HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1863-06-26, Page 2---------------- \-
;i-vcr'fLi1,,`brandishing S�redeizila s!ch .4ttach.
and Pi�nal,
illutek' - frqm his side the,ktii(G cc fai:d in
hi,.blrd- 'q�dith heard him uyIiia.-loull G6neral'Milroy, finding that 'the ei
li��already oil three jidesot'hint and * v
tirputid toWaid the Martinsburg
.1 mx'�Tev�fail, and this is Suredeath I" all tile troops at . id-artillefy from
-ashe'spr�ug thin the inidst of title Chicka-,
south slid' east portions of the town w i
saws. She coudd\aot but watch the glearl the u
the line of eartllvoil�g. eu6rclin�,
of the- kWq�as i'r bed lilts a spark -of light
e -heard it hollow gurg- "I'lila' ' where the fight between rnir own
the Q'ildl,liz�11le.ry was"Contillued und
Hd��fodow the desce t -�lif the. 'weapon, -and
4A Th -name rif NevilAill ni';ht th,�-fujl wih; wasthe -
air bkredeath�he`oWe ed,seeined to possess oil _o
Otendy stronjeir `tha the hi oh' wrou jrt�
urarage, ofthe savrrgi�s. Thole who were El,li�tt,.o6etipied*tl%6:titaiiii fort; the Se!
thriied andlit-Colonel Ely; th.1-town and�spa�-e
i�, tlib e�rth, tw rin there and,4he in %'n f;
fled,, I rt, And tire T
Wllente's Mosby T' ojj�. �'or Ill ' 4,1'r�CkAonel McRevi olds,were�lmsted.
airlecoumernattion and
a� Stai fort
pitaneer.4..qXter. the eui�rri� ha& i,ed..
iShcritly after dark the'encmy�caine, ch
.1 Saw, -him- farl a In ill-hcross the guli). bet,,-een "their new
a cu*mrade., U-,poii lo6kin,,,i for 16e iiiii,ts,
A oin'the, pioaper had' -U maill we'l-k yelling like fil
ciffle Higaa he was,
ii4rlid. iiedr�the cadi lrdi4liey were nwt :itlhe ditch :6y volley
fr6ni tbet itiliultily all(] after'n,
bolstererl-up 4on his ellsbiv. Je V
it s;figiiiing;wer6�repu1scd; �'Ikf
WImt*s Out- maXter,?"I -Asked the i.\.,, ;,vho
-took'ta v 6
ltec�ime quiet, � and our., men --took�,a v
hwi fi;7it inijuirid After alm-3. Stbuti ,go )d -
of the lull lo--,vt it 4eiv-moments' - rest
;ur \ : -
1�.l, 6d.lellow whose irame Nvas '- � , . \- their t%vo days� ��t One O'clo 1,
Hisby vaised his e.y I eS 1311. it id I)- aVd' Sal I
nQ14illroy called a
11,dt: lie was wounded -olan., .;Colilposed 0 -ille lrr�tn,de (!Orrtni�r'
Vfr� of Will f
it was,decide'd to'noafirlon the j�
I belidre --'has penetrated my
att to Harper's,'Ferry.
be.answered, Nvith a' -,,roau.
f��Oursii it llla�t Ve a, btal I, - for he was a 'Eltdcuation of0inchester.:1'
R -5,-: not;, in the h' -11t said 'Neverfail, �witlya.pe-
t the'Coa,1161 had coll6lid4d to'. r t
'iZdlantore open Higsbv'& Te
culin'r smile. I St,
astead offindin, that sinall and terrible Lt abOUCtlittee, 0!cloc I k on'.Mondli in
but, i
the itroons-were quick y'put it] mRtioll. t
dieateS.-tbe oassa�,e-d' a
�)unciirlb which ill .,
- a- scarcu Y per,;epti I e
bullet;lie- rh8�ovetrid I I iotidiig Nv�di them oxZept what ilr�y luid.
; , Itt , � � �
Ill -It. persolls. They had marched out or
-Aruh�,,,cross the. btedSt,prudtieed by�aispent
four rilile.,
th-ty ere,lT,ed,'up6n,bv. a'strong fo rce� 6
1 rl It, quot -'�vh�ch h';
h Nolall.� '"You caP
allfry and at tille
get oli and o,about Vou�r business." ry, bee n 06
-Hi b ill tf)� W.)Ocrs to ille-ii-lit ofilie road. AS
ii�Lose, and - mortifidd, i it
7' US the7Lfi rhn, cozii�rienA� the niain body 6
teolla., urag�e, , was 'titi 'rged do
stfacifyzily that� bi� cti
(�u frifit, -v ch�� \%,I; into the dense� ti'm
held in" contempt.
bnd, and 1. -ivy.� lie it) the �Iiieeti�tf (,f N%&re ibey ;sui)posell
As he shrutik aw�v,�'iuici the ulrs�ut
6iy to be,, but lh�y'�fouad tit lemt a fl;
oti It s obsevvud.by Judali.Wal-
it ced 6at
viii6u. NN '11' posted ali up in fill
'le - 't ' thed the eii'�
')all When our rkq
ps kea�
The'iii lit pass -.4 without 'furt er disturb-
tbe,,)i position th�,y were nr�t by\a terrible sli
lik" I'. ance. i7n tlrz� followin-g- urorilju�
Will. 'iissilis, and Were forc�d\fo L a'
C, f n 11 b 6k,
"p; r�.urapd iheir_%vay, ,
teaL-Iiin, the rond they lniitb�d. 011,,to�,�%
ga jt -
insbur-, exc� pt the
lieclicut, at�� Fifth MA -I d
r) all Yeu 13:
wti-6 upon the left 6f.�lte line, all were',.
4 1 THE' -AMERICAN. WAR. ture'd aluio,t elith-Q. 1'he:com' aid-rea
ar�per's',.Ferry on, 1� onday aiti
-THE FEDERAL DISASTER AIT WIN. wem,left 0 it.. at, leaSt.,
se'Pederal 'Losses-,
loso�s have in , deed lr�en.terrible�
'. tit of the NeW Y" Ordr
A. corre0o n rk Heraid, a tziwas�saved:except that.�fiich'wasj i
is of"Will
giies'a�full aceount.or, the capLul - t 0.�
Rt-. aeste�'by'the C6ntediarates..�zid ofthe serious or carrie upon the persons ofthe-tro p
el al jt��S Of
Three eutire,b. tei field * artillei
jitooPS- run- - �b, , - T tire -artill
los:�&re sustaineill by the Yed6L
onei itte�y o �sregre . '!61iotit two huadre
T'he commiand in U
der, Ger�. 'Mill:
t C
-elve, hundred III:
eiAty 'Wagoiis� over
omirlissary - air qua
ui,�'jniuies, a[Ir jilet C
Mter 46so,ibiaj tie pre immary slonn
'T 'IS Of" ftlrj.,'I
in, oiTS'�Ituf&X . I. and tire fAlliJi 4.wk ut'Gen., Ov
er'. sb�iho.sand' �,6skuts and sinall1i
Milroy. upon the town,- thii, correspondetit
"itholit Btint, pi �aiL li�ggagd o
Says Z- -\fell into the hall
fflu6ims And men; all
�Aftc, the artillery of Gerr,. Ililroy, had!.
the I elleray; iofillesevti� thousand me
'ithdra' w1'6 the'las-, m6iiuned posi-
-b w W
Y �P teen. the 1command, but, �rom'r: sixieell .1undirls
tian the enemy advaiiced'two pieces,,of his two housandhavea3y6tarrived here 11
-artitlery,to a prisitiorkafew, rods sdutli,ofAldl d f fi' r' h`J
ing,jo. be accounte or. over vc� I. OP
1.111:1.41rd east of the-Strusiburg road, trawn, Tbes I e comprisethe list of . horrols
thereiopened fize,apon. the' to%vo.' They had � I
eeptit e,'�uamw of the killed'and,woun
fired.but-a few, shots; however, iviatin Lieut..
which 'it I� ilitiossible to us�ertiin, Js
'T�e�l.�r,..ofBatw�,y:Dr[��,ypd�t%Vo pieces,,to
s1hitr5Qaiiied unburied and tire ivoundie'a
-�:ar-dftbe mill-porld, a6il.' under cover of Sur,Imued, where, fell
�illo�vs, providentially
a,fetr fine ol
t&A- with folrage,� sootu,,dro�e them
istfire wass e 0
-witthlionsiderahle,ldss;-as b e n t
7 -,taki�effieat at, almost. every -4h6tt-directly 'inj eci.1 de.j;Atch to the -Akraid: say
tQkr.!nT&t.. somi iiifauti-y;,sk-'Irihi�h�n-�toc;k T�Lep is .I d I onl5t thatilthe enelrayis -fort] f
Ha.�, era iown.
F hey hold the couiltry
Phice,in'the. �o
Zyli� pi elib�r-sldii of the M�ill ruti; West ofther
oaj, alidr
Strasourg, r exteadifti,-around nea�-jy one cor -.-Gea.,
A -it ninoulitel:
_ps d*arnzee, probably
to Ifentri "C
6,4. a. tot Romney, but I to MiI16�Limr,.�igh'� milit slilur"
as -of' b66ittocieu�,ied'to-day by a fdred of Conte
i U, 6 r , ' '
t�,.ndthin- more t a to develdp'the� desig
S 2 000 Strojjj,.r._ 'I'llis points 1 t
theenbury; Ivhic
h Were to firink Gen. xilroy, Ate tr�qp�
E�l - 1, af
m�hili� wi;�t� Liqe mAses of relml� infantry muvi�rrm fit- oil file Nbrt1ern C"
andK6liry a4et, Qttery ofartillery weretrdis! the. purp
os�ie of' isolatinj BaLtitritire. N`�
tyl that coulta b W
i -COY. Bred, arountim to: the west � of the the moveable proper e
to Cbrifederilte aceouni was removed be
own,Alltheafterdoon- and nr,ht, and Geir�z,.f I
-a - ' I- ' i I.' -y- will'
the p ace was occupici The
hia.forces to eireumveni
be -re. fight'for the pbsSeSsioti,of'the Noith6rill'
41k J It. must
t tra roar
- membekeLli, that be, -Union forces.riumbered I d
0�caen' r _-ith i6tthee. hat. sea, ,e� tb. rr,W� I
-ThO first'tirain is
b.64jttl.-,0ver;.,Q.Q w P
teries-offield,'ari -,4Si-de,frOm, a - i I x si . ege cominurn,'Npailin . with Charnbertibitri
7 the roF�Iwliil -nown �um�d. I hure is great activity- befli.
equ itit L thd ehrimlywas'L
it l!dd be unwise to say,'more -oil 'this sub
,09istrod.4i,,Lrid,peudeiide�%vodld, w I . � r . "'. , r I b I . llo
d Fesen
__emiWcwv . a mtated:to.,Ge&.�Miiroy,to have At Gen.- -gia elieverlAq bav�
�hi� Z hdrutwill, eady. oil pis main 99jecit7the tt�aptal
bceesrwif . he Ila
tduilsy�vih; the Martinsburg i and -Be� Washington The progress of the campai
r �-.befilre-theeneiny.,could., have ime t6
w..i�--hedlwit intense a rhe �u
CU 6frhiB jbtrejVjZ.haraSa.hi -brictillied'Green Castle,- fte
S 'iellsom yet, unexplained 'he! Saw further
mrs)) with our. cavafry�! I have no
l rlonl�' And thatinwilt'! he. 'uroved his
potatti:,suited to repe ailaekq`
Qrm'r Codia-eh bris.received �a. rt�cp.,�4
w ULd casualties
h Lhou4ht*o be made in'the morn co tinue to be donce
1,19" �i%,,- ,�knizedatriii kait&
g Crisis.
aM F164T'OX SU�I)AT: �b . _ Great. Be
rapidly,approachin c
W1433 governs all pia :to Aar )u§- � It would b6
'�-At ock, on'Ahe'morning'of:�the 'prudent to,make know.1 %vital, iii traris�i
two - h -iis i " " '
14thth'e'�,e n lit r, e ommand, 'which: , ad beer, 'esp�'cially rap6i-tiai, results�7arc: to be
inc*sistld� byr-At -,rrival:43F Cblonitl, 31eRev� teir*�uea in, the-. next 'few, h6urs. , The";
ga�de -fi tMerr in, fur�e upon
nolaWbri� r6 y.ville,. Were reeail�dr f6dIiratea lare-advan6in.
Vnt -pre 'rifuittry.,11altilleiy, and, ciry
I b t oht, the' da�
Ruil!e i rs,
puti O'Ce ation Of'jrlle in comflian 0 at zi et, b
�i�us a qe A
e irclin, h tdiilatheiroith and, andififard iirtss,-d will full back:tp��the'�
Melphia, June
-and An,
a e
t7 0 r Is
fa i.1 .
ct-411bithe,day, ski b a 64 9b'n4' tirr!tuina tim fol-ro4in -telemam
�-6wb`iatwedn ilie,� E iih e a nn ticufrrn�, c
lnth�-Pen In van" 112�Tonecucvt. Udetioir,-,Jdnd 2
ia 're mrenls;�iinidt
R ' 'S'
army lirhollgd,fisll�.ed Cdlbukibllq�
i�Lfn-fio�i-B6rry�il,i&iiLnd,ive e-pbsted [H a r p e r' k Ferry to CudiberliffidIlis didt&6ri
�d a mile, eastvof. AV-in�hcs ' r - �411it6.86velif�.iiii[es,,,tht��inflictiag veryjI
the4dad:tc; Berryville�arid-e . ki�nding ��ros d,iLrn�l-;i-�i�tq�'r.6�ia,.,,.I',his �they, 'have
MliLu,the a. -pt irt;j Gen. K
to;theEi6nttRo,��Lrog,(t.��,,The Uuiou,t 6'
kept clos -, �Poa`Afiii iawr� r "while tlie4,i �&memp -with.thim tbis ru;mirlg'� at,Q� in
e ra.,
came UptLto.,,=ei�eastdrw,sid6, of the C' ldrid, ra: dutpf�tljat t:t 6 wn;
cemei� cross�w,1ricV-4hev.pz- Cipal: fir . srippqspdt-J.10�00 Oir�&iun.� Bi8xnove
in It
-h4ii6.;bPea -verv,prompterld so Jar Suede'
hd ha doubtless put &*stop'to t e we�'
iiiiihirs' h
-11669 t b e= b e U -il&r
&Frorib.'Royail�;road- !p of dei
BRITY"n1lean Slwtbe7�v.er' ,
a' E'the rli�,Aio
-1� --,be�in,thq.�difectiori ofAidie,was
Tiont loull, OPS� g6rItit e
Xro milidek, tin-tteorri-asidi' .61;e to
tO_ jm,jftSi _ - - t
,freursupporun-ereg _,and d'.0-111 themorpin , yi,,,' !b
� , � - - '' - - , .�*, 4e,worktaten,to,-
th�ir.&ugbvibe,pafii� and,rush6d back to z el root,of q Trep , Uilding., pAl
y _Tjle
I it :upit 61 116h,�m�iri ouirdly�i�ho�i (o
orricied-posifioll'o ,
0 v eVer'-,to,84 Sure �s
crg�w I lc�& tb e; ti lie rj, ii In II �d 6 o Vitid e r c(d i G ei ie';� I l5rd eW.4t ofthe-Blue Ridge,
Ad it is -not an0b", I
'lliott, - with ih& twl -who.b �eU .1theA61itif . is',- lm�ll
r, 5 re,dm�rria b�� vq,t9;lsd that
Moluel4arl Fgt� �)r h
sb�t*h�,,6f.,,t�fid-tdv�i3;"�!ib�.1fiLd�a���e tr �,fi'oth iu�,t ib,�iirniyijo
HL ".I: t
--towarri-Mi �Creek-.'Vu't�asz'oon,as,tb�'i'ro,o�4
ireeuou�ojtFits u
b "r
'The, �jo 6 li � co ir �id e r
the�lfouiillthb,'?Tebil di�vliion Fawn up, 1w
fe ' *
oulit'robliscoWd�reAli�e't 1�n
ca Ow
In - lity is 1, k - 6 S- I
bj(cst� -th c s t,
aroart, eiremy ope spon m #,qfQeaXWall,*-lli c ", , b t; 11
'Murd But onet
ero' �bhrgll - ,'I L On :j,
, -.: A�Confedeinte,.tel�';i'di-��-1k����Sio'�il��o'.
It uld.iGcW1ElFfoH- `I1iWfiSt6,Va$.i ih Hr t -A�es,
m ii-, firo a t -1b ttih-o il? .1ii i e�'U-,�U'ft I An k 4- 1,201A Xgr�- pm�,ed
e ne U�niBheq,severe
eti severe and
e IT 3114
'�dflt vv a t t
"A -d u or;.
a ternootr"'t e
P) 21
0hi6; b4t6l
e it Hit '21- tkiiiQ 'AMA
Ire iiDift� ijj��b M
iftarLzttaent: A iti*e' sl* 111- dd
Wt - "'d
t to 'ii� IsPWWdW� W , en
�9( L
W Bf�- letif ne Y beste I V.
t I
NJ, 04 fiepimmmicktInTuWa
tcAlive been A-
adw Mai IW log U,
ia Q
MeIsWsM act
0 It IW'
Len 112. 1
NXI I1JtY*M9U!4-fE 9
Unit Is
it tzaeritisru= op
M -)WmCmw7jM0u%-`11U0W
11FIli, f. d"I"
to the main torti--4 thi, 0.
bed h
S e hen
"Ic. t ot
a. . .
. P.
V, \nn
J 'or 1; k1 I e C� Tt7l P un tititb o
T. -H E-- S E M IL'-. W 'E"E. IL Ll 8�1 NA L.
drltt�wn hundreds' of jhod�nnds of dolsrs�l Ttiinberry. 'W"i.-'reella' d"' d f a to
ve -an re brre Be,
-1-9 itin
nearly all of -which hAve Went paid at ma. erefirei hoped it *oidd. paw i�tad. U.. C r, t
-tie t
"T turity. Rpadtand Bridge Corand e. XL
Sinclair, as a m6einber of As' Com
ere, . 1,&ter was arregOd omSaturdak. at tte in. -,Rbtition -of Francis. Little was r4erred it tc il
m Oe wits, - that. the triattle
lid, stance ofthe Western Xirnib alud'Fire-initir. to Pi jt!i ling
the. natice i Commit6eo. should lie over until,even' orists -lo
ipiny, 'blit wris. stibsequentl Ilng pg. as
thin lidee C y . rl�- Letter frima '1&.' Carruthers. asking was fo an nece
leas�d, iohm.ugah" und4r wlm� at�rangemeut we
rain h
ill rmt learn Thg Wmr4,en
tid� perTisiion ta iiadreskAh�e`Cou�cil on thet explained- that bef&eAny' o 4 0:111
-SU t of taxes oia� ifa6 be. fresh,,,
lalcttlaiiiinieould.b�Llcladei. itwoiiia: have no
-&kii l6rigingAo, Thoria !read* r, to-&, ovek the . lis
Btftlo Huron, 19i a Galt. tsq.;
u was
tion be ne6niiari ro againi,
when he li&&6=4 t e-meetingandhinded which an b dorle.witbi: fheLjfcae�
eir. Coul. lot e .. 1. a .
PU 'AMER. AR RANC EMENTs iwjudkmai�ta,* cal -'in, propos6d. (Heslr,hear)-�'
ond, I. Court of. 4pp
,b Got\ TE64ote-was then 'ken upon rh
G E.IST. the caserof Stteetys. � Coulitj Conaid I I Ta , e mo-; low
.1 MAUM, w ich-'wla - Fit-— Uua Mi UMUL of. the -, Report.
hird Dim-rxitre-s. hi i feferrell'to �tbe the passing 4
.40 A. -M
thlV G('0])Ekfbjt, "L. ! . " .. . . Ali," 'J"' �.
CLIN7,10N '9 Until evening : Yeas I.I. Nays 38.
arg- 11,,111 P@URl and.,ot iers It fr., Knell, of Hit, Rf,
�9.36 I n ar. 'aorr stic&eSS
ft of the townsl Jr. Ilay,'.�lieconijanibil. by ed in
Hulle�t, co�I"'iiirinL Ilm
asse e �t atment, which th r'diway is
TP01 10,50 -�d to :Gravel R
10.11 p tro.
ot, resolnii6ris p niblic th eir re.j�
mo STE& I!1UUbHia, wa� reiferi �sbi lad reciiived: at the, hand d4
- t, . :: L, '' il�� ps -vk . -
A ttee.;
CO e Ual t OM
ti �ittee 1 'equa I a ion c mi
GVINC� WEST. ruse Local
Report'from' ev. (TO HE CONTINUED
011� STRATFORD Alt It 2.2S,P. v.. Staperinichdont', was referred 'to"s6hoa jaT.
1IITCHEU......'. 3.,
Ainumber ofaccounts Were -refdrt L
CARRON BROOK ........ .3.52 ed to 7
C ere is ee.? is the question -asked. by
-vbPdv, but "seldoindefinitely'rinSwemd 6P Tn'
4.15 11 - UAL TOUR
onmalttee' IRSTI�ANN
Y 14.21- Tinance ever tjjat:j'jie�,r
PoSatlojl�js' Lthlit. -e�3S
Moved bv i4r.' lk allbUgh 'S�
1112111 R H -
H r, conded. by The ulp,i i:easonable Sup h'
CLM TON, -IV S I.' I , L -en
: :" �jr.-HU�Sey, That t in f
real, �GODERiCH
43,0 he sh to $3000 be will,, M I bi Is AT Mol� .0 IT S, r
the COUL' bipg,Hooker, while Ewa , wit i is 1�jqq()
On is 1mvin I git all h . is�own wayL in Penn. Saginaw �j
tV.of 41741 T17 Et Z=C llc� _U 7U Am- t,
raiSod in uron for re
"Jonne at sii�tford v�ith Grand TrunK ond L pairta holiserrit 3M: Q)
�D. es'froln
upoll t Paris �vttli.Qreat We�tcrn. ailk Stag ini the roads au&bridges on the b6undary sylva a,pillagiu und destr -An eshablislizirlien't 'entire y Novel and, Origin-�l In c6ns66,ii-li,'Snlieio, in -eve, Sp�cnai
(4od6ri,-h to, all'prirt,� ofthe s � Ili 9 tyl and
urrou liltin�, country. , 0 ,
Ports�',orr llwcoust b Iii es ofthe Various munic�pa�jitics.-aud that conteiA The amo -ty destrb�iid Including the ibllow�iug,"
If' Pa. -en -c , v VanE VeryL n unt of proper i L , L, i�. , lit
1ju. jj��P _tj bin.
rS. � PXX'Se'L 1.ed� C
i"ell and and carried away alrelidy'- is SIdd 'td be in.[ -%nd- orm ;,ttion-
in 'L .% Q atieiky
lity L receive shireL as
f e h' nalmlelpil .(!"Be There had b
ben no serious . ffi�htirne
Sled 'raised b such municipality, accorditip* to -i h 1-70M I _ ir -Is G1y?npz'c Chear, Ironi Tlalfimiire
Shree of me es�er, a� intereMing andL %Vas�iiingi6iii.
'IL 11sequa I L be 4bund, in anot el�,
300 IV, �,
out, Cc Aend6aleol�.Xlusic,�� Boston, rrnd'!U=6�
ize assessment: to be espe�ially Plint Inade
pii dmtel
on, 1, froin life 1'acifiit- Corstj
toi Xce, ne", cie, e of Vicksburg is i7i,siNti , . 1, ace: an
'I] h Lud"j, Cirvu,' from t She
d �m Illilles, with the e colurri�.'o,'IWIhn -W`l
t L , ;i4Lj 3oLet . nit'sX2 NeNy-Tir
. (g kolld 6-ielcll from X rd rk.
ib ols Ga
thu -7 ti r
of 'Goderi6h own a ' inton: vill.0" -quo. anl,, had be. nLrepUlsed'2 Imes a� 27,qzrj� f ACTIN 3L 'H�EAR S, frInja 4jdljf0rnja.'
which' sliall. receive their 6 UivAlent in- Pw:�t.'A.dirm. L
is, of; a ra iBQP from�Hindoktan.
-)Z L --All `ffvpr,'��ox. s,, fi. Salt is a
E RICRX.-W., iu,� �6 IuQ63-. Coun�y �F t6-:--thd�eve ' I SUMS to e ft the Piaifia U t h 6 Ya
Ines or, 7
1116 1�eviis Of. the� r , Ott
pended by. respective west"
innicipalities,auA alfaceburits.to -o iief��6 ii, 'En, W'bicll�has been bandid'Ito ellylis 'Co"ps 0/ 'Pef"."�i"k Dq�� alid 11!ilid. #P -
'It I L , M - -us by.
IT , 11 1. 1, 1 t
S- pf-themorld. , - � -
ar t, nee X . r. M?orbouse, is e -s 'nam� n6bli r0t;
_the 1"ina in eping.Up its
Com ittiie"befoi beiri't passed
of Carri6d. is a lye yl and amusing medium
110 -),T tb 6 commenciament lie interestin., All ul4e, GIG AVILION
pfeSent pb Its
bletwe4n the '1� fig -lit and.:11 heavy -"ofAmer. role, dnde� the immediate airection'tif- Aj�r:op
P- Petition .'!from - John RawLins, seniorI P.
elim,d liti6al contest .,the 0 ppositi6n: press was ican Iiierattfire. . The erim-avinirs are 'real If qgea-,V_y�
b lantj orp
rofesse& to be sb,�,at the oE- was received and� oideicd,1o. be J`yled. L. B.L LENIT
pr S di . I ..'a I � . . � 1, . , - ...
iltili, L fl and the rea zrfiritter both'varie
-by Mr . . I , t , L', To!
pee� "of speedily r6 le 'I hiln-J. Njove& Lumsden econded, by F
t thisuffie
t ir,"P
andleritertairl I I a
grit$.!" True t to ret by -xicclamAicit Mr`SUtt6n, 'That the Sever Super ntend- '9FLSa e'
iS'n 7, -
at jrILall "Of Sri
the -lory it bc�seen iluit tire Combirloirul,,ove �vcn retmits'
, " LS $ .
d e e NEWOLA OF AM S -EM oll"Pthe
-her iii�iubers a G oil d �ai
pretinier and of nd ents of.Common Schools td these Counties
ot of tl . le -full-bl6wrran enticing. reconimend'th WtIREL
supbe required to make'a th'
port�rs; " of the 1, overnment might be. e. end of. each, year
t�b , We
nUmber to our lady friert as'L 1by priiale civerprise., and ientails ttu;�h
of their u y I Such lr�fias nejejbef6re been-stitempted
and construed into ad �Iuinen� lint , wh . 4 f 4 r' . l5turdofthe., School: statistics' iousexienchiur6 of�monoy, itraf. only be,inclalibicitli is 'd
gure'tb y - - I . - - L _ atroaage�"nreil:t.,,
ji� - ""WL - a, , jjd fI
-will find much ilr'; it qa�e�latlpd,�o It Ji-
re"itirwret, T 6&ffo�lll efdfi�
y 'Ibat��4it i4irs:all A'dodg;ie'. Care, had- be r distiiictst' the' d6unt Clerk 6 �f '' .h , It 01) or; Irre
�dr , di:r it Pfi� mufw ore
-n js
ait�vhiidafo -Bihibitioldiciarldly Com -
and ebarm b I em .,Yor sale here.
jobrjfiY On the election in. sqfe-con-, court ile -tjj&SarUeL fbipublidation with the'' I biii&'an infinitely tliiwr& And!Bfiiiet twiffibi -AsWi.-
tfie flljj�jaee,of , L, ,,, L -niam
I'Ses P antic ��Iontbly' J4 j has� .2 . -@3
'118iialtril - `dM- -,- -
[iiA#t; VIM-
elij It ulyo Intirtarme','me-Intree Uae
It il, (jj
rte r. stituentJiesfirstj-�o that.agood-apTeardnee minutes. of-Tatititiry me ii- thlip.0ur,'
i, us. ��`This cbrume t"�" tweltth.
it th in a Jo8hiia, , " IL
IiIis, N a rl�ij, ' r6a" I itz,evy. dirtirt For,
,,nlzht�be put Upo BL 11 atented Arrav ot uquestrians, - vaulters
trills ta"
d con ins sue a list oicoiit�nfs 111TIvirdiers, etc., �ie-, to 56 fu
pe6t�. 'ft6h cond act was dastardly ity thd forbidding the. �TN arden: '�,o sign. and the U 'I an Al L;Ombined Colh!ctirms:of, Hi,
tile -'a
and See how, Ciqrk to sezil tWe debentures for the .$300 asi will��'entlt e to ti6n.
s' of :extroinc, but Ol3ly'IV�it1whH'e - ' I , -we, rij
any. or; a other
-dach'species,-than it
n Of niel � Hawth6rne -contributes for 6t: �g�jd, to L ilia
,�iorfouslY'\ th ide', w v1d, 'be turne -raised for th onstrue Nathu Y -PR-0-Mi AZ
e 0 Equestrian Exhibitions; --L In r
d, to, 1 '000 propo ' sea to be ec ',T-ff1,S NSTAB`Lrsi�rxm�x,
C� 0 1 -d' �dfi �'j of re-ia-r4rdom-rb
that they will be found
written for -it t w, and, UUMCLIVe. at each euterthinmeif Ire.-.`� =0117PV0.
-deiijand Ing
(tativ. IV ell, we have wa jt&j, _while and the tion of ravO Roads -in the o. of -truce U T e- 1141IM"
sand*, result Las beem-a greater vie ory fjL r the repeal ol PA
-and. ir! Wen 411 -holiab'i b.
o 't 0 B is:' in'tht�X 0,
� oinzstofthe Siabb eaffi., �r"IR , - L
a V ul WeLl pold
of s a- �16i �ated, re d .1 1? '� L . , iiiii M
41inistry iba�%Uy, a and ordered to �110� �-O:tiEtr nt" tO411 tt ell -
or%� lie 'ED'VCAT-D FEA
U discus es"�L The 0Jaims,t4x,Service,,or L - �0-
, .. . fi._ %)r &o
r - I aw aramiu94,'Pr6hissoi langw-orthWC a
an gg� llfis�,46tue over rOW.'
v41'eillibii tbeii1wonderfut,
the And behold what li\�h ' ' 11 1
P9Ities,rrtrd.1)ogq brou ifidisafilk'bly
Professor A All
aSsiz, o qrs�Aqb.ther
-th dre, s�. Petition of,Q_e6._B aw JeS waS�L 6rdered.to litu�rfiahle, eat��atidnlf;tl�e,Friticipal,Arti-ts ft' I
e spirits of the pposit U :9 t 'Xi1qN
L amer �ils7j
eltiquentpape, on if he,Gfowth',ot d
No -ldrification now��\-rione of' t�at--bigh- -,be-fyied, X. 6 .46fite iii,�Ibl' tcl%
he is, � iana mimitAlt,,,�OEI PikTEAN
tii.11 And many . ot, er, qnieles� of, 77-.,
tinerit It
0. ,Cooper .,Apt are inCIU u an
2: handed slap-dash� oi Is week�-Pr, two ag� e of the dstabli,,liment, ]lead b Ithe-Gor us rz
d -abov d it
, , , , - Qi -e4ua aitio with�tile e
Confidlitice. ha! ecompahied,b�jL-prtrfiles,' ieferied '.to , h ' tL'IL ' L - ' . , e 11-1. m
5 giveti place to b Tbe, azi iriot S. B0SWo1D1S0PE .13 Pi %7ill I ke, 0.
ger a
t e�prpsept pum elL g rie is fit A
Adk�lit, and,eve� yStone is. 'ttirne'd'.6 d- Ag I' o1clou i mot
show Hi,
-icknor an ,Fip
published by 316ssrs., �f 0
hat money has d he tU busin&. L j,LOf tj
. , 6 . L - 'lli of of Bo
0- 2 le, townsh'
sto.n; 'and with Hluiper's can be'ob-
dialssioit to itionsi only,.'.
robtais,lost to the"tories tlirough the in- �,Turiiberry for opennag^up.a`new. road, &6 , I, r ,, I I
1, 1 �":f . � . , I . , , ,, t,ain6di , -1 I � ; : :, I :� - No'Charg,e for Reserved Seats;- -
has. Wa�;� Te ' lt Y� if this office. NP iHalf- PlIce. �ho
, '' L L I I . - - - , , tL t;
as iq�oyie
uence ofin,67icjyj I . w67are to believe. the, & -', when, it w
,S.fjl1oWed 'Up
o', a Le�der, 'WMA s 4NIesser, ded 'by -Mr.,, G.ib Thlitit,
!)l un .7
fdrt rill
17LBU terfugesby,6very little squeal;:7 *Jsw;b�t, byLAhis' Couneif.'030117!
at uiz
It'is till , Very net Arming, The same.
Un, In the country. I \6 d irtlqp,� 22tid. June, 1�63.
G ' , �,%
0 USr 'Itr
, in � _tUeL,P
fbre r -,the Leader to throw _3*CS � Report of tfid'Co. Engraegr WaSL rea
e to OL
IjE,&p Sir*L-Permit iiid;, illro"tig'
of the well k a � Igiloranit,: bi'C �"t;L sllouj�� aud'reterred' Gia"Vel Road-Comrujitee.�
4- the n*-
notforgot thzitboth..Mi.. Crawford and\ TheReport OfLtlfo' 'EqU ization, Cont- drum of your joarnal'i'totirdlit ul�6tvthe Y'01111- r
road Afr.`Ilobin�ciu-had io�,p enormous prices mjtt�, was re�ad. and'def,6if&d. until, triii oi �ifiis T6witi&, :rie�siiy of es
It fox the sea6.*hich,L th4 latel�jield,, audit roW,L 'I Temperance, Society. of some -kind. - It jt� 1(or-1
js proven that; a faiier ., standoup. politici CZU 7 strung�,,vct ur�verihclesis,irde
ject Y. j ., f'. ... t L. jpOp-
le is
th the.
p aceLin CanadaAhan at
e., of T I
fiz;htnever took -.1"etition 4ronat JimIc Sontery and �boj�a 1 1. .� --
td. 1.1, sia�, --
oro" .e
just --concluded in ` T n o ver, whilSt
gnis qthers� praying that t ie vi age , o Lniik� _jLiUL livery'littili villftiiii throughoui . . . . . . . p
t e' Same
Toronto .is 66;tv b� et-6cted int e, r.�T court emperance',,.
'ray an -nater is
'hum". h age. -Qciety- is ookcd VC,",
sk,r', elsewhere and -we know ffiat��riotfii is 0 6'le
Soulerville:, being: present, 'siddrtisse'd,�� th
UIL re-batural'thlin-ft dI n, 1�io - line : 11 on - th e 's
The petition was -and-
'out foul- --- tle
tile P14 t 7'L 'referred tota �coifffiiittee- bf thre ith� ress of that viffitidg-taid-m-
of the Wthcrprog
112� . . L 1,
ntra- truth in the cli -it I L I . " ', L d , L, _ _ _ ___d I
arges' of -the, ' Leade2; uou Paem�,.to,m i? e,, ance; one 6fli
struetioias� to investi�,atie thejL�Ijjatter.
Sure- anti imso,'doing; w 8 turn
P.a ve. f�ri-the, ve e will bldiiiaiiide�rit�,O�Ii, thii" z'
y little' miren 'wbo It j I G
recy.� Valto
6enL so long , in shua I n �was 0�- pen4
oi met bers we.owe to humanity;
im.' b represented torL Noticei4c., fro L L I Went i6n.'
n tog
li�ng-,t t,weL�rnay,AepenaL
In. the Legislatur aglUnrea ha
d boi, A
jHe OrIi�61
de. pl��ce, btit,�3,ther&htrlt's,m�d�'wduld� riot 'valuable Aid in S4'io ro.rMatio des
i July Ztb,- ;,w
y great in ems
On- be' f
71 Goderiel...
reed, UXETER� COUNTLES' CO-UNOI-L mural g4r.,S"".. 41y, JdiY::k4!�%.L-, . S-,-Lq,-
Y'. I
..... ..... July loth.
readersy we do �not deem-' lit necessary to Pars, tru y,
all of . "business u �ih� i e
The items publish? iifein':" 'they. apppar-,inournote- Uly
were Walk6rt n I h �,M
trial on book' le fifia conside tj July 15 2
" � 11 11 - '' . , ; , �' � L. w , I 1 0 Pfor,
.transacted 'jefore tbc-� adjournji�jrjtL ra. on 0� ib& Durbaul
It I 16th '-
I Aw$5*21,
erre until Alie�B To'the, Edito;� 6!f the , 4�rq� qiiy) I I& " ......
after, was ref ruce, Owen, Sourid�
ay- . .... . 4.
-4. ace a flilmin.i. advertisement
2; The following, reports werc,! refeiied,4oliGravel Road �Cojumjttee Shotdof hand U
4'o�er ilm
IS. IRkw
plast�rp e _wa 6 OL our towp�-, 6AIL
e iff
[ling tqj;q I Coniiiiitte roui� the Rev. its report. 1,-
0 the gurement. ofour streets -a'
nd co
ers 1
W. -C: Young; loca superintendent, & Tlle�"retport4 the'Equalizat�ofi, COM'7- tbij3L ing hXd-rrds,u4�'tbai a 'nVo Ian
PrL ei'ma th nU1
�'s tells 'Is H d 33
2.� �fjrmj' 1 61
-or' tlm.36jh.ofjAre, insta Midied.
towt) lrry!aamil iy C oil it 0 f di
John.Eckford and Nairn. ,mittee was f -Up�whien a len--th- to Corn Uron.11;ar, ru ---�qjqt er n 3
lien takeii nf.L
��" ", r,,,' 11 1 - � I . , -11 1 , ' L " , P .., I I a, o, it:,, ,
very, , � S L " . . I ,, �7. . �, . I— . - 1i HE
"Vined", w"'t M, bi
fl? I in . ; Ut,;L. qS 1�kh 5 iii It Kidi &�i6lafitl d i, �. eui a i6i ot H ur6u�-.Liid2ruC4,iW&tct:me ili�
sq irmid�aiiititr I teliho'6110,
We, fin� 1196�tbat7theyi`bil;ve rejc-6!vid,t�& �:Unried��qtnnl
7t Li"d 2 t.A,Iijethdj'u L L ' " Lf3$
0 bif The Report- o Ahe County Audito a J VL r. -place;wrtbiu�;tbe boundir- Mikvl?. -
ISPU�Slon arose.. t w a &V'0!i d jq 'sion toloccupysome tii4rpr JIM. 19, coM
wast9v: yusmild.115poMe.
arg 'W-
'RP the� 194
L Solteitor,,Imd fWenadcouilts were Whitehead, st�eonded:by-Mr.-Sutifion, T�A I .. ..... * _Yj Y Men e
dun - , ";.!it , �jae'rtlgljl,
9 a v.Y ;)f the Corporation patyiindiftof �th6]iceage� nators, Of the jark WLJI taii]
0-lika- ,pnirea
A, egemption takagnLerziT or tl.� to gion. I
done J;�6.- 'Thii $hicafii styles the ekbilri-� I R5
aml�..,-�Irand 4m.ztl . ew, ur
�ieferrg4,tp,�FinhuepC,ommizt�i3.,i,-, the sUm-,of$-25,,000 be taken -,off, Clinton, Ii -1
sera 111
ai;d in :ora6r let numeer mre�Ylri
elly;: , I I . Erih"l!0i;iiiie p
but, tt', Petitioll from 'I ot fk'�d' kintere i
H i,�h, LbiIiii and�, ll.the'C.na 19; ltilt 6 C ijuic -Itci e
be4, and.alikeki �offiiKincardine-,vi age,,� as dir;' 3 1. . 5P act
Is. P. lie, a rkv - f
g Lion UaWeffl if
Ve name rerms". ;41he
is.t of Uui� 'wiIii 4on tlid' alroi�e name premises 'iel ,
-Hay-Viis :read --'td: 1 fourth duk of Jull, livX1 � pie 4R f.,ic I af6ifidiriff 60- asse, I
b and i6f, V
and i46ir�d ffoad 6qu It .,the report.. ..�.Thi�. in iion, eir ' il essima in zoi
e6rn Are'pr6ni!reiitlydi4p14.v&d Bit with'
�tgbinjapmi- U
C�dirdry o b, 5-v g
h " bj qm &iiir ii �z baa*
and Bri .6 c"', 0 on p
o b jec I Ong
B; -
M' Slifitbla.staid �nwrwxiortytrirnej she, deil;L�
di "J'Ahat W6 I - & -&T�l --- -j"'Ill I
ivard..,v: w �Petifiou:' '66ni --Pefe'i �Jtob6rtso`� and r he� intbnd6&..to have t 6, - �& 'Wig
'p. Pot her�f.
. '!!�' 'V
h r I I L -A4 '�
'others ad and ordered A� 61 1& atidn" 'but' th I en f h
ne -w use. iig-- raKCL-_aIiX
of her'iva
PUP was re- 9 d
*,Ut;irmmber, ag,
_lASj n rotis,,an iltestilenim i., vlaid �a
be fy][A' -sin ii Ilia, mat� condub;7� w'a&a6-Aa-ngL 7,- 'ye-firstreoncessi . --mej MIEW-10-
ear ht,was too'short.
P6 POP' t,�KilpelzbgHifati6jris in ese,pii- iivtt� Sale, of a a , umb�r 5i'dew"'.6ine" Oattft, Gdjp
r-nrdte�1,Bjtjj-at6 rtwas�; ,ter of': d the =Mt
d/ t
erre o F1dhIliq6CoUimittee as'� Iii ijpe�ofdwrir o' P� rve LOVan�g'.." lffir"Ti�
was i etter to post
Abe., V thia� 6, jbr�t laceaSio '01 am_
lie, iai' krthcy�, njl�.d -ur" L I C
)6ta61ho Aidal'Adqa 'of the
reporf-dttilt"t] 6
-WpnS,. wl
idi'6"1'etierfr6m..'ti�e-106unt�- realsurer. a verilso a gra 41,40 40*
IV of-Hei
-UVcnlTI1P r � . '.'- rj�p�qrqari lSsriep out..
no Feseve a I's *j ell fviI "C �an i Pbr�ffie�. be.- d
d To *it *lrle
f e ers-,Aur,
f Peter
0 -D6ns:, andothlirs 6' j4 -of,el��Ialmmg
,at- . I I - ' Ove, lip d,to,ine:01 M a-MIARK3_13
b_' iV tmm� -g-A-1:4n z� -tivvh pmoperic"hi -;,oa Tdii- Mo
ui, e"y, OJTIS_-L.i te nements ot JaTeS jl*nraej��Rtjjb jerit, P
-�r'hf d h
aing aird t*awlifi 6§1114" It. _,
-, -1 1-1 . dtiYL I to �Vvveqi3,rl orlygll
'�y g - dt ap�t�� ltath6ifordi][ h-itjiizsdra!g1sk i"j, kx%eut�qry the 1iodFoTT*eIvd-dij4
It 646dorat-'
,referred to Grs;Ve1'Rdad'i06imaiittee. t �.rjglrj; UtIeL
"-&lay. PrIy In
-�zt ie, ten t� in land to'LoViiiii
14 - le�, , , a t'L
f.the, 11r; Lums4e& cien 'Of a 6 66, 1
ocsig(led, tire idea �o Antria all na, X
7pte iffidim ' , '
bP3fi . t*'- was I on yl,�,,np-§Pose A ceause. jrithia, InallL,gorner wheite.-th�:>,piop T liPit;'A
,:or: - -1 � � � - , P �BV--'S.
- - 1, " 7, -,-_ _ ,�,Lt �t% - ,� , "�, , , � S- " �z -C",Iont D.& &I'theturivastrip" k"sirerm - ' 11
4z�;tft( I till .. ,ffilli, , -ether -t` e p?u, �y,, L . .1 J It
rown ThaftmBA to� ttleX, A
'�drn "W"M % "�� e t
0ouncil pass a B -t--dw iwpar ie,-,-,w.iS;Jied%AW,, hurt le )[nL a pen, Whiii"
6W UP�A�, pg
"is Rii -.4 As,,.�.ofihe�spacewds we
��a,, ai n s t lAhe pur t� inny,, mum ur- n
. .... . pay 1�d ownj
auth.lislfue, ihe-boU $eaw trik h ,,,
arp6.*, d h"-e,uf 'HitPo'T-iiQ- 'H' thi ir�of-jiv.
'bter/' tOL"the- -different; municip itleq�jbi� . E:,u,c 4b tb4
pill AID
ec �%& -, "'f� _ it, L ' ' 1 .1 L -
the, t, -offic "an ��T0,-L END'z"�
ectto�� "'M make against ay��V
I ou'i of, WP V, o "Pi
e\ 1?, wike, t�,,, I Ph",
d ii�
I!& into",his, bring them"f6rivar inkmotiont" ev� MONEY
,our, "t'
W '-ffili,siticinessi o
B A -
mon-resi. bs.- arrie j,ngar,7 -1tit-1 . t�- t.
tid 1p�sary Fir,
:;�Was , __ LL L J LLI� .; .
dent. tax lipeAw mlb�w;rr� ::5her;ffPs Uffi 1'rGuartrich litindredpoundstill pro it�,t
imagis- j-,
del 9?4,
list,, A TIMM!- ow
hat..no,� oun palrde an -aki of -Pao
-';;hat� C rick;
t L Nirde,
k t", 5 RvP 'w
S jor" Uft'no
r in cl Countie UUL�'eEnlijrj jf,�� -A Sa -Sr 7 7 7 7� 7r
natever,tinglit:, NIKO WR
16"the.1 ;Add tl*,,t"j�jk
E M�
e atim, er, "sev�--
to" Z,
Q, M1111
Ix , m ,
7-A - TL'TQT%-'.B00X�;-F,0M- W.
I a -
i 1 'tit
llm -
surof �, com -it I
�p . hyirig township 4rea. s 'nz;
" 0
-1hat the: towns 1p�, M 'N artir
"d WL Aiiii
1011iii ftl A vilia
St- me -lana
Ct pgq
th 1 HAV
'VOL b8V.e
4c0tlWTbWtU- P; I-. �1. 'a myc"* eiii -A
W Ail
iffil fop
1*nc 0 Wall
re NNE ;M M clrpaM 0
jag gy it el- f§
WK flie
Var r- 'trA' t- j j - IF�iin&
e, 100 t Og
WE 07 3. `rff It ry'W� p ;c A x1fi1 :;'7- �L��SL
M WME ]XISF�EMPT, warnaug
7, al
of 11��rol
Impublisine & -of., JUSS.
tMent,one"IlItIll 011ints �uu at
ii UIV
0 livivqw
iAl immeuiateiyapjow,iig,r-ana,,ean,,oi,. ine.1
as'su ;2 ,
n i
ip, M .�.�,. 1- , I � "'I� �,L, -t', , ' � � , , , - . � , -. r!!f= '� 49
el A D rne� J ly:r L05
e. s-gh.
10 ek ---ratb ,
16 ai
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if�?.IzMtVi Mi-TWiRiV
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