HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1863-10-16, Page 4S IM R WBIt 'N 4 Ey :2' L T, WEEk.LY SIGNALi THE SEN bhfriff's Sale o� _Lands. Her lj"ty's ARE ISK-AG CK INGE OF THWEl United BYF`,c`,ii; 'IF - v��f.�Ct : 0 V Huresin acias itsued out U L -1 , To wit: of A , loz-�y Cou e,, Hare.,ind THE S'�U'EAME1 r'of I'd in tl FREDRI AW JTR FO`Uf�, -DR, ARD 7 T H E a,- jEA and "Oun, 0.o, i'tiet tlie, �Ln d8 iffid tene- HARDWAREFSTORE unenl, cw,'J hriCame, ONLY EXCLUSIVE BuiLdin, -in'Kxe- 'A L 'i otk-i lt� gorw, at llic'sutiirthe Horon rX"� C>--7 R- -f;3 aveseiiedandtaken ILI& ., , - k - Q41. g, Q7 0 75P. r Y cut; "'. ,,, !�e ­Ie,�e: aid 4 11N. 1Y F1 I cu, n . o en and it line in file i 1 13 zt. Ta I -C, im b 'filte I&Ilarm-Road Fanq Goods:,-Tobacc ce 5' in the. Tow,,7�hi' , C"'(,jcc`!.oCk. slid County o( Bruce Ic ore -w�jtlw'lhe: of I nitaining by tidniceisu ndMelh. be fliesiume in or oh, f, v am 14 IiNl 01' AT.I.. D, ROWAN,, Wer,,,� less III In,- � relm inid6leme" F.. .... merits I sl""t ,.r,.r L. offi ANICSICAL 1NStRVM­E-N'rs A-, 111�-ffirther rwotice,: b i 'Idi GODERIC1 Will run as follows ul�if, in The, at th th wA oLGodirich sclay.flie 'Rext. dGor E , ast of Ur Stotts' Saddlery, ' I �` ' I I � ��c: I _ .. : House in illeTo ,,on Told, tea er hour of '17-willTo 'cifithe * e �ber 'AR STORE OF F. NITCHE, 22nd �la on LEAVES :GODE' ICH' f R'� 90GEEN �Wcst:Strect, (t6dcrich. 0. 'JOHN. MACD LOW& ANO, K-WELRY WATCHE�, C VER GIINE� No IND KSX Ii IN JZEPAI�R E ly 0,-, su aT C, 0� v 'Warra e % Goddricb, �:Jifi gi of the 1'arg-e Pa OcIr :l., I �' -Style nt gn ;. ­ 1, � A c 11i ..R U:4,CAV' 'N alway la the best. ' 'on hand', swn4 p -.�,.Tue5diy,�'i�d,'S.aturday,' 'A �fwf., A:NV Sent. 15. 1863. n C6 1;50, 1�GCi01l,As6QRTXF..Nr en" Co. cn W4 'Manqfacturg''s. :o SAIM :,� � iq , j . e f 04A and,.'�1.71 US, SKERIFYS L c Gold& Plat�.(i ire I? P, ,I- S RDIN �d i6 1�e 6, T.-.prc t�o public that!t ey have opened It bc,.-fo nw,,Pmm c.li-ilaully od hard ill"I inrra LEAVE Y1.11,- f t),rce .i,,nT­y r uai�& Xulay a B -A -C R EThIL YOLUN: H6 �,�d cil "::SAUGEEN FOR -GOD1 RICH C* W xid Sash!:Salrw�XMS" ire arj� B �ivelmi`m�e 4ardw . ., - . I : ' r !% -, �� . r T - To Wit-. Her Majesly7s',G,15unly Pbw�E!-' se S oars -of th6-Urwited Counties of Huron and Bruce, sma oil .dq 1., 3, -%'l 0. h a �, 1.d Ever.yNoliday,, rr P). 1, L 2 A,,o rp �%elf Ha Solomon it de�� ei� iis ,kands arld,drierneriscif L well. rdtvar�, AT 4 o1c. r,.�; ri��Frtdaiir,'ilt-�A rs�aww c% of -D A winpirl,nag: of. eiev S :OES N C I A lwles�o,,�cwm c bcUm� -BOOTS. 0, d Pt� tier -d ner. Eiiecutors,of CAII�in at�Kinii4r(j A G '61 11V 'Joh# Execiitor andllllaolen�(` Polw. 9- , aqp N -,ib 1: ordo de,.=71 In.cac W.al Thai a n LGbert 11. Gaid ol 'to Lot N -be 'S P IsIT padc��anj Sfiov�els- POWER0, P 0 owns 'a ATT- - 1 1 �' ? ill- � U, " we 'on tin it k, line i,wver�ur E M, -,T 0 - - El�' h Hoop.arid Band I i�n y- c last'will and, testainertiol,Th. F T' i CanctelaT- olist Cr6 I hiiitve Vp= latc., and �.aiats; In If c ��fte&,Vnd-Alexlwnde, Canw I Tirw� nte,� - GqDERI , NI.- -,- R Z t�reAtIol'thiaiddefenddiit.�n,:an 2 um F L-EIVES eff f6t; SIRNII and t _�n NV XN1 5 -VOLU-N 2*y and,couriL AA 6 an re V I�noreorless;'� 200' 0 ie' -1 1. E E ORS.,� EER� C­L�16haills; 1 �k us and ristol A- Shot' ;iurn'sarne everuni" le,av- - ty lehnTac -Lin 0 d 'S vt�w S, r sdle lit': V ofliurcin,7c.m.imitig --f vo��t 1 46 at Ole .win 1:esi f. irig-S thin 5. lodL, g,. and, Reapin X I P. In. 9,, ac -"and tenem,5n Which land, House in thetown of Code-,, 0 -�'Icc"N, Bel nW$* 0 9�6 b4 It .. I 'r " 72TRALL - - '6 11 7 T-1 opll; ��AN VE11Y.I1, RU me", cwn.hTuelseLa.y lhe -Fji�tfdair or Ddeember 30 is, and Shoes: ri,'�-ffilc in C "'t Horse ".ALw CxFL0,­ 4. at,1. I wevIo lh�; clock-, noon; �14 tSla Goderie 0 "a in �twi OHN, 'MACDOYA-11t, its; T dJ widf hit cry f 0 r CHS -s o ally dE 'W to Order.' all hinds f AlwiC -GREIT ESTERN RAILWAT scriptioit fiIad S"� 'f, H.� t�,B 'red oii,.slwo�t notice ocK, DeputwSheriX. a 0 f b re large 4fobk of" -D Shelf Hardware, 6f ve Y, escriololl. WM 'OOKILI -B AT 'PARL .,24th Auilust, 1863. T -T OUR` qG- Box, . ...... IN FACT, 'DAVID LISTE Gr 32(1 -S1i6e,:,St9re 97A= OF; I"ID Boot -a. Boxes., s -our paitcirtis of the above are. Pat I . . , . i . A] ways an: hand, 9 g6h.,nnd *e S 'S -k -a flad 8 If Kettles, Tag f`64 stock beforep rising, Everything that sfiould,b& ept in u I EMRIFF I New Bo�t,��'��- 0F!ibA.,1q-ADAI',: f h Most approve, kit icit an , inspection �:cw; urch oe Stoke,� o t e d, we, ��owijd SO TH SID1, N�EST�S I :., I ware e., for re Y irtue of a. Wri els6where� 6 �ie a ; cwfferin� the above'at the lowest r6murie!rativli,�prj6es for cash, or I cwr.,ap� United Counties o v` -N-ou will,- find, tlie firaest n Goderic.h. IS61. proved Crcii� ta en in Faciiii IM it. Old metal, Brass, Cop �,of produce oPROVED FRE .,HT,11NE� and Tall*it out of Her-Allijesty's County,' Tivo DoOmSdll,� B1 k L per;, all,li-ind 'k exchange. H, Iron Uruce`�,B Ficri b 'j, 18'62.' Court o� tl�we County of Waterloo, cind to medi- -D, Sllos'5, at to m s than Jhrket Sjare - N I 06t6b of BOOTS A the� Lands and tencments ;1`�Jiwmex T.Lt' FIND 'THE to, ;AONTliEAL INTERNfFbIATE' PDXrS e Sciiiierville, at the stut �of Jrwnies� -Blo6k, I � avp , as Ex6cwitibn. all-th-6 t, title Court. d, 'to �rk­ LAND$. bil eltt�nt]Dn pal 09.1,AKE ONT S:39 RIFFS SALXOF esse ilway, hI zed andak c rn,, 's o� f Writ of Fieri be t St tionsontAeGilealt Weste United Couritie a and interest of thesaid Dejendlwwrit� in as c - e I ','Huron 'and Brude, B,�`artaulei!!lja Lot num o -old t116 Le best ally e 1. In-- U� on I - h town. in re an article that en [I noL be, 1.1 B-ffabo'c-d Lak . e, Hfiron'. her Thirteen,'in, the Four -- r On, West -P 1�ail dy, Maje -.1 it2out of Her. -N,,rth halfof waros% A T ''Rellienib, -PATENT,- AUG ssioh of the lownship of' Wa styIs County Court of teenth ecinc�, HE,T: NTE TO BUY 1jaroit and �hlotukee;� Aficldgan wit-ra 13� in.the�co6nt%-,t)fHuroh,,,exce�ting,thereout Lot- INTERNP,710 B OR Of the Unitm Colinties of il&cirw ind Bruce 236 in siubdi�:jsion orpart of Lot , n iitness and dis -''-TjIU VICT Indi-. and to Ine chiected lightint Lln(iriwwg� done miaillgn era a �t the: Linda and.tene- and btiv,theni-at D. will K - -R . I . I � : , L , n ac -eLsionJ4,1ot letterl, part of13 iDl4vc,ww=icf1�, ew,<15 f N - ifile. patch,, A. _hl N . _, _ ., : F Ct the �and-Ra'ilroads. ine t� of Isa som, I iwridl,takeww'j� Exmmon all the and Loii� in'lueNuow, eacb scilia re. t Wm bceni� �i`itcmid pectively by�ihc above named - diefindithtj flout 20 cents Little Godcri�[�,,,ept�'14, ls� jw33, W S I G MACHINE 1. -EN COjNIPAI;V and right, title -and �iatereist clf�the. said Def6ndant, in� I T irst concession, S., -D. cmvr� wilsm ItAIIAVAY �nah,,Miller John Plifinece ana JdhrL ft., ift.01 Provincial x- tenements 1.96611 ofrb the towiiship of. Brant, and cotwnt�-of Bruce� hich imel It and,to Lot TNvefify,'in The III my Offi& in th6 CourtHouse in -the aown THEVORONTO COLLEGE, . .-In 1 - hibition in London, in whicfi:'LvUds:ard teiw�merwtli I. shall Ober for salt Obtained th ,P zi- E' viz WorwweN You i;l -f .1 lenid of 1�,ove -bf my in the Town- of �ricfi,- on Tudsday the Third, day in aajity of which cannot THIS r of Tweeve'ofthe clock� HROUGH LINE, the CburtHousc, �ON, located in the Goderich, bn�!,r6esaa�'the�'fwe6i�--fourt�-d'ay of nuxt, at thel'bou L 81 AQUES,-TRA Home �Nlawllun(,Ltlr It - Y. & CO.?S LINE -PHISIISLSTITU� Twelve of the EisV __ABOUR , gG KICHIgg to; has j6st been -added Noverwwber�rweit, at tfie� hour,of, JOH�N tile BLACK; �ERR 'BRYANT; STRATTON & CO'S. -chain , of look, established in N�ew Yorlc� j� S. i0l`;i�'OCK, D qjwe,�;fr. JOHN MACDONALD, utv rv�msing ei, -e,and Brooldl.vil;Ylilhidelphia, Albanv, Troy,..Buf1aIo,' ff, H. B. Office,- od�rich;� are r�speetfifll%r 1 ,:too tested bv. itie Bmreaziof.,I-rivd�d) H6LCOMB`& COWAN'S LIN trobgfii Under eri theiu�elvcsl­ Gjf�rc, Pit GEORGE CdAFlIEY wclared to: be the best & CO.!S LINE' t�,� J441 12!;63 rc ui )it, 'It is-implein Y, Cleveland' pstFavors, or etweien Yhe object y to ail and -ed, lind not. subject to et oluCof repair. F of these Colleges is to impart to She�mflls and would work MONTItEAL and�( actical 14th, , August; 1863. -of. Lands. o �;,; to r e, is h., The cleansing is effected by the riapid iltEAT Young Men and Lidi6s'�tlworough and; pr If vot, b�ot.11nlifl:,h BAIL -keeping, Coi�rnercnll, Law,, - 96r, rizi 25 lier cur at AlcAL. action ofthet tcr ill -the Machine. and not by WAY, WHAY.F. at HMILTONI�tb and from� irw�tructtorw in Book pre Spene6rian Bu LANDS ;it atliras �kcr,,Il�,111 r r 1, ercik , rwvbidill�- the slight- '81. Catharin�i,' Niagara Falls, ccutirriereittI ritlwrntitic�, and to fit of) -E)Y �jrtue 'of a *rit, of Remeniber'lnc placc-',two Doors, Ferinnitriship, Correispondence;,&c., rw-and,Brucd,�J-1 Ficri-Facialll I ;cCou t ninch f It., 'd xu8jp?tl StrCrt ord;Go' i,h so per Annum them e6r any dc�artinent' of business they may Unit If C x -Is Block `tban Under the' ilicol it Writ of B uro Twfarkct 15(jucire. ­ I.. 'L . I 1. 1 1, '�-To wit.' 'ounty ti of o Chathcim Windsci �arwiyt,, choose,. ua "I N ins issued cut lid, ­e. Hron and B,7. B �Hce llqu�t, . i . I �. - 1 .. , . , of. Her -Majest. 863 , ed Ill inlire 2,7rh A ersous, o hilive,uA 6 'S -Detr(it, Sc� larsbipli''issued'in,Canadi, Willrentitle %be- T Loftlie'UnitedCoUntle that -the inach ine is capable. ol'doult; ,nuLh o he .-THE WEEKly it g Western stu'de t to complete his,�.cnire In any Coile, -Court-cifthe Unitlld Countics�of fluroi I Work in two. hours as (!all be accomplis ed in a- Lquis,�ille, Cineinnaii and�dll IcBo,4, '.2d t, ne dirixwted against io' 11 ata. medav b, the chain; arwd.vi6e versa, imithout additional and to me directed against the'lands nnel'tere. mwe is ol"Xichibidd 'Ilvidir, -�lie� suit of tter, . F.the,ordin�rL�"p�O�C�:"""US - of, Reading IlI Charlie. Ttie;Collegeis,oOcnd*a�hndeye.ri'9�- ments of Mjehaell Tifl -ai., the, saiii,oi Jewhin D6W.heyBry&e,,'Jamesi la�T CoDfaininr 40, Columns air John int- S�Vhig 4-5 of time and lAoUr' Rates of Etei0t, as Low: and Time quick- "jAMESF DkY IlEsil)ENTFRINCIP.AL. John 'have t5eized; win' in NMI 6 mricti, Samuel Gunii-t(nd.7�b.li�.S:Lir2i��ir" For,farthei informlifiew please'nall tit the Col-, cxecutioi� tfici following: all ihe nght3 titic e -seized and -taken n Execution, III life DrIg TH, El� T1 cr thAn.bv any. other Rennie;' vu v4.mt,,,­ hirds ,J'the Soa ge redly ii� F ...ne For �articutar$L appIv at the 0'ffi�ei; (,fnnv the said', Def= A? if or Ing lC-e;or,-nd for Cfitaki�Ue and Circular.,enclosing and interest -ti f. the said- defendant in'and to lot ii t,litle.and inierest dant ii�l al3ove Linii�,oi Steamev; or to letterinamp. gl ty�6jcfl in n SeIllie of the und�i:rntwitioned per-&rns Vddi*es�4 BEYNTj STILATrON'X UO. two in the,thi�d.ccwncesiwion 6T� the' townsillip 61 and to Lot'number T*dn -stycar, tind t �6 -hine� at'thd FxIIiT)ilI6o Iii have 'Crcericiek 'uw'theC6uriI%�dfBruce; which, funds 1:fI I I. file t64�vhship:.ofBr t and Co,4IycwfBruqq Toronto. Jan. 1..1863.: 'wl*3W4S.lV or themewlori,� veremi! -eat Western Rallway., "I'l tenerridwits.1 shail'ofter'for sale at my offiSe in cofinining On� Riuldre - d A- �g more Iij Ps C . I Agent Gi and all I.Ilt t. iii t Wh,-ecr. 8sq*-, Yorl, Peel Office. cornerbif-Ctistom- House Square and'Corn- he -Town of, Gdderichon To&,da:y theEighth day whI�hLarids, and tenemen ys Ill olficii ioz uf� C missnnivimi' Streetj 'o -the. hour'of Twelve of, the at,.n in the'CourlHouse,in 'the':ToWri mil. A T a. Daly, Esq., M. P Mclntr6al., at y,officc', Rorh�jt Mc;d6rwel'!; Esq., Sheriff, County TAQS- SWJNYARD,- ',S� Clock, hZilm., eilch" () To ad tile EI lith dsty.,,i6t �De- On the Indii Reserva. W; fore: -D' I, Perth 11elel fluttv; Esq JOHN MACDO'N L ber nextI at the hour ofTe ve of this clock, -7 7- Sherix -I. B. nr� Ftjlljauic�j Col borne, Street, C arles Bo Hanwilt 13,1863' 10D.t3loc er - -- -, W & ' Itty. S. PoLr;6cjc� Deputy Sb�ri JOHIN, MACDQX2 e -Township OfA d doh, consistin of L. Jarvis, and mady.' Au kLD AX co -ver, Oi�,��.-Gode ich, t] Memliantable- ing about. ca ";1 : . . the Lit of.Toronto. 0. e urt House in 'PROPERTIES ear Concessions, w- OURTS' c p Bv Formocit, Dejpufy hcril!I-� :3600 Acres ofthe,foftr TiRICE �'ON'Ly 0- FOLLOWING Office; Goderich; r s CASH ale at o., the' havin- purchased the Patent heri�ff e be oli�n�l'fb BRUCE'.' The Subse ARE. HURON, S i of Unds.!, -his k�the(,fountpof I I United'Countie F.6.as'Issued out 61 OF LAND Towfiof-S FO dwilch, on .prepared I - he machine.of which'hie solicits a trial. f 1Y-virtud,ofaWritorFicn SA OCTOBER,'1863.' to surp y t Hu�on'alid B fi�eliufrasured that.all who test it will be pt sed ON and enr Cpl. MajesivIi Uritted Counties o )'DT withthe rapidit3 with which tin other- mbe"..1st Alonday-12th. - ove, -Div., -G6derie ise tedious and wash � peribrmed.- R ai6iiablld- Terms! the of' York slid 6 iind -to JL3 Fieri Facials issued out pq� nj� dirce eL'a&nq L6dies Wil confer a lavor by allowing he ma. e' 't the Landsi and tenements of 'To wit -of I Oth Clintbit �Uiesday,, I �th. Hu 'n-�uwd..Bruee, -varics our of Noor. :7 Patrick Defendant,' at the suitor Edward t;o t �of, Her,Majesty�ii'CoM`r at the �2nd Hiwrpur�we�, Wednfisdfiy�. l4th chine to be teted at-14eir r�siden6e.- to.Which it mitionFleas, CountyCourl. Of the County,of- e -sday� 1 will ln,�omveVed bvilieproprijetor. and Iremoved. ITS, 119, 1 Hevc1ell-, Plaintiff', I have seiieu and tak t5th Thui 5th.' r OTS Nos.. 117i County Exeter Alt,*the sub. e of ltiversclale,� in'Lb&et*m the t;, titto.'asid,interest'-dit the Court or fbc� Uni1W 01(illit Lobld It not be' puchnsed. -.Lj! 1 rising Villa, otinly %in :on ap­(ith- '20th. . 11 rL . said defendari in bnd.io Lot Number Six, in the tlefil-6it"Hurim 'and Brudi� and tcw.m6'dii�ectjd- Piartber pa fly be kno Durigatmon,, Ttiesday is fhat'the ruerits cifther.M�Clji,,6 of Bruce. Tfus Villege' is situnteii,bn the ma n JOPS &C entra ona Ter ort'sarnia. t we F) f on n rt 6 t e against the Lfinds and TenerrientsipfJ'arneeBur. liffiiation a shotild'Kiii theorcw�f;h;v eedI'arlies �wislwirwg to '�rceiitdl Knicardine and. Walkerton TABLE � I I. . . i' ig&h;6J enbon fl,trucp." '' -1 ' �llc 2 _ L abeland'O.untcif" rueee, fa esB" - and Hugh,Gilmote.-att proliriesor. Ii sn' aw am DECEXBER' 1863. - try it viill cown municat a *iih'th Ccju4iy Tewwn� n IT -ley,Charles Hdildry an 'wi., - - ---- LIER, its Hark wimel c Ian Ur brits I shall offer fiir iiiiie at e;, ]at -Numbev 16j 5ont side' of Mechanics' -Goderiell., ei�and Lots 47,. av of 3limu.* ticul D.K I. da�, OUVE Aveliiucjwthe -owitof7lKincirdin C W in cc, it e u t lie 1 town In ljanw'McK�e,1 have'Felied and taken jd� Exectl-- -Kin iston� St., -- -titleland inl� .1' Godefich, Tuesdtl -1501� eric :o e a the r, hndt the right, Wn 4:61 49� 50� 519 52 a"nd 53, iti the.:Village offlivers o I We on f Twelve '�f th clock fi�pgafitsjl in and,to lot Nine Oth I" Clinton.- Wednesday, 16th. Se -side ofVietoiia'Strcet'� ar, next, i iey, Tliwwaisdt,V,� l7lb. of Kinc' moo no Harpurl In ille'i ardirwe�'Couhty ofBruce. w sio �of',tlbe, iownship of.Braiil3.:'contaiiiinj;6 er 1963� 2, will Quebe huddrea acres:; Lot one,.iu the 5th, Exeter, Satarda�,, 191'h.' Nun ibers 3, 4.5, on file gortilloethe Dur- N MACDONALD, - of said 7tOwnship, containing 0y acres ESTATE FOR SALEL H. &B. Duri-iannorl, Tuesd�y 22rid. f.amMarket,$quai�,'in the Village o(kine She ih tFi6iihIitw the eighth concession oj,-tEe tousilp BEA county 6 '1 t her one -quarte all ew Lot; I -d f 3rucei containing rL.orL of 6rrick, containing forty icrep; Also Mt 2T -in" nesday, 231 thereon riff's,A)d' erf�h, c the�2nd and Lots 24 and.25.in the SrA t S.1D.R. of jhc­�t'Od -,woo Acres -in one 131 .51 6 lind 8 bri he Dn ir lia b at rr�n�A. WARE Als6 Lot. in Ituad, and lot' 3rd: a b old, Wed land en' It, h* IROVI ABIUT c A Aaurt,y J"ln F.Dj and 'All '25 1 on fit _ rtliside ofthe Durham litoiint, in the, cdgtai cef-h. Landsnd temeimentsi:- Township of Kincaidine; coritivining:50L inin� ome hundre tiliell-eiffel-116isaleattiq office in theCburt'Hou5e:.:j of co rity of Bt ure; whic nt a 13. 40HAIR:1EPOMUMI ad :aid offered.4 to HUFLUS follol"GL by letter PUS3,11-il 4otb3l at -West side; Quee6.5treet in ..to K. Very_ DRV id 3i on Apply, if. THE allt' "TON tWT6w`n ot nicar me� advafitsgeouj�.terwns. feum h day 6�r nexty hour'. b .4 t, r of the,clock, &kifyc-the- above to e Fo particularsmilply to' C 'd'L of Re ord 'Vext Door iO. Welt LEWIS JOHN MACDONAD. �jje g aE ento.j. 6py of TENTH ONLY"! Batrister. Goderi' 0 Uplon, fo ch. a R SALE Nt th S the' FAM, HE By So POLLOC14-, 'kits OF T Sherill Is Office, G�d&iclw, iWaso Clerk iiT file Peace, Huron an MON91 IX� CASILAT,� TIME cen d B-r'u'ce. Lois i4' Atk pbysi DAN. LIZ OF rbn'm�n, C 14th'August.IM .29 othe Cie,kofjh6Peace T W 26 Vi 14ji- --AND THE RALANCE,111 itA FA"101. Lot M,� c a the 4th co Goderiph, �Sth$e �200.L ACRES. SIEEIRIF.77s, SAIX West half of TM4 rta]it fV iNine 11 Annual. lusta meats,, nGQ are hrjec-W�itts LgguA good hew- D F, RICH Kodicinc U twited.rCountles.ol Y Wallosh. Ithas0acres leai y e 6 per A BOVE LOTS aro� offeredr for sale vrith iat restet. jA Wt:: o n -very lificapI.and 6�,reasonable"terms.- FOWthe Ili of the 3"C]E Pleap, a_ And,theDififfic are hereby 'Cautioned'aghin6t TOWN 0- ,00fdzsedFL LIVER AltD STO st the lands aid -t"enweirts o Court of Conim6ii rid to me.d GARRIA E- sHI r' P. F and ready'vor crop� 4m;mi land. Brit of Fie ed,K,g itwellin; house7liInd Log barn;'a young THE sued �6t­of Her;a orchard,ii-e. It is go6d,l;ard wood Jand'a'afdr, G ROURT MORRIS: aga II f d�ry Q. -and1home4Park,- iimber from 'the said� Lots: or tres- 7 46 Ist co I tw�;, 50 acres one, Pal pitaition of Ga tIllimut res anu iceep constan1;y on and. On en n`g SoutY,j South" 6QmpIeterass6rtment:ot the He'awrt,'C64ivenen 6f:-tbe Bbwels, Sic WELL a assine - t16 same,�, as iIny liai suitsf Alalcolih McPherison,'Llbe Com ags ls�t con.; 60 acres;- in, ari will: be proceededr. inst, under. the new -2 , - h S6,t* . aS -23 Vi��, Cap. XXXVIli'which makes .. I in 2d'coh.,,'lO6-'aCii.s. Headache, -PilcA,'Jwwewr6diCe, and'all ther cases, To, be sold at t e - southl, I* Ganada I finVerseized-lwnd'�aken,jrw Execuqo well Statute where a 6 i destroy of: timber'llumisl South 21 in 3d con.' 109 acres, u pe�nq�,geiitlephy.sicis.iequired:.,-.� alltlwerjjght� title"jud interest of Thesaid djf6hd' h stealih,,, 6 ing I- 'th n., 1.00 acres. DICIE'ch and Cane and d -ants in gricilce-Lielf8 numbers �F l�.;200 by:imprisonrnenl in, North -20 in 4h cc town.of Goden e common per TABLES,. j3�10§TE kDS months....'LFor particulars as'fo sald'of I'nd_ N0jt4,1,2.1in6 con.,'100 County of Huron; 'also, apply,toL 4h 100, acre outh side he AlwwronrRoadf4qt��,'�J4 ars a t i which3aii itid imeFor,further pnitiell- L 0NTAIN 0. z.Fkrtcash�and,p OrSN MERGURY� h -s of 436derich audCounty of I wwrmwww� kzd Matt jW:,jFL 3:;ll. r to 'MATTRA8SES- HARL WIDDER ,,,;,,,,er I Mariiage STAND polytoThorme, -,,at I.; OWNSHIP"OF HOWICK:' icenses, and Land �OR ANY OTHERDELETERIGUS i�RUG. -�tcrwewndnls I sball oferir WcatrwyoffL4 jualic go"d F J. B.LGO T, Court House,.in the lown olGo,3e;icb �n Tuesday Holnwes�-cirt the promises. from the C ":,COFFINS, & d 4 Ath Con., 100 acres: each. ahe Seventecath dcij,�'of Nilverobisir neit dt-%1wnFLIi6ifr ON' ES�' C; town will be g ar�iviiiddannbunwcctO the publie a did h me -3t that.ho Lla. oil rh nd e rp. HEsubscrilwe ench. Lo Sepfember ISt w33 j � of Wh rsw53-6t -LATABIE. _o,61 6 iron and.Bruce eric 4a IIA� 1863L fERY'L _owUS,Hr -As hit -�01[1i'XACDON JD ar- Particulfirattention,paid to ordered work. -P L It will-winswee, for de 2ate fiirrwlde�, or a Will is hq mploysil6ne but.the best workmen, and -uses Op �6EY -SALE., rid make to ordlIrCarria�, TONFNSHI I qr­ rows; w s,dmpIy:m:helpmate to nature­giVri.n'g,cPergyr and a I he sp a roihing but th­� best materials7h fit on. nalthytictuni t6the" Stornnch� I iRM FOAr b� sold acres, Itj, -,.jrQO acres each, JOHN ts I, life whence tl chence'l nd, 35 acres.. improved, A -6ts 31. and 32 in sOffice, cdcrich, ripicived credit. isfitrintumocannot: VALUABLE -FARM, tcl' 34 mwd,35r in' 100 hebody deriv,�sit�wl`dcc besurpasis4ed ibr fir this Meiticifiel I 00'acres of of allitivition, well Victoiia Strediti'GodI umberand farmers' proelLuce-taked in exchange 100,ficirciefich v6ry pleii�an, 6 the teste� R63 ngood lta L or furniture; rivalidswho, 6th August. 1, 9( t, 'L pusli become,veir, popular withillose i 6;� y f. m the fh6N e -situated a Alin _A_]L Lot 2G in 8 con.. cwith Its Castor Qil� feric d Goderich, Oct; 16th. 1862. 6wi3W38, ­ ., .. - . 'i �loo acres, have been�.sicickrw isSo rods fr6rd Ltbe Rulywo 'L�t 32 in 8 -con. of] .w, n oil P HMFF P Paid.- -y. Apply' it byiettitirr a Aloes,1thubjrrb;&.6. CbNSISTIN�� cr� 10. 85 of 14� L6ts33Ak(13�in:1O6On. -bein' Wherex&rf�ficws ',been Auced, it las'.nwet! Lj,:ONARD ARMSTRONrG hich are under cultivatioiji Lot i4 'eisis, and is likely. to silpersede all viftij6 -dr ith great suec AS 'eld otwd, hi-,-' ta e e 'ediewriesas cl cl­pIe on thepre4its -C -11 FOR W0.0L Bav6 S of s at Y The'r TOWNSHIP I -at 0hysig., Huron an :U - Fien Famizi5j:nWedmut es. CLV, TUPYBERRY her-im. d I a Frtwme� r. - o LTer Istr S Is ---.-1.1 1 . .1-1 .- I - . --lir ' of 'Her Mif Kinloss, Septe �A , Barn - iv good if -FOR: ALE' E.,j 43% in I co 5 T �dit;: -;� 0- -M J031DAIN,,And -Court oftlieUvite-Cbmilftes, of &T TIIE Granaryl-18 by -2 4r, PAIliti. 'ca 'Gode nst the �L a yotmg, b E sq,, In It ot f Apply to WIDD R;E ments of Pranefs Walker, the I o brchisid,: a OTS, fd19 'jst:Marw�e i3f-Dar- r Gairldner, k`have-i;ejzed;audt i� ,oil e L 'a d Goftrich. W(jaj ]E F�Ctd well,of wateTj ot;� f119',Iot is all. or to the ownerj throir ibjhe rearr of %te I -st title,and tere N6, 27 2wid.Conossion, Township of L ali-!t�hexigghht.' tithd,imq� id ife LOT fenced in. THOMAS,'GA T 6b. T6 above Farm MITS -1errace�, and I t wa ntgu no W �or. mum a HE s -ember, :n. reform g thanks to bis� Tor- !qAace,, -- a a a Ju is eautiful y situated. oil :*04 QOU�?TERI jIll. I�L 0.'71, Ihtllange; buth Durham Road,- mers, lbr T on. GOD 11 T ;,e liberal sulrort extended., u,Vueen Street, t III,, LOT- N �a�field an! trucefleld'g ravel ro,,d, 4llf QOME vile'-sivindlers hAVerbeen palming oft 'S landI: 65.6leared, Ore nock. 'that iles from.Bayfield arma, ourimot -e;. D I to film in, the Wool Carding, k1lol. Dressing ind the and I Mile. from V Manufacturing business, would beg to state, in Huron Road, 5 LJ,.up6n the i6bibitiiitioft4e(libAdascOuutLr- - re,one halfacre of n -more or ';01ii6h it it, 3 Ali_ of 94 LOT N - 681, �Ist Rane,, Soiwth� Duibrim- no expensp,,Iwas been Fills -(thiwboason) spared in fltt- whe�e there' is a Post 0 and. stores, also L ills co mt� also churches DAYS HOITE Road -lKincurdine ving saw and grist:rm rivenii and Ointril I therefore warn all Dlgg�ls, offe, for soe,&Ty o -SIX MILES' Y enyaged the services.ot R011' GODE exkriiinced workmerfI,be -a stamp the Toil, a cif ob and school house.' It � is. eleven from ni I have . p1decd 'to execute orders to QN.THE �GRAVL ROAD o to NoS., �8 a 'I h!ee in tbe'CoiIrL�.9,o nd 39, 2nd, South wi I be ablil, from ih is,date, Upon MYL,remedies, and,bave 6minged the Wrap- -bei� at' h-61hio f --D at-, 'i I I . I -.- . ­ - ' rit- in the abo�e'bu`siuess, in all ittiari- ilew thatnoneL 6an,'flill toiled tbe'diff'�r- OL Seziforth;.the same from Clinton, ��nd 16 fro of Novem A o Durham Road, ilicacclime any anion pers; & nslieret51bre, Coliningrfrcro �Goderich. is one of the best.whbat grow- R, 7WROXYTER cif"the 6ock "on. On the premises HOLUS 8th-Concessigni, m3ce. ons branches. -X`EA ' 16_dnd t T E L betivccm'lNlrLold'�tY 13, There - d iiii 'trin gett"ipg their. Nod] ing fArmi in CatiliclaW.est.' �here*is lislince; fii�j H Iand iill�iher un-pib �r nL 'THT: T , - -" L E 'it ine' fibre dealers Will.-ccusulf teir,cwwln%n'w,�� by bu)L 2 ,by 42. Fgk= BAR cres-of Lots - Nos. 6 7, a, -arry h6me'wit1w. -mort bsidriber, rettrriung than a. to 0 carded the same day,- in time to c: "j, iled on i first clnss thtims: 7 Part bfL the pUrchase ey. may,,remain. on T liberal patronage,bestow-; ingLuo'criorc- old style Fillb and Oi tm fasil PoLT;oCKI D* Mentkeqtri publiq for'llie, ve a car- tg and, Colborne.., them. Interest to s'uit.tiwe�purcb e�d upo �4� Apply owl the7-gremises, or by letter fwrt�:paid,tcw User. at hi-L-6speeialiv while his h6use was J& �no"EW'irranit lor'their'lieing,gen The highest market price.will be iw�,A,m' Cal akes this opportunity c nine. To fliolie ey are'in on - G ds aiId the public generally,: broken packag 'ifiange them for'ne 0 (;E DUBI]trE.: I or cloth for a quaritily of -good, cl,:aa Wo6l; firee For further.'iiarticulars, apply, �o arm unfinished stalte--4 afw�� who lifilvellie, ol&stvIe'om,handI if th loth i MEDIT Goilerich, Sept.`2�, 1863�. w3btf, L & THOMPSON, CoMjniiiiiiioner�i�r and prising lswwlan�, riense now korn burs, and.we tkIe,,mtfmy�cwWn exi OR� � \ , �ecis�-thafji. is 77� pp F -to tthe fact that� isficiii affords MON 'THOIWA -hy or D. pay the freight toMy depot and-back,it returned S CjGA.N.: Land Agents, -Goderic OMr.,L J.BuiE, doation iIkferiar to."wic in the Cami,10; and there -tosay, CA] CD0116ALL, Bayfie'd;r dL' f6re trustli.that by a proper'attention o busind I.: l6mile beforelli sy�cItNovewnbe6 lhb3. 1 9 ' Gd 1863. -v1iinIL5 Ha M Ga., 15'- 2' v.. on, yremist he will still imni th'i -hitherto, Goderje the sub th share.of patronage W jj... R. McDOVCTA.L -bestowed upon him. Let.no 5fagL-Mmmrmi,'othtr TH.ODUS IIOL zztt -ertedindividualperil ade.you ffitoibe.bolieff 'VAY.- -A _A hel SAW Stanley, Septr the Same, VALUABLE LAND' thavit is all their jou, �6 to Wroxetee 1- r.no r u OF "ASSI I s ot,17� no on to -IEt rrHE SUBSCRIBI would inforin t -avel- 3P46ol? S;j7aje but 1, 2, itch UL an road,tinwillStrilv- 'a to ing publicAli-6t heilhaillrerriov4d to thei lit. STRAY HORSE 1, elac! ,an there velle N 'Fitiwilliams, Corner off SONA.BU.:, n "'a _PTICE IS,-REREBY, GIVEN that James rrHE sub,,cribtrjq.:des rous of selling a good fi d"I'D fclrm�riy occupied byr-'J'; ; �r _ REA a:fiou ther X _r Wat�r SaW-Mill,- �jtuatea Qww,L<wt,22, (110 'VictoKit Sti�eets. .1 has -made an-Assi meint 'it arnwile Iji8Lgo . gn oll"Kinpion siTd. 7,7,�_ and 6i all cid!afid tiffebis to the L uncklirsi la n cow e -,D Vk6li ODjLI uenc eus To STRA fI "k 'in- qlpie�),Sable Line,LakA,SIiore, Stilinley, In n 6, roxeter' I a gned for 'ihe,be6Iffbf",crbdito6. All'pairfics r ito 'sil beloj�-Pnyfield. �The In tl w26 ,�qHN,ALLEN. -OTS 1.5 an ;awlexpeetsu uler ornin witionanda,hearty credito ng out lofflie' wrin e� j -d ship ocGoderich,; containing together, 267 his :a Horse.; with a little whit e st reak o elcome at -any how f day, k ni lit. or 6tillie -Xo: �a �iwrder, afill'th6ire is alildiful- supply oflimberAll JLIJ sa is b time ml .n U Xhe above lots are Initiated on the fill,a"o'cit varloa for. part, e 'Gravel: Torellead, a.few-white-hairemade bj� thd collar on Ilitg lithe :most co ious, in the� Im, it said;imisignment Can do o, by be office -mortg'agL'L ad the nei;hb6rhood. It', fed by it'good'spring suirgical n n nn riinning,ovir i,. i! a -130 av s ol,fine cleared land in' the leff Ili of W. TORRANCE-H&YS; Solieltori Is a dclemied �,wlirgfwwm. a weld, abutting cwtw�Lake Huron Be u0C!0�ftle lame, having the 'hofiilsi peina o a, creel,. inemurc ad 16 Bayf land DO& COMIectioti with the wail whic III be,s6ld With They,arevvell Timbered. and the' of. g j libjitit'l 2-yej�,ra own, to'said'Sarn blelivIvare ny person deliver- c. -�V�v o sit ythe.ijurc LATE by, Usilty. bl e I -at the abeijemaicsiai III. Igib 'desie b r..11 luirii is a good twelwand nuron,a,parLdIc t 6,S bscribeLr;vvill belsuita y reward. wri out delay aind-save cos ttle quanLy. and Very el it ir he, oner­caa��asc r i -- th' It on slow )r.b fish Drehard on th6L:jot'-'.FclI racul rs,: price, Ike trU6 aiii ..q kor Teriwws� appj��­tp ici a, eal in, enL,;., P in oSN91DEJ� ien 01012eer, Pp q j.,plifig 'C An' narriz,of the - finder aL th6 1 sq�al HARLES'IVIDDI�H, ESQ., 'W=rA)I 'NIARTTL',,T Iforl Is advertiscul - office Adon paying ..Godench. -ciftii6lic Piieiifeif Goderich. THARLE A La d1A 6" 10.1.: �GIwd l-3 ',sw77WIS --,rich, 12th -'.17ebidarV24th I W3.. iSl -186 w y., per. 2 �18 w36, doderleb'J. erich,October9,1863- 2 wh� w36*4t 74��l