HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1863-09-11, Page 47_. A 0 Elm" B :Tl��, 51EM I ­W.� E:E-K:L.y -S I �G N—k-t." 3. Blizes 9f. the A ..-All stlb-* scopticinis.to ..be pn d :on.or before. the "Sill Ati,mit'n - est.' 2. The pavulatit-OfIlwill. MW A!� I VIS1 RTS 4. U, to ON `0 UNRRY:��­,I- EXHIBITION �AR31-si OCK, Paouvcl-'. DOMES 'Pf X2, 1 - � 'GQD ERICH' Stl WAGON �."wirp'LUT"ics, a .2 9F, THE (�OUST'Y c OMmos it person_sio H U-R0N'W..BRUC-Z;:-., of Horses, Quitter Domestic and* will efititletfitt paying -co peteiannyorall'ottlied )arttueiits. Ali PO*Eks'. PATENT, AVP.: .31 1863.. JIE3 GE, ,ctUNs,.1mplarnents,- &a wiLl be held T-HUESDAYland -VUn5gy, pariies hiii-fin, stiff I q 'be art, itled.to coal onlysuch ,,it[ -T potti. 4. ,Ill 1HE VIC ORIA x 9EpTE BOX.A.'sas. 6 rd' jD- Kin v cArdiCre; he I tik�-. 19th SEPTE�113r, vben-1 iSS1611owl llbeta.!dea! g premiums VA, . I toek exhibited shut Allive been the..,bohA6,fide jurop -before irty of4lia;exhililkor, 'one nintitb* I" W INE 1 her ill - "".. 2 4e -ThurA.d_Aw--,1itb`;� L th.', "I Walkliit6fi, Satu@uy,.19t : I - - I.% .. I ., - . . . — s; I� j,6,.-jnral.cd t,,f6s, 'Be $4, 2nd -best 3 r thit.'show ral'all* ar*l�s Oust, buve. been produced by iibitor.'iu,� 189._o �Pbniinerl the FlltsT,I�R12.i Cit the PrDvincial Ex - idon; -186 i titalbest th So -�Ikf. th- ;;tg&,yopt9n,,,Vy ed5,es0ay,1 . S 11 10,3 t�2.00pbest'-� ye . �id'fiity nd-d %73rd do- 1.00 1117t - 2. years oIJ mlictitiori,ml! htbi rion in.,Lor in -a with, t a,. Secretai y,,,prevf6q�ib the da -,of h jyjg "to 14 ;BAyf1i)A-$if&da3r;26tfi. ­J� it 1, 21 ol IE 'I'ler , -announce to the .... -7 i . $ 1 2nd do 1. iiO,'3rd., do 1.00 -'beat 2, -do libiti-on, and.reeuived previous .1.0 0%"- Ior: A . , of tile *fiis iif� ' 6 ' . t day, �iz L7 th Sell. Nz 1A M L.fl'0UR_SA V1 - 7 6'C jet suth woti d public :­ -PM.ror' Ili suit Bruce -that lie has � on- band itija.will. Cnrriag�ei�,: W Hay,; -earl 114,$2�. 2nd 1.00 best. year Ili, It.0 nt 1 00 - besi in dfor geldingg)- $2r 2nd bg Leath -r, 6.� Comp tjtolZ��Wjjj- nd t I)c c 't fled " -- -, on hall" e, p AS. tested'Qv th-cl�,i,-,��,,'.�.�,,i��7"�;,,�,,�.d* t . ml W 10 I,�6, �j Ciinton,`Edesa1hly,.t,13th-. 'll 2 Harpurli6y 1Xed rralo� ,Ib crd�r gons, wilfbe sold:6hc casib or tl�q" . 'yST, -WORKS v1% 1110 11� EAM lht� borSjS6 3vd d pan 64; 2nd do 3'00 ' I ,7 1 1 00 ii��nrtarriagS horses 1�, 2nd a- " . ": 1116 dechi to b6 the best vet- birought'under Is or �6,,etublesl.tlor', 'L ' f. grai i,' frUit, JOW - ­ -1 1 ­ . � Show the in,aam I;eir notlee� 6 tliSjInpI6jr[ itsL. ' owed 'Ili .the malAt% -ice as cum- t onstrtletion,eitsily �nbL t�d �sdtiy., �4th� �,. rip Oth E ;bri- Thursday.15th.., set approVeilcredif.L '0 1-1 N SS6AJOR J PA Sl Goderich. '10, R`U, R' I" 400,� r&d 0 2.00, CATTLE_�a -fied, nnil Subject to get6 out III, of -repair.. 'cut prIZcS at7the Santa a The cleansing pIrbee etin­ for'tivo- -d I tile sa"is CII by the'r holt" t 16*11�ww[IS, f1byers �Cuid 'Veg6tg- ..a�ti�aofthe w�ter and �no 6�1 1 Dungan u6n..T4ei;44 20,th. ­ ­ .1. . � Victoria _Apr lst,'IS63. w49-6in- it '&A -v, j 56 -G W, 11' live hndft .Be. ",,jell Co 'Which S 11 !a1flil, IBG3-,$4,;, 2nd� best 3 00 - ;,rd lo f, te S' ke.l -clus" -h b exhibi, d 'mu -rely an en- llbi`;,�,Ihereby avoidingt lesolt jr�4 �.t V1 lrlc�, With ic the,�_Cowtb or produ6iou of tli6 ON , �i.: i;ws lure sS , 6 , 6 fig Ith Div Wroxtit6r 84'inkda .,-ill I lot fa- t T16 Rut il )est, e%4 elirt -hrutftw�$2; 2 rid do J.M, 31 bi 10 r. A I a:rticl �S cfr "a-lilly on Persons Whor�have t All n A.� 81 J A !24� 1�� ir Ar, Xulay -�tu, 1,.$a' Sh ft,3v'-_X-Msm' A.. `�b6t: 1� year,, old better $2,,2nd A ;dc: -1-00 -oke -enrS old* - I b es OBF dc 100' do -d used t JmDle- sV$temo t ji�d r6it flie mach "Clefit, itiid Ma� 6 h ille ine is cripublei �oi` !all meAt bave beeti iftZillut"Le. be, ac&t I I d 'v"'k in two burns as elin 'fill A 1863. 9. 'N -L day by ike, �Tt-6 COO'PE B T IJE6 7 t6e. rokii d.-&; &d .okii arg old i'ieers. �2,' 2n -Ld duria-, dr r 1: O P e �,on ordnla io, ry y y- X A y sh'all net a' ilidge'l 11' in which �hb_ iII6 time a f 2 707.3�0 till A 3rd. In... best faitcd heifer a:ftd )o t7v�tlzir4 i'the tie bup it L8 $4 2a& best 1' 00 - :be ­qt I _�ciiiiums ofired�loi "a-, 'Oiled e ed i-tii ome o t e, tin rm6n e e _;- th6j�dg�'l?S the' 0 tiition! la,,Vyehr', lariV 1 6 le -Ex 'I tC'a;V ard -the Peajel'Aur art undBrace.- 33- E .0 1.00', best Vo'klk ' d it 10. 0 ixea '4 -2n6best,'.r'.(:), r o- c' it,! es as t cy. junly York rind Rio; C -aa�ylof tile CLLsi- ;Sherilr Jarvis, T. M. Daly, &q�, P.�� Stripit. l7itte ofthe A as D ROW N,,M t . RT tj . I G-6d.n* Y, SHEEP. adsq.; do 1.'50 3rd a 0 2tid d 0 Sherjfi� Cdiiity or' E iuferior�qualityt -S exercise their of Perth'; PQtsr.Huttyl VSq.', C. ThdlZo 0- I unti urther ridti e,. -as 0 ows, I f ag �Wood:Saws; X hm '0.8 -,:best.yearting r1n, $2, )est, e es. .,tk of tffi-o) raised a talub (pL d rl,(8(3�$2� 2na do 1.5 3,rd do -1 00, Le t erok, Airs. L..j irs, tin, inany pmr6i.bu is tic I the recomittend. 12. y rI" it'( their' at I- "' 'fi6 GEJJ� LE6 tT� ODE I )vst c%ve llieuCe leir- its A WNY $6., ­ wall' rps Ings rall e k,"6ne- in ti,nent and tunfial-manuer, -.at 4uib' LZO--2nd d� 1 00 - best If` 1-1 11 .,I �ffa I previous-�to oi tin' atent ....... Mohdz�,- Tueda� A fl:`9�turda'y'l.' ihdS,of ills I e -to -or er., ery, nVes r wi�t tars *-6l do'1.5.6,3rd d.6 IX0. I'jGS' the, jl�d areparred,on Iti-fits tior-the offluron, ish6W 1:3. �ini'i-in, Osupolv ifie machiaQ.of-whieli lie solioit� a,,tr'al ti to Ole_ A. s d -A,Iawgb.s h 'ft jidij Be t bc 2nd '2.00 jebt,g�ar�small,b�ee� $3, 2nd do ,2.0,0 b 3, 7. f6eIit,gl;,,su,cd tliat'fi pI with as-Ij� turn. what ever.,rth -,lit other j 6 As.buir &26�00 -best, s -)w uliulltfb�reed $3,_2nd�do 2-.00... have� -had pip. i.;. be e *iie-te iiou6 Wise fititled-b Id -cis of ad hini- to be�t6ted atilieir 'residwice, to which it It b `h ito-theExhl idon; coal may, e. ad -1)v di, etor..and �rcmovo LEAYES -SAUGEEN GODERIGH. wa fAL h nd,iSuj,ir.Kdtt1es, Wa-dirr' ifwa abovejjt6 es rdinuntiratify6p- -prjeegff�p !ed 01 it Id nietal, Bra, Coll' of lit duce taken in, exc�nrq ne, S to At 5 moreSIATr o - r ' , Y jt-n6Vbe 1p All the sub- t U ivery" klohd 'I ndrSatur, ab prove, 'Be! IS 60-L7.5, 2nd7 4a it pair. barnyard fow 75� ar re bree best, pairA. "ill- ,r,t6 a sinAe,admis at� & try it-�vill-borrun Vnieat with ills p�op�i, a dUL E. bitioll iIt([ at 7 A. kiricaidiuc itivdrlitiroft-and Pt. h` ctober' '1680�� A -11 0 :5 2 d' be IlL81;. pair ­eese $1,� 2nd, do 76c:-. best P�trll. iucks' $1,..-2zid 'do 75c - -bes Iaally time ii tk COUVIMIER, G -\i; WS ISG3. VL viTfue of a. WA�� o �2nd do 50c best pair pQa- fb�vk 0-f th o -LEA-U G 0, r SARAIAL . - . I 'd pai t �I' 2ad o 75c Clest r I' d E -101 -nab UCT SAL Fashio''. Clothin' H. G A 11 D I N E 11 Co_ At In I ouniy C ourt of ith ir ir Bru(;e and�f *0�6�W apa teneipents ofJ,o,4h Ba tile surt-ofSamme][6.6 McIlra, ave eu, ill ea� E06 201bS cilt..lit �g S-MlTH, �:, 6. ' ..6 6 - L;� tfi­p:b, tht ill e, openeq a . TA RUBALL. NEVEITY & Godericb. SUli A ri P n2'b.sfi6Is�co,lj Itberig t;' -title afiff�inte&a P.C. _Fjou," n, tfierSt. convessio&. ;in tM 16Wriship 36 ;, 21id'do . 2. 0 �6: 1. 0 Q lost �16:f Q'j0C &C. RERCHA, T_TA K H"O L .4 L E RETAIL 6 ' . . i 66se .1 r �ii'fge% C k -h laads _ie A 1 1. 1 11 1 .. I L Ind. do 1.50; �rd d I a n - on - licto It ril-I 9(1 ]land Star- 0cv ill and _:tOVL Teavy IV GREAT ESTER"N RAIM AT ; I . . 1 I d. I 1, ILS T JTUTI'6�-T, lo�`arcd nthlicsi;;- T just criju,lded� STRATON 'of, iii ohig if I J)ffer for 'a cat in -Mpiaw Tb;iit. 1 ay'of0etilber next,at ille t a 2nd� r1p, 'potato d 'if ustem -kets a l�C 11 .-A Troy, Buffalo HN,X OX��_,, best.,acre,o ea", est re 2�id-db-2-00 '3r.d dd:,I: do, Matfgtil Znd.do k:vu �,u do 1:00. - of ! 1. � - jai It ills, townll ip,of ri�lv tile ()I nA"I 'jto:jj� 'It E s6l lion, bit 1110 ilentioned I " : 6 Bar lron��a I s�zes: flool)6and Band Iron;, Party. Plijuida -Plate; oil. Paints-, -Tin-Phite 6 'Ir I. 1 PhicidgIi-and The' ;L )�' 0 I nstructiod7jill DOOR La _AQD .,Jo � - . - ,, i , .�l � ��I Iith-!5ept. a ids-c�T�ijtigg fg.rtlib at -obt etbti CIO a e t i'l M PROVED', FRE[GHT. LINE, .'.'Spenceria Busilre� 0, t� &cv and t it �niruurfsliipi� 0 ' t� will. ow requued it) pay �all trilt ce, Le o U -Ceiresponilencii4, them -for yIde!Nuir 'f�7ballisasli,,ffi6� !troy 'Be it home made,'qua�t .53, _00 0 11 'a VjeCSj ' ' ' 6 , j. I ow wsBosTREAL Z TERN D &JN E jkt P 0 R.f.S 0 N; LAKE� ON'1'111110� TO � ' . .1 � ` I13 ivill entitle t studeni;to pompl hiireourse in any College of elitecinuiries, or lit iliffdo')l 19�ft In I",� 'ris,doxne9tin PIO�h. $3 2ad 2t()101�� I Thrashtni;7 lylachitle, tinneMill, 2-grm; h an nad*:oz Tivee46 'o -a-, 3' Ploiwini I two horge I D, cut it., All -Stations on Great' Western,Rrzilw'a yl 061.41Na o r ig best'.0 yards lifalinLl �2, %nd 1:50'i an --ets bl L 7 1 r tW. ' , " . 6 "borie cloih_fiannel aad lkels'.inll'st Mr A Double llarnots oil0 Y' 91 �L 0 IT I G Shelf fhrkai-6 Of El,�ry-Dcscrjptj0D, and Lake -fiUjon X�ch�gan S,ou0tern and �Yorthern.lndi- 0 191. Rvern.g.. ES Co i lege,oe n rbi�Ca ramp. � Addres�,gyy.-,, ictle S T1 C -A 3 10 x, 0. oil, f;.'H Lql�a ppu les u it_W A0rff'i treat a irecle a ainst.1 c al have-seizea aid' tiken!n 6* 1 _t� Ion �F il� ind �hoffie,spllzi- " ''?11 rness IN 'STOQr I 6 N FA' ana, Rqi :69 d, -7,6 7, L gXR;U t� Idihifiadfitl t sp�t� -M itBe best, dOuble sett, t y Anielc�_Iuch -,is I yoke large Ox ell. �'y6ke riot And.a .arte �ifers, I thia�6 yr, old Bullrone 4.Co�s, 4 H Mat should be kept in, IRA IN IZAMWA MMY Z�l �thl�� Li -00i�bes 'Cb I evulet--:10#Z� t I red litam )ur-'Shiep �Mii Shl a pti -ph iniiiliva.- n lrillie,< TU'4.3�!ar, a- and re,li.bl St tin r - 7 for� S06 fit ingy 2 n Crib d all yearinI6 le&s, one Boar, t�n 011e po, -0ther I -artic er. 186 43 G ROYAL MAIL THROU, 11 LINE, JAQUES;.TRACY CO!S LINE - � Z _C _j6r �o rd-CZin ve t hour,oltivevtto�j !j�dj on W"' tfi"rftjtS:'of�the orinty 0 urorc in HILL he is, t an rLE�61'5' itiontlis Credit W s hitherto r IrOr frntage' he hit by tdrrn.biq, approved Joint Notes. S17 CA j -F OR ff 001: B LACK, PERRY & CO.'S LINE, I j 0 nti, 2nd 0 -Pktlim gh,63,� 2od 2:00,; bed lie, desire� to inforin N_Iatez, ns:tIti has Be t in'PrOlLe e.7ed his arm for a nurnb6 pitir6 it rris baW -,e tv 1�e hill in tj Ifill" C"V ot� . , I C', , 1 H OLCOMB LINE GEORGE MAFFEI,& CO.!S LIN E, ­ . 4 r , cli stleQ 26'hOr a 3,,_;nd 2:00 best 1 horsl, 1119 3:,�2nd 2'00 6Z I os6afhi7-ine�,' odefi �.o ol Fact6ry r,,r Fo it DAILY COMM LTNICArl;ION betweerr MONTREAL and GREAT WESTER RAJL- WAY WHAFW at RAXTLTON, to aridlrom N' idgara Falls, Biffculo, * eb tSA :F.7 MAMS I $3" 2 2;06;-._jhest� t1w 291.400- b best' -A L hit met.,; or Ile Wral A 4t af0iloll ki a the Wool�'Ciiidirig;. Cloth'Drossing ind Manilffieftering bit sinesqwould begi 'to ate that Guelph IrIql, Stmlybr&66derich, -,'Pa 1 Londont th# "It 8 ,N� a 35'1 t ur6a and BrU'60,6 ell Mom Expo To -'2ffd 21-0 d _�3 :�3 S o t er C 1 '�2 �iia: 17-- �- ti:,arm �,&te �2, 2n 1-.00; best. thM inachine"S3ji2nd 2- 00 i earinowe r 'WILL'be sold by Public at the W RE V _ 6 sq�,-in the Villai of ing *eytqthirlg� and ehbW-,.1vorkmen, he �;ed'lli'e ��ivtrbe6N�, eogh', c. firoin,this ciate, to P he an' Xedille orderstO I a CIV6 arn6uht in the aho�e�btismes,, ari- -an '3- Rate quick- Law... OtNel _i_ e odne rp.6 Leq, 4g5li 1lBAgr;kn i[SW480 ;r'a t and combine 9�, 2nd,'4:00'; bes' talkin�Arst premiums. for'arly of the� "j Si*Iiirday 'h eJA2WS6 MPORI U M I R E 'at 11 o'clovk, a. in', Lot: nuniber four, Iltuillred, u n ion lioad. to tile said �M.I1_,ToN- S T R _U E, T,; mid tw6rify tip r- 6 th, u Clinton, eonl2n fig -one an oils branches: Partics�611. 'et4inre; eom iT fronii adistance, will seldoni fail nl� �ettirgthelr wool e t06 liurded tire saine Italy, in tim QArry home with them. Price Will The higbe�p market be.paid, Ili, cas bF-r Is a;tpiv atflonvof-tl�o e IStearoers, or to �G it A-edt Great Wes tern enen Office. -corner a titand. �ljuar '7� WA, at -i I'd sdulh hiiiriiirfflt N 10E t age ot 0 a , _ _ Hi I - "M it Iuii slbrt�slthifio - 111- iboys if'required receive Il� f" he' ittarter.of Ne�t ffd6r:,� riot 11 fVelce e aeire, )reo'rle6s.i�dmor6p�rtietiarly-de,,crib- from C. Corrigan,.4nd or, ol h fi of g6od� cl,!an Wool, free ora yaritity- ills, an well 74 B t_6�. TOJIWW il jieo%eR th6hr-premiula MITI '&�,RAL PRODUCTS. I 1 ties n apples riot le *bd'1611actimr 'of -&&`63; nd 2:00, -9 d than edin a I f4arret to John; FlyaF Tbe.abcivo� 1. shin- 6Clinton. -Tel-mis Q Deed under, power of Sa le from ivwh-ed. THOMAS. LOGAIt.: Ge ton'�'Au 3 - -1_1 -�a f 11 0 r r; 7 I- le" fin 11;6 r 4t1IuyS9jj5V.V III Ple"ReoftA ri'TiliMay pwn of Ligderij_i6:,,�fi_. �o 1.00__i eBf.,ftaMeT ir eacli�$2j 1: _.M�d �collectio ri 0 ei2,7.. c? 'im, or DT:'91CHOL, HULL'S FOLLOWING , PROPERTE, 9- n2.d T -=Qbz* .�a arieties. 5 of each $2, Cis besi'p me 1 �dhrs na Solicitor for Morltragee. , i4 T,:1QT_TT3D ;.7 y a n of p turns 11 not'lesixtbaii -4 besf, xa ROBER MALK Y FOR SALE. anufactures ana �evps,�ostlnut y on ;Intl 1 0 7�-r; U r 1q)D A 01'4,01.6hjures name Wad,zitirw d 'grapies,� riot, _0' AbF.E, 0 OT .86joill oilhXounw Q (jalle ali _Sea�j fly oitiur'o'n, sixt6in;'jniIeq, from G'tiderich,o d H' ed jhe, leadlign, road . 34 -kiu)W,ode� mile rind off 6 ;. - I i --fiiPortalfit Fajn��l kediciu�. 0 117, 1'18, 119,6120, 135. 149, in the V Inge of Riversdale. iri`ihe County is'Villuge is, situni ofi�,thd'main a Ky Walkerfbn�, tile kND THE �Axcr I InStallittielitItf ITifit 0610i bs F' 70 Vit'-' dr, yA than'.4� TABLE, S -BEDSTEADS e t c y 1. Aardine,&A 0 tic t Idg County T wit of r e, With C urt o?,tfie United. d6zintleg-ot 41P I& illlqoi,,y, f h 1:00i best 1:7 M' -ieie _`.iYa.Watc A.TTRASSE8, 'is _6aaprih,�i'e Kw Privilege. -roadL. FOR the cu�e of diseases of tfie�, LIVE, R,�'AXV ST 1 s2nd Lot 17umber .16, �South side of, Meclidnics' Avenue,_jnithe,:, pwa,iof Racilidine, and -47� 41, 49, 50, 51, 52 and in the Village of Rivers - IT 9 0 c a o- I e - nTAND& M R do 1-6�- 'be _C u a qg VgWet;" OFFIN St its, a yt:iung ry atho' mises,bearinji'Fiiii., pre T GOOD. JO HN Indigeiion, Bilious: afrect�ljn's, Palpitali6dofj the Hear -t, Costii,enOaj -of' the B(' nVels"Siek-, 'dale, rd,,6'75 aiiid'76, WLqt �id� of'Vii:tloria Street, in the Tc )wn of Khtf�ardifiel County of Bruce.. Scinth,JL8 in 1st aprii�',A0,,acrev, [in-r1to d 0 q%b var at* 't&f1ihat;Cr- Coll, 6 1 6 articular. at ell ton a J work. Az' . er and ppliln; �ft �Fna lit h' g be t f�rials'fiiii flaiindri carv� w:r b 'BEAUTIFU Heada�he, casesi I whe' re: a p�nin g'cuile,pbysle is: ieqtllr6.d-. n 0 - Lots -.N unibers on the Nort ofthe Dur� I.am-Morket Square;'In Eh Villatre of Kincardirte, County of6, Bmce, containing. oue-gar.Eer,of' air icrnlelr� aind fou� the _v ji ieties; 71, !ct 0 Crot jvgothaft 10 varl- P 'A� U e �T I T ere f land each,.with tile bull I u,7,, thereon'. LotA54 6�and 8ontlieDtirliam.1tond, and lot Also'o -the Purnain Road, Ili tile I 6 all, of, es r, ed CqLLecti 11f.0 50cif pn �p U _W1 W38 n, ere ct. It ALJ Will the'1:11i -i mitilland "OVt. Q A side of Township of '[C-incardni6, corAtuning 50 acres Calch. partSo c North j 23 in -C ac00111 allUM4 4ril r -o541. MING,,T ABLY, Lots 31 �3 cet in the Town or Kincardine., F6r partic, -ulars apply"to . art �,i S &i --. �O 10 FIRST koiaG� It will answer'l aON ell, or children. hdP jiving JRA, LEWIS' .26 Barristli�. G de rich. ij F 1ibIWCt16Tfli0f ll�it 21601 -ow-b6st" $2"61; n.. qaT- 0 _0�4 bloo om I meqi or est,, a d n1l ppy o _D 6b energ I.. w lie 11.1 ly, 'h, the sprin., o at to'the tas le1 --Lots 34,an. uJI3 4 pn.� acreb'ba Iou cre.s a ER C, ledoi lectibil of sP6� -0 itgW ell fenRqui, snuateo�a. mites rom e A17 r :,the tulYwood F. ffvvf po4i� all) osenivalid'swito e atae &I esp Rhuourt), 4a. ' :cltulced, it- has, met Cofi66' "Till ipA res each Lriti 33'dil 11V1c616`.- T00'4c ' , '7 i 411111 11mi �JL -'best W." ,erflisicitsk�1 paid-.' Lr ARMSTRONG VV year, succeig, an >, t ely to supersed 11 jHD BOYE 'L6 TS are offered for sale zav 0,16, 'TO ZIB RRY �e t e,OXARD T1 ubl hils,remove 0 Fii2w 63 aonthe ptemis 27 heap,.and on reasonable terms. Dublic'are."hereby cautioned B,,�irist trMTr P.. .4 to C VA F, 15 $2�_ 2fid vi le t 1:,00 itift2% 6 into es`of -a A I 2' L_ Vj i,,A JUHNf AtLE NAL U A :F 1-, 70117- T 40T S 4 T We 9,T taulising.on the same, as tiny parties ofinding will be -proceeded aginst,, under-th&'ne Statute e6 bile .. Lflth %E dhat&yns ce the'. stealia�nr.,destkoyfdgtof -timber nto A- T y a rs o I a ge lent I 11w majui a aWr led for 016alj,aj�'goa dbl�b�,imprisonroent,ifiib'ecoi�fnonga:o) aR,monrt)hs., IS 1. pi;gjileaw me ,with urany XI at Conc&iisio n -h all Obje 'Ofil�.Tw AMC e P r 61.1 RZ, litters S* 11 _. I cot- �Ior.parljeuldrs'aSW56le of laiii Sh' Hy S� Poi;t�o bee j tie: r��v I P; I ,2nd cl, 0'. Il best 0 to f5hwe 1; C Thevarewell Turibe ed" arid the land o' 6o i . )4. t% WI Z11 y oW OE GORDON ES'O',7 OW sive st 2' hite i�il 40 w tf sch?9I For 'Term s, appivto D p jus house was $liil6e!'�4ndr`50'�;�� st: i2" S RER,13STe W. on t&6 & Intl R. I" 'h`urify� Of'a faE" VIS , Ile CL 15 S me oils, it p inNG-HOL heads ca 'CC66ti� caw, ar -iihibVl till, and '81 in M&I C11 r6retrosills-tv -.1a f "L G-Vus belml still,11 Pr e,* 0 21y i2fidj j tie t, t ll tri' j S',� HE P & tp t 0 In. �V LLAGE, OP KI ARDINE, T bis" obd' 7f, �opportrrnjty, OX ,J)ar tj -ishin tot aa� kiAd of In 11broide in best,emkoide iri'd and 766 undgm=ed.,un erl nasty e.ana6� iftarn. aeasy ',TA MVCT -d -dr I _g it Cej !E -business in 5 n6nuat, 0 i -Y raidir :t aucyrft ii�tlrlgiif, d' a arr6l 1 o0 0'07 a s-adiince �1145 P4 §�- onfialid.rid.for.,Sale, about 9 tap"b woolen atockin_,4 2, it wr VJA r.--tituore the' Zlfii lta�� of I I&JAueit next, ,Vill' �bo � pructfeded �UnjSt, U&,,ye[ryell itigigip fittslIrt 12',00 0 - vshirt, bi�, A ne r t he stvIi!ef' olnf;'O awdlu "de6 By, R, B; RUGH,GARD1N.ER,- .1 At'yN0LD!5 - .1 r r to I 01j,; _0 2ad 1:00; boSj jr 2nd 5 WILLIA .4%, -4j " ­ , ..6r � pp d at., Jill 1 �Appiy ost paid)'io Wi�ftisf RbOKLIbGE SENR: 1 . __ D 8 t�Rqli 0.4AMERON', L oderiell I . ; , C. W .11AUES P!Y fir or. - - sw95w27]� Godefilih Elm" B