HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1946-03-06, Page 1VOLUME 56 - NO, 28. LYTH STA DAR BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1916. Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. Auburn Community Planning For War Memorial Veterans Meeting Monday Night 1 Blyth Municipal Council Lions Attend Pancake The regular monthly meeting of the Slipper •alunicipal Council of the Corporation To Discuss Formation Of Legion of the Village of Blyth was held ,n t; Meet Afterwards To Discuss Business Branch For This District. Our (rood -Will Ambassador Recreation Meeting Tonig'iit ('Thursday) \larch 4th, ill the \Ienunial hall, with Don't forget the meeting to be Recwe Brinton, and Cuuncillon Ilullt- And For Minstrel Show Practise, held in the \1,•tuurial 11all at 8 p.m. 'ratan, 31cNaIl, \'odden and \\'hitt•ield this evening (Thursday), fur tine present. The Lion, Club members took adwall- purpose of discussing a recreation Minutes of last regular nuttingof I rage of the fact that the Pancake Sop- centre f, r Itlk til and 1 )istt irt. :111 February 11th, read and confirmed on per, sl'on,ore(1 a"snctlly by 'Trinity Societies and Or.g:u,izati us ane inotion of Councillors \\'hitficld and !Church' b'I)•th, fell on the same night urged 10 have representatives pres- ifollyntan. Carried. ias their regular meeting, told attended: ent, and every one who can p„s- \ft. lis Gray and Mr. 11. Dealer wait the supper ;thinet Ital percent str, 11;4%1 sibly arrange to di,i, also urge 1 ed on the Council as a deputation from Their reward was plates of hot pan- I to runic, ! the Blyth Fire Brigade and requested rakes with syrup, potato s:dad,, anw:tl,l —,`,_ Hie Council to purchase some new fire :ill tit,. other Hire thing` that goes t hose and fire equipment, and also re- ithis sootier, all of tvhich teas greatly WEDDINGS During the teed: -sort returned ser- vice personnel will receive ;t commutli- 111 North Bay vice asking them t„ attend a meet - to to renew his subscription ing on \I \day ni;llt, \laze' 11111, in to The Standard for three years, the \Icnx,rial 1I ill, for the purpose of •1. It. 'I'iernay, of North Bay, coin- the the formation of a Legion trent; as follows: Branch for this, district. the inti%•!- Dear Sir: 1 ani attaching hereto tions %vill include returned teen from money order covering three years' the .\ubnrn and IA, Motion) 1)ist•'c's, subscription to '1'be Standard, tvhiclt to well as those from the , tidying (lis- should put ere in good standing for trict of Blyth. An a titnale of the sonic time to conte. number of prospective members places I hope everyone in Illyth is in the the figure at over 101), best of health, and that the winter A great deal , f interest is evident is drawing to an end. in the prospective formation of a I have a hard time convincing the Branch here, and a membership of staff at this point (North Bay) 100 ,tvutticl indeed, make a creditable that Blyth is the finest place on showing. earth, and they sure enjoy reading l'cttn•ttctl men are ur;r l t , keep the The Blyth Standard. date in mind, alt phut to attend tits Yours truly, meeting. J. 11, 'I'11?1:NAY V 11' Jain: Street, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Chapple North Lay, Ontario. (("nested an increase in salaries for the ,enjoyed by the hungry Lions. lirigadc, maito•ing illi,, the members :Nljottrn- \loved by Councillot•s \It.\all and ed upstairs, where gulled by the Presi- dent, Lion Don. Mild, a short business Ilia beautiful s, true; at St. Mark's 11\ hitficld that the fire fighting equip- Anglican Church, Auburn, at high neon \tent, as requested by ,he fire brigade, period was run through in a hurry so rel Saturday, \larch 211d, Freda alai-- be purchased, and that the 'atr• and that the numbers could get down to NI hist practice. (garet, younger daughter of Mr, and Light Committee look after this teat- \less Alfred Nesbit, of lase 1\'awanosh. ter, Carried. Chief ilcnt on the business agenda became the bride of air. \\•illiant Ilse was the discussion on what aid the Moved by Councillors Tlollynuul and beet Gnvirr, youngest son of \Ir. 1ler- 1\'Ititficld that the salaries of Myth Fire Tion, Club might offer in the proposed ttert Govier, if :auburn. and the late Brigade be increased to $18.50 per an- Recreation Centre scheme. Several airs. Govicr. Rev, J. 1.. 1I. 1lendersoa, , members spoke on the matter, and Linn num, for ordinary members, with the rector t,f the ebur Govier - Nesbit --V rh, of firiatt d, ,with (tiiVen Ireselltdtloll 1 exception of the Chief, Captain, ,end 'sore h%lc tin dly moved a motion th"tt 1 the (Iub pledge themselves to the ex- hollun'ing the panralcc supper on I1 1SSl01lilry Anniversary To 'Truck Driver, who would receive x'0.00 end airs, 'Thomas Jardin, as soloist, have all had previous connections with Be Observed By Churches ( tem „f $i1)),)1)0 for the furtherance '. • ,,,., „ Tuesday night, a social evening %was per atututtt, sof Such a project whenever the amount singing ........- „ Yellow 'the held in the aicntorial hall, to honour 1 There will he a union meeting of the The \•illat;e of .ltllntrn, and sur - !rounding community, tore planning to ,erect a tzar memorial to the ntt•tnur, of Vidalia) a d District Service 1),r_ "ho ,t roved int \\•orl,l 1\•ar 1 awl 11. .\t a piddle !meting held recently comanitttt n, ti'• for u , ; . the pur- p„•, of t,tlLer,n,; inf,niatio,i as 10 %that form of memorial ,toul,l he trust suital,lc. These ,ononittet•s uiet ort I ue.dav nielit, to arrange for a public "meeting,. 'I he dart for this meeting i.; Friday, \larch 15111, at 8 1'.\1., in the F,.re,ter's 11,111. .1t that tion• the cout- niitees trill present their reports, and it i, hoped that a in ,r, ( lit rete plait %till he pec;eIttc,l, I•:ver)one in the ((immunity is urged to he pre•titt to t„!,•• hart in tilt. dis- cus. funs •' Masonic At -Houle Well Attended he animal \I;t,ouic :1t -Rorie was held last Thu,.day ,•%ening in the Lodge boom,, wit' approximately 70 present. The evenine \vas a most enjoyable mit, as the members of the 1•orlge ont,lit? themselves to entertain their. i\Irs. Gordon R. 7'ayl,r at the organ, ',ttite and other invited friends, who 11 d A ( fodil;, .1inerican Beauty noesan I fern I Mr \\'illi•tnt \I •tt \1' 1 ' 11 \I r. and airs. 1'ret! (''apple, prior to congregations of the Altglicatt, 1r'esby- nt s anAccounts their departure from town. The gatlt-;terian and United Church, celebrating !Mr. I3, I -Tall, dry-cleaning ........... ering was sponsored by al r, Charles one hundred years of glissionary Ser- C. T. Dobbyn, supplies ............. l:ielll, and the staff and management !vice in the C:utadiau Churches on \Ion- A. W. P. Smith, fire brigade acct. of the Blyth \\'oolleo .\Bliss day evening, March 11th, at 8 P,\1. Municipal World, sttpplics The evening tool: the furor of a in the auditorium of the Blyth United R. R. \Vatt, coal dance and presentation Io r \I r. and Church. This meeting is for all the Mrs. Albert Brigham, stove Mrs. Chapple, During the evening the 'church organizations, Yottng People. Co, of Huron, re indigent young couple were the recipients of ali•sion Band, Sunday Schools, Offi- a hatalsnnle cheque of money, the!cials of the Churches and everyone. presentationbeim); made by \lr. I:iehl,!This will be a very important meeting accompanied by a verbal address by Mr. Franklin Podium,. Mr. Chapple replied suitably” on behalf of his wife, The major portion of the evening was spent in (lancing to music furnish- ed by Bruce's orchestra. \l r, aril airs. Ou tpple and lithe son are in the process of movingtheir effects to their newly -ac- quired in 'Ttu•kt•rsnlitit township. The good \tislles of friends here will follow them to. their new home. IIULI,ET'T COUNCIL n• The regular netng of the Milieu he landed in 1848, there were no Chris - Township Council nut on al arch 4th, thins here, and when he left in 1872, in the Community hall, Londeshoro, at there were no heathen." In 1844, Bish- 2 P.31. The Reeve and ail members of ,op Mountain, of Q)uchec, visited the the Council be:ng present. The min -1 Canadian Not•th-west, and began the tiles of the last regular meeting of work of orgattizittg and developing the February 4t11, 11,16, were real. \lissionary work of the Church of Eng- alotiun I, By \\'nl. J. Dale and \\'. R. land(, among the Indians, In 1840 James Jewitt—That the minutes of the last Evans was sent by the 'Missionary So - and the full co-operation of the chur- ches is urgently desired. .\ review of the beginning; and activities of ntis- sion:u"y work in the different churches will be given. In 1145 the first of a " host of missionaries sailed from Bali- " fax to Burma. Itis name was Richard During', and he was sent out by the • Baptist Churches of Canada. A few months later, in the sante year, the I Presbyterian Church sent their first Ito issionarv, John Geddie, to the South I Seas. '1'1115 inscription is on a memorial tablet in one of those islands, "When regular meeting he ado pted as read. Carried, Motion 2, by \\'. R. lctvitt and Geo, C'. Brown—'That the latter front The Scott alenlurial boa;it:1, Seafortli, re- garding the appointment of a delegate front the Township to the hospital Board be lard over to the next Council meeting. Carried, 3lotion .3, by \\'nt. I. Dale, and J. ira Rapson—'That tri' extend the time of the tax collector and the Bank of 'Mon- treal for oat. Inotttll. Carried.notion 4, b: George C. Brown and \V. R. Jowitt, that the auditor's report be accepted, and sent to the printers, Carried. Motion 5, by \V. N. Jewitt and Geo. C. Brown—That anyone in the 'Town- ship twishcm; to order a carioad of tvo- d, notify the Clerl: within the next ten days. Carried. 3lotio:t 6, by \V, I:. Jewitt and Geo, C. Brown—That all accounts as pre- sented, be paid. Carried, Motion 7, by \\'. R. Jewitt and Geo, C. Brown—That we (lo now adjourn. Carried. Accounts i ecus-I1er:dd, Stratford, advt Dept. of health, insulin .. - R. N. Alexander', cedar posts Relief .avis Crustructon Co., plowing roads 100.01;Lloyd 3l edd, snow removal 81 Bet•tard 'Tighe, s^ow• removal .., .80 Ray Finch, snow' removal ... .W) Gerald Brom], snow removal .81 Jack Quigley, snow removal Geo. \fcliwain, snow" removal . .)'•1 \V. R. Lewitt, roads c-mventian11.00 J. Ira Rapson, roads convention11.00 Gra C. Brown, road; conventinet 11.0'1 Geo. 1\'. Cowan, road. convention 11.00 ditty of the Canadian Methodist Church as their first missionary' to the luuuuts of Western Canada, :\ very important part of the meeting on Monday night will be one hour of 'Motion pictures illustrating the great Geo. Radford, plowing snow ..... I3ickle-Seagrave, Ltd., fire truck chemical i; needed. Phis motion \•as seconded' ore ors tip u ` ?.I10 by Lion Gird. Elliott, who also spoke'( hanin el lc tt the t sttlllll baskets adorned the i Master of the Lodge, extended a word s e flowers having akil f welcome to all those asscnt!ticd, and on the subject, and when put to a vote'. 3.,371twas carried unanimously by the Club sorted as decorations for the 5t. t wed_ Mr. George air\all explained the rule - 8.00 was 'tong anniversary of \ir. :end Mrs. E•,tor the progressive games. members. The Club also pledged them- I i t: 1.17 i'ilii u, of Auburn. The brise caterer( 14 ,hies of euchre and one (able c' 2.13 selves to assist in the project in every' way possible. :1s nuuly as could pos- I 10.00 sibly do so were urged to attend tile Ito the strain; of the Bridal Chorus 'int; prize winners : Euchre, gents, Roh ?5,85 , ft•un1 Lohent;t•in and looked charming "er', Newcombe, lades, Mrs. John Fer i hecrcation Censure meeting in the Ball I 80,00 in a street -length white sheer ((welding .gas. n, Exeter: 1 t•okim,le, gent;, Allier: (this 'I'hursla) juncture !dress, fashioned with full skirt, silver Stead, laches, airs. Cecil I)ttbbyn. At this juncture the Presi;lent 1(1,21 shirring at bodice and shoulder, and l Follow ine the cessation of cards an,' the church on the arta of her father,trokinnie were in play, with the follow launched into a discourse regarding the I Elliott Ins Agency, fire truck ins. 43.5(1 bishop sleeve,. She wore a shoulder_;crol.inde, the members of the I.odp• receiving of two new• members during 1Vm. Thud(, February salary ..-. 45,00 'ergot veil caught to iter head with a served :t bounteous and delicious lune!, the lanu0ry nteuthcrship dr;vc, (.inn J. A. Cowan, February salary ._. 80,10 bandeau of white fhm•crs. 1 ler shoes which was greatly enjoyed by all. 'Tit A, \V. P. Smith, labour .............. 2.50 Don, called (.inn Ken, \\hitnlore to the were in sandal style in white satin with sun'' was catered to by Nit-. Ilarnl; frac :tilt! presented to him a lovely ash ; Geo, Radford, plowving snotty 78.00 silver trim: and a corsage of pink car- IVoddcm, and was voted a delicitThs one tray, inscribed with the I.intts Crest, H. McCallum, hire of truck' 4.511 nations and fern completed the lovely. ,soy all present, and suitably engraved with the %words , 0, Stubbs, hire of horse 1.(10 costume. She carried a white leather I it presenting the prizes to the wwin- Geo. Johnston, work on highway -.•151 Lions International which the I resi Iprayrr boo(:, from which fell whitr'ners of tie Carious games, 11r. Georg, S. Johnston, work on highway h,(.$ dart explained was., presented to him satin streamers entwined with tin) pink \Ir\:ell recalled to the members lila C. Galbraith, work on highway 9.97, for publicity services lie had rendered buds, It was a gift from St. \lark'; the cwcning had a special significance E. Noble, work on highway1.60 the Club since it's inception. It is as-1Atlglk'Itil Church in honor .,f the first for nuc of the venerable members c Ii, Iiirons, work on highway 160 sumed by the receiver that the rerorts wedding ceremony held in this church. the lodge, \1r. Robert Newcombe, wit G. Lawrence, work on Iliglovay f tl t r 1 The Stand- C. Rennie, work on highway .... A. Somers, work on high -way R. Baird, work on highway 1. Phillips, work on highway .... 1 \V, 3f array, work on highway .... 1-. Garniss, work on highway .... 31. 1-loltzh-atter, work on highway Les. Garniss, work on highway.... I1. McElroy, coal Monteith & Monteith, audit 1 Moved by Councillors Voddcn ;1lollyman ,that accounts be paid, ricd, A deputation of citizens waited on the Council and requested the Corpora- tion to have a fire hydrant installed at missionary work in Canada. Some of the south end of ,!orris street, so as til these pictures will he sound pictures, ( service this part of the \'illage. or talkies. A collection will be taken to defray the expenses of securing the pictures. 1.2l1.o it nuc fogs carried in "u ante \liss Glary Nesbit, of Toronto, attend-It't•leltrated Ili, birthday h)• winning tit' (1.30 the have been indirectly responsible for' ed her sister as bridesmaid, wearing a ,high prize for euchre, \1 r. Newcomb, the two nets January members, Lions. 1,60 7.701 "Bun" Hall, and Glenn hechnie, al 2.8)) though other nlcnlhers of the Club di 2,00 the actual contacting. Lion "Bun" of 3?0 towards explained t., (,ion Ken., tha 4.00 he did read the accounts in "The Eliz 5.80 zard", and they did Have some dice .7 in influencing him into the club's sunt street -length gown of french blue :wwas accorded a hearty hand -clap. ,sheer, fashioned on the saute lines as I The evening closet( with everyone d the bride's costume, with shoulder- 1'happy in the I:nowledge that it 111 bee t length veil in matching color ;Cud cur- :til outstanding success, sage of dtep pint: carnations and fern. v 31r. Albert Govier, Auburn, brother of Received Medallions tithe bridcgrotmt, was best man, The \li,ses loscphinc \\'oodeock and Id. lttshcrs IN ere NII. Gordon I:. 'lawlor and 1 'McGowan received their NIedallio'o 1 I\Ir. Thomas Haggiti, Tile Pews for this \\'cdresday from the Si. John Am ,the guests were markcd with white sat-!bulance, This NIadalliun is for tic in bows and streamers. (third examination in First Aid or llon,t e I The reception was held ;it the home 1 N ursing. These examinations were bel t of the bride's parents, \Mrs. Nesbit re- lower a yeitr ago hitt owing- to the \Vas coving the guests wearing a smart ,the 3lcdallious %were out issued unci frock of field green figured crepe %with now. — hHuck accessories and a corsage of •'1'alisntan rosebuds, Guests numbering 2l were seated at :t 'I' -shaped table. 11 The decorations were carried out in a 'fire largest rruwl ewer to attend the c; for scheme of pink and white, along I , annual Pancake Supper, sponsored to r with liglucd tapers in silver holders ,'ll •nit, C'hnrclu l.a.0. ,' Guild, was it 86,(10 'hership, The gift, though not deserved anti .w•as nevertheless received with mild Car - Lion (and no little surprise) lion 1 iarold Phillips, chairman of til Rehabilitation Committee, had charg of the program portion of the meeting il\'ith preparations for the \linstre Show in full swing, the program por 1tion was unnecessary, and Lion Ilarolt gave a brief talk on Rehabilitation wort as it had been carried on by the lac: ,committee. During the past few year Ithis committee has rendered whateve service was possible to our returning , iSertice Personnel. He spoke of til 4.7 BLYTH UNITED CHURCH Sunday, March loth 10:15: Sunday School, 11:15: "What I have, I Givc," 3fovc(I by Councillors 'Whitfield and I-lollyman that the Water and Light Committee, along with the \Tillage En- gineer 3Ir. i'hucll, go into this clatter, and bring in a report at the next regu- lar council 'tweeting, and that the En- gineer have the water main on Dinsley street, where it is broken, examined as 7 1'. \I : "One Thing 1'llou lackest, Ito the condition of the Main. Carried, or the Flaw that Spoiled the 1)ia11011 " 3lovcd by Cottncillors \l cash and Harold Phillips and Donald Cowan \'od(Icn that the Liability Assurance as t ac as ushers the day, carried by the Corporation, be renewed will t I fortl I —V Pancake Supper Attended By A Large Crowd and bowls of yellow daffodils, :\ three- I' attendance i,ltenl,ulcc t:n Tuesday night, "I'h, probability of the formation of a local large rrowl rnj oye,l a ddirious suppt, table decorations. l ollatwiug the (lin- Legion group, and what it would mean cf pancakes and syrup, salads, :til mer, toasts werc proposed by b\ew. J. to the returned man. He also extended pastry. 'I'hc atienc7ats'c included mein thanks to the ladies of 'Trinity Church l.. 11. Henderson, \I r. ;mat Gorier. hers of the local Lions Club, who fav :std \it•. Alfred Nesbit. .\ssisting in ,,treed the Guild with their ,rescue Guild for Providing the supper, remark 'serving were: \lisscs A\Ina and Dorcas t ing that they were the one group that Sillery, of -:-eters Wields of till br•ill_I•\s has been the custom for a ti,c storey wedding cake completed the Pte. rhotic Sults sang a mach-appre- ias in former years, Carried, , had always remembered the returned groonn; Agnes ,\lasuu, of lielgrlwc: ttttulny,t ,years, the Guild treated Ole re Iciated solo at the morning service on imam h} extendng to him an invitation (Anty 'Poll, Fast \\';tw•anush::lnd T.:uu;t i nen veterans r f both wars to rbc+ The question of rest rooms in the i to attend their annual pancake social , I slipper, a gesture "which always bring 1 hililps, of .\uI •n, Tea was point( , Sunday last, TRINITY CHURCH, BLYTH 1 st Sunday In Lent 2 P. \I.: Sunday School. V Memorial Hall, being brought before 1 free of charge. They had now en-' tort' c onuncnt< of appreciation from the Council by the Reeve, it was ntov-Larged the invitation to take in the re- by \1155 \lason frons a silver teapot, an the returned sten. ed by Councillors 31cNall and \'odder turned men of \Vorld \Var 11. So far as ,heirloom from the Old Land, a gift from The proceeds from the suppe an uncle, Rev. 1:. Ti. Nesbit, of 1•,•rk- thal in view of the Myth Memorial he I:new•, they were the only organiza_ cunnultcd to $65.00. shire, 1•.ngiand, to \Irs. Thomas Grashv, hall Board contemplating installing tions in Canada to extend this courtesy. --V------ 7.,0 I . \I.: Evcriltg Prayer and woo desired that it he Used for this Sermon, "I belicwd; in prayer." rest roosts, reading roost, and modern Immediately after Lion Harold's rt. -1 I+ a1'n1 Forum 11leetiilgs kitchen, itt the hall, for the acconto- marks, the sleeting closed, and the wail)). ocrtsiou, hollott•ing the recce Plus East Boundary Morris and 1 Tel $1.98 ! TRINITY, BELGRAVE I tout, t 1e young couple lett tqr a hony- q,oti; 1.45 P. \I,: Sunday School and Bible elation ofthe lomnnurity and surround- members took their places on the stage moon to be spent at London, the brilr lett Farm Forum incl at the home • ing district, to be installed in the Ilall,•of the Hall for 'Minstrel Show practice,' \Ir. and Mrs. Earl \\'arson on io'uie a 3,25 ('lass, where the village fire truck and equip -!with lion Stan. Sibthorpe :u charge.ltavcling in a dress of gold figured silk !tient, with 21 present. After listeni• 30.,11' 2 (1 1 . 11. Holy Communion. jersey, with brown tweed coat and ST. MARK'S, AUBURN meat is kept, that the Reeve appoint a and \lisses Alice Rogerson and Eliza -1 to the radio broadcast, "What aro snatching arressorics. 011 their re, . committee to look into the master of beth Mills,at the piano, export markets," a discussion follo,we 9.15 A. \I.: Sunday School. the) will reside on int. 1 ridegroon1' ; locating other hoitsiug acconuulatios' \' 1 with Bill Young a; leader, \1 r. an 10.3(1 A. \I•: 'Morning Prayer anti (arm in hultett iuwnship. Ifor the fire equipment. Carried. MISTAKE IN RANK + , airs. i?:+rl \Vatsun and Gerald, enter Sermon, I al:urh _nd, the wed,ling clay, alst Reeve Rainton appointed Councillors tained the group in contests, conuuunit -- — Tn reporting the home cooling of an rooked other anniversaries in the 3icNa11, ITollyulan and \\'hitficld, a Auburl boy last wed:. '('ht. Standard bridegroom's family. (lis nephew, \\'il- singing, and a geography match. Lune' Firemen Planning Social co•nlmittec to look into this matter. was scrwe(1. \ext ntccting, Dtarch 1! failed to give the proper rank. The I am Henry Govicr, ;,-,n of \I r. and \lea. Evening (Ire .moved by Councillors Vuddett an(1 titan(hu'd referred in the itch! to Pte. ('ars Gorier, 01 Fast \1'atc;+nosh, Iva, ,will be at the home of Mr. and firs At a meeting of the Blyth Fire De-1Hollyman that 3! arch 20th, 1946, bel still \\'art, with ken, Brigham as con pa tntcnt, held last week, it was (It. - I iCliffrrd Carter, while it should have one year old Saturday, It was also the b the date. set for the dinner, social ev read C d ('liftcrd l'arter. birthday of the late harry Govicr, veno. and \Ir. and Mrs. \Vatt as re- ci1cd to hold a social evening in the 1 I chine*, and presentation, for the Re- \, ! creation leaders. Everyone welcome 'alem orad Hall, in tic near future.' turned Service Personnel. Carried. grandfather of the bridegroom, Deep Plans are to spend the evening playing'1 RED CROSS NOTICE regret was felt at the abseil e of the 3foved by Councillors \fcNall and \\'infant Carter, roads convention 11.00 cards, which will be followed by a :anyone with any Red Cross sewing bridegroom's grandmother, \Its. Harry AUCTION SALES GALORE ! Whitfield, that we do now adjourn. \Vol, J. Dale, transportation Hunch. Invited to the event will be I for layettes, are asked to please send Go 'cr, who was onside t., be pec -rot Sec parse - , f thi issue. The Stand - and convention . ............carrictl. account of illness, This lady will aril .,u ries ti (Efferent auction sale 31.00 the members of the • Department, their I them in, finished, as soon as possible, on-. George \V. Cowan, Clerk. wives and families, and a few guests, Gordon Elliott, Clerk, as they are urgently needed. Omar'. her `',til birthday late in .\Pril. li ts ibis weep, No Wonder Tho were discu!`,111 tills "Ilow is it, lack " asked toe, 'that you gt 1 on so well with the girls'" "Easy," was the reply ' 1 flatten'. For instance, the girl 1 'va- lvith last night got a fly in her eye. I said, 'I can't see how it could miss such hig eyes as yours.' After that I had !ler eating out of my hand." A few days later they net again, "I1'nl," said Joe. "1 don't think much of your flattery stunt. 1 trial it, but it didn't conte off." "What happened:" "\\'ht', ;hc girl 1 ova t\ith g„t a 113' in her mouth.” Keeping It Dark Two ,lure,- on a canal \\ t re ap- proaching cash other. Although separated by ,1 hundred arils, the zespeclive o•.\ nt'rs recognize:1 each other and began long-distance greetings. The ye --t!- passed and \\ ere al- most out of hearing range \\ hen one barge suddenly roared: "1io\\': that daughter o'yours, Bill'" "Oh," replied hill in his bu11- likc voice, "she's gone and dept!! the 'as, but \\r're keeping it quiet." THE SPORTING THING ,i 6 �/'I / yd Jif f?i�e - "You can surface now -- the war is over!" VOICE OF HE PRESS IMMUNE A cu!tl w'a\e swept across the Bay of Biscay last eek. At the prison of the 011e d'Yeu, many of the instates carte down with flu. But the island's most noted pris- oner, Marshal Henri Philippe Pe - lain, aged 89, rymained iu spry good health. A prison doctor drearily remarked: "Ile will out- live ole." — Newsweek. Inflation Each •of several boys who amus- ed themselves by deflating automo- bile tires was required to pump one up by hand. 'that's learning about inflation the hard way. —Christian Science M onitor. Tough Going! Overheard in a Sussex pub. First mild and -bitter: "1 'ates the taste of this beer." Second ditto: "gyrus. 1'11 be glad when Ire had enough of it." -- London New Statesman. Greater Speed Still Ha\Mg developed a },lane that goes 'tarty as fast as sound, they arc now experimenting on one that can travel almost as fast as gossip. — Stratford Deacon -herald Th,. Little Darling(?) Onc of tan English subscribers has sent Its an advertisement he taw in a Surrey, England, newt paper. 1t hints at a reign of terror of which very little seems to hove• been heard on this side of the ocean, and \vert glad to print it: "Young Lady, aged six and a half year,, who has just returned Iron] .\nurica and knows all the ;ins \vtrs. =tc1' a governess w'illinq tc learns" — New Yorker. Just Like That! The. 'nilly u111 Pioncc15 had a tong!: :hate in some w•a\'s, but not with their housing. They could al- ways sharpen an axe, fell a few trees, get a demijohn of "high - Call the neighbor' in for "bet .- and up went another fog cabin 1 Uttaw•a Cider's Diplomatic Buck -Passing A great deal of foreign policy now reco{\es itself into everybody's hying in favor of something being done and nearly everybody's being in favor of somebody else ,ming it. — Vancouver Province No Excuses \Jan) !married servicemen .uc gu ing hack to college to complete their education. And won't the I,it alt' \\'olnan get a kirk nut of agn- ing their repo,' carry! -- Street Street Journal. IIORiZONTAL 1,9 Pictured late .Preen and sIage ;)stress, — I1opc • 6 Dance (collnq. ). 14 Genus of geese, 15 Harem room. 16 13adgerlike mammal. 17 Christmas carols. 18 Lease. 19 Aftersong. 20 Conclusion. 21 Garden tool. 23 Age. 24 New South Wales (abbr.) 25 Nothing. 26 Myself. 28 Run aground, 31 Silk fabric. 35 Drop of eye fluid. 36 Was carried. 37 Edging machines, 90 Drift along LATE ACTRESS Answer to Previous Puzzle E t iN1 E _ TIH OiMiA S AITEL.L I NEFDI SOINL Pj' EL E CT 10;N�SS01A CAT AGE'. (RR'C 5iItiN !=R}I Nr Y RE1ST ST;EAiD DER DIA NES I iO TM� NC 0 O U NIIL E tr) 1 -JUN) J SUfiE'S�'F� INFO EhIS �C I D. G'EIyT' , RUE RB>'OKL A,H0 1 N _EIN ,tR ' C RIE�A:R t EtTHETRLiAN;DS� 41 13ehold. 60 Growing out. 42 Bone. 61 Reprimand, 43 Be ill. 62 Cognizance. 46 Large tub. 63 Removes, 48 Genus of VERTICAL grasses. 1 Narrow road. 49 Hops' kiln. 2 Soon. 52 Site was a -- 3 Consumed, actress. 9 Relative 54 •Lincoln's (abbr. ). nickname. 56 She acted in many —S. 58 Father (Latin). 59 Born, 5 Turkish measure, 6 Pit. 7 Poem. 8 Top of the head. 16. 16 9 Froths. 10 Knock. 11 Short jacket. 12 Marries. 13 River inlet, 22 Aged. 25 Nostrils. "7 Noblemen. "8 Female saint (abbr.). 29 Scatter, 30 Tatler, 32 And. 33 Girl's name. 34 Seine. 38 Venerate. 39 Body of water 40 Frothed, 43 Snakes, 44 (abbr.), 45 Malayan .jumping disease. 47 War machine. 48 Hammer head 99 Elliptical, 50 Locality, 51 Golf mounds, 53 Obtain. 55 Iluney-making insect. 57 Unit. o 1 12 1i • LIFE'S LIKE THAT 60 bd By Fred Neher "1 can wear long pants any time 1 want to ... I'm just making this sacrifice because of the wool shortage! ! !" REG'LAR FELLERS—Part of the Job r CORPRIL DUFFY,, EVERY FIRST CLASS ARMY ORTER HAVE. A QUARTERMASTER') „� WELL, 50 HAD THIS ARMY AN I'M APPOINTIN' WELL, NOW, \ YOU IT•' GEN'RUL•• �11-IA5 HANDSOME • OF Out Our Way WHAT IN THE WORLD KIND OF A SHAPE HAVE 4'OU GOT 11JT0 WITH 'THOSE) By J. R. William,; THAT'S E XAC1 L`/ YOUR \ SHAFE! iF YOU'D PUT VOL/P_ HAND CUT WHEN YOU STOP SO C;UICK 'TO LOOK AT STUFF, 1 WOULDN'T GIT ti.tY- _ ETLF SO BUMPED CL9 Ei-tAFE! l =yf \".HY MOTHERS GET GRA! r.,, ,,..•••: • „ &It U F r„ til We'll hind Out :\1gy Was, or had been, Aunt 11atilda's favorite nephtw 1'.5 name was still on her list for t'Ic New Year gift distribution, "1\'hat did you give hill year ' asked her companion. 'A cheque," said auntie. 'an poor boy, he told me he z onldn't find \surds with \vhich to '.hank me." "And what are yotl Li\in_ :.::tt this year:" "A dictionary." IT MEANS A LOT when the meal includes Maxwell Houser This marvellous coffee is extra delicious because it contains choice Latin-American coffees ... the finest the world pro- duces. ...Look for this sign for leadership in t he field of modern insecticides, 1in►gi- cidcs and herbicides for farm and garden. Your dealer ivill have full inform- ation soon. rI}adt' .lfark itrg. LOOK FOR THE "GREEN CROSS" OF COURSE YOU'LL NAFTA TELL ME. WHAT A QUARTERMASTER DOES, i M KI NDA FOGGY ON, THAT ANGLE RIGHT t' W! POP — Floored r ... By, Courtesy of Pop TREAT 1-11S RIGHT HAM, WITH RESPECT IT'S QUI rE SIMPLE - We 1-Iave Prospective Purchasers 1Ci• ha t'1; tv ,,, pt, live r,urt'IItlscl5 for 1lr„r1,11it" near \\'indsor, To. Immo ;1 11,1 \i;u:,lrn falls. 1\'rile, giving 11' (1;trtirlllat �, Contrasty 'Nrll�1 l'„mjla 11 )' 111 1;a sada, iylnd cr, 'I'tronto, Niagara I'n115)). About !'urn \luny: cern '.n 111, was rh,tr: t 11 with di-tn dei ly conduct. I ting hits) coldly tilt -11,1te a -Loll 111; 'rule sill'. "\ll 1:11t'It1 1- .I 1VVk ;U1nai 1001. b,111c1." ;lie defendant's 1:1 \‘ "he plays 01! side.; Liin for !tis t,,lrn." "Ile dc's, 11045 said 1' c nt. y'i-,da1e cn1111} "\\ell, lit'', have to , h,utgc his p 1•i!inn. I (ell he right dn-idt fol next 1, :,tech day Si Beginning ------ Next Yeek 44 The Farm Forum " News and Views of Particular Interest to Ontario Farmers. a y Canadian Government, \Innicipal and Corpora tion Sectn'i ties In matters relating to investment or the mulet'wriling and di,lrihution of securities, the facilities of our organ. nation are always at your dislul,al. Security offerings furnished upon request. it'ood, (ultdy & Co iii pa ll ;}• limited ltinnii,t1 "101!0\TIO \;'u,,.utr.r lluaua `tlouirrel Net. York yi,i,', 1.4)))411.11. Nue. tranlifl"n fiiteltrnrr Loudon, 111,1. .0..11114.,. 1„ lu r. .I PI I CI ..i i.1 .i, .ii III ii,,.,,. u.ilp 6 I piOp .. Ile t11 J..i,l.\ by GENE BYRNES —Y'R FIRST JOB WILL BG T' DIG ME UP A QUARTER. SOMEVII'.CRCS FOR. A TRIP '0) TH' Movtes 11 4 ifi By J. MILLAR WATT I RADIO'S "FIRST LADY" GETS BEAVER For distinguished service to Canadian radio in 1945, Claire Wallace, Fiat Lady of radio and John Fisher, (right) receive "Beaver" awards from Richard Lewis, editor and publisher of Canadian Broadcaster, The Canadian "Oscars" were presented to 17 radio personalities on week's "Canadian Cavalcade" broadcast over the CBC's Trans- Canada network. SMOKE POURS IN RUBBER PLANT FIRE Heavy smoke corning from burning of thousands of recapped tires at Keystone. Tire Company in Philadelphia, hampers firemen trying tc get at heart of blaze. Smoke enveloped a large area of the city. AT CHURCH `UNO' John R. Mott, of Orlando, Fla,, long a proponent of a world mission of Christianity, heads the U. S. delega- tion to the first postwar conference of the world's Protestant churches at Gfneva, Switzerland, The meet- ing has been called the "San Fran- cisco conference" of the proposed General International Church As- sembly in which 90 churches from 90 different countries seek member- ship. SEES DOCUMENTS ,The .only .person .outside. the R,C.M.P, who has seen the most closely -guarded documents in Can- ada today is Mrs, Fernande Jou- barne, above. . The documents are papers handed over to the R.C.M.P. counter -espionage branch last fall by Ivor Gosenko, who was formerly employed by the Soviet Embassy. She quoted Gosenko as saying they contained atom bomb informa- tion as well as names of spies. POLITICIAN Now that Japanese women, for the first time in history, are permitted to vote, Yoshiko Kudo, above, oc- cupies an important position in the political picture. She is president of the newly formed Japanese "Ladies Party." aningtEMINSOMMINIMM Von WIlI Enjoy Shying Al The St. Regis Hotel 1(mow° • P.very Itoom with Bath, Shower and Telephone. • Single. 5'r,0 up — Ilouble. s;t.s0 ap. • Cuod 1' 1, Dirt ng and Dane - Ing Nightly. Sherbouroe nt Carlton el. 11 A. 410;, il:r„yiit •, Wittat.014211ar,nww 41.114alm LLI►A.ml Highlights of the News Post -War RCAF C -t of n:.intainiug Canada's po-t t,ar 10.';\1' of 30,000 person- nel i, an estimated 850,000.000 11 mei I I The RCA!' is being of ganized Oil 1110 basis of 16,100 regular force ), r,„nnel, backed by 4,100 tin n in an auxiliary est;u,it`hinetll and 10.010 in re,t'I•we, Air Cadet,4 .\ pea,-ctiinc goal of 15,000 cadets has been set by the Cadet Leatme of Canada. A program for yontl bel %Teen the age:; of 15 and 18, will provide training Iead:ng to a flying train- ing scholarship whicl, probably will be available to about 10 per cent of c'radnate air Cadets. air am - Soret Gold Cargoes British warships have been car- rying secret cargoes of tons of British gold to the United King- dom since the war ended. The disclosure came with an announcement that the aircraft repair ship Pioneer was taking aboard 22 tons of gold bars worth 5,000,000 pounds, ($20,000,000), which had been stored in Australia for Britain and I -Tolland during the twat•. Jap Gereral Pays Lieut. Gen, Tonioyuki Yama- shita, famed as the Japanese con- queror of Singapore, was hanged as a war criminal last week. Execution on the gallons—re- garded in Japan as the height of shame—was meted out for Yama- shita's condoning of atrocities by his sten in the later days of the war, German Ration Cu. Lieut. Gen, Lucius D, Clay, FIERY, ITCII1NG TOES AND FEET Here 1s n clean, stalnleas anti- septic oil thnt will do more to help you got rlcf of your trouble than anything you've ever used. Its action 13 so powerfully penet- rating thnt the itching to quickly stopped; and In a short time you are rid of that bothersome, fiery Itching. The same Is true of Barber's Itch, Salt Rheum, Eczema — other Irritating unsightly skin troubles. You can obtain 1lfoone's Emerald 011 in the original bottle at any modern drug store. It is sate to use—and failure In any of the ail- ments noted above Is rare Indeed. RUB OUT THAT COLD WITH— „r One oI the best home ways to help sono ui REO 000 if your blood Tacks Iron) You girls and women who suffer so from simple anemia that you're pale, weak, "dragged out" — this may be due to lack of iron in blood. So try Lydia E. Pinkham'sCompound TABLETS with added iron—one of the best home ways to help build up red blood—in such cases. Pinkham's Tablets are one of the most effec- tive iron tonics you can buy! CET RELIEF FROM PILES This Amazingly Easy Way Maybe you are one who is troubled with sore, itching, painful piles, keeping you nervous and irritable, mak- ing your every bowel move- ment a dreaded, painful duty. 1f so you should not delay treatment and run the risk of letting this conditlen become chronic. Rectal itching Dna sore- ness or painful bowel move- ments because of piles are Nature's warning to you and you should take steps now to relieve this condition. We make this generous offer directly to you. It gives you n chance to try a simple, hone remedy `VIT11UUT COST if it does not give you prompt and effective action in helping your pile troubles. Go to any drug store to- day and get n package of l lem-Roil, nn internal treat- ment which directs its unlike' action to correcting the cause of your piles. Piles are really caused by turd circulation of blood in the lower bowel. They are greatly Aggravated by constipation and straining in bowel movements. The Hem-Roid formula is made eepedally to help you. It acts in 4 ways. (1) It makes errionalMoth! Pored 6y Pro/ your bowel movements easier and Tess painful; (2) it relieves Use terrible itching and bunting; (3) it eases the painful soreness; (4) it aide in healing the sore, sensitive pile tumors. The action of Hem -Reid is quick and re- liable. Within a few days you will sec what Item -nerd can do for you. It is easy and pleasant to use—gives amazingly quick and effec- tive action. It seems the height of folly for you to continue to suffer the agonizing torment of piles when so tinea remedy may be had at such a small cost. if you are not cony pletelyp eatisled with what Ilem-Roid does for you—f1 alter using one package you are not greatly pleased— your money will be cheer - hilly refunded NOTE—The sponsor of this notice is en old, reliable firm doing busf- aess in Canada for over 20 yearn, Hem•Rold must help your ennoying and painful pile condition—must do it quickly, easily sad pleasantly or your own test of this remark- ably successful formula costs you nothing Ta it today. !aqua). United States NIiiitary Governor it) Germ;,uv said rheie was ;t po-,ilility the German ration would he cot in vkw of the swar'.1 food situation, .nit no final 'et nion has been (alien. Japan s Exports Japan \\ ill he ;tlh,st ed to ex port this year about 25 per cern of the total goods she sent abroad annually during the 1931-30 pct ic''1, General MacArthur announced. The 1916 exports will have an ap proximate value of .200,000,000, which• will be ''of critical import- ance to nu'et the cost of the linin r1 import program nrce -ary to 10 11 1 - tails a utininuun. of inte'n tl economy " Chicks To Poland The United Kingdom Ministry of Agriculture is considering a scheme to send two million day- old British pullets to Poland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia to restore war-dep'.eted socks, U.N.- R,R,A. has asked the British Chick Producers Association to supply IdhyDTr/ni/ 9074/3 e!oref< If your nose ever fills I% up with stuffy trap- BREpill sient congestion --ti next time put a little P Va - tro - nol in each nostril. Quickly con- gestion -is relieved, breathing is easier, Va-tro-nol works right where trouble is to relieve distress of head colds. Try it! Works flnel You'll like 111 VICKS VA TROaNOI chicks v. hich would be of the best British :•turf:, courtly I<hode is- land Rr,:s. The birth would bt flolvn in planes with s;,crial tem peratnre 1 i noel. Athlr,res tc Leave Soon 1.1 , Can,ei rnr-Gci oral and Prin- cess Alice will leave the capital to return to V:n.'land a fes',- days alter 11is li ,rel c ncy opens Parliament !.1 mall 1i Revolt In India Primo NIi tiler Clement Attlee reiterat, d his charge that Commu- nists, beil,ed foment last week's Indian disorders and promised stern p, iiklu cnt for the ringlead- ers of the Royal Indian Navy mutiny. The prime minister said 1 oth Indian congress and Moslem Iead• ors co-opei:tted with the govern- ment in condemning and trying to halt the di,orders, but that the Communists stirred up the rioters. City -nide cis ilian riots touched ROLL YOUR OWN WITH acdona['s FINE CUT, oft by ,t mutiny of Royal Indian Nay hit it;l:r Bailin.; through liontba last v, et k. 1 ire ratings, stationed un ships in l oin1ay harbor, we,tt on atrikr in an ef:ot t to g; in equal pay and privilege,- with Royal Navy men. The stril-e began quietly but be. r•;:n e serious when the strikers stat, turf ,alit;; their ships. Ct,ll;tp,e of the mutiny is he !it vi (l to be imminent WE'RE POINTING STRAIGHT AT YOU IF YOU WANT FAST RELIEF FROM A oughorCold • Here's what to do. laet a bottle of BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE. Take a few sips. Feel its instant effective action spread through throat, head and bronchial tubes. It starts at once to loosen up thicl< choir• ing phlegm, ease the cough, soothe the raw irritated membranes of throat and upper bronchial tract. Don't take chances—take BUCKLEY'S. Canada's largest selling cough and cold remedy It's different—it's all medication —nc syrup—acts faster --goes farther. Nothing To Buy 000 Nothing to Sell Here is a fascinating and educational' puzzle game, in which you can quickly qualify for generous cash prizes, COSTS • ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO TRY— COSTS NOTHING TO WIN, Below are given the names of 30 United Nations Capital Cities. Each of the letters • used to form the names of these 30 cities has a certain value in points — as shown in the letter • value chart. The object of the puzzle game is to fill in, as on an = ordinary crossword puzzle — the names of 15 United Nations Capitals, whose cont - bitted letters will total up to the highest possible point value, SIMPLE RULES • Starting with either WASISINGTON or LON- - DON—fill in ALL the blank white squares or spaces—each with a separate letter, so that • each section on the chart will spell the name of a capital city. Names must be connected - and no spaces are to be left blank. Spell from left to right and from top to bottom. Not more than one letter to be put in any one space. The names WASHINGTON and LONDON must • remain on the chart as shown. '- Every letter used to spell a name including _ Washington and London (except letters which loin or connect two names) has a point value Isee letter -value chart), Letters which join or connect two names nave 5 times their regular • value, when in that position. For example the "S" in WASHINGTON Is worth 10 points, in- = stead of its regular 2 -point value. Likewise the "G" is worth 25 points and the "N" valued at 15 points. Int LONDON the "L" U worth 20 points while each of the two "N". is worth 15 • points. Only names of cities shown in the list of 30 Capital Cities may be used. No name to be used twice, and spelling must be the same as in the list tVhen all the white spaces are filled with let- ters to spell names—add up the total of each lino across (a horizontal line) and then fill in = the total of each horizontal line in the space provided at the right In the long ladder -like up and down (vertical) column. Then add up all the horizontal totals at the bottom to obtain ;.the Grand Total The object is to find the = highest possible total for the Grand Total AU those contestants who succeed in finding the high correct score will then be immediately qualified and eligible to take part, without any delay, in the Final or Tiebreaker puzzle, tohich will decide the cash prize wind ors. Capital Cities Asuncion Athens Belgrade Bogota Brussels Cairo Canberra Capetown IT'S ALL FREE Caracas When you have solved the Copenhagen puzzle and completed the Delhi chart, sign your name and Guatemala address In the space provided Ilavana below the puzzle chart. Then Lapaz mall prompUy the entire ad• Lltna vertisernent to the' KAM- London LOOPS RECREA T 1 ON A 1 Luxemburg SOCIETY. Kamloops, British Manila Columbia. Send no money Mexico All we ask yon to do 1s to Montevideo send us on a separate sheet Moscow of paper the names and ad• Nanking dresses of three people whom Oslo you know also like to take Ottawa part In puzzle contest Bamea Panama EXTRA PUZZLE WORK Parts CHARTS MAILED FREE ON Prague REQUEST. Teheran Warsaw Washington Name , , •,_,.. ,• Street City or Town Prov. LETTER VALUES A — 3 11 — C — 7 1) —4 E — 1 F — 6 O — 8 H — 8 1 — 1 J — 8 K — L — 4 M — 3 N — O — 1 P — 6 Q — e R — 2 S — T — 3 U — 4 ✓ — e w -7 X — e Y— Z — s B.1. No Money to Pay To advertise Kamloops, the heart of Bri- tish Columbia's Vast inland Empire, and the Tourist Attractions of the Famous Kamloops District, as well as to acquaint you with our Post War Plans and Activi- ties, the Kamloops Recreational Society will award — absolutely FREE 115 Cash Prizes totalling $1,000.00, First Prize is $200.00, Second Prize $100.00, Third Prize $50.00, Fourth Prize $25.00—next 31 Prizes $10.00 each—another 35 prizes each $5.00 and 45 more prizes each 52.00. 115 Prizes in ALL—Total Value $1,000.00 .. , Includ- ing Bonus Awards. Remember the contest L entirely FREE. There is nothing to pay—nothing to buy or sell. THIS POSITIVELY IS NOT A LOTTERY, QUALIFY FOR $4,000.00 Re sure to mall your puzzle solution promptly —as a SPECIAL EXTRA bonus prize of 81000 will be given to each of the 5 (Bator winners as a reward for promptness. The same day we receive your answer, we will reply telling you how you stand. and also advising you how you may qualify for STILL LARGER and more generous Cash Prizes, in which YOU CAN WIN AS MUCH AS $4,000.00. In this BIGGER CASH PRIZE DISTRIBUTION, a total of TWELVE THOU- SAND DOLLARS more trill also be given away in the next few weeks. ' We want thousands of people across Canada to know all about the wonderful scenic beauties, including the famous ee lakes, that provide some of the moat excellent fishing and hunting in the world—an located in the tmmedlate territory which surrounds the beautiful mountain city of Kamloops. Attractive Illustrated tourist literature describing the amen - celled vacation lands of British Columbia, will be sent to alt So answer the puzzle NOW Don't Delay. Join in the fan Anybody can take part. Judges are all well known men, Kamloops Recreational Society, Kamloops, B.C. £'AGE 4. THE STANDARD Elliott lnsurance Agency District Sports Highlights BLYTH — ONT. INSURE NOW! ANI) BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. t J. H. R. Elliott Gordon Elliott Office Phone 104. Residence Phone, 12 or 140 COURTESY AND SERVICE. 6110111k1M1D7itiiAoitit **iii)*Dr7i07Di)illilDliiiiiiatDMX)012iii5itANDIDINlikADINN A Village of Blyth Abstract Statement OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS for the year ending December 31st, 19.15. CURRENT ACCOUNT Balance as at 1st January, 1945 Cash on bland Balance in Bank Add Receipts: 1945 Taxes and Penalties Collected _ - Arrears of Taxes, Penalties and Interest.. Dog Tax Collected .......... .. ... 1945 Provincial Assessment Subsidy ........ Bank Loans Fees, Fines and Rents _._. . Liquor Control Board of Ontario .. Provincial Department of Health Huron County Refund re Roads ._....- \Neigh Scales Waterworks .... Licenses ...................... Sundry Receipts .........- Hydro Refund Ontario Government Gasoline Refund ...... Deylartment of Highways re Snow Remotal $ nnt, tij 73 50 ~13,10213 h•1O 47 111 01 355 74 0,900 00 616 25 170 14 54 Ill) 263 85 376, 21 175 75 /0 00 103 43 481 87 41'0 70 n'y $2'p 43 23,0612 0) Total to be accounted for $23,353 14 Deduct Disbursements; County Levy ................... School Board \Watertt•orks Debenture Princit al .... $320 Waterworks Debenture Interest ---- 55 $I,544 48 3,250 011 07 0') 376 56 Blyth Telephone Company Refund License .......... Local Improvement 1944 Coupons Bank Loan Principal Repaid ............. Bank Interest Salaries and Commissions Fire, \Vater, Street Lighting ... Township of Hallett re Drain .-- Charity and Hospitalization Transfer to Welfare Account Roads and Bridges Insurance, Heat and Light Weigh Scales waterworks Board of Health Printing, Stationery and Advertising . Grants Fre Engine ..._ Flection Expense Law Costs Sundry Disbu.i enlcnts Memorial 1-Iall Rental Refund Tax Overpayments 1,0)3 50 100 00 175 00 7,300 01) 77 20 2,102 00 1,3fi2 6(1 89 62 463 80 245 00 1,856 77 213 93 4260 362 17 7054 317 92 90 00 750 00 22 00 75 00 252 56 100 00 47 (,9 Balance in Bank. 31st December, 1945 53 07 Cash on Hand - 31st December, 1945 190 04 23,110 03 $243 11 MRS. LOUISE DURWARD, Treasurer. Audited, and Found Correct, this 4th Day of March, 1946. MONTEITH & MONTEITH, Chartered Accountants. WESTFIELD Social 11 . 1 ..1 actiVitic's Were ettioyeth U .1.J HOCKEY ACTIVITIES OVER IN THIS DISTRICT The Louth-introeIntermediates pas- sed Ha of the hockey picture for this year, on Tuesday night. The deciding game of their semi-final round Nvith I;orrie, Wit, played at the \\'inghiun arena. (;,ogle tion the game t':cl the round by one goal. The score of 'Tues- day night', gone was � , -6 for (;1lrrie. In two previous games the telcos had ended in a draw on goal:, thus nlal:hnl1 the third game necessary. In the op - !eller at G. rrie, l.n1itre,11Ur(' host by a 14 -goal margin. 111 the return match 1 they overcame that deficit, and tied the round. By virtue of their win Gor- i rie %vill now meet Ilrus•els in the al-, with the group championship at stake. Practically all hockey activity in th's district has been at a stand -,till durite.t Ithe bast week, dile, of course, to null weather. The next series carrying the mist local interest i, to the south, where, in O.11..\. intermediate "It" the Clinton Colts are patiently waiting the opportunity to take o:: the Lon- don \Majors in their group senti-finals, which includes, Clinton against Lon- don and Ingersoll against "I'aeistocl:. TENDERS The Huron County Ilona' Committee ,are asl:'ng for 'fenders for the re-wir- I ing of the East \\'ing of the Huron County 11, nuc at Clinton, Ontario, Please contact the \tanager at the I lame for information and spccit'ic:t- i Congratwlat'ons to J. Il. Ne.bitt tvho tion. celebrated his birthday en Tuesday. Tenders, to be in the hands of the \larch 5th. County Clerk not later than \larch . lot;_ratulat;on, to \I r. John Mc- Nichol, who celebrated his birthday on any Tender not neecs-I'ucsrl;ty, \I;n ch 5th. I Congratulations to Ransil Riehl, of The Seaforth Pi - halt, x111 \Wn)dsto;l, failed to make the llla\-offs. The first of home -and -home game, hctwecn Tatistocl: and Ingersoll, played on Stratford artificial ice, Tuesday night. resulted in a rather one-sided score of 13- to 6 for the Inger,. 11 li(.d-t tits, giving then) ,( nine -goal lead for the return game. \\'itll natural ice sur- faces disintegrating ral:idl% under ex- isting tveatlt.r eondi(ion,, it is probable that remaining game, of this ,cries' fin- al will have to he taken to sonic arti- ficial ice sot late. CON GR:ITUL.1TIONS Congratt)latil ns to \list, Lapilli(' I )aw •on, \t tt celebrated her birthday on \ion:Iu-, \larch 410. 4'I,ngiatnlation, to \Ir. Ilaiilie Parrott 0celebrated his birthday on Friday,' \larch 1st. l'orgratulation, to \I r. and \Irs. Stn - art Robinson, \vhn celebrated their se• cowl wedding anniversary on Monday, March 4th. Congratulations to David Nediit, who will celebrate his hirthday Int \\'cines• clay, \lart'h 13tH. Congratulation, io Mrs. Dalrymple Sr., who celebrates her birthday on \I arrh 7. Congratulations to \lr. and \Irs. George Bailey who celebrated their 111th Wedding Anniversary 1 n NI arch 0. 30th. I'he lowest or sarily accepted. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, London, who celebrates his 5th birth - 27 -2. (h'derirh, Ontario. day I n 'Tuesday, arch 12111. Congratulations to \I r, George r Fritzl 1', of Burford, who celebrates Mision Band Io Meet his birthday on Tuesday, \larch 12th, The \lis�ion Banc( of Loving Ser Vice will moot Oil Saturday, March 9th, in the basement of the church at 3 o'clock. All members are requested to be present. —vr-- LONDESB3URO Miss Edith Moore, of Forest, is tis- iting her sister, \Irs. Clare::ce Craw- ford. \I r. Jack Armstrong was in Toronto W last week, \Irs. S. \Velhanlis is visiting friend, in New Market. \Ir. and \Irs. S. Cooper and family, Clinton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fairserv'ice on Sunday. 10rs. William I\n:x spent a few clays with Clinton friends last week. \Ir. and \Irs. Ernest Stevens and family, Scaforth, visited with Nit.. and Mrs. J. \oft, on Sunday. \Irs. Charles-\\:atsen and :Miss Fern \Vata,on, spent the neck -end with X11 and Mrs. I1. Riley in (;odetich, \Ir.s, Bert Lobb spent Sunday with Regular Meeting, Blyth 1.O.O.F No 366 Tuesday, Marchi 12th. .\ll brethern arc requested to attend 11 Morritt, W G McNall, Noble Grand Rcc-Sec'y Congratulations are extended to \Ir. Spring is here. Some of the farm- her mother, 11rs. 11. Lyon. and Mrs. Alvin Snell, on the arrival ers are tapping their trees this week. i The Day of Prayer service and the of a fine baby girl, born on Tuesday, • Several different kinds of birds have W.M.S. will hold a joint meeting on February 26tH, 'keen seen, and the snots plow has Friday, \larch 8th, at 2:30, in the Mrs. A. Ball of Auburn, vi lied last plowed the roads out, basement of the church. (;roup No. 3 Week with her sister, Mrs. Osbaldeston I Mr. Jack Buchanan was a Chiltonvis-will be in charge. All the ladies are at the house of Mr. and Mrs. Norman itor on Friday invited to attend.• :McDowell. I The Farm Forum was held at the l The \l issi: n Circle girls 1'.l hold honk of \ir. and Mrs. I. Buchanan on their monthly lncetilg Tuesday eycn- \Ionuay evening, tvith a gond atten- I ing, \larch 12111, at Miss Doreen Arm- 'daughters,Mrs. Arthur Speiglcberg and dance. Tile subject for discussion was ; strong's honk. ;hiss Jean Campbell, of Kitchener. X"\\'hat about export markets." Th&' \Irs. Margaret \honing 1ntertaine'l The Young People tact on Thursday social activities were in charge of \Irs.;the grandmother's Cherric Club at Le; evening with a good attendance. Tin) Harvey McDowell, Lunch was served., honk on Thursday of last week, with meting was in charge of Phyllis Coo'(. Next sleeting will he held at the holm' !seventeen village grandmother's and ,The topic was given by Eileen 'Taylor. of Nit-. and \irs. Douglas Campbell. Itwo visitors present. :\ good program Scripture was read by Eddie Taylor.1 Mrs. Roland Vincent visited on Sun- In•as given in the keeping of Valentine Prayer was given by Norma Taylor. day with LAC. Rav Vincent, of 1,oiido:t. rDay, everVonc leaving a part in it, wltkh all enjoyed. The hostess and her group - ---- _ -.- .'—--'---- -- - ' ;all a tasty lunch, and a social tiny. -1440.4+4+04.14444.,14.04.0:...4.4.444.44.8.44+441,44.4,..m.."0-444.44... watt tipl'llt together. The next 111e1't- j I. ing will he held at the home of Mrs • t l:lizabeth Lyon, and Mrs. Charles Witt- e, en Mleeimg tsun, on 'Thursday, �\larih 2811. :'1 Several from here attended the fun- 3 oral of the late Edmund Nissen, at . re MEMORIAL xGoderich, on Monday of last wick. \Irs. \V. A, Campbell is visiting her 1� Recreation Centre tl *4 Mr. and \irs. \Ic1. lirunsdon, Lon- don, spent the week -end with the for - liter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11. Bruns - don. Congratulations are extended to \Irs. William Itrunsdrnt, who celebrated het 80th birthday on Thursday last. \f ajor 1)onald Dewar, Ottawa, ;iso cd his grandmother, Mrs. Elizabct.1 Lyon, this week. \lat•ch came in like a Iamb, tile snow melting, and water rtulning down the roads. The crows were around an.l a robin was seen on "Quality Hill", \lon- clay. fiat the lamb -like a;lpear'ance of ,March is no sound basis for bPlicvin:c INCLUDING SKATING RINK 1N THE BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL, ON Thurs., March 7 • 8 P.M. All organizations and individuals interested, in town and surrounding districts, are invited to at- tend this meeting, as this recreation centre will be erected to serve the surrounding townships and vil- lages, as well as Blyth. This proposed memorial is to respect and hon- our the personnel who fought, died, or gave their services in any way, in World War III Through your co-operation this can be achieved. that winter is on it's last legs. \Vc may get lots of winter yet. \firs. Duston Beecroft, \Vhitcclitlrc'i, with \frs. Win. Lyon on Monday. .Airs. Emmerson fleck spent last wick with her mother, \irs• 1-1. Lyon, FRANKLIN BAINTON, REEVE. NII. and \Irs. \\'' \I""Ming. Gail and !June, visited with Mr. and \Irs. 1� s iRoberton, in Auburn, Sunday. Wednesday, March 6, 1916, -I JUST ARRIVED A SHIPMENT OF KITCHEN'S WORK SHIRTS AND OVERALLS, ALSO IN STOCK— YARN, QUiLT BATTS, TABLE CLOTHS, DISH CLOTHS, DIS1I TOWELS, PILLOW CASES, SHEEN AND COT'T'ON THREADS, DYOLA AND SUNSET DYES, MEN'S AND BOYS' BRACES, MEN'S AND BOYS' WORK BOOTS, MEN'S CAPS, FELT AND CORK INSOLES. Ili II.I 1 II■ 1,1111 1 11 .IL.1411br Ir J,r1W ,-ir dil.- 1,.Ni141�y •�L��: W 6.1..111 L1111 i I 111.11.1. GROCERIES CAMPBELL'S SOUPS— Tomato, 2 fcr 19c. CHICKEN NOODLE, Chicken with rice and AYLMER GREEN PEA SOUP LIB BY'S VEGETABLE SOUP BRANSTON PICKLES . BONELESS CHICKEN KRAFT DINNER CATELLI MACARONI and SPAGHETTI ST BLYTH, Ver;etablc, 2 for 23c mushroom, 2 for 27c 3FOR25c 3 FOR 25c 9 OZ, 25c 7 OZ. 52c PER PKG. 18c I'ER PKG. 12c GENERAL STORE PHONE 9. WE DELIVER. i a i An Embarrassing Compliment RED CROSS WORK r11IIi; appointment of 1(n individual as ex- ecutor of your estate is lin expression of confidence in his 01• her integrity and abi01)'. 11may, however, prove mho r.'.:1•ifig in tho person Fo named. An executor lta,.; In Iden) with :t variety of difficult problc I1.1. \laly are highly technical , , . some require more time than can be conveniently s,tlarecl. An executor hesitates to take a holiday; he may feel guilty if illness interferes with his duties as executor. To ensure efficient, r-colloin1cal, ('011)1111)0118 and continuing ,administration of your estate, name as your executor THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toton10 1 35 years in Business Only your continued support of the Rcd Cross can ensure that the splendid work being done for our sick and wounded veterans will be kept up. Your support will make possible such vital peacetime works as the upkeep of Outpost Hospitals, the Peacetime Blood Donor Service, Nursing Services, Disaster Relief, the Visiting Homemaker Service, the Junior Red Cross, and many other services for the social betterment of our people. There will be no Rcd Cross drive for funds this year. Your continued membership in the Red Cross is all that is asked. Minimum membership fee is one dollar. Your local Red Cross Branch will provide you with further details. /fed THE CANADIL :I RED CROSS SOCIETY ONTARIO DIVI:!ON C. BRUCE HILL, President 11.46 «'etlnesclay, Mardi (i, 1944, THE STANDARD FOR SALE AUCTION SALE GROCERIES 4 well bred Rock Cot keret.. Apply Of Farm Sto:k and Implements at lilyth Standard, phone 8v. 28 11, ---------_--_-- - -.- \t Lot 9, Concession 8, Morris Town - Clearing Auction Sale •h:!,, hying Nnlilc, north of Myth, and Of Furniture, Electric Equipment,-' stile, cast, urn A.B.C. LAUNDRY SOAP, 5 cakes 22c Livestock and Machinery THURSDAY, MARCH 2IST WHITE BEANS, PER LB. 6c First Farm Inst of .\uburn, ('once,- commencing at 12:30 noon, as Follows: Mon I, Iasi \\'awano,,h, ortI 1IURSI?S-Roan Clyde metre, 8 yrs. Habitant PEA SOUP, .. Per TIN Ile MONDAY, MARCH 18'1'11 old, weighs 1700 Ihs. JAVEX .- . . 2 BOTTLES 25c commencing at 1 P.M. C.\I1l I. -holstein cow, 4 years old, I bedroom :Rift; 1 vanity dresser; fresh; ilol,tcin cote, 6 years old, chic in OLD ENGLISH WAX PASTE 45c 1 dresser; 2 stands; 1 set sled springs; \lay; Ilub,tcin cow, 6 years old, fresh; EATMORE WHEAT FLAKES . 23c! 1 leather conch; I (hest trfield table 1lnlsten' co\\•, 3 years old, bred Fel). I Thursday, Friday, Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday (nt\v!; I wall mirror; 1 oak extension 14; Ilelstein heifer, 3 ycatrs old, fresh; MOTHER JACKSON'S • table; () leather seated , al; dining -room IIolslchi cow, 0 years old, fresh ; Hol- JIFFY PORRIDGE , ... 17c chair.; 1 writing Ile -h; 1 kitcht.l table; stain cow, 5 years old, fresh; Holstein JAMS, MARMALADE,RAISINS, 1 glass kitchen cupboard; 1 large kit -'cow, 5 years old, 'Inc \larch 26; Hol - ellen chin cu;.board, made lake a Itnilt-in stein cew, 7 years old, due Aug, 2•); WALNUTS, CUT MIXED FRUITS. cupboard; 1 congoleunl rug, 3 r'o'ds by Durham cow, 5 years, milking; Ayr- Pioneer Feeds. Shur -Gain Feeds• .1 yards, real g, id ; 1 n Ietim, ju-t like shire cow, 5 years old, bred Jan. 21; new, 14 0. 2 in. by 11 0. 8i11.; con ;111- I Iulstei',l cow, 3 years old, due in cunt, just like new, 3 ells. by •! yd, 31 in. spring; Ilolslcin cow, 3 years old, bred A. � KERNICK I play pen, crib; rocking and high February 1; Ilolslcin cow, 4 years old,: 0 L. chair; 1 baby carriage; 1 doll buggy fresh; holstein cow, 4 years old, fresh; WE DELIVER -PHONE 39. • anti bed; I clothes wringer; 1 wood i holstein cow, 3 years old, bred Feb - heater (new); I Daisy churl; a large rua"y 18; holstein cow, 3 years old, Cleal'lllg Auction Sale of stows pipes and resters; bred January 27' Durhann cow, 3 cars Clearing Auction Sale )' Of Farm Stock and Implements and 1 new car visor; 1 livcst, ch tattooing ( Id, due' in spring; holstein cow, 3 Of Farm Stock ana Implements Household Effects outfit ; 1 li\ttock he cnlalins owl t ; ;years old, due April 7; Durham cow, At I.ot 8, Concession 8, Morris Town- ;1t Lot 28, Concession 1, in the \'il 1 8-0. step -ladder; 1 ,;U -ft. extension'3 yeas old, due March 4; Holstein ship, one -and -one-quarter miles north rage of Auburn, on ladder; I blacksnake whip; 1 ,t!ulnitc heifer, bred Nov. 5; Durham heifer, of Myth, and 2 stiles cast, 011 THURSDAY, MARCH 14TH bred Nov, 13; 7 heifers, from 1 to 2 FRIDAY, MARCH 15TH at 12 o'clock noon, the following; years old; Durham 1)011 calf, sticking commencing at 1 I'.\1., as hollows: IIORSI?S: 2 work horses. caw; Holstein bull, 3 years old; 9 1 HORSES -Tam of horses. C:\'I'TI.l;: Dunham cow, 7 years old, small calves. CAT'I'1,1:-Blue cow, 3 years 0111, nod, n'.It in calf ; Durham cow, 0 year PIGS -Yorkshire sow, with litter, 5 clue in \larch; blue cow, 8 years o11I,1o1d, milking since August, due August Ifresh, ; black cow, 4 years old, fresh; 8t1; Durham cow, 7 years 01(1, due red cow, 4 years old, (Inc in March ;'on \larch 6th; Durham cow, 8 red cow, 4 years old, due in April; 'years old, not in calf, milking, not out cow, 6 years old, due itt April; 1101- bred; holstein cow, 4 )cars old, fresh stein cow, 4 years old, due in April; ! January 25111.; roan heifer, 2 years old, red cow, 4 years old, due in June; fresh on February 15th, not bred; grey roan cow, 4 years old, due in July; red cow, 6 years old, due March 14th; red heifer, (Inc in March; red cow, 3 years' cow, 7 years old, due about time of old, bred January 7th; red cow, 3 years Isalc; white heifer, 2 )cars old, due Au- cld; purebred Hereford bull, rising 3 gust 8111; calf, 1 month old; calf, 2 years (with. papers) ; 4 Durham steers, months old; 4 calves, 6 to 8 months, 3 8(10 lbs.; 3 heifers, about 700 Ihs.; 2 yearlings; 9 feeder cattle, 2 years old; Hereford steers and heifer, 600 lbs.; 5 cattle, rising 2 years. 6 calves, 8 months old; 4 small calves. I 1IAl.NESS: Double harness; single GRAN -225 bus. Ajax oats, suitable harness; collars, etc.; leading iron. I wish to thank all my friends who for seed; 60 bus. 'wheat ; 2 tons West -I HENS; About 75 Rock hens, last so kindly visited me during my stay in ern oats,)'tit's pullets. Clinton Hospital, :\II the gifts, ,good HOGS ANI-) POULTRY - 2 York 1 IMI'LE\IENTS: Case tractor, mod- things to cat, the Tetters, cards and G, R. �11 ltI'INIi sows, due in May; York sow, bred el L, 011 rubber, self-starter, scaled- flowers %vert greatly appreciated, ;and February 23; 10 shoats, about 100 lbs.;.heart headlights; ensilage cutter, Mas- helped so much to shorten my day;. RkI'RI?S1•:N'1'ING 7 shoats, 10 weeks old; 90 Barred Ruck sey Harris, 15 -inch throat ; Buzz Saw,1.\Iso the nurses and Doctors who \\sit TIIE MONTREAL LII' E pullets, \lasso)•-Ilarris, steel frame; tractor eel uu tine• "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY" IMPLEMENTS- McCormick -Deer- tadeni disc, international, 16 plate, new -NI \Iary Gra,lty. ,tsaociated wilt, Che Atlas Insurance ing, 7 ft. binder, nearly new; McCcr- in 19-12; Fertilizer drill, International, Company, London, England. snick -Deering side delivery rake; Mc- 11 dist:; steel land roller; tractor stiff- FOR SALE LIFE • PENSIONS - ANNUITIES Cormick -Deering 11 -bac drill; \icCot'- tooth cultivator, \lasscy-Ilarris, with Circular saw and frames, newly built; stick -Deering 6 -ft. cultivator, nearly power lift, 9 ft. wide; International Renfrew, all steel, %'aching machine, new; 16 -ft, hay rack, with sliding rack; wood wagon, heavy duty farm truck; complete with wringer, in good condi- Bissel spring -tooth harrows; No. 21 McCormick mower, 6 ft. cut; Interna- tion, Also 26 galvanized sap buckets, Fleury walking plow; Fleury No. 21 tional manure spreader, new style, low 40 Grimm sap buckets, 50 other sap bite - riding plow, nearly new; set of har- down; international Tractor plow, 3- !acts. Apply to Geo. Ilaines, phone 11 - rows ; dump rake; tractor double disc; farrow, Ace bottoms, rubber tires, plow 13, 111th. 27-2p. Clinton fanning still; stoop sleigh; M•- new in 1942; hay rack, 16 -ft., with rob 1-I. No. 7 manure spreader, on rubber; ling rack ; 2 gravel boxes; fanning mill; FOR SALE Fleury oat roller, 12 -inch; Fairbanks No. 12, DeLaval cream seperator, with 1 Durham Cow, 4 years old, fresh of engi:'ne, 3 -horse; 2 -furrow walking power attachment; 28 -ft., grain ele- March 15; A quantity Ajax Seed Oats• plow; scales, 2000 lbs.; circular saw; vator; 6 drag harrows, with 3 -harrow Apply to Torrance Dundas, phone 13-15 portable silo; •\I. -II, pithier; buggy; stretcher, and 1 six -harrow tractor Myth, R. R. 2. 28-1 McCormick -Deering cream separator, Istretcher; stone boat ; cutter ; Deering No. 3, new bowl; woven -wire fence I binder, 7 ft, cut, with tongue for both FOR SALE stretcher ; scuffler ; gravel box ; sleigh 1 horses and tractor ; Massey-I-la•ris hay :\ quantity of choice seed barley of box; steel water trough; emery; 1)1111111 teddar; Deering hay rake, 10 -ft.; 4- the 0..\.0 No. 21 variety. J. C. St.dtz, jack ; tandem force pump ; c'stcrn I wheel, low-down implement trailer, I Auburn, 28-3. Pump; hay fork; sling fork; hay fork with rubber tires, for tractor implc- rope; 2 range shelters; 2 pieces of ments; 0 -inch, 4 -ply, endless belt, 30 - roof, 10 ft. x 1(1 ft.; 2 sets double bar- ft. long, like new; 7 -inch, 5 -ply, endless Hess, one nearly new; whiffletrces; belt, 100 ft. long, used very little; tow•- reckyokes; 2 large -size drinking foun- bar for truck or car; grain lifters for tains; buggy pole; quarter -horse elec- binder; pole truck fur binder; nlachian- tric motor; Gen electric fencer; hand fists vice, 45 Ihs„ 4 -inch jaws; furrow - horse -clippers, new; number of sacks, straightner lever, for tractor plow; Harris hay loader; \\anosh Township, near the Village of cut binder; \lasscy- and titan) other articles. grain cradle; feed cart; water pump \lass\) Auburn, on Ilarris manure spreader NI The road will he open for cars. for threshing separator, with 50 ft. of sty-1iarris 11 -disc fertilizer drill; \las-I TUESDAY, MARCH 12TH No Reserve as the Farm is Rented. hose and reel; 4 grease guns; ox how; sty -Harris cultivator, 13 -tooth ; \IcCor- commencing at 1 :30 P.\L, as Follows: TERMS OF SALE -CASH. . a number of various sized belt pulleys; mitt( 10-0. dump rake; ?dcCorntick 5- 110RSES-Pay horse, 9 years old, Laurie Scott, Proprietor, range shelter; colony house; hen crate; ft. mower; Frost and \Wooed disc, out- CATTLE -Jersey cow; Brindle cow; Harcld Jackson, Auctioneer. 28-2, 3 steel pig troughs; truck tire 34x7; throw; \Iadisc, in -throw; Noxon Hereford calf, ' . 'I ntruck flares; 1-4 horse power electric 12 -hoe seed drill; McC'ortnici, wagon, HENS -(.0 (lens. • 'motor, with speed reduction jack;truck wagon, steel 1\11'1.1,\Ih.N'I'S-Essex coach, 1929 - chime whistle for tractor; 2 sets of tires; 10 -ft. flat hay rack, new; In -ft. Model; McCormick creast separator, steel tires, uey; IrucNotice 250 lbs, platform scales; some tile 3 sloped hay Ia. k; set bench sleighs; nearly new ; set of platform scales ; inch to 14 -incl(; doors and windows; ----------.....------------------ steel ___ steel tired buggy; sled -tired light wa- cutter; buggy; harrow cart; set' of _ hawing purchased the business, 36- ft, extension ladder; 12 -ton screw- t ~�� . c'�` -_-- gon ; cutter; wagon box with spring single harness; wheel barrow; 3 content mixing equipment, jack; grindstone; 25 -ft. GOOI?ISON - I Attu \ I dry g cr ui intent, and _ ladder; c Ran- WANTED stat; laud roller; Onchtc riding zloty; (ceders; pig crate; 150 feet of lot), brickwork equipment of my father I GARDEN TRACTORS t, 1) lily of ensilage; trailer axle and t \second ban,) trust;, in ,good ronlli- I ant now in a position to offer Equipped \With Fleury \walh�rg plow, No. 21; set (111 fort( rope; hay fork and car; robe:, (first clan servicetothe public in " tongue; small wagon; sledge hamster; Cultivator, Rubber Tires, Gauge tion. .\n\one aloin;, one, 111ca,c phot • mond harrows, 5 -sections; gravel box; ladder, 20 feet long; fanIning mill; aft- this line of business, toboggan sleigh; grain bags; hand bob- Wheel, Guide Handle Worm Driven 182, 111)01. tion. Ccckrhutt double plow; \l tssey-Ilarris vil; 33 sap buckets; lawn mower; quan- sleigh; ttunther of 5 gal. cams and pails; Transmission, Gears and Clutches ; - - - cream separator; 2 one-horse scuffles; tit)• of lumber; 4 barrels; 2 tttilk cans; Also agent for Pedlar People '3 emery wheels; orchard grass -seed: ti Enclosed. No Be'.ts! No Chains! \ I11It11 I'(?I( 'h.�I�I'4 Parti and Stable Equipment. Balanced for Handling Ease, 1 Nertlt part �•f 1 ,;t IS, (' ,1ct „iou1 11, set International scales, 2,000 lbs.; Clin- quantity of grain; 120 -egg incubator; - 1 -horse scatter; cattle -crossing signs; Three Sizes- 11i H P., 2 H.P., 3 H.P. ton fanning mill with screens; 2 good forks; shovels; chains; tools, FREE ESTI\IA1'1?S GI\' ENmail box and post; tire chains, 1(;x600; THiS NEW STREAMLINED 1Iullctt 1t%n,hi; c,,,,,,1,11,1„,"� al l ladders; chicken shelter; sap pan, 100 HOUSE1.101.1) EFFECTS-1ieater; ON REQUEST. _electric fencer and knobs; fence stretch- GARDEN TRACTOR t,cleare l land, 2I, acct, fall ,,101‘tt1, h - sap pails; 4 chicken faticmi •g crates; table; 5 lamps; Coleman lamp; Ma- er; boiler flues, walkin!' plow; 150 rods WILL GIVE YOU YEARS OF ti!ante in hay and grass. On elle perm-. SVM J.RIEHL SATISFACTORY SERVICE. \ fists is a I-and-,i-luti1 ; brit': set slim' ~opts with trip; 3 sugar het Jcstic battery rad;,?; galvanized tub; barbed wire; 500 bit., mixes! );rain, Van- :\1'TAC11\Ii?NTS: 7" Plow, Lanvin Il ;,• ,i• ties; pig crate; stock rack ; 40 grain 5 pails; kitchen cupboard; \Viltott rug, guard oats, no -barb barley, fit for seed; ,,ower, Sprayer, 1 Row Seeder, 11' 110nse, a barn ._s. %.,l ttnteur st.o. bags, hag 1111(1 wheel barrow, hair 9x12; 4 wooden bedsteads; 2 leather Phone 1614, Blyth. iron posts; quantity of salt; chains; Disc, Relict%('utter Par, Snow Now, ,1111e ;111'1 water in til,' b:u'n; ,11 a '111c i horse blankets, grinding stone; 3 sheets rockers; churn; 2 large iron kettles; „ ; , 1101x; corn hoes; forks and etc. Sprint 'I'1?0th l niti\alrn. S 511'x30', a !:.ars t, sold other buildin steel roofing; 2 sets of heavy whiffle- new Rayntdid sewing machine. 1IOUSEITOI.1) EFFECTS; Daisy' Complete Line of Oliver Farm Stall in gond stair of rr;lair. i or iurrll- :\t the sante time andBe-.quipment. S trees; buggy pole and whiffletrees; place the fol- CLEARING AUCTION SALE churn with handle am! p f f,t• pow Limited Number of Implement S,er particukus apply to melt;111(1 \IcVit- logging chain; cant hook; about 75 lowing i-iousehold Effects, the property At Lot 3, Concession 7, Grey Town- ''ri 1 -gal. ice cream freezer; Good S Cud) ion Seats Now on Hand. tie, RR. No. 1, Myth. or \Ir,. 1.. hells, 95 pullets Hybrid ; a quantity of of Miss \lac Ferguson, Auburn, will ship, 11-4 miles north of Brussels and Cheer cook stove, for wood: Quebec W. 11 DIORRITT i1\Watt. RR. No 1, lI\tb, c.rt'11 t timothy and mixed hay. be offered for sale:- 1-2 mile East on Tuesday, March 19th, heater, coal or wood; air -blast 'wood DEALER - Phone 4 and 93, t the I.stats of tilt I.11i S1111(111 \Ir\'i!Iil . HARNESS -- Set double harness,' Dining -room extension table and 9 at 12.30 o'clock, consisting of : 10 cows; 1hc:ter; quantity stove pipes; kitchen �^���^^^_�,^ _� „,�- ,^ �� .,..,.-- -'8 -'. brass; set harness, nickel; set .plow chairs; hanging lamps; Coleman lamp; 10 2 -yea• -0111s; 10 yearlings, and a full tables; dining room extension table• harness; set single harness; 2 sets col- irons, with holder; kitchen stove; pans; oak; number of eh;iirs and rocking lar tops; 10 good burse collars; set bed room suite,bed, springs, dresser chairs; number of small tables; single , --- --^ light homes and tugs; wh;fflctrees; and stand; 2 ttilet'sets; drop-leaf kit- spring conch; 3 double bed steads, with' neckyokes ; forks ; shovels; chains, and ellen table; radio (battery); ru•r, 10/' -.----_ springs and mattresses; dresser; wash a lot of other articles 11•,0 numerous to x14', parlor; cradle; hand sleigh; boil- stand; kitchen cabinet; paper rack; mention. (sr and wringer; hand vacuum cleaner; lawar 01ower; buffalo robe; d'shes; Everyth:ng will be Sold as The small table; pictures. toiled set ; carpets and linoleum; seal Proprietor has Scld his Farm. In case of bad weather, the sale will ers; pots and pais. ' TERMS -CASH. be held under cover. This is a clearing sale as farm is sold. \Villian K. Govier, Proprietor. TERMS OF SALE -CASH. TERMS CASH. Ilarold Jackson, Auctioneer. George F. Vttngbhit Estate. Earl Raithby, Proprietor. E. P. Chesney, Clerk, 28-2. Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. 28-1. Ilarold Jackson, .\ttctioncer, 27-2. _. _ - - __.__-.___.. -4 -_ ROXY I'HEATRE, CLIN,TON. NOW PLAYING: "Junior Miss," with Peggy Ann Garner. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Barbara Stanwyck, George Brent and Warner Anderson. 1 s\ idose', battle against slander and her effort, to keel, the lows of her two son, stakes ah,orbing filet fare. "MY REPUTATION" PAGE 5 .r..r CAPITAL THEATRE REG ENVI'I1EATRE GODERICH. SF_AFORTrt. NOW PLAYING: Peggy Ryan ani NOW PLAYING: Fred MacMur- Jon Hall in: ray lib 'CAP'T'AIN EDDIE" "MEN IN HER DIARY" ------------------- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Jean Sullivan, fhi!Iip Dorn and Charles Winninger, Jeanne Crain Irene Manning. and Dana Andrews. 'Ilk' A6(11111-11, 't, t\ An old and mighty favourite return, ton r, '11 the r ,1 la n f in a new Technicolor \al in. I r.•,. I,I "STATE FAIR" "ESCAPE IN THE DESERT'' "THE DALTON'S RIDE AGAIN" I Yvonne de Carlo, Red Cameron ani Andy Devine. Fcnr mel agai!'st a nation, writing Canada', •cn-ati 11,11 ne\r ;tar in the their c riitt`on story in blur(! ! ltl'l1Ilic. Jul' lll!lllrr youhave gun sntokc• waited for. Alan Curtis, Kent Taylor, and "FRONTIER GAL" Lon Chaney. - COMING: "State Fair" with Jeanne COMING: Darryl F. Zanuck's: Crain and Dana Andrews. I "WILSON" Matinees Sat. & Holidays at 2.30 p.m. Mat., Wed., Sat., holidays 2.30 pm N..N.. M zcrk greasy gun; 1 bat; to tick; I grass seeder; 1 :led \ratier trough; 11!.. 11. I'. gas engine; 1 0.01 pulper; 2 range shelters; 2 hen crates; 1 brooder stove and canopy; straw fork, fork,, log- ging chs;., ; .hovels; I set double Ilar- ne,s ; 1 \vlteclha"r w; 1 ! •-horse Gen - weeks old. HENS -90 New 1lampshire x Leg- end Electric motor: 1 quarter -horst horn 1lybrids, fall pullets. \\'etin,ghonse electric motor; I Inter -1 AR XIV 'I'RUCI<-19.40 15 -cwt. Ford national electric cream ,epar;ttor: I el- :\rnny Truck, with stake rack, good telrie \\'ood, grinder; 1 electric De- motor and tires, Laval milking machine; 1 set scales for i I II I'I.I\I GN'I'S-F;trniall ii tractor weighing pigs; 1 pig crate; I electric on rubber; 3 -furrow \1cCormick-Deer- fence; 1 slcCornnick-Deering mower, ing tractor plow; Cockshutt one-way 0 -ft. cut; 1 stufflcr; quantity of Tim -disc; \lasscy-Ilarris hay loader; 1/ othy hay; quantity of grain; I tot, 11.1'. \IcCorunick-Deering engine, like buggy; I corn shelter; 1 single rid':g new; McCormick -Deering oil hath' plow; 1 cultivator ; 2 cords cedar \wood ; ln: wer, 6 ft, cut ; Frost Wood (1111111) a number of chunks; I sow, due in Ap- rake; buck rake, to mount on; 1933 ril; 1 Hereford calf, 8 months old; 1 ; ('het•, truck, dual wheels, fair tires; Durham calf, 8 month's old; 1 Durham 14 -ft. stake truck rack; 2 -yd. Wood's calf, 5 weeks ofd; 1 1)111.11 ;1111 cow, fresh, hydraulic steel damp box; 21 Verity 5 years old; 1 Durham cow, clic July, walking plow; set of harrows; sloop 6 year, old; 1 Dnrhaun heier, due \lay, sleigh; Portland cutter; Clinton fat - 2 years old; 1 Jersey cow, ,nuc July, sing mill; 12 -inch oat roller ; 10 -inch 6 years old; 1 Jersey co'.v supposed to Peter l lantilton cutting box; root be in calf, 5 years 'ld• pulpa; scales, 700 lbs.; rubber -tired No Reserve as the Farm is Sold. wagon, 16 -inch wheels; two -wheel trail - TERMS -CASH. er, with one new tire; No, 2 McCor- \Irs. I?dna Cowan, Proprietress, thick -Deering cream separator; Port- Ilarold Jackson, :Auctioneer. n-2. able silo, 4 units, 14 ft, diameter; range shelter; McCormick -Deering milling AUCTION SALE machine; 5 milk cans, nearly new; milk Of Farm Stock and Implements pails; set double Karnes'.,; pig crate; At Lot No. 35, l'oneession 11, MI- hay fork; sling fork; 3 horse collars; lett 'Township, 2''; tulles west of Lon- pair blind bridles; pair horse blankets; deshoro, (11 Comity Road, on I pile of cedar posts; pile of white ash WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20TH rrlumber; buckeye coal brooder. commencing at 12;,10 sharp, ars follows: GRAiN-150 bus. Vanguard oats, fit HORSES -Italy horse, 6 years old; for seed; 160 bus. Alaska oats, fit for brown mare, 7 years old; bay marc, 7 seed; 120 bus, feed grain. years old; bay snare, 12 years old, Quantity of iHAY, CA•1TI.E (:UI Durhanlsl-Grey cow, IIOUSEIi01,1) EFFECTS -Colmar due \larch 1; heifer, clue February 25; gats lamp; Singer sewing machine; 4 - roan cow, inc Bunt of sale; roan cow, burner coal oil stove; round table; tea due time of sale; red cow, itt April 3; kettles; box stove; gramophone; dishes. roans cow, due time of sale; red cow, TERMS OF SALE -CASH. dry; grey cow, dry; roan heifer, fresh- ened Janu:u) 28; roan helices fresh - Harold Scott, Proprietor, cued February 9; red row, milking;Ilarold Jackson, Auctioneer. 28-2, red cow, freshened January 111; red cow, due April 20; red cosy, due March AUCTION SALE 15; 6 steers, coming 2 years old; 2 hei- fe's, coining 2 )cars old; (r fed )Till'. -Of Farm Stock, implements, and 11rgs ; (i Iiabies ; sono yl;un,g c,tivt';, Household Effects IVa - IM I'I.l?\II.N'I'S-\I tsscv Ilarris 7 -ft .\t Lot 31, Concessions 1, East \Va- i'eggy Ann Corner, Allyn Joslyn, and Faye Marlowe tale ..f 1,11101\ 1 1i• til.lt- 1' �lInt I1,,. "JUNIOR MISS" COMING: Joan Crawford as: "MILDRED PIERCE" Matinees Sat & 1101 1_' v 'l I,,,n s 4 _: LYCEUM THEATRE t.• i:2: f.:. :• WINOHAM-ONTARIO. ..I t• ATKINSON S ' :> Two Shows Sat. Night i ;;; t : ' P0011 I100M. ' Thurs., Fri., Sat., March 7-8-9 ' '�• .t Rcsarnd Russell, Lee Bowman, in'` .f, "SHE WOULDN'T SAY YES" •_ •r Slif}1til:l�'S ; ITN IZItIES • \ woman p \chiat,; t al d a cello- ' .t,. , . . t I obacco.; cigarettes; I'o ''. •ar:ntllyr are happily united after, •t• , , Pop '":many hilarious ini-adventure, in' ;\; and Other '' ' fries. :: .,. till, rolnclly-drama. ;_ I. , :,. • ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" a lOpen all (lily and f'\'t'llilit. I "Show •tart, evening, at 5:110 I4\1 w' • •I\Iai13 street. I�1}rth. Saturdays at 7:15 P.M, ii• . :Main 2' ;,Matinee Sat. Afternoon at 2:30 p.m. ,,: • . , „ . ..Men., Tues., Wed., March 11.12.13:. • • _ `� SPECIAL THE tJ „, Fred As e, Lu; ilBreme:, in ; rankBaker" od �� YOLANDA ANANDTi•IIEF `;•\ iar'asy with nn --'e toil:zing the.' c• talents of a m'tablc east and 4. PHONE '',5. RI YTII, ON's, 1€ tcehnicolour. ._ ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" ih tts Show Start, :t 8:,11 P.M. PIES, CAKES, COOKIES :4.4.04...,..:........;. .:..:..:. .:o;..;..;.•;..;. .;..;....;..y,;r BUNS, COFFEE CAKES. ALWAYS FRESH AND MADE TO YOUR LiKiNG. Card Of Thanks Everything Flarnernad,. TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS 'I'ENDEiRS will be received by the ,undersigned for supplying, crushing (•'j inch) and hauling 700 cubic yards 'of gravel, more or less, um Township it.. alts. Work t0 be done under super- vision of the Road Superintendent. 'fenders will be received up until 2 I'.\1., \larch 11t1, 19.10. :\ marked cheque for $20).00 must accompany 'each tender. Lowest, or any tender, not necessar- ily accepted. GEORGE MARTIN, CLERK. IIAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer. Specialist In Farm and HouseholdSales. Licensed In Iluron and Perth Counties. Prices reasonable; sati9 fiction guaranteed. For information, etc„ write or phoD, Harold Jackson, 1t.11. No, 4, Seafortk. ('hone 14061. FOR SALE ^~ 2 hear: duty a -td 11. Batteries; al -o 2. volt .\. Itaticry. A1t!IIv to \\•alar 11as,'tt phone 11 2.i, Pl, tlt. 28-1p. FOR SALE (lac roan Shorthorn Bull, 13 months old, priced tea sable, \William L. flunking, :Auburn. 17-2p. -- RADIO SERVICING Expert repair work, Prompt set -- vice whenever l o,•ible. Go, (1 stock of parts and tithe'. on hand. \Work guar- anteed. (ilena lee ltnic, phone 105, Myth. 25-tr. NOTICE .\nvoue \vantilt fruit tree,. 0rua- nlcnt;ll stocl, or ro-c,. !dense give 111;1 votr ordt•r tilt• month for ,putt{ delle• cry. Many ru'ieti1' ht;n' .1 !d r•ut . vickIv. \I,.I \(hill:: ordl r, raw fog• fall delir+-cy. \l r-. ,Issue, .11 nl,tron.'. Phone 170, Eh tl,, Represel:l lt'vc for Slone amt \Wellinet,'n Nut's( He-, of To- ronto. 28-1. line of Farts \lachiuery, \Vet. Cardiff, Proprietor. Lew Roland, Auctioneer. CLEARING AUCTION SALE At Lot 4, Concession 9, Grey Town- ship, 1 mile East of Brussels on Thurs- day, March 21st. at 1 o'clock, consist- ing of : Pigs, Cows, Horses, Implements and Harness. Archie \\'iatle, Proprietor. Lew Roland, Auctioneer. Dead and Disabled animals REMOVED.PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. THE INSIDE ON HOCKEY By ED. FITKIN Barrel-chested 13ncko 'dcl)onatd --now Wilfred McDonald, M.P.- clitnaxel! his fin.ti sea -on in the N.II.1 , last year \\itlnuu draw Ing it PeIla. ty, a r. re feat for a de- fenscuian who liked to buckle the opposition as much as 11uck0 did. it'. view Of t!,.tt retit.tl'l::0dt: :11' cotuirlishinent, Cut Lo !lad dreauls of ;suing acclaimed w:innet of the Lady 11si g Tropn". an a\\ 3rd base] o11 clean play and \ aitl to a tram instead, Billy Nlosiutl:o o' the Ila\'i ' was l; :.ore.1, and While I3ucko `tad no fault to find With that \ crdict, he Was di•appointed, nevertheless, 1n, fact he told 1(u• that it was `the ;tizeest disappoint- ment of my sports carer.” 1 [istory probably- will repeat this year. \\'hat \ye mean is that another grand de:ease veteran - Aubrcy (Pitt Clapper of the Bos- ton Ilruins-finds himself in al- most exactly the saltie situation as dict I:uclto, Clapper, playing coach of the l3ruins, is at the tailend of an illustrious N.11.L. career, At 38, he is \\'iudin,; up his 19th sea - sot: in the big time. :\rt Ros: W1,nted hint to quit at the close of the 19 14-15 season but 1)it insisted that he still had plenty of hocke\ left in his solid frame, Thi: year, when the Bruins hall a pleti.ora of capable reartnards, all much. Younger, Dit stepped aide 1C111- por..ril\'. But not for loos;. 1:'n:rics btvtlzht him back int.-, c, 111i.at--and 1(l; steadying influ- cote did n:uwh to elevate the 111.10::5 to their present lofty posi- tion. In 28 games, Clapper has yet to draw a penalty, Iie has five HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention - Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer, The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our fat. tories - Harness, Horse Col. Tars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan• Itets, and Leather Travelling Goods, Insist on Staco Bran Trade Marked Goods, and you >;et satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto TIRES Heavy Tread Retread. \I:1% I'IItr GUARANTEE $9.95 600 x 16 S 7.10 410-450/21, 450/20 S 7.00 475-500/11), 475-500/20 11,60 525/18, 110/10, 110/1? S12.75 025-650/16, 600-650/20 Si4.80 'truck 3001 El ply, 650/20 525.00 32x0-700/20 10 ply $30.00 3.117-750/20 12 ply Other Sizer at Equally Low Prices We Ship Everywhere. Order At Once. Biltrite Tire Sales 279 Queen E. Toronto Ontario NEW CONCRETE MIXERS 4 cu. ft. and 6 cu. ft. power 21/4 cu. ft, hand or belt Concrete Block Machinery Rock Crushers Enquiries Invited Wettlaufer-Welker Industries Ltd. 1290 Bay St. Toronto, 11. Phone Midway 9817 pontis to his Credit --two 1;,x:11- and three assist;. He scuted his scrun(I goal of the ,ea -on again the Ilatt1:s recently --anti i1 was the winning ,hot in the 1.3 Bruin tri- umph. 1)it I:idded his bruins ;,fief th.lt With the renutrk: "1 don't hither .coti1! the goals th0. (10'1'1 count. 1 get the \3 inning ones'. That goal, incident„!ly, was hie .125111 ot Ili. 19 -we (r -old \ r, rt er. 1n the -:one !;ante, Clapper taught 1 L' l':1' Gee, Chicago's rookie sensation a hefty body check late in the first period and Gee afterward.; confessed: "My legs Were like rcbher and I could- n't think stt'.aihht the rest of the Q0)1)t." 4 4 in that game, too, Clapper com- pleted a remarkable distinction. He became the only National Leaguer ever to oppose both father and son. In his early years, he had played against Ito Reise, then with the New York .Americans. And against Chicago, be opposed Leo Reise, Jr., now 0 rookie defenseman with the IlalIs, "ITe'ts the spittin'I image of his dad," Dit says, "But 1 think he'll be an even Metter hockey player .° A great fellow, is Chipper. Long may he flourish with the P,'•uins. Ile's one Of hockey's finest, SAFES Protect your HOOKS nod ('.►511 from FIRE and THIEVES, We have a nlze and type ni Safe, or Cabinet, for any purpose. %Telt u.. or write far prices, etc., to Dept. W. • J.&J.TAVI.®R LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 148 Front St 10. 'Toronto F.ntabilehed 1851 WIN APPROVAL by serv- ing delicious Maxwell House ... the coffee that is "Radiant -Roasted". This special process cap- tures every atom of good- ness in the supremely fine Maxwell House blend, eta' FENCE POSTS SPECIAL FENCE POSY' MIXTURE Every year one out of three fence poste . Ile broken off, due to rol at the ground. line. Don't wait until your Fence Post; are down and out. . You can make your posts last 3 to 5 times longer, for 3 to 4 cents per post, by using 'Osmose' Special Fence & Post Mixture. This remarkable preservative combines five well-known industrial wood preser- vatives, and protects posts inside as well as outside . t s 2,000,000 "Osmose" preserved poles are your guarantee; Simply applied like paint, 4" above to 6" below the groundline, It is an easy, effective and economical solution to your Fence Post problems. See your local dealer, or write direct for complete illustrated literature, Cottons $3.95 - treats 80-150 post\.' OSMOSE WOOD PRESERVING COMPANY OF CANADA LTD.) 1465 Y6nge Street Toronto • SILANCO MINING & REFINING Co. Limited INFORMATION ON REQUEST Bought - Sold - Quoted Harold A. Prescott & Co. MEMBERS -- The Toronto Stock Exchange, The Winnipeg Grain Exchange. 330 Bay Street TORONTO WA. 4831 Where McIntosh Red First Was Developed l'Le stl5)'e-tion of tIe I fol ticulhural Loancil 11,at the f,tnt- 0n, \I e l most! Rett apple le: tuenu'ate(1 o11 Canadian ,t:mip; should find approval in lite Lintel l'otnities, and particuLrlly in 11 11 - (la-. Where the apple fit -1 51„ de\eloped, says the Corn\\all :stand- ard l'rerhol,ler. \ cry cari„v in the talk, r, x':1,113, Toho \Iclnto,h lett his faulil' 1,onu• in the Mohawk wallow and tr,r,ed across the 1-t. 1.;11Vrencc ricer to the fifth concession of Nlatildi. "1•here he built a shanty and tie an (1.111V C'lll(I(S MONKTON POUL'T'RY FARM CHICKS You buy baby chicks for one reason. To receive dividends on your investment, you must be eertatn where your money is In• vested. Wo offer you baby chicks from a Poultry Farm with every breeder pullorum tested and gov- ernment banded. Write for our 1016 price list and descriptive ca• talogue. h1ONKTON POULTRY FARMS, MONKTON, ONT, RELIABLE CHICKS Just think what this means to the buyer. Your Investment is made worth while when you purchase your chicks from us. Our repeat orders year after year 1s the proof of our quality chicks. Blood testing for pullortint done 'each year, we only hatch from clean flocks. Millers Chick hatchery, Fergus, Ont. (Successor to J. D. Johnson). NE\VIVIAN'S 13RIi1)-'i-O-L:\1' CiIICKS White Leghorns, Barred Rocks and Barred (tock, White Leghorn crossbreeds; double tested, An Ontario Breeding. Station over Fifteen years, l;lmview Poultry Farm, William J. Newnan, Nor- ham, Ontario, TUI' N0'TCIt ('IiICICS MAKE: FINE bird. because Top Notch chichi are bred from floe breeders. Top Notch chicles aro from Govern- ment Accredited Double Pullorum tested breeders. We can give prompt delivery on all the popu- lar pure breeds and hybrid cross- es. Also floor raised pullets up to 12 weeks of age. Free catalogue. Top Notch ChicI1erles, Guelph, Outnrlo, GAINFORTH'S NEW HAMPSHIRES A Good Choice for particular poul- trymen, They Look Well, Lay \\'ell and Lay 11 r:11, High Hatches of Healthy Chicks crakes poultry raising a pleasure. Breeders Ap- proved and DL"uble Pullortun test-, ed, Drop a line for prices to GaIn- forth's I-Iatrthery, Trenton, Ont. CAPONS READI MADE, ALSO CUS- tom caponi/tug. Edmund Stoehr, R. R. No. 3, Fmtthville, Ont. 111011 EGO PRICES GUARANTEED Sept. 16th to Dec, 15th, 19.1 1. 8,000,- 000 lbs. less poultry meat in stor- age compared to a year ago. Early chicks bring the greatest returns, Canada needs early chicles this year and alwrlys. To have your eggs full size by Sept. lith your Chicks should be seven months old 1)y then, so you should plan to take your chicks as early as pos- sible to get Grade A prices for your eggs In early September, We can give prompt delivery all all popular Pure breeds and hybrid crosses in num-sexed, pullet. or cockerel cdicts. Also 8, 10, 12 week old floor raised pullets for Immediate delivery. This year as aI%V1135 It Will pay you to pur- chase chicks with a reputation. 1'weddlc hatcheries have been supplying good chicles for 21 years. free catalogue, 'flweddle Chick hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. WHY GAMBLE When you can buy quality chicks, backed by our liberal guarantee. March and April chicks still available. All breeders banded, culled, and double blood tested by Government officials, to insure our customers. Free catalogue and price list. Order now from Frey's Hatchery. St, Jacobs, Ont, S'I'.\R'l'i:D ('111CKS - VAIIIOUS breeds available Immediate de - live! y. heavy' breed cockerels too. Get in on early markets. Order MTnrrh-April chicks now. Bray Hatchery, 130 .John N, Hamilton, 1)nL•i trio, 10 WIIFIC OLD LT;GHORN 1'CL- lets 70c. 2,000 Hollywood i n1lofn I'ullets 10 weeks old at 871i,u11 per 100 for shipment march 18th. Large husky- Pullets trom hens with records of 300 eggs per year for 10 generations. 'fits"" pullets will lay (dello. of big eggs next Summer and Fall when eggs are a good price. Also clay old chicks hatching twice each ‘reek, rocks, reds, le(111010s, austrnlorps and 5 hyblld crosses. Write for price - list and calendar, Big Pods Farm, 31ille Roches, Ont. Box W. 1'\VEDDI.I•: BARRED ROCKS ARI Hie large type. The pullets develop into large size birds that soon lay Grade A large eggs. Cockerels are grand meat birds. If you have never tried our pure Light Sussex you should this year. They are hard to beat both for 0(1(114 and treat Prompt delivery on both these breeds, '1'weddlo Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. GAINFORTH'S WHITE 1•.t'.GHORNS Large Vigrris Chick, from Year- ling and Twt year old breeders that were Real Money -Makers, Double Pullor,un tested. Govern- nient Appros(41 If you like Leg• horns, chick,- from these will de- light you. I rices Ri(1ht (lain forth's Ilatcl,ery, Trenton, Ont. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE Place your alder now with a breeding faro[ and hatchery oper- ating over 21 years. Barred Rocks, New Hampshire Reds, large Mar- ron Leghorns, and Hybrids. Breed- ers blood -toted for both regular and X strains of Pollorutn. Don't fall to get not prices before order. Ing elsewhere Otterville Poultry Farm, Ottsrehle, Ont, ISSUE 10-1948 11. at it(1 the load for farnlhlg. 10.0-!I 11 a- 1 larefu1 nl:1(1, .1u(1 1011'11 tic 1:,uie arlu,s a group ot W.id .a; ;d' tr,•e-, lie lett !!tent un - too, Led. It st a- lli >un .\ lien, loot 1 I ,,uriuily dc3eluired 1)11' a;rp10. a1,.1 ioun,lr,l the \l, !gloat 11111`ery ,tt 1lun•ir1.1. Mogi this little guet1) ni Irce- \lo11111"11 ;11,1)10 tree•• :1l1 user Ole 5s.... Id .(1e 11,',centlelt. England Produces Oil 1.1, Luo! 11o1V h.t, 210 Oil W cels, ill:' Itt rout =1111,I)0(1 barrel, of Crude oil a yc;tr. Thew were drilled dung;; the war by ;1(t Oklahoma co(11401or for the British Govern- ment. Radio Fingerprints ( tiler ,a'Ltill the irti (tiatiollai tsar fru ( (joie l ;1, been Liken a deci-ise stet• iorl.at 1, by �r ,tLlnll lard, the W nl'11I-lallll nl< London police head- rin;u tel -, 1n taller to prosecute 1 rinlilr,l1, Scotland \ 01'd transmitted a fin,,lulprint ht toirrle from Lon - doh 11( \I elhourn0. The trat,nti-ion look 1(111) score minute,. \\"ithin :11 hours Scotland lard received confirmation that the M, 11 ourne police had been able to idcntiiy 1110 criminal \\ flu• airs of 111 y. i; etc -sed fingerprint. I spet itnents 1(t this hind tyre carried out as e:1r1v as 1931, but were interrupted by \\ and \\-ar 11, CLA SSKF!ED A D VER TISING (18(11 cot( 'Ii5 25 FREE CHICKS 0011 BABY CHICKS A1116 TILE progeny of Foundation and Re- gistered Birds, All Breeders blood -tested. Prices frotn 3e to 28c. All guaranteed excellent layers. Don't delay, order now. Goddard Chick Hatcheries, Bri- tannia heights. 0111. 11.5111 CiIIC'1:5, COVLRNatIJNT banded and blood tooted, Barron strainS, C. White Leghorn and B. P Rocks. Acton Poultry Farm, Box 378, Acton, Ont. T11L ONLY PURINA EMBRYO-I'L'D Barred Rock and (Crossbred, Ap- proved chicks being produced In Chatham are blood -tested by the tube method tor both the regular and X stratus 01 pullorum. Order now from 1 rank Price hatchery, 11 Jahnke St„ Chatham Ont YOF1; GU51:L'NMIIN'1' APPItOVEI) chicks trom Accredited Flocks should be ordered now. Barred Rocks, New lnmpshlres, New Ham() X Barred Rocks, and Light Sussex X New [-temp Hybrids, Alt breeders hlood-tested for both the regular and X strains of Pollorutn for your protection. Lincoln Cilid: Hatchery, 2 Race Street, St. Ca1her•ines, Ontario 114101(.8 BOOKS, PLATES AN]) I:LF:OTROS of Poultry, Pigeons, -Waterfowl, Pheasants, Birds, Farm Animals, Dogs, Cats, Rabbits, Aquaria, Dees, 11111terflie,s, Farm and Gar- den Free ea1alogue, Morgan od,•os. London. It1 si' Ess 11 I'I'rtlt'I'IJNITIIi" RI:'I'i-'IRNED V1•.'Y RANS IN RURAL Areas not ceIabie of hard work. If you ran urlve a car and sell, why not try belling Lightning ](ods? Small investment required to be in business for yourself with good financial results. Gov- ernment C'cntrolled Business, Write for ( 1ticulars and territo- ry openings. The 13, Phillips Com- pany, 1,im1'ed. 200 Main Street, Toronto, Ont, TRAI'I'1?I1S - GLAND SCENT lures have no equal for all animate now their mating season. Trap wolves all summer for bounty. For particulars, write A. E. Fish- er. Box 120, Calgary, Alberta, GET EGGS IN COLD WEATHER "Automatic" time switches for poultry lights, =24.00. Sterling Time Recorders, 980 Notre Dame SL \\'est, Montreal, Que. 1)1'111NG AND C1.rA1vIN( HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or ciconing? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment II. Fnrker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. FIM SALIb ENGINES, GASOLINE, AIR COOL - ed, four cycle, two to six horse power. Amalgamated Enterprises, 33 Church St., Toronto. ELEC'I'itIC MOTORS NEW, USED bought, soil, rebuilt: belts pul- leys, hrushae. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd„ 2326 Dufferin St. Tor- onto, Ont. GL'T PREMIUM PRICES FOR muskrat pelts. Stretch properly with our self-adjusting steel stretchers. Sample 25e. Dozen 82.50 delivered. Discounts to deal- ers. Metro J. Sass Bear Line, Ont. 65 Al2JillS, MODERN BRICIC house, good barn etc. Loam soli. Immediate possession, $6,200. Terms. Apply Mrs, tats Campbell, lit. l;rydges• Ont. LIGHTNING ROD DEALERS? If you want the best equipment available at the cheapest price, write for particulars, The It Phil- lips Company idnlited, 200 Main Street, Tor')rtio, Ont. ATTENTION FARMERS 1'(,311 SALE: TRACTOR TIRES, made of rubber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels $10 each. When or- dering state diameter and width of wheel, Nt.tionnl Rubber Co., Ltd., 5 Wt'it'rt:ire Ave., Toronto, Ont. \VII PAN I 11CATE THOSE 1100KS you have been hunting for. The St. Charles Bookshop, Dept, A.1, Pox 12, Fordham Station, New York City 59. 1.'11.555' PR1:1"I'Y, EYE APPEALING girls. Our illustrated book shows how, using; the "be cerele" meth- od 82.00 mistook!, 1'. 0. Box 68.1-C, Sei'nn(0u, ('n, I'Olt SALTI, ONI'i 8 -ROW ROSI7N- thal shredder, like new, 81,300: one John Deer I3 -model tractor on rubber with cultivator and 2 -fur - 00w plow, In good condition, 81,300. Essex hybrid Feed Co., RIvemside, Ont. STANDARD FRENCH POODLE Pups, pedigreed, registered cham- pionship stock. Apricot, house- trained, 50 pounds when adult. Males $60, Iretnales 850. Box 84, 73 Adelalcle W., Toronto, HOIS'T'S, t;ASOLiNEE OR ELECTRIC driven In stock. hydraulic hoists for dump truck installed and ser- viced. Wi:I,DI']Its, V-8 LINCOLN I:LEC- t•ie Welder, 450 amps, completely rebuilt, New 1' & II Gas Welder, 201 amps. Automotive Products Co., 3282 Wellington St. Montreal, (Ile ltt't;. AJAX OATS 81.35 BU. NON Nee originated from Reg, seed 81.lr. s+t '(o 1 (Trade, germina- l'•' ' hags Free. Marshall 1Ph, Ont. Colt ,tL1: 11:DIGI:I•:i:ID BLIT: Fl,l•:\IISII, four Junior 1)515:, $3.50 each; 2 eight month Bucks $8.00 each, Richard Boyle, Brampton, Ont. C'ON'I'iEN'TS 01% I'lo)l lO:'PION 11,1• chile Shop, bathes, Drill Pressen etc. (1, T. McMullen, Elgin Mills P. 0. Phone Richmond 1fill 221,1. FAit:IIS tell!! 5,11,1: FA11115 FOR SALi:, \V1:1 CAN SELL you any size farm you ws'ish to buy, at reasonable prh'es, For particulars apply at Donohue's lhuage, Renfrew, Ont, 1':V111 IN ALBERTA ('011 SAI,11. 1 mile from 1'ullOksIlle and school, 230 acres under cultivation with lots of pasture, good water and buildings, Loud soil, prairie country, 45 tulles S. 1:, Iianntt C. N. Rniitway, 28 Innes from Thur. nes) Coal lfiur. Aon single, 62 yenrs and call give possession any time, 10111 sacrifice, account poor toroth. RT, I:mmnersotl, Putchess, Alberta, 150 AClt11 P.11t51 - 1,1:1:118 ('OI'N- ty near Bell SIolOn - (Good House - Two Good Wells, David A. Thum, Jellyhy, Out. FAI151 1'0R SALE, 193 ACItIlS, utile west of Kitchener limits, Kitchener Stratford higinway, $22,601),00, For lnfor•mation write Charles 11'. 11ooer, Kitchener, R. 1;. 4, I1' 1.01' LOGi: FOR A GOOF) FARM In the Niagara Peninsula, bet- ween Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, go to a former for complete information. I have farms for nit purposes, mixed, dairy, fruit and chicken farms, with stack and Im- plements or without, and with modern Karn equipment, Also houses with city conveniences, Farms ranging from $1500 to $211,000 and to suit everybody's pocket. Please write to T. A, Du- Iiban, heal Estate, 1L 11, 2, St. Ann's, Ontario. 111 ACRES NEAR BAItRiE, OVI:R- looking Lake 811lcue, ten roomed solld brick house, Furnace, Hy- dro, Large Bank Barn, Ilen house, Implement Shed, soil, rich loam, farm machinery, Livestock. Par- ticulars, apply, A, .1. Purdy, 81 Keewatin Ave„ Toronto, ONE OF THE FINEST 150 ACRE farms In Wellington County, Nice red brick house with bathroom. Large Bank Barn and other out- buildings, cement throughout, water fowls, drilled well, hydro throughout. Land clean and in high state of cultivation. Fully accredited herd of 24 beef and dual-purpose Shorthorns. Full of tor, Price $16,000. \Vlll exchange for srnaller farm or sell farm line of machinery including tree - separate. Box 85, 73 Adelaide St. \V,, Toronto. HAIRDRESSING LEARN ' HAIRDRESSING 'riu Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's fialydressing Acad- emy. 117 Avenue Rond. Toronto. HELP WANTED ,YOUNG \\'OMAN OF BETWEEN 20 and 25 years to take charge of good comfortable farm hotno. Must be from country and have good references. Two In faintly, Father and Son, Ifarvey Chambers, hen wick. TWO 1•:XPEIRIJINCED SINGLE MEN to work on dairy fartn, Beneteau Bros., 11. R. No. 3, Amherstburg, Ontario, A llO1'S1.ICEE1'EU WANTED ON •t farm, State salary, David Ro- binson, R. R. 1, Conn, Ont. M.5(11111:11 .1TAN FOR FRUIT FARM, free house, hydro, yearly- em- ployment. Host be good teamster. State age, wages, family. W'. C. Nickerson, St. Catharines, Ont„ 11. 11, 2. 511101(1AL BAIJMF.EICA FOOT BALM DE- stroys offensive odor instantly, 95c. bottle, Ottawa agent. Den• mon Drug Store, Ottawa. 7T'S EXCELLENT. REAL IIIISUL1'S after talking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Palms and Neuritis, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. S'1'OMA('ll AND 1'111(1•:AD WORMS often are the cause of 111 health in humans, sit ages, No one Im- mune! Why not find out 11 this Is your trouble, interesting particu- lars - Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies. ')i.eclnlists, Toronto 3. 1'E(11'LE ARE TALKING AI101JT the good results front taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Post- paid 51.00. INGIN)WN '(011NAILS Nail Fix ralleves pain instantly and removes Ingrown nail in n few npplleatiens 81.00 a bottle. WART FIX Ugly Warts melt away painlessly with this guaranteed remedy, 35c, n bottle. CORN VIA Eases pain at once, and 1entoves stubborn Corns in a few minutes. 35c. a bottle Sent postpaid by A. C. Thomson, Chemist, Dept. A., 303 St. ilarens Ave„ Toronto. Established 1905. MAKE LIFE WORTH LIVING' WHY SUFFER? do what countless numbers ot happy users are doing for the effective relief of: Chronic (.'a• tarrhal conditions (as 'In Bron- chitis, Asthma & Single I'nlns) Skin disorders each as Bolls and Pimples; Arthritic & Rheumnth Pains; Ask your Druggist fol Odorless and Tasteless AIAM1t' GARLIC PEARI.h:;t or write Richmond Adam Co.. P 0. 374 Vancouver, Can, $3 per 101 Pearles, enough for 6 weeke Porous Chrome Protects Engines Torous AThrunle, an invention nl r Ilol!;nlllcr stranded in tins ftltlllt'} 111 1939, 11:1s paid oft bit dividend, In shipping in this war: Cylinder halls of die -01 engine] ate pleated with chromium with 111,y little pores in it --to improve lubrication. "(here toot is the re roto of a macho( ship whose eIlr;'lil';• were pnf1ly-Chromilitit• plated and which 11;15 run 3U1,0'1;1 mule., without needieg re -plating And this ii.cludcd 0 two sv'eck period during Which 1111' engine torts smhuu•rt4ed under seawater' 5511111' the ship Was 101u'4 SaIVagrd 01'1'011'11 NI'III:s 1.1111 11'bI,IRN I3L A LIAIRURI.SSL-U JOIN C',1NAf)A.S LEA DIN(; SCHOOL Great 4) pnrilmnity Learn Il:lirdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thon5nrds successful Marvel graduates, America's grealesl eye• tem. illustrated catalogue free Write or call 8141111'411. 11:51ltJ.114181IJN0 SCIIOOLS 358 Bluer St. 11', Toronto Branches: 4s ICl/it; St, ilanlilloo & 74 Ridea! Street, Ottawa, PATENTS FETIIERS'I'uNBA0(1111 & COMPANY Patent SoPeflors, Establisher) 1870, 14 IC1ng West, 'fort nlo. Boo111et of Infnrmnton oh request. I'lll(SON'AL "];LIJAII COM INti ltEleoltl. Christ," tVonderfni hull( ft en Megiddo 111salon. linrhestc, 11 N. Y. • IIAS (VO1,1''l'ION t'A1'SI:1) YOI` Tt) doubt: Have Its clalilna made faith more difficult? 1'uu should reed how many sclentl,t, oppose 1114 theory-, in the p;unphlct. "l:volu• tion," Free copy front citrIstadel- olden Church, 25 Hazelton Ave, Toronto. "11')'I:RNII, 1.11'1: AND 110\V '1'0 obtain it Free booltlets on thla great subJect. .1. 'Taylor. (;ospell Hall, 111 Arlington St., Winnipeg. TEN (;oar) SHORTHORN COW3 and 10 111 (s to 0 edam \Lurch young; hulls, sire l;raelndpe Ken- neth, .\r1•redlfed, A. N, Norrislt, ('nmpbeltwille, Ontario, I'llll'I'lll;lt A ('111(. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed nod printed 6 011 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c REPRINT'S 8 for 2fie FINEST i:NLARGING SERVICE You may not get rill the flints you the quality and service you deals) want this year, but you can get nit by mending your films to 101t'EIt(.1L P110'I'O 81:It11C16 Station 1, Toronto BE FIRST TO HAVE ONE ENLARGFMENT IN GLASS AND PLASTIC CRYSTAL EASEL 69c Send your nagative and get Olt newest -style glass enclosed cu• largetnent 84 x 4'l" for your mantel or dressing table - or to give a friend, Supported In thla crystal elo.tr new plastic mount your picture shows to its hest ad• vantage. Pecked to ensure eaf� delivery and postage pald for only 09 elate. Any size roll (6 or 8 exposures), developed 1,1,11 printed 25 cents. Enlargements 4 x 6" in ease) mounts, 8 for 25e.; framed on ivo- ry tint mate, 7 x 9" 1n (told, Sliver, Walnut or Black Ebony finished frames, 59e, each. if colored, 79c, Canada's largest studio does qua• IIt3' work promptly - and at low• est cost. (Pont name and Address Plainly on c)••flees.) 1)1r111"I'. 81 STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 12811 Post Office A, Toronto MUSICAL 17(8111UntiIN'r. FRED A, BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical Instru• meets, 111 Church, Toronto 2, S'I'Alll I'S SEND US THE NAMES OF COUN- tries you ere interested In and wo wlll send you a nice selection on approval Mount Royal Stamp Co„ 1473 McGill Collage Ave" Montreal, Cal,ada, W'J1 PAY $100 FOR A STAMP, IP' you find right one. Search attics for old letters before 1000; leave stamps on. Scotia Stamps, Rog'd., Trenton, N. 8. STAMP k COIN II'XCIIANGE•- • STA11l'S BOUGIHT, SOLD, 011 EX - changed; also accumulation T. (lllehrist, 14.1 Mutual St., Toronto, 'rO it A CCO 5 -POUND SAMPLE PACKAGE Leaf Tobacco, Virginia hurley and prior, receipts and flavoring, $:3,75 postpaid. Ruthven Tobacco Exchange, Ruthven, Ont, IVAN'r1;D WANT HOUSES IN VILLAGES, towns and highways, 8700.00 to 81,700.00 class preferred, Can handle few better houses, also small (011(1s 1 to 30 acres, Send full description, price, etc. George Drummond, Broker, Owen Sound. SELF I'JtOI'ELLED COMBINE, A four row No. 490-J, Deere corn planter and corn picker. L. Mc - Dermot I, Remsen, Iowa, U.S.A. BUSINESSES WANTED Is your husll,ess for sale? We have clients ready and walttng to purchase almost ever}' type of business, w)r'' will pay all cash it required. Vou may phone me and reverse the charge Bert Welr & Son, Realtor, Dundee St.. London. Phone Met. 0250. (.'ASIH' OFFER - WANTED ONW Ton pnnel 'ruck - any make - 1937 upwards. Ex -overseas man. ,R, O. Seagram. 2 Hawthorne Gar- dens Tor1ntn Ontarit. 1V1.1 PAY 111CTHEST PRICES FOR Muskrats, Domestic Rabbit Pelts ntul 5111 other raw fors. Ship to- day. Levin Fur Company, Depart• meat \\'., 163 Spadtna Avenue, Tnrnnr.. not DARK IIGIITN 8, HELEN TOPPING MILLER CHAPTER XXI "1 know \t hat I go• dont n they Mit lookit !Mu, =011, 1 nas Witting down tvcll, over to Ihnrkburnett and up in Sitiwkilt et and all theta places, when you was running around, losing the safctt pins wit of your three-eirncred pants. If !\lis' \talon, here, \tants to ')make an agreement with us, say ,111 eighth for you and tic " "1 tyonldn't rate 'any tuy,clty, Hickey. Not if you Ito the \tort: and put 111) the 11(01111 " "\'on rate --or I don't,' dickey raid, pulling his long lip, grotesq,( ly. \\'e could maybe go ahead with it before \I a -un got hack. 13n1 I'll want a paper drawn op -ant! \lis' Macon, here, to sign It. It's just a bn;incsslike way to do" "Of course," said \iuna Lee, a little breathlessly, "What do yon think, Gary...." * * "I think -Lyell, 1 think it, just a wild chance. As Iliciccy says, there's nothing to lose, anyway, But an eighth is a pretty substantial royally . ," "1 wouldn't undertake it for no hss," Ilickcy insisted. "1 reckon Mason would rather pay an eighth royalty and have him an oil well than to pull that derrick clown and '1sten to all the people around tell- ing hint he was a fool to spud in a wildcat on his own, in the first place." "Oh, he \\ (mid!" said \Iona Lee. "Clary, 1'11( going to do it. Harvey left that power of attorney for me; -- 1 'eat) do it,'' The excitement gripped (J-ary, "You write out a paper, son," Hickey said, "if \lis' Mason's agreeable. \lake it an agreement between \I is' Mason and Harvey and you and me," instructed lIickcy when Gary was ready to tvrile, "And we want it witnessed -two •(vitnesses. It's got to be a paper that will stand in law." a * * * Gary still held back. ''1lickcy, I still think 1 shouldn't be cut in on this, 1'in' tvilling to help you -yo' can pay me whatever you think 1'111 worth -but this is your idea. You'll be financing it and taking all the risk and trouble." "No," Hickey was stubborn, "I ain't going into it alone, 1 ')tight get sued -and 1 want somebody else to get sued along with uuc. I know oil better)) you do, son. You put your and nuc in it and make it tight as you know how. And I want some witnesses.' "\Vould Slim and \lar), do?" Monad Lcc asked. ".\dclaidc has gone oat." Out with Bob Ferguson. Gary knew about that. Ile set his month a little as he made a hali-dozen '.tarts and then tore up the sheets not satisfied with the phraseology. Finally, he finished a draft that pleased him and read it aloud, "Sounds all right to Inc," said Ilickcy, "if it suits \lis' Mason," Slits and Maria were called in and putt their signatures at the bot - ton( of the sheet, 5111115 scrawled and angular, \I aria's small and very neat. G \II tight, III, LI ,, tiI111's tour document." ( blotted the last 'il,n.lttnc and :allied the sheet, pnt- ting it into a lona; envelope. "Uo ton Stant to st:tt on this lob in ;!le morning: "\o," said 11ickcy, getting 1111 %%illi ,da(d)dy. "I ain't g0inl; to start it in the luorttiug--and have ()rice and lite, his gang hanging around to see us (Halos another failure, may be. 1\'1'01 going to :shoot her- tonight!" Gary formol himself thrilling with a kind of drunken reeklesncss. Hickey chancel) his clothe; in .,the garage. "You laic \111 car," lig directed, 1';(111 go gel the stuff to shoot her \vitt'. Go to try place and wake top my old lady and tell her to showy you v. here Ilan1 Frazier liVo. Iles got some :tuff and here's some money to buy 11 111th. And for gosh sakes, take it c'1)^)•!" * * He .ran, kicked ilickey's old ear into life, 801. then wondered if it would hold together. 13ut it went, and the night wind tore East his !tut face and sang in his cars. It tool; him two hours jolting over rough roads, to find the place hickey had told hits about, but by one o'clock he was at the gate again, having driven a cautious fifteen miles an hour all the way back. 'lite house was quiet, but a light was burning below, and \lung Lee came out the minute she heard the jangle and squawk of Ilickey's car springs on 'hr drive, She wanted to ride back to the well with hint, lint Gary tvouldn't take that chance. "You (wait till I'm past that pas- ture gate Lefore you stir off that step, Mrs. Mason, 1 this soup should turn loose when I hit the rough ground out there, you want to be far, far away. I'll come back for you when 1 pet this stuff do lt1ctcd to Hickey." * "Got to trait till the boys get here," Hickey said. "\lis' Mason telephoned -had to get 'cal out ut bed, but we got to be ready to han- dle her and shut her off if she conies in." The roughnecks came, rattling out in the decrepit truck, grumbling to cover 1114 their 0(5(1 excitement. l'ary went hack for Mona Lee and found Adelaide there, an old coat over her dancing dress. "Adelaide wva.nts to go, too," \Iona Lee said. He guided the women through the ragged pasture with a flashlight and backed the truck up a safe dis- tance so they could sit in it to watch. 1)a syn was beginning to gray the sky when the taut nionient cants. Slowly, into the black: silent hole, the shot went down. The Hien around the crricl: stood like dark statues, tense, forgetting to breathe. (nary found himself swallowing hard, and a hot, tight pain grip, d his jaw. Hickey looked now, in the weird half light, like some god from the underworld. And then suddenly Iic yelled, and the Hien jumped clear, braced and ready -and the plunger went down. ('1'o Be Continued) Here's To Your Eating Pleasure! It's called (_berry ('arty (tread, but s1rve it whene\el the mood strikes you -not just for parties. For here is a delicious bread ttith an unusual twist that makes it suitable for all occasions. Put it in the lunch - loxes for your hungry offspring \'h° are always ready for something sweet; and serve it for Sunday dinner: it gives any meal the air of legauncc! CHERRY PARTY BREAD 1 tablespoon butler !a cup chopped \l 1I)"l (0 cup light brown sugar ;duurrics 1,4 cup chopped nutmeats VA cup, sifted flour 114 cups milk 4I, teaspoons baking powder ? tablespoons melted shortening •y cup sugar 1 cup :\lI-Ilran 1 egg 13 cup \lau•atschino cherries !:I cup chopped nutmeats *\Telt butter in loaf pawl and sprinkle sugar, cherries and nutmeats evenly over bottom of pan. Sift Ilonr with halving powder, sugar and salt; beat eggs; add milk and shortening; stir into flour mixture. .1(1d :\ 11 -Bran, cherries and nut- meats. four over cherry mixture and hake in a mllderate oven I.1tt(1 (leg, 1'.) one hoar. Remove from pad at once. Cool hefure slicing. field 1 loaf I a! $ x !1!•., -in. pan). *\(YTI'..-Loaf may be baked omitting cherry -nut nti\ltrc in both_ of pan. 'LIGHT -AS -A -FEATHER' RAINCOATS With the approach of Spring and rainy weather, one of the most interesting developments in post-war garments for Canadian women is the introduction of the featherweight nylon raincoat, designed and produced by a Montreal sport togs manufacturer. The material is unusually long wearing and adaptable to clever draping and designing, typified in this hood -attached model. Sunday School Lesson March 10 A People in Confusion Judges 2:7. 11, 10-°Y Golden Text - The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto nuc.-Ilchrcws Israelites Oppressed While Joshua and his assistants lived Israel served the Lord. But when these great leaders were gone piety ebbed and moral restraints relaxed. Baalim Iplural, meaning Lords) were the gods worshipped by Can - ;mites, each tribe halving its own Baal. In serving these deities, with all their licentious ceremonials, the children of Israel "did evil in the sight of the Lord." With corrupted (')orals the Israel- ites were an easy prey for their pagan enemies who mightily op- pressed them. 'There were some who did not bow the knee to Baal. These world pray and cry to irod for release, In answer to these prayers God raised up judge for the people, The SLourgc of Sin Scion the people grew tired of obeying 1;od's commandments. WONDERFUL SKILL AND CARE are used in blending )Maxwell House Coffee. Generations of ex- pert blenders have estab- lished a Maxwell House tradition in the art of scr entitle coffee blending. • They paid no attention to the warn- ings and pleadings of their spiritual leaders, 'l'hcy turned deliberately from their God to the immoralities of idolaters. T111 scourge of sin brought a de- graded people back to their senses. \\'hen they repented by turning from their sin God turned from His justice in their punishment to His mercy in their deliverance. The Lord raised up judges from their own humble ranks and gave them freedom as long as they were faith- ful. :(gain they returned to their haunts of vice. They, fell down before false gods in stubborn servi- tude The Proving of Isr,lel Is it any wonder "The anger of the Lord was hot against Israel" when people were so dissolute and del;ascd, so defiant? 'EP: wicked neighbors nt lsriel were used of God fora purpose - "to prove Israel." t\'ould they walk in nod's wary or incline unto the Will,' of he heathen? \\e ha 'e ec n 10'55 badly Israel ael s lood the test. \\'c 1;.11 tithe: rise ;hove the evil of this present world so that though in it we ;re not of it, or \s e cm succumb to it by 51 ;kiag 10 'Is level, adop,ing its cust„m', and !'Lits. pursuing its pleas'i1i' . EASE PAIN OF COLDS, SORE THROATS FAST! "I Know Just How You Feel" "I know because I have been that way tnyself. 1 have been so chron- ically tired that 1 thought 1 would never feel well again. however, I found that Dr. Chase's Nerve Food soon gave inc new per and energy and put mo on my feet." 'fired feelings, indigestion and loss of sleep are quickly relieved by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, Ask for the new econ- omy size bottle of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 60 pills-b0cts. 180 pills -$1,50 See for yourself how quickly Aspirin acts! Drop one in a glass of water and "clock" it. Within two seconds, it will start to disintegrate. It does the same when you take it. As a result, it provides relief with remark- able speed. Get Aspirin today. The "Bayer" cross on each tablet is your guarantee that it's Aspirin, SPIHIN NOW- New Low Prices! Pocket box of 12s • ... only 18e Economy bottle of 24 . . only 29c Family she of 100 • .. only 79e CIIRONICLES 00 GINGER FARM 11, 1, ,\, ,uc right 11110 kl,crch alrc;l,!. And ,+,tlr ' ,re!( it's df1e1 111;1 \5(' (5111' ;11 \'.1JI.51iig 111 111111114 11 551' (11 r,11, is (1(1 bottom of ills r0all-1,111 Dov,11 111 111(1 105511 l.l`t ,5 et k Ill, Iia,t11' nl (be Nylon, 5.:1 nulhifl( cuutiso' d to the I ;Im14 ti -.11 for Coal. 1 ln, 011,11 111;I1(1 11,1'1 a C.11-- lo141 ; i I ''.I" (•.)144' in and 111 was srlline it to 1,11111 r- for their broll'lt ' ;, \ r'', 'I a :0101,11 attack 5141' r, •55111 , 1111 1111(115'1 that the rear (411,:0'! ,.' 1111 io1171'1 them`el ye• 1' 1(1; 11;11 111111, t„ 111 .- and they 1515, ,,I,,:it'I'd 4, ✓1' 111.:111 l•,11h011t t,I1d1;1: 11,.r t in 1111 1;,15. I U Cul 1Y (,11 ' 11 di( r 11,01 a call 1,1',111 ill -,1,111•.-1\14 tons of 1,1:,1diamond, .nd 4n 1.(11 ',ir, It w1)' ll! ou: in half -tor, lot ..nd t'I( fun i„ ear, .dl over .u'a)n. This deal, r s. id be m 1 es w anything like it 111tr, y(1 auoti el nlcrch:lnt but 10 vas less fortunate. NO coal arrited for hint - alld1 it \5as with him 111;11 our order for brooder coal bad bee') given. Oh, well, our turn 51)11 cra111. 1 1 it dol snit it \vill be lust too bad for our chickens. An way our beaus problem doe -nit ,.euu s4 }rnl after getting :c Utter 100111 111y sister-in-law in England 55 hie]) says their ration of coal for the entire winter is Only tine and a half tons. It i- \veil that spring comet early in the Oid Cou:;trv. • Yes, -Pring will soon be corning to England but in Canada we may still hate a goo,: d( al of cold, rough \5cather to look forward to -and in coll, rough weather 1 isn't 5(1(11 a bad idea to hunt no a few pre -spring jobs to take up the 1)1111. Personally. 1 1115(•1' bare to 110111 very 1011g. For instate', just recently I have oce11 making a determined ':rive to rid this. place 01 surplus bottles, jars and tin calls. The darn things -you can't even gi5e them away And every- one knows what a lot of room they take up. Getting them a'l together to be carte d ayay is quite a prob., By Gwendoline P, Clarke . 1 1 0 11. Hitherto, 1 have tilled boxes and b.tsk(ts 55itIt hot'''s 1)1111 jars 4,I cy(ry I;ind Iclinu s they g11 taken at\a), and sometimes tliry don't, And when they don't it just means nun'nlg ditto a -„and front one place to an1'thcr--bc- e,ll`e• 1)0 I11;ttdl'1 511410' one 147(15 1 111 111 it i, ,11\'.;1\- uu \5r,nlg ;u,"•. 1.ast w11k it ,11,dl'ttt. 1trttr, due that if this collcclion of gkls• ;omit 111 rcdu^ud it ',‘1111(1 -ini1d t • it, di'- ii051)1 considerably. So armed t1i1h an old pail, a sledg, hang", r. .1 Hick and a tui-cellancon, ;1.1'11 , fou of glass rI c','J11,Icle, 1 tool 111 the cellar. 11111 the pail ''.., id :1 ;''x' jars at a time \\hich I pr, 11;;'tiy »lashed to smithereens. \v,tl: 1 (5 sledge hammer, hut taking c'''at (111 to drape Ihr -1) •k 1)0101,41 the top of the pail to plevent flying glass. lint, 011 dear, 1 neve: Ln(w glass could ;,1• .1 tough. 1711::) Ic bottles that a sledge Jammer couldn't break. 1 thiol; the "'1;" mentioned on the 11111el sefrrr,,1 to the ingredient- in the manilla, tine of the glass, and all of then nn breakable. Ilowe\er, in spite 17 111 all, 1 111115 ha\1 tyro (':11'(11; - 4f broken gL•I-, a mashed pats, 111111 a sore shollld(r. • Now listen. 1 (1) going to let ton in on a \eft' dark secret. Rat call the police, because this 'nay result result in a hold-up. It concerns a great ford that '':(1111 11, light \ellen 1 was foraging around front one place 10 :(t titer in t;.y glass - breaking orgy. I found three cloven pegs. \\'aide') clothes -pegs mind you -and they h; o never been used. Really, a bad memory certainly had its compensations. But sometime, the re ;tilt isn't so happy. As, fat instance, if 010 g' es to the cupboard for a fresh packet of tea only to lied there isn't a spoonful of tea to he found anywhere.A frantic search ;ails to reveal even a stray tea -bag. The stores are closed and one goys 'o bed facing the prospectof a tea•les; morning. Blended for Quality "SALAD TEA GUARANTEED TO DYE EVERY FABRIC, INCLUDING t NYLON AND CELANESE FASHION'S LATEST COLOURS "Have a care Jack Dalton! Unhand that package of crisp, crunchy, delicious Grape -Nuts Flakes!" "Curses! Foiled again! Every time "But I try to make off with some malty - rich, honey -golden Post's Grape -Nuts Flakes l'rn stopped by this guy Curly Crisp!" "And why not? That's a neat package you've got. there. Those Grape -Nuts Flakes supply carbohy- drates for energy; proteins for muscle; phosphorus for tcc(h end bones; iron !ur the blood; other food essentials." these are no ordinary flakes! They're made of two grains: -wheat and malted barley. And skilfully blended, baked and toasted for crisp- ness, tempting taste and easy diges- tion." "Iiand over that giant economy package, villain. I'm a bit wolfish my- self, v:hen it comes to Grape -Nuts Flakes!" PAGE 8 THE STANDARD NEW MATERIALS -- FOR YOUR SPRING AND SUMMER SEWING HAVE JUST ARRIVED. A Good Assortment of Slub Silks and Ginghams in plain colors and floral patterns. Spring Shoes for the Children, Arch Shoes for Men and Women - Sisman, Greb and Hydro City. Work Shoes for Men and Boys --- Men's, $3.95 to $5.50 - Boys, $3.25 to $3.50 Olive McGill '1 PERSONAL INTEREST \I r. Leo Stead and Mrs..\line Rockett of \VintIsor, spent the week -end with their parent,, NB.. and Mrs, Albert Stead, \liss Cont; iicc G-man f Stratford, i, visiting her grandparents, \Ir. and \Ir.. George Cowan, also w;th her grandmother, \Irs. R. \\'iglitntan. 1 \Irs. 1Iary l;rashy returned to the home of her (laughter, Mrs. John Riley of Jantestott n, on \Vednesday morning, after being confined to Clinton I ospital for the past ten \r'eeks sAilh it broken hip. \Ir. Bruce Smith is a patient in \Ve•t;ninstcr hospital, London, having ttndcrgonc an cperati4m last Friday. 11 r. and \Irs. Lorne Scrimgeour vis - 0 iced for the past tvicek with their son, Afeltaifila101)lW,J))30�Htip4gAipptitDtit*4114Di?titN241)191Pt}11%8tDtft)0110DINItlsaitDjail ('liiford and Murray, of •I'illsonburg, h14. .401: i t+j•+•••r:144.4l.�4414r,•14l••`-h''{•••1•••'••••••1•+.8.4vi0++++:0:.+4oe++i.4.4i+; and their daughter, Mrs. Russell flax - ter, of Chatham. N;T; � \I r• Harold i (. Wightntan, I Torr,- :. to, spent the week: -end at his hook ( •_• here. !STUART( • •!• .♦. I Nits; \I;u y Nesbit, of Toro -to, spent ( the tt'ccl:-curl at the home of her par t ♦' cuts, \I r. and \Irs.:\Ifrcd Nesbit, and ROBINSO Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. NEWPORT FLUFFS 25, 39, 49 i ROYAL YORK COFFEE, 8 OZ. GLASS TUMBLER FREE .. 43c \lr rt \1' Rouen was on the Lon- ' I ''i ♦T•' don market with a load of turkey; last rt. •_. Saturday. IIs reports the demand very J keen, far exceeding the supply, 4.1 i NB:. and \Irs, S:•ott Fairsorvice, and 44 attended the wedding of her sister • ♦, \largarct, 011 Saturday, ♦t STANDARD PEAS ...._..... WOODBURY SOAP .. JIFFY PORRIDGE OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 10c CLARKS MUSHROOM SOUP .... r,1 ai LEMONS, ORANGES, GRAPE FRUIT, FRESH PINEAPPLES, 2 TiNS }7c 2 TINS 25c ...........3 CAKES 23c _ ....... ...... 17c CELERY, LETTUCE, CARROTS, TURNIPS Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For International - Harvester Parts & Supplies While Inose Gas and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing. Vodden's BAKERY. WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, 11011E -MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "THE HOME BAKERY" 1-I. T. VODDEN• 1 t ,on, Allan, are visiting \1'Ith the forth- .....t.IlfVIII4Osr. rsoo~oe.cNsIN.• 4' cr's parents, \ir. and \Ir. John Fair- ;; service this wreck. \I rs. Fairsert•ice • and little snit arrived in (.'anada last •T♦ week, from England. Scott is now a :. member of the Sarnia a police force. " \Ve extend a welcome t , s1 rs. Fairser- ••1 vice and little son. 34 I \1 r, 1'auI \\'alson. who is a student 3,. ...... ♦. ♦♦iM 4.1..8.44+4..• 47.144.7:44• t, 44.:♦4/0 ♦.40.4.....:4 +444f 1♦4+441.1 44 •14 EAST WAWANOSH \Irs. Alex NleClowall who sprit the winter with her son at Fergus returned Mrs. Fred Reich of Varna, spent the home 'I'ue<day ..ening. %reek -cud with her parents, \I r. andMrs. R. C. McGowan. 1 :lits. Walter Flehden of London, is Mrs. Robert Blake of Colborne, spent 'visiting her nr•.thcr, \Irs. Dalrymple Sr a few days last week with her (laugh. 'and \1r, and \lrs. \V. Dalrymple. ter, \Irs. K. Whitmore. POST S T o r f I c t '--' R R kailoha tsqt6pueiit Se'ivice benefits THE WHOLE community Regular employment and pay envelopes make for carefree families—for prosperous communities—for "good times" for employer and employee alike. Tho National Employment Service, with offices in more than 200 cities and towns across Canada, serves the needs of both employers and employees—and the local N. E. S. office takes its place in importance to the community among the time honoured corn- munity institutions—the Post Office, the Court House, the City Hall Without National Employment Service, the worker is left to his own initiative to find a job to support himself and his family. The employer may be un- able to reach workers he requires. National Employ- ment Service is the clearing house through which employer and employee are brought together, so that both may have their free choice of the entire employment market. National Employment Service has 5 main functions: 1—Organization of the whole employment market, and bringing together employers and employeez; 2—Collection of information on employment prob- lems for the use of Government, Management and Labour; 3—Administration of Reinstatement in Civil Em- ployment Act; 4—Dealing with Unemployment Insurance Benefits; 5—Dealing with Out -of -Work Benefits for Ex-Servico Personnel. Make full use of the Local Office of National Employment Service. It is there to serve your needs, and those of the entire Community. NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT:SERVICE • Dominion Labour:Department : HUMPHREY MITCHELL A. MACNAMARA • Minister of labour Deputy Minister 'at the Clinton Collegiate Institute, has :4 L. G LE R.O. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN PhCne 33 - Godcrich, Ontario. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted, With 25 Years Exrerience •ttt.ver N•JSt I•Mtt.NSJ tfSSJ•t#J been confined to his home for the past - -- week with the flu. \Irs. 11. Bowen has returned home , ) after visiting her son, Albert, and \Irs.l Bowen, and 5.11, Wayne, of Exeter. \I rs. Pithladn of (iodct•ich, \I iss Laura Pithladn, of Ni•tg•ar' pal's, i } 1\10. 1 Fowl,. . , . 1)Cr lb. 38c ed with Mrs. \\'. J. Putts last week. I .hiss Jean McIntyre of Clinton, vis- ited on Saturday with lis Io,cabin. i WEINERS, PER L.B. 28c \1'nndcnck, MACARONI AND CHEESE ! \Irs. Ed. Taylor and 1.0 \F 30c son, I'atil, of ; i DUTCH AND LIVER LOAF .. 30c Clint.•n, spent a few days Iasi week I i Homy -Made HEAD CHEESE .. 20c kiso `! with her 'Trent', Mr. and \Irs. 1.. 1lilharn. NI rs. \lar)• Niel<aig of Ilcn,all visited for a few days last week with her daughter, \Irs. Charles S;:her, a. d 1i r. Salter. i \I r. and \Irs. Raymond Whitmore of lfoltncsvillc, and \Irs. Frani: visited on Sunday with \I r. and \irs. K. \\'hitntorc, 1 LAC. and 1f rs. Lloyd \\'cttlaufcr left \\'cdncsday ntornin,. for Rurgessville w'hcrc they twill visit the former's moth- er. 'They %Sill also visit in Toronto and Ottawa, before returning baht e. 1 \Ir. Ree. Argent, of Welland, spat' the teeel: end with his parents, \Ir, and \Irs. Fred Argent. hiss Rntlt Corkw•ell, of nt the week -end at the \Ir. and \ir,. J, B. St:•wart. • rte. J. F. Ray left \Inndav for Lon- don where he ex;,ects to receive his discharge. — v A11h111.11 Resident Passes h the nr ( RING BOLOGNA - 25c POLISH SAUSAGE 35c • { Delivery, Wednesday and ) BEEF, PORK an4 SAUSAGE. Saturday. Wednesday, March 6, 19,16, 1 _ 1 111 1.411.1 1 u .11 .1 . 11111411441 J 1111 1 _ 1.11 u Vitamin & Mineral Capsules Below we list SOI11C of the Vitamin and Mineral Capsules that are carried in stock: Vita -Vim Multiples 50's - $1,75; 100's - $3,00 Neu Chemical Food 50's - `1.25; 100's - $2.25 Alphamettes 50's - $1,85; 100's - $3.50 -'. Kapaday . 180's - $3150 V. -M. -C. 100's - $3.00 1 A 13 D Capsules, 25's - $1,10; 50's - $2.00; 100's $3.50 1 Cod Liver Oil Capsules 100's - 98e R D. PHILP, Phm. B. 11 !MUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLL'AL'E';R—PHONE 20. > CNITC ICKWICISte1ctateIeICteICICLeIICIITZVZNT.ItCtattat, (1 ;'Tf ;.t,Z:ll: IZAti tL41144;t3uItali r1 4 d Living -Roo Funture We are offering Several New Designs in Ches- terfield Suites, Studio Lounges, Sofa Beds, Occas- ional and Lounge Chairs, upholntel'ed in Velours and other good wearing fabrics at popular prices, Tri -light Lamps, Card Tables, End Tables, Mirrors, Coffee Tables, and Other Odd Living Room Pieces, Help to Make Your Home More Conlfortahle anti Enjoyable, A call will convince you Of the many excellent value3 \VC are offering, • Home Furnisher Phoned 7 and 8 — Funeral Director. ASID])•iD7Dtat2t)t)tB7Dt)i3t)taiDt)t)t)t�i)i2i�t2i:%1�i)r:.'�e;::�i9� t�l�i2r3t:�i�iy,21`v1� :.j(2��t:.�3t:n31)t�)1 • ••♦ ♦••1•.•••••11•♦♦•114.1.4•.1•• ♦•♦ 1•.� 1••• 1 { ••, 1•♦� •1.1 I♦1 r♦♦ 1♦11.11 •1.11♦. 1111.1 ••• 1.11 1 r 1 •!1 / 1.1 ♦♦♦ 1{111, r•1 ♦•, 1.1 i 11.11.11111.1.1.1•• ♦♦11•II 1 ♦ 1 1 ♦ ♦ f f ♦ ♦ •.• ♦ ♦ 1 1 f ♦ ♦ • • 1 1 ♦ ♦ • ♦ 1 1 1 ♦ ♦ 1 • ♦ I ♦ ! ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ 1 1 1 ♦ ♦ .., _:MUR.ON ILL,; :; I♦ :_: BLYTH --- ONTARIO. ,t; :♦ 411 ♦T: i' '4 :♦ EXCELLENT FOOD - GOOD SERVICE Meals at All Hours •T• • 1t• r=. •T• 11. McCallum i= FRANK GO I�TGr®� r� r :: .;,.;.♦;N;.+ •:,1:1.+.1:• X11 l:11+11,.i.4. ♦;..;.1;,1;.4.4.1;.1;1 •;{ 1;1.;♦ •;1 ••1 •;{.♦1 •;• •;. .1;,1;•,;1.;..;11;• •:. ;.,;1 •1..;. ;..;,.fit Butcher, Phone 10, Blyth. ' ---- ,vii ------.--.-v,.. ..-... –....4....1�..:.1�.1:{.:H:..:,1�{.:..:1.:.:.:..�,•: Z..:11�lits:I1:1.?,:,-r:..:♦:.,;1/tlr:I�.,:.1:•.1i. 1♦11:. 1•..:.i.•:.♦:a11.1:,1:.+..A1�., t o i1 ' .. i ._♦ •4 t:11 1 " =I ✓ f: J { �• 'J •Y ..r� YJI-" ¢is't-,"-Z 1 ��} • ♦r. T..•j1 r ti ti . t,, 12. r a 4' rtr 15.11 b: given by the .2 ' 6,. �,/, t ,. t 111 y•t'�JY+i J1,S' "s• t"�:! / 1 1 i{' �S it I'!Lr-�r' rip ll( •t• BLYTH UNI'T'ED CHURCH CHOIR :t: 4' _: SU�1W,O,RT _IrllPAy♦R �_ I:I the, ,t1 Ky . t, s "1 rY. t" •T1 e , 4 ,• O ti3'i�, ? I .i,'< . s i,-s"SC•rh.; 'tin . . Y.��:; .. CHURCH AUDITORIUM, ON s♦ •t• \\'dliam I. 'I'bntnpsun diel) suddenly t. •_• at his home in Auburn at 1t► a.m. on TIILRSbAY MARCH 1,Ith •_• :?: Tuesday, \larch 5th. He had been in i at 8:15 P.11, ifNEW DESIGNS e. his usual health, had eaten his ARE ROLLING OFF THE PRESS EVERY DAA'. ;i; morn-' 3. t ing meal, and attended to his usual 'THEIR GUEST ARTIST WILL BE X. :. morning work and while re -ting on Mrs.. Mae Rance MacKinnon : NEW SHIPMENT'S ARE ARRIVING WEEKLY :_ the couch, he passed peacefully away.OF CLINTON .;. \It. '1'hontps n Was a sort of the lilts One hundred New Designs are now in stock 44 •_• tutor 'i'hnntpsnn and Eliza Spencer, will Adults ,i5, ; School Children ?sic,r 'l' f burn at 13rookliu, Ont., July 2, 18i(1. ilr for your approval, .=". CON E P4 came with his parents tocon- •y' .• TS •t• the (I'll 1 •t; ALSO LOWES PAIN 1 S. a1 cession of West \\ act anosh in 1871, 1 't• / 1I7 ry� and on Sept. itis 1891, he was married New 51111pleS ' EDIT GREiG i J. ON9 to Matilda A. Clark, I'hc couple , .4.: ,_. farmed in \Vest \Vawanosh until 2G J Arrivingt ,ti; Decorator's Shoppe. Phone 158, Blyth. •• rears ago when they retired t t Aub- 1 urn. 1 Vfe expect our lle\V sem•- \I r. Thompson was active in town strip, church, and community sphere,:1 Ihating served in office at hoax l;sited i Aes of Canadian, English United Church, ne also assisted on lthe building committee when the Don- Wallpapers any time. • Church, Auburn, and at Donnybrook a}1(1 Anlerican Slin\vorthy nyhrook church was rebuilt. In town- ship aft•;tiro he was clerk and treasur- er of the township of \Vest \Vawanosh for many years and \vas also a director of \Vest \Vau•auos11 Fire insurance Company. \\htfc farming, We \Vill be pleased to show them to you \Vhen- t uhe served '�eie1' you desire our ser-_ ,as a trustee of No. 3 school, West \\'a- , 'wannsh, at the time this school sv;t, i : V1CC i, 'milt. Ile seas an honorary director of = _ the Dungannon Agricultural Sot•;e,v 1 1 Mr. Thompson was a member of • i Liu -know 'Masonic Lodge and of the (flit Fellows. In politics Ii' was a staunch Conservative, taking always an phone 37-26. LOl1DESBORO active interest in political affairs • 11r f was a regular attendant at Knox I'ni- lied church. \fr. and M rs. 'Thompson . - - celebrated their golden wedding in 19x1. \tanto who died is 1929, and Alice who Surviving are hi: widow, five s: n;, passed away at the age of eight years. J,,„4, \\'est \\'awanu.h, J. Gnrndcv, of One sister survives, \Ii•s Rcbe•_ca Brampton, Joseph, 1'illsonburg, \\'i'1 ant Thompson, of lith cuncc5s1-n, \\'est 1 Bclgrave, and Russell,Gmlcr!• it : ,Th,., \\'awe nosh. r\ brother, Criah 'I'hnutp- daughter, \lrr. \Mark Armstrong (I?I- ,nn, passed away 'three years a'm len) of l.ucknoty. Two daughter: ••, • . '!'here are ako surviving 11 grandchil- deceased him (Eliza) Mrs. Clayton Jdren, and six great grandchildren, - 1 •+• F. C. PREST 4,4 ♦�11:11�..�M�1 •:11�11� .+1.�. ♦:.I�1 ♦� {:I.:f I:,.�N� 1+.1�1 ♦:♦♦+♦ ♦:..:{ {:{♦:{.�{ r:1 •:{ 1:1 •:,1:, {:11:{{:.1� •:{ ♦� {� •:{ I:1 {:{.� �{ �. {� {:1 {:{ •:.1+11�..:• .♦♦ Hulleitt ',Township Officials \lupi:i;,:l Affairs, re.die. ting Drainer,' Attended Good Roads Scltcntc, an I L`chcnture, and received Convention �tnuch v;tlnallc informat him 1lnnici' al Brei 'age is ;t very int wr- Reeve John Arntstroog, Councillors t ' I taut item in many nnurcipalit•cs, and the 'township of Ilull%tt is nu exre; tion. It i, expcctcd that the -t, will be five drains rcltui.in; monist; :1l atten- tion in the Township dnrin:; the itmne- diate future, George 13rmtn, Ira I;t;lson, \\'illi:tm e int, \\'illiain Dale, Clerk -Treasurer George \\'. Cowan, and Fuad Superin- tendent \Villiam Carter, of 1lul!ett attended the Good Roads Convention held at the Royal \'ori: lintel, Toron- tc, an Fehtu.u•v 26th at 27th, I Si •w plow:; Mr. Cowan, mi I Councillors Dale an'I Int5mill, and it is ilrowit received an interview with \fr ton nslti;t roads arc now o;rcn George Dunbar, of the Department of or traffic have been busy in the b.li,.vc'l that all inr 1110,- b, .I1 hY 1.,____ ______ 311211•-ai. anh-ta1IJ. la1.4.442E^p1.......Iul+J NEW ATOMIC TOP --- It Spins! - It Screams!. CHEERIO HELIOCOPTER and HANGER. HOME-MADE CANDY. Wendy's 5c to X1.09 tor Li. I 11 , 1.1.1111,1