HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1945-11-14, Page 1LYTH STANDAR • VOLUME 56 - NO 12. BLYTH, ONTARIO, 'WED NESDAY, NOV. 14, 1915. Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. Huron County Loan Quota Goes Over Co -Operative Planning To Sell More Shares New Equipment Purchased To Cope With Heavv Snring' Flow Of Milk At a meeting of the shareholders of The Blyto Faricers' Co-taperative As- sociation, held ia the Nlemorial llall on monday night, canvassers were an_ Pointed with 1. view tea soliciting fur more shares in the Association, The A;sociat'on has purchased anoth- er new vat, and a new cheese press, in anticipatio.) of the heavy how of milk next gring and summer Nfr Simon Hallalian, the Association President, ha I charge of the meeting, and gave a brief outline of the NVOrk so far done, and Mr. Carman ihnIgins, manager of the Plant, also spoke br:efly. Canvassers Appointed 'With a view to selling more shares, the fcliowieg lis; of canvassers were appointed: John l'aylor, Ed. Nc.Nlillati, Herman Daer, Ntajor Younghlut, Nelson Picked, Ted Mills, Norman Thompson, Frank Kirkby, Victor Proctor, Leo 1(elly, Alvin Snell, Omar Brooks, Albert Nes- bitt, and Gordo,. Elliott, Making Four Days A Week Cheese Factory is now making four •days a week, which is the usual procedurg in all cheese factOries during the \vinter months, Making 'laysare Nloodays, \Vednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. The prodeztion is running R1)011t. 24 cheese to every make, whicti is exceptiotrally good At the present time there are 133 patrons. Interior decorating is the order of the day at the Plant, with considerable painting being done. The Aasociation is very confident of an excelle:at future, W. A. MEET The regular monthly meeting of the Wantan's Association of the United Church, Was Ile!:; 011 TI1CS(lity, Novem- ber 13th, nres;dent, Afrs, J Phillins, presided Nteeting opened by all re- peating the Lord's prayer in unison The minutes of the former meeting were read by the Secrejary, alrs N \V Kyle, and approved Treasurer,7N1rs J \V Pelts, gave her report A committee was appoirted In pur- chase : Aficient articles fcr the tables Several Committees appointed at our last meeting gave satisfactory reports Mrs Charley Grasby, Convenor Of Flower and Visiting Committee report- ed October collection 50 cents, 5 boxes, 5 small donations, 3 bootiets of flowers, 7 sympathy and get well cards sent out during the month and made 17 calls The election of Officers \'ill he held the last Thursday in the mon(h, Nov- ember 2)01 at 2;30 Lunch will be serv- ed Meeting was brought to a Close by all repeating the Nlizpalt benediction To The Citizens Of Blyth The local financial committee of the Ninth Victory Loan wishes to express, throngh The Standard, their thanks to all \\to so \vhole- heartedly co-operated by "Signing Their Name For Victory." We like to believe that the high stand- ard in Myth was reached and main- tained, not only because of the soundness of the investment, but also through a sense of earnest de- sire to help the great rehabili- laden scheme being carried out for our service men and women 'Hie). have proven their loyalty to a great cause, 111(1 it is gratifying to know HURON couvry TOTAL $4,170,000 that \viten the appeal came for proof of loyalty front those on the front, the response was so generous. To the canvassers and bank man- ager go our thanks as well, for they handled the tools in the campaign. We hoite and believe that their con- tact with Myth folk will result in greater frier dliness r a 0 d mutual go el will, for we can see only bene- fit accruing to those who respond- ed to :heir appeal, LESLIE iiILBORN, Local Chairman. 7 Million Mark HOW THEY FINISHED Blyth Finishes At The Top, And Wins The Plaque CANVASSING DISTRICT QUOTA Illyth 1. $04,000 Exeter 209,000 zurieh anc1 llay \ \ 'est 128,000 Howick .... ... .... .... ........ 314,000 \\Test \vawatiosli .......... ....... 97,000 Ileitsall and flay East ..... ..... 142,000 NVinglutin 265,0)0 Brt\a. sels 104,000 East \\.awah nos . (7,0(X1 Scaforth 229,000 Clinton , 249,001.1 Goderich 1,-avtiship . 120,000- Usborne Township ... .... . . ... 142,(1C0 t.i.:Itortie Township ..„ ........ 93,000 Stanley. Tcwiiship ............ .. 114,000 Millen l'ownship --------------------142,0(0 Stephen \Vest 94,0ttO Morris 'cownship 134,000 Mckillop 'Lawnship 142,10) Stephen 1.,:ast , ..... _......... 93,000 Town of Goderich .. .......... ... 605g0 Ttickerstivith Township .... _ .. . 142,000 Turpberry Township Ift8,0011 1; rev Township 107,000 Ashfield Town,hip 148,000 ----- To The Citizens Of Blyth At the Ninth Victory Loan Ban- quet held at Clinton on Tuesday evening, at \\ hich time Blyth \vas presented with the Plaque for hav- ing the highest percentage over quota in the Couaty, considerable praise was heaped on me for nty work in this connection, but 1 want to take this opy:Ttmoity to pass 011 that praise to the two canvassers Ross Threll and Gordon Augustine, Mt() did such a grand job, to your 11'..tory Loan Committee, and es- pecially. to yet; good reaple of 13Iyth, for it was you who really put this over, and 'have really put 131).01 0O the map. 1 believe our recard of 26(1 per- cent vill be one of the highest in Canada for any one community. you have an old soldier, (aside fcr your Chairman, another old soldier for your hank- er, and two young soldiers, Gordon Atigtistiee and Ros Thuell, for your canvassers, it is not difficult to see why. we started, and firish- ed, on the tit of Ole list. N. IV. KYLE. Home From Mrs, Hospital ;air Schools 50,500 COMBINED TOTAL -----------4,22o30() SUBSCRIBED P.C. $170„350 509,601 300,600 ()87,5(() 189,550 .209,400 479,200 185,200 170,25(1 394,650 413,450 191,550 223,350 1-14,0ou 221,350 216,0(0 138,250 194,8;0 205,00') 130,510 805,3114) 187,750 138,550 199,000 161,850 $0.928,550 32',350 206.10 244.82 218.05 234.85 , • I Saturlav night saw the completion 95.41 lid the Ninth Victory Loan, which will a e.,h down in history as one of Cana,14's linosu st successful 1.08(1 efforts. I • • Huron County's effort in this Loan The ci,itens of Myth, the Victory !was a splendid one. Every municipal- Laan Canvas,ers, our Bank Manager, ity in the County exceeded their quota, and the Victory Loan Committee, re- and many had (lone this several days ceived the acclaim of the County \'ic- before the Loan closed. Nothing but tory Loan orgacization, at a banquet loptimisin was txpresgal by Loan of - held in the basement of the Ontaric4 ficial, front On start, and this optim- 33.1 1 Street United Church, Clinon, Ant ism seemed to flow over into the indiv- Tuesday night idualof the county, and the Loan was 40-32 ; (ht thn at occisiorepresentatives of not 1 -ng mulct -way until the results s 32.22 tile. local Victory Loan Committee re- showed in daily sales, which niale'the _ sales of previous loans look like small 1/3 '9 eelvrd the Plaque, awarded to the ur change. The county objective was $4,170,000. This was oversubscribed by 66.15 percent, for a total of $6,928,550. The splendid effort of the air schools ran the conthieed total to $7,257,900. Their quota was $56,500, and they rais- ed $429,350, for a percentage total of 582.92. Tile race 101 top honour was never more keen, and here Blyth took the honours, but not before some anxious moments were experienced during the ilast few days. Illytth lost the lead for County Chairman Presides iione (lay during the final week of the Rev, W A Beccroft, Chairman of the Campaign, When Zurich and Hay West /ftwon County Victory Loan Commit- lwho were running a close second, turn- _Lch cd in an excellent days' sales. The fol - tee, presided over the meeting, %%IIi took the form of a fowl dinner. Nl '. ii°wilig clay 131311i slipped in a few extra thousand and again took the lead It Beecroft has been tlte driving force in was the Village of Exeter who provid- past countv lotots„ and this was again . l the case in the Ninth Loan. led Ole thrill on closing day, and sent During Ole dinner hour, Harold Vic- 1 the local canvassers scurrying for last minute buyers, and their efforts were tor Pym, of NVingliant, one of the craie , not in vain. vassers, lead in a brief sing -song. ' Rev, Mr Burton, pastor of the Ontario CONGRATULATIONS DUE Street Urited Church, asked for divine The Standard would like to add it's blessing before the (Helier commenced \vords of congratulations to the people Many Speakers !of 13lyth, the Canvassers, and Mr. Kyle, There were several speakers during for their splendid effort. The village the evening, Including air, Grahaindreceived some splendid publicity Liason officer between the Counties; !through it's efforts in this Lan, and C. K, Saunders, of Goderich, head of , perhaps more important, was the splen - Publicity: Charles Parsons, head „f (lid srl'i1 of co-operation which pre- ; Special Nantes; County Organizers Ivailed on all sides throughout the Loan. N'andewater, Lumsden and Hilborn It is efforts such as this that will boost If. MeLean, James Kinkaid, Frank our town, and the result will be a warden progressive municipality, by whicillii°arlel Fiegland, "Doc" Cruickshank, 'Alex. Alexander brought greetings in the er111111twilY will benefit. ;from the County, and Harry Sturdy., L a Iloett i'rs efforts, rttsji,i'anc212\1‘).1:ticulliitt3I'lespoilrdit townillt° Ifrom the Federation of Agriculture. flourish Robert Bowman, of 13russels. pre. Mr. Bown.an Presents Fuses 89.70 800 78.08 75.51 72.34 06.04 59.02 57.29 54,84 53.72 52.11 48.08 46.5(1 45.00 resen atton At Clinton 01,52 but municipality with the highest per - 09,36 :cottage of quota obtained. Our (f11001 NVas 56-1,000, 11101 1I1C 1001 MI1011111 rak- 06.15 82.93 ed, according to figures released on Tuesday Mght, the village had raised $7,257,900 171.72 $170,350, or 26610 of it's quota. The nearest competitor was the Village of Ex -ter with 243.82 percent of their quota. The -plague is now adorning the cast wall of the interior of the Bank of Commerce, vhere it can he seen, and admired, by every bond 12uyer in Blyqh, Huron District Odd Fellows To Former Residents Thrilled Hear Grand Master As Blyth Victory Comes Over Air Waves BANQUET HERE ON NIGHT OF NOVLMBER 21ST 0(1(1 Fellows of \\'inghant Di Arict _ No. 9 will have the extreme thasure of listening to the Grand laster of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, at a special banquet, held in Itis honour on nesday, night, November 21st, The banquet will start at 6;30 in the Nlent- orial Flail, The Grand NI aster i, Rev. \V. T. Nfark, of Hanover, and he is an outstanding speaker All Odd Fellow; who can possibly do so, are requested to attend, and should secure their ticket front NIL% Gordon Augustine as quickly as possible, The banquet will take the form ei a fowl dinner, and a suitable.program is being arranged, NVilll the Grand Mas- ter's address being the feature of the evening. A short lodge session will be held in the lodge roosts prior to the banquet in the hall. Around 90 members front the fisc lodges in the district are ex• peeled. Hullett Farmers To Vote In Hog Marketing Scheme :\ meeting in ecinteeti3O with the proposed scheme for marketing hog:, will he held in Londeshoro Community fall, on November 23M, at 8 Pal. All hog producers of 'kitten Town- ship arc invited to be present at this meeting, to hear the scheme discussed, to register and vote. This he the last chance to reg- ister. No registration will 110 accepted after November 2401 in Huro» Comity, Tay.'er but you may if registered, vote until December 8th. A very' important pint has been Mrs. Jean Icychnia., is also conval- reached in regard to our proposed hog escil.g at the home f NIrs. Pratt, after !scheme. The next few days will de- an operation in the Clinton hO'SPital. Bide NVIledler we win or lose, This is the biggest' and most important thing ever attempted by producers under the Farm Products Nlarketing Act. The apraval of the scheme will he decided by a two-thirds favourable vote of those who register, and not two The Blyth Ilrarch of the Woman's of joy and pleasure to the recipient thirds of those wh;,.. vote, Thus a pro - Institute met in the Alemorial Hall on Mrs M. Henry demonstrated on I (Incur who yegisters, but fails 0) vote Friday, November 901, at 2:30 P.M., "Ilow to make and bake Cream Puffs". will be counted against the scheme, as with the President, Mrs L. M. Scrim- Mrs Henry had made and brought to has returned home from the Clinton hospital, and is con- valescing at the liolue of Mrs Pratt Women's Institute Vote To Meet In Memorial Hall though he actually voted against it, geour, and the Secretary, Mrs. A. the meeting a half dozen puffs for Taylor, nresid4 g. The meeting was which a draw was made, Mrs Kilpat- Williou: Workers Honour opened by, singing the Opening Ode, rick was 11 1 lz 1 _le atc..y wanner, and reported . followed by ore minute's silent prayer, Ole cream puffs delc'cus, , The Williog \\ orkers, that progres- due respect to one of the members M rs E. Rutledge gave a lesson on sive little group of ladies of the 901 passing away, M rs. Douglas Morrison. , bias binding -making, which was. very Line of Morris, together with their bus - Thi s was fcilowed by the Lord's Pray- helpful and intFresting. She makes 26 bands, and families, joined together -t el' in unison. Pte. (Bun) Hall The secretary gave a very splendid report. The matter pertaining to. rent- ing the Memorial Hall for holding all IoMitute meetings was thoughtfully dit-cusicd, and carried unanimously, that the Hall be reeted, and in future the Instit.ite w'll hold it's meetings there. The December 'meeting will be held the first 'flittr:4-,y. Dr. Annie Ross will he in charge of this program Hos- tesses, Miss Weeekock, :Mesdames Cowan, Chellm, Kilpatrick. Soldiers Appreciate Boxes Two letters from soldiers Overseas, who had received boxes sent to them from the Institute group, were read. These VDtKes have given a great deal yards from 1 yard of material. Mrs ;the home of Mr. and m rs. \valiant Harold Phillips rendered a solo, which Cockerline on Tuesday night to p'S' was enjoyed. Afrs Colclough gave the homage to Pte. (Bun) Hall, who rece 1 - report on war w.-rk completed Mrs ly returned home front Overseas. The IPelts conducted the question. drawer, evening was of a social nature, and pro - Mrs 1vers, the District President, gressive ..tieltur was played, \vinners was the guest speaker, and gave a fine in these events were, gents high, Pat talk on "The beauties of friendship and , Nun", ;ow, joint Fairservice; ladies, friends", To have true friends one high, Betty Fa 11 service, low, NI rs. Jas. must be a friend. The roll call was Gibson. answereei by "My Favourite Supper i A special feature of the evening was Dieh", with plenty of good ideas left the preseatation to Pte. Hall of a bean - with us "Happy. Birthday" was sung tiful billfold and cigarettes, acc..-gunait. for Mrs Sadie Cutning, and was much ied by. a suitab'c address. Pte. Ilan re - appreciated. 'plied suitably, and all joined heartily in 1 Mrs Del Philp is to be the pianist, singing, 'For Ile's a Jolly Good Fel- and presided at. the piano for the dos- ing of the meeting, by the singing of Lunch \vas served, and everyone had God Save the King. a mcst enjoyable time. i. The old home town is never dearer to a person than when he i1 far away, and it is then that any news of an outstanding nature particularly warms the heart. Such was the thrill received by Mr. and Mrs, Fro.Somers, of Tim- mirs, when they' recently heard (gag the CBC radio network of Illyth's achievement in the Ninth \'ictnry Loan. They 'were quietly enjoying themselves in their home listening to the National News Breadeast, \then the announcer told the story of Blyth's achieve- ment. \Vriting home to her mother, Nfrs, Blanshard Herrington, Mrs. Somers said: "Did we ever get a thrill, ata did our chests swell with pride of the old home town". Living on the sante street with the Somers in Timmins, are former res'dents of Sea forth, Brussels, and Clinton. NVe can imagine that it would be with special pleasure that the Sinners would remind tluge people of the fact that they came front Blyth -the first town in Canada to go over the top in the Ninth Victory Loan. seined fuses to the various salesmen Farm Forum Held At Home in recognition of their outstanding Of Mr, And Mrs. D. Hallaban No 10 East Wawanosh Farm Forum met at the honk of Mr. and NH's. Dan Hallahan on Tuesday evening, with 22 present. After the discussion the 5 - minute talk \vas taken by Mrs. Clar- epee Johnstm, who spoke very fitting- ly. on "Remembrance". Next Monday night, November 16th the meeting will be at the home of Mr. and NIrs. Calvert Falconer, Recrea- tion period \vill be ill charge of Nit.. and Mrs. Dan Hallahan. Mr, Clem Gal- braith will give the 5-1111ntite address I Everyone is crdially invited to at- tend V Dist. L.O.L. Elect Officers The district of NI orris 1. 0 L com- TOWNSHIPS DID WELL The surrounding Townships of East w.ark, Among those receiving this re- INVawanosh, Ifuilett and Morris, did ex - cognition was our local salesmen, Lieut. !ceptionally well. For several days Ross Thud and Gordon Augustine, East NVatran000 was right behincl Blyth and our banker, N. \V. Kyle Mr 1(yle in a contending position for first place, replied very. fittingly, NIr. Creech, of .but slipped down a few notches before Exeter made similar presentations to ,the Loan closed Hullett Township was (Continued 00 page 5) (Continued on page 5) East Wawanosh Federation Shows Increase In Membership Annual Meeting Held At Belgrave, Friday Night The annual meeting of the East Wa- wanosh Unit of the Federation of Ag- riculture was held in the Forester's prising the lodges of, Blyth, Auburn, 1tan. Belgrave, on Friday evening, No- Londesboro, and Bclgrave, met in the 1vember 901. Myth Hall on Tuesday. night, with a The program consisted. of National large attendance The following dist- Fihtt it c ...naies, win! NH-. Harvey Johnston riot officers were elected, and installed: of Nlorris Township, in charge of the W M: C Falconer 1) NI : E. llesk Chaplain, John \\'chstcr Rec See : Inine Wallace Treasitra: John Nott Alarshall: Robert .\\'allace 1st Led : Harvey flunking 2m1 Led : John AleCallum Lunch was servedand a ot':_t enjoy- able social hour spent - Maur List Corrected The Standard Moiling 1.ist has been corrected up-to-date. Please exam - f .0 the laltel on this \veck's paper; it 511 0t1 Show the advanced dating if you have paid your subscript:on. \\'e have several subscriptions in arretrs, an early settlement Of thcse accounts would he appreciated. The Standard is the ideal Christ- mas Gift. Outsider sending it to a friend, or member of the family this y var. It will be appreciated in..sre than any other gjit. Receipts, membership fees__ 136.00 Second prize, 1944-45 Farm For- um Attendance Contest . 20.00 Other sources, banquets, etc 207.43 TOTAL RECEIPTS $45L55 Expenditures To Bond $50.00 Banquet, membership fees, etc._ 2.5.00 iSecretary's salary 25,00 Cash on band 56.67 machine. Several very, interesting and educative films were slnawn. During a short intermission between 3 the first and \atm! films, NH% Charles Conites, of Belgrave, gave a short ad - 'dress on the "ling Producers Organiza- tion." At the conclusion of the second film the Past President, 'N1r. Norman Rad- ford called on the auditors for their re- port. Mr. Albert Walsh responded, stating that Mr Norman N1c1)..-well and himself had audited the hooks and $451.55 Assets Victory Bonds, total value .... $250.00 Executive and Directorate For 1946 Following is the slate of Executive and Directorate for the year 1940: President : Lawrence Taylor. Vice -President ! John Buchanan. Directorate: SS No 8, Art Scott; SS No 9, Ronald Coultes; SS No 10, Orval McGowan; SS No 11, Lorne Scott; SS No 13, Albert Coultes; USS found them correct and in good order. No 11, Calvert Falconer ; USS No 3, IDati liallahan; USS No 5; Lewis Rud - Secretary -Treasurer's Report The Secret ary-Teasurer's report Is'; USS No 6, Howard Campbell ; showed a': inclose in the membership USS No, 7, Mason Robinson; USS No last year. His report was as fol- 12, Charles Robinson; US No 14, Aldin Purdin; USS No 16, Carl Gov- ier ; USS No 17, \Vt:1. VeClenegan. Old, and New, Executive To Meet The old and new directorate are ask- ed to meet 0.1 Thursday evening, No - 180 venther 15th, at the Belgrave Co oper- 8822 ativc Club Roonts,47it 8 p.m. over lows: Township executive meetings__ 12 1945 menthe' ship 136 No. of members signed up 00 the 1 T -fifth mill has for the year 110 iCash carried forward, 1944 069-96 afSSI 100 'o1II.' 11:0 "P1'1 '03 13)101111 0111'57111( JILL 01 a1!1.1t )0011 'a11011 1101111 01111.11 Pull autt1o,-[ oil): •,p1u1v, :raft' '4.'110' '11 3 :'1 .! 11 '100.11N)1VU ;1:i0'1 '0110100) 1(41111")1 113.11) '1101(1111'1 91un1uapu,i.tt 11U11JJ)[ '0101111)0)10 101) .)0J 3)1.1.11 '0)0110,) )11 .11))116 U113 I10.i 11 ' ,001 „sp •do) du pus .9 '8)1011 'Toumalull puu Milo)) U1 PJ1s'.131u1 00(4 6lou)q ylu(q 03101 puu „.4011 )0 304) '111,1 1/ 0.1) e4 761110 'd01 110 puu , 'auu' LZ '0110)1 1141i(I 141(4.11 'aulldi :d.LV'1 (INV 1U)N ?;:I:1.111.:I;1 030„04,1. ".0 oP10IJPV 1;L 6E aol( 0114.11 •s110131( 11131 10,.1 •pli1 000(0131)) .5111140 -La)uq xuq(1 •uul(woJd paoluulum) 'U0a51.1lOdltS (11JUIuJaoo) Joplin 1)111043 JO 334) Paisa1Pou(q puu pa -((113 0)(J&)):( 1100)1140 3)114101( 9161 110:1 U:LL\1'.11 90:)1 ON111J,LV11 O)uuJOJ. ' 11 JpIt;IJpy :L '19 ON 00)( .Spray Nutt 83 01.01 44111 'xp10l1 puu 000u nu 610 •'I'llkl iSV1IJ1101d 01 0:11,N\'.1 •oluu41,L '.11 0PI0I3PV EL 'lis x009 .1) 1UOp1)nuJ 's1(:In3ll4u11 Sous -0143311 Suu '13.10U1I1) '3(30)0 3)015 '(114,LNV.11 SNa\1511[[ '2011\'.1\l[11V11 )1,'i.1111;1 (pal '2111 '11:r.i17F1 61)::h; '.'u :(1011,1 OJ,N0110,L ".11 US 1100'111 10119 11:1d003 '3 NI101 3.11.1 10 01101111 '))1.1.11 '1108 ))0.S a.t)JJq 8)3(.)d ant) 114U '.i11(n'd P,1:0a.Ip Jo x310!)( 110 .10:1 CIIVd S]:)1Nd .LS:11-10111 •'Tunas gom() 'pullulunl)( 3)1.103!1 •J)J 03(.111 '1101) -d1J3oop 41)!!) '001.14 01 011! 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'31011 0)0(40()) Su( 01 .4311101 411 3)0(911( 110011 111131 81)04 11110.1 '1'1121 UJ 110,i 1\' d '1'11.11 ILI •1011 '6))(11(359 0(11(114) (111 '83(30)(0))II 3(3143 11.00(1(40;) '.1011 101110 '.0110(1 1,010([ '810,914 (110110 JX. J 313011111.11111;7 1(V 01119 01 01: 111014 80011,1 'p0(00(-(400( ( 81ap1J1u IIV '6p1(t1 (40.1)18(11 -au puu uuOUpunu,.J Ju ,Su03u10 �L11J .lip\' 1)13111.) All\'(I 11110 SN3IH0 3a?u SZ •u (10)0(0 '4d1401) '59(303(011(4) (10)0(9 1)0,, '930,111031 a)ulp0utt11( .104 )4(0((nd .9)[ o) .pu0.1 plus .001.iu4 tasty. 'Sup -03 31):10(01 -u1) 1401) .1)10 .10) 3113.11 Su(op 1,0100 '303(3001 luau) Saipan! puu 31310 UUJ(l0.101(4 010 111 43)1)5 111)4 -511 u 01 4)0 1)0.9 1.4.21 ((('1.x)(14(11.) 1(030N 004, 40 3001111(0(.1 .9(100 110/ '(1030N 1101 .911(1 - 201)31 0113 110,9 00000 111(4 00001(3 6)(.)(1(u 101•Sn(( 1.0)NA1 '03(0(40 pado.lduy 11)011) -U1030() p.1upuul0 1(.114 1)l lulu -01 10113 31l(puutl putt 101113 010 -041 40 01)011100) 0)11(4 0) do 38000 341 60(411(4111 .i4}110044 50 tua18S8 1(14304 11(1,1, 0191, '83(3(1(1 4)((111)110311 0.111 x310113 1114)0(4 (10J, 00)11)30(1 14.10 -spa .411(00(1 10(8(31.10((to 1)1 8314 -01(1 (4061201011( a4(Iunu41 0) 000100 euq 140304 (104, 01111111 0131 %10W) 31(1111011 91)1134 0111 81(501(1 0.1 93 011.11 5081(0(1 41)11)011 110(3114 0411 443(0(4) 433049 (104, 140101 110,1, 0) 11.111) S)1 191\'11 11J; 1110.1 '1,12198:10.)019 '01103110 '))1)3.1021 '(101(1U1'1 80(101(331111 3(010(3 011)110.N,[, '430.114 -031 0)u(pUuuu( .10) 810(41)(1 0300.1 00.1) 00(\' '(6)(33(1(1 3111)) 0)1110( -0301) :1U(19J.(J(1( .IIID nos ohm s1) pal Pt111 .11131 01111)0014, 3R) - Sup -0) upon, •)))Jut .931111011 puu 5330 UI J 3 11 111 .11.1 Lt H 'JllV ,11151 .103 1 401) 0111110.1[ '03(1414) JI1(1)140.01- 830143 54141:314-53(3(43 •9p11:1( 3.1)) A044. 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SL139 -JOAO 2111A43S sue!puue3 01 1113111 -d!1(( 133.9p .103 .Jan331iJnuuul 3y1 03 s.3pto ,s1311103sn3 31311 313(1.111.10 40; 01(31 'slOdOO.33aols ((030.1 .)31(1 921104y1 au(o1( 313 s)((o3 at!) ao3 1)03u a3do 4(pl;ss333ns )S0111 SEM 1(01940 001(1 10113 0e3913.10 Sa111!1A1 3)3 92110113 9E3 0.13.10 111(111 2111.1131(3 11031333.1 1)31)1001 puu 11311) 0/10311311 113 '13n3moil 'pea 0,41131 31(3 .103 -aq 11uoi do 3135(1 S1a.1(u3 sum siva .93a10! Al!(unb .113.0133(1 u!t3.133 30 1(3035 349(13 0,11 (431!lu!-I '03 'if .Sal -2!1M '11A0 30 3.1(113 3y3 u! puu '1311 -4111(1 0980010p al{3 1)1 4(0(11(0 3101(5 3.13339 111 3131(110 01 111,1 041 11uu11p 53101 0)3(1 5135/330 3001)1 01 513.1(13 -31J)111111Ut 1)1111.103 30 011003 a;svM pooh u1oad . uatuapp .xaS saiz2nd apV W payougm, wnO jo aauasgy 'Nolldlaas3lld'0.0 •a 101 5o(o) )l1(8ln1) ano13(4V '13111)8 3,1)0([ 11031311) 9(001)), 810(113 A4331111)411.111 831010103 103 '801(1)10)1 '040411101. puu 8,0(3((1310 'N0Ild111353ad '0 '0 'a Ounbl['p1)l:3!p2tu '9)1(100.) '2nn :.1) o '100!)(311101 i n,1)j1111)o411111604(1011d '8,11(111J0 (0)08,141.1(1)))) '11)0)233.04 pan 211111.4!alto3la1(3a :1: 91)1.10,{ N3PO Aauow ao• H31 him, w 113>D3Ha A enaA odVA 111 SI't3I •0(I11A 831313 balsa; -atufl '00{130-alq , -flop t11in1 1411(00) 11604354(3 0111113 = -mug 01013 13((01 330 '31)011 s( 4.13s(ul 0113 10 ;sora 9ulu.lou[ )(q rano •(l3a(s 9119110511103 'i11331(34 3133918 pull 'ss01wa0s .1t11n3Silut Ona(ia1 'lioilss:luoa nasduj 'gni -t(an0a s{l((1Juu.ni 31203 0)-010g0 mous 81) 031(0 3u SSa'n 9-1!.10.1101 sao1((1)2100103 Rflut: Quality Guaanteed D TEA DARK LIGHTNING SL, HELEN TOPPING MILLER CIiANTIat VI He said, "What's this picture?" and his voice was hoarse and strange. Gary caught the tension, and looked across at Mona Lee with eyes that were a little sorry, "It's a rough Idea of the geologi- cal etruoturo under this ranch, air," ho said. "I looked it up to- day on an old map that Ilughey Fothergill owns—after 1'd found what I thought wore surface Ind!• cations up there In that gulch a- bove the pasture. This map shows a promising structure, that's all." ilo went over It all then, marking out lines with a pencil on tho sketch. What you're getting at is that this land is the kind of land thoy find oil under?" Harvey put In, "That'e what all this sclera%te stuff means?" "It Moana that this land is the kind that oil (night be found un- der," Gary qualified, deffnitoly, ,,l'm not making any statements, Only a competent geophysicist could give you reliable advice, They have 1110 knowledge and the instruments—I'm just a beginner. I've studied the stuff but never had an opportunity to work at it." Mona Lee could see Harvey fidg- eting lin his eh:iir. 'filen ho jumped up. "What's the reason wo can't go up to that placo now? I've got a flashlight, And the re's a moon. Want to go, Mother?" "I guess not , . ,well, If you're all going trailing out there like crazy, I might as well go along.' * * They tramped through the pas- ture, a atrnngo procession, Adel- aide skipping ahead and Gary and Harvey behind her, The Renin of Harvey's flashlight went search- ingly ahead, Ile carried a spade and a clout sack thrown over his shoulder, And when they arrived at last at tato little canyon he Bo- gan digging immediately, tossing lumps of rock and earth, into the sack that Adelaide held open, WE'RE POINTING STRAIGHT AT YOU IF YOU WANT FAST RELIEF FROM A 0 Here's what to do. Get a bottle of BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE. Take a few sips. Feel its instant effective action spread through throat, head and bronchial tubes. It starts at once to loosen up thick chok- ing phlegm, ease the cough, soothe the raw irritated membranes of throat and upper bronchial tract. Don't take chances—fake BUCKLEY'S, Canada's largest selling cough and cold remedy. It's different—it's all medication --no syrup—acts Faster—goes farther. U KLEY' e M 1'X T.LJ R E ' "Whatever we do, Dad, lot's not tell Oliver." "Why not? Ile works with oil" "Because he'd want to run everything . And Grace would move In and take charge and think wo ought to let Oliver run it. lie doosn't know much about production anyway, he just ped- dles leases." "Of course," Gary said, as they turned back to the house, "the sensible thing to do Is to sell a lease, that is, If there should be oil down Chore, If you sell out to a production concern, they'll put down a test well and then close the area end hold it for future production," • ,r But Harvey disagreed violently with the Idea, "If there's off down there, the thing is to get It out, And it's my land, and if thero'a oil under it, I want it, I don't want some bunch of capitalists to got rich from what belongs to me," "Of course," Gary said "if there is oil down there --.and if it won't cost you too much to go down after it—and if the Govern- ment will let you produce it after you find it. There are a lot of tricky angles to this oil business," "'There aro a lot of angles to the cattle business, too, but I got along, Conte on back to the house, I'm going to cull up somebody a- bout this business, You kids help Mother along—I'm going on a- head," Adelaide siiid, very blandly, be- fore ho swung away, "You know, Dad, Gary's leaving tomorrow going to Mexico," • * * "There,' said Adelaide com- placently, hanging on to Garry's arm. "You see? What did I tell you?" "Oh, but—look hero, Mr. Mason, I can't iso that. I've got a job. I've got to get to work. I owe you too much already," "You've got a jot) right here till I get the dope on this oil busi- ness, You found this oil didn't you? You Wok around till we know what's what," And Gary Tallman, because he was in love and weak with the knowledge that going away would tear his heart in two, agreed tenta- tively. Back in the house, Harvey be- gan thumbing through the tele- phone book frantically, Mona Lee sat, a little collapsed, In. a deep chair, Gary sat in a corner, look- ing white and spent, • Harvey was shouting into the telephone now, * * * It was midnight when he hung up at last, hot and triumphant. "Well, I got me some fellows who know their business," he an- nounced, "l -lad to chase 'enc all over Texas and part of Lo isfana, but I got 'em, And . they'll be out hero Friday." "Friday's unlucky," protested Mona Leo faintly. "Not for us. Not if we get those men on the job, Why don't you folks go to bed?" "What's tho use—with you yell - fug enough to wake the dead? Gary, you go along, You're not strong yet and you've had a long day." "How can I sleep," exclaimed Adelaide, "when I'm bursting with excitement? And its three days till Friday," "Roll over and shut your eyes— that's what I'm going to do," an- nounced Harvey, 'umbering up, "Tomo: row 1 want you kid., to drive up to Dallas and get me a good map." ('1'o be continual) sew if, ,eies;7,0 awe's:7ff They sell so fast, you just can't buy Christie's Premium Soda Crackers that aren't dependably fresh. And more! they're crisp, light, tender. So good with soup, so tasty as a snack! %: P,kEMI:; SODAtUM• ;.; CRACKERS: Chrisiie's Biscuits COO aasw INWOMr�//�///�iiaaiiaiii/e/ria///i//ia17.07 M7 ir,••,.,. oweybwths9 CHRONICLES of GINGER FARM We thought that winter was upon us this morning but then a warn sun appeared, snow vanished, the hard ground softened and we rejoiced in a reprieve from winter, no matter how brief it Inay prove to be, I think all of us welcome spring and summer and we glory in the grandeur of the autumn season, but winter , . well, that's something else again. Of course it depends upon one's age . . , the very young think in terms of sleigh rides and snowball fights; teen-agers of hockey, dances and skating parties, while to staid middle -alters tt means problems concerning storm windows and coal bins, Storni windows , , . I don't want to see at touch any for months— although I don't mind looking through them. You see, way back in the summer of '44 we ordered five new storm windows. They were de- livered on a cold rough day hast December — unpainted, of course. We never got them 00 at all. They were just left in the storeroom. Round about September I began to think they really should be painted if they were to go on the house tltis fall, 'Thinking was as far as I got—that is until the end of October. Then my conscience wouldn't let inc rest any longer— those windows would have to be done. * * * Have you tried painting new storm sash? Do you know what a slow job it can be? If you have, then, unless you are a magician, you know you can paint only one side at a tittle—arid with two coats of paint that oceans wrestling with the job four different tinges — or more, if you are interrupted. Your eyes tire, your feet ache and you continually find yourself painting the glass as well as the \vocal work. On one of these occasions sou Bob volunteered to help. I accepted gladly—until I found it tools me longer to clean off the smears on the glass than it did to paint! May- be painters, like poets, are born and not made. As to that I don't think I was born a painter either. Came the day when the windows were finished, also the arrival of a carpenter to fit them — and there was I getting dinner and running around ahead of the carpenter to clean windows before the storm sash was put on, \Vhy didn't I clean them before? Because I don't like doing the salve job over again. Clean windows ahead of time and as sure as anything it rains in the night leaving them woefully strea• ky. There was no use looking to the men for hclpthey were busy enough drawing in red clover seed. * * * Eventually the windows were on — old as well as new—and that same night the wind whined and howled, and rattled the shutters from one end of the house to the other. I lay in bed listening to it, feeling more thankful every min - ARMY SUIT Glor:a Collaton wears a neva:np• ed CWAC summer uniform, for which she spent only $2 for braid and buttons .to change it into a smart civilian suit, . The insignia and epaulets were removed, black braid applied down the button -line and the right sleeve, and civilian buttons added. START THE DAY with delicious Maxwell House Coffee. It's a superb blend of choice Latin•Ainerictul Coffees. You can't beat it for mellow, full-bodied goodness. ISSUE 46-1945 By Gwendoline P Clarke • • 0 0 1 ute that I had stuck to my job and got ahead of the weather fur once. If that were the only job that need- ed doing , , , That's what I mean about wint er , . . unfinished work gives you a sort of panicky feeling — after all, cold weather discomfort is of- ten only the result of being cau}mt napping — because, as you very well know, we can all add greatly to our own comfort by a little fore- thotnglnt, And don't I wish 1 had sense enough to profit from my own words of wisdom, Sunday School Lesson November 18 The Outreach of the Church Acts 11:19.30; 12:24-13:4. Golden Text And 1 le said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to the whole creation -- Mark 16:15. Growth of the Church Acts 11:12.—The phrase "the hand of the Lord was upon them" is an expression occasionally found in the Old Testament to indicate a direct interposition of God in the affairs of men, either for blessing or for Hindrance. 22-24.—I3arnabas had one theme with which he exhorted the mem- bers of the church at Antioch, that tuey should cleave tanto the Lord. His ministry was apparently not that of teaching, but of exhort- ation. Both are needed. Teaching must conte first; exhortation is an inspired encouragement to practice what we know. And Ole church continued to grow by the adddition of new converts, 25. --Saul was needed at this juncture to cope with the rapi t growth of the work at Antioch. It was here that the disciples were first called Christians. The follow- ers of Jesus were called Nazarenes and Galileans by their Jewish fel- low countrymen, but this new name was intended to mark the difference between Jews and Gen- tiles on the one hand and those who, whether Jews or Gentiles, were followers of Christ, Strengthening of the Church 27-30.—Many prophets appear in 'the New Testament records. Some of them, as Agalsus, foretold the future, and some, no doubt, were possessed of the gift of tongues. Acts 12:24-25,—John whose sur- name was Mark was the son of Mary who was sister to Barnab,ls and we leant in Col. 4:10 Mark did become valuable to Paul who said "he is profitable to nuc for the min- istry." The Dual Commission Acts 13: 1-4.—To worldly eyes the sending forth of these men would seem of no significance, none would take any notice of them, glad it been a Roman army going forth, with banners flying, to serve the Emperor, what excite- ment there would be, what cheer- ing) But these two insignificant Jews, accompanied by John Mark their attendant (Acts 13:5), passel on unnoticed, their only weapons were the Word of God and prayer. These men however, were to do a work which would long 01 1' - LIVE the Roman Empire. TABLETALKSII Satisfying Suppers The habits and preferences of a nation are supposed to be reelected in the nursery rhymes. if this is true, food must take first place in man's thoughts, for Little Miss Mullet, ,lack Horner and a lot of others cont: sntrate on the subject. Tommy Tucker sang for plain bread and butter, and your fancily should certainly sing loudly when you serve any of these recipes from the Consumer Section, Do- minion Delia( trent of Agriculture. Tomato Barley Casserole 34 cup bar1.'y ( about 2 r cups cooked) 21/2 cups boiling ware» 3 cups canned tonlatr(cs • cup diced cooked carrot 1,4 cup sliced raw onion 1 teaspoon minced parsley 1/2 teaspoon salt • teaspoon pepper 1/2 teaspoon celery salt 1/2 cup grated cheese • cup bread crumbs Cook barley in boiling water, 20 minutes, Mix with tomatoes, car- rots, onions, parsley and season- ings. Pour into a casserole. Bake in a moderately hot oven, :1r5 deg. F, for :33 minutes, Sprinkle with cheese, cover with bread crumbs. Return to the oven for 10 minutes. Six servings. Green Tomato Scallop h medium green lonmatoe. 4 large onions, sliced 2 cups soft bread creed 2 teaspoons sugar ` 2 teaspoons salt Pepper 2 tablespoons bacon fat \'?as11 and t 1 tomatoes. Ar- range tomatoes, sliced onion, and bread crumbs in layers, Sprinkle tomatoes and onions with sugar, salt and pepper and dot bread crumbs with fat --have bread crumbs on top, flake S: hour at 375 deg. F.. Six servings. Fricadillies tt slices whole wheat bread 2 cups rolled oats J1 medium potatoes, cooked and maop 2/:3 cup (bopped onion 1 tablespoon chopped pickle 1 teaspoon celery salt 1 teaspoon grated nutmeg 1 tablopnon steak snore 1/2 teaspoon salt 5. teaspoon pepper 3 egg Soak bread in cold hater for minutes, press out until dry; unix with roller) oats, add t, !stables and seasonings. Add beat( it eggs, mix R ell—form into 12 flat pat- ties. Saute in a little bot fat until brown. Turn and brown other side. Six serving.. Serve with spicy chutney or catsup. GOING UP The- primary class in punning hit a jacic1101 in the strike news, with New fork bakers wanting more slough, elevators asking a lift, and auto workers demanding higher jack. — Stratford Beacon herald. Do you suffer from MONTHLY � NERVOUS PENSION wi F its weak, tired feelings? If functio nal periodic disturbances make you feel nervous, tired. restless—at such times try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound to relieve such symp- toms. Pinlc)nam's Compound is one of the most effective medicines for this purpose. Follow label directions Buy today( /1eJ�_ 1+ /J}. _ L/ _-__,, VEGETABLE pC RC�'v V (lU�UFIi�7g7L4 COMPOUND T•Ig''''''3'WHO'S SYR(jP �,wi ? ! coLDS,000GHS,DRoticKirls r ,, STOPS WES Hirohito's Fortune Over $106,000,000 Emperor 1! lull to's imperial household fortune amounts to 1,- regeo15,000,(ltd yen, ur slightly more than T1 H;,000,000, Allied headquarters. 01)01 1)) (((Id. The total, supplied :Allied head- quarters in compliance with Gen. tlac:\rthur's directive, includes Bash, negotiable in.Uuoreuts, real estate and timber holdings, but dues not ins lode silver billions, art objects and jewelry, which will be reported later. E;4SE IN OF COLDS, SORE THROATS 1 FA See for yourself how quickly Aspirin acts! Drop one in a glass of water and "clock" it. Within two seconds, it will start to disintegrate. It does the same when you take it. As a result, it provides relief with remark- able speed. Get Aspirin today. The "Bayer" cross on each tablet is your guarantee that it's Aspirin. NOW -Hew !.a Prices! Po:ket box of 12s .. . . only 18c Economy hotilo of 24 . . only 29e Fcmily size of 100 . . . only79e Correct Compluxlon Faults At Hoare . . PA' USING FAMOUS HISCOTT FACIAL PREPARATIONS 11b.1inn: e case;/ o1 pimples and biackheads —intolerable cases of eczema ;ld rashes •— sluggish complexions — evcry type of facial skin blemish by the thousands have h. • ( • nese fully treated by the famous lliscolt Institute in its half -century's experience. You can buy these same !(reparations by mail-order. If you have a special prob- lem write (giving details) for a copy of "For Appearance Sake•" If convenient visit us for free personal consultatioro. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, Moles, Warts, and other facial growths permanently removed without pain by our method of Electrolyr: S-tirfr.ction assured. HISCOTT INSTITUTE, LIMITED Hiscott Bldg., 61a College St. • Estab. 1802 Toronto 2 CKAC The Plague of The outdoor man, whether ho be farmer, truck driver, or railway operator, is often subject to backache. This may be the result of exposure to cold and dampness or tho result of strain from the jolting and bumping of the vehicle he rides. To many people, women as well as men, it would be great to be free of backache—one of the most common and annoying of ailnments. And hero is how you may be relieved of back- ache and other symptoms of poisons in the blood. utdooe men The treatment suggested is Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver fills. By reason of their stimulating action on both the liver and kidneys, ,'ott have two chances to ono of getting relief from your backache by using Dr. Chases Pills. The torpid liver is aroused to action, the kidneys are stimulated and consequently these organs help to purify the blood of the poisonous impurities which bring pains and aches and tired feelings Keep regular and keep well 'by using Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pilis. 35cts. a box. PAGE 4. THE STANDARD Wednesday, Nov.11,1915. 1*'R'�°�I 1 l Mullett Township Council 'Harold Beacom, trucking ...... 1 SQ I LONDESBORO Alistiion Band MeetingI:d,� Italur,l:,c, "'LT' all � MOl(1 Nl11'ellll)el' 'll!Ctlllf;' I \l i>, 11olf,llr, I.ittlr, 'I' mutt), and 'I h, \l i,• ion Il,n;d of Low.}; Service illiott 1i su ra�ace Age11cy rid ida. meeting the 1111 lett 111,111;''• ttcvd 111'1 Bow ll;ut Clintlln, with \{r, ;r d held 111(.1(. rr u!;Ir iur: tin Saturday, r f1'w n,It 1, Con ., it met n rhnrsd iv, , \1'ul. l ,I:,r, r1 ;il .ul,. ,57 -0 \Irs, h1,',y1 t BLY I H -- ONT. o Rarlf ell, hull Itltcr Ni( t t nlhrr III n, lh, ha.rmmul of the \inte!nh: r• `th, n tl,c Common)), 11:111, George 1.g`, \I r, \1ll'i•;n1 I;unh,yn, 'I'cr,,tlto, ,prat Fir,, w(.etl. 1 2) I l niti d t'1Hu•cii barn,• Pollard acted a, .tlml„h, .1 . I'.n ht CVC .1t l all tnctn r the wrrk•end .'! the \'ilia} c' Illi•t Ihr i ; Ili(. \\'orship period, IIt1 l , tntl ii hciur; I'tscnt. The 1?, .\ ;,,11 w r,ds _101 \1's, Hint \\'.kens London, with I ' Hell „era, her u!lli,r, \Irs Clnt!ar \\•:lit' n. 1,c;lrr was offered by \lis, (Tare \Ic• - INSURE NOW! ANl) BE ASSURI;I), 11 lunn!lr, ' I llv I, t rr ular ntcrll"}; "' I':I.n I,' I );, !r• cul ti ill I I`: �011tlhcr 1:11. ..nit Special nlertin} 1 \Ir, Ilayes, Brand \•alley, with \I r, ti w;ul, „Id I) .\ md,,,,•nct(. \Irs yyyrrr Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. 'll.e• r};, I'' wn. 111!1 and M1 ;In,l \Irs. I. I�i;;1a,ul i i I l lt'111ht'I` lli, war, read. I . , 'S IY,I r (.11µ'e 11114 ,I ..t, 1"1' , 1!I "Talents" ,Ilel11," :\1111 J.H. R. Elliott. Gort1011 E1hOtt { I\tl u!1 kl ;rl Ili 111 I \Ii\I I'il�iii, \ tul};bau, p,ul 111(. - � \lotion 1-- I',; 11.11, n and Oak: I halliorll, marked lhrgnc 111,111 1211 1r;11".1.6'1\:d' •1•': :a1e Ih, ,ri{Iturc Office Phone 104, Residence Phone l2 or 140, rrudi„} , ;um I:url 11rn, ! I R the minuet - 1 11111 I;I•I reg; ldir !nect;n.; tie . I 'ii'' f rd!,(rushing 'I '13') 11) Wet l ttitl, her ll;urnt., \I t' an! ! aII ;in exi, ana- 71 "GOURTEBY AND SERVICE" �` • atul the mirut., � f SI.,,'i,ll \Iretius; , t \Irs \',111 ;hail lltven Sou'11 Miry st r) un tltr 11 , on lar,; Tyre (ic.Ir}: Itadilr1 I' !lard Drain 1211111111 NI \Irl Ilrnn•aon, I.undou, spent 'l nrul ;I `I Ihn,li. \\`,>nl'utll rrrrnrd �IM111111th)12014iNliNiliiiMhIliNN.WINDiiNMDI INA)1311111111it7171)171a7011ii1D1217iDt • October _ 111 ,', ;'ilittiltd a, read. Cal'' liot'du i h,ulid+rd, ,;ds and t it '14 IY1 few day, l,l,l w'rrh w'ilh his ,;ticnls, rich. 11 hu ,\r:o,lroue.; Kerte s:;Lary 1211 131 i tltr t,fler,;l; Shir!,y l :flour(. i'rad the \Iotit+n _'—Ity Ile',vn and Il;irea'1'11.1 \Ir and :des t' Ilrnnsdirii !n!innic, 1 .ut I\tr11111; It:ld t \:1\(,1; Ili II)'-I;rn \o. I� \.I1., 1')15. he read 1 th, (it'1't v C'. Ilrowit ru•nteilt r s:tl \li s I.anra Stell ,rent _the 11(.11 call � Morris 'hO11'1lShl1) C(lllllell lu'1 II11 I 'I'otecr .Itn't• i t nn Sydney, \ 5 11t - t i , fir I and ...coin! nit time. C.0 ries try : t nl un Jt uY SUr�VORTl1Y The \I 11411 o N Counra Incl in bel home here harts Ndp,,,,Id; gave t ! for `I'uwn,1 p 11.11 0i Mehl is \nvettt- \II li.In Itr Irttiit a1 1 I);tl.: `1'11,1! I Ira 1.111, n, eonnril!or ,alar}' 111 coCtl I \li„ 1. 1'1111.,: is visitin r tricitd in! ler 1 2th, with all the members Ire,(.Itt. \\' t I. Dale, c11nnci11ot• salary 1111) 01 t~ lbrvii: Illt ::I arilIlri};ani1111.1I1�-L•nv \11 I� .\11.• Ir45 :u (.rad n lint1\'.I• I�',titl,dounrillf+r,:ILu•}•dll'ItlIroru :::::(ii iutrtc,tiu_. ,t1,r1• 111 the w•rc lots, Wallpapers 11hr Rrrvc Jrrt:idt'd,and •ceo:dl Inl,l he Ila„rd. Carrick', :,athering In {lonrur of Mrs, 11ivcY\lis, l l;lrl 1lrllolt;ul lini,hcd Ila' I. :\I111•tln •�, trip to Ii111,r r!t i 1121 and Mabel. ',Id1;t I, .u; itimy 'rwi,-\\'111(.1,", ful- 1 The mimltrs .,f the hist meeting wrrc Mo;io;l t I1', h;i;Isun and I)alc: 21`11.! .\. \\•ryutil'Itll, };(.:ier i•rp;ln• ' 11! read and ad!' ,tt d 011 Int,tiun f 11 11 vc>' 11}' 1 ss .\d1 IK .\.I t, 1'f 15, he lead ,1 I.a,t I ri';at :1f:cr 1 •n a ver} pit as !uwrd hv n lil'''t In,I� cr that the 11111(.1 ARE INEXPENSIVE 1.\. \VvY;11ln!Ih. griper operator 117 i), I:rnt time 'in int 551111 111 Il:u'r,.t• 'I child- loh sten and \1'il'iam Speirs third time, l`a ri„I lie. rgc l' '.outs lacrk. i' ern 11;11;111 ;il! ht n1or, like LUXURIOUSLY DESIGNED \lord1 i 1`11;:(.2(., t`t r.s1, s,t iItil \I 'i+t 1'.t R;1p,on :ini1 11r1rwu:I--_.-__-__-_ :itt \Iai,:1 in ihcir huure, \Ir. \\`at- \lar:;tlrri,, II.11t save ;1 p11(.ut "Itt':ntty Ill' lane, \111`11:1, that rad la's .1; That 11�-1:111 Ih .\.11. 1'!45, as r.ad l ern mall all :1',Lcss, aryl Mrs. Radfuril iu \11t,•u!h,r" '1'111 Itirlhd:ly Su.} 1111. LASTINGLY BEAUTIFULALL LIONS OUT FOR THE - pre•oiled be lid. Carrie!. the third tune be !lased, sign' d, 'lr 1 .;1tr Ih".0 a ht;intifnl ileo(. lamp, I'"! sung for lite d hi'tlrru I`he children h' NEXT MEETING Moved by \I'nt. Spcir, seconded try the 'rctt a •Ir.l1 :cal attached, 1 iri ti d• lu rillg i, the adder s : Itrr1 rrnundt'11 , 11111;(. Autumn 'I'hanh- PRICES ARE RIGHT 11 irsIs Johnston that the C1'uncil re \II tion I, --lir Icwitt :Hid I)alr: 'I'll;lt 1 \I r. 11'1:,,. 11ia;;, t f I `I'hl,ucls' IR'ar \Irs. Ilarvr5 aril \1:11111; \\`r I)ffering next Sona.. evtning, \orem- I tislrirl (i''t'erl",r of 11i,lrirt \o. ;\ I, her 18, 11111'111,,; t'In11T11 ',(.wile \I r , lar.- commenl to the 1i)4r) Ccnncil that the we pay Law,l;; ,Young the sunt of ten si ti iiic,ltl, and nei hl, urs have };;itb- ALSO '1'rustecs of the Sch -01 Arca hr paid it liars for cst,;l stork un •1':Is Slip:, will hr the special guest at the Lions.; tired herr t11i, afternoon to spend a ,•ltto , I of \1`;dtnn, will be } ncsl spcale- nlr,tiug on '1 tit .ay night, \uvctuhrr <ilci 11 holo will, yon, :1':11 to t s Ire>; PAINTS AND - a rcnlnllcrttiun in additb'n to the mile- Carried. 'nth, \I' elfin at (1:,111 u'r1 ve \11 I 1 r and lantern ,lisle, will he shown age note x1110 11. Carried. 1 \Ii+tic11 7 1!, kc, „„,1 iitt,.1:;:'1'itat ' 11:1;:‘1.\;t','ty g.vtd wishes iur y tin sotli 'lis :ire ;I,krd Irl grin: mite -hoses, Lions requested to hr present for Otis ENAMELS OF QUALITY 1 \Rived byC'it:iris Coultas, >reondrd the 'I're;t neer be „tit hori,etl 111 ,ell I lit It , hal:in.e ,It talent ;i t t bean nuntey to Its June; \lint t that the meeting a 1- ;h01tt(10 cf \'ir,,.r5 Mond,, carried, I '1211(. Healer d;i'.1ee 1'. :I; ritlrr, with Linn ' "11`1 fell we ,nttlll not lel this oppor• December nt1 f ling I ricn11,11i11 circle RIDSMEL to EtTp Pant Smo'I 'you'll to meet ;+gain on December 15th, ' \lutio:t 8--iuv Brown and I rri eon.: Uutiir tis, tt'i'houl slilttt'in in sonic was formed ,1•id friendship verse rc- Lcs. I IiI,1o;.,1 ;;, chairman, wi I have I 1!)45, at III a.nl l`arric,l I'itat all accounts hr paid, Carried, way the e. te:n1 in which y1'u are 11(.1'1, pealed SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY. I \loll n 'I -It R;p,'! ; and Ile, mi. rh:u'ar ,If 1111 I r'I rani for this meet-- Accounts r J 1 n1g. _ — -- it\ lipltlls up ny'ntrl hullne,t tv, hope and Iw'ill _____v___ i , _� 1111 2{'11.1 we do n Iw ,ul`Innu to uuet \u- luhn \11.\(.ter, calf killed ........ t CHRYSANTHEMUMS I IIEMUMS IN I - vcntlrr I!), 1')I , ;it ti 1'.11, Carried. ! 1enn,'d dun Ili one old friends," 1 13. C. S. 1,itel'Itrl' Society i 1 1\2.11.(.1 Agar, valuator's ices _ n'J ; T• R. l'aticrsin, engineer u11 Accounts NOVEMBER ! '1'111 Mary (.ir•rr,rn \iissilru 11 ;0111 w II , TREST'1t) I• t'1{ .\Mt ti' , present a I ,r;l'! i Illy 111\III (Illllllllll F. C. Pipe drain ... ell 111 Rclie[ \Irs. lana I hold their fall `I'Itank-Of ineetim.; E. I. C'rlw f;'r.l, flitch, cent 13... 21) 011 lovely bo'HIn(.t of Chrysanthenmmis to n sa,,,rrlay ailcrn.',I:, at '::il 1,,,,;,,,.k lion Srll •od I.lrr;tr! S,Iciety teas lulrl - Phone 37.26,. LOttDESF30R0 = I11:1Lig 11'altin and 1lrl• • 147 UO F• Shr'hhn ilk, weed 111,11,11 r 4 1111 The SUut l:u t on `1 111 lis tvhirh she in the 11,1,1111 nl ul the t i ti it \1`c "n \os ilhee 2.n►, at 14.1.- '4 1n ee Lights The nl.ctnlg 1,n,tl by • 'noting "O 'Nelson Higgins, audit 5 l::1 ball and Za;,'c, typewriter 111 Ill hall just picked out of her garden. ittlt• will h, }Ind to welcrnu' for \\`.\I .S. L:Iwil• ).0111 t'. I:Ix ,1.111-. 511 ") 11'1; wo.:v 4rrally a iircei out, an I Camila,” •1.111•• nannies of the last PHIL O3IPHER OF Leat \\`hcelcr, sciclttng jurors 4 1"11 popes; also the utothrrs and their t hii- 0nt. \Ina. 1 'ird, 11111th it ? 111 a• she remarked, "it it.itis is ;t novelty nlcrtir1 tt,rr 11.'1(1 t tl ; it t 01trt+5 1 The LAZY MEADOWS 1.\.;,., IIIe,; rr, r'cctinh 'pip r, .. 4 111 hen ni ; u' Lab} I ,ut11 I.unrll 11111 ht' .,(.11111 1 p;Iper w:l, real,, after which ) •,,.'c lie,'rgc \larlin, seleetirg jurors 4 0'1 Village of Illrfh, di,l. tonrl irr• ,U Iu1 10 have tt•rslt lower. on lit. table in rave t at the ilr:c of the i tttti' g. I ` (By Harr1' J. Ir 1 1:118:1121; \1:11>L;111 read ;l ,bulli pn1111. Jam's \Iehatu'an, i1owirk hire Co.('of 1larotl, i:o,pitatiii:tit 11.. ) I';J the u: u'.h „i \cvcnlhrc.-- Rey, \Ir I'ultt'an preached a very fiuc hcok puh11,hcrs said nu Fred :\. Edgar, htnncdy drain 2111 It:).1 i, i ra,hy tutu Illayra :i Halm solo Somctilttrs �: serntc1 on kitIni bane(. I);!c. Sc..-Sct•- 11lDllrlll�l' Company, III>lll'- � � ' � 1 Ih!Ilnhl \\;Ill �,•:Irl :1 p,Il';II I(.11111 "51111 t;, copies of h.rk, that they thin,: farm Gc,'rgr I ,bald;!, gravel, bridge 12 Il;l' 1'.:15 `�rf��tirf��OS 1 lora, tear ve'cr:ut; of the Iwo areal mice on Ball :u tl Shed ... 4 sill ; ;� \lis, I�aihlrr: ILisfur,l ul' llantihtill .,f S.Iurd" ;�1," Irina \\ alt and 1?nit 11oldc wont.I be interested in, \I='st Dr. Ci i sioLd, \tOtl ........... 21) 111 John 11.,11, grader repair w:Its '1c'tpicd 1111 Iront pctvs of the I i t t t,l ,!net, i I it, Lmuly I' ` cr l'o., snot(. frncc s11It t 11,4' we,'k t nit 11 1111 her mother, church, 'ri�lrun s n ' i •11 ` i 1'' •t of them are pretty good but (.rail Cecil \\'haler, 1101 L ... t t • I i and I,n,.l iUo 75 Sympathy i; lxtcndcil to \Ir<. Irr:wl< Ihr,' then re ill rr, t'r l statistics of r tiling to race alcor, 21It other week' lotto Craig, 11011, 3 TNI --_ v meeting 111.1 I with 1 milts(. I r1 1 t d ti1itis 7.i 41 \larsh:ill ht III-it'Idrn passi' : of her 1 I til • s •11 1,'1 •t" I the •n ' e I.ongnrlr.s, (�1rcn and C:nlpany. in George \larlin, 11011.... .- , I!') 11 ' t)5 2'1 in ;thcr, ?Ir.,, Rei 1, rf 1hillett. ITRY A CLASSIFIED AD, 25 CENTS lied Savo the lain};. Toronto, sent along a copy ut a 1)011: , Vic. Falconer, cement (.ick•rge. C. Martin, Clerk. 811 about 1111' early days in Alberta. It I _,•,�„t'^„—,-- 1 i �ttl 1. i J,1, - ,. _4. ..:I,,.,1111111111.-.,,,11 _ . 4111.116. r i. I,1 1 6 . • �• a • Y 1• iY, r ,r I 1 u ,.l I . 11.1,1, Y.,,,-: 11.1i111.141414 i,-7ut 414 41.1 • . �,� o+,� , ..r r-Irc:� •,u i d,� u1�I,.r..u,.+ua.�i... atw,�.1,.+n , n. „,> c7111d1 Jr11mly (`l,in' :rk and it was WES'1'F1IELI) written toy a fel.ow called Robert I.. Garel. \I r, and Mrs Norman Radford, \I r. i knew I1ob Gard. 1le's a hitt soft- and \Irs 1)ougtas Campbell :end Juan, talking American fellow with a soft were London visitors on Friday. sl,rt in h r heart t• r the early history I \I r. and \1rs. Gordon Snell visited of Ole \\'rstcrn Plains. \\'hen he was 'with \I r. ;1nd Mrs, John \'ttmigblut on at the 1 i vcrsity of Alberta he collect- Saturday. cel these .)ares about Albert, which by \Ir, an.t \lrs. Reg JO a11(1 and chi',• the way r nt very cid so that the star- fret: of i)ctrcit were week -end guests ics are still in Ole hearts and on tha at the home ci Mr, arta Mrs, 11:tgucs f the - liter folk;, \\laiden. a most nitcrestiI1i book and it \I r, and M rs. \V. F. Campbell and nicves al '' is that sante, s'-sv spoken \liss \\`iitnifrcd returned home eft Fri- wav cf 1` 'r Gard. In fact it cou'rl day from Comber,tvhrre they attended Mare stood just a little pepping up in the funeral of Mrs. Campbell's broth - spots but nevertheless it's chock-full cr-.0-late, Mr. IoIm I?. Ford, woo pas• of the kin' of s l ics that a lot of our sctl away quite suddenly following an youngsters should read instead of read - 'operation. ing about the glorification of war in Mrs. J. 11. Hoover of \\'clland visit - past cc:t:uric;. That's something 1 ed her br Idler. \Ir \\'ilhtun 11, C'amp- ecttid ne cr figure out. \\'e faithfully bell, and t•lhci' friends over the week• keep all the ht'nian aspects of the his. end. tory of toe world and our c:untry away Mr. and NI is. \\'vlIin;ton Good, of from our childr"n, Financiers are glori Auburn, visited in Sunday withMr, and fieri and politician are whitewashed Mrs. 1)ouglas Campbell. into plaster saints but the little folks 1, Mr. and \Irs. (Toward Campbell an I with their r^ugh a :t mw''!y ways and family voiles on Sunday with Mr. ;nil big hearts are just glossed neer, ;Mrs. A. E. Johnston of \\`est \\'awa- nush, I guess it's because 1 feel so strong I Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Logan of llclgtato ly about 1111 subject that I wish more were guests on Sunday at the home of people would write more bo:ko: like 11-. and \Irs, Harvey \Irlhtwrll, Johnny Chinook, and the people who Nil's'11'. l:ro,icr of London is v`sit lay d,tt•n the rules of study for schools Ing her 1.111(.(., \I r, \\'ul. Campbell.would wet some scu;.c and let the Mr• and \Irs. Charles Smith, \Irs, I, youngsters reed ;boat people who L. '"").-'well' wereLcndun vuiturs due really built this con ttry. They're all cllast eek. in this book including Paddy \'•-Ian, the ay \I r. Ilarweic llosnlan has rcutrued famous lawyer, Bob Edwards 1111 .liter home after span!}Ing a couple of and Father Lacombe and dozens of ttiortths n the \1'esl, and at present 15 others. working at Huntsville, \1r. and Nil's. Harold Cardiff and children, Miss Margaret Smith, of Brussels, visited on Sunday with \1r. Messrs. Torr. Colson, Ilarry Sturdy, and Mrs, Charles Smith. nelson Lear, Arthur C^1son, James Mc- —v—_ - Ewing and Hugh Campbell have re- turned home alter a week's hunting at 11racebrirlge, The Lonticsboro skating rink club have sponsored two successful bingo and dances in the hall and are holding ..._--------r+ HULLETT Y.P.U. MEETING 'i`he \'ottllg I'enplc', m'et'e+r hell on Monday night opened t%illi the .ingitig of hymn 125. Followincc this Enid Brigham .read the Scriptutc. 1'ra}er no 461 was then read in unison. •Itynnl another this Friday night. \\'e Ii ;pe 1) was sung. 1liII Jolinst:at read "Self the revenue thus obtainer, will insure a Confidence or Faith in Oneself." Shir- season's sport for the young people of ley P'hillins played a piano solo, which the community. was much el1Jcvcf1 by all. The special \Irs. i). R. '''eKeit sic of Lucknow committee. will meet at Enid Brigham'. visited with h•. parents, \1r and \irs hottie to arrange for the s'.'cial avenin is \1'illiant Carter. ,to be given in honour of the returned ' Y boys and girls from active service. All WALTON took part u1 a game, led by Jran Whit- field. Mr. Alvin N1cl)nna11 has returner) tThe minutes of 1111 last meeting were Monte after (tell ing at the western bar -read and approved. The offering was '1st, taken, after which the meeting closed Mr. Hugh Campbell has returned iwfth the Benediction, • ' irrlln a week's hunting at i3racebridgc. 1 c Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kellar visited on WEST BOUNDARY RED CROSS • .r' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs John Mc- The ladies of the \Vest Boundary Red Donald Cross held their first meeting or the RATION COUPON DUE DATES ,'all season at 1111 home of \its. \1'il- mcr ilowatt• 12 members and visitors Cnlpons now valid are sugar 46 to 67, were present. There were two large butter 116 to 129, preserves 33 to 57 quilts, and 1 small one quilted. The a:nl P1 to 1'21, meat M1 to M11, hostess served lunch. •4.i •1.111„ ” ... There the Goes!” YES, there goes the whistle that It means we must maintain controls means jobs! But remember! and price ceilings; support rationing Factory whistles will keep blowing and urge the support of rationing. Make this Pledge Today! ... smoke will keep pouring from We must buy wisely and with the factory chimneys, only if you and all greatest care: be on guard at all times, 1 pledge myself to do my part of us do our part to keep Canada's checking, working, fighting to keep dollar sound. And unless we keep Canada's dollar sound. If we do in fighting inflation the Canadian dollar worth a dollar, this, we can keep prices from rising. By observing rationing and avoiding we're headed for inflation, and its If we don't, some day we'll be paying black markets in any shape or inevitable result—depression! a dollar for 30c worth of goods, form: which means our dollar is only By respecting price controls and other Canada's active fight against in. worth 30c. anti-inflation measures, and re• Elation is a vital part of all our poSt- [rainingfrontcarelessnndunneces- war planning. We Canadians must We know what happened after the sary buying. 1 will nit buy two last war! We must fight against it where one will do, nor will 1 buy now—more than ever now—fight to happening again. For our own sakes a "new" where an "old" will do, keep Canada's dollar worth a full dollar! --for the sake of the men who fought By buying Victory Bonds, supporting overseas and to whom we owe a taxation and abiding ,ill such measures Why now especially? Because now future with a job, we. must keep which will lower the civilian goods are scarce, and yet Canada's dollar worth a full dollar. Ta cost of living and money is This is a danger., We must keep up an at..ive fight �'" �'� help keep prices at a } plentiful.g normal level. ous condition. against inflation! Published! by TiIE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) to reveal the dangers alienation. 110411 1.11 I 11..111i ednesday, Noy, 1 I,1915. Presentation 11Iade Blyth Finishes (Continued taint page 1) I t 'tut!n:l,'tl II t u1 l {",• I I 'salesmen in Ow s uthern di' tract,, ht•.it 'Co .te ;SII tl Il arts, and 1,11 ll, I Flt-Lie.tt I'arkington, f the t lint •n I\'ilii '' l e ul.uh. III' Air School, ,puke I,Ii.fly 'fit' air .I. \''n•IIi;I ..j `'orris , tluon' t.ilr1', roi nr• the t! int! l,lt „f,I,. Ilill'1'V 1101'llc's s.bool raised }ill percent of lit it inn rtes I.t',ut. One no. -‘1 ri.i/I it of dirt 'fi'ttu-I I''Iavotirin . 2:k twlnich actor 1;11,4. 1 hint, \\;t, u, 1, it quarter-Illllllt),I 1.11;111 111.1! 1II(• nlii II( no eat 1t• I no!.I, Int( tilt t fear Iced Ittlse C�(if 1Ce, 1 11). ,1:))c Organizers 1 resul'cd with Siivr.war I The prtsentaii'n of ,ilwer\\,ut' tt;t; iltro\eel emu, I., ,'rou,llllt unl ti:' S)le\1'11�1ke A111111011ii1, 1)1(g. 5e made t(, the three County O1•�;nni/et•,bw I'ottll`Iltit IIII' ••It II ;I rt ;i, :;tltl\' Nell el) _-�--_ tit \iter-("Il;thintin, an I \vete snit;tbly in the •.t;ul!inn (ou,'ratidat tri ;Ire atl<nntwlcdgcll Idue tilt r w'rl tl;, n,!nlicilr,Ililie, for Receives Plaque For B•ytli Ibt if c,00 ! T1T1 STANDARD GOCERIES 'They rat: ed nt the nrt.;bb'.'nr11 'od of I''I' ' l (car-, t' I I�tlil> ltillllcelllellt,) 11)s. , .;i 5t' In tilt' ""ay i L'tl,lc ab,I•n'.,• .,i tic clliltl', or, i lii tilt r, ',old Stott Nle. Myth ('11,1irmrul Leslie I lilbt l n, \I r' Lt ]Ir :I n Illus, alt , i(.c n i le, \\art' tl!I' 1. 1) 111111;1, a nu'nlb(l 1 11:e 111,111 L., tl;�u•t ±•, I:I htulor of i111, ores• ('uunnlirtee, ret eiwed the 1'1'1" i,'r i n the , ilu'ri \\, , 1)an,tilll1.k 111ytb. 1'11c prtstn'ation \\a• mall,• I,y \\iib t\Ili;r ;I101 silt t\ tilt ultltenrtnt..� Janie, !.Iti!hie:, and Mr. Philp replit"! i)ttrin., 1111' I't'rflol'� ;1 ,I �I•t, '•(t'I+I briefly I , 1,1,•. O'I: [nod," \\.I• •nn): by \Ir .I The presentation I f tie I'I,Itine to (•,jo1 It. 'I'„ are,milr,tie i 11 the leading mural mut iri;t;li 11 \t I i 1 1 1 r•. k. I. I'll lllil',e b\• 1\ OS, 111111111'll, till, 111)11t1111.t' '- 1 Illy 1;, t'1,;1,11., ;It h'lldell iin all i!i to Zurich and Hay \\'est. tient I in St, \lath'•, III Smithy or,;n- Blyth's Effort Chief Topic The \'illagr of Rl lit caw' in fIn sof \I r. Ibottle' son, \\;I, the first car - nmrlt tlrai; t b:.' alnte•I every Ire;titer, Iell I 1 in St, ',1arl f r some resits. tvitll \Ir. Nyle, and outCanvasser, re- I le.b%t'rian ('inrri \h....1,, 1. \Ir Ittlnl It, \Veit I nd ht lio. 'I it •rhe, !, \wl L h \was in t b;n::e RAISINS - CURRANTS • CITRON PEEL FROZEN SALMON FRESH AND SMOKE!) FILLETS Pioneer Ft cd - Shur•Gain Feed A. L. KERNICK Egg Grading Station • Locker Storage WE DELIVER • PHONE 39 Card Of Thanks t•en•mg their )n•t dues it i, rot nem ‘\ illi 1/r 11 l' \'\'sir (hike \\ ho su ail\ insisted sary I ::ay t;tll int c aii"cli1P4thy' \1r, lebn .\I hist, Ruth and tbert 1 1110'1 Irons tlleth,'Inlo.t boiled ower .\rlllttr, \Ir, and \Ir-. 1. Keith .\rtlnn' I,I,t ;t snots, with pride, ;Is they li'toted to the,: - O I"illi \I r a d \I r• Gordon \fall, I I(tly- 1 contldiiii ,try ren:arks. The c •t,gregat.on of Ohl St .\ndre•tvs \\;sh to thank al; their .\Indy( r•ar • Service, � rood. The evening prugrant rorlsjsttd ''1, 1I;u•rt 1,. Stir Iv rut n•ned on satin._ WINS CAR a few musical cumber, by Nie, -r,, llcrlacy and Ilan, of \Vin::ll;un; ,;,I„ Il;;y ui'.'llt ir�'n1 a hunting trip near , , 1lract•!n•itl ;r, lucky \\ inner , f a 1)41 Plymouth coach by James Ste\\art, Self rth. I \l r. ;1111 \IN. 1 1' tit,itr \\int \Ir ;Intl raffled in fort Colborne last \\'etine,- Mr. George Jefferson, of Clinton. \Ir, I':Idtl 1 ,.;1 Ili stn,! \I, 1 (hol,in, of d;ly Hight In 19•1.1 Miss Ilaechlcr \von thanked the ladies \\ Int catered to the 1' 1.on;.t• a 1 -1 -day cruise In Bermuda in a !toys- banquet.\Ir. x11 \11... :\ii , \I;til t\, \let l,lin, falser contest, 1t,t, ;ntd she also owns a half The evening cloned with God Save ti.,,l,,, \\ i,11 \it. tend \IN Ilerbol \Int,_ •interest in an antoul bile she won prey - the King. i iuttsly \Ir- \L•Lepn;til, Sethi ; i l lean \lc- Miss tt t rider, tthu is a farmer T'avi- ' 'Liman, and 1 nuie Patio, t tittv;lit', ,ti,ch girl, k 't sister of \Irs George Special Remembrance Day Services %%i!11 .\Ir. all \II-. 1'h;ll'Ie, 1t •e,, ('t151an, of 'favi -trek A Special It"tltvtttbratler Day serCce I \Ir, t'•I tut \\*right ,t itle relative, at \• \vas: held on Sunday mor 'in;.; at tit. \1't heti I, in staking 11 Sunday St Andrews Presbyterian Church \l i„ Ivy Rat ruler of London \vas the AUBURN llarh's Anglican Chnr,li, ss hen J. 1.. 11, i Icnd''Ft tn, Ow rector, eli\•- crcd an impressive message trial I:Iti- csians &Aline \with our ditty tow,n•tl re- turned ,,crvicen.ut and their rehabili- tation. ,\ baptismal service followed a hen Jean Edna, one-year olll daughter 1 f eras, In and a"ound the btl,h. Larne :Thomas Lawrence who celebrate their photic 33.5, Myth. .ler. a''td Mrs. ('it is lune;, \w.l bap. tate,, an•I mall ones, no i;tarsi til tit 5111 \\'erldintt :\nuivcrs;try uu Tuesday, lined \Irs \Icl.ennan, 1,lue\•;de, thea nits, and ,mall ones, nu I : ger dent1 NJ \entb:r 21st CONGRATULATIONS - \r---- ('nngrahtlationls to \taster Jvhn SNAKES IN THE CRASS (•roayn, who celebrated his 6th birth- STRAYED \1r. 1) 'lc Lill tr ha, bce•1 busily en- (I:1Y on Tuesday, November 1,3t11. Str;tyvd, on t:, the premises of the i't lir apartments in Myth, will be 1 -1"1 -It'd 1t •Lilt Ilei.. 11'4, in the Ln -,t n t Cunt;r itnlati,ul, to \taster \\'sync ;undersigned about November 8th, one tinl(I scperatc or as ;t whole, S65(1 each, the Ilrittlev f.tei t itt 1':;1,1 \\';nw;untsh. (Altitude who c-lebrate, Iii; 5th birth- red calf, about n months old. Owner excepting for south one, '700 For )Ir, Little ,,,t, testing tt, Inn Saturday dly on Thursday, November 15th may have tante by proving property,' terms apidy to John Clark, 4 Ontario :•it'bt, nett •11,11.e, abound in the lona lwratiitatioy,s to Nit- ant \Ir, amt paying cxi.cnscs. Alex \Ick\wiug, strcct, .\11t 5, Stratford 1O -.i - 12-3 • .�'! PAGE 5 1 ROX 1' Z'IIEATItE, CLINTON. VOW PLAYING: Abbott and Cotcllo in "Tho Naughty Nine- ties." M'. nday, Tuesday, Wednesday George Raft, Joan Bennett and Vivian illaine, Tilt' It,ui;:n co:t;t fl;uue, aurin in ;111 It, tatnele,-hanlelr•, gloat• "NOB 111LL" In Technicolor Therday, Friday, Saturday Batba:a Stanwyck, Dennis Morgan and S, dney Greenstrcct. The head of the homemaker'., page \\ slit sin ;le but ,he It•' to post' as a wife and mother while she entcrtainc:1 her publi,hcr as he sttvt11 CHRISTMAS IN CONNECTICUT COMING: 'Here Conte The Waves' A Merry Musical. Matinees Sat & Holidays at 2.30 p.m ., CAPITAL THEATRE i GODERICH. NOW PLAYING: Joan Fontaine in "THE AFFAIRS OF SUSAN" NOW PLAYING, "Here Come The - Wase," Nish Bin; Crosby, Monday, ruesday Wednesday I Ray Millane, Barbara Britton and , , M(today, T uesday, Wednesday Walter S!ezak I Derc.lhy PJcCuire, Robert Young .\ Trani; Il• r/age productionII Ilia ; and Herbert Marshall 111 t 'Ilia 1111• ;l t,Ie;ilittl.' ,tut \• ;t -tory of enduring l,\e anti telt \1 I I I11-\ter11";, deettth'll• "TILL WE MEET AGAIN" REGENT'1'IIEATRE SEAFORTr!. Thursday, Friday, Saturday Gail Rus.ell, Diana Lynn and Charles Ruggles It', t'ty ! It, )o11n::! \ title of \ol,ut to"rlt rn- i all tin nnllull�iu:, note !1. "OUR HEARTS WERE YOUNG AND GAY" COMING: "Pan American" and "The Falcon In Hollywood" Mat., Wed., Sat,, Holidays 2.30 pen THE ROYAI, BLACK KNIGHTS rind ORANGEMEN OF BLYTH ;tr.: sponsoring a PLAY to be put on 1,1 ibt' BLY TH MEMORIAL HALL, on the evening of FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23RD {'This i, a splendid play, being lust on a '• •t• �'I'01)iLC('OS, Cigarettes, POI),'' reit many "Drama ant! adventure a, one plan•: ' g ny t ales this season, It is be- K. , tants• ag;un,t ,ewl'n. != T. 1111(1 OtIlc)' Sllll(ll'1(ti. int given by the Young People's Union .: :'• of Scaforth Presbyterian Church. :; ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" ;t;Op('ll all (iay illlll L\'�allr;•,;: For Further Particulars Be Sure To .. •1• t Watch Next Week's Issue, `�Matince, Saturday afternoon, at 2,3V.�> =.illalll Street. B1,yth. : FOR SALE «. Mon., T'uer., Wed„ Nov 19.20.21 >,,.;..;..;.,;• ;•,.•, 4; o head .' yearling .., , ., I'1 -year- tffi DOUBLE BILL y' .. Fred MacMurray and Joan Leslie in'; "WHERE Du We Go FROM HERE • of 1,1 ,i,1- ;Hid Itch 11I;It1i ;11 retreat "TILE ENCHANTED COTTAGE" Thurs., Fri., Sat., Two Features Joan Davis, Jane Frazee, and Bob Crosby. !II ,l ,t! hilt "KANSAS CITY KITTY" .\nil ;I- ;in ;nitIt tl iter:Irtitnt Charles Starrett in "THE LAST HORSEMAN" COMING: "THE CLIMAX" with 'I'urhlut Bey. t' Matinees Sat. & Holidays a! 210 p.m. i (r•48••:-.. .0.0.... v. r•0..•• x••0+000.-:. •0.00•J i, 1 •:.: .<.:o'o+i oe0••O:••4:. 5,••,•54.0 i•.W.4.0e.4•;,) LY GEUNI 9IILA ATRE •_• WINGHAM-ONTARIO. ATKINSON) S • 1 Two Shows Sat. Night nt >• , rh�,Novembers, Sat., 1546-17� POOL ROOM. 44 'Paul Muni, Marguerite Chapman, in ;, :: S�1I{)ISI' R'S SUNDRIES ;; "COUNTER-ATTACK" f old cow, due to freshen. Apply to Ce- cil Cartwright, phone 28-7, 111yt11 12 -ii MERCHANDISE Presto Coktrs n,.\s available at Dobbyn's Ilarti\wt.re Orders fur Cltrist- ntas Itt,w ;tcccpled 12-i1) :.and Richard Travis, Eleanor Parker„, IN "THE LAST RIDE" ,- ;. Tile first ti fantastic ;col dI li�htlnl •natty and the second a nlel ttlr;na.t. 1• ;•.4..0.0.•..0.••.•• •0.0 4.••• •••o. ,..•. •sg, ,..•.,•,.o •o.•,.;..•� APARTMENTS FOR SALE r• I. 11 'I1 ,I, ,,.J,rN01000...4-eirHMmume,-waaM p,$7 .m.°!'t• .,• 116 . -t, i ra,.r., arise }.tom • it.. Emily • oti; Banks are continually making small loans to meet these emergencies which cari upset the best -planned budgets. Three out of every five bank loans are for less than $5o0. Many of these are used to take care of such expenses as doctor or hospital bills, temporary embarrassment at tax -time, a sudden journey, the winter's coal bill. Again, educational needs of the family often are financed by small bank loans. These small lovas enable individuals to consolidate debts, and to pay back from income. Small loa.:; furnish just one more example of the service available to you at your bank. This Advertisement is Sponsored by your Bank • FOR SALE 1 pair (1111-16 'fire Chains; 1 set 1937 Ford slip covers; 1 hit ;iii• beater, all in good condition Inquire at the Stand- ard Ufficc 12-lp PIGS FOR SALE FOR SALE Desirable property on I)insley street, I;nutt•n as the \lonely Property Apply to Leslie llitborn 10-31) FOR SALE h Vorl:,hirc C'hunlis Apply to Cleat 16 little pigs, ready -to -wean Apply Galbraith, phone (ib Myth 11-2p Calvert Falconer phone 18-6, Myth 12-1p FOR SALE \I;ut's fur coat, large size, only worn a few times, For information apply at The Standard Office. 12-1 PIGS FOR SALE 22 pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply to Archie Young, phone 4(18, Blyth. 12-1p NOTICE Voters' List, 1945, Municipality of the Township of Hullett, County of Huron. NOTICE is hereby given that 1 have complied with Section 8 of the Voters' Lists .\ct, and that I have posted up at my office in the Village of I,ondcsboro, on the 211'I clay of November, 19.15, the list of ail persons entitled to vote in the said \tuniciplity at the Municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And 1 hereby call upon all voters to take tnunediat': proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac - coding to law. Dated tat my office this 2nd day of November, 1945. GEORGE W, COWAN, Clerk. 12-3 MUNICIPAL NOTICE 1 HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that the Nomination of Reeve and Four Conn- Voters' List, 1945, Municipality Of The cillors and School Trustees to serve the Village of Blyth, County of Huron the Township of Morris during the year NOTICE is hereby given that I have 1946, will be held at the Township 11x11, complied with Section 8 of the Voters' \lorris, at 12:30 P.\L to 1:30 P.M, ort Lists Act, and that I have posted up FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23RD, 1945 lit my office, in the Village of Myth, NOTICE If demanded a Poll will be opened at I, n the '6th day of October, 1945, the the following places on - The noxi meeting. of the. Haremlist of all persons entitled to wile in County Council will be held in the MONDAY, DECEMBER 3RD, 1945 'the said Municipality, at the municipal' Council Chambers, Court 'House, Golly - 'rich, Sub -Division > o. 1, at School elections, and that such list remains Crich, commencing on Tut,day, Novent- ilousc SS, No, 1, Deputy Returning there for inspection Officer, Laurie Scutt, Poll Clerk, Tilt -1 Anil I hereby call upon all voters to bcr 13th at 2 t' nt utas Kelly; Polling Sub -Division No. 2, lake inunedi;ttc tttocecdings to have any All accounts, notices of deputations :\t School H Fuse SS. No. 9, Deputy Re- errors or utttis.tiutts corrected according turni••;g Officer, siva;'.' 1 •,•t sou, Poll to law Clerk, \\'alter Shortrced; Polling Sub- 1 Dated Division No. 3, :\t School HIouse SS, Octobers No. 5, Deputy Returning Officer, Harry \IcCiuirc, Poll Clerk, \\int. \•anCantp; l' tliin,il tial -Division No. 4, :\t 'Town- • ship hall, \lorris, Deputy Returning Officer, Jaunts Reran., 1',,11 Clerk, Jack - Clark; Polling Sub -Division No. 5, at School House SS. No. 7, Deputy Re- turning Officer. \lclvillc \L•,thers, Poll Clerk, Charles Solicit; Polling Sul, -Di- - visi!nt No, 6. at School llouse S. No, 10, Deputy Returning Officer, Sperling 1ohntoit, Poll Clerk, \Vestey jet. myn. Polls to be open from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M GEORGE MARTIN, Returning Officer RR. No. 4, Brussels, roil SALE Barn ,6x50 .\pply to Leo Cronyn, ''hone 13-11, tit Int 11 -Ip Notice Plumbing Business Moves If )Iu are Lately, write lhix ('lulst 'it, \\'asst Send stamp EI)1V1kRI) W. ELLIOTT I. \erred )nrtit�nect For Huron lists ;Out -lied from service \titin the Royal Canatji,::t Air force, and will be r twinning Ili, former occupation. (.•t rite -Istat le:tee promptly answered Iii ediale arr;tttg-tuents can be Heade for tittles [tale at The Standard Office, or by calling Phone 20,1, Clinton. tillage modulate and satisfaction (;narantvett. G. R. AUGUSTINE RE1'kl'al?N'I'1NG TIHE MONTREAL LIFE "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY" Associated with The Atlas Insurance Company, London, England, LIFE - PENSIONS - ANNUITIES 1VILLIAM IL AIORRITT LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Specializing fu farm and household, Sales, Licensed for the County of Huron. Reasonable Prices, and Satisfaction Guaranteed For information, etc,, vt'1te or pltono William 11, )horrill, phone, Resitlenco IG; Shop 4, Myth. Frank's fakery I ant moving my Plmnbin.; Equip. PI-IONI: 38. BLYTH, ONT. mint to my Garage ou Dinsley St„ \\'est, and ant prepared to give the tante courteous service to the public as always. The contituid patrouagc of the gcn- eral public will be greatly appreciated. Prompt Service. Satisfacticn Guaranteed. A. W. P. SMITH Phone 92, Myth NOTICE PIES, CAKES, COOKIES, BUNS, COFFEE CAKES. FRESH EVERY DAY Everything Homemade HAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer. Specialist in I'arnt and household Sales, Licensed In Huron and Perth Counties, Prices reasonable; salts fiction guaranteed. For information, etc., write or phone ilarold Jackson, R.R. No.' 4, SottforUi Phone 1.1.6151. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL at my office this 215th day of 1945 GORDON ELLIOTT, Clerk 10-3 and olhet business requiring the atten. tion of C'tuncil should be in the ltantl.s of the C')unty Clerk not later. than Saturday, November 10th N W MiLLER, County Clerk Godcria, (Natio 10-2 Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50x31; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. ■ HORIZONTAL 1,4 Depicted state. 12 Before. 13 Elliptical. 14 Poke around, 15 Inches (abbr.) 17 Soon, 19 New Testa- ment (abbr.). 120 Its -- are not very extensive. t3 Type of cheese 25 Alleged force. 26 Sturdy tree. 28 Female saint (abbr.). 29 Recounted. 33 Size of shot. 34 One (Scot.). 35 Frivolous. 37 Secure, 40 Pattern. 42 Cable hands. 44 Golf device. 45 International language. 47 District Staff GRANITE STATE Answer to Previous frizzle I�SIA;6:!E!L L A �J E WE l_ 5 1— T-- STI,L_;L BENS;":MER1T TARIEI- BE ON''LAME SR •(VER II'PORTEP CIU t�EE( IE� s H E'S ISABEIIA °iR E . Lr ,.,, A TEIRN N SPAIN OF F CTU W A RO TEEN'�P1 NT OLBEY�'=DO.e.EN .,H C}OiRPIS'':.'B U =M0 SE�REENE; OLUM (Egypt). 50 Saturate. 53 Negative. 55 Cessation. 57 Girl's name. 58 Boat paddles. 60 Wild ox of Celebes. 62 Roof Curial. 64 Pompous. 65 Soak hemp. VERTICAL C FA 0 RAT e U cysts. 4 Chinese measure. 5 Hawaiian pepper. 6 Horse's neck hairs, 7 Trudges. 8 Hour (abbr.). 9 Electrified particle. 10 Decay. Officer (abbr.) 1 Compass point 11 And (Latin). 48 Chief god of 2 Silkworm, 16 Portico. Memphis 3 Sebaceous 18 Peevish, (2 �15 -2o 21 - ,29 ! 30 31 '37 39 6 n3 r? 39 1:c 40 43': 44 q9 s0 56 6I x'162 4 s 13 22 ;rte 272B 32. 36 1 20 Its capital IS 21 Harem room. 22 Kind of thin satin (pl.). 24 Encountered. 27 Know (Scot.). 30 Sensible. 31 Genuine, 32 Son of Jacob (Bib.). 36 Negative word 38 Roulette term. 39 Little demon. 41 Bare. 43 Province of the Union of South Africa. 45 Red Cross (abbr.). 46 Exclamation. 49 Whetstone, 51 Always. 52 Back of neck. 5'4 English money of account. 56 Pagoda (Tamil. coin). 58 About. 59 Street (abbr.). 61 Near. 63 That thing. e 2 io i1 47 a0 153 Sir .58 59 ';: x,60 6}• OUT OUR WAY WHO'RE YOU, A DOC r ER SUMPIN THIS LOOKS. TIKE A DIPLOPIA.' 24 41 YES, rtISA DIPLOMA FOR LEARNIN' TH. I'•'IACHiNIST 'TRADE! 11-PREE ~EARS AT NWE CENTS AN riOuR! 61 52. 65 46 63 19 By J. R. Williams rr SEEMS TO IRRITATE OLD DAVE TO SEE SO MANY GET TIN IN ON 'THE MACHINIST 'TRADE Ai SUCH BIG NAG ES �O SOON THAT'S NOT SUCH i A SILLY QUESTION -- I THINK THEY'D HAVE HIRED DOCTORS TOO, IF THEY'D HAD ANY SPARE. TIME! MOVIE GOER. CONGRATULATES HIMSELF ON FINDING SEAT WITH UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW BEHIND A SMALL 601' SMALL EOY DECIDES HE. CAN SEE BETTER BY KNEELING ON SEAT MOTHER IMMEDIATELY SETS TO WORK TAKING SMALL BOY'S COAT OFF LOSES INTEREST IN SCREEN • LOOKS AROUND AUDIENCE SPIES A FRIEND TWO ROWS BACK REQUESTREFUSED,CAUSING CRISIS AND WANTS 10 SIT WITH HIM PAREN EID OVVER.COME E R STANDS UP TO FOLD COAT AND TO KNEELS ON COAT. MOVIE GOER. EXCHANGE GREETINGS WITH FRIEND BEHIND HIM HASTILY CHANGES SEAT THE SPORTING THING By Lang Armstrong "What'll ya gimme to boot?" • I THE SPORTING THING BY LANG SPORTING :Hobby 5qunal�' =-- � Jir rn, I "I wish you'd keep your toys out of my darkroom!" ON THE HOME FRONT YOu ROE N FRONT k.VITI-I cJAMES PE. CAN (AUT 714E COAL BACK HERE VITN ME / . By C. Kessler COAL IV Now ON A CASH MO CARRY BASIS 1N AEU YORK CITY. Not As A Hole At a meeting of rural district council a deputation of farmers asked to be received. They wish- ed to complain about the state of the main road just outside the village. They found, however, that their i A.ww1 4 duaN.111 Mm hmrrl arguments did nut receive a very good reception. In fact, thc mem- bers of the council objected with enmhasis and much noise, 1.00k here," said the chaihman, "tire road is fai'•1y good . as a whole." "Yes," replied the spokesman of the party, "but we want to use it as a road." This Curious World HUMAN BEINGS ARE THE ONLY CREATURES IN THE AN IMAL KINGDOM THAT /.1,p0.2/V 71"7/.4/R OWA/ PE,e stws FoR THE SAKE OF BE.AC/YY1 By Wiliam Fergtus?n BOAS THE OBSERVANCE OF CHRISTM.AS EVER. I3EEN (l) FORBIDDEN IN AMERICA [t • .ANSWER: In 1644, the English Parl:amcnt passed an act forbid- ing Christmas observance, and some New England colonies ad- ered to the rule for a time. COPR. 1941 DY NEA SERVICE. INC. FUNNY BUSINESS REG'LAR FELLERS— Direct To Consumer TOPSY 15 1W0 YEAR5 OLE. TODAY... SO I'M TAKIN' HIM OUT TO BUY HIM A BIRTHDAY PRESENT I f AN' ON ACCOUNT OF Ifs 4115 B1R.THDAY, I'M GOIN' TO LET 'IM PICK OUT HIS OWN PRe5ENT! By Hershberger d�%ii�/%,'QUIET''/ii' './/,' 4MATERNITY WARD Tei/ , • ig •''.'/; / flP ,c. i, w;- yp.»i.At�. • CO/A. 1944 CY 11CA SSAVICT,I`L. .A1. RIG. U. PAT Orr I-L?ra=t-1 -"( "Excuse me while I go out and buy two rioro Victory Bonds!' By GENE 1., MUTT AND JEFF— If You're Looking for Dough, Go Where the Dough IP YOU HAVE To RoB TttATt WHERE A BANKIWHYDoN'T WE KEEPOUR YoU Go RoB THE MONEY! Hog FIRST NATIONAL BANK? HAND OVER ALL THAT LMT g DOUGH OR M11I'IUL ELSE•_ PN{I1 SANK' H UIDWHICTH6YGWAYo? THAT WAY! THEY TOOK EVERY CENT! Is By BUD FISHER AIC, GooD MORNING, Ail, I vJAI(T To DRAVJ ;;;Soo FRch1 L _�rMV ACCOUt1f! •l't',I� r fYESSIR! JUST FOLLOW THOSE cosi POP—Dream Come True I WANT YOU TO STAND BY THAT pOOR AND GALL THE SERGEANT'S' NAMES AS THEY AP. IVE I • GOOD! — �Ulcite:rd Ly Tho llill ti, n :.,•#, Inc.) By J. MILLAR WATT -I'VE BEEN WANTING TO DO THAT For. `YEARS NI JAPS LOST FACES AND ARMS, TOO Demobilization of 7,000,000 Jap troops, accomplished recently with unprc.:edented speed by Gen- eral MacArthur's forces, has necessitated collection and tabulation of enormous stores of enemy weapons, as illustrated in photos above. At upper left, Jap officer assists an American in check- ing off airplanes at Utsunomiya airfield. Propellers have been removed as provided in surrc der terms. At top right, Lt. Charles Dorick of McKeesport, Pa., prepares to inspect one of thousands of riflc.3 displayed in racks at Utsunomiya arsenal. The GI at lower left obviously enjoys carrying to his outfit's trophy room an armload of ornate samurai swords, the symbols of Jap militarism. At lower right, an officer from a special U. S. ordnance unit lists some of the captured field piece. BRITISH NAVY LEAVES U. S. English officers and civilian workers leave for Scotland as British Royal Navy closes shop in the United States. They were assigned to various British Admiralty offices throughout country during wartime. Offices now are in closing down process, You'II See it Again You'II EA it Again 9da4 au a�edto do 441 REMEMBER WRAPPER because your Long-time favorite, WRIGLEY'S SPEARMINT Chewing Gum, will be back just as soon as it is prac- tical to guarantee you top-quality and finest flavor. Yes, you'll see it again .. . you'll enjoy it again ... just as you used to do. WRIGLEY'S Win 41 BEAST BEHIND BARS Tominaga, former Jap Gestapo chief in Singapore, once boasted of beating a European woman doctor 32 times because she gave medicine to another sick internee. He isn't bragging now as, behind Singapore jail bars, he awaits trial as a war criminal. WHERE CHINA'S REDS FIGHT NATIONALISTS Pictured above is the coastal anchor of the Great Wall of China, at Shanhaikwan, where Chinese Communist forces are strongly en- trenched in the undeclared civil war against Chiang Kai•shek's Nationalists. Jap troops were reported co-operating with Chung- king armies in stemming Chinese Reds' advance. QUITE A DISH Mrs. Lillian Ogrodonig, above, of Chicago tries a little mushroom a la mode. The mammoth 2,3 -pound mushroom was discovered in In- diana. BLOND FOR AMBER Mrs. Annette Simmonds, 23, blond Irish Lass who has had several tests for leading feminine role in screen version of "Forever Am- ber," lives in London. She has been married twice, her first hus- band having lost his life at sea in 1940. NEVER FORGET—Max- 'well House is superb coffee. It's roasted by the famous "Radiant Roast" process. This captures every atom of goodness arid, flavor —roasts every coffee bean, all through. ROLL YOUR OWN WITH ritish Consols CIGARETTE TOBACCO MEL METROPOLE All Beautifully Furnished With Running Water. Rates: $1.50 up NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R, STATION POULTRY WANTED Send us your chickens, fowl, ducks, geese and turkeys. (Must be dressed.) "Highest prices paid." QUALITY MEAT PACKERS 203 First Ave., Toronto FOR COUGHS - COLDS BRONCHITIS ASTHMA WHOOPING COUGH SIMPLE SORE THROAT QUONSET `BARN' The "Quonset 24" utility building of many war uses has now been converted to the ways of peace, and especially for services on the farm. The packaged, easy-to•erect all -metal structure, shown above, manufactured at the Great Lakes Steel Corporation's Detroit plant, is described as ideal for farm tools, implements and vehicles or, with open front, as a barn for farm animals. MOVE OVER, SOLDIER—THE FLEET'S IN! Soldiers take a back seat in New York this week, as gobs at - riving with the fleot take over. This GI in Central Park does the rowing, while his buddy in bill -bottom trousers entertains the girls --count 'em. - 1t.��ti r t11011Er t[tO KKIMEt';etiEtEKICIPI, SPECIALS Children's Hose 19e to 95c Ladies' Cotton Hose 25c Ladies' Lisle Hose 29c to $1.00 Men's Heavy Wool Trousers $5.95 and $6.95 Heavy Wool Breeches .$5.95 and $6,75 RUBBERS and S1IOES FOR ALL THE FAMILY. Olive McGill Ot i liPtliklitIONN MANDIN7N;rialsNAND*1)0alto21NANOMPl itatinliikl l:lt THE STANDARD WelinestlaY, Noy. 14,1o4d., PERSONAL INTEREST Doherty Bros. 1 tc, 1?tlw iu Craig, of Cruutlin Milk tan• staff, ,pent the week -earl ttith his parents, \Ir. and \Irs. Robert Craig, r>. 'toward Leslie and daughter, Pat 1')., of Ne\tull, ,pent the tteek-end tyith \Ir,. N. i.eslie. \1 r. anal \Irs. V. \I. Bray, and Lon a, of Kitchener, \Vere wVeek-earl visitors with old friClids in lllyth, \I iss 1 lcicn I li-tt•att spent the week- end nith her parents, \Ir. and NI rs. Wilmer 1lonatt. \I r,, .\. C. \\'. I Iardi.ty and son, Georgie, ,.f Galt. visited with the form- er's sister, \If .s Josephine \\'oocdcocl: on Friday, 01' their retnt'n they were arrrtnpanieil by \I is; \\'oo :'cask and \I is, Daphne Dawson, who remained there un'.il Sunday, i1 _ _ _4.1.444••..jgM'r+4.+4.•.•.$-4..•0.0.0+4 •.•.•0•.•01.•.1.10,«j.•0.0•. OBITUARY STUART ROBINSON Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. Please Phone Delivery Orders Early. Morning Delivery. North of Dinsley Street. Afternoon Delivery, South of Dinsley Street. Delivery Orders - $1.00 or Over. THE LATE MRS ALEXANDER REID • On Satut'tla': morning, November 3• loth there pa- sed away, at the home .•f • her daughter, \Irs Norman Shepherd, ;, another of the 1 1) resi nts of 1lullett ;• township, in the perst 11 of Janet \\'ells, • \vidow• 1•f the late :\It:voi ler Kai 1, in :▪ . her 83rd year She had been cuj yin.;; her usual go, -)if hca!:h, when su(llenly, • on Friday everong, silt was stricken +• r".• kith a s'.roke front whish she did rat ' • Chicken Haddie reenter She w;;s r)JC ;t kind and luting, mother, a gnat, unassuming woman, Neilson's Cocoa, half 11). 19c . whose chief interests lay in her h: to •' ars I in her church She was a member Aylmer Tomato and Vegetable Soup, 10 oz. tin 10c of Bursts' L'ni'ecl Church and a l.ife- 2 for 25c .; \I ember of the \\'oncal's Missionary • I Society Hie hate NI rs Reid was burn • in 1ilansh.tri •fort';:ohip, 1'crtlt County, in 11163, daughter of the late Jaine; \Vells and Betsy 'Thomsen \\'hen ;he •_• was 9 year; oui, the family moved to Oranges,Lemons and Grape Fruit. •..I the tarot new owned by Harvey \\'ell •s• 1 co;:cc, ion 1•I, iIullett On January 12, _• ; 1887, she mart ;cd the late Alexander +44+4.¢ ew",'.00..1'•i •/'.MP00• I.1....:,+•:......,N..H.,,:••..,444 4.4444444:4+41444N'4 Reid, ..,f 1 lullrtt, w I predeceased her __ �__• _...._.._ _.- ..._-__-_ --_- :-- ' years ago She leaves t mourn her PERSONAL INTEREST family of Fergus visited alter the week- loss three chit hen, namely, \Irs Nor - end with the latter's mother, Mrs Roh matt Shepherd (Annie) of 1lnllett ; \Ir. Russell tier ors of Simcoe is tis - NI ..O..;•••„•..j•..ort Johnston Is Irat<ar,a(Katie) Ils•:�...r itiing his hr "her, \Ir.Albert Sellers, 1.y \\ an•a,:o;lt; Edward cm the homestead, 1 •ILL.-..�..... \[r. and \irs. John \\'right, of Lou- \Ir and \Irs C lla,lant a: d f.ttnily, concession 10, 1lcllctt ; als lite g;r:l l• t -it spent the v eek -end n•it't \ir, and and NI rs George Johnston of Dungan- children, and one sister, Irs David Mrs. John Doerr. n.n, visited u" Sur'ty with the tat \\'at,cn, \Valton, the sole survivirg { i PECIAI,Mrs, Rose iiradn k of Gr:derich, cr', son and daughterin-lit• \Ir andmember 'If the family of nine visite-I with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Rob- \Irs E : Jvlins.t n, .tea family The 11111w-it!f the ti 'I; place on \luncla in,on, 1 \1 ek ,s Hid' Lockhart, over \Ir, :\ (' 1<ennedy of Burford, t:s:ter! November 12, from the horn' rf her the week -end. her sister, Mrs :1 \\'and, a' d NH -\\';u:1 daughter, \Irs Norman shepherd Ser -Tills Week Mr. awl Mrs. Frank Elliott, of To over the ,reek -end vice was co: Coded at the house by rento, ti,it's over the week end with \lit NI Oda McElroy of Guelph site::: Rev Mr Penman, 11111:'"r '( Ilona,' Un- FRESI-I FROZEN the fennel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J'the „eel: •cu l „it!, her in :her, \I r;. ited l'hurcn, folll+tec'' I„ interment in S:�LIIION FILLETS. II. R. Elliott, of Blyth, and the latter's Burns' Cemetery The pallbearers were ,arenas, \I r. and M 1•• Robert Peck, of I,di':1 hell, ant! sister, \Irs• I. J, .'ins i; FRESH FROZEN lsix replii'w s. I lili \\'ells, 1 L•u•vev . Zurich. • r. and \Ir.. \\*drain Lyon, Thorn- S7ILVr dale, are ti,ititi r•'lative-1 •and friends \\'ells, •I'1111 \\';.goal Rr.hcrt \\'alson, ER BRIGHT\i r. and Mr:. Robert hell and son, in the vicinity t f Llnulc,horr, and Myth 1\'att and Nbort \Vatt The flaw- SALMON STEAKS. Billie, au.' tar=. H. !Jolley and (laugh- erbcarcrs were aLo four nephews• .\Ice this week. '!'heir s. -n, Gnrdr.n, who re- \fell;, Robert ter, Irene, ti.it+d with Mr.. Irene icor- obert \\'ells, Earl \\'ats.ol and man of Listowel on Sunday. Mrs. \\•il_ ''earls riturue.' home front ;er;r;t'' \\'illiant Ilantiltuu giant Bell, who had been visiting there has taken a pnsitil,n at \\'e ttnin,tct returned hrnle with them. I Ir.,; 'tat, Lon 1i t . Mr. and \Irs. Thomas E'lwards re- \Ir. and \Ir>. E.trl ile' ticy cf (;ah turned Erle last week after a visit visited last Friday with \I r. 'nt I \I r•. with relatives and friends in }-Iarrow. John Dom, and ther friend, an I re - Miss Hazel Potts of l.ocdon, spent knives. NH. Pt n'icy ha; di ;' ,cd c f the week -end with her mother. \Irs Ji his taxi business; 11 Galt to his s n. Petts \\'alter, w•ho recently rettn•n(' h'nu \Ir and \frs Ernest Curring and from Overseas. Shredded Wheat Tea Risk 35c Kraft Dinner 20c Red Rose Coffee per 11). '15c GARAGE. Acetylene and. Electric Welding "A Specialty. Agents For International - Harvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing. Vodden's BAKERY. WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, HOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "'I'IIE IIOME BAKERY" 11. T. VODDEN, A. L. COLE R.O. . OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN • CODER ICH - ONTARIO. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted, • With 25 Years Exrerience . w•:11 he at :k R. D. Philp's Drug Store:: ._. BLYTH, ONTARIO .t NEXT VISIT �� WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21st IA FROM 2 TO 6 P.M. TELEPHONE 29 R, D. P1i.Ll''S DRUG STORE FOR APPOINTMENTS. • W44444444•14++++++++4.-44 V.+MM :1+44-62.4 +++++++++++.444. - I i++ +0++0.i ++ 444....O.4y.t` The Gift That Lasts The Year 'Round r+ .44 PLAN NOW TO SEND "TI -IE STANDARD" AS A CHRISTMAS GIFT. We are ready to send "The STANDARD" anywhere in Canada or the United States, as a lasting Christmas Gilt from you to any friend, or member of the family. In Canada the yearly subscription rate is $1.50 per year, 3c an is- sue, in the United States $2.00 per year. No other gift will bring the thoughts of those far way hack to the home town so often. Subscrib- ers away from home refer to each issue of The TANDAPD as the weekly letter from home. We like to think of it as just that. You can help in till, respect very materially by reporting to us your weekly doings - had you visitors, did you visit - any freaks of nature you may have encountered - tip us off to the right source for presentations, etc. CHRISTMAS ORDERS, either renewals or new one[. will be received any time now, and a suit- able card of greeting sent with the first issue at Christmas time. TIT " CHRISTMAS GIVE A SUBSCRIPTION TO THE STANDARD - THE YEAR-ROUND GIIr'T. 34 Shopping Days from Christmas DROP IN AND SEE OUR CHRISTMAS NOVEL- TIES AND TOYS - ALSO OUR CHOICE SELEC- TION OF CHRISTMAS CARDS, CHRISTMAS WRAP, SEALS, AND DECORATIONS. Believe it or not - There is Only 41 More Shopping Days Before Christmas. ., •: .1 •: •: ., •: MR EZRA BENDER LAiD TO REST AT EXETER 1;n,cral >ertt'•e, were hell last Thursday for !':era Its mkt, of I: t:h- wootl, 'who dial in \'ict.•ria ilnspita!, London Burial wa's in Exeter eeiue•ery Pallbearers were (•'ayto anal (i;o act \\'ildfong, 1'rla)' Philo, 1 aird 1acghl• Delbert and Clare Geiger NH- Lender \tai horn on the 14t1, orale. i 11 of Hay tu•.ruehip where he farmed for a etinlbcr of ye are hof':rc op -rant.; u store itt Myth and for the ;a•t 18 y had resided in I)aHioo-d Ile wac a member of the Calvary L.van•;'fc:1 Church and had served as Sunday school superintendent for a rmnber of years, and wa; also on the Ou''rterly Board and was a class leader Ile is survived by hi ttife, the format i:muta \\'agner, an I one daughter, Jl rs \'e'r:•on Schatz, t.l' Dashwood, and a son, ;\ chic, of '1':ronto THE LATE HERBERT Sl'ARLING YOUNG 1: The ,url1e11 . passing; n f Ilerh-r' _ "r •:'rl n, \'oat's. at the 1latnilt.in Gen - 'i' •_• eral 1dos,lital, 01 Sunday, November . 4th, carte as a great shack to rulatieus and aunty friends. ▪ Ile was hcrii in Scafnrth. hat spent +• I • his youth in lllyth, attending public .: school there, the, (Collegiate in Clin- :_:1 ton, until Iv.tv,tig for the College of .=. II) harmacv in 'I'1:ront', from which he . - -...____-_____-__-- •;.graduated lata. ? .I For ashy years It's home was; in St;'r. Pre -byte. ian Anniversary 'i bury, latterly in .\t,.,,;aa Falls ;nal S, rvices Well Attended ' 1 1:ev. Dr. PRO.\I PT DELIVERY Wednesday and Saturday. Phone 10 11 McCallum Butcher. Phone 19, Blflh. Vl;1.17. I. Y i • 14,1 I , to llul ,.,I u.l,•lil su�woirrpic�'., 't'ttn•wA”...P. >rq EDITH CREIGHTON'S DECORATOR'S SHOPPE PHONE 158, BLYTH. Hamilton. Survivors, besides hi wife, the for. tiler Eth-1 \i. Culver. a f Orilli,r, are two daughters. NI rs. R. 1.. Cleland (Katherine) of i:oselanrl, Hamilton, and Mrs. 11. W. Beasley tllelen) of Comex, B.C., also a sister. \Irs. \V. \V, Sloan, of Toronto. A private siwire was held in the Chapel of Blackford arrl \\•ray's, Main Street and \\•i:t Avenue, Hamilton, on •.1 \\* e lnesrlay afIerncon, November 7th er at i :31) n'clo-k. _' Interment took place 34• interment took place . Cemetery, Toronto. 5:rat Old Favourites Return We are pleased to announce that the following articles are now in stock, some arc in limited quan- tities: RONSON LIGHTER - $6.00 $2.75 .49 5 THORENS LIGHTER GILLETTE RAZOR - AUTO STRAP RAZOR ELECTRIC HEAT PAD .79 $5.95 SET DISHES, (32 PIECES) ..... $7,75 AND $9.25 Y. and S. LICORICE STICK .10 R D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER --PRONE M • :t!(alb+aRIcact411414 d+EtOKt4tallIKa 111111lt+R410114 at11111 ElEl;a !Ell 1 4 .1 Lining -Roam Furniture We are offering Several New Designs in Ches- terfield Suites and Occasional Chairs - upholstered in the latest fabrics at most Moderate Prices. A wide selection of End Tables, Mirrors, Has- socks, Living -Room Tables, Wall Brackets, Coffee 'fables and Other Odd Living -Room Pieces, which help to make your home more comfortable and en- joyable. A call will convince you of the many excellent values we are offering. J. S. Chellew Dome Furnisher -- Phones 7 an S -- Funeral Director. YN1n%Dt20,20iiDtDtlpingl iMesPrAWDtia)t)tD NPINIIMDtmI IIIMPtDtiMNNAlMMikkIrlt)alIal 440444444.444.4444.44444444444444.444444 ......'i, 4444+444:44444P♦•,4M44444•444444+4• 4.44.0:4i 0. •: •: •: •: •: t FRANK GONG - Proprietor - .,•••.1.•.4...•..•.•.H.•�H.•.•.•,N84++4.,+'!^444.4+•1N1+44++M'.•'i• 4444••+'♦" ,+++++. Tlui'1► HURON GRILL BLYTH --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENZ FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. Meals at All Hours. 4. >u s4 >: >♦ >, 4.4 >+ �: 4.4 •y 'J.- .lcrich, had, charge of annistrs•aty'services held in the 111. th Presbytcrian Church on Sunday. 1n the to r::: ig he preached a suitable lcros%,'brance Day sermon, Special ulttsic was furnished by the choir under the Iitder•ship of \irs. Ilar- cl 1 Phillips. i'liss Josephine \Veir o' Auburn sang :t enlo, "Iicautifnl I.a')d 011 high." At the evening service a made quartette consisting of Messrs. Frank Ilndlyan''t, Irvine \\'apace, \lait- land Henry. ;old Stanley Sib:horpe, Pa::ikt r.Ot\Ip sang "The Old Rugged Cross." in Park ! ;•yn i Good crowds were present for both . services. l LCHUIICIJ O'UNC TRINITY CHURCH, BLYTH .,5th Sunday After Trinity 10 a.nr; Sunday School. 7:31) plot : !':venin; Prayer and Ser- mon. TRINITY CHURCH, BELGRAVE 1:55 !mfr..: Sunday School, p.m.; kvetnig Prayer ST. MARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN 9:45 a.nt : Sow'ay School. 10:30 :tan : Morning Prayer. BLYTH UNITED CHURCH Suuaay, November 8th 10 :15 ; Stoll ty School. 11:15: An Appreciated Service, 7 P.M.: \lissic'n wood, of Walt.- 1, Song picturt s will be shown. -v- SGT. SAM AND MRS. THUELL HOME Sgt., and Mrs. Sato Thucll arc wel- come visitors is lllyth at the present time Sant is on furlough until the and of the mouth, He was released from the hospital a month ago where he was confined date to illness f ,three months, Sate eventually hopes to get his release, and intends to settle in Blyth, to assist his dad in the elec- trical business. MISSION BAND TO HOLD AUT- !UMN THANK•OFFERING The Mission. Band of Laving Scrvicc will hold their Autumn Thank-Offcr- ing on Sun d'ay evening, November 18th, during clic church service. Rev, Gor- L'.ln.] Thank -Offer- don I-Iazelwood, of Walton, will be the i;'!;• guest sp.akcr, and lantern rl:'des w.11 l i est Speak,. r : Rev. Gordon Hazel- he shown, :. •• a, 4 ,+ +, ._♦ +t' .• '4_, •S, •_, ._, .l• .5 :• >, "SM 0 ."1'M + T"1+'i'•i`4 M+i'+'i4'%'i"i Mh'•i'M4••i"t M+' ♦M OMM'i4': + YOU ARE INVITED TO MAKE THIS STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR Christmas Cards, Seals and Wrapping, Toys, Dolls and Pictures, Tree and House Decorations. r.I.,....w.........:.�. I.: .. •: SPECIAL -- HUNTER'S CAPS $1.49. i :, ' .•,e•..l�I.NM.J,..1 �3• f Welldy's 5c to $1.00 Store :4 x• 4. >c+ >♦ x. :♦ •