Semi Weekly Signal, 1863-07-24, Page 2FUR5, 7 �1F % kR `40 201,11 1 7, 6- - 31.1�'� R 5, W, Z L ii,� M. -V X 7'. k ` 22-k §Ni 1% 4 3o;- -MIR U, A! ;Z P. L ir wt E V'Ht. SEEM' KL.Y SIGXAL d *It the louc��:71:"Stesl his Wristq h,,; -Yl * Lan ul�o. his I;M1, all 7 ICAN hether'it 7 7�­­---­ AM2.9 N7 S.StTMMARYll Paid fbr,:ictovy� 1�61;ebeti r tl�v, kSii0oking -Fa d -4 Af� Ney,,iailk'and. thi 6 Suredeath 1'sai�d qq?ose the dro, To It this is truc 15,0000ijjo,000-loyal mensilotild fie d The CiOP6'hi Canad Erighqx, DrOSS and Shin:.. �Ory a Voice, in a �whi3p cn,, July 22 C� havqijothi and woutildled oil flic, : � I,.' ., .94 tiny. Soule mont S-swee a grparation tool, place L-0 11 epolidunce ofibe Nrw York po�t "r 'ric. f'Willianisport, Rain is fidling in Lies, and an')� rer.,' Mid the Ant beable t) i ud:,e 0 new fieOin Lt.o army ot"Ll The bordererspVz It,, to his feet. -It Fas ..d-Lae'E array NIO �tjmki�ti eoz� yl 0 scriou yligailist the parched ap;Carance of the -c�ops is leaving betwee mail arid his witc, re.qjdelltq correctl it niust. lllijitit� iiii1i ly delbated, or thai, the (lit Of R that I bad recall d hi Yotl; July.2;2 III se�aznbe i on' CIIIY'Sll ullham escaped to - be�.mo r ul e TOICe Of everfit. " 1111 Lew a sue- it-, Huy must be sc�nty and q ti� of the Ne ess cost,' de, Eal to life - aud.-�he dark outlines "lus, oi else illust. Sailed' CessfUlly, Und at a I dear. Yest6r- domestic tro bles, 7 4 186-3. of Surellea . . . 1- 3ol, with 550,Q00'in L'CO in sOrbe day Alle giass in the, Ci-s, u the British p .111. Ist 0 a I - j ml.Palace enclosure and -the: ivorniansh6rtly -��terv-ardii The fashionable season in d Other pla 01. wel-cirul.13 was skil(f by, Ructiri. t�d livought, $130, not tkiTo'ronto,talting-vith h6r'a daughter Arid so tropolis is:cuImiDatjljg.a d will in A cople "vilf.decid .0eeteli his eyes like a trk'I�Lv frien Stir. prove that, the prquil n tro olis proceeded alp. the se-beld hit' 1,6terila) it n as in a�p�lj, "Ind �Ilo hope of The lilrmitor PaRsaw passed,oll* Cape May nu' was stronger than 131 few dilva �coniposcd of four fiftbs.ybwdics & - did It above twelve tons,of bay, The, the f th6 warre. The Queen 1parej this wtis the I ` if 0 tbuch�i or iner about I � years of age, and the ha- lukl on iy befilio'; to-day,it'is veston� av-pf,terilooll in'tt w Of It stoanicr. than Ing, I lerably well particularly ter:betwekln.I5`andlG: illetnollier still, re- -lad. expectai ion. 'd P liberty swedl�a'his veitisAvit I roimbiuder I it was sp? 'Crops ook to a for Oiborne, iind the nuce an 05 �1 yer,21-day, �arld ionic, rincesT 111101111 It will be 'baileyand -potatoes. T He could 1106itter the sIi#ie,,t,'whispc, ti),ji: who :I] jal�es:� WAles: nex 1 ']'he E week fVr', ever,�Ieft hu4n lips liev of Netvarl�, lIC,St1aw4DfOat3wiIf sides;' InA'01701)w butafew weccssiucethe 'zcofland'", whilki divers, 0 1 troirger 'not bfriciallyrfi�iioun' dl' IlVA�rt� .1 .1 . 'Country Seats. 1191-�illbra�cd tile Far. cofirse'. - t 1.101 respntal:Alc 1) 'rtiol Dr_ till'; it is Of 'cou-se"Nve speak onlyof this boy'and & �o the father, arid if�i leaders of fashion'l ester in alleric N. 11.101ark;.wure girl return(! p �tmge into d whii6 his sti-oo -avins, -U1_1d0]steiod ihilt Golicral Mf,;46 li�iilriiedit'tte,vl'cl'll'lt'y."-�[13i-iti.�h Whi,,. ' �' i'an allei,ed t1ft �Inle4lieir arrival they hav . .11 " col,klnullity. We are Illort, ell: I I - 11 , I .. I The 11ii ice, by.th,� way,-begins'to h were % aritable and 0111'Vidil. ltult� by tile I�pvost 1vill �not p)an�pri OW saw' ill P111 -suit,, mor� will he 'ayin.. I, IQ a The, eauil,n )c man d Gcor�e IV. th - U Batts r is u 11111 lber of' severa EEIAE�mp actio 01'efibro'Conclude t1fat'a S I bear " 1 , that devotion to fashion which made 13coullagi zirlous t tati having', sev6r�d times.been seize& 'a, ressy' public call, ouirter 6ce7-�--iit git Vol' ompt. I eet crol Om1SC _,h I )g ' ' 11 betit oats barley, andpe�s pr wi ,udd�-,,,,.:.i,iddan.erousilitiess;hC api3lik 'gentleman in.' the 'world' sold; It h 'b - r ��Ii � e ESL even. c'�ollz'; I - -A letter I� changed �but' the new , i, l�f - s e his reali� respdetabl I,- ID01, is.bVoth vallandi"llam. ihe"most, e- e most, n nrhis'�"`�e, -till; and WCVq I'dicas- 'd. , The fur- ),,()secure A tardy: clia e. bbut.-bi., 11 Look tl e i;pit e of bcakii�i- ual) I - Ste I ru visa"(, le 0, states I W poison birn TI toms of It izziEdiatea it, pp6rts'Of-L&V o pen 0 are hilrdy n Rosecrai s� al'iliv, Of i With- �Iairik filee all iridescRikab I rily'14 one vigu'rotis Lad lit Th' lemy 0 1 t ekkinty­ I Alfter to 611 ill ques i h the 1. �X . I I � 1 .1 1 . taken the ini iaiiye-in io,'be a m -potatoes are, looldn,,i examination, 7" fli capiivay, is collsel9llslle�s t c policy Of the ONICI-ji. 'reports the army an-ain in int,tion. has..not one. unjpunished.- goodyield ..'re- ec pjlysi6ian,�wbo,ofi naBle movement S �Of tl The encV, will ei: 'd o immense d ys of d, et ded e lared that,his s�cicneiss ha& been prod f wit ruieff4ble'>1easure..;�, c -1ba le but, it(, I Forthii time, bei�," markably'well,.�ivhil clever arid timotili ifeed importance. He actually decre :"I firuu�aht itilcil.11 Al. the fili�rlos ty;s real- )lad i)oLli shellca , I y sonic poisonous flghtiq had iiccuir6d. Th -too, Wl I -,the, "'Wtisliln-ton be atiutldant;�:[Whitby Gtizett -Suspicion'-Jalling therexival. of w-hitC. wai -into- I 'Sputkin of t116. -rioti en, 1hey were closel� ich-for several years has been rc�.vnco, and tile dperdti ou hi� childr 4liesti0ims, dress wh taodily, r a 66� of G rant, . Tile ll,'Ly Crop is 116w'niosily 'secur6d, Arid' forbidden in.polife sucietyi is givic. �tcoats�an I� a and tile boy, -aft made the 'tever since julioni _0 C. chilim-LS �e air, C Val ry %%,its OfF 611 aw 6 nk a .,uns- will very I ink in this, nei,,hborh6 took -and-:6rew iLei till 13'. 1 afrect rid the yield has" neen a The 'cite shockiing ievelation that he and his sigtcirhad a Ommon by:indulghig"in One- _�_111 1 -lay" ,. �"d C er sonie, hesitation, �ux:,,iikxl, in tie it a little c MY alovemen S in the, East. '11opes and wishes We thi6k the aveiam*e is Full 1),,en fu_ 'Btffalo arL[ L aje f amuiuki 'rnish6ZI �wiili'bois6n by the'. rootbel in of suchhuge Eden is, and, giVirkm the erle� 0. . " S - 111011%Zcio year a it 4ailroad tich cxhibiti,6. 0 NvMitoll Crli�ltv, of oll" Sitra disapl5oiirtdd, but it worse 'thing rid wlj�tis of."qat 11j.:Tor6nto�':abd'ient back tO.K.Ingsto ' io the carricaltares therion the �nc` nex- I�e,� �'tu tal6eawayAlie life of tile r. by tlk( I r alln]ess, bloodihirl�t-in ssi: rl iraporiauce.thZi wettille, s� been q life f4vor-,, !i gro zlin.,, - k '' . .,.e eat�cd-.,�-The' eb6l Would hatO Ueen'the defeaf of -an array. sirelS-'-,Mm:JuIien, hIswIdovr; is now tain1v not bee'l,irivell ill �111V el�'j;i7,Cd 66111. LOKCC 000 infantry ana' r, bit -V1ME:'kR,3Ar4 VEM T. failier, t ­?�Vellch IZQVE�Iuteioll. �Itls in -3,50.cavalry e t of a wo*ai; wiih& whom hd' able for th6 properming -of.the hay...,,Th a SU , : - r EN Int'llitv'sillco lie yay, emillbyed, by. Impresario Maples Esq., we thi had It n .. e worse Illan whn-t dc��Urre�d Ov Tew k, e costu-in d40artmeut'of her Afrjestjtliz It eel till sc-liS Ca ybelLt� Crop, promises ex ving on: oointilmate terms, and'thaflie bad the r. g liew , I . wj�cli. J A ybar. Yet July '22.-A (espalch�:�, om. rival of ithe Aft -ca. 17 f):'T u. -atteinpled"at to Carry - his �8 e_exhibits ra�re laleaijade�.'� I lere the, �.ChVtn6Ci !p�ople, T %31,11A the, 6KILLIaNC6.01' that C61. Wil&r's' muta&ZI 'Ini'lInti. je some -wil commc�rkce r s�diabolical�eomniaii& by 'hiixim, the vlsmg�strkknue drk� ca of upearthly brilli6c Ullallollia, oil-thu; rsfh�hlst �FLY5 hereab6ais I out GODERIC vosc.up : ri I ]son 0 P. ornp, ag�klpst tile. furned.froin a1ii,,Illy sue ess on to The steamOill-A ca,'f tit Livelrp'ool: oil lrl,. 13L,fatheL"S tda an binatim ladies of ;the chorus., a I :I.-,, July `0 , 'resent week. The Wherkeis. pe" i "' d coffee I flaving SOr the CLUYTO�14` Ileavy.t b b y hat a, opei:ations,tlic p rhothe" ill" Oppress!'011 of Cent - pries. -Bht 'tile -001iiiij E111 f I ex CE11tr �too, far- advanced to her, 'affLefed by the. rest Aulcf.hi "d d 'it. to r6turn, to 0 a readful 'torYithe-la -expressed deep the",waistedat. ar R_kRP URII E� I bilkall�Pcetiti;evill.e � -111C (2�e Consist.' tile I I ill tid�'Quce. ill' l2di;ayrived and ��_fur'insccts�%%�e have not ieard of any ibiroduced 'it -at t6" recent Drawingi SFAFORTIP� uw Y;yli� "'oturs werc living in a Utud' of ed'of tire 123rd Illinois aid file here ill i's nift-di'll'(1,011. "an' Stly. rl,b­8_­t j, The in -loo Chroniole.. -ed his parent a 06 12-i' uiek-imbam'Pa6e - tj ­ 'h' d, earne rince CAIIRONSROOK� . in this viciiii ­[Watei so L_ .1i -rive , I orgivduess; e, great y PI(TiY, Wliicll -7ave da, rpir NeAv Ue­ - an it lit S,tx day�, arid broul3lit 6i. at a tot C, Fall:v -i g',, drid-in some tc�pr�lse�uie:the,g�u�ilty:.pat-ti�s,� go6dkvkkl�s, ancrArlicro-the fult-riwilts f Sq0 lldl�se 6;d-n]iuICs­.-ind 9-50 The, TIviiin,& vheitt-is fast roatul .-I I I � afselfl, Qtlein,,Ilston it, oil- the - l'oth, _ng 4nd it clla.w�rill of tlke'gentlerben *he badArrivej.6 10 5o.. 11� zetiship iverq to be obtafii�d fi�r,tlw fields peaping,will corr�kncu6e, by is, ilierelbre� Improbable th t.any 'further p�'ir. bIac6- wailsitcoats,acc negroe��.,, H head OF th stb' dic arid 42 of the 1�rorli -New yorkarj�ived At jSbuthatupton on o or mg -to the PrevAink. the YE . -%: I I I �.J' V. I'. -X. . I- * I . I . 110-NtWoU. �W mode... the .1 01th. 1* The St n ez� arrive C 1ear-. nQ:serious complaint,,, ticularsOf this horrible -.affair than we now It was generally Admired, and the ptWcoll t.116 _RCil;,bS of 'neg Ces were ta at, IVCr- in- A dr d -Li The alogy �b ken front Gen. I u�aa!s polk. Tool 1 6LI - ofthe weevil --it is to'be-icen; but tliCtull give vvill:fifid ca ffi I their way to �thc public ear at eitem tin fashionable circles C riii. -almost 'equals. Several skirmishLis iverii had in the'Course kt�W,11 , . 1, cl-OiNfl- WE eS r' sorne thn 'The 0 is rid Wncz t� may be 'least' fb tO. -come.-Kingsto, z fit I rdtages. I -tfiat creAedby Beau Bi:dminell years aio�ou. '1� Ne 6 ie il�ip, les."Iltill , iii -0 C-1611in" of 10 guel, 'AT BRITXI� , :' * I- : , . .. . -, ­ GRL how�ver. Oats*,� Doti Ws.; -the cr�vAi,quesiik�n Olf '�crror of, Onlin1�91oned"Offi- STRATFORD ........ it. 2.28 thei.Ar seriously-afibetill, I ill;is.alld the callilil. V Tlj�� M', '111*11,L, Past say.,, that N� IV fine, And. pro -s air I d 50pi-iyat s 10 L m cc build'a-00i croo� look The P�iriccss of resses well, tall L 2�50 suggestin�, it, lVho. Ateilipts� to justi - q I '. I � ­ �, , .. I indsil wal;CS a r M I 'HELII '3 fy cc,, C xpirleLed-t) fat"or if 'u6t yef'a;n anthol;ity. i 0. It le .0 Ve learn that in the eciuntry MiSe il fur, ninions, on.. bod'rerdr �ua, She. gave A* banquet nanciaI Ranic Foreshadowed. ii�ol.:'Gcnf, (rebol :'was oo s6xeiely kyourld- tjj� *f�th,'w�Ot a detailed it !ioTth ofT obcaygeori fit(,, crops arC IaXuri the Oltheiliight at M-arlb -h� House t- _f CARRO X Bkl. 0 0 X 3 tbc horroiis oftlic.French Rev( alld. OUS" Oiou� ed'fu be br6u, lit V( 5 11 ;�,Is paroled� j"tc lit fftet, were never b 'r.-[?cterboro_U.)f_. few invited'folks, And as it 10118 1. . -o t. who bes niot� like: our. esteemed cor- T I E fitim, - - I SEAFORTa I'views �vith Lite eltL III an article f the kmeii, -a C01111Lr pansion e was'Verygenemlly critticised And cirm 't upon -bi;o IARRUUU��,Y jj and-leffill, , ;Oxthe ex" _7wk�s�.her firalf.effort _. 6 _ . . I I . 1. a 110te-I)OLN ii­whlch' lic, hottd down t,b e ican: trade;. cojisequc-11 h e out rcspolla(nitj� repA.t -;its one mail k . I !� , . `issu�s tli� Rhiladeiphii! lnquir& DtIrlagiAlto tall ititClij,,,�fice' CLTNTOY zf'.45 �0 _tYlIft116 ur loss I lied. substaitce CaV k rill" onvc],sation, 1VcI*VIT,.'—WC C,�Let to finathatti4cru Taoel . I L c , arrived 'p� g. d -uc - Lincoln is farl fii�iil Y�vli July 99 L�' 'lie E.-Vjtk�ess Coll- N%, -Tel, who hon lie reirl il�,6in t1dT; lic� OUL_ the o owjjj� 5 3o, le -to it Ti Ili Vil� 'sigiqficant ang. sti war6i at a, h hoir� to:.the -Dani n ri-11; is uO doul)� Of ille fl�ef iliat the �we�i of`tbc� death of7hef grand-'Emc was- GODERICH ti e bein aBour'botf, but. still,, tll6re z c! thou r,0V;,6us.,adsCbief to tile wheat in this noi,;111 People rally hesiRaLe, b'ut the result i's Buie. Ths"irtellit Vunects at iratro f -it Trunk and tr asc on' the cons - 6 1 1 ish throne; but' tu6otiiLlit.vol'�fli(,,di,4ft�i,, t6�be made b0bre: Tile post questions the iiii. gence.:was.witlibeld.-Trom fier�jjd the - it'll I ieat -w'estern -y ot-'Gr6at'Brit�in; after th OUR- fhIlibilityof 11,lr borhood. ­0f'fiv6ficI'dsof` diff6rent gr61ql' 33he hisioi s�'iri 'th NO -wb�011begin. t ,,-Coll, 1;1t), I pleas 0 viars hw-io al Lhidsay as D. nish, c Dail.v Staz�s lVoia sitirds e L rtheiiii, Sta Couft oil �Monda.�,-akjd it' :1 1-46`1 Lei- arLd-islan w d pany fill the -next ulDriking.','The old 'oderi, artloctlie er6lljl�iin­ zoulltry wiffi:Napoteorti7affor a an, example by- 'which a �j()Ug,�ju IjaO two offiill ondthre�'of spria-, w!3eat, oxanv -Ter" guage, fh'c 6� nfilience %%-as � caui . ed -it the _f Pi6fii.,1 Our position is, of! ge, andZv his pw&wngtin, r�a t,11 ponk Oil Lit coust,bv VaiiEve.31 to. chafe i link er.tllc iron ro d of ry. be"carriQ'd inialediatel to tile _Coutt of i�k, wilat�Ial ,, Prince was sevenV IP. ita ined diffb�ent we Ina' and ltumba;llii stcatuer,4t, 011. ist of' thlsweel�,. on tit qourse, dehtli the. Princess' years ofia� rule, which,latter teriuvre rins at Sliality Ray, in the front part of Otto, not.dx � Ili allel, of­Wale�' Mble, P�iuce dO'-1Iot­b* ft- Appedis �Ctly at�, but we' there see bow Chel �J-61), 22.��-Mor­aii passed thrill I'lie'Rilrald oa�cdr.�haya,d;s' co, fouv were found badly i6fected wit �a$v tile efforts of stian, � is one move ueav�r 'the tLr�ne of use ristead o ' '�'( q ­ . Catim-ki and -before lorij llexanara-mille The I"i'll'wheat beinii, prctty� well advkkit�cd return toz' Specie f "Wo i have IN I at fo�l O,Cloc h1he insect; Panic a lei, panic was erbatc 7-- elSOTIVil e. AthellS Tlie adl�tibn, lloebuck,'S D I k t Go'w-wrinte'nt andpeople to two in'ci Ill 'the daughter, as well as -the wife itudsisiilr of `omd to-p6iat outin 'I fdrilier Our pr egati0nS,dVe stib,�takiiiallvleorrcet Will basis,'and kn(iw'iyllat we may t"here. .. article, Ellis ino-riling. .1broLs are �IkRiLly iiijlri�ed; But,the sj)i�n;y wheat Pee 'VeVyt 1111" Ij . roes -are so� har�lyl him., rkrid'that one-ni6in5el- Of'11�0 Cabihet"at I being less for%i,ard greiitl� datn.% �aw � is ii�kliper, li.d ad inflation, a ki close behind why� thc:pool. 6b east ex rig, and'the'sister-in-Jaw of two queens. 0 1 . - 1 660-77 'SOM6 "Y 'he'.;6O hils'lueen so�iided on tire clue8tioj -.ecugiii- Ono of' thefiolds of Spring wh tendirko� th'tiouall all hind I d It ljkk�tid up6ri-this,ex blumbus dQspatc nainely,because 'the 4aboring'chi9se-t lerc h eat,� wbieh was 'at of- - -I�Ies, and espe( M ------- ion,'And 4, lit is tilat, the Yoreign StIcretaVy, very backw -dj_ appeared pi 's A REVOLUTIOliIX-jIAII;' "'I pieutribulating, Athtins c6tiiay, t to be quite fr6- pit lose of stocks has it, 0111y 'Of' ihe- cities 'Ilht, Of ..ihe idral.dist Ni'linff mopopolizin cross' �ue; tit i -ops look re Zile a coun- article dii-eciion; Ing Mle Or, to a degree only Uility, frotn.th6'pla ail tile 1:.t�spqblil 0 ore' fi h -a'southerly parallQed, i The Comb J�. bonce ort an obsolete haslittlele ext I J LY 24, 1863 (Viile the 01 dC: Wak;hin '01 OV�l 11 pu Icy_ tb�jjips, vvbi�6:i, are tries w ore: the- cliri in fashionable circles, And ladies are reverti MUM( 11, C,. W. Ito petitiou)'­are torri-ii.ried ton County and the h1mkinglitim ntl - thefoVei, ' li� vividil, e.ice'lit"'Itite b :Lcy had eitherjosf, 'Or Tfic voi Ni�ssays:�Wu� e 0 wa 9 9 . 1. � I . . hh py In P work and lya ei, inter- ar ti�id' rthe saff�brlri'gi fr�jil, I walit'6f"i Front other 'm'dahgdr,'of - lo lltivcr. ill Elie �Iii.CL4pft of �Cconaplsvilfe, with 11 at th4l.&meri Vain. sing�its vald4i al�optber. to the Lady Godiva. style of weafirZig the bair -that is, lettib,, It notito.linve thei im -ess! I coin public Uiud,�s �' onvinced-that,th�' cause fl -it 9 �in a point �Cn_l the. I _­ ., .1 towns up ive hear �similar r the shoul-'. the, leall War will s('011 is, ofthe 1) r -'11, a -1-01ving an. plaints. - 3 rric Ad It and Little giirls lidvingi, abandoned the.onee ti a' Vence.; of these fdgi-pirices�ljl .1 e7 paper issues "ders. y questlop im agitating to 6A - down, bv.e t � 0,11' a'c&_)u?it of' �the influx., of oilll� -fored wi. h rivor-ibovegrinboat, iiavigitiolj, arid'uoss "Is 11 thr I.. I ate Tib- .1 �roes.en-lis6d bv thei,pro'ClAulatiol1j, TIl& Thc utithoLlfies have made su'di ;;;;;; . , - d popblar,net;- now It r ocd'� : soofi:as, peace its ec.arc& or ex�eetodi ave their hair crithiled-a2d .10 _r iehay crop in tars'section of tile Cbdhtry� �as� V b:' �Ymh. tticiriu(t.�tnent�.�fidi�nteresi will d q I politic .,cirejes ef he ments as will' efIb6trially Capture his �Uccc 04 deman ibat all'otived-tollouloos Epee I s a sec -catilient of tic i"t eIv down the back, When T -v -ft r Con ra. is Dbw �illg. secure 'cause be it, �Ekpiilij, 4nd as effectniilly as the -hair is,"Oialigh ti.iiuburu-or goldia I these roi,,u ees, hands. ingtom _ , : , _is the most itbum, tire Lilt over growm be pqi�ibl6� lienno ied I.'' a 4ional one- bc Upper C. iada Ijea6olltS. 'tile wcathel; f a Gover 'as ).edn very avora fle"for makin'- lit nment will. U ar .9th, rose to�T2 pre, i ill 'n, the�10.th:to commence its �'66iitlr'4cti- tv,tii ,am L 16ule unexpected y. jn`ithe'�'­ -The:Escall6 ca likeMaude, and, leave I �baiids." is , a� 6 but, it I - � - - — . . 0 1 ` if ��ful ..to con�,cinplai Tile sci�ipjof_th�_ fi has a preft� effect, re'ininding, one �f. ue It nada wi -h-1h ittl& 'differ- V a tl:�n bii..the the Lowe Oes liot,L on, and the clianni once that th is.coll plefol Sky- of Zee's Army. 1,4 Crop has,tWrefiikre`�e�jl �socured in good ��n_ an d pi 11m_ reverse SL uar 7.. . " , , , dition., Kon, JZ_jt-�;'t wiff be,.�not iti millions; but hundreds' of, tZil.' Maui w 'a used' to live in 'of the* <t? of J'all y R, 1863,. :i:feiv,days� after 'The 'T-ii7l�e arlicle dr,6s fliaCill -pyc- Own1wei lekirri that rievrr lions. Thu 6ariks_will boc6mpe Round Table. 3neneed 'In. fqimery� ha�4 idd 'to co�lpl:kin �i by, Lce's defeat lit ill.the'unciii6ri of th ars we The jo Slone a,oldest inbabadats the am, in lied � to adopt that. the Lower Cana�ia s" �yidi.' ther' n )lace 'throu"hout V4ace., wer e -of po icy,, and all parti6s'look- ','Older'gifjs. and youn, and evenuliddle. age aid ` not only on '91adieli0inve, however, made 4; S lr�is thcProclainati6 iva��is.sued.we'§iEidll- if !G y Er.t, on. g6lil it; Now YOL-k must ad theresuch prospects 6fan-abundant harvesl, we inistake, not, tile *rotched Negr , o, is the 6iates to.a cCouirt; of the dividends ft) tie -esent- - 'Th6r mm,� ky kid -prD fol-lim, 0( itense . disappoi a toAhe' time of a'aeaerdl iesump- at- reraitted-to J�LIV61je; bot fVoin tile E;C�Sjjtio. e is Sent& metitiorlof, a, coal itt the i ii iiie -pay'nients, wifl-4put' on,tile mise ii�t�ia blatter, which is perfekifly frightful.. the lii �Tkke, 1,i tl�at hc s otl aye eel� all6we 6�alent last year of X a fe*'pliable'colibagus; a fill* d to es�­- froli s jo-ow About to sufferas -he -fiever- s4cred-, thc-306 of'Tuile of tile fit d, to carr, every measure Cape. - n in, InFect, pr aring 'and those �it:ho� Are iiot pr�parbd must Thelhaii,is. Ball le b. "';J, guTi" q'i 1), in�. opeiatio appe, screw$; p tion, were Able up, so as to stand olit Oil aga,n, bell to suell.a trifling extent as'io be ed thatia measurolin- 'The Presi LIA sent t%V& ispat. expect to fi, before."' 'fear e� conver'SiOn of 5-20s into stooh is the, head iiis- if it bad not been combed Or a, Ch.CsA0 -6011- �ufi Th 6 wortby of notice. that,accorded with their �.ullar in�c�.osts The,Londou �our als� el'iticiseo, W '7 heat crop in th 16 scotids I Of its' Z16 a, day, o r' ikv - I a the es .:ltpe of, county. was never: known, Cral. 2,E a at t its stage wee�, snd then 66.ba6s: hair, altio, carefully '­ ity�'o' fc�iided to ftcoa­Iklrn itialliber of slavcs:, rumpled, withTut afly pre'vi O -us p-reparajityll auj -be- V It ;ely fastened up by acomb�- e enerny iierciss, ill C'riv .11 in bot of"whie, Th�e I Vmes says ive, may-ex�6ct in a %,eeli V`OW1 1, to preseut, alieftei appearatice Oil iver the lied& of a vciry njLor IE�,Sot ie D T'fiE,NORTHIIIN irliaFisa The lke�js *6 x we could Ot necessity of `,Io raedia�td at- then considered �rra�ged-fdrlbe all L fore the &rtherfi ill4ic'- .11ner, -ere 'oneofthes(, �, -lies he in lj�'jSjjin kkk�kji T, Wild be urged th son'(,' f4l"I's tile insect which swaLVIned L Upol t le 01.6p faSt 3,61. 11 las; Profcssor�Aiidei- opera ol��allwroom, and,' as' to b' deskatt said lie ear of'President Davi;, be, it 'made its appear I �Nl.i, R k E T. ""Oil orida but feel the -weilht' of o jjELVeVjew of, I Ile, pVeS6ol alil ital'y, Sit, a - ` _` �Io pal a Visit, to ti . � seeki I en and 0 rea y to. -o he 6XLtrenicl) their lita a (1 thil id i a�-fiAr marlset in, Inver.- 'there, S ggests'Tilly Slowboy af((jr one of her )-7, to d son ppressiou jhus Il tile' pp arrkn'ccs ivdicatcd t lie ColfcIaSioil. . It art( ear it" -receive bom,y, -odcaSiii>njwouId si)eedily aiise iinVio .411 !C, but lot ia'any peat nBuiliers.' J'be, oreated -ire had to ,'--ri ri�oulidfor.tjiu 1 L -1 - I I 1", El t nes�, And bou�hvtw;6�dtwn heriijingg,A�Ekd half., ciiwtli�r g .1 g", icious, till d' d derog-aftiry �uuie ploying a litt!e DoCs ba 14d7b as .0specis, mb 2: aFound -cradle-of P1 far'lls.cun be seen at present A do: 6 the we could, bdt in the t to the i5ilti boy'lo by; _ c,rcumsta which,':peilikaps, has. carry.deal toliis.. st rices; so lavourab- c �o tire -en'oni� ,+� , I inutinl'as it ,reat and C�itieitl lod,,inn. Arrived there ever 1i '[PertliZ AT 'TOE 441�s mato iaterdsts. -of *the enslaved.. ThEc'elvelit therufoliC %vi,,liLd' a battlo to liti-delivered al knost.a decision bee E tak t'of en p ace- for the rights of Upper'Cana- -c opened-OA6,,of ill craba'ind o proves the correcti Of the war -P6 h.- efdria- the Wi,zali I MENTS, less of, the oPiniow The At "ee- "I t1l" council 0 war which de6i&d itself; conY'rie[limtt Yert0,C.S,9f* pelice-fl-oul its unsueces�fW tic'- Titis da, throitigh the Piess au on the floor I 1 .1 - . ' 0 )enc6' roui the,l'itside the o u - �ave7ip The ErtZ!.lish ladies' drejS fi�r� inore elalor. -of enerat ee,atatmic.wheu Ijayin, has Conlinence'd 'al" e ill t6ii 16C oy,. Vo sw Foes aiie now, �Iad to fly A0 Canada, -es hftv�: shown only: two' Tile to, tile b at IV at'L be SEE opera arid coticer,t-rtiomi Aaal,thit the House, A�r ind.o-d. 0 s -u 'L pel.11a�. fdl.ly (ills ad, fifid- L h ty la rr'- A' J 6'. �ereafte- -American. in e. second -.rate theatres It eg silbsequont d I e ljoaml.IiS _1�", �l )4�'in amt. onishinefit at6ly df-th� LZ d. tbe :most deter- Xen 1100L. icre, again, t em presence s sure h le saw., And h to be t lirds uf'liis aj.m.y; tit a The crops are about an� av&A�C. a 0 And IkyenL** th 7." �d of tpper'Canadiar. k6fitralers'were I himselfo�tgeneimllcd, end uiojug��L ' ­ L , ; fori6anc 3ninE IneL to cadokvi - opene -t e 7 PAR l.�­ 21"would 114�e 6C611 in H reebiv,e our CaVors to cast V11 . Ire ­�ticraflyAiAii" it- ___ 'd five a di'm, dirty.,.ineiin looking place's -(there" a d' the new Ild tookaLlialf. �uiioarassing, gltliou��h_jbev� will nevic�- Do �mc "Ig Owll,;OLlt of 6�eh 0 'IL 35 UO fit, odiurn'onLan,other,and condoini ondon) lea -to e: ing, soldiers ilushtd with victou..- iihe �-of�hicr is tIieLkii-Illy; -meadows aroLkIlAe,heavy. 'Th The buy w,11 a' Wallack'S'Lin all will to br�n�' matters 6 any kind :of - 'L here LS, ib�tIL6 P, third C e winter wheat C' -or dj� L -they come'i,�- I � Soon 'miSSed Lib i. 'F, J�" LL-' niassacred a acos-fi:oin which fiaV la, Ptitdi"C-for_119 i tide ti vi�ty'w hiie ille in-,' Av.ill be,*rLddy for- the crkjAI6: i -ti, � fesir dam� an bv� rushed.1) --to gorgeous array," which would have piove-if gUitdr j in,, alr6iidy 6-osse nerals who ack Se L Vaders Avere pouHn'. 'aln 'There is only a �lllall porlion '01" this th'e 'fish mrkAet and -told,the worn -fl greeibleLeliaeaX. It, s true, a dissolu- the'i1Itra-dbqI1tiohistk do ight to hold forth. pronp4nqed �Ih,. in, A­6'titmuolLS S Monts it e existing U n was: several Rayes lad Siocum, L trez ail -orn very gratifying to'4he fiiielings �of lle'pwient ,b grain in of Li ijufIEL of lrkin6nj�d L lmbf�t I d"Cli into the,Iandwfiich-paAVjEktjsmj If* lot jilit! I ' till' whom the purchase had- beb n made that the he D ilia tion of. h 0 L rise ill lu I ir a V Scounty, hutwhaFhas -escaped the frost Laid,) fi4d'ficd�d;' " " * h' 1%,r.i a ne tuore quotation froin the X(j,VS. L s elife i.�- 'Opera cloalis. and f ivo *or ponev. lit t e crab,� arc:6f difrereni &tylea,,arid Col - T IlVou�,, it to incite�it:f6idelbud:. L a,,splendid aPp-riliance:: and If'L the ' l,,,�d6rnj G ,e tbe�jt is Coljs� 4ust 'a, aye it for the 'se s d Cqil; L its, tha -6 itj it will�be' a' ver� lit lollowed, -8; Coirde'd 'with guld; -hrb,_1e6oiiipX 4 art 0 jli� 6 lie times hinted at:ais thq- in St likely Means L we le was Standing .,presqnf,. Tlic� n:' t aOe8 'lot illju7 Th6 Wi�aA who h % I Unless tile crop -Ored Cloal' 0 on Co. I e%vto of iud the li.pwat,L I ' " ' L' Ir infarlidle 0 InVaslon, jis steal lice by indeed. Tfiti'spring ylicat looks ex'tremely. L coin mandiii­ tile uorr.sl G pping-, liopilai" L CQ bilin- sick)- with L 'euerals Hurhphrev and Ve"na:I'L troops;. "It.. fresh -thous. inds-called for I L G �d he bibuilit aii6ther 11 partan,�, opened heacl gearj beingicitildi Id was'as-oftetuthlibun aside, s- suicidtil' ill -its LEI at well, better ihan'fb� man); 3-L�,ast,. and """" y of go , oinamented - time, �and ke Ajo 'It juls,"I tting-the- Gbridian I e tit&. ;L­o�ti.. b li liaVC bb&n diiiivrn be. �,icrim tmdez We -ren. &f�,Gcn -lit t y Count oil air ave ge, of over V! I ckic'O"di-,another. half�crown. :wilit'runie emeralds.-- Otcotirse, iirti- 0 jl17 ra it at 6nc6,tand Inost of, how a e S e. that 'be LweiUy'b�shels-tu�tlk "Oats a Then, ad&esain- the 1 fish-wif&, he said: fleed. oil new Slau liter !fields 'are out o d The ilmejoul in view,of thelios§ibilityl C acre. al flow�rs afe"in grcat��oguo, �md hal r 'tianie m:ldora p-6ve'rilul sit, I, "ho re a short 44 Mv -fici . I pj),y is irrived.'at a -in t. in: oeli, in whic bf4effers(:4i Davit 'Orid womaji, will' y'lo,ut, sell theZ'whoCe that British matron who can perchL a bW of po -slio�)ed th�taocesio Li OVerillrowing' Pre�ideza y:up to�-thc avciage. PC tur� Crop, haTdl is place�,for the -rebellion -is already virtu- ase,. bow. re -eel ?;' Nat ft a," a he replied,,'; Ell, no, Pariaise oil'. an C I top of. ber.head. resses are ifly OrL WIlsh'i1j'"011 VC she iimn %,cry few in iilie'neck,, and at thf' L, ­ - -, I ie�,tlie organs of -111 r -al Wadsw6ith also. his Voice to dneb 13,� say.� �uld aliod er 'G�overnuient ever� lobksple'nilid,' and'if the mildew does Id Ca'tier a heapin- Cenci ElS�4 1*':OLTn . I — Pow, ' 7 . I crushed, and the t1irce ".four li"In I , , inay bb.diffi notsirike lt&ni ;A;iff be :I spiceidid croli, Corti It on us abuse of the bis viite,��i;isisted with all'bis ii;Lht that tit' ca;t, ikjdued� i'llpoSsi el I anit ter, arke', a is season whol - i.R, P p- k1burish. 01)M- and: P - - ble, to. refuse to ac!in'ti ocvt!r looked li�.tter. Pbiat6 s'loo - pic.1,C*d'up herbulrdon andrepaired to A- noi,,h- white is the pmvLailing cojoir �t mosilviolerit dscri ere dred tbousab� tried to be.seriLt was Ll,e o��a4oli to, destro w" Lee S ILIL'Il.y." ion. TheyL th f'( but. t" Ican.-see no a' ii, to;.the field I as private zisseiiib&s. lit the Hou.�6' of Conim-dins On the 9tIj, yV. MGII(;e to- open eive.ij. fish she'li'ad witliont "anioal crirshiiig, f riom QS6 whoni they he great g Qr-I If msfioad6fit' of t� 1'�e-'rQotcropz have been much benefit,. burilig 'stail where iie', understand she cor�- theatre, as 'well' tie North would' have t:e !L�t�,�rains, but have suffered d L ft -own little to do but to wa TOVWSCU�'Said tile lie' inferestsill fie fly". �JCobourg, -er the wiz-, vi� ik the cou b trill)sfer-bif t a�o Sun. Ildingany half,& a.,' Howet y C rse NV Or- Aseavy as hst S.,,tlkrda� inor.ing teld- -have persistently oppresse for. eight Ion - 11 ud.�oo's Bit - -d had not jp�ebded thk she� shotild lose L evee th i 7." '6�wellt­ L ' tlic ompany to!L,the new, coin- Tll� 11ty Caop.�Y6� ai 2raphed the 'Z�zbulie N"uni, here that the IV tvis 11,ot weary. years. We lodk� a hit( tile intert xm� mi -butt nt und -f6r i4ca-, : , . . sorue Altyspast tire anytibitig by his tri6k.j'for jIlL the inside �of one rebels pullin" Wacr"3-tllat farnins lit this locality ' bij:�6 L Overnlhetii. All Nvas'pi-IT(A�1i). be�u biPilY of the rabs'sbefiJnn&� which s o "t, t I I To have to's'ay is,, CUI Of�tlie G c hi, that mww� tioIi 4 s terrible stat ni::�ssed, BOA dil, Williams. '�.edirkgatlkeringjn their -hay cj�pp, and of affairs, but thLir inlaniV Pt _Uhl W,I_ t.. it ilit- hois,- iiu,iJbend rivei a Cabin' wo POI but i' Niiii. we klye g nl� -Wied the gentlemAn Nlaltii aild Alc�arldi-a. cabic, had b Z in-4he coin, that s4 '-t lie: Cc Stilted thatth&mjury as.to �jaality are likely'tobe"fu'ly rLuli ed.1 y liii�,Iiy give a c legal, an4oio'rernozistraii(oe has �ejl rt-de;Ved anipjy,�ep id`ie'r, or all sha bad-destroye as tb -we can oul Hr. �Lirr6olu and his I illat their a�ticipkktious - front IiL� e�cla ation,on. disc�,4r- are not to be fi�un( d lad tZ�' lear� 0 1'�� �1104 i - ud placei,andtliat Lee I on, Cakiada;� Mr. P was clear 00 OUPIC Of million of dollars was undoubtcdl� pi eparing his escape lit thaZi,, to. ecil f6Ubd it) gl"llo,.V kv:,iijel."L s an ;Istance of its men - 'Al h6aYi;l,?ss, �� may at* :Pa,*&tns Ilka Friday,.�-4* V_ 2* C the"Lijwdr CanadianaL as walking t Cx- tion that.a fariner in West FlAtilboro made 0 . . ' ' ��LLL : 0 red.'of sucli a pleasard 70 miles ft-ou., k upon t1le- dreadful HiWd prelicusiong of t be assu- e' evil offs-pring' -Aly de�i s based, upoit the snd!�- 'He e.�ik '�voul'd be repaired i verness-. U Mr: LA ard sit! r -C W'. proc�ss. 'On.thecontr�i��i,�hear',Whutoui. slaterne't ofaresident of' 10 .6uld yiu _qetel it� of guilty-ccmicieiaces:_ :,violcut, wicked r the ViCil&V, VVI P wil-ei"thai a field w da at, lenM three 0, about a month. I I with his y L d the Govern. OCI-A MA j 'eXcellent cOnternpor;:Ir J116 L tons a acre,'dnd after i it was ciii, ;uld culod PR rX r, 0 X�,�j t, I 1 11 . . I G,IFLT.._Tho' Emperor t�;4 i nielle liad, no infoi.lbat�On C,) 'bi - : ie'jih�nftediirk Tslontre6l -t , on The repbrtflila .5 j_j1_ and unsempulousmaa, loaring miton.his L , I I it Ivas n t rp.mtoi. a further axtcasi6n found to exceed that w6igi -e OsePII IL was in ihe babit Of walkin,r' About pensa e ft -eating fbe-`w�ufd in%-L�Itle lkim��elfand 'Ada- d beer" "veil' - bcr;o�doubt that the crop thr , ii. Tbei j -evil.designs and- e wAhin your power, las OLSZ1y;:i _r' L N coin 'it a numerously plao d �T call Si-ned L j6 epy to,Ltle ouglidut the. incognito, ' Ond':.mEk,`r'nmg he' went into an ily in peril�.' ThQ I'act turriia­ou� to I thojitpulles6 Goverijulcilt :�: , � I I plianLce, w 11 _-ne:vcr:� 10061 _f0f magna itakity- t pre- L I I -.: -Sp ` -"Usdrillaw judgi6g he 'will be eniermoui -[. jelegan house and' asked for it Cup of New York 'riibzilli�a1nit� )a 'i'lish ulti tu country cotator. tLa6ffee L I re waition redeivdil this dayiI now t a nez f e, elf uld- do- under al )ers it move , for a second c tiewAte. C observe L e umot 'from hims - e j, 'd as- blished in o H t" hursd d arid we reques d 7 cisely as I tele-rapli d presurne i6nust lbe�consi ere i pu ged -lie "Oua- annhol"ty Sattirditylevet, El' was"p1ditil Iressed, and the B �hat .' I 7rib e and - : -tbatit1iis Viet was no.sudden thin& - no in eulai of t e rti clition Bill BLI einable all par� co 'dj� f, RDINARY.-��The Que- au6es,-h9j-io6ks Only 'for e`C upon kiditorially oil ay morningts lit, FisHiNGEXTRA.6 S -to visitth Tqw, waiter;,bemg i,00raht of his Tan msoierk�t y 0) passionaici-resistanc-e to -the draft Itit a -per, t � I I Cori- - ter' c nsi er ble�oppositionthe inotion that Messers. El 'tD similar IrCuLst, �l f - I Of RANITFOBD on'� jhs�t intan's edu re cite I; saying:,it was too ear y. arii to -b if ho- o -bee Jlemur� states With is, clocted pl, liagiin� and_diia�-Poillt6etlt. of our IV and army is most It, Z6 pilinishment and3itt( Ie�wulked alit, ar"d 'woruitt Unifilhe it lr� +i'atioa. It egin� bfwhat� sh�'Lild­sf' as.a,,noi� ma ing any reply- J _ke�dlyfe If hd"v Tiot. a id by �10'nb �111'01`C SO r- G. Bacon "and Kr.�,B, Williams, renowned organi�ed resistarice,.tio the Go�dikin �11 r ill or, El M. 6., r 71. L - Ill 've, - . I 1 ;1 pr e ruor�t, whi6h. hot -%vay. er. 'it is cas� .1011ce to justi y '-')I sportsman ofBo;6- 4pd lese6s of the ill - lb I Eigh6 that- by. its'-comilian stonkirgue that the Amcr; Into a littI6 cofte li'a6ge hard byL, And -asked L ecisely so, with Al r. liuss E I id pill it,to. end, tfie� bate aiiid scohi, arid char�e rilish.68 U, x P`C I of chocolatki� - The, hruilluja ayor, 11 ."'n h Rivdi re-' gwered.that ijlLsliould be read in, a mome- 61 fie am de tbiS one Till C g fis in il� isioni, IV, Se Mayor's Office, e N 6er to-nuirro he' would a ' to ci-il recalled to po ;et', arid t accept any 01"t a terms of' *0 C th b wid t led.fol v of the - p at Ikt,t o JQ(E, one with'blame'lor not " 6 e r. en gagii ig'-Lce tit. 'T ;OL ce,2 ISO COU ow their -flshing exp last While'll'e' Waited, tit lad out-' b, E for it' lif" walled up and Siy93,' i�pusfi t it % . '0�Oes c said: VL.a.General, although,ti, goo�d' Saturday,, arid left the same night for their tha vill bure`th�s ciFect '�ivhp i'l � out a acy �mi,rlrt gritrit.- but it�'S qUite P176b9blo tl III V*Y to s0nl�e striciures by uracd fr y, c on hi Ill e�L NoappealSL Davi�,Coinfedei We 'eat t itlon, �� ; 24th Ju y It 4own,�and wasCorrversing un, f6r 7e --hi .1her or n6t justice: could moi hes d Upon the onciny"I oil 'different stiU- the C a in a, ey- e - .1 , , 74 berve in,with a d' 'trioa lit liatell -.its- -Lad peror wished �ber good,,�da�,, arid observed"ito; ..moment, the resulviviiald, 6. Steamer.Nelioleori^ I'll - I - 'Y hn i. ruovLe ' L � ject�j Whea the: ila'd' id' e n it"conias to bel- ' tile SO ur h �orks"at th� first tour diplonzatis,t�'wiis nUt lilce!;!�t. suceedfas homes. �hL in 1hey'stafted. , froal' 11 lo s.'Elaughtvr, it ver him ar d in hi f that the I ot hit�&been very stautdard� rin.terialiv difKavent. 1Le ivould ill air), e7en't Pretty hci��upp6azaNco.' The E is Seel -0 re as been such an. outbreak,- cut- G ner Is ha& 6 h:,OfLJdfio,' -ill th 7 1' kin arriatutir Genck�al; Ahiat Quebec the r et ination andeoui e HOLIRA he�wvuk. be utlter1j, dfter Sat�alday itiornin-'Idst 'have got a bueu with the other parties f�r Gtidbotk, Mi ca to Nvear unifoi Inure than they nalc IvIerk, had'- slid -coulpen- cockades lit the'list weve suffi - t qualifica- thefillth�rthatit-it,",.l.bimh time a flower y "Sick yqtezu,.ai more Is it not V L witE his army; and tho b st we Could have f C'en" gan, &o. 0 .5ekil Q;T saie a thousand fold for4any defeats the ' d\Lh Lions fol"the com�.nand o- an,a6rny, huf the% The,flshinZ begab.oZi'the 9 Ist 'fill) bloom should, iahrr; befor -to their`u: V, '.1 -ti' - have d fcr wou'l ave beeh"to have li�rass�a , I . . 1. e lit faded.�m- P - he Ind b'SLLLL tellites do�ujt6­the smallest Ilitberto'susfained. , Besides,:wbat IS the b ressi t was, that instoad��i` -Itichniond being -the. . . ii �flune wh6n, i sqddei �"Eaud pel_jIfIi;s goLdaYS"'. the. "Ali;'?.,zieplied the hohest 61d,man 14if"ad ajont'lij WL capL-ed agreater no Ul. of river, , ;j= Ipw y buta.thou -ndcrow ashingt6n todo'? 7 now, L , ­ 'i -ma' -h G dimensions, quake and shi 4rin theii. boots. 9"":' a ad' -taken lit were expeqtlll�; Occasioned by the cp�tinubd dry weatl�e d L her of a _I�S'111611­ It IS dLje jOL G611erid M e, PURR w- P BraVc -z before t e orrid spect I 0� a Vn man-'who'lS V --y - 11 - Geor-6 Brown. T 'I'll c conscription is to I 1 11 . ei /fdnd'of her' _h6wey6r,, to�suy ihatimm. diatoly on 6orning. re o it must have 'ifit' 'quId succeed In ihic t bmu­h� -'their sport-to,a blo�e.' �Taking a lf�nc y6un hs� I Coal rry her to h h- he rebels atVaAiingt6n. . I I lilt! -w [)ending fibit. ti Oil tile 10th, bi�,j'.liergu�on ur-ed that, he c1locolatewis ready The Em7 'met They can seeL nothin6 w at is tinge4 arily stopped, and the'ritifin6-pafty e rino'Lliho ellaniio'. Whi youn � I t ' - ' I � Mpor p,,,hc pciscinally'favoured optinilq-the bat ' S 0 I)ut7 air; t 'EX k", Y a h conside IladL into considet`Ytion.the�shbjtae s � f time- e -Oroalled f -;A - f� ­ y a h'- h" may for a at illt, ibe fishiii�'wkisk goA'��thc�y ,rid f je Land without-deliLy, but.LoUt ch r6ce.nti A�foftjlj or a peti,' WI n 'A ran to f6te - tnj w on e,giwe un or e esitatiold olitio-ad be7 tit nedbusubdu�d. But, ill it lit br6ilk_ Out of defler- b ink aper the TO., avons -1 1 Lta 'en p.ace in t e cauracter of the: Americ e, eel Uommanders- he all dau-bVI-39tsalmo war, it was impolitic to-resurne'-di6cusgion oil oiliis baukerifor thc�thoiEtsand crowni.',, ro a it 'a attempt- waived- his tk�N'vn: JU v i,enew6d unce.to Several abi ith" jeet ilrZ%ofAich �30 weighed g" r re overcast complet-ely wi Brown clouds. Cd� to for etter j dg' nent. t e- wZ r to ce, ca A�Lle Crosuiq ofthe in I B rOw' Ils 6. '1 tL Wei - c :' the 3 ght;in tl e saine r* -A N -Ti in �i k to death of It Sol) :.They call, iver I,, BR FO D.t�f For our part, we thi k 3 12 is ot. Serve in it'?" 1he lfdllo%vin�, dctai g d ist year. 3'1� fish,-Itl _hi Lor Palinersto I It ieL lar��es Potomae,are supplie e Tr'bu rf a ad requested _Ib' 0 tit" DEATH OF A GREAf, MISER. IQ c at zip Lower Canada without _Nbr isthe Globe a whit or by I lie S ePr buck to drop the'fdrther;di -!7�The, zhip FIE S. prepared Ill aourt Arrived at t6u oc"ImErk ebojifid a t, respoiirlerkt.:� Iscussipit, as it,wa giric THE'3fAYOjk donfirom kelb' day �it i, natd6siralile to'resurbe -it," or for"Llre Givppq- reporill; the death ourne, arts -or Ka ra� tySjji ere -H INSM� S cdoia�ld: ' In its issue of Wedrics that..'Lec lit no,nic the voyage tof an salt,'Aud'wlile Mr. S.�: Crossin-the Potomac -whidh reaclied-Gerfera! USTICE TO. THE Vi6Trxs.�Th ille, oxt '302 nits., Tit 1`�iis to: filtu�e acitiono accoj ly It S ae ZC21Z�g rad inary,:herght 4' mainsiEt"the h6d -of -tho.)��ernr�ba, we is undi5itbiedly 7. o . EtLbeerl[ trutl Tb zc�al -�eade,-sekiLo' to bay N�vertbe- Mr. Roebo'cl, post�otied his'-Aswe,r till. the Acs has made an. earnest, appeaV in'be- of 6 fiie�.Z�;';. iaCjheS;:�who'- baUlldyed- thought a bettor arls�Ver than: his ba fl6f thii des LE -feel convincei I that 116 -will - t C:, Te of t7v 1 -8 th "b 1 �Y1500, but yet`d�rkieql' hiinself inany T� 19th; but be -f var on,ticepart of the e rc c army'last iihi'lit' made good !is titateilild sku&ring ne,�roes alf parties u visit, t e Town of the T itford, the B.' L h&river.,, Yesterday a -I ge ma he'�r hts of. Lower Be of the city of Now York, who h common uecess. of Brul �Sr) - i , I . H.'�,R. R will - was comp!e cursio-zi-trAin to,,Bm' thii­116use 6("Lords, Russell said' t i6t. Pi ;run a- Ir- were to i i I Pc5`P do to' �u vert It Xorth If the Sotk't 3lie� for _-PC ross -t bi'd live been' ted'at 'Williani'spoii,-and in:fhe terribly ha�ltr peace bow,� we�beli6 -wquLla be of IZ6tL'IIji'bj r6cen r jj�. -le-Darficuia"r. eatea during �the­ pecial Ex Canlitda ve if granted dark and rain Japanesc entei,ildielibiarldely into the'.freaty 'Thurl ROSECPTIOX OF -iiis o andback6nilibutd' fiort�ejow far f On the, . ri"!�y t'dir th6_-_klb'any- dQ�ENso-.LW :.'v IaLbd�p and njUSt b6 taUeiht t� ­* L ' I � Ay 17 It cry I'll'(- crossin-, - vig hich I! peFt at t a ast 0 �Ilq CKIns. loarn-fitbai'a Lcnidb b I nedi '. ollar ('ALOQ. vvm' moved. aezosi �,i through civilized opera, ow' D noi reS : . ­­ *L - " ' Lion I -a6p4,s;" en from the Cape of G. -brought intelligence c6mm'�n�ed All ii'66ck'IZ�t night� o respect �tt jf'theydid s _�ju ll� - 6, 0 F _7 arid at 7 6' selvcs� war. a.-, Cave Qgbd, In V i U!":3 THE NEWS, 11 O�IOXS. '� I -: , . , Trai brich lit .6A.'Xj'_ �&L�, R. �'t I pla,6c it he says' Re.; I . I'' - �jt C this morning the 'let ill tliz:vt a writ. has been. !issued summonim" tu�ning will leaye Brantford at 6 P. ANGE& S 1 , 1�­ I I ­ -, "7 1� F I I AL H ,until d I if� avoidedi it t�o�, `ook Natal tbl'appetir e ore tho,,Bis op f tra ijul-S -eliev I&do more r, or the peisecuitiffi 41he N�gro iShOP of' b` p ic -6ti, we ij� N . , , , I : , . , good. d" 'd '6 The hos ili" f 'C' n,,'on the 22fid' of fbe Agent, JWS obji&A _ge and uni ad l�Elie, London Pa re gathered up by, KUpatrick's cav_ is� Ivi 9. . responsi 0, ap�town as metnopol" ,,ts Seri t tY7 Tickets must be pro�ured.froaa 'The folloviing�chabi�6s have been i4ade al t6i t "I 's he recent Captirked.- FlUN -of Irishaieu-�o_A-fricai3s js uuwort1iy-r Of' iNdvember 'to kAtjSVjcrjjO'a .611 of having fall, filiji will bZZ " tj busly tO 'od st;Aik�uaent itliat t before starti as C CE :11 . . f i U'Lp6r t:,iS th k" is odthie tin n S14P bro4 PI -k ning, eneral oTh6'monthly,rettirn's of the% B�nk of F publisbed h not 6X wher� � - Canadi&r 'Bench : _­� * ': ". L , _ek`.�_alid find' in tsinNilwi 6ri'.-and7e Are 4ndi- men Whd So f poted that Dr. C61698 acknowl the .1illia ort,_ he was a ow a decrease of eash lit hz�ndi a e tes are beginaing, t*sp, ik_out'agains Queen's Be opposite th towa Be to "S "la Ge e. I 'Amkirica� ad, asylum , _. , I ` !' Ir. Chief Justice Maclean. resigns %the. -of nearly 4 �.Yet juj.i�dicjie;�. ns; that' (f the i �6hl� �t oat the pekjTe Northern fi I on fro 9i-, "I t S hostility would not cullainate ia Alur Qoderich,Jrilly2�th,.186.3. SgWer iefj. icoShip"OfLithe o I the, hills 000r.� 170111 oppre!§S� hi iIIPhL at Nor4� It -and irs6n� but 'f( -So.' io beiiit� r. der, d C n Go' Meade lea -The Chicago it e,t at� or the 'stimulants TEEE HARIVESTav Dayton,didinot declare that, Atmeri6iii draft" On of 'the 'war Appeals. L Lee s at :on Staiday t Cold Supph6d,.bv'-Faaa .76arnal; says' tluit'i L ll�:wbeat. harvest in sollue -BOOK-s": k, STATIONERY the' and by and bccoiuPs� Presi ent of the C.rir Wh e4the p6siiion 6 a L- I _` L ' he deterrainud to'naake ties. oli(rnali�6 I f JUSL ers igere vr generally-. we canho see that the. 31r. Drapeil, Chie ace. of the Com all attgek On the strong position.ot the"enemy. States asa eas�S.Qjj� M."D per! We ast to whp considor :the/ reco-niijon of the C�rkfederd'tc ' 3istently inflame and -'exaspe I rate the �P"`3 01 :Southein Illinois _e6mmoikeed. I of Justice, ThuLGeneral ai thecascheidre hiszidvisei 6TZorafit and lawl S and �ou�.n de 6k. The Crop is a;.fine, one' _thekeL 3, Ni Ws hasL'succeedecl in. re: Ititing the, facts mon ��Ielii; beconlies Chi I d S� Asked � Mr., Dayton . wheiher' a fresh ol of ig, S, L lig�inSt the No '47 FANibY MOODS, &a:.. gr91 heavy -yiefii. Of the arid aiihoun-ced hiakesIf in lavour 6f assaulting mediat, -w6uld be�wellxecoivod as Waslan to which -we have d enfidn'. F Will I Que6p'sBenbil:i L the enemy a worlm 0111 'M ldiy"L' ion ire, mbrally,iespoiisible for the outrages. morning at ton. Mr. Bui"what 'cares Wen&ll' Two 'a argest a'AC Tayi� L " instance, jt says.. mr.- -Jusiiec, Richards bepomes In h t. ,Dayton gave 6 negativeang ver, Aillipts how THE'- Paw' NG TO Tayiirn Or i�Tr a A ThO. Oldibtt,o L F ief �iltijlig . After mature co sideration, yvbJ& sktyin�,'that the'ruitiors maiiy dre murdered if thei:r blood Gilitf­ ate h --At ihe� Nev;4 )3iiley, 6u Tuosd Justice of thii Comailoii Pleas. consumed thegreater- part' -6f, tit ' "' t, On Ot d_ , L , - ly�'.'� :, L �" e� tit. ­ a ay, a ie cou Cil'sto6d thretlin door 0 furQish�i%ateilal- fbi,-� if�ntionl? Cheqest Every blu date -knuckled matt Vi3tin- it was found tl re unfiou6ded."­ ocentlyLdresse ,a name eveT -t rp�t and a. ad S'(�ycrl d _perative; d' james v was'eharpil',4ith having, 4sanalted lit was that Calls Nei -iVUs6n, Q. C. of"Loildb"2, filliour di a kin-' the At- RUSSIA ee gives al cut Alr.� John his Whiting,, ito S�­p a C ta apractic point'tc ppene m6. glories in. efAa� that -Lit 6 one pe o �'a-c fly,. very decii2ed.mijo'iitv, aba idolued his i6te:h'. said the pris lid 1 10 -T IN� be very pa�iflc. It wi AP rowdi AN IVA�IDFN THE, -e some havidaome, Zt'iralt er man had General Meade, t The coni ' " ' ` 11 ' kbelonei to w.6i I& now cAlled the Peae its a young 14 "Yor his lt h' d' In. th h -name was not were ic ar remark the- sha f. th menti e' omnlon ]?leas. ek. letter. sert that Gorticha- w ose C riling to ih� �Ctersbui�g eck for 1 12 p ainanZt,, guj� '6i beref6rc, aeed S' 'p�'iy'tothohotdg*ot,.the..,thiee'.Pov��rs i Aid.o6hcstiffisir�. uffiilo�paper abb6t 18years a pre kofr's v Will 11 only inal, tiou of att�knpting to carry � ie enemy's. post- 'relativ6 to the tinaci a *d I ' f her Muir Newton fle�ath. onLjqj)bdAy after Now' this' T to es anC'-, L BOSTON' Riolr:� 4h& reservations TELESCOPE Fo IJSTIEALI,4�The �7 y j wo-derly t� 1., 1, 1 'art 1) ace o ieA LINE rival of cb n fd -Atkiltra- rkbon� atid -bwaiked h'br to kiss hini., She,got Vz Boston Jrouirnal of Thursd,4' PubIiSjj�S'_Zllk tibil'arid determined to aw­z I b the re -6f.' eandl ul 'Zinate, til were,comirtz . ­ I y have -y reinf6reeffents w IC 'nep. lian. �olorky _V -blaei-legs" otlih; oilly- -in' oridis tile iEod to set'ii�,a. 'Off thef0`01311th into tbi.�ioad, followedb OF entered following "advertise 1 -1,A -UM ment.extraor trial di h, h he1i ew, laigoy, into .'-Tiie J'n' inGrister reflecting 'telescope f6r obsdrvO' -r;§ouer; W -t& comoSitib I'- Of dividual, wild half�L of f iiad,jn: d �e able -to joi� p Af- L j%io'-duys wou 24;%tidiial - !� I -, I I ;'� "I I I the mob, 'his up, o_caug�ht ber�_and; In S�Z:Qggling of the nebblie' Of i'llulab lit'thd c6rnei� be Cobpi�r, and �Nqith: "It' heavens.�� et aLkiss' bo'lih 'fell"-' 'A ipmg, , tna. f 0 Southern' 'gentlema IS 'but'theL P6W6 P T n have to g came arty aseea Us LIE , I 1 1. � hl- rte ill. 1. - There will; d6ubtlesa, L; be niU C a the an itecured. Whiting. wh6 waslaken into e 6 'St _O Cie, y . the L -S uy M-" t',�,may ensure, -tbat.fi -NA L 'r6 a far higher ii to two undfed this'tascundortaken a�dL 'OPFIC on Tuo FLREIN6:T&CANAD.�. ICiS repo d Astrob6mers ha�e'l gi up El Ike �t e 6 St -0 cie, y some Eel - ped'ou',th persons wer Lprov - '� t- a -I � ? ..... ' I I ' - L "&­ Custody- -The prif�oati'r�aaid beF had -had "a terest in katiiiiviag 111o8il-asue S Vil '.� _11 ;1�j' E om 7.one hundred Ong to t a SIG _ppe d cc a that, it has'�beeii lei% a new comn a eL , L, Ca e on a ur ayL our C oucly heiniop o�e`ren ers�theih "A 'L ore An It -Vikig once L d6e d uband ektreftilly -delhy4d. The 66butr f` h Slfratu�i:r - Id. *,&MLL' Tom drawn.. pt seivedillyi4oklij lhu� su�-'U'+inkL and. 94L di&bot'Ibirik'a Ciiiz( "617 War d 5 - And 9 t baly' of 61ZEPAAY� last, frouli.esedping' to Ca'nada�`, at-impaitlent W uld do Any h�`f M.L . Mr- Tra g, carL yr or' the individual in, 'his- .,�i:iulnihilatiagm, rou ug, 1, or 11 ba, -mg " :Suspen�iob I S oil ith Ilet in he did tmosp ere-,oft)::6., South. ' 0 limped, 6 Lee"B'atray.. ThistvuSthe,bbpo!�iliiidVj Z, P Colonial.le"iSlUtbi 'L- . ' "a Tile verymneli Admire youflaste, or she is the,"Se6ttilsb. -American, ban ieh'- sbiri-*il�eVes'jVh kidom6 to, avoid'' i ft;_ in the clew"a � b "' ' ' I I I - , I , * � Emu b T at e is,rea YL zo., vote the cost -preftv- 'girl "better,or. impartial, a ithority could his Ill -a spot ri;a� t ever I y oya in, place re use a very k, d wishes, howev- 'ton "h't tbiEZ4 H In �� , , more pfroni -he s a n I in". Hopes al he. 8 chicer t th Laugh* Y 0 ES RETAEL the s ei: hodd,.,6ri a rec at,,( n IL cross I ",hen prop�kly infdral 'I of tho'Riatter, and 40s. is d6l�i-to pay W L A -L E its; 'W 0 b,-�tdbsircdr, teilsk an ariiele o n, �uillg -passage,_,A h are they liade�,iseut %a -disti"11. Till e zin iietorks. -L and fati, tie mos �to a om as n arm u to, Mail T.. JT.. MOORHOUSE. 't* riotS'L that the ghter, vounds, SuPPOSu c escaping r 'the coun (ry colonijil,(,fflce to; o -Roy a applicatibn ArobA the must pay.that ZZmZj f0j"Ithiq -,IV AT LOWEST RATES. ek he�L"ILVCtia'exchangej'6v i I �asc-brebdhi,; d t6',,b Ch on,.iho:' fi6v i u is I e#eatl o c 3Vd Police, St tion.,j C L to b6lle�_td ill iblie�slaug , r. -1, Society. -which to kiss a Pretty '4irli,, iii: I AW11- j ocaith and t rr are. the, d to.'avoid fb6 'eoU$(u`Ip loll. tiSfkei;�jjV aisive has been sa n re mb ill. Jill 24 3863 V -2. L