HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1863-04-24, Page 2M, "ts- 11 W _Rr i 5- NNAI 95=R� A -W E E KLY.. S I -G N A L.... THE SEMI filreman of the jury at I,' that their' Ileworials of rn�rlgageis frequently metationi, ing pr�liicj Inifvin, ver� diet was ready, at a cal front tile iti(itte all- mert-ly a frominid' Consideration, itiofmo�ives, and habits of better prepared for,','e work in hand shou laid a meeting -to protest is annourreernerq the head ill rene the at of"..r fig W C r f C M e 11 t 9 r deeision­ 4' Atilt gluilty At seldom give thelerms; 9( t"Meak 9,P )()We , thoughtwhio� ele t h:ft'j'.g ships for the Corife�e,' .1 st nounced fill and very thi . . �; ' , , Tatia the soul part above, bereneIr the attrac the counsel of rattle clatuse, lloulj,suc " 'be -ollonNg m - The statements that the Pri, i h 7 whCh spoken soeloquently was raised from themortgage. Au the event utilse,ito i "I � a 1, . - which cannot fig is dent was very Thiby adopted. a'me morial calling on I is Ad widg y . A petly aitiry w1fili the Admiral, that he -is I o be re. ernment'ta'Andicate the hatior of naglatict py dent 8t4r' the hands that hAd shro�nded -the face a pro. clianging hands undjR4 the coy riallotta- of dhe restraint throuj� Moved inAis pace, ' and that the Prowl _Ting Such pa-cceedings. 4 tred scream pent throu;h thp co-u'rt foom, ilower ofsale pto y ordolt "'n Those -into whose arms fell the 0 illftheinorti,' e, in ri to do what he Ile' man ground I a second' attack jrj�c alf. Tfie.nobilitybf8t. P`ie�sbur 4doptled Fin leis. -Thera ress to The Czar, into so much interest, and whos vor of maintaing the i saved which tile mortilage proA'kty *68 sold. jf cittarmeiftling at his but Do tit will )roba4ly' lead i; find no integrity'ofthe e t all cost. the,prisoner's life, saw at once that they held this calelessnearl, (I cat, call it not i own home. Let that unpleasant dispate am hive been s tit to him It is report�d , Denmark will allow in Ire ag eliel .4 'Eat 0 001 ject of' ill,� wa record to show, thi,� duitiltirity under eA f0f th�- m1loral ­ tion of, Society is to be a'second "attack. 'add" NEW"G, OND S-�,NEW G 1 D gaf- a be rendered A -home indeed,pleasaut AiL Ile will however, make -1ho attack Prince William to accept the Greek throne, in their support the form at' a woman, It 0111T affected the present morthagort, Mort. Into Victoritte Verdet I -Itii e, I he I oss arid i only when in his own jadgment be thinks fit, but upon items not likely to be accepted. nconverrienee would be con-- 'cheerful poll . happy—likt it be the placc The reader must come ovvr a lapse of years lined to) th Us parties immediately inLereste Wfiere his 6il" I+e tolijo, and with us now. The beautiful bait, that lit.al Boot the mortgra re becomes part of ill& chain v Married Victorine's head h%d again attained of title, and uffects it forever there. KrOm which ilisy wW take into the Wide Amvaloftha "Jura." Confederate Position at 7redencks- AT WALLACE'S, its worried length arid beauty. She is the arter, unless the Or*gillal Omission of not World tender memories and how associa- burg. oof H loved and- lh;�h�y. all such 4 buying the power ofsal" in full in the regis. t The telegraph line has been extended to fall to be, -ir little 'son doals. Could we persuade all fathers and Greencastle, at the mouth of Lough Foyle, CalarratiVildence ofihe Richmond Ex.. 4 W tered memorial. be remedied by a qu�ivclaim here the Montreal eomparill,; steamers amt . ner. 6,named Frederick, arid the sunshine of pence deed from the moillgagor. This 36 never mothers to pursue such a course as w his a row 4 is in their happy home*. done wilhoul ' me trouble and expen'se. arid this the foundations of vice would soon be line.fre up to one o1al 19 so touch alld Lhe despatches by the Jura by I GLASGOWAFLIL %f jr% U Another series of years are gone, and be. often cannot be obtained at. an Oak p.m., of the loth FAEDE:RlcYSR6to, April lAi Qrsw a hold there comes to their board a strun er. I I price. The undermined. �egixtratirin ofan exiiet duplicate of instatiC I the in- The military Condition here has been' w4h, one who has travelled Iong and far. who lar, struinent, exeoutecl at Alle, time by. all parties, .--41�— 'It'is stated that Princol, Nia�poleon's`visit to Out incident or interest. Until Sun#av not iurfao�e 'of- tile trod the sands of SaSsars, and who has slept certainly - toritiect- this, "crio, 1 Egypt is -for the Purpose -of mrieting-41re- - SaP evetra rumor ripplibal'ibe quiet -would flofit 9 X113T A" on the banks of the Niger; who has trucked the present tan and, obtaining his. Brinell for the Suez situation. I Registry AeL , Duplicate re,941 it wus then rep:Xd I,h A the curtly to t e tit rd. This conclusion ? who has been a rover fluears. It is .4"1 market value tor the estate. e. so. to time "ANTLE d in all c484 kiim a greater canal. enemy were cn'tbe march the 'Nile in its course and who) has shared 'he triations woul d Hottentot's hospitality. A wanderer, h i �le, %;d consequently a greater H011- Mr. %rion has introdo'ced a Bill The Sultan -on arrivint, it, Alexandk de- States Mine Far clared,t6at he wished to: was MANTLES',—,! 04th� Mection Law apal,red be. considered and based upon observations made within their rick West. US@ to treatej as the- guest of the Viceroy. In his lines from elevated Points on this side of,,Lbe His motives or abruptly leaviiig Yours, &C., 9 days., Thid is speech to the Foreign Consuls, ibe Sultan riv�lr, but your 00iiespondein'ti' h 2,00 and, Summer Mantlej!- ,,, I-, said that fie only'eame to H, as seen 61f A ; he saw that A BARRISTER. a most., obosible measureri And if proper f gypt for the pur- that Was visible, 4fid-can say-, with ca ty t, an he did were,emaily explaint one the humboir of. pollin Victorineloved hisconsin best; he ollid lot AprilA3, 1863. witness their happiness, and C on the as yet taken f his bidding Horace -,)ad night for 1.16 �10_vli 0 that pose of the Viceroy ft esh pro f of his -no 6caSjdbrAliId­to,�;b hall; he new styles, from One Dollar. tarried out will have a decidedly bene. 12ood wift 2uparticular Rttamion, and to seis that direction. Two or three remmenis of a strange resolution cagre over ficial taruderacji especially wit will I that important Portion of his empire. All his infantry, as many fie The MAItia Bill. pro- C ld batteries, and a singip *trbl�:#&Ld seek torgetfillroass ill some cc. vide for an increase in the numbe Torts would be directed to the development regiment of cavalry, com r rille movement, ith in introducing our immediate trout., oil of of, the welfare and, happiness of all Clams in Td capation in a d stant lariLd. Mr. 4A)"ISFIRLD MACDONA polling Places for each township, &a. of his �subjiic IRS . nation and 1p Ile never a' the Militia Ijill In to throughout the EmDire designslare unknown, but so far front the BuNNETS BONNETS I neop th�ught of the possibility of safe a lengthy speech ex. There will be's morepeacable polli and to - itren He was"cbminced that such Suspicions beirig raised� agaituit Ho' we V111A the, ties uniting -them gefferall.iqdjoratiatior within the e.nemT*r 101 laiiiing the vArious provisions of the measure. ng, and as to charge him with mur race ge alluded to the economy introduced * arOlie ovement.' I ey ithp it Will be impossible under thenew, the' signifyid.-'Wforwas-4 Ra ND PLAI h No 4er, but seekinz the into ar' Viceroy sea cost, he shirrp�d star the East, arid had Militia Department since he entered offim rangement to early Out many of the reprc- following theta, of workin,r ies engaged in the le ard and old Lardies, fro �50 Cts. ill would continue this course, and, til contrary4and for several nights the samorts e times Its much work was dome hensible Trillictices which have disgraced one strious men of the nation, constructiril d'e'lensive. fortifications on the waidered on and ant now liviiii., for a while -He paid three th f his celeb6ted fa. Large Sizes, suitable ror midd formerly at much less cost, the annual ex- of the =0 -herp, and 'low there, until as last he had re as he would understand how t pen" having been redured from 821,1 0 -to some of r /TeCent elections. We may as. 0 Ca7 to comple- opposite hills have been distinctly audible. solved once more to return to the scenes of 7 $12,905. H; Pi! tion the work which that Mat rince com- Last night aignal lit,lits were 91tafrain;'fon the his childhood. He felt that this early distort). -ave the following estimate' of well give tfic substance of the Bill for the menced. rullitisexperase; for Falmouth Hei,,bts;nd the railway trains weTe 'r .14 00 612 905 ; eig I I pointruwnt had chaa%red his dispositiou greui- the currofit year:—Ex- information of our readerist as it will very in Motion undmorning. To -night we b a, ly, or he trevercould have severed every home Parise of offil ght store keepers Cracow, April 9. Ave tie as he had dollar, and left all without a taken. at $300 each, $2.430 ; rent of armories and likely become law: Gen. Bergmd arrived in the sarne interesting-dispIny, With the uddi- HU&T;1- But, now he had come back t P%Y` of cpre-takers, trial, &c., $20,000 j iMn- ad Warsaw,and in the lien of a great banging of drums and blowitagi o close his days dental expenses V30.00o I. From and after the passing of name of the Emperai�he thanked the army for of trumpets. their fidelity &and cotal 71?MEN'S in Cahouet; here amid the sceires of his child Pay Of 130 1611 this Act there shall AAD be bu�one glling'daY The ins6rection is' specaditig in Lithu- Flis coming �is Box taker will silly N hood. instillettia's$46.000; theirtrainse It is to be hon C EYS, ------------ Brizarde N ' I recording the­vbw�Of the lector$ at -&rill. 11 - I., ort$15,333; for ed that Ho ance. I ray and travail, Ing LxPenn iously awaited by the story Trimmed and Plain 41. $27 65800,,rs I - every election of a Legislative Councillor of Northern Virginia, who now regard the de- from Twe"aty The New Registi y Bill. I, ; A OwAllice fit lien of clothing The Polish peaffirl are burairw the schis. struction of the army of the Potom ouniformed corps of 6,000 men, or of a Member of the L 'or. a; ae AS a a matic churches. 3 gislative As -the war is SIR,—1 folly a seven field batteries for 2. It shall be the dility -of ilia piost,= Gi;uski are gathering stre d by �lsajre to give it a agree with your views ex. ngth daily. I grailM, successes at pressed in the Leader of the 19th instairt, as "1181 omall ammunition for 1863, ing Ofilket Oft receiving the Writ of Elee. he insurrectionary forces in the District Vicksburg and Charleston, and the - prom to the wisdom displayed in every parish, toorniship, city, Of"izcb; have 1prOly increti6d. % 0 .3 unition for' brilliant coup de i d , ij [To the Editor ot,the Leader 8 6:300; Bill 01' the floverial' Goveraturrat sombly.. Hands of insurgen yt and believe 64t for is military necessit foor is under Czistowski and near its termination, 8254io great costs 025,739 ; accoutre. tion to fi by the Attorney moral $ 112, 000 Pt 4, erecilon of drill sheds and flown or It is'reporto�d tbat ibe entire Russian spiny wool influential rubseriptival of theX15,000,000 "In Wit thilfneir upwa X General Wesit, in consolidratia� all our laws armairries $20, D)o -, prages for.drill and turste word in his Electoral Divi i European loan, have irispireti the enemy, and no York.Shilling .; t 61011, is to be placed on a war frit ; � � :.,:, respeetinz the Registration of Titles and practice 82 - one polling place and thah the whole country. Im : ... . . It, '000 ; clothing, twenty thousand if there be low than two Croustadt has been placed in a 'state of de. Th ansitsl. . ..w management of Reeiatry Offices ill one. g Lid trousers at $10 each .i,, hundred Electors in such parish town- tence. ere remains nothing mere toile said -save an- shakus, tunics it eralAcw Also, with you I exceeding at the condition of the troops here is all illiat MRS, oly re- $200,000 - total $582; 1,08, L Veducling4he ship, city, town or ward, according"to the istration excess of appr�priation over the expenditure list of Electors to be used at such election call be desiied. This was inspection d#y 4br gret It bait, aftee a certain day. the ret: Liverpool, April 10. t of duplicates is not made imperatiTe and not in 1862 ($128,556) there would be left $453 - two polli rn the corn ma Gen. BarkAjallill e9mot And epe was left optitforial. rkot we have lul tii i. e, indie'sis vqrtety. In nitiety-nine cases out of 552 - toe araujuitt. foe which is, vote will on if there he over two an aver. not a condemned 'musket in the whole bri- real estate do not reflect that & Fransactionap a every hundred, the parties buying and d in the, Estimates for 1863. An esti. I drednf' Places s,!e Attendance Wheat in fair (emand -at gade. The men throlighfirif this'de selling sake J� ectors and under five hundred, Tuesd%y'r pric ' parim�at 'note will Also be given for 1864 ca., Flour is slow of sale, but were never in suck go-od heallihi equipmeatt, nd so on, adding. one polling place for not lower. when the of ta-da� are to becomit a record for rev:; same expenditure, au will not be ;�quired for two hundre� addition and efficiency -as at present. clothing, akc , a vote being only required resaid. .. �o April 10. such list as afo r i, liondon rhent, and is done cheop. and answers the pdllifij� pliiilis ilia .1-1 . Xj nothirar, but as it serves as a notice of aln in- once in five years, amountinX:to $224,888. 3.- Tile; OM 11' 8retlar re 4 6b -pioirt*-oi follovis time. A-metnorial may, really contain K'111 E N' GVEIN al Electors, on Kral ill be1xed Twee&;,"&ih"HiTf'j DfIliaj A" �1 do The bill was a read a first The weather is beautiful, supplies 84 MOZ,. If 'the Most convenient places in mired purpose, for the, momerit by the t me. at t0ownsibi each ate, a SUr" 1'�'Tltme Dollars. 7wreechand Svper�a? Sti'llol ihadii parish, all articles is exactly -is ind the trade in' pronslike she Newerstia' thoughtless, ignorant, and penurioas, would May ji,city'or ward, so that they on money. Buyers and sellers dppear equal- ad. Best Styles, at extrearrily Low rricts. he 31W2 ti distant fjoija each Nelll� York Post. TS adopted, in preference to anexact Other at least I inalific, editin i1milibing Quess. r a Ost SaY4. Alpha, not be made. To, save a trilling expense 12, -wise and pound-foolish' As Tit' P �copy of the original. half a mile in'tonalli7 rural parish or town- �,strcluger illustration of �he "penny could 'hipi and at 10" three Atimiltred English r i, 41i i Pod.land, Apol Aption. Apko�oAAZAD AIDE FU 4nd it would be but a trifle lin each- city, town or Ward Tfie Jors, front Uvirpoill ca the 9th, via —the law now 4. The Electors may Capt -in &Wei,-&Hved tbisafternoont we to go" 14493s M1 Londonderry art the 19!�, arrived here at 11. have intelligenc� from port.Rnyal� �1!; 4� on record.. memorWo, vote at any one 20 Allis A move- . ; idea of the'nature, C- of the POW1119,P pent is makieffor 4: ! ws 'a V 'b Thooloram" 8 of Admiral To suk the time# ye �,A bli_M 1` 'gx FEW', .2 _11114 -da- establisbediand fixed 0 the fthin th ained in the conve a C W., A?' will. Polish "a abIl isitediul' D-1111011111,froi.tr�l 1V or' towni t4 y nee, JUL 249 186.3. W orujusnal. -of %he, jrop-claid MY,-, '7' T I I. LBUt, GODERICH" floset,ana'a-is said Getional,&-yatiourwho comb t 1611111'thoiy im vote Ireadstuffs quieto bot qeadij, eirce in h a ATA a imeept it to " Vitt " . . , . . I Ad the Boot for, 11116 than it does of of Ganes- �ypitil Pot CO Nort i -the g - tw 0 k!"n ie r(OX-1. aSY.0 An Opponent, what will you do tho-caselftfa �whieh � thr", dA Mell! tenditif down. Provisions flat. -and proc6e�d . ". .; �., aje,;ial, trusts, in' in W h �stingo�, urge . is -G 1�*. MROPORTIQ Electio" so Ject %on the attenijon'oriile govento arruo-e settlements which , jim . The.. Vuitra,4 Statei--Consui ` ed itio W has 'Tim INCAS" h6re1RR&Wi66dOne4, *bin ''the at " bj A".. 0 NIRP CLOTHIN it is not desirable �orld IS or. Cla mehl. Ivision.lawbiek Mors- -wit Tespect Amoagi h ­ ­ I ..t Thi ver I ten E th . ". I . . .. bf Irishoneso a act erqb"ectsofGeRe%jlSjyRj0`6jiS1 to pWililar. vD, the qhau - OnW."te ikthik 'Con6aLts-the rfa enliatmet erof wspapre"'hii: I cans - or vote.' j mentilifthe, (of lon, minforce-. not —mudb6 startled ii,ilepr4sentaitives. of the United 8 4 S. Is shall. be lsvWful foi. tile ��M6111161 A_T;_ - - - L '.: :' ' L rL "L i, AN -,-S-­-V-A.APS 1U .94�6'h 36 m6ch mom nicessary jo finve'a VERY.read. ey are respeatively quailded to! itaters. mission, we -are informed; With ill y.flIctibatthimisaspecia stjukit the tra ted b le instrument recorded at fitill, length �Tho- da --4 -BY-I THE'lu ,AEN S .4d who %A und& Hunter tis'6tid6i� tates' 'stood' the.!tro( e6vingiat hjis't� be seen and Amiefilly extual at the W -Council of any.psirlsk tl�wiiashi�, p6lucj�'S' Government ift feel lared,when varpo;�:,;- contained eye rri g anraouncemosu� town taa.,;A.; 4L ��J Pi 71 and, hoowiei4; are said to, Old'otiomiliand will be 'return 1.11 /AHii� - COLLARS AM.--TI-Q Mi i a I I as - Is con I __a town- de- perit, is diopoje4 at and thit �ery specia -Anothe sh.. th, be- partmqzitl r r Nirder." .....paper, 1p, city or town. into Electoril di*ion Beat Out tQ,j6in the:eederal ar-my.6 ca In among the laud on tro: a go the properiy. Mira up b Mr. aif-the,o arid who: had been is 'i0ing-storieslofe V1. qtla!tqffAa§ h I or cc oremy _,��ra,on oird the ;Groat jEarete L4ju nfiden of the rimil and ;Ylslc'L Or �Wardl for. evalL. Tenants do not e&ct the liallift ON F at 'd.io c0lionant is now aiiii'always will, be a Part �f -keaches. us �hatdm. not Or wards tie -that th4e Uit A short -tion who rare is litso furnish its siek.' ,ope. a Pines, fir Ratio, he tire - t Ifthe Special trus ' ' El I SOT piroperty thtli; d 111111131dred:ZWton in such paiiisli-to i hi juran theia ou�.Of the� instrument, but , if they' the cities-fordseething WRe ers..jq tW,,Ajtish Ps navy, a' vessel even importan't"aild must'lie conta" (I divi- rt ASwarming . with the' idif,,,4611 -29th, 04YOt,town ;_,4md.6,wbioaieiju�h �i " Ai0iin joiriiial1h ' aped in the an ;apan,..I�Irich- was"fitt3ag out at,"Gar-#errock.for� nimpo ZOU! O.DES -ekoaltj ' , ant statement is to -d as important that thty :" : 1. 1—. 1 -,otheij Eastern olthe miack an (;ha' ado, in re ri.&malr. it is vion shall haveUtia made bd4' cat �43 aw althou.- .,Ore the"liate ultinif-AW p6fts� �.'-'MdW, I dekton and)%hi. with It r . I recoeiii to be 17 voicatida Js: ur'! .4 wrivOf.jP*9p,�,separa l- , al. f shrould'be, made a matter of recoe4. to be 4 cent y- these 4MIrlirmasters: cafaii-to Liver. , 0 our iroli-cladli. namely; ti, thl�f Atrusted at.all M glary, liard I te'liN118' Of4oterx'sholl, W pool-arld illipl;dd.nVoui�jo e order mo,.of -ereTj to,the% r6at usuguet 'Just the lait. foirribIq ceptionilrie;or this descriPtiou, to, d oo �bere may e A a &Vspoeiit 6fis _.T,. 9,-3aRseitjpeMOn8j,.2n thef6fte4', Pos4ibly, le: b 'th it, U hf ond ;he.mst, r h to somesecriets 11i u-, the Admirdt,frijilljou 143P jo,:jp�,eveat.tW as Ordi iscree W, nary conveyances i t6i toarmater, ill R, —in ty thousand must flow .. U, '7 ,:Take;Torohto!if .0 ej, 011`;Aieh�81W divisologi,or,any ey' r �D.' AdOipif h art Y 11"'Otiddience to i4k eide& aone. I greqy .,,a ple.�� Week. Wa. had been.shij� ed fqrserv,166: on. board,the, nbi to 1-6fiew*t6e, fit -Ed vnn,�J Ilicautiful. thew, tit or . h * is the -ey' 'this last Order that A rairalt-Dop d a*16 h6lill5theiii 16 aint do trick., xbe blisfy'L -w to dupl-icate. earls apart-, sector n a �p_ atrations,are. b4 athea'a Va%aj fi -sccme�Afier an'othi lung outito hurili sink t Alfforhe lolgrthl I the Aiitthor.;,Frietn� $You. ,m a- snail sopy.it will.'be a -dead- 14ttert-or d of with dom-� aessfils. Mr. U to US .8 y,� �E. though, Dudley, -at 4r nearjrso.- nis'pbUit 'has. beer.kflo_.*elI,.db- ie� Inoral pa No"sodnerii oune telig;aphed ito , 1�dr&. cOMed byorie of thi 'Registmis, 4o.fWly the PopaigirL-Mifid7eali[�,e'd'aft�T�ih4 the, 11fity �ntusatesr . who promptly-.calle&�cin &rI Russell, t 'd' Stands xe id lailer telegraphed totbe�(ko:leair�r at C OY WD 'Jaen ca ther: erican agazlue. natant$ _e,,�reportj�,Wosft earrelit jj� A!ftajorhir�Diixhoio, CIS. ourIL06 we 'all JeCtLjfLIjnWtfi1' too t; �e h N 4111 Cuurwz� tea ar rge a out : � 11, ­ :�i 1P ghm�ou, his vieiiOuthla h' enA a Calhamba,�`s itichir thri iiorking'. of our Registratiori evi ente, that Anni vorite Am t by- one Ion' r thaij ano t aft& b6.d L at livelpfrolto, stop t e,Jdpan. The- olleow Herald of, b, o C �411, Man toi, StL 006 looked lot ty, but a 36 pr�cfeec? rd "The. present., System of're.risterin tire there it �fpjeaaiftt Chitch t: _.: , , , , , Qfr a ,to 'A X krw ml -'W- 'dered nothinr�ould'Se seen ifiel a woulatiI. anot, Sroz, 912 -PPRrinuationio. 1 -1 0 ofILI 'It. a best,, w Qvers;, , as Ind rialS. coustittl that some k stories, lli some,of h The news as to.q,r4tioU6,A,;i�gj h - ill. wiPhop. uteira�, or. r C. ibstionsterit !Ste L irbaiind I b ba e q t at Is I L d teenterl e river Ord' a'' r§1O.t e effe6t^tbat'lihoughL tile dqsi.; of'", 'i alidT, -� ;lfhurreveau r:giglr:�tao, am not�confined: to t ra, article on lthod braizle:u� as' piew ng;� Ahe t Assault, hs,b milly coirlaiq, no on -Tuemoria ai�, frow'record The illost I eslie and The Anniver he !metropolis., own e0fli fib thl IrbateVarr of ilib 'j'atirre Every, V tood 'S ey, for l$CX�Mo I h.L 901 ties of the W 4 2 gives the No japon JI11 ormation; to 'LL ' " ­ " ; jjL'�t Is " L, Slid the '-prament A td Wage, towrn,'Jand VSMP , f, - �ricaft cc d The /r, eyerii-turne Getil boa� not reat, poastrum,,fit, n6rded. d raphed td'Earl Rusbell., thathd mu�j,, h0�' e ali 0 ce -mis-infornied, �Orifijrtlrer invesiigiiiiala "D EST, TIONER) I! the en coca but -.as �dme rolls on; arid ihn 'bd,� ethe city, Jand that effbitS'are the ab*4�j-'Jt 'surmounted- wit a -good degf, ill 5 only and every,news; �piper is, compelled, haiwever� poian BUY or long as tile: ensive. move. IaMee instrumearit I Ainny 11110tiltors'could'-b ye reacly� fiction thia 0 it'wast fcniri& tit nakin, by -biratin, zhdtWirai`q�jdu areenoc tio 'in,mentionedr jj smi[16, paredis LSjok at, tbe.recita, [j r ain the in yer, wheantc� e ville.knoWn 'A '6 as a thrre hea din t t t as crease. ne_o bur. of ii;6, intaft;aIj in ' h 0" nit holder t is ,is,qur boitsted. 9"braL eat erer imine Intel ate. engagemenis.� 1 no t e,property, th t� S__ _p f6fthei D ficlis', �Aboest' be -4 ACient �be e her. rich, boya,mri a P njalal 9, U 1L loses;- 6'r,,6.as, in- many --vases, mes.mo tartific, orpatr� . Of-7tha'New',Jirs'e';y irk n. enock;�thiiiljapdtly renumewthe we am do n,i;authorized PY thUt-Otheetto state th tfiodqhtlbas to fdr air unktio 9 Ratio e'ract -document, theb-all'trace 7 lr.egirb , a . nts p , ca , te d that the, monitor fleet is able to Own Mra ad The me 0 to ne in.aU the. -arts " L � Jr,;L i' � ­'�� I * -batter, d 'that still, kng The London Glob Fort artificial: existence r 'ng�. tbe� seizure Sumter 7eir ern wilrbe-recCi Veal- ... ONE f T of0 giihli.aj Alexandra on'suspicion fif-hele ML coincid6j -d - . .1 1 _' ­ , , , J,, sh"fild IM a ro�fiiri a Y T L t flbajrly� ill- the office 80, t'thoSe W 61 f eint-nded for theC a'S6, thatthe L'obstructionH mi-bt be �,P.'.'_ �to 1 'Jdf T lorroaLfor., i6ry-Oat. many. awyers in me. 'restraints h ppe� fi�a,la,Will r t e arnit was,_,a rew; fecloirates, admitti e, n5ofrodull no ZITO an opinion on a; tile; unless All the w BID. circumstaildes.'i - ­ ' though the experiment mi t be -at , ., ;. -8 (10 o alfi jusu ed ',the p,oce0ihni; o -9 1 2 3 _V, be �o butTrIS., wfint the� Ze ed iou a d 6 a days 66 d6liy�rlod f xhtUt illat file h tended -P, eedsr,sri�prodatiid. 'Tfi far wo seel ed :the; 1a L h' i,hr,he risk that i4,o)_m it _P49kWAwfit youngsWr,_ o --the -1� la�&Hap a - aimpossibi FU 'jjosiji e to, d6 from �sblii to'ietur.n like th fro ra t b e 'a I uv 0 f ways -there. -�,Every.,�phijftjjthropist kg�, T men q, eric Moderato- Apply, the T, q a'h statei'aird,it wa Ortaltole Soon S as- o jr 0 a1wri PI a -will e!; xBom; -.G beiqg��ivided into roin't IS, t ireLthecauses ofthese evils.—thee made eertained thii(O.ere Was'fibthi,19161er wheie'6h4;, aSUblunbry s h to in, pai6el� , , L � t jL1 . fro e IS from4fie Br6wri; ��iicr ;pfn� --�(i trouble liive� honors % e. t e all ere, b` reb "ad ow nouse, [Ahan contained in- h' list grant do c6ra At Fue"blockader aliiIu 6" ` iliftatif'11*16iia yn h milit 'bb rt The , i,, ;c) a money. L E gli4y,�.�uiakii the Peater, wor -,t I rie,shares 47fa Z blic Ill f widiscount. Thebullitil thelBiifik -ate , eyfif-, iellal . ..... een takrl -seadre and proeser+oi tlie'oij.,�. id:Me tioyj Its'jultl'th'i , t;-Wuld receii, a �art Of* j�s not all:attribitabli:, "intempa "sed nat G'EO meyed eo Where -it: is-absiolutell nee -to exanlim! Thd Atlautic g, ressio r etisdry Tel hoA ese. left Liverpool-atfiq pajbelith�uudQuee' e tpe, orw 'see O.'a'Regotr ',Offide_fbeW,n& gaT,s ri eoparues on eac tungi .", T. I I r ropert tairces, . in Inx of-fial TEN*,AAN­Dn7- we think Oct' ENT. dms1I�.irecor&:d. fro6I.which ii,*eamer�-:Ciily "fL Ile .:, R _nt.( rise. oria a are In dnd,'06A ' ` Th Th :vlqd ge, y --tenii caOf -which, e great success AeafieK `_,Under ib WeuE 11 -ilrl y t 4 'with �tl;,e 1, ro 'Y _A 13 -PI r .-exact on the,9thia4l�o, 1 We I IS co tinent' and?, Gbtjt,! liar the 0, his,mora. h, in 1, a everf," tij Ion 412teld'orence in 'priop er it, naturte f iff t e perflietl ll� a . betor CabI9,. w Jb -0-RADE OOD NG a. Atl�fillic� qe3;t�joar.;,.,,O -er s spI inlaro -he I L rcbrdjp� ard than iverpoo -A -t d ohe"Of"the-1tirprpo, Ywk "'Thin New, nj *ZbV,(;00 has been Subscribed Ity I -avid; �iiugge�ts.,. itgeit'to 'April �-_cj_ddcks� on Theitibscriliers u ;be ief �Ksmkm oribis prce,Rr, caltes 'of 471 ilia Rankid� "L T e arivApril, 166; t da loi; IS eft M Plij.! tn men xmD y Lin Will latesua vices detailst;-tiii,be The 'dfi _Ved cthe tr,U,tU,YUol kp 4pon A 'd f1p, oubt_exls"� ih ­­ fidim, 17 FY iafft - i -ed fvo VWOIi� d ' .,--before. any, proceeafn --will bb k It that _W Murraw I y K hunub Y4 W ,�thel erproprpplialt 9tl, � �" , .'W '� Madthe detenji d GHEST 6 can, arna; examination p.a a—Mmf uJishiligAhemord-heni6 11 -be 'ed atlo�day lby,lan did AIIL�'jiap. : JA)ndon WAlf. l`ilidntij -1W jjj arto -1F 111 Tall A� t gain,, &Z Va. 1pg dal; ato I fial[ X hem. ono ,perhapsa a fib seat �4*`Ouft`& 1pp Ocration Alp.& row acirtm ppme ftt�qrelaeyA & �ven,,the, 6xtmmd x, a, capgon ."j"�Ljle CorrappoonCer betWee eg P --u.% traproperty P ds) In 'Ik -mu I -fissi IlAh`e,owrleis�of: tied' rom tbric ibed.,L -Goab arrionsidoWn�16LG. six Ile ee -am special 'trullit', diodiii 'WdRi-des �ZUWXIII D( Rai th or0ith 10 lweg(*'9[M ',Of WA69 a of, _qjablit the�t RM611 SAY ranN ro i T iii , _3 a prope bde6d egom' G �jre�_. riiVij L e,;&,dAR;ta�cable as wel[*L Oli�!" rp in Is k ow, lot -9,9 tween ohn, Denison Primin6al Or, Z a d ejd�. ii %i- no, fu urse, or,,baving 'the, I. n0 RL1114 von!!y.,illnee marinelines. dest -!t, h6n'perfokmanee of a OIL immeaist6, GI 4agw, -, oil Iliam -Jo4nJ aF eld IS I ad Wi 'edot 'W� 'AbI W! e 14v` All khosi IMTA -*1k as ch9rmuL 1. IR I --b I -, ontil"kid , L glit ur .1ohower6o -IOTd`1"-4rMb Y&, T -it tcW6 r=Ultbtrw..ilv, rit'Godapari Pro qli in AtjeW Waskii.f< g U'llil -per pent - 141 � dersig , -W . toe rupy 1--aii '4�jhdRj';""_#T I this, menjim, 2womeavilig.Allive. am utrd of the marker, Ir prine. ONETTO fre-s- Hall fte' 1, get ON loristimmation,of m% p.*s ;rqvieg faratir at 8,t LEND _h T/1� ­13ar"i:67 -,.pu e d er 100 tcrex,,wm_wmmve Is J. d Rie -a a. P is. A the ltifl'd&ft orip"lAu a6tv Allie, vwp tww iVe i4and,wittripartor Gin :lara ermm-seas twe lvel dollaniAlld, soot _tWen!y�fiye ;Centi, at r each and* Will, sa It is bailding, in Hli�!iind­.Ior jt�is_also reporto'.1thatthey I ri j. - � 7y.��Pj�, :GRAHAM­ Itto" f 1111thQnzed to VU L -v as gelki .g -Rmg.!w n owl R,?evle W '10V "Mae .the, in- the QUA tIn T It no ]ll�OMIUM! RIM nawill �1)137 6, jprr,'�a, � 9*0' Owed* by hear� -i Y_ all - "M le objeclabitim b _U b y ofV m0pts justa _f fir f7 it waqw, 0 ristif vacation. buJ&a7 00 Z Ikelmnt; migmuoll.BuF .001� il-I�manctpato� Society Of t .,. ­ J.UU U i-0 jordi 1863.