Semi Weekly Signal, 1863-10-20, Page 4ff -.0 "f _46 'i&g g 4 R 'N 0 -TRE SEMI-,W,EEKLY SIG NAL. 7. Shaiffs Stle of Lanas. Rim riled Counlie., C, Y virtue ora -ivirt`�t. Ic _X Huron all 11.ce. �'B ri Fa6m, i -_7 UND RY u li� �ed-out, 1S.AAG FREDUCKi V P ifiSTRIE"Of 't f,1:F R ON.. .0, outh-oft �TFT S'f EAM 0 of A lill's 0 T 1-1, E Court of the Uaited -ted against, he. Lands and ion - anti lo In . 137 110P _M1 ONLY. WLlfSIVE.HARD*ARE_STORE: f1he Hilron :9S . merit,, o J, Came- I Bit, din I I'N a'f 11 E C 0 UNT'VY4 'o d'un emdtakeni�iExqi- a'� lhe "C it tic and mler�t of, the Said loods, Tobaccos F1 its, Tanq Defendant, at and.t.0 Lot.. rtzlnfieor.S�veri _X 1"In�, in lit, Ii I rrn�T,(�Lnah .1-1he D wham Road a file J!.Wa� '"'AIGIMAKER AND JEWELLER, OF A1.1, Rit. law 7� 'N, ES I T ST.; GODERICH '1US1ibAL I S T 1 U1 I E _N T S M= ry Z, W the nor 0 ­�ikl Nai 69r E& of.'Hr. Stotts' IIaddlery. &,c, _It tile Will a8 'follows, tintil. f'til notwe, % %VQatj ter -perni�ttln,,,_ ffi�u in tlw' Tue,4av I i!, CIGAR STIGRE or, -T.� N-ITC331E,-- ti n, I a iza xfi AR 71 *$ Lobstct's, (C -C.,'' B ett WATCHES1 CLOCKS. AND JEWELRY 7. W"tStrect' Go ..LEAVE, GODERIGH: FU fr� 0UGEIEN" oftheVock. no REPAIRED ON 611 'M1 lilt, hilSTEA :ENG1NE-W0RKSW';,l _Ln wavto ha*nli. Sher&�,H.­ lin'16 be'st Style & Wai�.rai d &: POLT.00Ir; Delant)-Shdriff.- -,.TlCOuei R U'R 0, UM A, -N= Nopilay" Tuesd '�,aiid,'.!Saturday, Bv S 4y R 6 1 - . -, . �� -r I kcrifl`, OfliM Goderit, Cie A fit A�,Yrl­ JL Tloiuhng- Sept. 15,* IS 3. RT ifact e wid" IT GARDINER-& CQ tir, ks- of Grist HIM BA �rqlr­nwd SHERUTIS SAME— PZMA M- d 1. be ii., b.ag to inlqr.�r jfi", public that they have o tied PC iraot-uro ruauWd. ITDLUNTEI E 16.l31 iFdo ItIret welts of--' 'GODERIC iftul XulAkc,'ind, &ih`$� WHOLE�,OILLF_ !R.E:TAIL� C L UEYFOR' Huronnindr inIn li God': �tore. on I he ve 11 , " 'AN 'Vej Hardware o4e'Sil'im 'Co. IN it er,Iifi. Tll�r �tll a halidit 0 r Ile.ti-11" 5t ,,,�,,s 4C 1, 0 B m., and. -riL r Solomon litxr�rs� Tit t) id r d 0 arili rip nall, Ugn en'sori r 'a i5toelz 91 Sh I,-, ce, ana 00T& - AN S �tj. ji 00, 1111111� kii t8n�Frll.�11 c z, avn "B T it A. Ile din6, Inveih�ron an'd bt: o G.; 1.1 4- -1 floopdar-d Btilial I ion. - --Part ay.� Harlroh. _,:, . I - . I i -it"enlIck.,46 A -in 6ach �tL Exeeii r of the ha�t will. and lesiament, of I)LIM F FE N TION I I . ,g _ of rlloftt El G df�ex�,ased;l 1c,11 't Oil, �m Ong" AN -a In �lnch;il. 3 z Tj Una- aud Pistols F�.�ccation al;'ihe ijlrh�z, ti�fle Audja, il bhllc'Qa,8e-fendzmt irfarndiaLotXimrib,4�4 X 1 1'6 6 Cl`�A,ianfll clhi,�ri,salnL everiang,jinrv- Two. BringLL.Intherld'. _H�Dj 'S 'LER' Aex 'ill"a Pla,� i , i and J Talinfs;_� am,70 i,Zii, Ylin rscr`:�l W.- zx".LN"r L-1.) 1�i E's ObE1111CII for SIRNIA ff win and ReALpi�lg 39ach:Luesir Wood Saw, ,:bi �3 Shoe ��ainirt at:5 -olt,16 g IV Of Hart r fo N RY ell Corner-ol o 1,sti in',the town of(;& A o ot if,imd s,. ck 0 re 0 G b, 801b ii�l:, on, T6�Ma§..0te' Fir�i �'of- Deeir�&f VA:EVF 6 VO -V le- -our n6ou­: s7'work'Atime in a it a u S �nqxt, a! the q Twell' -617tb�,cloclzl 'Also. 'I of' u a6hinery. Ch a t4a Inr frp'. 4, - 1", . a . il - : - . , JO J�ON'ALD, Qff A I T 9 RS �!a�d . . al franner,' Utz. I W, -it NUL:IS brass rfi;ide;�rtud 131II61csiniiii t a fif, 'UWST, IVESTERT 'RAILWAY C of'any dcs�ripx n traide t6i order.' U HN MAQ te repa re notice. l3v 'ii,.rr.or _P AT it L]aLsYdi jaiziest SZ if B ry es rip ion D' Slielf- H-Ardware,- Of 11 c c t x_Depiitv Sheriffil -ir Voi I D. T -11 -TO M,71'4s, _h�rj Is Ice,God�elcll. ol: UP -D 24th August, IS63.' -ia qTGVE DAVID DUALLISTERIS, har s I qi:T I if. snF. ii I 7EST STRE `0P -CANADA. -6 -6k bj�fore,pu I rehasin�,t TO -ware Store'. Of it rld� ive'!'wbQ 861il.-ii an 1 ection �f st6 -ill tile Jdrgv,�t'nnd 'Goderic .3 e p '-JjfIJE.1�113.you v, ,find t -on -.1 --cs. Iiattemis,,of th �A­T hooi &�Oe Stor% t in a .11ard kr, Kettles Wa lo6kiNG � PA1116' AN' Gr B-'Pqt -aud, Shoe §t6z" liin� fha'Vsh��Mbv�ep' Alwrys�an fird Su-st ind Pip6.13o`., As 6 u I appr FF'S SALt' 'frw6_ oorq S'o itIV K��S'T10311' A. SHERI else.wh �re, as w&�are offering the aho*mat the lo�Vect reinutierim. for cash'�,- ora I M' EIGHT LIN E -inds of -'pr, d e: 'UhAcd C rtile ;f 4­7)Krit of 't 4 Z.VD f1"KV_TL7 7? infroveal, Old -me al, Brass-, Coppur,and all k Or uce takell in., exLaiige. Be F uafe, , `�' �­ ­�':`Us 01 MY flutron and�:_ en ricars !I�d Market Sq "VI) S1 OIES, at, Jow,,r,prtccs Clarn 'T �e, '7, Gladdricb, etober, )V39 � 11 - Ijer, M�: tjDQ jt�sty.!s Courl �,�,!zofiwl 6f Waterli,6 and to -Ira at t MEDIATE PO C., ta the --on r I I L 'I _% -' T N4 TE It. PTS -V'rTL ].IIE e,� 4':'f T4 ��.N '�JO'j Erk YOLV" teme, Swol_ f B 11, �Lii - r . rge:t.nrd'b,,t_ Sq If tin ON KE 'TAWO TO I LANDS recIecl-irgain�4 the Lands and teneiriebtri"Or.jarram -Orl� and�Shoes ever offi!redfor sll lc� in G'6deri, - li., tic f-ood, wimlollQ11, j A;: IS OP Sqolllervill�, -,'if. the sun-ilf-james ��jhtv itTo A -in "estern Railway, liliiedaad 1:;keii euzitifi��all I He ri tj -bt re' he en 11 1 nan U 11le- *idck a, of ilai�verr be -A (jai lify. a -41 w0 1 13 as Fhe�p !�:aov 6 lee tloait� in'-Goilcrivh�.Iowll� i�'l-",C"fi�t"!,.""�,�,."".i�ll.�'it��-�.Icb4lil� 414SI - all dh lhit,Grcat ff A 814 1 1 1 - - - ., Mated Counlieto� �Y vame of aWritof Fier, rind intcre,f.61.1hesaid D6fenlflahA,,m: �ab& t ffiflo and Lalr�,ilurof?'Pailway or.. all'] B� . x6w il".st FOWER?,S PALTENT,., �A�ii-A,--'18133 �-B Fa,-aohsIleuoaI�Ofl1eri p�tjrlh Lot'narnbe� Ttirtctar,'in th670"Ural e%v door. S��=�; TIAIP to .13UY MkIii., an6,ehtral. 'Ir'd AI'lWarlikee ie6rali eonq�4,,ioh tifille township o wiw r6iii,'FAft and NVinverBoorts:and Shoe, tire �. ?�' - , " ' - �Vi�-: Alaje,lxos County Court of 71 . , tile United T�' antic I' 'Huron 81,1114 i"the;'Lam _,nf, Hire , TN� B� Ingdone Witte nVatti-Y'and diS. �:�,hd A r lit cx -ppling I Cretan Lot. ed,4 il the Land teia�' r 4qjl:dA -naikXf. m. qi;i;,� -getifie'wurlh" of' vour money.' )'oa yill Ili' or 0 'artal. to nie'�Ijriii-1 S -i o 6 liari�orrot ar;�^6jiVrthle"J'at D. Nf -%,ille,e yoy Vill 7B-cimil, VICTOR tl4rn, Indi. te TH.. pa TAI ae"I "ces"ion, 14. �ol fettetfi paitill'13 in'l-4 concestonil, &TT40 l, p hille b­a� llae­l� bao ho-- tile take in Exectli a, 1,111 -in Dier -� each j_ccre, P1 '0�cntsix-rpnh, w 11; 'Gqdcrivh, Scpt."14, 1$0.� 'WASHING MACHINE Z:�� 'the,�ajd.,Dc ;lilt best lis" I. tit the.-Iiii t,j an and Lot �34 nio," sold lfef� KV y )y i a oLu !)am !n lint, 0 Nle�i,knee li'oote 2�per jtAit-6livaru, than ... .... .. ftml,%VAN� coll I N,%, N* icia, Olimined tile F11o,'r 1-NIZ"t lb� igf,irh-'Clus� ad mliable ll�hais r stealll-, n1v I, ii, the 11 -4 aunicAu. - ­: ' ' - m W s'boojS 1he,'a it," Provincial Fx- it er, .1 -it lit I ps cc ab'd -)tin T, ail,-, ll,�,ilipn in L -n, I'm in 1661. and to Loi T%v Qitxgovl� IS I'j; 'Incl I at a eban I V TQ� 4p LLZGr,, U.,Xv­ in he tO,V­11j.�,a�ra,,j,., 'fl, 0-ou'-w1it .a_lso, find: a. splentiffl' a'1111�rme. THU T01110i t -n,? cnts� I sliall ; 'Incl "i - for -a jil - 'beg v t v U a ovini ffome� 1IrmnlacLure,,,IhLf quality of w1li(sh f--;Tnnot Wfavir L,ands ant our MACY JID;E11 aft. Q11j"o I fi'tlle� U wil of JA E. 10.yAr,,.AIAIL THROUGH LINZ ',hoes, -1r,,6n,'r liny:'the t I I 'I r ii 'Twe,ve Will a a. rei N T�IIS uet� -4 h i i i �o,�ur6h'as(? 13,)ots, and UP X iet,9 T?Witute�, -Turonteli'lln.-jumt been raldixi Lit! L4( '. ACD . . , S Nov6pber iiext,, at, ihe rr-m'� �speetfully imVitcd\to Fill and iFxara'rre­ the, LABOUNAViNG N HNE of QRYWNT ITRA-TTON &4,0' cham of QXI-P.Eltlff & 00.�S LI�t, r Tweivepf�tla; WAS tcsbJ br-the LBiirc,,i, 61 HO COMB &COWANIS TNE,, Sherifl;: 13vS 'Pi.i.ock,,Dcpu1v Sji�;.fr.-! BrooMyn-,- hiladelplah, A banv, Tiny, declal:ohic:�ethe bct-vLit­&k ghC imi1c, �T I -Corhmeirr`iajXal�ltigres, established in N�c�v'-York,,. raock fbr-thcifil�elves; before pambaisIng esiw I j, i,., l I� 0, V 'here. r ot-t Rad" riavo$4 It,,, Rai, .F1 Sb�rffls, Wr&,-God�riah,) Ci, q AVITEY. &, CO.�.S LIN 'j., to S. rar."I.( _Oald jtl,t say to ail I[lZ.ctLAoa­r, -d 11rien is,, a 0.,,jl�calliiaa 'N or a, DAILY COMM -IW�Tl 0 hL I twe l" tla�se Colleges is[o i y rri,, PL-paiv Sheriff. W01 nnq not ail,3, -et out ofrepair_ F oil The ohjeat I ta'piirt'to 3 w2h I f+O(Z %ilan L to �GV good b0UfA,1 Ild $hocs to,' 'al. 'Elie, cleansing ' 'I N t 0 tiq'Irricliezil, - , dive. Oi, `h� 'proc�,�­s, if, cfl-(�tet - by *I hexlird?i it Laches Ititirbugh it MONTREALand(JUEAX WES'iERN.hAJL- YoungrMen a buytbtim at D_1Vl_.D.]UcAL- th�lll b.al�4; aM. i,lbe, I he' -.iLf; (;t Law 'Aujz6�t..fS(33. r 'tildne.'ruld WAy-jWHARF,at,HAMJ_LTON- toiaridirclin insirti ion lit lJook.keepmg, U*omm,-rciP[;- WS. it.raflrllt�,L an.c�_U­V tif� of Lan"di. St. CathdrIncs,, Nvigezra, eillki Bit, al& i oannercial Arithmetic,, $penceriall:, Bu,�i A 'Rcqa,n&ejr tile phice-T SuLni, of wo I W'tfi nmt-hV� -trip, 'Correspprrilence, �c. e'L injU14� to I' Penman. -Block. 'Lluare V, $1. a 1, ;, e - Sirdtford _rtc an� "to 15, hirp , , t4em'for any department of business, they tmvt, Kav5s ritainlitv ol� 'oil]) -fill aildi'r tile hillid-wri., C, lla�i� 9 -66derich, 2271h Aag.,,t, 166 . nivath.,. It , : ; allY -1 i, of wi-W 0! hit% a I i "i o 7A 7?frj Hurofiand�B cc,, TferiFficiag 4stafed out In 'Sil S,ued �cut, freil ihirthci maclinio I-. calial,le of-doaig-a' Inuch fi To wi ru of" er IN -it: j�, 'jestylzi Coal, tv. Utiart Of,jhe7­LT.LQjted ge rse tit any to e, Tr Di KUY. work lit two [;oil, i,,, lian be accomplished in 'oil q ebalrl, an addifloaa C , 0 , lulling of Readirt- 11 - atter, - dav bV twe ol. , �l a the d TH" WE T it. 'Jift uronawl Bra e, and t6, tllr�cied a paIiisf7the Ratc,�, -1 i�,�lit as LOW -and Tull . c,itu I ick Elie r iri�p�cu,d . tryatal - ier entag. at) li�aad icie. a,6nt,,.VArc1jillAhd1 70 afir, Sewi., �ltt i1iii �,sruitto Forwai 4;',5, (T 1he- 0 e 14-06,10 charge, 011 "n't 01 'Jidal Dowlj�.�,,Brvce� Jamet, Bayfaligr John� T. X'S E lh,�ial_ a our- JAIMES E. KIN, RESIDENT'PRINCIPAT, b I taken 'er. I ai'v other' but IN tin in Gana frind Jobn-8., Ws Sop orfirther information pleafte call'at the Qol-� . ghl� title q ,a e sei�ed'timl' tak�n,in Execial all tile F .1ri o if all tile ri So" F unis of icr_�, oi to an 'iat I of it cf an, in 11-nd to.lot I,,r.laL*arsX fthp - I S la -e orsendforPatal,i,�uerard.Cir ar�eiallos !,a st of�the_said_- fendant in, Pam;, ri;1a, title andfril ictler,stamp. Addriess Bay,,�q SiuA:r I o.v & Co. 101 1. - coricc�sion of` the tovinsh1p, of �lilr)itiou la't v,:I I. n ad ha�-c - n tile thir given thellial'obg trizd,t. MYLIES PENNixcrroN, T.orb,nto.Jan,,.). lb63.­. w34w4S-lv land,' --t6ncessrott lira�illnes at tile P: and to Lot - numbcr"Tv�n`ty:-iliri;61 ui� it, Gencral"Aaent ;V.1,fK6,4, Which B, hl kitin -ailhe towt;,� Gr�lit Wekcrn Railwav, , A oj'Brantana-Counly,off`B�uiqe� 401 in %Vla, Jcn,�York:ind Pc�lj '�quule and com on a mqg 9.Joe., Unified -Aares,;-,more or.less-, inWoiW for sile,at in6alf J.'p (�ler� Esq., Wat -.'col cr of bisloill Hutise. -Oil, tell eMeal"I :I e lod�n�hi,fi TueMay�l hel5i glith day C, Co. M, -Daly, I'_ $Iri�t- 'misi o6cirs' Str.ecl, Nlonti-61.' h" To,Vn ori,` hi. Landsland tenements'lsball'offer foe sale* 0ii.theJudiap R, 1?.allLh�rs F­j'b!g Rohert �jodcr%ve!!, I . I of -ell, -in thtf- 'flinair- L :henff, Cou'ray THOS:SWIN F Det "ber-*no.it��:at"JI'le hone 61'T%velve�01, the S7 at my officc� in the Court -Town ol 3 Godtru on, Zues �h,, Way ilic.-Eiqlah di:ik,ot.-De­_- IT tbi Township of Arf&rdon; c6,nS1sti,nz a' T ® erck,�64 n, A ug. 1.1, 1 Rl �jojj cembt-r next,,a choui-ofXwelvii 01 th -s. vj& arid,many 4-11:-,-� 13 C., Thom P., General'AThriager. 1-t Fuiljqaies; Co�borne -Street. � Charles Bo- J­_Yllol I 'bout- I L % C-� -, 11 (" -� � , I ­ I - I - -noon the Merchantable 0AX Calcriol—L CW 1, - I tile (.;fv of'Mor6nto,�, J)c ­-.TOHX,MA-dD61\'A-L D - ed. fl"sJ)ffle-c, Goderiel "'She .&B- 0 Ist is -he-four It6ar C'61tees5ions.'wil'i DO , I . She, rIff4i, 0'0, Acres o "I'D 'U j?oRw �y 'ERTIE& W �!P.Ril I ev IW i�;fferec[Pr i4e di,lbe C6ujt Houge in 1 e -PROP r, S. T.L1.061C, Defirity-.151lenf, t _AL flURON &BRUCE1. - having pt, . - I � ' I ,d - . : L' Tllt� §11�ilsqi,el rchasc'd theTalcril A if F:. She; wich, on, ,lits'll 6i'Huron, prepared' C.. to rtrz�S!'1-6 Gmtil�d 2SIh Aujust, - ISO., wnof_8iud oi,the Uvnt�' J Irlyr d C fl 4 lie a"" ;k- IT j. Of fl, -r ON 'kirith U�Sp JVjTh Whi"ll In olht,;' 6" i,.d Bruce �,JDY virtne of -Ir, 'tit of S�y J� 1863. fee 'rip Hiriawar OCTOBER c1iii- a-surccl tbat qll w1fo t,,,t il.wil. be plen-e, ]L ;e. -P& �,siu -hei'6th Yovemb—pi "p T9a_R";r to ay9. de �Monda�-121 wi� te,iou.�t�nd�, %; abor"'liv i-pe,foinled- Court 61 o" el Mea,6onallik Tetms Wy j�rnljed,Cq Tiiesp,�;�T:? 'virtue Of,tPree ntitikor r I ': .. . B \�oor.-- 2nd Haralirliev,AVednesday, 14th. i�hi­ to bele'-ted tit jare diree ed! .�Iii eh tring hour of'- n"trll,e_"L.ild'S:�[fdrteil�:,,.h"iii., or! Huro -v.Utl fir"' "'e, �,�VJ (5- - Fin4'Facms hisiiia at th! diell r-liticl,ce, 10 whipli '�11 -of-Edward . � a - : UT " 'P� Pfilriuk F,eeli Def�mjaln,�: airlia.�trif T Clilil rj-ot 5th will be 6,h%�eyed bv thi! fnop�ielor;-,and removed J-C)Tq�,�.11 12Q, 195, 149; arr tile I� Fartber-particfildrs�,naiy Ve knlowa'on rip 6th, inon, 1�tile�day 90th. 2--ahl --hould it -not, b� q)u.�eha,ed. All I lie sub: j --filing-Villgeof RIversdale'. in''theCourily Common -Plerre, Co�ntyCouft of � the,'Caunty of - Id , Pl - �fl- I -bilve seYira,iin&.ta1,6n ld title and ater seer 'This ViRinre 'is sltuat,;�'Or. 'the, ina," L rest 61 tire -Waterloo nnd'C6untyr co,67t or�.thc-uij1f�-.d,COuIj,,- filication at thqduilian,�Qffiu Port Sa'rnla if Bra�, Palia,�'wi�hingglo -oat wi-e UBLE­ TOM saiddefendaia�jn na5�to hotNumbeiSix, in tile ties of Hurim.rind -Bruce, ;an&IQ*me direct6i :emmenct I I im- KincitiIiar said Walk Ion DE kk]63EIR,'�4�63­ tire I ;in Couniv:Town of B, ofthe (;Uraral Di nemennL'ofJamesBur- tit"Lzau PR.kG QTE. 'idn'N6kh aam n Fa,�t at the'Lands �Lnd'Tc -rison��JanlesBcnsintaua 'Hu-- Gilmore, ht"Ihi 0 'Lot - Number 46.. Sonth -sid 6 �Ihe orBrue�e 0 1. A. for Jr,y , -ncmebtiA shall ofit-Ir �alc�i saitzie ainewHirk in 'the Coifrt.116a� Z� Which larrisahilIt jst, l6a.­ibil St., G"de, rich. owAi6f'l�itidar(line.,.tiidl,,,t,-47, jaktallee � _�_ ift the to B'DIAN. i; PA. T IfE V T,' loth 11 S, 49, �0. 51,52 and .53., in tire vilia� lvtirii�- Wit of larm Melito,-J bavF.Zizc'4ana taktin in, �K..iicu� 'T� ITR 'I -td- _lit; title.andinterest"of The 'ahlOg �,picndjcr l,t,. 1863., Ny3.12r' �4, ge, or it Goderich, oil Tue,�day, tbe'Fiftli day of ]anti- tion at the Fig a .12 W, 3 d4ale tl,b 75:and-76; Wte-t side ot'vicloria- Street fendantis, in,ama to L�tr Nine�jj Iline fourlh�conces�- D ebec�,. �.fr 0 etpli c r, 18 G 3 a17K �ntn�n, 'at Twelve 6f the:cJL61ckL Ili tlie`�owa yfl(incardinc, County -�th Exettir,, Saturday, 1 notal.'' ion Of the7tI1Wh.'Iji0 Ofr tit,, L lit s SALE., Alr�� 3,4 onAlieNdi-th.6ftfie Dbe2 �Jbjj, CDONALD hundr a "C"'; ' OL one in t e sed co C To 3� IL .21� If& -A B0UT.-IE0L EMU FORr I 3;r'll:�. M - lit the Villageol'Nit r( C i6aildine, a 6 7kh �,Bayffejd �IlVedacsclny�, Tt, of an B. Of 'bli to "Ishi 'ere.. filat 0:66 JBJOClr,: acre ;t: la�nd each, wan tire burldnia,, thereon �9,S�Tbl,T.00 I Con�q n _z arric cont filing w27 Ten A.Af.', Shcrifi7ri Office. Gollerjoh, �al , , - u � i - ' i�c 11SO Lots.5. 6 arat ri b AnUFLY IMPROVED nild C.;I All at. T. L bank of, the.1 3,d C, b, Ilw4n conce ion,an lie ,',I er 1863. _ ; �an, UARLA 1VAICE V S ou the Durham R 6 'A concession,S D.R, of the township -of 1�jrant, I ' :r, 'ille�n I tile ei I County of' Bruce, conlanang. It tz,-- s i qr�bWni of Godeiielmind thti/Si,)dcrich �;tatlolk ot'll-BUA loakel jZLalr'V,,_ AND. C. A% Township of' Kinctardine, containing containing on dilln'the county of Bi b�et 'whiclb"Tancir and teriernim iiiii .,rient n shall ofl�rfbrsale.at. my 61ffice in Llhi,Cdurt House 'C,H I R- 'EMP6 R I U ench, partially eleirel Apply., ji'by TH1 fToad letter post paid. to :� on,ille Nifrth' si4eatioburninfiAlbad, in the R"666 S 4 B GORVON.,rs , q., it., lin re f�i �',rac of' 77­�� 5wing Land,; nie o d TO (116 Town ol�l(ir �rlrdi�e�L Q.�V F T n X -very advantageous- terms: LU I U D. nM� :Lf , . 4, � � I - I r in th;'fou-not'06 to ot F ONE,,�, ly�& LI, ljj� cl rblivi�i6ertify .1he, qli'dVe to��l er ppy tho ori,�iri , al '. a crifOi�iid"dF Ilecurd - ext., .11ZA fourili , day , of N LEIVIS, -Cie jb6 - , r 1, - , � 0 y TE L risteir. aei "T PU BALE tellis d Foi. fat r I iculars appl) ', I I L t6te 17--A NT 26- Bar A P.V ceatta iL OF T�u E Slidri H- �&.B. H e -on at,d,Bruc6. '"S P:oy;7.ocx, b�puty -Sherff. RCHISEA10NEY IN CA -1 to ri*ke. I Office ofil Tit, Oflieq,,(Joderiph, CI rkofilrePeace,11at L it C 14i 7:5 TO BE, SOLI) ' V" Aro AtIt P 14th.August..11563 JAY I- FAR.1�4one�hnndred,acres of land. befr.z tile 'Wes .8,11ISept 18'fi3: BALANCE L' N, lz@�. orL,,t 34,..6n.th6 .4th -c J d'-f5aorc., of new 200 ACR -ES.: alloii. jj,. ' , r ' '" I �s. ­ . t 'SIIE= W Lie ml liew Nihe-Eauil Annual 641 land iogged up apd r�:ady for 'A ,p 'G 03 cd Io- dwcllan,� - hou�c an -d to,- barn voling 6 Tjnited�Cj, with intere per cent.- e. e' 6.1 ily, Wedicin ��vi e of three�*His a �A U LUTS are. offisred .1h, M ana Brute, of. 'ely .neal),-and �o'n., masondble te Huriin B. be., t' TO wit - e'd out of Her Majqt ch -oiOtlf hard � W6qd bi�dr, ;ttj�d lit 3 ;il or ar� is 6 Uj.64' -C And the bubijij, are )y cautioned aget . ifist TONV SHIP OF 11013,11IS �f, Common t 'o Lot . s, 6 - r , tre I me taijet;d fr6in' . . , , LIVE'k A-kb',k6XACH a Q E 'W X WA A. -Ek 14 t tllrc� 111a lizeps co;�,taa-ii V 0114 ,ad Stealin, j�hizmjhe, 1�nds, and, ieneiiieurts* tif Ilear -.C. 3. an I I R. v 0 aceesI d1pitation.lof Ga,nble, john Gilt, Ira Lewis anti Thomas Tark,; in Ist t:bn _y passing )n -I e Sam ef, 1S6ul iI ; i fn' '01d al, I W e a colliphAe (;j parties ulliendinz So&h'i 8. F well wife tl.� To be d' It roceed 6,1 st con -�uess, of% I lie Boivrils;- Sick. -at he tile su'ils-ol�Malvi5lm Aft; i LVil'I be against,.� un cf, I e.,nq�v� the Hearti C,,o,,ti% Stntrit6 Vj� XXXVII,� Iy1riall, Inakeb, Headitelle, Filos,-, jarnn�lice'raljdrajl ()Jh,�rcg ses i I -Barl U 1:J n-' 2d 'ed If ri'�'ii iii6rcial Banik'ofCmiathr, and be I?P" Z 'Urmada; I -trave-seized atid-taken,hi"txecut �iouth :Z P�in j e()n.f_. UV aeretf�l Irlicre an opennig "ell k e Pfjyiii� isn equired- �-Carie. llair-Seat4- CHAIRS .21: RICE: d to -OF $J�r2o'o 0 fhr� North -1.00, acre5.� 11 ihe ejg -thli'co t;a irim hers &�L'4','929 and'MO % tin 21 �Joo jeieS,` 'clj)� Zollin ill com'; rf� iiibleby�jarrkisbnrnentin t6ru If of", DST11 TRIS 1fEDICJiqE, �qoiire Wq of;QDder; d F .-For fmirer I - ic - )rill 11' Y arteash,,irad part On time r' , �� 1� �­­ 1, � I lie Market S' in the to i%-larrlage r i 11 , r .. - . . 11 1 1 1 . . C'�a,fj.f,a �A �,,Sapfiy to J'h6lain, Elolffle�L. 1",rier. of' h eo or tiati er, apply to Norph.1 �3 in 4 n� Liiiid -tx- . , 100' :00NT;A1X8':10 M-ERCURyi Town. pM i� Ngent, B1Iytlfc;,, or to. �Mtt- 4-,1 .8,TA-ND9j-.­ -MAT' S.r A ­�'z ` _­ '� - .,,o f b 7 s CHAR ,S':WID'DER; ESQI,�,� Uffie'l I Iui66Rbad.jn 11:6.srria 'T g1l'a prolnise go d title fr��i the LE h 0§1brILM 6 110 �Ijt]Cbumy w1iii5filinds ana C;rowll,WiT- JO�WNSHIPrOF earce #iiill,oflcr.fbr sale -at -ink, offlice in the' C Ciai, rt in. tile. to;v a of Gode. rich on Tuesda - X HE suboriber would aria tq� the, pubji, CrOMN & li" 4 5�h c6.` ;3 -33�3t. qf"ll-on-and Briwe thithe li,�,-aa haad' Go r cb. Lots 2' 3 an 4' Septemli;er I �thi ISE T de jin In, e Ilk -N - Mar 13� , _ 1�1_ - .- I I e SEveatelintli il�,y bfNowmhet next aftle, In: 'wor i%:: 17tp�y --and will'timki� to.orill, jagbjj_h� H ar ered wo ill - n Io of !or, o SHIP LATA - , " -j , 4' aN IijCD �f, children. riothin b rQ bestir glyin - JOI ....... L . D , T:". g . 9 ly, &N -A Ihl� Stomach, the spring of eoi�pj( A SherifF. H B. -tie of cjflt�Valf'On;� limb 11 ge; t -By EZ,.41 MOCK st. WCHr �l '' - .[ , a .15 in'4 aon.;100 acnes each, lficlriirirr8t��L 'Al� lift! wite6ir& tile body '\1 TASSM0 he one'L twelve,66h ? �,r e,o Oo� �j' oon. �ui file beg I ate, cma e� "E- sh, r v`,� ri r nrt'th� 1;esf�iv(�r OF 'GREYI"r FARAI "ORr '&]AI I r6i'l sold cricap; for da his hirint are 6rimn6t: ir approved credit 0 HT 'o'-26�in,lst 65rl' '�160 ar�rp� lelpniare� to nafure,- 1, rce land, 35 acres iml5 v� a. alf Lots, 3� 0, ri eF oduce tilked in ekellem, �o is' �6n., 1,06 Sheri %?nrredok"tedLP "I", from.,dar t �m;z Vill 14 Apii1Jst;-lS63.r.'1 or,turni L r d Z SW i.. oirurt riecome;i�eiry wl�b wn Auriust..116.3�' bTIA ch"' V t Min 8.eOfi.. r 4'� itleU'V5 did 80 6)(Tsy'.61r, `111`6.ar�N actes, have sicLeineil, with i4aucoat;, Cusfo. 3.2, hr-�S` 0 0' -1E '.1TA d1h rel. Tenrrsrka�5;�'iAp'oly, po.A-paid.. C 03 6 W_S I r 7!_ lots,33 4nd 3 AL OF -Ml M6" tiva,ri -Adi" �-0ieh ar6 under cit onf-Uhig 1, ��, , '_ 1:%1I ��. �,wii ill In- b6�-n red* it li� �ot,14', i I met -.CL4 kely to �fu`pe on the pl:e �,Bajfiehl r6a�& �46*nship of !3i�uleyf; .,',Tlj6r nic d 8 AS su, ' iR S ..... e ;,�,-,TOWNSHIP' OF. TdRliilt'�Y, nne, 11 .611 E-J,43,ine, I -con- 50'ams Ei B iqat'l 1# 4P,0, ­��`Ile E ral 18 I)y;24, with' Range South ofbar, _eP rrr�.� 19, 4st opse§y a !young bpatigg Oc& Court Of �4 aid Brace, r, 6 and .900 apri�h inst4h;c. Dir -Ts- fixa­ a good.spring,�creek in I A pl AO'C -ted: a jA uud. in ne-ofF' A -taked LO� firod, -Ul I ae to ibli ow�er, 61 rad dry� t R thrr.�rcar of,�t1eZ5t,;6,flh6 .1; bels wal T1 -ASr "IT,- iriln�rl 1. lav6'senikd an % fencdih;�, Me 9a. HE'Isti5se6ber,­1 :6 his'', I .... ­_­ ­ I . alLthe iigbt "Aidd ii6d r n 'arrin is�� ­Twcntye,�C�0', _5 otnjl-Parlrarrn�Ri�'ad­ .-cu, aL.*%oLaf_cxfvn4ed coup �`dr 'l -,T . -19 jrk , ker -.ilt- ci%&;% MiTof Kinloss. T Toronto. T�', .1, F r,_.d`,-.65'c carrU; ,Greenock,..., ('lot i'Dressing ind �hd, ayfield.and;B cefleld-`gralfel 'rbid. -42 F5&lcF, aud�Lot huiuber.T -E;ot, 'Ila yr�l jRqr_r L�eg #ad, I fr.'M W -ge o� if, illand 'd Lot Inallfiller, RL T ._S of choidc - f - y to fi� it m4be.Wdol Cardri) 04"Elurna-RO � __1 Manufacturing baiihiess, Would' . .!gfsiAkt_that mil", �omr Bayfle (I n lj� Vl, I'Queetiz$t 69, is reel4,b6th,lj4.thejr5 ..of nse�halrr d- rfg�� South arbij eenj - Ior)) slidre _ff, I are at, in jrjj(.e 1 11 . , - Roid Kinca'rdme��:'. D I ilo expe (iii&Stra d! fl I- P '0 turn ere_�. lere. is a ost- Lice unal Sibr6s,� �W, aii, a as,'counter- I cv�iirthirn.JhMirst arid ficeyinj Mee up roat­ ure one Tailf acre, v and.grist mills cba��en��.at, aii;o &Ila 1 , r 1� r ., 'on hitir -Lands2rt wcrikbie�, be 's" -reflbie warn I ,,get, t1i -all Ili juairc� 11. �Ypaa my relae, no o Goderich" on Ttiesdirty a, Tilo S S t �eaj y j )T,;G --­8th-Qonqer§si 13 '0 &'.,of the I'll, 'grow- a ST �fer, �have"C;Lljzo Uioj�jjt. -AND SIX 1,1?11 ; r _' - : ; , at"�j have- phaced� a. stain 46 on SoVih:, It, an [,and Onitmeitt, 'wrll� e 1 '14�fi datl is c eVen-'an'es froan E. BA�VE4��ll offu�il.r,. 03?CLT�TON; � I ". (6i 6- 1 any amoi Sea or h, Xbie,�:LaRe,from p� I all its vari all in tire abo�c busmeS, i� ; e 4roal: Goderi P;. jt is cij pe?V-7 noun I 0i4kere0-6fj,7uof- be: JO ' H.Y, 3t& AL -F ' . _' � , ­ , -;,r4' liaq,,� Mee., migg, -,NEAR WW -41, �X .4TER rs" NoVcrriI;ej;jiit tbj.`fij)Lrjof. _'3Way& fit: 11 t, 4� 1i 11., 1 � fall� tif-'We the differ- 44oekk� i;'�­ ' l- �Ii ­­ �.'j jj6a I ed4 TIM�_suWcri&er,�m retuW­nm __k__ 'in' aind all.wherifri iog�'faliil]ui in�qawq 'w heold gjrjeanaetlic'mew Tlaiire;� I _�Fftlk ' a ments requir ona, firsuclass fa rill. tirdt',t] TrA . ._ _ ". ; ; _ mil ' ' _ r - I a, Inain on -oe�ve� the,premisps,pr jiy, letrer:,v -,p Witor d morney may &�Lrh!r� 01 @nli %th, than s to marktnr 'rh i'llnutiliefig'r , ,,, jugholmorabld Ayle'Zils aid Ohiarlent;-asi,efin- �GEORGL­ Pr Alua St.to suit-JILe.purebuser. re d'upd-ti hllly� ...... �By, � , _D0BBft;.'. lij5hest price Will e V fi espeLfhaly�wbile. ills fr,apie w r;t kcirftip '*e �F6r*, f_ fi�, _1, I W.Lirfamil i = *3.Stf Aiir�cfotlil-ffiriji �uantify �of 'e o1j'T`- wholia drljlepld�6tvle"o)i.11411d,il;tllt.var�: ' ' " ' ­ ' , , liL C, AN e -ulars appI . y, to-, Ifesses.,' i�� - fina� tv, 0 N,,,i, C PLEDM�� net ej,,�,pprta� in' 'to 'I bar C tulitrathi. -- hig d AILI T tine"inlulIc"gerienarliv, 77 w " F 77: �7i a0mrsox, ornarissioners an, r. n ;_­ Mr. Bar -1 . i,ent -------- — �THO Land ri* ,;,,,or IN*I:..* sty e� I)wb ,expensc=th'at is war. nation vIlenp t-171-171re h6re­ a -Li 71a _(� e, rt C U0711'er, spa I .95w Put 271 Tee- elsub3criber, onr.,Ilie pi-ewisiis,. lie will %1111� merit the shme& of thcJs"Viv ra�NroVcliiheei jht,'3 _H JJO_VUI,i�� Baylieldr- it 605 6 �th �,7 U AS, #OL trial Iris alqhc�i,amc U bether %,at go tb.W�KIj.j�r� _R '13AILGAIN, t. Stan 0-70 AT"' . . . U' R -1, A S',R :IlcDUt]Tq!4 L.", eF �EA Si 4A .&,I L A ED 9 ILL r -f . VA t' 'is i ��3t. NOT in Eg� IMRIftr�-A�bjj:m - ' - #,- - . I I _ _ 34eW7- �116t in ihat- . .... @ foriiii theltra pj-' r -1 Pinev. but 1?,y A T 16 irr, I pdrt onoi 11,�collcq.Qsioru Bit f, - town-, n;_/ f'E t` a . I - STRAY ]EEORS-EJ 3 -J-'shjjyof� 'Urnberry itiout.1w.riercs'. lbici4bere, de4r.us I' Jam , (_ trier '01 to �jti a �rly oi�ni!pied"bIr llllr,'J� Fh2)% jilotell'im ille nar t 'BY GXVE'�­il 'Off. �Liae, Lako,­Shure� Sta . ERIE V am�grrivel;rorulif�abtiuca,� Sablqr R'ALY ra W OC �TAtgfjjiIf"l4'.,jB Ironic an -a 2 - . �, 4 ': r - ' I orderfand th Isr.-Qbure,"itin or the Towrif P71"o Zelh n*d:4 -In , �o Gen. Jc I* I fiffilu, i ED-rROAI -GODERICEF. an o r.5r �N?,y �tb'e Province; tbe.zubierjbcr.�js -;Wt - 1� a P 1, 0 aced6ini(alalim iih`&ii s ;I sid"' I 'I Ilk, qodcri�h, containin. tq,;et1re Home., With a7liUl� whilli steak I,* at 61 6b 1%, a',rocid's�ir.ni,, I *§'.f -- Pico It pi-itti6i,xredittar" L , _o�� f4 n to. come -d I lie "�Lbeaboyejols�?are situatiw-oa'-Ihe�s,ravei # unaJ $7 r iere,ar�,.��ore ' a 6tEfit�e G�`da, irfr,� ki -ii ed o s6 c. r _b r-1 f . h CoaQo Bayneld, and abuttmg-��on­ it Ta; hairs4finde.;bil,the, le to. ififthV6 aM I. umn cano I nl�5 li,arld,5balarr!�%��u a nrill,� , , , �na psi t V. TOITRAT Mani 6�tlr j WIL uVlug.,� it if ATEE e vlV NCE'�J�A�yS. Solicaor, Gothirich; !-!�46;nt desired by tile b -r: The Y,' on: Th6vidretirell ucr�d 'and the land thI, c of' cod _purd ase re is u L qrarjity�: ' -- '­ ­­­­ I `_ , I 1 17,10 -try, a r on. 4ilid ail 1�%' 0 n. as,tfu�landsmelrr khiklti, cc bA Mr�WUltar, price VL JnmAQlbc-sulIscnbet�,wjIi belbuilably,re' -ar frah 'plat),14I)IC premises to, kvr117erms,'nppjN4to 17, ',z iii tit `ab4s,�ianoer., X-- quail ery, eligibly ratuateV 7 r 1inder, by applila ed- I h I g, :atacqun�W�,wyitho6t del pp -G' Nf`TAUEMAY" 41] � I ", .1- , . r '­:) -' ""; r ' , 14.1, r IA. M4,WW train, of fair bi, it CHARLES WIDpER , , ' f, . �� � al d bu� P�SN,EIDE *­', � _r� tit- She I a n le� y,' qet. 2, 1863. atFiq,6,-fifid;6ft-,priy7in,- for ill,- a V Isements r7 i A ...... uctioneee,- Al' nt, Land Age Godericb, Octoner 91 186'� inriefor F arL 24th C iV, I I :SEEC4 Jai h -c 77wIS Godt:ri h, l2th w23