HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1863-10-13, Page 2q. l�
prible licart has broken. True, the presC tl r J
nit Vw��cn the ages of' twelve years and I cc _Which, durihg this current year, the 'donfedle. helped by till extra-aized acre. Jn tbal high Better Valiners,
Xrro�, under the pressure o 'd Nolloth
LIPL 17, pailhii months. Theotime Conture is the', nanic ra,te States have been, blessed.' -1 am, - eultiva.t,d counties of Roxburgy. Berwick,%q� and
I Sal'I
that the abundance of eat,
eals is such I at it Nor thumberl4nd, as'
oplirlon, 7'1� inipbIled to issuci. all Ukascl� of the unfortunate, inniviii well as it', the � Lot hinni The mosi characteristic instance of carry- il-urance Co.,
port whom th�s would Supply tile whole population for till of Scotland, the wheat crop 11M nMr been
ing politeness to.an' extreme, came off not
ematiqipatim; dlarge truiriber-,of"thia serfs terrible bercriveiiient has fall
y�,ars 1 1. Surpassed. Little grai� in thoie districts has-- lva. since, at a Hibernian ball� � Ks related OtHi%L in Gordon's Law Chatribej
o.come. Nor is the abu-ndance confil beeii-thieshedo;t'to.test the yield; butjudg'� to us by one of the sons of Erin,'�vbb keenly
t of RussiaJut . it'counter-prossure- lirving I : —
ed. to cer6als, . The crop of vegetables -is Such
GODERICIL C. W,, OCTA3 as woo,!d amnia any- En',flishman of the.lic, rer ing from the equal ri0nin. of the'arop, their, appreciaws a -,-b( N7 H A
been broughtabout bythe prov-6ibiallythard- AEV- §Ipani.sh.pa&r.�3�dre fill'ed with lie o A t4ing,�t -s,.;ems' ibat, one JOB LDAN
61;isms. -44)omall� th� suppTy of p6tato�li riell-goldell Jure, `ilndl�l heir bulk in the sh6clil�, gay'Lotbario, in crossing the room
- . i I , �o request A'
hey ire called here, to di tire produce -will d6u!wess Ile very greiit' Bridget's'lland lit tile next real, sttmnbl�.a
hearted nobles serious fears ;ire entertained counts of - tcr�iblc niurders, revealing 'a f rish pbtatoeii as I G �,rkb 9"14
THE-.11OLLATZIE -OF TH2 0:140- tbat.the proq5o�cd. act of.litibinnity .3v'l be perfoct carnival 'of cril le "�klishfllem'frinfi tile sweet)7li-ill be suffiX. kipially good both slid over'�31,.� . Terri hce,. O'dru'dy's -h
rop� on all,li�r f, -�777 — — -------- - --
I kill, as' regardis quantity e outs
ti etc ad
�nt ro:admit of rationi,tifthat esculent beirl "llaiiiy ;i� the lbarley, I
ft'an . eat, who promptly at ose�, und in the- poll
rant p4rati fest
lcr6d -virtually -ino . ive Be this 11-riny., "ill, "a) l. high-co,iditionalSbilg. Norfolk, Berks, nrarincr� said:-
4--r,ed out next winter to�.,ihe SAIL
KNqwf-,q, tba whole of tile, Power wielded. Is itllll'a tralf.lit uland 1 C t 'Pri wit I alvat anti fl,qp With nifig ont'samples
�whlcb ��beg yer pa: don,- sir""
'be Maj(" loyal; Opposition kiclit fit our estihiatiour-, li� ds. o 11111 slers ave rare o 'pur- tNo
for Russin is" Bu . ff At6st fiohi Qa6bale I excess o du '6pliortuni
-by H f AliB, utm(At deman A a ty IF
I ellf:W, P East � Kent�'are tur
I I or
blising, aiid ihou!
riekt t4o or, t liveyears, with an hbundarl'( I a weather. prcve-fu�or-1 was
offeric��no ojerica, Sir,. at all,
or) a the other, Ili
-I, eg yer parrd'on� Sir, 'it was iiiti
I' �progliostj-catjo with wi
good�!or lor cvU " tile ChIl'SO every right I kin- inan fo,.q1hrink able the Stititf14 Scotland, will prOduce-'sit ary F
and renicifibering -thii
S :[B�- Sj)ccid 1151 of.-foud- such mrs ilLfies the avalied of speitill Wer,
boast'N' 6 Globd.,] -tilies in thil fie!d :whidi aile b, PICs 6qually,fine., 'I'll all p �B
ns of .11inisterial , from filintleessaly coritact QvL -c 'Oct ill at oit errip is, in, fault",was tile response, 'accOmp "d Gy;� s'
Eo most �-r.Lcefrrl ben of Ili; ll-Ilyj ri�d wa!ve of, the AT
'doMIll; indul� d in at -the opening at, the -B tpalleyoutruleshu of the FerIerals, rt"nd ivEicl af ill rii solle- �all l�
tile belie`v4tio be numerically not inr6ri is, trictB,.irrng"ular and questionably tht
ge u tinaxiltyjand Aincrica -Hui,. Zu it is wrilets-nodleaves
ose infeirioroFthe'cereal". un ' 23carB, too,,a
present Session, fire' peculiar andhis"sup- grecits.Russiawith.aii apparently Ellgla�Ld to'llurke linartmal-ar ran,,, e -e,.� as 'compare with th w -h'ole
lowest iisiiritate at d fiatirregalar, but� onihe vv. a M- M
t If rvq'thrl-: hi,;liast praise for t�h a ate kisS of 'Love. .� Verily.'�`� Th lre 'The Opposition at , with -the 14-6ruIr-nitinibeis,-in the ratio "o r atrera.,,, PotlLIces are.everywbere 1,fitner O'Tool-, -1yeir
are a much di�pri �is�d by th'ti air eliterely in the wron Sir,, -tell ye'
excelldrifer6p, i it w,l� a,
h-- f -vith tile old 'spint 'it
sult of, th'ir I ice.to uar,7i lid inv?W while ibere is less diseasdIblin to -ether my fault
laliul��'cr i'ri-Iwiliah�itliey hava Nt catIforod the morc things in ficavat a9d,earti e f
I 'thary ark! I :ssiorl. Mr. Carti6i liummoi.ed. 'I ell any year, s 7
a F�Il'ry of Ati-Oo-St as V
__to �ollliaire_op; . ble reiso-lution rLxon,:. reernei I h 'tie ini2e the . disease firs
-very first it'*as.cica� dir'eafned of in'our plalosophy." ' I, L I . - - -it was�notl,l 'respordledIO-Gr 7'
form. Froni the I tell ye - I .
rains have, �rcatlj irnFrPvcd d
stru-, ing f6r itidependenec'more I than � eveL peared. - Recent do,' be t6lliq-;� a iie iin
�11161 ynedris,-, f.aiT or f6ul; would be IcA is there that dares i r'tu rnips .-afi -,old, and overall the, north 'Bud luck to yr�, ch�d'ye indire.'11i)
posili,�t o' the.-dovernin6fit ye maue -to Say I
In a 'Ir in,the-aSeCli ;Lot who d
lets de re s I -oil , ._!as a' I I �
talkofsubjugation. ti'iroir, h
Y., ngala, OF England g out r Scotland tu i
tiliS, and Ci,riler" �c - �; VA X,
untri�d to Place 6bBt-.iclq�'in the way of tile PROGRESS OF'TIIE W. cump L. esperially-givir,itromise of 4�giiod c �'iillirg yi� it lie, Sir, Jie�, I fell, 'whs".11t
AX,. elled to su
rop ool
a, qui
-It d Privateeris at the Ca Bud luck to yet; bad breedln�,
-11 out �yiar fi-It V �esgdpded 0'.T
;tss-els, of t�i
O!f1c 'Mot, --osee :,na du�
firully, till , - il, it, - rans is said.to mencraliv fitiled. �On the whole; colr;paring Y!,i morant
it 16 soathwe, 0 a �a,ik or 13 on e era e rid soils inithe -6otl however- iurrilpii ll�ave, 0
18, the piliallee IfforlStel. Bope ;pollroon I d'.ye* think ye'd be'6ftin the blii.�
ion, after motion of wall herO,'arran iii r with Good &-yieli'and quality of:ihe, present-cro
s . ", a.ve estore its cominuiri ati
lanc� lias been tricd`�thc, battle C . a r Ons, �'�gd tile, liouliMpal T,ort H P wif" 'tel'av me inbian�,i V sbotite )Irl,
Con 4, r d I
-w�quld thus: s�tllelu(Al , I o I c (From the New. -York Tribune.) the liropsof'recentyears, andas5umin,r,�t4:Lf as,wlth a tiparid'a bl�w;'.Ire laid lie it I
- I I . : . - . ppeai to have 6ectir.'eut bff.� for 6e ' O'Grnay YAORTASs
to-dily vas,;.ia to iia won t B IF, tile &bt of diat tow"I
:Tire a:i-raligcni�dilt i.i.likely t lie raffle of this &,,'s �nate O'To6le iis (fil as pancAkel `
to, ll� collclu6d ClrETO'�V21, C-A'PE Oro GooD'Iloll�i
�rag6 as pos crop'2 * satleasto- per cen4 above that bf. Thelatter". rallied, and a jou�;b a�d ii�nrble
t!!�, � finni rally was: 11r, dc 'it oil, Mtlttl�'Ily advivii-ap-olis.to flie G6vernmeat�. Au uSt ast year� 20
ngL Chilittailooga at' a . distance of,threj 11 13al:II': al;d ill tak -,abdre, Ihm;e.()r 1860
v;'until' se�.;�Ion rii)wigbts Q pricirli'are the sarne, Ii n or u.
Gales dc�rni�r)-,�;Orl—bll all" has hi'll, po cc ;H -ht enlaf6d'wh'6h a d d u1s;
I ad, n tb� �-,'th and 1,80; and il.may� saf he �,�Nrwi�d' I it e in t a exp orior
. I I ma arriveo
trait . g I I,) turtling vig6r, 'Nir. isane Bucll:illall is iilterisel� diis',u§ted !)it this Ainericall that ihli dillotriFt qjfiqa� 75c.'?, do�%
and the country, tI I 111h, r' es, oqs-prp anqions �r July, the Alaba: both-gentiemen from the ball ricoln.�
of t 11 c � . : , < 'I ��$4 th
it of its. �p
for sliallin- tile federal position ftie has be H;Lluilfau i pro ui�e 6f o��jdt t a 100�
shipq.from.the-tim�'Zho lel't Buhia. Brazil, of Brltairr�i7z .186.3 Ati�'��ver in an b
Irepr9sentativeS, vis. cc 'etsuo svihpailly1jere. Ahe
I 'en ilqti' 0R.00US
d t laf it is not
,hich �,b�urtred,riz r'- Atuatzoniaii Talisman;[ years be
-im. goo - a'rail���,Ly,c,)nin,iu:iic:ttion an! c to a Lit' all �Var'.'.
well lliat,tha, old r a I, , own, �-a ai,ditis,;fen a r.lh r�lsult. The Collrad", S." 6116rileeve,' A�riaa- F'. Schhidt,l uStra ion.
should. be rqlll - , ii I A Good
�cchtratc'any nuhlber o eavy, gt that'an,improved m6�sure will air t
b(,Fi)rc i
ated. at,' ibe C()U.TB&
sti Tli, tile Oppo`21- d Expliess. The, ExpreSs carried, besid The Tbr�nto
'any quantity o �Iulll is -eports"in !ull �Abe
f aillitary i6lirle� -"Thc� Cfhica�o Triburie. i M�Ro is'
111ion' haS-bc�n d most f A 7 ber-Northern l�rigiste�.a'Southerh on
actious'one very few liurriber .111ore thomillers 161tio."day. P e' by - Bishop SI pson 'in
to vi.i 1:probul'IA, !�e pror6 - gae4 ill - it a" by-Jeff,'Davis -one. of'her owners bef�6w',7,c, i�. *Sco.drse delvivered
I "as" -lie -iAcati6irs '�Iiat IS Voludtee
Tl' �
will rielly; indeed nlarly.of.thc �on�erva�tiv. r Review wbich,took pia�,c jQhica�o on National Thanks��,iv` us,
lit Ndw,.Orleans. When Capt. Frost slio*e( �in Toforifo iiiiijbursd2y, at;pears to' hilQ ilf his illustrati w tug- ay. one �177�a��h Xa.r . IS
-ere fore -,around Clilitta rbllovrs� 0i sUS, -.a Var.
rflainj)eis w "ith, �vorkvis about to' iakQpl,,fcc thc4ttter d6durnent'jo, ous as Iad to fbilloristrale, �1 y it apt. Sen6ues, he fleV gts as,
D' to -day a nambe of scien.
view -,arid I hop -I ma rologn It' severe t The elltire oily is convukA to -day b intco a:J- ssion, - -1 Uccess.- Th6'G1!ilbisays'of,iti: '�ll,lee arouthii'me
their -leaders and remind thetin thatit. wi s� �. : � - a ng you, 0
uisiana� near P Jut Ill i:,.,You are "a traitor,',and il'i The Ire i was a ,ay -an jj,,li
Ort HudSon, on'the 29th If We'll o,ver, tihotil y be s6.if T
y be
ass to stop t to business or.the- country wits Ti6t. for your3vilb on boardl would,.Sho,� Although the'elouds lowered little rait :flill' 11nalid a Scientific illu y be ve , 4 , I�dd
strationi ope
tiof the federal le.
:., - . weoccasional �glicbpse& of sce-- �hefrire;
with- upon- irrdevarit, to lie illicils,, Is"ust or ill, ich ighted'--up th
t is a
-o the 01" tile day the.-Allibarnitt ,,,error- a oil bri-IlL' Scarlet Triiielple that -of the
IDarna, who lost sev e it slic d atteiry is w6relitse 'in -AIND
Andjust in. proportion dral hundred, berit on t. e.ow!r
tthe sch6onai Rov6t. uniF6 Ims, an flashed oil: tile e nu er of plat6si
led and about, 1;500 prisdhers. Already Into I's lawl, , prolLssod!v li� r.
despjr.�66n displ-Lyed-is tile final collap a. r6poited her the cobiiurg,-Ilrrr�oors. tie ��vitboui,regald to ein size. batter of OTHER FALL BULBS'-AWV
C of`4fie Abo�t-' y The: fi...
1c urBinthartilogartuirent (,Nly 28). ifilit-,date site puiliilt'o battery of'replar artillary and the 16ih Ile s'oiall power will send. il'gulrani6 Spli k ell
tile. foacrai coal trind
aV1 p Ire -y! - pr9pil6sied ,It-
li SP cody,oustin of the histry, -4his ull's'inap
-contents. The those lvoid S ddanha Bay, about ninetv: :mif�S from ill-- 'net, ra a poles are Itgotio - near -toph'r These Bulbs land are crY.inr4`6ut for rainfbi t,,(aPpdrPlitly-' in no Admi ble state of are
gason, 'kaut ;ace,,aud';-iotliu , wus st'llfconsi6tine any Direlit froHolland
'it the -library iluilledl eajd of"her until'tile rhid much o the effeef Of. stancelike and comprise ill ific
lie boruli re ma in- c isiJerable 'o .. you I re.
Lily did his best to I , ,-k 0hen the�schooner Atlas sI I of - u.. tile scene,� but when tile,, vciluittcers formed ot,plitic 'an ir
and; ol - hlcea`iie,tbe,num® it Sri -San 'asm Varle
rww haddwit ille) i pitiiltothicre with about, thirty sqna 01- 1 vanced in line, at.a little diSt lS,consumed ;, mqreasei e 'Sul! he'r*an Cdnze dnd' 8,
they ivere q, I life as Showy as t I e',re,ulaunce It , n iron P08 I t is in(" red., a I
blait which Capt; 8einmes (]a;
that end, be willl1aveth6- nlokiaeafi6 porticil that'slie was -6 d
n, of llfu!IY 0 J b
the Pacific 11'I f'odeial -t6ok to ill If h
P, s Ioar itscein 1 vvilly.japtured nial lit hal,Ftbe�flou a climes
the session-el'ie without a sa- sir -ed. lic' ina,�ter optl 'a
o le�-Atlfls, to -take,to tile Tile cayulry compatues of,tbis citV t ou;ebt it was with o public .13ill (let.,
-rid iho
Pa ;,the notil; A, Cohourg dragoons made s� 4allant ;h,iw- ;60nion. ludividual
Ki-'Canicron 114 amin acts,on, rid. A,
erall arid rusli4 oft to the city arti,lerywere.ev trii;)ds;
sai&'at Welland- b, 10 also brought: a, papt. Se ideally - .6- - � � I I I
tif it lvas: Small -tI or the Zth or Gti�tjnlre tlic:-Oie,cloo� lit violent mines to all well brlwev� small ai�d weal-
�orpora s Rapidan, a . rid Geiieal called after a ill) , pr6raptitu themselves. concentrated.upon onelsubj
thIiGove�nor. it managed their pi
a act
1 1 have 6 stop It, rilol: ces'.w MONEY TOaiLEND
hit. W
I d skill. ill mike tho'�powerfelt��' Etery ci ��t d ill
"Vard, bad ' - fl,lit i for he wartitil Xoxt day,the �ldbrftna rrrri.�cd' at� the 'ell. rn List im arms at percent-, it'so' a 141
has s ffoi uddsoo4Qw
fou'At tt iniond .*��h all its,. but- tia,iva to (Jur lind, t the f the troops' qic I betweiln the poles of thouglit P�rly.
Il 'BrIjF. �nrl are cutting towards, 1 P-I�epl� to bis.rernal '
If ed w.as.bll,' doolurioif,lie ha l,a 6od nopsis c and'illom.
ad eat. Hon'. -I r,d the let saine time in6d ction, 6, theL P,.Plrlo
MeDon:lld d6liv d'a tide of 11isl, t :.G
Speed. ThiiinfoeL pre sbarquie bccasion..- and I have applied ORD0X.
ter in iis, build' I h rtor or. intelli�,ci isBbstorl up de,� 65,strong-,-urider C �iationals w6ll'is the individu i rid T
colls'allt;v claintin, lirzve. thouAt thai:,as State as
in. Ill' verrrcioa�,desc in.ce,"and he heelps, All parts 'the citv'riuslled:to tg f cHaster apt; added to
al Bri4a
1is Ill �dsides bu Installitly I people froin A fir
r broa :scene o the con rub of The the deuce co'rild' ITain- Ill, 'defbeti6n of McGo.�i't On the str6n,A- of this, kn I had-d'-pas's V -4 "Pill" 1� thre�,ral tire shore.' t, -600 iitron,, --udcrii and, C011111try'46. country,, evils
y tardy the Alubdrwt bore doirn 6.non cc'
iiich n 'new - Gen. b.add ordered', -------- ran P-
L- '�Idna of MajorAiall away,. I'hopio;�i-6siofh�m,tn'impr6vc..6.st� TO; T 0'
RsCapt. esey a battery : f that.bourid -tire, C, , 0 plLt the';barque and: captured: h ' * Jr o it ifflery, on.;� the' handcaff SE 1111 -
Cs as: consisting- o idq. and.putting a gun!� country
land G' safer rick: d T tile Ar the'Citly Of' Baltlniore.� and 200 mail.
rival�of prin crew oil. oar
b .1, .9 ic as dircetilto has been unbori and-. there
sfarid 'off Toronto.,.. 1,10o
thrifiLits llpstfriefid -6u an Gih'NeT York, 7th and on the.hrbor, which,she did Major Vegev*g Bat. 200 AN EXCELCEW
8- . Id have all lqlpat� beiii enouA buluall a ectricity eliffitted to,-
';C411E RAcliI 'Oct 9 -Tile. steamship City diSal)p(lared' '2J 05 F 50
syiv in, and another re,�iwant,. to'rcc6ii- f melt.66:1landcuffs off three uillionsof�qqple.-
le q u act Arti Ifery � . �,. by w ien. Science. and truth
6K tfilitiiryl`�aiil-
y course: now aft open to Ilia s I I-OCto 1, PUSied this -s ieverywhere pip� "I
Off, lvia Q"m`rlSOWI
ra�. on 'tl th s;02 -of Robertsion' God hal tile d
Li'vcIT001, Or, tile Sbtb. I is to et burik' but i* TAVERN
I I t 2- NR
t,Olje of,-tbo secluded hairbori - bti'this c B C
were in at by a lar-ril: bod� lit 6 o'c;ock this east, at
tions are goi 66 for her. pur-
OPP9 Moll, ig, to fill back '�ufioh the gourJ whe're,nemilia large Stable sh6d
figb t The ships.City i" in
A )lln�'k "lid Olympus, eT tal ipump and large
it' the Villagef Blue'vdI6,Tow -k ra t va
philci)pby otthe Lea er;' c0ntiuuin,� n hour, tof Striart s fe in plain . ensue om New Y Id or erpool -tile A 9
the �apt�ur�, the, dame into berry, 'name of the -RL
leer. uli" and Gown+y the
lioubts flederal t`00Ps'fL1l'bdc up-Oft-thi-infantry portand tainairied here nearly '4t- A Th uticardine, on Wedn VALE
The stJamship Xo�, 9Ik`ZrAL,0P'TaoOP.S. A� ROTEL, a loccuput I ion
a� die better hick reserve. -,Vter'nrilhers�vcril contest the a Scotian1irbm Quebec, ting- her apparatus retinned l-, a third"s6n ofmir arid in th
oil the"29th. - steal the Bteam6r'Uaufiet ymarday. brougli't no 35 mcll� i Thor ill,, eyrbf��rictor, H. C. The p
ase �7c � essary to muke-,her "sea-' line, grve tie ,r "Ship: Shannon from, nly relairs 1! nec
n ere corlipel ad to way, and. , wYorl; arri�cd, a S and one officer ot. the 10th' brigade of" 15 ellir8'and 5 moritils.
als plen. oF rope to irelie was 'visited while 'bere,..b a a us�dar..
f Ible unit b e notice of arty jnan
llernsctve� with- arid we. re sure o detne talent 0, or were captured.- A. .30th. Artillery 5- id arid t%vii.office f cavulry -ernor and selkw
-on 47th ge�imeut'--jnst � out in the troolp 61 1 in,
t t le Gov
Consill, arid the port llp
eIn r. were -6in'En-land. The - troops with their ag THE 'MARKETS. -
fii�t, it is -we didn:t bed fh' dashed. upon .,^ 'The T,oadon 7y /
retaking all with the exc,ep 1, the C
priiisits. The C. PUG
I, ent H.
am 1,18 sessionTor the disgust,ot the of 15 Or,20 ifildntry� - The entjre� lbr c. -Alexander 11. tevells- had sailed lot- Cl*iivited daptAehimca t6,16nilb ba vice ,.a anded at Qu !October Sit'
ee 's wha�ft the was It. ran pushad back age w re I
. I . 1 1. - a I
to a- I t,the in- marched to the" rtlilery- ODIERIC� thi..
coiIrc G to. resign his ment, coun`t� --head -itli,the be bar -
full and I tOwards'l(Julpepper FllIv cal9ow "ad tc I'llike tile terills It overn cict. 13
-or ra:uIrs'
i and the infuntryak it- up their
Napolcon-for.ilie, of the anu t of th qugr MaeInue OL 11 e�lnembers bliling ters in the Tate ch Pont iarracks. tSkirmishing on the ancontest amos
prcr:conqueyor� ia., cerlI sup I' ing ell Collr�lderacy on,.zaa, clerlos to 1. p le every foot of the � grolin- HblivY 6ifil-loy, tile illvitatitirt� w de.tachincut or in r �hl- past' week with (j�aia, i
of-;�allt ofnnfiA.,ncaJ'u's-t as i , , fantry arid 3F&
'.diseas� pro'i�d IIn. t ie afternoon hidicaied �that tlie',c dra went up
The Tbliell'als0give hill� tile iNlapet. last' qod,,.&c';, b,u't . we . are. - sorTy h BElk
ore fttal�, to dic army of' -s a �uinor thIit Cafi�lror, port tho Alalmma'weat - 6- Say I t -T#A7�DrS18A11LE
c� ro It 11 on Oil , i, , � , - I . - G
_q t I a b 6' n -reh 6w The si,;nal:sta.- i,;desii:uns' of sccedjo�, � it juipirl�,� the to Si price of IV eat h
t a L�' If
ahoraiiny,: §vram�s- an ni;rht �cri'rout� frTo ut �a
�Bah distir4t twenh� three miles bT Xmir,-Oct. L as ithaterially fallen cq,, I ot 22 Up,
McClelldn in We rr� h t6 f Thrlrourhfare Moull. Al oican a, wh-rc '$he rt�m4lned six ditys: Oir'�il
The tha.m. 'It the bdll�'ts4 the enemy. 11 this tin, was nearly cut b itlidu Fe
0 , ut the catire'party will deputation woulc quipares ayorably with fich - I t rt� be Still Atil tile, Z�rbrmerly the t if'T may be :rery comfor i uld'h�dvfl with tile property ese rcrzLiv�Ld,bsL.�Idxini lhhn�oii th,� 3rd -0 4 The Hungarian D h -to- Comprising 40 ne , fell arable land tbgetber vjtb�
u wo aped,. of cto� p;"Iz(, Cunra ), armed �with - �thei rnarkats� - oThe Tuliril ' a
libl- fourgling, entered famitie uFQ -, ay -
V scs-
�lc'e V7 acreir Pavl�are land
-ith bew� m66. cz Silliou's Bay. also, 'where.she d.fbe Avorst'apprebe; as is, 11 ior,in il remained as ision8-expresscilin for pring Wheat, and other sta 4 TheJana is weIt wu. ruralred 6at Eiig anTl lilt.% Proposed " war carg, o the,papem, In A court -to gro:.wheat and'harf�k,, and any inforimitiorri
b o ist, on applicatio
sion. -o�arbial f H.E DRAFT 1 wit I her - orl inal istry.district about twice
the pi �.NEW. YORY.c tlilIt tile litle OrRLI§sill to shIlmid be dl:i' s�tlrid w ' () arge as.Ir6land, and inhzibited by two and may
P . . I � `1 ood 'ent1ontril, sev�on dirrys. 0, - to,
I.nore Th'oli,. Soarl who will,re
0.78 h 0 al
defeat, and, racticai y, arriounts to no d (he l6th the'Peorgia, arlrivW at Si )u'� Bay squi.t�t6.r'tuilliozisorpe-opl6;-�,)tjI blade of FAII What ....... .80 ��!ejvc pFnP6salsn`
inore. than say 'Fill! City bf Baltimore pa8se-I the strmin.. ..ill 'Alabarria arid Tuscaloosa It' -n: htis-grow,n,t� still it , e bum,e'r' 17 ipring d6 which time the terlaffli will be declared.
t ,rass or, cot It. 0.70
the #16�ophy *of lie ]ad wh s:. 'As near as, can aviii,, left o
0.25 :a 0.27
ship'City of 240 cast. of cruise arourid the Cap men a6'dCZtt!e: H'.If a aaillj�;I'of-peo
Zipe cc. -at deg'. 0.30,
got oulof it be a certained at: pr�seut A 1,671 me ' 0 'L- . . 1, e of-Gbod Hopefbe ple
roirble� by te truth� S n -daily' emp!6yed in proc(ldin��. Ititelli sagricultut have�repor C r ence, fi:w been .)re- d Ilibor', are wool drich, Octob�ri2i�, im.
fill bunio�nfewhat far -
'a;,' larshals- in: hit'tne ida is at Saliftintra thor 'per 0.30 a 0.34
fetch�didaall.', er td tq th.6 Provos0, PZR THE CITY 01' a ifirown out ot'work, an. ejs nut,a f- . I . . I.. . . . w37
-.50 8 '�aL
a, Cotton Iliadic
s ute - I market doz a 0;00, q[Ui(,t arid St,,aLJt_ 8t -1 ' L' — - —.. . �11 I ., -4 . ....
f -Sub !t qulet�; Biea&tufta ARICS. to confide -to mothr earth for anotber-�Iriid Flt:91. I� : - 0 10t, :2 `ShOriff.'15 Sale Of a
t is city" o whom t2 33 lo (new). a urldred years 9.16L servic tin 1,574. far' were ;held 'to BALTIqORZ.' ay' coa which is it veiv secluded pla'ce. ''or 01
. rinlia d nished m -e libertill-returm .1 n
BLY irtue of aW.rit,ofp-
. . .... o IQ state Im'sudden d Mo Huron and n IIavQ been exernpic ear U-itea'Counpe.,
account Lo7; os, Tho Co��e rate. Rd'ms,
IF It -7 Z ol Faclas Issued out 61 Her%
uses. inulaey. whIC
p ysical disability �ifid for other an hL wlately ex.. of, ihd Market in other �places e. all e to'cold ter' T. Wit -
0' RUSSIA-, GREETINU. A -la �eri4nccd, was artici liesol firon and
AMERCA T Unlied-6oua
171C n -Earl Rusell hasni4dd, a Sehat - B air fluted fowls, G prin�
laid for Bar- d whd'td6'7c6-. liguillbl'the Lands and
Met, ill Scotlutid, oil Am6rican The. s.q,,.apd they siarted flii� the South Willralas, at tile self o tenernents
vice were IL 6,t - oLSpeJ1 t a wint-r. jL 13UM : , It
On of New' grantedftlrlough� i' ;d - 1."Ce)tton firiner but-bl. it extract c Yesterdia erous - I -;T(,
the 11 r �y to LiVERI'CG :SEArORTII.—About t a same.-, Castor Willis and Georp
o ac -d BRUCEFIELDSpritil 1rVbQdj
k 'al; rep�'escutin- the fleelin-4 of the came rom the rcrtliward�
""611".eZeem"A rir at to the vemcar�Of William McConnell, deceased. :1 Ilara
enable tham'to r.r9edie silbstiirites' Their, �batr��ed Br stufrs oki; of wildtjeese , f
Ile r
A'passed the C'tV in':' Sour hLrI I yL d, rec'-' 6 ;c., xecu!ion, all tl.e rjgfit"fi�
in I .
itin. �eiied arid taken iii resu in ar:
ion. 'They came� fr6m 'tile Cin"udian-lake arid interest cl the said delen(lant, in and' 'tates. Alnerivan St6ekB and Steady cogniking the irs 'belligere ts 06--ario,--and as' liters- Sp land 7andjire tio question,,just ii�d En,fland in re.
neglil�cnQcto report for.darty will 'It Zr met
appraeiiti,-,n of said, their arre , deerters."- 'Ift"of tile' WithL to S:jIL - S. . inTanswere s, Line. ring lho�e certain-paraLls or
I e Imputatlo"S orr�Zbt
proofs or, tilic pr�/oun f S,; , -Z r Les �jlmllejn the to -weste�y' gale blottin Vheat :I 9_16ts f H as !!P: 000 it appearg,.�60'0 .have th� �riople of 'tire Fartierilarly tile �)uth I' People of thd'frie�nly attitude\ which t1he 1560if,excriliptedi: counayq , uron,-containing by a measureatelfie,
and to'contend agairist."
faccount of ithpida the Xondition hey had d head- vind t To-fiffli.,af an acre -or Land,l.e.lbe isame more -
I . - I . 11 - L 1, bC 1, 1. �L - .-
fir in
I disabilities dn-d-for esoarces �of the spueell,of-Sei torSurnitten He also' replied -�aturridy�—F en
ant s:odcupied toward t Oe flock appeared to
e,p2cl4 3' stripe. t f. rit is
tire recquition oft6Wookade, arid a6scrted d d,,%vn 'in" condi to 96Q to 97c, n� L car loaJd§, 836 dliLIAY ajoitiring to- ud'East of the Londiin
h C ra es. toL the complaiut�6f%thd..-Seriiih. in re-ard a very,much futi,,tle or ess, hrl 4 -nine, irri fie
re p�4er What the la's tb a
them,, 11 h our tb the UL, t EL . i butof th correspondent"I of t.he Tiraei that iii1the' village or xcter, �Icv
_t difficult u sd� L 000. inch, actu-4 -'g W
3 into the ri�cr just below, the pper heat,7' �olmcllls Surie
L d eanand that Ea,, 5c to, 7SQ.- Barley heing prt of -Orighial Lo nun r' igntecri ui,�
WB oli the
prese T I . I q I- . L- . self-inteicst d )arty.,,u firie �,00se,Lwas S06- 0'83C. Oa6 �7eto '42C. PL G(
00 1 1 1 the
a lyLsecured er will, wanr7 86' lit a 1piter dated breal h' '50 f .6L prefets- the : course
Richmond, All,,: -29 land shout C_lt,* a' The fi�,,Icon.c�lifion of 1.isltorfi., oft,
pe� -cent ig or, there,shot und captu' d ease . a
the I b 'Ile aterindrits rospedti t le spirl of' -rest immeairatly -arijoillmg, td
the Modern Gotham, his L -entrance into es; - s, o - t mlus- to wiifcii %�erlt on tilell. joarn'.y. to 35c berb6�hels...and,E6t;t.ofAfijrcwstrecI iu;Eictcrafonr6j
alance woakLit 'e'showe t lat It govern cagion'd visitof Adiniral-Lps'sorskv to re while �the
.T till it�wbuld have been infam-5
�ompqsed of Irish calad. H
t6i ii7 Poiatods to,
ecessia. Says th_ RectieSt a's �a an d sh
whcGermans 1 n�C'Lig pan of Prigmal L
ad- riot�sufficicnt evidence a,,a c Ill -
per eat ovation. vC -orn tf�e inome when 'the' fall ma IoA�t tio her saijed StdflI� Bing numberSechreefi,m 'the first co
I. a�.tirl to 20d? pe� a of irr*!, -ilship,rioresaid -whichlaadqatil tells.'
merits I shnil Offer lbr sale -at my illice
Owing— to. the fact -that there ort Sul ire[, illarit"ill n .1 IQ to 1.7c per'lb,_. Ego. : I it
-ille, difficaltici in tlliuV�'ay in T tnB 12 in tilt
tcent HON; - -Tfig this colossal CIVI Wur lit) to tile HE COT'PON 'SffPPLy--The77qtes anitly. par doz.' Pork, frerih, -$,4 t6 $4 'q5 Court Himuc.jn lue:ton of God,
no - dan er of commercial rivalry E1113ADEAU AN] presept. hqui. 1h d, -e a line beVUH ordinary x6sorhe'reiarris. which'Bli6w,thel in 06 111 eric I oil -Tues.,
Twentywrifillit day Sepi6mbe'rit,
Gft.�ND to tili yarourposes andL per s. were t e spirit an,tmi,peir re- aI
-ica a 'vessels.equipped for
b`7etwben Amer rid Russia', tte'llaltii'ar to Ju
-sp Is ,a 13th, The'
in, f-Twelvil �1�h;Iojk
ndtional policy, Amiiri- o -at,: Spring noo�
It iL gentl s:1slaiwe more keen arld.exiisile�attcl iban at raing which themselves formed For acts� pClrti were 2.134"fl,45 `�u,fhe Guclph-Mifrl anditaid �umtter of eman s connection with "1116 this Ther6 Jilt - �' d cwt. The.Am'deicari
ve been'timeb ailing of offorce; and might be used witi;but e D 0 AID
t e I - ver licirti have'decreased to the aijilost sturdy c.; 4he Grand Trunk it h progress of tire stru, e W11611, forL _Is thiBstapI6 of the Nrth-W66-rrr t6wnslil S. PotaL
car ia a amount of 6$76 t. The "wilild h'as ocx; Deputy. Sherifr. -
as ar of mairitainin touclihig :,the. -Confederate shores. aid b ew b IT, H.
ulay no a anitiss -L to s . tate, t at, on Wall- r 'llsOns, overilment woU14 not. ield y
fii rela therefore'upwardS of en
tions. wit their -DApbtship` b It is bringiff,�, fr6m68cito:70cts,.dr thesame sherijllv4 oir, God 'ell
h t leasion has heavi' one. j,)t tor the
ole fact L -m=
VPt etween them inay� be he ex' thri. wh N6 one is n.w i oiliu� "Fe&ral-tiro�,ern eni and Mr. 86aid a d,:Brazil� arid Eg,
on's, pilots. mell-ice (
neSday asplai'ned upon the ininds of tha great rebe'lli, i ' 1 2 000,000 cwt. to sup. "a
th 5f-fureign Pawers. ae conipliatenied Bud ofthese India'Fiii1nishes' 1�04 763 ; as at,Godericb� 'wh -fro -
es of' RussiL. ile elie disitallers 23rd Ju
g� I Ile k, rst j,x or or. instance, Lbe tistee by aeclarin- dur.lT �-towifship of Be allvae��wailtohvas �hdpowcrful fricad that lie had'ibeeri I -unilis' Of. rave discussed :'It r;esultii that.ou at is at. east twerrty- I Tl.e-atbove sale jl�posrponcd until To
U. - I,, , ' L he on I he hirriess WIthL which they I �Irl miles in favo
PPO coofile r misce :ae,,us surr�
t not enou� -i he'ni 1f th day
ell zt�di�eeto�b6foje he was, 'either me,m- all!, of the Souther rh gtinpo�6r at he a,, I ge-ale to' 357,373 �ge r of this place.. 2b be L as Czarl Nicholas, �w6 ca�no�t -hdlj� th tiers of6fere but' 'said tbeirV'wera �P�ies amount in t Itsthe
-IlLports,to hav'e Bbpp,'Iie8 the otberif,:including G�neral Sumner; who L 'L s moment we Import eotton", rour Si
had' At ti * 11, N rice -,-ravelled,
u s, and yet. L arti '-at S=W-F§:SALE OF 1AND9
is -ti:lev otthere, is an anotRi1v dnyory bar 6f Parliament or Minister of the Crown dILMuf1d$ 6r a Bill 16 battery for' thre� houls. al ilferently. He, deno nced ;h6 L efflorts, si; differei!�'qub�erl decidedly
birli ()Dj� 'f i'll"that he had iio� er I� uld, be
attended -any (if Ilie Without enter.. : - 66 best market f
Ofthuse who still'I't to create troublellk ' I �L, � ' - -, ".
nker f ter the the des- ase? wo y
A ItUt into mirfute particu ars, -zt will be einough large poftibil, ofthe C of, virtue of a, wirit ovi,
ire ruce MU
ieri Faca's r orihed 'any :Friendship toward Amciiea :asserted tha
`0 eeting;,s or pe act .in:, his ate that tile,t at. , swelled' r11". 'd C. iie'
Teen glOss supply, W�carce:y
Aiiaeric:rt and-Lurop Pol with expres'sions of tude ' IF coniri6utjons� It is 6till u0cm one or ounty of Bruce
r e�cePtlnq-c f 1*lrope- o
a- I I out- *olf, Her
can' or�-tilrs and 'capaci YL Is a dircetor.� lit we rk in tll& Co t':all, " o chief itorarces "that we di6pend. ' 'JI'lany. by hirmer f�olld.a distance' of. 15 mi e� cc�mty,(;oarz of
the l7nifed'Counties
newspaper �Iietoricans tively arid , that his efrorts would be to 1arLin
�%6rci tointerfere with Irfdi:in or E�-iii, By. of Hilrola 601dId then- and Brace,,Imil to. ae di
tain peace. ingr
neer the daily supply. ofpowifer for the Confed Speaking of Poland",' 116 England�s ti n shoul� have anittfier-fall�
I�se an o aa tile bouui.r ric-ed against ttacking th
the field and for tile Seal and tenements of uril
PS a lialn Bill at the suit 6r.crA.
bitti T o ta;atri week to Godcii�Qfi 'whei
Yearley. of E ,I&nd " and. they hit 0 C04RESPONDENTS.—Poetical' con, whien ur- d fif position. and 'retacinStraiel lipiinst thae lm,'Willmtanil 'Execute
iors art med,that -we )y two
ally ex�aust the voodbulary in, be nlills' wl-everisithe till d A� regards M
Fill lilt did'hot thic o' Y�one car) possibij be made 'to, 1G'ucIpb- have seized and 'taken in
tii6rit e assist, ik`r,n,,Iud should g
pwarting fird". the labt will and texinment or William xcCo
to war on t lie sub qXiCQ SCAAQIT�r �F LALB631 1% :ENGr T
has �eoa for Lay. Quil
Ill now on hand, hethdrightthaiirtil M AID.— n an Falemers of Bruce indke :a note of. this �all'the riglit, title'.and i
e, exicans. approved: of hIre 'and', -So. �vith Austria enoA*,- icle upon this Subject, tho London in�aud to.that.certiiih nteresroi the,jaid derenamnit,
besy,tolerable, ed-in:mandflictu i I
superl trolls powd a the r. that any ',goods yo or tiaf-t orlim and I bad, jand-indif[brent to mak las low.grow.11 into er,�vhi,lh -what-waSbeing,don -.for, them, ithey should be re& , 'that cL fii&, and xeluenib
atterly, irance. Tb6y. fair 'Ile t, , _ : rets ropshavelleen p�rmittcd to bo
(i do So 6L,
are, sized d to . buy can-: pdrhas'ed!�' as h'emility
a a. a lar, - rescrvecil si&-k, allowe Ile lownmbip,of V6 rneirt,
for kani of ll�n . 'to pibk,Ahem,, and Of Hurou,(,ontaining by ildm6a�une;
htes sflys Edrl Russell in his s as-ril rinst any Price' half b, w Iin t same boat, eill �voi a4d'is daily arid peoch as IF p`�ce, -cliesply'liereas in, 'ro ClfEhL Orrin ucrtS, mor ea$ in the sig I u me. Agreat deal Of 4 must" ncae`- 4.1cp allotl7eriLent 'any town in tb6,'p
ht rhe. T,� ment oa�
u relirtive to the iron clads in the llerSeyAs in: a] it.
h. -we been 'nroi. '24 linniedialeIly-adjoining to.an Cni
Of itiq reenten to the very pritias of sarily.behli4UP to merits when thesupply ofstnallarnisril' been ferpreted as mearring tIvit the'vessels will be ds. A to ars, AOn Vkoad in the I ar 6C
rq for a few can. 6fFem ince.
Is As much as twi
Ay. proce much less than th� dema;id, arid- tile"I couse. daiained,-even if"&'eiisting law is in their, be
.6mam liber to: p [It out or ha guirleats it vieek have .oPExLter,inA ontelits,
ss will perhaps have �n made, eveii by womeli",and that in the Surve c numberseventeen,mlia
the 40 and weaknesses of ourenemies,,,or liq�effeet of 6hrinkiril irlcooveniea� e. IIIIS -II-een (rreat. It will filVor :So. tb may be cailed upon -purely unskilled labor of hop.-pidki urn said township Of iij�bo
g up' the 'surplus lit P
any reWy,L at the i
R' If F
bil remembered by )-our TeAbbert �uit ofSivaru.-I Guan, I
those whose friendshillwe do not feel it.to lables, and erthat�io file I' Pus'� for 111 1111 1.;�'
re§. use. is, that "dating seize and taken in. P�%".Ltffon till the frightj I
ictilarly ,our inteic'st to oulti- lish 'a few of toL
As occasion,o ers.we ill pub- first, half of July prisoners OF war at Vii:k4_ come,over to interest ofthe said defeiiiiiart,in dadI6L;t.Nuaa-
5 the. last Pew � years lild palr� If* It harlrt�tai�s have cease nwhat - we consider the 'best �ca 418ol
burg, Part, HudStia-and ere
vate all( P'l E glrlad� in the -numbers t By
tlia,llistbry, of llulll:iri natid pteces�. If all tu 'a lilt! extent. of Britain. used to -c
red Iiy'the Feddrals t' The H&iv 1, B, the thii1clenth 6
our correspond coul(I 50,000 1 6'poor,wretche
_Idea. Crillarryoflitrue, withiblr�,j
orpses Are- trotting,
��iite like Mily B whose c
ll the banks of the Pot 6 and thei ;Ra to;, SaI6, Iny
ppill tw�;
anuatynd ot t, Torontp -G i;,
terati t if li is -true thut a Geii)-stilli'., at
alles US'tha
We woul& least as Tbii�Londoircil�respoddent' h calls IT
-ed 0' sbAll ourt House in ih ie' -W
6h of or` 'Confederates as C loss iiretclied I prur I y,the Globe; Furnishes, the 'following in ormation in cc Mi
rn�nkiria in die Pron6. 6 wink at glirdly pub ba nock; and, iheir scarcely
umn a 'Weal onfedecritea by theFie e of Goderih, on TA
fa, aI'll day the Twenty-nill
Sd to -ed ofrih en miss�d in itfi day of September next,�'
the faud6; of f - 'rp Olro'Sp e era I patricts.und6ra'rrins, have be art of this 'fact is, niltirl L ad I 'Enland, andthlere the houroMirelve oftheclock, noon.
rierids.,� For,ex. Poetry. :Items of 7jews, from any p present argum�ut 19 con. pq
o7 as
gd,, are,none t0'slipply, t eir '14 EETLNG, rth6
aact he, most amile rf "at point iBL. wil b renz. �1h ve areLf"lad' to Say are of., I till 'I "re cheering descripiioa.:�— PIE
6 CountLi L' -e'..tharl r.e6eived; to the'Confederates I 'e Ill 1 11 If T Sdei try wilfbe b6ild-ild the XAqx.A� "v J(JH-X ACDONAL u 'Int e B' tons 'Russia and, th., hear -again o rouskets.! The
illr Y. S. PorLocx,J
ic at the admirals o t6iL I-arn* ti,a fully �narve�s is now flinrij Over,
Amer' leader will be surprised
July. ill)' Irss thitn' 50.0* '-polidties-of En -1 . and the 'illuiySherilt
bet*eeil- the" at, of B a way, we should lik IF b Sherilr. 'If. -B:-
. I I I. I P o00 -Eveding 'th4 16 ancral,x Otr,,- Uodlrn
f6riner from the ituthor of the I e abundant,
�7 the an:th 11i 0I.DiST MRRIED ]COUkE, IN 7TIE
tire living 'in ifi should - et New ..York off `L -Lake . Hueon." Lil6e B111atyae severl,�wetiks been sucee.4sfullyAntroduced deal ofithe be gathered. and thl of rdnez, Emp
-,o poetry r4igamorialtolimuskets has-durin'06 lw;f crops ell tbe"Nofth'a Lgor d 5,h I une, ISM 7" )3ej
received a':
bun The ab6ve.sale -is
td ony.says the Sb XDAVISOX� 11
till',- fab It flow o ir�e. two a t imies Sanderic, e0 art arm b t ill that.writer'licissesses' a,poet s soul.�, ugb the iilockadci to say�rothjn,,o� can. the'raiti his c me upon us rat er, a pe icas; husband and wife aged respectively
P7 1 , . non It Presidaut P
4s, the v, ramen of each is eralkav6rinr to i and multitudinous other 'supplres �of at dually. -Alt- J. 11 and t67 L years. ' �il , i dat bf October, 1863..
ter. I bad_ 3WJ
con isoll
ciash a brave people,? du 'fe a e,i`dbedidd6n, but are' in PosSosSion of
may,be iceived the occasibii riu4 the Just f6ilr laire extremely
How is. it that DaEA:D It
FUL.00PYRU.Nch�The Parish ntry y evertrLecanty.
heir o 'St. Homedine in Ea-latid flir the expreas'purpose 617 ibspeet T-1
libeirty-loving.Annericiing can Ishut' which notoniyposbesses- all -the eeScni-ree&�f
O,utity of �,Dqrcheste move a),out until -hitelyatid llbfmerij�vere, gr
e I , . the,Confedera -bui also sucks in to i�g 6ropa,' and in tile rejoA be has made
��m to'llille,sad cries 0
chances of subduing a rebedibb it) a on eaks, to1ravel: neirl but' sight uft&henreing. ThOy were. iblelb MONEY -TO: SAW-MILLIh
of p.0 r:Vofand,n Of extiremely active in their halbits�� The �6,C d "ll s Obtained' ladf atte;aptsto �spfflak 'when she is 'addrssed,
owqn- rnly!l. Q06 Was L a. bw Alitys ia-�6 steiliany extent-..
the infilrunation: an opinions I a
-gaged Irta'desprerrate, perhaps al riebirt the Be Dforle. of the'MoSt h , I " . :, 1'. ' . i . 1 . , Z L) � - :ON 00 D'
ene, i Is ;trial ter eleme t e says
horrible and a int , onfede but[cannot firlike
eon(ider barei'the Aparest-of 6art&ly'bl6s� distressing �'aiauffties �.W]IjQh h r�te Future $0 full of hope and' pro " at it Respe .-'the a a IrseIf llnddrBtood� by. stran-
�jellilig �a g
we live, yet is my duty cti� Id qaa I y of grain, er utterance, is anHE su bal LOI 22;
seldom�itever�aou proved Farn T
ager "tional independe#ce VVIta: had to. ed dsoQ* tarrino, Within tbis'diS ers,uraiie ad-. incl�counts eas. tban. si"f&w unmeaning
is cord rd favorable lill as to be little I"'
p'- be, re corded. "7
n.6'w be a%ifire that in a, Iar:.:e p6itirm 'i L . J , 'ilible.Line. Lill Shore, Stanley, ini[eS*.'
a mun,.'Iowe�er, altill
,bly sourias;, The'old
oiasi�?' Th ' trielf, on hirg
ovier: of, NIeh 41ier, occurred, of I lie Confederate States the btlivelin year7w below B& el& -The-mill isini i6dtiditlif thd �liouse
large yield,whille the has xWo- lairngiments b
an TF!T' h eldest! Ili. four yearsi andL en .,I ere is ft� lentiful
unusually, deflc]iea�t, - an&epriadquently ring brerqualityrof -ed t IS 'too fly a gqoa;.8prrog;*
e�,bloody- knout,, ific of orle,6f th Aloud 0 Die a es e grain is rarely witnessed. pparetkyy anconsplous state, rourads lbime, -t--r-H PrISfinsintict ed rat thespring months or the liresent. yeriFtlie-re have , met with, severiil 'Essix, Norfolk arid self be6sionally, and thL ". ; - SU aeres.of fine 6feare , d Jandirill
ereek. Tfiere are id ilarr', bjn en -can streak LklsirafM rarti�a hW1a -. d 'odated
atAielimi,:-dittilsiddrable Lineal farmerrI iltho 80 asi'to h coratectil I the milli*whithwill besoldwjo.
fortress ed farmers o an �na I mentioned,
m b
"Irer ent'lo S*b'L n The old man arrived, sa�edl,lr theirbriapa it if d 'There is -.glo�
;t d y � " L'� �k I "I ffih fi d anxiety aboutithe supplyof _telll of in Jasily udderstoodi, =hlo�lem �lhe title deeds of o
is d threshed, out from be,,
is aged such 7to.-S.qrs.peral and; 'souneindeed Id firrijill bk.v tlize a
ila" L jurehaser. Is 6f"whi6bl' many,. a wire, and such-airixiety has now di Be h eet in 1788i and has consequently P"'PerY On whioll leywislito bamniv. h For particulars,
tsappeared in pre
re a ties producinsc: muc ris'9 qr& but probabifin beer I sertsnt�-Ifiveeairs. ih thQ,c JOHYGAMi a
S lu� , ' * . - i. e premises to
ofthe bountiful and:.reddnddnt ' I' '� th -yielif, wouill be, Soutli Wales-,, olorly Of $e Aegoter
4"est with -the Irl case OfEce, Gilderiih; ntotl to itoclock,
qlanl�y; 0 2�. 180Z, w3s