HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1863-10-23, Page 3r a T H EE SEA1-1.`WE,EJ�LY.'-S1GNAL. X' nd�tn ete, n arm C INTEaFEIT ti, ]-it- be r ill N FAIR, & GO. gtminc n �r 7 as they are remirL.bly Well ey JOHI A, Of Is, ,.,i It �,- ric-ners are in citcultilion 4 11r. Kirk has souivthin- t6 -sav C��--The 1OW carolled strenzt1i of Z WILL sao�r .,aa- - & a 't date of 1854. 4 F &P, C 'i'10- u t IN ibout the "Conlidence G-linic." See ad- i", it 'Ils tile VoluntOls is now lb-.: Nv. 1---ith..,J, 13- .000 Inen oI' On SATURDAY,'thd iftk'113stant" 1, *' ;W —b- all raill's, (If 1,-116111 1%300 are C,I,. . . ­ . . :. 1. .. .. , , HYSICI alry., 23.-000 A A CdOICE ASSORTNILNT OF OFF AN� SURGEON and residen;;21 1 '7 tie slitet, 3,d Y, -s, 1,32 000 ri�eyoiull- q0DJitWC2i, i ac( door east ICE 18 Hotel. rl.,: ain it of Dark the fie OrgoodsI a-mll be SONNETS ID" Ie voun men, French Cri, Tfl�ekly Signal, 1�thaOclbber. SUR E ]Gill Crtt., IS6�, �w2 bi�ce and Resideirc .. e --A I M- o to- ;i. East l5treet; C Wh n-a,r, e CNp dition ell:, .-a tille.paristj 'a t ;t Knox*s Charel su cc-6-ded, ill the c fo tui, in OF ST_NLtY_bL7NTOX,'HU-. o6se.of r Ait, a52 6tt go stoft s -a T�TA W, h 1411 rIZAiLTI1-.S,rOF _Ijum antr TAflor Ision' IT R J -epch — I full, llttelrdancc�- to . tile' prov see R F, -%v6 Id' tile newlsill are to AN NA' U . . . : 1'�OU harilywoun the, i rid iscmfioii�oi.sh kteonti' to Voll; P I?sfd 1AN., $UgCtoi�, 'n� , - �m YIELP.�Our wortliy�tw Id;, F t1or tit MAX& T o!h r 1v the Alan.l.le Of C D R C 11, oinan. Robt. G ibbons said W Gill College, Al.rltreai tic 1NOW. f v,,uld HILS just teceiveti'LL ]at, p I . . . - I ., EOW �ulLlch arid well-asscrt� ier or riend v t ohmbrotl b hen of vh §11- I'ld it tofeled-nithe,xLte'df 0jl) bushels' per, hato-the PHYSICIA�N, -least -Is IEQPA I �ere—eouatin-.-Si ty Ibis re'eivJut HQN 36. T. E*,&Z I loria Street, as ilitilt in I `71T ke- Y�siden�e hi L� Jlt WtNTER rcdtaU�e c� AEF"XNCrS: o� 3D. a TnE sel3uLT, M. 1), 1 rItildon; 'Tnar, bimirio' y ;telegrapb of &-ptet ber I 3trl,;, not. I'l D. Simc q� :IRI�, I- bTRATFORD B And a varit,tv of Fartev Artr(:Jes, sti I, It I&S t le a as lear li S AND, a serious, fire � occuried., at cons,evin, Sh i rts. 6'o IJ �rs- hu'rIdred persongeneb, C0111 Neckti,es, caps"'I �d on hesdziy evening last ­b'0, TON,; Ord o O.'z tile frurn .6a to 0 da,vs ihiclithe Grand, Trun,L- the journey' HYSTCiAN, SURdEOX &a., will af;- f to �al I La!�e Cl I a pared to se. Cheap f6r tend,. particularly., to diseasell of-abd -surgical oper;ltlow upofi tile h E JUST 'OPENIED'A 15- 1 ��2. _JfW4 -IV ger tatik 1irin1a frei-lit1ousti along &'y Zwti C g 150,cords ofwoo -OF 'BUS le 11 alus, and the -bard'. (bI en enounc TTORNEY-AT-L� Chant-ery,'CnIrveyancer; Ico Plssinge 11 ilgine f7 tile lill-46 OA ALE earti v '12 -d6stroye& 3000 -busheli, e sic 0 F corcELrited,,we 'I 'd The 'fire ori;nnatdd �by. among,ilie arid tile Nvould d-� I spak�,t - ' ' 1, LONDON, alling on -tile card- rs r c;' iathe fask an, �n paij �Q.,fTjrj .16ni 77- wood.� L S�ettiYmtcd.at-$5000 S q) u I n 1;!�r Over -UTOT & ds Vl 1NGIN`.8BR '? J� 4,000 q �!, 11 nd hi n-- NALLTHEINEW H:XP Land 9 to ES, OW6 -st eat - RIFLE 0 C Striol RO MATCH. by the lsf'�f N' e,. F1 r Bulball -,led S�il, �13y 2TRICTLY D 11 E R I -S G TO TH-V AT AI.so as Him) 'k Iilnal gjs t: ie score' coss ;Ii thl, of- e -tive squads it MACNIFICENT TO,01 XCIA1 ench Vx AND SURVEYOLLs, &b 4ce A V151110M r spa .,the _)ilaieli whiall, the Old S ;k e:_."M T u&dzq lasi. Wild and �th'" off her. R will be� CLU ELY _CASH'''SYSTEM I C�j- Ili aqu,:c-t towl, in seen hat the 'Ztratficrd men Sub, ned 'v�bre b dl r. 6nU From w -h they w FIf Matto to Order, -in-amy lifl-p ilsdono beaten-_ ,,4',ils since harm to of t11L ATF�RDt min. st F yJe ileztiredI itificiated. durill ithe morning, sROVI-INTICTAL LAN R A" C Is custom . arr. scale N6, ...Por,,25C. Godericli,'Gth Oct.? IsG3. discours� to, exh(lrt the 12 '26 �Lpt. 6ervice �9 .2! occasin tie In 'Llibers 6ok' aympiat f _A_i10thWS 0 S C it Eligi Corp. Elanri%on.... 14 iv Burns. 11. 10 21 brethren Ztf r&, -RAZD VAR., ith�rnbei, LOSSES musf,be.cou D For rL 17, was lie nterbalane6d by PRO L I;A, Yogi P. ITS, else ND' rncall, ti'al dim' b,. -r days were . .:� I I : L . ': ' , , , , . JL Engineer, �ee. SUR 0 every 12 31 : : , �Larycvl` �2!',C- t6 ticts A ri If —rhat sh of'Lthe financia yqr iea a fixaaiap Arellitec 14 bere'] home.'! av�d eary aspect, r 113L�j call ed; - IP aIshe shoulc Sou" meet -*&C-' -Her'busbarid,who o6for6orhorn 10 Vt doz.-, 4 �c �Cl NGINER 11 AND SUIM 4 tThankful for the�oatrona,6;c a�fival;.Iti GodeT c Latid Agent and GO ace cull Sa ve receive R9QU-81 ail is�actlou, and sbcujil," .'(v6 ba' ' d - var.,.- s�inbe our aW6.5 seen oil 'James. . ....... Ce -,Co ega a i i" Cal . wit 12� tend. whi I greatYr, 1 22 fit s-oftfiat 1: tion. sanguine. e:�peetat VT 3D 1=t o I -S 10 e- 43 12 b -Corp- Sipithivietr.... e a Sergtt euttori_ state llia-t Trees, ... 10 60 , r, facilities for $up )Jving ��OK fi !ends 'ar beif-er.. nb-%�r,�tha Ply nthus N reis 17, , 12- 2U iner n a lto 't-ces at 9:now in rn 11riv., Smith 10 19 iL'ht S -IN hat e'�uppaost any previous tirne—bein I ost daily. ieccipt Of_ r elts in par MPERIA 3, ncount P' 0, L Scott ..... a_ to Ohio, intell(lill, to, sLrl� e in GENERAL' 0 -Ott Cornin-sionerin a - 9SJ[0 h, adidavits een's no quicconEro., uder cop:imatid, of.G�ei�. 'I B k W.V. Vil rih e.ra UC, Watstim .,6 1-2 ecti6d. The Eldiar 13, 9., dl.iven out of arid tile slime AIM Cumberland -Gap and. X, by G 249 1,87,.' 4i;6 It Nvin be i6fireuibQ red that 13urn-: FALLISMS: ARRJVNG� pq�mls SrONEit IN THE COIMT. OF Rememberthe exclu-S, V at hSto" -s I Joiic�b-oro Iola BuIll 'bi Fall - y S r Qyeen's&nch,Conveyanb�r &c � A D is a por 4 1 try kept. ii� Firm and T6m;n Lots for . a]&- paiC In t Reg FOOT ARTILLF107, fart ht,r Soni h; lie ,-as tie irili. t froni Holla 11slaicil, if 11 ;an4 the e ties having, lots for sale, or deltdring to, plag" 2 -LI 1,3 tud_,e I,)', the varieties will p�ease send full pauxul jraamnou;F�b. 20. isfl, & a -ton . ....... view 0: a'Goderich- 13L C'ct, IS63. ...... 12 26 to `�t into Uhi6 eut; d 6 12 Or 1� KERR Hot 6 alal -0. state of ha....... 10 s at' all yol- -4. Ho',;. J'issuvd*ordet:s to die -corlircandah un Taff g Custead .... 20, 1.5 her of' men t at (-a:i b . -an, It 13 d h 2b . condition' -Of their arms 'th ........... -accout,ements.- �*�h&fo,,i6bl,Lh TfATI; OF TORONTO, Suit 14 1:) 26- and e I ebels 4 is not kaoA,q, but is RESPEC�T-FtTLL I 14 10 WOULD UL the,public at Gode andthes on 20.00 -the same numb r they bad, at Ctim' rich to ilie abo s clountry that he, has op IThompi;ua 12' 1ut, into rca,jfn,s� ��t DERICH; C., -IV 26ui� 0-i isn an P11 U -ened in the abOye fine;1u, premmes �17 12 22. -Ser0. -'Grahu-ni .12 10 �i) Hr s U Rsc it 1-R ra I I a.,' I . n ISHED WITH. tlat6y'Wupled by. TF. ....... 14 -1.3 u I, hian, T, Ager, it t 11 is tu u, loir I h ADDEVI-'�-I.Irp or ox�w Corp. Nql`ut�s 1.4 nqui,4 Parker, residing. in� the County of M d &,O�Jrour.the T !k OW Th- NVev- fican v an' r ml by Itention and prom STRUM' 4AOXSON. oa vict:m t thr; 6n. r 21, plea p merit a s1ranti vf pu pe,za HUG G�de Op; : x _�dent. thus d,sc the out- THERWWAR,' bliq Patwn -12 2d in!d his 61ther w�rp re. on 16 HE ZdU Th The 11"t br, ;3G '13y m9u -32. oV L 0 R & - 3,' 4 fie ardrn�r�, inSpetet J,heirj trived to r'ili�e a r' i -lu�. ATRUTLEVS­ large, sfoA`of FALL an WIN into Tow Goderieh. 302 229' Z-11 wt!l-e f6! I d by t.,o iiien,nunu, adles,' nd It perso s. in 'searltJ �and 11 a T: -J. barg 1111-4, to cal'and, oi TEft GOODS' ::comprising -ilia ith rit e f.95, a and :Pet, At six -o'clock the. o_45cers.'an d: ine6t� e ecenirns of tile, won aii Elfe,liouse. but atio n"ery, I Ih, P'rceN'� of St orsoii's,'- f6r with'I I. L �Io:#§ ILI Ocibber; all received -ited gueists:, - -Isa t -,down, t -v Dc AT O,a reall� in qd�utiiies to quit ountT at Low ­ ;. � �r 5 being beaten -from, tile sf-'ufl fly a l-o;,dM' witil) BUT at the Hairori Hotel'. 0 O'F- _BTT8INr-,SS.: h0, s the - .9. don'e,' a led. 7 o'clock next'nibr, n, ,�.','�SIGNAL OFF 0, Z wa then demal� , i ,,, " - B LOG mea had acquired firstrra te appetitm police ha,l. them it but cu8tod3 cloill the- f6llow-; Ott 11 E. S S F ainst-t he Tlale,'91/, at re ik ing tdstsere �iven and heartily respOn �Lhe same �as the It I 'I, IE- ­ -T-R, E ;p ter th.e'r.eldoval of the d Statlon&y 11tep U13 nn X nd a -vs. so �11 t;0-- The -(J�ecn Prince and HU ON., ROAD, —ch f, L cars c6ttonsi, tleK our ga�, Wale:, Stratford "and Gode- ld ces of r"s ill tli� pa, t, (X tile noril 317ajor -Barretito,' Sel- r ftl Lit, n00 prs:Int-rs te (rid. and., -td 7 rich Voldriteers mem eis a e, .. 1. . 77 GAST,'RLiSTBft and tllertt is no hope- gants INIcLe -66ds the concussion ofthe SPRING'S' f his re:cdvery�." autles.i, . - GERMIN C�rs,:Of -SS-*G�'At YdAY-0 a, tind the four IMPORTH a bope tb X-4 gs have 't -At a plou-hin ',u . I op and (L�17 0 1' LODO o It n,,r ruan D, BI at PC ViCei ks q ces ia—tch held'in 'tile Untyr at at- . 1�017' the SUCCE�isF I, !Sh w1s '5 _rAurwmat&h. La 1, yevelige ; bUi '�ergeak 'a ofGle�-liryl sit week a' ie ;led and Band Rmianters:' -others inioltzined d-" ook'fli S CiL U T� 1E):, that they. Toulti natu U te, 1ronAxlps,,CoiICb Robeit Siln-ster *13a have a'struggleforit'if thde�� did The MPLEMENTS &C. F art 01A sonle years ago ained the fl. t prize and barman' y ' 901 in -I' h rs U, SS PUTM' PAIM ct., IN63,' dz�y and. evening, an. _)tVILl C_ riclk, z i . he was iinl6nZst .,as T1 0', or, the ad Shoe,, d in attende�- 'in &ot,land' Turpentine, Unj Pipe.�Wrougjt, Cat a eveutj p On" lum at a plough- C'. S1. BY:A. id 0 ali daring-' tP t 9 nd Ho�il away with on ly- Warded,the third prize. This 1.4',, 1111g OiIS9 well pl� T7.;�-' N'. E Y TOJ otir . -nests went Mo kead, Ifad'eCI&I tht, ii�r, Farai Sto�k ordogi- *ell,f.br tile -skill of our 'youd, , ag Ryerything but their.bad shoodair. Canadian: �Iuaten. -PlItform and coun egales'; NADAL :On TEESDAL THE:6A u14 and Band 8a*A C lliker's, Inc( - o2, 0' UTIONLI heir StIcick 6f-DRyrG'00.DS Will b e fo u n' -very andJ er escue. recent,y put oil the' ammenc.ing ai� V Voc NEWS.ITEXS_ amt FriftVilliam r I oute, ran Olper s, Carp6tepa cortip, ete, and larger, use Furm, rings bity baggy'ria RECgIvF;D' Fore - irnportedI �660 acres ofi' wfi L.,nds in the Cc Ole roic�it a' Ours' and Monddings 4 :1 r Cad - 01 c 3 nil I Latgre F n T le -of Grey, arid to b .6fi ed'f -s that i inipted it nei.7 into vok�-oxe�iltvelir,�oid,5 -1 DkESS GO or.sald on the 26th e's ary, to -ow]s As for ODS Are Wloilhy Of -Ch ry pocli to 3 10�sell a ud aving pur'chased d rk 61d;7 t OPP109,- 80dad &I-1911d.-A)w days. I -PON a1arge lot 'of TOBACCO' e The isfireefs of Caim hey are,enabl: From B�i tt)?;; Lord,Lvons t, I c a 25e.ts.� per pound.' A rid, A lin i ral Milnei weee ROV articl. t i iceated willfiniirked sp�ctrrcie., They afry, I ED at, C,, FAR C WAT by a� sii trail of gamNers tWo far b1st 'dille arid Willi W Olathe pruvotruar pair platI06ir sit -bfidle� ODS, OF the-Liargest St�ej- - f 0 d shal had om sU ru er-s us, early to� 4 h set rb as, seuven, e.s., 'lIultary-olitirr articles. Fr -hree to SeVeA y Cr, bsc ib 1171tiniate t At 'all Not -1f you would �lose yi�mr fiiend 911 that pars. es an -7— e:�pticied 4o �be, -paid pud'ctuallj and To itsustain For fdith6r infCralation, appij �11 'Amiting mit �s ntFL�ess"rf is to lose ybilr4a4 ddliul- announceall Is or the hciiidi he'-tcuiecrows theri� are no ssniti�dlat',of'an -i'llusirated - Ch, and.'to the' It" are coiiI eiapity�poc -et. --furnibbing,ap roved e. payment. umbasedirom,tbei �IurmfL.jllm e 3r. ' tit tof -pelled to i to' ell 'f6ir ISM . all pro ti c al it 9n,imiriediai I Y�� , , - 0 , - , 7 - ., . ­ I . � I . , i _b Uacs�lerldto Ibefoea Manager r -John. Dct;lie has iou'l apre.v I� sold li�, privato lingtoin P,oj-te-the Par. W 4111C, WAl"be sola bv.Auction ,n- a3r. on r several years. be' 'v r t 1 .1 L' 1 G , I G' -"h"( - _- _ fl r jeg L tune d ODE910E, .2�t SePt-j 186& 1863 On Thii.iday, last ten des6rte�. I h Re,,i to the'Sifft 0 Is y 0 --r intij 16 rt W12 'were br&L,,ht .,Some readers will remember -ille sto) f CEIARLF-S! 4 11 "fromi " watt WIDDER 'h� tiffed: io rini DILI I yinall's .,Daughter," ande yen years 0 Richmond. � The� �''To so -ell 3chool Trutt6esr;,: �iationhavClnoiAg ts4nany -p�rt ofthe Province, it%Al 0 le A IrFetiin, an the Isle August 2 '1 GE -e out i I of-Wigb;, is is ale'. T-LACHE 6t 1, b63.: R,, 36 yca m ol, hplet. witli farnill'. shop occupied by G� tA nto rs --mu!;h aeet srd On. Wednesday a'fi. bi L *1 1- tbl� dee. r, lat'. No MIL ' and notwrihsta�tsding the exertioll, ' I The Hamilton City Del,t-Bill,'of`*Y h d a zicbool: . Salary not: Elori. -A lt-x;� danipliell had in�,fbe Up =t.. 'an Laigh-geiriput. Cat Of the. firemen,, the. buildrig -.was co- and abilit STRAYED-firtim, tile 66' adoption of an amendur -i�ss 'A. ent- muki;ig, it Addi of Steers' a sc�riber a I. ilumed. P A- RR as par beemlilied in Lt bad- rounds as t�ovluiraeter 4 Ca�e`Dllt. P9JT(i]iJARDj Orl-r4day ji�lst cT 1136ssari.16 obtain the couseiit,ofevery� op aPI'O- .B I or to the. arr lloolSu t,,C6deru,hV 0. utteri aLElora,.,' Ildd his',F th; d MENGVE'D TO TH� nenti-a-hich the bill"' vao' 1 11 to -haye ar s dot lt�std ve one tow alnelli . t cur�yjnto flb�t.'� As' the able t Wwaxtosb� tie, �ibat luu�zvl e or the,'616i'thLin part lit uo Parties 91 oi� ation n cessazy. 0 4Y, 066tivied'' rue bill7wau thus frustrbt�d, )V.-Campli b' 'ori;e- P tadon0fthe limb li�cauie ell do,.' �WANTED " t06 0 b -ill be suitrifilyr "00(!. in r.' Gordo qEE!1 f the 'd',to the bill _&,ivard-ita its inuti;a- N ACENrto rianvass, for- - 1%,16 Y, D,- in Horon. Tina i., CAt:GHT 7y� - A 'k]iLt-�Lasi' week a J14 ii� bus _A_ns �c 'TAN IV(JODS', eondaiiw. a iy fallen A Ais N1 N 0 the,gronfid' are"us Stafiley ght hi, a $hall ,,oct. 12th -1863- Where, n addition to ace for in Buri heir usualheavy. upply of Dru,'_,4, ataaaaa� territtir� w be given. . _! , . d - ey Addr S on build a' should of fr6m, death clot 1101E -1W, In.broke', eneral ar Box 4235 Tom*,nio'. hea ivin way.' TRA NO .1 CE iti: two Placest,'; `R, [C & PARt,*Eh E TAL PHE IALE OF .,FARM,. Imported di Ctly from one of thte,,ol4as and rWo week a-l� 'S R1 E U LT, R A E� E,*'D T FROk -dobEkjCH e,, d. Jbire -ar- leY fell down &4� rained 8616tritin llow!� which a�� to' Came all on tlest re iabI h AN L ST�cj,1&c;,' i , S cotlan 46da ' esday, qtr . iliers , are prepared,'t a fe,w-1vhiteIfianr8'a1ad8t;h) 'THEY- HAVE, AL�O� REpEIV in-Iiiii plon h Parba LOT on examinativu Ufliashildly jh�'doctn,u f� 9- Inclittle Itiriie, A sp tb �T"gg6b TEAS unable'to,trace 't e caus& itf. t ii I) h iaar� Ank-pe -bn-deilier. OFFEE" M Farm on: �Da Road, a unavoidably pr'(.e 'Itlg� bin' tolheSubseriber will be -s tal 0,009S 4ich I ey offer at br� -Ic ACI 9, BU ire, eliered-at "heir _,.nhably rswurd-, V ANS aP� Uppearan6a at bree, brotliQrs ciflh,: 'D until iarther.no6ce., prices ... 0. T� e G Ac" E 3K t 11 0 rit 6h alk nsuran S fi3 3b are Ouse' on the NEIDEk i De" -VAN.EVERY& R IYX M Lt. in i similar ma ORN: LEA,'Ti� itiode,ich, Se. ?3 in, Goder t otiv'rich' October 17th,' ISM w3S*lt Catholic Priest Of Goderrell. G _t. For 3144ical iu�d Vamily rafts and Nkes'ehuritc orp�aje or3 upi) 8ii oretir -7 71.