HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1946-02-13, Page 1TH VOLUME 56 - NO. 25. LYTH TANDAR BLYTH, ONTARIO, WED NESDAY, FEB. 13, 1946. Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. Council Starts Action To Honour Returning Veterans Simon P. Hallahan Heads Agricultural Board Lions Skating Carnival Lloyd 'Tasker 'fakes Position Well Patronized In Sarnia Many Gay Costumes Add To The Sarnia where he has accepted a posi- Evening's Enjoyment tion with Mr Jack Morris, who re- \ir. Lloyd Tasker leh on Sunday for cent!), purchased the Phillip's Funeral Clifford Shobbrook Retires 'co-operation of the Lions Club. :\ fine crowd patronized the Lions Ilunu•, of that City. From Presidency \1 r. William Young, representing the (Skating Carnival, held at the rink on I For the past year and a half Lloyd J:lniur Farmers, addressed the meet- Friday night. '1 he weather was ideal,has been an employee of the Canada ANNUAL MEETING ing, suggesting a team from the Jun -land a large crowd stood on the snow- `CarlPaand Ribbon Co., of To - let . HI:Lll SA'I'UItDAY.tat Farmers act as judges, and co -op -!banks along the boards to watch the ronto, where he was on the office staff crate with the Calf Club, The sugges-'judging.The caretaker of the rink, I doing secretarial work and acting in tion teas adopted on motion Of S. Ilal- Mr. Archie Somas, had worked dili-Ithc capacity of reception clerk, At the Dir,' tors meeting, held inn- lahan and G. Nethery, gently and had a splendid sheet of ice Lloyd, tt'hu observed his 19th birth - mediately following the annual meeting \Ir. Ken. Taylor moved a resolution ready for the event. 11ot dugs and day on Saturday, is a Blyth Foy, the of the Blyth Agricultural Society, last to the effect that McDonald Hall be coffee were suld from a booth in the second sort cfMr. and 11rs. A. I'.'I'as Myth Municipal Co uneil too! action Saturday afternoon, the Directors of re -opened, and that the Department he :ladies' dressing roots, :end a rushing ker. Ile attended Blyth Public and at their regular monthly session held on the Society elected Simon P. Hallahan advised Of this resolution, which was business was dune in this department. Continuation School, and also the Clin. \londay night, to respectiully honour as President of the Society for the en- seconded by Leonard McNall, and un- Music for the event was provided by ton Business College, where he took a 'our Returned Servire Personnel at a suing year, idr. Clifford Shobbrook, aninumc'ly carried by the meeting, \Ir. Frank 'I'; rennan, with his recording hnsiness course, fodluning which he Public Function, to 1e held at some the retiring Pres:dent, was nominated, I The regular !meeting adjourned on !n achine, and oils feature ridded much tt'ent directly to Toronto. For several future date. A committee from the but withdrew his toasts. motion of Bernard Craig and Archie to the enjoyment Of the evening. years he clerked in Powell's grocery Connell, composed of Councillors V. J. The list of officers for the ensuing Young. Committee Appointed To Enquire Into Purchasing Suitable Gifts Meeting Planned To Di;uss Recreation Centre. Edward Johnston Appointed Assessor PRIZE WiNNERS store here, before and after school. I1lullymal and H. 'I'. \'udders, were ap year follows; Mr. Hatillie Parrott presided at the, Gents Fancy Dress — harry Isar; 11 r. M orris goes to Sarnia after ten1poanted to tale up the matter of put President: Simon P. 11allahat„ Directors meeting which intnnediatelyIJohn Pollard. years' experience with the NI vers -E1- chasing suitable gifts. 1st \'ice: \laitl:tnd Henry. followed the adjournment of the regu-I Ladies' Fancy Dress—Daphne 1)aw- Nott Funeral Monte in Toronto, wwhacl The present tion of such gifts, The 2nd Vice: Leoncrd McNall. (lar n eeting, when the aforennentioned son•; Shirley Phillips; Evelyn AIorris; for the past several years he has been Standard is informed, will he confined Secretary=•Treasurer: L. Livingston, list of officers were duly elected. \Irs. Galbraith. assistant manager. oto those enlisting from Blyth, and those Directors: Clifford Shobbrook, 1larryI Mr, Sinton Hallahan, the newly -el- Gent's Comic Dress—Bill Manning; A host of [sends in I31y^Ih will wish returning and tstab!ishing themselves Sturdy, Kenneth 'Taylor, Bernard ected President, assumed the chair for Stan. Chellcw: John Sibthorpc; Don Lloyd the bes' of luck in his new vo-'aa5 residents of the Village, :1n csti- Craig, Gilbert Nethery, Archie Young, the business pertion of the meeting, lIeNall.�ntate on the number to be so honoured cation. r. Kenneth Jackson, George \ Vat l, The question of a Field Crop Caul- Ladies' Cont'c Dress — \targneritc p (includes a list of some forty names. and Robert Craig. pclitiun was discussed, and it .was dc- hall; Doris Johnston; Yvonne \Ic\'all; Such a function is long overdue in Mission Band Meeting ,Men's CommThce : J. B. Watson, cidcd that K. 'I aylor, G. sethcry and Janis Alorritt. our Village. While our boYs s are not at The regular Monthly meeting of the Innicip,d Co.iacil of the Corporation of the Village of Instil was held n Monday night in the Council Chambers. peeve I3ainton, and l.o.:;t,'I'��rs Holly - man, \Ic\all, \'olden and \\•!.itfield present. Minutes of the Lost regular monthly meet ng of January 7t11, 1a)4t, and Spec- ial Meeting of January 21st, 19-16, rea l and c n11firnlcd on motion of Councillors \•odden and 1\ !,itfield. Carried, C: ntmunicationa Letter received and read front The Salvation :\rnty, requesting a grant for the year 1916, This communication was ordered tiled. ('ard of appreciation received and • '''react front Mrs. George McNall, Sr., and Bai11ie Parrott, Kenneth Whitmore, A. Young be the committee to handle Boy's Fancy Dress (under 12 — The 11 fission Band of Loving Service toll home, ,the majority arc, and in th0 family, for expression of sympathy held their February meeting on Sat- Islnnrr Pollard, \V. N. Watson, Orval this matter, and that oats be the crap, Brock \rudders. {' course of time they will become scat- [runt th^ Council. AlcGotvan, Walter Oster, Robert \Val -one variety to be selected by the Cont- Girls' Fancy Dress (under 12)—Rhea urday, February 9th, with at very good lererl over a wwidc territory, which will I Letter received and rear( from Mea - lace, Lewis R11Idy, Raymond Redmond, puttee. 1 -fall; GIenys 11ainton; Eleanor attendance. On arriving each child make stIC1 a presentation even harder drew a name for a Valentine and they �duus, Criloph & Co Professional En George McNa I and Roy 'full. ( \Ir. Kennett: 'Taylor and Mr, Mait- Browne; Marlene Walsh. ay , Post than it might be at the present time. Mo cos, offrr+ng their services to the Ladies' Committee: Miss A. Gillespie, eland Items, were appointed as the Copt- Boy's Con1e� Dress (undo 12)—Jiut Office, mailed them in tharlc-perltattnne I 'this action, on the, part of the Cnitn- Corporation of Blyth as Engineers for Alts. K. G. Jackson, Mrs. C. Shat,- nnttee to manage the Calf Club. Taman; Boyd Taylor; Peter Dawson; d Joancd, will meet with the hearty accord of any official community plan being con - Mrs, following Directors were select- Mac. i llilp tools charge of this, The \\ or- hrook, \ins. Dale, 11ts. M. Ilcnry, ti Taylor.the citizens. templatcd by ...le Village, 'cd for the various classes; Girl's Coptic Dress (under 1 2)—Ber- ship 1 eriod followed, opening with, Airs, A. Young, Alt's. Bettninl,cr, \Irs, Watson,uiet music and a hymn, The Scrip- Recreation Centre To Be Discussed Moved by Councillors McNall and Faces; J. B. 1\ C. Shobbrook, nice Johnston. Whitfield that this communication be lure Lesson vas read by Joan Philp. Another matter which is in the pub - Horses Watson, G. llcNall, Girls'Fancy Skating—Daphne llatw' filed, Carried. W. son; Delores McNall; Lois Doherty;The offering was taken by Jackie tic interest, and which has come in for I lorscs : Roy 'full, li. Parrott, Ott, \1c(;i11. Gloria Sibtho+•pe. I'1yreman and (toward Tait, followed a great deal of discussion, was talked A deputation of Mr. Aiaitland Henry and \(r. Gilbert Nethery from the Cattle: George Watt, A. Young. Boys' Fancy Skating—Hill Manning;�by the offertory prayer in unison. The over at (londay nights council session. memory verse, "1\%e I ve Ifni because * ameeting of all f'ly th .\t ru ultut all Society waited on The matter of calling Sheep: U. McGowan, K. Taylor, B. Jack Atkinson; Bill Cowan; George � the Council, a:'d requested the Corpor- Ilantt. Ile first loved us, was repeated, Rhea !organizations, atm1 •interested citizens , Craig• anon to pay the County of Huron (rad- II311 gave a prayer for the children of for the purpose of ascertaining the the world. The minutes of the last ing account for 11'0 grading of th:' public support in connection with build :1oricultural Park, race track and ball meeting were read and approed and ing a Memorial Rink and Recreation ,. the roil call was marked. Mrs1 Ililborn"lanwmd. Centre was deft in the hands of Reeve \loved by Councillors Hayman and took charge of the business and asked Bainton. the children to save Afrinol and other Ills subject, too, has come in for \ duldcn that the Corporation increase pictures for scrap Fools, Also to the grant to the Agricultural Society 1 much caw -nu -sue discussion at various bring fees. 1 he birthday song to $100.00, .ltd that the Society pay K. 'Taylor, \Irs. S. Hallahan, \Irs. L. Nicholl, Mrs, George McNall, Mrs, J. 13. \Vatson, \I rs, \\Tiglian' \\'arson. Auditors: Gordon Elliott and A. W. P. Smith, The meeting was held in the Orange IIa11, with a good attendance. 'The minutes of the last annual sleeting were read by the Secretary and adopt- ed on motion of S. Hallahan, seconded by K. 'Taylor. The retiring President, Mr. Clifford Shobbrook, addressed the gathering, thanking all those who had given their hearty co-c-peratiou during the past year. The Society had had a splendid year, and mite's had been accomplished in the sway of improvements to the ground. In spite of the fact that the weather had been unfavourable for the Fair, and some of the events had to be cancelled, the Fair had been a success. IIt stated his intentol to retire as Preside•.t, but would give the Society all the supp;.t•t he possibly could. The Secretary was' instructed to write the Department advising than The February meeting of the W.M.S. that this Society would co-operate was held on 'Tuesday, February 12th. - with Clinton, provided thst Society at 3 p.ut., in the Sunday School room held their Exhibition in June. 'of the church. Mrs, \Vightntan had The Strict, again decided to affil- charge of the Worship Period. The iate with the Huron County Federation subject on worship was, "God's Ileal - of Agriculture, and the Secretary 'was iug Powwer." Hymn 325, "Blest are the instructed to forward the fee of $5.00. Pure in 1lcart," was sung. Mrs. IL The Financial Statement was pros- Phillips sang a solo, "God's To-Mor- ented and adopted om motion of J. 11, row," Hymn 148, "Breathe on Me Watson and N. Taylor. Mr. Taylor I Breathe of God", was sung. The Presi- also moved a vote of thanks to the 1'1°11, Mrs. R. D. Philp, conducted the Secretary, who responded, thanking the business part of the meeting, The World's Day of Prayer•, will be held in Blyth on \I arch 8th. Our representa- tives future of the hair was discussed, tives appointed were Mrs, Wm. John - and Mr. S:mor 11allahan congratulated stop ant! Mrs, R. D. Phil?' The Chap- ter in the Study Book, "Healing in Af- thc President aid others for the great • „ rice , was taken by Mrs, F. I3ainton. headway made during the past year• In closing, prayers were offered for ottr Baillie Parrott urged lir, Shobbrook to Brig - continue as Fresidcut for another year Africans Missionaries, by Mrs. Brig- haun and Mrs. \Vightntan. Hymn 254, as there ww•otli•I not be so notch work, but Air. Shohl:rook again expressed( his "Father Whose Will is Life and Good," was sung. The Benediction closed the desire to retire. uucting, Mr. Kenneth Taylor paid special tri- \, bute to the Myth Lions Club for their • splendid assistance given ' to the So -1 Celebrate 40th Wedding ciety, and his expression of apprecia- - Anniversary tion was grestcd with hearty applause lir. and Mrs, Sant Daer, of Hullctt (logs: G. Ncthery, R. Wallace, B, Craig. Poultry: 1-h Sturdy, B. Craig. Holsteins: 1)r, 1'. Jackson. Roots, Fruits and Vegetables: G. \'cthery, II. Sturdy. Students: llrs. J. B. \Vatson, Ladies \Vori-., Domestic Science and Rowers: Ladies' Committee. Grounds Committee: J. B. \Vatson, L. Roddy, M. Henry, \V. Oster, George c Nall, R. Redmond, Gates: \Vm. \\raison. Donations: J. 11. \Vatson, '1. Henry. Representative to Farmers' Federa- tion: \i. Henry. V W. M. S. Hold February Meeting Direct'rs and Committees for their co- operation, Fancy Couple, skating—Mrs. J. Mc- Gee and Mrs, R. Doherty; Irma Wal- lace and Enid Brigham. Oldest Skater—Jack Atkinson. Ladies' Specd--Lois Dohcrly ; Fran- ces 1lollyman: Delores \Ic\all; Mary Kyle. Gent's Speed—Harold Phillips; Don Cowan; Bill Jclutston; John Sibthorpc. Boys' Spued (under 16)—Bill John- ston ; George Hamm; Rcss 'Tasker; Edward Watson. was times. It will he interesting to note sung for Glcuyce llainton, Wendell the re -action of the this account presented, Carried, general public in Aluvcd by Councillors Whitfield and Grant and Betty 'fait. Jean Glousher this matter, read a Valentine story and thin Bar- \r NIcNall, that the Clerk havac T. L. and barn Kilpatrick and Rhea Hall distri- buted T. 11. Tnsnrancc, and $1000.G0 fire in- buted the Va'.entines. One verse of Engagement Announced surance placed on the Village Fire Girls' Speed (ander 161—Lois Doher- ty; oher- eaJesu` Loves Mee" was sung and the \it'• and Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt, of cast Truck. Carried. ty ; Frances i iollyman ; Anne Watson;, Delore • \lcNaall. 'meeting closed by rcpeat:ng the Lord's \\'awanosh, wish to announce the en- Applications lications for the position of As- s Prayer, Lunch, consisting of sand- gagetnctlt of their youngest daughter lessor for the Village of Blyth, were Boys' Speed (under 12) — Wayne r• Turvey; Peter Dawson; Ron Philp: tt'iches, cookie:; and cocoa, was served, Freda M to William (Imbert \ireivedfrdi,l Johnston, GordondoAIrguLtine, Bev. Wallace, Govier, son of Mr. Herbert Govier, of d Antrum, and the late Mrs. Govier. The Scrinlgcour. Girls' Speed! o der 12)—Gloria Sib -Burns' Community To wedding to tabs place early in March. Moped by Councillors McNall and thurpcl Marguerite Ball; Anne' \far- Honour Returned Nen _�V Voddcn that Mr. borne Scrimgeour'•, ritt; Eleanor Browne, Total prize stoney paid out was This Evening (Thursday) ,armers Meet be left out, 8114 not considered, as it application for the position of Asscscor $24.30. No definite tabulation on re- The citizens of Burns' Ccntntunity ccipts and expenditures are yet avail- will honour three returned veterans TI Junior he regular meeting of the Blyth was not presented in accordance wit'+ able, but it is believed that the Club will this Thursday evening, February 14th, •lunior Farness and Junior institute the advertisement for the position of break about even, tat a public reception to be held in the was held in the Memorial Hall on Assessor. Carred. Judges for the evening were the i l,ondesboro Community Mall, I'he 1'I'hursday, Fehrmrry 7th, with a fair Moved by 1' omlci!lors \tc\'all an 1 Rev. J. L. I-1. i-Ienderson, Blyth; Mrs. three veterans to be so honoured will attendance. 1.1: 1) .G. 11odc1 was guest \'oddcn, that \,r•. Gordon Augustine b• Robert Fairservice, Londcsboro; and Miss Wilma Watson, Clinton. Offic- be Bill and Bob Leiper and Keith speaker, showing slides on Labrador, appointed Assessor of the Village of 1icsseltvood, wwho will be presented which were very interesting and dm- Blyth, as per advertisement. [sting on the ice were Messrs. W. N. with suitable gifts in recognition of tionah Moved amendment by Councillor' Watson, J. A Gray, and F. J. Ilolly- their services tuidcred in the war. The next meeting will be m1 Thus- Ilollymatt and Whitfield, that Mr. Ed - \r day, March 14th. A good attendance ward Johnston he appointed Assesso, is requested. of the Village of Myth, as per adyer- Y --- - tiscpu it, Amendment carried. Moved by Councillors Whitfield and 1loltyntan, that 13y -Law No. 2, 194(,, A. E. Cook provides us with the to appoint Mr. Edward Johnston as first sign of spring. Mondayafterrn,on Assessor of the: Village of Blyth, as he dropped into the office and reported now read tines times in open Council, seeing a horned lark while• travelling be finally Passed. Carried. thssyn the 13th concession of Iiullett.I Moved by Councillors McNall and Tie had a vet ifier for his statement, i Whitfield, that By -Law No, 3, 1946, Mr. Bert Shcbbrnok, of Ilullett, also as now read three times in open Coun- saty the bird. cil, to appoint a Returnims Officer and t' provide for a place for holding Afutt- icipal Nominations (and election if re - Junior Institute Holding gttired), to fill the vacancy on the Sewing Class Itlyth School Board, caused by th,' mot, "'The Spicituad•i twcck resignation from the School Board. of e ' •tri th 111311. Auburn Congregation Hon- our Mr. And Mrs. B. Marsh Knox United Church congregation tnet in the Sunday School roost on Monday night in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Marsh, who recently moved to Itlyth. Rev. Harold J. Snell presid- ed for the following program : recita- tion, Betty Sturdy; duct, Rena and Gladys McClittcltcv; solo, Mrs. 'Thomas Jardin; duct, Sadie Carter and Mrs. TRINITY CHURCH, BLYTH Fred Plactzcr; reading, Mrs. Albert I Septuagesma Sunday Campbell; piano solo, Vivian Strangh- 2:30 P.M.: Sunday School. an; selections by the boys' orchestra. 7:30 P.M.; 1'vening Prayer and Ser - Mr. and Mrs. Marsh and their daugh- ter, Betty, were called to the front, and BLYTH UNITED CHURCH Sunday, Februat y 17th 1(1:15 A.M.: Sunday School. 11 :15 : "Mutual Dependence." 7 P,M.: "No Roost in the Inn." First Sign Of Spring! b • all present, it Junior In. tttute , are s > i'Towwnship, will observe their 40th wed- TRINITY CHURCH, BELGRAVE \I r. J, \V. Mills, and fixing date and The paying of several outstanding dirg anniversary on Wednesday, Feb- an address was read expressing regret • 1:45 P,31.: Sunday School and Iliblr holding a sewwang class in the Blyth time of same he finally passed, C3r- Red Cross rooms, The class started p accounts was ordered on notion of S. rotary 20th, and The Standard takes at the departure of the [sooty from the Class, Ott \londay, at'd will terminate this ricd. Hallahan and G. Nethery. An account !this opportunity to join with a host of community. .\J r. 1[arsh was on ttol 2:30 1'.\L: Evening Prayer and Ser- hritiay• Afiss I .Beggs, of Linwood, is' \loved by Councillors Voddeu and for grading was held over for the new friends in extending congratulations on' church session and on the board of ;mon. \Ic\all, that tete Breve call a general Board to deal with, with Maitland 1 -Ten- I this special occasion.stewards, and also served as church ST. MARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN tthe Instructor. Those attending the meeting of all organizations and intcr- ry and Gilbert Nether}' to see Conn- Mr. and Mrs. Daer have been rest- treasurer and Sunday School superin- 9:45 ,\.\L: Sunday School. (class are Misses Mary Phelan, Marga- ret Nesbitt, 5fildred Carter, .Afarjarir 0510(1 citizens, for the purpose of as- ci) on the matter. dents of this community since shortly tendent. The. members of the session 10:3(1 A,31,: 31ornittg Prayer and Pierceccrt3ining their support, to the building It was decided to extend an invitation after their marriage. They were mar- presented the family with an occasion- \IcWittie, Doris and Audrey y Sauwn. �', of a 'Memorial Rink and Recreation to the Ilotsletm Association to again del at Parkhill on February 20th 1906 al chair, •t bridge lamp, •t wv•tt{ miser - Ihradburn. ' ' ' • r r _ T Centre, at a date to be set by the exhibit at the illyth Fair this year. I Mrs, Darr was formerly Mary Jane and a leather• hassock. Lunch was MISSIONARY FILMS - MARCH 11th Reeve. Carred, Tit taking the chair for the election 'Turberville, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. served. On Monday evening, March 11th. Lions Mold Practice of Directors. Mr. Baillie Parrott ex- James Turberville, of Parkhill. 'P sound movies will be shown in techni- The Blyth (.ions 101(1 their first Bills and Ac: rants tended his congratulations on the prod They have three children, two boys, Confined To His Home color, to stark the Centenary of Over- Mi estrel Shove practice on Wednesday Ii. McCallum, hire of truck ...-.... .50 press n!ade, which he attriliuted to the John and Bert, and a daughter, Eliz- Mr, Arthur Barr is reported to be seas Missions wrork 011 the part of the ,ni+'it, with Lion Tamer Stan. Sib- J. A. Cowan. Jr'nttat•y salary _--. 80.00 hearty co-operation given by the Di- aheth, Mrs. Andrew KIrkeonnell, of quite ill at his home. We trust his eons Anglican. Baptist, Presbyterian and . t1a roc leading. The practice was held \Wu:• Thud,I.tntaty salary ---. 45.00 rectors and Committees, and also the Auburn, - ;clition will soon show improvement, .United Churches of Canada. fin Cie basement o[ the 'Memorial Hall. (continued on aa_;c 11 OPERATION MUSK-OX Starting out front Churchill, Manitoba, 11I1 Fr'h, 11, a force of Canadian army personnel will begin a :aim -mile -long journey into the frozen and, for the most hart, tree - les Western Arctic. The expedi- tion, known as "Exercise \lusk- Ox,•' will test new equipment specially designed for winter travel under extreme conditions, and is ex- pected to unearth, as well, informa- tion that will be invaluable in the future development of the .Arctic's mining, trapping and fishing possi- bilities. The above mala, prepared by the official cartographer of The Canadian Geographical Society, shows the route to be followed, 'Exercise \toads -Ox" will test three new techniques svhich, if found suitable, \will greatly affect future travel in the :\retic, These \rill be the long-range performance of snowmobiles, transportation of supplies by air, and the use of radar and astro-navigation devices in the hitherto unnavigable arras around the magnetic pole. Previous army expeditious al- ready have resulted in improving methods of travel and living in the north and, in addition, much valu- able data tw ill he made available for future military operations should they become necessary, From Laker Lake, where an ad- vance meteorological and air hase has already been established for the expedition to the Arctic Ocean, the route %sill cross some of the least - known parts of Canada, all of which are unmapped, svith the exception of flack Riser. This 500 -toile long river Inas heat travelled but twice— ht• Captain (lack in 1S31 and by two Hudson's Ilay Company Wren in 1555. "Exercise \luck -Ox" till reach the Arctic Coast at Perry River, ‘vheie an Ia..into operates a trad- ing -post, \vill then cross 100 utiles of frozen o:'can to reach Cambridge Bay, where the R.C,\t,P. schooner "St. 1ioch" is now wintering, and subsequently follow the south coast from Victoria Island for 250 miles to Coppermine. From there it will travel overland to strike the first trees near Port Radium, Early in May it is scheduled to reach the Alaska Highway and then follow the 700 -anile stretch from Fort Nelson to Edmonton. THE INSIDE ON HOCKEY By ED. FITKIN The hockey world was Maurice Richard's oyster last season when the roust Montreal l anadien sL tr was shattering all previous pro hockey scoring records svith Itis amazing total of 50 goals, But just recently, \laurice sadly sighed: "The worst thing I ever did was to score those 50 goals," * * * \Vhat he meant by that, of course, is that he has become a marked inn n, that rival clubs put their toughest checkers on his tail, and that tht road to the goal no longer is a hath of glory. Under this in- cessant hounding, Richard sands to have developed a pettiness that is proving costly to Canadicns in the w;tv of penalties. Recently one Montreal syriter asked this ques- iou: "Mhen is Richard goinp t quit licitly a chump ch'ayinp those sucker penalties:" * * K The moral to this, of course, is that fame is fleeting. Richard \vas a damn) last year and a chump this season. No longer do those avid Ilaliit,utt touters couple his mune with the great \lorenz. Even among the Teslas men \w1'0 guide the N. I1. L. teams there scents to have 0eveloited a change of heart re- ga.r' iug Richard. "After all," one coach told me recently, "Richard s'avred all those goads ago r.st war- time hockey players who certainly weren't tip to N. II. L. standards, .News that the guod players are hack from the servicers, he is just 111 ordinary player." * * When Doug Bentley was in- jured, one Chicago )writer went fa- cetious on his public and worried that the stadium )would be filled for a hockey game and the llawks )wouldn't put in an appearance—be- cause they had no one to lead them onto the ice , Doug, as you may know, succeeded \i 1-h March as the leader of.thc Iiawk parade into battle this season . . . The Chi Hobby Develops Into Business .1 hobby of bet -keeping has been turned into thriving, profitable business by C. \lurden Johnson, a local resident, and his example suggests that others might Will their hobbies into a business and get good financial returns, says The Niagara Falls Review. From a single swarm of bees, Mr. John- son, a nature student, has develop- ed the higgest bee -keeping busi- ness in the Niagara Peninsula with splendid financial returns. Tha original colony now has expanded lite, GI colonies of bees and honey business \worth $30,000. Mary people likewise have hobbies that could be converted into profit- able business ventures, scribe's problem was solved, how- ever, when Max Bentley took over the leadership job. Tlabe Pratt, always popular svitlt the sportswriters, is getting plea y of what the hockey players call "favorable ink" from the men who pound typewriters. Public scntimctt is also on Pratt's side, Ilis appeal w ill likely he heard at the hoard o Governors' meeting in New Turk on Feb, 15, attd unless there is more evidence in the case than has been preset.ted, the feeling is that Pratt still has a chance to evade such a drastic sentence, While big Labe is the first pro hockey player to be expelled for gambling, Ile is not the first to be banished from the gauze. Billy Couto, a star with Boston I3 ruins, Bas expelled from hockey for life for an after -game attack on Re- feree Jerry Laflamme back in 1927, * * * Don liallinger, the Port Colborne product who is doing such con- intent sniping for Boston, scored ruins' first goal of the scaon and also the 100th, Speaking of the Bars, little Kenny Smith has done a capable pinch-hitting chore for Lill Cowley and Art Ross says: "If that kid only had 20 more pounds, he'd be a corker," Turk Broda, back with the Leafs, is int spletsditl physical shape, played o\r, :to game in England before cause back and looks exceptionally sharp for a goalie w•ho has beets out of big time competition for so long. (Editor's Note; Ed 1itkin, con- nuctor of this column, can eta heard each Sunday afternoon at 4.35 over C -II -1.'-\I (1050) dis- ipcnsing breezy, dramatic and enter- taining stories on "The inside on Sport," \It'. Fitkiu-address, Maple Leaf Gardens 'Toronto — will be glad to answers questions about the players and the gauze). Ratepayers Vote Cash For Veterans By a vote of ,iii to 219 ratepay as of Brooke 't'ow'nship gave war veterans $100 each for five years, with $100 down right now in ad- dition. It made one still on the dollar extra in taxation for the farming community. There is some- thing pretty fine about that vote, 'clic council did not do it on 'ts own. it left the idea to the taxpay- ers and they dict not welch, —St, Catherines Standard. STOPS COU�HS Costs of Strikes In Relationship To Rewards Worker, Employer, Consumer --All Groups Suffer Loss Strikes are co-uly to ;ill group, in the community, says the New York 'tunes. I'i e worker suffer: a loss of income. The employer has reduced profits. The consumer :infers imams enicaia. and unts4 forego products tit gently desired. This is ;Ill so t',ht'ious that it scarcely needs repetition, \\'hat is les, obvious is that the cost in - solved is often excessively great in relationship, to the rewards 10 be 1\'011. .\u illustration is found in the cost of the present steel strike to the workers. 1'he companies have offered an increase of 15 cents au horn', which would be the largest increase ever received by these workers. This strike has been call- ed to obtain an additional :Ili cents an hour. if the 15 -cent offer were accepted, steel workers \would earn about $1,29 an Motu', On the basis of their own demands they )would earn $1.321/4 an hour. * * t Every hour's \work that is lost because of the insistence upon an additional :13_ cents an hour costs the steel worker at least $129. It would take hint thirty-sev'ee hour: of work at the additional 31/2 cents an hour to stake up for the loss of one hour's pay of $1.29, In other words, if the steel worker is unem- ployed for one forty -horn' week it will take hint thirty-seven frill weeks at the higher rate to stake up for the lost time. If the strike lasts for two weeks it will take seventy-four weeks to stake up for the time lost. If the strik- ers were out fon' a month, it would take 118 weeks, or almost three full years, before the earnings los; dur- ing the strike were recouped, * 1 These figures, of course, cru not in themselves establish the merit of the offer made by the steel companies. They do not in them- selves disprove s1r. Murray's claim that more could have been paid, Litt they .(do call attention to a factor which Is frequently lost sight of, when union labor rejects a major gain in favor of a strike. Cobalt blur, made 01 an oxide of cobalt metal, is the most expensive color on most artists' palettes. Usually brings quick, euro relief in coughs, and throat irrita- tions. ATALLDatroa19fa 25c LD -2 MADE BY ORIG NATO S"E OF LYMOIDS U1l made commercially available for the first time in North America by Green Cross Insecticides is only one of Many powerful new insee• tici(les for farm and garden ivhiclr will soon he available under the "Green Cross" trade )nark. LOOK FOR THE WS$ *Trade Murk Reg, NEW CONCRETE MIXERS 4 cu. ft. and 6 cu, ft. power 21/1 cu. ft. hand or belt Concrete Block Machinery Rock Crushers Enquiries Invited Wettlaufer-Welker Industries Ltd. 1290 Bay St, Toronto, 5. Phone Midway 9817 60,000 Repats May Return This Month I :le h (1,11(111 Liu.. tt„nl,- ,tilt c'clu-1\e of the 1lru- I. Iii„t. I ecce, nr)w by barb in Can- a I w the end of February if s' i; n.: allocations for tha remain- der o tl;i- in itut awl next are :,,ili;.,ined. Defence lfini-ter 1!,•,It said kt-t %reel;. 11 r. .1111,,,tt tat rrs•ed hope all s ould be able to return home, but Sonne )night li:c\e to retrain hccan..t• staff still must I) 11l1,nt:tined at Canadian military I•eadquat tura in Londrn in addi- tion tr -mail specialized installa- tion, for maintaining the occupa- tion ic)ce. 1'41 e also ss a'- some doubt \w nether the Pets remaining repat- riation depots in Britain would he able to shut tip shop in time to catch the kt,t February sailings, CLA SSIFIED ADVERTISING' .slid:\•r) 11.1\'1'1:0 YOUR OPPORTUNITY Make your spare time pay you , ohsisteat earnings. Tbo Babee- 'I'enda Corporation wants married mel with sales ability to net es local ;)cents le till cotnlrt,tnitles throuchont Canada. This Is an ex- elusivc• and patented necessity. far information, giving full pro tical: r, about yourself Imlay. :117 Ray i teet, 'Toronto, Ontario, 11.1111CHICKS MONK"1'ON POUL'T'RY FARM CRICKS You buy baby chicks for one reason. To receive dividends on your investment, you Hurst bo certain \)•hero your money is In- vested. We offer you baby chicks from a Poultry I'nt'nt with every breeder pallortun Tested end gov- ernment banded. Toho advantage of our early order discount. Write for our 1946 price list and catalogue, MONK1'ON POULTRY FARMS, MONK'I'ON, ONT. w-1:'Vi: A IdMITI:7) QI'ANTI'i'Y 01' stet ted shirks. Also cockerels for February delivery. Prompt ship- ment on some varieties, Let's know your nerds, Bray llatehery. Edo John N., Hamilton, Ont, THE P11oul' 01' QU,1I,1TV 11E11- chatdlse is repent business. For 21 years. Tweddlo Government approved eh irks have been the cholue of old customers year after year. .\sic any successful poultry - Ma n :nut he'll tell you the most important word in the c'hic'ken business is liveability, Money, feed and Lcbour spent on chides that "C'an't take Il” earl never be re eta 'l'w eiddle chicks r'nn greatly reduce the hazard. Send for calttl)gue and read the doz- en= of letters from 19.1: satisfied customers from coast to roast, Important — order your elticics now and halve delivery early. It's the early hatched chick that al- \way5 snake the most profit. Send for free catnlngue and special discount for 1'ebruary delivery, _\1-o haying and ready to lay pul- lets for intntrdiate delivery. 'I'w•eddle c'}ucic Hatcheries Lim- ited, Fergus, Ontario, LAKI:\'IF\V CHICKS FOR 19-16 From A Real Breeding Plant of 501100 Layers. Book your chicles from a Real Breeding Farm of 5000 Layers and be assured of success. Ilreeilst Large Typo White T,eghorns, Sussex x Leghorn, hock x Leghorn, N. TTnmp, x Leghorn, Sussex x New ITntnp, B. Roek x X. Hump, Special low prices on cockerels, and Rock x New Tlanp. chicks on a few dates, Send for Price List, and Catalogue, Lalces'lew Poultry Farnn, Wein Pros., Exeter, Ont. APPROVED BARRED ROCK cockerels, February and March, $5,00 per hundred. MacKlllican Poultry Farm, Moose Creek, Ont. 25 FREE CHICKS OUR BABY CHICKS A1t19 THE progeny of Foundation and Re- gistered Birds. All Breeders blood -tested, Prices front 3e to 25e. All guaranteed excellent layers. Don't delay, order now. Goddard Chick Hatcheries, Bri- tannia Ileights, Ont. NE\V't\IAN'S BRED -TO -LAY CHICKS White Leghot'ns, Barred Rocks and Barred Rock, White Leghorn Crossbreeds; doable tested. An Ontario Breeding Station over Fifteen years. Elntviow Poultry Farm, William J. Newman, Nor- hatn, Ontario. THE ONLY PURINA EMBRYO -FED Barred Roclt and Crossbred. Ap- proved chicks being produced In Chatham aro blood -tested by the tube method for both the regular and X strains of pnllo•ttnt, Order molt• front frank Price Hatchery, 11 Jahnite St„ Chatham Ont. YOUR GOVERNMENT APPROVE!) chicks from Accredited Flocks should be ordered now. Barred ]locks, New-1antpshires, New Ifnmp X Barred Ttocks, and Light Sussex X New Hemp Hybrids, Ali breeders blood -tested for both the regular and X strains of I'ollorunt for your protection. Lincoln Chick Hatchery, 2 Race Street, St. ('athertncs, Ontario. Ynl' \WILT, \l,\KE \10111: MONi:V in 1910-17 if you take delivery of your shirks ea•Iy. February and \larch h;hlrhcd pullets are laying (;rade :\ Iccrge eggs when priers are it the peak and you will Ito able to market the cockerels when poultry meat sells tit Its best privy. You will not only tn; ke extra money by taking de- livery of your 1.111elts mord', but you Will save money if you lake darn February or Mark, Send to- day for special reduced prices for February :rtu1 .11:irr)) ,'hicks, Also laying' :and ready to lay pullets. .Free catalogue, Top Notch Chick- et•ies•, Guelph, Ontario. SI'NNIN( ;DA LE 1,E(1IIORN X TtoCIK Hybrids. Also barred rock pal- lets, cockerels of mixed, shay old nr sorted, Immediate delivery. 11: tehss (wire weekly. Stunting - dale farms, 11.11, 1. Hyde Park, 111't11ND AND CL!'ARIN(' HAVE Y(1U AhNY7'IiING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? \VrIte to us for lntormntton. We are glnd to Answer your questions, Depnrt- merit H, Parker's Dye Works t.lmllyd, 791 Yongo Street. To- ronto. HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAiIRDRESSING TIHE Robertson method, information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Aced - tiny, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. BUSINESS 0I'1'111t'1'IINI'll Es Make a $15 investment AND Have a 13usin sNs of Your Own! Learn' 1„ make Plastic Novelties in the haute. Big Profits . , and easy to learn the Lux Way. \1'e supply you with the material, tools, and dyes, Our hook of de- signs nod 1nstruclions umkes it possible for you to earn and learn at the same time, The complete kit of equipment necessary \viii bo mulled to any part of Canada on receipt of one dollar, \vitt order. I'tty the balance plus ship- ping ctnrges and Join the Lux Fancily of Novelty Plastic Makers, LUX PLASTIC COMPANY Box No. 94, DI:LOIIIMIP:II STATION, MONTREAL, QUE. FOR SALIL Now Is the time to buy u one-man light weight portable "PRECISION" PO\VER CHAIN SA\V to fell or cross -cut timber pulp- wood or firewood. Two types manufactured, ]loth $400 Lo,b, Montreal, ('recision Parts Ltd. 202:: Aylmer St., Montreal, ELIcC'1'IIIL MU'1'Ult;s NEW, USED bought, sold, rebuilt; belts pub. leys, brushes, Allen Electric Corn - puny Ltd. 2:326 Dufferin St. Tor- onto. 5 LBS. FINE QUILT PCS. 99c. Colorlul Assortment. Prettiest De- signs. Guaranteed Washable Cot- ton and Rayon. Prints, 5" to 18". Ideal for Quilting. Remittance with Order, Delivery b:xtrte, JAM (SON & ROGERS 3521 Hutchison St., Apt, 43. Mont- real 18, Que, ONE REGISTERED HOLS'T'EIN 131111 (,Jlercedes Ormsby James) 21 months old. Apply Box 20, Belle River, RACING HOMERS, 1110II CLASS breeding. Slassarts and Crosses, A few for sale. \Vin, Snnzcl, 17rteehrldgo, FORD FERGUSON TRACTOR Owners, a new manure loader has been designed for your tractor, It loads a spreader within 11;<2 to 4 minutes, attaches almost 'as quickly as your plow, can be operated by a child, and 19 away below the price of any known loader, Write to -day for prices and folder to us, the manufactur- ers, Ernest Sec'ore & Son, Mount Albert, Ont. 1'()1t SALT•:011 RI:\'T, 1tALI' YARD shovel and double shunt hoist, Box 75, 73 Adelaide St, IV., To- ronto. GI:'I' I'ltl:Mil'M 1111('118 FOR muskrat pelts. Stretch properly with our self-adjusting steel stretcher:. Sample 25e. Dozen $2.50 delivered. Discounts to deal- ers. 11ett•a .1, Sass. Bear Lino, Ont. 81'0'1''111) HOUND, 11AL1':, 4 Years, guaranteed to run deer, will 11151) stun fox and Jocks, $30, Tan and while hound, bitch, 3 years, will run Geer and Jacks, $20. W. llorsfnll, Allenwood, Ont. YOUNG FOXHOUNDS, FARM RATS - ed; hest of breeding. Apply Box 73, 73 Adelaide St. \V., 'I'nronto, (11,AD10I,1'S BULBS! LARGE mixed bulbs, 5c)c dozen, it mimed varieties desired send for price list. Cash with order. Stamp's Gladiola Gallen, 360 Second Ave, 1;,, North Bay, Ont, I'A1t9lS 001t 5,11,E SEVERAL DAIRY AND I:QtUI11'111) tobacco farms located in Middle- sex County, Apply Campbell's Ileal Estate, Mt. lirydgcs, CHOICE 172 .\C'lt►: FARM, CLAY logon, 3 utiles from incudo. Good buildings. Hydro, water system, bath, ww•o,let' bowls, etc, 8. Kerr, 11,1t. 2, Sarnia. b'Ufl SALE 100 ACRES OF GOOD flue tobacco farm, 60 acres culti- vated, 25 acres good words, the rest is pnstm•e rind meadows, Farm Is all fenced 1 acre orchard Willi \yell and a 21' by 34 building. Farm situated between 1Vest Lorne & Rodney 21!2 miles dis• Dolce. Terms: $4500 down Pay- ment, half cash. inquire to own- er. Louis Fodor, R. R, 4, West Lorne, Ontario, 19 ACRES, NEW HOUSi•:, CITY conveniences, chicken houses, suitable for poultry farm, on highway 20. 11', Ernest, St. Anus, Ontario, 11I1,1' WANTED ('111LD8 NURSE 00 NANNY. Thoroughly experienced in cure of children, for new baby and two year old. Must like country but be ready to travel. Good house, permanent situation for right person, highest wages. Other help kept. Geraldine 81ftou, R. 11, Nn. 3, hlnllorytown, Ont, 101.,01')1 \111.1.1:R, C'.\r',\tiL11 OI'' taking full charge 100 bbl. Mill: permanent position. Reply stat- ing wages to (leo. 1'. :Mettle & Softs, Itidgeloo'u, Ontario, HOUSEKEEPER WANTED 1'011 :l adults. Every convenience in me- dium sized horn' in London at 701 Richmond Street, Phone Met, 1973. MEEDiCAL BAIIMI:EKA FOOT BALM L)E- stroys offensive odor fostnutl) 45c. bottle, Ottawa agent. Deus man Drug Store, Ottawa, READ TIHIS—EVERY SUFFERER of Ilheuntntie Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy, Mun- ro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ot- tawa. Postpaid $1.00, ISSUE 7-1946 STOMACH ANI) '1'111;1:.\1) 91'01151S often are the cause of ill health in Bunions, till ages, No one 1111 - mune! Will' nut rind 0111 if this Is your trouble, Interesting pattiru- bars -- free! 1\'rite Milltemy's l:rntr•dlr•s, ste.emllsts ''ranine 8. )INON's Iti:\11;DY -t)tl; N1?I'Itl- tis and Rheumatic 1',,:ns. Thou- sands satisfied. \I.,rnn's drug slide, 335t:Igiu, Omufti. fust• paid h1:\KE l.lFIi \VOR I Ii I.I\'I,N(-n! \\'IIY SUFF-F:R do what countless numbers of happy users nee rinhic for the effectiw'e relief of: Chronic! 1'11• Herbal conditions (as In ilaon- chitis, Asthma & Sinus Palos). Skit disorders such ns nulls and Pimples: Arthritic & Ilheumatir Palns; Ask your Druggist for Odorless and 'Tasteless AI)A11'8 GAltI lC t'I:AlbI,ES nr write ]richmond Adapt C'o„ P. O, 374, V'ancnttver, (.'ant. $3 per 160 l'earles, enough for 5 weeks. 01.1.011'1'I'NI'1'II',s 101111 11'111)1?\ , BE A HAIRt)RESSER JOIN (CANADA'S LEADING SC11011; Creat Opportunity. Len rn ilnirdressin;; Pleasant dignified profession. r.ond wnges, thouse nibs successful Ma re et grnduetes, America's groe test sys- tem, Tllustrnted catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL iiAIRRDRI;SSING 8(111001.5 353 rJorie St, W. Toronto Brunches: 44 King St. ilnmllten & 74 Rlrienn Street, Ottawa. "1)1'1'011'1'1; \ TTI115 001) MEN', MODETIN APPLTANi'17 SERVICING offers unlimited opportunity for the mechanically minded man. Learn to service and repair rill types of appliances lneludina re- frigeration, fast freeze, oil barn• era, ere., in n few months of your Apat•e lime wash) prnrllr•nl train- ing in our shops, Investigate the opportunities this million dol/nr industry his to offer. i:nroll- ntents strictly limited and will he considered to the order received, For further Inform:11ton write, Standard Engineering Institute, 6.15 West Eglingtnn, Toronto 12, Ontario 1'.1'1' EN'1'5 LT:'l'III:its'I'ONibA11:I1 .l- C0\II'ANV Patent Solicitors. lestnhlished 1590: 11 King West, Toronto. itoolclet of infornuaten on request. PERSONAL "ET.IJAII (')111N(1 I I1t"tltt; Christ." Wonderful honk free, Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, N. 1', vitiation muc TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed. 6 OR 8 EXPUSURi•: ROLLS 25c REPRiNTS 8 tor 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the fllins you want this year, but yon can get tOI the gttality and service you desire by senr'ing your films to 1511'0111 91 1'110'1'0 511119'1(111 Station 1, 'Toronto RICHLY FRAMED COLORED ENLARGEMENT SPECIAL VALUE $1.39 (IW011 Easel 13actc $1.05) 11'111LEE THE 51::'1'1,1' Io1S'r5 Enlargement 4 x 0" colored by hand in finest studio style from any negative, on special 7 x 9" blue line mount, framed 1n Hell moulding White with Gold trim, New Natural or (lilt. $1,39 with easel back, $1.65. Get orders in early. Any size roll (6 or 8 exposures) developed and grittedLu- lnrgentents 4 x 0" in easel mounts, 3 for 2250,: framed on Ivory lint stats 7 x 5" in Gold, Silver, Wal- nut or Bloch 11hntty finished frames, 59c, each, if colored, 75C, l'It0E BONUS 01'1'1/11 A 001)31171 t;troll for one mounted ettlafr.,Tmetit 1 x 6" glt,'glt free with rich 25c, order r('t@ivd dur- 1ng January and February, Canada's largest studio does qua• llty work promptly — and at low- est cost, (Print Name and Address Plainly on Orders.) 1101'r, 11 STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE now 12011, Post Office A, Toronto 111111:1(1,91 I N S'I'1t 1191 I:NTS FRED A. 150DDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges tnttsteal instru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2. 'POnACCO 5 -POUND SAIIPLI: PACICACE Leaf Tobacco, Virginia burley and prior, receipts and flavoring, $3.75 postp ild, ttuthven Tobacco Exchange, Rttthven, Ont. 11',IN'I'I7D STEAM 1INUINL IN GOOD USE - able condition, Send descriptions, location and best cash price to Bos 74, 73 Adelaide W. Toronto, IVANT ROUSES IN VILLAGES, Towns or Ilighwnys, prefer with some land, $700 to $1700. Can handle some little higher, also have buyers for established bust• nesses. Send hest net price, details, etc. George i)rummond, Urolte,-, Oven. Sound, Ont. 1'A1110 Willi STREAM, BUSH & hills, 1i. Joseltn, 158 MacPherson Ave., Toronto. GROCERY OR GENEIR.\I, STORM, preferabiy neer summer resort. T. 11, 311.8herry, 61 latgsway Cres., Toronto, SELF PROPELLED ('OMIINI•:, A four row No, 4110-J, Deere corn planter and corn picker. L. Mc- Dermott, Merrier, Iowa, U.S.A. WANTED I'0R 0.181! PINK, BLUE or nt111c glass hen on nest. Iced or blue glass pitcher or Deenntor. 11'rIte P.O. Box 126, Sarnia, Ont. g1, HELEN TO t II:11'I'I?It x\'III "They re ;''ttttlg i e..dv to ease Alit—I1o, they're 1111:. Sl lilll'tllillg's busted. Think 1'11 ' riit up there. If Ilielcr\'- in trouble pie n,,y aced help." "All right, Witless, 1'1, go too," Bill said. Hickey was not on ;he derrick floor. 'I'1 e driller stood ntot ping his forcrcad twit!! his AIccve. "Stuck," ne said, as Gary and Bill came up. °Stir k in aullwdrite" "f lickcy's lurk was too good to last," Lary "Sent a man to cal! hickey," the dribcr said, ''!Don't know does le %vast to drill past the bit, or tvhat." 1 e came tramping, red - 'faced, looked embarrassed when he saw Harv, %elm said quietly, "Good evening, \I r! mason," "Nothing good about this." ' grumbled 'Harvey. "1-1ow you going to got her loose?" he asked the driller. "She's loose 110W," yelled the roughnecks. l tit after length on length of ripe had conte Ip, a broken, jagged end carne r,lobhering out of the well. "Lost your bit," Gary said. "Now you've got a fishing job on your hands." A truck torte roaring up, and Hickey fell out of it. "(look up the grappler," he shouted, when he saw the broken stent. "Got to fish that bit out." "Broke at twenty-eight, fifteen," said a roughneck. "Vou could may- be shout it out—" "Not with that shale above it," Gary reminded hickey. "Pull your whole well in. All right, Bill, let's be shaving off. Good night — and good luck." Ile walked away without looking back, though it was not easy to do. Ilarvcy had looked worried and sick. Ile did not see Adelaide. "Well, fellow, you gave lent the back of your heels," Bill said. "But Mason was trying to make up his mind to ask you to stay." "Which would have done hitt( no good at all," said Gary grimly. Ile hated the job on the Grice- 1llorgan derrick. But it meant mon- ey that would stake it p-tssible for him to leave for some far place where gray eyes and tawny hair would cease to haunt him. At night, when hill came to his roost, he asked abruptly, "No con- nection between Republic and Grice-Morgan, is there, Bill?" "Couldn't be. They're competi- tive developers," Bill said, "1Vhy?" "Because if Grice-Morgan arc at the bottom of this scheme to bust Mason, it does,l't look too good for nuc to be working for then(, Bi11." "'\'hat's tough — tough you feel that way, because they're going to put up two more derricks. Means a few more days' work for you and little Willie." There was a knock on the door. Gary opened it and saw three peo- ple standing in the hall outside. One was a messenger. The other two were Harvey Mason and Adel- aide. EASE • PAIN OF COLDS, SORE THROATS FAST! See for yourself how quickly Aspirin acts! Drop one in a glass of water and "clock" it. Within two seconds, It will start to disintegrate. It does the same when you take it. As a result, it provides relief with remark- able speed. Get Aspirin today. The "Bayer" cross on each tablet is your guarantee that it's Asper Aspirnr NOW—New Low Prices! Pocket boa of 12* . • .. only 10e Economy bottle of 24 • • only 29e Fomtly size of 100 • • • only 79e ti ING PPING MILLER tilgn uric, 1,0,1,1y - nu,ohci 10," iil,U-urtc 1 ?ht. buy "1)II, gond e\111111g," II:Iry' stam- mered t \Iwatilly. "I,et u, in, I;ale, we \\ant to talk to you." Adelaide had lit r same peremptory little manner "t)I, of eonr,c — conic in." Ile scrihhlcd his name on the yellow slip but did n, t open the message, Bill lumped to his 1-1 said apol- ogetically, "'There's only one chair, Adelaide — mind sitting on the ted, Mr. \lasun:" "Haven't got time to 'it down," I Iarvey was brusque. "1-- Gary, you'll ha come back." "Sorry, \i r. \Lison, I can't possi- bly come back, Not till everything is entirely cleared ftp." "Gary." Adelaide tearful. "Dad has to leave on the next train. It's Jltnior. lie's in jail." "Rant over a kid with that new car of his, up in Virginia," said Harvey. "'If the kid dies, it's man- slaughter, and money won't get him out," he added bitterly. "You'll come back, Gary?" Ade- laide begged. "'Oh, Gary, we apulo- giz,e and everything. Surely you wouldn't leave us in a terrible hole like this?" "Ali right—" Gary said slowly, but a trifle loftily, "I'll conte back. What do you want me to do, .11r. Mason?" "Get the well down," ordered Ilarvey. "Get it down before it busts nu. You come along out to- night, Gary — and %vhen I get back teas 111111Ust "Better open your telegram first, hadn't you;" reminded Bill. "it slight be a job." "Yes — excuse rte." Gary slit the yellow envelope. "No it's not a job," he said. "But you may be in- terested in what it says, M r. \la - son." 1-fc handed over the message. It read: NEVER HEARD OF MASON OR IIIS WILDCAT WELL, \VE FIAVE NO INTEREST IN SMALL DEVELOPM ENT. DON'T REMEMBER YOU. WIZEN DID YOU WORK FOR US? ARMSTRONG REPUBLIC 01 L. Gary laughed ruefully, "Looks as if neither of us is so important as we thought, ,\1r, Mason," he said. "That's not important now — none of it," Mason said. "The chief thing is — I've got to leave and that well has to go down." The core drills went down next day and caste up again, bringing from deep, secret places the long gray cylinders of rock and earth that logged the structure of the world's heart, so far below. When the gray columns, the size of a child's arm, were laid out on the ground, Hickey and Gary stud- ied then( anxiously. "No showing yet," Gary said, sighing. "Nothing to do but go on down." "Don't reckon we could have passed them sands?" Hickey de- bated, at lunch time. "I've got a good notion to run Schlumberger on her, anyway." "Have to case , down farther, then," Gary reminded hint, "and casing costs money, So do electri- cal tests, I'd I ter t.1k to Mrs. i1[ason about it." Mona Lee was frankly upset. "I wish Ilarvey hadn't gone off and left me so notch responsibility. You don't really think this is wise, do you, Gary?" she went on. "Well, 1 wish we could have a chance to talk to a geophysicist first, 1'nt satisfied that if there is oil structure out there, it lies very deep. Wells have been drilled past the oil sand, but not often. But of course if we go on drilling, and then fail , . , well, we'll be sure if we 1 .0 the test." (To Be Continued) Good Health and Lots of Pep Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills have a long record of dependability as a regulator of liver and kidneys and bowels. They quickly arouse these organs to healthful activity—sharpen the ap- petite and help to improve digestion. Clean out the poisons with Dr. Chasq's Kidney -Liver Pills and re- gain your pep and happiness. Mets. a box. BOUNCING, NOW When Kathleen Ann Busse was born she weighed only 24 ounces and spent the first three months of her life in an incubator. The bright- eyed, alert husky above is Kathleen, pictured as she recently celebrated her first birthday in her Chicago home, weighing 16', pounds. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. Is it really necessary to re- peat a person's sante when bei.tg introduced? 2. What should a girl say to a young ratan when a dance is finish.' cd and he says "thank you"? 3, When fruits are served at dinner, what should immediately follow? 4. Is it ever permissible to leave the spoon standing in the cup? 5. What are really the require- ments of a good conversationalist? 6, When the guests arc Ieavi.tg an afternoon affair, is it necessary lot the hostess to go to the door with each departing guest? Answers 1. It is not exactly necessary, but it is customary, It merely shows that one has heard the name cor- rectly. 2. It is not necessary to say anything; a smile, or a friendly nod, is sufficient acknowledge• ment. 3, The finger bowl, 4. Never. 5. He should be attentive, spon- tsncous. natural, sympathetic, and possess the friendly spirit of good will. 6. No. she may receive their farewells in a group, going to the door only with the last guest :o a pa rt.. - aura riTaiu Simple to make, these quilted bal- let slippers for bedroom or loung- ing. Make a pair in plain, one in print material to suit your moods. Quilted ballet slippers are of two pieces with ribbon trim. Pattern 553 has pattern and directions from small to extra large. . Send Twenty cents in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern to Wilson Needlecraft Dept., Roost 921, 73 Adelaide St., West, Toronto. Print plainly pattern number, your ,lame and address. L!E can Begin AFTER 40, M. One of the Most Effective Il000IRON TONICS "MA" If your blood lacks iron! SUN. MON. TUE. WED. THU. FRI. SAT. Pot Sheph- Maca- Veal Corned Fish Roast erd's roni Stew Beef of Pie Scallop & Beef Cab- bage Corned Beef Hash with Parsley Sauce Group C left- unrat- Group C Group C unrat- left- over coned toned over 4 lbs. 2 coupons 11/g lbs, 2 lbs. 6 tokans 1 coupon 2 tokens for 10 oz. sausages. .1 pot roast of beef animated with colorful vegetables will get the week off to a savoury start. On Monday it can be revamped as a Shepherd's Pie. If you haven't enough left -over gravy moisten the ground meat, try a tin of tomato or vegetable soup and top the combine with fluffy mashed potatoes. Aside from these two steals, you may find that the four pound roast will leave you with some useful remnants for hunch box sandwiches. Meatless (lays arc ideal ones on which to carry out your New Year's resolution to introduce a new dish at least once a week. For Tuseday's eating a macaroni scallop is suggested. Just alternate layers of cooked macaroni, hard cooked eggs and a well -seasoned creast sauce, top with buttered crumbs and oven heat until bubbling and browned. .Along with it you might serve vegetable vitamins in salad form and wheat germ muffins hot from the oven, A fine dish to snake one glad that winter is here is a good stew. Six tokens worth of veal from Group C will allow generous servings all round, aand a cornmeal biscuit topping will give it both eye and taste appeal. A one coupon expenditure for corned beef should bring sitis- appeal. A one coupon expenditure for corned beef should bring satis- fying returns. Served hot on Thursday it teams well with Jacket -boiled should be sufficient to mince and combine with stashed potatoes. Then individual cakes can be browned in a small amount of fat and served piping hot with parsley sauce. Friday is yours to make a fish selection, The two tokens remaining from the week's purchases might he devoted to 10 ounces of sausages to highlight Sunday's breakfast eggs. CHRONICLES of GINGER FARM You remember I mentioned a few weeks ago that mail -time was niy favourite hour of the day, I should have qualified that remark by saying—"If someone else goes after the mail," When I trail down to the road for it myself, that s something else again, I don't have to—if Bob isn't around Partn:r tells me to leave it until noon in 1 he will get it. But I never twice ptomises because if I sec the mail- man stop a the gate—well, 1 cal,'t wait—I just have to get that mail. Maybe you wonder what all the fuss is about; why I mention any difficulty in getting it at all. Well, if you had a lane nine hun- dred feet Tong, filled with snow, and had to face a strong north- west wind at anywhere from zero to ten a�)ove, you would know wast T ant talking about. * * • Saturday, for instance, 1 knw there was a parcel coming by mail so rather than face the worst wind of the week I deckled to take the car. Bob had been getting in and out of the lane so I thought I could too. I backed the car out, got as far as the corner of the house— ow' stack, good and properly. Toe c ar would neither go backwards no, forwards. Partner was busy at the barn, and I wasn't prepared to co any shovelling, so I just left it there. I went back to the house am this time 1 took with me an umbrella as protection against the wind. With it I struggled down the lane, stopping once or twice '.o get my balance, so strong was the wino. No, I didn't let the umbrella brow inside out, if that is what ou are thinking. * * * Returning the wind was in my back—but I still had plenty sf tt ouble. I had a big box to carry, a shopping bag that I took to car- ry the mail home in, and the um- brella to manipulate. The rats in the lane which the truck wheels hat made were deep and narrow: the wind drove one along so tast that I lost my balance. Over I 'went on to the snowbank—parcels and all. Tippy was with nuc and I ant sure she thought "Now this is fun," for she came bouncing along and was all over me before I knew where 1 was. And that didn't help. Eventually 1 reached the shelter o; the house, So tow perhaps you Around 40 our energy lessens. But, ex. perience has taught us to do our work with leu effort. The years ahead should yield the greatest accomplishments, the moat enjoyment and happiness. They can, too, if we avoid the kidney and bladder disorders such as Back- ache, Headache, Rheumatic Pains, Lassitude, Lou of Sleep and Energy which so often attack those around 40. For over half a century Dodd's Kidney Pills have been helping men and women to keep kidneys and bladder in good order. If you are nearing 40, or past it, for the sake of your health and a happier future use Dodd'a Kidney Pills today! 125 You girls and women who sutler so front Elm pie anemia that you're pale, weak, "dragged out"— this may be due to lack of Iron in the blood. So try Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound Tawas with added iron—one of the best home ways to help build up red blood—in such cases. Pinkham a Tablets are oneof themostegecUve irun tonicsyoucan buy 1 By Gwendoline P Clarke • • • • will understand that while I still ray mail -time is the best hour of the clay—it is with reservations. Now we have had a real taste of v.irter I ant beginning to think the ground -hog and I have some - when a period of hibernation does- n't seem such a bad idea. Come to thing in common. There are tint^.s think of it I have been in a state of semi-hibernation—that is to say I haven't been off the farm for two weeks, hut, unlike tht ground-h.tg 1 haven't been sleeping my time away. No I have done a bit of writing, a bit of sewing and simp- ly scads of mending. There were thirteen patches and two new pockets on a smock I fixed up for Partner. It still has the original buttons and button -holes. There ate work pants for Bob that be- long in pretty much the same cate- gory. After all, why spend money ot1 new things that are of shoddy material and poorly made? Thank goodness, the outlook in that re- spect is at last becoming a little more hopeful. My authority for that statement is a U.S, publication which says that thread counts and dyes are getting better and a steady improvement in quality and quantity is expected during the summer. It also said experiments have been tried to make clothing without stitching. Some kind of resin is used so that dresses can be pressed together instead of sewn, Sunday School Lesson February 17 True To a Great Heritage Deuteronomy 4:1, 32-4C' Golden Text Ile hath made 11 is wonderful works to be remembered.— Psalm 111:-1 God Speaks Through Moses Moses exhorts 1 to Ilca rken unto the statutes — laws referring to the wur•hip of God — and auto the jndguu•r,ts — laws con- cerning clutit., to one's fellow mens !loth together ;mike up the code of he whole duty of titan. \lusts reminds Israel that they are a privileged people, for since Ili day of man's creation none has had such a:uaiing Icwclatinns of god's poets, goodness and mercy. \\'hat other people, \1o:es asks, ever heard the coil e of God as Is- rael did throng:1 the lightnings that reverberated down the ravines 1if Sinai? Not aulnthrr exodus is com- parable to the Exodus of Israel from Egypt. Saved To Serve It was the hand of God that took Israel out of Egypt. It utas done by tests and signs and wonders and 6t eat terrors, as it the ten terrible plagues; and by v.ar and a !nighty hand and outstretched arms as at the Red Sea when the army of Pharaoh rsas overthtuw-n and the power of Egype broken, The calling of Israel to he God's rhosene people was an act of grace -- Israel was saved to serve. \l uses declared that it ryas not bcause of their numbers that God called then(, but because he chose to love tltent. Moses impressed un Israel the (nighty power of the nations yet to be driven out of Canaan before they can enter upon their inheri- tance. But the same mighty hand which brought them out of Egypt will bring than into Canaan, The Duty of Israel 1'he divine program was defined in the duty of 1 sracl — implicit and constant obedience. The Com- mandment of God must be kept. Then the people would he blessed with prosperity and peace. Their posterity would enter into a goodly heritage. The country would be secure against the greed and ra- pacity of other nations. Thus Jehovah gave them their land with the utlderstanding that they should use it for Elis glory and return it to flim with rich fruitage in the fulness of time. Books of Remembrance The sixty -thousand civilians, oten, women and little children, killed in the cities of Great Bri- tain by bombs of German aircraft, now have their names commem- orated in Westminster Abbey. Four "Books of Remembrance" have been placed in St. George s Chapel, neor the tomb of the Un- known Warrior, in a beautifully carved and clectrically•illuminatej thine, there to rerinain for ever. Ladderless Hose The dream of a ladderless stock. ing has been brought a step nearer to realization by the production of a rayon fibre that is stronger than nylon, according to tests made by Professor W. T, Astbury at the textile physics laboratory of Leeds University, A product of British Celanese, Ltd., it is called fortisan. Outstandingly Good LADA' TEA qo utiu� q06' VestiO GV ES QUICK RELIEF FOR COUGHS - COLDS BRONCHITIS ASTHMA WHOOPING COUGH SIMPLE SORE THROAT CHILDREN LOVE VINO'S VEN0s SGN l pi;' / / / PAGE 4, Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH— ONT. INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. J. H. R. Elliott Gordon Elliott Office Phone 104. Residence Phone, 12 or 140 COURTESY AND SERVICE. THE STANDARD Wednesday, Feb, 13, 19.16, D istric t S 0 rtV Highlights CALIFORNIA ORANAGES 344'a 22c Doz.; 288's, 29c Doz.; 252's, 35c Doz.; 220's, 44c Doz. 112's, 5 FOR 29r; 96's, 3 FOR 19c 300's, PER DOZ. 39c 2 BUNCIIES FOR l7c PER LB, 6c PER LB. 4c PER HEAD 15: i7c 2 BUNCIIES FOR 15c COOKING ONIONS. $1.49 AND $1.69 89c EACH 22c 2 FOR 23c 31c AND 19c 43c PER LB, 22c 2 FOR llc 24c 19: 19c BRUSSELS WHIPS LONDESBOROwituuss a titanic struggle between the 1111) th and Londesboro Pee- \\'cc's. I It was the fiat time that the Itlyth' Brussels an('. I.•.ntlesboru tangled in Pee-\\'ves had been matched against • a Rural lnteinttd.ate Hockey fixture outside oppusit on, and so far as we at the Londesroro Rink on Monday can ascertain, it was also the first night. This was the second meeting real test for the Londesboro boys, R of these twowish; during the current 1111iNA MIggyDihlniND Am)**;*m114D )tiNNX3t) pyiDiA)/ANN)/NDtD1);1Day season, and on both occasions the RBrussels team has proved superior -- \winning by a decided c(I{;r. The score in \lond•t; ni;I 1's game was 9 to 2 for Brussels. :\ good crowd was in atten- dance to t•iett this game, The fit st tel o periods of the game game. nosh, who btu:;e her hip a few weeks' The Blyth hull were a little better A few• evecks ago I started t %mini'%- ago, was brou;;ht to her home by ant- were clean and fast, with the fans be F lug treated to from% high-class hockey. balanced team, and as a consequence ung about my grandfather. Quite a hulance, aid off in goals, as the final score of - few people have commented on it, be -I Mr. and Mrs. Carl \'•unghlut, \Ir. �Brus cls held the scoring edge, although i cause I stt5,ost they started recollect territorial platy \las 1tirly 19I1.ally it 7 to 1 in their lae,our, would indicate. i l and \Irs. \1 illiaun haul, Hamilton, with \1 hat the Londesburo b.,ys lacked 111 . ging things ab. tit some of their 0(111 kin- tided. \t the old of the ft'>t period 6 \Ir. and Mrs. John E. 1'onn�;hlttt. the score was '•I I r Brussels. \\'bra site, they more than sande up for in ,folk. Some of the letters are both Garry and It (ly \'ou„gldut returned spunk, and with at few• more gash's un - amusing and pathetic in the way that to their home in 1 ondon after a six the second periul ended, I,tu•srls t\ as auentories hazy: of bein • half sad and leading 4 to 2. der their belts, will give a much better t weeks' stay wava their grandparent>. account of themselves. Ice conditi: ns \Irs, Stewart I lunhett visited at I The Brussels team real.y turned on hall happy. �' The other day 1 picked u p a book \\'in ghant \there she met her brother the heat in the final stanza, and w 1 li tat 'wing 1:twin•aide the two teams evil' I I h a retaliating goal from Lundwshoro, meet in 1.•.pndeshoru this 'Thursday cv- about :\nacrtcan folk -lore and started Harold I:oss, who returned from over -ening. hanged in 5 t0 their own credit. The looking through it. Sclue of the ma- seas on the Queen Lrzabeth. Inlunty Pccl;int scored the Holy goal terial about srch characters as Buffalo M iss Vivian Straughan, Bcnmiller, good work of the Brussels goalie eras for I.ondc. esht»\larhsnnn for Blyth llill and \\'ill BidIlickock made me with her in •ther, Mrs. Charles M. largely rcr,pon:.thle far the loch of Lott mere Donald \Ic\all ?; Ge. rgr Il annn deshoro goals. ile made several sen think ,of sty grandfather and nd sonic ,...f Straughan. ?; \\'ayne 'Purvey 2, and Gerald Aug - his stories. It was kind of fun to read, Warren Bamford. I'reston, %lith Mr. >ationa} sale, .tom close in. ustine 1. :Mau Shaddick, will two goals, was the words. I must say grandfather and \Its. T'heints Ilaunf:r(i. I L'I1th Linc tip: Goal, Derek titorach; Miss Ila B. C-ai;, Cordes'.»o'; cull 11111 ratan. didn't allays have the right teres. ( 111th \li , Leila Defence: Grover blare, Doug, K:1 - Then \1'in lack Leel who was recently injured . Then my cy:s came :•pan something t ghant, in a gantc in the Ittu,scis •arena, •and Ipatirh, Dung 11'Ititnorc, Herald Aug - that w•_uld have delighted hits. It was Mr. and \Its. 1larry Dodd, (fade- u••ti'w. a song called Gerry's Rocks. flow of- rich. with Mrs. \\'illiant ;)odd, tie, tlho ata• released from the Clutton Centre: George 1L•uunt and Icon. Sibtliorpe, \\'ayne 1 Surviving ate three daughters, \Its. •1'nrvey, Jack McKnight, Donald \Ic- II Alice \IarLe (I. (Tilton; hash; Susan, (ifNall, '.canard Hulley. 1 t foderich, and \Its. Charles \'olden, of L ncdeshc.ro Line-up — Goal, BobbyrhlnOlnilS H11111(1 11K Londeshoru, ;old one son, Harvey, in Snn(derc,_ck; /)rime%, Res.:\r•mstrong. IlMkt t. hilly Cowan; ('entre, Joh., Peckitt; :1 f. titer resident of llullett Town - \v:„„, Ken, \\'ood, 111r1 I.v.,11; stab;: ship, and latterly of ('oderich, Thomas The funeral will take place til;, lark Brown. Buster Ptrkitt, 'I'onu,ti' thinking passed away in Alexandra 'Thursday if:en:uon, front \\•heelers' Cronin, David fa'rservice, Reg. 1Iasst•f- Hospital, -Goderich, early on Tuesday. funeral hunte, service to be conducted wand. February 12,11, in his 87th year, ht the rev. 1�4•hard Stewart. Refer,.%: Belt (-fray. (By George W. Cowan) PHIL OSIPHER OF LAZY MEADOWS (Ivy Harry J. Boy'e) ccived their "taps"; \Irs. Anderson and her daughters spent the week -end \%ith iriends at Lambeth. Mrs. George Naylor, East \\'aeva- The National Hockey League Play- Offs had nothing of this };an1e, insofar as excitement among the players w'as concerned. The kids really take their - hockey seriously, and the crowd in at- tenda: ce (both from I.ondcsbrn•o and BI)tlt) g: t (lii:te a kick out of the - 1- ! Mrs. Kidd, Port Elgin, tech \lis< Hospital on Sunday, was in ,tttctultunw , ten I've heard him start out to tell the i Itilp. \\tip.•;: john Salic Carter and -Joseph Carter. at the game, andfrie:•ils were gland to story of the jam n Gerry's Rucks. Hesew him rnt again. could never quite remember all the i Mr, and Mrs, E. Little and (laugh- could and it would provoke h m. If ter, Joan, with Mr, and Mrs, Brough The next time these tau team, meet will probably be in the group Alar offs he could ha; envy had someone read ton, \lonkton. hint that poem. :\s i remember it he r. and Mrs. Earl \\'ightntan with was always l.,ntcntirg the fact that Mrs. Henry \la:tiers and \liss Hattie I these great •,i(; shanty songs had never Gallagher, I.ucknow, been put dcw•r. on paper. Mrs. Hlarold J. Snell is teaching at Seine of y.11 may find it interesting the Goderich Collegiate Institute this to recall some of the times you're week. heard this song. So far as I can make cut Gerry's Rocks was always a classic with the lumbermen. It went like this:1 Conte all ye true -born shanty -boys, Messrs. 1\"m. \IcDowell and \11a whoever that ye be, \leDowell arc in Toronto this week 1 would hay:: you pay attention am' having shipped cattle down 0u Satur- listen unto mc, Ccncerning a young shanty -boy so tall, day. genteel and brays, i Mr. and \Irs. Lloyd Walden, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell, \ir. Ray - mend Redmond, were \\'Ingham visit- ors on \londay. i \I r. Russel Look of "Toronto, spent Canada's domestic butter ration, fac- tlte week -end with his parents, Mr. ed by a continuing decline in produ�- and Mrs. Leotard Cook. `tion awl by ar increasing populiti.-.u, 1 \lissc; Dorothy and Roberta \ic :will be slashed during \larch and April \"fall% of Godct:ch, Miss sIarjoric sl c.from six to tour ounce, a person a \tittle of lirytb; \lr. Rov \Ic\tittle cf ! w•t'cl:, I inane. :elinkier a: nTune(I 011 Clinton, spent Sundae with their par- ! Sunday night. eats, ,Ir. and :,Irs. \\'m. \Ic\'ittie. , ltti'uting the mule to a'm \Ir .Teel Ilrukii' who IS employed cry rntrrgeuc}". he said depletetedpo(• re - not think 'teras right. But six .c f our brave Canadian boys did } 1 With his paret,ts in iiullctt Township. and increased consumption combined \Ir. and \i: s. Bert 'Taylor, NI r. and to stake it necessary "if consumers are Mrs, \\'. F. Campbells 're Godcrich to he able to obtain butter for titer visitors on S: nd is, 'valid coupons". Miss Pearl Jamieson spent the week• C .tiuuiu;; r four-month dean... end with her pare"ts in Ashfield. butter output (luring January ti' 11' MoThe 1:e and the six Canadian boys. Phe \'. P. stet on Wednesday even- clown to 9,010,0:10 pounds, a 15.6 ter The l.re interest sante from a Miss ung• The program was prepared by cent (decline from the January, 19.15, Clara Dennisor. w•Ito took on quite Pearl Jamieson The meeting was led total of 11,421.40.3 pounds, The s•x ball} because of the trajedy and died l. Phyllis Cook, with Arnold Cc: k ounces ration had been establ shed, ;t three months later. The song ends presiding at the piano. Prayer lay cut from seven, cult' recently in antici- tlith this verse!Eileen Taylor. Scripture by Victor pat:on of such a spr,,. C_nte all the rest of ye shanty -melt C'autpbell. Topic, by Pearl Jamieson. ,,.•.,. who would like to go and sec, 'I'Ite I , acts Board recently restricted Social activities were enjoyed. :supplies to quota users, such as res - On a little mound by the river's bank their stands a hcnlock tree. V—" taurants and institutions. The shanty -Toys cut the woods all Blyth Municipal Council ]sere lies \lis:; Clara Dennison and her (continued from page 1) shanty -boy, s1onrce". A. W. P. Snaith, labour I guess it isn't very good from an 0.Stubbs, trucking ............ artistic stand point but it was always R. 1). Philp, f fling extinguishers a fascinating thing for me. Doherty Bros. supplies _.. .. , Get,. I-la:nnt, 25 gals. gas. Geo. Charter, coal • , J. llaggitt, labour J, S. Chcllcw, spray of flowers -Mrs. Eric Anderson attended a cere- Blyth Fire Dept., salaries, 1945... WESTFIELD 'Twas on a jam at Gerry's Rocks he stet a wal'ry grave. The song gots on to tell about the pile of 1-gs and the boss calling the anon out on a Sunday morning to break the jam. The next verse was well re- membered by grandfather and I can almost hear him yet as he said: "Some of -them were willing enough, but others hung back, 'Twas fort ws.rk on Sabbath they did BLYTH PEE-WEES DEFEAT LONDESBORO .\ large numb( r were in attendance at he I;ly:11 r;nl; u:n Tuesday evening to Butter Ration Cut Two Ounces REDUCTION FROM SIX TO FOUR OUNCES FOR MARCH AND APRIL by \I r. Ernest Snell, stent 5unti, stele stocks, !neer winter rrnduction volurteer to go ;And break the jam on Gerry's Rocks with their foreman, young Monroe." The song was pretty cory with the jam breaking up and carrying away around. These lovers they lie low. AUBURN \d r. lisle). said the reducti-11 will he effected by staking one coupon due every two weeks instead of three cint- 1.07 pens every four wrecks. Coupons will 2.00 'creme valid March 7th and 2lst., and 1.35 April 4th and 1Fth. 39,50 9.01) 1.30 5.1,0 i 5.110 AUBURN Two carloads of fat cattle were ship - 1 5(-1.1.'0 ped front C. P R. station on Saturday mony at Stratford hospital on Saturday Lisle Dougherty, labour ..... ...... 17.5: by John L., \\'titian% and Alva \IcDow- wlten her twin daughters, Joan and Jet -1 \lured by C,•unc:Ilors McNall and ell, Howard and Douglas Campbell, all rid Ander:on, nurses in training, re- Whitfield, that accounts as read, he of the \\'estficltd district. The -16 cattle paid. Carried were driven clown to Auburn, a dista.'ce- I The question cf gifts for r'tu•ned "f seven miles. \\'illiam and Alva Mc - Service Personnel being brought before Dowell acewpn.pan:ed the stock to Tor - the Council by the Ree - e, after con- Onto, - siderable discussion, it was moved b ' t AUBURN RESIDENT AUNT Councillors \\1''1field and \•oddcn, that' we arrange an evening of entertain- PASSES New Samples Arriving We expect our new sam- )les of Cr.nadian, English and American Sunworthy Wa1!pa;'ers any time. stent, at wlticlt time presentation will; Mrs. Arthur J, Ferguson of Auburn, be made to Returned Service Person• has received word of the death of her nel, who enlisted from Blyth, and those aunt; Mrs. Janes Cluakey, the former returning and fixing their place of resi- Annie McCc'pu(,ins, at San Diego, CaI- dence in Myth, and that a committee be ifornia, She is survived by one son, named to look after the purchasing of James, of San Diego. Mrs. C•kakev suitable gifts. Carried, spent her girlhood iia \[orris and Blyth 1 Reeve IBainte» appointed Councillors and will be remembered by many. We will bepleased to Holtman and \'odder a committee to I look after the purchasing cf suitable 1 \ :show them to you when- gifts for presentation to the Returned .ever you desire our ser- -vices. ,. ••• F. C. PREST if Phone 37.28. Service Personnel. \loved by Councillors McNall and Whitfield, that we do now adjourn. home and in my spare oats kinds of novelties. I would like to Carried, Gordon Elliott, Clerk. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Question :—I have a workshop at time make vari- V sell these to 1 (.tail stores. Do 1 need a license or any other permissicn7 RATION COUPON DUE DATES Answer—Yes, you do need a I -cense. Coupons now valid are butter 116 to Apply to the representative of the W. 139 and Rl, meat 1 to 24 and sugar P.T.11. in the d.strict where you reside. LONDESBORO coupon, 46 to 69. Sugar coupons are 1"oat may also be required to have now valid for the purchase of preserves. {prices fixed. The pricing officer of the TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT CALIFORNIA LEMONS CARROTS NEW CABBAGE WAXED TURNIPS 1 -LEAD LETTUCE CELERY STALKS . RADISH BANANAS, TOMATOES, AND 6 -STRING BROOMS 4 -STRING BROOMS MOP STICKS SHREDDED WHEAT FRY'S COCOA NABOB and RED ROSE COFFEE DARE'S PLAIN COOKIES LUX, PALMOLIVE, CAMAY AND ODEX SOAP RINSO, LUX, IVORY SNOW, IVORY FLAKES SALTED PEANUTS . HALF LB. PKG. LOOSE SOAP CHIPS ... 2 LBS. MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS PER PAiR $2.98 MEN'S WORK BOOTS PER PAIR $4.00 AND $4.25 HAUGH'S BIGG "F8" OVERALLS PER PAIR $2.50 HAUGH'S WORK PANTS PER PAIR $2.25 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS ... .. $1.25, $1.49, AND $1.69 HAUGH'S SMOCKS EACH $2.50 MEN'S POLICE BRACES 39c CHEESE CLOTH 3 YD. PKG. 22c WE HAVE IN /STOCK ROBIN HOOD, PRAIRIE ROSE, FIVE ROSES, PURITY, CREAM OF THE WEST FLOUR, MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR, ROYAL PURPLE CALF MEAL, ROYAL PUR• PLE AND PRATT'S REMEDIES, OYSTER SHELL, BLYTII. E RT'S GENERAL STORE PHONE 9, WE DELIVER. ., • OBITUARY Board at 1.ot •Ion wi I also r, mpltto ink titration if rots details of the goods you will ture. — — I Alice Alfred 1iunking, and farmed give you I Mr. :\/beet Nethery, received the tip send him there until tnal,ng to Godcrich in The late NI...11unkiug was horn in __ T\'-- Ilullett, a sun of John flunking and Appointed Mol'1'is Assessor pointinent et 'township Assessor, at a 192?, where he had since resided on manufac rcccn, meeting of the Morris 'Township , Albert street. (.ann i1. A Classified May Put $'s In Your Pocket ! The Standard • An Excellent Medium THE STANDARD offers a large market for Buying, Selling, Wanted, and For Sale articles. For the minimum sum of 25c you may place a Classified Advertisement in our columns that is sure to bring results. Many people have expressed satisfaction at the result of one of these ads, If you have something to sell, or are in the market for some item that is scarce, try this medium of adver- tising, Someone in the district will very probably have exactly what you are wanting, or if it is some- thing you have no use for, someone else may be looking for just that very item. Keep this in mind the next time you wish to purchase, or have any- thing to sell. Let your Horne Paper sell it for you. Are you a subscriber to your local paper, if so how docs your label stand. If' you are in arrears we would appreciate your attention to the matter, A local paper is a community booster. In many cases the community is judged by the the type of newspaper that is published, Your subscription, your advertisement, and your whole -hearted co-op- eration all add up to make possible a better paper. And your support will be greatly appreciated. COUNTER CHECK BOOKS If you are needing printed Counter Check Books we will be pleased to handle your order. We havl. the agency for a good, reliable firm, and can guar- antee satisfactio:i, and reasonably, prompt service. NVeiinesator, Peb, 11, i0,10, LONDESBORO Letter To The Editor: Nfr. Arthur L'runsdou of :\s•inab++in•, is visiting his lul titer, \Ir:, Win. MORE LOCAL JOBS FOR RETURN- ED MEN IS FORMER RESIDENTS PLEA 11runsdon. NI r, Cutin 1'in) la:,ll, "I'uront spending at fete (lays tvith his parents, Air. and NIrs. John hinglan(I. .N1r. and Nle, \Vill \\'ells, and Doug- las, Clinton, trite( tvith \I r. and Nits. Robert YoungbIutt on Sunday. N1r, and NIrs. Mervyn Pipe and fam- ily, Brussels, visited with N1r, and NIrs. Jack Pipe, on Sunday. \lies Dorothy Little, 'Toronto, spent the tvicek-end t,ith her mother, NIrs. R. J'nw'nselld. \Iiss Fern \\'atsnn, 1;.n(1on, spent the w•cel:-end with her mother, NIrs. Charles \\'als(sh. N1r, and Ntrs. Charles \\'apace and Nlar arct, (iotierich 'l'vi' hip, and \Irs. D, Bean, ( arrow, visited with \Ir. and N1rs. \\'nl. Addison, on Sunday, Mr. and \irs, .\b, Shaddick and fam- ily, Clinton, with Nit.. and \Irs. T. Fair - service on Sunday. NIr. and NI i' . (till hilt'', (;odc•ich, and NIr, ar(I Mrs. Jack Sinclair, Ann and Marie, Kiopcn, with NIrs. I':, (.yon and NIrs. C. \\'atson on Sunday. This week we welcome Russel NIc- Lcan home ;r nn Oversea,. NIT-. and \fr:;. Norman Alexander and David, are in Trento this ;rock. NIrs. John (ribbings visited with Mr. and NIrs. J. ll. Shobbrook on Sunday. N1r. and NIrs. C,'\'olden returned '(aur on Sunday after spending two weeks in Goderich with the latter's father, \Ir, llenking, who is very ill, NIT.. Howard llrunsdon, ,N1r, and \Irs. Clayton I)ickson, Clinton, 'i•itrd with the former's mother, Mrs. \1'ns, Palms - don, on Sunday. The Mission 1'.and trill meet Sunday morning at ten o'clock in the basement of the Church. \\'e would like to see all the members out. 11'c are studying; about the African children and it is loo had to muss any of the Study Book. The \\'. :\, twill hold their monthly meeting at NIrs. Penman's hone on \\'eiltn-rlay, February 20th at 2,30 o'clock, The hostesses are, NIrs, '1'. Nl ills'•, NIrs. Joe Shaddicl:, NIrs. A. Clarke and Mrs. B. Shobbrook, _Mrs, \V. Gray is visiting her sou, F.ph. and N1r. Gray, in Palmerston, \Ir. Wind(' .!cNall visited his broth- er, Eddie, in London, on Sunday. The pupils of .No. 8 Mullett, gave a splendid progr;.tnnc over the radio from \\'Ingham on Saturday, Much credit is dile to their teacher, Mrs, tele;; Shaddick. Some of the children's 'woks that were ordered for the Londcsboro Pub- lic: Library, arrived last wcek —The Call of the \\Mc!, London; Ivanhoe, Scott; Hans Brinker, Dodge; The 1\'ind in the \\'illows, Graham; '1'hc Year Roued, 1lylan(1er; Ileo Little 1'c1)pet•s •tnd 11 ,w• They (;vcw, Sidney 'i'hc Farmer an the Dell, Hader; The Little Black Smitho Story 13.ok, Ban- nerman; An A.B.C. Play iloole, Strat- ton; Pepper and Salt, Pyle; The Little Lame Prince, \Bloch; Treasure island, Stevenson; :\ (:hristmas Carol, I)ick- etis. \Vord tea; received on Tuesday ulornirg of the death of N1 r. Thomas Iiunl:ing, in the Goderich Hospital. The death occurred on Monday night. The Farm forum on the 13th con- cession was 'old at N1r. M tirdic Young's 110111'• 011 Nfon.il;ty ngtfi, with 14 present. The meeting next NIonda), ;tight will be at the house of NIr. Bert Shobbrook, Everyone welcome. \Ve are glad to know that Jack Lee is getting along fine. Ile came honk from the Clinton hospital nit Sunday, and he was at the hockey Match on Monday night, CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Mrs, hitt, who celebrates her Tuesday, February 191h. Ccrgratulations to N1r, Smith, who celebrated his \Vedncsday, February 13th. Writing to renew his subscription, NI r. Arthur Sims, of 24.1 Airdrie Road, Toronto, -who still watches keenly, all kcal happcnin),s, cutlncnts as follows; Dear Sir—Please find enclosed mon- ey order to cover subscription cost 10 I'lll: Si':\N'I).\RD for two years ($3.00). It is the first thing I ask for (•n Friday eight when 1 get home from work. 1 appreciate it very much as i still like the old town, and take a great deal of interest in tvhat is going Ion there. Eyck if t have been away for 21 years, there is always something to read that is of interest. \Vas sorry to sec yon had quite at fire, Also re- gret the possibi.ity of losing the Hotel as f would then have no place to stay when i went up for my vacation. i ant glad that the boys are getting home again, Ind it would be fine if you had a few more factories to keep then; 1 wish to thank all those who so at home. There are so many walking kindly remembered Inc while I was a the streets here without any work, but patient in the Clinton hospital. The things ;night (pen up in the spring. cards, gifts, ane' regular visits were all Get busy and keep the old town perk- greatly appreciated. ing, and try and get as much work 25-1p —Jack Loc locally for the boys as pcssibte ; it is 1 TSE STANDARD 'T PAGE 5 GROCERIES WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE, 32oz. 59c SIFTO SALT ... PURITY SALT .. . DILL PICKLES . CREMO CEREAL Pioneer per carton 8c 5 Ib. bag 10c per jar 27c per pkg. 23c Feeds Shur -Gain Feeds Royal PurFle Calf Meal, A. L. KERNICK WE DELIVER—PHONE 39, Card Of Thanks the best way to keep the town homing. 11ow are all the folk tip there, hope they arc well. Ant going to try and go up sometime this spring. It's almost a ;♦MI NIw.t oesII MII♦NrII Y ROXY THEATRE, CAPITAL THEATRE CLIN,TON. NOW PLAYING: "First Man into Tokyo" with Tom Neal. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Eddie Bracken, Veronica Lake and Diana Lynn, Lively .on•,:• and lilting laughter thi., landslide of fun. "OUT OF THiS WORLD" GODERICH. NOW PLAYING: "Out Of This World" with Eddie Bracken. Monday Tuesday, Wednesday William Eythe, Lloyd Nolan and and Signe Hasso, Nuw' in event, ruouerted with the d(•vel- at, (}town; of tbt' at0I111C hutlth, REGENT T11EATRE SEAFORTr+. NOW PLAYING: Charles Laugh- ton as "CAPTAIN KIDD." Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Fred MacMurray, Helen Walker and Marjorie Main, It call I't' „towel ! 'Tin, story of There is plenty +if !tilaritel< a(11o1) Itneeldta+i-tl+o;, Mead, the hill -bill; country, "MURDER, IIE SAYS" Thursday, Friday, Saturday James Cagrey, Sylvia Sydney and Itu!•ert Armstrong. It's fast, ftnioii, w,+1 cniertitining. .\ fighting marine run, into a nest +,t• tr(a(herons killer,, "BLOOD ON THE SUN" Thursday, Friday, Saturday 'CAPTAIN EDDIE" The lrnc sti r)• of Rickcnhaekcr's rescue, a :,tots' that heart-warm- ing, cngiussing and charming, Fred MacMurray, Lynn Bari Charles Bickford. and 'THE HOUSE ON 92nd STREET" Thusday, Friday, Saturday James Cagney, Sylvia Sydney and Robert Armstrong. ('agnc)'s nrtthticst and fightingest! :\ torrid action talc involving the Lrov,;. suns of \ippnu. "BLOOD ON THE SUN" COMING: Betty Hutton as: COMING: Robert Cummings in: "THE INCENDIARY BLONDE" I "YOU CAME ALONG" Matinees Sat. & Holidays at 2.30 p.m. Mat,, Wed„ Sat., Holidays 2.30 pm VNINNNIINIIININN0I NNINIIIMII II I.Y Clearing Auction Sale of FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND CHEVROLET CAR 1 mile south of Blyth en No. 4 Highway ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21ST runuucrc:itig at 12:30 P.M. CARL) OF THANKS 1[ORS ES—S: reel To the Blyth Fire 1)epartnlent, anti years old ; !frown the Citizens of Blyth, I wish to say' years 0'd, "Thanks" for the valuable assistance CO\1'S--(i 1!ilstein springer cote; 5 year since I last visited Blyth. 1 sup- rendered during Iny recent fire; also pose yeti will be seeing more of lint to those who volunteered their ser- N e; 1) ti yeold; 4 Ayrshire springer con;, 3 to 6 since Jamie is home, hid; Ill Fresh Nlilch cows, ote, i hope that he vices in connection with cleaning tip, 3 to G years oil; 7 Holstein and Ayr - land will be able to get a job at home, atul repairing the premises. Withhest regards to everyone, I re- 25-tp. —GEORGE RADFORD,:shirc rows, tine in March and April; main •3 :Ayrshire yeaeling heifers; 8 Durban; ANNOUNCEMENT yean•I:ngs; 1 tw')-year-old Durham hall; gelding, rising 5 gelding, rising 3 Yours truly, -V A. SitS Announcing the opening of a Private Nursing I -louse at sirs. Alice Pratt's Residence, formerly that of Mrs, 'Phos, Elliott, on Queen Street North, Blyth. I invite inquiries as to rates, Etc., for The regular meeting of the Httllett bed patients and Old Age Pensioners. 'T'ow'nship Council was Meld in the I.on- I For further I.articdars phone 167. (lesboro Community Ball on February Blyth. 25-1, 4th. The Reeve and all members of Council were present, Minutes of last regular meet:ng were read. Moticn 1: Be Dale and Jewitt, That the minutes of the last regular meet- ing of January 14t1, as read, be adopt- ed. Carried, cheques due for severance and Damage Correspondutcc--Letter front j, L, ion the Pollard Drain and that they be Grahams re membership fees, Carried. passed with the accounts, Carried, institute of Local Government re I motion II: 13y "late and Rapson: Membership Fees, Filed, 1\loilteith That the accounts as presented be paid. Motion 2: Ily Jewitt and Dale, That and Monteith, tc Assessment, 'Carried. .\101101) 12; icy 1)ate and Armstrong; That the. Council, Clerk, and Road •Superintendent be a delegation to 'To- ronto on February 26 and 27th, to in- terview the Minister of I-Iullett Township Council Nays : John \V. Armstrong, J, Ira Rap- son. Motion Carried, ilotion 11): By \V. R. Jewitt and \\'nt. J. Dale: That the Clerk write out the the Clerk comply with the request of N1onteith & Alonteith, Carried, .Motion 3: 13rnw'n and Dale: That we pay the account of Frank Donnelly which is up to the end of 1945. Carried. \lotion 4; By Dale and Brown: That we make a grant of $75.00 to the Cont - timidly Hall 13oard, Carried. Motion 5: ily Dale and Jewitt: That By -Laws No. 5 and 6 A,D,, 1946, be read a first and second time. Carried, M: tion 6: By Rapson and Brown: That 13y -Laws No, 5 and 6, having been Frank Donnelly, legal fees $15.00 read a first smut second time, be passed Geo. W. Cowan, stamps 5.(10 Carried, 'Community Hall Boards, grant 75,00 . Motion 7: By Brown and Rapson: Relief 30.00 That By -Laws No. 5 and 6 be read a Mrs. G. Durham, error on dog tax 4.00 third time. Carried. ' 'Fred Wagner, error, (log tax.-2.00 Motion 8: 11,• Jewitt and Dale: That Pete McDonald error, dog tax2,00 By -Laws 5 and 6 Al).,,1946, having \Vnt. Carter, road supt. 11.25 been read a third time be finally pas -Ken, Brigham, brushing 7,50 Good Roads rlss'n,-iuembcrship sed, signed by the Clerk and Reeve, i and the Township seal attached. Car -1 Fees 5.00 `ried, Wm, J. Dale, overcharge on snow ! At this time the Tenders were called plowing 5.60 for on the 'Tractor and Power Mower Severance and Damage, Pollard as advertised for in the Stratford pap - Municipal :\f - fairs re Debentures on,Municipal Drainage Schemes in the Township. Also to attend the Good Roads Con- vention, C:t 1' id, 'Motion 13: By Brown and Rapson: That we do now adjourn. Carried. Accounts er. There being only cue Tender. Af- George C. Brown ter careful deliberation and debate it George Pollard Len. Shobbrook was put to a motion. The motion being 1\1311. Brown ,'state taken by Yeas and Nays, Wm. Collinson Mfotion 9:By Dale and Brown: That we do accept the Tender of G, 12. Coul- thard, St, Patti, fora John.Deere Mod- el l., I. 'Tractor and No. 7 D. S Ft, IIy-,' Drain ,..)5,00 Expert repair work. Prompt ser - 74.00 vice whenever possible. Good stock of 37.110 Parts and tribes on (land. Work guar - 37.00 antecd, Glenn Kcchnic, phone 165, 411,20 , Blyth. 25-tf. 6 young calves. PIGS -4 sows, April. MOTOR CAR -1929 Chevrolet coach, in excellent condition. 1\IPLE\IE\''I'S — \lower; Cultiva- tor ; (4-.,ectirn) I farrows ; Seed Drill; Harrow Cart; Ntanure Spreader, Mas- sey-Ifarris; Cutter ; Buggy ; Light Sleigh; \Vliifflctrees; Neck Yokes, and Numerous Other Articles. Any person wishing to purchase dairy cows should attend this sale. These cows are in good condition, and giving a good flow of milk. TERMS—CASH. POSITIVELY NO RESERVE. -Harold larnld Jackson, Auctioneer. George C. P,+well, Proprietor. clue in \larch and 25-1 FARM FOR SALE There will he offered for sale, sub- ject to a reserve bid, and other condi- ;tions of sale, en WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1946, at 1:30 P.NI,, at South half Lot 12, Concession 8, Township of Morris, County of Huron, . the said lands. Erected thcrcm.,tere is said to be a barn, house, a ' ni large drivcshe. The landis said to be first class 'and in good condition. Adequate supply of good water. Considerable bush 0n prcmi;es. About three eighth mile from school. For further particulars apply to un- dersigned. F, Finglan(1, 1' .C., Clinton, Ontario, (Solicitor for '1'llonets C. Rogerson Es- tate, E. Elliott,liott, Auctioned'. 25-2, RADIO SERVICING Duncan McCallum 82.01 Leonard MeNall 47.00 - 48,00 Buck -eye oil -burner brooder stove, in 45,00 good condition; 4 pigs, 6 weeks old. 47.03 Apply to Geo. L. I[aines, phone 11-13, 47.0;)1 Blyth. 52.0;1 Robert Wells 53.00 R. Jewitt ; Ernest Adams 58,00 ' James Fairserv:cc 58,00 FOR SALE Alfred Nes- Charles Bromley birthday on 'Wm, Bromley Edwin 'Woods Thomas Littl? A, W. P, to the '1'ow'nship of Mullett, The vot- birthday on ing on this ;notion was: Yeas, Wm. J J. Garrett Dale, George C. Brown, W. draulic Lift Mower at $998,25. F.O.B. !Welland with Ill e:glit charges of $22,00 When Your Will Is Read...... your estate is out of your hands, Make certain that it will be administered promptly, in a business -like and ellicient manner by naming The Sterling Trusts Corporation as your executor. An ex- perienced senior estate officer gives his personal attention, ably assisted by com- petent executives; the court allows the same fee as for an individual executor. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 1 35, years in Business Thomas NIilier 6100 John Armstrong 75.00 25-1p. FOR SALE 2 geese attd a gander, Apply to Reg. months old, ripply, Alex. McEwing, Schultz, phone 34-12, Blyth, 25 -Ip• Phone 23-8, Blyth. 25-2. F.i"i ,,.,.,J• �",.0 .� �HlH;.1,., '; LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM—ONTARIO. Two Shows Sat. Night :, Thurs., Fri., Sat., Feb, 14.15.16 > -.Parry Fitzgerald, Walter Huston, in "AND THEN THERE WERE >< NONE" ". tdirilli;,g and exciting story of:. ,'I ue•ts cf an unseen host, marked'" for murder. and doomed to (lie. ALSO "EINORT SUBJECTS" ,Matinee Sat. Afternoon at 2:30 p.m.:. 11 Mon., Tues., Wed„ Feb, 18.19.20 x. sti SPECIAL i' Van Johnson, Ginger Rogers, ,� o, Lana Turner, in ;r WEEK -END AT THE WALDORF.: I'he sd•ry of what happens when ate, (rCulp of unrelated people including,• w•ar correspondent, a film star, 3"en„ographcr, and a returned voter- iC,tn spend the week -end at a hntel.x' K.1.0.0-41:.4 44:4+ 441.4.4.4%1.414 0:41.01: 44...,0 4 POSTPONED Red Cross EUCHRE, CROKINOLE AND DANCE on the evening of FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd IN MEMORIAL HALL. Mrs. Ilarve. Brown's Orchestra. Admission 50c and 25c Everybody Welcome! ST. VALENTINE'S DANCE - sponsored by BLYTI-I LIONS CLUB In the Blyth Memorial Hall, THURSDAY, FEB'Y 11TH Music Provided by FRANKIE BANKS' POPULAR ORCHESTRA. Dancing 9 to 1. Free Lunch Admission 75c. EVERYONE WELCOME Wanted, For Cash Old (liken Victoria stamps, used or ,unused, on or off envelopes; also King I Edw•ad 50c stamps. See what you have in that old box. I pay the highest prices as I ant a private collector. 1)o ,not remove any stamp from any covet', send me a list of what you have, or send stamps for valuation, I buy all collections, Syd. Preston, 714 Euclid Ave., Toronto 4, Ontario. References, Imperial Lank, 13loor and Bathurst. 25-1. FOR SALE Orchard grass seed; 500 bushels Car- tier Oats; Also Shorthorn bun, 15 WANTED I-Iarry Riley .... 75.00 A Quebec heater (medium or large Mabel Riley 5.1)0 size). Anyone having one for sale —George W. Cowan, Clerk, please contact F. J. IIoltyman, Blyth. • 25-1. Farm Forum Meetings The East Boundary Farm Forum, Morris and Hallett, met at the home of 1-Iarvcy and Dorothy McClure on Monday night, with 24 present. After listening - to the radio broadcast ott the "Costly Trip front Producer to Consumer". A discussion period fol- lowed, with Gerald Watson as Conven- or. Various games were played with Wilfred Shortrced as leader. Lunch was served. Next meeting, on Feb- ruary 17th, will be held at the home of Mrs. Shortrced and Wilfred, with A. Young as Cov.venor, Wilfred Short - reed w•ll look after the recreation per- iod. ' Everyone welcome. FOR SALE Electric washing machine, in good condition, Price $20.00. Apply to NIrs. James Armstrong, phone 179, Blyth. 25-1. PROGRESSIVE Euchre 4 Dance In the Orange Hall, Blyth, Wednesday. February 20th, commencing at 8 P.M. Admission 2Sc LADIES WITH LUNCH FREE. EVERYONE WELCOME. IIAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer. Specialist in Farm and Housohold Sales. Licensed in Huron and Pertn Counties. Prices reasonable; satis fiction guaranteed. For information, etc., write or phos! Harold helicon, IR. No. 4, Seatortx. Phone 14r661. COMING: "YOU CAME ALONG" with Elizabeth Scott, Matinees Sat & Holida;; a'. 2.23 p.tn. P♦ ATKINSON'S =: POOL ROOM. :` SMOKER'S SUNDRIES ?: :Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Pop,:i: :t. and Other r::-l'lries. :_: open all day and evening.:: %Main Street. Blyth,;=. (.40,.4 P.,'•,4,��.4,4.;u4 4„4 Pu•,.•. P,:.J. is ,.4 ,•. : , �i Frank's fakery PHONE 3S. BLYTII, ONT. PIES, CAKES, COOKIES . BUNS, COFFEE CAKES. ALWAYS FRESH AND MADE TO YOUR LIKING. Everything Homemade G. R. AUGUSTINE REPRESENT! NG THE MONTREAL LIFE "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY" Associated with I'ho Atlas Insurance Company, London, England. LIFE - PENSIONS - ANNUITIES LEWIS ROWLAND AUCTIONEER. (Licensed For Huron County) Satisfaction Guaranteed Prices Reasonable. For Information Phone Lew Rowland, 830r 24. Seaforth. or Write RR. No. 3, Walton. WILLIAM H. MORRITT LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Specializing In Faro; and Househol+• Sales, Licensed for the County of Huron Reasonable Prices, and Satisfacttou Guaranteed, For information, ete., write or phont 11'Illiain H. Morritt, phone, Residence 93; Shop 4, Blyth. 4.4-t.t EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Lacca tied luctioneer For Huron ilas returned from service with the Royal Canadian Air Force, and will be ontinuittg itis former occupation. Correspondence promptly answered Immediate arrangements can be mad, for Sale's Date at 'File Standard Office or by calling Phone 20.3, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfaction Guarant eed. DANCE Sponsored by the Blyth Junior Farmers and the Junior Llstitute. Ill the Blyth Memorial Hall, THURS., FEBRUARY 27th Music By KEN. WILiIEES' (5 -piece) ORCHESTRA Dancing 9 to 2. Free Lunch. Admission 50c Each. EVERYBODY WELCOME. ORDER YOUR COUNTER CHECK BOOKS AT THE BLYTH STANDARD , Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANI,DA, LTD. Time Is Nothing We're inclined to accept as gos• pel anything that those Prussian grenadiers who serve as doormen at the big movie houses choose to yell down our throats, but we were somewhat flustered the other night when we heard the one out - aide the Astor Theater announce clearly, "'I'Itcre n•ill he immediate seating in half an hour." Peace Spectacle To the children of bomb -scarred England peace has brought many wonderful things, things never known before to the small fry whose memories are too short to recall the days before the war. A little girl in London, return- ing home on a bus, looked hard at the young man collecting the fares, and exclaimed excitedly, "Oh, look, Grandpa! It's a man conductress."—Wall Street Journal A Drawback "My poor fellow," said the old lady, "here is a shilling for you. Goodness, gracious, it must be dreadful to be lame, but just think how touch worse it would be if you were blind," "Yer right, lady," agreed the beg- gar. "When I was blind I was al- ways getting counterfeit money." SIDE GLANCES Too Late After leaving his church the min- ister stopped to shake hands with a young woman who was a new member of his congreg.ction. In tate course ut conversation the miu- Istcr remarked how pleased he al- ways was to welcome new mem- bers to the church. The young woman blushed prettily "It's very kind of you to say so." Not at all," replied the minister. "Just let me have your name and address, and I will be able to call and see you." "Ohl" stammered the girl. "1-- er—I'nr afraid you're too late. I've got a boy friend already." Cheap A doctor was knocked up in a small village about 3 a.nt. by a man who asked hien to come out immediately to a place ten miles away. The doctor dressed quickly and got out his car, and they drove furiously to their destination. Upon arrival the man asked: "What is your fee, doctor." "Half a guinea," he replied In some surprise. "Here it is, then," said the man handing over the money, "and cheap, too. The garage man wanted thirty bob to drive me over." By Galbraith ,O1111. 1941 BY N!6 et vtcs, INE. t. M. OM. U. 6. M1. WI "Mom, I invited Dorothy over for dinner—she doesn't eat much and she's a whiz on fractions!" HOLD EVERYTHING {owR.-Igirt.*ma 1<.sinwt "Ooh—honorable commander must have lost face!" Selling Tip When Thomas Lipton was a youngster : e spent much time in his father's grocery store and wit- nessed, with unmistakable disap- proval, the elder Lipton's lack of showmanship. One day he watched unhappily as his father attempted to sell a customer a half dozen eggs. After the customer had gone he said: "Father, you should let Mother WI the eggs," "Why?" asked the father in sur- prise. "Well," replied the future mil-. lionaire, "Mother's hands are a lot smaller than yours, and the eggs would look bigger." THE SPORTING THING 1EOBBY BQUADj 00 i t141 i • §1-6,7 • "Pa's the patient type!" ■ a HORIZONTAL 1,6 Pictured new U. S. Representa- tive, Mrs. Luce, 11 Weep. 14 Fun. 15 Idolize. 16 Falsehood. 17 Aromatic plant. 18 Tellurium (symbol). 19 Year (abbr.). 20 Russian river, 21 Uncommon. 23 Diaphanous, 25 Ocean. 27 Each (abbr.). 28 Entangle, 31 Right (abbr.), 32 Arabian garment. 35 Beverages. 37 Dry. 38 She has written sev- eral —. 40 Pocketbook, 41 Young goat. 43 Sanctified person. 46 Table linen, 14 17 11 U. S. REPRESENTATIVE Answer to Previous Puzzle VIR1GINIA AMERCES SP,REE,S AfliR:,P.A L tE T TL HARPS (symbol), E RE:_ P Yf�bf (lIH AZTEC 28 Cartograph. P IH A VI' 1 R S C A 29 Every. ECH I S, RA 1 p SIBE ,SEE CAG A 1 M ,'ftp P A NG PERS EEL ERS 12 Prevalent. 13 12 months. O_A SS 22 Rank. EC A S T S 24 u T ASS E W soundLaghter . E is H E; '-' 26 Erbium P RA K7; C A N 30 Afternoon T A E,R A N T party. p E S --` 32 Arrive (abbr.) A i T 1 33 Twice 49 Powerful explosive (abbr.), 50 Leader. 54 Age. 55 United King- dom (abbr,). ,5611hode Island (abbr.), 57 Australian 8 Flying bear. mammal. 58 Intellect. 7 Poem. 59 Punitive. 8 Hawaiian 61 Mistake. 62 So (Scot.), 03 Famous Bel- gian violinist who died in 1931. 64 Article of O R N (prefix). 34 American humorist. value, 36 Small stream VERTICAL (var.), 37 Originators. 1 Burn. 39 Like sirup. 2 Moon goddess, 40 Promissory 3 Mohammedan note (abbr.). noble (var.). 42 Levees (var.). 4 Flowers, 43 Deviate. 5 Before. 44 Imbecile. 45 That thing. 46 Fresh tidings. 47 Operatic solo 48 Top of head, bird. 51 Auricles. 9 Attempt. 52 Liliaceous 10 Frames for plant. drying skins 53 Short lance. for parch- 57 Parrot. Ment. 60 Symbol for 11 Ball of thread sodium. 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 '0 11 12 t3 15 16 .38 46 54 56 62 VOICE OF THE PRESS Lower Education An elderly acquaintance, of phil- osophical tendencies, 111 di>(•eNsuu; the current wave of tuvcnile and adolescent delinquency says "A pat on the back is a good thing, pro- viding it is applied early enougu to life, often enough, and low enough." — St. Thomas 'Times -Journal. Hal Ha! A psychologist says that in 100 years people will have nothing t, lr.ugh at. We don't get it. '1'11 re will be old albums, with pictuna of the ladies' hats of i94(1. —Ottawa Citizao The Weaker (?) Sex Woman may be physically weaker than man, but she can put a cap on a fruit par so tight he can't take it off! —Wall Street Journal Smart Fellow As the old fellow suffering from lumbago said, when he struggled out of the chair: "It's the getting up that gets me down." —Stratford Beacon -Herald Relative Values A cheque on your overdraft at the bank is valueless. But a check or, your living expenses is as good as cash, —Quebec Chronicle -Telegraph _-_ You Will i;nloy Slaying Al Well Suited Having chosen the cloth for a new suit and had his measure- ments duly taken, the young man said apologetically to the tailor: "I'm afraid I shan't be able to pay you for three months." "That's quite all right," the tailor said amiably. "Olt, jolly decent of you 1" said the young man. "When will the suit be ready." "In three months, sir," was the polite answer. 61 64 4 A Full Plate "Now, Tommy," said the teach- er, " let me see how much you remember of my lesson on whale fishing. Can we eat the flesh of the whale?" "Yes," answered Tommy, "Good boy," said the teacher "and what do we do with the bones?" There was a moment's pause, and then Tonuny said with de- termination: "We leave them on the side of our plate, miss." The St. Regis Hotel roitoi''ro • Every Doom with Roth, Shower and Telephone. • Single, 82.50 ,up — Double, 53.150 up. • Good load, i)Irini rand Danc- ing Nightly. 5herhourne ni Carlton Tel, DA, 41'31S Fiery, Itching Skin Gets Quick Relief IJer•e Is n clean stainless penet- rating antiseptic otl that :viii bring You speedy relief from the itching and distress of Eczema, Itching Toes and Feet, Hashes and skin troubles. Not only does this healing untt. septic oil promote rapid and healthy healing In open sores and wounds, but boils and simple ulcers are also quickly re!elved. In skin affections — the itching of Eczema is quickly stopped; the eruptions dry up and scale off in a very few days, Tho same is true of Barber's Itch, Salt Rheum and other skin eruptions. You can obtain rtoone's Emerald 011 at any modern drug store, MUTT AND JEFF Maybe They Should Have Ordered A Sinatra Sandwich A La Fromage By BUD FISHER GOSH, I DONT rr I'LL ORDER FOR\ KNOW WHAT YoL{JEFF! I KNOW THESE FUNNY ALL ABOUT THESE NAMES MEAN! FOREIGN DISHES!, vW/1ri•rOAA WAITER, BRING US SPIMONIO VERMATELLI! BRING US SPIMON►0 VERMATELLI • f HERE, ON THE MENU! COME COME,WAITER HURRY! MUTT, WHAT'S SPIMONIO VERMATELLI? IT'S • ER. WELL,YOU'LL SEE! YOU'LL LIKE IT! HERE'S SPIMONIO VERMATELLI, SIR! YES, I'M THE NEW OWNER OF THE PLACE! REG'LAR FELLERS—Going Up! OKAY, MEN— TUIS LL GETCJ-IA AIR -MINDED BY EASY STAGES! -=tom 1 ;) f1 L— W 41.414GI I iM6(NG 9ELL MEANS Rrerrw iavATOn THIS IS THE SECOND TEST -- WHEN WE FINISH WE'LL TRY Ti-' LAST AN' TOUGHEST OF ALL/ `ll 4 1* FORTY- NI NTH FLOOR AN' MAWS I1' SNAPPY/ Only Isis Watch A tvcll-to-do Negro Iiad been ill fur some time and showed no signs of improvement tinder treat- ment by a doctor of his own race. Sct presently •hc dismissed hire and summoned a white ratan. The new doctor examined the patient, and then a'ked: "Did the other doctor take your temperature?" The sick ratan shook his head doubtfully. "1 dnnnn, stilt," he declared, "1 sartiny dunno., A11 I've missed so far is my match." Experience Necessary "Madam," said the ucw care- taker to the lady who had lust employed him, "I want to thank you for giving me the job, and ask you one question. I notice that you advertised for a married nran. Does that mean that you will have some work in your home for my wife?" "Olt, no," replied the tvornan. "1 wanted a married man so as to be sure 1'd get someone used to taking orders from a woman."— Wall Street Journal. Yes --Mothers BUCKLEY'S STAINLESS WHITE RUB Does Give Faster Relief This faster penetrating Rub really does bring quick relief to either kiddies or grown-ups. Rubbed briskly over chest, throat arid shoulder blades, it helps create a glowing warmth, breaks up con- Wgestion eases breathing—BUCKLEY'S HITE RUB must give relief in less time or money back, Price 30c and 50c. Sold everywhere. By GENE BYRNES ttlEN--ISM NAPPY TO SAY YOU COMPLETED TI -1' DUGAN AERONAUTICAL I COURSE WITH FLYIN' COLORS --- THEREFORE, I'M PROUD T'GIVE YOU TI— E t-IERE PILOT'S' LICENSES /� J_P`IP-(6 647 POP—Pop's Impressed by Rank I WANT TO SEE THE COLONEL TAKE A SEAT 1 SUPPOSE YOU KNOW I'M THE BRI GADI ER . By J. MILLAR WATT OH! DJ THAT CASE, TAKE TWO SEATS ! SMOKEY SAVED DROWNING MASTER 01040), J, T. Donaldson, of Atlanta, Ga., owes his life to his dog, Smokey. The canine rescuer held Donaldson's head above water when the automobile in which he was riding plunged into a creek. Another passenger in the car, Ben W. Noyes, was drowned, Deputy Sheriff Juliann Peacock looks on as Smoky joyfully greets master, FAMOUS SCHOONER Highlights of the News Canada 1?ass; Price Controls '110' "•u-pcmioo" announced by Prime .\1 ni to Mackenzie Icing r•' a limited number of articles nlinl} coaling under the head of n.xuriei and some services from c; c 1 prions of price ceiling is the :;.,1 step ton ands "the eventual re- moval of price and wage controls" will ultimately free Canada wartime emergency reguia- 1:,,11. '1.le success of price control in Canada and this country's escape ..from the ravages and physical destruction of war have resulted in our price structure being sub- ta itialiy lower than the pri•:e levels of many of the countries t, ill; Rvholll we trade," illr King In Europe There is no Big Three issue In Spain—none of the 'Three likes Franco, says the New York Times. ,o Europe as a whole there are some signs of financial and eco - comic recovery, At least there Is of the wholesale slaughter by starvation and disease that was 'cared. In France there has been a leftward swing, with the resiq• ;ration of General de Gaulle and the election of Felix Gouin, bat communism has not reached the !'.nglish Channel in force. In Asia Sc,nlc of the Asiatic trouble "BLUENOSE" SINKS OFF HAITI Fastest fishing schooner of modern times, the Bluenose of Lunenberg, N.S., sank off Haiti after hitting a rock or reef. Her crew of eight was rescued. 'Never defeated in championship contests, the famed schooner was built in Nova Scotia in 1921. WINDOWS FOR BRITISH HOMES Metal windows for Britain's postwar houses are bring turned out in large quantities• at Witham (Es- sex)) Works of Critta]l Manufacturing Co. Workers hang frames on conveyors which carry them to , automatic paint dip. spot arc itis nrl'm,lciIg than they ++cmc. .1nutrican and Russian mili- tary commissions have been try- ing to revive Korea's economic life and to give her fifty-four put - 'tical parties some voice in the promised "provisional democrat;c ovcrnulcnt." In China a settle - mein of t he nineteenyear-o!d struggle, between Chiang Kai-shek and the Cotntlnnnr.,ts was in sight as the week ended. Only in Indra is the situation tragically had, witli :rulinc threatened and unrest tn- crca•ing. Levant Files Demand Syria and Lebanon handed the 1 'tilted Nations Scc;n•ity Council a new explosive issue, asking witIt- di awill of all British and 1•rcriril troops from the Levant. French authorities estimated about 5,000 French troops and 20,- 000 British troops are in the Levant, Syria and Lebanon, former French mandates in the strategic Afiddle East, based their cases on the claim that British and French troops have remained in their ter- ritories "many months" after the end of the war with Germany and Jspan and that "some of these ti clops have been a constant then - ace to the peace and security In this region," Famine In India According to the latest reports of the food situation in India fail- ure of the monsoon—the seasonal hind which brings most rainfall ---in December and January pro- dt,ced a drought in the Madras district more sevu'e than can he ienl_nlbered for the past 30 years. I-larvest in one of the worst -hit districts in the 1912 and 10-13 Ben- gal famines, was only one-sixth of t.orntal, The food minister in the Indian Government said that unless In - Ma's food resources are conserved "we shall not be in a position to I•ght the demon of starvation two months hence." Scrap 6,000 Planes Six thousand 'planes which cost nearly $1.000,000,000 are being scrapped by the United Statzs Army in Europe because they are considered Militarily obsolete and I,ave no peacetime use. Another Strike The United States government list week made ready to take over operations of the tugboat system in New York's lig harbor as a aralyzing strike tied up com- mercial shipping. And meanwhile New Pork's 7,500,000 residents were cut off by the strike from an estimated 80 per cent. of their fuel supplies and nearly half their food supplies. There was an estimated peek's supply of each on hand. Imperial Trade Conference Arrauhtncnts have been co.n- rleted for an Imperial trade con- ference opening in London May 15 as a preliminary to the interna- t,oal trade conference in Wasll- irgton. It was understood that the prin- '•tpal discussions will be on the future of Imperial preference w hich is expected to be raised at L1;e tVashington conference wh;n the 15 principal trading countries of the world will endeavour to vvork out a scheme ensuring a freer f'ow of the world's commerce with the removal of restrictions. Veterans Learn Diamond Cutting Refugee Dutch and Belgian artist who fled from their home- ; -.11(1.4 before the German inva- sion arc training 15 Canadian tvar veterans in the ancient skill of diamond cutting. The veterans work on a three- year apprenticeship basis at the f oronto plant of the Canadian Diamond Cutting Company, but because of production line methods some are making good money right now, "It takes 10, 20 or 30 years .0 become an expert diamond man, but ooer're able to teach theta pro- duction methods in a very short time," said ,\marl: Gross, son of plant owner S. Gross, "Of course, if they want to stay in the busi- f,ess and become all-round men, they'll have to work quite a while." "The quality of the work done by the veterans will staud tip against any* itt the world," Ur. Gross said. We Have Prospective Purchasers 'We have prospective purchasers for properties near Windsor, 'To- ronto and Niagara Palls. Write, giving us particulars, Guaranty Trust Company of Canada, Windsor, Toronto, N:1gora hn1ls. -ITCHCHECKED in a ✓iffy -or Money Dack Por quick relief from itching caused by eczema. thfete'sfoot, scabies, pimples and otherftcbins 'ondttions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid ). 0. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms Intense itching. 1)otl't stiffer. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. CANADIAN BUYS BULL WORTH $51,000 Fifty-one thousand dollars' worth of bull in U.S. currency or $58,355 in Canadian cash is represented in this Hereford. Jack Smith delivered it to the Stouffville herd of George Rodanz, Toronto, Ont. New . world's record was established when Mr. Rodanz bought the bull, Del Zento I, at an Oklahoma auction, Rodanz, 37, started his career trucking produce from Stouffville to Toronto. HAPPY JAP Meet Nobultilco Higashikuni, first grandson of Emperor Hirohito of Japan, He is the son of Princess Teru, the Miltado's oldest daughter and Moriatsu Higashikuni, son of the former Japanese prime minister. The baby was born in a Tokyo palace air-raid shelter, lit by candles and flashlights, during an air raid on March 10, 1945. Fish Story --- Three Sydney fishermen must I6ye thong lit they had hooked a cyclone when their boat was tow- ed round about the ocean for four flours by their catch. It turned out that they had whaler shark by the tail and that a 9 ft. blue pointer shark had become tangled in the line tvhile attacking the hooked whaler, i.'oth were landed. TIIIES Heavy Tread Retreads NEW 'Trutt: GUARANTEE $9.95 600 x16 $ 7,10 440-400/21, 400/20 $ 7.110 470-000/10, 470-000/20 $ 9.00 320/1S, 500/10, 500/17 $12.70 020-000/10, 000-6;0/20 $14.80 'rruek 30s0 S ply, 000/20 $20.00 02011-700/20 10 ply $30.00 nh.7-700/20 12 ply. Other Sizes tit Equally Low I'rlecs We chip Everywhere. Order At t)nee. Biltrite Tire Sales 279 Queen E. Toronto Ontario OLD FIRE DOG Even freezing weather can't keep Neddo back at the firehouse when men of Rescue Co. No. 2, Boston, Mass., answer a call. Above, warm in a fireman's coat and hat, he sits atop the truck and watches intently as his masters battle a blaze. ACTS 2 WAYS� TO RELIEVE MISERIES OF BRONCHITIS Now get real relief from coughs, soreness and congestion of broils chitis—this double -action way that actually �OaPENETRATESN`E deetubesl)wito bronchial h soohin medicinal vapors. STIMULATES ;chest and back sur- s. fadcing eWolKke a :0'aR tonot:�FEpp To get all the benefits of this combined PENETRATING -STIMULATING action, just rub throat, chest, and back with Vicks VapoRub at bedtime. Instantly VapoRub goes to work -2 ways at once as shown above—to case bronchitis cough- ing, loosen congestion, relieve muscular soreness, and speed restful, comforting sleep. Often by morning most of the misery is gone. Get relief from bron- chitis distress tonight with dou- ble -action, Vick time- VoCKS tested Vicks Vapo- Rub ...Try it! VAPORua PAGE 8 • Cold Weather Needs Men's Wool Freize Trousers, navy and grey .$6.95 Men's Wool Freize Breeches, navy and grey .$6.75 HA Boys' Wool Freize Breeches $2♦75 - $3.95 1 brown and navy. Boys' Wool Freize Windbreakers , . , . $3.95 - $5.25 navy and plaid. Men's Wool Freize Windbreakers, Coats $6.50-$9.50 -Men's Rubber Rain Coats $7.95 ' ,e Olive McGill „; e t ,tlIltf IIIAMMINDINXatm uLIMA D))121NAlhANANIANIMIONIPil~>at,,t:i h'4444 -4441++++.144I444•844+++++ 44 44 4 ++44+44 001 is STUART ROBINSON phone 156 for Prompt Delivery, Superior Baking Powder 23c ; I Hawe's Floor Wax 1 Ib, tin 45c Lipton's Tea half lb. pkg, 37c Palmolive Soap large bar, 3 for 25c Diced Carrots (choice quality) .. • • per tin 12c 7 Lb. Bag of Pastry Flour 25c Red River Cereal 25c CELERY, LE'T'TUCE, RADISH, CARROTS PINK GRAPE FRUIT. ORANGES. ♦♦•.♦..• s4 MHS•.+4-84 M11t.•♦•.t.+4. +,t•+++01- 4H84+.*•84-0.40..-:+84++++44-0M ♦: • • •: THE STANDARD \l r• Jack \Iolris of Sarnia, spent the week -rod at the Monte of \Ir• and \Irs. A. R. 'Tasker. Pte. J. J. Sint, visited with his fath- er, \I r. Janes Sims, of Scaforth, last tycck. \1 r. \lac (;rives of Louden, spent the tvicek-cud with his sister, \irs, Bert Kech 1 1. \Irs, Roy Doherty entertained the Girls' Club 1•n 'Tuesday night. A most enjoyable time vas had by all. \I r. John Simkins, our shoe repairer, was in London on business, on \lotl- day, of this tvicek, 1 \I rs. (icrdor. Elliott and children, ,v:eited her patents, in Godcrich, this week, We are p1t•tscd to report that the condition of Mrs. Benj. Taylor, who is confined to Clinton Hospital, is sltott•- . itlg iutprovcment. iss Jean S;recter, of London, spent the week -end wth Rev. J. 1.. 11. and \1rs. Henderson, and other friends here. \1 r. and Mrs lack Bowes of Ingersoll spent the week -end with the fornter's parents, \Ir, and \Irs. \Villain Bowes, and the latter's mother, Mrs. \Viltse, at the home of \I t'. and Mrs, George Rad- .: 11 ford. 1; Mrs. Rosa Bradnock, \l iss Beth Gov- '!• ter, Mr. and \Irs, Charles Lockhart and \l iss Helen :\ikenhead, all of .: Goderich, spent Sunday tvith Mr, and ;; ' \lrs. Stuart Robinson, and Miss Edith Lockhart. r y•r: 4y: New Pen Value EAGLE PRINCE FOUNTAIN PENS. $1.75 A ROYAL VALUE). Beautiful designs and colours. Exceptional value For School Students. A gift that will be appreciated. • Blackboards (for boys and girls) 25c and 98c Boxed Stationery ... 30c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 a box Children's Boxed Stationery , • . . , .. 25c per box A Good Stock of Writing Paper and Envelopes. Bridge Tallies and Score Cards. Playing Cards. Ink - Waterman's, Skrip and Quink. GREETING CARDS - Birthday, Get -Wells, Sym- pathy, Wedding Congratulations, Baby Congratula- tions, Anniversary, Baby Gift. A full stock. A Full Stock of School Supplies. Photograps Albums and Photo Corners. The Standard Book Store Blyth Women's Institute ;fair and much-needed explanation ;was 1 +ileo by the I'res;dcnt on "Why there The regular monthlymeetingof the g Blyth Women's institute was held on Its not 1 representative from the In - February 7th, at 2:31) P.,\i., in the Memorial Flail, ;with the President Tlrs, L. F•crinlgeour, and Mrs. A. 'l'ay- Stitt:tc on the 1.1} til \Iemor:all hall Board till; year', and accepted favour. aid Tor, Secretary, pre id:111. The mect'It, \ vote of titans ;was tendered the ;vas 0, en•'1 by singing the Opening Ladies' (;wild of the .\ngiican Church ode, and "The more we get together," for the ase rf their tilvertvate at tin the 1•crd's ['raver was repeated in um - is and +peals ,serval ill [-hall. It son. The S.carty having secured neve i, expected the Institute till cater to the Lions Club for their next meeting, bong sheets, they were used for chi' and a tonnuittee was ap,•o:nte.l to look uteeting. The secretary -treasurer gave a splen - the sante. :\ number of women from did report, nonny new members have the Society ar, quiltin„ a quilt for \i r. been added to the roll, making it ne- cessary \i. itoltzhatter, .\Irs. Saul Kechnic in to sec, a e the Hall in which tocharge. 'Clic I:us•nes- p mann of tilt hold the meetings. 'Hie financial re• Ittteeting conclt.'led witit the singing of port wa; very favourable, ntakinr, it "God Save the finis.' Miss Jo,epllnu \\'codcock was in possible t 1 '•cin in any hatter for the I betternlcn oL the hall, or in local pro- (charge of the program, which was a; )cots. It was decided to secure, and follows::\ reaping by M rs. Scrimgeour place in proper ctq:board, to be used ort "Prevention of Accidents in the only for Inst.tt'te meetings, for meal; !Home ttressntg the terrible loss in served in the hall, five dozenglasses Iltutnan lives, as well as in property, and tea plates. The treasurer, Mrs, A. .Mrs. A. Taylor read a humorous article Taylcr, and Mrs. R. D. Philp, were ap- lon "\Lu, descending from monkeys", pn utcd to secure these. The score- (Int finished no with monkey; being hertson that ;cry disgusted by being placed in. the By -Law No. 4, 141'., he tary reported a basket of fruit and i given final reading. Carried. 13y -Law other treats had been sent to one tote category , and from of /same as we humansN. of the comparisons drawn, little4,1910, cowering proposed highwaythe outstantline members ;who had serv- ed faithf'tlly and long, while a member of the orgat:ization, in the person of Mrs. Russell Richmond, "A very lovely Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For International - Harvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil, Car Painting and Repairing. Vodden's B4I{ERY, WIZEN IN NEEI) OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, HOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "THE IIOME BAKERY" H. T. VODDEN. WMMI1111111N1140,11NN11f1Nr.M"! A. L COLE 1 R.O. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN Ph=ne 33 • Goderich, Ontario. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted, With 25 Years Enericnco \Irs. Earl sl:Il , of \\'alton, spent a SPECIAL! few days last teed: with \l r. and Mrs. J. \V. \(ills. \\'e are pleased to report that \I r. and sirs. .\[ills, who have both been confined to their hams for T ITIS WEEK. some time, due to illness, are showing improvement. VEAL 1)r. 1). (i. 1 ItitI las leen confined to his hone during the present week, suf- fering from an attack of the prevailing bad cold that i . going the round. \\'e trust he will son be about 'tending his sick patients :;gain. His son, \I aster Ralph ilodd, its also on the sick list• FRESH BEEF and PORK Ralph was pic•kul to platy in the game between the Blyth and Londesboro SALMON S'CEAKS. Pee -\\'ccs on Tuesday night, but had t go to bed instead. .\ tough break for any bow, ; Delivery, Wednesday and :. Saturday. meeting, \l iss \\'oodcock gave an out- line d this fills character, and passed > 11. McCaII U 111 ;wound for inspection a fine old book belonging to \Irs. Frail: Metcalf, il- lustrating Valentine's of days gone by, Butcher. atu•l many interesting items. .\ \'alen- •.,•+...•♦•,/•f/•♦•1•.••..•3.•..•..•♦.•,.•♦••••..•,.•N•f1•..•,3 o,.+,1•.1• •.•,.•,.•.•••.1•,...•,.•.••..•,.•. tine Contest was conducted. slrs, ♦ ♦.♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • 1 • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • • ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ • . • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ • • ♦ !1, \\'eslcy (:ecliffe ryas the winner of a •1• passed. •• >. ♦,, r r : ;. The 1:.1 owing accotnits were ordered measuring spoon, on a tie draw. The I\ di (adl was answered with a ;• to be paid: hie \Inn:cit al World, sub- • Valentine Verse, which created al great '• , } '_ .i ' ♦ scrip:it ns al+ l st•p,die., $4I1.1?; The \ '• deal of fun. Qucston d'aww•er, ctmductcd -• CHOPS - STEAKS and s s ROASTS. 'Wednesday, Feb, 13, 1940, i Vitamin & Mineral Capsules Below we list some of the Vitamin and Mineral Capsules that are carried in stock: Vita -Vim ,Multiples 50's - $1,75; 100's - $3,00 Neo Chemical Food 50's - $1,25; 100's - $2,25 Alphamettes 50's - $1,85; 100's - $3,50 Kapaday 180's - $3,50 V. -M. -C. 100's - $3,00 A B D Capsules, 25's - $1,10; 50's - .$2.00;100's $3.50 Cod Liver Oil Capsules 100's - 98c R D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER—PiiONE 21). 1 1i ,YII .L. a I torah tetatateteltet,;tetctetatetetetetetetetatetatetet. etsttetet¢tstZetal;,ttMICtC40,1 rctec€41441(411Cat 1 Living -Room We are offering Several New Designs in Ches- terfield Suites, Studio Lounges, Sofa Beds, Occas- ional and Lounge Chairs, upholstered in Velours 1 and other good wearing fabrics at popular prices. ' Tri -light Lamps, Card Tables, End Tables, Mirrors, Coffee Tables, and Other Odd Living Room Pieces, i Help to Make Your Home More Comfortable and Enjoyable. A call will convince you of the many excellent values we are offering. r ,t ) 1 ci . S. Chet,le Home Furnisher Phones 7 and 8 — Funeral Director. S atal7'Da,atatatatataaaNDiND IDID OnMatatatNo,.;iNW121DIDIDILID,ttrot2tatat=42,11tla*Mis .....8.333•/♦♦... ..../••..,.f/♦,♦♦ .•,♦ :................•1•H.♦•H1+1•♦HHH+1+.•1.1/HH1,•.HNI♦P11N11 •..IN •HNHNI•I II•I• ♦/1♦1•.) . . ♦ . . ♦ . , 8888.. . . . . . 1 . . .. / . , , . , . . ♦ . . . . . . . . . . / . . _._♦ . ., •1' .S• ♦1• i• 11 ,a 1: Phone 10, Blyth. >♦ i♦ :• :f HURON G:!LL BLYTH --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD - GOOD SERVICE Meals at All Hours. _: FRANK GONG Proprietor '08♦•.04N•N81••11•N•1♦♦f •.1•• 1••1•. ♦♦• 1 +1.1.1 r+/ 1138•.♦I II+r•1 ♦•f ♦ i, f.•. •♦+1 • /♦• 1♦. ♦111•, r•• 3311•..•• ♦•f ••11.11.1 i ♦ 111•N♦•1♦+.•+1• Blyth Standoff(' trintieg ,$24_'3; \V. S. >• ;' a :. by \Irs. Potts At the close of the + , \ Indite, Secretary •Treasurer of On- :, 1 111Ce'1hg a tea was served, and a tl•ICltil- 1 , I;, a w'',T'N. . -: tan :\5s1 1Itiu. ( 1 Runt' \lun.cipalt 1 f .44 ly social tittle :Tent together. I ties Illenthersf+ p fee, ti 5 tl 1 ; Associati ,It >f 1=i • ItWORHYWALLRA ER .: ' I of .\`,,„ Ill,g Of Leers, membership fee :♦ n :'r. - ' ',; :" .. r ._• East •Wawanosh Council '$lll.trll; S. \Icilurney, Road superin- . o: ,:r. • a 'i' .. Counc•I met on February 5th, wvillt tcndcut sa:auy ".L11. ._. all members present, Reeve J. 1). Bee Council adjc.Lu'ned to ulcer again 00 >• •; \I arch F. `• NEW DESIGNS = croft, presiding. Minutes of the pre- _• pre- vious meeting acre read and approved. 1a3tn n I R. Redmond,uClerk. " '• V,.________. . ARE ROLLING OI+ Its '.(`TIE PRESS EVERY DAY. :♦ Court of Revision on the Scott \Trull -4' cipal Drain w,ts opened acc-rding to! BELGRAVE :. NEW SIIIPMENTS ARE ARRIVING WEEKLY ._. notice• The only appeal to be cons'd- _ crcd was that of \Ir, Cyrus \V. Scott, 11'I'hc 1'. ung People's Union of the One hundred New 1)esigns are now in stock _ united Church met in tlte Sunday ,♦ for your approval, A who claimed his assessment ;was In ex- ,, School Rc.ont +nt Sunday evcu•ng, with ; 1 cess of any benefit to be derived from the President, William McClenaghan, ALSO I,OWES PAIN'T'S. :_' said drain; also that an enlarged open ._. in the chair, 'l he srri!,tut c lesson was ._. ditch was unnecessary for a paper ' •EDITH CREIGI [TON' ._/ read by :\ochry McGuire, haw. G. If. ,_♦ outlet. Council dec'incd to make any Dunl,'p lid in prayer. flans oe-e mit le •1• change in the assessment. 1'ite 11.:- . f r a Valcnttne social to be l:cld at the •i t ' Shoppe.K yr A Decorator s I hone 158 Bl til. A Law as read was passed and the Corm ,:II church on Saturday eve ing. of Revision cLcscd on motion c f C a n n- Nt x10 .1 IO I • f• 1 ♦ • ♦,0 •1 f ,0 • O f♦ •. •, , NO r •1O • 1 11 1 1 N •. O • H cillors Black and \[closvell. I',Ie t t Ii of the 191 officers was sun A letter front \I r• George Fut-an, ducted by \1r, Dunlop and resulted as President of North Huron Plowmen's follows: President, I:cnneth \\'he,let' Association, soliciting a grant for the Secretary, Edith Cook; Treasurer forthcoming Plowing match was Bruce Scott ; pianist, Florence Cook: tabled for consideration at a later date. cntivenor nof fllowsl.i;, Mrs. C. Proc nti•sicns, 1lauuld \ 'lucent ; (hristc'wcll anler;llotiun by Cctcillors \il Black that membership in Association 1,111 culture, Patsy :\n Jerson; citizcn- of Assessing officers and in :\socia- ship, Jack Riggin;; social, George lion of Rural Municipalities be re: eww• Johnston. ed and fees forwarded. Carried. I 'I'I:e members of the Young People's NIotiou by Councillors Rober son :\s.,ociation of 'Trinity Church attended and Ruddy that the Road Step :rinte-tl- the carnival in Myth on Friday 'even.- ent attend, it possible, the Go cl Road, ing, after which they were entertained Convention. Carried. at the rectory by Rev. I. I., 11. attrl Motion by Councillors \Irl):.veil \Irs, lie dcrscn. \I iss learn Streeter and Ruddy that By -Law No, 3, 1t)4',, London. a f1•111er daughter t t the rcc- he given 'final reading. Carried. By. tory, was ,11 a present. Refreshments Law No, 3, 1)46, appointing \I r• Cecil were served b•: 1\Irs. Henderson. • Attridge,, Goderich, t.'wenship auditor \irs. :\lex. Robertson, of the 10th was read the third time and passed. C+::•cessiotl of Fa ,t \Wawwattwlt, under- • \[otiou by C; uncillor Black and Rn- want an appendectomy in \\Ingham h' : pital on Sltttn•day. --v BIRTHS wonder the monkeys were disgusted;expcndlture was given third reading 'TRAVIS -1n Seaforth Tia pital, on Miss :Woodcock gave a goof( sketch on and passed. I January, 31;t. to \I r. and 3d rs. Tler- sctne of the outstanding women of Motion by Councillors Ruddy and Bert Travis (nee Mildred Sellers), of to -day, each in their own manner, fine McDowell to '.xtend the time f r r 01- Walton, the gift of a son — 13ria;1 thought to one not forgotten." Avery characters, Being the St, Valentine's lection of taxes for one month, w1 as , Scott. Sholdice - Nethery I Misr, Eileen Walsh ;was bridesmaid, The marriage of Margaret Ruth, dressed in rose crepe with corsage of Youngest daugltcr of \I r. and \Irs. vellotw• daffodils. Chris. Nethery of Belgrave, to Adam Alvin Sholdice, r-uly !..on of \Ir. and' The best main was (;ordot \ethery, \Itis, Alvin Sholdice of Dauphin, Man.. took place at the Manse, Bclgrave, IRev. G. H. Dunlop, officiated. The bride wore a street -length dress of bentlt fol bloc crepe, with black ac- cessories and corsage of rose carna- tions, and ;wort a pearl necklace, the gift of the groom. 4 brother of the bride. IFu:lowing a short visit tw'th friends here, Mr. and \Irs, Sholdice left for their hone in Dauphin, Man, TRY A CLASSIFIED AD. 25 CENTS 11111 , 1 ■ , .1 4lill„4 1.11,0. ., 1.1 1. . . 1.,1 • .I 4 ..• ,1,.1.,111.,. P. 1 -Y •.m. Y .YI....1 „ 4 1y411111111 • iF I.,..CI..IYL• ,- :,./111 4, L.. J.4 :11111.1 1, 1 1,41. 4.Ii 1,41'L r.lu,C” 1.0 ... ,I. l,.liJY.16, ,r.ua." :i1CXl, 1.IY,.Yirl. 1 1 ... Febriivay .' ; ale OUR FEBR'Y. SPECIALS ARE CONTINUING WITH MANY INTERESTING VALUES FOR ALL THE FAMILY AND HOME. WATCH FOR RED AND WHITE TAGS. SPECIAL CANDY FOR FRIDAY - SATURDAY. Wendy's 5c to $1.00 Store