Semi Weekly Signal, 1863-05-15, Page 3L`4:wt PIS - 7 E -E KI Y SrIGNAL...- THE.-8ZM,L:,, us* oss M" dang BLIND, T pi�ng 1,5aflorin t a short I. ness, Si g1l ret, von gest da;ighter of' VAIL III . atit Ros�ihiit, Scot t1lersigued liall, on hand z' O'D inh, tou'vqiIi, of Huron, of iniflarnation of 3L74 Z -V G mIR M Uri SA '10 10ii On the 18th iqstadt, Sifter �AND, he 25th. Dona d McLenna native lAft' -:149 THE X OPITAWL LIWTON, HU--. land. WOULD" RESP'Ecirmur npoi6fl AT % RTRENT th 'blic !.i- iti0tf #Od Th*v As the 24zh this yeaf falls Ld tl�iapu -of qitfdt�ich linfid,111 unininding Our Sun Sty, GE ASSO 1116114N vi. DETLOR & ON.: e.s A R, ry t! cotilat lie has -apienied intheliliSive line,,- in 2, the Birth�day of our Ladj the Queen will H�vejust r�ceived a th� orta-isfis, J;ddy ceFebmited on the fbIlowing]MAknil: A X A J Jence at Mi.* T, Company goeg to Stritford Ir r1u. $t bt "it The: rdllerY Mn I 00im `H DO 0 EW'- BOWS I 1j;i1j oecupie4 -.7, -W, Hot&l for ORM e.) 13 5,LA11 the Purpose of av-ailin.- itself of the-balt- 't, .. GE &VELL ASS t anderini,'s of a Beafut�,".by Mrsw ' BLINDS, DIOULDI NGSj ebOiSd dodtiromithe Market S�tfare, and ho* tdalp4tude in, business 01 Winn drill— sg the plothing amveq-.. -.Fa,,.Jauies.0w1tli a HeautfittlPortr"Alit OL by,strict attention avid p oif., -- thit : is ULT4., R � -1 . tIeAuthSr.' ilri-4L90i OF SPMINGAND "9UXXZR. GOODS.; ffierita share of. pahlic;p9twitage 1, t y The iRillefft-wiftj remain la, tolirp, web lieve, 9.� r Coe; 611111 1 r 0 EveTylhlng.�required,iatheBuildinc� W& ave en o 7 u :f�eQt'rgeig iffor- -ha N i6 IS' b6 b'nght on sucii Orms as will warrant them in stating t at t ey. I I " 'J" 'DaTill.Marl In" by -Miss 1i �h h �a 'Fit I I lv'(" , . �Jtseenis�thatve�neel ote .11 . I . 3 �7 bl`,J� AT. 33. C- -ad, : �-: . . r .. . . . 1 8 L . . I I . , B don. "Price 54 cm; Uble tiS aell'a ;0..'Chbn �C­ 71 u-nQt come with, axalsi. they cat eite, or d orps', as, An ie Lad� of Pettils,'. bir SE 13' aia�. --without qecial,. permission. first, badA A exandcr Dilui"i Junior. 'Pr,racer CIS' A -P ',&g�Aty­ OTHER T1119 TRADE."; tuFday-tveri, He ONE -Idd d -Ifealth." ''Price ff 1UMBE&T CHE from,headi ua�.t�is.,- 6n, Sa SEAS oo­ 'h A�NVOM V, I ld"1�0 1. r I' arofWakeie ­ levrisditiori) 35c. 111 Gfttf-', �P.�Publid.,�feeting'Niill bb:lhcld at th PJ'NE A ND HEIKLOCK' -DHYL"ICr1A-N, SURGE01 will, at�' 11ayor, in, 6w.a -Hall,�to.r.... Y" !,cai I l'of the See 0e: b t 2C U J Si WS Love Mrs: ;:iqke1lj terd,.PartteSJI6rIy.io diseases ofl"d.s To ei� tK� T -0 take intcre6fisid6ration the b means for 'Ifiri ei's 'Monthlk, GodeyL 'Leslie and perationj if e eye. po" S . r, I 1 1. 1 CoNSIST2 NOW= VILLA(; z, V66.15 -Y90. JvAi-if, �,bratioa of �h *, a . I , I the Pro e: qay-. sanis Fashion h agazines'lZir N exi month. CEDAR' T ters 86ser.: ACTORT; T S -AM the above Received and for Sa 'DENIMS', A 77, LOTHS, Z�Ep F ��VLOOR C �­ - 'L L ­ I 1 .1 d 6. TM I NG5 ORNEY-J q ;,SOLT IT !=.00X,C­ERT ONTUISDAY EVEN , - 7 , 'L ', , fS�,p � L, L f S;hix-tixigs :,lJCi61vLngs i7ints Co. 6 n� AT BUTIlEPVS, 'A., 1) ALL'OTJJE�Zr Ap ING SOIS' 'Shav T6ia -Coiirt House Was laigely attended tlei G E, T kAND t�� The L i�, Hosid3�y,�, an Go ERICH SA I E GItA(-)'E oderlch.r L" Sfene!', atniost. Zapflci E941�hr, 'PROViNCIA PLANIN DON 0; ORDE being filledL tq its 'LO.Ve A"W "GOO�J)S�L,�L S*'r�t"& :L -been, a ade -�ASSO-Rtl&EtU OLF DLRES:S-.L. pirograffnme� halt very- C. re6ilynii SPLE NDID for tb,L irad t ii, -he; �Sth,;1863. s"'67"'I qu an we -are sure all -who hil t I ISitet, ihnosreveryAiit,�;. in the,Dry Gbo'c' e e. JA- �Buy; n �A. c: &S, _R"_T.,MEN"T 'GOO�DS. 'PROVINQIAIJ LAND Su A highly gatified wi& the pl�ocee lngg.�­ S UP R� R N -17g," Q A. B I N E 0 -1 04�4 c od Tell, Ap, . OF, ST A.W pres ni'mus .R III asu� of, b4n, e have,bee T y7 Stea'iiier rew, plix1ormance of -the r4pee R- E A DY �-MAD E bf the LOTHIN.0 rLtj r 3V 'A 'j'i��4e iie.ffiot, dis -s-ed. to-beov r c ,j]D N -GREAT V.�RIETY OR, LAND' SURVE espep y as 'S 'all all Ahe siuggei� were q jed to an C, �PUJrj'tug, 1�� IL t ART. -,TRkVrE RS E I amathurs, but, we mus p radt 40 Cy tural an An IniSia and valued.' repeatrour exceptioiis to the- Court Room WILL LEAVE, G ODERICII EVERY or y purchas , ers, W th Tuesday d End; the-inipecti6n of: 'y even on the ar Concert Half : It e a , I of1he Tint is Ur fjorn, 38 ffurfhlo, 'or Bay City at jV,L E East amna,'%v, 0" �G tTUR-N ING Land A -blit 'Teas, :To use M E Eli: k-NID SUrRVt-jrO`A _,_,Worst room lartc�wir or stf6h a ur se, Pro C goDr at amd we -9n y won. er th eoph -?�t Coffe Spi ces. Pickles. &6—, Buyers will sth icala a nd Co sisting pf� 3ftwL o�- Alfbnday� in this department. it.: The �arf ordinary Thur,'4iy after'noii6s,-tina nCP singUr =not ��,heard in. it, by onp�f6urth timerrihe Mb,nt' �-:,'Irain fdr tXURSERYMF aving—sugrior, Sic DWAR33 i -A 3D 0 U ao &bq I �. ;. 1 -1 L-1 'AAK '2nd,Orna;i6ia1'Tiewj h of'the persoA-s.,- as­�mbleff, -;ind­ of� �c�arse Tor Frei -lit' -or aram (b ;4 SH30L N HEAV!r- �FRTJIT B, 4' 1 L. R..Co trad Up t -equired for t e e -in thi �ct of the m6st b wor s. is ;it Gol] erich, o i the L can Ul r imoorters�of Hardware J. tithe lowesf�jeVfrfg' L a Iiii furnisb4tItSo o154 C...016 1; D\ EP " 'I & C0MMJ§SJON Jg J HrN irAht 66i t loo. e�er1avli;,-we 'b 9.0 the 'a -.than on 1SUS.1 Eas Fropriet. L AG NT---' TTZNjloN JO�Tn=&� -�Wlt t e asslS� My Cominissionefrin Qupe Sen&31orlak OU lici continuation of.th6-pa in, assuring their -patro Pq roughly conviA of. tLs subs6i�ib6rs illimitful fot the.�lfry- liberal support �-they Av6 hitherto received, 'be� T resitiectfully L frontage S`Ce6rded 66 A . r,&e., a. 0iKb6bnBi6 aONE TO,LENDi S o-�Tal�lme �it would have 1V A, ;�q 9 L' W the pro C./T r4, that they will ad�avoi to dasuft their iixterest in 11,tr4nsa�tioas.� S TL R 1:t 0Nr A RGE'sb'de. of GO 8111CH, 21st�Apri 12 fr SSIO R .01 f�rta Property z It . 4w THE CO T OW iSfithe The TE' A it 9 �per w -, IS 'D ',rnoneyto be lent on im O V DEItOt &S the firitr line of. slitne .7ed P I to sea,' WatSOn4 ---Nfrs. �,7 Ili c essary exv�ns�zs. _hn' fa,,&c. AReig-, fllIk LWEPT, r e 1. d Town Lbut f6r L parts and :It baVrU h per orme�i � eir -well, for Shia, or desiring to PlIFF, lerich, 1pril 28tb,-1863. WISICH -p ant P Ci in wem repeate&y* 'e7ebor�d, lti.weie also Ir Ti 12111 and Pinkerton. M iss, a_iresided at_ j I it q.tw lie IS Al LEND*' her usual and witli. muchl:,' ability le of Interest, in any suims r6r ��lfff` th:4 pianoforte TO A TL *ReduceoLra E IL, 4 or:5 on Propert LE Go Still -Pfi! ae.veraL pieces being, drated by.herdw T AT 6 ffliant�­ -le. -Much of the of olf F,.;,;No osit rr�uired down. ri sty cd -oil mint,of Loan.r And charge, A I -tot ther concert is pp y No 11TO owing�. noL doubt,, toHAVE :BE VE 'THE SHAM, GOODIT G; T. Wimey & an efficient in aag�mciriCof All. Woodcock b" St6r6 fqrM0#y,!,6Peupied, A, musi&[ entertainment: of this,k j9tli Ilia-. 1862._ ;4_tl atili lye hopeAhatl' a ]Jo 9th g-'�. -euL to prele'at the Supply oCbi*uas; Pat edicines, &e., they llav e-'tak TO,'LEND io C1 1 e Fashi nable M Where; in addition to h6l, Usual 1�6 F ­ with lait . eartbIS I S'a'13SCIttli OPMW Fq iE N �.D f.:_ RALF 4 P_t;n, J., a applituiejbeirij 600,r da�cd . I not -at thall S -JU at. 6 6 f A: ings from efery part' -of &;roo ums W b for anV -AHAAI S MITH 111:tR� L EE D SL TH n7histl her o unencum crod impmved f4rll _,C R L u-Ch,a p-ra-ed 'be Z HA N T- T &I L;O it rawn fm -e rted.dire6tly from one ext a III asgo ar offADE GOODI kef Gode I rich _Pos 9: IRSP6 -of the,old dm6sixeliable'hous eoon"aS MER ,I U -THE -Y -;HAVE ALSO, RECEIVED A LOT ­OF PRIM� Cisi, The Conrert' entefi:vith'� 'the 'chaf�ug of, C H out �tb best marliefs er and well zLmorted stock Go Siriel, BAC 20th AS Whj�� TEA J&fffRING T EL h thery�o low.- prices. ALSO, ube Queen, 5:> 3E:;� 0 �ZL V M> Gud.saie.the:Q' iru ueen 01 bt60KSL' Will' Send. lier�ricroriofis, :,AV For ke icaf-and Family use 0 GODERICEr -April 9,1863. 1�v 5 Ioribus, Sledge Huma Harnihers, $ 'Loq, to reigli o'cer us H E subscriber is prnprt-xi to iiegot;at6 loans ds.-t'-e'tbe Queen IT p6n Real safor ;.as iS,nv fie _T Go I n"&d, payable I, ver 6om C NSIS IN te?� vearr; at reason: with IV le" pa)�, n C I Far:frum,our pareiit,-I�nd; Cana�dia?� dtf'r Pri 11.11�pr stand P edll�tn terest for une-x tred 'NEW y instalm�nts �prea( 0 0 T OF, For En -land's Queen. ® D, S N., E , �, W: '4CO ht, Catrand. Units time li Me' Lic t6r.. or m be prepaky- ipe,, rou B town, or�f�rest" free y M A �Crowtvl!al�-nfs-taken out, it require 'C'L 0 TwixSes auAlordagi�;,, f siiig with, true ip 0. F..-LBURROWS, T H AT W., LAC E'S 1641alfibbef ft- ng, j��At Gods ave ff�eqtfeefi. And a vaTieLV of F es Platfor -andr 'OUTu, eel ancrrtu-I such C sd�ties, C 11 eK, -C 0 1 1�2 7 ;C� &c. C imy, 0 ASGOW. Ua Sh'irrtS" HiiIiie Furnishings on re.a -rins.: on, -it W nd L)r%iturc-�t iti, itdvance: WgILErh -encouraging e is thaliklul Or the Pai ISSUes., Apply to 6ppingi roi, 6fid A S IR, , : trot -KIAW &'SIITCLA r i.g.- ho,,has hithlerto receivee from :the people G Mrs. Allen. Burget h his t,,.�f'A.Jady.who hacLhit wet Go�lcrich., lt� Fcb - sw4 ations,thu lie 'llas S, TZV Aefit fo-r Urn-ey -PLATFO g 7-6rn$q 'menL fill ftriy��o W LOIJNTf with which he n) -e-lavoled with Aillpatch,�pll 'Wiiii La�gest ttoCkL of st in -charitable. und--religious�enterpris'W 7-7, Iia-Lpio ABINEV jito U. -a feader6tr��jon, US ured lh�.' latest inip bee I as lre.' L663 C has bee arilistid in Ghica,,,o on the char-er of ANTIL w Ac 7. in to tile best mpt attention 'thieving EXC -4. froni E OFFI(M. paid to eustolne"S furnishing ownr ill It � I r r I I r - ­. I �X'�L _' 0 -D U -AR' V. A" M 2 antl H chantsin,that6tv.. Goods ial ed -$Loo od.. and SUM mi*e. es r I . I . L , 1. .: CH-AfR..,EM:P0R1'UMVL IN TaZ CQISSNIil!�J X6b:ey� 'BQJ�g4t Anieffcali 'Paper 863. W12 :,All the V styles, from One.Dollar.' UAMIITON. bichased froML-thLe'Man!!��ct.�ie,;�,,i�d at & currient raiiioiexchan.-e' 8 Rofd. by_ summoned the, N t'D Governor H.' R., Gaiiiabld his,.' 0 :ito o 13-Y, -W. 31.- SAVAGEp State-'Conventibri- 45F�)11�buri. to- ssemble ,5.th,orJun&,.'te 1�coasult and act upon the -&�30w46 subject -o 'emancipation of� siaves, and sue again in,the Capitol, atJefferson City,L on the blarket'Square, God�rich. N 'NET'S'., L L 3 'ONAET �,othermatters as mav, e, cotlin�eqtcd wi�h the 'S _LEA_'�VJ]FR peace and welfam a the S ate." T RIMMED, ANM OLAIN tsbLo'clock fa the maining a.grifind hig� A the success old Ladiel�l; roin 50.CtS. TIM ONI.26TEL Laige' f viis suug�ja thaitksgi�in 1 , . '' L. r r U yeairs a"6 rR S T C L rp ASS ZI S E, 10 the TT: �C ; I Gabinfift Raker &Un Serra 40 K! -Laval, Daiin-m 'the Lhirno n every p _Ito: k 7,� le arti6ular.. Rent mo te. BERT, d 917 chiSpel, and grouads visitiftl bj--:burSdiq&. Apply to. res �y D RQWjk,N,, Master 667 iiiL- In the'evening gritia- vocal M.r�C EROY neerttookplace.iri iheLecture Elall of rthe . : rich , anfJL' try that':hi�'#q Co rU"" 'follows; until further -no ICelL surroulldlnFL Colin oii W'U AND CHI can "6OddjJ University-, vv6jeh. crowded io:suf h Wasr his �CAX -weat er -permittlag'L i;siiiiteil cK H LDRE&�% LEAVES-� 00DERIC R 'SAUPEEN de, :L E T TABLES", BRJ)-.STEAD&, Tit -P -r has�fit T -Or atic all, e' 'ifth 'ONE TWO�. GOOD OFFTCES �ZVERyr in Tw&nty-Lfive Ciints.e co4ld SuitAl e .0 veyers,on ment would a�cepi"Ibb.00 fro tirda Trimmed an, P ain, 19 ffnday�'.Tuesday, andLSa ,�ied bat; the Guyette- af� d,, aa�. supply them with ai`ms., but e or wyt;: r, Sur Market 9!juaJr'ea-- e immediately. d O�0. A. ANP. pp't th6t man_v of the officers now.imL commission A &,C. y to d ;Of Rome Mafib a6taN 6 to' enit' av,t a h". -I if k, As 6'adeA6,ord" to L ordered vroy it: I0.1. 61es' _b6''beit workmen, afid us" official --t :ca!L neither realf ri'jr write, and have. H GARDINE. proyltheir zeq�eants ;�ake their' reportrl" LEAVES histfurnifuirb ciiinot ur r war F' HIM -SAUGEEN- TOR GODERICH In, all fioin,Otfe Yoil'Shill'iiit iier up. It is asserteli tilatat prominef� me!a rs' produce her- of the xwI3w3S fl, Be Cidling it That desii�atle,'8etache&fii4,�t-'cla en, Stalia ID ame 13, R �SA IU- Every' Monday, . Tiie's&y , 1 11 . I L or furniture Fiiddly;. at C111 �: , - ei i6ilii-'i In -1 . .w '. L - - �RM T - n i1fat, the Stithbr� peop 6 cou ever.be� t 0 isteReri Is Mneiidiite, hyerhuron and Pt ,loll'o Affinat il� Ott 'do- YOW insist uPOm 70' fanatical, kick ivsiden&f, war:-? Tlfte� I. I , ­ ­ ­. I LANDr­QLAjk8'J ereply,,Wraa, to- stop now.wouldruin our party, 'A To enlai briaoSid; wlt&� EITE�- andwe ran Cftht ii��we­ -and like the, d6vil.l E �W a ea-rharge e, arovin mittnes walk of theL;Coaft, is well adlitoted. f6r 'a FOR §A1 t-ibe I or'otber'-rb*,<�ionaIL e vel, HisjAnt Dj, k- Unit, gen! emad� Will besoid o'ttentio8t, r 0� 0 d' asonable eav- It rde, 20 tuas�- -,.-tr years 6W in d IT ah in� 1� ilieleilp th�: ;e� a lalige:gaidea, -8111 ; 'and' Btu L term !rbehonseoddzitainsi2 ioo6is., RTJ umig,4 Conn;eti 'D� 33a c inson� -as, a petticoat, frame At 6 Ole urft sam6­evening3 LE ENL' cent She at up Ot lluildingsi with, a VAN MBA sunittile, nail good a -Pik libell; M- L� c e., UZI, L k- niade� jar,: x.Cam of w Stier. -The whoro Al� hkil since made .!�gfqop speeck. i�R� N thei pifticularli can 13e obtainSid', by in, t repair. b Godeiieb. ,q -:to lhr& ars' - :Yorkw, -Weitipnose ifiat'�ererlong she *ill. -a Ty�epds, to de lying to 'StyleS,'L at'ektremely, qw, ra F. MOORE, propritii C. Candidate r6r�Cbngr&ss. We lea 66ina B est Feb -A E 01F s3 '1 -the _Ihatrslie 'NOTIC ASSIGN r)un a' ape, ng, I e a ma 0 aid to at IF A C 0 T rl�" whiA Js -a c M­ fiartable, essuraace.� E -HER BY'GrVLEN that, amea R, A 8TLi, P. 0, sepRt. 2 T imiiint 0 10, 'to; t6ilfiand6si9t 01 his g qand, _�(Or W ra 4 ot.he said. JamesM'Ussj��, in to Sopellind-, XoTr IC LE come ii"er Mr; S we� av To �snit Ihilf time NOTICZ, 71 :, 2; "'PU BUC 7 a-signateult ran, d, GE HAYS. �Sbllel or. ffi�N Rate�p,ayers �f the -town of '(36derriell a ITS ate,�*& StRath essment andallr'ooijj�"Ind� �Auv iiiW-J! &- ' ' "L I% BY-GIVtN'Sibat I 1p E C L the *asil are :-TEED- 44.00 &Bo red lj� " � ­ . I " r are ereb notifili Ihat the Ass tmsGood,,.- k6itbk lot a susire its� J[Ietter inan�4 retarnS foillbe, alphabet 1�tpe- or 1863, f, y6a� A� lay and,save wer �c eap 0 6* Copitland had', ically-posted'intl �J & Jr SBF eautio cuti trilk 8661, id L Site"., th P eating WIN - a, over twen effsjd,Town.�'."R yers re�,be'rebv MSG ktepa AM' I MR, PLOT IN PROPORTION. E an: 1863. " �', k , -M, IS 24t —a lcmv d 'd aun M�� e eaV will be.1c1didt MEN;& COM;119 A�N.D,LTI,,P.§.�,%-,*,4t,-%��',iil�,f"� SHIRTS' d AT A he,Town Hull CAP: farther notified� tba THE� "HUNDRED the� 0 art of vision B'YL East strliet�::at, 12 �o CIO& 110on, on ar ei �G d of k CAUTI(W.40:, �=ESkAS� aT B M. D Sim ev, Siv d led L &Y 1 r :4 order of the ourt- Je' or, onL P �A' 2 &Je ear by 'on R. -B� REYNOLDS etions- are to the 218 T" The r.the nevi ele etio C IS the e&O-dieIna. Fr14 I e t2n ay, o20; pi eW e he p. AISIOSSUr tire rapt SUIT tinu'e COL of ericb, i 24,1863. fit fror rMiTed 6th, IS 3. P 0 O'R C 0 P