HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1863-07-24, Page 37­777��47;�� z,'.7' M 'v R_ -Z, L W _b Ni W M. lwl_ - :] " ;-;-; � - - . ""�V M ;Wt M ka - l`N- NzR A V� 40R N4 "M mg, A ign A 312 '0 Z F _77— ;7 t TH E, -WEEKIL-1, SJ G''NAL 4 Irishman still -slept dn'soundly. arid LADIES sooll nut his le- backi * 3 old positioi;.'%N-hen CAU TO THE up'lo the bed pinched.- his lei, the' per -Mr. Davil D U N L DIP, sOcOnd tinno�', Ili went the lc,a�aio - th "a till "ther 'D r; "Tail 111'a M:E �'W-0 �T, Pt kl, - 1 M1 1% Who had Patoll �thQ spit Tm IDP. stol, SMjLN11,G & N, pot to. ir ani;,"Unce in tI;cLfd­' of T �ba� . I I, - - . 'TOU0. at cori lit a pnssit;n. arid began to pIjanjI 'B­nf.66d6.ii:lI tlr`rlt,sil�- it , 1, It it S -able Cxpeinso: 6octed a Paddy, oxclainlin-'as usual., icict oato'bed 1�%Viilg 6n:dic. �T: TJLD - TIE PECT177LLY "07ORK SURGrIOX, 40DE14CH -j.e rild, fitted, up h� public af�k —Easi. �strectv rd I I re"" of Dark HiliLl. an,q'cut �vcetoc-nallq -'Do ve fj PFFIcii:'and xcijaca ye loot! list, o rintry that. lie Jilis� opened in tile above lijte�'l it V, 1118 Fou.n.drv, -tvbjd.l�- -will. so , 6n , bc in full oper Ch,istitin Mon to. Stan". sic, roa�h dig - M n g j,:&*,:9 rn, S M gB JuSt r0C i "ed ation. 0 ir 7 ossi� -0 ave .0 tile premises, in Ell. 10'r- -Cole L 1�, -W_ x6ih� led 11 hal, CCU I b 'M Y tip tbe'Vishnian,',-vb&' 'j , . e Lately P.,Ca OF STA 'IN fbe1' Having- pro� .'01irl 1,ope�k� ll�t ,trim In coil' 4 2. _4 7 ASSORTED- ST 00 u 4tE,1_ThC 1� -&.Ther lei-. vaulim att�htian arid ni�Iiiijac Ulu Y briqgin,- the�ispur tri bear oil fii a -xii at tire spot. ��itjj clinrizcs In �n; Car li�,hi. beiookl'etLou Patronage. troin thcMarkei S46ajeit,�d holies With the Central, CZ61lqot b been* 1w. redn" OF by"trict, attention and prolnotiLude"lli - usines In A. aek. and, h a bee 0 on. _SFRI AND, --StxkE1% ".00ODS 4jilerit a pa -d' -What.l: stupid too st c troha 'ITI.11 eek. -arid, h ng ni the ho I r ot, the ne.x­, Hiorch. ,Zes� it "WhIch havo beeii.bought tiiI snch g t at t ey' 2-h'T. ja oUt next.wo rllis_xs,�,ill wdrrantitliern 11,stati a !�,�derich, April 33, 1863, r- bdo., a nd'has 1 t ()jj­ Intl or i_nw 77 th-rou gl1ro and Ilt! trrikfoff tile L' b h h HUGH " 'GE P & iii—s. _00ts iluN par h at 61L W. sell % �e T)repared to, -m t�culn lls� to _w to nN, nr�, LIS, shcd�s,_-Viciorla �rr sp��s ft�8 'i'litiarge j_d1dn'&,h6tIce Ii too -o� A -T. Bu=., -AT. j) I ond,nn Lt tif . le rrriz&�, ire, sattisfiict6rviii Don- T`T -11� U11 -ANT AD CHE A AS 0171 ILI) DUE" line JOHNErLis" ALD )vai; restored,�,rbil,,.Llw 4uthor; clf-V.- OVEM tsM 6r the l -e -srI 6 ou"-6rilic om (rV,)`rN rr, 0 R JA _W,0_RTE3:k, -G-T.- ON misch' a1zed, to his: n Int: \, U, o"Tti_05l. near the Squafti: -7 new smild, _W-4�15 no `� Dr, Ju,st relli iea, D King uo.xws­h� of, surgical beer, fizt&i 06 -Greece-_ which- h Get)T,,re I la a d up� 1117 ft, vcj� j pperanoni; upon II)e eve: -for �hi IiL usZ re(zeirc ill incorri ut, e�'ghty-�se'vc't to pb , "'Per'sou - 1jL0. 15..3862. 1,47-1 r annual- it) be: iticni. and is ddctcd-from:thL interest . a ffi. widj Prot) wau&fh The swre i,,; abo I TA 1 leniz n p 01 GTHSIT. 761yj BMWs fee, il n pr�T tij�j 'Lo'r& pro., arranz�,ed that each dep ell R��kT-4w_ SOL1cr.rOR IN - .,so I . I :;, � � 7 : . . i I �-, .1 .. ; I I � 1. ,D GOODS- la—ii Ic 4 : 1 .1 ' , . 13��-Und I .. z � - a uvcyaac.r.%&,ii. B�,ik­.z�zz - -liar A" emeath, am fi nover treat T CqnTeitiently bas ofrcred-:;E' Sbuth 00bourgs' 'Tel 6C warC roct mi�i, above are' year" ii�d the v �sapplied �vith:z hoisti 11--- upliaratu, bas offered 00011 �LOVG traliat; nklil co mufrjea�� Ma -&T -a- r, _ASSO�1� T_,�!E, =I DA AND�PROWN-CIAL PIVIL,ENG T of —L, bt� conve Aed. datc, art in GOODS t1itin vla�Panalaa. IT i��Goderjcli� *,';. vj5if� o11 fact, almost; dv� ry thin., H o4uil:ed for the trade." D TJ CE T F -STRAIV -of N L'.8 0' A QNER�U, forthwith: ..6 1ras out;hqofinz last"wee C olt'j h, OR AND OTE the InU=le�' 'FoLict eouitT., Ylo h rid sT -ge of, :C0 ON ,YARI. on :cb jr ste"L, at'his fee.. pulled thn-ir' fthu hand: 11�1' S61 L na, Nyatch, �Iras'commit:ea Tor tril Was alaDlItallQ 'ROBERT BO r ROYRTCIAL �:LAND- SVRVE-j OR T 1110 Wrist. IZhC2� CrVil Z�L,� -IV S Pst trect, 1ptlon, and Arelfiteciez-al Pkins excou- err, fjom -thc fr=I 0 o I p it nsers. ted- d.s cr ekarrined an&v Iced: fr s4ace, 0 a S,111 0 0 IKI (yVIL D, N GL, E R �ND -SU=— YOR Conrt C Bum and ailjialll�, tills' ille having, bet ii:quict. for som week STAPONIEP qEELr A 3D%,E &VY -R� a in this deli ij SItrulx,, &r- �oi dc,.,;.�nozn�tjy attended to, Note and. Letter 1'apor,;, a Efrvaop� tbe tha habliv to announce that t1t. ciaf., namqndable li'b ralir�. ha' iral subp6rt "in( n1cM the vcr libo iwiti�co be,. loctfirtly'Lo solicit c OIT in iltiOnOf , pa h I eir patrons 'T t r I I V, A U.IS giTie air Exe consented u onjo B a,,l n F S 11.0 Ole; Cl thi I R -S T U .9 A 1, 1, Tie train wfli Laa:e 1"anoy -Back Combs, aB' 91.9 ove R:rairtibra -at 6 rooches ERTC171, 2 Is t pl�i 0 t ABP 'GF01Y aer3cli at 6 a. in. ortfoli I armcrs:'l R ZOA K T 'T ZMN G GOOD men a:nd Those f, siO OF hnor, III- .�A T.� B UTT—E, Wincil TH AReg- 7X7- RE f ;'.,try of' Farin -arid -To%,in Lots kr-Sl1Ig t Menced harvesti�- wiledoubl be -lad of a et q ? D in n and things Ha� fm'in, flic' b "ll please 'A. MR N1, .: -I UMS lare stock oaitop 6itimity o� seeiag ell a B R .,In t e interior ol! the confirt-ti The fare OF o cars. so -W one -Word in DF 16 elrs 'eaT_--L-f,'0r, pi4�§ PVl ak that we will Th j 4 aic. rooin� to breathi.. and izive orders* I W' StOj cvwd IZUaj.th� da ,or.. piac,- !V� _8 A e'sead, on Dle��Y ' f SOB , . of Ce oi�e' w'- another From Fon' Tllf� . thotrain. is in motion. huren as- I A I L tied ad' T jasi; 'tha C—athbric r GLASrx GO Ur t R 6 '0 _T� tile Pe L Ulte eqi: we had benVal 'FOR Lal what Arid." ar t� ic.%., Art rp, -F -SUBSUdBE R._bJTrDRS' led� tj ec p, ,,Sale, at reduced vices, a Jarge a,�on Frridav the 1314'a nlen, of nd 141h� 1'8 h'rts �:06112rs N'ecklties. Gaos r ins a f ]rS 0 t nPe oil' -thorouz hi. Snini&r t usiness ieB CAST 'e, encourairin., of music�, a fin6,., tic o , 7 N Te cii� tron, texe-, aL art op onu to hilbrin hi: The R�vd._' RE RUN &-jSF=-G -STEEM' t1raf lie tll� latest jinp. -7-1 a th C, the nimi tie Coln L -We b w liting T lIarie ha's 'a And ba 6 l2rid. sor, of Sledge laid I an. arnmers;., profez ination.'uru rc�lre , �t i S 01 OD enar;,rater X_Q �W r i,- SMITH. who is highly e..'bv- th ress - asa =.0a morl; ustice, of tile T. Spades &�S tba pher c, -1863.. cc to _1ed his Withug'" ,GLASS. = om -ren. t. ch, racter nig ji., �Ve lit odo 'r, e ceri --oon �o' dffc t4at.dflast _:anj Turpen Lead �jp'ell -.rotirhi Crit-And-11orse PM5� of, our Nil". W,4 reademwofild be'-&Iad' to It A T A ATE P RIV Platform lin(L.Counter'Seb! t Circular, Pit, r 'Hardware; arpentems�,, s:Lvsr1Tt:T - TOR02,T Tr 7D.A.RTIES'iti lit ndifn- tc 'CHO OF' -v.D Diy-'s Go 7. tLegislaxil 'f' lArichiniz 3 Blinds' Doori r'16cal Bills, - eithcr� for graLIN od lbsittem, e"ca OUSE& 'LO go Chopp Hal6d'-Axes, peasahle, in these'iimes. -A f-oa' I man, Cal.- li 8"h, ild, 'Furniture, �iviie,�es� ori6dnf6i�r 9 do wft�oul ricrea es- his, �pwxevs for coulinerciai of- otter purposes i ing �63d%&, 'From,Bkoo, and. oth r 0 �righfs oi- proD( Sra'iiLES." T not M, -C�, "M WjtIj tbe..Largeti,t Stock f-' usermla _eaa at urve." or blin hi to t Disact fwi�L� to afIV6(- thb s b.v -ise Ul" rTinyth-ii e Ce the mouxlt of' business that Te :other� �ld, ilLad 4o itm&rclifnefligent� y. N of 6th6rp� s edacia�on should be. considered finished- and -C- to'sill by'A�uctloli -"Master 'SEMLF 0 posef;Lo, ota thor-' ad -.D ROWAN, ulltilae.�as, bee in Pl 27ad'a IN'TUE ou business edu6ition_ -It i 01%T, T otigh il filli, ILI -the -Ca' ivillruil,a.;fouo�vs,��diii��fart,her to v miderder-, al Ile �1 _T .,weat er ,,perialt g�� asca ironitlic.Munuftict. e;vmid ay :0 U Y�11 h ect), in the Cana oniaiturtin-B 0-S at� I I olel ch, 'I� U 28tl d f I astant, W th plication �clearlv. and 'distinct ryani.` Strattion & rdEAVES dder6d�' the, in newspaper � pa t zeftt. aIS6 Tfla :§qeT1orFram, Hous, ud Gar dell o . t ' C mn'tre -v, 1336': non., c;en On eet, �t a d'I, t sday, a The�., are. in--. Copies 6� ibe. fir �Onday, Tue mn 'id ff" -, or T 'Ry, in. this dtpirrtmeat educa 4ishod,in tb,(., County. oon all coadiiqted unded aff'edtea, solid _WN ff G.0 IiYstem,.�&ad no expense is d 6 one THk 10 -er Contain iaz 5 Roorniandl-g-bodr cellar.' Ike. -House. I arqi�� DOUGET, totheir!usefalness��and.ttioic;uibness Of i A -,t -.7 1,strucLion... 'd 4 -to ables,-Bujehus,�S ves Zat Sh ,ALso, the w-'holc; oF- the']�ol]isehold,,. thaf the, ture. conlpri.�iag Ghairt, T Branch Colle CIL of P.-rivate ge lately establisbed ia. Toronto andstove-Piping; ty of othcr urrioltFs has.tuet wit a liberal rona, from ii1L Toro -Saturd -ST.,"'GODERICH, Tl� 7,ern2s Caish. �The Sale withou 6 erve, Every Monda !fuesd 'Y T llesitatioV ilia to the-basines (;odcriI,,-Ju1r2otj,,j863.. s%r92 Ne.xl,dwrlast b.f, Mi, Stott§� Saddlery. 4 �qlc; P. il� �reptitatica�oftbe -Resident Pri�cipal and.6i I 7W,liA 'alliu-.atLncar.diae,-�Inverhufoa:aiid--'P Priva: fliCAf. t: �io yoa7g men of Vi, have a -ing fi i0l. renioN om GodLr iustruCt9j:_-Mr_- James t.�.Da oung�mc llurgi - n A fi�erl. ass d,� cal. insttunisnU.Fou3id.: LY� oallieGounty IV IS g0]).EjtjCjj 16r, -SJRRNU, e,; -ill be Co , m( , uris S an T T, t uccoum id arid Haron, a �p:Ircel covitaininan Sur,-!- u1i t, d -A " a proficiterii in Ili,, cien�e 0, AT IE- SS: �TH GOS L 0 and tTetuja -san,6 ,�Aea r Si" At- 6' clock; & ill in, ru e c ZamC7� rlt-�. he� awn r ca:n Ll e, ge find 1 d W. P L- a �e it, e office tplt en 3 GaEAT' El _1+STEM-,. -Difring th d onpavi if not. rnilli6v �jh� 26ib N63 sw7_7%v1i8' �VANEVERY &­,,RZ*BAL GjtADUATE THE ALWPATHY� d vas �qo erich.- oth *14 -9, 3 pril.. 1863. mg� all on boz�r -Eclectit la4 voyagl�raf the te;:.� 'a, meed of the pa�seiignr§ �A' nd1l e0atbic'Schools Iviedi- IT. K 61A Edinima Mee "rq t ofithe 6soti prea. kttepf0anada, late oP se some- nice :,-00 S a� CM op ,pezir-Clinton, a book contaftiftly, sev- : ON -.THE liosclitir It, Oculist, arnillolf, noT 'and of tel Thoznpsl:in, or. bearer. The:owner can - h 00PERICH' P eataryof gned in inyor-Jof one, oseph Captain. Paton,. :CA Lisazutl�bv sending t& thc Si, ­ii bilc6,,andpaying 0,% ort affhe great shi The -grea; -jur:,th,!�ade X0 and, 66nif ie?or rusement, 9th AY A ship, bi�oiight cut it, J.un :2*2n I S63. Sw84,14 e Z, 'G1A9G0W_,'H,0USE, �GODD41 17thl,,,1863 7 -W �'HA. I R �:E` MP� AT of NL jTVZA'R. A 9 oAiogrders i5tr,'411 Lned ill one �Do 6-mws,,tot�l-. rVanu a. iseases f chronic d He I I I d� orseba gecret. cha emwere-wont takenas boaraersl, in a,quiet,'.. res liepitwoifx a e owill pectable creE and "Corifidend'al. W ID V. L 'Square..:, A�pjy' dt�. �this near the tidcidenf -14th,_�24tb,- 17th'- I 0 Ile 6rred-at Chel� Yl (12, ;7l5 1) 'TPA 'C I`feree.' ern, iiinii. while �;oi g,up td'bed,lte r 'b -A-1 T XACDOUGAU bloa�st6pped�' t the- dFo -2ni, T 'D ili� t i i._- hot ea E. tT s, S percent; also.,. TGRM, of th 00, oams open. it -s X*provellfarin, at, ON n U ha thAt-311 0- h adred-poundsoll tolvil F Mrt MAVX, MOVED,TO, Tlll­� a cote a 'ICAL 'a' thi ..2 d were both dsleep,in tile b stor ormd d the, k __ r . ish �Ti Agent. xaa:a�"had 11dae �Y, H, one ax C; Je ga was nak one jUST& CROWWN MAN D ,CLADMIF 'i Medicinos th�y have �ggeafs,io, X0 AE 4:_Zate,:AF-yoa,iI holiiheligrhta �du P.+. eavy �uppiy of. Dru Pate on,to theiraisri, 0 ii.1and a. large stock of Cane and. MimSeAk, ; 7ariv 0 ission �a e. 0 PSTE 1). ca masonatil, IN Volt trivestilient' amm in avanc none of. -Faterits,Nvill be- isitned.. PPI[Y-to 5ABLES �-BE A IZ 1-aventions- �Re ktraviliers or0iorsebacl "were spitm.-it D-Eias to inform theTtlblidiba, tens.',Trade N2irks=d gris - IT* SINCLAI pertb G I U L _U- dirop�mtiont5�th�t�areent�usti�dLfo.iiiia,ia�. ibrough" slature�*cljuor cs� 'w -days,) 'IT -iiiii4maniner. I I I crt ve 'dac 5k s�in Giaspiv��Fscbtlalld. y's ed direct! V �lfrata oneof�jbc oldleFl+ and most reliable hoftsL alf(I -hid himsolf-bhin teALSO;� its _p b 1�o Y, HAV -RECEIVMD A -LOT ened) (though not"wal :'uttention, paid to tbc� re-7diation ........ lYdamliged rticular;diftentjoilval oord children?s-.1eed the preservation oftlit. uamr;alones�.: off. C, Al; t timspur., �Jow, pricos� %a TE. _y,�Wibibq-E Y.neoe - win yingsion.-15sq., L very he de'el ON _111fST;UASS -MORTGAM jiFL;% -h" 4,� ed, Doniad: 71t D aw c , �P. E rill 6ducciaLed'itre -y �M' E 17 z M. S bell a _�j , , J 0, H, Ni_ RA 15 0 N, yer toe, apply- -r gettla�-Up_aiid trow-­ 6t il 9 18 6 . Ye _�,Pr `Bsrri�tcr -C r, C�Odel.jej], 0 -th, S6.2, Out cuniii 6th -18 P -0 P, Y