HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1863-08-18, Page 3<
.A -
M I - W
-H E
that Mr. N10lesivorth 11 �L limize, iti for bee luxuries and
Prepare air essay on I market, rid e., , e, . .
'of life. Should -,the Pleasint S
v nathernatic,,, Mr. Sy CARD
awl tlU linglon ouL-oil �gralu-.J necessaries TO THE LADIE's,
C athe� epritinare_
- ----- It od,:asion.. MRS.. MIT
ar, and Mr.-`J;l. lagot, one on Geography,,flar, 4 all the crops will�be.har-
vested III pratin ewidiflon
'File- nor,
- wea ther has, got over its mu C of pri vor' -Gtobe, 15th.
kange: a: th noting.
�we ''P R- GO, -0
N -,I �7
ginests,and undertii.6 infl' to t�e )Lndje��
uence ofa bright EGS respectrully, to announ6e
. - '. I I , -1�'?
ogrcs- it, ,Lugust 16 J863.f -ri�h and vicia% fiat Silo intends,
clear su6, hary t; o
perati.ints are pr* F qO HySlCiAINT. 7
:.D.E Rim
carrying -on t c 'V DE,'
gpr?ICF �and' rtisjd�a L J,
ing D Skiz, It appear's In d JQ�H N -P
-1 -On�hou�t these Counties.. 0 �*lt 7" f1jen
Yhr r
ce � "I"
I th A UL. SON k1s, Hotel.
ig�i in f'. door e-st of D,il
himself De6ene� istnot quite satisfied lniporta.,for the Week ending I� 4
Have just re c-iv�d a
C 1 -
p QUrI izl�cltidin- '611 tile Or Aing 0 ess
A�nrly of CFO�dcriejr-t 'i in Trungit- &
tb, the. explairation. of niv, condtict r, N
la'Arn 1E �)P ST�A��LEY
rd inst.:Jiv th6abt -others was :� fl lio,obo, b,,,swls elorn, 1 200 brl 11 s orrOc
-.!it, ll� a 11 i�$t h I v.:.. , gdeii. � I X 'P�a4le`srslblI Store
J It rig Goop �14. R SS 1" _ 5, s � iii, r'l I - �7
er was not or) @Adl 45 bbls f3our 26,bblal IN ALL ITS BRANCHES
Buffalo A rid It, vPe- ;by stru
Johnston,E ,a1fd-otileis, 'bas rorn tIlrd 2 '661. 364�bags corn JiII1v 162.
)Ust"" t1r: stibLr, if I'weve-not sober. it LARGE A WELL'. ASSO T m Itoad., H
'r- 71 aekn6wl edge' 1K
q�io bllls'-flou�,!.-Ioq 6bl; charges to inerh it ilhare Of Public patrofiagd,
-frora, a: deli,RaWry invigoiatin -Dr-
I I..: "!� ". �� I , 6
odist New Cori. 'Ply YSTC VAX.' -SU R�, E
teen hidesi .or 81 OY,
trij t6 ifit- h shbre. become- ha4ii [,.I CiLmi6t.trow 9. fdew nexion-Chu - h-
tur�c g- b1s, high winesl--�I�uffiilo 408 Rr-SIDENCr—OPPOTIte the I M�th �IiINIGANb SUANEIR,00 b
I _ _ 1, to "tudiless and, 61ilti-t4ess of' Illy manner, whishey; 250,1
Nor hitili. hia, Ila -LCupe Viiicent; 4�9,-,,g ®R
im - ' b h )I tefilis afiwill'war Offici anT R61idencc-:�-,At XPs.ACLABI
-or s,' 1-5 0100, bushels Corn GOtferic�, Mil,, g94 itiqlfliav 16
dienirs 4; hide, 1863. 2mos*$p e on oug t sue -sta Stree.
xui4afiei jrfagetaleman- aii& rant them i�n sta
- -77-
last, sllo'r'ti le its 7—
Ihitrs , , I 0gdensbum. uiIie tC,,.s 1 ing. thlit"ibei., are,
irh r�gardtd. the rulQs laid do.%virl Which. are �,.0
very- e--FliCij'tha%
Sifter dark the people 46&r; twa 30 �reell bides'! 6 dry dii�- _J. Se=ifier. .9
I ct�ald ly 1. Tafloring
�of C �h s: 4-r
!;I�ialld tllcm� . 1 .1
4tion. and "W 50]b",ziaft, 500 lings TH E-&-,' -
L GiEON,� &0. Rej*(I.zi�e,
great light i�'a ',�Z. E1.-.djr Ho
�h(idls,Vietoriu Street-, r.
!IUN tifi sonie b re
I I �avL lio,v lletd:�Ibii offi�e4r-mii tbh 50- bh&_,V�ter lim
)ositibn atthe time a U QH
arn' 'b tolls se lig Is'
I 'A coal V - Rumball 200 iibl5s
We l6arn even vear�,,. and the Cuun�il -are jit it city, C C I I . ,.� : OF 'Toll?
was on firs. ra IATr
illyest t a M -I'D., or
A. T. BULL, NT I) �J�Ondr;jj: J'HOS� NI
oweverj by. -the,.Cou'rier., that ft was, not Gaell I' t,',thfal
or farm�Iousc b:l TO,
It W �,,aw Iny conduct arid if�fiatii, to - u
� I -, -� -4-6
ago Do gr eir ides, tot: Mon -
u lic�of erichandthesurroujillin- ilf
JQV u -
L u servant are at lker- t
1: great f
ire," in Clinton. which result C -guiret - antrY't at'Ale b operie.'itillic.aboveline,- ii;
V & RUM- P R
-.3 osg& Corn.— j
od ill to a It accordingIr
ri-S 2 do 12V P I . S % URGEO� &c:, will J`
t D. U. McK; z wo's a
64, si hauI eg s,
a' ball;. 4 MOTHS"
stables. 'F I I-.% I ve n6 hesi ii n.in siyiiig that thkaf- -Ithis upples, ate]' oc ill ie ; R I TWEEDS 10T.
tile 'destructirSir of . , , I .. i
several L i
tulla cl�v�'no1dither,,danI was don*. fruit, lv� FACT DENIMS
rtl� rlyi to L�itsliaseg of tra&stirs, ieftl
ir'has been ,Or up� -to injure, cor,11,
71 Pon, I e je
ic, but ru� the'�rlla� T_ STREET' SS'h c ings� iPritrits, k)4�i I n dwicir. u TT.I.AG R.
-of the pub Illy c4rkrnoct r WE . S P apk ln�,
II the eves rations u o
-ge fw47-lv,
ell y;,,bnt hill e -i"purbilic patro"alre., , : �_
irldnitpil d inerft� a sit it re I Can
Facisr LE�kVING N,-�t Jaek IV% cave it. Arpersdn 66'mpiginedi6�Doc*tor-,Franklin by strita'alteiition and �proinip
Sectind dc,or from the 11tinilrctsNuaie" �Ild ho,: Musill* 00bo4rgg; Shawls'
I totally unfounded I I
-who will stick -,to us faithfully, , but J�_ A. titudelitt busin 166i Par,
I will sugpsf to the writer� Ne of- hatrin- b6en to Uolia. '
-TTORNEY-AT-LAW S6i�d.TlDkt. j�j
ed the' (166to (?Ve§, osiery, and�.a
trOtstl an old. friend' who b fi re &e.attempts to s�eal a I IL sebutielreL, 'Ali, r'piili Gi A
has f6r some Nray thc �charac- 411L DUNLOP. I 0hancery, Conveyancer.
H 1U
0 let I Ile
- d what'did yori e, ENT '�:OF 'D,R
C 'd him
fio'lia his 'rytit o-imins eatheraldil
-ars,.b&Ir well aod� favor:Ny ku tA other man, for .-tire future. 117 Said: 4 Goderx+, April 13,.186' .4. W110vir WUND11), -ASS-0-11TY �'GO�OD'S'.
own ky it be1ro7' I I . r I : �,q. Of'
ir, knov�u fhI and nor to He.. a goo drel t re. -,: I I
criuN"na' of the� hfluek� �urfied Fr�riklfirVl believe yo of a e e, every..
�the peo* of-Godericb, and who is one of If �ugbls for lver�� La� -,a sqoum, rel t in filct"almost, G
�Vds litIe, required forthe tradd.
Y T It A iv 7* 6' Llifid., 9%irvevm 0ifice Qfnd ReA'deft�,
thcb�s heM14ad.felIows'in7`the* world, 111r. c-' -��o r. Icould. not- ha e deberved.much', truth. A -1:S 0 A �:.GENERA A 8 S O'R T NIT NIP 0
my&e rot
7 �p f U a public pi-ess.,
F. is: about Mg- a,- rovision s re in, 11'!'milton &,rest, Goderich. vl5is
am, ir,
VV e wish t1he 'Si�u had a
al DY
large circulation over - er so that w I UARD FOURBY PIP: P�
Civil Engineor, Clinton.
th RI
xi!ght reipoirtmend thii- rkw'storek epe.rto
e 4C
']I ankid.-gundry., -Good, health - and' finn-
It largC mi4 PR6Vl� 0
_0�'t)re Ila It Siy2L(tI.
silecess for%many years to , - . .?T . I ' ' " I.. . . . r , I - JVOrthy th'e i1ppeetinIl or �ptir h liera, IAL L -A -N
Cmmo step
it," seen an artic:c in State �ivll' -Ell
ne ur�ev'ng 9
blessings we sd st'the, least'ofthe
,,among he6fthe 23�d July,beaded 'Brierwook keerschau''111, redb: d teal;. Sc exaln ir,% 'e
1863. W52 viv
-v1v r
an a F E IJ 'C E ANVEL himself and, fiTmi 14 T 1. 1 1. ''. d r. ad is acqintances !LkY �IPES ccAnt of_t1.e ORRI W52
here are sorry, tolo him,,, but of course 'arPivqvsitry of' the l2th. of July. He SaTs: lteceiv�d and foi'bali OCos, ioo&es, Spices, Pickles. L -Buyem Lit, a- '4T B their interest, by exahiinin,� thir department.
'it is his,. duty to nter�iiit'o a- rle;W�field bur village presented a.very plias�
but his�caiculatiori isat fault ��kea
-ot-enterprise, if he-secs,th pen.' Lau&AgCntsiH1 Conveyaricer,'Xincardine,
P_ 72Y 0]
10 Many �A
isays that fie was sur is' LSO',�.SNEW STOCK,OF -EUP. �A-
_p� etltu�find T. .�SH
a required for the trad in �o small i at there
OATS 3; place'�' -he-says th. Wali� ph, Cin importers offlardwriltc,, and havin ff e 4n: �i� depal.i.6
e town . ship,. OV There was. a quite and 9-ols call be furni.sbe&upoliI lowest terms. R§ERYME'q- DEALERS
Hi�cks, farmer, of God rich
cc in, ovr-1,20'0 on` that day COMPOSITI0144MMS., an ful for the,verv� I herto, t�-eeiveC be,�`
:Quite a bit
SIZ6, h
'ad�elt�iheA�-ricattu�altreasuiespf6ur vi] age, The�kbscrilers,A it
lifference as to nujab'�-. �)f vse C cap$ %re
sanctu b coritinuatio
in y presentfrig Us with abunch of H assurhig,:the
-,e S. to consu t il'
Sfatiii ibst, six.lodh S met to cele. hat they,will e:
eg�i all t 'time
saperwexcelleiit.oatsi�tlie beWwe oversaw ie)r inter n ra. ti
b1i is in-,
�:\, !GE
brite'the anniversa�
y �Of
JAj C.W.1
variety, an to give: an idea of th�� yield ato Dr, R DELLENBAUG
im is -fthe bla6k tarfari�itn��" 60, rect, 'they ffieE in in
of "Kin -Wil.
d 12
cc �brate'thlsanfiive
we, 1113, rsiar.�'o` levictory e of a, , bim over Jame Gcr*
counting Z Phiskia
by 0 1� gI
An, averw�e head in 21, arid. inteltigent; assembly
11 at the 13pine
a more order y general appe.�rance;�witainea ill re could not 1�,. Q
in so usua oil >d Was trifl n d -Town Lots lot and thirty grains ;'there wer&one hunidred tirun hnivill pleitsisiiddfull pait;culliI - -as,to b
d` k
uh o�casiofis , "" '7 ffill' bb� fill i the, FLo!1ow,1hg_ P:14ee
He states'thatthe B A
scar�ely�� ken person e seen.
fort ads ii Ur
d -.t ink. he -has� seen few such'gat��erin,
-th�ree 'he. a th b.,204857. d utit�
bd in fropt' of r,
_;ives an appT egt6 of fri&I "He -says they halt'
aggr d theth PaiiiUlly all
ell rth,\ Down e�-'S� Hotel" 201h.
-M t -izsand.fil:� killit&id arid n�lte� Co liefs,hotel au'd rave .three cheers.fu� the -halica in froniL Oe rcsi(fenee ksrnisu._Excnange.� %4th 2bth.
grains from 6ne'llandfud. of stra I Q Cut. Tbev ff--A RD
the of Lines Pe�LkirI
three Woid's JOHN FAIR h4l.s..for the Qlieen, tilree for the Prince of
The crop statids-eyeal oil the ground D. IND
'-h and the berry itself is large AV41es and .0�
not 6 @,� I -
�.Family, and thr6d iery
lOrV 2t;d& 3rd.:
arld well in ones. in merr se in'.
S 1 V A T� :S
'on'.all for R.
uIA calory tb 'b�ld sacred. I'lle Dlil')' llF I -It S4T
n be m
Nessrs. Green's and'Cou.die.'s
-Linpring Con*�ull�t�' F"(11.
PDXOLOGICAL-. Rememb6iine, that- their seen nt_(if-the number uh,) on w.re
I , : , .
2N 99id GLA Q0
J the Si�rital� or�rither to Ainner were'4ob at the formc�i- a4d 600 th& editiorial chair'
t `JreL 1.
atter place.'
eat was a good or,6 be sit Q-0 D.S1
_�Iviiys been a DM' Wwbi H GRAITAX,
upant, ha; d
bei� -r�nresente 1,y t
at reduced priceti 'a" laikej 4wortm
of fruit,, 31'r, Hiticks 'broUght.alon; a small. T"r.y IvE
d wo T
whiell e 7tasketfull ofIne - ripe -plains, id local preacher- M 0.0.611.st and-,Aurfst
wer Eki ii, Tlii
Wi.� KnE -itis is locaf,preach'_
se' speech this. occasion W d hi8 umbier
disposed of! ec l'Oat
-tiv lbelou'-in, -to the etil'odist. E isc'pa!
thp.co intry are as liber- j�W - I - - 1. . 1` ', . , - R' nd and�&"DLP
n.old f n Ifour %T a, S rr CL 1= M 11q
fri�atls from tit eral with their fi�nit tb:i asom as. -they �n g up IQ
t0 E61eotivand HOM�Pilrhw. Schools 6f.Ajeeji,�
A ALLOFA have been with, *h6a at,,�5 afid �I`Le speech '011 1
[be mainwere good,sorne Cute, ProvinI Licentiate Zf\CnaIJa, 'late,of the
e �GER k TE
we expect to have one- of the fin M&SPR G:9_ 'It
.36,- W1 little -ans by� eye ilfirinery, and fi;rnierlv1
e me I lie in(. hat student vf A. l.
e "I lie public thin T
tlect -a�ll they- areihe, bestji
'toCkS alld
e fall nor
seen outs sh imiss the
valtilible fused, e
Urn pi, - W ar tic
eyh,bjt�o the �iter of ill is un, ON THE LL k Vice's, Bellow,� ri� toL U& S Z. GO
stomed to'writc 9thL
be � :L , , , 1. � L . 1 . 'rA inanuscripts-froin. our sanot --I I , : forthe press, Had �lbat 2 DAY�OF EACEIONTH in
t i,
fit up' lo�.of rittla stands 'aad'LwIlim --it 7
�artiele, is bi� first at"
a _r Co. AT �ARK'S HOTEL. 7lustriouls. visit&s put4ri an appearance�WiJJL L
oCthe Eftand fs�
SpI Shovels, Iron Axlcs'�C
�GLA ITT, _,TA -3 T point on to
r treatedsuece
ero�,46'esstraightered in'tine
in_ or tyes� � * * � 'I , L' ' - X
theL luscious. roW�, exclai ewill also LS
in � inewhatas' tre'�t all diseases of a chr
follows "See, pher are Hiiiicks' pluars-,
Icuret chara�ier�` Consultltliqn
r6t a Turp�ntine, L�dTi e.�:Wro%C Idad,
d nfideraial:
and, ffiintter'.x-,peat Geo. ()(rl -B A, R
where fieHir -drislifica REA T igails;,Twines and
rs' and Jas. and.
_'-'G O.D 1,; C
ox: S uAead's1peaches,"_ &PI
C apples auri C 11 M.,kRKET5i excent on I(ftti,� l4tk. '24111L, 17,t
-naf;ured persqla -Al, OFF)
&c &a.,, &C. hoes� any ill SIG C E;: Aug.
- . ) - .7 inter
Wat,7: " Yoa!U do no _ 0 kind,-- thini'lar-froar -cut� Cird , - . , I . - -
Muley, Cros* 6,16r, I'll, and. flLd Saw.
T ere,is �ot. much reco,�ery 1STATE SALE,_ -
_kerli jqst 'eat all'' you!ff can of thdaij and e �rhi&iummer st�glrntnev the produce ariJ(iiiieils Tbo:s,
yL q 1000 A'cres in One �Bloc - Llyo . . .1 11, '- 'r L I , . "% L � _ the: t (]i� Furnishings ofall kindsi _res md.tb.. hnd �rad; Thel bei ng fine, fa�mers, T'A'R . UY IMPROVE D and sittviled
Dcorsuiia J_J alova; the bmik of.tim fti�er'Mahland, oppo.qhe the
To sia gea illy s�re nitaking the most of it at home
,,elf F, &
qys 1. the Slintion of the Isk Xos
the little--Sijnals 'A
ell p. �tieal h6pPihg,�Ar,
falo a Nlke fev luads of new ivaeliI chiinged hands �n eL
-yintles we.say.ahafthelife, of a' ediwr. is Filial. Blood and other celebrnti�&madCerti. 1_
fOw. ere are no
a' for: G�rnev Co:ls' PLATF 'RMT
n ArT
'Th r_B: GORI)0:N'ESQ
�lflsacriflce.' and. it It priceq�quoted be[ And
oat continual sccrle� of's� 'Age l
Ch la� to note since our last.'.
the voice of dut CHJIS�Lhim- to do so, he is ith the Largest SttickLof
nSELECT Fall vVh'�Iat ....... 0,82 %_%0.00, W
I iki do 0.70 ,, 0.00
boundtioitbgta eaiing fruit, it' he
a 0.50
thereI sora4thin*g towards .adva:n&. -a 0700 IN THECOUNTIES.
in;- the-krfous c Fot. toes new 0.60 .1 0.621 51., MINGS 'bega respectfully. o
ause of horticulture. Bt an"nounce ;that her school �vill be re�
urchaselifr6tri the Manufacturers, arid -,,for sa
W6 per lb.. 0.30 a 0 o�encd`6n.W,,dnesddv, the '5th August
th ri,,uriud-you, if said-plums,app1e�_Rea-_,-' 4a.7 lic, S5.00 a 1.5,0
I�lrtoq D*,
9.10 a� C
kc�,�should'prbve to be,of non-long-16epino, 1.00,
er sloz.. . . a May, 180.
ti onable 'Clothing I
varie P d p F shi
SLpr4 eneii aud* strict regard f6r, a
En li branches .$2.00Lper'qr.
W I . ........ 1'00
Sir L n ur ',specimens' �tnay ' o -k 'ABRAHAWS MITH XONTGOMEW
econo viill deinafid their immediate COn MARKETS.- ......... ee, nes
Tp�tio 0 alsoAe: Fancy Needle
sy, Au�13, 1863. i It y 30th� w4t &c.:.
another goodnse MERCHA -1 0 Sh
p4t to, When Mr. Xsd Go er elf, J it 1863
-har,& usage 'of hi Wheat too to 8
Fi 8ft. NT.'' TA 1
steps in to i;Lte ab6ut'our
2c. Ma I.Square, Godefich,
Cartier, or, Nn A. t4orbi
b per to $10-.
sses on
ton, We
I I L :� ' "'� 'L 1 .: 1 31 just received from marke a
9Wr Us Up, eeaUSe
C to C. Cla d Is rt ch-bf
P 9s at 40c o,44c. large an well as o Ed sto
the, federals have"noi-taken'Charl 0' , o �4 MRS; CLAND will resume her- as
ey a c. �inents have bee'
appt Monday- I Oth�Aukust next. Arrange.
' just say, -.herle, t4ke this e,
-0 ri. urla& to prepare pupfiti f"
0�0' he,rublic thai bwi;
'Omd ind inell6w dowu'a litt 01 to 40c.
t9e G,z minuiti School.
flies '25c to _30c. 29th -Bui 'e.
ter: 116 to 112.5 t
s 9C 777
Iss Me
�Havi COST Fdrii6tilarL attention paid.to
yibe, e;N-A�, it., witne�s Ihe�:V,�I` L Street' to the Ill use JaWy occupied b qONISTING OF child'ealS teeth, andL preser
ed UAS Rt9OV-hli' ber'School roin West,
unteerRifle, ompa -oflg�afiirth ',ih NEO-117REAL MARKETS; 0 0
. ..........
. . .. ...... 13' nk OJL
pVt.throu, iralilinea.
OJI sayevening
their f yi,�& aiid rea aciRgW
Miss -McD's School R�.Opens on
grearprogress ioL drilLsitkirs las' W; -fallen offa- (36deribli,. An,-. 4t 1863. :Irq&�
iATI-The receipts have
t all
T -Y,
iq.�&!-AI ionstault a or T
-:17REAL, August 15th. -
1863,'I'must saft ey have made extremely
- h 1 'L Instant. atins, C.
tApril. No' T
rial the �week, being '46,384, bush poth �,Po*dlez
reat. a r. kentori han d �O dbubt:e, 'C�jj�_ due t� M,,:� James Sp bez er BO
inels;le sthan the precedin� week, this m3 P� _,:F,
. Y, AK'9:N .11101 1 . . 1 .1 1'', - , a interest r
-of exchange on
in 'of that yillage foi:� th a hass� accou tied, for by the. rates 0 ICE To, purchase some nice oils, at ext iiinely lov prie"S.'
And'& arretV 'of iinc
taken 11L the advanceineut' of the Com N, Y accouir I, which are so low as 'to pre
t No c ties-, 8'11r'� bepartmekta _AgenV
be SUfficiently vent, hipments from 'caletery, and *ho, are in Shir si Qolfarii R. W, L LACE. -
'HopipgAhathilsfe jeels--rfuly, Western States;' A k rV. in the Maitland C
-tTd eicept in �a� IIiIalls, arrearsto1he Tdwn Treasurer'Ly note or other- ar iamentary i
aJilpi"ted, and also- that. the Riflemen of Sprin � is s6tircely off, _GAS00 TSE., GODRTPH, Wri 3
mest f which is:out of condition -arid sells at wi,,e, if'not paid -on, or: before ibe bill �day, of _7
still continue 0 iiiiprove in, mil- - varying IF. be -Proceed again pricer �from 85c. @!90C. NOVEMBER next,.wi
lutty =kdowl6di;e. ebording to Law. , . 1 0
9EAT'S.-1HalaS veryLacerce'at Ile BB; WHILL Irnkf�l :for' iiij. enCOjI Se6ures LandL Patents
in�de I'likesout Pateiritsfor lov..,iong-, Iland at 5c. to 6c. ne in the rkno j*971m' the'lie Ihe destres to -irifor hii -
important branch of o
ple ofGWericI inBU TFIt—This very'r �deLltjarkil and Desti&ns; Tall;6 �1,
patiofirthutb� has ise6ured latest iin terAr
ourp: ide hiih, ill if re L, IS ' ir
tr;ade.ishesubject ofcons C. Shoulders a _REYNOL ire IS 'L thi 0 ny ofthe lic, N11 r
to -121 for prime T k tronage he has � hitherto recOcanf, wolitoinable 66th a Pvii
�b R E
SFcO 3- ment3. table him to fill!. ant'Lordem paistrage, tfirouirb ibe
STRAY' with:*hich.h. iy:l &C., !or Parties
eLl ixiet Ewlisb; Akin- he fillvined with di'soitcli,l'irid
at 68int. The
-T devote illeirown-ilme to inch burtiIiii,
lowerillan TRAYED from the Oremi DZ-_-Fromlit attent PL�
kets are n-alsqle e�ual to the,
ses offolut Hill, goo exl)en*e'of traveliulgid,Q_
une lasti a sr!�� 4"..-
d6fir. Wawandsh;�-on th customers furnishini
-ara theatoek h6ld' e 16th .
d4 U, C_
year old A SM %
ton;�Riehjrd U!
-the morraing-9f S�tur t4d sth TLE, 3 son, ES
in Ei� tern St:-tes and-Cailads. is known 6 be' -steer; iieck brindiedi tot!-ff the, ER 6 TT
will be Pai to g 'iheir L Ahe ve 'unfavorittle state� ofthe weather on illeyl iire be ii fdr.IWO yo
lit born. Any ulfi im,will 3
-da 9thankfully,received— sq. inst;, there larp 'Tet wheia(thii -to be THE
brination reipectu
�wu;a-respectable;att(iit nee of Teachers and
paying. market ii
64 ael Ond ka6 'I
'of Cdo-: IfAE REM OVED TP
-othisl�ririeridlyL to lsdrn�atiL ws�.' - ataanY Rarts 'P; DelawareL;
On. OHN 1111�44uburrl
�P., Load n.
Stephen Yates est buyers are paying fr6�m 12AC - to A &Stfith 1863' 2stfouopd OY 0
Of Wawanos i was unanimously - Called 14c; �&r StrelaSs ef batter �ah v�
71 e -call itere' d
R [Nd k Black,
101he clmir;�: Latroauc, uiedi4 BOX is now diffi HENRY GRIST. r,l
rn dairy,* andr cult of, 04��6ai 3[listrumeifti Ron
at over ON, TA
tOI. reznarks� thachairmattCa ledLon 60s'to .62a Lr", alld
JrUTL, Pat 'W d br 12c. 1 13c. here.. There is a probability bounty' L fne befiveen _W�TH. ''HOPITS �,PLA laddition' to their U� alent lied
.131lis wresia ari-essay, prepare P itial heitvyiuo
�Yk%the -Ash
Id fid mo I, , ' -, ,, , Befo, let es� 0.1 ey,,
g. ur
toe light fee( ca, t e. n, a par�e epritaiqui S that t ider �ipts irona AM6� h ply of
for the occasion, frLm4ting on edu�ati6o, tak- Cal InStrmrrent';r The' owner osar aKnrmin I e onof,
price iraygoup, if 'so �vcll and good for those,
f the fin er by Hg
_�tmvestmvnr .reariona 4 -'-' 'I . `1 '
ssion 0 is
SW F A the subj6ef whos TWCOLONIAL'Lff�-,' 39URANCELCO.
fbrbearg�IIV fUrither
offi6ei and.on piyjlrig`1or.t ppldg at the, S�g= -R S
is advertuiremnf. L- Wlirri�.iiiTW-07i,�ir�';6�ii�iCi6eDi�f�I I
MOP#iy,. which was dons, in preah ious�'- th -3 A- GL��k LT
W18 ri or Rif delivery of the oldest and (lif; ate
Tmpo,, e most re table,houses in fal tlMd Mcn&iVill be issir iboL�t'64jiaut6s'f7 RONTO.IMAR M -RAMSAYl. ]fee sag
cifil th
ag, N I
_7V W. 1,M.
-warmiesi a pro, ation. of throI
'T THEY HATE AL.S R: CEIVED'A I LOT,, bk� pjiim�'
eli e,
p �0
Mests AN impioved farm prope
t a, meeting �Jat ten per cent in
A 0 TO
eswortlij a4lisol reseaL, YM'- a market to�_. HAM �'BU
TEAr%:, C
nly one 16hil of Sp,
pwa & 4y uins.irorn $400;OUL r Apply by or 0 C1 ft� L
the. saiiii1e, ww, ye.ry -in Prior.
.7�ry,frofitshljr.: It. was unanimously and" dat,89c� an rdS L -Which they offiCat yer'
agrea 0
. I ' - 6 , PfajocniF 'y
at to - I i;�,
ter post P d For and;
-that the next meeting of, therr ciiaven�tln� be N;Xt �ak there Will, in Iall Orobabili L be to
th 3f
ase1n. pro nee,":, you to iCK N 9,��$�*r6en 4�r "I
eld atthe' Yr& WICK inan in
b anchester �Banrist�nr;&
e a . I and �Fa �'q,
having near13
-GODERICH, 'April' .9. a.�
atheir 6 For dical
11 WIN' IV,
pk. PF
SLI,, Medical Refere
the third SaturdHr of Jan- farina LL fops No,"12 Tor Yxcfni� It
zt, to mectat.tca o' kz:a' _tI ,aary 'me andi will L-mq W� rin, their' produce t6 L
ctqc na