HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1863-03-24, Page 3;,v --Y 4-440, 7 , T A S E M I - WE E K -L Y JS IONA and, in due time, hain conjunclion with two old j three J. P:ls assembled at the, huiel'and Rochester Nursery! 1A NOIS FOR` SALE I 04 'WE"r TIM, "ODER BE ID TS OF s EN -,AB1N-1Er1`.`-WJARE.- proceeded th with the trial, which-let'lls, do em the justice t a say—endea, in iniposing pan tne parties, a good round fine, to;fether is 12 S—NOULSOX, -Propriet or 5 0 ACRE$ UNDER CULTIVATION. HE; fl llowing Lands arb offered for trale on Tvery ad% aati4e6ust terms: I p I nrl - 646 Toinshipi, , AND reesfi olnl I e CHA 1,0M, IFL- EM PO u,,t,, THE BATHER- TheWis, ev ry. indi- in havi ,,costs -bat the sLqucl this- 11 in, tried and rti s and condemned tfies pit ONE TENTH -ONLY! :I, -DR- M-BEADL HA Mi 2, It. dril reak ap the weath- aatio of a let! art Rain has, been falling hea ilir, for t'wo f&L - y ., . I'll d "s, whxiiugilave .,th eeffirct 6fhasten iritox cating haviti- comi itted it greviuus* Qalt. un&r ,thl' nlsili influellco of 'le a deL -liq=4 iiistead of us '' 9 s lh ir drlty, and al o' the , da[t of F . a . I ... PURCHISS the ab L . . -OF THE TIME 11019 -131811 IT IN Of. PURCHISS, rp TORON *'0 b LE E C. W. t '1 , I — " - 'I H 1.9 INST ITUTIdN,-'16entedm the Mrrhax; lk- xwt: wiir' R esNi0iseke St,10ithOrin S9 . , 01kN recommend them as sbund,j heiili trees; advise ill the departur 4 ice from the Lake,anoi others . . their' itilidence in the, Sam,-, capacit V, . . -for L extensive and old Nursery-woul draw"the ANDTHE DALMN 'LX JL . jes' fwItti,le,. Toraut6, li6s^ just been addeol. good an.] persons 4rei g 'to purclivise them, from --our navigators 100k 'forward to a spec4Y, in, wd­ tbe'-'parties atiention of itite plsinterl to I leir tar -noting ge . 1--instaimieits,"o efirlin Y JT S'ERATTO K & CO'S. of Bit Ab New Iant ars' Sund 1as -advising admonishing ainst tho izili,, effects'arI L . demoral F t leltt of' Nine asso I I -Equat'Annua cominei ili! CoNges; cstablisb d in Yorki a, phi ad lplll A . lbany, Troy, Buthold, Rob6rt Wilson, J Ohn Me;Whinaym. 0 ag f issoad oVer 'Nich I M &4 Roe ks b piggeons P M 7 exbd5siN aftnost Ill -.-1164151V follow the 7 I Say, instead Of -d I hatf an d Stkiad JT69S with iateresL at 6'per cent. sCleveland,*Dentoit, I , I I Cbicago ana.Si. Louis: The object Of these Z(tllePS Is I" iai, nrttd at abs Johnston,' James Wilkinsciii -, ! : " 1 -1. 1 .. :L ri John'Donutafe,), use :fheir immediately.61 Ot alcohol.' method vus diiectiv to the"Opp. Site, "a a hot'tle' Of the Acting I C STI 0""'1 NG OF TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS: -young nuit'. -A Nien nd Lvidies Thorought, and practival' ton in -Book. kcelling;. Commercial I;nwi Business George %vilsuia" AfidreW,Greeii A T. Montgomery,'. "f)"tIon stnplet, T W. Me EN 20BER 79 1;.0iIQE ',COURT. creature, they di. penscd: i t. freely analil ille I !-the ., APPLES --PEARS '11 South ;'7 i14 1 col 3 zio acres sLalth JS in iSt con.; 0, acres,, rcial Aritlim etic, SpenCerian -Correspondence,, &a., 9ana to fih of business they R W " iih Fred. Lf.,.. Kill. an'. irloo, CIE 11caly. w In S Fdaii fi citir 's pnol,keeps conspanlyaill and) themselves, 1. V. 96ttur iuLd, H. IL 1 &r,i. tlic Nrl or and lrtolo, Elq.1to' ti d So umont, rt pa Y, condcrunp for the silt c , or just "a 1 '501411 :1 11 in 2d hcih chubsc.. south J 21 3 d con, 100 acreii I for ally'del)aTtalefiC mty Rdhokirship's"issued in Canada will crititl0l'the rf,'ther,whai;lt mo-., )ky,:4,P. BE' baddCroptividd to. Now. Mr. Editor,- I lvoul , dscriously, ns IS Aprieftss.Nec. the"ybuth, taxin es Peaclies OILA-gs &c. Not th J 20,in 4h con'.,100 aeres- Stud nt in dic-chain, olth 121 4h con., :100 atiresi to lconlpieiehisrour, e in' any College of, and vie wria;-williont additional Xi q RE 'K A.,11aiT 'O'HA .k eomplaijit was. preferred aga inst C. ii'to EraSbi Esq., f Ixie land or arl'illeged LSItllt upon D. th. of-oiar all triell'it tllqgL 'It su, inust look to. for example,, in -fitting - SIBERIAN - so., to-theirlargo-slockOf At -a char,;e. North 23'in 4h con res; 1 0 The'rblleg -R."DAY, RESIPENTTRI'l 6ol-. IrT SK[ , & -'W -w TXBLES,: Btbsil av aL -eal—one of thernscilves Watson,'on last Wednesday x the f -t a a1mri-var j. '-,)Vatsoa compliiined h OCmbb :7 ie hbno able. ani- res- . jbr- it poll I gible positioli 'we'expeet themli:to . fill NATIVE* ,ANO, - ex -ears ? the mtri:,le "y Is it MREIW GRAPE S I I - liVNSI1IP 01? H6 W'.ICK le 4 in 1 1,00 acres eicb-' ;et or furthin in(brination please call --at the ler in ATANDS` MA—TTRASSE's L : 0- - in. by stick' after I plin, as these that Call-' e erriPs' -',Ourraiit , '.Goof§'b' Loii 3 and th con,' 4-Jitul. i. Is63., w34vr48-Iy I ; . . - - Cot r1N4A4b stopped-hial phicinza tincom ormbily near,his nose; but witholif'stri- iind assistance-4suliti'meir ada.7husl depend,to enableller wrafik;aruong .1 '17'n' A-AN;1311- -:1 S I " TOWNSHIP OF GREY: V MT ST . GODERICH;`.," in. r olle ied that, bc saw the, _in bi fir­R Of tile civilized nations Of the, eartb? ofthe le'ading and latest varie Ics; -&S Lo3i-26 in -1st con. 00 acres, NeXt4dot"East of Mr. StotWI.W01dy p tention Raid to, 6rlere'd Oork.' As Mr.Cirabb taking hiild df plff, who said. et go orme.' The o.CMr NasmYth went. e e Verily, we bope nut, for'wa Ilcar'sad,iiivi diA- IN astrous would be the result. ORNAKENT&L TRE Shrzib§, Flowers; C- T his 1 u rsery cannot- be surpassed I Lots eitc1t, L ' 31 and 32 in.6 6cm., 1*acro seueh;" ots Lot it 8 con.. 99, acre's - 1'. EDMORE R * k; d eipploys,6onibuitbctc , uT, tajy, uses, I., it"111i lit4LDIN : . — - nothiii' WEN :bast nitl!erials; VisNimi0li tiannoi s u rp for.quili y. WATCHE4 CLOCKS AND fthy 1 .1 'Blopkm) ON S1116RT NOTICE." ul - a artato orod oi ite to Show, that ddft:x e,e'ly lo ked at plff as if AlnimTio,N oFTI1F. PROPERTY Lot 32 -in S.cox 1., 100 acres, -GREQUE1 I r uritr­rly to reM;.iise -biai, ., whCreapor, plif used very fire, ddf.,; T161, FOR Mt.P.'S.=Some ofoivreaders 6y finally 3 LIST.or a - iohg.,,t.many Bearing.Qr,hirohl d his upji lie 150 *Lots 33 and 34 in -10 con.1 100 acres each. 11 air quar e, nz best Style & Wiierantd&. 6ih; 1862. the 4wI w3, 67` J- e- ge. The Cou i mous hing -hca ns.. lot be,ilifolmed, of the case which d cidnd'tbe :matter in. ilia Bi:itisli H6u,.;6 of , GODERICU TOWNSHIP: TOWSHIP OF,.TLR BERRY'' . , AMO,'A 000b'AiddAT NT Gold tches catcdtothe SesSio -6rabb 1hea to -6k- his, sea"s a mageist-Ite. arpenterl was a a Th s S a ' h rgid with h a' Commons, & d abolish6d tlhe roperty , aE cation test, Cilarles, John a'katt, James Lomas, ar,, , . tiolti,ralnes 'Wilkinson, Heury.Cook, Bail ie 1 N E 43 in I con., Q50 acies. Conti I , &c lly oil ifilot;noilmyrefundc raises of, Xrchd trespassed on -the pre" h!'im Sh8NV WaSi e I part,-,., anted In hieftd r ofthe Y6un,,Ii:eh, ectp -fol h s quaii wb6n at -d r Na% hi ret fi&, . by'a friend a It-: COLIMMIE:t , Z f)rtQt`4eowller,: Sit Ines -Morris. J a in Ap ly.to Cariprs Wxnils: ,Esq.j Gderich, . ...... Pedih.h, Itt'seDtraber an on tho -I(ith`ia at.-Xr. ti, ear the direbao'ns of Job" itseems, ae ng un n. tiOr I lin Harris, chav pr c me, be - Op. ge on ils e rty. Tiffin. THOMAS ALT,EsQ., r ...... T H E CAS11 FOR -WO' F. L r Es who o S,the house in which Cl q. will hi selft'e4tified ore the Ho"use-lh peition, hoJ im that he had obtained the rent charge for James Baird David-Moill',%vanic, Joint- Hanitin, ONLY 9XCLUSIVER"ARDWARE STORE 4T! iHE hot= and was ti3ating lovirn a sheil iPOS4 'sd ofiepair inirpo ing Mr Sinclair-'i'I appeared for, d ft - d..for an, adjournment Until Saturday io tha Mr Fair could' be I . n -tile pu 1 1­:that , lie uE ver, re- Ofqualificitil ceived a.penny linder the deed 'and rl ver in C rded -committee decided: iliat tho te T lie. document wt4 nod and etmine,,a d C. G. - i then ASHYiE : T h Fitil y. David MbCarton, 'I'Des 6 aiol -CA11PBEL Age w pa, G6d6ri C svibscri r, in'.returningr thanks:,tb*- is be attendance. The, caw"wa.5 a according diourned till' "geieniious Duff wai, thereby qualified.,, anod ai 'that 'eop )ut con - keep' but could' not' out um;crumd. In e. to T customersi6tr -him: in the . oo.,Garding,'Cloth Man6facitiringbrismess, would: beg tolsiate'that TO -S turday Thos. G was placed a the bar-6har.e. Oils men "'it:1111d' better be all, ]is a" urf it: was, done. ab rd IiiNy Yet we have the , $20 QQO 10INS 0 (P 'FLA cxpens :has een- (this eavon) Zspared. in f.lt' it eveir first class order; and having 'tlii! e.rviersurexpeiien edwoikm6n,be comaiiiie(Itin assat oa 'Sunday with'having I I nada ih.fu l.fi rqe in CA 1`1 E 6 ns ubscriher is prepared to 1 1. 1 T -be, 1. able, front this date., $p execuie idirileirs to bfth&L . e- 0 SJRM Oft& i, lastuppri John Ba­rret.L Deferidant pleade & -b; as v sbe 16 keif office, mploys'3`70 persons,.every-branici a ;U IL a, 6pon ea 15-tateLll," tnav Lbl , W'Wl. at- reas6nable,'Pit e 01 r­ rs'! I - , F g -j L _I -N NOT T RATE -busjness *in alfitsviori- Parties, as heretofore, aistanm -kiiloldom rail, in,ettitai-ttiei r Zol, R GARKNER & COd, rily- 1acond b t..' Ile 'department beiii,'n a azed witli-ille, at sys- wthliprivilegeo rt-ijavingwitart or - deduaiinl; - inlemst r unexpue d' It the4ame , in Lim e to darry-lionini b fi adC gtg' $8.00 in all. tied ane discipline. ptiper has 60. A daily Cjl. Ulatjoa LX 65 000 'req'uir- ing elev eii tons of paper per pa er piaturit? Let, pretwaid. t Crown Pin('Tts, aken obi,j(` !TABLE-TOPSi Ei J. Y. S. K Tn N!N 0 at It th E G S,'. TO e wlwas hewmark 'bi he'llig at price Iiiigtoinforin ilia pu b:ihgIitheyEaVeLOpea juantii ood, c1an W e,, EL oul"fir 0 fiom.burs,in welli&dshed' i 68 LE RETAIL.'. H.OWICK. n our iss few vieeks since I noticed iii high terms of tile PrO­ used is of.li Men, ' The lr,, lidaIr press PaL upon which, the' I per, is printed turris cal. eig ht-paoers every atWell lowin, for tolirge ,al)Otlt 12,50b hour" GEO. F. BURROWSr D W, aq as now, receive J -T TOCK tH0XA'8-L6GAX..`. -iih. ibuse re'God' Ma -Sih geChd uev wilt always banL Qafimrid a Ar S h * I !ct6di mjirticle,speaking L 'ilJofLDr'- Bigfiam.ofBIneval6, ad' _Sk pl ace, it 0 -equal to one thousand every, four, iniilutes Aft er'thetye issetCbr.the n opes ai e "a' 0 sup- a u de of it' -in order"'t 0' SAI 7* ; Which lie %N sell atri' 1 atly Redu'd Rate L.- e a 1-166p'ttrid Ik6d ItUH Y3 Patol r , awm 4 ; I I '01 'an in t e paper allow Me to. h pka y g f . _ "i toh,.h,?. prin a suffici6t iss e Tl ntoleiral-le, detached first-class J S' 'L F 5 RO :HEADSTONES . I Canada e, am, Tin Plarb ya aPIT a a­jpst estimate pia, th are issued't jsubscri- ILLA di f ffi irs ERTON- be 6 Godertnh,'41th Novem r IS 2 1, w4lo - '14 E 'FRUIT all kitidff' p and an,think U pot.the corrimunicatiou uld' iecisel r, the ric 7ieadul and ee, the 0 ce they em, pap pliel b . - : .1, .: , 1 W men, n". Sa sitna tc onL the Cam bria Road, ith. ' ­ 'the . I . rL and I ayroirkaisins, Patras. 1. 'for elevatingL Wit&. Ahon' A ]ROW 'I' Ue'L tio licewould­ pla;ca utpono it amused Me "advertisement," 7'61 ,,L, SC' - L H60LSL-jN UI`pEkJ AN k- Court 1,0ol, in 1 11tlte.q, wl 41k of 'e, is for a other- prol sion a bll Will be sold on'llie most reasona e AT, G 'PLU IA.V ­ 'Cu rrints.; "Turkey'and other Fi SL Or "Wili in1VIB r WELU Of BY D ON, uord in 44 the w as large.,leders bead'ing',the rticle. -placiag reenileman. il.k. Oil Tuesda3. 'Iqr--J- 'S- Alacdonald moved fiis Bil,17for &,. Iprove- -The housexcintains'l j rootits' and 'good cella-ge lar -e a rrame stable. and, n rs Freiwh Trunes,- i: ja ;' ange, Lemon, and Citroii Nails- 0 s ce; : , FRO*` S SnaPLICITY Dr. on ii al wiffi, the hundred a ad one, quack p of 6Lraminar SCh0oIS in ULP 6r Cana - c itimildings, with a, go Fnir- T-, ;IT' ers I e ad a iieme the -pap- in. Christ ""('a m7aarlFn fy;-ali eroviabfe 'position. d tbe"inhin­ obieQi bf ille, Bi da He sai III to ensure the ofint rests.iu A-1 ... to in thorouzh repiir..! he-bv. applying to theretr66ulars coil he obtained -NTR' PLUME§KR Filbert and Br T uts,i­ Is Notiliab] [t 4 get. 6 6fordOT, &scri tjo <,. - 9k, .,Without plae a yth at Dr. i inL 'Bigham!3 Grainmar Sabo6jS of-to.wn S ancLI4 ourities. 1"n"i es, b8i ND' helfig subgthntidily Made 00ho rlftg H( L , cail6tiliae3 tj meet the What:! dpol I harlie: knownt laiddical. men, them thdt County -0 ThelBill provi&s' Jouncils- Or!the public in,general. Some o its'nieltits,aFe, 4hould bte /:&Pt i-6 aLktJJ,.-,,: nrj jjer that datice, the colum'ni'of pr -41'Mot .e than. and obsequicas rewspape. shall"appoint Trustees to levy rat6g 1'6r tfi e support of Mar Sehoo'S.L In 60r, F0 CHEAP R SA ustic the I uron ote . ALL hait *vox 714t J,.4 ej War" Ieisii tilne I fa water call be imsedoy h d in tlnA vour ieader will thoroughly ap.' your-judgm lwin such ma ters, the siderationL of the aiclpir6vided by' onlicils the Schools bildr6n be -free :to -iill 'a LE AD R,Elb V1 GE D side it the No -*her& ode senIf T.L C STF HornL iY z'nc,V excepted.. well Wit'hi it the courlty save the iesiden o -'the T in fortheconveyano of eold, or liot water that the people shouldthi* highly. ,of- their bly onest. ti cdical attendants" L for thor.oug city, town, or Qramru ax villita-e here the - . . 1. Chool is situat d. e apportIonment. to all of Divelling'Houses, Hotels d est . P ublic Buildi denc,3 fined UPLM;i'llt' r , L M -Pingsqeyj I o7une and Twankay, Y( mill, -7 ( OpEaica., Un 7 THR GAATEL R( I '.7 in-dicafaile'Trare unfilrturiate and dEr6rdis the of nioneysId schools with:over .75 !scholars' THE SIDE - WHEEL' STEAMBOT Zbio..Taths, Cbrigons, Scluctionp &Ja'pival.. L AfAb. the professiodof medicine reates toif'' om.'6rhumbuging of.aroy ro- Dun ro fession- followed, for:xhis.siz iple. reason, that should,be-decordirt to t eL 'aV eraora -The i y of j.r&n b -aftendance- ta 'Is to e "VALLEY .0 tTY1 a' , IV laidup in Go eric .- Lead, and wm -1 tS. sllo V SO T.,.] BL' M TG6' HE istibscriber, N r Ilifi; kls' E6 1h T rainlic fili,tile ver liberalL 7 . troinign --SUR -bistqw 'G 1, himn­:crpccially-wO Iiis-linuse- wbilin the mas -of'thii people'know little or nothing L - ofAii- Count ; for th - 'purpose Bill. NO Ao.d'years Old; fitted and,f6r-. , i0o to ls - ' Lst run- . - . Boilcr§, Water Tanks Wash -ALL, S'. t4 upon " . - imfini&W 0s, ollipoifunity f ds -find ilie Its prinLiplesand the consequence is that' Provision h' as been, n ade that -the city or i b L ill tife, sEyle, and,in perfect n s ad Copper - KI 'ND- p"lib gene' -ing Ins'nillayfirien rallyi; "Ini fact his house 9ddW'.cc'o1n the' feure, any; amount of quacks,, and q"ck. -Eaedicine& town shall provide,suitable buildin.gs ' The Bill will, lal-:ethe G iininar'Sch6ols: bet- nili order. ourth of the pur-base own balan6e t.6 be divided over this Iby aseenii h !sins; SIA8, Was rays that naw : ni*o tt'pro* attenfiotf'6' inerrithe 1 Sn6cKiN-G. Aco5iDENT, occurred i TI thi, 3 ter' than ih are at pr6;ent, astill 'itp Aptily',to ft rORC19 - & -'CISTtPX­ruxPs- patronajehlttl .rt sthge,--m anor' th heI Cnb;- A li,tl,.! b py a- Tcnl nshi _OH . . - b tweensiwo andLth son ot ree years a age? given to hav, e Uni n Schoojg L dfsa n,.,d The.Bill has passed its thir xeadlid. r - larch 51, 1863 [Sw53w6 1 Brevrers, Ra it road. -N' -AN A- Y-6tt"I bra :EQS ormA e-I!ublicttbaty m k tHat it is nilthe -r you to Wt r aFarmers, B illai die 'th SO OOWER F-011 -SALE 1. T Fd.aid Pike-, iti the lasentie-tif- his laotheri `raiiEnlc ed'to get, its Clothes on tire 'and b -dolre. 6 aitention of aLnd h 6 eniru If till, Op .rati6n natifi Ell skittu manner.,' plac but is2mili idistinL i ,zny.ioidthatis -- r . 1 4b er reiurne(ithe front pan of 11 s dress 1 -1 t he.0 W, a s, Cear Ly -a o a s u- -in e d. burning the bod y I "Ule YDRAUL dOFP% 1 U0 RS' on: elable-andtheref6raTrarr ller6'gbing to lnuou ,- U 11 , rton,. &'a.. n find- 1). Partictilito Vis ;aterj Walke e r attent aid to A e rettu atio Hotel" on t av l road, abulat q l be -r gr the iegion of the tomacliatid, chest m?st Will notjurvive Many It' hours. Accidents of this kind are 'so frequen th it Morris 'ou t lie '14 th 6 t. the township of. the wife of Mn James Forrest of a 4 on. ale, the choon6r. ' FodS, Bra Carvel built; RO ister- ed 20i tons, years , old, in -board SIlring.; h;fs acerint .1 wlin b water caft. be- elevated from adjoining. -Sto'FarmYards, Jor the ivatem springs ( )r creek to. Breweries or' Re.-Wences. 'This Branffl,66 aes- it6bin; children1c teetli, 1 r v itlo e main yolid tpo; ; I?kqrgplhliiitto.Wis5ietei,,atid' dat6ral ones!,, can expeotoruperide; sCt6fthiaoaliow andii oshoe -welcome at iiny lablitt ti, Z paren and never ts oti ht to take, warning fealre little %ildren' ; ithout sotae one with a n d Lruhhillg taCkle, .211 aiait -a further tock; elllactiIag Machine re4dirii s no 'rhanual tabour, and will throw a,,kellify streltin of witeri by iti Re.ruiult%, Martel 1:s n Hennesy, i it wood an dl:L boitloo. Saddeman'si go. I PIti rg j Moderate and Most'cordr th , e.c holes, view. of illid End. - heis HIRRTS MORRI! e"of the' b6de's fniher, crithe 1.9th the 9 he, , ilor. par 7ti,-.1Pa',e,. y to e pl I -L owntiction. fortbeycairrouint 6 ni.ftu dad toto Pe artin'g', N6.n I She ry Boothls old Tom, in,. vciod and bottlei Old o er 110'uw see IC H rulou,,'R. Me and N. B.m-A- constant PI ot 0 lintid. 0aii 60 ciatin lr B ;h Rev. T. Grcenei of Clin,t6n -T -HF LAWE. Feb. 3J 63­ SW4S repunctually ­ Jamaita Ram. ur,pbv nNRY JbIE For the Sj. !14' ustice 14.AW Harris;Lse otid son ofWilliami H t - ils,F of dall-literlof ohai Ashfield, to Malildav SON: r sq. J011N,1111:1) HOnACr HORTON. U -q -lerich;' CffARLES,bAyS,, Tbi' All 1'n sfriiioa COUUty; Q d, its AdfuMis 116 8, ES i., of the .Towrship of.G lborue for the Townz Go, erich 19t 6m Ry 'SA LjE. -trazors. ta, si . ng almo3t a I Ely Canadian J oinua;rl perru On Friday the 13th inst.; Joseph Somers aged two years'alldL foui months, EV'PION JL A iip ot ueaerich vill be hel of at the tiolmes- Ville Ina. On Wednes " W,21 TleXt by,it"" DaLd of' ptil: Y" GRGOERIES b of is Pow r,d 490 Lots Es 1212 1 C9, we find Inintorous and. sarcas son'ofNrr John Arrincitkon Linejowm- .,I, lion 9ALi TTNDE4 End. yvii V made.bylohn; ticiflastratitias of he manner irl.which the th f1pSaCeLis-conductediar-O er ? I I -Western Statej particultiry hip of Gcderi6h. 1 sk, P ortlic.ptirposcof % aarlug appeals a6amst.A7 sIVC Me li! 'JOH SHAI .TowllslliO 61 Ikiarch 16th, 1863' 2-00 ACR] ., , , ! 0. - A9OVrE - ffered for said THE -LO TS are AtIthe-very to%& --,est remuncrat prices Goderich lSt1f Ile— 1862. -W , . c. L . ­ . , . containedr III ts-MoAgagei Lonow f,,Godtiriah, of ther 1 orth of the Town or rpos r , firatlilart; t Ta Ild Rife d bt barrin,,, lierwDower),o -secon. artt -a If our, OfL ivratic. ea in. . T' !X' C Ir TH ar jilrL proportion ridieule.L' We :shouldthet conductors, ofour EVE W YOU W L ANT IN Disiolujion of P k itners!#p. . I h and'mi reasonableAcruls.- very a eap, X d thc mila are- cautionedili gainq -stealiri timber f, o*m' the said -Lots;, or, tres- T ' li dY in the of Fradee oft e.1 7 '! :-aefault having:. een -fan P., to'sh= Up Some ofthe3e ridj 16US, pr# laedings, in their true AAAGAZ MI irtneAshIp -a existing between, Plindersigned :rS, 25,4th passing. ow the samei as any'partleS 0 fren'ding be proceit:dea unde the ne,v, ?RING a h 'at t e uction, 'in eat theri oCrtwill be 'go] A isrs.' S Eigil,and Th6 ,Tpgan I I p,h41 thei ace(I'la6t netiessair4 go artb6r B0.0-IKS been dissolved '3L Via .1 101110. St' i6-2 i I .. T 6vrLii of. Glldiiii6h ­ than.'Western for -s 1ifficient mate a C.n.,,TowashiprdfW. oh sefrti on tlri 3Jd* day of-karch 1868 W ' aAlLEY. ortirole r the stealint,, or destroying punish b iaot " ' ' '' ; ' 4 ribli -dfHur Bir 6e 1, hand'e ond Aay of- A on 4'tstlenta in that direction to allest extent thli f' BOW§, NE N A' W, 11RISTIA . NTD '(1 - I 6*3t. coalition 3sa r dr, tonths. 'For.particulaiS US le 'OF nA. C Herbs 'e:bf L ldrgrieumber of Slais li , Cutterg Straw- a D ,AE§3, 4 on, )I , L Imprbv4ii Turnip, CuttiI ree'rol n account prop 0 a wALL PAPER, areli 7th, jg or -iiinbeirl It Y to CHARLES THE COY T THURON AGRICULTRAL ,as or apl arm I , T.HEFOILO,. FROPE-K, Y, G wo6a, ta ewhi eirehange.' ceedings f a'c taiM.12 ?r & P," 1Z. CAft-I 0 I J" 8 GORDON 'ESQ, Fi4l,- ih, the Sqi th`etaWnk pofKinlbgsi *ho,, when.'an infora, i.'certaiid ]Ping AND I;L S 0 receiving -or Note ofhand ;iv6nL bt'Wiffiam (i , God6rid IS 63.' jO, onnecit, It a w A, 111 beIield at GODE h iof tbe T owl gbip Ing Vlctori., trect. all 6 M OF C)rjiiD-idlpers6ns thereol Lit girk,Lti Nutbablik-Fivii Six 'and in h' had eciramitted a, theftr the CA.N a jL bvZ rofjo n In nebs, wit ea Sohn I the abov61socili on'TRURSDA, I entyrall ong vorth!s,,Surve the T ' iej. n0, -of the ."ad sunamorting r -before him for,tria],Lpoaketed Be supplied eitlieta WIi6leMle OrLRetnil, at rates -PS OW as anywhere in the .Provinel so fr the bumLoJ4l9 0 6sthre solo lost. ON WILLIM WILS of 2hd* d APRIL' ay L . Lot N Fi , ilbdivisitin,ofaid' OL0­ iv; f a :may aTp t,the S OB6 =E:s S W 'r, aiiied" to thi'llouse'bf the her f. the 'A T THESidit I Sit" 186q. REO TORT, I ha,&lf owing Roemiums- wit L STALLIONb -AND NT LLS.: be aseertairied,by ying. Aors. stipbcg Cut 0 a ,ili; -10 shie iespond6dr "'Nol March, ird is SAL14 OF; B j stallion-! 2nd best do $1 C OOD, AMERCIN `to Mortg4e­' or0 'OnL his' Wbl j in o i ' hat'illie' would be requ- rra ap h W e- a It— ac L, did, iin ti -a tertheL necessary 'd SHERIT Vnited,C61intle. Of ly virtne of a. Wilt a ' B V ilditi6roiri(POM15'and 4 sa e& out Fie, I aajesty s Court of' io me tree led agaitelt; the. lands and'Lieneatent4 2ndL $8" th ,siallionstidngrilreallar ns to travel witin lA afid pS. 29leij'during this Sell, v stand wr Goderich; :,m th,day,:­ '-Towa ot tfO6-'- Oil Glravel'ROII4, "Ir to,irayei, n of lei S - of 0 1' '.:-'Nr EW ST CK I ­. or '5611PS A COr deo s F OLEIMTNG M.- V.;, rhysician, Surgeon of etc Mrr D id,Wat 90 S, N . L -1 HOMAS FARHAHIN,471eneint . eei Uonyey!x g 01 1. fion nc er flfl_vc ritir-4ad be It d the ea: notion e an,; s oc- AUO, A srLPXDTD VAItIll JOHN SPE N CE, at I] ie suit ut..,THE BANKQF have seized d -ropti M, 11 TER B. B. -.OWN, -VIIIage _k owner, &c4 &ce Gdeirick Township; commencing, I., " `­ - "' b ud- Ola ;bejolia !,strijay, jlpqe m a oe.Ehrqu9hq9I i6me time is.. 'Eli&e&i. aii clothi ELGANADA,- ejecilti4t, all, the right an( ol.tN6 said ificlu, ive. season! OfaL Ow c - ;Rtrplasteireirl Bridklayeri,Wd. old stoM­to the reliers,ot ifili at ior this oommunl, nevertheless literal. in litagIVED AN Y OR IT BUITLERILS.; fendant -in-and in lols,ollo to nine ort 'I V tedh'to'ihirLy.S" 'aII 11 9 t, fi- of Heilid sit -HE I N KY 0')L. Yi A ortioge nuide,"llv'Thum E ORDE III :,AN D. TOH GLso JOHN AjcL A W Hou E Cicncrar, pealer. -personage hiSrsau since ,ly true. - ne rre t thieitinelosive, on I e son -Seviell lots one to ,r, , lie to thi rty -filty-two the Xn , MISR of th Ann his t Qqr,tbe purpose -tthe- of a a rtEiin 'ed iL warriiiit fbit a Ay in wit" ich liere unusual, -sting , . ' ­ V or - - , ;', ' r" ". , , , r inclusive, fort ,;-two t 0 inchelives,bri lita, johrii L five ' and north side bfCaliiv tuni, five,and six an&ihiee', Best lff k ;blishels&4 F - :iwthe,,Empire, oi r ra cc o,1 rau(%tisi"' Ninria'anolk I and Shoe Tviaker. -W but-' the nvel and -int cre d. in servi d' rig '6e _T T I M -R ON _HGT on the bals 10 on'tUe wesl7s, a Ot n,s r` mage-kir.pt., l'o'blisfielgo 2 fiiivin X, bedfi, made in the ol scild at- 'be n due 46id= Vardiz 'umpat, mitithrough Eau dbc vizz: thatofstindin, b- ke4 ""UnPUT St ceiL, Mar A F1 a S'T ---C'L A. 8 S 'HO U SE, "jar eV6Ejpart1diiJgr. five arid,4ikbi:tlHi east ide, tII li ree, ur. fivelind six; on the e6vside, and three, four P 2rod busb C T' pa )(rirlentA arket. Opp6siti tbe, el..q God It . Ell Most These scen6. jus , t elle Ylile described dis lay, Applv16 If. C.r CAMERON oronto stree it, tile t ICALLU, -The*,aWv temiii ;Y41W606n to [be te n37 nar Ian ol iint aildatuilsing TeddRevicisetijour aniount,of'-injar aof' ixire-eachI all. race. aud-tv- V( on Olruur6n ion QftCl I dg' W -tlon aB, IW -dt T I a ........ Deal ------- tried fieri,, wh`ich;.iSL ot 39just.ocer --- I - L'. , -extrerae r U One" it an: o b P 'b EX'OHrA-,NGE`4 0"Bi E. street"Ita on -the t,,tenali d twelve; bit, th gla' 'MOORF t:KSye;on d ­ _jCal hit dayabdke7t.hp-, . . tot I- OWINGPRO MT It TIZ R, FO LE te*, Of jusitice uIpablel St; ap i 1Aoney:e13OTt9ht1 Is stree tfdkeen on.tfii we:stsi and thirty-nineana. &rtj"jiithii ilorl a bfCar. re ow, price, r ib No. Four,,in,l co, a Acre ot Lan 'More 0 - — ----- HRT 0 areer.=d,theadu I b b n Ise examp,e e'. curr,; tjgti .otexchaage'r '33i w iiniag one!Iserliand-sli-niiihsol, oline street;cono nalitcnt; a Bruce W IC I ands and, r_T OMASI -,by MON ne- an r oilder FOvi. : I I - tiv 'I t eso lli6y6 f6e.th UO squ I are r d rich. Market - in the sale Tilies- J.fin .VcOde T, L. All paid th6ir sit flptlonS -ineinbers. 2. The ascertain I 0 -Lois 4 ede irione. o 111 tho;'iaudliord a;rid thoii riot' 1862. Cotart a6ustipliii, theitiiw-dfr Oiler day.the 17thi daV o0"rcfi;, next-at-thit! hoilr'61 titled tb aomp6te and Only guellito be art pr, at, -01 rrrain exhibited have b od M dfihe exbibitbiln 180 -3. All cOffiP010ir" — ITAMES `Me DONALD WaggonAla ­ toti freelk. of '0TW, E' JOHN 'XCDO NALD, Blachinith, A 11) WATOSO & Firai 16ijorlimilarriSrTal USE t qup -PST 'dl k -,PC nts..Jirg n,op-Ow ikulls" pe Do HEREBY torbid -any person or SoC 1, Sherifr,' B. By S!J`0LLciCEpDepu stbkk dr grraift,Ah ifie'd , " L,"' " ­ vikintind.16 ttic day Inlw ore"ten 0 d rif, witUn ti lfo ',P f FA C4h at M 0 14 N,,, Mercliant,Tailor. All all ug no 'but iftentle feeling, no 9thVe be erititled`ggore' %am' THUWOI;. VE -in and Ytfpnl " At6 itilylt"d j'mj v6d' nd assaulte a a6rder4 olherwj$p I. VQ, itho il­lefta myr' bad' fiold t 0 'il' 'TucSd y ig 'fl -irid fee, ain from the sam4i'fnT!la'- RUEA Ni See V, !I T4 it fa 1, t ISO e:, , hOord -L11M'TH'0MPSON- pogtjirt turairor'Tin r n d"Sheeiirdnrant" anP, reb.26th 180- sbsr ied . o,' w ois tartley,-Mirch, 12th08M P -W 7. F11 = ill C