Semi Weekly Signal, 1863-07-07, Page 4M, ..... ..... - "Ibi V. NO 4. :y I '9EXL--Wt'E.K -IGN'A*L S TH 7, Slieriff Is e- of 'Lands GODERICH' ON IRMA Unit y virtue of Writ of . UnitedCuunt , n: V 1, HuroU:snd,Rrucejp,;" FieltiFiftiassimed:nalit Huron and B"-Lii f 31 Fyie*1110trelur, is:, efout JC )!Y?s 'Ounr�' '10 WITl; of Her Majesty's County. On! H. O.N. -R Tit witii-%, f:r,ll je JN UR.. Fa,'U D Y,: Tourt of'tbe,United,.Counfies of Huron and Bruce CourtofflieCounty ofW611inglon'rend telinte di - and �o me I 4ene wines jected against theLabdrizad teneynents-OIJ dW ionlit the Land'.and Boltore.-attlie.suit of Francis Kirf, I have seized e -at the�sultr of 6 nuall taken in Exectruort, and-tikerim Biecutionall tlierighttftl� an(], in terest-oftbe said detindantin and to all itha -all the right.l.true iondl� atierest 406 said-defiend- t part McIlroyi-I aviseii6d and, -ant, inand Lot riumbix Fourteen, it', the first or 1�61 =t*.entvnnme on the nortir-side of 'the township of.B theDU ad �Urfheiownsbip of Braminthe -concession, N. D. jl,�.Ljlj - cbnnt.yo"ru6c;,whibh is lyingand IlLinginuthe.' containing fitty , cres, z in tIII6 county of'Bru6il, Easterly side of lh� -River Srrugee% containi more -or leesil which 166ds and tenements Pahall -bich lands an in the Court Hb . litty-four an r r!ess; w Z. V, offer lot sale at myollIck rli _m jt�x XX'.1 'Zvo t 1 offil.c _the_ -wh ofqoderich,, 6ti Tue.4day the Eigl ... ...... r sale a(mv thi to, Court House; in.1fiv Town of Godirich, o T r dn�;Iit Auk&rst iiiit; at- 1. a I ie hour if Twelve of thei day vhth Any of! A. REI�ubm:iihbr vilunlil annoufiec 16, the public .... . .. ........ clock, noun. of jtfie*EIeN Lgilst xtm.ihe.hour*. _ It as JOHN MACDONALD, welve of the 61mik, moon. Lfl It T nd Bruce. that lie Orr hand ar JOHN MACDONALD, 411 --�ird will make to oHer Carriages,. iiqon-,� Sherifr, H. S. which will bie sold bh6 for, cash, r B. - 1. .1 1 By S. PoLwdxt Dip S. POL-Loc) up itili!�ISTEAm�ENGINE-W.OR.KSIU%�� Bill r ni�r Sherifr. :By , . - - : ­, - -n 6, v �11iii:64171&Uffice, I De tppro e'l Credit �Iirtdericla$ - � , iiiiiy'Sheriff. W16 SheriffIll,0flice, Gode I C "if - L- . I I -­* -,- - I ­ I ­ I 7th May, '�1'1 35 :JOHNPASSMORE a U 'al I May" 180 AM-, 0 4,863. M11 j aria et.�C April w49'61n 1:&t,tALE LANDS SH*F FIS, SALE OF. 1; -Mant ur e' Grist Ajid F19uring MR' --j ifact rs Of � , �­ . " -!, United Count Y =,a Writ of Zaited Counties of Y tire �O' v of irlue. of-IrWri��Oof i?�eri id Br. -]as r6n arid Bruce, B �ticjasissued`uut ' Her, ills Muron at � , , Facias' u6d but jTO�,wIt'-­ ' ' H12 I;P' A R 12; a -Saw.X ­ % - . ToWif: Majisty!s � County Court -o circula;r- u ayLa]PL4 sh of.. Her Majesty's County 4. Cut , ii, J& United -rounties of' Huron slid 'Bruce i irt,ofthe�iiit�d,b6�nties6fHtironan(]Bi-uc 'FIRST AN ind to me directed, UP arid to�..me directed 'against tb�­ Lands, NU.&L -TOUR 'riiast the Landi.a.d. iene- OV T112. & cc t Gov- rind 'tenements of David ' Beiin, A 01 eirlockli,flniveseiziedandtaken in7­13xielcution all, _h '-T. S :E M I -K 63 Al -61 th6 im'id Def�nilant, rithwell, 1 ve XL inenis 61 J chu,13bldingt'at -the suit of Robez, A ng ADA". El HE 41 ling fmilaid, eVin and ItobertliTorfi�on,at.thes�ii�cif -VT the r,111111 GrantandEdward Ji C) I a t -bit selzed'irin& 0 �S, H in,jan to Lot"nuirribeiOne Hundired and Twenty-, wcwv th [V . 11 tritkeri-in.Excentiorij,all,.tbe Fight, 1it16.and:intik9,. E-4 -U'T:1 �Ft 3: if'�iinleyvifle'in the bou 30 Qo'Tff- �M3 fourI'm It .1 or SAY 01 ofthd sirtid Dwbfidrint, irk and to part of Lot'Na. ,;a pe , ei . al iti, all I r ggrithereo w n - Which -Lands 6ftbeiTaiwaship d H6ii6n,,witlithe h An establishinelit.entireLy Novel and Stilil�rii:ir in every for riolWat ink office fn- of Slanley��'in. the and feelements It 11' if 'e' A�- Co-unly-tif Huron and Trovince nlch�difig 1"I'e.foll-ving, t td T".*.L or' Gpdrifiah, dn of Canada; a whiefi-may be knti�va.iliid des - v.1 4. in su�.commencmg'at thedi!�erlati c�h S a d . OR' " f T i f the cl&-k, neirin. - - Ilty the Court House in t RAT S -�,-TOWERS Ttibiday the Twenty�.l ifth Aij. of Aqgu�t, �next, at cr��Ibcd. as,rcill a tj e our�o�/. weve�ofi 2 chains on North ninb egjr� Ili It' h hiJibs,-- Cod SaWS JOHN MACDONALD, ininule� West from the- S6urdt-eisteily Angle of, d, I:- Yg,, Ki Baltimore and Witshi iW (ii,, u,, Irom loll. -:Re,�LjAng,kaC P -ShLriff q. B. -laid Lot; x1r6rice-Soudi eighty degrees (brij i I SheFfr utes, West,three chains, iixteen anti a hanjinks'; Xowffij� an(i, ou.ocx, Arty Boston 11C . )i'a. IMS311 thericoNorlibiline.degr�,. ir .2­Tqe P 0i;ra,,'i5ronjjth,- A,-ildleiny , idiinum * ( , , I r ' , L W I.: . . , I 1 1. 1 11 d. . . 'L L fion, the i, C , . - C— �y erifflrt�Oiffice; bderich,. -TOPSj & 18ttil Mir ,1863 oftephiel, rtventeti - theneb'North- e?ight�­ Ai C3 'I do' TARE Lew.' r I - . = IC, ' , r ' - y Ci;cwv, rroni NibiWsGurd6q Nv�v York. il`6at and subst iiiiiii.mainner, - jn� a FF brass ­ listing ackstnif is, wor c lie �mae inery SALE or ;ODERIC cs made. and BI -de AN an a half linkii, to the. 1intelon' k6all, lhcnce on, Calilbrn' Ill _I -Pz: qq , I : � , ar., Also, all kinds,cif ' I P. Castin,is of:any'descri�6oh inade to. or �Southmipe,degrcis'fhirtv minutes,'ZzAt fie chain t notice -�e stock of: onshor. -, #1at a;ed ;r,,dU,d1, fliom Hii�d C W" � , �.,il y vin. hinhig, LEI,11"Tx6, froul tile PriliFeI 61'41le,Fari 'o ties vnitq�. links, to.the place of- bee -con-" - United C B F. *1116 O� taining7l,fathrimurement-one rood mul-twenirk �n an - ru rect �Co I lri Facials issued out he5ofLm3&w4ththe'fiuiIdin fluireorl �A­ a 'LOUR To W . it. bl$ ,Zj�9yI.,CduntyCourt 'nd Tenements offer. ND A -BOX— STOVES,­Hwiln we�s c. a -qls; firom. all. OXING9 TAI Wh LandeLa . p and'BracIe or)() forsede, W at niyOffice.in�tli�.Court'Ho6s�,inib6 To - �.f Wagon and Pille Boxes. ­ Ail;16tir-TratWinsi� of thie,abov'e are ot 'tile UnijaCitimWi -of Huron v Mways ;n - L " d d nts 61 ; Ill solic;*ii a;,inipcetion. of bur'stock before prlrchaiing� edi ed the an a an teneme A apprdvW kind;�. We wo� tome Utiderich, on'Tues&y'the Twenty-i6iglab, .7.3 a a t C0XPRIST-N1 al)6ve :it the lowest, lsatL613 July next; -at the, hour'6f Twelve ofthe elocky w40 elsewhere, a -Brueiti, I Iiiive. selicif �vud 'talk SEVEN DI UPWARDS ;= UUFITIIV�l en, in Embitunin all 'STIkC� EXHIBITI,ONS, HI:ADSTONES- 'rP,6,11 $51 'ofthe in'o! Lli Bacon -at. (he suit ofJohn i'AVILJOX,C.�r -lip) S" are oilkifig tile remunerative Prices for casil, or dr�ap- -noon. riticil' OF 5,doderich, 4th N,,� I ember., 1862. a tredit. QJd'nicta;I,�'Brdss,;Cq per, arid #oducetal;en hiexchaball. Prove T al I kiplis of terest of the �id der6ndantsin the, iight'llitle and in leiid.i� : �' . ORN:MACDONALD," -he een2 and".N'd ..... in' GER. Lots!iiumbers',Eight 'I qoderich;,'Oqt ber,� 186 beFfr,.H" & B ...... MANA thi first 6O"cessi,un$6uth of"the Ddifialu'lloadin L. B. LENT-­­� ...... 'the � loWnsirip - oF Br I a . tit, air cqvi S. POLLOCItj DCluity,SheAff d anty of.Bruee; By LA S- which Imuls and tenentents-1 itliall ei&r for sidle at' SHERIFFS -SAL W, ND �Sherifli!s Office. God&iich*, my office imtho.CourtJ .1ousbArr therown'61'Gode a 71� r ofTw6Writs 01. rich,� on Tiii�sday. the\ ut n al lh� C.'i 'lTn'itedCounties.of Y Z 'lit theism 'of August �WwM 1,c '"n ?I SH IS SAM, OF LANDS. Ji 4 of livrERI;N�)R Wit: of k er Jerilyn County Huroii,and Bruce, ri Lacins, issued out next,' at thei ili6tir:61 �-WjeTifie cf6cl noon, 24tb Arprit, )F �,B N MACDONALD,' -vubje of a WRt-' of F AMUSEMENT Go, Y NEW­CLASS�Q T!� AN ENTME Cour! ofthe Countv of. Middlc % !sex and 'Court of Un C re, ill o�," "`eel�,BFien Faciss,, Issued Out' l' wiv�.te emlerprise� � . 11 1 b as ,r before boenatte D shenrff, Jr. 4. -B Suc as th-v e ra—, - - raonPl�aii,and to'me directed- against Har -V and 11�1. hat olIN'the 111"'I liberlIXtronu6c cartrea-, Coral . I exI),­,ld3tll`c oi Illotcy, bb�,pa were of Josi ounty4 Lands and, teuernentis* whiell, eSih :5hpFff", Office, Godiincl,-j­ 13Y S. Pomiocir, DilpinvSheri1r. To Wit: - of Her Majestyls P Oiled fbrilirelcLiI4 le , JeS OfRUrbnranil B:�Qlj4 Esgbry deceased'itt ill Court of the-United'Counti not only comi b der4t re, ... ill"at've. e time of his death in flf'�jjidre , I I I,;' - -clit -[!Ili §6 and to roe' ;V lit n,' ;I' L. hilittions, han&of William Esiery, administrator of 611 and rum'�tdd alramst�rdle Landss�iuld Tene- Variety and. "Ell�k -with in Itset-' Lkl6l 16 C -TORONTOCOL' rucifts617 James McDiiiquildl; -rrt�ihe-suit'Zf Plivi �of"Lanas. - - I : biiies'ail aill -rer, singular :the goods- rrfid:�- �Itrittels, Rights Sib - - - t iiii tile wt�irld; bill al,,io'a Ilea' IrepsesJ90 If ad, Sh�riff It's. ban`be­l6Nbil fil al'% h Credits, whieb were of a o Campbell,' I ha�e scized �ana taktiii'jiijEx�ution 'Prt6l- Forill'.Uillue.t e nee hesighl,li0ezand 1fiiere.-st a. the rueld.Diii(bud� approatill to.2- Oil 1711 't. I 'ITUT1 icil in illa Xerhez­ tfie� time - a cif his death U."t 4alls; rrHlS INSI IDN; to� lt� far the,nitts L 1, r ad A tint in und to -ail and,suigular thav,clertam parce L Taictitett Array ill -tio-' thot-mile ot-the i"T, rnnzeleti,� T-6ito, has just i;ecn lidded 'Nvh� aled. earesillie'L at the suits�of Adealphnri,Arl f )Y virtue ofaWrit Of Fie 1, (I tomfeLt of Her &crobats, Postilte Master'. e1Q., to I - )6 lbull, ier u...11 el slid TTON & Co"'.., c1n) Joseph Essery thri-y.6ut a e Huitih-litiel Bructil tB'Faciai§ issugd , out or.tract of Lima, Intuatti, lyingand being'inthe it, of' -ivs arid .,Ponies to BRYANT,,STRA' Are C of Xtiantic, jj,e (�oj kiors" L ri 'I 'Ilti, jTown.:-�.'-­`,' jMag's'tyPs',COurdy',,ourt established' in NAv. York, ,cizeeinfititaken iii,execution- all Township of.Slanley,-m - the -County. -of Hatient):', any'or rill'offier 1e n I - U an ­ Ili an 'by. admens- ,qrdes, include a Iar-­er nittill,el. it, tile fogre-ate and more- uLiful fuld. Coninaerei, 1phin, Albany, Voy, Bufllalo,Z uron ana Bruce and I A Province of"Caliada, containing be is "it Brooklyn;-Phiht - and interest orthe above named.de e the United Counties of� I ementOU&Tlind of an Acre of Land, - be T derfully trained:1 lividuak tX6LII �Ilucijs, tErm 'call - loll d Cleveland, Detroit, �C it icaco� and *t.rjj.OUi.%: in ibe EL e directed agoinest the Lands,and tenements of us ill -i,,gard 'to -ihe 1,�Z'A.TVR 8 PECU.11AIV TO jo Lot Numbirr Eleven ill the'll1i con iouglif 'pes is to shuttle in. the Court" 'of. tit n �Ra Freedy; ovth�,rniit of'Samwl'Gunn, I have� artme moili bi ledil,'fieiing, composed of part of NT, or eourIe ther, arison, anti, 'The object of l.helic tolleg, illipart tR the,V,wn*hip ofUA is ino �ruolu lbi-coiln I; young Men slid c 1 .1 1 . It '91din 'ken in-,Exce the fiistconcesrnciv�ul flic s-id-thill W,j� be 1,0i"'d are f it evil only 6, Ladies lhorougll awl 'praetiel I I idired'a6riis of [an' o I sbi ' �undffa all the right, title :11ot 'Siiii6ift s'rt it Vurn- "'Towitl6iii on Hoild, be- gs ich ain 'a ifittiritst of"the said A§Iendantt in ruillto Lot Stanley on fit& Lond and', atrtactive� At 'ach. eittertahillielit- 1171C IMOUT�a Of-­4C-2121N`G instrucubil'in Book;keeping, Coninitircitil Law, !ieoln created, )cnccFa*U Buiincis and tenerneuh,'l shall offilribr sale at j. o ice�in �ber Tliatecri lit iSe enth,.cencessirth of the p3riningaffire NoirtliJilmit Angle,,6t .414 urldr!ik Y'l counnercial Arithmetic-, S1 d-CoUnivol'Brueei"virithit a thirte ALO T 'mans Use, in.the tqWa�jiif -h. 1p'� eS he ED UfL and -tile A 'en hill, C,krepond��n*­& I arid' to fit -Ginderic oil Aqwnsfil -,jWL d r)h in a t ereon er cled';- --whf�li 1;-ot (10j"thdribrit-South Eighty- egrees, hirty- thc )��vCaT- tortorin them for.,-auy departuien wenlvi�ee.ond day of -ortltvl*.0 l, Of -F I of busiari�,, they inay T 7 Vill Qi1bli,licir Nv,)otl�rflii training; J'­Jessor Laiigvi 'IteeC U'f en (6r sale at my office lit tnb minutes West; , ith 'welve -and Tw.bnt -four inl; Nloliket's, Ponic - a�d Dog., Nviii""it through rie.i�ItTthe lour of .1 61 shall E COX;. will vitale, the oil on -in the Town -i>rooderinh�`on Tuesw IinL thejl&­NorA trine degrees,thirry-arminters A hdavvirSeptember-nexty at West re, rods,,and twenly-filtur' and --;)AL -Arti,ts of wuliripic Cire- Troulte scholarsbir ACD will luire a. in, r�aa.da'� ni IT College r of do' ifie.. c roon. Licks j thence North thegrepsit tlu!�y - IR- a6ghal)le Itat,, ZqIllaI6hiP T GMVs- the our Of I the'cl in any Sheri it Y and Atilt ticSkill. stud By'S. POLLO c pp�t in at! upparalieted display or lijl AID -ba1n,"aFnd,i4cr. res-j4­Nvitho!uV idditional 'PL Nvill olli,,iate -'Clo;wIl the dayandeyer .... I, I .. . IE ort, eight rods, andtwenty-four-ibmidVilic,' The veritable and illijilitalile.10E a., .-to ty. herif , L' Z" lUi,,rge,, 'The college.is open Shcrifl Is 01, rIch, A, ONALT), Are' 5 d Ater- T., J Sherifr, toe'..�ener­ 1.. 3. ine.nee a ong. sat roe 10 17 tit The the'l.;(luestrian, S IiIRS &'DAYI RES-IDEN WiPIAL. -H'& B, by the 6orgeons B 8 0 Rat ent, headed Foi,foither information pleiiase eall ",it ihe upt B lit), Sherifr. UceO, ifie Public Entree,Qf` j1w'e,iabIt.,Iinl ink Z � ut Wil,ithe -soulla Ills,. 'ircaliiiiem -in 1 11 . W -�S. BU'3 Wo LD�S -IlXt BAND; will, 1 lute, ors6nd for Catalogue arid C -Io, en t 3.erich, No. 2, MustardIii�Aurvey.dirp.aii of - th-eVillage of Btracefitil&ii- which Lle�&I�nd lie -ls S ft h CLUItHOU �Chrrriot �cojjtainiit;e CH, OPE Vro -kL e 'Xhl ition... letter suimp. Addres BiYA.iT, S oil ill Ujor1lij,g ofthe.ilay oj.E 4 rlti,`j-r0N & C Sheriff aid. of Lah nententil Iaboll Toro. S]jt]jit]?�0 5� 6t, IN ce in it e oil about aio� Jan. I.* 1863� .., r I Y virtue of a, writ of T U If n's 0 issued out eiiiiih;65 Tues&y'-tbi.'T-weWtv SALE OF LANDS' 6mbmpd Ej ...... ....... . GA.5 Centta� -ri Fiteias, ly' liatI,1 a; the hour U1 Fie or cl�itibitiansl,, only :.ad Biucv,�� nii. reserv9d'st eats. eig the LT ed C 71E)YL virtere:bf JWOWFJS f 0 1 COC ""t- A '2 "'Fieri FaciasI,­si',, lence. at� -rei James- -rio �,7� 0" 1��k.:P. M" LANDS: tit Out u! ­q 0 Adinasion to the JR N,,-Chai!­c X I'll, Wit: or Her Majet,tils Cotirt -of ­' , I I No Half Pilce- FO R SAL A' Goinnibm Pleas, and to me --directed against HU4116. mid b Ube: ruan Lands and;tenements Zebulon Doors open at, 2 and 7. Per ir, el's VO, Could Mot It: 14 -Of- Her-MlIjettiv j,.B. jCruirlk Of the U if rAdrn� ana Williami at the suit of WLilliain W i 'Col It < �F- fbilowing Landsare r er, and'Jauilm Seven- a ea antics of Huron andBruce, By S. PoiA;oci,,D fibred to `ale' Oil 'd M;- T"very adviintagellus tcruis:: E- -- ull,thle lost *i%;andi'ttistament or tiud;to, Ifie-threctid, , son, xecutons iiginaw rill Deli 24th1ApFj14, 40! X- akein' 13 merits c 11 Daniel jilirphy.Decleaseer. I haveiseizeid and I It zwittou-xi�Wha ORDR'r L uo­e�scj zand Sherid "lip NIADF, TO -Lot numberillree.0 'the, _11ftitle I .11 life ri a lit the'suiiiii of'Willii ana- J IM nainterelitt of iliv n 4af -t rn rxl4 r hesaid,166 thuits avi 0 AND ONEr TENTH ONLY �i-a i dE xt'fi x�i`daa �& , lh�. southiige,.bf High, Sjre6r�I�ijj jhj� V on IlIlIgabf, *itloijan L T4� OF �Tlig -eight me ofBruce,with the Lots Nuffilters Twenty and Twent f T, f Liindeland...'tefiefficats 1 in the UniteKOUniies," -buildings theretin,rW�jlieh ir� X, I'ileventh' c6ficeirtsirta, Of the towns ip of 'wrl B , B . 41,;i�; Sit,. T TIME P� Hliroa and Biudc�, effificaijExii ilulculse,10NET IN' I Oak Hoiji5e, mn�. *,qi the county,, of racei contamin . one, Israt C. NJ[' INIPJ�C),S][1 6 fili'my ofticemihi C;, To. wit;, r tile InUldredetere, 1 1 1. � ­ N teuc-� i YAcim; out. qj "a', 0 v6ich,lafidsa ­ , AN . I I �i, of fludefich, oil Tuesd 'eStVj&,COUnjyLQOUrI�0j`­�t -%;' D ries' 13�LANCE,IN Ill 'I, � h , I d _0156'm the Mij 0 ifivilts 1. shall I c oirGocrerieli,-on"Tucit: tingtgnr OfAugnin next,.at the "n KXfj Emd.-t6,Inezdu1e(rIen1 list I I rke CourtiHedulte;; ff O�PqititIl� tile Mri t. lobk. noon... ot.Jamoij ­ iiiiii, Ben, A ,1 of S4tember'liext, JOHN MACDONALD Y f the hour eliTv�ilibr 9,17the cilticki noon- 'kiiihe�ford,,Ll�iiii'06'seL�zed,.iin to en-FiMsIxeCtmon :.with hitterest. it: 6�per ce�nt. All kinds of re airing donei onj inost rea6 Slul H. A ill Rberiff. ALV -initliellipt P -WiI3 13V S. PO�1,6dkj-DcpUtv 2 OhN Thiky con antii�jnjlnd 'to*Lot nuvUB�, H. B. curable termi. Sherill'i Office,-Godir She OlAq t6h ri ssj6b,S�,D.R. �of tle -18 3. W16 By Ej. iff., r. � , -- . , . ­ - f , ­ .& iy" 1er h "o -a t, �OL,TO,C,K, - sh. Ir TOWYSH12' 0 F MORRIS 33' iep, tontanung, ab A lft or C>X1 South A all acres, 4L -17 South 8 in uIrtisan_ r 'SHER-- to 'jFrc5, 3) is town Ist, con Wi.l South 1.1 in "Offlitt'.- 'noon. .1-L of S]3 �.hk&;i- r I it 100 ric nli:.ol, v"rtue of I Vend I, Ir. I, writ Wtiryls� SALROF 1,A,=1 HN CDONA k nit; and I; - B , 0 South 21 in c(-�n­jl Y 100 acres,,.. r Huron -and' tit 5pq North J.'20, 4h' con., 100.in&cs'. ant] two writiioffieii�Faciss Sheriff To wi United Counties of )DY virlite;�'i'& a -Writ :jy j., J16 -L66., Deputy Sheiifr; N Flerij Fire, 01 con., lod acres, W issued out'lla �r -Hurini �th 21 in -41i C6UmW0cak:6f'the I- ; 1. . I and Birtitie, 23 irt 411 con., 100 -acres. United. Counties,pf Hurent. and Bruce a to me Office, Goderia" ad tri of TO -;"tr:,!,. :7�'3 S �-siiprl tint 6f. Hii1r;�jesty!a 7� Jurile. 1861 North.g �undg,'anF&nerncu -direcle& ag�ainst'the'l HOWICK'. -Crints,Thopurs, 'John Liipier; at thc�radrdf,.WjIjjmd I ime, .-TOWNSHIP OF set mids I Sherwi Sai&,4 ta� F.-RaWce arid Samuel H. Ralrej;,"I have' 6( 4,in 15t do Lots 2 11 21 100 acres ea';cb. andtaken in Executidn all theri4hi, title end 'd oods t e rrt,,o -1 r �Ele­ :UrittIdrCounties"rif Y'virtutabira r2kof"IM" fthe said'Delbrielaint, JolittLetie I 0 ntyT our an Bkka; Zinbers Twii- el went r, in an Y': ji 'land h. lid A' rifiar' .............. Julylt -jidl , r Stir. ­ Fititirfooted Rim P St V, T)WNSHI.P OF GR n tire -Of�tlle tov!ns .!P 0 _. , U ount S niford. . ;6A yetiurt ofthe S, Con. d=concession It n -:I Naiurirl posillOm �o, 26 in.-Ist 100 ner . 14, ofHurort, contraining.-I-704.041--r hr -i Illuted1b6fititi arid B­­ C� ,or uroiran 'r rUee,,ifild July i It ot t. -me to order. Crio-paid for all kinds of, hird- arid i- ts 34 and 35' ac�res each -ed*t OfN-leplien. ail T 0 in k con.� tit icre&or. Laira;'fiabiior less; except, ill 'Lot jelrtbd�agajultt ij Julv­l`ith� -Mitchell ...,.J I illy 81hi Prese�vefl arid riet tip in the most K n trials fit for stuffing, at -Mi. NfblNT0SHIS-,QIIII- acres sold to Thomas, F. Rance and Samuel, ­ahlo Kil- of ther last_, 1. 31 and 32 in -friur irk the P 0 7- Rance, Lot NUmber-Twenly �'the Suit of Castor,01111111,antiVleorge J�j, -' 'bedras rd I, SMith.r .............. a .1'. 1 16 C it rr�n -�ar OrLmilif XcConi�ell Ekecutoris 7i�d laid Idsm� V Ltit n irt-8 con., 99 acre 9 ollin�lvood... ip�- . 7 iloricession orsoiat6wrishiptif,Hullett, con may be dellart -follows:--conamenein at, -William McCormell, diecefirticil,'1 11 'w nor at July no, ou.y ment. of Lot 32 jn,8'con:, 100, raining one hundred acres 60and, more Orr learl.;� poinV Istaktonelebain, sievenlyku:ue -enin,Execlu%on ji�'t�" _I a d, idized arid mL tie Lot' .33 and 34 �i6 10 con., 100 acres c cb. �tvhich hirds and the. sleiiW..Afigle�of SUXIJOt,�Qtld� on -rr�emjrri had-intereeffcf,the salaldefbadan�� ��Ztl­ S- rGod_ ind'I'll lid - im uthitthiqy - -Wist�tfieriice-Squtk, thirty tin Pit: ifi,tbeTo*n& sat degrees -ihe� Eleventhi'-dai Wilot, one-chairr6lkyne I rg dh -IRE, R- �LL erlch,� on Tuesday m of August tj�tlathrlftt shuttle TOWNS�HIP t�and,a.quqrter i ez the, towaship, of :cftft!IL;;b ylej B; >eifthifthuty, eglref�li.Easts� dhis Ig orlesi� Wing Lots NinnlI6rsi,.korty!n g -jifi jiurbZ- "�B Fierl", Y virtue, of t*o writs qt 0. nLalnlf)g ', V IU live 6irthiii1kic, noon. Linkii-Aheii6eiNoirtif ibiriv: tie, ',Eist�­one bounty Ol- Huron, .0 e' N� E. 4ZI iii I' con., 5 acres HN MA thence' acre-olLand;A).es,11ii r aill6&C6rinties-of ti ye, fifthei ofir ind Bruce� -Fnbiaii;,i.-4ucd "Opt T.M.061beg lr� -the LofidoriRbrid f- ffer Nrajesty"q County. , It TIZ: QTIMD -B 7, � -i I Apply to C11191.13,5:w` 1r- __ � Zdiilof or �ID R,Esq., o eric j! afiiio� to It, -r 'or to1lic Owl Hiiron�and'Bruce, ,�er ris Bill ON. flbe�-Tfiurtv Uive -thelUnit4Countic�of Acei ,d ell thi- IMA FSTORE A being, Cburtof -cied again! -:life L, v nnd'Tene- ONLY., E ter M t�?,7th, 86 0 liFirstuottemion uftrt airdrome dlr� it and, EXCLUSN't MR' ftr- d 0 ineres,tratim.6,4ess,,11mowit as rark,Lots.Kcis, the Airst concession of ustrornes4sitoresaid" Dettlori, Sainuel ilij) Ar �iG PI rumtoof George'Drean I, at the 8uii'or John V.' THO' MAS 16ATilt; I" jjp�yj..§U!Y�y of,ft y I'Slutlor and War Olven --J "-�,,tH MAtiC T I S1 34' 141�lb,and 161 in the iffiff dajidnUig, to SIMIF ,Prife -Ninetyltdriq-immedi 1, � have, ftzzed� and taken 1W d FXeCULIOU lumber �of Harpurbeij,. 044,06mity qf�dufoq. and Ill be irrad'Zostof Andrew: Strierst,in:,.Exetef, �fllillrc.'rightp ., title ahV- nitilireA . ot the "';'ijiI 'of 'd -foIldv;,s--,c..nJbncmg�-at --of C -L6t:dNo. Fo��r,, Bjyirtuc of TWO'. W United 47qunti�es of e,�,eu -'0enc&`S6u, 3 so 'i, ic y Ug up naiot I , Pity, Mle d'arkt,. in and to Block A, i �il�uron and Brucei Fied7daida issued . d- -, E -five Lifiket; thence South in 6 1, it es as 7ntyi C.N..MP Ill -.in. the Village ofBf&�McCoancl?s ir3l.!rvev, AN iruii,; of L -ARD, �0:1� To' Wit Hei1ftj6afef C Ii ty&COU egfe ll I tire. ilislik auqfiiftj�,.,e 11 Airs" ot being part, �'f �,Ilrar ot No. One, in Family X art egrecel' 'est ediCino. 01ILROG ighfiarrd, lmentsi,sbalioffer, forisaje­at�my oflice.1 V Huron;, Tinporiant and idruce.-and .l. 1 Ya "a an acre, inoreor'cs it It e� v. u' re iks of the �j ay, I tl w;a t� - �'ontamiog oniquahe. firldiagairist tk . .1 . - Concession at- 24orris, in'the county'- 0 to me or* p� Lands and t0em Northinxty t8vifi 61i6nderijch; on d Altsii, Lot No. one, in Block B, of MeC 1111441's FOR of tes �MIiGuurej Jbhif McGuire, 5 V q� r: r, gunnortyloy.0 .. .... Mew olh­­­ ini6' a., narIp j� . " d vq 9f%SS_ A4'n- IVE �-STOXACH,- uF,;.... Coll whic ukilialti Ex Utica all ONALD uiImngat9,­-­' ' - -D re or lbss, Ili s ON 11noie, J�haim.spjrfiitL and ep j MAC Sijj�,�tjlxxhil saidi-Village-ofe Blytliej co -acre, mQ1 Y ,L R AND; lit RA the Heart, Costiveness of the Bowelsj Sick- -oth xt, it tlie' r the Ili, tit e an .!tit tit, nd t1urlt--Billous affilletions, 1�,alpitatirnj of iii*st--of`thi said W-finitia at itiv and teremb'Rts I shall offer for salL erich, on S J mce l,� id 'th;606iart Rbuse inthe 'rown of God iq,,t.�e �bfibi*fbir'iuiliIat trif'Ofilibe in'the Court HiEntso, in lei RtisonablO[Tenn !By, S. POLTOcli bd F Ii ng-ust lie. —Y, Gdeleric ' T" i1c Heilidache, Pileg' Jdi�idlt::6 arid rill erqases 'Contie;tsion otthe Townshilli,of XinTcM,,j1rth6,'�b n,.OU , uesday, the. ighth.,day c �julyjiiext,�iil the Imitir of, -23id,J i T116d th' Eleventh day of A id -1 " - , i" *r ' , '77 I 11TI, 11!,�e -noon. :the Town, or houet, Ivie of the clock Where an,:openiq­gcnt r OTS JoAIX M-nLCDONALD physite ixmquired 7 Nos� 117, 178 llo,'.120, li6j49;Ariu.1hei �C-oii�t�y.of��Biki�e,;6ojitainitig0hohiindredik6res� the C �h i b ock7 S.P0'r.LocK,L Deputy 'rom I 1 1, 1 1 � .1 il .1" . ." unly rl. ��.Zj 1.�' risin�,Villa�b�ofrRi,�e'i�dil6�",ih each,tuoreorltlIs; which Laidstuniterxiiineluit .1, E "IC0. of'Brune.. ThisiXillage. is situat&-f on: the'niiin:.,,ihali'6ir6rrforeali3 SOHN, SIKEDICINE GARDIN Tf� between , Kinclardine "d� Walkertoul. the ill the,Town1ofG6deriifi' B. ounit n`infBi U-- C, f gY. m.-rtneofa­7Y9yjt lert �ave ope C pce� e Y OW 1 r side ol�., Mechanic Lot --NI wit" noon, 'i863, GNT, R'N' MY plficie,� File H­�ii sovisa mr.1iie pQ.tQ-Aer: Sheri#IH. Office,.Coderich,' h beg I tied a :firkday ofJuIv next 2,atithe 'Itty Sheiriffi. &6&'of Tw lye or Bv,��S. riiLt6m; gill a 'AM 0 ME� Sheriseli Alite, To ETDR1 U Ayenue,;v HiNT -,XACDONALD ncart 1 11 JO OR Y OTHERDEL li�� I , rillie'Tr5wh �'51' 52 and*h SheK, 78 '-S :M811o7no-alnel Bruceitiard to' 3 i(ilfili'Villive ofili the U niteo Counties of' ljy'S.Tnr;-r.ocxI1jepiny� erm;­­ "di, "is6"75 Vji.Etorirl , .. 1'. . pf-ta " p daleilt a Sh li hefiff %&16:' aii�ireb.Q agar �i .11��dwarq Store. -on ttieViiurt ouse eftnure Uod j 41 ".1 HOTE­ he btl a 4'a. d 76,,Westr6iderof 'Vill, -ING VERY PAL-NTABLE. ep �311. t 1he' i5it- ZT nl�6es, tij�t. Fj_J�Ca3 llfiri BE jamiltKqwti . ., L R ADY *ud�han&v in ithe Town OfRificardine"'COUMg of Bra L lar�t'� and, we[, s, eavy SIWI­.ffardiv�r It: vi ' ur�. U have seitR la'fid'fiiken -iiiEi:ecritiisif�iii]Jtbci.ritzbt OX THE A"IrL a !line e! in and to a rxkiusw�r for de.;,ate- firmalee; or -childre Ivis sunply:a net ng.energy f 7 " " , -" .9-Jui 1,,� :-,i. io'iistiire,� gi�i in)the-villageoll were 4�.Z.U,,UUd..,B .F 9 ideld ou�' Lot Ili ifie SiAh conceitium, of 'It n airruil k8jo tile.! Bili -ifs,.6.' Glass� T' 1A Uounty Ot'B M"Ce'i"co Ertilli"ov-an ....... I 'T ;Her- ;Mhj& -C, county. Of..Brq!XI, i � hurn -Market,', WROXETER v I i Ji., L;, - It, "te er, 16, rctulnm,;� than T illulAoste 'd W iii[�, c e.- and,alietruthy action to t I IwSt6iiiiabh' the. ALEV RDS,- Ij c., O"my t b i foi rib ron. a life *hall acrelof land. cachi':,with the bull iugms t1jereon. -�; 7 , .. ; "66,!, firiCiuntle"i urOnanu-Bi6�i' *IthP-ta�`Bjjl1dBinAs thereon -,Imds r(,Iibq-1 Hoop arn! Band Iron- 'I'l:: Puffy! - - j.1 - , itro��! This,Metheinlill.being,vary, p easinnVio ed Upon rill. (In '-wlis'an seinvalids whi -the Milithi,sidsofthe bitrrui'6 KOMI; in'the jiliarl pablic, fbir the vt� Also Lots)5, 6,adil'Sotirthe Durbarn Road, and lot -Ubunfics of 'd- d" -ka EKW-`�� In RePt'; st t 'i ld " 'e,*cih ly, while, is'jllill Cairrnhl-Pidlof� 0ifiiqUa-,P@. musti)6come'veq popular with tho - ','L , 1, �ffjj�j . ..... fX and tenementsil-aboll,41terlor sale- If Bf ir�i 4t). , 25 ' on Unititit :w., Imp_ 4 have been sickened w tit u eous t r Oi ownship of ;Kineardine, 'coatalniuTg 50. acres `rm&Wrti6e,� J.IUM�seizisdl;mi fallen in zx I Ot`ap­; linP' "Cell" I no s Cas 0 1 4"x -A. sm!�,OtA�" on 'in. ungnigli&d itate P's :-takes this opliu�rtll 11 -2' 4 T theplifille generally; _a'- T.-- Sftde-ii juKShov lliirb,�dr B Weliubenjan, TAR prising sm4i­�­ lin's-'6ils- d to uit stied,lout:,eflrible allabotightlAitleiiind jUteFmt.bf;thti Said hf. Me ed it ha's me em",,tisn'ttun cream sideo Queen 'Street 'ou tyCourt.,ofthellnitid-Countic ot, the front that., ralioUse:,ilow aflords, itccorriaz�! U d ��stols reverith" been. introdue 32 In, 0 tt er - I *ithLgreaj:`jralcCCsS, a "d -9 i7i the corl"ay, ell - idifirc. �`- " ' - , 1� �4 I - url'is likely -to aripe the J01M XiCD6tAM ti L WOW atripa.3 - ­ * . , rsede,al Brric icines as a;go and plea -ant, p ysle, it' bd h' if di� irusts.tfiAl�v'a, proper �attenuoa t �"Ur,, Un 'For,'panibu ars app y to it C,� �TRA Llf',WIS Jo§�'it��W,.hlkiir;'titthdisuit:ofThq.Bank.,pf.,qpM XyAIFR !!93 ja By S. Pou.OcK, Deprull "It X­ %ewill, re Aill all"a cr: 1.11 V & -i�ed,indixidualipil�rsuade t, is U . 0' It M Eigh at Horse i 'ri�bt";Ilijldiind�inLeii--qtf6f-ihe Saird,ai !7W., VNmirtifir0k, Lines.: ThpinwTnel fitO still plent the share of' ag hill Sinith's Bellows; patron, 8 1, Uffice, Uo I' bestowed:.upori him,. Let,no stage�Lrnan r mr; Can a,i,i�,have�seizi�d,,an'ditakelkiia,�k;xe,214?n atM -the trard poerial� F'ou int tit �Zq F.I. N,.nd �n Barrister. Godbri� -gentiral ii= sit tip ornot,hecat notoril is house 1 0 -in't cc S im at L A N I D S,., -to tMiniore NOTIC& hp trV tra PIS �io It& it ffitle'Dii lei tit Coffriti, Wtii4rl mill In find 'I'D jig 6fL)' 7.Ylrluelrolll� �,-Writ-�101 titina simeil- Hotet' VC , Jc Huron �iand-.Brupe Out, &,mi CO-P-ARTNE R�SHIP beretoforriex- Huron aud��Tlrrubbi,B` Facias' issued 6lit" I T, ­ -, T"il Fieri in ond� ter,�hnd Tnihsfiri,��bitweeh John benison;,�Prpv out of, -Her liddlesty's sholl'all y ­ 11 V ­­ . inbial, nd 'Court ditties unitiX iril �Errglnilei,, andVilliam. Count lie dC y (jourt pf ttnrj� III- ounti—f2firon, jj ikfie-�rt-o OfCO ad tel me directed'. hi. is tmd,Bruce� anuxq.tneZreeted.,�qgainst �thi �iih-­ codii A Gil� velboj;e at, � ur at of ill&. non�per orainnec or agredment' 'mullilirrieffientli of Williiinn,Boxl�atjthe, sul ol'Urn, big.'Irilhe a usim Viv the JOHN r,be.,��id-Wil(iFtm,Jolin,MaW6nkld Ior.N fis�alftl G;.eo- Executors of, be its a luilels, �lierha� rxciepw.) -,.For a view 0 Go(lericU.�IS6I,;,!­ ­ , -11 ­! a ij `qnnell' 1hounall 7DY vift[W 617 010 �ACDOXAM , , 7� bow &see X UN � sur'Veyi69-aW, 1he�lisfw y Un*i,,II 171 a,iin mid L. B6 tie the b "f"I 60k(b�, 'illinalmect; IT "fi5ific Al'wrjvzi� gl@rm Nj ell eering,� shall be carried'on fly ill un- tie -nitelij, iv6' 'and taken in Eyeuutio�,� TIP M., Tqes e heriffH. &,B.- a ail CT-BP,Ti - JIJ Fijjj F6bja-(jjjUd 6lit ori evi xeen"if�E44pl �,l be In iii �1.w ) Bv-sl, Por,r.6c!� Depu�r. Slierill.' Teii ed in - Sam n It as:formerly. �aII'tIie1KgbtjthIe;aiid'. ateres.tofthe�satd�hlfbnidaat I -htrs� fishing,, rinrj�f k, jeslyzs, C V tie, enBch,K.7?:fi':A eadadt in d mer.� f t I C-r f, 'm �hefilrleii Offi N. --in'pkel or-trart iind ad; U ad S O'-\ Jrrind,tiithai Ori a -friena JOHN bENi Courl'of the'UjiiiZd� Couaties of Hit MiMES:,D A'AWA61f�'d, t liti, township :of,U shortie in 1 .120 liall'ok LOCN6�,Tbref� wEaert GroriiiAiii Street' 12 -If lirell�130j!P not E -ii� - I �P usi Ilielands-surd h- OTI &L& lbthl;j n AYS', 16 Q'Ite Al eMm,­ 0, for th QHift" .6ittiral 19 ... .... "r�l le Sounty o 10frEOi� ��MWitlltl "at- Eon Nsc r �rnee, and to'mi,iir If9 tikidb V �Gdorig� a&raeas*,.e-,,' 1,P 011164(ill Lot No,, r, �r tit, Wit ve tl "' qg,,p sin c en I filvi�6;'jit 5 X� "yjalt, talic, an.. 1ble T -isruce;­^t�, IN Ti �-A-�. an L.Number T*dwr,�Ii l- gii don1jideral ell.plreter InINIcOgime sl qkLIliames belL . rlfhe� �� i, g 10 -1p 7", t" ­.,O X inn -ing,wi., an 77777= , - � � I . 'W g! 4;qa IOU III I ve , �i: -1ho, Afirl 0 X n 0 I , ft`-ii§� J901 Iamitvof, Irf �Tm Ul Z, _jojq_ rj'i N , abov d fi 4C M "Rtea )b the: gat e � I I, fchbrcb�- forbidden'to Kur� -tifillwairld -town ll� OR) stiornei - - -.yent,can 110; if -d wo 1pnu: "A At 'A s!ancQ,e�" h Is 'tit F d the AUTION,;­� im ­& ­­ - 'I'll I I gRN RFS�? wAtw� 7rc­�" on -a airm,lardirior I�ssimbemt. CE OP. �M JUM.- w6iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiqYx, -T� It e 24 AiM 00 Q PE #w ,ti.U6 12 t -igi xv lio-iitrlr,� e th t jr-..fles.'w L ."M7 4-Fttml W i6h nil OF H �qqShj�W y,,,Uie �.Lliirroity.�ninth'aoyot. eav Y" lblo=,ijo .M.14e T11 lve bfthecIodk,,- TEEMMM 'WSMOTIE & -0p,?Tgr — - -novE4 . " ZYK. In W. `� 'j `f -,-4 `1&161 her- 'S I Itern- ". -6- Irr I - � dLjanses�p 0 80 Int 15 Contrit 0 t cejz 21ii h s�pp� WW0,06iihao u 539 T i? N lLq nd; wruw� -�yd- -lei sajrqj�" 7011;`9iT,� iBl 2 L .1; W-rcir. wk ampith Yes ui�bf r: dhy,,oKAug'6.5t;ncz;ty.at,;4v,*- bi� TORRANCE v _U2 Ul X - W In.' Sunxln;.Culrog�; ,aoon.,,i - -1 At west Market price,, it l' JOEC.N'N. and� -1 Lei, �Ol -L- dae-JaRuary Ist j864j'tackedbyArclrQ1?pqherty, JOHNMACDO !,A N'T'. - ilini-lo ?tb.'FPlt at'lifto, velary.-and e li,ariflt 11�0 ts,without 7 qr B1UNROE',161iE6D1., POLLOCK;­1mitity, LIftl6l, ij,- J By S,,.Pota�kkl 'puty-Sbariff; ­, .4 S.�PO�Locx, bepfity�silori�.' A',,V 'el. Odericiii 7sheiiflIsroffice, -Gbdbri 011ie Produce in Sheri VIE 0 IC 6 N ­ C ' - T eral deal if, bdeir16 Turnb6rv, Q.r W. & Jim ,;:, 7;1 .2S* i W2.1 Krigit9tk 1863. 4 '1861 w8sw 20th ., : , I I bb':f� U erfcb, Mareh[2 th, 78 XaV25lh 913a. wlS4Ui*$ri9x �3rd, Juncit 1863. Gerd February 24th,,1863. 31 q T