HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1863-09-22, Page 3r 7 THE SE M -1 -V E E.'K L Y' SIGNSL.. E-7asion. 13 licii I I C Qbc�ttn' 1�. -The by I HOME '7' R GOOD'' JOHN FAIR & CO. Pool, sld tolb,-, for h,; ment-,are ()it dy� On. MOINDAY the lAth, instant, HE SUBSCRIBER ha, been uunde F -Iill) AS� -T OF� Agent in this town for C, r. 1, R, C. 1 0 Sreetriltion . Whethur - tile �­JQHN N .,DF-TLOR & S door oT Ely kno re and or; he P I nch .:New-Fall.D,ry,rTood8­. 061 whiel th�y arc built,, intendsto sell thel Ma azino fo�cpt., I SG3. the e,- . . 9 , I I , , , , . . I . Have just reeoiv�d 'a P R Y 8 1 C I S U F'G 11, 'tit built for the marter. ed 6e Nvints or tile p ty, s ofarieutrril power.and wi�i be delivJ LA E WELL: ASSR rFHSH. [Any Y LOGAV 1w REHE R TED STOCK �now rca k. Price 25 oti. Is riot respo ) 'I -, .1 1 , British: Go nsi.1 :o- From ...J. �OOAHOU TE OF STANUY—GUTON,, H�tl,- Tr OF SPRING LIM SUMMER GGODS,, 7, tthe relloptiou ivQatoAlle ( onfedera6 arnisers -�RISSMAKIH 1 r� " - - I. where the' Fiori& 11 rrant flitim in statint, th,4 th 162. At Cherbourg aud Iize8 0 such terills as N Wa are e- 'Und Alabama tire )Cj� t ooes ot REsir)FvcF..—ehnrc t four doors able to sell as o(C%luzirutii) Sho I­Parosls of Statiojitery H Y S. LC I AN, 1) SUR6EON_ Pear 'that the Eu�peor on, is 6 A E ZRAM W31. Unito e- sw 11�1 I in, P ezercised at what th- Gouut;y AS ANTY 0'21H; M -H 6 L t S. may say P USE IN T in the inatter.. . It is urrla:,%-.fu[ ill as est Wholirsale Rates, -at th _A,T. n. r I- Pill�SICI Re -i !,- ',,Qc (I 3f," T Ev U TI IN SA-tt gerct,, bat i� is riot for -.L Fruittell o 7: '0FFXE-' 0 _Sli subject to b7dA;'or THE SIGN Brizi 6use to�. be, built, F a-wasr vesa iart foreign. port- fol be,sold �to Book' and Statiotnlerj. ''Peport. -EXENTS Aelligereiit.. Sa E;1,� 6a,.S fo Con'. A T L�Lj J,oudon.­ :y'', DEN federates call obt.64L Sri 1M. rictrate can CLOT "S, �,r 'TOM f, F R Al STOOK.'.'&C, Xr�nc�, and French Con M, constructed in Pri,land. illis; OX GT. VORTF M. Trueman Com ,n 'Co musl" 9, Shawls,! Of, an by HARRIS,:ESQ MD", T' 6 S Parag&s, od internatiotmi-and 1 0. bA to'satisliedi 4, commerce, is stimulated -and the rifederatitstget the s:�ips -ifills. tow o)drlrtion� upon thecvc. i f Cratisto'id ri;hip�fAllifi6ld Connell Zrsed to say that tho�o' rj�ver was� a h,Oravel'Roidat-Drin �11 b lovels, G, Iffo, iery,,; aud, a 15. I� at X N 8 E STOCK n '1�ovvrt of Goderich, ate m and f6ur Could rl4t, riot,, oil the, th i�,tioned Impic- Th. 6 terpa Councilofth ' o�s a that 'a Con ou-11 and Ii e an in AWAR P LE N DID -kSISORtSTIENT OF DRESS7'. GOODS. td ore! h.r TTORNE SO1ACITb4 IN y Ill fa6f� al thin iiFi'thb.Dry G oods I it e' requi r�cif for the trade. ia e th T M of it., 7' " h d aco0 -S S.0 X -EN.T 0.F:,S.TRAW­iG .01 .qLzu' a his u6so th ladv once sr�id to him 1-1 atu d^ L or a 'Booth, the tra 1pcif c at"I Or' 0 E NE'R I L A TV IL AD PROVINCIAL F tinning Mill. 2 zr'ng A D N 171 -ADE CLO but ca riot �ct over. TAMP e ofn b ic v) I two horse B,,'6 Sicigh, I d6 Kigh,.] 'b, ar misress, �i,,16 0:t, �OVJ'_ USUAVEYOR AN 'A \CUAL LA'N ivisbed to t 'U CO VERED h� INI� y- compa pon. tile f: tic ornament oil a :,Civil hu ;ie lwhy� Brid-�tt did you Of Stone or'-othdr lirateriat Wge 1, tbo in,p6ctiou� of are quite an aCrti�t. owdicivolidoit?, At o revent the destruction or pr,perty in flie.vicinit; PR -0 f Indade it was, riaescU that did B Bo t 14 g mo� o s a d Shoes, fzlud It f Eu- r6tty U tl�oroul_ bled' Kahl" tcrs�� ' ' '� _: . I 1 11 0 0 E -1; R. Brid-et. fsri't it dit'itviih vear G, Rt. or, aid: de,,pan colts, one zuper1or'Boar,- tell -cc t on coos,- Cdfl*ks�, Spict's, Pie Iles. &C.—I With' le �,re. I your false teeth mum" popby-the g UE—Z.5 months �Credit Chairuidnofl!uNic to-lbe 116 p'rox[7 A GerrLat gy-'�ray be received by'ROIJ �L' RLTNCI.MA�, Bvi,m Ti Of iP�oit,to, 'of dead man; allowed, b - fiirnisithiF Notes; mo. --v N, -is cwa d-xperi _�IVIL M -easmr y -N ND t�ence would proi. writ In withouirosel, SHEL3 AkD 'REAVY HARDW that the deFunct,was . thi hi,,,'Frtiz for a bruiii1ter It. B. �ILYNOLDS GI_ 11,XD.`8URV-E - Otis of Land A-ent and Kmetardive r _JW Irk. -Cle ireciaired'for the tr'ade'la t ns departincht,' orrow flrt� own Clork's Qffi memtm�� lie had,, loritt, ago b ourlh, 2i,,t Aupst" iS6.3. - T en of-him,.ok whic6,- "0 t dar be '§eI,t, 4th; 1963. 1084 bas.ne.�'qrl asked f5aymerlt. -Of. th de �VE�JCP THE- SXTJ3SC_R1JBERszAvE DEALERS 11�- FRUIT N p Ile thein asstiFing their li�trons -derts promptly aticilded to - the W 0 cs biall tr,� payilien ext: dar—de arrided U,- T nb� terd sac 10119.1 fr_J -V. DETL T OR �Q DER ?IC�, 2ist 'ISG ttQueowk Beii0ilor 0 N ,Th 10119� - � , & e Bdff&lo Courier lear*ns iiiat AG N Jrumerise am' ourit oE counterfcit fiEy, cent '9.9 -unite�i-Stafes votes is ing in New Ybrk.�' T6 offlodrs in that ei-ty ATTE�N'T ON t In -arte ozythe alert for the mawjfhctt�r�rs,of. the, XOW -in Pax rolmISSIONER- uT I,H*L Cot.kYbF ..trasfi. It is saidAat� no less t6unforLy thon. , Beach, 1 G Nr T par IV A BA n A i Redei�eql sand doll�rs of this cctutarf�it curreircy wd� G' Rt EAT Safe;. 'in Buff&lo no. later than two weeks esW711 pi full �2&IjO00:701 TEEM! naon. P tl' Dim a Tifle,Luvc�kisainE D To -buy -13bots and Shi0es. rM9 sTdflo lebe Belt —7-= firstfirail for some weeks past 'an increase in 011,, reh2 before the- E.,,ecative, iffy rep 'NUCHMM-N-LOP ihti' Tegate number of! L4TR 0 --T On, the IStr I�Sr.; thele.wljS a total itiorel& o r TO 1, 299 persons 'SPEftTUL efurinz, dis- IV ouLb r seven�ijnion& of the the iricti. The ille-ea-4, is visible in sixteen -Toot a:nd ShO6 Store, L411go8t., cotint�y thaL-he has opened in ilie a"'d eurlw, unions,,.of which Asitton, 'Blackbilln, Bury HOUSE 0 Lat I' b SO��Tp slW. WEST STREET, Oldhdm, Irinclultile, and Sacidleworth aethe' upled Jy mo t:pronihient. -6,L decretci6r, whieL ist' of S will find the lariest. -in d 1`1 site t stock 6 011, WEST STREET coursei dod cted froin the' -Ttlio hail zate,-is:scen in ten unions, of uYD _Port. dooare the 1101terl M:, -Z 1�v si )=ion and promptitude hv'b "' itteirrion. p tom Wor usnictis !Q P* he ter, Safford, ancl ollu -aid to Ctrs ap6st, A discussion took place in the eoo�mittrtet heen, aftr�r.the preliminary- bc�inbss, on, the proba- bf;t m?, t 6� ill! 8'.1 e m a - It, an he din S. notw, win g 4P b, fthe�Pbbllc 13i!!, ah' soeo - on 0 Arop- -D horsa -ard.;O'fC400� Stretif" AN AN*D ridiod in public wcrks� DEPARTMENTAL ed. he no do millill half pla�cd at the optiozi Of tliits� dis. -33 ary; Agent-, U13i that ill Wrtiv-,DU CAkil* a th6. 000 has -been apptiedfoz.1t'rom GE ARR,IVALS GT to be, T nM rIcts wauldbp asked'- 'for bef'otLe :B FUS 11 GROCE RIES I :t4 X 471 Ml],_I, �7 t310NEY O "LOAX: ze. 33, -0 SACTS.'BUSINE SS* THE TH.E',QANADA tS TP Grow�� Lans and �;ificr- Coverriprient Do— =111011ts ; Takes Out 1�atwnts for Inveritibris.—, e kr-., rallsarid Bills (luring thtr­' Session, UpperCanurda.or'clsewhere. w TJA!'E REQ VED, BAR C fl, EAT' Wsn..fLarge. Fun,6. 16-61nifent! avin. HLAR T -lull �Fnlkg ratim rErtops or THE'ZOUTHRN WAR Fr0311'Mre6 Seve�n: Y6 f the E�rs By 77— ()ITY�. OF DF or.furihc�r inormlition,'upply -to F' GO rELLARD, of Rllclnntnnd� 'A. M ROCHE, Ron linage ne S, F018. Fft, 'S'WIDDER, to H ARLT THE' linment Buildings,) Toronto; rOr, Wetingtorl.Strect, (nearly opposite theFir- y the' r, nlenj of Valuer, Gpderic�h.' Tml'rNDrR8IG3[ED �Leslie'sl, and P tersolt'g, for Ass:oci�tion have no Agents in any est% �11'rece v�d , : 2. 4: ' p, eAT BUTLEF."S., EOd, 6 ST, Amn -DHYS stIRCE.ON GERMYN & jL any mean Lu ic�,o%v Would,not say, noi'bav6 they. Berps DdL offlTeGill Colle, C ain" ening elf determinipg. Vim, Bellows; nder Power of. Sale it MortWo. saw 1 S9;.Ad, C." A ILL'be sold bv"Publie Auct-Ion,_ atethe.Zffice 1 SMITH W S 11 'Glinto, Nereh ""on* I �,toil -Sept., Inst urrent zbDERidH a: Lot riiunbDr'f6ur.IiLdred COLOUBS ­bt, C c� 11 Village of-Plintori, conStri 17 SHOES swARE,: a:d, Tcqfl �itui,34 the .1 2th AR WELLIGENT I twentv- toui. on the Hufrod Road,'.in the said A! BOOTS' A Tv�ilrcs ind Cordage- ustr rec;ived a lai�e and weil�v�ssorttv more 6r less, an& mor ed tstd6k of acre, . e, edla a Mbrtgag. fir6in ret ai iD, Corrigim'arad lfb, to, John Plynn. f W OS and'Counwr'Seld .9 AT ESS THAN -C T Tb6 abowt property, is si ��U.BLIG 01ATM -C FAALL' W111VTEA �,ion, of Clinton. C s, Hardwilre; 'Cirkiteps nd J.firer's 1*6o!�, Boring as S &b. Deed under !of -sal C�_ 0' C) �P, in aW -d A contined -A]tid.ar variety of Fancy ArticI6, suc., as, ROBT. NICHOL, %T 17 3D Gir 30 8, A: R Z., tT 'Solicitor for Mortgng��e­ - 7. capsy, w �ifig,� P�oad & xes Ph ch,'-qqt. I,t, IS63. Frrom Blood and'othe tit cel0rated'ina y ow�,prfces. 'Agent for Gurney w 'Co.'s The. above Sale is poE Ipcm6d unt! R. I �W W ith the Largest or WALtA0E;­. --Chealp for day, �h� 26th �instlmt, at zroon,, at the same VIltich,1e is �re�ared:� to. sel I -ar, ef� of as -ICHOL, s Solichd I j '%%6LASG0W 4q*QSZl,qODtRiCfr?! mde off 6eap hoirse, rich, Sept. IS, tS63 1 ROBT.'N HARDWAI %in big, olicitor for Xo�rlgtrg V US R Purchased from the DA D K4L by, 0 bheir�Fer* ict,!�,doubtless Will salaactory to, themselves as it GRA CEIV. e 'will be to Two:Doovz�soulh _B10C G HERE the latir ; , . . 0 F W d Ne Bot�619J�oe-_Store; ancirtg� d07 RIET V rrHE at SUBCRIBER �won�d tlb.im �he t 3y, tu is 1 BY GIVEN ith' hipfh '�L ing -public that he has renio�ed to'the.Taverp n td �thc �tylo afid� 3rm. or H. Gar- h5rmer)v occupied by Mr. J. Comer 9de I, WHER I �41�1 I Ilt76111'. THE and Shoes '�Ver offIr C Nj� day dissolved b -mutual ok Kinistot, and �Yictoria Street TT y aca S CL'ot Boots E W2 6 ate in Gode�ich. H�, GARD' Sold -HUG R adThe A OR 41 �011N ALLEN� , -: _ �, , . . I — PA4 pHILJP� S. ROSS., D upaertirib town. .- . �! . I I � zxpow" -�herid's �ak_of Lwicis.' & 00. : . . ErmtJvED' T6 THE Signed, Goderich�,july'Ist'.18a.. NOW 'IS THE TO BUY,, OTS 16 and 19, Ist Ilartgn South jofJ).ur le mail, Uni . led Couplies, 09 T3y� virtue'�ur:,n wrif, of' Your Fall: and, Winter Bo6ts and Shoe. Be sure 0iiiieily occupied". �,by" T*03, ack" L ham �Road, Kinlcils. ndfort, ed out- 'T The uldness will be ciii by the -under Bruce, JL) Ficri Facias issu 10, , o. 2 7,' 21nd Cone" Loni ow�w _Humn zmd� and buy them at yoli will rew - arm Y, - your mo e - Ybu will find mgned� under the stvier*b0l. Gardiner , Co., - ; 'I getthe.11iofthof ToAvit: f..Her Aliesty?s C �y. the lci�loss. Sest assortment ol infatil ', children'si. yautfist!t; -Gli court or the U Is2,aull I�oys',,fr�m 29 cents t hatre LOT. Xq. ilt Range, Soutli'Durrham, Road' hist theAauds,aud1eue_ WILtIA9 GARDINER- a'iid tome directed a! L*nee boots 25 per cent, caper thaa-h6 onto their'usua heavy supply, o Pmi9,'Pdterit', edicluezi &6., -4 s Where, in I hn Carmer6n, at tire sul ecw, ments ofJ t 6fjh6 Huron d ala t f Zed and taken in Exe� the same. on an rgti s o o -title -DACERR JNR,�&M, Y. OM_n_ 09 lendid a�mrtm have s6i 'tofort: .' and interest of th n N anon 11 �hq ri in her -Seven "and, DEAIMRS I 'S -,� - 11 - f -Lot., na D -S on D6 -10.0 EY TO. LEND tit rtnd� to, 'Road Rome, Manufacture; the' urility, ofwhi6hlea"unof; ' F fairms at;'S percent; aso. be a T U L ),U R AL E�_E e D am A G C LOTS.�6s.,38 and 39, onNine, >cS :h Ia tbefirstrange, �uth ofthe, Durb h midson t4*n,property.. in th w, -Dixtham and Zounty, Of Is, top. re as, and. 0 nd ra call and e 00 d tj� -1 Ost r6liab e e Township, of,'Qre lock, poTte from nie'oftltobldrst, J' B. O f xantine the or Gobldg, ,,Gkodo at- pe ves, I�fbrtr purch�tsi crS& tremeat Fifty d di S; GO r, 3ruce, contaidiag by admea�L Dry LOT' Q., � St oncession Bruce Land each, be the%rime morc or less with (be THEY HAVE. A'LS0 REC ED A: LOT OF 11RINE THFRONZ $0 -Acres, of ej WhieL Lands and'ternet� where.' buildings thereon erect 6. READY-NADE. CtOTHM. The subscriber fee.1s 'tb6akffil. Itir 'Q and itiand conc ­io�l; li�oj�i ei L4 eAth . er i 51i ess Ley&JTJcojntb&Go6q. ­ rs, � TEAS, 0, SK, I -State %F706 - TO the To wn, OMt3d Tich, "on Tutisday, thi, qfle�, and would just say to lill Wiscut;romersand fri is TOBA"01 Ifkout- IN4;itfo buy goo&ttorim'rind Shoes for . LSO'X UL CHEIP, AND hourofTwelve, 9h..the� offer at vetry, law,prices and save 25 per cent, buy,Lbem at PAVID MqAL- 0 NAL) RJEWRS ()F GODERICH TANNERY . . . . . . ON MORTGAGE& of thecioc zm;.ord . - , FUST-CIASS LIST-ffvs� , � 3D Xi :i Q 'PRO Apply to. Co N!"s th ey B nd a Faimily' Ap tornomber 'the place!�TW- ,ply to. , CAAMON,'_ 0 Mak 0' Mi6atzeal, Wezt-Stree:� �7th Aujust,'180. in, K Bicick,'Marlei Square De, fr., April.9/1863. puty,Sbon I GODER] sw, 5*27J pffice, Go I deric 9 E Ara- beriff's Gilt cric h .;w32., ..'Godcrich Ci; W, Se") 7 1. 15, 1863