HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1863-10-06, Page 2' 7,
IN, 'r 0
IN 1, 111
111-1 E ::S E M f - W E'E,K L Y SI N.A,,L.,
_T11` a consider the insertion ways all;"'] 1:he
QL and,it is.jiist as tr c thatIthose: 'men of -Is dulcd. . ItFwas represented by pris- 111Z(; t to iF,
i .. - of all valuables. Federal Tire Paris journa! I -procc .d to their destruetiott.
cavalry rrom litort Pillow ard purguium theni. in the loiiiteitr ot the Polish m6moraindu'rn qxPense'A "' : A-VICTION' E'
0 er that the parties to, the 'note wel*e littendmg, thecalI out tile pro- SAL UP
'It I I - illdS 'iptill. in union
X 0 It toy arc forid 'f, driving fat bargains oil
'NlCli ,,O11SDli`S otlel are COUSCI nition usbel visions ofthe Bill shall be paid in tl:c nI
rount to a moral reed,
I% i Lit the rulem of Canada whert occasion perf etly goA:. We. had previously rC7 thopoi.Lborlioud of Danville.', tithe -6ut i; of the Townsbip Tr astiry - , Fahn Stock Act.,
At rankfort the Federal Diet appointe a sliall;art rwa j be collected from the 61'
6 ffors. Wild knows but 1121e' current sets 6eived a note sittlilarly draivn'. p and ell- -. , I . " e I %,lie I
r ILL take 1) ace
I on the Farrii Occupied'by of a
-ectioii ? to w:ls Yoor Wagh. comiluiltee itrpou tlie Holsteii questi6ii, 110 of land:lr, in, Iviriell ilie t at e w e Y_
ill th"t dir dorsed fly Robertson, viii It " IN I..- %s . Oeii-4.,- zIlie .110rold's a ( jc d a W. .' JOHN Hu
GODE C T., 6_1863. ill.,ton despatch Mys :-- Tfie recent ruids,by re M McLEAN, d
- aclf, C,.- W.., Q ' ported in favor of the 1 ,ed&ul execution cd;ln.tH( mc uran.e, as the townsli1j). ,, ron Roa
p4d so that xV '.did no! lie `tad ,,e, taxes near Dug arr`s Taverri, about
L pwrlll,wu 6il the cavalry camp at i,atigeiv, bell, I d t The' committ,66 reeou -- riel9viii4t.. Tliisistl4outline*oPth miles
to "i . I . . 1. . - proyls- - from
'FALL ASS19M, ast one. Wo g P,il!bll Capturdl aj,lo I_ e 'Godev -of,a!
rucuj,, a n. of ft,
'I" u , ich, on.
to. ta.ko tho 1, v Jalf tile 118rsesoftlle wholL.Co'nyalli, ssion by iheadininis t Bi'rl; and ive f6el as ared it'
-CANADa aid aQ ihik idr rn6i-e - bitlougiug to' tile, ii6cund i 'of the ntlre Duchy, arid the quiry,of ihai will lb6 highly acceptable to th 'a 'lI' Wednesday, Oet,. -28thj'1863'
An,, its XcPliail, a ho...had never! e farmers
i1iiii SaXbo troops; 'The enerall'
6NCIAMED.1 't' P pa r 1i I I e I'l t'. to mii' was asice.p. 0
d rl c a 6,000 11 novei
tied, hown never. son .0 The vvb i autficirifics fi;l 6 declared,an ad wt.will be taken 6 - ill c Godencli October,6
tile rI a
1&N iceri . oct6lic'j. ULAGE TO C0t;NdlLLORS_. Seim:
AFr Si notes of tire 131' d
G 0 ed Oil all
Nfr.,; Rober. oil ,it ,'Hot i -o- aiii"6iial nti;u er Of'. iiipir pAr I
The plilleiTrought Wils foand imilty to-
hburh ' F need a Bill
Frormthe.great hifluencQ it haa excr. ts, I I d-6rderetIthern to.dUty. rr I . 1, t . I., '. , ,
M .Coo bii, introd
tile jliry: f the crinic of .4an'shl'tirliter. J. D t1or: Son, men' -RUSSIA ' I,: I . . ;L , . I
p It 'ceivoll a,profest fi-onil, Thia 1.4 in:diroct viol; TRAY, OHORSE f
olit, affairs orEll;,laud, 'Tdivrl "hip arid Cb.COullCI SAO Pass'.
'7 ition,ot the Cartel, mid; y-Lavis
arid or- a t niperor tp
hat.1 ey cnin td,LSt0GI ibout it lie said 4 sPepch had pro i:$ Illcut of-the'travellitig e peusc
-nid'n IT t the' li i Yv b lance, of c
IoClz ,Scries ]of- year,-:- th6 L, 0 la c on_F idi h- J" 1, 6d6!ir C ' G ODERICH
' aiange-n m nstl t tern -d rd-' 'b' -Sl ot exceediu-'- 'ten cents Toun.,
1,01-1. , 1.1hip deferred, pa ' sell I telloo put his ()IcPhail's) nanic ta a I. icy re u9c t -mised r forms'iind'bxten a privi e t, s.
t sin, Until lie hadi
czr is, perliar, , I , : . I ,: ` , I - I I allv 0 Out' Clommi sioneo I offieers, a.
uillt, note, there oing,no one -else, ho, could, -a. W, with a Ifule.w4ile,strid
t. it" iitiil'lb(;r,uI v be comple ' led by
SatUrday StateS 20 000: me
Pillar 'SOL rilliio - of -',T hO' TI u d, re, iti wiis iI as a ready been paid- file excess to, be ripald Yorchead; a few white buirs rnad H7. rlie ettillitt
ts" justly 'fititlea 2t , , Elev ,(n iron rplated gunboihs, itirreil 'C
to, the b nd also ,r with a .Per. iill'6ascs, Nvh6e a grca0r_ auto
TIC\ JI 1 a: 1, , umg
Po 1 11 r.- k a cc '.1tathert than Ica'vo A De"r%vicIrcity lettor to the Heratti a, it is repollc l are siationiad at t
indruifig A a a thtdc months fIrom' Jfs
fier tb,--- USU41 ma c o f, 6 tbp, ij)oiwafio ithi
From Vic ;rarroting Moll'I or It C vast , : - ) I I . .1 . inqllc; the lell foot is a little hi e, having the!
as _Cd, i' rk lie had borrowed -montly. aff(l. th tt theinain body O'fGcu. 13anJi7s commalod till the Pitssihz 'of this Act.- 4pili'm ;'abouil2 years old: AnyT
At was r lie, his wb dehver
M iropdlis.to at of tha rQuttnol John _DroIto, the T&II-of Scptenlbw; hint-LoAliesult;k iber will hesditably itt,
the pr6dd autoer', encampod,:, oil Tile Pzar received the KLirlg- of,the.,.Greehs - ,b 6 "
RE .411110','OF, 1_iIND SOILD por T
MW t,l, , I' t ": . _ kXF -Indt-
the senterice of'-loanield it to -Steel., 11, 1- , . . . : '. -1 . .:. I I , . .1 . - S.
tiad anything to siiy4lh I lat"l, lice. Pacrsb rr; on the 20th.
-11tissias, evil -doers have Irad rohs ou to'f661
NO P ious oncoull NO L 0 rlaval- fli ill for ilic P. SXEIMR '
Wru'. Robertg6ri,sWorn, said lie believed ter' is expeefed to occur hore leave is giv cu t Mr. Cohgei has in trod uced'a,B uslee
the'flbtcc of its Iash -Iorkfly crimitials lr-t'yo- tho pyrir slio ld rlo 'bc aS§otl,up oii_Idm. lud Vc rmilliou- bayou, *here the 0 Cora" objeci 6f 6
p t xteridiu, th6 iiare for redemption
-till r6achig
Q AND -its,,
lie e jury has-Tfouhil tire, 'rebels, undur-Dick'.177tylor, are represented to f land'siold for ar7elia of Godeii li,iO t6iierq,,186 _ w36M
of C led P
or itF"aii rs lmvv tretilb Sa As 41 thic note sboWnliiiii Nvas in Steel taxes to 20 ye,
91 lity'of 1Xinslatighteri I solem nlY declare writing. le hi great.force and ibrtil ,itl, the Place- instead o kone'vearns at- r sent."
-their at- were-deforite,
its, e d on the 30th, at Rq
ll'crorc AIinihtyG6d-and 'tJhis,Court- 'i, -chaser may enter into Pos-
that Verdict, Guilty.' B"in- a k iiiiothericpoit.s I] t tim. rebels and C 1- ircz, arid at Mamorurn Oil the.12th. One Year tile put
'ed iflic. lied or
the money-market,. iffittiswc rumb-, 7 Tile, . ssians, massac , r o 'a essioll, b6i.:iviib 21 yeel-s ille 0'
"Itill" all their available 'forcesfroul lay re-
-to. ay WIV tie Sentence of d 0 cOlit, - d great tautly in. wrier, ni,
1-nev4 ititerided' to take tli6 -mail's life. anything deem by'Jli crest 'oil 'the
Opeful or despoliq0tit, - "llas,rison pr Western 'Louisiaira,, hastern Toxas .4 luibitai is ofLutomeroz.. lying 8 por q2nt int
h 'hit re aselult and. th
7 'o tyas greatly'412-1,6, atod by the deceased: Court Sholild- not ba,patzscd upoh Southern% Arkansas at Oxan na, for ii do- -the i
ru, 11"Steel Ai ` d The Ruissians; had pu h
docIiiied. IvitlLunerring,. ob plundered 8ever4l, houses
I . .. 'for 'his' peratC ri
'the ilfilered into it rambling apology !si tan6ei.ar;d -tire cv We saw Prov
arid in a, inquient of passion struck iting all tbc ilI1Va I :. I - -
tor. Bu emen , falmade by the purchai;cr..
inercu in -the. tbeitirome _a side.of-Alexandrut, and 'tire Ik--d
country.1hi day
blow, or j coit'dtlet. - , 1. . 'I, I , '.' - . , n makcan
whicli'deprived Im oflifL.. 8 ry Rive'r. Our DENMARK.
pten, I hd gi eat -thunderer, tire- ThAti of the forces will sun advance ih3e a
qyo bo0i that it: I It His Lord. i ell ith-Wdster:n Railway.
0 A C -ell d
or controlled by k pla c bro sent cbd him to - OUT m Vellient. penbag espate saysi as tile
newspap, p;css, too! w Ip lit
conx ic- -of them Cumberland dellptLich to tep towards plat
% i I
s SJI enitentiary, oil tile first' Awn un' aing, the arm), oil war foot.
ilien;—Its, editorsI have lik myself. enitir'64 Upon votir lor&bip year P .0j,
c passions all d d Herald, d6t: 3, SqYs :- -ThC, prosp6et of s ing., the war minister had orderedl ibe ;C., Wings have Secri hildin Elora nua Form.
I I sac -
f. 'If th6bribury makiman-aijauk' Mental lists to be ed- 'th gus io devistamealls for co6st Ctin,a ail
frailties with the. rest. of lilani'd6-d O , ti6n and fi_c.yearsori the secon lard fill up'to the iva stren gi fvom G.Cllrhib those,vflla- s. way dZe-
.Tfi learned j6'(I;,6 saill'thb prisoner bad abor, both periods d rrblu lfc, Villle,badly q,,fCatcd_ 'No * catisc,tur by Oct)ber ist., 'TEe r sohiw "Whedl
be. compute
Lte ),cars lia&bcori accused, %vith.Some I f ti n,iias' iidtlw6re confin'A_ff 'the"deal
-d to -'-ra OftenuY is ir'Aght;'and liiric, arid did not contQlplaj Serve(
It 'of' justice of haviiig, u lc. much -1. thank thajury f6r.0 They. had the'sallio day. Harliso :for defol alarm, rom. rebot , flan movemeat8; of f,
ow . I - orth6rn,. Paelfie short bit"
.W 6fa road c_min,, throu h
view of the case,. aikil,'Lhad, A Xallroad and ill e r
0. -m-tlle rebLIS -e itlwitysgetting tat clock
influence tire in-oncy-marku4 front wo ed.. 9
J'dl les 9woyn,. eg;-ap ile
N t a people offliese tlllivin.' villa,es, r
the vstcd Assault. tirely lilotivc-'*1. ' i. I ' , , 0, : , r . 1.* ' : '' - . I - -
rcurnistnces under which lie rash and gAid It VI: i ry I) "'IV -xLp i:.O, t.T jktI6
re . riot 0 was tile I husbt . Ind of lalloch, letter Frinin lCiiim-lig'O InITIVNE. tiie, - inatte'r I better J
Canadian8'sllould tire the followin, tbut it
Rlready aware ofth' tfizit' i ts lives in'the tONT ndtr it, seg,pi.s.totms"t at, they' accomplisil their
unhappy occurr6nco had taken, place. nship'of On Our. readers,tvia relnerni)er h` C fiict as am,rrowin,, numerous.on ' ' r, d I Curgapergew ays suicestatlam. that, j, purp,oset eiier'by as
tb` i ' ;odiatin lbesolves'i
Bry Director oilthe,GII 'the -thro hl'ine. Toronto. is
dixit.does nol; cafty such,itianedite con- ato etit1h
rilight have been diffei6nt' and it inight wife irIdeavored to: rescue cow I b. tile t I ree battery' about. 1.6 intiled bove was it
omhic runk Railwayl; andseveral other gentlemen dr061Y interested in e.constinclion of. A
Nietton.to 'the E l lisli inind las of -yo n C I they fired 15 sho fl6wii
Ita been, I& sorrowflil d tiv' .to. be,pass" pr' ' n a is: It 1114 -maltreat ain Canadian 'Commercial enter' iso er n F6r want of'that
tlla it is not bolieyed.w h4I;C tho entree to ro r, were tile steamer Julia 5"of w140111went through P
ill the aw.iuf sclitetic c Of udath pr S. treat, were at t.. was b
at. that, While oil the oad prisoner - Ijeld ithe ier, bu I site Caen' Some'I or for, aise ard: Cmiudian poll ' ' S v goes down theSt. Cliiir
b -tha - -I- r - , ; I r .. I . I . I 8 ped. I a Ili, etroit iand_,.tthe pro.
itiolliclit., rom t le evid _ 8 all ress of a - raa of
Ca inei Councils: any itioro, ii, its Site 'Ws havei been fir' perfecting arrangement build 4 tel D"
elice of liis.'pst while.hi 'brotlicr.bc:tt,.,Nlr . alloch in a y, wlios& trade naturally 'belbfigs to-
Cossful iulfluclitial. contelliporarics Tire pa ticularg'.`Ct: the,c4tuie of'the British I ([tie irom that city to Fort'Gar yl'aud us
IV hile'we tl;at - th6 sretarded ' -Times;are improvin -in Bruce
-ood condu ct' and from enilairics,he (the mdst ruta'finally endeavoring, si6aniter Sir, ji-Vm. P tt.;sliow th thence p the. vailley, ofthe Saskai6liwun _Z
of, its '' '' I . I at she I&a very little doubt -
a d, or4w, "r I I . , . I , . across he Rocky' Mountains 16 & Pacific and elstiwb'e e.aiad we- have
learned jad, ;c) had rhade-.with- refere cc. to'arown bc 'in a poll t6 I 'Pris liti 6A'Iiei' tiveri)ool ear,,oi of arms, &c.
/ I . 1. ., , - ome ferred to-brive r6- that a s6 eme-to conitruct.a elletip, line.d "tile prisoner had. been: c repeatedly &- d his b I totb& 'to f lid Mexican Vater and 'iook on'b6ard Some .1 . 14 Kinc ardlire or owar
U y' deirt- d, 'and from them we' learn that the early ell would be Sprint
still vc great, itis,cq till ill that it 1,000 bale of cottoii,, i he - the French all tat f, , , , liont and its politi altiliflucincc are fjhe gentleme'ar re p
Completion 6fthe-lind. is-placed-. be oud aii, Cess a], if, got up under,good: manage
pcnttdntidry.--- I the':woffidn And Fv her m6ie 110 Struck thiirities odde ed'_ her to leave, the - Mexic onq so ar1rogresse'dthitt itis expected that it
the public to uridersthi , I I tbat iqirich a 'Crime Ameri`cIar ide.of 'rande., CAP in
im , _g,. - J h, . priso a probilb e coutingeboy. - Indeed, matters hav; 06'
rbc. ,ished the'* ner nd' 6r with a Stick in.th fac6i blindinX her waters, whieh she, , lhd, c6rding over to tile N.FA R
poft; ill" 7ard:
case, we humbly believei wit rcf 6ra: Mary INIhIlouh.— I I vill-beallr;nisfiedduring the next I suinmer.
Is' . James. nole
h Ifee , to. unboaf Se?li' ISTRII XcclDrN HAVE JUST OPENED, AX ASSQRTgENT
d.: Very Our.ro ide6)_zre already informed 'tbatAble
sho had -been.f6ruld. g'ailty of-couj' ' no wiliii. Witn6ss -at. the . itb Of 2 4 1,1,01.nptly ,cut iwo- lficers' 'ntW a number,of' in, lasf inosi.dislressin "iind fatal acei- in its
-its. iritOr.fier-66e, in' our G inadian. affairs.. I d Russlwl'6 ;e finient Are building a line w roiis even " "' I I m6nandseize her, transforria,, her'bilicers derifilecufted'at Windsor,.C.'W., by whi'll
iih atid Crow-t&ihe' of h -.,an employee , ir6 bc
tt oil offlic"tory, which corrobo
pass witlia light purfishincrit, else -0ronid
are -,foldin bourr,7r I Asia, d6n, the vallel of the 'Aaloor; And, J Rj- TibG'is Ph
P inan',who a "I'M ners N D ON- MANTLES'
1w his neig- b r rated that of her hus4and in every partica, , iiiaole as 'priso ' - t Once it is to run to )f the Great. Ilaft d'i 6 a : to the el was spnt to New'Orleans. brini's Strafts,'where, 'lost Milife.- The circula.
Or may crone life war. Tliel''vegs Western &iiilwayt
might,raise his hand. 6griinst ibis , a, line -or lin6sacr6ssthe' A hirri6titrilite: oc6urrende ALETOTS& AQ=`%
-is engaged i
can coniinent, *thus connectui,*. the j 6w'und, are uii,f011o s:'Mr"Tibbcts w. WE
Anation. - which. he received 4d-worl t Trimning an,enprie I I . at ey itIN ALLTHE NEW SHAPES1 :'L- re err,
speedy destrui tion ich - BmthIir Jon'. Captair)'11clod, orthe Bt ship Pylada it IV"' mect.the
wheir:Oalied to an .wcr % fbr ilis :66n d6iiended all exo
than, is abourt on'tes 'hud in its duci Guilty ofAggravtcd.'A§sault d.in bouds-'vVirich'i' ia to he hoped
plead that hc was ver ! ' ' eTect that she bad h Lrd,aridwheii near
-7, y,angry at t e time. ain Rotunda, in wi nevera ain b the eat own arrog-ant'; 'insulting style, it 1passlig'sentence -His, 16rdship said latid, daoritrabdndof" ariit-;i a aters e severed.
. I in 1 ican w :tlolliite. tepped down upon the- track
-Wercthiscoui : , . .1 of,this new I. I - I
rse-allow6d,,societ woul is orie of those and'hadbontralland dn'board intihink.' While in
-c' ars THEY lLkyE
that' d he w, -line, will be, a to.pic; up'..a col nect
vi ierea4y tp qnII&X oil es: to, source 8fmuch benefit to our,own country as the- toriis
elv: old4h8hioncd. p YqlI,w'f,nr prevail§ at act:lifriig, ining M,position on the engine,, he
-be most urisafe.Ir' ThT prisoner -*as im. rop6rL saco a.
I I - the"VllacU states. downT . who believed that the w o -Canada. - The Caliurnia company ivas Caught between tile locomotive en i " 'MAGNIFIC STOCK
xh-brtea to thank his dod'ithat tea , eit ' I as ill apergine fs6p
. : OF
5 pt e n am r Massachusetts, arrived today from bet oger have a'albuoy an the:" shute" an t ; ;, . 1 1. 1 4 . I
'Cut 4. United Sf will no news ENT res! sfor a:nran fod' uilty of aiding te e
Eucli fal c, premises it to roc eds to tell d thrust into are,
aweel I, the Western and.the, E
ok en _bet, akliCril-I o not Mote than'fom ch0s in vidth., IV 16' 1 -lose by tbc' tranafor, oral t 1 8 t a a pi hi
wl w Charletiton. Bar Iasi Wednesday nigilt -.in'
S hor 0 -dau-C
US wllz iRg.or.. ac t1s&princi til in I uch or ivbrIks'ou'. Mo oft a C) tiheut find
besides the.. bTortheiri , in this plis"ition the engine rfioved-aloijg-foiv a
na or
rible abuse ofa'wonian &I
'ance,w what we. miij.'e (p ct front fellow crea are 'unprepared to. the :gr4ve, res- route is soffiethi6g, like a thousand I " 11 I nit eo-t a Considerable distance, crusbin and niatig,ling .,oni 'which: Make to Order, ie ady final i
out-, was 'fhe'-Cait , ,all ing' The rebel batteries and] our
Means W! asualties %veto, make better tertus re 0 the llafbrtuniate-cngine6i in air Awful metier. siyle dealrW
'And -it has the 'for thp'tiotnsmis iorri'of dia- As lillohs possible; the -en
lie.was f It Ili Dricalen colitinuiltly, I' t few C
new owners. ass ran ermitted to repent o w it C shorter'Cosuing less and the fb re able:4
C6'to he' bad don which. be believed -he-'vVould qlne was topped,
Announce hi the name of England that e,. punishing such ffe6lei a their p tchcs. Another fact connectell'with this iind the fi r'c man by the Goderieb 6th Oct 1863.
occasionall sh'ells Sumierand aid of. aasisiance,
daill his dying &q. And. Aat led It indicates amew. and, most : im 6rrant:
may go to th.- Ulllt td States 'i to Xpri6fW, him eUtic4la
outr feelings ad.beeri ab6lished;:h6 e injured man to his
91mio'n. Oiieruonitor MOUltrie em4nt'in the development of the, Ameiri. pr6mPt!y removed th
as AcI a disput mov real
VIVO wigh, that o:arlo : wiiinot _b 80171- to tnit.that terrible e would sentenci, '.the prisoner, to -,a -finc."6f Tlict: d, faboui illree,hourli. He 1
'air con iti. he intentiott ot 6 1 ence, where he, live(
ou ly fellt by the Great British Empire. 020 and six -months in t e commona, ungton,- Oct, Bell, comparI7. to pi-ohipte- and'establish a co rd , on rno'nrn hiajIloss Six
cona nan'iling thQI I was about thirty ears
ab' it a picce..ofg ,dund-not much larger h ol at IV. I. e lteaves'.a wif and thr ce y un Children, "io,
to%,as H(
Golf sqiiadr.on pro ofsetiliments nVshort distaneds entir ely ToN -
ow,,6vo Canadian knows and, feels
ry in across 0 1 age an a na ve-lif England. 'Nearl
yen agolbe' na'rrowJ
in nt, u, than would bide bod i after dea'th. 'hard-laboi i0iich lielioped, IV I ould to i:ifbrffi&d' the Ni%
as I I 11 I f the
.11'a 0 States steamers rpardolHilion on a
Pti011- oftld tuivi: surveyed,
-oil witli'scvcre, him 6-b o that, 'Great Veste
Suc'han. act' - '114 1 e co t* e t 0 readers will'remember
his'soul that thia is'a Ld in mark has a pear e Eardly,libel'upon, , c avc. bett r: in p ed on board escaped eing ki
ndiih 1,6rdshipi irugW the, -in- at Now. )y 13tevens for la rn
a p9ople -who, are. just as' loy, 'a any, that Pill'! , I ,sea Pacific Railwny -de ,
tic 6r two Ci vil C, idle e 1
0 t lug madz* V seveaf4en'ths have re-, trot i l"une.
)fild touch cithers,to so Le rrou Boil
d as arran,;ewctitS boon well do- nd cli;ile is"the Only one that Can sustain
d of andthe court c o c orthe i rout f I the'eupircities,of its
Iii Cneath the Britishfla , What bave - in Irl-fx
t, this he'etoring t4undercf,
pLrmciotis an,
lock bysp66abtrain. I[o ays thd.,disord6r has not ext -eiies hit It by
'boun s. The sefitonce of filo'court was, toidsliip at 8 congestive the Pacific. -Recent dis ent'from New Yet we done An, their passions within , proper f; _,& II IV f ind othersIare nd prosphous population tr I I hadheed' made for thd 'Of Hi .... yel ol ever; om the Atlantic to A'F or Co"umElicis.- t
d 'by ii
f that suga dfterr, -al; Is q
ho I Uld, belie our every a , c ion' as..it., does. 0 c co% ve proved
p arprisorred., lit tile eud' beyondl u,question ontreal.. Yesterday, for.the
We are., endeavorin'- to iristil into the tll t the , risoner! be i that large old. diposili this i6titeed Af
Several cases were I"ftover, s,roinualits ed expr6sses tire hoi)ethat4 exist upo the.headvaters Oith6 Saskatcha'-, time, a cal';O Of that 6
provilic I t d ipra suglinfronellontreal for
-oac ing cold ivcdjher %vill soon Check ' -and ta 'rail way'llialready-,proj6ated West via the -Champlaia
'in P60
niffids Of..ur perii puorj, for, the. space 6f 'far :occasio New York,
orsorn6 fu c n.' Thus ende wan, hene
thre S, it. I lie vesseis will I' -at ust a T6 Canada owneFoftbis sugar for-,
, q year at: hard;Iabor. C 1 suffelriid' . e -those . from Fort,Garry. P .
we do firril'theal, apt cliolarsLLour legisla. One of tile at over held Vltllr lbu-6st dfr I " erhips in.onc and prub.
t, lo city. ably I, ht in New Yoric,
e VCCur VS' UrAujjah y rq.
)ecial d6spatch to' ditect -title of railway Ovei,this northern route, ce've
Th Q i1tvio'decadeiat most welball-luivea merly lhoa , arid tors are-arixiously, erideavoring to Make all
ili,tllese 'Ount*
. t d by this.line some lifty. cargoes a yeari
'the defensive ions that can b6'ex.' son' Vrr. gaye, the sillno
Cliattarto6,,: acro s t1he Colli,neal. Tne'readers of r These 'Sutnow,iustead offu y3n&in the,New,'York
'd nee as in -the trial oilp,ris,tir columns know that houps,, to ille. tT
TOO A rom I. titly-inbabited. colony C or a'. lus- lie Says 200 rn.J)u_Ianc6s sent:withini the encray"Sr L, ake importin direct,
- . - - . I froid Cuba to instead of the New
ditir pco band. N other witnesses Wero ex'.1mired. first !ivarter in, this 'sehool lines urider.ii flat, df'truco', brouAt ill Superior,
Hud whoever- tries to f4sten upon .0 luts been les What has b en appropriatclT
Vhile ill the encirry's I_ Nor rt,
over called " the undeveloped portion of tire' Yorklious6s-impiir 'ing for him"L;'Tfic a- oribc
Verdict, 2NOt--Guqty.-' MoDenUott for under the chat -6 of its lit. Eca 5.00 of our i "ounded I a h
prese c cc, ity va, I -in resp6il t to. I
ple a di IvYalty is, Utterly Jignor- lidnds they I Iadnothin, meric in 0 It t !, e fact tie importation of'.
to to t t ex., ve
e ense cI a clL I f6rull
-which 0 ',.express. Lily got her teas viaew. a l
n litinicrits by niiiieral an
a' t of the -so' d f Joh L;i . - I Ic a York; now. -New Yoik-ets Iluit nd nany
ullt. 11111alloll too, A, commercial resource fl --tillc M
-are'. Actuated. a Aoes-_ PRESFNT3l1NM cycould' rtat provide, init it to contain an 3111.
Wh t the' London to'r permit 'ibe is -tant altieltIa" of -importatiorivia =sun
Other 0 :,Thursday, the 1st :beftu fo idl They' vithalithai call promotIe'
hnddd in the fbIlow. ,n - no Mo'lltl 1E n g1l
T, imt. , There were
wa tr Us io. do ?_7 Lcave. our coil- The Graird Jury -,nl(,d ordeccased'offieelis,td be ...'and sustain. the hiahest eal: The'OhallL-C is
bodies of well stian , undoubtedly owing
tot h t pc_'Of our:CIll to tile iie da
T.emovL any genera ions an,
Or in,
a t kcUp arms in d body.? . Ltulefi drors. 6four Sov- fact that farriI ill this Part, Or 11 tr Pa's aijtral order to escape th i Chill crZis. The J 's,ty a
p tion 'and 'a
r -The encrity holds 52 of our i -vast and powerlai a %,cry murked-e&ci
civilization.' Not M t ofters"feel' of'nek p. coun befoiT it become h.
creig i are e -to -understand that a standin . rr-La,0 the Q ,ie6, upOfi their oaths are busyat present % I in itself' grmy 411 their fall empire I Va
plowlill 8 of war. Pol
Ouir atfibuEances returne d to . 'cl wo -on the, danadli tv4de-the present trade
sufficient ld repe -a y invading fbrec who._wereqresLIlr b6t i hw; i
ho W. present thht,tboy, have' visit d, the Gaoil &-c; The civi lip
rs and I . nothers, seemad to ak L c Who fell into our atbeing There is hard
n -vv 1, It appears, tire affailra. thereof believe 0 1 ays did ')ill' itlhia. trade nov, passing the Northern
U,`. Y.01`, HUR. ,
as o %N;ed 6om Japan 17 he) a1w 'N'T
and. are ivell 'satisfied Ni; witli the woundeilrebels 'the y 6f'tlile old'Hudsotl* flay .coreptilly AWU
ever formidable, wnist 15C raised, equipli-d -ith 'the mantidr fiithe
ndmaiaia'inedL', .'.J#i l-p).t- hici interest in ill a hands. all tile --.e a it formerly amountcd to iwenty. anTURA'L SodziTvs,
p6issibly couhl to disco .ag ' ttie , - , ,
uo for Brit- Co Both rhaies :are y j 11701 y : -A6RI Aptl(
is prbtei e Clil
topiel"ots are w'ithill a stone's throw of each 2; knowledge of the Little1ris -bric irito Cana- -thilixearut Q. have
at A naie anditile Litti
:pretty'. , other-, - - 11 _- . I I a 01livI there on, c asses cquiftu. resource goverri6d was Wl,- . "R , H
isjitst apd-r6asohirb c ow, Thc prison6rs I' Im
h' -tion,? nam - , lquet d the whole were veiy'well Pleased 1 11 -
oflhtare, bar
butiumbe —n4 PLOUG. M&
Cm. wb do: at a So expresed, their, satis ofthe counZ, , illey C
R is' tailled,ti carefuI13 ig aturday. The -d
this ?--hoii lre Orm impossibili es factiont With the treat' forA country- chool.in its e Concealed from Ahe rfl ti ?,Firm in ent-th . ey rec . eive 7, Reenti) th6,fan66pS of I.6,61d 'oqaniza-1 to a:
assis art -ixG.-Daring-one of tl rent the
fr int file gaoiler and his-, It t it A above:S6riely willf k A
a lopedTfufly- 0 All& tro6ps., l :, I ba%; P;osed,into the h dsi'-6f -iae'r mfik. to L ng. Is -now
alty, it he stat6f tion an be
oil a ivisioni; tb pon'sibilitics, Tho 4Ct_ tha late Leavy. thundcr siornis" w; and Brnt' into dis. d9pte; t=dirigwhdt-areourres' -JUrors:,re-g t thby Cannot d inimp, eneri tjc c?lrrpariy,whp ltrlve a )no of i.be-mosCla'shionpble. amusemeritsf6j, B Id lio.d, "dae, '&eri
I anda halftuilbs from GI eri6fiViown fi.
U order is incorreLt.. 1 arn from b6n.1i'll ed a polici ill necordaccewith the more d 'in'cess of freqrientl .
wefall up o ng Iaitc -t )f the cou n try, a lar, e R
on be'li6f that d , ugh this piii just, la ites. rat your the tat -e f
pon of these- coil, mal ds falviewsoftfleage. j e
'to be seen; rod'in..Iiiqud, oil thebnhs of the
T6 iits is'lilot, in. ibis instance;,at; IL'9t of the On 16 r, on t a -v by all the I Dee 1 6 r, ft s-t'r I i , butaric' ady. Caroline Gord
oc ' ttlee tWd feet ill' Alan, I " , _ , I I I . I - m,)te the settlement',bft fe counti 4n66y , lt, October, instait;,,
a Ieudar s to ubmifted to the aYouupLd arc.cor fbrtably A means il their poweri arid the Jine of tole- enrq Nveut fishing, 'oil the Speoyn,'
farm of M . ames Alien, itf tile tow '
the mouthpibec'of the rItish Govoirnment, Court, ai'this ind,pritythat it may! tiated. Wheii,thefollowinglirizits willbeaw rded '
.9 aph now projected-istie oftheir afidtirreirmilt site
hip struck h cesg , takinQwo uald ,ize;
at thulightened manage S
arid that 'Ell E be 16n,7 6re the Alisito C.Abu ar of these -0 lctyls prize,
. ,j and Is hot so very careless State Gove -uinciit of v; Men
__y'shivei:cdIiato, th6 ulds.of piece could not, Quit ies a ia again 'present so -f6fffiid-'
P . conneed.oirit gives p easure to -day- or t,6 rlfr6r
der 11car is tLinporat:11Y establ Il- 4ih$ d6-
--t -O 06M I
kLbout- our'stec.581bin: Ill-thl 3rd do-
x(i so 4dd that arrAngements, ave get salmon f- rc6rct e _ Calenda tw6acre's of1inth , , . I 1 11 '_
n- o '1104tig re the we., ing Some eiAt n p di-*
Can array of ciiiii As tbl: ed t fd. b )ajerfePied C oun
'S 'cars
tu,puAf)iward,tbe Pacific Rail,o 'to us on the a b It u riesom to meet tb und, teint years'
part IV% to, ' er possessions in Pierpont -Crovernol*5 L,P,1(; COwpertLie f. . E
ell -occasion, e,warrts Ofthi new develop.
&JetVa pri:iI
It will probably rea, 'British - McL inj wriave2nd
ci ica, Jill I . . ' ' . - , ch. th'e; Spi. obert,
British N A.. Hopus, ecrutary.of State Indo ofth Ain the manner' his d G ment.
G-1' Smith,,1rei -ica I line in th
H01 met iss
A' -inity ofPembinsard do a
tsurer; vi,. 0 4_
Till W, 'Webb A u We Wbrld's,lk torerarfa
Roil] d'.o`fttbyz)6rfrjen1 1,, . ; I - 1 11 'or .. 1. 1 lence b
.,to lie tor if pushed fdrwa;d' if
h journal" edited, by one oft F'E Adjutant 'arid A' S in valley of. the, prollonuce Vian-affectual anspeedy restorer F orem le Veteran ran usiciac wan rukh -bt 1 do' do
V Cui ttorncy GeueruL. no sooner t an our rnost tso.
ti is 0%
live ctonfidenc6i cnoa ,h'irr fi, of B d
statesmen of Efi Grand Sury.11oll'in,064 3 1863. r 1 1. ow r & Wells, IN Y One - ,6 readers ivould dar to orcdf Lt.' of tbe,, -ist, n,entrance, Jee of $1 'tiro'm aoif--,
tbat1fth, thie.most readable paporl; that 6sire 'ell it 0 ke
Comes to is tt &rs ood, thlitibe President ' of-the.,doun., ojitrY to the heir or head. nicathers of the Society
cen , I , I I , . -.,lit ir, . _,aria 60ctsfrom,mcmbers
United S tatca should burl Upon US.ten'tricit rigus Steel; 1foi-dry.- I Arrival of the" the, best ever r competing,;'2nd, depth of i h! lour,
ouitable. X g Man can read its party,, Mi. Edinund.RiLe,', has inade arransyii '46ired before p.pug
sold A4
yoUn to
e a il b brupists ingri6t.less'llian 6::ircheit All conircUtors
COIL improve firrniall-fun'jil- n the.ground at o!cI A.'.x. 4. The
or uld . possibly raise- I ng n mind CA?E Rt Tlie stoarnship SZixo. saLthey.'shall 66 wanted C rr ich st,"Re
tv c, c6i sworn rid testified pages without Ifei d ietits wi Ji English capitalists t er be ll-193-Grc6
to cc 11.=.: P10-
ted- --back, forAhe work as fitat bwould-' Irot V ip"erely pat on the po . sidveli. la _ t Sit had not on YC orgeLa a orl p oughin niturencil,at nd.pprhapa in.body. me front Snihirampton Eir- o, t.forwardl,whh ail' reasonable dis. c sely. No assistance to , ,giveir r th
a i
ON t le, 22nd tla rik._iKe set. 6. Each ifflotin-ent about one, Ili lion.- an told' tOL -but had rived Oir this'poffit at noon to -day. ad
by, theto pitch into I name toam ote and an order mor L leere 'the d-
CtyM' Balti p and Jur had' v'd Whielro City -ilithed on-orbefore
d ic eonfessed'it ftd endev6red:' W ace The arri 0 L eep, interest ird 7. Allto. be flu
"(1M. very an, oil 'and the,Northw oUnt
unprejud est j have in nI ur.61.1ock, p.
TB_E:AMER1qAX,.W ell vemnts'
-for. his. Conduct by. telling .lcPha il be was AR,1 these in , mail Ili can" be re
mbs says that tlie fiatebf apprecia,e., The Outlet for all the after the malch, C. 1110 k adily, seen arid I
' or country news, that The Lbiid6n 'Ti an aA ! nir *;It be provided for the d vast fbr -or we may pl -will -be hard up..: Charleston i's virtual I
an be itaLfall trlecou av"
aced in Lbuisvi "Ogi. 2.-A Cfiattano6,,a,deS-. decided,
f e It UoTEL, Coderich
stion o time.
iha ,he had heard' lit , 'L aytr that ctea, ral w#
itch of:the 28th.ult., rc eived this allornin a " , : , I . LWL . I I c I IV spoken, afid of G. X. uEMAN
ef(oris that,deii. W hitall: f maiat, Sato 0
owing almost; cfitfrely - $blue Action (ilt, ;,- or receivedasevere 911111cid I Tiinos
1. B. 'Brown testified
to ill' to, tip Pacific
a conv a'it n . ature, o things, b& nd. the y
rsation. bdtw6ea: Steel and McPhail
tbc part'aftlit6lipic iiiint
'.I . . . I - .11 .1 n
Russell! on' Monday a riotificali6ri thathe, soutKend of Lake Michi4ah. 'Thg . eduntry'
rialGoverntrient,tutilthat eshwoutfidinthe-engagenteilt oftbe 20th, Earl
90c ch, Octo'ber3rdi 188
it would be unjust, nay wherf the Litter'- asked prisbneiif be bid but siill c6ndmands his brimdc. ',Jjis- I has been irjs ructeti bX.t6e Richmond 6overa., north:bk. L Rup ii6r, f6r
m lurritan, to leave t 1, horme L him many'L :,-Ste
to L undreas
'heavy; beirq sb6ut mout to 6oni E-1gland
us our own resouteds in so far ai raiS-L ever all d , 1, 950, 1 ?IlLdl w6iQedosi'sn . 11 of miles, A.tod Mountainous; Cold and ifilids. Sheiiff 'S' Sale 6f 1=4&.
I M - -ta latter Ver! qmall. , All 'his' ta Mr. 31asd6' roce6ds.tci',P,a' ls.**."
to sign his name' to issi g
i I I? r table 6 11'0nrection beiw'e
ing men is c6nee;ried. We'do believe *as! that he except one were killed or wourided..- His' 'a t at ft:,Federal' sie316 ralid r 'Of' Canada Arid- ibe AND,
or'orders 111e.answer entbe
Uh' ed, C
brigadleciln.9btedofilic 95th'and 115th Ill" rve -at Brest front Madeira gr' ii d tthat Gldwiii yicverhad: -Tbc C(y tie hadarrivoll Railway
Order prodii6ed was in h He ditioni -Exporras and,Fupa'
eat nopt' ein road to t p Pacific., - RiCht: To ,it - - ri act -of-Heir,
'Steel' hand nois, 2ad N having -been seni with 'iCa-ii"ill'Wh ., L_ P1
Stith Ohio; a i a 7 , 'as issuoil,
cor- heire i C ere' t
about 2,800 men, vettein purs base great Conti- ry!wcqtmly Goail.of th 'United Ottnuities
in, ult o . the Florida. -ida ines ill find the L PROPERTY' The Flot I . ur,
John MePlia to jr. Soul : " ..:. ,
d if Saidb&' 1 1 - I on and Bruce 'and to me directed a
leaves Brest on the Completely repairlid 'trade, and frd e -is t Larrds'arull'ten ineatii: or Duncan lt6-
was Anguta 116- en&gy:an'l pAct -from the tilexi
The artiCICS:ofthe Tinta are a, o Imsend
It ce ra it. 6 wan'.
UNpEia 6,vpi faille 66r.tained in a ceir- James Bibil,'AlciandilrSaird and'John <Baird
Pliall's son. ever kneiv his father,to night;'and, aided by the second brimild and, proc6ds immediately 6'meei the a6cond transfer, and echangee 'r at oth seaboa agg e, of
at1theLjait:6f' tinefit. thei c ectu' It' mor Smht C principle that- everything Clarke. of beforeshp ca 'Jbti joiued'hy the Onti atLBrest perit u be -time of sale tudde by Joseph' Walkeiand, h --.write his etters. Prisorim with. gt eui slawrliter. Lietri.-Col. . df will be produced at taken in' Eiectition all tb
P tion of the-Carrailian 'press.' On Meri0en"saivisiont,beat bck"th PL norvette which is lit Lisbon; and attack 'her the io' O'f ii t pros.
e Steel:ta eZvisiorst
brothet er jhe \ 19ih'Ind.,L Y' an the,'destin'y' our re
0 the 115th, w to tile
in 'er was his _ at& ' . I . . c el be, Offered' f(ir sale, at' fhe ofthl said deillodants
sin -law, but his It' It"i "' i w r, the Thunderer's unsele hi reto spiec6lat c,6 n_ei of Loi Thir ;,
Wa agronts are quietly had nothing to do e L 'F oneconcellson 'Kennad, t t .
it him becauae h were killed. Lef6ra,'Of St drnaar's' di. ' .1 ilitace siysthetih6Federalc6rvd tto dy Coate Rine, in tfie1townih!p of MHncardlineitn tb&
alidit is takeii f6r -ran vision, Gran er`s'c( villibe t t6d that (StceI)',was*_alwiys trying to, gougq and lic reated,at BL_
4_,.Col., in Toronto on
ruce, by aameasurem6mi
rps, ' ho rn de the art rest like the irlinty of B
the views expres'ed by.'it Aic tholie dth on the ener4ls ri ghtL wing. on the 20th, w Fidrid. Built, belligerents.'will eiajo the Ca 9 11' ThistLes., two acres and a-balfof ]arid, moreofliss, t6gefli
ier1w,ith heste
of am M
cheat im. (Laughter, killed.I; Col. Samborn wounded. sam'eadvarI
Briisb'Go ' ' - . I . I I . - 11 aria Xadhiniiy'
Wernment. A bilt-bis beittai At f -there
WhAt ailled&id ,lexo keii-ed 'Cl ino, Octolier Rob' C' 'which lands and tphezitentalshall-offerforside aj
y s i ill ertt on ed6rate loan was voted, af:29 noon b6 'foIIowin,,, Lots of fi4d
note ha . rided -30, disitiourif, a' the Obj my o rein.the Court
opporturni for a slap A the, IX -a Of*hicj is,to prevent the' wth House in the So,
It otl ty enc e,
39. acrelli L more or Or TLne at.the beat .7 T
so 29, in the Ist co on.,
r*te it. is because the Cartior-INle- the'laroney-to him'when du6. paiaserrge s were forced the rapidity with which si6n; sent 'ofthe Dq am Roadi and formi
fired by. incendiaries on- Tuesday' mornin rene xentes 67 a Consuls 931, a' ill thercfore, commend itself" to every it, being,part ,f LP ,N novb do' ot'stand well at tome as' is taken Mark made by, Mcl hail, 'Who paid nerti Milikefi?s Bdnd:' T for a C h T
Y- inistry own handwritin and sp of`the Carl
a "rn -of Braut,,in j7h
Wielpbell, from'St. L land in'tbe-T6wusbi':'t
If 1im was, in bi The p,
n 86c. Mian'Thistle. Ail title of Bruce. First,:
was moricyl 7
for he flames spread '93r, 'ceni farmer, fo
The: effirts On the Sth. Qf: October'. Napoleon will. this descripi )n of thistle spreads -XACDQW
re -
jump o- erboard before the 60alt be go' erye t Za its returb to-O.tollided alidw,
t he Mexican deputation is truly Astonishing.' new Own- OF-Walker-
wer! And ba fle Town L i of the , ' lUg
Nitald"INfUristry is noHn' ln ilading *61ear-, - M*11 : , there.' tDc
po ofhe witness to. tend e I r. 0 shore. Seventy-tw6 lives are known to be The want,- ion. Oil thi's erim
we'dannot, therefor 'expect w , zqme dult cieAca much therefore of alaw-io preven' IF erected i F bur amusement. rest. theii, growth
rom lornatique says that Eb,,;- 7 the, liaing- 3.xims orsto
xfndcr,the clotud. Uri The-memorill dep i , in goo repair,
a fici
ry d 1 t -nifinity. Itisreallylive OM Also, a Saw Mill. in good- vrorking, ord6r, a
til v. v Cos from Little Rock to the 25tb nit land ba'serriered into' has b;en, long, felt b lips 14th A Mill
such happ. , fter, very short absenee:,the
'verdi nt Mexkia. G6vernmi6i at a parmstah-in- fairrief. wh uges,'hisa Thab- ;vc's lc ispost ,i auntit'Tueid 'tli
-bought r,,great
its s66n li§ Xlu ,imillxan ' ' ' : 5'0 Acres 6thol Ocitobei ripif.'
griev dwelling hodsb and b1dCks6iith*s Ad ., ;
state of 'ziffairs is bioug se - : 11 a
stdtes'tbat: over .2,0001. -Arkansas Ifnionis Lnowfedg:e the'.1ire" "'g'gem" to
We Ct arrn it diliferen(poi a
:beat Second bein-Lot29 in-tito
announces to/ t e,d endeavors O:gpt 'rid of thiitl if, .'be,
addy _ ' JORN MACDO.MiLli;
aye, The railroad between uval's Bluff 'and es, 6h6ul -b' D'
b however become So well accustomed had joined our tits. 2nd
The Qtieerr s _qua Sled, fo
Little ,Rockisirf.clu -potation his filial accepfiim ; En,,]And concessioni'south of t a urllain Road.
;pcci4,16 adingjo The, prisoner was indici ied'.on a cha arge ofiCol.:.Aleade' 6roilil, F per aps,byh
and -thwarted i his efforts 'b
e lj bird :'.25'ai
r a T
I rance wiftthp accredit the,offillialrepresen- ',)n6i"bb6 Of"Lot- 30
'ge of r,,an stil real being part, Ithalt it' fUs'upon f -Gen. Udade. tatives has , J30 thp-1st. coricosslon BY
'Dur tre,
flat and having., foigdd arid, 'Uttered note- drawn The, iteamer,Libedy,'. with 200 bales mdress-.' Thp:iTJI s6uth of ' ury Sberilr.,
ma es it thp'dulYl 'Of eieu Road Sberiff ,s 0 oderic
ry he Saumb6n River. 863. _p it is quite- possible', 6 the i6tilcm,fas arilved f' n gland has promised-. Ito, favor Ke er the of .'t n Q.
le.." Ye 'y' 11, h
un mifitab 0 18th.of Anuary, 1 86 la'nd und 1.and,w6st 6f1t Ow,
e trUCU eat 4deture& .,b the -Times J V. Detlor & Son;aM6 1j $20,.pur - L - I P e bialles 'on
2, in, favor of -1 means :for be ripalizatioa ofaloan neclissary larsilo destroy all t Fourth 25 acres, bein-"the north It If of
-1.4e Incere, lari6of the. steamer Cant b 11
growing of the The above. We is
am intended. O -P ace exico;lln fl p ition'to-fulfil luiirob.' land; a SL e
. _ from. It DarhamU . I I
A Port- believiA to'be Wivilite man, - painted act 1,6014 iti the, oncession,. South
-is necessary t mitW
-to aidin'.:biiingin -b b ligationsabroid- to S6'er prevent them I h , - 1. 1 1 .
auge'b 9 a Out a 'ing to' 6 signed: by n -Wad Tiiesd y lbe . 20fh 0
N A' L,
it0 E
d Ifir e Yw re.,
be -
of e.
';6rtaia-lhat jCp t t ga0i a so inak r,,
. . . . . . . . . . . . Obeirt -who a t the bodt, above-Milikeh's Bend,. LiiF!rdice SR`y8_L d it impera. Title inifispit
:The Me his Bulletin -of AII4. IStL,Saya hatLif the three:'P tit 6 ited
owers t le,Overseers of H, h
Yana &e
an 0, Ile ma..ca.commonj communicationA6.11ussirij it.. that all ih. tli,L 9p YtO'
eb _ it . I!ay to'see the, Batia I _hail dIr " ' - - U
'A b enteirei Br" , aWile-
1 'access,to wit
D tl Lbe of" diff'e t eharacteiri&the 6rdina oy6d-bii fe.they -, I BOYD STAYNER; re go , 11 tdZee&L*,:,, A,
'Show lip a reli; note, an ry tr Cap N.'im
_ she aftei bu 'Coil ri' P celve non reside it !and owfie- IOIt[Cp_i3reqaied rs,, Z2-Wellin torrL Bit Tr ciirpd pereenf; also
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