HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1945-11-21, Page 1T1J X41 .t' , ,. iiia; , i,;hr• s.-,• ,LYTH VOLUME 56 - NO. 13. Local ST BLY'I'II, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOV, 21, 1915. Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2,00 in the U.S.A. a . • icipalities Will Nominate Candidates On Friday Vodden's Bakery Narrowly Escapes Destruction QUiCK ACTION I;Y FIREMEN ANI) CITIZENS SQUELCH BLAZE IN SECOND STOREY APARTMENT Quick action by the I ire Itrig,mle and sc'v.ral cit;zcn.; who Wert quickly summoned by the fire bell, undoubtedly saved the business Inee: of ND-. 11. 'I'• Sunday, \'olden from destruction last afternoon. :\ bout three in the atter!», 11 \Vere disturbed irony their Sunday af- ternoon reverie by the clanging of the fire bell. Tin's() who tluirlay assemble 1 \\ ere gr`'etcd Mitt' stn, l:c billowing from the roof -top at the front of iltc bakery building in the \1i!nc Block, The, fire brigade soon had the new fire engine in operation, and the chem- ical apparatus \V;ts rushed up stair; to the tern: rf tate blaze, which apparent - 1y started in a vacant roust on the second storey. Sntd:c ;11111 flank', trail: it very difficult 111 fight the blaze, but firstly the from \vindmV; \Vcrc bested in and the fire hose tarried ill. The fire had also gained some headway through the joie' in the roof, and It 'l"; had to be out through the roof in order to stamp out the ('amis. \\'hit' fire- men were lour tip,,airs fi`,hti '.tr the titan five minutes am• \earthy deer blare, abet citizens pitched in (lows- hunter:, rake antblittg out of the bush with 1\\. d'•cr, \cry probably touch to Stairs, removing flour ;mad other bale- , , ing equipment frim thehu titin'„ it unc ci`tr'crnation 01 the other htuttcrs• was tory fortunate that this \\a; dune, i 1lley dr,';' into lllyth x111(1 were quite as 'the' water literally poured throu,gtt proudly exhibiting their clays eittch to into the bakeshop below• au admiring t ru\Vd, \\•heti ye editor ND's. Earl \Ichnight and fancily, \\'lin !''tuck itt his "newsy nose" and gest this ti Occupy an apr,rttucut over the bake FY' shop, \vire tic first to discover the shop. Doris sterni Blit had gone to an adjoining roots for a Sunday after- noon rest, wheat she noticed through a \Ie.os. Sandy 1latntu and Douglas window, the blaze \\'hick was bnrni,1g .`'I,rri•on Cert' successful on the first in the citing. It was indeed fortunate nlornint: of the local deer -Minting sca- A Reminder It',. easy to fret ! Jti t an- , thio,. reminder that library bot,ics 11 '1 t \. h:olneat.le on \\'c lnesday a I '1 bur ,i ie. Parents are asked to please tuu:ntl children of this fact. PROPERTY CHANGES \I t•. and Nits, F. J. Slurach have moved to the its'ph 'Taman residence' on \\'c'llington Street. \114. and \tes. Mr. James Davis Retires From Mail Route After 32 Years Of Service Gorge I.awrc:ie , \vim have occupied ',Vas First mail Mall On this dwelling are moving into the Route 2 Out Of Blyth l, I Niii y (futon t'ourtt All',* •il,:tlitie••, property vacated by the Slorach's on 1 the cornet' of Dint soil (toe's streets' \I r. l title Davis for 32 years the,and Kc, ial inset carrier of ; „ ,,11.1 lot \\ swat 11 1.)ttn,iut,, will \I r. 11arn!r1 \'olden has pttrchase l• (lira!!(' A1aster n mi .1',,• 110 1i, ipal ot(1 Fula!, , 1,11 Friday, die \body pre;pvrty on I)insley Street.'Route No. 2 out,tf myth, ha, handed1:,'11, ii n,t,> ;try, election', v. ill be i\\'e>t, \thick the VoiI len's have teen 1 over the reins to a younger soul, \Ir• REV. W. T. MARK, GRAND MAS- L,'('! on Mon,l.tt', Dee, tnl,er 3rd, to'1- lied for some time. I\\'ellington McNall, who started on hi, 1 TER CF ONTARIO, GiVES FINE 1' 1 ' 11 it 111, t , !,;111 He nmiii;�a; mat • Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd. 'I'tn•vev ancl'new duties the first of November. ADDRESS IIt1- 1,`1"1hr .ear 1',.10. fancily, of Beieravo, hate take» up 1 Reeve Morritt Seeking The \Vardenship 0(1d Fellows Gather o Ileacant ,:: 11\•10, 11y ti), 11111 1 un•usb ,, „f Blyth residence in the Coonlb's duelling on 1 NI!.. Davis, who is caretaker of the • v\ii! be it, 1'1 in the \Ien,ori;ll II:111 at l'ill't;✓ ()f Six 1-Itii tern Bag 10 )'s street recently vacated by Myth School, found that the tt\o 1 •;,1 1 I' n, rept'•e' tin,, L:,1;tt , of no"u nn Erni it It a 11,nlicatimm Four Deer i Mrs. • lt;trwick, \\'ho has moved to jobs were store than he could handle \1'irehanl I -'! a t \u. 0 t;ath, re,( ;IIcn, (•!0}'-!nr h„ h•.!! 11 ,' -•'lint ni,lh Some excellent shooting, and perhaps Guelph. \\'e extend a hearty welcoaite efficiently, 1 t he rclin,tui;hcd the the \teutt,ti;t1 tlal!I this \\else -,lay et_ ii i!, it"I •1•i1, n;nni'it,'l,ty,;we,,rdiu.• :t I,it i t ,to d luck, combined to mike to Mr. and Mrs. 'Purvey and family, mail route, for the warmer j,d, of tend -'ening t„ \\,b' ,,t the Grand \I;o•t,'t of to the 1 t ane,ll tat, wl,ieh \\i' I the opening day of the local deer sea- Mr. 'Purvey is \corking with his broth- 'ng the chores ie the Myth School. �thr (;rand L. doe of ()marl.) to ,l 11-. he ,t\;ul i1,;' i •atepay, r, , ,, ';'•nun ,,,n a memorable one for six district,er-in I:In', \1r• 1la tlt1 \'olden. 'Talking to hint, one quickly realized lttitter-• The gr tip coexisted of \Irs, \\'illiant ('rcighton has cited'`! that he relinquished his task as mail \lessr . 'I'huula, (_'olscn, 1tarry Sturdy.Iter dwelling 00 Queen street, one half carrier with initily regrets. \\ hen at .\rt• cot ,on, Jiin\Iva?\ting, George IIUn• hcitt,� c'ccupicd by \1 r• ;old \Irs, Htu' has trave lte;l the sante road for 1'Itonta:; Cole• 32 years, he naturally snakes many Ian \'.1�., at'ttl \\'at,on Reid.. l I Le ;lusters ,true!: out curly on Mon- —_.\, ! frier k and contacts which from day clay in ruing, and before 8.30 had shot !to day become eery close to his heart PA" ,I:er, and Ilan doting the after WINNERS OF NINTH VICTORC tb,'�: bagged two more, one of LOAN SCHOOL POSTER them a bc,tutiit't buck, with a nice pair CONTEST of ;,niter;, The party told rather jok- in:'le of vise 1;,..1 tvu that wet•' shot, They drove alum; a road, and saw a deer erns, in front of them, jumping • fr,'tn the ear, they struck into the bush, the place tt,ts thick wills other hunters who lead not secured a (leer, In less I ;;1'x'11 1 iii,', i' 1','11rt1111! 11 , ills• \' ar ti ill trio utcetl' „. Rrpre•enLttiee, Cert 1 e,cttt tr,rr \\ ltghattl, \\ roxt.tt r, art e l„it:tti'd moil's of ,63,13. 1ltrtt .els, Tucst\atcr and III:, tit; a1st, No flection Ta'k from the t)t,lr':t 1„ the South, N,,. 1 i. I I In re h:,, 1, , Il no ;tti;t!t>tl,ltt of ata The gathrrinv, tt`liniated b'at'es 7t) ;toil ,eleIti,.n here it to date, and no alk`, tit), sat d stn to a bounteous int hey fara; The Standard ran find out, supper, .ser\ UI by the (111 FrtL,\V; i i> ,Mitt i•tt unit!!' i+ilerest in moon ipat Snell was the case t'rith Mr. Davis, tvito �wites, tvitlt ,!strut, front tltc ltlytlt a(f it . l lt'o ter, sunlit;ttintt slaty klay' particularly rcntcntbrrc(I the minty (0114illu:rtiun Srhi Ail assisting. (thet,ty, ;lit ellit,ily Itr\t tS'eet nl1 til,' courtesies and kindnesses extended to I :\ brief meeting \\ as held in the ludas'-ituati' n. ,hits by the hoxholders over that lune; room prior to the banquet in the Mein- Aspiring For Wardenship Victory Loan headquarters at Guth: -period of service. \\'c have know ()Hal hall, ort t the (fraud \I:t,tvr, tett I eitt \1'. II. \lorritt i one ,ti the rich have announced the winners of doubt that the people he served trill key' \\'. '1% \t,it l:, of 11:11oter, \r11, of- ,atspirant s. for the \\'ardknship this year• the Ninth Victory it 17t School Poster miss ettrtlly its much his kindly face, tidally we;c,vued by Di•tri:t Deputy 1 \Ir•. \I. Inti tt L"n the l'ryc ur Contest. of total of 178 Huron Cutleaf and many acts of kindness extended, (;rand \later (;. I:• :\ut;ti ine' •1•h'11tlytI tut tits past five year', and din ' ieecit a competed, with each winner out of the gootttes• of his heart, for no ludgc r1''tit was crowded to t tp;tcity,lit;• !hitt tithe t'cs been on many intpur- rccciting a);5 t. \\'air Savings Ccrtifi- ntatl t ttltet is rcyuircd to do more \lith the i liltius office, being filled l,y tinct rnuuiltt.t of tb' ltttutty C'nur coir, ou\vhntyh nous r(etnatcd by the Ilk- than his contract calls; for alt;tough many Past District !)cputy Grand \tasters' Icil, chid anl,'nt,' the c h(in)t the Gonc! run County Council. The wirnacrs arc do, and Mr. Davis was no exception. Aller a fen' brici .utd much apprec- 1{uad, t'ommnilacc. as follcwst '• \It•. Davis was the first tnatr to de-' iatcdi remarks by the (;rand \t:t,ter, 'LEi Years Since Blyth Had Wardenshir Class ":\" for all Secondary School liver mail out of ltlylh on kR, No, 2, lodge was closed, and those assembled 1 !ilei!! i, I' nit orerdme for the \\'ar- Pupils-1st Prize, Eunice I'cnhate, lie made his first run uta the first day -repaired to the b:uuquet hall. idett,llip. It i, .'S yc,tr, since the lin \\'ir,tchclsr, Scbuol SS No. (i !exhume; of October, 1913, it was at that timet \Ir. (;. R. Augustin,. pecside,l at thee 1,111 \\a, I,r,+llc,ttt lo lllyth by the late 2nd Prize; \\'ands Stephen, \\•inehet- that the other routes \t•crc started too, banquet table, and after everyone hail 1> \\•. . \lits', sea School, SS. No. (, Usher:me. The late \\'illi:un Dell n•:ts starte'I on partaken of all the gi.od things prepar• ”cd by the ladies, \I r. \'anwyck,of \Ping Two Other Aspirants Class h'— facades 7 and 8, burst -mute 1 a short time before Mr, Davis 1':Iententary Schools -1st Prize, Rnby started his route, and shortly after- haat lodge, rose to thank the ladies for It,idcs Reeve Morritt, Iwo other Miller, SS. No. 8, ]lay 't'otersh'p; 211d, \cards Route 3 was established, with their fine eifolt. His remarks were !'sooty C'onl:011ors are expected to Colleen Gill, Grand Bead School. 1\\'illiaut 'Barr as the first mail titan. heartily encdor:cd by all these present, tirow their Mitts in the ring for the Prior to that time people caste to the Rewe \lurritt \vas called On to wet- \\•ardcnitip• Reeve \-• D. Falcanur. come the visiting brethren to ltlytlt• of Clinton, and keeve R. E. S!um!iliel: cneatta:y , uu\u s — 1st Prize— ,:as village for their mail, I Mr. Stanley Sihttt r: e sant a much 1"f Herts ill, t, It with several years Webb, SS• \u 4, West Wawanosh; •I The post office was then, located • 2nd Prize, \lutr;ty \IcUanagh, R R, No in the lcMillan Block on Dinsley appreciated scl %, with \kiss .l lice Rog- I ('rutty 1.onrteil ;cry lce bvhict 1 theta 3, Lucl:no\v• IStreet, with the late \\ 'Mimi' Sines as erson as accompattist, are expected lu contest the Warden - Post Master, and his assistant \vas \liss The toast to the Grand Master atol shit,, 'Alice !:nigh, \\'lieu Mt'. 1)avis corn- the Grant! Lodge of Ontario \\a, pro- Mullett and East Wawanosh Will com- menced the route he served 72 box- l"''''.11 by the lev. 1 I'., Notes, ',If Hcld Nctninaticns on Fridday holders, ile gave the number when \\'ruxeter Ludt'(, :incl this ieas respont!- cd to by itie (,rand \I:tstrr, \\ ho t apt• The 'h"\Unship i I' Ilultett and East lie revert as iib. While it is true that \1'a\\';ul,;slt will also nominate nnulic.i , t' I. an ontst,tndint, address to nut only the I i m sissy cases the son may now be oc_ official, ort Friday. The I1 ilrtt 7'u\cn members of the Order assembled, but copying the Irmicstcad, in all cases the Iii, N„nlivati al, \till be held in th original owners of the farms are also to the ladies who were invited to ,• I g gone' he seated in the auditorium so that they ('nnnnruty 11x11, L,)ndesburn, wit' Ihcntiniscingly be remarked that he might beat hint. �l ominations clo.ing at 1 o'clnek. fo;li,w believed there had been aronat 70 ulg whirl! a sublet stetting will he het deaths on the route in 32 years. I Tette Grand \taster' to .k those as. I Two I31ylh Nintrods Successful that the fire \;its discovered in time. The room where the fir' started itis horned bitch, ,:nd the paint on a;j. in- ing rousts was scorched. \1'r,, tile- hright \vas the first to turn in the alarm. At the time \Ir. \'i,tl�len was its the bakeshop bv)tn\(• 11e had liven doing some repair word: on the oven, and was just preparing to lay ;t fresh fire in the bake oven \\lien he heard s n. Before ten in, the morning these tato O'ttllemen had bagged their deer, one apiece, and \Vire bail: in Myth. Commercial I -Intel Changes Ownership \Ir. (;rover Clare, of Torotito, •has Class "E" Grades 7 and 8, Urban pureha:,• l the ' ouuncrcial !lute! from Elementary :�thuols-1st Prize, Shirley the fire alarm. \Ir lie ncth Po lc and took posses - Class "C'—Grades 4, 5 and (, Rural Ei S ' I 1 Pni I ' Class "D", Grades 1, 2 and 3, Rural Elementary Schools -1st prize — Isa- belle McPherson, SS. No. 4, \\t'e'st \\'at- wauoslt; 'end Prize -Lorne Dale, SS. No. 1, 1lttllctt, ITaydur, Exeter; 2nd I'rizc—\lacy Cle- I si, ti on \hit t ty morning. Mr. C1;u•c t \ i land, \\'irghatt'• The poly bread available in lllyth nit !!onlay \\'as that btuagltl in by a bakea married man, nit- one salt, Graver r Class ' F"—(;racks .i, 5 and G, Urban Ir., 1,? years std, who, is a High School Elctn'tta:y Schools -1st Prize, Lttth truck (rein Clinton. Monday evening, I F. Bowen, Central School, Goccricli; with the assistance of a fen• gilt cite student. - Id — zel:c, Or b;d:c shut, ‘vii agates pal in ,\Ir• ['ode purchased the Commercial 20(1 1 tut Ilium' Gage' \\Ingham• a tctation and the \'rddetls and staff Motel in in NI r. A. J. Glass in Jttly,1 Class "G"—Gt ices 1, 2 and 3, Urban1 '1911, •fhty have not ret made any Elementary Schools -1st Prize—\\'ayne were burs IV ''paged turning , tit "the ' • future plans, at. t for the present in- ileltridc, 1lensall • Public School; 211 stat(( of life" by ten tt'clprl: on \Inn ten,! taking a vacation. --• John McDougal, Victoria day night. The cause of the fire is not known, I \' but is believed to be defective \virittat• 1 ,l, 11. Pllillius COInpletes V scuttled on at journey through Odd itnmcdiatcly. lle did have a slight respite from the I . Last \\ a\\;un sh u'tvuinations will '.> htllowship, lakntg as his thenar throe • work during the long tont, \Vhcn \fr, words, "Frie•nls;tip, Love ant. '!'loth ;kelt! in the school house at FL'tgnatr o, George \tathml drove the route for !'ri;lay afternoon, \Vitll nomination:- rl about four years.' land how important they are in our i ' •daily Iiye, Ili; address was particularly s` '!osis.; at 1 0obek, and this wilt alto As,istan(s in the Post Office (luring significant to the members of the Or_ 1'c fullu\Vcrl by ., n mtir.ation n1e':in the past 32 years have been \kiss Alice 'dct• assembled, and was equally appy'- Eicrti�,tts, if ti tts, it'•, will he Itrl 1 School, G' iet•icit• !:sle ek, \1 is, hathlecn 11i iC :all, M iss � elated by the ladies• Ile is an out- \l unday, December 3rd. :Annie 'Taylor (now \Irs• 1)r• Ross), 1st;uti,tttt gentlkman, one of which Odd 1Itt 'Township of \Innis hued their \less \Ltrgarcl Cowan, and the presett't Fellows can be proud to look up to as nomination at the tater date. assistant, \lis.; Ids NIcCowatt. 'their (;rand \taster, moved the office to it's present location V \I r. A. R. Tasker became 1'ostmas-1 The meeting- was interspersed with a __ ter in October, 1924, and a year later few more musical numbers, including 1)ist1'ict' Governor Riggs a solo by sir. Sihthorpe, and several __v (illest O1' Lions Clilll ! nnlch appreciated numbers by \I cssrs. \fruity and 1la,ll of \\'inghamtt, Distrit 'iyernonail !!eggs, of Mr. Augustine called nit Dr, I owlet '1Tbnntas, n(;:t, ilte gtre;t speaker at tSt'h 1 a, s Cif its d,,Ilars and cents, 'I'Itis n'.av have added another horse cacti to 1'cptied that it would take a hook to of 'Teeswaatcr lodge to propose the toast , Liens Club ttiti ting out .1 Ite't tv mit tt', night, with 20 pre ann. After the di,- ; Itohby i, Hao ',work, antis ()lief among their racing stables. I recount theta all. '!'here are, however, to Our Country, sant this Has rrsllontlt,;l and (tool ail attendance tan,lpoint, i s cussiui the five-itHuttc tall; wits !alien ; c two main factors that the trout! mail In by \I r. Haney, of \\'ingh;nu Lodge, was entre,( Very disappuimting alta: by \I r• (.'lent (,alhra`11, oho spoke o 1 his event; handicraft is the making i Messrs. '1'urtcy and McChatlrs re- mint has to contend with the s 1'hc sectio: closed teeth the singing nt 'rc of the lion, did not honuut• our " ililk, awl that all still: product;''f si• '';, sleigh; for the farmers. Just cettlly purchased the 4 -year-old pacer, t elements l last neck \Ir Phillips completed his "Major Grattan", from Omar Cutting- land the roads, the former has net int- of the \steno:! ':luthetit. t t('n:uishrd guest with their preen,:'. s•hou.•S bit o.t ;,n even kcal, unc 1\ It 1113th set in the ;,art two years, :and they ham, of Lit itboyc. This Itors�e is Proved over the years, but the road: The 1)istrirt Deputy (;rani! \1atstcr 't ittitrn !.inns Cert abient, and thu the usher•" NeS1 \inlld;l\' lllght,\,...1 - I ,m,\\' are C!to:(c as compared Is t0 be coil TI ttulated ail sponsoriu !Hissed a spleno,! supper, a marvellott< vcutbcr 'lith, Ihr ..arum will meet at \yr' s'1•:I in advance to \Ir, \\Milani backed by fine race breeding, his sire 1 red \\;th ,i_ ! 'a BLuI: of I?ass 1\'a\\anosh. Vottr \\'tit- !being Conpotai l.ce one of Canada's years ago. such a splendid evening for the tocol- address, ;old some talnahl,t information the home of i\Ir and \Irs Norman hers of the District, and the event \Vitt that 'Very Lion shout,! know about tint Radfi rd, R'rr cation in ch,lrgr ttf \I r, c'rs I:no\vlydg' •este the finer points of lea Bing sires, and his drum, Donna I ND.. Davis tVishrs to thank the good the art of making sloop sleighs is very Grattan, \vith a mark of 2,O8. NIajer'citizens of the 7th and 8th litre of sl or- be remembered with pleasure Donald McKenzie and \Ir• Clem Gal- t!t.se assembled. htailh, Mrs D aaal'.I ibeKrnzie will pinned, but \\e ;ire told by those who Grattan, is a Ind( brother of the fawns iris for their k;mdncss to hint. lie pat•- I:',aw, that he has incorporated many 'oils pacer, "The Count" who was also Ocularly rein:tubers the little snacks ^—`-\ Ire, alt' 5 rttintttc talk. Lund) commit- new features which arc definitely an Isircd by Corporal Let. The Count, as of lunch and raps of tea trndcrc,'1 ham tic, \Irs• Falconer, \Irs, C. Johnston, . unpr'ccutent, luta his article, 'l'he hest, evervi)ttt knows, is that famous Can- on cold \vietry days. Ile wishes also pr .,f mE hi, al,ility is probably III lite adiatn pacer, owned by j. \\'. Brown, to thank the Post Office staff for their \\giitfield, Eaeryune invited to at - \I r. 1'1•4ldcn estimates the damage at something ovee $1,11(t0.041, 1 --•--- FARM FORUM MEETING 13th Set Of Sleighs Air. J. 11. -Phillips, (ttr focal "smithy" is a man of litany talents, chief ancon; Racers Grooming In Prepar- ation For Next Year them. of ceurso, being his ability as a Local race horse enthusiasts will be blaci:s:u'tla, h;.t he has a sideline, or as 'interested to learn that ND-. George lou stain street. The No. Jo, Fast \\':nt•anosh Farm he calkit, a sticlima', t\h`.ch not only Mr\,ill and M.' srs. Lloyd'1'nrtey of I 1\'c asked \lr 1)atis ab;ttt his exper c to bi�m a great deal of pleasure batt l�lyth and 1)unald \luCharlcs, of I.ucl: testes dnreing his hlmg set vice, and he and Mrs. lalteit Falconer on \I.•, flt\' fact that he sold three sets to ttei.glt- 1 o New Liskeard, a former native ofkind �ess .at:d en-ip•'nnt'on over the tens!• boors alto live right next to one an- idle lllyth (list' ict, and a cousin of t years, and asks for cuetinut,l C)-op- 'ttlicr. One satisfied costumer brought Messrs. Harvey and \\'illiant llrown, t(ratioi for his successor, Mr. \\'clling- SOCIAL FUNCTIONS HELD ,aw •Ihtr, and it is working into a very \lr. George NlcNall has purchased ton '\lc\all• Mrs. e\b. 11aggitt held a diettr ova profitable sideline for ND.. Phillips. the four-year-old pacing mare, Texas V 'Monday right ii' honour ,-'f \1t and --VSadie, from Nit. Thompson, of Park- - Mrs. Thomas Lament', who were ob- serving their :,th \vedderg aultti\e':ary. A number of tclallit•es were present. Later in the evening frier ls relatives and neighbours gathered at the lit me cd Bdr• ; lt'I sirs. \\'illi tm Riehl for a dance and social time. Dancing rya' el joycd to n:usi: sup- plied by \f' at d sirs. \Vile:'':I it''itl of \\'ittghatn. \I r. CI nicksh:utic of Clinton and Jim Pierce and Norman Spier of Blyth. i December,—\lortreal Gazette, litre next sututttcr• ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED hill. This mare was sired by Texas Grattan, and her Dam was Salic Sinal_ EAST SVA1'TANOS11 The Rev. A. 1). \l;u:kenzie, 1)•D., sold lett, !lis other pacer, "Booby Trap", Mrs, F. Reid, \I r. and \Irs G hill of Airs, s, tIciccnzic, of Charluttct \tvu, P. who want lame during the training Varna, spoil Sunday with Mr and Mrs EL, announce the engagement 'of their season last spring, spent the summer k C McGatv:ut• elder ti :;!!lets hatlterinc. Jean, to Capt. ion the grass, batt appears now to be Miss Mees \Valsh s;,c':t the week -end mon, 'Phomas Miles Goodi:,u, The Rugal \ton- completely recovering from the ail- with her parents. TRINITY CHURCH, BELGRAVE ictal Rc`inicnt.. of Montreal, cliler sun nieni, NIT. and \lt's (; Caldwell and Gordon,I 1,15 p. nt.--Sunday Scho I. of sir and Mrs T• A. G• Gordon, of I These horses will train here during also Mrs Radford visited \tr and sirs' ,'.3(1 it, m•—Evening Prayer. Seaford', Ont. The marriage has been, the winter season, and it expected they \Villiaun liutottl Sutiday ever': in. i 5T. MARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN arranged to talk place in Montreal in will all be definitely its the racing Pie - after C;adavellxcttirited'I'uesday; I f5 a. nt•--S;tritlay School. after spending a Avec!: in Loudon, I 1,'.311 p. tn.—Morning Prayer. CHUACII rOU C bt a!1 Canadian set-up in i.ioninnt, and T.iott, international. .\ delegation of lion, f r al Goderich, headed ht International Comisello:• .els hill, deemed it Lyell worth-\Vhilc Ito drive (Iowa for our meeting:, and (were Cell ren anted for their efforts, 1 Thirteen of our own ].ions were ab.. sent. l!.inn President, 1tr. TT'dil, preside,!, and the meeting was called to order •shortly after 6:30. lm the absence of Tail Twister George \fcNatl, Lion Rat Dobbyrt took over the duties o• "fail 'Twister, and diel a good job. I -1e informed the Club that lac had receiv- ed a 'phone tall from Tail Twister George, t\bn \\,u stranded itt Strat- ford, having, secured :1 one -wap Oclt'( !soil fimiliitg lit 'r11 ash imsttffici'ut ifunds for a return ticket, Lieu George hail phoned home, asking Tion Ray t.' levy a spa •i;.1 line on all Lions, the (Continued on pie^ 4) BLYTH UNITED CHURCH Sunday. November 25. 1(1.15—Sunday School. 11.1:—t'it'he Blind made 0) see. 7 p• m. --A Crusade for Christ. TRINITY CHURCH, BLYTH Sunday Next Before Advent 10 a, Iii.—Sunday Schocl. 7.311 p• 111.—Et ening Prayer and Ser- L STRIKE BRINGS OUT HORSEY SET When strike of street car and bus operators in Washington left 500,000 persons without public transportation, A. L. Wade showed unusual enterprise by riding 'tis horse to work. Unheralded trans- portation walkout started when members of Local 689 of Amalgam- ated Association of Street, Electric Railway and Motor Coach Employees (AFL) voted to stay in continuous meeting until Capital Transit Co, acted on their demand for a 30 -cent increase In hourly pay. ARMY HAS SELF -LIGHTING CAMERA ~`' ` Viewlin er eyepiece, Viewfinder `., ,.s Focus locking knob 324ottising knob ' Film magazine '.. Main' control; knob Camera Release trigger,: ;``Ppwcr line • Many a wounded or ill soldier owes his recovery to the newly. revealed Army "secret weapon" pictured above. It is a revolu- tionary surgical camera, with a built-in light source—a quarts vapor tube flash unit that produces up to 50,000 flashes more bril- liant than sunlight at 1/25,00th of a second duration. Developed by the Signal Corps, the camera uses 35•mm. film, weighs 5% pounds and is operated from a 27 -pound portable pack that may be plugged into any ordinary current line, PALESTINE—MID-EAST'S PRIME PROBLEM PALESTINE'S P01 JEWS 1A, AIWA 1. 1-7SAOo 194i-5500 633% Iecreess �..: ARABS - 1945-1,160,003, 12096 Wrests* 0 1921-50000 !v i:,i Areas Occupied by Jaws t•. ---::Mediterranean tuff Seaw T. Hebros3 a r� Beersf+eba High on the Truman and ington is the tion of Jews 0 20 list of tough problems to be tackled by President Britain's Prime Minister Clement Attlee in Wash - Palestine question, Map shows geographic diatribu- in Palestine. Inset chart shows relative numbers of Jews and Arabs. Here's the New `Reconverted' B-29! Obsolete materials and parts, once used in making B•29 Superfortresses at the Beli Aircraft Corpor- ation's Marietta, Ga., plant, had been sold to salvage firms in carload lots. But, believing that Bell em- ployees could make good use of the discarded mr.terials, the firm recently opened a retail Salvage Sales Store. Now workers flock in to buy the "junk." Photos below show some of the many practical uses to which they put it. Their ingenuity and skill produced scores of scarce household items. The Occupational Therapy section of At'anta's Lawson General Hospital uses a good deaf of B-29 salvage. Convalescing veterans find relaxation and learn new skills in designing and making useful objects which they can send home. A transparent "blister" canopy from a B•29 makes a fine bathtub for little Jean Clair Bretherick, pie- tured with her mother, Mrs. Homer I, Bretherick, in their Atlanta, Ga,, home. Inset shows a weather- proof davenport built from salvaged B-29 parts, by William Davis, Bell Aircraft worker. It has duralu- min frame and broad, plexiglass arms, Pvt, John B. Lemoine, Columbia, S,C., displays hot plate he made from B•29 scrap, Such work helps his "comeback" in Lawson Gen- eral Hospital. "Don't fence me in," says chubby Karen Sewell, but her daddy, Joe Sewell, Bell Aircraft worker at Marietta, Ga., did — with salvaged B•29 metal. Cpl. Raymond Watson, patient In Lawson General Hospital, Ga., beats the electric fan shortage with fan made of aluminum scrap, LAUGH'S ON HIM Constitution gives the horse laugh to his famous cousin, Shiroiyuki, Hirohito's horse, which Adm, Wil- liam "Bull" Halsey wanted to ride. New York veterans purchased Constitution from Cal Thompson, Nebraska rancher, and will pre- sent him to Halsey. G CHILDREN LOVE VENO'S tM auick RELIEF; FOR t; 000GHS;'r.COLDS ; :BRONCHITIS''r'; ASTHMA .SIMPLESORETHROAT We Recommend: CHESOO MINES LIMITED (No Personal Liability) ENQUIRIES INVITED • W. R. Manning and Co. Manning Chambers, Toronto yM0 ID Relieve that cough NOW before it bo. comes serious. LOS Lymold Cough instantly to relieve distressing cold and bronchial symptoms in chlt- dron and adults. £ra nauclouni 25a MADE BY '111E ORIGINATORS OF LI MODS GIVE HIM A REAL WELCOME —with a good job t2) Contributed by DAMS BLACK HORSE MAURv • t! The Quality Tea LA TEA DARK IIGIITNJNG gy HELEN TOPPING MILLER CHAPTER VII At least, Gary told himself in the morning, he. had this day. The slut was golden; the prairie blazed with bloom. Adelaide sang softly as she drove, and scolded every vagrant dog and jalopy driver that slowed down her skimming speed. Gary sat back and held his hap- piness close, keeping silence lest it burst before his eyes like the rain- bow bubble that it was. No plat- ter what came --he had this day. They had lunch at a little road - aide place before they reached the city. Gary had some money. He insisted on paying for the lunch. "You hunt the neap, Gary. I'm going to buy some hats," Adelaide announced, when they had left the car in a parking lot. "Remember, you haven't ✓.truck oil yet," warned Gary. "Oh, but we will." She was cool - 1y confident. "I'll wait in the car A I finish first." Adelaide hurried away. She felt exhilarated and made over new. Adelaide was feeling sober when she went back to the car and found Gary silting there, studying the map that was spread across his knees. *** "Put that away," she said abrup- tly. "Somehow I don't enthuse about oil, this minute." "What happened? 1)id you get an extortion note?" "Gary, there will be that—if we strike there?" "One oil well won't »take you rich. Are all these things yours?" be asked as a boy stumbled up with an armful of bundles. "Have hint put tltcut in the rum- ble. I didn't buy so very notch. Just a few things I needed—three bats and a couple of dresses. She saw Gary's face close up in a queer, withdrawn way. Men, she thought wearily, were so touchy. Just because site had bought three hats was no reason wits Gary' should be remote and silent for fifty miles. She grew a little snap- pish about it. "You're not terribly entertain - things like oil, won't .Bey- untag 1e&t How lu,rd children arc on mit- tens! Get out left -oyer yarns and knit these for wintry days. Done in a jiffy on only two needles. Knit these for favorite kiddies. using wool odds and ends. Tuck into Christmas stockings. Pattern 579 has directions in size 4, ti, 8, 10. Send TWENTY CENTS in ruins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern to Wilson Needlecraft Dept., Room 421, 73 Adelaide St., West, 'Toronto. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME and - ADDR ESS. ifeten0 eddst ing, are you? I could have brought a wooden Indian along --niter all, it's spring and all dee little flowers are blooming." "I know it's spring," said Gary, not looking at her. "And in Mex- ico it's summer." "I think," she said, grimly, "that you are being very obstinate to keep talking about Mexico, Gary Tallman. Yon know what a big innocent Dad is. If he sets his head about this oil business he's going to need—somebody." * * * "Ile can hire oil men. The bushes are full of them." "Do you have to be nasty?" de- manded Adelaide, red spots riding np into her cheeks, "You could have talked all day and not said a thing like that." "I'm sorry. I'm not being nasty. l'nt simply facing things—as they are, Adelaide. If I have any in- fluence with your father at all, I'll use it to try to persuade hint not to wildcat a well down, if it turns out that there is oil under his land. He can lease and keep his royalties—and let somebody else take all the grief." *** "Ile won't do it. I-fe'll be ex- cited and want to go after the oil himself—and then just anything can happen, Don't you like us, Gary? Don't you want to stay?" "Great Scott, Adelaide— don't you know 1 like you— too much? And do you know bow much money I've got at this moment?" "I can't see what difference that makes." "It makes a difference to Inc. I have exactly forty-one dollars. If I paid even a tenth of what 1 owe your family now—" "Oh, my heavens, are you still thinking about that:" Adelaide de- manded. "Certainly, I'm thinking about it. I'd he a heel if 1 didn't think about It. And as for thinking about -any- thing else—" "\\'hat for instance?" "A lot of things." Ile looked straight ahead, with his face set and a little pale. ""Things 1 can't talk about—and can't evcu dream about!" The geophysic crew arrived on Friday, and Mona Lee thought them a particularly grins and un- friendly lot. They said nothing ex- cept polite evasions; they treated Gary Tallman with condesccnion and Ilarvcy they ignored till he took to stamping around the bed- room at night and barking. "I can't get a thing out of 'cut, I don't count. They go out there and monkey around and get into their car and drive off, and never even look back. I'm just the guy who owns the land. I'nl the fel- low who pays their bills. I've got a notion to hire some riggers and put nuc a well down anyway. Those guys can't see through the ground. They've got to gu^ss--- 5anle as I have." (To be continued) Wartime Rations For U.K. Christmas British troops spending Christ- mas overseas this year will get the. same Yuletide dinner as last year, because of world food and trans- port shortages. The menet: Four ounces of canned chicken, four ounces of Christmas pudding, one ounce of mincemeat, nuts and fresh fruit according to local sup • plies, and an estra ration of Cho- colate, Beer prospects were said to be good, however. '1'he most densely populated political unit in the world is the province of Kia ngsu, in China, with a population of 36,4i),321 in 41.818 square miles. Never neglect head colds l They can cause much suf- fering. A little Va-tro-nol up each nostril works fast right where trouble is to re- lieve sneezy, stuffy distress of head colds. Soothes ir- ritation, reduces swelling, ew Drops Try its Also helpes s prevent many colds from develop- ing if used in time. Follow v INKSIn folder. directions Relieve biStfless VA -TRO -NOLO / CHINESE RARITY Eggs, which have bcen scarce in' most war areas, come into their own in outdoor market of Tsingtao, a port of North China. The Chinese have been without this type of food for so long, it is considered a delicacy. Sunday School Lesson November 25 Christians Working Together in the Community. John 17: 20-23; Acts 15: 22-29. Golden Text We are laborers together with God. 1 Corinthians 3:9. Christ's Prayer. for His Own John 17:20.—Our Saviour in 1lis beautiful intercessory prayer, on the eve of Calvary, has trade lov- ing supplication for those who have believed Ills Nord and re- ceived Him as the Son of God. Those who believe give the Word of God to the world, and in so do- ing 511111010/1 the world to believe on the Father and the Son, The Power of Love 21.2'2-11ere, we have the Savi- our's prayer and ideal for all who should believe on Ilim, As there is unity i0 the Godhead so our Lord prayed that there might be a simi- lar unity and oneness among the body of unbelievers. 23,-1t is by the indwelling of God the Father and God the Son who are one, and who dwell tvithiu the obedient heart, that believers will learn to dwell in oneness and love, When God, who is love, dwells within us \VC cannot but shed forth the spirit of love toward all nmeu, First Church Document AIRFORCE SUIT • . Brunie Haviland sports an airforce WD uniform changed smartly in- to a trim little civilian number of soft. gray -blue, New buttons and discarding of a WD belt makes this a civvy sports suit any girl would love to wear. The belt was cut to make a wide band from shoulder to shoulder at the back and the remaining belt pieces stitched vertically to the two breast pockets. POULTRY WANTED Send us your chickens, fowl, ducks, geese and turkeys. (Must be dressed.) "highest prices paid." QUALITY MEAT PACKERS 203 First Ave., Toronto Acts 13: 22.29.--11ere we have the first mention of writing in the history of the Church. The letter contains (1) kindly greetings to Gentile brethcrn; (2) a strong repu- diation of the Pharisaical Jews who had gone from J, rusalem to Anti- och and interfered with Gentile liberties there, and the statement that a deputation who really repre- sent the views of the Jerusalem Church are sent; (3) a full recogni- tion of the authority of Barnahas and Paul by the apostles of the circumcision; (4) a declaration that circulucision is not necessary to sal- vation; and (5) prohibitions which enjoin abstinence from certain practices in which heathens indulg- ed. These prohibitions were con- cessions (Demanded from the Gen- tile Christians for the purpose of preserving peace, unity, and so- cial intercourse between Jews and Gentiles, and also of protecting converts front the results of hea- then associations and habits. Blood was forbidden to the Jews by Levitical law, therefore in churches composed of both Jews and Gentiles social and brotherly intercourse would he impossible, unless the latter abstained from it also, "Meats offered to idols" means the flesh of . animals offer- ed 111 .sacrifice, a portion of which was eaten in sacrificial feasts, and other parts \vers sometimes sold in open markets. How Can 1? By Anne Ashley . Q. Ilow caul I remove perspir• anion stains from garments? A. fly mixing one part of oxalic acid to twenty parts of water and applying with a small brush. Q. blow can I clean light furs? A. Ruh thoroughly into the furs a mixture of 1 pint of flour, I tablespoonful of fullers' earth, and 1 pint of bran. Shake well and rub again with the bran alone. Then shake and inrush with a soft clean cloth. Q. 1 -low can I prevent ices and jellies front sticking to the molal? A. Wrap a hot cloth around the jelly mold to snake the ices and jellies come out without sticking. Q. How can 1 easily clean white paint? A. Water in which onions have been boiled is said to make an excellent cleaner for white paint. Q. How can I loosen the dirt in clothes, and also make them whiter? A. 1'our a few drops of turpen- tine into the wash boiler and it will help loosen the dirt. A spoonful of borax in hot water and then added to the last rinse water tends to whiten clothes. Also remember that clothes dried slowly will he whiter than those dried quickly. Wallpapering Made Easy for Housewives Wallpaper rolls, recently patent- ed, with adhesive on one side and a water-resistant finish on the dec- orated side, can easily be applied by the housewife, Science Service reports. The pre -pasted roll is cut in proper lengths, re -rolled loose- ly with the decorated side out, dunked in water, and unrolled in place on the wall. CHRONICLES of GNGER FARM Our immediate Fou -✓hold has been rednrrd to three again. With Partner attic to get aroused once more to help tttilt the chores and milking it was hardly necessary to have thru• n,eli at hint' to run a hundred acres. There 1, still a dearth of fame help so it etas cer- tainly nu trouble for young John to get another job — and right in our own neighborhood ton, which suited him fine. Son liob has also bcen working — that is front nine until five each day -- tractor - ploughing for one of our neigh- bours. And Partnerand f have been right into the chicken busi- ness, killing and dressing a few each day 50 as not to slake it too tiring for Partner. Even at that it was tiring enough. I'er-orally, 1 don't mind bring tired jt -t so long as WC get llosC noisy ,trotting roosters oil the fame, "The fe- male of the ,pecks" may be "more deadly than the male" but at (cast she is not so insuff(•r•abiy preten- tious and vain, 'Fo hear the cock- sure crowing that cutai:ales from oder rooter pen you would think the crazy things were telling the world they were our wain source of income, They help, of course, but I'm telling you we earn every cent we get for 'our dre»•,ed chick - env. And that, by the tray, is the only time 1 like roosters — when their feathers are off and in place of birds we have dollar bills. And I ant also pleased when they tip the scales at anywhere from six to eight pounds with firm, white flesh one knows will make good eating. You know, it is possible to get a lot of satisfaction from the knowledge that one has turned out a good product. * * * Rather a funny thing happened on one of our chicken picking days. We had just finished weighing and pricing five birds for a private sale when in cadre a truck with our order of potatoes. 'There were five bags of the murphies and the price for the five bags was a little less than our price for our five chickens, I said to Partner — "Now, which line of produce do you suppose brings in the best returns?" \Veil, sir, we thought and we talked, but we haven't got the an- swer yet. Partner thinks there are too many angles to consider for a definite conclusion to be possible. There are so many "ifs", if it is a poor season then potato crops arc light; if disease attacks young chickens then losses are heavy. If ,,, if ,,. Fo many ifs! * * But I (Jo know one thing — nt least potatoes can't crow, and they (don't scratch in the flower beds or sneak around to roost 00 the front doorstep to the embarrassment of the owner. But then potatoes have bugs — ancl they have to be hoed and hilled — the potatoes 1 mean, not the bugs. They must be "dropped" in the spring, "picked" in the fall, sprayed or dusted, sorted and bagged and looked over carefully for signs of dry rot, ring rot, wet rot and scab, Figures can't supply the answer to my question. Figures can only go so far. You can't estimate in dollars and cents the value of carry- ing water to your chickens, or the difference in hoeing potatoes in wet or dry seasons. So there you arc, friends, and if you would like to start an argument in your family circle, or among your neighbours, try that one.:\nd I would just love to know the result. * * * "W. G." — thank yon very much for your kind letter — it was just about the nicest piece of "fart mail" that has conte my way. Your encouraging comments were cer- tainly appreciated and it will give me much pleasure to answer your letter personally in the very near future. f shall also he happy to send you the information you re- quested. sr 1'ou Will 1111loy Shying Al The St. ' Regis Hotel run(IN'r(► • ts'very Itonni with tInth, Shower and Telephone. • Shrgle, $2.110 np — Double, Sa.an up. • (rood 1 1, Inning and Danc- ing Nightly. Stierhourne 111 Carlton Tel IIA, 41811 it y Gwendoline P. Clarke Jlrre is a hong ht that i- t:1111 , n-idering. 1 way li•tenintr Io ;alt ilddr,.s by 1 I r. \\ ;alter S. \\ oohs the Canadian Club, Toron- to. Ill, subject suss. "1;el kthnlita lion", 1 ie spoke of the ilea shat scents to be pretty general these days of the need for readjustment to lit itg by returned turn. "L'ut" he said, ''it may be that re:oljn•I- rnents are neee--ary on our side." There is something it that, isn't there? There i, •teed}• roots for readjurutent w hen our sort, who tvcnt ant:.}• as bots conte hack to u, gr„,t t Wren, 111111 a kmy. t (edge and experien ,• of life -- std dek,tlt far lu•y„n,l their scar!, :tell 4!1 a nature that we, in our time, w 111 peter know. 2 Liners Ordered From British Firm 111 1 wean liner, each 2,0110,000 pounds tsx,t100,01U)t have been ordered from \ ic,er, .\rnt- strom.', Ltd. The 29,001) -tun liners ordered by I'. ,t U. Company and 1)rient Company trill be the largest and fastest ships in each cunlpan f, fleet, tv'itlt top speeds of 10111) y • three knots. Construction was estimated to employ 2,300 meet for the next two years at the limes' yards at Ba•- stuty-in-Furness, Lancashire. Adopting Germans Front 1)uhlin conies the repi rt. that 90 men and woolen of that city are adopting (;crman children to save there from death ley star ration, says the Ottawa Journal. The act is tribute to their charity, but we haven't forgotten what be- came of the starving German children who were adopted by Norway after the last witr. Housekeeper Wanted :nni, 011 1Cu\I.\N Mutt tined bonne. 1'1e1 -nut e (N1rtlllt,I1 1;coil Waves, ran. Paid. Write slat iui full parti- culars t, -- MRS. SAIR, 41 hedger Hilt 1 It 10, onr(ari", Re leve Headac ie Quicd To prove how fast Aspirin is ready to go to work, just drop one in a glass of water. "Clock" its disintegrat- ing action with a stopwatch. Within two seconds, you'll see it start to disintegrate. It does the same in your stomach. That's why it stops head- aches so quickly. Get Aspirin today! The "Bayer" cross on each tablet is your guarantee that it's Aspirin. SPININ NOW—New Low Prices! Pocket box of 12s . . Economy bottle of 24 Family alzo of 100 . . only tee . only 29c . only 79c RJR QUICK REQ IEf' Ot' ,' HEADACHE &' :Other Pains PAGE 4. IIIIMICIESIMMIEIMIPMIPMEIVVIDOEIMPIPOPIMPIVEIVIPVIEICI Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTII -- ONT. INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. J. H. R. Elliott, Gordon Elliott Office Phone 104, Restdouce Phone 12 or 1.40, "COURTESY AND SERVICE" 111It),NIOPMIONTAIINNXIINDMII)l9111211nDINNIANDIDINN tI*1%DaiNDINNDINDt9trtitH SUNWORTNY Wallpapers ARE INEXPENSIVE - LUXURIOUSLY DESIGNED LASTINGLY BEAUTIFUL PRICES ALSO PAINTS AND ENAMELS OF QUALITY RIDSMEL to Stcp P&'nt Sme'I ARE RIGHT SOLD iN ANY QUANTITY. ♦ • • F. C. PREST Phone 37.26, — AUBURN 1, \\'ahyr c, nk, of the verses, 11 r. and \1r;. Len Yunghlutt, of 1 \lips \Itl,l•cd 'I•herntum, of I\ilchcnerl The I in:ln;c Committee, with lion \\'indsor, \villi \Irs, George 1.', Tung- sl'enl the week. (lid with \l r. and \Irs. Les Hilburn as Chairman, had charge blutt,Norman NI el Iof a brief program, It w•as unfurtun- 1 Mr. and \Irs. W. Il. Sheppard and '1 The member. of the 1:cd Cross tact ate that Lion I es could not he present. I'hunnis G. Sheppard, of Blenheim, frith in the basement of the church nnl \I r. 1\';Ilter It ii sang Iwo numbers, friends here,'''cd' 1'< lay and completed 3 quilts. :\, "'i'he End (if Hie Road", and "\\'altr.- \lis; \lac Ferguson has returned pot lurk dinner was served. In the of ing Matilda," with \I iss Elizabeth front visiting her ;.istcr, \Ir, Guy I)tn- tern° n the \1'.\I.S. meeting was, held \lilt; al the psunu. \\'alter's efforts haat, St• C;eor,'c and while there she with \Irs, (;root:c \1'i;:hlnc11t in charge were greatly a1ioeciale: I, and it is hop - purchased a home in Ilr.lntfrrd, Itav:ng it the 1)cruti"11''1 pr'grant. 1ly111n ed that he ,Till return to sing for the disposed of her rrsidrur. here to :1r- 1\11;11 a Friend we have in Jesus" was Lions at sono.' fnturc date, thur 1'ungh.nut, sung. Scripture lesson was read l' The I"'ll C ill was responded to in Carruthers orchestra pr,0T;dcd the Mrs. Charles Snaith, Prayer, \irs• the usual ma toter, and the President music to a dance in the Moresders: hall THE STANDARD VESTI! IELD \I r, and Nits. Douglas Campbell and luhn visited on Sunday tTith \Irs. Wm. Miller, of (;uderirh, Mr. \V trrer. Il;uui,_ District Governor Wed„ November 21, 1915. 1+ 44 40 4040 .;H;.., po 44 0:4 0;., •;. •, .;,.. 0;.1. •... ,;..;.,sips. ,, ,. ,1.;..;. (( iitinued from page 1) .t. money to go to buying a rcttlru ticket 't, lu lllyth. 'Hie How paid the fine, .!. of Preston, very reluctantly, 'Idle aforementioned rut the u•ce';•end v:ith his parents, is, of course, in lighter vein. Your re - Ir. and Nits. 'Phomas Bamford. porter had it on )rood authority that ;: NIT.. :111d Nits. Gordon Snell vi itl''l I.it'n George's visit to Slr;Itforll was of on Sundt) with \Ir. and \Irs. ,Iasper'a most import:ant nature. \Icltrien, of l;u.lcric.h. The Club sant: a felt• ruusiitl, songs, ;. r,. 11'ill(;uu Blair vis 'ttc(1 over the and I.iun 'I'anll.r Stan Sibthurpe called Ightcr, -Nits. Har- on Lion; Stan C'hcllrw and Bill 11'at- ,•1d \\*ahh, of \' inghain, son for a spcc1al duet number. They Mrs. Jean t\erllllie of lllyth is spend-, sang the ballad, "1'aw'nin' in the ping some time with hrr.sister, \1rs.1 Maw'nin", with, the Cluh joining in. one George \\•ightnr,n. "fhc first chapter inuudurct Cpl. Gerald 1(jrris, ivhu was on Friday nig!.! sponsored he flit. La- in the new Study R3:k, which is on t guest , i the Club. dies' Victory Club, .\ hunch counter Africa, was giv(n by I\Irs, Stanley The nti:tutes of the last regular, was well patronized. The soul of $')(I ('onk, Mrs, \Iarein \I el) r.vell gave a andemergent meeting, were read and was rcali'cd, which will be used topar- paper on "Prayer Service." The sing approved, chase gifts for service persnnel, ing of "Iran to Marc with Chri t„ I r closed this tart of the meeting. The I Lion Toner Slav gave a report on The ;nnnlal meeting of Ila auburn I g'the ro rI , o: the banal, which he said Baptist Church was herd in the base• business was c •ndnete,l by the Presi_ i I ' ti dent, \I.s. 11i.1';un \Ir\'ittii, tvltielt w•as writs t., alt ng nicely, and he be- ! mem ; n Friday eight and was well at- , licveo w ubl be a credit to the Club i t totaled by the (:members. .\ supper was I a;u'n(' 1 with a Ilam :, Prayer and re- Ire nest grin•:,. The financial condi jser•ed at 7:110 o'clock, after which the spunsive reading. The roll call was 'business meeting was held around the,;inswerctl by In present. The treasurer tion of the Club was discussed by the table. Rev, C. C. Anderson was in reported $15`'..15 raised, leaving a bal- President, and the Secretary gale a LONDESBORO ;incl' , f 'pl7.$5 s:ill to raise for ;1'l e;t o w. iigur;s on finances, The Club was charge. Vie church report was givenfound to be in good financial circum- . i by Mrs. Glen Raithhy, in the absence 6,11. wi'ich covers the increase asked stances, out at: effort must s.io•t he .: of her husb:ntd• the Sunday School re•', for, The atoumi Thank -Offering was l g.i311;). Nits. \It.\'suit reported nut - account. to raise funds for the welfare port by Mrs. Stanley ohoslon; Ladies Y arrnunt. rli ir. hl' ohe for \;It:cn al l'lulhin;; •> Aid by Mrs. Edna hailhhy; lip V. 1 • gbion Iratl;tin 111110„11 reported PHIL OSiPHER OF LAZY MEADOWS (By Harry J. 13•oy'e) >. • •• : •• ;• ;• • .1 4. } 0.4 r: •: •: Drive'. It was decided to l ilt 2 r uill3 ....... + • { ♦ .. , • ♦ , U, by 1laric haithln•; \I;s,irn Hand I I Il1:ie. ly (iii, a t•,sit a carload Ir in the''O' y•p+1+•••••••+•0••p•;•r.•..r•.•..Dyn;•..• .\ kin.! reader ha, asked me a ones- by George Raitlthy, in the absence of at the U,'ccluber meeting, ''1111 lairs I decided to have a cleaning bre at the ('lh wage I i Lon:lun lust Thurso:1y • Con. She lois noticed in this co'unru Joan Killough. The 1'odow•ino, are the 11 night, when 'hey attended a convention tlhich deals lot do with the happenings officers for ,fhc coming year: clerk, church "n 'I'Itut d;it November __'•I, sage to the rest of the ladies. It re:111y around Lazy .Ueadows and some of the Glen Raithhy; secretary-item.urrr. 1•be hod (•rocs derided t1 sial Christ. .ill the hotel loi,radion, and heard an ad was a grand meal, with sec„ml helpings ;i dress Iry the i it m mill( na it t sit i 11,, other thing., I trite fromtime to time, Fra ilk Raithhy; dcacnns. George ha1 th• ,Inas boxes to the Inose buys still ever- bang ill order t,1 the day for most . i Ir,msullntd other than ftye.! r, t tlusc two that f often refer to the soitud of a by, Torrance Tabh, James Raithby ua from the community. 'file 11', A. w•hu is from Culla. Lion Drank re - the Lion;. a lay, was reatitely !o small that the freight train moaning . and wants to Earl Raithhy• choir leader, Nits. C. A. treasurer was author;ted to pay church ;t splendid evening, one which It:as cnj 'yeti by all \'h” ;Ualcn(let. llietriet Gavcrnor Dalt Higgs anmoyanre coursed by the regulation knew why that is. 1.1& s•'it organist, Nits hubt.rt I. 1'h l_ tee;!surer money f r the . rganist. The 1 In intro !ucteg District (;uvernnr berg maintained It ontl I be greater \Vhen 1 wa' :t very small boy titre lips; ushers, \Villian Rai.thby, (;eurg: meeting closed tvitli prayer by the Inlcrn 1ti,nai ,Cutin eller \1'l, 11:11 of Riggs, the 1'reridcnt gave flub mew. Ih;ut the sural paying would warrant. on the farm !ifs went on in a more or Robertson, Stanley Johnston, Darn. Preside the Gudcricli Clnl, brought greetings iii htrs ;i few highlights of his life, one ,.f less routine way. It \vas a normal \Vcbstcr, \Vilfred 1'esterfclt; trustee:, Nits, ilrock lieu'lail of \\',<dst('ch ;t few cunc'se remarks. Ile had Ivatclt- which rc'.e;tles the fact that he is au farm exi,tcnc; • wit Iicnt anything very Glen Rai'hhy, Earl hailltby, 'I'urranee 1isitcd with \les. lack Carter ;111(1 ollt_ et w•ilh tntcresl the grow'llt and ex- :llclerniaa of the city t,f S1. Thomas. exciting, ever Ital.pening. :across all 'raid), Einer Robetsot; finance, George 1'r friends, passion of the Illy.th Chub. 11 11.1e not 1 District Gov•'rnur Diggs dwelt 1;1.111'- 1.1t - .pr op this there staalls out Inc thing the 1:aih'thy, 1 lnler ILohcrtsnn. Karl 16',111- \I r. and Mrs. Sam Nesbitt of Kin. it's sponsors the G,',Icrirh Glob had Iy on the prn'dcnls Loin, (nit )oath of e tvh„1l a. prices I'nr y,liing Inn; sound of the trains. by, '1'orronce Tab!). Frank l ittlilo i irdinc spool Sunday with \It•. and I;tkcu a keen :merest in the formation tv-day. Ile deplored the fart that '11111 tout , d+littit i 1:1 Ilse buyer', glare On cn1,I, fall nights when my father Sunday School superintendent, Ictt in Mrs. George \\'t.Itt i'-;11• of the Myth flub Inst Spring. ()in juvenile dclint,t(11'y has been Pre". „1. ! lets:n1',,, it Irtnil 11i +, tlllii li and 1 is ild b1', Conlin, ftp from the hands of a committee rontt.o.ie l n(( \I r. ;toil \Irs. Benson Shackled' t and President reminded us of this fact stay be charged by primary producers en, edur.tig the last few years, probab- stable, the wind \vould be lashing at James ha;hilly, I'Inicr Robertson, Tor- 'baby ,.I ('row,', yi,;lcd with \Ir surd. when he recalled that it had been the ly dor in pari to war conditions, when Ilt.l Itk:)s l , •,c parked ore as fol- stable, 'fa.bb, and Earl R;Iitltlty; pianists, \Irs. ('h;mdes Snti.Ii. Go lerich CIn1: who stage 1 the show I.,w. the frees mid the sky tyould be pitch 1 '; children were loll on (heir own. Ile •I The Gift That Lasts The Year 'Round PLAN NOW TO SENT) "TILE S'T'ANDARD" AS A CHRISTMAS GIFT. We are ready to send "The anywhere in Canada or the United States, as a lasting Christmas Gil'I; from you to any friend, or member of the family, In Canada the yearly subscription rate is ,$1.50 per year, 3c an is- sue, in the United States $2M0 per year. No other gift will bring the thoughts of those far way back to the home town so often. Suhscrih- ers away from home refer to each issue of The STANDARD as t!; 3 weekly letter from home. We like to think of it as just that. You can help in this respect very materially by reporting to us your weekly doings - had you visitors, did you visit - any freaks of nature you may have encountered - tip us off to the right source for presentations, etc, CHRISTMAS ORDERS, eilher renewals or new ones, will he received any time now, and a suit- able card of greeting sent with the first issue at Christmas time. THIS CHRISTMAS GIVE A SUBSCRIPTION TO THE STANDARD - TIII' YEAR-ROUND GIFT, -righ Class Job Printing A Specialty. Price, Hoard, said in making the TURKEY PRICES 11 hat it ! I I "; I black :r else ragged wisps of clnnd Shirley and Emma l:oherls.,n, \I ars' E, t W!;wa•lo h Fe..'eret'01 Meting "Deacon Dnhbs', which was the Clubs' attributed ;t great teal 01 the hull to would play hide an I seek wiill the and Evelyn Raithhy; secretary . t the Th? ret., 1 tr 1.' mthly meeting of the first fimulci tl success. They had the carcle,sness t' I.:r clan• Ile praised cents 1 pun ..\ grade .ti .; •1 a p. un 'moon an I then suddenly that long Sunday School, George ' I':;ist \1';r,t•a:resp Isn't of the Mederation staged the sh :,t for .oily their travel !' ,I rade .t5,;•.!, :: p undo l' ). rade 33 I 1, >,c Iobcrtscn• ' g the lllyth Chili for their band c!'I:,rt, scuts 1 pound, drawn train whistle would come The meeting was cl1:•;c;1 with prayer. of agriculture was held in the Ilclgr;tve ling expenses, a gesture which was and said that anything that wc'tnic! lice's, Co -Operative hall rooms on 'I't ursd't} greatly appreciated. Thr w;udrsali roils^g ,.n n1 1 hens is billow•in•; .. ro.t: the night. \Iy father \Iiss Betty D. ('raig has eimpleted nor youth busy, and off the streets at ,it. a pound It.,. and 1'n nit e would steel and listen with the lantern her trains:t., at Clinton General Ilc,sp't;tl evening. \otcn her Isilt, with 15 intim- I.' nu Curd. 1?Ilion, and his Ile 1110.1 I I I nl •Ic a night, \vas agood thing, Ile had been pound less. st.ntling rot a Iuushru,nn r,f ycaow• I'ght. and before ita'ing was presentyI by be) of the tolll and ncly cxecutirc ctrl ship Co;nntillcc, Ivill have charge of keenly ittteres•crl in youths movements ,..• . i would listen tu,. it was ;ilmost the staff with a rust;ll cream and sup'- dtrerlonite prer.en,t, the pru,,ranu tor next meeting, when . I I .nn,tr5 11i litrer prlrc, t cnnsuntrr fur the past 3 year; and riled sonm' The minutes of the rut uu'cli • ra the 1'rc. dent ;nforntcd us that Deputy for s;,cria gra. c c a p •uu I, .1 grad.• exciting to thick about the big, snort- ar sol and a relish drill. 1 ( I I •17 1 grade 39c a pomi.l. Sept. 1Ith-Uel, h8th) were read and District (;:•lemur Fred Spry, of eput . '1'r} i tllld 1'i e 1 tett res he had 15t. :u pound, I; grade 13r a pow d, (' ing train that lore through the country-\Iiss Ila Craig and Hill CrC'ai; \i;h 1 t, encountered, one of which was with si le at .t fantastic rate of speed. It Glen Carroll (if Mitchell. ;approved on in. ti's by J. Buchanan, haat, would pay his oft'ici;1l resp:•cis a member of the gang of the famous w•as so easy to dreamt with boyish en- 1 \Irs. Herbert \logrid;,c has returned;il''I Dan 11 th.11lan. It i; h cote, that a full turn -out will "Ned" kyatt bandits. :\s ;t tootle thusiasnt about riding in the warm froth Londott,I•nt Pas(. I'rt:tar t. \I r. Norman !;reel Deputy District Governlor SKY. this chap had been a member of one of •comfort of the train. I used to fry i \Ir and Nits Charles Idlers in auraRar0 rtl, then expressed his a' previa. Iles, I t itil111 Baboon accepted the I had been n number of one of t.on to the executive ;end trrcetnrwt• thanks of the Club for the very holm- ltis bays grrtt!'s, batt al'p;lrc•ntlr would go to. Mr and \Irs (;c.rdon MiClinchey ;wcl members of the 1,a t two years with teutts repast served the Lions. The a br.peless rare. There were other times too when Jewell, ;mended the gulden w•ali,iing whom he had wurkc 1. Ile iht.n (oiled Pre silent expi cssed the thanks of the lac sooke of the good jot, service I'ncsday aIteruuut. the train sounds came stealing across anniversary of \Ir and \ir, Robert upon the new president, M r. Lawrence Club in lis usual efficient manner, and clnbs did Burin;' the war, and rcmir•dc,l \I r;. I'rtls had charge of I duet). he route the farm like :,oft ttaycs of sound, In ,\Icliride .at I ippen on Saturday. ITay!, r to Eike over the chair. r.skcd M •s, llaihtlm tot canvc' the ores the members that 'the world today is (iund cscrcis=' when Ps.nlnl I'I It1s the sprint; when the air was humid and Mn and Mr; :Albert 1<illough and i The Fast \\'awato,h Marna hc:rum' lunl:ing fee leadership. read. \Irs. h D Phil t warm and the world had an air of llaruld, of Glarbord Station, with rt.- groups w•o.t the second prize (the sum I );';n1' a fisc pi- ! I rrprns 1';i (he Farmers' Cu-Operalitc Turning to Club work Inc reminded it "' sol', \IIs. Itaint '1 gale '(:\ t rrpn,l growing things ;about it, the sound of lalives here. of $20.) for sc'curnd highest Faint For- Itc!;gravc, the lllyth Club that they are a tncntb1'r ttt the Seciiott, i ntceli.ug at :lubttr:t the train whistle would come. I was Mr snub Mrs Roy lr;nui.g';m with \Ir not attendance last winter. Thi; urn y 'Hie l'arnt Forum met on \lolt':lay of an Internati.l'al Association, which when N1 i's I;lilb Clarke s,nkc on 11 °1' boy enough to imagine ptssen;ors sit- and \Irs Gorden Struthers, v( lurk- is still held in the Moderation treasury. q, p work in \n'n;a. Africa. 11'he Study cycnity, at the home of \I r, and \Irs. now boasts a lural of !. Club in 15 ) ting out on the observation platforms, now. It w•as decided that the directors, when Fred J. Co.'k, with a gruel attendance different countries of the world. 401 lieok Palter. ,:u•etl by Nits. Poll tot, smoking awl talking and being whisked I I',I 11r. ,and \Irs• John \'oungblut, of Forums were being carried on" should '1'Itis was Review night, and after the (dubs were added to the organization w"s read by Mrs. turnip. Etev \\'a'ti along by the magical conveyance that ilul'et, town: hip, received \vont ,alt refer this matter to the Forums and re- port Radio program l!,1' fnllnwing qucstio;ns East year. in District :1-I there :1' Currie opts Ila first 1lissi miry to :1 - Was a train. \Iontlay night that Iheir son, Pte. El - , '.I. al the next meeting as In haw the (p, In addition 10 all this, the sound ofwere discussed "11'ould the farmer a;' !i'•5 member.; representing 1.15 Club,, Fula, sent rut sixty years ago Ito the Inn YoungbInt, had arrived to the Foruuts tvuttlrl hike this must&'}• spent. prove Ihal \heal he kept al a nrntlolnIl(1(;111) new stet;,her; 11ad been adrlcd Cong-cgatitma! ('Inn ch. rt train whistle does have something Queen Elizabeth at Halifax. 'Phis was ' \Irvtd by \I'cs;tn Robins:n, sectr•ded of $1.00 per bushel for the next 5'eirs '!taring the yea;, I'itc c figures snob- \Irs, \Vi!I';n:t luln„ten funk the in future years. about it. Possibly it's the strstrangest the first \void his parents had had, as i'!' :\!din Portion, that Ronald Coolies and not to exceed $1.25 b' nest fall. ?1 cote that tyP have the equipment to luts'nc,s earl and \Iiss \li! e read be combination r,t:nd in all .the \or!d. EI(mit's name had not appeared in ;any be appointed secretary -'Treasurer for carr' on a fine jut, nlitnUes of la:;'. meeting.1'ar''t; c•01-• There are dune, when it sounds lonely of of the lists wllieh were published, the ensuing year. Carried. The food and agriculture organs;:a- I The speaker displayer! two cit;us, tui 1 Cts were a;,pc•intl I. \t1,1in11 1'p - an l lost and it freezes up inside 'ort George ilcaalc recently celebrated Moved by :\. Purrli t. scco:•,l('1. by lion as constituted al present has ui1 unr depicting (ht. t 1•traulagcs of b1'- 1''I b} si11g'' :; "Jesus Shall h,i t when vo'I hear it. 'There are other Rllnal'I Comte, that a list I' :all p I' hi; 31th birthday al his home linie. I l'r power lu stake t,r force an agreement longing 1.' an Intcrnatianal :\socia- \\'hcre'et the Son", times when a train whistle s unfit Many friends c;l'.led to offer f •!i• i; 1- son, reou_s,mg ti e Rural C,,-Operatrr on the exchange of four! prndtic's be- lump and the other, which perh;t,p; friendly as is slot ting you to conte and lions and rues:ages were received fr:'tt in the one•fittlt of a still canvass" he t\Teen Cottnt•ics 1)o you think theyit: p on for a tri;,. There are other member, ,,f it. fan;ly in 1)•.tr, It, \\';11_ lrrepar(rl and all solt.cn tions he sent ;a •shoull have power to dot so, 30 voted lines when it sound; like a series of tun, and. Dollen tow:t'ship• 1 , the Rural Cu -Operate r paper. acs. chuckles . , , almost derisive' I Mr. Patrick \Trophy t f Si. Augustine. 1 \Ir'vecl by Carl Crier, sernnded I,y Needle's to t..The rcr:Rats+: t period was in charge ay the'scum! of trains who has had a successful sca.lnt as Howard Camp ell, th;tl I, Buchanan be' of Douglas Campbell. The Morttnl next rumbling along and most of all the thresher in the surr'I'n:!int; district,appointed Township representative to wreck will meet at the home of Mr and sound of train whistles has always fas- entertained a h'rgc umber ofirie oh.County Federation meetings. Mrs John Ilur;,;,nan with Mr and Mrs cinated nue. ft sounds good when a and patrons at a dance in St. Augusti',eMoved by Carl Go,ivicr, seco•tded by Earl 1Vi,litntatt ;15 weal conven n•s• man stops, cocks at car for the sound pairsh hall. J. Ruch;c'tat, that anyone in the •11.(1 1- The five min ue talk will he given by and then checks his w•ttclt and says, Pte. \\'illiau) Raithhy Inas returned to ship Mi.) was not a,scss:•1'l under the Mrs:'"tert C'anpbell, "There gnes alt.:.1 10 , .. right on time CI -twain. 0:1e -fifth of ;t will bass;, a111 who wished T!,c Voting people met on \Vcllncs• too." I \fr. 1fe• re '.cislutimi I'at returned 1n heroine a menthr'r of the Mrd^rat': n. ay ccs ing with a good atter Innrc. R V front \\'totem Canada, where be was may do so by paying a $1.':I) I'hc meeting was in charge of Arnold REJ ('RAVF per ye i; , i assisting tvilh the harvest. nl.nihcrslli'' fee. Carried. Co '• ti t lesson was cad by and imagine all the places that train family, \I r. and Mrs. Charles Rr:hi1 W. M. S. MEETING 11' was The 1\' \I S of I'Iytll I' ..ted Church met in the ii I't ntcul of the church on struck a more responsive vont in the Blyth Club members, sl:' wing whe'c Y. P. U. MEETING part of our le::: go. 'finis explanation 1 proved very enlightening. i 1'Ile ntccl'ng .toned will the s;n;ing of hymn 237 fu!low•u.l by Donald C Cavan Lion 11,1 Philp tic: v appy ' riatel' reading the scripture. Prayer, No. ii;i.3 expressed III; apprcc.ittiou rf Club was read in unison. A eery lime read. members to the speaker, which was ill,• was given by \l;argiret Nhooli Ill, endorsed by hearty applause from the after wlrelt I,\ ow; 17, M1„11„g. snag. 1larol 1 Club. The 11••csident also conveyed Phillips favourer) with a splet'ticd read_ his thanks to the speaker. 1'hc meeting dosed with the Lions ing. The prog ninm' for the Social EI•- var. ening svi then disenss.d. The minutes of the prev.nu., meeting. were read awl approved. The collection wits then tab. RATION COUPON DUE DATES 1'11 111' mid the meeting brought lu a clu.,e with (;u,! Save The I\itlt; Doral coupons new valid are, sugar \fr ;,:' ' \foycol by :1• t'urdin, scro:tdcd h• limply Buchanan 11 ti l 1tipic,v1111r'fa''ur. Jerry Il ydges and sou, \i r• ;1111 \Ir•. Nelson \icl.artr have Ronald, of lfantiltot,, with the former's moved from their farm in Co!Itort,l, M. Rubin; 11, that the Mederatit tt con- Prayer, Norma 'faylor. Social activi- parents, Mr and llrs Thomas Ilrydges. trwnsftip to their home in Auburn rt. I!litic to scOd rel ,yanpatli• carols, etc. tic.; we• e en os•ctl, Mr and Mr: Clarke Johnston with, cenlly purchased from Miss Katie Wag- . ) 46 to 67, butt -'r 116 to 13(1, preserves Ir g Carried. her. Dr. Mee Ilan of l'orunl^, wa.e ' r and Mrs Charles Tiffin, Kinloss, nor, \foyer! Ito \I. R d,in:ol1, ..l • e• 11 speaker ;i lis r .'un- 11n uI r -I by the guest k t \1 IfisI on Sun. Miss Norma Brown of \Vingliatn, 1 Mrs. C. A. Hr•w•sr,n and Mr. ar1.1 11rs Dan 1lalbahat that 1lutvaral ('a.ntphc'I be day, and gave ' splendid address, tak- witlt Mr and Mrs \V Rowland. Robert 1• Phillips with Robert Asquith, reipon"salt' for sending out carry, in the he; as his subject, Ile that !t;nth, shall MEATLESS DAY RESTRICTIONS Mrs P J 1\'atson and (laughter Shicla, Saldford, prio- to his departure from 'uutll enol 1 T 1 lite ,wtisll:l,, be wham unto. RELAXED FOR CHRISTMAS AND of London, with Rev G If and Mrs his summer home to Tilbury, where 11e ` \loved by Carl Gnvicr, seconded by Rev. Mcilillan was entertained 1111 NEW YEAR'S Ihm)np' apen,ls the trimers with Rev. and Mrs. i. 13c:eh:nom, that Lawrence 1'a'I r cru. Sunday at the home of Mr an I Mrs Meat; (lay restrictions will he set Mr and Mrs \f A C;ihsnn of 1.islowcl, 1\'illiam Mains. Ithine to ;curl not cards in the north crud W :\ Campbell. . 'e for Christmas and New Year's and Walter Gibson of Cayuga, with Mr. ,Intl \IIr. Mittnn Plunkett, Tor- of the Townh•p \Ir and \Irs Norman IVitrhtntan and days, which fall this year on the reign - s r IN CLINTON HOSPITAL 1Ir. 1':. 1. Catltt•ri ,!it i; a patient in the Clinton Ilo,pital hat"tg n Bergen„ ;111 o;,enatiutl for append:ritis 'Wednes- day afternoon BIRTHS Mr and Iles David Armstrong. onto, with \f r. and Mrs. Fred Plaetzer. I \f 1'(I he Youngbhtt with friends ?rt 1)an Hallahan, that meeting adjourn to at the !rine of Mr and Nits' \V F Phillipa, price A Pttrdiit, seconded by children of Welland, visited recently lar meatless 'J'nesdays. W. Harold Mc. KELLY—;1t \\'nglrant General !No:- Miss Doreen Luttrel, of London,I Arthur and supply representa_ vital, on Monday, Novell.' ti Mrs. ion of to1?tlt.,' with Mr and Mrs George Johnston, I1Vindsor, imeet again December 6th, in the Cl::b Campbell. five for the 11'eslcrn Ontario re 11 r. aad j1John Nil y, a son. 14 :+ Wed., November X1,1915. .1111111111111111 THE STANDARD -1 County Council Notes GROCERIES 'Tile NtVtlltthel st. •sun i f Huron County Couue•i, was held in Goderieh last Leech. 1I Blighting the opening day %vas the ;e1) tit given by (• only Treasurer :\. 11. I?rsl,inc, of the County finances after he hail submitted til,, financial statement front January 1st to ()cipher 31::1. In, the c,lint;ate, for 1;•5! "1. f1 r the Ih r I .'17 5,1116, and for 7 ;, new building $2 r 5,1,00, .\ tier ,Inc consideration of these 1,I,01, and cstinl;tie..;' the report ctim- Hum d, "at taking into consideration 'the fact that something has to he clone ;with the budding in the near future, 'the committee decided to recommend bile balance of the year, the general that a new Inti'diii he erectus, \\'e accunut trill sh \ • a surplus approxi. ;the res re recommend 1(1 this Council of 1314) ;after the purchase of ;that immediate steps he taken In gro- in Victory howls. The Iligli ice( (I with the emotion of a new court he said, \poli br:ak ev- 1lout e and that \Ir. I. Bridgman be 'enraged as the architect". :\ tier the report. of the properly (committee \vas read, it was taken 111) ;clause Ity (lapse, with I\ee\•e \', 1). l;alcHiter is the chair. Reeve Cr -wit Smyth, chairman of the committee, reviewed the steps leading to the committee's recommen- dation. If the present 100 -year-old bnilling \yore remoddcllcd, it tvtuld ;till he .lit old building, he said. "We are building for the next hundred \'carr,, and we felt it tin\vise to remodel the olid buildin;;, so rccc!rnmcnded the u1 \• (inc." mately $2 w•a;; ilct hilt, en after the otirch;oe of r211,01I in Vic- tory 1).ids. I'tnvision had been nal: for the purchase t f land, for refores- tation ! nrpto e, to tho extent orf t;'2,5o0 \vhich was m 1 included in the estim- ates. (1111 terabit. lir( gre•; \it Bodo this ye;u' in c m i o; fun•!, hclon'•ing to initiates of the County Monte. (rive flet; c•tt,ltrs ha\e been •el up in tis brunt fu;,il involy r, approxinr;ttly .10,0 0. .\dntitistrati it of jmstice costs have in ,•eared, owing I;aretrly for jury court.; for a larger number criminal cases. of Plowmen's Executive Present The cxcctiti, c of the Ontario 11 w - mer'; :\s,eei;,:i„n, tri; preseht. \I r• Carro;l, the pre•!dent, brought gre,t- ings from the Ontario :\sso.iationl, and sat• I (luring Iii, brief address that far- mers it mers had :mi.( ased their efficiency 101) per cent. There had been expilit (11 in pruducli-11 ;led des!d•c the ri tinns the cun,unlption or ramal 0hecse and butter had inrre'a:e I• "\\'e nntst strive for efficiency in production ;and young farmer; must be encouraged.,, Sixty pin\\-ing matt he;, he said, were held in ()titario this year. in Canada there was prarti,ally the sane invest- ment in nlachn,ery and livesloek. Ile urged that great attention shout I be paid to mechanization in faring. Young farmers want to see what is new. It \as a matter for the County to decide w•h'r! site bra; the most de- sirable for the 194', plowing match in lfuron• President Cordon \le(iat•i t of the Huron 111"temrcn's Association spnlce briefly, 1 rontisittg "to (I their best to make the match the hest ever held," Pert Albert Airport May i3c Site On \\'eduesd:ay morning \Vanden Al- exander informed the Costed that the executive of the Ontario 1'1. \1 (nen', :\ssuc:anon had been to diing for ;a site for the holding of the International match next year and had decided that the I'rrt i\IhetI airport wuulll he an lee,e \\•. .1. (Baker of Go:Icrich ask- ed, in case the building \•ere torn iii \\n, would there be enough salvage to pay for wrecking it. \Ir. Bridgman, Mitt was present, advised that it could be given ,over to a \vrecl:ing company. Reeve i • ,i• Bowman, Brussels, agreed e,Illi the tern ,•nienhillpn for a tie ‘v Court II. toe. Ile asked if the Council \here g .;'i to pay rent for offices around to\•n or build a new building which \ •till house all of then(, The ('runty, he said, has saved $100,0;10. One mill in three years, and with the war effort a(cotutt closed it would Mean at i urease of three-quarters of a twill for three years. Reeve R. W. Tuckey of Exeter, a incinher of the property c•nttniltee, said it had bceit suggested that, as the jail building is ancient and obsolete, the Court House could ' c built on the jail pr. linty. Warden Alexander said that in his estimation tlii, would he a gond stove, as it \v.1111 mean one central heating .plant, Reeve Bowman-"'That would remove Tho beauty of the town of Goderich." Reeve Cecil Wheeler, Morris town - ship, introduced the questitm of labor and bniddini; ir,aterials, to \vhich Mr, ' Bridgman answered that materials at present are ;t headache. 'Things point to casing up next year. All building is unit r the control of the Controller ideal location, and a dra\ving card, No. of (• 11 1 11 -lion at Ott;t\•a. The report recommending the hely bmillling v as finally carried on division by 27 v rtes to One, the dissident being peeve N. R. 1)orrancc of \icI illop That the 1 cation of the new Court Ilouse be on the present site was mov- ed by Reeve, Attridge and Raker, and referred to the pr:perty committee for con• iitr•tti .11. definite ans\ver had been received from the Department for Air and the \\';t• - den asked the Coon:il to support the Associatintt by scndirg a ledcpramt to the Department' urging its appr •\d of the request. \\'ardem Alexander ex- plained that hobble land adjoining \ou!.I have to be secured. The build- ings \mold he Convenient fir the ban- quet, the exhibits of machinery, 11r.d other purposes. \laty companies had volunteered :u slow machinery, and this would 111(0 an added attraction. \ telegram to the Department was authorized to he s:tnl, on motion of hooves Smyth and John .\rntstr ng. County Librarian A rc:aft Corroration Presents Pt osition 11 r. McGill, of the Cub Aircraft Cor- p...rani'', 0n, •1lanti!iru, appeared befrre the C unty Council on \Vednesday in connecth.n with a prposition for the leasing of the land owned by the County at Sky harbour airport, 1 -lis Mrs Eckmier, County librarian, was !company is engage, I. in building civilian introduced and gave a brief report of acre planes and wishes to expand. The her \vorl:. She said the Huron County iGovernmuent favors the decentralization Library Association was the youngest of industry, :old his company would of ten in the Province, and was one !like t • move at (cast part of their plant cf the most aggressive. it \1s tine til• ;way from the ci'y. They would pos- the first to appoint a trained librarian, sih'y start cul with ICO entpl,yccs, not I wish to express my sincere appre. and the first tc open an office. There including the office staff, and w°111" pint ou to friends and neighbours for are tn•,v 2145 books for circulation. Reeve R. J. Bowman, County repre- sentative on the Association, stated that Mrs Eckmier is a graduate of They were good corn and, well trained. • -McGill University and was fully quali_ Mr. McGill \as told that the admin- fied for her work,. which he highly i:lratio:t ht:ildirg, the officer's' mess comnccnde•I. Ile (toped if the Court and one hangar were left "surplus" by Douse were crlarretl the County library the \\•ar Assets Gurpuration for the could be house -(1 in it. Huron plying Club. Mr. \Ie(iill said Vince. Unanimous Vote For New they would wel-ome the flying club and give them every assistance. at Dob ty n s 1 .and are. p Court House School Inspector Repert The rcp-dtt presented by the properly cununitle\' dealt \ ith the question of The 1:ispectors fur Public Schools renu,'ell'n,, the Court House or erect- J. II. Kinkead ;old R 0 Staples gave ing a now one. Estimates had been inf• rtuative addresses at Thursdays _._ Harry IIorne's .lcllo- It'lavouring' 23c Bulk Mincemeat, 2 lbs35c Red Rose Coffee, 1 lb. ,13c Snowflake,Anunonia, pkg. 5c RAISINS - CURRANTS CITRON PEEL FROZEN SALMON FRESH AND SMOKED FILLETS Pioneer Feed - Shur -Gain Feed A. L. KERNICK Egg Grading Station - Locker Storage WE DELIVER • PHONE 39 weer admi'ted ti care, and 23 ,!ischarg• cd, leaving 73 under supevisiou. Reeve halccner, of Clinton, urged the appoinittii:t of a full -tints nodical officer of health, The C. fluty Coircil paid a visit to the jail property on I ridgy and cvid- cntly it did not meet with appt•oval for a ne\v crnu•t house site, for at the af- ict•noott session the recommendation of ,the properly coil ntittce that it be cr- ected on the present lirealion was atl- I opted. I'nhlic rest room consideration was tasked by 1:ee e Baker of Goderich. 1 le thought the town \votdd assist with any extra expense ill; ttrrerl. Clerk Miller announced that early elections Napoli he he'd in the townships of :\shficld, C. !borne, Gidcrich, Grey, 1 foayicl:, 1 lollop, Morris, '1'urnl•f •rry std East aid \\'est \Yawanost), and. in Myth, Ifcnsall, Gudcrich std \\'ing- ham, CARD OF THANKS Mr. G. h.:\ngostine wishes to shard: the ladies who assisted in any wiry, to make the 1.0 0.F. banquet for the Grand \taster Official visit, such an outstanding success. CARD OF THANKS \Ve wish to express our thanks to the members of the Myth hire Depart- ment, and all others who so kindly rendered assistance (luring, and after ,the fire in our place of business on Sunday afternoon. The proln;tt ;Ict'on undoubtedly s;.ved the building front I tan Church. It is entitled, complete dcs(rnctin't,, t "HERE COMES CHARLIE" MI r. and \Ins. Harold \'uddcn. THIS IS A SPLENDID PLAY. DON'T FAIL TO SEE IT. :\dntission, Adults 35c; Children• under 12 years, 25c. ROXY THEATRE CLINTON, NOW PLAYING: "Christmas In Connecticut" with Barbara Stan• wyck. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Bing Crosby, Betty Hutton and Sonny Tufts. A r lat'nq, I it Lott, convoy f joy ,a • the s\rn 11 crooner join, the navy. "HERE COME THE WAVES" :\ stmt to the girl, in navy blue and the h , tib love them tit ,! Thursday, Fridays Saturday "OUR HEARTS WERE YOUNG AND GAY" .\ lovable, laughable story of 1i(• pito;; girls who were touring hnr1lperi .nc in the twenties. Gail Russell, Diana Lynn and Charlie Ruggles, PAGE 5 CAPI'T'AL THEA'T'RE I GODERIC11. NOW PLAYING: Gail Russell and Diana Lynn in: NOW PLATING: "Kansas City "Our Iieart Were Young and Gay" Kitty" and ''The Lapt Horseman" Mon, Tues. Wed, Two Features Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday "PAN -AMERICANA" .\ thriller t, un n1I and terrift toed- "SINCE YOU WENT AWAY" Ivy of int rtanuni nt t,:t!t 8 I„Itis l to hov,i,lg ,u h ui, ht, :1t , I'.\I. \niciii;ill -litri;ally hit, and ti,,, Claudette Culbert, Jennifer Jones t lu\ i1,t, ,tau and Joseph Cotten. Phillip Terry, Audrey Long and flit ;1 ho I .i hill; \\'. „d Lair, and Robert Bcnchley. rt.lir , r in til picture Lila As An Added Mystery Altracti:m: , L, "ou1:: the \esu', ,cn,aliun.. 'font Conway in "The Falcon in ' Hollywood." (-- - - - Thursday, Friday. Saturday Thursday, Fri:13y, Saturday Ida Lupine, Syd,tcy Grecnstrcct and Maria Montt ,. .Ion hall, Turban Boy William Prince, \• :.tr11 Lt snit( rlt r;1^t in ;t 'fel h.. Present t !intim, fun awl ttn•ic ..1 .r 1,11.• „t uaal intri,..ue tri it., t!t.tt tualtrc, n.; and aid Iii, kind "SUDAN" "PILLOW TO POST" REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTi-1. • COMING: "NOB HILL" COMING: "Since You Went Away" COMING: "Sinop You Went Away" with George Raft and Joan Bennett (Once each evening at 8 P.M.) 1 " .h. tti:l: each flat !tt ;t ); 1'.\I. -- Matinees Sat. & Holida s i, .;0 p.m. Matinees Sat. &Holidays at 2.30 1),m, Mat., Wed., Sat., Holidays 2,30 pm - Commencement BLYTH CONTINUATION SCHOOL IN THE BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL Friday, Nov. 30th at 11 o'clock sharp. PROGRAMME: SONGS, PLAYS, PYRAMIDS, AND DANCES Admission, Adults 35c ; Children 20c BAZAAR AND Cafeteria Supper ,spons.;red by the Ladies Guild of the 'Trinity Anglican Church in III.`c" I'I 111 E3pi 01:1:\L I I.\Li. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24TH Bazaar opens at 3.30 p. 01, Supper from •1.30 to 7.011 p. in, \I IN IJ : cold meal, scalloped potatoes, vegetables, salad;, rolls, pie, cake and tea. THE ROYAL BLACK KNIGHTS AND ORANGEMEN OF BLYTH are sponsoring a play ON FRIDAY EVENING, NOV. 23RD IN THE MEMORIAL HALL, BLYTH This play is being given by the 1'out:g 1'coltle's Lnfuu of Seaforthi I'resbytcr CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to ih;iuh my neighlmurs and good friends for their kindness shown during my recent sad bereavement, the death of my mother, \Irs. Agnes Mc- Glynn, of 'I'ee:,water. Especially do 1 \•ish to thank lEr. Franklin l,atnton, Ml r.:\Ilan Grant, and Mr, 1lercrt Dex- ter, who provided lransportati m for me at the tithe of death, and for the funeral. -\Ins. \V. F. llnrris. J CARD OF THANKS Mrs. AI •x )Ic(i.a;at and fancily de- sire in expires; the'r sincere apprec';t- tiun for the many expressi,ns of kind- ,ncss and sympathy extended to them in their recent sad bereavement; also to all those \hu sent flowers. CARD OF TI•IANKS en,pk.y local 1•Ih r as far as possible' 'cards, letters and flowers, Dr. l lodd and 11 • s.:id that sixteen Wren from this dis-'the staff of n: rses in Clinton hospital trict were ctt;pltyed Try the company, for their kindness to tic tluti'g iter stay there, -Mrs, Wesley Kechnie. For Sale One set of knee sleighs, rebuilt, new runners and shooing. Can build, if or- dered, 1 more set of our faucitis sloop sleighs, 20" Lent -hearing; \vheclhar- rotvs, and other trued supplies on hared. J. H PHILLIPS, BLYTH, ONTARIO. FOR SALE 1 cash register. Apply to Myth. 1 Foo:••::•:.•: ••:• 0:•:,:.:.:•:•J.:,:.:“::•:.:.•;n l i;•y.,4i;.;..;. .•;.•;.:-.."; ,;.:: y,; ,, ,;,•;.:•p'.•4,;•• :1 •:•1 4 • Ll'( CIE [1111 n'IT" Ar. 'I'TtE '. ' ,1 T.. I: ATKNSONS '• POOL ItOOM. t :: SMOKER'S SUNI)ItIES: 1:'TTobaccos, Cigarettes, P01) : and Other Sundries. Olden all (day and e\' 'i1ing. '='Main Street. Blyth.•• ••,+•; •; {. ,,,;. •;. ;.,,,y •:: •y.; •;, •arra .....;. Two Shows Sat. Night Thurs., Fit , Sat , Nov. 22.23.24 ..- SPECIAL Georpt Raft, Joan Bennett and Vivian Blaine in, "NOB HiLL" :_ ;; I Itis i, hit tor) 1 i Sat Francisco by•f %••gaslight, tt lilt t ;u ring, , ;i :;1 pralle-,1 .mlg horse, N b I till where the =. ell, l ar:,dc an;! the Ilarbary.1, •Coast there the r„uglulerlc,, \silt,, hear;, of gold, strut. •1 t. There Will h\ tap 5111)\;; e;u•h night:t: ;1t 7:.1)) I',\I. and +1:311 P.M. ,,,Matinee, Saturday afternoon, at 2.30,'1 Mon., Tues.. Wed., Nov. 26.27-28 •a Bette Davis, John Dalt, in •t, PI "THE C.ORN IS GREEN" " l ire story of teacher and pupil ;11,,1,: ,.the dt•a to that (level :lie; in the" e-1 clash 1)f inch. personalities and b;tekgroutds. ALSO "SHORT' SUBJECT" APARTMENTS FOR SALE Four apartments in 1 f you ;ire lonely, write Box: \\•ssla Send stamp Ef)1Va1 1) \V. ELLIO'i,ri, 1. 1 e uJ ' It i i'tccr 1ror Huron Iias :etorI •1 from service with the 0„yal (;tits lis: t .\ir F rep, an l vv.11 1c r mlinning hi, f1.lnler occupation. C ret•• lt.a 'o:;,•e promptly an tverc"l 1n mrtli;I e ;t••angl uta Ills can be made for Sales !gals• ;.t 'Tie Standard Oific , or b : calling Fiume 20.1, Clinton. Illyllt, will be (!ta .e n"(dei ate and satisfat ti. It t sold stperalc or as a whole, $6511 each, excepting the south one, ``7141 For terms apply to John ('lark, 1 Ontlrio street, Apt 5, Stratford 10-,i FOR SALE Desirable property on Dinslcy street, known as the \Inody Property :\pply Io Leslie Hilburn 10-3p FOR SALE (, 1'orl:shire (hunks :\ppl3 to Clout Galbraith, phone (,0 Myth 11--'p FOR SALE (iasoliuc hanging Lamp. Apply to William Moires, Myth, Ontario. 13-11i otice! G. R. AUGUSTINE REl'1tl Sl?N1i\G THE 11IONTREAL LIFE "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY" Associated with The Atlas Insurance Company, London, England. LIFE - PENSIONS - ANNUITIES WILLIAM II. MORRITT LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Specializing in Farm and 1Touscliell, Sales, Licensed for the County of Huron. Reasonable Prices, and SatlefaeOwl • ••i t vett. (u,u,lt For information, etc., write or plum 11'illiam 11, Morrill, phone, Residence 03; Shop 4, 131yth, Plumbing 9 Business Moves Frank $ Bakery PHONE JS, BLYTH, ONT. I ant moving my Plunthiat Egttip- tient to sty Guirage on Uinsley tit., \\'est, and ant prepared lit .give the _ hint: courteous serv:cc to the public as ,always. I'oolroout, 1 The continued patronage of the gen- 1 4-1 lcral public will he greatly appreciated, FOR SALE Small Rotary Pump, suitable for l'ressure System, New. Prompt Service. Satisfaction Guaranteed, FOR SALE 40 pigs, 6 weeks old. :\pply to \\'. G. VatiCaaids, 13clgrave, phone, Brussels 15-15. 13-lp FOR SALE j 1 only 44-40 Whitney Repeater Rifle. A. W. P• SMITH Apply at Standard Office. 13-1p Phone 92, Myth MUNICIPAL NOTICE 111ERElll' GIVE NOTICE that the NOTICE Nomination of Reeve and Four Cottn- Voters' List, 1945, Municipality of the MERCHANDISE cillurs and School 'Trustees to serve the Coopers h;un? Insect .Powder, c, nt- 'tlte 'Township of Mlorris during the year Township of Hallett, County of Huron. NOTICE is hereby given that 1 have )Ih mil re belt at t rite Township al complied with Section 5 of the Voters' j STRAYED moult' known as I)rl-hal, n..w a•allahle I \lorris, at 12:31) P.M. to 1 :30 1'.\I, on I I Lists Act, and that I have posted n1) at Su'a rd, mit to Thr }u•t•nlisrs of the I 1 l i 1 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23RD, 1945 lnty office ill the \ illagt of Londeshor", 1,tt„Ic n:i,;nr11 al,out \ori mbrr Sth, 0111' If .demanded a Poll will be opened at lett the 211d day of November, 11)-15, the red calf, about (1 months old, Owner PIES, CAKES, COOKIES, BUNS, COFFEE CAKES. FRESH EVERY DAY Everything Homemade TIME TABLE CHANGES offc'1ive SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 25TH, 1945 Dull information front Agents. CANADIAN PACIFIC 10..11.....,.. MISSION BAND AUTUMN the following places on dist of ail persons entitled to ;etc in may hare eanie bw provi;lg property,THANK•OFFERING MEETING MONDAY, DECEMBER 3RD, 1945 (the said Mluni\iplity at the Mlunicipal .)11.1 t , paving xl rtt,o;. \lex \Icl.winu, The NIissioat hand of Loving Service I Polling Still -Division No. 1, at School elections and that such list renl;lius phone ',i 5. Tlly t!I.n1'•. sought for the redecorating- and re-ession. \Ir hint:c;til sa; l the enrol- ,held their autumn Thank -Offering 11louse SS. No. 1, Deputy Returning there' lir insp':'tion, furnishing of the court ronin. The es_ tot'at in North l luron had i^creased 105 ,on Sunday evening, in the United Officer, Laurie Scott, Poll Clerk, Tho- ( And hereby call upon all voters to timate for the refurnisll'ug only wit; over last ycar, and is now 2,150. 'There 1Church. I). A• M2cKenzie, the presi- mas Kelly; Polling Sub -Division No. fake inuncliat" proceedings to have between :12,001) and 14,0'10. The conn- are 101 classrooms, an increase of one, dent, (petted the service with a pray-IAt School 'loose SS. No.9, Deputy Re -,any errors or omissions corrected ac- Sot Stewart llorsc Clippers; b , 11 , Cream Separator, n MleCornlick Deering, mince felt that in view of the fact Sue •,-(..• s;nl candidates at the high er poem on "Our I)cutiuiun". I:cnnut;t turning Officer, i\lcute.a Jai n, Poll coding to law. that the entire building was short (f tel; o) c -trance exanninatious were Johnston read the Scripture Lesson. Clerk, \Vapor Shortreed; Polling Sub-( Dieted at my office this 2nd clay of 5511 capacity, in good condition, apply office space and the vault acconuu,,,l;i- 1'11, of which 145 had enticed high Anne Jeannette \\'atson gave a poem, Division \o. 3, At School ITottse SS, '\o\•einlw , 1'(.15, I to\\•alter \I;;:on, 1 I)th, R. R. 3 of tion inadequate ads., that several of- schw I. Oterc•owdit g in classrooms is "'file \\'ay of Leve", and Shirley Fal- No. 5, 1)e;tnly -Returning Officer, harry GEORGE W. COWAN, Cleric.I Phone 11-23. 13-t fives were csl;,blished outside of the ;I preblcnt in the urban sections. 1)nr- 12-3 TRY A CLASSIFIED AD. 25 CENTS building, it was an opportune time to log lust year, Myth reopened a roost FOR SALE corer explained the "Special Objects" 1!NI eGuire, Poll Clerk, \\'tit. \'anCantp; of the Thank -Offering money. Tho 1 Polling Sub -Division No. 4, At 'i'ow•n- go into the matter of a complete re- afler it had been closed for seven \lisscs Clare and ida McGowan show -'ship ita11, 3d orris, Deputy 1:tturnin modelling Years. c•; "Lantern. Slides" on these "Special Officer, James ltryans, Poll Clerk, Jack of the existing building or I the erection of an entire new building-. ! •\Ir. Staples said there was at enrol- Objects" in Africa. The choir, whiclt,Clark ; Polling Sub -Division No. 5, at Contact was est:11,111m l with an archi- nn It of 2,007 in South 1-luron. The Was conlposcd of C.G.I.T. girls, reit- School House SS, No. 7, 1)epu'y Re - tent, I.. h•ridgntan of London, who sub- tut chins staff had been increased by tiered the anthem, "Day is dying in the turning Officer, Melville \lathers, Poll milted four sets of plans. Two plans two Ile spoke of the need for more showed a remodelling of the present sewn:0111dati'1•, parlietllarly in Go(lc- building, making three stories; 0110 plat rich, whore the need of a new school is shcucd a renndelling and an addition t'yidcat. of two wings, and the fourth was for 1 The C'hildrett'e Aid Society reported er, Rev.. Mr. Dunlop of Ticlgrave, \h1) Polls to be open from 9 A.M• to 5 P.M 9('0 ytst 't 1 rib • the year; GO0 office gave a splendid Missionary address to GEORGE MARTIN, Returning Officer West." Clerk, Charles Souch ; tolling Sub -1)i - Rev. A. Sincair presided throughout vision No. 0, at School House SS, No. the service, offering prayers and deli- 10, Deputy Returning Officer, Sparling cation, and introducing lite guest speak- johnton, Poll Clerk, Wesley Jermyn, an entirely new building. The cstinutt- s c u g 1 - ed cost of the first two plans was (interyie\:, Twenty-four children a large audience of listeners. RR, No. 4, Brussels. Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, t;o11est. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. MOPSY 1,3, GLADYS MOPSY! HOW MANY TIME MUST 1 TELL YOU NOT TO SEND NC/1 E'1 TO YOUR BOY -FRIEND ONCON— VEYER ? CROSSTOWN • By Roland Coe "Take it easy, ladies! This is just a piece of luggage I picked up in a second-hand store!" THE SPORTING THING BY LANG ARMSTRONG "He's probably in here—bt;."led in his books!" "NOW WHAT?" Clear As Mud The pilot hail taken great pains to explain all about les machine to the pretty young visitor at the air- port --its mechanical features, purpose of this and that, what pilots diel to melt actual (lying conditions, and so un. Ile looked at the girl and mired. "Now you understand, don't you "All hot .me thing," rl-1 ied the girl. "And e h:tt is that:" "What alait. tlm ibiu,, =tay up?" A Dead Heat ILCott U'1'.'Li; say t,ll' 'Intcifcst way to inflati,,n is paying n r. for less t,rn ts• \\'hat :.bunt pa\il.g more - l:;i,n:---Ne\\ 1• rk Sun. Easy Way To Treat Sore, Painful Piles Here Is the chanco for every per• son In Canada suffering from sure, Itching, painful piles to try a simple home remedy with the promise of a reliable firm to refund the cost of the treatment if you are not satisfied with the results. dimply go to any druggist and get a bottle of Hem -Bold and use as directed. Hem-Rotd Is un Intern- al treatment, easy and pleasant to use and pleasing resulte are quick- ly noticed. Itching and soreness are relieved, pain subsides and as the treatment Is continued the sore, painful pile tumors heal over leav- ing the rectal membranes clean and healthy. Get a bottle of IIem- Rotd today and see for yourself what an easy, pleasant way thls b to rid yourself of your p110 misery, NOTIEI The sponsor of this notice Is a reliable firm, doing business In Canada for over 20 years. if you are troubled with sore, Itching, painful plies, Item -fluid must help 3.n quickly or the small purchase pries rill be gladly refunded. Here's a SENSI E way to relieve MONTHLY FEMME PAIN, Lydia E. Pinkham' s Vegetable Compound not only helps relieve periodic pain but ALSO accompanying nervous, tired, highstrung feelings—when due to func- tional monthly disturbances. It's one of the moat effective medicines for this pur- pose. Pinkham's Compound helps nature! Follow label directions. Try it! 44:44 pandehanai VMEPTOD THiS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson —� Agro HERTZ RUSSIAN 200LOGIST, SKINNED AN ANIMAL THAi' HAD BEEN DEAD AI-MOSTA 4-t/LL1OA/ A MAMMOTH THAT HAD BEEN FROZEN IN ICE FOR THOUSANDS OF CENTURIES. °JOHNNY CAIS IS BREAD; GINGERBREAD IS CAKE. SAYS I I YEAR-OLD B.ARBARA EMSHEIMER., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. NEXT: The world', AMEOE WSLL THE ANCIENTS THOUGHT, HAD THE POWER - 70 WARD OFF LYWI('.ENNESS,1 T. M. AEA O. 6 PAT. Orr. ---c) I • CO►R.1P4t AY MEA URYICt, IMC. smallest fish. FUNNY BUSINESS By Hershberger ca...:W ,�..<..�u 11 a r �. •:fit:--. "I think it's n Navy marl carrying the ball!" Enough Mother N% anted to spend Satin - day in town, and father, an ac- countant, rcluctently agreed to give up his golf and spend the af- ternoon with the children. (_)n the return of mother, the father hand- ed her the following report of the afternoon :— "Dried tears -9 times. Tied shoes —18 times. Toy billions purchased I per child. Average life of a hal loon -13 seconds. Cautioned child- ren not to cross street — 21 times. Children crossed street -21 times. Number of Saturdays 1 will do this again—O." Equally Dangerous Grandpa blew out the gas and his grandchildren step on it, with much the sante effect. — Brandon Sun, REG'LAR FELLERS— And What A Hand! - HIM! HH! NOW ALL I GOTTA DO 15 LEAP HIM RIGHT PAST 'eft' SPOT I WANT HIM: WHY YOU ! , I'LL t.,101DER YAC On ,he Spot (ir,l\rr t;lc\cltI'1 \\ iln!u1'i, ; 1•1 1',ts , frx., rhrcnt!\ whist ll 11- :Ha the examining ofiic t t at a ;maty ha<r a,6ell a nr\•; Mil 1 \\b.tt hi, \\sic: n:unr \•.,t,. The :1.1.".,v said he doesn't kali\\' "\\ hat do you mean:" Ilrnt.ttided the t,iiircr. "\\'hat dill you call her." .1nd the ne\v guy >aid: "'.;ever hall to she \vas always there," HOTEL ' WIETIIOPOLE AB Beautifully Furnished With Running Water. Rates: $1.50 up NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.12, STATION MUSE OF THESE FIRESTONE EXTRA VALUES_- PQOVfDONT f p Ep AY AT hp mars PollouR Yes, you can be sure of Firestone tires standing up to any practical speed you will ever travel. Wilbur Shaw, the famous race driver, definitely proved that for you in an actual speedway test. • Shaw drove for 500 miles at an ave- rage speed of 100 miles per hour—on the straightaways he bit 135 miles per hour, • Not a skid or blowout occurred in this gruelling test—equal to 50,000 utiles of ordinary driving. You may never want to drive at 100 utiles per hour but its mighty comforting to know your Firestone tires have the reserve strength and stamina to stand up to any demand you could ever make of them. When you are able to buy tires insist on having Firestone 1)eLu\e Champion tires on your car. \'iumit Rubber—ram prolf. lion rpin,I •ttehtr th"lmt end •ter Gu nppint—t, h nit cu,,l n I nlul,ltd ,/tln,l Inchon un1 ontrinsl bra! Io 1,LIt11 awryL!u,nf Stlli•Lott Co,d,— Ti ,h,lp •o,en. motto ,oIdl 5Ju Lalnl loprlhtr ler mut mnnph riierrrr Gest—Grp Trud-1.156 thug W0d entlnr provide tuft pru,n ben µun,! 111dd,nt By GENE BYRNES YOU DID IT, PINHEAD' YESSIR! I KNOCKED I M OUT COLD WITH ONE. HAND! c MUTT AND JEFF— And Believe You Me, Jeff Believes Strictly in Banking Hours By BUD FISHER DROP THAT P6N AND Rbt$G'/ YOUR HANDS MIA YOUR tkeAV1 WIIAT 1;oR?t " (ISTEN,YoUl,THIS I DID MY ISA HoLDUP! tUMORb ditAD 1 WB NEED14000 Ilit '/U'HEARD ME-- jiytoCo) RAND 1T OVER! Tttl: PA: IS CI.QS6D.' ` IT'S AV'tER TIIK oeLOC est 54RRYd o a 0 POP—Taking Him Literally YOUR ORDERS WERE TO TAKE THE NUMBERS OF ALL CARS PASSING THROUGH HERE ! YES, SIR 1 WHERG 1I ARE THEY t') 7pp scorn'—•• ht11lI�IllhJplu�ll _" By J. MILLAR WATT NOSEY ESKIMOS Tender "ughs" accompanied forehead and nose rubbing when Willie Golodoff, liberated Eskimo, and his wife, Julia, also returned from Japanese POW camp, were reunited for first time in two years. Couple were captured on Attu by invading Jays. Political Future Javanese Seized Chance for Revolt Of Newfoundland Self Government Or Political Union With Canada? That Newfoundland should be brought into the Dominion to Boake tenth province, as suggested by enator A, N, McLean of New r'unswick, has frequently been tooted in the United Kingdom and las more than once been debated to the 1 -louse of Lords, A former Dominion having now only the Status of a colony pleases no one, ',specially as Britain has to carry the financial responsibility, says the ttawa Citizen, Six men, members of a govern• uncut commission, have ruled the island since 1033 when the world financial crisis reduced it to virtual bankruptcy, 'These men, aided by the esrrptional economic condi- tion= due to the war, have brought back relative prosperity. Not only has unemployment disappeared but Newfoundlanders have been able to lend t Treat Britain ten pillion dol- lars for war purposes. Cot.ntry Not Wealthy The demand for an early return to sell -government appears to tonne only from a small minority. The hulk of the population, from all accounts, is not eager for it, People remember with dismay the 'scandals associated with the old- time politicians and want no recur- rence. Furthermore, they are not sure that their present prosperity, uilt entirely on war -demand, will Inst. Newfoundland, with a population of 290,000 and an economy based largely on fish, 11a9 never been a Wealthy country. On the contrary. Ellie fisherman has to rely on the merchant who not only markets the fish but acts as banker, outfitter And storekeeper for him. Often this system leads to economic abuses. The fishcrfolk, too, live isolated lives, because coni 111110ication, argcly by sea, is inadequate and Slow and labor for industrial schemes is not easy to get. IIealth Cervices and education in such small and scattered communities are costly and hard to maintain, People Very Patriotic Some by no means unsympathet- ic observers say that unless New- foundlanders are given far better educational facilities than they now possess, they cannot be expected to undertake the task of self-gov- ernment again. Town councils have been set up, but much more is re- quired to create a system of local government such as, in Canada and Britain, prepares Been and WOMen for larger political responsibilities. Newfoundlanders are highly pa- triotic. Proportionately more of them volunteered for the war than from any other British colony, Yet the island has not much to offer its returned nun and if another eco- nomic breakdown • Detours, self-gov- ernment will remain farther off than ever. Political union with Canada would undoubtedly help the Ne v- foundlanders, They would obtain the benefit of the Dominion's social • Services and the advantage of Can- adian capital for the development of their raw materials, apart from those in which United Kingdom companies are already interested. But, for a time at least, Newfound- land would be rather a liability than an asset. Non -Stop 'Flight Japan to Washington Four 13-29's, carrying 43 men home from the war, completed last week the first non-stop flight from Japan to Washington in 27 hours, 29 minutes. Brig, Gen. Frank A. Armstrong, Jr., deputy commander of the 20th Air Force led the flight home land• ing at Washington National Air- port. Distance was figured at 6,- 544 miles. There \wcrc 95,000 accidental deaths in the United States dur- ing 1944. Queen \Vilhelmina promised nearly a year ago what amounted to Dominion government to the Dutch colonies, but this did not satisfy the extremists, says the Ot- tawa Citizen, They saw a chance for revolt and took it. The fighting has not been real- ly serious, No doubt some of It has been inspired by the Japanese eager to leave the Allies a burden- some legacy. But obviously kill- ing British, Indian and Javanese settles nothing. A truce, and ne- J gotiations on the basis of Queen \\'ilhclinina's offer is undouhtely the way to a settlement. British forces are in lava be- cause the Netherlands government surprised by Japan's sudden sur- render, had neither an army nor the ships to carry it, capable of re- occupying the territory. The South East Asia command was asked to undertake the task. Due to the Japanese occupa- tion, the Indonesian nationalists formerly only a small vocal min- ority impatient of Dutch rule, gained great strength. They were given key positions in the govcn• nlent and so acquired political power which they promptly used to further their independence movement. They sought to per- suade forty million Javanese that they could govern themselves. 'i'he value of Canada's food ex- ports in 1944 was approximately four times that of the 1938 ex- ports. MATHIEUS syRUP -'+;51' ' cOLDS,CAUGHS,8RONcHifs STOPS COHH6 GET AFTER HEADACHE PAIN THIS WAY. . { Instantine Tablet brings FAST RELIEF! NEXT TIME you suffer from a simple headache, try the Instantine 1 -tablet - tray to prompt relief. You may be surprised at the speed with which 1 Inslantinetablet canbringyoufast relief. It generally takes only one Instantine tablet to start bringing welcome relief from headache pain. You see, these fast -acting, prescription -type tablets go to work almost immediately easing pain, lessening discomfort, Instantine's scientific combination of three proven medicinal ingredients works in these ways to bring relief: 1. Speedily ease the pain. 2. Prolong relief from pain. 3. Reduce "depression." Giro mild, stimulating "lift," Try Instantine—chances are you will never again resort to slower -acting preparations for relief of simple pain. Remember Instantine, too, whenever you suffer from pains of neuralgia and neuritis, Your druggist has Instantine. fnsfanfine 12 Tablets 250—about 20 u dos. Fast, Effective Relief from Simple Pais FDR MEMORIAL �,�...; ,0.`r; Pictured above is the new Frank- lin D. Roosevelt Memorial Medal, now for sale through the Treasury Department. Designed by Chief Engraver John R. Sinnock, it is three inches in diameter with a portrait of the late President on one side. On the other side is a female figure, sitting with head bowed, symbolizing a sorrowing nation. 1,1,cm( CHECKire a ✓iffy -or Money Back For quick relief from itching caused by eczema, athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and otheritching conditions, use pare, cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D, PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, contorts and quickly calms intense itching. Don't sutler. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. u.►nv CiiICKS CHI('KS, T)AYOLi)S, FOIL IMMr:- (iate shipment mid we've a few 2-3 weelc o1d, iVrite for list. And order shirks for i)rcernber-Jnnu- (try delivery, Such breeds as Light Sussex, New Hampshire Barred Rooks, \Vyandettes, Atisttvtlops, etc, and crosses. Pray iEntrhery, 130 John N. (Hamilton Ont. 1V.1N'I'ED IIt'NI)RP:i)S .MORE poultry raisers who scant to in- crease their profits. Twed4les Government Approved chicles grow fast. The: e ehielcs polite from hlood1e f'd breeders of known liv,ibillt)' and productivity — eru'h thiels Is carefully selected for shipment and any weaklings are quickly culled from the lot — thus assuring you of n live dell - very of healthy- husky chicks. When buying chicks remember — Europe Is In urgent need of eggs and poultry meet, Prepare now for a hardy profitable stock. Buy Government Approved chicks, Book your order now and be sure of the breed and shipping date you desire, Write to -day for our interesting and informative tree catalogue. Also free range pullets for Immediate delivery, Tweddle Chick hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, HERE'S lir:.\I, NEWS FOR 1'OUL- try raisers. A large and profit- able market in eggs and poultry meat awnfts your produce In Europe, Start today to cash In with Top Notch government Approved chicks. A shipment of healthy, husky, Top Notch chicks will assure you of a high degree of productivity In the near future. A chick Is only as good as Its breeding, strain. Top Notch chicks come from bloodtested breeders of known livability and producti- vity, Remember for 'Pop Notch productivity its Top Notch chicks, Book your order early so you will be sure of receiving the breed you desire on the date you desire. Write to -day for our free cata- logue — you'll be glad that you r11d. Also free range pullets for Inlnledinte delivery. Top Notch Chlckertes, Guelph, Ontario, SPECIAL SALE OF WHITE LEG - horn, Ba'r'ed Rock and New Hampshire pullets 14, 16 and 18 weeks of age, nil free range healthy stock, only n. lhnited number so write at once for pri- ces. Also laying and ready to lay pullets. Free cntnlogue, Also day old fell hatched chicks. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fer- gus Ontario• 25 FREE CHICKS OUR BABY CIIiCKS ARE THE progeny of Foundation and Re- gistered Birds. All Breeders blood -tested. Prices from 3e to 25c. All guaranteed excellent layers. Don't delay, order now. Goddard Chick Hntcherles, Bri- tannia ITeights. Ont. 1T WiLL PAY TO FILT. Y01111 pens with pullets this y'at. \Ve ran give inmmediate delivery on 14, 16 and 18 week old White T,eghortis. Barred Reeks and New Hanpshlres, Also laying and ready to lay. Free catalogue. Also Fall latched day old checks hooked to order. Top Notch Ch(eke ries, Guelph, Onto Ho. 111'SINESS OPPORTUNITIES 'WIN BRAND Nl':\V 1912 DE LUXE Plymouth Sedan, G other prizes to Victory Ponds. Army and Navy Veterans Unit 257. Drawing Dec. 21, 1945, Subscription .$1.00 — 6 for 53.00. I'. 0. Box 21, Fort Wil- liam. Agents Wanted. H0\\' W0111,1) YOU L11(11 TO (i\VN n $10,000 Home, built to your own specifications, wherever vett wish:' If you prefer we will give you $10,000 In Victory Bonds, Op- t•:ortunity to u•(n $10,000 monthly draw. A11 proceeds for underpri- vileged children and playgrounds. Draw date — December 31st, 1913. Don't rlelny, Ilerclpts mailed promptly. Send 81.00 for one ticket, G for $5.00, right now to l:iwanis Club of Sudbury, Box 52 Sudbury, Ont. DYEING AND CLEANING 11A\'I': YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. POW's In Canada Harvest Sugar Thuu,:Inds of acres of sugar beets are being harvested this hall by prisoners of war from Canadian camps. These groups were also great air) this Spring when field labour was scarce and blocked and thinned a good portion of the beet crops of Alberta, Manitoba and Ontario, Every morning the prisoners arc transported by trucks to the fields where they work in groups of 10 or more under armed guard, For the past month they have been working in Alberta and quartered in camps located throughout the beet -growing district. In Ontario they have been top- ping beets for three weeks and are located in Chatham, Centralia, Glencoe and Fingal. It is expected their full number will be required for another three weeks, possibly foto•. LIFE can Begin AFTER 40,!!.. Around 40 our energy lessens. But, ex. perience has taught us to do our work with leas effort. The years ahead should yield the greatest accomplishments, the moat enjoyment and happiness. They can, too, if wo avoid the kidney and bladder disorders such as Back- ache, Headache, Rheumatic Pains, Lassitude, Loss of Sleep and Energy which so often attack 'those around 40. For over half a century Dodd's Kidney Pills have been helping men and women to keep kidneys and bladder in good order. If you are nearing 40, or past it, for the sake of your irealllr and a happier future use Dodd'a Kidney Pills today! 12S FOR SALE HONEY FOR SALE DELICIOUS NEW CROP HONEY for immediate shipment nt $9.00 per rase of 12 four pound cans. your nearest ration office will exeilauge 24 preserve or sugar coupons for a special voucher good 48 pounds of honey. Mall this to us with your cheque and we will ship at Dore, Big Rock Farm, Mille Roches, Ont, Now Is the time to buy u one-man light welgltt portable "PRECISION" POWER CHAIN SAW to fell or cross -rut tlrnber pulp. wood or firewood. Two types lna- nufaetured. Loth $400 f.o.b. Montreal, Precision Pnrts Ltd., 2023 Aylmer St„ Montreal, FOR SALE LIMITED NUMBER 0 If. 1'. Empire Garden 'Praetors available for inunedinte delivery. This machine is Benda 1n Canada, Orders being accepted now for Spring delivery, Write for price and particulars, Garden Tractor and Equipment Co., 1,imited, 1160 Albert Road Windsor, Ontario. 11.1\' 1'lll'1 5, 5"I':\'riON:11lY, ANN Arbor, Arthur ,Alyea, Curries, Ont, (111SOLiN11 i:NG1Nr:S. NEW 13rlgg`* and Stratton nlrconled. Most modern engine bulit. Low post, Write for descriptive fold- ers and prices, Scope Sales Co., Box 852, Otfnt(•n Ont. 1"OhIl)SON TRACTOR, NEEDS some repairs $250.00. Will deliver any pineo free of charge, 1066 Danforth Avenue, Toronto. HURON COUNTY, C'IiOPPING MiLL. good nixed farming area. Diesel engine, hall bearing' grinder rol- lers with elevators, going con- cern, quick possession. Wm, Pewee, Realtor Exeter, Ont. BEAU'I.1FUI, SHOPPING BAGS Make Parcel -carrying easy, Yon will love these strong shopping bags of colorful flowered creton- ne material or solid shade leath- erette. Sturdy wooden handles, soft flannel -!Meshed lining. Size 15 x 10 Inches, Flowered creton- ne 1n blue, rose, natural. Solid leatherette in brown. Years of wear. $2,49 each, You will be proud to carry ono even to your nicest street clothes. Send $1.00, balance collect plus postage. Ar- rowsmith's Dept. 4, Box 19, stn, "N" Montreal. PUPS AND TANG HAIRED ICI1'- tene wanted, highest prices, good homes. Dixon's, 1821 SL Antoine, Montreal, FOR SALE, REGISTERED DOR- set ewes and rams, unrelated, V. Bartlett, R. No. 2, Canfield, Ont. ATTENTION, FARMERS. FOR Sale: Tractor Tires, made of rub- ber, sultnble for bolting on steel wheels, $10.00 each. When order- ing state diameter and width of wheel. Netlonnl Rubber Co. Ltd„ 6 Wiltshire Ave., Toronto, Ont. ELECTRIC MOTORS NEW, USED bong h1, sold, rebuilt: belts Pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd. 2326 Dtlffcrin St. Tor- onto. FOR SALE ROUiEN DUCKS PRIZE stock ducks $0.00, drakes $4.00. .Archie L'agg, 111, Ilespcler. On- tario, , S1'19110lN(1 1rtll0' L SPiNNI•OlS. special heavy duty for tractors, $1.25 postpaid. lvnn Martin, St. Jacob's, Ontario. SUlll'1,1'S PILES A C011PL1•:'1'11 SET OF 50 ASSORT - ed files: front 6"-14": including flat, half round, round. square, etc.: rough and smooth: at n clearing price of $8 delivered. Ile- c)Ipetonls and Metals limited, 1212 Aldred Building, Montreal. Que. STORE WINDOW PRICE TICICETS Ready for your individual prices. Write for samples. Kel19' Print- ing, 121 Wellington Street West. Toronto, ('.tlt)1S 1%0(1 SALE 50 ACRE FARM, 6 110091 BIRICK house, good out buildings, 12 miles south of Windsor Ont. W. H. Taylor, I(11 1, Auld, Ont. 180 ACRES, GOOD MAPLE BUSH, with or without machinery, cheap Rox 474, Smith Falls, Ont. 100 -ACRE 1"ARM LOT 10, C'ON, 7, Ellice, Good buildings, wells, hy- dro, well drained, 2% miles from 19 Highway. Geo. Dungey, 11, 1, Sebringvllle, Oat. Slang Invading Scottish Dialect The liurns Federation has dis- closed the awful news that Ameri- can slang is sneaking into the Scottish dialect. It may not get very far --nut if Scots are still like the one who heard an American declaring lie carne front "God's own country," says the Ilalifax Chronicle. "Mon," countered the Scot, "Ye hae an awfu' puir Scots accent." On the other hand, there was the Englishman who maintained that a Scottish accent was noth- ing but the result of a foreign people trying to speak a language they never could master! And now we are deep in 1 foxhole, Pulp Mills Waste Used as Fertilizer Lignin, two million toes of which are discarded annually by pulp and paper mills, has been used suet esefully for fertilizers, said Robert 5. Aries, research as- sociate at Vale University, in an address delivered at a Meeting con- ducted by the \Vood Council and the University of Maine in Orono, \le. In addition to the two mil- lion tons discharged annually by pulp and paper mills into streams and rivers, sawmills and other woodworking plaints throughout the rout]; ry "can readily Brake available another ten million tons of wood waste )which can be in- corporatcd into fertilizers." 1'.UIMS ruff SALE 100 A('Itl•: DAIRY FARM WELL shunted with river running through — In Lanark Co., 6 miles west of Alrnonte 60 acres tillable, soil clay loam, good sugar hush, never failing drilled well. This farm Is exceptionally well hunt, with good brick house, largo bank barn and other necessary build- ings. Apply for particulars, Mrs, Harvey Patterson, Alrnonte, Ont. It, R. No, 1, 13 ACRES NEAR I:OWMANVILLP, god bearing orchard, poultry houses for 2,000 birds, barns, silo, price , $7500. Terms: more land available complete bathroom, furnace, hydro, 10 miles from Oshawa, possession nrrangcd, M, 1.. Clemens, 11.10, 6, Bowmanvillo, Ontario. i1AIRDRESSiNG LEARN HAIR DRESSING PI110 Robertson method, Information on request regarding Glosses, Robertson's Hnirdressitng Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. HELP WANTED BOOKKIa;I'i0l0 WiTII SAWMi1.1, experience preferred, capable of handling complete set of books and payroll, accustomed to type- writing alai general office work for small Northern town. Per- manent position, Salary $80 to $40 per week to conllnenco, de- pending on ability and experience, House may be provided. Apply to 'rhe Oakville Basket Co. Ltd, Oakville. Ont. LINO OPERATORS AND FLOOR MEN WANTED t'OMPETPNT LINO OPERATORS and floor men wanted for news- paper printing office, permanent position, highest wages. Wlison Publishing Co., 73 Adelaide W., apply nearest Employment and Selective Service Office. Order . Nn 1. MEDICAL BAUMEEICA FOOT BALM DE• atroys offensive odor Instantly'. 45c, bottle, Ottawa agent, Don - man Drug Store, Ottawa. AZO TABLETS BLIOTS GIVE IMMEDIATE relief to Asthma sufferers, Take tablets as directed and see how quickly your breathing becomes normal and distress ceases. Mo- ney refunded If improvement not evident after 7 days. $1.00 post- pnfd. John Campbell, 131 Keewatin Toronto 12. TRY 17'! i:VElli' SUFFERER OP 101i 0010111 le Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Otta- wn. Postpaid 51.00, GE1' READY FOR WINTER Build up your resistance with Merrills System Tonic Tablets, Canadian favorite for forty years, From your druggist or postpaid $1.00, from Merrill Pro- ducts, 98 rllverbirch Ave, Toron- to. Ontario, S'1'091A(11 AND THREAD WORMS often erre the cause of ill -health in humans, all ages. No one im• mune! Why not find out If this Is your trouble ,interesting particu- lars — free! Write Mulveney's Remedies. Specialists, Toronto 8. GOOD iRESl'LTS — EVERY SUP - fere!. from Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Re- medy, Miunro's Drug Store, 836 1010111, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00, O1'I'(IR'PI'NI'I'IRS ('1)11 1VOMRIr BE A HAIRDRESSER JOiN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity. Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession. good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Titus( rated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS Ilranrlhes: 41 Icing St, Ilnmilton fi 7.1 Rideau Street, ottewts. PiitITOGnal;iiio TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your elms properly developed and printed, 6 011 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25e REPRINTS 8 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE you may not get all the Alms you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMPERIAL 11'IiOTO SERVICE' ('1111'1u(;ItAI'I11 CHRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR OWN SNAPSHOTS Your negatives make the most dis- tinctive Clu'istmas Cards you can get—cards that your friends will treasure — particularly friends on active service. Select your favourite negatives and send to us. We'll return 12 attractive, embossed greet- ing cards with picture, printed on —and envelopes for 1118 l(ng—all for 69c. Order cnrl)•. (2 Photos on Calendars for 25c.) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE 1101 120, Pos1nl 'terminal A, Toronto A customer at Uerwick, N.S., writes us: "1 received the beautiful Christ- mas cards which you printed from my own negatives, and 1 want you to know how pleased I am with your wonderful work and prompt service. 1 will be aregular custom• or of Star Snapshot Service from now on." Any Size Roll—G or 8 Exposures, D0vl0T.(II'I01) ANI) PRINTED 25e ti MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25e Size 4" x 6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts S.'ou can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a small additional charge, Framed Enlargements 4" x 6", on Ivory tint mounts, in frames 7" x 9". Burnished Gold or Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish 69e; Print your name and address plain- ly on all orders, if enlargement coloured 79c, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical Instru- ments. 111 Church. 'Toronto 8. 1''.) I O N't 1ETIIERSTUNIIA0011 & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890: 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Informe tIon on re- (meet PERSONAL WINNER 01' 1'I.YMOU'1'll CAR drawn at l'ort Colborne October 31, Ivy llaechler, ICellogg Co., London, Ontario, Ticket No. 49408. '1'AAID111311' DEER LIEADS MOUNTED, DEER Hides tanned Into glove leather, we also buy Deer Hides. Sheep skins tanned for floor rugs. Bear Hides tanned and made into rugs. Foxes and Furs dressed and made into scarfs, 26 Elm Street, Toron• to, Oliver Spanner Co, Ltd. 11'AN'TED THEATRE IN SMALL TOWN OR a suitable building that can ba rebuilt Into a theatre. I3ox 64, 73 Adelaide W. Toronto. WANTED TO RENT BLACIC- smlth shop nitd smell (levelling, In good farming community, Box 61, 73 Adelaide W. Toronto. WANT HOUSTO IN ViL.T.AGE, TOWN or highway, Prefer with little land, $700 to $1700. Give descrip- tion, price etc. George Drummond, Owen Sound. HIGHEST PRICES PAiD For all kinds of dressed poultry. Got our prices before you sell, Write, phone or wire JOHN C. COOPER 2304 BIHOR 51'. W., TORONTO PITONE JU, 9339 BUYER, Mit. TED BOWLER HARDWARE 13USINESS WANTED, state stock, turnover, any nocos• nary particulars, confidential. Box 69, 73 Adelaide W. Toronto. WANTED PO PURCHASE PULL• eta all ages end breeds. ITigh prices paid, Apply Box No. 61, 73 Adelaide \V., Toronto, HATCHING EGGS WANTED FOi0 1946 hatching season. Flocks cull- ed and bloodtested free of charge Under Government Supervision, Guaranteed premium, plus hatch- ability premium Paid. For full details, write Box 89, 78 Adelaide W., Toronto. 13i:TWEEN NOW AND LATH Spring, White Birch Bolts, 27" long, 7" and up top. Must be fresh cut, free of doze and large limb knots. Also Interested in Poplar and Basswood Bolts, 6" and up top, 48" long, If you can suply in carlots, write for our quotations. ICeenan Woodenware Limited, Owen Sound. Ontario. LOGS: BASSWOOD B E E C H, Birch, Elm, Maple. also Poplar and White Birch Bolts, good prices. Write to The Oakville 13nsket Co. Ltd.. Oakville. Ont. ISSUE 47-1946 PAGE 8 ., .._�,. SPECIALS '1 Children's Hose . . ... . .. . .... . . . 19c to 95e Ladies' Cotton Hose 25c ♦ s♦ •1 3.♦ Ladies' Lisle Hose , . , 29c to •`1.00 Men's Heavy Wool Trousers , , . , , . , 1$5.95 and $6.95 Heavy Wool Breeches $5.95 and $6.75 " RUBBERS and SHOES FOR ALL TIIE FAMILY. 31 i• ;t; Olive McGill THE STANDARD 11rs. C. NI. "!',usic is visiting her par- t, \ll'. and \Irs. h. 11• l'lbiasun. Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Acetylene and. Electric NI r• halm \\':•t,ml, of I.imdun, w•;aa a guest %vitt' C. T. 1)obbyn's Last utter:.`Yclding A specialty. \ Agents For International - OBITUARY Harvester Parts & Supplies White hose Gas and Oil. "AT REST" Car Painting and Repairing. Nlr, Simn,i Ntc\'itlie, beloved citizen '---------.- --� of Mullett trinnsllip, passed away at the Inane c.f her son-in.Law•, NIP. Nelson Lear, on Ni ii I:iy morning, November ¢t2130+lh>ntNatarr*DrNk rlarAatDIztNat,nal;haatta'atNstNat>r,2lri>ttr)0tums,Dt:a>srkita>nV;:a 19th, Sh 11'1'1 been in faiblig health for several l I l til , hilt suffered a severe 4t♦ • ♦.♦ • •• ♦ • • r • ♦ ♦ • • • • • r • • ♦ • • • • ♦ ♦ • ♦ ,trtJLe, Illi' I,reV:.'11; I I1ejd F1..1.40♦• ♦ •:H,Nt .1.44•x♦ tlw/ 1.4.4I,t• 4N .4. •i.♦,. •+1 •;♦f .1 :..1. ••. ♦/♦ •♦. •,•.�1 ♦•♦ ♦•I,♦1,♦. I♦NI♦, (+1(1(11 ,hr nrt'tr rallied. 4. L ,HI in Grr+ io‘%11,11111, she r:r. r In + r . STUART OBI!JSON ♦_ BREAD, BUNS, 1'11 S, r yMullett as a h*;de, anal jnst about true r:i: year ago, ..11c, rot Nil. \IcVittie, \1110 i, Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. �_ , passed away i'.1 January, celebrated i4 their GoldenWedding. Of a kindly, i 4Please Phone I)elivery Orders Early. .t. and happy disposition, she will he sadly . ItEMEM13LR 4: mourned by It family, lelland Mc "TILE HOME BAKERY" 0 r; Morning Delivery. North of Dinsley Street. e. i ,t:, \•;'lie, nn the hum,, 'dace; (Jc,'sie) , _. Afternoon Delivery, South of Dinsley Street. A ND, Le' Walt; (Olive) Mrs. Nelson H. T. VODDEN. Delivery Orders - $1.00 or Over. i=t Lear; (jean) Nlrs. James Scott, of Tor- =.... . =- r .♦ „ 1 ,4+,1. 1400.4.4•,4•t•4N40•:4d.A,84.4.4�4�•414. ' tii onto; also the grandchildren, Jean ;111.1 • • ♦ �. ♦ i ♦ a ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ > ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ i :i; Donna \I c\ -it! ie, Archie, Itie, D. I al I, Jim ;i; to ,_';: ! Ir,sie \1'.1tt, I luri,, I lelun, 1 tarry 'j♦Chicken Aa(ldie •,r , " ;;_. COLE f)5c and June I.ca„ I:uucs :Intl I�r sella > 7 ,roll • It 0. i 41/ Neilson S Cocoa, half 11). 19c :♦' Th, fn n'r;al tool; ,lore on \1'ednrs- ). •_: Soup, :•' l 't OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN •i' y Aylmer Tomato and Vegetable S 10 oz. tin 10c ... day. NI,,,,,,,he:• '1st, at 2 p. in. from the :F d wide selection r' t ♦ 11,''16 f her :r n la\v, \I r. Nelson •. GODERiCH — ONTARIO. X If A wide selection of End Tables, ni11'1'ors, II115- Shreddc(i Wheat 2 101' 25c ,i; ler Scr\'icc was cundurle t b;: key.. >: Eyes Examined and Glasses Filled,;I socks, Living -Room Tables, Wall Brackets, Coffee I`i' ii)c I'e'nni:ln, pato' of horn<' (pitted ;i; With 25 Years Enrericncc :�; a Tables and Other O(1(l Living -Room Pieces, which 6:: Tea Risk ,i, Kraft Dinner 20c 3 Chlncll, lullaw'e l by intcrnrent in �_ will be al ;_; 11611) to make your home more comfortable 1111(1 ell- 11urn....Till !er, The oalnlearcr; were • r J .........""""""""' I a; R. 1). P11ilps Drug Store♦1; •I Dyable. ;t; Red Rose Coffee 13' I a. Per lb. Vic .it • (rc 1 c 1116\t 11r� l's, Ne son ht vl, :11 , ,• BLYTH, ONTARIO = di• ;. vin • ,ti•it'e, lane.', \1'illi,Inlsnll, ('art NEXT VISIT ;S; t r ai; Oran res Lemons and Grape Fruit. ,>•: •i. i A call will convince you of the ]1111n r cxcell)ilt Oranges,and Lockhart 1:'hn n, and a cote n. i 1 V. I WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21st X. 1 i44.4. -++4++.:44.8.4.•:••:•+++4.0o ,il 11 r. George Nt.\'ittit'. 11u1 f!ntcerbe;u • f •1 >' t Values We are Uf.ferll)1r!'. 1+♦.��••�N•iM1:•.•�N�•4N:.♦♦♦�+Y�.�1•Q1�♦1�11�N�•i�•�1•{1,,.,;.•;N;N;,.,.,•;.,•1;.,..;.o♦..;.,.;. ,,t,..;..;. ;•.g•;..;♦ ers were the w~r;tnt!rhiltlren. i;. FROM 2 TOS P.M. •, 1 .-__.. -__ _ _ ..._ ....._. -... _.. 'I 6. - .. _.__ _ I Frie is and r\Iatives \Vere present : t TELEPHONE 20 +' 1 .., from, 1.(' I n, 'I'ore.nlca, St. Catharine; 13• R. D. PH:LP'S DRUG STORE :: 1 PERSON AI, INTEREST , I,r a her. 116. Wray Bryant, and Nl l's, a, r : FOR APPOINTMENTS. t 1 Stevensville and Ilamiltivi. '' \irs. John 1'.11 s t'I 1.:st1,1\'td, 19 \'1>lt- Bryant, (It 1 It.itCrlilt. I:f: ;i ing ;;t the Itttilt� of 116 and Nl l's \\'il' the ,rllilvithe t`.t the e,illintnitt\• is ��•iia•)••, .•*,`••i•`i,'•,a♦46$:.,:ui•i*•.i`•.:N:•♦:N:. �N4N,Q 4! { ter Nla„}' . \I r,. Freeman Toomey, l ey, 1..'raltl and extended 1 the bereaved in thtir s- r- 1 Mauna Lynne pent the past few days r„11, / Heine I!'urnisher — Phoned' 7 and 8 — Funeral Director, Vodden's BAKERY. WIZEN IN NEED OP HOME-MADE CAKE OIt COOKIES Wed., November 21, 1915. i. tl.I 1 I I_d 1.1 .. .. .IL1:I.. Il 641 Old Favourites Return We are pleased to announce that the following articles are now in stock, some are ill limited quan- tities: RONSON LIGHTER 56.00 THORENS LIGHTER ...................... -.. 52.75 GILLETTE RAZOR _. .49 AUTO STRAP RAZOR ..... .79 ELECTRIC HEAT PAD .................................. ...... $5.95 SET DISHES, (32 PiECES) .- . $7.75 AND $9.25 • Y. and S, LICORICE STICK __..., ................... .10 R D. PHILP, Phm. B DRUGS. SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER—PHONE 2P, pendent:14114104KtitIcaateLtil.CC14(at41004210 1(44(411( 1044+,tstitM to:V.C;I:tt:iCt4tetitala'n • rt 1; Living -Room Furnit re We are offering Several New Designs in Ches- ;erfield Suites and Occasional Chair's - upholstered he latest fabrics at most Moderate Prices. Se Chel '1r. an I \I• -s. Fred I,1icltards spent w•itll NI r. anti Nlrs. 11'illi:un \\'bite til I the week -enc! vii h their Pons, 1larit family of Galt, nuc' Donald, of 'I' roto,i MR. ALEXANDER McGOWAN 11's. .\. Gin( ,I'll' >p,l'llt (lit' 11'eek-ell:l \Ir, a:' I \Irs. 1'ostil of G dcrich, vritlt Toronto friends. \liss (; Ile -pie it s;•ent Su .'.ay 111(1( the latter', atier, met Ntr• and \Irs.Alvin Nlnnruc, of that the ite'1•e l'1 this colo n'it' 3I r. \I, 11•'It'r.ltatier. (IrrI4iv:11e tt''! Ibe+• wkIted to be re-Ican':d of the sl:' Ieu passing of :\Icx to ionucr II?yah friends. Ni c(;uwan on Friday nnrnin g. nn nthered \Ir. a..(1 Mrs. Robert \'int, of \Ving- Although he had been in f;Iiing health y haute visi'ei on Sunday with Mr, anti Nlrs. l'li:ales 1;raspy, and her ncphe•w for sometime Ills dead( came as a NIrs.:\. Parr. I Mr. 11;art:n (;r..slry, ,Ment Sun'Iay with gre:ll stm.ek to Iii, I'tuudly ani fri'n Is. :the 1'l.t'e', 11a11gh'cr. 1Ir-• Ce til Arm- The Lae \I; Nte(;owaii was the; sincere and deep regret Mrs. (; 'don I•:1Ct,tt, lo;nl and I)n ,trunk. and NI r, .1rnistr. n:, of 'thorn- youngest of a family of eight, awl a S ald, visited wtth her parents, \I r• and dal(.. rs• R. Joint .ten, of C. 'dericll, on .Monday, \Ir. awl Mrs. l;;alit I):'bbv'n, it Nlrs. \\'. F, :\Ion':, at;mule I the Itnt_ Flt r, cntert:liucll a Zen fr:eticl:, )3.1 187(1. 't'llrrciorc, NI r. McGowan had coal of th. late L'crtrun 1fs( N. drum- 'I•hlt�•s'I;ay cyesis(, in the fl' i 111' ;1 silent his entire l:fe 1'n the farts tv:•crc inent cr, t'1•e.'swa'cr nu' -chant, ~111.11 was Theatre and dinner I,;arty• It being the In passer) away. occasion :,f the. 1st \\ cdding :\nnit'er- 1•"orty sire yt ads at n nest 111011:11 11c sae)'' was married to Annie :\ndtrun, \vim survive;. NIr. and NIr . C"ff fake, of Kit- chener, awl, )! r. zed 116 •. I i;u" \ Cline, and daughter, Patsy, e6 11'a'er Itis loss, three son 1Iill'ard, of Ter - unto, 1';slay of Fer¢us, art Orval ;it Mrs. I?. J. Lars vrt;ht ac,(Jun-doer, at the home f 116. and Mrs, I.. M. home. '1'11'6' grandrhiltlren, tiny sist'r, Jcttic, t -pent the n&.k•cnd with her Scrinlgermr. Nli„ ,lana 1!rt;ow:m, I'or'nto, and sun of the late George \I c(;ow•an and Janet (Nlo -re t Ntc(;o\varr, and was bolt in Fats: \\'avian tsli, January :0'11, 11elr1 on \\'edue-day• Corporal and Ntrs. Gerald 1tarris have rented Nlrs.:\. L'ainton's rlwcllin'. en Queen Street, and are now in pos- session Ile;i'.es It's \\ife he I":a1•;'f 1I, nor 11-11 lou, spent Sunday with NI 1.,• Joe NI arks, Christmas ore hro;her, \\iitiain, of Loudon. The funeral 11.11'(11 was held fr in his late residence Sunday aftern-ou at 2.3(I o'clock viva largely attended. Rev A. Sinclair, pa,lor of the l'nite I Church, of which 116. \IvGowan was a faithinl member, co"ltncted the ser. vice. During the :er•ice NI r. A. E. -\\'alsh sang the beautiful solo, "(;•.ne Our 11•eloveld." Suggestions fhc pallbearers \very. Melville 1ic11- Iur'nd,'I'Iorotlto. George NIeGn++•an, Les - Al' Johnston, Norman 1atlford, 1toy laid I)esk Calendars (mighty handy) 89c % 'Nil a:•.d Frank Marshall. The many floral tributes were car - Boxed Stationery (Attractively I3oxed) .30c to $1.25 R` ' ricd by six 1u'11hcw:, \\'illiarn Skeltr,n, \\'ilFanl Van:awl), i)uncan Slcveus, Correspondence Cards, Plain and Gilt -Edged. ' lndreu 1'rt ctcr Graham An'crso:t and Harvey .\':-t!crsl.n. interment was An Outstanding Line of Christmas Cards and Boxes -in Psion ('cltl.,cry, Myth. Friends f roc, a distance 11 ere. \I t•. and \Irs. 1lcdvi to Richmond. Mr. NIy)- \;Ile hill, of 'Toronto; 'Nit-. act Nir.s, r\nr le'rso' , of 'Kincardine; Mrs. !reit, \lrs Ewart Powe, of Lon - '1"•1; \Ir;. 'Taclior, of \Vinghant; \irs, Leith, of J,istow•cl ; M r, ao•l Mrs. Ii.oward Nix, Messrs. `.tack, Fred and )nncari Stevens, Nfrs. Campbell, 1trs• trightun, of Preston; tt'. ':!gin An- (erson, of Gait; Mr. and \Irs. 11'illiatu Skelton, :of I.'tcan; )fr, and Mrs, An- drew Pro:tor and daughter, 1)rrcet, o1 Centralia; 'Airs. ltuide'I, and Jean Nfi;s Edith Nle arc, Nfr. John \f; o•'c of Gsorget iwn. lh .1 . M .. I 1 11.1... -.Y Y . � , • I SPECIAL --- 3 pair Inlain Book Ends $1.50 a Pair GAMES --- Chemistry Sets, J ig Saw Puzzles, Snakes and Ladders, Parchessi, Rollaway, Bubbles Animal Jig -A -Roos, Animal Rig -A -Jigs, Snap, Old Maid, Lost Inc ir, Eurche Mecks, Gavle of Mill, and Many Others -- All Brand New Stock. I I 1 6:11 .1 I New Style Bread Knife (takes the slant out of the bread) - absolutely no guess work, Dolls, Toys and Stuffed Animals. Tree Decorations and Christmas Seals and Wrap. The Standard Book Store MRS. AGNES McGLYNN Mrs. Agnes 11eGlynn, a former 11tH- tt;{I r••s'dent, and mother of \V. F. Me•rris, of Blyth, passer) away at the home of her son, J. P. Nlc- Glynn, near 'Teeswater, on November 9th, in her 86th year. \\hen a girl NI rs. 'lcGlytln lived Pith her parcels, the late NI r. and Nlrs• 'atrick Doyle, of Hullctt Since her marriage 53 years ago to SPECIAL This Week FRESH FROZEN SALMON FILLETS. FRESH FROZEN SILVER BRIGHT SALMON STEAKS. PRO Jl PT DELIVERY Vednesday and Saturday. Phone 10 1 But:hcr. 1 r i'1 /*?.i.D;Dt2t.”.tb1?tD7Datiitr3l2iNADJatD1a7N2ra1ii212a tilDio13t2a12i2Diat:n2t';..t...21:.2.4,/.71Dalki171 •: 9; •: *11 W I.$4 : 1. 1 11 I 1 1,I 1 ,1,uY -. .. 11 II, X046.15 -.--_ HURON G BLYTH --- ONTARIO. ,t ♦t I•••+. EXCELLENT FOOD. GOOD SEIti'1CI: Meals at All Hours. •it •• it 1♦ 3♦ •i, ♦♦ •i' t' •r• _: FRANK GONG — ?ro si rletor •♦141•N4 •♦f,•••♦.1••♦♦11•• ••♦1♦♦11N•♦.4 ♦ i 1♦11•. •♦•1 ♦ ♦ �.•• •♦♦1414 ♦•/ f4 ♦1♦ ••♦ 1♦t 14.4 f4♦•11•• 1.1 •4 ••. •♦11••,•• 1♦11♦1 ••11♦114 ♦41.11••.•1.•• ♦•1. i' south of 1)0mtannon, on Saturday, of \1 r•s. ,l J Rola rtsl n, Colborne; and Joseph I.lanlilton, veterinary surgeon. (;c,'rgc itt 1) yid, Auburn, Ile \vas burl un concession 8, Col - home To\vnsh;ll, in 1567, a s•n of The fun:ral was held Nlund'Iy.after. Thomas Ilatailtc,n and Jane NleCan 1 no; 0, with a. private sl rite ;at tl+e Phone 19, !Myth, 1 tanliltrn, Ile graduated in 1801 from It 'vie a' I? ;If;er\t;:: d, a ln;laic ser\ ire the Toronto Veterinary C1 liege, I ud in Si. I'anl's :\itgtic:uI Church, I )nm;aa started his practice in Godcrieh, where non, The church \vas not Iarao' vl i14,li in 1895 he %vas married to Jessie Miller to ace;ntutlaty 411 will gathered. l'. v. Straughaa, \Vtto ~vitt( ttvr suns and k. :\. Iel,tlyrl, the rector. con!uck -t fi,ur daughters, survives, ' the services, and 11 rs k J I lnrain was 11e morel l:r,nt Gcder;ch to Cass ;,t the organ, ltrs. Ira tl Plat lzcr, of City, ND( h., where he continued his 'Auburn, sant~' a solo, accompanied by Practice until 1910 ivhen Itc moved to Mrs. 5, II. St};Ihu•s, Dung. ;imam. 1)unganii'u oad continued to practice \\•ere many beautiful floral tribute;. until a short time ago. Ott October 111 Joterulcnt \Vas in 1)IIIIgai ti i;l vi tai 'le't 1'. Dr. and Urs. 1Iantihun were 50 years the Pallbcarcts Lein;, R. J. 1)urni'1, ntarr;ed, Surviving are 'Phomas ;fall \\pillions Lacs:Ir, S. 11. Stcl:hers, I. J, 1lamilton, t. ii know; George Ernest, l:ubcrlsttr h.:,} (;ir\iu, and kale (;ur- l)lmgantion; .\irs. Eldridge Johnston, 'Pic. 'J•hc flower -bearer, were. hens n L'lyth; Mrs. \\', II. Stafford, of Lans- 'Johnston. of \\'est \\',a\,•anoslt, 'I•hr:t;, lug, Out; 'Air; 1) A \IcUiarntid, '6f 11;11161 e:I and James Stevenson, of Ashfield; and 1liss Genevieve, of Tor- (;'.,cicricit, George 'I'tatntey t1f :\sllriehl, u:Ito; three se,tars and tw'o brclhers. James llatnilu:'t of latelnu\v, Stewart \Irs, i\Ibcrt Gcldthtrrp, (:;!•erich; Mrs. Jolttlstou ill' I'•lyall. ;ilia 1111 i.ltml Samuel Juluts'un, \\'est \Va vaaustt; Cann of Culla clic. 1491.11' 1,21,19161.1•661.1.161i. 116,, ...I ,4 16 i mi.. 6, 1 . t EDITII CREIGHTON'S DECORATOR'S SHOPPF, PHONE 158, BI.YTH. thony :\IcUIrtltl, stir has res'.d.d near '1',:...slater. 11 r. McGlvt i .passed au.;,v in 19:9. Two. of a fancily of four still sur- vive, Nil's. Nlorris, of lllyth, tt i l a son, J. 1'. Ntc(;lynn, on the honiestca', near '1'eiswater. Funeral services were held in Sac- rc'1 Meant Church, 'l'ecsw'ater, at 9:30 un the morning of Nlonday, November 12th, with itittrutent being blade in the I..C. Cemetery, '1'ccswalcr. Sympathy k extended to NI rs. \Ier- ris in her bercrv'enu•nt. JOSEPH HAMILTON, V.S. The death occurred at his home 4 I1 1.14 1•♦N♦4 f♦ •♦. f•� ••t f4 1' ! 141•} f♦1 i f 11t f41•• ••. /4 ••1 4♦ t t f♦+ t♦.♦ t 4♦ a f t Christmas Gilts VISIT OUR STORE. INSPECT OUR ALL NEW STOCK OF CHRISTMAS CARDS, 'TOYS, GAMES. DOLLS AND TREE DECORATIONS. (vrH41~~/rk,4NPVIrrrVNINrH..1~+. ~41irrrrirHrra#r*r0a•rr+.rt,r. ,_• .ti .i, GIFTS FOR ALL THE FAIIILY. ♦il - WOOL SKEIN 4 OZS. 49c -- . 'e ,1, 1, 'ri�FtFi?t9:•t:tl4i,4.ir>i04.t4_44.•i4.>�i_tr _o_iFoseo_i_._._<>�>�t44t+3 VeererJere"...m erree+e+rrrerrrrrerrrrrremi`,41eree•Preeeereele.) endy's 5c to $1.00 Store