HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1863-03-31, Page 3_10 j 7777 S. %T H E SEMI- WE11EKLY S I G N -A L., RE E D, J. WE, MP EIDE f G NOTHEa AcciDENT.—Williaria Kerr, a res- S. RESID 6 0 ']I an jfjWllShiP§,,, Old', Rochester Niirsbry,! ILANDS FOR SALE: to RIE A ..X&UL'SdN, Proprietbr., c v D -rd t N Gildetic A Colbulrne' ident of this'township, I to lowing Lands ed fo;I on "ITA R I I . . . . . . AslA while fell-ing tree, on TVcFV-'advunuiI te Haying 6/4 - urcha_qed th `.Ij d infl. "was so severely hurii bf-the fall 250 ACRES Vi It"ll, . - I I );DE1C1JLTI1'ATI0N . GRA I R E M, - P 0 P JUM, Brucc.*'—Your strictures %aie _ 3, F Bey fit -hasto.causRdeath'ia louts. Ile , I lix. -,- , . . ' , - TENTH - AIj-:L,t,( i 0 241 DR._C. ADILF1' ONE' 6A V widoky and one chi" oil leavesa young, Id to mourn It ill TH9 TlIETORONT,0 CoilL]EG E, C. W. W.B The notice heir loss., His death will- be sevev&Irte St. Mtherines Nliig.ericis, t, was in; the h:inds this neighborb'dott, illasulucli'llslle wiu; a conf, HIRCHISE XON'ETTN' CAM AT TFYRAF iullolllsl; cidcnT.;lI bu teacher in the Siabb th SUBSCRI 1BER—Aaen; f6r the bQye i I INSTITUTION, located in the AN r. commerld them as sound, II 96J ANDTHE DATANCE IN, of the. peicilt and willin T" C. g6cidtirdes,andiadvise pelseh§ -Xishin– to of the printer before.your second rrivLd. :sive andold Nursery—wo, Id draw the. *V, T7Witute, 7 rvnro, hals ju.4t been added, le, Iaflt tre 0 Purclntst ifical frouiI Schooi here, as,%Iell as mi active IT ember.in 11 It TTO IN & C planters I,, their laige' to PRYANT.4,9TRA, -018. vintin'of Mae'Equal Ann"Vinstalffien sj (.,aimme e .1 1 1, . of inteading arserie. a sorlmcnt of' itl, cz)jj"es,j established in New York, the cifurch to w -longled­- [We rcm Robeirt Wilson, .36h, AT.Whi.40: Willi ilaterescl hia, AI Troy, ames Johnsloii,l JtI Wilkljtis6n, i; he iris . gie I- 1 .11 -Per Coal. Bulhllo G derich oil Sat- t thatthe above was mis idi w ilea ac. Clevek n'd. Dviroit,,!: icaxo una SiI - David Fisher, 4: 4ohn 0 co uat; f -or 11 e delay ill' pub i George Vilsonj' Tlmt W, P Cpk. "Shing-it—E Thu object 6f these, Collligu, is to impritri. -to of: the season, pas,:6d our p c y M. -OR it Men And Laditis'lliorough, oun urday an(l. Sunauy-' It ivas intel; TO it IS and practical. Andrew-Grecrit; A.;T. Moni-onicry., Zl "Zol.j (;oi`n,n,rcioI Law tZ Or -ill Ne".. in,Book k Ill; Of SlIONT, W"icb, ,ghtl;.b owen icelies: cold,,a d attended. .9ouib j 7 in Ist con., 50 here bik.n iaii n A3 all APPLES FEAAs South 8 -in I st don., 50 111 'Petimansh'ift; - Corresp.nJence, &c., and to fit' p I ICL 'he: Streh.-th -he Harbor of Char u, r hoiye eri h: p assed jwa) - i - I ! W col III any department, f business They Ditty ilfa6t re, and I1'ccp. c6rI oil alicij, jp_j g irl. - South. 1,D J, A 11 ill 2 100-pere5j cob Iestou. _plcte'u ortmtiq oil 6W !, 100 holies South I d D -jejIo,T% Cor, e& , I - .. 1 I I Scholarships issued. .iiada will entitle The Illove,111I is on- fbA' in the - .,: . 1. . 'o &I l, I , in r :A, otS;_Xectaxinies, '.F 0 aC e S -Y North'!', 20 iti 4h Maeres. c lli .Pourse irb any'( pondent of' 6tudin't to vomplet Oflege of n thti C/l. .'2 ma, al chiiiil, affa:s4cr - e n 'wit addition' 'FRZ EIT-, eated CHAIRS,. to Shi _Shf at bile. &gisleij), SIBEMA_-- CR.A.BS Novilh 1' 21 iii 4h Cot 100 how wn p 0 .-:-1 ficl& to secure a. harbor A I _1,0 acres', the -ditylinde emim." ' i North'i 2' i I 4-h- c6i 0--a-cli-e-i.' 'el u. '-Thp 1-011 the Alo K9, Cane au :.TABI ES,, BEDS TEAQ.9 Aw IES E, IDFXT Port:Alberti.- Seycial. itiotings re ad- The, siru gle NN Al, 6,`to their la"'ge sioici ' Or ell it coliies, will certainly : I I Pai-.'ei;AL. of- -e p ace- car L the NAT11VE AND MilEIGN twv NTSHIP 0, 1HOWTM irther i'llfbirinaLiou pleasecall. lit the vertise to fal, I y 11,, _kpril :for be' Oia. t "E't' J'al -it will - bt GRAPESt" F For fi. relinii -4 in'15th con uillip. Address BayA STI;Aij,iox pit. STAND, MATTRASSE hoekrcf trelli;,I(JOUS fol.ceS file eeltilli%je ­ I , - i ., , . i.: % ; I Iege the purp 8 ose is 2 1I and 100-acres each. NT, Z o e-, of couj cring p TI CUTN'll:lit Go eis of whi6h, ar yet lintilud- le loll IL 4 Tlirunlb. J 211, 1663.-, -wUW48-1 V -alu6 6fsl GREY G ue fi htitl,, % lips tepSI riiooTed'queStioll of I] , Sjr-i I, TOWNSHIP. Or, WE3,T,: ST.. 0DERIC11 ieS Nvil 1', be.% rb u.,h I - to It tes, c ag vbatte -ains 9&_'We-would attcr tioll of I - Lve thatl,ajl I ot 26" in I st con. 100,11,acres, thc -East of. 51r. ton Sa ected it.- it other words 1 P0 Shrubs -Ftazve st- 4-c. r'. bUthili--but th' b ].Is, hisfSraltuic'earmoi- our tI readers to -nare has yet sul j I TREES' Lots 34 and'35 in 4 Coln, 100 acres each , 1! t.. j -is nonehot the be,,t workinen, and. ses. 1 4 -ORMA MENTAL ft=p ,, lie eml3lo`i, v tll a:dyeitiscincilt of wa, A.m. 'the, -korlito, irdit-clads wVich, the Yankees Lots:,21,and 32 in 6,66 acreseach. -r' canb6i be sUrpass cd Lot 26 S61ict% School, -tatiabit by ?Nliss.Skithni ings. tit This, N c in con.. 99.ages, ELRYTbtaisu, ssed Jbi to2lit aiai tu be e', m6st" inl en` urs y WATCHZ I CREGIQUERED, STORE RZIlkIRED ON _mb, Lot.32-in.8'cojl'., 100'acres ers prodticelakedin ex hange Theyoun--lady. i, hi s glily.r praised by, all ever c6nStmcted will, necessari L I come witho 'L r S T- l3caring 0 chards n the-, b6St,Sfy16 arra Lit - rand I fa . i of a, Tex r 0 Coll.; i6o.acresea n, Illin 6 lods and I Lats 33. and 34 in.1 I h' -&W !,fb d irlto have patronized hcr,.and d , eryes tci point-blank na e -of the mos siipplied,-by' this Nunscr :_ Tilatl FG .6dedch, Oct: 16th. 6t- Square, At OD GO NSHIP, OF TFR!:BERPY t of h ".6deed on, aqcoun qr p6rseverin- in -ed asin le unga. e iet We have ood S In TOW, James Lomati, kc., reason 6o, tv believe, t u 5 coll6lienir on hand a,d waftafll i6i) es Elliotit Jnles W1 cjnsoll, , Henry ( Ook, -marI wid dirable tact. _arj. 11prepistob. -G AS-SIZ 7- r.to eowner Morn I 1 -1 . 1. 1 1 -e imprt.tat batteric[s are antled by D d' h iI inot lilaTIES IN 311 sq.; 3o eric TI ES. -'-the South. car6liiia To in th e. L j oil n Bali I.e., A f5ply to C -'rHoll ks! GLT 11, C A 9 The CourCof Oyer' Teruliner f6r the rI expft and prafti&d OR, wh34 iliese CourI comwence(i at 10, ci clo6k :is ure- -james Balltll;: Daviii it. Y: EXCLU WE AARDWA-RE:. TORE:%': nheConfe 0 AT THE u y .a I N T1 Th U N po y-3:bef6re-His Lordship Chief Justice made the-stif of bw IJohn Fialev. DavId cCarron ichrds., nW6461 F Of Besides the. m6inbers .,of the C ' aGbderich 6derich C k)1P.Bt in 0 Orc ul ,a -DO' it as lba his Ile 14F in rcittrnm.- t iilcs, to- his C, ibr that liberal stip?rt extended tiT arned bar. we era.1"Ic". -en tl wcuiDill; it 'f' be T! io am a (IistarI amon fr, , _appe to him in merit ned,,'Johric Wik on Q. L,,.,, who*.aj , ssible, that, ny 'j floating 6,0 LEND 0)\ thin,, 6an Ureast llah knbed the, condent--ated ca d rliw-oflniere t, in'any.,,ums rur Kt Uk TZ A no expens- has biFen (this ea4on) spa ed,-in fh ars FaIiiii" P opertv first Hr -A pe ittiI the C _ ftor ev Storm Of, 0.3 .1 or a vear lof bNo i hbolJI (if - the 0:'116bih4 .ter, Mld:triL and _BaCter) 13' eu I le I pull or 1.N,; lo 6ft at sines. , iii, all i:,, i ari_ n on, 1, .51 , S me& , C no unt in;theaho--li, be -harbor Nor, can the peril of 'n ing e,,y Applv to E ryoicl cs. Partit, , as inJ, of the ilu Jotedl roiii 6t -Loan. And 'Will be-alile'from '10 son.- Robt- flrris)ft and Jolin'bug-tin sq.'s..6f:Tronto. t be 6y iiatiemp , S,H. Dll G006TN' distanie,:will seldom fail in 6. ca dvd the same day, in time C V oele lo, The- fbIlowifig is aL 1* t of the `Giaud 'to jp4ss utidev 11o,,err-Of dArl,ji I oss. eis,l h ouSe 'ext dooro ; r\ iturors So tortuous 11: 14 S K I R, PC 4) inform that M,w ri.the.c ahiielread W I ic thut they hay.e,openea -a or eloth for a quntity ioi good, cl--an 661 Xree E` G S, T 0 -A N -0 LT N C D that 'he b c. u rs, and wel I WHOLFSAL TABLE TOIPS & C now re tiv his -021 M , I , ore IV illiant Snekd bscf.,136derich pit :of-tliq harbor Ay'ould h'ot vi ttture to TH &,S 10:dAtf H" T'lop 7 \TEY,; TO LMD l -to the lb'ris that the' TJOI b 'ni' ht under the condi, -,T T 1-: X AND OE -1 -TA. -LF FL,;R CrN Court IV. Adam. -G b Y, I c vizI.: Goo, florany euemy--Z onot d :to, L 01 1 'a A VI'llot -jium INILIM -STOCK11" Fairbairn -Ga;lin Ranjilton, 'Alexander tight,ar OI tT S, C W Soho I ofin, bloc kade-ru it bi tj - is letl.4. will Bell.'at Whi ch-hil _'7 lort- es fr c.o, A*p ly,o R6.we y- necc* ssa`;- to lial tbleir ' 6' 11 . , ". I/ % L . , _ I r, ded Patent' ater- Dat,, & :. L 'Sa_.. _ r A reatly edit' JVnI. .:1 . D la Geo. !?;it exit 67 OODT -liaded) . -11 - I 1 11 A] %YC.j, - . I , , V _: To a Torranep, late; OiL and Paints; ceriain an,1 O that. it i HEADS r TON 9D h Al arch. plate j Lordzhip in aadres-ing tli6 Grand flat thil lroll-cli'lds aILlSj 6rit ES FPO.NI S5, le all ivs And Sho% 1 4 w in 6o iluur the, britninentt' hazard f 2 "40 i XE Wr FRUM, Thenost simp"' d paZI coil eeting uyei one,o tie most ry- said he ie ;retterl io.'find that stich a AVE OUR "ASHE VdIontia-M. rL. and, Lityer Raisins, Patra I s kargC number of CrIminal C a se s we TO P'n, 'hot. now in u ejoi e a ing,Nvalch Currants - tnAey,aud, otherFign: V"'.. iT rr - dotri.yields it 66 -AND QREA&F PiiW ws Thesegli#gcs ranged OM sJAheil'ovee it ragpe I S+n't B -id for ie' to- d:'ai, the. keO. -but if perchance desplte_oftmizy in Jars; Or- aul WELLS OF ANIP Oa-knin P Nalls it ithe calendar I pq EPTH! 'C'. , . LUX I Infln t eny.i,ainl cinbrAct, 13 NG -d iorpedoes and. thetcom, ange, tellion, ;Lnd% Citron -cs channel, inuitiplit l?,i elfNtlils i Wrough Nall; uriDdsIone I ?eels; S.-S,Alrroirids tempts to marder-, arson, for, and 1 4iec oin of: t1I "it -FLOAT ITS SINIMICITY 'IT7 gery oftIie!fprts,,s, I ly N6t Llabh to -9 af WP h si Lord,ship in a ver Tucid Chance tot,giltitito IT' G FillYert and, B u- waniier e., r it It i,904- ABIER la. d rip to en6o -, a te Ic -i,d uI I I I P Nuts es, LU% plained C as the the be t.mam 19 rAc ter Soine of its inet itg-, aire, hiliog1h,af.sfidlad be kept i4.d.Aajzj of' their" dliti e s TIC afl but r water (:all be if) loss iirne tft n im`anX wan Store.' wifl det6r ine the Dos c )it d i I . I - p. . - I Oic -Huron Hoid. directions -as I ing, Stta Nc 'qto 0 . " e Sh`0,reS.Of4. 9 ad aigo.' gav"'6 th the p'er& )licit, pripei d '820-- 001 AN* is tt)71 -And'iben s,,i; 8f ,,thei houer6 It scribe. is hich, aie not of 'Special- interest to -our o'd city. AE -10! , - otherway.. T. fbir ..,tell awv be or sufc atthe spread o, cr. Prom A reader's- TEe Grarta, Jury - then retired,, P1 P ESA B which.i N'm . LEI T. -Msjmib. ght, 7' rf the ist-ir'decidedly ii,, -f*9%!or C, of I)wellil ' ot one ung .it ileda I rig, int in for I he convevne 1 e of c6ld or hot N ,atcr To I P, 1Y wfel -DA. 8! HOTL nex't Ive,wi n2 ' . , -1 9 -_ , 'TIIE GRA -VEL _ROAb gous" 66 -a ilpan. -k't -a rtc6.n ell, of in'qt,:,v must be prcl) ,, - d . r : taken u -:1m oar a f R aopeac-to b P i H 6 62. asel*that is of pub ic-.in- li ilercrflonial rail" :1 Publilc 0111diteis.- hIh e altv at, iouittv, o z!,t. joho,thore, w6ie D - Or N:P;&A WROXET 'd i,,O candia?M I .Lorof GEO. R BUIIROWI Lekd and Zhic, Baths, T B, MONTGODEERY, subscr b j, in,rcipn flanks 10 thi. the-railwy* pol,icy of the ovl rtirnent and r. Do I I G ;'I?u 0 IC for tlie Very liberal palrona TEE QOURT; -The ad!j6urned ase Thomps,6't cd ecitiflywhile hi boo -e SURGICAt It on Sat toltS reter'ned the a A LL K I - T I-) S nof ap- hOf 1, 93' _ to. jf 5 S, 'Wa8h, pro- urday. - It. appeari ih'at althoughr 7 faet that lill; no 2116rds cco aFh'Tays, r roper attention to buSinem ater dsd' :-TOBACCO-8 ed'ing xw 8lightLy exceeded his iI or, patrona ehjthtrto allY. W tc)Wed upl!indijffi. '-Let Do it t4N. UMPS 'GE NV_C11EAP. ;r EGS i r th an we "Chisholm dlSplaycd iiI thik 0 rewers and Railroa aat it is.all tlicl ilffie III vou go to- Wj d thial tie tIlI fithe,, DIERTON 1LA" i T zI rtrled individiial persUde you-'intpilitti Four & Cis VAR fficI. r right Mri Sh. le, r e, lei kirlictioEs. --,Th C.ase a ne, N the' 1,3 fll itist.,'by the rov.' IET , li VI DID lie will p6ribrin d B i ed i6 hipi.ih' DoIonl e pofin Invited e util't f th in,; inant !s tolth Iyo e b ,,,ad inserted ow I 4ictiv sra-rit-in oil . )bu i IT st a ly ecbnd dzL- itThDIM 'di Ds houa that lolr of 2iii 0 of Doil-inhon.1I Nli s dwho *-as itaproving-,the prenises, vary Go 'orne the Walkerlon, Je'­r,-tjjbj '&n 0; ioad, about'a well jGr oteL ui`%RS iiiii.- 8haw-, who ably de7 teetil;,illid the eserva I n7i e, ber. ettrilcii, a frame pr W L i'llren 7Bran:die8 Jbjie , Robin, I)OIlbillur to t and, IV -ah d suppIv y ro Qxpe ts,,perjor cyrnmodatipliab tSineldir, . as fitled, 6 L and m a ;0 enau t s The:whole in'thorou h repair. ut'.' Tin, ...... , ,. Tin. e all.any, hour o dav or, night Our costs w t lit lit sto arm.Yard, 'for th.c, in wood:and I clia by . -ingn to of' ..-t ak; to, re rie-': or 11 SThnilppl L co I hly ;,tk her labon N 1 Port, sebtile.' Wines; Sandeman's r 0 t, 5". For a vie of the I4il _iTI thr wr eady stream li its Sheyry : Gin N B -A ,5-kAer R 'all Bootli'sL,,U, onsuint supply of T . Hermon, R. MDT liriAt d h. Bol-' Pe r. Ox. OW51 it , ell or,the vca 'nourld. ld,Tdii3, iwwoodand'bi Old I 14vibg Committed an u]ssaiilt on _v&K. colon B Alapof-th, in p YS n r for hs'-fitil-IIII6 Otiddrs pupt tuallyaltunded Ja al a Rum. I ur h - grew oteen nU W H ES r _u C YS D Wzll1it 6on.thej0thpinst. The casL, and otherANIhiskeys. qut,of a,few, Iwords about the 6iiava i,.in 46-ly elor. !9i.. Nov.. 18'62. Ilic: course'-.bf lyhi.h 31r. N. yq E,:: IKILGAZI 'R RE I 11 PON'. BOOKS HUf _Y GLWASSL -and. said if p'ai utiE.Were not r z ed a -cane HOUSE, 411'r, EE -ES PELEE: ISLNIND, A N.D L D,ER1011 .,;i Crkp krio6k'. down. p tlip- would' every al cular., R eat made ate. SCHOOL Bk8, STA'1102NERY 4fthilf: strikin distance; it lva to. 'KEPT AND, FOR SALE ag(. ive price.,, SW 62 w26 B g LAKE - R igh Al. C V_ )n Mid'510 dCem.ed bv. the Court an. assault. O LOWING PROPERTIES ALL.iPAPER' of the .paltiinesls- t o AltE ISth D'e. E: _1_NaSmyf1I n6m in d, -a ad the. .7, ]p OTICE is bcrebyjjri li flint on, and af, CAN AND WELL R Ahof COur rose...., N ry, suppjje&cithe & Wholesale or etai ,ak rates on P tee 0, nee, -Ve So a, o sheA.a bright 'red tIieaebjiable Terhis I I I. CO 7, TTI, as low. as anywhere in tilt vi tots E. 1197 W, that on Point Telee reel. i allure to I L o the : samc- th ing -all' over the world,- I'M N os. 117, ]IS, I W 149,iLn t a, 0 _26,, Wawanosh. if.om. 6od iidh:to. Begdad' SI I , I . , . -h 'I.e GNAL -OFFIC in the Courty aT1 of"Bruce. This it age is'stuat, I- maAT THE of, Rive IV -hen ther 30' THE SIDE Ef S A' 200- ACRES ihercfor e bear iti jnirid;,thi-in pacsitrg tipl ibe . 1 63 -W1 E L BOA I like file ich te will lie On ae retty-g-irl slxe will be loved,' and tenI to 1p one, ro, -tween K neardinc and 'Walkerton, III 7a oil the ct side, and The red It - li bodrd $1 L. rpilp 'butwheh yma-are indtiI in", Lo e's Yotit County T6*n.of Bi%uCc.,_ E ABOVE. LOTS are- offeiTed' for said By order of- tlle,Coniinis iun.r; 'j jL 6f I he public 0 1umber 46, South side or echanics' Huroh anc!Bmcctliat fie h at. X NEY iiCh rlal a' a R r cheap,zhd., on. reabnable te, 7: Drie To. some-PtIler f6llow. Comes in to S U0 pin ,(;o ot L r. -Xincandine,'ahil LtDta4l, T,,TRUDEAU retI Aveall. ]it the own 1lich,w, I I, NO 'r;ublid are" bhreb 'dvallec . -es Ocash :r aipprovcdcreillh. - your t4oa s z ndc and' -then ..0 old - fiTted-mid r., 4,--- q 30 61 '52 n%!n,,1 Village of Rive'r- th6res su're-,to be sometI d1sa reeable. Yatents will, be- Ct run 76, ithe &,ct, stealin,, iiinber f*rotn:,the[.said.,Ii6ts, or ti Department -of Public Wo ks is qed.. Applyt h d n the besi nd- it) perfe Quebec `16 Marc. 18 3 Good cordwoud Laken In eXChane,e Kincardine, Countyof Bruce.' P':w9sln-g 'o_n the same, as hy'parties offeri ng t, i',as.' -S T PASS- orderr (Itie-otwill of -I.he against, und r, t1iI T 0 RN so HAW'& SINCLAIR, with. -two y6un-gentlemed-in the m o Ie r d ;-balance,to e,, t quaria,,'in'the Village ofl(incardine, 'Statute -23'Vic:, Cap. XXXVII, Which makes divided 6er this, t. Niiiiibers,9;4.5,ontlie2i orth.ofthel)iir; 'will be.-proceefid h0 aj; There live t ere 'Goderic 863 next, with sinS aclory security - d It' asf claI to*n Godelich oil ham 63 h, I I th Ficb.. 1 svz4776.Sq se 6 '' ' f' i It h. c6unt f race, cob f Oil the st ealiug.o destrovil­. o tint er punts laiiy -aheI wail loved.'by, will say ­ , RY b r ayoun, d eacL with'the btlifdili z.­thereon - _v Imprisonment in.& cotomon I I L.ts.5.' and Sonthe DDriolm R&II lot aG bick- pvve` himself tli-si,hs and-, SCHO Z5,'6n the Xo jlae urnam [toad, in e -fitlionths. ForpariieulDrs as, to We bd 7- .fr,hc, D teav which would: D6n E, WAHOIIJ .RFSERTE. FOR I'll I I - of 6U, act or timbc I J)j Tow ;ip. contanang rapp y to SCHGONET" FOR 'each ftia vcl CHARLES WIDDER, A 'S Quixote, and w hat hadlli in kling ilitti, T s3la 32 t aide Street 'it i F NONG; ;it. 131. Siligeon, Mh BE 50LD BY 0 his progre s;ln rather favorably o t Of Apl n Or it LE &C'l :But, 3612S - W V. 116, 1§63. oatonlipl gives .,,place to -the' 11 rcy FOR Safe the ,hoonwr. tllelle o: articulani appt lol 'N c oderich,.the C ncx .. , : I . I G' erich. iTuiy. caits,his 6r221: ton6register witli'ttils- as sh'ii built;,Regist -r- LEWISi`., mtire eyed ' Tuonst i; jea p6a LiII - Palbin . I a del Godericho"and :no Iies.ln ha DO,!, Spring - ll: at ed 90i tuliTS2 'old in fIi0A1ASFA;1RBAIRN,Geur Agelli Abe et R C911ire h6ard, sails. e, as IOovly 50.cash, balance oil ap r tionect, C B. B., C eenia.ple, all not being naturtiI diff. 'ity. pply 16 B:IOW, Xillbg6 P EBY & RUMB owner, complete. he is,; a fast sailor. For-forther par & te , the lady to a - G M. T c "It, Pla4tcrcr -11EN R Y OLlf- rJUL1,13 ci c: and,atten TI holtbeifroni it., shanty) dance, ti ularsapply to A14 FRI I N G S, is teetb,_­ Dmt ille. Feb. 13,1863., follow *,$ q HEAP Hou E,, 6cn Next day., they meet.' , NOTICE LN ra oiice, appliciation tin n-'6ar I bliI JS HEREBT. ;f Ek that, 'Tifier t SlIGNAL, OFFICE. Ha sho6iI haridT eICE.i . ., the dwc or this it USI)M and b irtile of a - ower Of Sliqe defend thys6lf!" Softly, atallb to, the JI 61' tlj 'Surr tcCourt: r JE Zbrjitl Op 16-N -for the Town- by I I Boof-',luid Shoe AlaLer. tbeal , 0' 1 , 7-h Alit NWi TO 'EXE- conta"n-ed-1-11 a, jrp XV Let us nd_t bruise-bach oifiI faces, eld at the Rolme- U I Cbuniies of"HWI buid-Bi6el!, for' ship ot G aeriA wlcmc -all nnd'fiurck,,printiTIg, Owof`pGodencb; r be. I -'the of of tilt, villc1rin, on Longw6hh of the inbst redsomlible fermi, in Posai TRAFuLronf), Village, eart-o my ot ba&ihiltiefice oa,thesh I! of Wall;,erlbn, in the .(in I a E1 ' L l4worth, (for e purl, 'of first Part,; , i en th6' -day _,juire asGuardia -the infilfit'61111d 964a:Y, 2Y20 -of ;DrI',lICXt 00 perthousan I pi y eI thisiwagop-rack rd j,. jo oitlarrhlj, ber Dowel a s. Ws 'te tlj -ket Por the purpose of leasing appeals in first­61ass- style, on. eymour. ofAvi audlies in Opposi MAT little business otLI e l'Btam. in said C6uhty UBrtidej deceas MunicipabPaillPhlets of the third part Sohn ment, ic dyin I;II6.Einpire Teesivater and Riv&,,dale -.very c leap. -wiL ,adiea upori. arid,- tbe coriabattants .. -­- I , '" propos, P.TiL loade 'in the due .0 defauli Wf b pay., 'All lihds of repairin- on[ Too Mujlici al Ranks of all kinds kept on ban e evteredibe afs., At tile:nrst onset. the in-, Auor*nbj1.r'Apj:JI!C'aht. t reaeli TO -i, filain-or illmninatedi et4ftberiaoiI be s6ld at,the'Auetion 0, It I k TREAL 'e' c ble 'terms' ompson.' in the .. .... -Qr'i Uichlirdseized,, e'thturabof'4H n1li at London Pribusf; 'Sulail and Th qr ett.cr, tof I Aiidevetythiiig in, p000r go betireen h1S-,lteeibi'afCr 1 6 tuatiner. ofthet, FUBLIlJ'%tXOT10E." ES E R SALE Otir7motto is"Cheap.Pciptingand 61 'ddly of 1pflb ot adcount of Geor;-e nn 0 HQRTON , qqcoj PROVE FARMS. I- n D., 1 6 OXTC V T -SAIF -j while.,the lattei in --re_ TIET , hfitstday; 'R T A auctent.it urrib-scrow OR T 0 Don, seized &e IL L T 'It TAVERN, -by 1-h,, ell JZL§WATL d INS_ FOLLO T continued'unti little- Wr .,wonld; doubtless, ba e Aiie Stilt: of I d je ssup of this .towu.: 'under art. 2ekeC*tI at, -Shoulder. _ .-Thes:-ilitey,wiTied aidlorei, an M. ctI OEIN HA -W11 won have asup. All partf6, 4r .ihef4br t- obts, b e AE9 SIC DOXALI)i Waiggbil Maker, aillhot Tfiquitts, who L stood b lha e: Iii4 stlid pel`SobstfeSpss wiled, of-.Alie -To, . ­ 1, '"L I L , " : Z, 1 L I L L ' . 1. 1 1., 1 1 1 LL ' I Numbers IF Fit an Id" e "f either. bit the It' 'b It' ElEREBYt'G,LVtN` that. afir 'Person or d Lot vein the IfaitlarlL C. iioned figwithanyot erit antlie .pern iluI L ol the ftandSo w.riship cit (34ide.rich s 7, 6: 9, d6cided'ib t thereDut Park., ts' vias Black mith, 4c: bei, broseciitaaWiiiieLaW Twenty-nirie; Si tI 0 we e f,6ohd; b" ajtj' 'p d _. lieryL'ungalilwtL kin Oo by Hawkins, Townships of Ashfield Lip h rids will , to C 'of theirlideou fA in ra I fs-.0 illiant In chir b of Lin or. All g'rveh I)V"W tL UM p6r t ofo ne Tb PORBIJ)7t,14)jej aon! , noun f Q6. Xenns;bfSale eaten., -be beldTlespot. DALTO Pply,to Yours;,, 6. 111 .1 - I ". I - V h I` ilson bi 0 t e 0 Ic may, e aseertainpilby app ying Ta f O,H N 3U Zliiz the, aid r G in q Oj,j V k" ljeat 'i IC, CAM ERM nWawajj6S I for the S -kiii dl( backi 81211184hirt- E 0 Mckk, B and Sheet fronwar licitors for,Md, to ooerIC le w eA so Zi. an ToSh6riff ml& I hp WILSON" 'CA!&ERON 4alsi'tbie hii6ir of one side 6f eover shiifrs Olt, s are expecte .;to re pa,t nt,