Semi Weekly Signal, 1863-09-18, Page 1told a drankard. to, abstain fron ,$ with the br�andy'bottle placed before him. - Ile igler hi I I c to ""'di n. AJLsJI=u' it ;ZerY Colin Al %1*1P1111 ,.e , .I �yc 11,r. T1. A. _nat lay d " to ot ry V % ge CAN BE CO".1TI,M) AT ALL 9(71-05 14z the .� North Streemext door It Was uttered in the M his residerioeon, 1 10. -bee iii Elwo unvarii-d ivue. W -hut did,it matliarto the Ilk qf the residt .1 Tlev -were ucit her mi;ed nor suddenly mis"d O� -'eilth- I All'their initial. P 1i YSICTAIT. RI, R0 90 N, .&C., &C., G OD. (Iless w" to " those who W013 I thoso , - C. W. 13:40-ly : wh -t, pill'. They did not P the in. R11 'teroll that it -that .,. & 'rho.. V. Azcx�an. W. T). omeort wil poxomplir to I -ND BRUCE -X-D'VERT1.S E R.�2 ;-a! I i they were too well tiecamoijid .AND HURON A 19NA P11 Y8 I C I A N, AUHMUN. &c.. (Lato, sr -Qu S. Thee. W rds wedle dealt House Sutriteon. Kingston Hospital).- 1;iur counting I hP "iptl M.he did -so, &W add - Boa them uP Eight, eleven, si OFFicn-Al Arthur!s rd,ng Housc, "The Greatest Poskble Good.`to th Grextest Possibb Number,"' W. T. COX, Editor and Prop4etor. " a 111, aw,60U-91 Godarich, C. W. -seven,, thirtythre- r two. tweaty e ljigrerenj exclaurati(ins were heard) foribepalifig"d man had staked on the blacks thij time­ ARRISTER ANDATTORNEY-AT. Law, and qaheitor-i County 92 G&ERICH 01 W., il"RID'AYI St"PT-1 1.__iNo. log. Blaitk must -win, blaek must draw more than B .50 PER ANN' IN AW 8" JL862.� I VOL. thiriv-three I Alf felt t Cr6wn Attorney, V1, -e was bell relieved; ail fell n Court �fouee. vl4n4f) -e; all Were 4iffing 7. to lose I 1 7, 'their 'small stakes) that bel, 100 had staked Cameron Mwood, a -Ca- M :D SONGt- .11 It IS, might win ; That his col A vecto count more than theirs. fib I S origzai: RRISTERS. SOLICITORS, ATTOR. X t e ht l,ra B GODERM SAGINAW In- lao the Queer Fallow I've bee . so 0 nip, &c.; Goderich, C. W. R tiod if] human uauilf�� There was inlis: Pont, TO.THE ILADIES1.7 , .1 . � ;_ I girl,: Whose fitce want dark-m-­ilark as big -,Sber' Shaw & sincuar. The slawleb, (Nwpted by ih� I to,) had sthlied, fill heavily, and O� I "'red -P ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, CONVEY DRUGS, DRUGS !,,T -HE SCOTTISH PROVINCIAL I'm no the queer tallow I've been still She wished her meigbbo� -td w U MRS. TRF,�EA 11, UPPI -bachelor',; life, -S,�,k C.A.B.1 N. A-4milts, `cc� Offices, over he Store or I I When I livirm thought. t4D judge by his face she Iollor k Son, Goderich, mid utlen Street, rPHANIU mer since I've beeir buckled to jean. Assurance Company., �111, TO 111 NDS FOR Screw Stea Pat POK the revelse belterthan Nmoardine* L theirpar liberal a I ort woulof take this equid. iffive, pp d I hue comforts madt couthie and rii� nine, fourteen, twe 4 - to it nty,ibur thirly. w %mAiniGoderich I A, SHAW, KIFICIlrdine. )ppormnil% Iform tk.e n an the public gmac, niu, rally, tl s resumed the 1 4 gL , 1,,c , rowtWe bit hame o' m5 -bed the His lifinds were clenc .12:23 . 6-ilia4d A.D.. IBM, and Incorporated A cow iind a b)onuiti kail yai d,- i his head leaning.forwai d. big .,Wo�th 6 fouth o' potatoes and grai - 1* A1111iffery Ilk. MaIcIng Business. 0APT-TRAVERSE Wi n, ai-d his eyes clearly oil oi�*-his he It Was* by Special Art ofParliament. Awl BAARISTERS, ATTORNEYS-AT-1,AW,, Al� O� can leave beyot hunilgersregird.! I drawn gains i "the "croupier gatherta. the Notaries Public, &c., West Street, Goder jUv. WILT, LEAVE GODE I'm no the queer fallow, i ards up; find then '11trew-theta Tuesday and Friday evenings. Zin the arn. ch. 10:1 AL Tq, CAPITAL, 'A1,000,000. AIL 14S , ". * RICH EVERY L Big IN 0"in Val ofthe'Train from Bntlblo, for Billy City it I a"d taking Up some fresh "DnaSy[Larithheot. ($u0cesscrto Reynolds) Straw Bonnets and Ra Cleaned andltpred East Saginaw. the climate 6' life is but eauld, most-indifferenoc, INTESTED NCAN0A, ere its blessings, I tr�iv $4*00,000,, �dlhe worda., >19 in the latest fashion.. ISO., Felt Hats clean- And seant) vcur staks, poll . . 1.14 -y LNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICTTORM None moved their A TTOP IVJ[ ci d i <-, gL 1 1-1 ELI. I UTUIL. NO: To a chiol that's'anmarried and)auld, "t'-feitab -CL CTIANCERY; &c. -0flicei-Market Square, CANADAHEAD OFFICE- ed and altered to look good as net I vl�. Nuendutt6r what g istsA hispowc Comer of Kingston Street, Goiderith. 9:412 t., Opp Leave East-, Saginaw on Mond4y.. and -e,' near t4 pule -faced nn4ad ISqIVj;atJeaiM ONTREAIL, PLACE DIAAMES. - ruite the Planing lernootis,. and arrive in Coderich in just a pair on he wu% ific other." But heaadeadenei 1 . .- I : hLils, and next door to it Alarbie,;Works. Thn`u%ayh"t ... . It Mornmi; Train for Buillilo. Add 91! a e nmer, fth� sound$. If be w6w -noiv; be coild'oft y ge cciWaij, A. DAVIDSON PARXER. B.-Twoo' Apprerfli -9 ."nied. pply im. For Freight or Pamitge, (having stiperior im- Till L' b it a I the grase, back what Ile staked, - for the''dra t ARRISTERS, DISPENSING CHEMIST DRUGGIST coinniodati�ns), apply to Buffido 4k L. H. R, Co, He's the.,,sno t O� MlIthaules a fi 1. vn B Y. all iitar�� Conveya=,&c. Offic �Mc­ givedlialfit'hestukea to. the' take... INTENDING Assurers are rebilectfullyreqdet. Ooderich, 27th Feb., 1 M owst-sm, aWoderich,or c. "Y's come West stree rich. 9.2 Deaterivil and lmplort�rol - . . . i , the oluder W16w, 4 led to peruse this'Cornpany2s Prospectus, -ER & L) i tllt'ee, Seven, fifteen J. N. GARDN M FRllj,,, -enty-ohe, ibjrty.�Six leen, It it will be found that every advantage, thil siltZel ffohn 13. <-ordon, r, N U I *N E lt U G S I WileTe' SW76"ln.1 East Saginaw, Propritors. times'whim, I think on the past. 1, twisinty- our, consistent with offered -cely win ourre wi' the shame; bight. twenty-nine-thirly-fourdl' �31ier4: A TTORNTEYrAT-LAW, SOLICITORIN The rates of Pr�miums charg',ed'ure low., while can Shortible silouce, is ZIL ChancM,J Notary p-rchasiar" Public, Conve if 'B d I red w4li bear comparison with How, I slp�audert my earning sAe fast,' d4itig the countinvolf, At. OffKa 4-0,, 60th, and Nall M lined by any of the other leadiln' cards when the Ink I ber it -as tiatilidd, a .."Or or aP7 id f ;t(fauada We' r . I . .. i; nd. had neithSr aspouse nor a hame - seemed quite awisre'um he ull co Street, third door firoin'the he GbDEIRIIbH but. realil'.-Viis hai% lanimert, my way Oro A Court -House, Square. PAINTS, OILS, OOLOPS, DYRfTulFs,- leiii.ar attention is also'directed. to an eqult- fial,glintatl It It SH. ANR BLIND foi- by� I? bntL mtself-' gambler'ii face: He y ue o W39 "n 0 '"X' - . Isavy, like on 46titran* It er -befrein'.a puir darle his life-bi all-mercilessly..'s7.Vp value of relinquihed Policies. w will HOUSE 0TTLE. )I-EID101NE8 au'o"ne(re'lati'm adopted by this colilpany' it to L�11JATHER M NIUFACT Ry 'I he Prospectus Vvith. full Information; bati be Wh9q they ken, 11 is Sign, o� he elll Rini then -b TTORNEY.-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN r 3P -413vc- ";=L efb�e a hand obtained 'on application to- the undrs A, D I in no the queer fallow, hiLn he dre%v a loaded, AChaiacery, Notary PublleC�qveyanftz7, &c. CARDEN SEEDS,.14f.-., AIC� Asqurances'efiiieted fit Canada aL..onLe iWhOlit Preto ft6w Gdderi4, C. Sovith side, of Sillit St. ha and Puttiag tll� muz7feluside z; Writ 0 Ordet� from M�Atcalll men pu etuall.l. lendot to mliireuce to Head Office.. The undesumed'. has.oh tid a single my cliedin was slopia" tmpqtb, y at -tew-doiots from Mr.Dairkls,Hotel. V15n29 R. B. REYNOLDS, Leather* EItpre the trig ger, an, is at Lowast. Trade rier.s. euil it filled me we&-). to' I vo ho -.;e it: ­ Llife L A F�GE- ASS"CIATMEN aue ismd And sit -Ii'llysunaws, Preser Lyl diso �`ed- for cheapness iti.sb6pt, God iptiorns oureful T. It was niff6r 1157'extilictin ash - f,the shade ; i nient. 0. pea4 Balth thaftle shabby gene -of; 1 TTORNZY, SOLTCITOi,' &L doD* of rich. XI. 10. IM. 4.9 tlicle, felfback, and Now 8 head �swayed onlond T-OUe by the coat.on my back zeph Bacon A �Olrndz: UpstanS Walsonils -A ost 19 wighb Sloalcl, West St.; t,entranca First J)obr west of Th�.dt.Y. bivelis that are hodden and ne,f side;`falling api III bitL Ill , - � I he scene: thiql, Lumed Jeau has's, hainely knack -H D00 R Si� At d SAS Pi 11 rance C.0tripally; _can .,LIGHT LIGHTI LIGHT L' Gore M"n' . 'a, -on woo'. ve" Re lOrgOtten. ob�ert mon efainted lustuiancle Collaplilly: III Hanford; Ca . . .. - I., .1 . . I . 0 d C AND F FidooLlus A31ISTER­ ATTQRNEY, (f0V.VEy- IRE INS"UR&NCL�. i: not even. bear t6 -look on t Illurl ANCZ& So I an tlia. P" Us -no. t at F6 -IX b raor ol B hance6r. Notary Pill ROCK COAL OILS rk."Jucial Insurance Cona or. Comada; calhial. Ev�lj, ine Ill;;4 Gooderulli, ourt Hons6! T.Clkme* ed Wlbe sp amp ot rom -NAM oop b - t is- an. 4z . -- I wrIlisan the p4ed In,theBuilding Li4i heard , bDt-`fdr'sO)iue 't."' a, el; W. M,,M�]� -Ono kisks aii oil the inailtravarelli tbrol And:y UI tpo fin',g bioneibitli Office zlirlirket Square. alue, ir sensesv See ve.of the MILIL E4 P1, . . .6, L . Inn es no tie all SE For Sale, by ii at. fe,to'h r.man I alyzed.; NO attempt nieL lass b. Miadsj-we'ili bon dlIrli:;. existed It 7k LOW 4. B. ARM 450 ' Thli'Ll �p Wk �ze Jelit ele: ough,44t to -iMtIN�'-. -B 'd LUMBER in de�t �nd corr Surance Coni "h VINk -AND HEM are LOCI� Per I u lair n. uroA A, queer. allowi 111'110l e, n E-A T HE R-1 h ohiif 0 ffico�Liverp, STO Oct., 11ir itbe TAMVERY- every descr�- IffArderbra'JOL09mazed dairalsp ng� ie ivava" Tom L . Q tb',',, at Co'bilidesidil Meithiints, L KINDS�-OYjEW ELLERY C;EDAR p6st$ Sllal'l) SOLE lf.Ar. UPPElt LEATH'R he f0l:O%vin CANADA 3 11 A NT 0 H. Thlat wedlock is Nature*s pj.jnI4�14� anecdoll, ins 'I'S il,Q'pitli and t1te I stail at., man rep-ri-inmide by- at LfSns.:�� Sk LATH' 71 P yeal was ca I tie P nd-he _u gkt, 011,11ER die, make a report,-rr� urder,-commi%. led on WN. JOTEN.You 'DAVID Toi tl:c� person I,4'N9JXmn..nAmed Pettit'. oR ER 'In. zl�s to : Der THOMAS KAY, L;q. -In complyi4g, with this 8111niumls, s it% the tirst ItU..ALL LANMG DONE TO or approved cre, NIAT esuce; which & they ke er with the af�ve articles RUMBALL, their own ano:we!l alilect-L ile-floor the b te ded� WILLIAM Itil & Col. ,oil 'I Proprieton. h. CL crich,April 2.3t G 1862. of, iw67wlz IF I uly 7, 'Moroli cn DESCRJPkIO1 'IIA n2l. renc t. $r iPizteizt, 0a1V-,S7cins, Cd, :­ A.-- ­ ot sl)llaiel,lay at he, fee; 4 edCo7z, '16 _:d IG done and' eivellery made. 1?i46ra6z Godt-ILi6ine time to tbre- andf. ;-- I t*as'-pain -order o nina r . ; Wedding -vi splim, O� stantly ic(ot oil ha�di at i lie o.d -, Hihish Amekied, In P�dtc dath I - rs, besides a large,. Jhe gager, anxious� 11 our,appearunl,6 P p;zP Up, f�Wheat-MOtti,A41ii'-�:i-BUn�r,4DII�i 21[14,qeqe� 'bat not the 81: office. '19 chief 0-ffice'- th-eil.: eL, rot t d raselifUmildries, Toant6.. table "7461 dilf dZW1drntd- and General §tor- 1.1NIN '6 o I or Ni o u I d t; a, to, his, AND L: S 'IN dare to CINC zim GNEGWRED, T Th, 011"t an _hi,�heijpjay gQmg tracT zi�y attdntlOP;.,,he was d nvital -to ol, 9 0 0'. Into It) icornico,of 4 cup daick I t' paeman, wiihinnumerabl.e­ 1 41 k uar �kper e RINE' I)E Crimping Xa6hijl. to . Ulf: I df&eL film, an ue, p and Lasts- 6 1 1. ZIMP JR110TEL rARTDIENT. ocks, ings refu,,e H nsul e0, every 7 -Alai s. Pe-, an NDIN%. V"&NEVER i­RTJkBALL �winning­ he h4d.jdrawn, oHOSK&R, "IlItop ,tof�.' Tar 3001KA31 .pp oisayla _ L : it he;Wab".��L 4­e.�.tgelber with 1,fll -him tvith'the borriti 6a A. aboye-As mospledsantiv sitilatid, -k ofthe best': ads tfie,goldtowatd gra becithe moneir... stience'lle was� r C. Jilly 7. 1862.. 24 e-'afid tonat,, Bobiz-bmiler and with one 9(5 Qiigit'of :j1,20filiethi; oii"oki.j1the41arbFo zind.LaLelfuron,,,;,-goog.or�hard4i.,(;aidens and life fjo� ilo, - it"Wils, -Board $1 trilay; sinwle retur1 is Of �-$Ly RumlWalkwattacbed;,' 0 (vvho has. 1. ke& from Y, riling. nottord,lik- f6 juy Y!Y, w6kidei per Cana, a,, 25 cents., a large stock of B41, i and SURANCE- �,�;cir\qt.re it ka rca- -61ca,gaini, tii� he firstp -strua tb ith, did I promi8ei't Atr�ll at the"n,,as. lie rdlied; his utA' La ll;'uur. - ns altnust d 0. d purchast-s arerffiiidi Witital)(1w ith- WE,5TERN NIFAY, XCHANGE heard cat wl cut Printed Headin�,s,� aa teii per .�erir,cheaper asmacec Y: Read jilte 4�. to "�rb6ced 17 ormerptation �in him T� O�ce§,Torontq. rin Pal�c'Llfie6k flushed -30, . -Z7, -� . , All giving iticieclonta ima,11,11b 6 Miwt wonde� his e,pp h14 gray'ey!0ighteW 'up, with�bir�,., li�t'fiis'lool,s Iffid, vora 'be repaired free of charge.'. busi an �Liietided.to'during li�iie h, pr"sioni of In'- :,fn oi. Aquiri,, goterichs, Eliot d6g;,ed mcid - YJ at was, e ly. IcionAltit 6L N'Umbe b IF all I r wr �chool., I spir r, 4.0�[, I to siie,li 'Vith it p fS dti, 3). P liis-iedurnigei� tetxiptQd­Ws,'goodsiar._;.L Ilo blie too 2S Put on Stakes itslugh as the rales oftlic ena' 'tie armed. 1?0 HIS, FIR has been'ie- ALL - ASS U R ING 01i BVITt"H nduaitted'LAfid,thelitbat ivon; to double'a, -cen POOL 'PDO - f s tly led a d rendered IJE rLivielit ' JL . ah in aodibus.ivislof Vlltg i LIFT INSVRA�176'�C OL Mcroandie wit Tll-F� .. I r 1. L �1, 1. 1 � .. ;.! mia.ed To jL'smd'tmyeIl1etSa qui 5), Vim Up, UO I.? RL 0 Fi,rs PIAN1 tShould bredIcAlie-bankiL e, and W1T rointo adidastorners, inaydepend he latter;,coinpaily.bL r -4direhzellial:attendane upon reclelivalgi the� H I' �Lne ever Luxul:ywhich the� market and g,Fen u.nea cou'p. It ey delicacy and $5 Uine'l Co'.�,p ill -2n t nlact roduce, lictoe e5ih�instant with Ilk 4w, L AtIVe're (`�uzrally, situated'. 61[tirsa mos estra ii� i-I'lie4dea nahe,theAody i*h I tm lice V, 6. of LbIldon. I . L ' -asonLgLirorit,.artd�it�Mod�raterchaiges., Being I'i of bf ),1,3 THE CD NIAL 111F thLd SSURANCE CO:. a B - . ��nd:,ddlubllng I �0115 who were, ooJV, 'the Propmetorwill space neitherpavisnor expense -Wilt receive TWO yeam? Bonus at theIR Olt ��ATO I - 7A mo ME ' , : of VrOfftii,,i;ExT YEI,i., been dipp6int�c X 0� BRItISH &-AfERCANTILE coal,, I tilwGuestsIc4htically 'SL K I' R K -ye that co�ld See' Im'VnS bad,wa� �hta.� � 1 :. - -Illy'respectable y ly 1 1862. Agelitfortheabbve hig -IV. . RMSAY f3op tbose,.Wli6i�cou Fire-aii 46 Ims-6rance Comp'lliny., EbSo 1mt6j L ' . s?" �5 L "L I LL 'In. 6 r in s -d d N'N,­0JJNCE that he, liligni-.1o. e upyie-liz Qd jJito t6q' has now recc� a C thesholulders Lrt PORA D 6,y,2?OYA ;,u M�na�erL f)or.6anad�.-, Li Zc L'e f On a L C &I R 0 S A RICHARD BULL atch,I or a went an Ah -IF It ir ago'he Was a�Lplior-penni ess-t" evili.11D ow, W1 h, T TOCK d t lftsve�tor' of"A. BL RED 1809 in y ket Squaie, ax inFor Rates, a I to t 01 he murder is5'an& L. CAVITA ii1e IQ Will"Sell; t " A ­ 'fi. � atta- 'Ldnd-' - 11 L. I h. , Q felt eviery Wolin BLACK Agen 1111 W 'le Ili" L"', , lf, . ese v �'LUXBING hfi,866rn in ly..Ibo�e4who�had,6"d !.on. at t 20 e"was'-somet Ing, ulbain�;v no. fonge 0"3 D. M. rem uiW ar, living -on the r6naiiiit. Of �-Imt 'had OJEle 6 _LL jE� _e:# DR. NACDO U,6AL4 Medical R�fe�ee.- i,. T P dent - (tion of tte,iudr eK T or.t a 'cepre ecri his. f6ittinct III v ab b -indled It 0 li�.Ii�d dii wit h t Mi UY, M09T INYOULS Ttlii, IN�Wt VIllI'F _P NE.W'FR -al. ibi that fearml: iie PL. PLUMBER Lgr4li Ta "Alit, an C.e:r _i_4&Ci6 fe4r­ greal.LYL afliijj�d, the 1� � I - ­ . lif e lig. �-e6ntte ti b, L fixQd bilretL G'00 'It was tle h 'Ca r -d ,'r otheLANM lon'g-lavlb�pIiia'L ta4!itF,' likir it r6c r sj an Jars;­Or- 1, d thti�c�u Thu Make 4LU6 P DA� D F J36 b HVro4 Mtel. mself, with the an J�roll GS�taannoilucdAcl the 1."ImIniants ot-God� d C iSame.being whoi,year,,,"O S;t atL',jlle;' and zA BE I il �- +. I,, r ends of justiqd: try�'.Ahat;rhe has, ftsh _Cran,adaA;e'ntr Conn an ans ire rS:L, 'L: E AD:,�. P I P E C-& 5 NfEFCH1kNT1S-S)(GKA1NGE, Mot d Wedt Slb%Jslt� - - 7il`;Nuts It WAS, IdLown beini, Tet rued to Or& 7it in fonthe-colllve L I U HoUse rho sduorrhous R"idq�cei titted, up with aTnt, lio;;. t"a allCeSI 010 Xi -70n,are'O'ne-o fi�g. eaus;­ Chaft-&, ad liT Bur ek -A.vIKr. bojtrhih 1) oer Stepping'. HFIR �NEW ily attrasaes,: demande& Dq re F,$- - -,Bib of 1 1.2, N liol3ankMont hey ICTIOWL 411t� the C iell,iddltbpse��066pldl-1 kinen,anda 'C B' flers, "Water Tauks', rl]�h 4e, nNI f0f, ave 'to procif ortestnoti,ot, 1- �perLell wor erLa A or eUCH Te it was,f wait�d:16� erp RE "tr�Q�t.96 6 1862 !,yl�they, t her, tnrgt�c assset o! inae net. atter themkIves ED. do its' _D"U ttipe 9 LhattlicyL'e, e ou..what. col(ir tie foi-timate player wlia2, B t Sit 730 B, .mitu!r6: to any. xt . �n , I , F'6io,-'tfie`,r ong,experlence Witte t r of i if. 3.3 'CO, lie -pt q XPRISING, Seen Lit G'( Sta e" a 1; an of te�, -S, tPere is, corro borattie exist. �Tfieri & ' S: ( e&, G -,r , kay' - he' 0 C>4 Pingsu�yl �'oytiija oment olfinjejSjg� Fire -Da-p- ai iment., 1: , Coil ladho hadsi partiesfiaving 4p. cards n re-baih, wor 'Won % -, 'L, 4_ 7 INS :will.�n�iit beiievdr,4ifi6­ ee,�oirot I& do' Wel, to 'T e the -I, of s�loll olj;iIjt� �j ei no Abee, �ever fill Asa 0 ne&jol' ift icribeeLb ll$bw "VeSte in 'did or 0 Th6 fu eye PtiWp h ers, Brewers and Railroad' ot f h, ,,'wo4Id.L _qo!*rup 0 itiVitedto the titility-UtII6 �ire made g Od.. �erf'$ettlio'4,all UsseS *' d 'see h m,?',, -,,N c Bq�a, ot, I ptors, and-Clainisaie: irsvcantea f0'Ur7'tbdTI t1i' o I. kuroln and 'lliekeis 0. an payuble juiddediaelk,on b -b n.- adljusted� itants of -the: Caustics YDRAULIC R�M d" �1)- as the to Brace tbatL w ic wa ercan. e eva an so'Onlothirty2ii SASZ`D0OR ri Yardii`-fo the,watenng. I on, URis�*iio Tn".3 Joln� JDo theiis I,dn tIf6n.iiix,' d' P Red mu�,wiq-hc was�sate, he en6tis.; This el spHtio'bi, d h IS, e, Oil Stock: tc ablour, This Co)mptiny� dombiites tbe�syslem,.OUIZIUZ�a(. ree Jr yeg Q�J'Llfe elf-4hyachino re -0 � O'e '�TOBACC S oW- beat fronthi quires' 4io manual. I will warrant them. Wfiee, its, tfety of a A �d, Prote, add -4 -ill row, a stertidy itr6ain,bf watcr'L byits ther--t otari5d *oifur tdorder,au NL HAND 1, -abtlolt z a n If i h u d'L nd new e c cocklej d a -Al it the -IN-LAILZGE VARIET4 A'N AP., -iKNI�s b*u keitr'iouno(,�- nine chances 1�0, one iii:his A �11 1. 4dr quie,t� contemptuous. ituallyettell to.: Iriiliges�fiicli c.arf bel.pru ently, oldbred Lby marra6tea. o S I Onleis p in, - Woe it _VAe.� L any'ViIii'Auranaes compa vl' 1 6 �beea discovered; 'Von 1p"tor it hot! Ixte of fhe larinT, '�h&Llm:4 bd�' ent,m istorp, �o�lio 0 Zid '4tS , rm 4 vha rted.. -Was-iit I' InWi btk i&icnthswof :16' TdC suredlinder the pdrticipatinn of profits, class. F, 'SOHN AJ.D. Esq. in ,do 7 lc� that-mass'of gZdd,L ll aillat eavitif ey,,are an 6 a a n.;: his,, h6ni?s: n toL e r�%vept� away do 11 EIM DO S U0 QRACEL�HOR�TgNil.Esq, tiololonilch 49' b Oy �tid the �iiblic t dChre`has'�e .6' -for thi! CorhpanyNcGoilerigh and, vicion V11thartt .pn, appoi died � �& ; stjx dipor give. I nowir6adktorecci o�- In 'audto , full"p: t U Ot 5L cast le t naS,a waZ'WqrkAcd;mm.a�Ao1J1 10firTHEIR: WORL ood an oLIBERAL 'DISCOUNT ANU a 9ACT40m, dieve it. e coul realiZeLit dquiIIed b.t, '11-- - "-.H tolen: .. .... ines, �Sqatideihiiiti 0 a ve Mal, requircot.01 noi JoSin' Wlieip` -were, I e selt NOT`ek is M'Sit�i-i,.VLOUgM Uni'til5q.; 'p -War do a Muji r sol -Tie, %op Z; W. TKOMAS,-Aglent. f-.hii�self count�. I IQ J eas4p, 0 thiek to 'no Itikt, Otile -Old uld"r�". at N 4A:LDAN; Sub But It, Vag, too "I " f!r�'- BOt lt,� ly�! I true"' Croupiers I the suit, !on aipsi Cop- tp'�'� But ta e I �neveranaj yove he -to!, 7 h.Julv M0 '�s*S I R e ex t 1: V, ' . I (13311pc� , kins,jakim-ift Ar -MM omuRc� ;aK CSL'a t Qo,'aud oiii Rags, and ;"Pde r C yv. a P, W, ot ya, k- fl�ard 1 6. ati was- cl'b mmo tfdi2e(L against -set; It in% in ace: Wit auther,14arl e tchellIX; tan b Glaol. J&ft 6j, 'ye h' by on A groan. was all th" 'ders- &U-iaid f Im r who fq �,qh Rim, orlamoonint excianidei -me V WM4W ep of th I To.&Sr M­� !ht.. of course h - itfightl ot b. d de.;palr. -oney 'EVER YTH�N9­1n' G IF S ir�,- is, i eelil resip lhd�sey It ---:thb table be ALbieriew, aper' oug OHN- Hicl�§ W h t no PU Ing air �r -our., uck had turried Y e-r'6f`�No,,n6*I7. sutla oil w�ive I RPE�Rl ES d W* A 7 13 ... ts add elaesd .1ra to look ad d.., IIdv no F_", dings -.TOHN.XAbD6*1k foor ad �,thdm­to� �withdraw=, le r iApplyi. at`Allls �7. emll!',�S Office, (Wqrip he:had:- They mignt as well lWitef nse 'hortest Not,,;., are 0 ce. 20111 Id bl, 186 3. 7':1 deriClit.