beEnd his! in aswe. fortifications, W- protest again's ominant whi 4 ther army may,j be �codsiaecad as Safe. slooder tes'lirees a o Ed goi d .f th 1h � & P enpug . it is certaib,�, i e ellemy aye surd that, Uricola should think it -requitte e�Sa" .0 ublic on &Wtirth Americia continent. resolation on'the part 617'.the Governm0it, to eain�,of the exquisite i Time I%e06`m5jTab ng ill� proo' tA the jile Call f catch the et . .,: reselryd a or1dill, the doubtll'thataii66 fineciestill h Tl=. -70la r g away "'ran I " I ., , - we th his while toL pe' �reat measure lorsaken advautagb'of grliaski�nmmbers, flunking sp ereiand,hearathe'.860t. - 9 pronou nee I. , al. a] ng smm -o be in. jL tliA14KSG1V .-�-The Government we a0 b ... 6.00 �L.'X. pr.ger. tare will ln�oya* are rinaipalll�, from the difficulty. ofOlitainitti the eats wil o acroes o...... . Th. world will s t id-incoln's you Bg med'. P entle,mu r. This Aozei6r. learn, have a -ecommend theg ompel'Itbaecralls,to retreat especially v g e6d.to conclusive evidence.on the I 'KH y d cue re"to6icemets-should infiliateevasionS. � The A itdruey-GenectiI qople-wi!l berfin, to take 'the. tdea�'-as the' depl i ;on- th,,Temilesackin 6Z2 A IM clal1aroweie& ill coliif- with.the a ervaiice' of a By of than sgiving not,L 6;57 V 20 aun I nue. to attest; a-of.maic p�palation t6 e'raio:bs' promptly reacli'llim." Ticial was aiso -a he L of St" SEAPOILTH b f(I Magistrate GA us ve-dozine-as mab r- d Am�riaa: $8sis ds&ijja5 � a It lisi-bsidb found arveIt necessary, - in 0 at to remw 'fie&adnfederate pow er in 'the -far South or Wednesday'- 1 Ith con iggenry, we venture - to anticipate % g . qitik MITC)RLL. 'fo other's as they are now expecting ill be d e. MAUSh a Tvrdict 75 N, b consideridolhe position of �Biirniide, read' ovem er, is,t e 'for tfilimi ikey"Inei6jr sho' a. ildvirij ' 'Mt trDtfurd,10 8.15L the rce Rosecraris, to reduce, Meade so low as h �'dny !!a`med� tr materia the r m4kiiiiw false Irsitur a sip -be -unable yetLwjsshallTand.Te§twL. -pro atiack,it seems extrecualyL nersOCil-ying over, tq:meet-LoLe­� threaten c6nvibtionwbdfbie h 8.38 0 6f.th I_fields en ness to,act:w­ep�-,Rrgei1 t th 1, -dis-U--lointed it' R�s&rans-%vil [-. have dac wh the TaE LA1qlJASkIiRE- -DIgTR 6115iible..' There is also, a chisnqp% of the U .9.05 e grav Es 'two- no �warrantsl bflUMgo � d1e� for -certain, cases of ex-, ijlc1jw66­ been enabled themby L to hold his position at Ra "he much s.-Tb6 difficulties in the. way �ralc; f sucfi'proceei cap. final'6irash comes traders wi I becs5mebink- fr6rathe. English cotton. districts The' 7" -conclusion, thitif tbi­� issued a�a -Chattanooga. Frum the relative situations iagaompelliclJ-4 surrender. IfIlhis 0;27 35" on is -o ee o I Loals found gone,to n for the --6ks ttilling iheLl thadild -He -Rig, 9.60, -25 raptL is the, stateof the law, sails actory'lii trate. PA -there. it is ticanifeitly impossi euness while serials will rise ia,value. three'we occur, it would bethii fi 'I of the . ... ... L wje.L rat capitu ation the extreme addDs both countries have shoLa,deer6asce in paupe . siop at 7th Con - Liscep first wfiip� Brsigi. Thitboat that Rosecrans' teac ers� f the rism armounting, --the ol&Vyanof Inddli6doiii the to ne-hundred �and:.� fifteen surrender of'two lEnglia Tosseagers, taking 6 Th6 great the utmost difficulty '10, ringing the aw to so -p away, two thtitisdad:L6 gn 6,f, r ear, an lqerfics Employ, -Tfdkets -These -persons. e* * ' '- ., : I 1�*orj- train'there, *41 procure --it -Crizisiot . is-t6get' Meadle -h genetais -and their stioner.the,m�cM Whom Hear L t d did, but ]without half Ifie chance.as WRrd Beecher. add Horace &bhngv, will also kisp at L ilIr Seng orces ad the betterml t Af.the con est-' eini froin fpeacd.� Greeley are prointit NothinguA. decisive has yet'�Bciiilrred:in the' there�!��mii Tickets at��, led 'represen attyesI or, rp , I ' . kralor&� SEY- It is said 4hattfast as the lZaborsna - I- -L . . t. cMl their argame present Asaillikaiii, Aruggle'� Mon ratiI stop at, both- theft places, lizi ifif. bliv the present -The i 07sag -u oqzqpara iv4 state; ballot-boi, and' tvdlub Of lKomble, Muslim 'have a. v6ssel sii6tion,of-R,6b;bemv.�';.Piabl� to,fie'. surround. -Confederacy*,will 'awn treturd.] )Aver' fiecce-- tliey� ina�'be thsioreticall' cta� tlio ttr ex� is the funits a ers give an account of a th -rininatioil the bypo� a. be called the dt� of,the 1rebets;,�u u itioludes the druey to Bracitrorill2and holvaircirfe'rociously thoylmay�rlicittilin,zhe PO ad,, unablw to advance;'. with n 6ifficinji'line 0- t The Fare i C a ,e,L hree -quartersti& btts�k, arid Tickets must -.procuredWbiiD l9m y pap ta et ' when thei ' r armies hcs�i to;fly,' III thesis that the Supreme, 13eing in' JElis 'ble, of.sail* iruier twice !a rii thbieof Th Lihdsn a ing rqu treatis-in-apen nqtAissfinilariO' th 30th f 1.86.1 '63 EI '-FWI Fare biiig chiried - naloscis, W61dldL,rL a -10 ee, brutal Ritirder, of a. masill-named J Erb on now axacies not- to be e�kpected,' theYili 4' ' goodPr6yidtince1as allowed this war fur three mi ds�i -that she be the fastest. troops' !that could �,qpes,ullii- L L r I Tickcis�will be good for. Ret 'follow;, on mond��iid We towliship of Petsirb6ro!, A a neeessrt� acen'e ing silly. by -the Tn�int h r of'peace. L The amitinuance'of d 16rafigp6vlod: Oleaving; Briditfird-slitu h p t, and:,would IR - ready for m *413jent a thv i' the �Soath add of- day night, the ISIS.. �pa ica AM, a- n12,AO P.� 3C re DUTY A. M.� a 72, VALUE. the� war d6prendi-after aili not, on t a see a ast greatl; att e.is sq -distant:fr6m:the - ficipla'. follows:-1-ThI ' Murder, took E arrangements, are �Mue befbie-thessaiddlOnfOCRO6. They, Nhcs�strtrtthe"boardsc.of Congress,, and. the course, themeinction. of Slavery. we doubtif it Will, lotmWorts ern citiesUict 954 1h 7SS, i e: aild'A balfft;rn .-the vil I " 3 Brantford tiifit,ficll tied ge vory'A6eply nera tractors v ones sanctam T nsy' a Out'a nitafrom: the' oulpill'and ithe a 4862'... cli, he opinlqn't� Or' L 'vanes 7'005'31'2 '�3 .595 292 Afficii1aisrvivIii iiarne, of R.T 0 IB who do thw f Lilt" ' " A aftei 164ghng fi b y the Free has 'fe' the ba� 'A' h- that tha�- end,scinctifieli -the Says The shortdisiiiaciv fiord t 3-1 ....... Us ., atl) it the s�pply �k men, mans;`. ant; old 6 4,032;00 1fightiu-. Thca4anv ofthese. will B.tq t a anuOuncea, JUSAU 11- the �battle llald,:means tream. of ... he scene, and th6ni d oH, ers were u octrine. V" n dyie b tvar. 41gqrpus ad they,, i ry arge atone, er oted Math." .'The -grant foasei'oti�b i mmon a . wi a fs d a man , named Iced at 'T, h lvasiiin is reL a-ve d' L a des give A-RKETS-,-' nica'to h wily Ityepeate to eSL mWof these seuti, hointherbapipentris to. bay T M A. IFLEIA 11 ne will be nothing on -�.teraei the a platform,whare he dutile, it w'afid i,tfie �:Aaikest Sold et a mur era firce. a! w ib6ingpidished'for ti e merican- It "A face popalicit pane p the been animproporm -fL JilTible.fit aid ab6r inisli whilikithe discayin' fl d 'I g that the�Noftbc It a 11 onlaseofthe vvur4i I pro- in' i Ripen- A miR j, ovowt on.- ii: had b6eh drinkin '1361)krucstr Oct. 30th."- - ell SL m2a set, ducit in- the'. min& f he, sfornission commissiori, as' ad s be' L - I 'of, our­enemfi�., Pula d bid Niion ]owed' to exen as,thd The a betw6en,,aight;,O,,o1Ock riing emning, every, day, more evi ant. with his vi e- -up raf ug, r4fth iafidsiljty�' Filit I 'th "a difficulty ot-,fillinir,tshe thinned rank whd.� ppy, em.21 S Uditid-Scates have only sing,axesi. gratim"L or a SoathI we-think,'16y �wodld, h d grgwn tr nothing to prevent them. fr in 'do' g Ali t:5* Rev.- -Dr. Romes; an 'emincht �Co ur er took at, n 7- t. and-twelvsii, and ats- t b" Innsi - t I solis ATELY, n'the ounty lime between Allhi;. ae-�ro L -any line. a ver gre 'thot6wbo beewineardr the trtsI The North has gotisaii'alilit minister of Liierpoo I �was eipg,w, 0.32 a O.00 C One o tbe-,iieiihbcii-s,leE�r7Ciig�t,,Te 0.30 a 0.35 y par it h ho.desire to &ed and itillasnce'ihe*acr�upirll rgpl si 1pataidin of N used, had d great fpassioiv,for autograp. or rsa son. It,bas! ersistently, and4 f6r rdi the body. 'i,170' cia,instruments. The -own 3�m4qj.them�.ebftt6peEik-tbe udrve­ I' , 1 3� .. , ­ P stars and�ghortlyafterwa .34 or. call'ise6ftici Mt and'amoug'those in his possessimi'viiiii le Loodsin,Tnues., A consideralim at -7 a I. e ccoyqreignd�, cf, W en_LWe h Aered mau,.wbz,.d i . . d on Be tictildrit of our people or documents signed, b y tcocmu�fiioiei 1, -.00� a 7.50 say we aye I ,ainst thenic' that oald require many yearsIs wiaed at h �F A neigkbdralpngat�the bck.o.fthe'.sh nwpurpose t 'a Ilimsftitutitlta;ll Ilount of 'gossip an re. - O�OOL office, and' a tOZ.. 0 in - arms a ay. We st66d- ha giyea i "±be eollj�ce4cin C, an appareatl,�,;Aif�i ls -to thet wo- of laf U '0.10 .09 iwv -rdurdefbrice� "elsewhere L 3731nd w ieii fire6lent: in Liverpo f� them'to remain jp� of cstsOf, t two �cia y,.,O, ram mentid J Oftli We -have only proposed prosdiniti66.,Of �,,Macy, W hah nstructed at W4L groat -P sil still t TH a�t& offers! fro, h �bfo 0 OW ,pnpg be oo, ima the lust of have oblien - co, eke' "NO to idik our 6 rtunes'apart fro head Jimlwbrks by Messrs. Laird, Broth ra.L� T& aWeeDidmond'i hadin aT in,% e -h, ti... 40 HE! undinfigno py';br*- prospe id .1tt, �X, the drhi�eiit named of tfiii�, R�sfoiiifijsiod an VrI Ods,ta� t ;iot.parj 0 our,motire, Des On T=, 911, see -6 67 aing built -16 - Ems eror o Chi dredL mass, aWLERISOgrup eft �MA 13 'g�ra Moiirae�3L W -4f -'tb p Os wi bld airpeo 0 one' a _Used ShOWt t h' to eam �twoj` 49 . a 'b T L a n b son cis pal Est fed few MIV1 ,so V rs �tr to 0 f aim d Is g Otatow made a T' Will f ratio �aeeotmti.undl ode,, `e Is ;that.the 'Vessels IU 4o ajust settlemun '16-46, d' Mottled ng pop lion an' a BODS romar 6.*, Anothiii4tatemeptim i66 each of the- pervi which avrermetil ­- 4tion _fie ' stonea"dI -Wseparostim, :to' R cnhae.,,�.J 0 T t 'y bi itljd:i� thidi. k u 4fidishily been an 'titati- k Li 4tom 9!1 a A 3.1 a were l creadi ever�widehing In. D' the a 4 -4i: lin questio bals The t . -0- eiraullographsWIL, Of the� Will &Ggi: 1 11. ho doubt be, pur- had f 41, ' . " ­ _ , 8 appsear-� p a ut1t "zk, eT,,wee T 0 ride Igosto, 'Mnl�od L L � t I , L = Will or Doneh c, be sold,jor h ix, J1 "JIN was taken res I L. 'L . reach ensiL two Is tp`ATRICK XMn- a, th� W il', a nF �7 ------- -- n'LC- o 31'02,jiiAf.-Sprio�Whcat. 89 a 9