HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1863-04-07, Page 212 ....... . . . . . % T V WEEKLY SJ q, N A L. THE S,EM 1 so-sion is intensely tory, which ii fore; he had no lqgal right to'take Cashou that ali who wished .,to atten uro 4 Brmia, ani Lake 'R an Ra ir oa t s t s 11 the tille Illy drawback to the number. in the County of Ruron. Overruled -by' 1111glit do, s -A ;riNrm J WEEKLY -SIdNAL -to a. isr ---------- mo`rnin `wii 1, contain a f trl, i ibi'd Slid #ND A ROL A A. N. - -: ,ic_ His Lor o 1. i1j. C Bued_t . o -morrow' ard Scqt - & Co., N.',Y I' sold at this. *h, _TRE b WINTER Aft iANOEMENT. peteir'Nevin N efende. 0 vas called for the d . arr . o 'xtra Mi n glit ariv .1 - 1- Asm,ult and Da,tteq. reRort oftbe, e itioa Uere,-was. -in, 7 will be,published -fur transmission abroad.- -it ViiL be emembered that Ryan was. -.:tt,, ` e C of tile T1 V.Rr ,,T. Duv rrp, ASSIZES. An li6- ,t,,dt atBak i-t ld' him-on the i' affray that be did iiot think, Cashen jp , 'but Uil f, fdr Iron 111E. V.CrllTll-.. 11.07'4- 1 LO 'John Carrji V,,sq, Reeve of HiBbert ,4 - -Ski L. . - manner. : , 7 , - , - - of",f SPRING ASSIZES. , - ­ I ­ . I Copi s may. be hadai %his office for 2d. .1 illtb A W al assa6lt'o' :­' - Al, HXR? U RHE V .... !'10. 0 1). 1 1 45. 1.1 ed to shoot him,' in' a murderous senttojdilla all' a: rut 0, IRP A, thitrsd, .y; cont znzzwd. C:: - Aswp lytrite, owih '7th: ofApril, the gT. JfTlTJF ,11OOT N* 0 CASE. c qaao i4w] Jolih said that oil the Satur- indu ed to btin-,t sa onto W OF HURT,— the, Thur &Y on- which the rec ver d fo 7round is coveredw _anow. The late sprirg, tf. y.klowing es, r an' affair LWIliell,00-- 2, _2 The ay"39 t r) -Shooting, It til -took-place Baker and. ; rely; iiwiliinoi the iraiwrii, many 7_0 IS 7 -Wii,, STNIFORTF1 s. .7oh? t -T, s oo ing Cashen 3.'00 curFiidin'11861.] A ''is telli'fig F;Iive illiam .1 ith intent.,. h' bi Pleaded NotGuilty. of whom are entireli destitute of f.dder. I I . . ­ I' I- ': - I . . 11 11 .. ' . . t _". .. 11 . risoiker cry.young, nianiapp r- Got oe.what had becarrcd, and tit 5 48, 'ire iogetbbr. : :Cas on was crying- ittor- A 869 & FOR T i AR E NI)MG a V Dennis, Downey --m-:Knbiv the paki HE Y, 630-1 Wili"L :,- n 'acco did not bc*lieve 'Ryan,since he GODERICH .3 r 0 An iiija, tyhlltntinle Bakcr s:iid-he this action., 1-kneW cars, of age, and. W,6 learn, U INESS IREQTORT OF THE OUNTY, OF 'The F ently about',-2 1, D C rd noN. on r readers -to the advei-L J Cashen intended O,Inu rAer hiMv was a,ohild new.-hitn't be in; urbd ilii Hu uperior' education. He : . CR - Stli of,Jan4oy, 1861.- -He' was' tisa 'ent fthi­work I in an -other eolumn.* -The - :' ". 'I; ­', , ­ - I J . Mi' -Harrison, in addressing th6-Jury., the DX 4Lo 7oul4:be it orking fb 'zniei at tliat-tirile.- t_ the L f m Y ...... $268 56i 1862. surnmed up the evidence, and. made' a' publishers, besides issuin bl'ir, it ini sio f, w -'ef"that da b g a D reqdirypf the 18 2. To Bal. froni ng tat il COant,, Rates' (,bei 1, g&d:wi h'the cont n o such ai elo ZGoon lie was, roughi,to.my 7 BY'Cash 0 _q,tudat )Z5. : - , -,. ­_ jen'66 uses,, : I , - County. of Oxf I 6sh :Non.Fteii. Taxes .24a ';rd, hilielad wrl.df expel, lWance for 1861.) 2 ;,_'T 0. a :w in t c head, -in-them place 61eeding,friom' - ' d i It the fbelin-i oflitis'lle'arer _0un "-f if L It 'Cloregy Re-ser'v-es... -299."M 1863. 'the en Col, By tishp!ddimlityR41icsforlS.G i6,12 .4oimnc b C __Sand ask in, 6it busirtc s. We r66 mmend 6e vent efit of ill, Dr. C61emdn zi tte ded him' and be lay ill prisoner stand in to the O:7s ncw in town,, -it A d frorn 263.7 62 'G teSti My ]lease Jet. el * t''or: ton,day to' the, at'., 18*63. 1 1- '1,- 'TovroA,lI 'Offi 'ers:". If ,li' s. I think In nlyageat,wh color. ICH, C. -.1W., APRIL 171 1863., -incousistlencile6:6pparentla tile 613 many e wit tuess,,boxi was, f shed viiiii'a seaL u t. public. 46 "Nicna0s-- Money. 29 51 - ODER u7m. he. is'not wbat lib was with reprdto ileafth;. tentiO Of tit'- boundit'ry Lines,' 1 Councilloi;g Ile sai6i, I'ain ;i constabl ,for tile e6uotyl mony 0 Cc tab akee. At 44 rd'Dd f1he as 16' B ; 35. Mi Election I atA. with -.',,28-' ind is notLlkely to b&. Ilik Ik J 1 iprovtmeQtontoun­ of' Terth.,., Tile. wai Mr. Wilson havinz,addressed the JGry Ht LINE, ays afterwtirds. Ile 03IFTHI&ia IV N. T BqOT AR N rran i plaeed in' arroll foii r or five d Ni -40 60 - duty -about the 1 -5th. lbf. for the,Crown His 71,6rd h p bhairged it d in, -boy, all d 6 W11 Us. I li'LlIdS I ZIS given to'lac 8 i Utt c I -w s 0 ask 4bo aid a OakIpy-of tb ther 'Atoi 41 :1- !tl ns7 oil Ac atil -s o- -John Cashen. till A. n C ­ eo his ion, w to we yery a ',a ha i;iappene I e J `Cbi&tulr 'last, e appyelient. arefulty'and fully. orry for what ha it'' 1 niace. has she Ifisnow conceded.on liand,' thid t i It vras for, th ew, boot,V invent' h ing, -&or Ya'oo. a of arres e I)a e COu_A was' _C_ ross' Elc. I i e'_ ia ,MoKillbp -and: thin Di c. C A tmd kept him 7 2 _xpe4l t. A ;h' 'at k; will be 4 decided -impiroveiri t,. unt on Silver z arroribrook'on th'e 17 e great interest' asl 11, berf. .1 b, arei Reev s en mississip ."i Iiam -Ill ailed. dengely-ciowded, and mi. CarioMfiw 1-1 '-s to- Sabool Sitlitions .979 1 ast M 146; 12. :*e 64,' IlShipS. Ryan was in I Bulauce on han ab ' wllic the next da' -Until . out- I o'clock. He The main points i rh h 4t difter. nits, :so1sin,aktetajt1ng to run nnwif sted in the proeq6din okou'r respedtive tow remill e its '-but I'diink- he Phil 1ire,.Ast,ArftjdjyL 2nd, ifia- r Goderic went- into a -room i' a thvc 'n to'cliong! I Ill on " ues6y last i e'oid l ciIis, I -an . q\cVery e oor g oiit fo fre r ying Sick f6i pe its 6ss to water and -3rd-. chea IMeSS. .,,Q35jG6 . I . 7 -vire-aliew bmve, ed,to pie shortl %,.0 r a short :time the wards th" td- was" 6r being has gone home. Hb'wns I rvio n $3566 lf- ug To m v Or re tbern -th leel - J ,iry lit, in -lit idiet of: Guilty of ult, A6 w rked F Spring,,Wintei and FAtwearit seems I nt into"'ti 6 iddication ii that:th N -I sliui _ z ad I we edrooin threeneeks afterflicassa, Aceo 0 all Beyond 9. f6w skirMishes'. there his not c omas, ad, some We certify that we w e ve as -not Were, - ­ g - 'An Carrel; -He . spent. 'it alone ln'lts L ory- It 4 1'' to d l:tro or itlijilraw and,l: a PlIe - As dult, but not.of the, F ciony. last lary t for 'i jkii -foregoing h ind'then went-jo Th . ; I., admirablyadaptA Theinfeution:is to be have examill s 4py fte in of'hist wi.11W in jail. :".I h part, Poiindcir a6ther constable, and told him His Lord 11' r co menting up on paicGtId and if some- maa fiicturer will same correct T HOS. F scayching the soriotis, nature of -the crtine, sell tcGeed p been a gi ,Ae movement of inifiortance and hand'in irctting' him"Out. He was put A -bad NY in for assauIt. Carrol. not. INS. what haii oeeurriid. We Went come ib id.anA,give,:Mr;'0 " " J ; - ouri ers ill thanLus'for not it, flic hi I am THOS FORT _T aw g "dlse themill'tter sistanite. . the- article will'"i6on he ingeneral, Olin Miles but h a d caslie-i fb three years imprie;ninent. in t c d a8j ,It seven %hini. When we. g ot back,, h itic 'tbiat aiiythi; Turabe,4. th J863.1 ite upton bttling'of ive Penitentiary at hard labor, fo I r, ic.h. Very not bchlga'do tor. , -A last of whic co ic ttlt litrad t all ti, w tit hc, rd Vherb` lie was at' 1M r."Thes. use., 770 h, -P'yan's; light punishment the ',p i§on6r has gr jfrl k4bins6n;;Di'd I the Rer. aiso ry W T - ;Jlongtily" ro two miles-fio j, u.'abou Wit, . - I . 11 1 . , - "o _ Oil. tel tit -befuic. 'that s in .11 ekillop lathe Cell' -Y OrHu- Te Atothank,theJu for their, extrem wha as in tile c?u Mr. -..Bis ett . the matt6rr ith ty "le; 'lortie.tyiew oftbe clipe d tI ni­[ we . the THE' I'IR AX AI) bo4S.A clock we -niet hini',ab tit 159 .an to a i_ y hi d hope', interesting:- reporto o 4 ISH,C LEN." there wa itlad Or his counsel. i What is it I told leelels'.Frovificial. IOU so td j hps -Assizes,has crew % I L I * ­ 12 _a liittor Z_, It'was one bf.the blood s yards, rem de&oGi Ing Temember hav' TLau-Ilter 1: th' our. 111`4 with" him uninied daiil:il We cases of Itas auit!' wq' him -dit6ritil ofil:thei heard e I took Cashenb the -collar is 'not Dr. live in Seafortb; 1, !Quebed, coritispon ' Ifeat, an -e 7 :wae a-clor 1, - in contemporary w tlk 4 up ] akbr 11ot 6c -1 " al team, P :tit last,?.'- 'W Ry'au' ; 'attended him in' Ja 6, _Sbhedu!6­ 0' sei'hiniself up-, )f. there a A ad o tv of, a know f7 1, f - L, this, , Gi. Harbor 0hostion ad, th ktiates Hin 0.50_1 A said is y6u, Jack, an I / ... I oil 4p d bt that1ad at moni6nit a pistolwas fired. The - I I I in n, ther.oad, with, Convictions a o Which ologC4 4 ?Nir-.,; Iurpbyl try, 1861t>," Ala -,,hi : o 11, e Lose At th- ";l T: abid, raitk dis16,ul'speebb. we r-evievred been iw wi4 bei.attefid d d hdid, headed mail. he would have ine on.tii6jeft side:of t e ea ba, r 11 struck Ii . It two men: Supporting him'; :be;'w.as bleed- to in our next over lity, 7 few'da:y ago. The Canadian.", in; an ato t fh ee iliciles'J*lool th , car., ILdid bal only, jog fioi ':th ffecj It ll e stanfly- killed. As- it4as, the f -:i HOWL:' ejalniG' s 0 ed rzI.A , eboom thi6 LANK-- Lps upon the not fall, but criedI odi,1 alff-shotPound, stopped short of its worst by the 20th, bim. in"Mr. 1)6 vney'i'liomc . w. outburst bfindignatiqit,_ .b It . as a, Mr. -166 'left for, Qu -B S, -nu in . 'of etr;'Pil6'on i ri OR succe . ss eq - ber'of the -,S Lg?k id lielp.M6.11 He took hold pait of an,iricb. contused w(&iid. on the left, side ',of-ille Swich edifoi of. and the'Members. generi y are tib mis - of, hiiii and we fell.- -0aslien I ha 'bid pistol nd Telt -the: ,GlOfnia GOVEN'L,6ck *s.- 2NIbDERmm----Tbi§ head pllpi y firi er :iatp it a-1 very. uncoix)pli ent-.ir-y-le, ithets;. bilt-wic was -a pec Lar cls , es o, d own. I 'told Day, 'OM7 CE, gotten: we are fh inu zle of it'd was tilkin to Mi 'Caiiol, when ho' thing shoulil,not be J'org Lbwl6stl At d, _ , _ . , % ''.. 1. 1 t, I - ' ' ' I ' ' n 'Ili's i cn be fell',ind Penn bones,oftbe skil-17 I on thei' do*n, as t1iii. House! meets o ill -iolhD the oircumstano it March following . . r. way er shove f I J61d ihe7 th. hibh, loaVifig-oui the unprintable- portion a 'the, handcuffs, out of, my mo'L -had,stru,kRy.am, We *erc ispcak- ppoi;le4. in car. .iews by 'a grea6 majority, rounder to ; e' he 'A w M, BIG- in- pocket, A-litel, 'lie aidia are* substantially ad foilows.* An action -the adssau y 8eryicqs be 017T 00t T IVSTMK Ae 1 -the 'ln6st iiffl tientiab- t agaiilst pltiintiff '(Gbvenlo& al'on' n I ;, .., I . 0 of ttha newspapqrs of Upper Canad nd put-tbea n& about It M' ii).- TRYING TO GETOUT, --- Hawkey 'the clu. in- several.of W gr I did ubt 6i any.nOteofjnIy f; Omer made an effort to pick tb6ock4 htS Tjo ScH ap,marp lot:inder was fItitting them on - 'he at-i'o-S may 1, era, or four times - threw-4the-pisto '.;, way set ago fbr seduot I urworthy frien Fyards. I ioG the defend- vi im tj di -ai 1141, 'rou" d A" dii d strtve 'by the use -i ib . 1 1. -its Visit h 1 4 mb flbr dizzi- cell yester&y.nioraingtb4t,was scove John ou,ha Ve A It n6w. Si c S Y-r nc6 the. It h, i 4 sail "Well one -FX-'PEkIEN0ED `FIMT, CLAU,. ryo but X is foe t rearhbr. thrti &c.; which I treated him th he. sal "".it wag no me, ant'subpatn6d 31cDerfitill as'a w . itness, in., to ae Obt OrAfilil6ymeiiby nd by "d ho,fitiled to answef. tit !ac i&ntaL burning'of iwirfed, a --of'Latin'tind French quotations, a t - that Aot Gess,' moBlicholy, So 4--ain -a, trial' f Various little tricks of co 091- Ileo'wiled'thatIt was.hitn, He adm4ted 6 me that be -was sub- ko In means q mp f6r" you,". but at last un -S easement uiei Wc 7 to f 1" artc --6ff !then to.Carronbr I oo -,.'between. the Sam -e. P-a'rfied in Brantford on -Yack,McLennan ilireuA, th h' the' ialtisfuction, u Li- We st. d it. juuutv Fuluratorliell but I do n6t ibi'ink zji tiou': to s otv _ ubseq4entoccasionl. ject'. P, risoner tinc vere s head and showed- cause of%the hervdus,s " '. _: I - - . . I I fTh ihat i ,tlie tile 'that ;he P 0 d -hi A. 8 e Plairktiff's al ertions Oil his W-1 ymptoms. readers -Ryan is,about' -h as that in condNuiiaco . of the I thi let till r6m, olemadd'byt: thc b Which the legation w ink'my cliarge'a, ,ain ai f,_ in s the till, in 1 0 st eon released. He has owp.quite fit ­ . . : i gr .000 0 10,a , and yet the th6.braia could be distinctly i how or ur and sleek. hi h s e that'he' 11, ­ pulsation of 'nod-Itteadance ot MoDermid ''who was re- ith M r M phy nor is organ .1 know Ryan.about'l z, A A si-; , t fort lied on as an important witness, the 'base V 4 the pecu1jiar': grievances . I I I - p. When grown o Alr . Harrison.-LThere-was bush.on The pl 90- The Rev. Robc;t Buili i. of 'T n-. an i6tAigiant manner ­7 'both sides,of-the road. When t e- shot was, a -..He -bas G6verildek'., M am-- I PO arl. Lbrought him u Dejirtmentdt &­ a ained of i Y9 very fine chopper. h up. he t :-.Wheliwe t elltthem this We. are zic(cis'eo ef w, of M06ltmid now'is that be did ..not re- never been the same 'since his., injury in ilwu, Ivill','d e illd late ' itSTS dlR6i`,r_W'h -ND CLA794'. A - I - , , s firbil the msii- who wi , with" Cashen t,lition'd t , 6 and advised to ct: a,.Circulat ran- ----tine-direc -a Securq LnO -paicaluI-, rs of' :k' It to t861 _He is it&ut S yea e. TI ve sufficient fees to ta e' itd and frot Aeyivals in -H4bjiitoG and Montreal, 3,norah'e' g up, away'via froth wbich we eel ag In -had hold' ry Ch;iirity' sboald. -be,Hll' at -aintain,. him . whi e there. r ure td -morrow &e: i d ew ;§'Cfi 40HU FAM &.Cmy n n, Rest%. had come"' I of Cashen's collai Brantfbrd and in This:cloded the base: for, the prosecu-, t. 'An Takes-our7aterilit for Inventions -Lt tV livirie tro Cana- , c-61 ­A didd't see ih4ist0l: "Until' This was,: wet believe, .v i , i s in otth mio- -1 - Weduesdav-8th inA., at 7 p; ni. -;iig eul 0 e7l, ticin. tirA Trade -Marl; 'tfiei ,pa 'ilk - I saw it im-his ha6d whlen I, ebll. I do Private Bills,daring mvi 4 61veg of a"Ver of R R I V A S j6 s_sdclati devote their dwif timc, Io such, N rimi$4 wilnWIN., amages., Dr- Sh Stratfc,4 was c4ed f ditin'st readers. could, akiiI ilici Verdict for plaiIaiiff, 8400. O 4' ":00r0 -,J9F Pot think there whis-anyatteide6t.about the IF: R S ;k Lek The, Fr6it rower",'s ion. leme . aucliv ti think e , hl- I' I amerou for,pNintiff., the d ited-cleaily, andplaia-; lonfid',e# -ti-lithcon- r: -Mr. 'St.: nterest , 14 p i nucli, s I oonw C- C at had i saed'a I h i, .,.,a gog& Library they.inig t arr vo at t le, efbnce. ftii stl' seeing Peter N : ling I shoodit Renietubtir eVin, .6 incur the exp 'T.7 I 'h or . I . Ili: --Didn't tell'Itim 16 y fiAia4 becn unlip'r- is trbit'- )ainllbia:iiuk, ii , , - in arniaW hbir couixtr that Gi; T11 -cry- ly"Jil Ikl' ,0 y Qu_eent s.: saac Spru y. For, 'r'ested,'. iii ra 3 ii7thdu 'they -arle'likely, o 46- tinder the John .that he, didu't intend, to shoot thitdcouat,.- Ve aicj..0 . I in- matter,to th s a use late Via cl.,It, 31ii6fiyEs 44ioi1_tdtq'F ,41 r consent) NLot- m . I e whic ent ibr. d seas acknowledged' XG: G.'00D.W 111 'SPRI ene; v ti a, Win Li I gm 1i histrated': iVeiiily Bal ur- cc 'I ar Ing 00, On. 1 faware; Me."rs. A.': Lez Me. :Aeaching of bad b' abroughtab6lit y,:doertain kind,' ez.parte 'Discbarg d. - -, ' , - , - J C I Guilty% H - L I AVE We itgse# tha 0 treaWd Thom*(2'43 Pounder. I ani -,la 'c&,nstab]67 rself- buso is the title ofa-ulew.paperprinted.atHam, 7 1nvB,1`tsS,PZPaJd, 'of The Queen vs, Matthew Duffy Ap%,_1 f; i i;iiess; for ib- in tho'Coduty . Perth,,ajdlive. near Car; ,y. -Utter- -0 - , OXA I'll It, , . rle'rRyari]was sufferib--froin s6ftenin,,-of ili , ,, , I I . i : I j4.Ei ,9-Y,,:G)lV1ST h in dedNot Guilty- on. vctmtaiGsso&e'-obdAits. X T -T S MI 0 1:1I:EMT:8M) jr. ggrp a spirit of I ai 4'Hox 344,', fonbrook. .13 aker came 'to- me, in-, $orged'money. Plea 0 v vit. in 11 catchin--a r -the &,el,;l4 -.'i wo'rd of com ment 'on ! is h.- t I i o r a i n 'i n4t i c e d t h 'said, by at ;'[ iftarvv, i,6 o 'i I Arthur Khox. I was a toll -gate keeper -6. ;ave his, sp66ch word f9rword pi'air Cashen, Who'hAd ifi,thb townshiiofllulleti On the 20th ractice.to -which he had allu' cd, and not,; The. Canadian Illustrated New d r r 1 11 ., r , , ', . r r. . _ p . _.-GODE4 40im 1 1.1, thaf-it was iehn' d it P. C', April, lff cts of ii dibit, T.th 63.: [S)VIO ;-,as,giv.en to the province iltrough the daily escaped from7bim as 1 si "! -j , 1: L, , 6" or 7; er I t. Pii inien ' ,through - t 60 We searched De em as 4oner and 'another in bisqr . he Cjl. bel' bvod if'R mbervon ap ' What H d miles for,binit; but did. not hear . T, A ers 'Couldlizi,e bee. airor ? R anythin ,- ruan 'drove up to tlnit gate on,that day and bloiv.Upon tb 'h ait' ap taips pretty A. rtraits of the rince and; -4n 1 that he was ar yan s., We one o A—— did not sooa,die:hli r at' report, then the -6ha I rp v We hear B f them'(Iltimed'Shatan6n) 1an&d my would.- 'certainly be-.' -sale `Bnt er' -vie gaililed the' Princess bfWales. , Fd started fbr that place- and, in;t' two per- wn a bill.6n'the ank, of Western 0 an e in w a lie 114, w, thern da. J told niy vifb when.shrp', c proslentaffin mighililavebeen 4aid' at son- were. near be ore we.sa Th evird6nc( ofDr Sh f Conyine,ii, A to livor I , -me up Baker took -,bo d of . I e r-,- In Vr' Iontfo, a my or. two t yo Showed 'k6rd to ,el we the h6tise-, thiti it, Dar door, but,as.it. iswe-caa a Ill the, cffVct o thiAr 2 Wr e 6f'jfiomth lf Oaly: I mu phy was not worth a ,he -new 'what und that lie' f on to bit 0 .P In CoUrt,t lat wom F eadyOn the, subject, and, i r. Cashen while! I looked at the oth chap.- took"ilfback and4bld the young, every., person I k t husbai "havia.- his word'$- iliterpre TI: then .:saiv a flash rt ON ey -had ary more - such b h -in-, a but; all -that he was I by he vVas,ialk b fee s ann:oyed at' 1 - 'ind'hleiid the i9 me ill a betwee where pori one -Li tho I .- - - 1, , _­ _, _ I , ', * r led out a revolver,and fired five or,, st( 'Baker told, ae io'stick-iii. -ft6o wtiare *hat t ladiespa: pi k- hid better 1ak hey _`&a witli -light, -it on y rem, ted inthe proper as f6r. Cofil of ttie ilee Cashbii' y the bael They asked bae:.about the six shotsut her riviil,'but .ithouteffect- Tfie F CA)1110t.-L4, am !adon 3W -a'3a,xz t ing the'pistolthfm 'it Wad' ill affair'isrbeEng investigate 'right. to Jno,C&rwI.'- He, upt adjnaja, 06 k mercial Bank and I said' it 0* S 'hiin, to b Ii';iI;_mow'ZaieTu1 im.filtur6. st -it whil , e he 61dr WX; NVALLAC fid Sfionla n "He d the ground aad to hisown Ireast. I They- anAed,me-a .bill .o 'ih t,Bkiik 'b Ryan coming I in and.a E6,, HE subsczibor W,561 ainiolipce 0 a e 1 :--and lit. of rcincq er el b." thow.gotille han'douffi and "while piatting IT"t 'VN7 I ani Lied I liti,ti-e as d:' tii-­ cially. . before e again in, ,. L.tola my wife". io, take the bhan e, o '46ked him p esp e thy father to: treat and' iill make tO7 was ca . I- . I __ on e ,arrjag pit"' 7 a e t rew. t le pisto,jily h' ted i t* L too- was' ad- an -I M also to ithouteamj lierson4a it the utber rtl,.Fa, ENRY 1,dlilgeerin siich verbaflu_ u y­j them on h-- h ay,.,., -,as it. She.sasp j'e'c' ' I f, 'r ­ CC L - wrestle,with hinl , andz-acted very rough w ' found it was t e,case. 0 d Ly-whileon its or,Mi .4effNvi3. t no impnr.t er', is Withi4 'eP, w r horse see tha" ia repor He compeliced sparrium across Ahe cou'u- hil' i --struggling',witlt hi It t "thol, #dy It Ala S Pfesid' I .. ­ L called o f un- Cartel' who had been back,itud. shut tile gateIAellin r them I handedover to 'Mrs ent J H ll. fc yo ing. ee U, OSU en!y'lillifting av eman % A are.th sir ii d he uttered:such ano h I &ar 'WeApeht that Wissp 61a,Was. ter. My father d bina behave rhii is, going to W with hi '14 ded- that or'hd'woaldji ake ould It e them 4. C -Wor I basely disloyal, and, tha they.tifi6uld go with me io Clinton' t euioa tt, , saX ncd _. I was. about seven They struck my father, who took up :.it gd,and raniatimis, brrougfit about by he it ieutimentd again "'Cana- ro. Xnall I I . . r r -1; L . 1 .;-1 ­: ­;__ ­' - to zet'me on the, st ome­of the feet distaat fr6ia -prisoner when he fi re& tried It, buggy but 1would made a blowatf bint,'wilich broke the gun W q, , fgj .'- - , min IrI mqst -respe- table Governments'lle * , & SE .'OF, PUBLICAMON, d' 'counter. He then wen around the Common, dita. uta W , r . . i - " _7; , -,f I I I 1 1. r , '. I I 'ey 'fi t brings, $1.1, 0-1,eu not g t in'to'it.1' At last 'th - lea larn a ped out on the Ediltard Horn o bro L -I am adumet:i e coun er"an yan Pw 9, n W -the In lh'W'h'S " pistol'; rhe:made a a and demanded the, ;bill., - Prisoner told f marked would er _b ve f d The tuiopoaa o adthe opportunityb I phydiciant" -Saw Baker oil -nightL R' took bff'bi : 6hf and in N 'Y I :; an( r 6 -1 11, . 11 - 1 kGUetfeft' &S dbid GtHig qe,imaiteady. Shannon Id:bi lit esome'llungeon. I hat.,. 1I father to M, 99 awayf'. b' & unwhp 0 of Thursday., the th of February 'hist. 6 ,. They -both lea Diregiol motion as,if doing. s e it. 6tih or,tuij. ;iIebri 416 d ove'I. e was a ;.4 - * he would 60f,"add, m,yTAth6r'sfrddk,.him a ernI 60UNtl' 0 Ultdlv. 111, A t Nev.in's Tav­ 'Nrio lii ok -gi ,tind w6an 'on O TdSL Clin blow with the gan w ic, g I a I no A his intothe bu, started tow It the ton :'prisoner 8 Cte arm an Ban A, IN'T side '6f,ihe head.- "PfAed 1tuA':'f6 w " wa arrested. on.Sunday d itruck him,o -R a dvdnin follow* ing. I:diA.Gqtk Ow -Duffy Zeci, tmt- udd n the heiid, itz Col i kiwliv a,small. mai,ori leA I F _7 ;onfthe'Globm6cts before. =e our, that a ball had passed thr6ugh the enter thenr Won 0 I A'succinat Uikc The, follu*in J,­]ilvbd Jii M views exac -a -ch -till and pairtly throu.-V the ELLEN FITZGERALD *='­ RGEk; PR &TId table Of the, sk E ,TA 1phabcti ,a n abh_ T6 _­ " r , , - :tly. It would have bee Corroborated the evidence - . I . , :. , , ­ 1, - l ­- , . I LT ..Ann Knox. barrel's -ab I I _­, ', _ , , - , . -An A internal 66, there, lodging'-.- J enlarged, oat 114honths, and',was there ins an 6 bill, ivashill,with lbe-ColidiRoald d Uat%b( iracChila beca givon to ofter I b d `Whe6i I found th '"on r Orythe.8'fit6rhoon-of Friddyi,thd ,3rd inst.1, 'bett r if, ihe -eon - ... r . . * ed opening an ' extrite quarre 't AhAthat -erthan as r C 'I,,r, . " . r. :r, the, a ted fh6 ball t a, 'his I o6k place betW6 -M _7 Aul w a' -bid one.11tol ill dl lty an;- rut `0 'yj Rii that is a constable'.. VanYvery and d hi r 3.1 X Gone Director lif Baker!s sluill is bliniide rAly'thibk _y - .' to a,f arro an z at_ Tui as ling Godefich; r. arro he r' Is qwnj, !r 19ca HeAidnt seem, to"mihd of hero . ppqals of:oraivar 'men. I think :ii was 'it ind callin, I a liar. I did Got 6 t 'iver.F ts,'on the'Nortli of thIi T' icrtbing4lie,,baundar .0 of 412LMW"_ ­ Ug Chu,'ches"',wlt .ill u e some in en. lot! qua : r- -wounr t at n ea t r spa "i"of t ISr Otl onipanyl or Bill Priictico;'unq, vernment amt w medical ' hutiing illojite, my husband got on- ET t Mr' FIVIN n :6 Wames oftheir Miniat r ' arla and I'ranbui-liGId"hold Ahch6rse 7,77 7' 777. 11, ty, r , I, , - . - , 1 -1 - . .1 , t I , ­ , I OJ6- , T , , sole hitich-of f6x i,, 'et Practice. This was, the flil:t"tairn - " : h- th j IR r b iiapproll s ii AAer 1 A'G1STXENT'-" was :ahoutr­ v."'V -inteiafi 6ns bfthe Go' iziWCrtmin.-1 1ig,cldth6s., As -he ;J ... - , . Ir 1 0- -1 ; h-r% , _ ,,, , j, h . : . I teri; as to'tlie D. 1:16tep :an, I. lit, lue. when, ie iving-. at- Gario 0 t Llr4rrEV'numbeFruI colts, and CattTe,will -west mails. TI prlctlt'Qne, n roo A Maw to A, on -Have 1, R Juje§p, gt to: the PN 9, b " k ad 'asked, hin, ifrbe hid- his pisthl -:16fending, opp X, All I 1 r 11 --' ' ­­­ '$-" a till a I, erp ioget er with t 0 gi bii' 'k terling farmi M i n 46)i M ny, Was We cur.enti u6fi;i A mail to the Sault wil it, is ulrde stood;'be to f1righten the y ung men, as -we a - Gob. io bla elf `h -'%at -6 O'_f'fbe_- "We'ath It' f- 4rom ifM 'eon `r L'A y7 'with .'the ie'-sti 0' U; peveu year ac.ithitted' that' T _,Nain of it& I as 9 v:iA ,2 0 witness inj -Owed by:hdr r the affair with",' , SSr . . d J 'ariol he pren%-: 4,7 MilstIuic; ,Ojiuj _t evideti at would,take,dt easthalfa am a T411111- ment4k lac u - 'rin; " I "," , .,­ , , .'!] t . rr­ ,, r ' ';" . 'boat w5xich wil `.rua ZZ: urnie` A he house. Wit e ItJ6 . k d,,beibg high,and cullfj the scolre isl die t, men lo, a I -from Col - `,41 q ' ' I be tl li, 'A , 11in fig'.. I to:ihat Teranne-andlother is I The mal o or Know that the 462 en D -fool her a 150: yards,",t to -aveiage so( &rlia 'piiV 40ii.1,x --viil 0* 2t ford. glallfwe.untJ e ac .;Afr; Rlibinsoziiaddi.6ssted 'the jury, on, It', ta ' 5 , j, 44 range, ?f Wi iiamw we tropirly are rned "ffitr handwriting- 6f 21j. b fIbithe dd ndanf,`,his 'speetell,being being 5.6. The_followin' c6t n la' i6formed, -beca Vleetjfigl, WM by" ofthe Wafta constable 'in ..this al are the nawes Of Jn, S card Supe- County. I'arreste r prisoner -un er War _0W NOTICE 'SocietieIs and., 1 1110 if 0 Ur ZI ILL . v , Liu.. - Lal d rvis MIybitif tritffirr& Iidinie&'Aiia binblUsin, tist IcaA to a; theid *b6m'1116 more, tbd ntlhc kiiertage'­ d clear, or,% A, MI titir - -,Nations ani ................ 13 110. Olin: ills; on him P Ogg eowtab,16 rdnVied t id 2 Ist o eceinber 'at Walker!s large m4jority o t e spectators;,, J i Private Custend I We A idbir, the4 lusi 'drraa ".TV D 'Harrie Ver boatsi t' acties r - _­ . v P" n t .rig ve in this pistol on firvdrn ton. -,fNind o'b -The jrba& one. The. objectJ es iliblish the night'o the Z k' t'bO k I Mr. Harrison for laiqt 13 Ill, no" -found-'soine in a, poe e o 44 , Smith. 4, t1ini- - t v1d ylage `,iav L&d,bipt'ha'Vin' g''Adrg6dAher jG1 , Ith bfFebrtiary Fi but iettei. :,Fga,al ., 0 FbA Williaia isi not'so 1, an Buildlit'gli a N Poli e emply.. e5vu r MUGU U 4 f ` ' ites'll lit UEL .............. "TOWNSHIP i J­;Q , I _ ­ - - I , T' . it"TURNBEIt ; Of %bbiirieid wiire I d If` d" -iiear*tbe o g h r ,f':- und' fu . ;,tili I, -I io: -carry the-fi*: lettiers which go as. Ra err ,,au­ on 'r . a, Laid '_a molley was pro uced-bywi, rqug ball U d= th sip.1 iiicola- ey. rf l)l lislar ITt S, as wp, aq e fda, "or, -1 cly - ini 1* . _ , _.;4, 1 " - I -, , A , 8 10 'a pris6d a" Col 'id::a Iferd Nfiaadafit ...... ia tibifvic -4.ta ste.16r @ m 0 riqu§ p abcs.9r; --,'Iiorth' TI.,02ji 0 h- 'f' P, %Vere'produced.) let I , f on Loiii-66Z InSlanC, ...... ,q t biable c un'terf ltd a- b piobaMy,tlie' nd[.Jieyar opp, Times *ad ni' ad,, ills6n badibank t , Unr 13 C urts`of4eF 'eVer em' 0 rivate in i n , g ... ... Orday, priltmex acelt 6f -H- dtWjudgetl; "Uttirlitill'and OffiCial - I M dn.-Prisonbr Ryan Vs.Carrol. b , icb V, by ofA or as efs - house on: tho,d't rno6n, tlitif' Bakei tfw' #f6lilt r, r rpole Fntthe pri itf-h6aring'appeR r­ '*hing andfur-trliding! vle sleed the yindoper 0 Platt; ................. 14.' VOEMTFi,,XOwII INS 'fha ll#4 some%difficulty'in! re o,,, t of Lake Sup rlor, an&g.md afly,de' ercoat'd E re fi?'66 LIS` -a f id sz* "X, 'boat 'ill' not d ...... d N i6k, * lit Ir. Ward' ly pist re aid''m;Ahe' f nizifighun -with his ov PAS NTMENT. ff of 44 region J. P il; jart th, Q it Gra d Jurord o our . i a li L fian6 udG_ on -r.' I " - / Upe _y. _9 neon t ownship q ortithis., .-It..willmaket a single tri stiaGgerin. biy'ho' -6 thai t6lleir In. h T I E 10jutbeti6al.Li mfl i'Vim -W-11) -Witill Tarnbeitry dnid-v p acres on their bath; Present, Thai ­in _r adbottlance -A .1 uig t 1 7 ff the - ifliie to"Fort Willir "'her.. Th the 85 8 ad given to t 6 prw,, ere I Ina ifiey ilnL4 - iarnla d .­­An rew with tl b' d *L' t na btb- vJ& S eon '&iteafid'showa ainiiAd;bnl d e ortwo.ofthe lisirre[s. , bill,ciffered at Ilie,:W11- hit., OMA it clean and fif avom;, -866k -r W" '­!P ormfttlo'a %IvqaAis er at a Ifold -the'. prisoner, -haA bc- u aif iid 11i6'ni1t'4 ',to 'a $5 t, -The aI, k T Ili - - l A Julintorination.%-. d -.B.a' -Wb need: Fr"#Wo' XortablF sii#, tk&'pris6ne`rii' welt, pleased Pri hte- lkcPhetrion . si ethat, our, We gurerr a -,seemp "d Q "th -1 f 5_ "' d _I Vinee r upen,& n, hardly, say tbat': it is not,de rabI be 0 Tile rem a with theirpreatme 'timoron 1 ., .11-11 1-1 1- h - u,' 7 ­ 21"! qk - , - W AVP#IeGt8 thiit , o IMMI I e,was cositlyj tic; O'vernmen 5 on 0dailian' 'BiW ` -'-- , Bene, We a stpi _patis.fi th, ",Mlle Ty.jL-I". ,iioalaldbvi _o OVnT. 4i, 61 . !I1 I 'shoot at"lakler" i'Dit" aff"to lit ttoAhat:shb*6 ,-::, here'; -Vtas­xfio such,; b6t'a` A f to -jnto,*.tiii-ae wit)i bur, PIZ.- n 6etween prtyme, hd ....enter. tinjiff- W 7 7 ;Amdr with _pit is4M W, fi JAMES HAR ana ians.,:., e, gearg n_ t are,iplea ed, io,'Ji e'alriht _71 oftlnii pi RISON '10me A or, worowm, at t erp, is at! to &RKZ 11:", 1 1 haa He -to case I h, , . - I - _,­­ 44fiiid_fl If W ies'lpm 0 -"ti" ij -ill bo:W In twand otheri.wlu vVAll f0ei Ildil ut whbif do not o ject to,: air coiripetitI6h`;."b' --lbetween,Xus iad an I ugg,­eqi b.p­. 'PreS6 it jj.bi jr,befbre the, Le-islutitre Iri pro-' iii a -tie t( c e I", v djCashed.,Gbii . -- ., 1- !, '. lit' WILLIAM' STERL G ma lag acqoTritr,to , ant -I&" -ftaes es ,the stian'­er' Mlir.. _y b or use,ZW W IAX STJ Alto led h They,a kjdiq flglli f,6,r:,6 Oi, I ashou told iairti _ 10'q tUS. 15. u- -Hoggagain b. ur makings j_ierse or p. in. and iroifi "Fliont, they Teceive_tbeifV,_& 111Pi i ' 'Alil in the CountV of k t` y -'s IP, a; -0 1 orW7 If -.A r , 1 ae#!v§l_ -"*, ? ­ atter a cc us. OF, runs y e um -;'Witsp 7 e- J"' terl ourafelain grablitt era baVo,,r_fi' thcrefore.'6taa d,as 't, nifs dtlatlie this caas6,, mak4,)n - Mo ful h- -z i a I ster s, 6 f 6 1 i gi i 0 qualqlu]V advert _io h ag"'eacy- Co 4an '44 owz, 44-4,­f. in rr- w s 7oi g o trat OF_ W -gi:yp Imself, M, 0 ,ii rc,,. p, iTate d., h- qrioft fil_ow 4ilrowd truins h"' C weye;,A e bj;na&­u P the Qa zmi:IA i A 'y r r.Oa,Xeq)pm1i v ' Gained Nfendant ia _a to 7` Irt. ge J rr, anadh fRa 's;V 71- L,',­ , ttifq5aal ] bjoa More ltnnlj ., D tW Comparh! 1td'!&Odit-,&iik'*j, 1 Open menu; -Ana '_7 -aria TF 7 4 v6uri4:',.,1 ­ . J 7, i bv6r 6 Mr. __pi ncei, a 04 i _ -16, th d&­X%­.fM Ni __ - .- b r -1, . -11, to mention pk_ rmi ilu 11",,Q 6i I ---a - 461 k i3.ke­ 6i Mareli i tr putwifflte ed 61pit, 6 vdioumbe 'y4a 0., ., - " , , , A 11 ?;Or h' usum -3uchittk ICA lrOuklq , 14V I I r ecE- ifpo V Ppe - -, . I ltli?R OIIPYR , La before,as h -d' hiitl e`d'IO bUtAIo`fiGd1d ,'a Z that thV,-Pa`1MR`a-7 WD ly,we arro . a ­,. : 1, .1 7- *17 oa WAWhas iti Vf thjat.lr, ista._,,,not d1h, rpnse. will meet t1i4i aiiWi, V I!, M al to -tire­ re ;coffi& the said d6bf men pa ,m, "J onjuipleen',up ive 1 (, 7` 11bC d- tb '&MUIX1 1-iWILI 1-1 w1ucbR the t 'fiti&61 e hi ffitz pre, minus usig?a, e aripe nu Jf is, thoaAook'4-.Ae4; k-an&6 7?"; 7._ ti -70.. WX00911' ji 'Akildjkj 7_ 3 r_ go U;,, p:, ugfq"lQa,,kqr, i ',,i bworlti "110191RV 9 eric, n-, ev par log:! y t, I ow ,,q -Id. inue meih &S R ;., b9u ITMIDT 31 z # it ;. 4 ff Aay-- o[,Maivh,,A., 'I,- atid_ V _111 6n W m4 .1`7$ 1 6Ueribcs pt" Idu t=vfjr,. qg ,4rd: rilp,"ai rpjiebfier;If6'(Cd heu ) di& hiit I -AM STrERL 91A _t 3 L ruel'. , imp e ifilWIN, 'jiV '74D . A NB E It d ib d eat RM At ely 11K n of e t 0- 1-- a, Wit Rl.,v 1P, K. K­ ,;Jl -,fake belivie 4_IvA ,. ' -, j awz -I sw zA] Warrant, TaejC ker Ion 3TI -in Vir -M Or tw- !7 h 11aJ '­­tWtIi_bo 'd .2, 16 eft,ftbihilton14 dMiladis I or", W A - - - I-— ii . . - "I i, r "M d: "i; The Vrdak ktvaS *he 0 un ary Hi L' a6hi*1a&a tile; LOPPIC: r _­­­ , r I I I . 'r . I W_ UVMJ Y'n W"p., 11, or, Mi" a I, idvbiyregd abl , and'th openin -pas p., In, i tgeti&i, of the , , _d, March t is supp d'he t ere, iUg.Of_1WbeU It 117a . I _ I : T.. oinmedcle ­An Ea -IiAi Villagc ia Mr'Harrigoaldd t thle b -W umi utmill On A. LEW hat Ba C IS, a goo bf­the- Coanty 6friei IS63. so mont, tecl eat Ce'