Semi Weekly Signal, 1863-06-19, Page 3V i IN p ---Am I ri ls� M j, -WEEK G..-. , AAJ . . . . . . . � LITI­ .1 N Cfin V li ol"nill, dOL:al, and ha(l fatten Cliff I lit, ''On g k4�1 bo�l, dw wo'lia" Isad given him. lind N1. ARD TO THE L :'.It ,L� ti� dvposit thc ntow�v7 wheii slic, 66 cou 191 T GIMM I ­ -,- %%-at; n6t. her &;baud Ixt all. The pocknt boolt, 'Z L 1 W! NE uU, W VC.; V 'A I,EW-1\T1RLCXhS3t, i AV a$ 11jund to'Cuttli ou!r ouedult to announ, or, but a I(, the Ludie.,li OF IMI i Mondav rc i T .1 bc :I kind of pyand; upou it:!-, lei�wv being searched, the rest of .,alno�vwrnt"ii -,sfio 4t wU 77 "carryflig on t1i IDOED I tile tutiww was uz�a On his pat�.ori 'j') I a P festiv, oceasion In wh le 1. ;14', it, WALLACE 14-- U-13MONT'Ilc GODER11i Goderich, I - y !It at i. A fiepablio, of GOd tell d tirro ad' P mid-air-�-Ewtt Str�., ii womalit� ;u§band wz,�, not ia cfa�tad atim, -countril,that -Jie,h�g ope'rZ& =Viltials Sorr.y t r and Aovc I in I= fit, In usinow.­, the$-preale" 0 say\ not - ove n c D T8 s'n,'wk )r Laffiv occ�pledt Tt. just now An Excursion I'mill, Th� -N-ortolk Alesse,�gcr says of il, IivdT - IV cro, ;� if &C icoli from BrSZ64 d N I, euaounf�in4 to kam, IN ALi' N, t it, 1 hai �oaiitv. It �kofii 'GLA-Mry �'DN V nurni 'that the crop, prez;c-n-t -I -most proiniiing :it). 0 brin� f1p MT S7 wai ore. n,e. a tarzl, ?r bf visitors 1�c have PersolaL!j, And hol,cs bV "Irte Ll�llthi . n lid tore. T Ir hv sii-ict-attent,iori�iand'l)romplitudei while the �re.qh cbor-­ to nwrit it ,Iia i 1.11i door�ronn�he Ma tet­qqti .4ta; S,to'loreathe fb�r a ;11 .1 no(A.Pirtivit at" the coulary: autl 9 "orn ftn,inv. -Upp6,,! I tho is air front Lake E iii It is also reported,,' I""" ki�Celv,-d i Iftli'ln itlunl the partleik vfi. -7. fT Oil ATHJC PEY-SICI&N whO have, vi� obs,rving dw IS . 63. IT 'Z,UGfl DU�L(Ji , - -R, Godellell, April 33,1863.� 0 Mr. -to �ireet, are u.,Z , i"Itwt. P P amel 1711 lhed?s, 1. 1 �w mos., ve ,ii a,,-_ re d to �ay� i�iai a site b ag- th,, rrostlects 0. a gn� crop ar,, with 1how nintah trutt MI los4lis X 'T N[ mtt&,; we are not crov", in tNit-ry j;a'n 'Ilrora %%lIQUI � - I MA '11 Z17. -BrfL., T�T. j) .�u a. IlartT, of P:gcu-rsiori ffinn S&MI. _p. 02D X'W Toik 'Port H urtin on Lbe C�Ime dtkT. "Al X Sim andi haxa is'believed to, hair M S1 and Ati. Yell, Z00 9 an summer M isail Lxl­ I : , At 'S o'cliciaL oil Mon em (41Y aft rv�, tit SOU11, S ­ i W I L, por I t;�u r aSS11 U., 11:0. Lit; Uht, r rivate S tizi route fin- Uatiadili and as he'is iiti� the 9. :front 0 6D lar: mitil. .1receleb-Ittad Pedestriall NY the ­np lit tot, vovernor (it -Ohlo. t, i�alk 7� miles in. wza 'HR'i �j J' . P will undertake tb ORT= -97 4111 at- a his lerv.soon in �comniiu A �tobatfly be fotind i t -, the hou-- ke rilace 6a tb' PPe;ikt1 Its' p'n The eye 'Row. s- h, ctiiI­� -the-�Alxi 'Pa 11ot u 7 groglad, T 7 whili Goli iiBand bas:bee' S fT, Thev;.NQ to ta Me !Wn, wiih gris!fi I Fbols 6alt P -y if 6 f6k. robibly'l, it 6 i �T- JM1 Y­ATWUWj Mri kri h, 00 TT W 131ay at. . . I 0 Giraitee --.C,&aj,6,mncer.L,&e., "P 1I.When, CO. ­,,o rueti A neame V/,. L 0 H ;k -ed --a�d- qld Lad Js,, froin d s 0 LT. Tilis . I , i H 0 CtS'r I rle, 1. 1*11, oru lilt d a ed eenzi nn, i to 'recruit; 1Vffi­EXG1NF,-E9 ANPIRROMINCIAL f 110, ­ , I, - a A 11r, Own. iplliiiv WIT, S�1� �rj cti, tai�l �Ies, rat, ;ro,v 1-1, commen Wera .per. At this 2TU anction6ers w-hatv ran be 'Us� U� -metil Lais, q I th ecccvetlse� 0 f thi �,who ILIT S, rure o vi�j I%- Off aia'i� rr, was th� ma TdLT0n'ze an . -enc0'1r-' - ha� % 1�) morolli and"b:Mo#.;- j them Mt IL W, of to :6'righi-oCZ�`1 erieb the Goi;.ern- to AT RV 'Y ased tr'ade�­ paper"ibane,in 1,ate��nlaii rov: . IT OR AND r Pui as ChLaptli­ from local, Citif Engin r, 1 00 - T M, �D IHILD '.q!S A VTON YARN­�T. men. � w6 �are, ii .-at,le mannen, wid.. ffif�� haw if. tivii­v� concei, ffi 11 , , - - I s . to th�: Iii -Ilve Cc TZBOTH$ URT -public patronAgge" I Tw'eni st �hare of�7. as, oft -z mider Other I TUBli -Y n CIAL MIND -B MY,02, jls� th deal: on f2n�and houes' leer, UMeVtl3g _Civil' nfu -We. think h -vm :an.%cxception. eyel, ai 1�1­11),, bv rerniivtd iroiil th� pnpt�., oT�e ZNqT r A e of r. -add:,s k 0 in their-rern rerri- -w cd�� '13 !Sr -not cause I P-Lz lia me:) t rajjro-,ogafq:1I bti l W. OIDS Z2- 1 I fools Call zl:znd� li� made h �llr regalnr bbdl:-;01 pape fthesize of the s6llers nt in their, price.S— ENGIN 1[talf lba d n styles, fratn'We fo­IsL . - . rita, be rs. the name: of -ap y d sold. berejL, -Otesand Qmrias. for we 7n K N 2z, cheap as iiI Toi�x&--brlt b aq 7 ns ti, 7 oil ;r of,wa, cont;i, tie R=.rN DR or well -'-now t. ev fa tha :�,:, , I T a book sc�ld bv -,-,a- EWE—, S,:�, IN ttfonj or other;�is jends to ii atef a.tqsze ia6iiems J:.. d To,, riely., 7� -6 e' lingwbich7 I ��thiF �urchi ilfw the (11'110L . eridies,�, va r�arnenta for r a aud -fndii �a -P J &�c to. we fill �PAIR 11 prosi;rate fDm_-MS, a I,. tw' 7 Z.n� Nvals. Soon iost Mxi§ko�t\, XtENT b"ali ef�tti,tl-1 Cold. -F tia'rt�izdi�. i R J7. annal-', t fi.,ft ciolltion. L UTUR, U r, F I R S'T -renilli tu---�ted tb�� th� Jorgetru iie8s� I hav� ho knowleidi,o O,�- ho W L )S,- al�a� pe!�use been Nil M RE E 11T N L -111 E TS: "S. ­lwale. at4laaichinz tn�� right hand "P - , '-I F, B Judd, 1- -4 -he a -,e f! reqiti6LeZt, Hot to Yoh ovc�. and. sl).6pri lw, -9.9 Sweed-and Superfine -giiits ��m�4e ;Jn, I Xi- e in our -.,B FU �OS. Tweeds, Thze- books.aver oH6m(i ficir -Pti Sjl ma& no­xep;'y� and­ivill- him. a trCentlidolig, I - I , I -1 1 .1., . U awn- -.II,-Ias soldri py trial D�v laces. 'URT-OP, re. Me tt a 'us S !a' Ilt'Ie_k P ang t alra�l'� baso tilialp, Zg�,t"him tn 9�oofi�'b Y" more tba�l -we, lid, -S], RING GO" IvIts ri ---0 Tditi oil my Othi,r sid6 I T 7EE-P 0 'made. tile ;'sa 2nticipated, but fie, says 'h'e-. must cl t I., ui�L 'BeIi 37 IIATT� V vi I '. W. L wgicli Tar �iltry cepto"Faroft and'�,n al: 4irshaving';1ot�,ibLiali -lia,zoo paid no'heed-to mrlidgire. PE r C ir desirin d clai ld 1 10 a!Sevali�fs Saleaznl��thexe �IIOL :,- � RRE-A, YY P: L 2 i;i�� �.,i "X aaranii on the,, #iceg w d ars 7MY MaOmlz 1 conerni S;T-iat!. I d-titermizond 0 1 % 7. -:ell bael2T 'mattersto a crisis.- Drat,i­.; ep ni -I' r- .1, -art"btaine4l:itiit rL hi aft 'Ic of ."as'. It eS�14 'him a most unme-ci�,! kie, w. 's' -'GOD -aicu cos� A'­i1llbl�ixy Sa Ifilic as 717e �. bul III i al�rjj asamrnovab;e is "the ro, To, timi"q 've, IlIwo made� up ith April, 166,;'% B0 TY, SO WC7 a WlViSC Our xead- J riarou hlyav�ke Teelpin- up -d 10 m TWEED 0 ers-t*­�atteffcl audse&W. hat they�carl do.r Men on 7 tlieoth-r. ai)d, 1,v, the dim ireli-ht b6huld on 1) aTE L 0 TETENrG, -I;- 'finighed. :-D'U', N -C j eijh�cr 'nagcrac(;�zse. Yv tap �,-as B i, C P.r O'POETION 1�lu Lila e �U­ I � , leArned that dlav 1, be! 6kr d win front 111 -for 3& �P 3 am anooga , Pitysi 'a Slibztti' cian me since was ill c 01 i%ir',zae'liftlij� in the AM. Party, the'-Subjj�ct of tempetunce was alj;ja ni- a, Witten 9 Still li.r that L`,'. 0 1 �il IIII d ,brou.-i mi. 0n stamet's witio. was COLL"iij-` AN. D: IR S' a or�fiis all, .S -T swilik o! t tempera avcaase�iund Lt; the gre: Sails of T�6`aperaoce Nyj; to 4 lit? ) J$'r I I 1 1 lti.�'-4 ' � �SU U�Jtl he I, s,,til ;It tile o 'Uprit I'S in doing go(�d t6 F PY) OR %j whole, deserved Of'rtfiL -,community -Thei -:ii-andia-rhem to touch I 7 TO C) en Pilid I Rtia . I t_' fr 401 It. -int' . tliiu�, b,.De D AN , not a iffilfic ro D jF ��e actali a 62�ieaiin, A usi, UAS9,0W. FIDUSE,''GODEPI-CH1, April IS 11" he- 'was 0 N- FIRST�-UASS 11101�T-C OeT:,thL piwre�!Rai 0 1 the E N. ii "tn6 of tne Sorfs,� t Milk. docror' PI JOHN D -A 1 r!-,� 0 7 -'9ii­hO;,he sail tiL, is"ri -taie �j ­­-jeft,�T ne�er-dltia�,- a id�cv. 7. 7, drm aitti shall keeplitimi 1z %-�rh nit taking. cnr' j ite 'ShrorL tialefatte this li(� Y�ZS IZZl 71 p e -a.: thet shiroire"physiCiau,sen, ior. Samiziii I NeitqAnd-&f-a-j6ku:!a!d: thinknig will; t iceS LY`,'(,i fill, OIL aotdriakill� amec 'hud. s.id Ili Ceunt�­L�le 1.'v�-Cgn,As &: ammers; di- -to fia 1MV friend, I kaow 7� "t eur ITH _tty, a'a- irutle oWl".1% <, _ej Cal tn� nt'. Tii�: It, a,t a� j;iJif ftndu� b7 �at 'te­ of, ti itop!F'In r Whi@L J,thal! L 0 P 4C r1l on 4 nte jLSt'recL ii N LM Nam x1a], 2161 r -uo -ouid Imould"v, -ive it, beS't S a AS iz,�roafd be t&'meaus o" thtir dtiath..1- _S[ael', �)f T q fu=orse aininmyed.mirrils at S ienceriv- iLtso a i;,w, A -jL is for hundr,�6 -llloand,, oil i P -2 j �L. A7D 'fliAlAhey aicd =y frienatif all 7 -tidiatia-Ton-lateAtion d this, for I have deCeiv�QU d ha-;.e-&ranf1z several it I Y' �ich veleen bo'u­h� Orl -sucI I h terili as tvill warrant� tbein in ati Inifornif -V -li baii r alti sts eii - L - . - Ealit, [ U111 �my, 11az Jointing (.Its reaIZe'%'jWi[L five III, to Giv�:Me ,a ti me =-d oiner's, OtHe�- medic' , -zeid-hiu i=1 A TP Lslrk�lldr 7— i7jK-"1X TRT, 'rl ve OUSe Urf] 3 Of Urfd�-. �R woiild info, the 'k -j- C R -7 1161b.l: he haiit rti�n L 'a Y j, t tau' 1, -Ut tstrtc�ls. 'A �j G ii �PL Zer�- :13a tit" .to je,� b, A., T� t� of, 6 r: r� j.", "Chopoin'b, A4 4 PPI 01 gent-, or, urne� m o..s --I- 7E T M. _eVei hateful leissoii!. TM111:64 �,n -d 'il 1U 1i -arcr -06, is ii. to. be sas�icioa 11 'east tro= you for I : r - ), t A, Ort g I It you can ledrn -fast elli h - i co �LsT­i, oj, it rj� ''tO poii in such teheiti that Y a t- 0,0171 two: ALL f!,F 'M A -Ili -a quie Fq�. ell -ine 'a cLothia �cntlei will bo� haw mmeh., of true i6 the'V, �aoe 1&�Fi C zpeutable- -Shi A, ':,,R`0,WA as" r 0 ' jj± _ h taken as b6airde' %rhose 16 ows, -.until �furtb�r -.ifotiee,� Is ts, u2p� ag -flari �nesviliaSqtrdre;: jply "at _fliS, of- facto Purchased�from tbe, -a ruismit& for �Sal bo vzo- g S - q Shaw 4 -1' '14,r yda.cart.1irdiv use it --tvidiout: praclisiu­T-dffic;,!� =-1 t ermi X. .1� .[WaV, ti. .�U ry, au, a �EA yoqto-t�r ":j Cilia= T -H -SAU ENf 'not=k T.OU to t,,dst, -[a Is 11ran'if.1 'I, -rr�mfw -nk -wt1l of men 6tit GIO� ? 'ES, �SBDEHIC W1 G1 zr, hi tL,41 DID %ASSORTKE GOO �14n �-G 11Z has .10 rrVIN-Ur! Iran, - SPLE' i3OF DRE 5�S' DS;. jVr�jjyr 1 963 yau ar - eal arwati When, �Ozh :you n. the*Drv-Goodsline required foi% the trada; S, D I A' A FR,!�� ,Cq qr spokert, �.Qons Lia� fie lt�s s�eur, ve I it fact almost every. thing i TU84y, mnd �Sat6tr mfcedecii�8, 6:11 by an..a­ ineiit,,. which wIli Latible tan o nnyr e1i Pr in 'ti ST vie !I �jie bt�Sj. �deffi i '- - li , - Liend �andT_�&M -pre- ,_qa2 OMPL atte� S h -�lme as zift axiom . by �m`,v -1 -had -L� I ff Tr f.7;tQ :,11 SO -GENERA.' T1 _C _iod _�P �a elIz 0 Sal.Med of 0 Yt J101V AN the' stom� -�H -Own Way); , I S G " '.r . I � "�r 'SM �S A. SjHTj[r RE , truf!K�0-makra it z ral v� CLIDT IN eof in p Aa" Y, m -�Saqpact �O -.1.7 ­ _ , , �,-, ME A persons rav S iture I N' li VAMM-TY. Y 3 .3t recogni, assigrantinii at trai &btcftft�s vzhich-Aa�yizrc,Mpable 6, A� &dC"*eh.Ao,')l 21, 1, " I - ,z ill - Ing. --themselves. 'esl l, aid,%n 41 7 -these shado�vs: 0 tuar Ian-, "i tb on( some 'bad -Laad,,with 11,vi -avc ffit -oft6e atsig -7 s tlietiradit �'.v ; . - TTIG Y-Oli ldok -at�70UT APEE -B. , i N , 01 P"Y Is. re aliers '01 mnd� 74 alt, 2t PVIQ e� �,vfer uron-an 'iri vi yoir see �inucli i -UG 'EWHIT I y, jkA --tb iienessinL via h 6 face calli -=cir --better. -Mxvn, 'Ej 4 ­ Jew I X d 17eg a neS S, "PA�tMuet ea rr �baccos. -c -cons .09E M "S, JX AT E N G Y r'S 1w E h Commissioner. jai- . U othe at, n,an, �j n -tfii -bztt J51 'I ap, n I ]ff jai -vznli�g; is SlItally hanife, -4 V Mo WD 'HEA Y ........ '2 LF, A2 "T - t 'd."- fl�� 17 Y.� L= WARE ILL. V, d all. 0pIanont;.tL&Lure entrustitIdto M,11 gh red d --r 1 1. %in -xtgs:aq:14e­- ..ocy'.so'it isin the 'Bar ne �for-wth -Im a -tyis­.�de�ar,�Fiii aiminflakii -,b Clio, gnosteveri can, e,,juraishetimpoli 1li low-estAerme. & G� de ficli.: 3 0 t'lli',A� C filr ISIN3 A A Z� Sii.'4 _.i -AlmflCia Rob ffUZ OF, A� init�U­Gljtr w q su 6rt hey r 1-bave�'11ithaft6 "reedl L'.tbe ',,fbmfdj, U,2;1ENvt,r VfSalt�-:contaiaed 'ni lt,aiort4ag�' thefv�ry, ib&iai i pp ON "I ati 'Tile subsciqll, 01 ge, -4y ji�: ai �neS. --that ta -P aa �C,, ",I Ietr�nd',-,ihe �acccir 6 made Ili, Dan itifll�qly �6flfliie -k6timVE Gbaerich. t - JT, W ;4n& Labe C -m, -4 aq in b. _wilu, r(r ili orljh�,:fiiii at arrilig to -!repeate X�*aaa. ­:.1SQme.;�mEia,'tar4 - , ", ' " ­�­' , JU;eph 'Ettiax',ofibe said iowl., uri jya".e� il;,' %,,� '] ". r, � - , _', r,. '4; �4- tP- in 01*4 ps ii ly� 'stoneii is"I leen rande' In PIlYtneti PbA, 1,a -SO. ffieii 'f6rulpolo, _atori gitei z ti�4a - TMETMN11 SS UN .1Q. 11',* a Z Del A, "I'R, "'im U la� C, "'m -n tliat flie, C V M ATY cam- e int,on FB -='G' 1 1 _ , , , , 13 � � -1� '­i,�,."� 1�1.: I ��' r P; � 1, t `­ . - 'e, 2ff;' --k , a �tha reo 5,h f tistime A M ION -­��T T-, ther�,, �'Pii ser th J,&Iy ­ emse i4#o:,;t'fig �as "L� �V that �ArtWbe learned - ON LE A t 0 non E" "I j -T Ug �d rate df--'tntur�stjn=n` or. educi it -M &-�omai 1- 11 ow Fope To Is, -on. Cni. 'appiv,10 d; far 014TS�]11 r Jr, aTt,'Of. sSr. tes�zn red -P S uoii,, an poSIL NO 11314' required. down. INC P -S D *:r.;AC-K- -A WM tL1LAt;hfsfi illsi tet3, fiont. - anioi qA -LoAti .ch;�Nle �Kilg -qbift , . r C I xedu �P ."V .... .. & 11 orfokii �iini U ai �er- f - =77 re So r Rhe heitor.L cz —7 4-7; jaadl�aljd jremi6e�r,,, wate lyini beia-- - �Hou�e' 4. Ji T. lid I ­ :,Next dcoii,i6'-Wa]lnCe­,'�G1 .4 nV tv �4�4' Ajb6ffija �,b � t, ��, ' T --litr -that Iiiii of AhLifindsin u Parce 'at Y, uresnnaue ean ell, t�yeni -hai lawA4'Ai eriCh, _plet, tllur Jr, 'ile Composed of �,�jmA4 7 x ound �pelaeii-of'�-D�rxdrnbr 'cT ;011i j a UZU Un P �ff`b Y� A in ;at N5,; i'll, W 3? 1,S600A0iiaTIv�fiUfiI- - &T S �,Vami '-M N, Ipma [T� UJH)iar -h- 'i'lli VV ei'm 11-alld &36'i - �749r iP-lML"1 Al -0 �.o:rt e--ci tfl� �"", 7-4 P AJ 1"R, R A E DS, Iti -,to, flie�liap ­ ­ 1, 45 t 4 In1porte rue --- ttt!g��O Me a, &�o - NIZ M -j It 75e! ffA- on -Qvf fi -Xas- 44 ali Ov, �K WILIQ it ;FS , I - i Was NU t�t la. �,4axrlM;,.�Qa �e, 1,M T -�HW d t 0W, -to­the,qwa-,ta,- M h M ;Ai gallfulefts,,produce ",Prof' kdicil:MIA� I AL b C 4" bW Sq a. _p" � 4.� gi�� I" , 7 4al ­­- M IN, I Ma ou- 5r er! r -I I 4t to ,to M 7- .77