HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1945-12-12, Page 1r •r, T LYTH NDA .t{ VOLUME 56 • NO.1(i. • BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 12,1945. Subscription Rates $1,50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. SANTA WILL BE IN TOWN ON SATURDAY, DEC. 15 " Citizens Of R,lt, 2 Honour Hockey Executive I'lanliin>; I Free Picture Show Saturday Five Mori Servicemen Home Mr, And Mrs. Jaines 1)avis Several Entries In Afternoon. :\ large naunllcr of people, matte up The executive of the Myth Hockey, Night; Parade principally of the hoxholders of 1:•1:. Club stet ;t the home of the Prc,ident, Phis runout ,'ty Ila, hall the privilege l'I:nrch, Myth, the Myth Turnip i'lank No. ?, Myth, gathered in the \ichor-' \Ir" Fra:llc Tyreinan on ' hursday cv , SAN'IA CLAUS WILL $E ON HAND during the past week to welcome horn Employees and the Clinton Branch of ial hall on \\'':dmestlay night. Decent- ening, December tali with a full anvil- Neigllbollrin ; Co -O )Crdtl\ cs five of our rciurn!ng ,cru ice personnel, the C auculi;ut Legion, for parcels and '10 GIVE ALL CHI i•n, '-.-: 12 AND her 5111, to pa; tribute to \I r, awl \Irs, dance, :\ general discussion regarding ; r.l'i111i 51100 At 1)lllllel' UNDER A FREE 'fICKE'I To THE all of when) arrived in Nov 1'orl: on 'cigarettes hs tsccivi'd while overseas, I ,nice 1)avis• \I r• 1)avis recently re- the entering of teams !n the \\'e,icrn , . , v—_ J; '1LLti11{; SA FURDAY NiGHT'S PICTURE the giant liter, Ouec t I'.'izaihctli, l Font l tired after 3' y cars' service as mail Ontario Athletic Association was held, Now York art Cattail:an pers,nmel FLT" -SGT. JOE MARKS (carrier on that route. Several people Several ;dun natives were di cu ,c,t, fllr ltirsitt.; f th, 14fyth I anti- SItOW. 1111e1Cl' elltral'll••1 I. r then' \arimis , Marks' Router r , 1.'r,' t,tt-I)Ill'l',IIl1Y' l'a 1t'1•Ia1SYtIl t11e Ih" I 5 Flt• -Sgt Marks return was a real from the iar end of the were nn- these bci'Ig the entering of a team i I homes acro;, Iht 1k".11itlill:O, and five thrill to (lint, particularly sit since he <rblc to be present due to another funs -neither rural isterutediale,'jlt\enilt, or rIlerat .,i th; 1{slerawi Farmer,' tt,- (;,,,, continuity homes were 111:1 happy was to see his I the sun, Ilriau, for the til"1► which fell on IIIc sante nfghl• Imidget bucks}. It was agreed by ;Ill Oluratit'c to 1 dinner in the Conts+'e fr',ui ti., I again :I, IIIul11l't i, fallhl'I's, \111'1' and tarsi 1:111.'" The Intl t5';l5 110111 alter 012 r I llal 111'tt'1 int 11It',daw "'ening. '111t''',t,elld :til;lrt'tl,l, alit•rtio'in alnl Plena J "The cv'eniuti \w;s s} 5111 iu claming to that! a null igen cater would hs innprat- children welcome l their I1,wed-inn's had Otte Overseas, Itis daughter, new prcprieter ;It the Cinumcrt'i;tl 'Inv, in lily 111. Tllr a riwigennent, 1'1)• K t, the music of Jackson's Orchestra, and tilde as several of last year midget . hack alien several years of alr,enc'1 Carole. was also just a tit' tot when he „ served a su11tpt0"n' Inrkey dinner, hi•, wl•it naive h""' ria '' 1111 1ll11 th, 1 ) just after the Itnuch hour, \I r• and \Irs• players are over .1gc for this rlassifica from home. left. Ht. -Sgt !darks was incl in 'l'o' U;n•is were called to the front of the tion. The intelntediate team was given 5vhich was gre,Itly clihI 1.I,.,tnll apltre• icourie"y of the I''d\t'n Lion. t 11111, sir '1l o:•1 arriving hent during, the \cele rondo by his \wife, who has (leen re- 11x11, and \lr• James 1'hulan read the considerable thought, but it tt•;t, t11. elated by !IR": a,se1111 I There were111 l le 111 , 1 r,u, tial, t 116.111),,- par? • have hes I lilt. I1 iii lin w n1., I'tr' siding here with her i irenls Al r, ;mil a1.1";111111 iwe11tC I'nt'ent ir'r the d;+1111.1. ir'r 1111. 11, In'(it "i Li'11'e, ,"i tht 1n11u5\ing, addlcss, with the prescnta ally fell that as the executive is prim 11011 (.lo5iur, I It• ti ;t, los Marks. Pk \Irs•g Lorne Scrinl};conr, She relnrnecl boat of tw•0 lovely occasions) chairs and aril} interested in seeieg that the yo+:1t wcct,utnlcrlrsll at 7 "'cluck. tonne r ,lninn.uty. Tense} Ilarring;t,o, ant Puss !•:loner ,v'itli Ilini to Alonlreal, where he made a purse of money being trade by of the colntnrnity gat their lIlalice it 1 'I'hu'e pr1.sct,t included \I r. Carman ~ulna wilt a;:'\t i+ I',Ittb.11 'Irl: Schultz.. final arras rcnunl for his furlough, and Messrs. 1 Ilodgins, ninon IQcr of the !oral rli" 1.•c' in the ;tfternu. 11 (tln1 rrnnin; ;,tllr l.ly } Sam :Appleby and Leo Kelly ; was decided to enter a testi in the joys !they arrived by train in Illyth on Tues- Mr, and Mrs, James Davis. 1enile :'erns. In conversation with the lactory, anti \i r. .\b Taylor and \I r. lick doh( r I:aill. and won. ;,II ehil I, day. Ile is a member of the Royal r\tri Dear jinn—\\'e, the boxholdcrs of President of tine \western Ontario Atli- (k'r1 \lar,h, b•r,h umntbrr, of t11c Vely-'drrn I.1 jlii l il. for 111;; Santa t Ian. PTE, IIARRY IIRUWNE I 110110% 114 the esculent ileal, every•' Poraile t,}tirlt will r 1)l ;nen e Mimed- rte. nure l Filet., and came to Canada 'during the Rural Route No. 2, Blyth, and litany of 4letic Association, Tory Gregg, the exe- 1 i'tc. 1Iaury Browne nits ;IIHII1 ('ulntnotnrsalth Air Training Plan to your friends, have a:•sentle,l here to-'cntive was in/urine(' that a Illyth chili cine unit, in al conversant snood, and lately up .0 his ;11'11111 . 1 real ianl those who ;"rrived aho;u'd the \u'n,l, 1941, stationed 1)t Clinton. 1 practically all (hose pre,e' t rose to the borer k e.xpe,ied, and evert t hill wit,. Queen. 1'5510) ;!I, anti was lust ill 'I'., t (night to pay tribute in a small way to would pruh;hlr he grouped with teams w; \\'hilt Ihcre he was cotntecicd 5etlh r uccndion of speech -slaking, with \Ir„rail I o,•il,l. rl is invite l to he 1r.,- vou, Jim, lot those mane lung, years from Goderich, Clinton, Scalortlr and Simon Ilaollahan, the 1'rr,id1.n? of the relit. ronto cu Salo dory afternoon by Ito Ili' grrund cru, but in September 1942 of faith i l set.\ ice which you render- Exeter• Frecl'tan 'home'' will be the wife and (laughter, ;Ind his mother, id ( Illyth ]:u mer'. Co 0'• 'I*'' :\.socia- FREE IIC'1'LRE SHOW AT NIGHT \tits transferred to \lout -Jodi, Quebec, cd to us. Coach, sand 1a:• Johnston manager of \\'ingham, They all arrived in Ply lion as chairman. On for saw( tvrni"} t(Icrt ,will be a liherc he tout: a gunnery course and For alnntst ?? years you have ddlie the team. Tile executive also decided on the 9 0clo"k bus Sunday evening, A will:' and varied discussiotl, pts FI(I.I': TIl'I.I:I' to the l'It_'fl'Ri: g;tadua led as an :\-Clunncr, anti was erect the mail to Its in all kinds of to sponsor a local league for younger and a large crowd, including Ills tvd- taiuMg to minters of interest to (.11. tiIIU\\` for cuss',,: l,,,y or girl 1_' year, ch ,an as an li•struclor, at No• 1 llomb- weather and on all kinds of roads. Ibnys, definite •arrangements for whic.t const home couunittrr, and members in and Gm1ar' School, aryls" lit r Opsrati\;s, ami general farming Fon ano1l under, a 111 \\ ill personally hand of the town council, were oil hand to g y J \11. will always remember you, Jim, will he mads a1 the next meeting. :11 IditiOns, 55x; h, IJ, with milk in it• did m wemwtr, 194,1 he \vent hack to Eng- for your kind and courteous service, so a league ►t'r girls is suggested, and 1 . ont the nickel , to e;Irin of the ki,hli„-. greet kiln, It was great to see hill „hied, but not before he took al:lvattt;gc \'our friendly tntile, and plcas:ul1 way this too, will I' finally arranged at 1111 nuns.erent phases being ore .,f the chic( wkllinit to attend this show which \till again, and hid hint in the best t'f11f his euurtslcitl with 00e of uur line items. Islat1 in the \lenni;ol Ilan at 1i :311. health, Harry has nulling to Ito (rotll have made man), intimate fricn;ls for next meeting. lit the meantime the The unmbrls of both urganizatiot” 111 Ih „c ower I' year, of age will. I young Myth tidies, NI NI you over the entire route• older hockey players are to be ap 11155' un111 11112 :.1st of imullu•v hit ro;tli ; Scrimgeour, \\•Lunn he married. You always seemed so cheerful re- proachd as to whether they wish to Irft feeling that 1111.} Ihul wined cow of course, pay the ativerliscd admission ;wont town, 5iii the scenery, re -1 In 1?nglanc( he was attached to the si,leral,ly fre}tn the alerting, anti Icatl ,ries. g,ardlcss of the bad roads and stormy forst a chili and enter a team in Rural is I new old ;Cipuontances, ;1111 olive more iso enjoy en a most enjoyable repay. A Clirl,tllt;i" I I'c't' I, tt+"w' t'I't'i'tctl tin Royal Air horst: 103rd Squadron, stat- }weather, vvhiell you braved—r,flcn when intermediate series. 1' toast his shin:; by the bonne fire, in Boned at .l':Ish;ur. 1Vulds, l.inculusltire' we did not expect you to do so—to de \\'lull all this executive activity, it —`V the kiwi of the \Icnutrial) !1x11, and the gotd rum;';uty ul his \vile and IIs flew sixteen operational flights, and liver our mail 10 us, 5rould appear that it \vas time the \work 19'1(1 Jtily 12THCeleb tion with coloured lights, and other dccor- dauglti'r, I?lux u,i' lit was during a cross-country flight in Asa slight token o,f our appreciation of making ice commenced. \\'t are '1'U Be Held In Blyth 1 tbao hr inle16 to ;tions, cvcrytln,m,q point; to an ,lt- 1'le• Browns tnli:,ted in the t)rdn""c; Ia Lancaster bomber in April, 194.1, of your long and faithful scr5•ice, and told that if the weather holds out until standing ;til'aie. Cures at 'IbrOutu on :\ii tot lel, 1911, that 1 Ile Itad a miraculous escape front many acts of kindness, we ask you and Saturday night there will be skati:tg at Il';th, Ont., Dec. 111, 1'l IS Tarsi), ,of the district have a cordial lie spent tinct• years and rine nlontll',death, when the flying instruments on \Irs• llavis to accept these chairs, aur! the Londesbote rink. Now is the time 'lu the Citizen: of Myth, and invitation to hrin' the cit?ldre,; tc overseas, landing in England oil Match his plane went wrong, and the large this purse, 1' is our hope, Jim, that to be making ice 011 an open-air rink. the 5urrcuuding Districts: Myth on Satin day for both the after- itt, 1942• l'(c• Ilruwne \vas unsure fur- ,lute crashed into the side of a hill' you will live many years 11 enjoy( r Innate than most of tin. Canadian buys Ile utas the oil survivor of a crew of celebrate the ,:tit of July next year, this, is impossible, at least one, sit to in the fact that its has many relative, > then. 19.161, and 1 ask the pulite of Myth to i, vory anxion, to tweet all his little seven. The others were instantly. kit \\'herr sitting in them we hope you Fallllly Honour Parents On be able to talc cars of their friend. in Englam' with wh0ut he visited when led. \\'!ten he had extricated himself will not think of the toally hardships 410th. Wedding Anniversary '. friend; of tlti,, r,nunnl++sty. ever the actas;tnt presented itself, lie from the wre.kage lie trudged 4 miles which yon endured tehilc serving the 'ant relatives on that day; also our I..• I For informatiHi re:,arding the show vats burn im 1?ngland, and tannic t11 lu obtain help, and \vas afterwards ad- boxIndders on Rural Routs No, ', but \Ir• and Mrs' l.uhert T"tvcy were Ica! churches ,"ul "the" will have the ,c1. \h1. Advil, cc Filnn Adverb 'intent Canada when.a baby with his parents, milled 10 hospital suffering from scalp rather of your many friends there, and recent guests of honour ata family privilege to cater for those nice big ,,n pace 5 of ibis issue, all also ow \I r. and Mrs. Harry Browne of \\'pug lattratiolts acct spinal injuries" For -'kind wishes for you and \Irs• i)avis• gathering held at the home of their dinner, to the crowds that it ill colic. Lig 1, flub advertisement on pagt g. it;utl, \lost 0l his t'elati\es arc located 1 5igni'cl, The Roxhdlders of Rural daugrhtcr, NI and NI rs A. \I, Shaw, \\'e are sending invitations to ceeryI Plait to collie to Myth this S;itnrday, tumitsly no permanent disability was — t I in Norwich, and he spelt many fur- incurred, and no was 5001) about again Bottle Nu, ', Tllyth, Ontario. of label, 'Tito occasion was the 40th Ionil and district Orange Lodge in the December 15th fora real afternoon a11cl loughs with them. 1Ic told an amusing as (it as a (i11dle. \Ir. 1)n'is replied vers 4' •...'15 on 1 beg to announce that Illyth svi11 noon and eve:ring performance, or if wed'ing anniversary of Mr. and \Irs Counties, to tout' to Illyth. .\s I have evening of inn and entertainment, incident in reloicttinn with his visit; Ht. -Sgt. \lake wishes to express itis behalf of Urs• 1)avis, thanking those 7'ur•cy which occurred on November already received two letters, 0111 irc,ut _!\, wills Itis relatives, Every time lie vis. sincere a I trct,aliun to the 1.lst1t Red the 29th. near Owen St.ond, ;1),l the other from • . 11 assembled for their kind expression od ltobe t Watt Using iced with them there was always a Cross, the Blyth Turnip Plant, and the , friendship, The family of seven, two boys, and a ratan in Ingersoll, asking we if 0 was Ii , Conveyor heavy sir raid. Itis uncle would writs t:w's :\s:.uciatum of the United 1 \, five girls, as well as eight grutdchilden !true that the 12th of July would be Ne (JUi11 \\'rn hint In c'11111'' ;tilling him that ~very'- Church, lir lhtir kindness in sending ( were all present for this happy occas- celebrated in Illyth next year. \\'e thing h;. been fine, and nn air raids, rarcttes; also lu Tlllnip Plant Donate x(12.75 ion, which took the form of a dinner.1 hl'tici;,:tc that lllyili will have the Wit. Built By Mr, Gccrgtc Radford d hint parcels stud cig, And Is Great Labour Saver- and it::viti;tg 1l,irry d:wwn• 1I irry would wishes to convey his thanks to the kind X1'0 Gift Fund 'rile table w:I, centred with a three- grealssl 1?Ih of Indy in it's history. land in—and almost every time — so ,cu,le who Inc(he and Ills wife at the ,storey wedding cake, and a gift of rose ,There will be ;, comeert and dance in I ' I buds and 'mums, from the grandchild- the 'Town hall on that date, and maty Mr. George Radford has just coin - station the Gl'rlh;lll bonubcra—uatil his station on 'Tuesday, Stratford Man, George Macon, Lucky pitted a power driven coal conveyor uncle began to think that harry would }Ririe;{ his return to Faigland he saw' ' Winner Of 20 -Lb. Turkey ren, added to the decorations. The n's,! speakers will be here, I Ilii, father and mother, and all his re- family presenters them with a purse of .\II roads told highway; will Ira.! It, for Mr. Ruler; Watt, !oral coal nlcr- <I0u)1 lice :'iuterity of his loos ,itality' chant, and the nlacliiue was ill arlit,n ] l;u r' Went lnroup;h mal} of their , latices. \Nee remarked that it must have The Illyth 'Turnip Plant ]lance and money, and a very enjoyable time was Illyth, and once more this old town will worst air raid., and they were very f'cult to return to Can- 'Draw was held on 'Tuesday night. and spent socially. be 00 the nt;il'. frr the first 11111' ,w1) 'Tuesday. been rather cliff :cult , \Ir• and Mrs 'l'nrvcy were marrkd on Olhtr paper; 1.11x.12 ropy. According t those \vin, watched it nerve-racking tali the citizen;, i 'mkt, Inn ,los said not. "1 feel as on \1 cduestlay morning ,w'b_"75 was de- I tin operation the machine is a great Ile went to Belgium on November though I belong here now, he saki. posited in the back to be used for the.Nowcnnher'?9th, 1905. Mrs 1'nrvcy was Thanking you, 11 r• I?liter, for yc,ur' the further Mary \Vooth•ow•. Follow- valuable space. labour say cr, :nil Ictal, coal nitwit fast- , 15t1t, P1 -1I, as • tttsmiter of a 110'.1- Ile has a sister living at hitchcner• She purchase of gifts for returned Meth ingr their mar they took tt, reel- ALBERT 1.• 51{I.Li?Rti 1.r than 1, po. ,'bit by hand, :1 large int unit, and was later transferred l0 married a Canadian boy, and has also unci when, and if, the pro los'cd':cltettic i load was elevated on to \i r• barn's Mot - the Lincoln ;std \Vel!anc( Regiment in' taken up n'sicie11ec in Canada. Icorttes to a head. It is the intention of deuce on the second concession of Mor- \1'orship(ul Master. ]Tolland, fulla55ing his trade as a shoe- hits Sgt. Marks is now connected this sante organization to hold ;slut- ris 'Township, where they resided until Myth Orange Lodge, No.. 903, wagon ill alma. -I ui'nnl.es 011 '1'uestlar • they moved to Myth in September of V_-_ The machine is electrically-operale I maker• l lc proceeded 01) through 1101- with the Transport Command of the ilar event at a later date. , 1 and is constructed on a !,tug steel land, into Germany, x1:.1 v, lien 11. R,.A•F, and following his furlough re- ND.. George Mason of Stratford was this year. 1 I'Iis IKnowledge Of Canada the lucky winner of the ?0-I.b, Turkey. 1 '('hey have a fancily of seven, Della,W(rune, with a conwev(r belt revolving war ended wit: billited in a bush not far ports to Dorval, Que, Mrs Shaw of Ethel; Lloyd, of Illyth; cis Limited the full length, the coal conte on at V on which raffle tickets lad been sold from Oldenburg, 1'011 didn't get nuncio \1'1. were conversing with a Retnrnctl the one end, Hill i, elevated up the shares to see a town. As they moved PTF. BOB GOV1ER during the past few weeks. The turkey \lyrlle. Airs• 11,,rol'd \'oddcn, and ,Ivan, \Irs• Iforden C"t,ok both 0( 111}111; Ross soldier recemtlr, ;mil in the course of coavevor hell to any waiting vehicle, 11p sect) plan was pretty well bluwtl 1'11., lith Guvier is butte, looking which was a beauty, will make a hand I the cunversalfon we drifted over I01 It is a grew, lahunr-sower, and \Ir• to picecs, particularly where the Ger- had and hear;}. lie is :c sun of \lr some Christmas meal for Mr. \Iasoii. oiidllllcllcnll \Irs ll; Eve v i, i int t m0f' 1? 1 1,01, and }tour reporter asked tin \fail, who is ; veteran coal dealer, re. I 1'111. ticket was drawn by Itllt Miss g' question, "I):d he think there would be ; luau keit "that a Iw; the first time he manus had offered any resist;ulrr• '1'111.}' u,cl \urs \\'illiant Gov(cr, of Illyth, andGrey 'Township. usually camped ill a hush, quite often Joan , of 111y11t, during 1111. , many English people colic t0 Canada 1 was ever e old shovelling co;o1•" 1 I has been over ct,s three years and two , many fricnci of the family win juin skirting the Itwns as they advanced Inmths, Bob enlisted on July 1 , 1941, dance, in the next few years to take up reel- --- e 1\'(lbec's Orchestra provided the 1\rilh 'The Standard in extending hearty limes':" ile remarked that they prob- L•'XPECi'ED HOME SOON Ri'ntarki lg on the people 0f the dif-'at Loudon in the Arany 5crvicc Corps. congratulations to \1 r• and \Irs•'I'urvev {smut countries., Pte. 11.70wne found He proceeded overseas on September lmttsic (or the evening's dancing' The :1111} would, pa rtirularly i( they knew lime. Harvey Garniss. on of \Ir• spot dance prizes were won by llarold out this happy anniversary uce;usion• any cunt;its he trade quite agrrecable' 4th, 194?. landing in France on July more about the Country, 'Then he told George Garni;s, of Illyth. is expected The Peelle were friendly— even the 18th, 1944, as a transport truck driver,, Phillips, of hl>•th, and llticn hadford ----\r a rather amusing incident. which oc-;to arrive back in (';nada almard the: German civ:liai s, but this was t0 be itis duty was to transport snpplics to jot 1 oudcsboro, twinning a shaving set corned while he was in England. lm \!onarch of Ilernhtd,l, w lni.'ln will dock and a box u( \',riliur Paper, respective - Mr. Announced conversation with a fairly will cducal-I;t Halifax sonic tint dining the com- cxpcoted as they Were putting their the fighting; fronts, According to Bob b 1 a t ' , 1 best ti01 forward in Ili effort to Ino• t 1)% \[r, and \ins. Ernest Gardner' of t•d' Old -country -man, that geutlrnuht re- ' Mg week-encl. Ills father has rectfwcd I the job was rather routine, but we ,. appreciate the 1ucknow, announce the engagement of cure as good a treatment from the oc- hada rather hazy idea front the toileI The Turnip blunt Il marked that he had ;t brother some a cunnnuniralion to this cifrtl, tu,yin forces .a possible. I co-operation and response they rctci5 their ot1y daughter, \I inion Helen, 10 where in Canada. Our friend asked 1 t I of his voice that it w•astt t ;ill sunshine. 1 1 The old town locks pr;sly nntrlr as 11r was in \fcppr.n, Getwany, when the cul from everyone, and were quite sat- 1Glen Arnold, eldest son of \i r. and what pant of .5, -Canada the bro►Iwr was it dill when he left almost lion yearsisfied with the result of their effort. i Mrs A. R. '1'a.skcr, 1', . I• .h, j " tsar ended, lie did remark that his I sated in, and the rcp'y was, 'isis. ago. Thi' biggest change is in the 1 tamp in England had ;t few close ______v_____- The no rrriagt to take place the dal- ,\u• 1, Ontario ” children, and Ids own daughter is 110 511x1.1.5 with the \r -I German bomb Extra Star 'Weeklies ler earl of Ucteu+her' 1f you art a follower of some of the exception. Four years makes quite a 011111• of which soared directly over N0\ r Available \' change in a wowing child, 1thcir camp on the south English coast. \\'e are pleased to 111(0101 our Following Iii.; furlough he reports to Ile saw litanyof it tent shot down by customers that anyone desiring ilamil'on, from where he hopes to oh- Allied fighter ;allots. a regular copy of the Toronto Star lain his disc'ha'ge Ihanlca The Red Cross Weekly 111.13' have one by giving !lis plat's for tl'e future are not de,. In expressing his dhan•ks to the Anti- tis their name by the end of this finitely set. It is to be hoped that be urn Red Cross for their parce:s, Bab present week. \Ve are now able will lake up where he Icfl off before was not only conveying his own thanks, to incense our quota on this popular he joined the Service, as a shoemaker but also the thanks of the Dutch eco• weekly magazine, 1111 we must have in illyth. The village Inas ',cull without plc, to tulle Canadian Red Cross, for our odder for extra copies in Ivy one since lie closed shop. 1 the relief parcels sent to holland. Bob the beginning of next week. Pte. Browne wishos to (hank the was in Arnhan when a Canadian Red If you wish to procure a weekly Illyth and \\'il'gliant Branches of the Cross shipment arrived and saw it ropy from our newsstand, please Canadian Red Cross, the Ladies' Guild passed on to the citizens, The mayor give us your name at once. and \Vcmelt's Auxiliary of 'Trinity i (Continued from page 4) - THE BLYTH STANDARD, Y P U MEETING PURCiIASES FARM \1r. Robert Patterson has purclirtsctl the old Patteson farm in East \\'a- wan0sh 'I'etwn,hip front 31r. Rtt,stll American gni;z pa -grams. you have Dougherty. The farm was previously lo'lg ago nolci, Ilse lack of knowledge occupied by \11. henry Gloushet'• of or American 10nsins, when it conics \• The mcetinsz opened with the call to to questi•'lis pertaining to Canada. A MERRY C1HRiSTMAS worship followed ly hymn 176 and a it seems tleo our government might Frankfort, Kansas, Nov. .7th responsive. reading" Enid Brigham squander moue;' on a touch worse ver- Mr. Editor.. read the scripinre after which the titin• tore than to s;mn'or an advertising Find P.O. Money Order for arrearto toes of the pro ions meeting were read campaign in some 1.i the otttsirle coral- Ion subscription for tite good old Myth and approved. After the singing of an- tries, telling 1)i the splendid opporl11n- Standard, the horns town paper. lsive other hymn \fury Kyle re:tr.l the topic, hies in Cahad:'• my regard; to all 1' e ,dd-timers. When \\'c go back to Civvy Street", 1 V----- \\'•ishing everyone a Merry Christmas 4Names were drawn for the exchanging N) RED CROSS MEETING ,and a 1Ial,',y and Prosperous Nesr of Christmas pretetnts• The coltcction I (`'viog to next week being' Christmas Year• iwas taken add the meeting closed with woe': the regular meeting of the Myth 1 DR. T j D7".131\ION1) tine Benediction. Rcd Cross has been cancelled" i Post Office 13'ix 55. BANKERS REVIEW CANADIAN ECONOMIC SCENE CRO TOWN George W. Spinney, president, and B. C. Gardner, general manager, who addressed shareholders at the Bank of Montreal's 128th annual meeting. Inflationary Pressures Greater Nov Than During War, Declares dank Of Montreal President George W. Spinney Tells Bank of Montreal Shareholders Of Anti -Inflationary Needs GENERAL MANAGER B. C. GARDNER REVIEWS MOST ACTIVE YEAR AT 128TH ANNUAL MEETING— HIGHLIGHTS BANK'S LOANING POLICY Montreal. — George W. Spinney, President of the Bank of Montreal, told shareholders at their recent 128th annual meet- ing t1iit inflationary pressures were probably greater now than it any time during the war and urged continued voluntary re- 3traint as a means of offsetting this danger to the nation's econ- omy. He declared that it was desirable to have some of the war- time controls remain in operation, but that these controls should be constantly watched to make certain that they do not inter- fere with rapid reconversion to peacetime economy. Speaking at the same meeting, B. C. Gardner, general manager, reviewed the most active year in the history of the bank and told of the B of M's contribution to the financing of the war effort and of the many "human relationships" arising out of the financial problems of customers, both of large and small means, particularly the latter. Stimulus to Production i recently released annual statement. Mr. Spinney eaid he knew of no I He noted also that deposits had better stimulus to production than I reached a new peak at $1,013,429,- healthy competitive effort, free ' 000 durhll the year, an increase of front unnece,sary restrictions, I almost $200,000,00 over last year's seeking to fulfil the myriad desires total. Quick assets for the bank were reported at $1,464,326,000 and holdings of Government and other securities at a total of $t,117,939,- 1)00 were announced. Mr. Gardner said that, in the absence of an adequate demand for commercial loans, the bank also made some purchases of securities in the open market, thus helping to maintain a ready market for Vic- tory Bonds and other government securities in the hands of the public, He made it clear, however, that the function of the bank as a pur- chaser of Government securities had arisen from circumstances largely beyond the hank's control, in that the wartime expansion of industry had been accomplished largely through direct Government financial assistance and without the aid of bank credit in form of loans. "We arc hopeful," he said, "that as industry resumes its normal patterns, and as civilian business replaces government contract, the lending function of the bank will take on increasing importance and scope." of consumer, at home and abroad. "As never before," he said, 'Ca- nadian bit Mess and it,dustry in the years immediately ahead will need men with new ideas and with the capacity to put these ideas int ' t fleet." Speaking of social security pro- jects and suggestions, \Ir. Spinney said it would be very nice if "we could all live on government cheques, but li fe on this planet be- ing what it is, someone has to plough anti reap, to plan and build, to exercise qualities of initia- tive, forestght and daring; and only this totality of productive effort can provide a real and enduring basis for material welfare and eco- nomic security," "Nothing could be further front my intent." he continued, "than to argue that social security meas- ures are v ithout value to the com- munity, but," he added, "we would deceive ot:r•elves and others if we accept and promulgate the idea that security can emanate effort- les:ly 1r in government, acting in the role ,.f benevolent and boun- tiful pros i+icr. Government can distribute no beneiits that indi- vidual' the +te;a their labor, do not provide,•. Personal Loans Increase 1 lc noted that there had neon a welcome increasin personal loans and stated, "It is not our policy Problems of Peace to encourage people to incur un- Cattadian•, both those in the necessary debts but we believe that our person.tl loan .acilities may play a useful part in a well - ordered financial programme and may be used by borrowers in a manner fully consistent with the principles of thrifty and, sensible management of their affairs," "This bank docs not deal in money alone. In our day-to-day dealings our managers and staff are concerned with the many hu - matt relationships arising out of the financial problems of our cus- tomers, both of large and small means, but particularly the latter, who seek assistance from a relic able and trustworthy source." Mr. Gardner said titat the prob- lems of the returning war veterans were receiving special and sympa- thetic attention, lighting torte: and those at home, had a right to he proud of their mighty tzar effort, he said, adding that after ,ix years of cot.flict a certain amount of war weariness xa.s not unnatural. "But although we are war weary," he continued, "the problems of reconstruction will not hide our time. The post- war era about which so much has been written and said i; no longer a theoretical abstraction. The post- war is here and now; and with it conte, the realization that, itt its own way, peace will make its de- ntands n, les, than war," New Peaks Recorded A new high in total assets of $1,71t,,924.000 was reported by B. C. Gardner in a revictt of the A College of Aeronautics for post graduate -instruction in aero- nautical science and engineering is to be opened in the United Kingdom early next year. tymoi D Relieve that cough NOW before it be- comes serious. BRONCHIAL Lymoid Cough EASE Syrup usually acts COUGH diet,- esin cold distres usually acts and bronchial symchil- SYRUP dren and in adults. dren and adults. AT ALL DIMMERS 25e LOS ORIGINATORS OF LYMOiDS By Roland Coe "And just a yer.r ago I thought 1 had to go out with him FROM the other children!" ON THE HOME FRONT 1 VAC c1uSr o4.1r ro 11E CALVIN COOP, DEAR, AND '1J►t4'r Do VaU ' w* ? caor trim to protect By C. Kessler PERRIMS, CALi, UP TIE PRODUCE EXCNAAIGE AND As% TIO PRICE OF GRAM A EGGS I I"IM $,•1 ,.� SU REG'LAR FELLERS — Debunked! C. THINK TI -1' STORY 15 A PHONEY, ZOOLI E y MOW THAT PIOURE 15"A FAKE! COME ALONG AN' I'LL SNOW VlSI� PICTURE` DOt(T LIE., PINHEA Tires for Paris Busses Rubber tires froyt Britain will help put 1,190 Paris bnssc, hack on the road before the end of the year, as a result of a French agree- ment with British tire factories. HOTEL l ETEWWOLE All Beautifully Furnished With Running Water. Rates: $1.50 up NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION Sub as Generator The Iltirnet eilvt rn,rtnt is •' i1,g a submarine v, 'Ali a vie', 'It solving the present s!tortag•' o; electricity, Rangoon rail+:,, ret', I. 1 submarine, it said, :oul+i ate current for l,+r',. .(cu• Kan, or,n, Wi'I'I'II MASTERLY ,SKILL ... Maxwell House Coffee is blended front rare extra•flawor coffees. More people buy Maxwell i1(�ia ae than any other brand of coffee in the ivorld. fIavt.' you tried it? a AMERICAN HEROINE IIORIZONTAL Answer to Prevtoirs Puzzle 10 Supp tes 01 1,5 Depicted JG0 M E Z J OR D A N. AL_ ammunition, Amcricnn TELE Du_ E R E ':,SERE 15 Oi'r'an of heroine.t � bearing. AME ED ,`0_1E,q'DOSERS 17Btl,ring 11 Area measure, -- P I NTO.`'_URNy-�RED0T 12 Ells English - --, 19 Drop, ENTE; SER WE i'1 Slo eel, (abbe.). R I R O fQaNLISLO PAT S R p 13 Extent. �.,�_ 24 Regains 19 Negative. � COMET .A D i ho Ee sion, 15 Age, �' R JOR�M4 11 S A _5:--:1 2G Broad piece i f 16 Veranda. (VIE REE 'N'j r AI(lath, 18 Haul. REAP 5 : P AYj:' E TINA S 27 Kind of soup. 20 Skills. SEN_ A_ T E ,,;: E E .: C 1A 1__ R O 30 She was the 22 International A N T_ I . T A_ T ARI SEN heroine of til.. language, S E R RANO S U N�E �t �` Revolutionary 23 Symbol for _ Battle of —. samarium, 38 Music note, 56 Transpose 34 Speaks falsely, 24 Nevada city, 90 Insert, (abbeditor (,), ab35 Make rich, 25 Staggers. 42 Essay, 57 E'br,) 38 Narrow sea 27 Concealed. 44 Small nail. 58 Warming. inlets. 28 South Dakota 45 Therefore, 59 Listens, 39 Aramaic 29 Exclamation, form). (abbr.). 47 Dawn (comb. VERTICAL (abbe.), 1 Spoiled. 41 To mai(‘o s ip. 30 Mire. 98 Portico.2 Make a speech 43 Different, 3 Limb, 45 Half (prefix', 4 12 months, 46 Stove part. 5 mend, 47 Half an cm. 6 Angers. 50 Decay. 51 England (nbbr.), 5213cfore, 31 Street (abbr.). 49 Thus, 32 Compass point 50 Item of 33 Mineral rock. • income. 34 Iron (symbol). 53 Herman 36 Symbol for (abbr.). 7 Ca11. tellurium. 54 Credit (abbr,) 8Islet, 37 Born. 55 Sign. 9 Come in. 6 13 17 y15.::; IF 19 ! :,•}; I •� 23 ,,,,z4:,; r .111a4lii es•b :.�r'It%' ~ 27 20 i 29 32 3135j.: 36 40 41 44 49Jf�°0N,4 ;p: so r' •4 455 5s asQe. UU L7ll ^' HE WA TRYING TO PROVE -THE• - OLD WOMAN IN TH' 5HO1° STORY WA5 y ' FAKE.' fta"• t56 lash {x;59 59 By GENE BYRNES ,toga NO AN I. MUTT AND JEFF— As Usual, It's Up to Me to Give 'em a Merry Christmas WHAT CNA THl tlH' ABoU7 t MUTT? 1'M-MINKIN'NoW• t CAN BUY THE SWEETWoMAN A C NRISTMAS' PRESENT WITHOUT ANY DOUGNI r A %,1 GOT IT! 1 NAVE I7! TWELUEDOLLARS,Eli? IS TRIS Goo, PERFUMED / ER—1U61' CHARGE IT Ot4 t;,) l MY AedOUNT! By BUD FISHER toyToNACCOU 1 % �c DOUGHI E DOPI�T= TALK!: I!5CPYOUR "touTri CLOSED(' THE MIS MKV B6 Emir"i,IGt • r, POP—Pop Seems to Be About Normal DO You ENJOY GOOD HEALTH? laeleuea y 11,. 5.11 Prsatcete, tae,) WDLL -- "I''' I!I��.Illilil!li'illyb IlllUiJiIi!U'''� J By J. MILLAR WATT - S CAN'T SAY T ENJOY BAD HEALTH WARNS ON A-BOMB Russia can start producing an atomic 'comb in about three years, Dr. Irving Langmuir, noted physi- cist, wanted Congress, Associate director cf research for General Electric. he declared that once Russia 1-larts malting the bomb, her tr(mendous resources and planned scientific program may very likely enable her to turn thein out faster than the U.S. can, VOICE OF THE PRESS AND MAYBE NOT Acct.n:.r,g to an archaeologist digt;itir a-oand in Iraq, civiliza- tion IN; ; born there 8,000 years ago. K(r;' routing, professor, and mayht } . ''!I fin,( out what became of it, —Ottawa Citizen PEACE AT ANY PRICE 1'0,1.events have n %on). of inc,ininf a lot of people to think that Ott cid Arizona sheriff was right '. inc said lie was going to have pc..:e round there if he had to sh,.ot re everybody in the camp, ---Stratford Beacon Herald NOT SO EASY It sec:::s that ellen you set a world afire and it burns for six years, vcu c.n't put it out all at Once. --Vancouver Province NEVER AGAIN We si1cpect some prices have taken the old oath—"\\'e will never t;:he another drop." Kingston Whig -Standard H PE L ES S Discr(tion is what routes to a man after he is too old for it to do {tint any good. --Quebec Chronicle -Telegraph 7,000 Canadians Wed Dutch Girls More ti,;,n one in every 20 Cana- dlan soldiers returning home from Northwest Europe will take hotne with a Dutch, Belgian or French bride, AIrrady more than 10,000 appli- cations for permission to marry have been approved on the Con- tinent by Canadian Army author- ities and ;applications have increas- ed to a daily rate of 40 In spite of repatriation of more than half the original force, \lost ci the nen' Canadian wives are Dutcl:-7,000 of then(, They become (i,'r.cns only upon entry into 1 aii: ia, With :41,n00 wives and children awaiting movement to Canada from I:r 't:;itt, it is IiLcly it will be some time before the European brides are stripped across the At- lantic, However, it is proposed to move some on Duch freighters sailing direct to North America. Soldiers May also take their fi- ancees to Canada at their own expense but only after the Inuni- gra(' 11 and External Affairs De- partment= have approved. BRAZIL FAVORITE Brig. -Gen. Eduardo Gomes, liberal - backed candidate of ' the National Democratic Union, is expected to be the victor in Brazil's presiden- tial election, which ends 16 years of dictatorship, Final results of the voting ere not expected for several weeks, Canadian Ayrshires Go to New Zealand 'I'lle (anatlt;•11 Ayrshire Breed- ers' Association has announced the sale of (our notal pure-bred Can- adian Ayrshire Lulls to Gitf and Fred Hutchings of Potorua, N'.'/.., a: d said it was probably the most choicely bred lot of Ayrshires ever ''ported from Canada. The bulls purchaser; ver( Bone ids •l'olrtuau from R. R. Ness and Sons, Merrick, Ouc,; .\eonsyde 1.0 l;y (lift from George Pearson and `ons, 11'aterdown, Ont.; Brae- hei,l Barr l cqucst from \\', 1). 11Iacic, \\'aIcriiown and \(ynva(es ti:.;uuly Din from Col, \V. Phillips, of Oriole, Ont. 'rho Mills will be itself :1; sires in New %ca!and. i'alnt oil is used by both the soap an ..-teed industries; \lith the latter u,int it tet nutlte lits plate, I1 111V 1:111114S chicks, healer breeds, evall )ble, You can catch the early 1916 broiler markets with these. Also /hyoids available. Order your PI IS chicks soon, Bray Hatchery, 13u John N Ilttmlltnn, ()Mario, 11(,11' TO INt'I:I:,1S(: 1'ol'I:I' 1Y profits. First start the 'r eddle way! 'Meddle t)overnment Ap- proved chicks In your poultry houses Inelu,l an end to high mortality worries and a marked Increase In production. `e('nhd: 01010re now for the large Euro- pean market in eggs and poultry meal by steek-Ing the right kind of birds. 'I'tweddlc blood -tested breeders of known livability and productivity produce only the finest chicks whether they are purr heeds or h,vbrlda, The Twad- dle systrut of Inspection 011(1 tie - lection assures you of live ship• stent of the finest, huskiest (+Irks money can buy, \\'rite to- day far 19441 early prlre.list Mao free catalogue. Also for imme- diate delivery pullets 18 weeks up In laying. Twaddle Chicle 11atrheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. BABY CHICK BUYERS ORDER YOUR GOVEitN311:N'I' AP - proved chlcic9 now and obtain an early order discount, Each breed- er Is Government banded and blood -tested, Write for our 1946 mire flet and catnlogne. Monition Poultry Iritino, Monkton, Ontario 1I0W TO INCREASE YOl1It poultry profits! Start right with Top Notch Government Approved rhiclts, When you receive n ship- ment of Top Notch chlrlcs you receive our assurnneo of halt productivity and low mortality. All 'Pup Noleh clucks are bred front cit,'efully pre -selected blond - tested breeding stock. Top Notch ('hickerlev taut supply you with all the better known breeds and excellent cross breeds, Prepare now for Europe's heavy demands for eggs and poultry meat, In- vest your poultry buying dollars In Top Notch ('hicks and reap big dividends, Write nt once for our' Interesting free catalogue contnlning all our breeds and prices. AIHo laying and ready to lay pullets for Immedlnte dell - very. Top Notch C'hlrkerlea, Guelph, ()Marto. 25 FREE CHICKS OUR BABY CHICKS ARE THE progeny of Foundation and Iter Watered Birds, All Breeders blood -tested, Prices from 3c to 25c. All guaranteed excellent layers, Don't delay, order now. Goddard Chick Hatcheries, lir1- tnnnia heights. Ont. WE iTAVE FOR IMMEDIATE Aliment 18 week old ready to lay and laying pullets In White 1,eghorns, Barred Rocks and New llnnlpshires. Also day old chlcics for immediate delivery. Free catnlogue. Tweddle Chick -Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. SUPERIOR CHICKS Fall chicks, Winter chicks, Spring chicks, all popular breeds, Hy- brids, day old end started, Im- medlale or later delivery. All breeders hloodtested, 21 day llv- nbillly guarantee, Catalogue, prices free. Superior hatchery, Linwood, Ontario. W11 CAN 51111' IMIIEDIATICLY laying and ready to lay pullets In White Legliorns, Barred hocks and New 1-Tnmpshtres, We also have for Immediate delivery day old (-Woks. Free catnlogue. Top Notch Chirlcerles, Guelph, Ont. • TI -TE ONiY PI'ITINA EMBRYO -FED Barred iloalc and hybrid npprov- ed rhlrlts produced In Chatham ore blood -tested by the tube me- thod for both the regular rind X strains of pullorum. Pullets 826.00 per hundred, Mixed 816.00 and t'ocicrrels $7.00, Order now from Frank Price 1Tattehery, 11 Jahn. Ire St„ Chatham, Ontario. lll'SINESS 111'l'OnTUNITII?s HOW WOlil,l) 1'011 TAKE, 'f0 OWN a 910.000 Home, built to your own speclfienllons, wherever you wish? 1t you prefer we will give you 810,000 In Victory ponds, Op• portunity to win 810,000 monthly draw. All proceeds for underpri- vileged children and playgrounds. Draw date — December 31st, 1915, Don't delay. Receipts mailed promptly. Send $1,00 for one ticket, 6 for $5.00, right now to KIwrinis Cluh of Sudbury, Box 53 Sudbury. Ont, 11'1•: IIAVE PROSPECTIVE PI1R- chasers fur propertles near \Vincisor, 'Toronto and Niagara. Falls, \\'rite, giving ne full par- ticulars. Guaranty Trust Cnm- puny of Canada, Windsor — To• 1011(1 — Niagara Fells. WIN BRAND NEW 1942 DE LUXE Plymouth Sedan. 6 other prizes In Victory Bonds. Army 0110 Nnvy Veterano Unit 257. Drawing Dec, 21, 1916. Subscription 91.00 — 6 for 95.00. 0, 0. ilox 21, Fort W11- linm. Agents Wonted, HOME FOR $1.00 96,500.00 — 6-i100M HOUSE, FINI- shed now, to be drawn soon. Fund membership $1.00: 6 for 95.00. (Rouyn -Noranda 1Cfnsmen Club, Box 968, Nornndn Quebec. AN 58.000 CHRISTMAS PRESENT for $1.00, On December 24111, the lucky ticket will be drawn for Kinsmen Model Iiome, near Lake Erle Beach, nt Leamington. Beau- tiful brick home, sold to the nlnner for 91.00. Send remittance to dolt, Tteld Fund Trenaurer, (lent. 105 l ennlugtnn, Ontario. Mall early and nyold the Xmas rush In th( mails. ISSUE 60-1945 Japs in Canada To Be Repatriated There are about 24,0(10 people of Jap,ule,c origin in Canada of t: bo;n 7,' per cent are Canadian citizens, 'lhont 14,000 or Al per rot .,I ire total were horn it, Catt- alo. 1t i; the policy of the govern- ment to repatriate to japan all japanese who ill act nr Obvious in- tent were disloyal to t'llis country during the war and also others who were indicated by a survey made early in 1915 that they want - ed to return to japan. It is stated that the survey was an entirely voluntary one, that no coercion of ;try kind 11';;, used, Including children of those signing there were 111,'117 or 'I.a per cent of the total involved in the request for repatriation. 'a1:\NI, 111'1111'I'I'NI'1')' '1'0 OI'1.3N n 'tore in South Porcupine the be_tmining town to Northern c,nt„r!o, 1\'e had a Dcpnrtnent Store of (non':, Indies' and chit - weer turd general dry goods for 31 yea's In this store, now have retired, sold the stock :111,1 remodelling building, will relit both departments or as ee- pautte stores. Apply Sky Stores 1,imite,l, South Porcupine, Ont. 1)l'I;ING AND CL1'ANiNC 11.1Vi? YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information, We are glad to answer your glle.tlona. Depart• stent I1, Parker's Dye 1Vorka Limited, 791 5'onge Street, To - roti to, I l E'1' 1? ("I' 1 VIES '1 0101 I':I tl'I:\I., Df311:5'1'I(', l,l'a1A1. ineestignlious: anywhere In Onta- rio, Persons located. Free con- sullotlon. Telephone 1Cingsdnle 922!5 Active Inventlgatlon Bu- reau,, 08 Farnham Avenue, To - 10110, Ont, I'Ull SALE FOR SAIF APPLE ORCFIARD 600 producing tree.a In good con- dition, house, storage and full equipment In southwestern On- tario, ,\pply Tiox No, 2, Glencoe, out. QUILT SAMPLES High grade sultings, make ever- lasting' quilts, 30 piece! about C x 18, 81.50 plus 20c, postage, re• Inst n•Ilh order. A Rice, 361 Spn- dlna, Toronto. Ontario, ,\FITICAN 'I'OU- louse Genders. Well bred. 67.00. Immediate sale, :lira. 1, Durrant, l''or,{tt'Ic)1, Ontario. ELEVEN I'iGS, 8 WEEKS Old). F, B. Guy, It. R. :', Wardevllle, Phone Bothwell 161, o14'(: I:I1t)IS'1')' 11)' D LINCOLN rant., and ewes, ill mgrs. .\ngus ltel,r:,1, 111, 1Cern'nod, Ontario. P.\ I I: 1"OX1101.'N D4, WALKER and bloodhound, 9 months, 926 each, hied Taylor, Brndalbnne, P. E. T. FOR DSON TRACTOR NEEDS sante repair(' $200,00, Will deliver any place free of charge, 1686 Ponforth Avenue, Toronto. COCKER SPANIEL MALE PUP - plea, registered, champion blood linos, Meal Christman gift. WII- 1)un Kennels, Rronte, Ontario. AT STUD -IRISH SETTI7R-MAHO- gntly Kim of Arden, erred by C. H. Elmcroft Red Ace (Reg'd,) Don Shaw Phm.B. Ace, Ontario, HONEY FOR SALE DELICIOUS NEW CROP HONEY for Immediate shipment at 99,00 per case of 12 four pound cane, your nearest ration office will exchange 24 preserve or sugar coupons for a epectal voucher good 48 pounde of honey. Mall thta to tis with your cheque and we will ship nt once, Big Rocic r11 MIL Mlllo Roches,''Ont. FIVE TUBE, 51X VOLT BATTERY model amplifier, mike, stand, 11 Inch speaker, New, Electronic Appllnnce, 1166 Pot•tege Ave. 1Vbllpeg, Now Is the time to buy a one -plan light weight portable "PRECISION" POWER CHAIN SAW to fell or cross -cut timber pulp- wood or firewood. Two types ma- nufactured, Sloth 1400 f.o.b. Montreal. Precision Parts Ltd., 2023 Aylmer St, Montreal, FOR SALE T.IMITED NUMBER 6 H. P. Empire Grade,' Tractors available for immediate delivery. This machine Is mode In Canada. Orders being accepted now for Spring delivery, Write for price and particulars. Garden Tractor and 4;gnipment Co„ Limited, 1160 Albert Itond Windsor, Ontario, DAY PRESS, STATiONARY. ANN Arbor, Arthur Alyea, Curries, Ont. ELECTRIC MOTORS NEW, USED bought, sold, rebuilt: belts pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd. 2326 Dufferin St. Tor- onto. COCKERS AND PEKINGESE OP' of world-famous bloodlines. ;lira. 1'. A, Margeson, Ccdnrcrest Ken- nels, Kent'ille, Novo Scotin, FERRETS: BROWN AND WHITE, Good hunters on rets end rabbits, 812.00 pnir.Ea,'I Mennen, R,R, 1, Paris, Ontario, FARMS Felt BALK TItACTOII FARM, 250 ACRES, eltty loath, 75 acres plowed, 10 acres (rush and natural pasture - lend, retnalllder good mendow, two sets of buildings. Hydro, te- lephone, water In buildings, 12 miles from Ottawa on mein rood, open ell year, Close to erhools, churches, slnr0A and has line to Ottawa. Will sell nIl nr port. Norman Ed ii'z rd s, Cumberland, Ontario, Itllt SALE, 129 -ACRE FA11M, clay loner, 4 miles rust of Leaut- in(:lnn: 10 acres bush, creel( bor- dering* on corner of farm, plenty of wilier, good tripping and hunt- ing. 2 houses, fair buildings. on mill( route, school on corner of form, church across the rood. tvill sell sleek, Impletnente and feed. Colin Setterington, R, R. 1, Leamington, Ontario, LET'S GIE THEM A SKIRL Troops arriving at the Golden Gate get a Highland warrior's greeting from bagpipers of the Canadian Legion, Information about GI arrivals is given to relatives by a busy staff of telephone operators working around the clock. 1'11111S 14411 11,1: F(11: S.\1,1: alt I:k`" I' 1' .1''L'CS 60 timber at. .lhrrfovle, 7 Roomed House. r)ttod Barn. Spring ('reek. .1, \finder, c'Inp;r hors t'ot (1111. 31 \l1l l:'I' 1;Altl,l•:N'INO AND )' 1,'11:- 0) 1,11.ine<s for sale. Kiltlhlishell over 50 years. Approximately 9 acres of lend, gond hulldlugs, modern dwelling, 111 health 000 - firm for selling. Apply 1 r;ould St. Mary's, Ontario, 1111111)111: 5IN(1 LEARN Al:N 1L\111I)11I:SSING '1'11P: Robertson method. information on request regarding classes. Robertson's hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, 'Toronto. 11(;1,1' 1YAN'tl l) AL\I(l:l1•:1) .\IAN FOR DAIRY Farm, Ji) miles (rout 'Toronto, Se- parate house, hydro, mills, gar- den, best wage(, Personal Inter- vlett' preferred. Start January 1st, Close to school and highway,. Apply J, 11, Cameron, Norval, Ont, BOOK1(t;) E'ER 11'11')1 SAW\11 L1, experience preferred, capable of handling complete set of hooks and payroll, accustomed to type- writing and general office work for small Northern town, Per- manent position. Salary 930 to $10 per week to commence, de- pending on ability and experience. ITouse may be provided. Apply to The Onkvllle Tlnskct Co. Idd. Oakville, Ont, MARRIED MAN WANTED FOR gencrnl faro(, to sL•u't soon, must bo energetic, reliable and have good references, Permanent pros- pects to snlisfactory party, Apply Box 19, 73 Adelaide W. Toronto, NURSE•1)OUSEMA1)) WANTED for comfortable household lu '1'0• ronlo. Two children. $15.00 week- ly, Write to Mrs, Clair Stewart, 48 Poplar Plains Crescent, To- ronto, giving reference. WANTED — GRADUATE NURSES for general duty. Salary 985,00 ler 0101101, Full maintenance. per week, Apply, giving full particulara to the Superintend- ent, The Cottage Hospital, Penl• broke, Ont. MEDICAL ITAU,MEEKA FOOT BALM DE- etroye offensive odor Instantly. 45e, bottle, Ottawa agent, Den- man Drug Store, Ottawa, 0001) ADVICE! EVERY SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Pnlne or Neuritis should try Dixon's Retnedy. Munro's Thug Store, 385 Elgin, Ottawa. Poetpnld 11.00. GET READY FOR WINTER Rulld up your reslstnnce with Morrllls System Tonle Tablets, Canadian favorite for forty Years. From your druggist or postpaid 91.00, from Merrill Pro- ducts, 98 Sllverblrch Ave, Toron- to, Ontario, STOMACH AND THREAD WOTUIIS often aro the cause of 111 -health in humans, all ages, No ono tm- mune! \Vhy not find out If this Is your trouble ,hlterestlpg parttcu- tars — Free) Write Mttiveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 8. IT'S IMPORTANT — EVERY SUT'• fere( of Rheumatic Patna or Neu- ritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munroe Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid 91,00, OI'PO 101' UN ITl 1';S FO U 6%'091 EN 13E A HAIRDRESSER JOiN CANADA'S LEADLNG SCIIOOL Great Opportunity, Learn hairdressing Pleasant dlgnlfed profession,' good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest aye - tent. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS :158 Moor St. W. Toronto Grouches: 44 King SL Hamilton & 74 Rideal Street, Ottawa. NEW 110T1BY HANDICRAFT. With \Vonderlooul you can weave handbags, afghans, luncheon -seta easily. Complete with instruc- tions and three patterne, One Dollar. 1, L. Illce Agencies, 480 Johnson SI, Kingston, Ontario. G1111, 11-17 MUSICALLY IN- cl!ncd twill be given free tuition, singing and piano In exchange for light household duties from 1 10 5 dally. Sleep out. Madam Fnntechlo-Tawnntl, 81 Moor W., Toronto. 1,11, 3447. 1'11oToul0AI'llla TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your flints properly developed and printed, OR 8 EXPOSURE 8011.5 15c REPRINT'S 8 for 25c FINEST ENLAI(GING SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality' and service you desire by sent'Ing your tllm to IMPERIAL 1'1101'1 SERVICE Station t, Toronto NO FILM REQUIRED WE SPECIALIZE IN MAKIN(; septa enlargements direct from Hay snap or photo. 5x7 60c, 8x10 75c. Abbey Studio, 18 Rideau St. Ottawa, Ontario. "EI,IJA11 c •heist." 11ci i,1,lo N. V. PERSONA!, ('1)31) N1; BEFORE 11'onderfnI book free, 3))oolun, l:ochester 11, 1'1111'111(;IIA 1'111 PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS 12 FOR 69c Select you? favourite negatives and Hand 0, us, We'll return 12 prints /0110100 on attractive, embossed greeting curds, with envelopes for mailing fur Cite. The moat original greeting cards you can get—the kind your friends will keep — cards that sten on active service at home and overseas like to get. ,Order early. (1 Photographs 00 Calendars for 25c.) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE 1101 120, Postal Terminal A, Toronto "Your quality In colouring and de• veloping Is excellent," writes a cue - tomer at Peterborough, Ont. "and your service Is prompt and guaran- teed, i not particularly fascinated with the coloured enlargements and Christmas cards. Your prlcee for aitch quality work are really econ- omical and i apprecluto your prompt reliable service." Any Size Boll -6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 26a 3 MOUNTED b;NLARGi SIICNTS 250 Size 4" x C" In Beautiful Enee) :(founts You caul !love enlnrgenlente colour• ed by hand for a small additional charge. Framed Enlargement. 4" 1 1", on Ivory tint mounts, In framer] 7" t 9". Burnished Gold or Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finial) 59c; If enlargement coloured 79c. Print your name and address plain• ly on all orders. MUSICAi, iNSTRUMENTS FRED A. 13ODDINGTON BUYS, eel's, exchanges musical Inetru• meets, 111 Church. Toronto 2, I'A'1'iINTs FETIIERS'1'UNHAUOIi & COMPANY Patent Sollcltors, Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto, Booklet of Informa tIon on re. 'heat 11AD105 RADIO EXPERIMENTERS! CON- struct your own 2 tube all wave set. Klt of 30 parte. Tubes, Chas - ale, Ideal Christmas gift. Order early, \'rice: $9,95, Earphones: $8. Electronic Appliance, 1166 Port- age, Winnipeg, Canada, 't'ASII)EII311' DEEl1 HEADS MOUNTED, DEER Hides tanned into glove leather, we also buy Deer tildes. Sheep Akins tanned for floor rugs. Rear Hides tanned and oracle Into rugs. Foxes and Furs dressed and made Into scarfs, 20 Elm Street, Toren- to, Oliver Spinner Co. Ltd. '1'i:.t('III:nS 11'AN'I'(:11 (.'AlsToi:: oirteL'Ial'.NT TEACH - or wanted for S. S. No, 6, Calator; state qualifications and salary. Apply C. A. Springstcd, Castor centre, tint, QUALIFIED I )'RO'1'1?ST:\N't' '1'1';A- chcr wanted for 4. S. No. 12, Stor- rington, Will pay $1,200 per year. Dulles to commence January 2nd. 1940. Apply to \I'm, Lynn, , Sun- bury, Ont. WA N'I'Isl) ;,!ENS FU'ILNISItING BUSIN108S or Hardware Business In good sized town. Have cash. Give fn11 particulars In first letter. Box 71,• 73 Adelaide W. Toronto. 10" ATLAS 1,.19'111; Ott EQIIAT, with a,e,•:'s„(•les. Poo, 15, TIlIs- 01nburg, WANT BUSINESS, ANi• ICTND, cash buyers for Stores, Mille, Garages, (Hotels, whit have you. George Drummond, Owen Sound, Ont. WANTED, ONE c'OMPLETIC heeding saw or shingle m)11. Ar- ran() & Cornell, Kimberley, Ont. WANT HOUSE IN TOWN, V1L- Inge nr Highway, prefer with little land, 9700 to 91800. Several cash buyers. Give description, net price. George Drummond, Owen Sound, Ont. WANTED TO RENT ACREAGE form or lot, Conveniences In harts», 110')11) 10, 1 0n111d Street, Toronto, Ont, HIGHEST PRICES PAID For all kinds of dressed poultry. Get our prices before you sell, Write, phone or wire JOHN C. COOPER 1304 BLOOD S1'. W., TORONTO PiIONE N. 9339 BUYER, MR, TED BOWLER WANTED: MEN AND WOMEN TO take orders for chicks. You can make money In your spare tlme selling your friends and netgh- bnurs chicks for one of Canada's oldest established Government Approved ITntcheries. Pend for full details. Box No. 61, 79 Adelaide W., Toronto, BETWEEN NOW AND LATE Spring, White Birch Bolt., 27” long, 7" and up top, Must be fresh crit, free of doze and large limb knots. Also interested In Poplar and Basswood Bolts, 6" and up top. 48" long. If you can aunty in carlots, write for our quotations. Keenan \Voodenware Limited, Owen Sound, Ontario, To Racecourse From Stable By Flying Horsebox 'the European demand like that of the rest of the world is main- ly aimIv for es•eutials such as textiles a; I 1:, '. , !,I 1.'oo,!', alt British ntanifaciirers are turning , out these good- a, fast , they can. At the same time holo -try i slln\v• in" ;a rein:rl<xble ter -;)til ly iu meeting the \vidclline demand for I ei'.II. ((13011) }a0,1 tin: Flitted I:ingdnn, Information Service, .\ {!sing Lor-, I' is the latest proem, t designed 'or a sl,e' t'iait7e,t 111V1,,') ., Vat'Cr-, Iit" tended for lb(' tran,port of r:,ce- hor'c,. i! L:t< been developed by a United l(iticololn a.tl'1:tt c runt• pauy a, one 0i lilt' 1'51(3 u,c, fur titch nut'. pk,nc. A I,rol.,typc v.i11 be slu,ttit ti',i• worti, ;in/ the plane swill he in I,rc'tluctiot; h'• tttr new ye:tr. The flying 1.r -ekes opens ul, the I,r,, meets of toe runners for nest *year's 1),', by or Grand )'rix hcuo 1105'. 1 fn,m their star ales t,, the cc,urse on Ole day of the race This 53 1(1;1 of lntr e trati perl ,', I' prcial,ly I,ro\c very popular ,ince Ilor.,ro do not suffer front air ,,ickltcss, 'I'lle idea i. not new ell. - ur I, - aur! 1.:0 -1: It„r tri were tratt•1„n'te(l 11y all t„ Burma to asci -1 the British I , u,'tcenlit Army in jnnle tsar. "Churkeys Au-lt'ali;t's firs( clntrkcy, -- a cross between turkeys and chick- ens have jnsl been hatched at Glenfield, New South \\'ales, It is said, however, that Russian sci- entists had already produced the Cross, 'i'lic chick; (walk like turkeys but look more like ordinary chickens. It is expected that they will ala• Mc more quickly than turkeys but be a good deal entailer. ll WHY DO more people buy Maxwell House than any other brand of Coffee in the world? This superlli blend contains extra. flavor Latin•Ainerican Coffees, selected from the 'finest the world produces. ROLL YOUR OWN WITH British Consols CIGARETTE TOBACCO eezingHWh Cough-Racked MIDDIES and GROWN-UPS/TOO get prompt relief and restful sleep with Buckley's Stainless White Rub. A brisk massage over chest, back and throat at bedtime with this faster penetrating rub creates a glowing warmth that breaks up croupy congestion, eases breath- ing, loosens the hard cough. Get a jar of Buckley's Stainless White Rub TODAY. It must bringrelief FASTR or money back. otteS 30c 00 ISOO far PAGE 4. -. Ladhimp- _ a Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH -- ONT, INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Life • Sickness • Accident. J. H. R. Elliott. Gordon Elliott Office Phone 104. Residence Phone 12 or 140. "COURTESY AND SERVICE" 0111101PD*AiDiNiAltitANDIANM3)*MiDillaiNIMIIMMINNANDINANDINNkAltilItDik Tilt STANDARD si use Farm Forum Meetings The N. 10 East \\'aw•anosh Farm Forum was held at the home of Mr rich visited on Sunday with Mr and ., au; Nlrs Clem Galbraith, on Mon'ay \Irs R. Vincent. night with 18 present. After the dis- I \Ir and \I Alex Carroll of London cesium the five minute talk was taken visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs by Mrs Calvert Falconer, who spoke on Hugh Blair, and Mrs \\'ill ant Blair 1 "Things That Cause Lack of liar- 1 , Mr Russell C,ok, of Christie Strecl atony." Next Monday night, Decent- ilospital. Toronto, spent the week -end her 17th, the l'orunl will sleet at the with his parents, Mr and Mrs Leonard home of Mr and. Mrs \Vatter Mc(;il.Cnuk. Recreation will take the form of a � The many 'bends are pleased to social even' g, and will be in charge know that R,tsscl is improving with of Mrs hear art \Irs McKenzie. Bert treatment, and we hope he will soon Fear will take the 5 -minute talk. Lunch recover contplc'ely from his injury. committee in charge, \!rs Falconer 1 \\•e are very pleased) to hear that \Irs Norman Radford, \Irs Dan Hal- l.:\C. Ray \'n•cent of London is much hthan. Everybody is invited to attend improved ill health. \\'e hope soon to WESTFIEL•D Nir and, \lis John \'incenl of Gude- SUNWORTHY WaUpapers ARE INEXPENSIVE LUXURIOUSLY DESIGNED LASTINGLY BEAUTIFUL PRIES ARE RIGHT ALSO PAINTS AND ENAMELS OF QUALITY RIDSMEL to Stcp Pant Sme'l SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY. LONDESBORO Mrs George NlcVittic visited her ter, Mrs Easoni, of Gctlerich Township last tvicek. Mr and Mrs \Yat. Hcsk, with Mr and \Irs Charles :iunderccck, Blyth. IMrs Charles Watson spent the week -I end at her daaghters, Mrs J. Sinclair,' Kil pen. Nliss Beth (iovicr, (;oder'-h, Miss Elva Govier, London, with their parents Ntr and Mrs \Vit iaau Gorier. 1 if iss Phyllis Vaughan spent the tvicek-end in Owen Sound. The boys are ceiling Monte this week. We welcome Edwin Fothergill. j Eddie \1c\111 of 1_ n don, spent the week -end at home. I The Live \Wi. e Farm Forum met the hosts of 1r. and \Ir. Joe Lyon on Monday evening, December 1001. .\ talk on -Health Insurance" by 1)r. 1Iocld %vas tnj,:yed by all. Another very wcic,mu guest %vas \l r• Kyle, of hear of his complete recovery The Mission Band met on Sunday at with 19 present. The call to worship was given by Lloyd M c I)owell. 'l'he Christina; Story was read by •line Buchanan. Franklin Campbell, Laur- circ Campbell, Billy Rodger. A Christ- ina; pncnl was read by Gerald \Ic- itl•th. Next meeting will he at the Dowell. home of \I r a;.c! \Irs George Powell on \Villialn Stories were told .by Mrs Carter and \1rs Norman Mc- Decenlbcr 17111. Visitors welcome Dotvcll. \irs'.fowar(l Campbell was in charge for the election of officers. Thr East Boundary Morris and ltul_ which was as follows:lett Farm Folmm met at the home of Mr. and Mrs A:chic Young on \londay ever ing with 24 present. After the 1 'Hie \V. A. will hold their monthly radio hroadca•t, they formed groups wenn; on \Wednesday. December 19t11, with R,•y Yon ',g as convenor. The at 2:30 o'clock in the basement of the topic Was on Health insurance. Bili • • • Church. Vomer; was Ica:ior of the Recreation and The Mary Frierson \lission Band progressive encore was played. After will meet Sunday at ten o'clock. Please lunch Billie 1'rung gave a talk on the hrin. :n your shite boxes. I meeting cif the Co-operative Junior The White (;ift Service was held Farmers tint he attended as a delegate Sunday meriting with a gocid attend- last Wednesday and Thursday. ante• The Superintendent, Mr. C Next meeting will he held en \londay Stewart, was in charge Rev Pe -man et•eni q at the home of \Ir and Mrs. On Sunday \(r and Mrs \\'m Carter gave a Christmas message and \Irs F, Earl \\'at.,on, \Vi fred Shortreed is Tanublyn told a Chistmas Story. The c nvenor and Il,uvev and Dorothy Mo- zic of Lucknow, \ir Hugh Campbell, Junior Choir, under the leadership of Clure arc in charge of recreation. Ev- llr and Iles Jack Kellar of \\'a)tm, 1, \Irs E Wood, sang very sweetly. On crybody welcome the platform were two beautiful, (1cc- F. C. •PREST Phone 37.26, LOIIDE3BORO HULLETT entertained Nit and \Irs I) R N1acKen- lir and \Irs Watson Re:l of Blyth, Mr and Mrs George Carter and Glen. \Ven. Carter celebrated his e•ght eth birthday on December i0th. On \londay tic Burn's quilting group completed tw- quilts at the home of _Mrs George Ctrtcr. The !rants group met at the home of Mrs Bert 1-loggart last \Vednesd;.y and quilted one quilt. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD. 25 CENTS orated Christmas trees and in the centre w•as a white basket in which the child- ren placed thei+ gifts. The Senior clas- President: Loyd McDowell Vice -President : Laurence Campbell Secretary: Billy Rodger Treasurer: Franklin Campbell The meeting closed with prayer by \irs Norman McDowell. The annual meeting and election of officers of the Sunday School was held in the school rciont on Thursday evert- ing with a good attctl(lance. The wor- ship service was conducted by members of the Young People's Union, with Gor- don NIc1)o vcll prerding. Prayer by Eileen Taylor. Scripture lesson was read. by ,lint Walsh, Rev Harold Snell presided for the election of teachers and officers. The minutes of the last Five More Servicemen (continued from page 1) of the town had charge of the distri- bution, and ci.izens in a certain urea came to get their ration from the ship- ment. Ile was particularly friendly with a family who received part of the shipment and they asked hint to convey their personal thanks to the Canadian Red Cross. He saw Morden Cook in Amsterdam on October 260, just before he re- turned to England from where he em- barked for home on' December 2nd, aboard .the Often Elizabeth. :\ftcr a thirty -day furlough Pte. Gooier report; back to London. -- V PTE. ELMER SCHULTZ With the assistance of his brother, Reg. Schultz, we were able to get an interview• with Pte. Ebner Schultz, who is now• Visiting at the home of Mr. and \t rs. Reg Schultz cf East \Vawanosh. Elmer arrived in Auburn on Saturday night, after being met by members of his immediate family in London. Ile found a sumptuous chicken dinner awaiting his arrival at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nevins, and on Tues. 1day was visiting his mother,. Mrs. Enc- nierson Dennis, of Illyth. Pte. Schultz enlisted at Chatham on ,August 12th, 1941, with the Army Ser- vice Corp:. Ile finished Itis brief train- ing period at Camp Borden, and went overseas with the Fifth Canadian Di- vision on November 13th, 1941. As a Jewitt, that theaccutunts be passed. member of the First Canadian Corp Carried. Troops he went to Sicily on October 1 \lotion 3, by lewder and l)alc, that w e 25th, 1943, an 1 was in the fighting ;t,djourn to meet December 15th. Car - throughout the Italian campaign, crus- !led.sing w;th the invasion of Southern 1 Accounts France from 1 eghorn, Italy, to Mar- Relief $.30 llll scilles, France. Ile was with his Unit Provincial Trc:,surcr, insulin ... 5 00 through France. Belgium, holland and Harvey Erskine, taxes pt Led 23 on into Germany, his ditties being to i and 24, conccssiun 7 ...--._..... •I 56 drive one of the huge Army Transport 111?PC., 1.ondcsboro street lights 175 0:) meeting were read by the Secretary, Trucks. Huron 'Expositor, advertising .... 4 20 j \lurray NIcDowtell. Mr. Norman Me- 1 Ile left Holland for England on Oc- Blyth Standard printing and Wednesday, Dec, 12, 1945, a i unit with Company -Sgt. -Major George McNall, while in Englankl. Ile went to France 111 J t:I', 19.1.1, as a member of t he Medical Corps, and was in France 1iulland, ilelg'tnn, and Germany. Percy wvas a batman and was responsible to the officers c•f the medical corps for Iris duties. \\'hilt in Germany he hal the privilege of taking a tri;, through the Rhin Valley, the industrial heart of Germany. 11c said the damage caused there by :V:1' dl bombers and ground forces was tremendous. 1 Pte. Harrington returned to England on November lst, and sailed for Can - 1 a Ia December 2nd. ( Ile. reports back to London on Jan- uary 1(,til. Percy wishes to convey his thanks to the Blyth rte(. Cross, the Myth Turnip Plant, anal the Clinton Branch of the Canadian Legion for parcels and cigar- ettes he received while overseas. V HULI.ETT COUNCIL The regular meeting of the Millen Township Council met on December 3rd in the Community l lall, Londcshoro. Thi IRceve and three members of the Council being present. The minutes of the Nomination meeting of November 23n:1i, were read. Motion 1, by \Vac. J. Dale and \\' R Jewitt, that the minutes as read be adopted. Carried. There .date very little correspon- dence or business to attend to the ac- counts were pelt forward. Motion 2 by Ire Rapson and \\'. R. -- P 1 Dowell was a,'ain elected as Superin- tober 27th, and sailed for hone on De- supplic; 68 (,i EAST WAWANOSH Scs gave as White G•its, money amotnit• \Ir. Jessie \Wal"en of Manitoba is ing to almost X50.00 to he sent to Bri- visiting h's sister, Mrs. John Caldwell, tain for milk for the children. T�•e aid Mr Caldwell. It i, Over 20 years Junior classes gifts are to he sent to since he wit. East. the Sick Child' en's Hospital in London. \Irs• (�)uilrn and Edward visited with One class is sending their stoney to the \lr and \Irs Cecil Cartwright of Iltd- Evening Telegrams Fund in Toronto. lett Township oil Sunday. A When Nazi U-boat commanders hoisted black flags of sur- render, it was a "go ahead" signal to the three out of every eight Canadians who normally depend for their livelihood on export trade. For five years the flow of foreign trade has been largely a gov- ernment responsibility. But now, to help create peacetime jobs, Canadian enterprise must do its full share in finding customers abroad. This means doing business all over the world, in strange and distant cities, in a hundred languages and currencies. Canadian banks have a key role in this complicated but ossen- dal peacetime task. Every day their foreign branches and corres- pondents arrange credits, handle documents and perform other intricate operations to bring buyers and sellers together across the obstacles of distance, language and custom. This banking service is of primary importance to business and to every Canadian worker as Canada turns to the task of re• creating trade abroad to provide jobs at home. 1 This Advertisement is Sponsored by your Bank tcndent, with Ni T. Howard Campbell, ,; r .g- .. I ccmbcr _n I 1\'hile in 1?nt,l un,d he net 1., C. 1'rest, Ld.ndc�bcrO Sl lights 5 25 1 \Ir \V F Campbell as assistants. Sec- his brother, TI•r. Carmen Schultz, who James McCool, bulb; for LOn retary-Treasurer. Murray Mcl)owell I will arrive he,ne next week, and also deshuru strc(t lights.......... 8 90 with G:a.'mc \Icl)owell as assistant, Sgt. Lver-tt \ ungblutt. The three men G. E. hall, Clinton, printing Piani:'s, Mrs C Rodger, Phyllis Cook had a happy re•ttnion.1 Graeme McDowell, Gwen Cook, \1'inni and adlerti:ing ......._.-----...- . 6 25 1 1 Foi:ow!ng Ids furlough he reports to (ie1), \\T. Cowan. excise stamps 3 0') fred Campbell and Arnold Cook; Cradle London on January 16th. dig - 1 Roll Superintendent : Mrs \Valtcr � i \ichilld.,p \lutttal Tel Co, II Pte. Schultz swishes to thank the Aub- 1 ging holes _.............. 26 00 Cook, Mrs Hugh Blair; Missionary urn and Blyth Red Cross Societies,•thc \\:, Victor Roy, gravel 310 56 Superintendent \irs Alva \IcDowcll, Blyth Turnip Plant, and the Auburn Pedlar People, Oshawa, culverts 31) 40 Nlrs Norman )IcDowell, \I rs. William Victory Club for parcels ankl cigarettes I1-1. Enuncrson, cement tile ....... 511 12 \Ic\'ittic, Mr-. \Villi;un \\'ald'en ; Re- ! he received, and which he greatly en- . G. Radford, crushing, trucking 1132 d { pre entative to Official Bqard, Norman joyed. \IcDowell ; Teumperance Superinlen-I dent, Rc.' Harold Snell; Teachers: Senior Bible Cass Howard Campbell; Geo Radford, bulldozing 90 0) r Clifford Adams, culverts 22 81) PTE PERCY HARRINGTON Ken Scott, snow fence, culverts 12 8!1 lend r Bible Class, Douglas Cantpbcll; Pte. Percy rlarringtcn is enjoying his •\\' Pollard, sninw (once, culverts 15 20 1. L. McDowell: Norman Radford, Har - II. with his mother, and brother, G. Carter, snow truce, culverts 41 (.J George. Percy cants in on the night }I. Miller, snow fence culverts 40 80 vcy McDowell, Norman \Icbowvell; B }id,.. Jun'or Class: Mrs Earnest Snell, \Vin- bus Saturday, but eluded his wecome Hogort, rets snow fence, culverts .10 (E1 Mired Campin' i, Norma Taylor; Prim- hone by stepping from the bus as it R. Riley, snow fence 3 20 ;try Class: Mrs. George 11'ightanan, passed his home on Queen street. III. Beacom, trucking, snow dense 31 00 tPte. Harrington was overseas three 1 \\ . Carter, road suet 19';3545 4 05 \fes Aiya NIcDoww•ell; Beginners Class:lTheo bale, bridge lights ;S 70 Mrs J. Buchanan, Mrs Norman Mc- years and rout months. He enlisted at Dowell, \Irs F J. Cook, Phyllis Cook London on July 9th, 1941, with the 15th Percy Glazier, bridge lights .... 35 70 \ stccial offering is to be taken on Field Ambulance, and proceeded over- Joe Blake, weeds 50 Sunday, December 16th, for the Christ. -seas on August 7th, P)42. It was his John Mann. snow removal 8 00 ala Cheer Ford. o Flynn, snow' rem"al 4 00 of his thus overseas with Major I<11. pleasure to be ass-lciated during most TheJ-Iarold Longman, repairing fence 2 16 The Meeting dosed with a few words Fcrg. \'anla,"tnond, snow teens 17 (IO of appreciation; and the Benediction by Patrick, and he was also in the same George p \V. Cowan, Clerk the Rev. I-larcld Snell - _. Mr an " Mrs George. Cook and fancily cf 13clgrave visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs F. J. Cook \ir and \Irs George \Vightntan and Alberta visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Sam Nesbitt of Kincardine. \Irs J. L. McDowell is visiting her (daughter, Mr,: John Gear, and Mr Gear of Kitchener. Mr and Mrs Bert Vincent of Belgrave Mr and Mrs McSwwcen of Hamilton, were Westfield visitors on Sunday. Others Are Asking Questions Answered by The Wartime Prices and Trade Board. Question—I atm going to sell my car and truck. \Vtlere can I determine the proper ceiling prices? Is it sufficient to consult a dealer? Answer—The proper procedure is to go to the nearest Wartime Prices and 'trade Board office and submit a hill description of the car and truck includ- ing accessories, such as heater, radio or other equipment. Yott will then be given the legal ceiling price. If you cannot visit the Board office you may send a description by mail. Informa- tion is not given by phone. Prices re- ceived from the dealer are the dealer's ceilings and differ from those in effect for sales between individuals. Question—Is cranbcr-y sauce ration- ed? Answer—Under present regulations one preserves coupon is good for 12 fluid ounces of cranberry sauce. Question—My grocer will not sell enc catsup unless I buy mustard. My friends tell me this i'. illegal. Are they cor- rect? Answer—Yes. This is a conditi2,nal sale which raider wartime regulations is illegal. \Ve suggest you advise your grocer of this ruling and if he persists in his present t,ttitudc you should re- port the scatter to the nearest office of the \Vartime Prices and Trade Board. PLEASE bring back those EMPTIES 1 The busy holiday season is almost here — bringing with it additional demand. CARTONS and BOTTLES ARE SCARCE They will be urgently needed to enable us to maintain a steady flow of supplies to the consumer. Please return empties now. If you can't bring thein in 'phone or write your nearest Brewers' Retail Store, THANK YOU THE BREWING INDUSTRY (Ontario) ,rY a redo, Dec, 1 , 104g, " TSE STANDARD 1 telltaitiMAIMIERVAIMAIMMAttglie BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL - SAT., DEC. 15TH GROCERIES !r. - PAGE 5 `.IIINIIN IIIIN#.####MIIIIIIIIN####.#I###.## 111 NNIIMIIIII". ROXY THEATRE, CAPITAL THEATRE I REGENT TIIEATRE NOW PLAYING: "Cowboy From NOW PLAYING: "Strange Affair" CLINTON. I GODERICH. BEAFORTi4, S 1 X PictureSil h' roun ce 4444_.. 44..0_0 eels truss ow Vita B Cereal Lonesome River"& Strange Affair with Allyn Joslyn b Monday,Tuesday, Wodnesda"1 LOVE A BAND -LEADER" ues G d Riy y Mon., Tues., Wed—Two Features "SCARLET BRAND" Clark's Chili Sauce Jr., 23c -... 15c 18c 13c Snowflake Ammonia, per pkg. . 5c THE WEST AT ITS I3EST, A picture that will appeal to audiences of all ages. "JAPAN SURRENDERS" "SPILLS AND THRILLS" Also New Series of: ADDED ATTRACTIONS --- "NEWS PARADE" `(TTIE WORLD IN ACTION" "SANTA CLAUS COMES TO TOWN" CARTOONS ANI) OTHERS. 9A ALL TIIIS FOR ONE ADMISSION '1• These pictures are shown only in larger towns, so take advantage of seeing them NOW! g ,' Adults 35c (Tax Included) Children 20c 5 COME ALL! 8:30 P.M. ITS REAL GOOD! It .� Please Tell Your Friends About This Grand Show. s 1Stil7J30fileVAiti14614%14glkJ3�1 Blyth Women's Institute The regular n:onthiy meeting of \\'o- men's Institute, met in the Commonly }tall, 'Thursday, I)ccctnber (,:h, at 2.30 work and beautiful boqucts. Minute Tapioca WALNUTS IN SHELLS. MiXED NUTS. Peel, Almonds, Shelled Walnuts. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Fresh and Smoked Fillets, Frozen Salmon. Pioneer Feeds - Shur Gain Feeds Royal Purple CaIF Meal. SHOP SELF-SERVICE SEE WHAT YOU BUY. A. L. KERNICK PHONE 39. • King". Then a fine social time was held, and a most delicious tea served by hostesses, Miss \Voodcock, Mrs. Cowan, Mrs. Cbellcw, Mrs. Kilpatrick This truly was a much cujoyel and help- \Irs. Uel Philp gave a fine reading, fel meeting. "\\'Ily the chimes rang," lesson we learn from It is, not because of great ! o p. nt. with Pre •idcitt, Airs i, Scrintgcour' wealth, and power, hitt because of at Airs A 'Taylor, Secretary, presiding. Airs. 1/el Thais., I'iani,t, \lceting op- ened using 1(1 tilutc Ode, Lord's Prayer in unison. Secretary presented a very fine report, elan)' Ilett• members have joined, finances excellent. it At'as de- cided upon that the society secure as soon as possible New Song hooks and sheets. The January meeting as per usual has been withdrawn. 'fibs Institute Christ - Inas Cake will he made again this year, tickets are being sold. Christmas Seals were on hand to be sold, many were disposed of. Airs. Colclough gave her report on war work, which was excel- lent. This concluded business portion, which had beer. approved. The Society \\'ere pleased to welcome to our meeting, a number of ladies from Auburn Society, which we learned did enjoy the meeting. :\ number of Christmas Carols were sang and enjoy- ed, "l -lark The Herald Angels", "Now- ell", "Silent Night". :\ committee con- sisting of \lcsda,nlcs A. 'Taylor, F. 13ainton, N Kyle Al Henry, \l iss Liv- ingston, had of display two beautiful hoquets's, which these ladies climbed trees, barb hire fences, bog holes. and swamps to secure foliage, \vecds, shrubs, sante were demonstrated, then. sold by auctioneer, Mrs Sadie C uuiug, highest bidder for one Was \f rs Sturdy, visitor from .\churn, the taller one on display in Ala Chellew's win(lo\t', went to Mrs. F Bandon, Mrs. AI Henry, good prices were realized, ars well as lots of fun. :\ hearty vote of thanks was given these Wooten, for their hard lonely, poor little crippled boy, who gave all he had. Mrs. L Scringeour's reading, "11ot' to grow a Victory gar- den" and it wa.; good. The nlceting was in charge of Dr. A-. Ross, with Miss J \Voodcock, assisting. Hedy L.imarr, George Brent Paul Lukas and Albert Dekker. A drama of twisted lives, unspoken fears, ail terrifying suspense inter- woven with the greatest of all emotions, love. "EXPERIMENT PERILOUS" Thurs., Fri., Sat—Two Features "SHADOWS IN THE NIGHT" Another in the Crinis Doctor series in which a suave 'psychiatrist at- tempts to help a client overcome hallucinations. Warner Baxter, Nina Foch and George Zucco. ALSO: Phil Harris, Rochester and Leslie Brooks in: "1 LOVE A BAND -LEADER" Martha O'Driscoll, Noah Beery and Hattie McDaniel "HI, BEAUTIFUL" George Sanders, Ella Raines and Sara Allgood. "UNCLE HARRY" Thurs.. Fri, Sat—Two Features Rosemary Lane, Tom Tyler and Slim Summerville Present a vii;orous outdoor yarn with Noah Beers as a waggish uncle who plays dead for a purpose "SING ME A SONG OF TEXAS" Warner Baxter, Hillary Brook and Stephen Crane. With a grand cast in their latest detective thriller "THE CRIME DOCTOR'S STRANGE CASE" COMING: "A Thousand And One COMING: "OVER 21" Starring Nights" with Cornet Wilde. 1 IRENE DUNNE. Matinees Sat, & Holidays at 2.30 p.m. Mat„ Wed., Sat., Holidays 2.30 pm .IIMMIINIIIIINN.I 1N.oMINNIININ....m MINI m*d.4p1IININWmow NOW PLAYING: Phil Barris In. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Dick Powell. Anne Shirley, and Claire Trevor A new Dick Powell, as a detective who runs into much .sktllldugg(ry. "MURDER MY SWEET" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Phillip Terry, Audrey Lorig and Bob 13enchley. Something unique in musical comedy is offered in this tale of a Sion Arne. Kan ioodltwil1 tour. "PAN AMERICANA" COMING: "Bring On The Girls". with Eddie Bracken Matinees Sat. & Holidays a' ° -0 p.in. CHRISTMAS DANCE In The Blyth Memorial Hall Sponsored By B.C.S. LITERARY United Church W. M. S. SOCIETY the night of The regular December meeting was held in the k.lsenlent of the Church Tuesday, 1)cc, tuber 11th, at 3 p. In. with a splendid attendance Mrs. Sinclai, opened the meeting, when minutes of last meeting and cor- A contest was conducted with articles respondence were read. Canvassers re - 'placed on a table, you were given a 'ported a generous response and alloca- card with questions from 1 to 20, you tion for the year Inas been exceeded. got your alisss er5 from said articles on table, winners Mesdames Ed Johnston, A. hear, 1' Balaton, and received a re- ward. First Aid demonstrations was Mrs. \Vnt M ills had charge of special Christmas pr.., ranune ant read Christ - Inas story from St Luke and St Mat- thew. Airs. Salic Curring sang Christ - successfully conducted by \iiss 'Inas carols Woodcock, Mesdames. N, Garrett, G. Prayers were offered by Mrs Petts, Doherty. Mrs Garrett done up Jose- Mrs \Vnt Johnston, Mrs •\Vightinan and Ipl1ine's badly cut finger, which she did- Mrs Inborn.. n't have, Airs. Doherty done up Mrs. Rev. Sinclair received report of nonn- 'Garrett's badly burned arm and hand, hutting committee. Mrs. Garrett and Airs. Doherty (lone up \I iss Woodcock's broken collar bone, and fractured shoulder using St John's Sling, Miss Woodcock gave First Aid to Airs N Ga:rett for bad cut on her head, caused iron falling off shakcy barrel. All these First Aid helps, were very helping, and the work of all these women highly appraised and approved I.tf by i)r Annie Ross. Dr Ross gave a talk on Christmas, taking for an ex- ample "Little child. The development elf the brains, used Christmas Spirit of Good -will, different stages the stalls mind goes through, "mind of his own" or "The I ani stage" and of "1 a111", "I cat", "I ought' and "I will" as Institute workers we 111115t d0 jttst these many things, and so create "Peace on Earth". .sleeting w'ts closed singing "The A dainty tea was served at the close. Following are the Officers for 1940: Honorary President, Airs .\ Sinclair. President, Mrs R 1) Philp First Vice, Mrs 1) Hdad. Second Vice Mrs J Petts Third Vice, ?s1rs C 13e11 Recording secretary, Miss M 1I Milne Assistant Scet., Mrs \V N Watson. Cor. Sect., Al"•s M Henry Treasurer, Mrs N Garrett Assistant r,casurer, Mrs Billion). Missionary Monthly Secretary, Mrs. H Johnston. Assistant, Mrs '1' Laidlaw. Temperance Seat., Mrs E Pollard Christian Stewardship Sect., Mrs \V Johnston, Mts Garrett, Mrs Hilborn, Mrs Radford, Mrs Petts. Associate M:mbers Sect., Mrs December 2Ist Music By Ken. Wilbee's Orchestra Dancing From 9 Until 2 Admission 50c. Free Lunch PROGRESSIVE LYCEUM UM THEATRE WINGHAM—ONTARIO. f, Two Shows Sat. Night Thurs.. Fri., Sat, Dec 13-14-15 Irene Dunne, Alexander Knox and ► Charles Coburn in "OVER 21" z There's new heights of romance and.' hilarity with excitement and rare de -r; light fat the young in heart. ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" Matinee, Saturday afternoon, at 2.30.:. Mon., Tues., Wed, Dec 17.18.19 Humphrey Bogart, Alexis Smith !' Sydney Greenstreet, in• If you are lonely, write Box 32. "CONFLICT" -, Clarkston, Wash Send stamp TIN �`•:'•�!� T1-7".' •► 14 1�14J1.14�4 •�,• ��•4%•14 :•i't ATKINSON'S =. 5.! POOL ROOM. 1H SMOKER'S SUNDRIES `Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Pop,,; and Other Sundries. ;Open all day and evening.: Main Street. Blyth.,: 1+++++++++44•+++++•:•....÷++:•••.••:•••.•• Bogart, loin between love and loyal-' ty, kills his wife and all but escapes;; (detection, Leing finally tripped op., by a psychologist. it ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" tAt K4-4:4444:444+1:44:41:44:4444:44:44:4+444:41:444444:44 Euchre 4 Dance In the Orange Hall, Blyth,Notice . Friday, December 14th commencing at 8 P.M. • Admission 25c LADIES WITH LUNCH FREE. EVERYONE WELCOME. As I have disposed of my grocery business, all outstanding accounts are now due, and a pr011111t Settlellllllt . of saute would be appreciated. In Memoriam PLEATZER—In memory of my par- ents, Henry Plcatzer, who passed away December 3rd, 1924, and Eliza- beth Pleatzei, who passed away De- cember 3rd, 1943. 'l.'is sweet to know we'll meet again Where troubles are no more. And that the one's we loved so well, Have just gone on before. —Always remembered by their 'laugh- ter, Pearl. 16-lp IIil- MiSSION BAND CHRISTMAS TREE Time Is Flying • Do Your Buying • NOW We Have the Right Gift For That Boy or Girl New Metal Fire Trucks, 20 inches Long. Metal Dump Trucks, Buses, Jeeps, Trains and Tractors. Metal Aeroplanes and Trucks 10c Wooden Duck Pins t'or Bowling, 10 5 -inch pins and 3 bails. Just like bowl- ing on the alley. The set for 98c JUNIOR DRAFTING SETS - an excel- lent education for the young boy or girl who is inclined along' these lines . $1.49 CHRISTMAS TREE HOLDERS - Do' away with that pail of coal and those ropes you used to hold up the Christ- mas,Tree. These holders are well made and priced right, will last for years $1.25 Dolls and Teddy Bears. Stuffed Leather Horses and Cats. Penny Banks and. Cataplanes. FULL ASSORTMENT OF GAMES. CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS A large and beautiful assortment of Christmas Greeting Cards, priced from 3 for 5c to 10c. Select Yours Now. Personal Christmas Greeting Cards 15c For Sweetheart, Dad, Mother, Sister and Brother. Christmas Tree Decorations and Bells. Christmas Wrap, Ribbon, Seals String and Attachable Gift Cards 'A Beautiful Line of Boxed Stationery. Paint Books and Story Books Galore. 5 -Year Diaries Priced at $1.25 and $1.75 Autograph Books, a popular cheap gift. Engineer Construction Sets, all -metal, 37 pieces, the first in a long time .. $1.98 SELF- PROPELLING SWINGS - Can be attached suitably inside or out, $3.25 THE GIFT THAT LASTS • A Waterman's Pen and Pencil Set. Many Other Items That We Cannot Take Space To Mention, The Standard Book Store ORDERS KEPT UNTIL CHRiSTMA S — TELEPHONE 89 — BLYTH, ONTARIO. l The Mission. Band Of Loving Servic'e arc holding a Christmas 'free in the basement of the United Church on Friday, December 14th., at 8- °'lock. Lantern slides, "If 'Penis iy 'Two -Wheels. Cants to Canada". will be shown. A collection will be taken at tlic door to defray expenses. Everybody welcome Away in the beautiful hills of God R. J. POWELL IN MEMORIAM GARNiSS—ln loving memory of a dear wife and mother. Mrs. George Garniss, who passed away, December 16th, 1943. —Ever remembered by husband and Sons. 16 -Ip In Memoriam PI11LLIPS—In lov'ng memory of our dear mother, Mary Phillips, Who (1e - parted this life December 19th, 1944. God knew that she was suffering That the hills were hard to climb So Ile called her weary eyelids And whispered, Peace be Thine. By the Valley of rest so fair. born, Mrs McKenzie, Mrs G McGowan, Sonic time, scone day, we know not Mrs Falconer, Mrs 1) Craig, Mrs Sun- when, dercock, Mrs Fairservice, Mrs T Laid- Dear Mother, we'll nteet.you there. —Lovingly remembered by Daughters and Grandchildren. 16-1p law Supply Sect., Mrs A Brigham, Mrs Rutledge, Mrs Davis, Mrs Rintoul i Mrs Kechnie, Miss Ilirons. Literature Sect., Airs Wightnrun Conintunity Friendship Sect. Airs Lydidiatt, 'Mrs Kilpatrick. Press Secretary, \t-rs F I3ainton I3aby Band Secretary, Airs Cunning C G I '1'., Mrs• F Rainton Pianists, Alts Kilpatrick, Mrs Sin- clair. ,Mission Band, Mrs IIilborn, Mrs Fairservice, Mrs Watson, Mrs Mc- Kenzie, Al iss I.ochie, Al iss Cumming Mrs Kilpatrick, Mrs Falconer. v DUCK EGGS FOR CHRISTMAS A duck front the flock belonging to Mr. Clens Galbraith presented its own- er with a nice fresh duck egg on Tues- day morning, AI r. Galbraith brought the egg into the Standard Office where we 11011' have it as proof. Apparently the duck has every intention of coit- tinuing to lay, as it has prepared a nest with great pains. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Vented luctionecr For Huron Has returned from service with the Royal Canadian Air Force, and will be continuing his former occupation. Correspondence promptly answered Intinedia1e arrangements can be made for Sales Date at 'l'lle Standard Office, or by calling Phone 203, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfaction Guaranteed. G. R. AUGUSTINE REPRESENTING THE MONTREAL LIFE "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY" Associated with The Atlas Insurance Company, London, England. LIFE - PENSIONS - ANNUITIES WILLIAM H. MORRITT LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Specializing in Farm and Household Sales. . Licensed for the County of Iiuron. Reasonable Prices, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. For information, etc., write or phone William H. Merritt, phone, Residence 93; Shop 4, Blyth. 4-4-tt, Frank's Bakery PHONE '38. BLYTH, ONT. PIES, CAKES, COOKIES, BUNS, COFFEE CAKES. FRESH EVERY DAY Everything Homemade To Our Friends & Customers The Manager aol Staff of the Cana- dian Bank of Commerce, Blyth, are holding a "Chr:strias Tea" at the Bank from 3 to 5 P.M.. on Saturday after- noon, December 22nd. This is a cordial invitation to all our customers and friends to drop in to have a cup of tea with us. N. W. KYLE. FOR. SALE Quebec cook stove; Music stand; leather jacket, size 42. Apply to Rob- ert Winter, Myth. 16-1p. NOTICE Will the person t\'llo wrote the God- erich Humane Society under date of December 4111, signing themselves a friend of dumb animals and complain - nig of neglected cattle please co111111tt11- cate further giving correct name? This AN ER :CI: will not be divulged. Anonymous Last week's report of the annual correspondence can never be consid- meeting of the \V. A. was reported in- ered. \Ve must know that 3'0tt act in correctly. 1i2 calls were trade during good faith. A. \Vurtcle, Inspector, the year, instead of 12, and the .tames I-luron County Humane Society. of the first and second vice-presidents (were reported wrong. Mrs. J. \\' Alills is the 1st v:cetpresident. and Mrs. Charles Bell is second vice-president for 1946. RATION COUPON DUE DATES Coupons now valid are sugar 46 to ,(t7, butter 116 to 133, preserves 33 to 57 and Pi to P21, meat 1 to 15. On December 20. coupons 134 for butter anal P22 to P25 inclusive and (meat 16 become good. FOR SALE Alan's fur coat, large size, only worn a few times. For information apply at The Standard Office. 15-2 GIRL WANTED For housework. Two adults and one baby. Completely modern home. Also have extra help. Liberal daytime and evenings off. Ideal city home position for the right girl. Apply, Airs. J. \\' Jones, 430 Huron Street, London, On- tario. 15-3 WANTED Anyone with a pair of skates and boots for sale, size 1 or 2, please phone The Standard Office, 8-) Myth. 15-1p FOR SALE Skates and Boots, size 4; Breast col- lar dog harness. Apply to James Arm- strong, phone 179 Blyth. 15-10 FOR SALE Several halt Hereford heifer calves, over 4 weeks old. Apply to Archie Scott. phone 13-10, Blyth. 1r: -1p Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, ‘ollect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. ARMY FILM SHOWS CANADIANS IN ACTION The rubble -filled streets of Caen or the sandy, waterfilled foxholes of Holland were all in a day's work to advancing Canadian infan- trymen, and are all shown in the army film "The True Glory" which presents the story of the European war from D•Day to VE•Day. They presented different problems but the Canucks EUROPE'S HUNGRY CHILDREN Nearly a billion people -90 mil- lion in 1'urope and ten times that number in China, India, and other places in the world—face starva- tion this winter. That is the grins reality reported by food experts of the United Na- tions Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. This picture, reported by spokes- men for Greece, is typical of the grave world food situation: The Pappas family lives in a fairly large city near Athens. Mrs, Pappas has a teen -aged son and daughter. Her husband is a day - laborer, Marketing is her day's big gest chore. It varies a little. Some day Mrs, Pappas gets more, but usually she can buy ahout half a pound of bread for each mouth a day. ?dost of the time she can get three ounces of dried peas or beans for each person, maybe one codfish for all to share, a tiny bit of olive oil and a handful of raisins, She can usually get potatoes too, They are rationed. UNRRA Helps It's a celebration when she gets a can of Army meat stew. This happens about once a month after a shipment from UNRRA has ar- rived at the market. Mrs, Pappas is too tired to worry about the strange things that are happening in her fancily. `OOPS, SORRY!' SAYS HERMANN Even in the shadow of a possible death sentence, the fallen No. 2 man of Nazi Germany remains an irrepressible clown while on trial at Nuernberg. In top photo, he laughingly explains a point to grim -faced Rudolf Hess as they sit in defendants' box, But (bot- tom photo) Hess almost smiled and Von Ribbentrop looked over with amusement when, on the same day, Goering clapped his hand over his mouth in an "Oops, sorry" gesture after making a remark out of turn. tackled them cheerfully, intent only upon the destruction of the German enemy. Left, above, a Canadian patrol picks its way care- fully through the ruins of Caen searching out German snipers. At right, a Canadian section armed with Piat and .tnortar waits the signal to attack across the Dutch border into G.rmany. She doesn't understand that the dict of about 11011 caloric, a day for each member is responsible. [Cs the reason her husband only goes to work about three times a neck in spite of her scolding. It's the reason her son isn't growing and only sits stupidly in the sun all day. It's the reason her daughter re- fuses to help clean np their tiny little hovel and has a chronic, hack- ing cough. 1 t's the reason her ITALY—Emaciated woman holds underfed grandson whose mother died of a disease which took half the village. He will be lucky to 17':t until spring. CHINA -- Weak from hunger, these Chinese poke around in the ruins of a village looking for scraps of food. They fight to survive the winter, ROYAL BANK APPOINTMENTS Sydney G. Dobson, Vice -President and General Manager of The. Royal Bank of Canada, whose appointment as Executive Vice - President Is announced. Burnham L. Mitchell, Toronto, newly appointed Director and Vice -President of the Royal Bank, has been Assistant General Man- ager since 1935. Ile will continue In make his headquarter in Torpnto. James Mulr, Assistant General Manager for the past ten years, who succeeds Mr. Dobson as Gent gni Manager of the bank. baby died last month when it was only a fevv seek- old, hardly any babies scent to live over a couple nt v.cr1;, any more, half the population of one section of the rill• di, l is -t month. Food oupplies Vary Fool supplies in Europe vary within and between countries. Greece and Italy are about av- erage. Poland, Yugoslavia, Aus- tria, Germany and Vinland have less. Austria is believed to be in the worst shape, People in France and Czechoslovakia get a little more titan the Greeks, Norway's condition is not critical, TRULY REMARKABLE is the "Radiant Roast" used in the manufacture of Maxwell House Coffee. It captures all the flavor and goodness because it roasts every coffee bean evenly, all through! 00 THIS! To relieve discomforts, one of tho best things you can do is put a good spoonful of home - tested Vicks VapoRub in a bowl of boiling water. Then feel welcome relief 001110 as you breathe in the steaming medicated vapors that penetrate to the cold -congested upper . breathing passages! See how this soothes irritation, quiets cough- ing, and helps clear the head - bringing grand comfort. FOR ADDED , rub throat, chest and back with VapoRub at bedtime. Vicks VapoRub works for hours -2 ways at once -to bring relief from sVIdistress,IVIS Remembcr,it'sVichS i� VapoRub you want. VAPOR GREECE—Daily ration of bread —about half a pound per person— is brought home by little Greek girl in a captured souvenir helmet, Most people 11l1(, live on faint; get at least enough food to main- tain health, Persons in the small urban communities are the most hungry. They don't produce food and can't draw from the stocks sent to the big cities. They haven't the money or goods to get food +'tt: . .t:!t°-» ' '7i h..V! 4+fit(.. You Will Enjoy Staying At The St. Regis Hotel TORONTO • Every Ronal with Math, Shower and 'Telephone, ▪ Single, 82.50 up — Double, $3.150 up. • Ciao(' road, Olr.ing nod Danc- ing Nightly. Sltcrhnurne at Carlton Tel, RA. 4136 directly front tit' (Antlers. Little i� In osvn ahout the food supply in Russia except that it i3 inadequate, but better Ih,on it 1v;1.1, in the vs'ar years. Chinese mothers aren't vvorre- ing about getting ono Ill ric', wheat or Oried fish merely to stave off hunger. "Their tamilies Irtvry been hungry for the la=t 10 year; This year they are s'.orrying shoat which one, in the famil • %sill be dead by spring ut it d ey «•ill all be dead. Sante i, Irtu in India Averitge diet in these two. countries v'ar'ies from 2,000 to le., than 1,11111 calorics per day. In most of Europe. mart, of tit. ,`ear Vast, and '.11 o the Far h:a•,t and in North :\fri,• countries; desperately need fntpon t, of food. \lo•t t '.;: tr;ts i �, ilii .luted t will be aide to get along without threat of starvation. [ np and 1111 Australia need food but expect to get along on rationing through the %,inter. :' i&' len is just about able_ to get along, and by pinching, can share some with needy neighbors, Use ices PRE WAR HIGH TREAD TIRES 111 titre• Free of Ration Cemented Relinera RETAIL AND WHOLESALE Deniers write for enqulrler ONTARIO RUBBER s.tt,yAOIC CO. 030 Queen St. W. — i.A, 15.1711 Toronto, Ont arta The reatrlc(Ioar are off for 'binomials more ear i truek owners! New Oren have become available to many more eligible buyel'r under the new regvtnilonv, and • . • EVERYBODY CAN BUY USED AND RETREADED TIRES Without Permit or Priority Tour nearby firestone Dealer afore btu ample »tock of noir tire» In all Ozer and will gladly take enre of your requirettient». Walk right in to the Firestone dealer and see about your Car, Truck and Farm Tires etA171"04N-ING REMOVED for most farm vohldes btcluding; CARS TRUCKS TRAILERS TRACTORS IMPLEMENTS ALL TRUCK TIRES RATION- rREI except a lew smaller sires See goo fee 9i7e:Tem:atiee: knset ptudeird DARK LIGHTNING 8' HELEN TOPPING MILLER CI-IAPTER X "1 can take care of Old man Harper. He Cues sic money." "I woudn't talk to too many people about this well, Nils Ma- son," Gary advised, "If you taet a wildcat down and it turns out to be a producer, the wise thing to do would be to shut it down and keep quirt about it. You Wright want to get leases un the other land that touches your pout." "1 don't want a lot of land. All 3 want is a good oil well, And I've got a fat chance to keep this well quiet. Everybody in the county knows about it already." "'That's because you've talked too much," Mona Lee said. "You send that wire off to Junior now, Harvey, right away." "All right, all right, .Mother, don't shove mc!" "Would you speak to Adelaide before you go to Austin about tak- ing me over to the oil fields in the tar, Mr. Mason?" Gary asked. "Ilcy, Addie!" I-iarvey raised hie voice in a whoop as he went down the stairs, * • • Adelaide was waiting iu the car when Gary Vent down, "All right, mister," she said. "Here's your taxi." "Thanks a lot, I hope 1 didn't in- terfere with any of your plans?" "I was supposed to be playing bridge at Grace's, but she can just 11nd somebody else. She's being snippy anyway, and Oliver goes around telling people that Dad's Crazy and will probably go broke." At Gary's direction Adelaide turned into a muddy little road that twisted between stumps, over frail wooden bridges, past leases, each one fenced carefully with good steel fence, past batteries of tanks and little shacks with rickety ears Mantling in the yards and dreary looking clothes flapping on lines, Lean, faded women cause to the doors of these shacks, looked out hopefully, patiently watched then pass; dirty children scram- bled out of the road; dogs slunk Into hushes—the hungry, vague, hopeful fringe of humanity that lingers on the edge of every oil field. The nun, muscled and lean, waited for roughneck jobs, pipe- laying jobs, any scrap from the vast, teeming feast of exploitation. * * * "Now we have to look for a well that's just been finished," Gary said, "where there's an out- fit standing waiting to be moved. And then, after we find an outfit, we have to persuade them to move twenty miles or more on to a wild- cat job, and that will be a selling job too, for mostly they don't like wildcats very much." finished??" 'How can you tell a well that's "There's one over there. See that derrick with the red stud piled around under it and all the machinery still standing? Well, it's down and cased in and tlic Christmas tree's set up—so I know It's finished," "I don't sec any Christmas tree. You're crazy, Gary." "See that contraption of pipe and wheels and stuff sticking up sant of the hole in the floor? That's what oil men call a Christmas steel" A rickety trailer was parked un- der a tree, and beyond lay an un- shaven man of middle age, with his hat dragged down over his eyes and a small white dog curled up in a sleepy knot on his chest. The dog el•rang awake and carte charging, ripping, as they approached, and the man sat ftp. Here's a SENSIBLE way to relieve MONTHLY FEMALE PAIN Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegctablc Compound not only helps relieve periodic pain but ALSO accompanying nervous, tired, highstrung feelings—when due to func- tional monthly disturbances. It's one of the most effective medicines for this pur- pose. Pinkham's Compound helps nature! Follow label directions. Try it! VEGETABLE OCp9J._6VT4/Q/f4 COMPOUND ISSUE 60-1945 "1:now v,lto , ern; this ?trilling onafit?" Gary aal;rrl. "Sure 1 lIto w—1 lyniie Starr owns it. (;o up yonder and talk to Jim Hickey, ('p in that shanty with the red front on it, just be- yond that machine shop, towards the stripper, .1 hit's a good driller -- good as there is." » * • Jim Hickey talked glibly ,end eagerly, Ile would, so he prom- ised, get a wt it down quicker and cheaper than any other man around. Gary came Lack and said, "Let's go. llis stuff is old. IIe hasn't got the money to have it over- hauled. We'll look somewhere else," 11e folded the grimy paper on which Jim Hickey had estimated his drilling cuts, and put it in his pocket. 1'il show this to your father, but he probably won't want tr' risk I1ickcy on the job." It was dark when they turned back toward the ranch. Gary sat alone with Mona I.cc for a while, listening to the radio, then went upstairs to his room to write letters --to oil hien that he knew, asking for a job. Ile had finished the third epistle when he heard .Mona Lee coming up the stairs. She slopped outside his door and said, "I thought you'd gone to bed. Gary, would you go over to Grace's place with • me? She telephoned—and it's late, and Harvey d sesn't like it if I drive alone at night." Gary got up quickly. "Of course. Is someone sick?" Mona l.ee hesitated, looking worried and unhappy, "No, I guess it's just one of Oliver's sprees. Grace was crying, and she said she had to talk to me and Oliver had left the car in town, SO I told her I'd cone." * They locked all the doors and left the key in the asparagus -fern box for Adelaide, and Gary held the flashlight while Mona Lee backed the car out of the garage. The Kimball house was a new, smart white bungalow on the edge of the little town and, as they drove in, every window was lighted. "Oliver's not home," Mona Lee said. "Grace is scared when she's alone and she turns on every light. Yon wait here, Gary, till I find out what she wants to talk about, You can turn on the radio—I guess it works." A lighted door opened and she disappeared inside, so Gary leaned back an snapped buttons and tried to interest himself in a dance band and then in a news broadcast. And thea that door opened and Mont Lee came out and came around to het scat, getting in be- side hint without a word. Gary did not ask questions, and the silence lasted till they were almost back at the ranch. Then \Iona Lee slowed the car and drew a deep, weary hreath and sighed patiently. "Grace and Oliver have had some sort of a fight—and she says it's about her father's oil well, but she doesn't dare tell me what it is. And Oliver's gone off and never even said goods -by. * * * Gary said, 'Too bad to worry you like this, and then not tell you what it's all about, so you can help." "It's all a gamble anyway—and just talking about it hasn't been good for any of us. Harvey Junior paying two thousand dollars for a car—and his father letting hint do it, and Adelaide making all kinds of crazy plans as if her father were a millionaire already." "'They'll setic down." Gary tried to be comforting. "I wouldn't wor- ry too much." llarvey Mason went off to Aus- tin, looking strange and dressed up it: his Sunday clothes, his saddle - colored face very dark above a shining white collar, He had fumed because Mona Lee forbade him to \scar his boots or his big cowman's hat, "It you're going to be an oil man you'd better look like one," stated Mona Lee irmly, "and nut like some old cow waddy." (To Be Continued) boyo otigh11600 1fl RELIEF . �'� �,� FOR COUGHS - COLDS BRONCHITIS CHILDREN ASTHMA 1'' • LOVE WHOOPING COUGH VENO'S SIMPLE SORE THROAT PARAPUP SURVIVES WAR—AUTO GETS HIM "Paratrooping was never like this," groans Trooper, parachute - jumping cocker spaniel, former mascot of the 467th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion. He's pictured "hospitalized" in the Memphis, Tenn., home of his owner, Capt. William Lewelling, after being run down by a hit -run driver on a Memphis street. CIIRONICLES of GINGER FARM Really, I honestly believe that Christmas sneaks up on us faster with every passing year. A few weeksi ago it seemed ridiculous even to be thinking about Christmas, And then the weeks just rolled away and here we are almost cata- pulted into such things as the mid- dle of Christmas shopping, prepar- ations for Christmas concerts, gift problems, poultry picking, Christ- mas cakes and puddings, invitations received or given, tax bills, and ad- vance notice that instead of "dreaming of a white Christmas" we should be preparing for it, That's a regular jumble, isn't it? But you know very well that's the way it goes. No one that I ever knew was able to give itis or her undivided attention to Yuletide preparations, least of all on a farm. * * * Take this place, for instance, Now that we have ordered our tur- key and invited six hoose guests for Christmas it behooves me to think about puddinbs and things. But do you suppose I can settle to it with the threshing machine sitting like a black menace in the middle of the yard. It has been there for three days waiting for de- cent threshing weather. You see it is clover we shall be threshing and for that we need cold weather. esterday it was cold enough to please anyone—ten above by our thermometer—but then yesterday was Sunday, so that settled that. However, last night we did go so far as to arrange to thresh Mon- day afternoon. But now the weather has turned soft again—it is up to thirty-seven degrees and I don't know whether to prepare for threshers or not. It's a great life, this farming! But yet I don't know of a better one, I-Iowever, let's get back to thoughts of Christmas, * * Ladies—I haven't told you about my advance Christmas present, have I? I'll tell you now because then if you are interested you might casually hand this paper over to your better half with the remark —"There now—there's an idea for Christmas!" • Well now, this thing that I am referring to is a "pressure cooker." You have seen them advertised, haven't you? Personally, I have been reading the descriptive advcr• tisenients in American magazines for two years; I also knew enough about a pressure cooker to know it would be a jolly nice thing to have, It is rather an expensive toting to buy but 1 wouldn't put it in the luxury class because 1 feel the money is well spent because it saves time and fuel, and, more int- portatlt still, food cookd by pres- sure is nicer and more nourishing than done any other way because none of the natural juices have a chance to escape. For instance, take a cheap cut of meat, add to it the necessary vegetables and you have a stew that really is a stew — flavoursome, nourishing and quick. The time between unwrap- ping the meat and serving the fin- ished stew, complete with dump- lings, need not be more than half an hour. Macaroni and cheese can be on the table in fifteen minutes. Carrots in ten minutes. Scalloped potatoes, twenty minutes. 1 could go on and tell you more, but isn't that enough? The time I have given you includes preparation time—because, after all, all food must be prepared before any cooker can do its work. I might add I have had my cooker over a month and I don't think a day has gone by without niy using it at least once, often twice each day. * * * There are several stakes of pres- sure cooker on the market flow•, either of aluminum, stainless steel or metal alloy of some kind. Ours is the latter. I believe all makes work Hitch on the saute principle, They are perfectly safe and easy 13y Gwendoline P Clarke • • • • to operate if used according to di- rections, blit 1 hate to think what would happen if the lid were forced open before the steam had been allowed to escape—there is a little gadget on top for that purpose. Unfortunately, so many people are inclined to take chances around the home. Chances which so often result in an accident that could often have been avoided had the parties concerned taken just a lit- tle more time. We are all in such a hurry these day. But I ask you —in u hurry for what? What is so important that we cannot take rea- sonable care so that disasters such at burns and scalds shall not oc- cur? The death of little children as a result of fires started hurriedly with coal oil or gas is absolutelf criminal. Gift Suggestion Because everybody saves and collects something or other, any body, man, woman or child, would love to have a glorified • letter file as a Christmas gift. They are at- tractive, useful, inexpensive and so easy to make. The letter files niay be purchased for about 25 cents. For the cover- ing you may use fancy gift wrap- ping or any leftover wallpaper (the wallpaper makes a sturdier cover). A linen mending tape with a glue backing is used to bind the edges. This tape makes a neat finish, serv- ing also as a reinforcement to the corners. With the application of a generous coat of bakelite varnish, the letter file becomes very shiny and entirely professional in appeal -- 1%11C. ' MATNIEu UP •> potDS,ODUGHS,D k011l;HItIS STOPS COUGHS Suuday School esson December 16 EXALTING CHRIST 1N THE LIFE OF THE NATION Lesson: Isaiah 9:2, 3, 6, 7; Luke 1:26-33. Isaiah 9.2• ---Thr inhtt1,1;;, its of the region u! Galilee er, re 1(111x' sented a; 11alkirrg, or Thin., ill darker hr •;tn"• they err Lu from tlic capital and had few reli- gion privi:?gra; the, \pert coitl• t'arative•ly ride and nnealtured. The 1an.;1(.;,r n( the tti .1,11rt re- fers to the time when the Messiah would conte to that lime: region and become both its In.tht and It, deliverer. 3.—Thi" j„y uuuId M. a holy joy hccattsc it would- he he;, -,re the' Lord. It t%ould be a joy over blessings Revived as the figure of the harvest ii.dicate5: and joy over evil a, trted, ,1' the figure of livid ing the spoil indicates. 6.-11 would be 700 yi ars before Christ came in to the world, but the present tense is used because of the absolute certainty of the promise being fulfilled. The Government h a s been placed upon His shoulder; Ile has been given all power in "Heaven and in Earth.” He is \t'onderful; this title implies that 11e will be exalted above the ordinary course of nature and that Itis whole mani- festation will be a miracle. You'll See it Again You'll Enjoy it Again !aiouudtedto1)o He is Cuut•sdllor; the word is e\ltres'ive Of great wisdom and of rinali!ication,, to guide the liunlan 1.,,•e. Ile is the \liglity l;ud—a title that mean, the Snnrell,, God, :\ext He i- aht. I', r11•,•ting Fa:Ler for in Ilii dip;,., Hat tire 1 ilei -t ;,r,tl the r ;tl) rr ;al ut. J,, Ile i5 the I'lInte of 1',:,re Ile '};t, mark Loire h, I\V(t n I, ,c and 10'1 WI' and lir r, 11 st r m ,n (la In rontr;i•t t„ a':I ;;;lily I,in dons NI Lich hate• then' rise :.sd fill, Ile I•:i;t-,Itnu „i Christ (lel, 1,tr 11 .u.,'Ver i;••tiu; „iu ;,', ut and ‘0 :1 i.+r;),1- •1,i!It (*.11•11(1 i1. .,• 111:11 i i,1ary and the Arils,' Enke 1: se- :;u.-'fi.., 1's 11,r11 u! ,:thl:;tti,ui "11;:1"' i t „tui• talent „f 'j„t Lr r:itli -hr „•, !e .1 to have ihr Itrit ilr;•, ..i go i • , I L of t„ the wvoi.:l'.- ,,,,i t-i1i.r, tae nn t.t I,,,d M; 1'1. 11o1 t1,,:I�lled v it!i d,uiht 1 „" hrlici, l,1:1 with t.oniu,iun .11 1hr huttrq' lu 1.",rd oil Lt r. \I;try ha no call, e iur ic,tr but r,ithcl i..1 joy, joy ilk. had fr,in! favor 11ilh t rod, I-3,1,-- The u;1-,a;ir of the an - el reer•alcrl to \I;u'v that her dun ahuuld be r -u. The Sari. nr. Ile 111)1 conning to roluril1 Iv;,c1, to save 1lis people froth their Hit -- and nut 1,.rael only, but all the worl(1. 7'hr 111)055 of Jana!, means the descendant, of Jacol, 1l Is 011 n ttalnc n as changed irons Jacob to Israel, and thus his de- scendants were called the children of Israel. 'fhe Kingdom of Christ shall never Ile drstroycd. I t shall stand forever. Blended for Quality isALAB TEA. BACKACHE The Plague of Outdoor Men The outdoor man, whether he be farmer, truck driver, or railway operator, is often subject to backache. This may be the result of exposure to cold and dampness or •the result of strain from the jolting and bumping of the vehicle he rides. To many people, women as well as men, it would be great to be free of backache—one of the most common and annoying of ailments. And hero is how you may bo relieved of back- ache and other symptoms of poisons in the blood. The treatment suggested is Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. By reason of their stimulating action on both the liver and kidneys, 'ou have two chances to ono of getting relief from your backache by using Dr. Chase's• Pills. The torpid liver is aroused to action, the kidneys are stimulated and consequently these organs help to purify the blood of the poisonous impurities which bring pains and aches and tired feelings. Keep regular and keep well by using Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills. 35cts. a box, I -Kidey hale S LivnerPills REMEMBER AANRAPPER because your long-time favorite, WRIGLEY'S SPEARMINT Chewing Gum, will be back just as soon as it is prac- tical to guarantee you top-quality and finest flavor. Yes, you'll see it again . , . you'll enjoy it again ... just as you used to do. .. anb to one anb alt afliertp QGijriainari anb a i0apppp ietU near WRIGLEY'S PAGE 8 THE STANDARD ► or ~aS i itgi 'tW o i '•Q a v! i i 'Y . itt i t4i ii i qg Cifts That Will Wednesday, Dec. 12, 1945, BeAppreciated Il, 6iftg Every .0. One. FOR HER For HIM WOOL ROSE - 75c - $1.00 SWEATERS - Pullover and Coat Style. TIES - 50c - 69c - ;1.00 - 1+2.00 HANDKERCHIEFS Khaki, Air Force, and White. GLOVES - Wool and Leather. SHIRTS - Doeskin, Plain and Plaid. SCARFS - Wool and Silk. House Coals, Hose, Slippers, Gloves, Scarfs, Handkerchiefs, Snow Boots and Galoshes. For Kiddies Sweaters, Windbreakers, I-Iandkerchiefs, Belts, Tie and Handkerchief Sets. Hose, Mitts, Slippers, Shirts - Print, Plaid and Doeskin, tEttit01'410CtC tCtCtCIVCIttiO I C4tettOCCW-IgtCKt&s.MCC'C'CCCItClCtgtGt$tC1Ct TCW..'C'C' it tVFXK+C'C'b'F e,'CsC!C't','otfiseL b OLIVE McGILL f,1601 '' 1000154k5a-453VAAVStigt^4aiOnVIVA G WSJIVIVG E5A5 fig LADIES SETS -- Brush, Comb, Mirror MEN'S SETS -- Brush, Holders, Etc. LADIES' TOILFT sgrs ers, Molinard, Etc. to FOUN'T'AIN PENS AND SIA S -- $2.50 to $8.00 r Sheaffcr and Parker $.3,57 to :16.00 Leather Bill Folds $1.00 to ,$•1.25 x+2.5() to +7.0O g SETS OF' DISHES -- -- Three Flow- 32 Pieces, 64 Pieces, 7 91 Pieces, 55c to+5♦75 /4 CHINAWARE CI ASSW11,RE , a 4 1, w , MEN'S SHAVING SETS -- WOODENWARE, CIGARETTES, Aywon, Molinard, Etc. 29c to $5.00 t" TOBACCOS AND LIGHTERS. tf.4'G'3ti.tC' CC:4''P!4'SIC'w'3%1C!Q BtB!C'C!CtE!E!CtEi:1414Gt11Ctet6sC!Pht!Cst'...,i C'•a'C !CtuklC!Z S !.!,!ft l t' ' Ir. ` R. D. Philp, Phm, B. I. 111.111 i I1 - \ li 11 ' 'i /' 1 i n" I , I 1 I 1 .• hu, I. 1.131110.1=1.1MaalliraMitiari Doherty Bros. GARAGE. :.-.:.4.3...+, .+t~ 4.4.+f1 4.4-11,$+++ft4.8NDN}H , H+♦♦.s4+*N „ISRlt ♦1 1t„4„ . „ ,♦}♦+4......: 1♦ I,*,♦y1+. PERSONAL INTEREST `_ ,=V 1 ♦0 ,=t t, 4,, 1♦ 4, X4.4 1STUART ROBINSON i'hone 156 for Prompt Delivery. Please Phone Delivery Orders Early. Morning Delivery, North of Dinsley Street. Afternoon Delivery, South of Dinsley Street. Delivery Orders - $1.00 or Over. tt. Chicken Haddie ;5c Neilson's Cocoa, half lb. 19c Aylmer Tomato and Vegetable Soup, 10 oz. tin 10c ;; Shredded Wheat 2 for 25c ,. yi: Tea Bisk 35c it : Kraft Dinner 20c \I r. Herbert Crawr,frd and \I r• Herbert Lochrcy ci London, %vere re- cent visitors w ilh \I r• a:•.tl \Ers. James Crawford. \I r• Julnlst.'u Crawford, Mrs• 1'.• J. Crawford an•! \Ir and \Irs James Crawf.:rd \vera Landon vi,iturs ou .?. Saturday. \Ir. and \Irs, L. 0. \liner, of God - wen: visitors Un Sun by Mrs. A. \I, Colrlcugh. Nit. Gordon 5 Kidd of London was a visitor at the rectory last week -end. •_• \liss Clcta Watson, R. N. of Toronto, 1St spent the veck•end at the honer of her •+ ._. 1 arcnts, \Ir and Mrs \1' N Watson. • S 1 .N1r. Glen 'l',Isker, of Toronto, spent _• toe e week-en,l at the I, me of his par- .} ctrl> \Ir an•i Mrs A. R. 'Tasker, 1,1 Mr. G II lia-r of 'Toronto visited for a few d nays thi, week with his hroth,r. _• .lir Arthur Marr, and drs• Barr, and • Red Rose Coffee per lb, 45e 3', also \Ir ani !Hs Frank Holman. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. John Oranges, Lemons and Grape Fruit. •_• \1 ills, and \1 r, and \l rs \\'ilhaut \l i 1, +• last week %vert, Rev. and Mrs. Clys:file, t,Ei++d ♦,., „ t+ tpt, t+ „ t, t1 t♦ +, ,+ + t•`,♦ tirc**0y t,i,+Weefig1.„ t. t011 .0♦t♦ t+ .1 ♦ , ♦t+ , of L,dertun, Mr and \Irs Cecil oke, 4., _ _r _-..___-_____- Seafcrth, 11is.cs Olvetta and Lavina Mission Band Meeting guerite \Irs \larshall an'l Juan Philp Brigham, and \lrs. George (german, thanked the Ikutd for the "Sympathy Clinton, \Irs C. C. Ka'nc, Scalorth. The \fission Baud of Lovirt • Service and Rev I, P. Kahle of London• held t,hcir last regular meeting of the and "Get \\'tl' cards respectively, The \liss I?lizahctll 11111: and \Irs• Louie I •`•'ri• of htr rcar on Saturday, Ucccmbcr 8th, with new, framed "lertit.tl t 1. .13 attc''!ing• :After some handwork. tion" w•a; hung (:n the wall. :\ new the meeting (poled with a Christmas life member, Kenneth Johnston, war Carol and the Christmas Story. 'Flt' reported, Tit' b:ara:fnl sc ail h 1; Scripture Lc ,,,nns were read by Janice were donated by the Home helpers of \l 'rritt, llarhara Kilpatrick and olive \Irs hall's school. The slate of new 1\'11500• Roh;rt \larshall and Kemleth officers for 1946 were read by Fern! Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For International- larvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing. .1-r-414.1gMrIMHYMIO lrrr„-».. Anderson, accompanied by Mrs, \lo. dy, and \ir ;11.41 \Irs George German, 01 Clinton, were London visitors th', week. \Ir. I'I'i! 1''11i'Itp: is a patient in the Clinton 11nspilol where he \•ta take on \londay to undergo an operat'un 'Johnston each read a 1'rayer Verse and Pollard, and moved awl adopted h}' ft ?r appcndieiti.;. \\'c tmclersta d that received the offering. Ferne Pollard Shirley. Falcoter an l \larguerite Hal'. his condition is quite favourable. acted as plan's.. The birthday song A Christmas 'free will he held in the rs \Icude of Kitchener was a guest vas sung for betty Jane Atkinson and basement on Friday even;ng of this lof •\[rs \lcicalf for a kw days last Margaret 1)a,1.ymple. The President. week, 1lcccntbei 14tli, and the chi it -en week, - 1)..\. McKenzie, preside!' for the pro- drew tickets f,'r an exchange of Arcs gram. The minutes of the last meet- c^!s, \Vorld !'rirn :; were distributed, 1 irg were read by the Secretary, Joan and the meeting closed by all repeat- Scripture Text Calendar's. Philp• f hca Hall gave a solo, accom• it ; "The Cio:i ,g Prayer", alter which 1 The followingg are the newly-cleete 1 panicd at the piano by her sister, Mar- the cihildren ;old the packet of 194 i officers: enitatimmovematemovozoktmm A REAL CHRISTMAS TREAT FOR THE KIDDIES •41,,.1W,. A Free Picture Sho u l I. 11 I I ..4.. 11 . 4 14 FOR ALL BOYS AND GIRLS OF TIIE COMMUNITY, 12 YEARS AND UNDER. IN THE BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL at 8:30 P.M., the night of `SATURDAY, December 15th Samna will be on hand to give a FREE TICKET to every boy and girl wishing to attend the Show, who are 12 years old and under. Adults wishing to attend the show will pay the advertised admission price. For particulars about the Show see the Ad- vance Films Company's advertisement on page 5. SANTA CLAUS PARADE IN TILE AFTERNOON A Santa Claus Parade will be held at 3 O'clock on Saturday afternoon. All boys and girls are invited to join in the Parade, and meet Santa personally. This Event is sponsored by The Blyth Lions Club 1'residcnl: Sli;rlcy Falconer Vice -President : Juan Philp Secretary • Marguerite Hall. Assistant Scc'y: Jean Gluttsher, Treasurer: Fern: Pollard \s-i,t;mt 'I're's•: Barbara Kilpatrick \Vorld Friends Scc'y: Janice \lorritt• Corr.- Se ''y Joan Kcrnirk. Anne Jtannctte \\'atsu t. 1'cace Ilcrain: Ilelty \lcl)onald Temperance Herald: : hall \\'atch •Pete% 1lcralds-Luis :\tlgus- inc, Doris ;ohnson, Eleanor Ilrowne ack Tyrcman, Robert Charter, lief y ki(5IJ;►ne Atkinson, Beth Powell, Olive \\'ilson, Joanne I ledgins, Margaret b Craig, \larlcec \Valsh and Glenyce ` 1 Rainton, od'`:' en's BAKERY. WIZEN IN NEED Oh' BREAD, BUNS, PIES, RW1E-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "T1 -IE HOME BAKERY" R. T. VODDEN. •••• #44. PURCHASES RESIDENCE HERE I \Ir. Albert Stead, ('f Windsor Inas 10004441 l:41WV(3!tttQtQtCtCtetC10414tCtCtat$tCUI!etetCtCtMitE;'L'!C'3 Lasting Christmas Gifts `f a 4 r4 r, OF BEAUTY ANI) U'I'ILI'l'Y. We have collected a nice assortment of Gift Pieces that the whole family may enjoy. Living Room Tables, Hassocks, Mirrors, Smok- ers Stands, End Tables, Coffee Tables, Ferneries, Ottomans, Occasional Chairs, Wall Brackets, Magazine Racks, Studio Lounges, Chesterfield Suites, Table 1 Iirror5, Lamp Tables, Stcp Stools, Kindergarten Sets. These are but a fe\v suggestions, You will find n mny useful gifts here to suit e\1c1'y purse, se [come Furnisher -- Phones 7 and 8 - Funeral Director, Ilt)114ittlts1 ISZIA9iiat"dtN3iAMlt Dr'Dtit ;illi211421ciDa. lo i?a 911N I ..1. 4111 I tlmak. .1 IA ...II, Y.YI•IG - - -- 11J. fR1{♦{+N1♦N♦+{,♦If♦i+♦♦♦, ♦+1♦11♦1♦♦111111 111♦♦1 ♦.,11♦1111•+/1♦111 ♦1.1 ♦•1.1♦•/♦♦♦♦111./•1♦r/•I ♦ ♦ ♦♦IY,♦1♦11:11 ._ HURON GRILL • • MIINJINtI~e..teJVlrrl :, A. L COLE .t. R.O. !. OPTOMETRIST and,OPTICIAN _+_+ Ph''ne 33 - Goderich, Ontario. ,t, Eycr Examined and Glasses Fitted, i, With 25 Years Exrericnce !t♦ IN,INI,e r1,•*4.-4.rfrrrN1I04*rN NOWMIP•r.r11 purchased the resinenrc of the lat James Laidlaw, nn Hindi_ y Street, ;end will inure in about the first cif the rear• CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to \fes R. C. \Ic- Gowan ui East \\'awanosh 'T'ow'nship, who cclenrated her 76tlh birthday on JIunday, December 10th. G ngraUdalinus to Mrs. Charles Grasby who cm Icbratcl her birthday un \Iou'L•ty, Dectntber 111111.' Mr. and Mrs. John A. \l ills of titi, village will quietly celebrate their Gold- ' \Vending :anniversary on mlou'day, thcr 17th, and trill be at home to their friends between .3 and 5 u'el e':• KC3J10115 t J145 d Jti10$1. 1 _ 1L'%agMaa' g its NONE -RATIONED Salami Steaks and Salmon Fillets. Smoked Haddie Fillets. Grade A Milk -Fed Roasting Chickens, 'T'IIIS WEEK NO. 1 FRESH OYSTERS Na utchcr, cC llane Phone 10, Blyth. 1 1,4IJI11 1 ,1 1 1 N 1 1 1 111-u 111 BLYTH --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG Proprietor ., ,t♦ ♦', .4 1=, 4;4 r,. .t. f,#t,+,1•,i•N+H•f,+„i„a„i„if,+f,•{1•,+•♦i•1 ,+,1+{ ♦•„•HSI,+fI+I,+I +♦+fl+.{,•,♦a,.fi♦+fti+•1•;,.•.•..•♦•1♦if1+11:•,1 •+1 f•1 ,+11 ./+•♦+fi+li BLYTH UNITED CHURCH MISSIONARY MEETING December 16, 1945 1(1.1.5: Sunday School 11.15: The Feat 'Thirst 7 p iii: Annual While (lift Service :\ very interesting service will he given by the member: cf the Swnr.lay Schou! The classes w:l! present their White (.lifts. .\ cordal iuvita,i,'n is extended t0 everyone. EDiTiH CREiGHITON'S DECORATOR'S SHOPPE PHONE 158, BLYTH. v TRINi1'1' CHURCH, BLYTH 3rd Sunday in Advent 10 a. in: Sun''ay School 11 ;1. in: I lely Communion told Sernr.nt "The King's Heralds: The 11i1i,tcrs" I'.ven'r•: Ser;ir:. %vithdrawtt for en - Church Church \\'nite (gift Service TRINITY, BELGRAVE 1.45 p in: S:uulay School 2.30 p nt : Evening Prayer and Ser- 1 VISITING FOR THE WINTER 111011 \1rs. 'Phomas Elliott left on Saturday for New fork City atnl \\'urster, 9••15 a 111: Sunday School \lass•, win•rc die will stend the w•i %- 10,30 a in: Ntor ting Prayer and ser- ter with her d;,ughter, Mrs. ha all mon, Mr 1-1 E ;anke of Huron College, land Mr. ;oil \Irs. I"Inr \\'Trite. This afternoon (Thursday) in the Orange hall the Rev R A Jeselyn of Lucknow will give an illustrated lec- ture to the Women's Auxiliary of Trin- ity Church on his work,: in the Indian Missions on James Bay. The meeting starts at 2.30 p 111 vile%. 'frons are in - TRINITY SUNDAY SCHOOL CONCERT The Christtti r ttlnecrt i f the Sect 1.';ty School, sold congregational s:'e:al is set for \Venni.., clay evening, Decem- ber 19th. The children are a..h .11 to be at the Orange hall ;it 5 lr 111 for a sleigh -rule• -r1 - S r. MARK'S, AUBURN !6 16 64 3 t .01 IS A A CHRISTMAS GIFTS GALORE Wendy's 5c to $1.0D Store teat r-jt t l tat' lat7t' 1 1'tL't2i i2•Ivtr' lttitdl-Wiul i 1o1+71aiG i l i' i li r i o lu..:?rnl o,::IJ1::IG Ic f. irlt Lovely "Exclusive" Gifts. We INVITE Your INSPECTION ty'C"q'C'y'C4'C'P';.'etCtesf.", ntIsf.s Wfiisetgigs -10 .541,0 Vstit4'1. VVI w!3'.at4' .L.:7:k7s g . u QUALITY - NEW LOW PRICES SERV'°'E. r,1 '1U• llkin-h?tbt "1t3tDlat-i .2W1911 141;11. tat•Vil"iPti t)inirnPattWiDtath8tDtPINDi1»4 i;i