HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1863-02-27, Page 37' 40n ll 5' m "A" 41­1 — E -EEKLY -SEMI-W 1-,S. I G N A L., 014 'EME The Work am&Fate. of the SuA. 9 AN$, 4 $20 U -NDS TO, 6 1 IV lfi`#Tmfir The -is--an iritteresting. extract + following IT ..1 , - CABIN Z from a lecture of Rev. W. Leitch? D D. ot HE followin 81,11) criber ill prepared to negotiate loans' g La%ds Art oAred 'for rate oil JNTERN^ % T 13003K,.13: Queen's College, Canada: T"poh Real Esilite lb, o.vh,­pis u, its%, ll very a4vauta eods forms: OR I UM,.. 4APTiSf MISSIONARY XEETIN6, lie ble hy instal'incias prcad over tiod CHMIR "Almost all the mechanical liow,,r On !he t, a i relsonable rate of , inteiest e arrantrem -il Mr. D [JAVE G mad ents face- of the earth is traced,to thesun. T STREET.-. The wissionatir ONE TENTIEE ONV WcGREGORi Bo6k-binder slid 11AMILT y meeting in the'Court with pr4rilegeof m -paving a Irart or lhe, rbolcbc- I l rC­r'Inaturtty -dcdu,-iIn-, iuterest for uuex ircd sum of force in the uni, urse is Always the torivigSTationer.. (who Ili* I ly retaq ed from a, on Wednesday evenin" laiii,' - -e. - OF:'T1lI9 'large Kate Dow Iti *dCS'Rold. House same,' just as the smn of. matter is always the lia THEXORONT0,41130ILLEGIff, C. W- PhiladelphlIlIrwIll1a ock 61"Biilh gand otbcrwat.rinl ; I alli prepared to Furniz, itlablz-' Esq-,oc- a-tters.of ibqtiir%; must be.tirtnItid. d'TNE'0 'fidstvIcs'*iih43d ith- same,' The force'-inay cbmwe its form, but .1 PURCU18B VIET I.N AS A F PURCHASE -ofall-k r.PRIS INSTITUTION, located n file its antount-is alwtLys file same. h' tif addtd r is prinei- 0 W- Is'. oth.pri'litcd H6dings -At teri j er nu G T GEO. E. BURR AND'Titil, L !id P t c Cape ple is u. W." .3- - cq)i6(k tlt chair, and, sta briefly tlili ob Own by the name of 'correhition-ot' feb 24-sw &,-wBmSq) JL ie,l rittttai, To,ont., has ju.t be e I . : 17 'S. 'dIT in,- not givini; sat ehii ion -will pull Nine- YANT, STRA TON WCO ch fr Equal, Annual jnstalments) Jo 81t -N.4 ? I 't!,`1 10i.its (Or'j,.,!d jectof die-niteetilfg, which lie said, wasun- -physic,l fo.ce,- Wheii the river'leaps' over Comin6rcia! Colleges, 6stablishedoin . 'V.r.,k 'be icouired fce'ol'chaige; Coll t he fi ' iev'el Ve- tl Nia',mra FaH 1 9 ana'rvti -cent Brooklyn, khPitilelplam, AlbAnyt Tr %.',- JOHN BUT 'LF force iS l *"h dcttbte&,yL a pod, one. atere, t a 9 per 11w4Gw P.- Ineebal iCal 7`0 ENT.' CleV, Iand,*DvOtJit Chica o) lind St. L6uk,,, neath, ost, as to $ rs, Rer. C. J. Shrimpton, Of pe r at The object -of- these, olleges- is to lo--pa-r- but -it 1; transmuted. into fi6ti'u . The wa ili Stratf L" , I' i9n.in Bi3ok-Lce ing, Commerdidl Liw, of dL RRIS .oiirn n and "'ca ;i:nd, ties, of St. 31-aty'S! the lbott im of the fall is iuct-ells6a ifi-tempei.a-. 'A COTT -AGE O -NT E AST STREETI. jig Gad tadi s.tfioroo;-h' TO'WXSHIR ns, a 'jj nsidcrable'f length th. And ivere,.Ahiii' Souil3-,J 7 in Ist con.1 50 A Acres, (Jilate 00 on lure heat-c6lfe teid it %vouldhe I! lCf6wdcor's vvest oi ilie rouiidr) Z CoarnLrelal -. rilhinclie'L penceriau hsinc. -Ap pe r 01le'Y'L B htL' converted into I cc miliCa ?OWLT, eXaCt PIYL Of the Sigaal.l office South J-8 in A con., 50 scres,I 'L pellmahship,. C. respnJetfce' 4Utf 10 fitL ng tc ause -qf missions ,'bringin o t Darticut- :deq to ruise-the waj6r.. Or its1ormer levs; them fbr,' ady deparitueniyi"'Itl 6 C" Afnerican X ISManilfactures add eelais a.fiqG. L 1 11 intL2d con., 100 akirelij. 1 1, 1 1 1. 1 e L' ­ . 'g L !4 usi C" thvv­lha to ut-th _current rmie:or exciia, 'a coulp dy on., andij lete aitSartnientL of S exp oslon 13 iss."'t in;ranada ,will..ertiitle the t an'l. hLoSP en. I h I' ant, larly; th 31#dships tHal bf't T h I eL e South 2 J, -n. 100 acres om mer,h ua power when the bill is intpelled 01dL Roejie 6r NuiseryA yot:th 20 in, 4h do I#Ul 4E gnqd , i the H ' e work. The Reverend 'I student to'eornpleiC,hin course,in any C,Ale,re o cut power -is re- Nortill 21 in 4h c6n.,, 160 acreti, from a gun., -The mechani the and V i-aj without, odditional- Markia Sqdare; dciacri,:h­ OrL., North W h 0 acres. "TheOPIlk-geisoi -da ande enidg. Dec. 15,1862., %h rn gea emen wer cha )en e Jist , ened to with mu,dh'a:t- converted intb, h(Tat when the biLfl is, sudden- 1,; XOV14'SON, Fjobri6t chain, CaIae' and ' I - . 11 ' C 11-i 160L tell ion- Tile hall' will -be, 11AMES E. DAY; RESIL)ExT PaIlciPtil. lj TABLES '-,9tf)STk1bSL t ly aireited in its fli-hi. xactil in;proportion to its el6citvwfien TOWNSHIP OFJI For at the Col. e stia S 250 The"New, Connexi6a C oir,.Was present but ',I. ti 1' 1 No, thils is the 63S AM, S t, DER C.UtT114T101Y 170 1 'acres eac leo, or sund for Catalogue i6d Circular, enelosing' arrested- WE M- ASSES -in l5th c BRYX­T,'SfIZ trL. 0% 0 UNDERSIGIR, Ina t e prod -ed an iitedings, Print & 34w48-lv 'RESIDENT 0 'COFFINSi, &4 j &,C, - heat,. 'All the -meclianfeal power emplo) Toront 4n. I I q. tq Lots,2, 3and 4 ielitir si inp .'Addre" 9y, erilliv by 'man can be traded to rhes n. `Thiwater 7 s ier, YL the , I ',. P REY:, , _ _ . '. 1: . TOWNSHI.P. mid, bf Harpurhey, eel isiumellb, SunjJS"Lheat­'ruisiis Go r1d1lL,iilnd-001born61T -h rx Lot 2 in.-Ist con.T I accoun' and,deposits- it ibm '11arliefilar atichtionpaid to ,Ordered work." m§-d6poSited od t of Operative Rc- the'water from the oct 'I nL i 00,aere§. , of iaid,6n tbeLmomllaitr' side. The r'PRE the abolle Lois 3i anti 3.5'. 11 4 con­100,iacres each, lief L - " I : GRESQUERE STORE'. he employs Done I;ut the best worknad. ghd ullei', the'surn ot P§41.0ff from the people , e for, e.,temive and t3ki Runicrv-w: ould 'dmw I c ­Uilts.&Lapd.32-in 6 100nereS eachi ­ L - ' . ­ - L - . 11 . I f I 1 7 - I .. _ _ _ . , L -E nothing but:the best dannof - rivercol ects the raid, fiils lihti.buck cis.okbe- DR' ' C, 'BEA-D UV this d.: att6tion of inteAding plantt rs .10 their Iatigi bet surpassed Lfor qualitv. thiatnei hborhooi4 and it would beL WQ11, at r'-;wheei.- an i5rbeelis the sun ill I- Lot 26 in"S on.. 99 qUare,, be Mill ment of Liamber.'and fitimeis, ta lft,e chnSo Market rb We— tillhk, fb aft parties wrio, init6nd to IG0117 re&ly ivoirks, the machinery ul t t 32' i4 8 cow. 100 acres, '. ' .1 . n;! L . I Vie . - I I , L " I : ' ! ked, 0 enes, I, : I,-,' i or,furniture. steam engin.e is not an excep 'on. A ts power, a tnlate to send in their'siveral amounts 'C AN-. ir G derich, ()a i 16th' b& -af asi is derived froin'the heat o?"'the furnac. gflff ad-1W'd d ro Lotg33 a ia 34 in 10 - e n., 100 acres,each ccommadd them is iiol by and IS64 Cathefines Mors, 'to withoff delay, to F. W. Thomas ES(i thefarna'ce depends, for its p -er on fuel."-*' TOI'.V\ SHIV OF XURIZiBERRY odA cs;and.advi , piirzoon ,xvish'ing 43 in I co 6 plant trees.'Io.pUrCbaSir. Who,. we.,.have. no aoubi, Birt ho w N. E. 1 50 shouid1"tiel -possess 'this. It- co, w N it rseriet,:;- has deri A _th -S Rob, -- - t ved s fLel.as -APPLES P EAR -at, onceto ngland. it from the - lin' ff`llff -rt Vi6on, fbrWard e money 11 . - I - U kpt)lv, 0,01t LEM DiFit Esq-, Goderich; g w? -ed dis diised Johnston, Tarm!s Wiik The ille, coo -I 4d groiyiu. od stot up the wer , it will avid Fisher, Johit. Donohoe AND, b7 the sun. cemr. t or to f e )wner; : . Sail JW, P A. 1, Ipow 'er of" many sum mer-:"he.atf'a,rdl-ihou ,bit''A I THOMAS GALT,1;, sQ'. -By dire P- i3r, Sty: 6:f 11 may lie for thodsands of years as Coal in the wn34 ITH. E: Secreta y-of` the clief :fund. bf. GIIdeiriclh Owt­II16nei, CR kBS bowels of the e4irth, it retain's the power tilf;it W. Kinalia Fred. W. Templeton, . : : w47,'31"93 hand of n G eorie­ Thom- isevol.y6d bv t, bUruin 130t Oil IVIIJ 'totheirlargestoclk6F ONLY EXCLUSIVE HARD im power.isstlL IN :T14 E CO son, the sum of, bundred' ;Ind fifty.seven. sail- - fal 'dly' dificreutL? uch S AT VE, ' AND:' fOREIGN -GRAPE9f U dolla* to, be applied. to'the _!ief of the dis-' very ex, is ot,.the case. E ercise -of animal waste Lof, ti" tir costs';iol e b rants, Goose oerries,.- tressed cotton operiLtives of Great - Britai ur F S OR' This i matte , "JPJ a 7W Iom, t I- ,aud. the ve-etable mat ei.owl s'its,- power to sent io Mr.-Rriss theiticeipt-6fwhich a secoullsum I siiittu Lc. I - ITE -A -THE he 'a' the ray of Voli Slm. L uuticannot cre4te 0 0 ackn owledged.' . .This su.m. is ttrom the Town T h M OPMAKENTAI T power; recta.dlnp .Iy it. e it ct n 6nl,v di 0\ n only tower nott-d rived froid-ibe son, is it L ots 7i 8 &t9i hipspf Hay,-Tuclie.rsmilli and I;sbor q, -you rzibs, L 0 lit, w - will please acknowledge,the receipt of the fall of thelid ' 'as f4r'as I his. This -1, be, pr6sentsum, and if you would send a note- of b is lie to the moo'n.' :The ir Ade winds NOTIO-BE BEATEN, -ft to. the Huron Signal I thi 'pru -d :is an exce tiou.- W, I LtST of BeAring0rcilards ;n n wouid also be regr x This po "up M.aitlp 6 Conli. 91% Col of 0 plied 6vthis arge,padinte pri ive it nserton. It iffight I I of thi Cheap. Ap IT to aause others to stir themselves 'in th er is derived froin, the rottition; of- the., earth. J. Y' S k I 'R: K e matter thou,,h the beat- o t a su I it - essiiry t8 h is e that he eveiop,the,powr. ut, tb Is, S- T i lk has been dealt faith! Jame flenry Clock tiq e. John Baltic.. B w uad,itwoutd I]so-satisfy the subscriber- that It B Z's fuel 'is ibs.' Hall, James Lord' t7 C, H. ited.:and the combus n must, it last ceas olicitor, The researches of the -Germah chemists lead Mth J nuar w.52 w,12 , i 'tied a b- S G' a j 1862. It Itif6fin ttftit,the . Here ope 11 1 h 0 tiap.hts is fluid Lot e.cc TIK I;'- our o t- ery aieldiion thai"thie ph W—WTER` STO WLLIAM -I ILSO'-' ,', i3ot.-aseous. Itcalubot'lliel iceired a eon- WHOLiSALIV& itiTAIL C PuBtic t'n"Otlis solid. 4 -It is also pr abili that the' 't WAWAN hich he will sell'iit - CSH : , . - I - "I. .1 1, , I 1 .1 or Abc n a F A a TS HEREBY-GIVEZ th,"t -T6F­W.T:1oXAS "ion of the isitaddesdent the state' James Baird, David m W ell John Haniliar; front- een in I the- die lom fund.Goceric hereof &?plication -.wi h, of vapor is the. rose-colored sl raturn s 'Gr6atly'-Reduced".,Mites' 11 (le inadl 'Io, Robert (;o 1p. I . wrk,- talqc:ipse3. Scii:n ebasdistiieiiitra 4dtIL)i! Judge of. hc Cqu rt r,,rtae JQeuv Bank. M o ntreal. John Cooke, ohn Finley,, Da IC: ' Sola in It is,:des, Coll. -: ulond- I nfted-CouoticsLof Huron and rilce li) i th e aLp. Iff fton. &[I, fZfq doctni written ori the ssawa' B'017Z 66 town ddd Band Irdmi Tnityj C- 611tome'Zomi-cil ke; etIng., W3r. -CAMPBELL in tl)e.Ct;tintv of Huron.-Escfuir6, as filled to pa v. ne. is runmll, NEW' F RUIT hent -of James Waiso trulchi wS 'guar- Cart Platei down e ce tral 1ast be Sin Oi6.. -a valenital M. R.4ilid Layer,'Ra !P'tr2S d i, n.,,I"Arthur -trachafi UAmfltdii and Agnes lsa-' Tin PI t. Zrno :tGodtir Ch : 7 s, a hansted, The planeis iiiiii 'Sa 61ites in'th6ir 11-9.kI)STONE PWAR )S !,CilaJolka HGmilton, infantefiildrcn 'of'- th,*Llat& Council V Col- T erTi 11 Innda;' D Ctirrants;- -' urkey afid oth gs 20he Tave 'we to . the. conel'us4ion that God's ]B 'Mo n -1, qr' of.Goderich, Doctor ot Medicine, decCa-ed._'1. spira,couirgesyvill come 6 But : h November, 186'. w4l , I 1%1.r nln Hamilton inthis'lifeiinte,6fithisaidTown 01 its mud Pisti, Aare arrive t GtAltin, ,'French Prunes; i jak; L dins; . , . in ho ; - NTG MER Y, an , ge Lemon and, Ciron M T* Maitlandrille. a,% -the 21st day, of ;fory shall Ili) kn4 r III at the' 'rebru.7, 186.. -heavens 6 oi­ ibat t 'is. system s to.. ru h in'to o icitor. Bello*$ I Is,; S. 4. Almonds,' S i C 'Yiee , ",Dated At Goderi( .h this Nall$­ Siiik AL mroun in and Bra- R:us3ev, Reeve,- allo"'thereis it( g ww47-7 ­ cut y'of FebruarV reseat-Tho!"'I'S r PLITIff BING 1: ! Iida 03 "in- - fur th 'IL purucle of ence belief that siii M F-G R A. Brush G. - Lei end, A'm. Young, JI&i. Rhymis and er'be' annihilaQ -but thewis matter will ev 14 ot- Onj; rs, , ,, L ! und for.the :belief ill tt - the'pas'siii -, 18A'A'C,FRED.R1CX' 's t eeonded-bV away Of the iofa-r systent'iswor, -pbase'617 ckles k8aces 1E), IH Tq # dle ­ ' - I I - ffk I - S . ,W Every Descri jidfl" 1t was moved by one' 161f Hardware Mr- Hkirmas, I hat -the Taxes dize by Robeit me gratider and,. 6lit4 tilIr tite present year, ix-;;xtend ore glorious ALL KINDS. ed ashe3.qof the prese'ut sysvern brin PLUMBER! D Ed$ tn' nform the Public thai liewil'i eri for p-a-yment to the 31st of Octher next— woilds a d srstems.may arise. Is 'a -,It that arc cntru,tt ,lv 111111. i HL' ept :n,a rd-­ perlet alrd`ast liteiral,, ac ord n6e , with the T C kilt- anner.' UUC P E 3lioved by Ir. Yo ng, seconded. by 3(r. Scripturs, which, reilresen.t t :ki n'gSIto -­,Stre6t, - G0L0[RlCq R D1 Gold, D. ry old Nat 'door -Eaq r ng awayag a scroll'. al 1 %4 ax Mailoy ,- that. the Treuiurd- -.Sko ld 611po ite, 4) oA-1i. stdf6 Saddle file re,-ulation' T, -Shalt Ilion 'change hiwate to, the Hon, -D., requesting a garment,"as a vesture 4r. '." L _ . cu t yepr: eprem 77= It r In Sney, oynd, "twan 7, .Yoml the F4.rmeat res all 'of.his TaXeA-fdr ihl p natural Ones k, JEWELRY WATCHES .CLOCKZ, ANA'.L., as ever u on Moved by 1. it4fa. a of -un e;tsin,-,f,uciti:ttiun-u-tille 'REPA;RED ON SHOMN'NTIC lienis the pbenomen l world ongoills, So ch p ed by Mr. S' ever t remain ce 0 W St az Absolute I A d, tee us be ,ruot e T.inL ilOr"thl C0"VCVRn fd or hot ater M Sleigh 4112 PU 6 I, 6rfs of House - s, Hotels .,-it Wagwn a -ed si.Tayera I,' nse, '; provid4d eact ay- t e T. B-k" con4ta it so:ti f ooth Fowdi.r L A GOOD A:8SoRTXrN'T Rfiyrib -Thzit the folio wing persd h: -p r BOX., L, .Jl d -up w T)t Oft hKaj. u2tv Crubli&Buildinlrs. Residences title it1q, 4sum of'$25 to the Township,, exclasfvt of the t; A1, L old,&Vlated X4, :on, or before the'Ist day FIZSS IL 0DIG1-:m-UeCeutiv; a cer- A Si N-s L 'All 'and Zil -of Marcli ne-it.' Carrle,1 tain individual of the name* ea, lmnd gad 0, k latche was COSL ice phn Ross, ord D6 tot e sur mber IM 'AC us 'DAYE TG B taken, up at Lyms,:.4e HOTEL James SymingtOn, Anthony Allen,: James veillance f his fa mlyasas less'prodil:- en. e On the oc' -,o e VEL ROAD 'Copper Bollers:'-Water TaA'kg,,' -VAKET AND' CHEAP. casiori. fr. him Xplle I against th -VcDoucrt ,h, Saniel Mifkr, Win. Roberti6u, ON THE'GRA sentence before 'ilic tribunal, e learn from phez Shannon. OL -9imian and Qhriko N'LiUG Q A 0 R` WO n'c N An' ET Ep. Basins, Sinks, Wash Trays, i&u ,iicate tha ght W X 6Vjbd byL' ed by. Mr-- t the principa harge,brOtl arzphvnas second in. ret L1,11 I a t 111, 11 _s- to t li ' 4iust, lifrn by his mily was I at -'That th F Rihd ranted -Carried.". n L . c g . ed, wil Iine , n- -would tannomic to,,the­Ptlblid` :' yn ms hud 6th vd experiments with newly -in C Mo. hill fy -RS sG e Sdl ool 'Petition 9 It T FORCE* CISTE 0 -such,, as Atneri T a; 'M6v6d,byMr. Rhvnaa., seconded 'by' Mn of a u defich W lish mowers. nd all sorts, of cate no of SILig on,: tiCif - ad on to hriti- rut einventi s "Ro -ers A*c6w idh wdt sold Zesturgoon. That le:,al advice should be h" bisinany,',friends add the'llublie general[V,, 'it 6 0 prising no v e c Julies bgb, al h rut Conitiames is itiitedtothe'utflitYof the Ilse beir roufninj AhanI60 p(tor -ndHlin su n F, in house old. and on his child i7i Me Cowa ,' and M HE lz =in,; ih pilTme n I dation to d credit citsloiners, lor tne I support a -drOwdiehut P hi , C, d. 6rt; t jniour:from the -Nom-Resident 'funds 'f6re trusi. th'at br a propei; atteriflo,"LAO :Sandem,anl G 'lath 6-hijn im file, Wool CRrdi6gi -*f the:T' arne Will still me,ilithet sliaFe Of ALULIOL RAM bi)tt" ' Ivin`m 9was p. r's Gil PASSL)IOLRE* , 'L 5h rr DeKuipL I I- hill towed topK)n im. "Lot.no .y. tet arey, iespe ting,an Ve -G rich. water can be elevated from, miiIjbining on 5 I d'and bottle,, Old L bea ori) d"in' -Thevefitiou-ofL.4 C SITUATION WANTT ED. pei,, uade' A into ilic'15ch B th, Id T in, a-vro a itori -8 t; for in rvilhing in add, trin n TheReeve'i' requested s ri orereeksto e .waterjng Janda1qa,,Rum.- DunIop%-Sc6tCh,, urpliv's iha FarkYards. ing up .vt YOUNGMN bas, had con4id c!,: :z k; to Breweries, or Rt-iderices. This t u, see and- repo;rt on.the same Carried. orv,4, because not onlvr 111;.hGu. e notilithar dagi led . hi 'scivices of ex nen ork 6n, fie mercantire vrants .. natllidii, Potetan' 'and other W is ieym A * Ze t Moved by. Mr., Rhynall, seconded bY Mr. -place, but ial Iribodr, 1 e aPle,4.from this datei to e ilp o ers c! -A jj ac.4106. 6i Iffe vt re o rd =k! ,,,,Asststantgook kellp. get and withrowin steady,btreaii orwAteri, liy ,jts il int t,theaboeebusideil;i -7' m4r an Molloy, Tfint 'Mr- P. Robertson nd;SztIez;a)an,ln a Dry store: where a findfl Iar TounC-, nu,,bes. - drties,,as he t to oomigg rolm bir re 001 krorivledgi,- ot the, business blay be obtainf.d. Hotel on t I e main gi y3att seldoin.fail *m, g ttifigthet movingthe bobilp5ofthe'SA h ",avel,road; abuuta'ihilel e Orderi prini,tua ' ceive 64 f 1 .1. 1 It it d SWAR it cilrdo-A t hi)iue, with tar Goodrch!rene 'A dress oxA,42 same day, in time to.. a rie(L "S vyond,tfie'finaer., boaMpointing tb'Wroxefeir, ,-Ind' -anoxpe,t s,,perjor ad'o 11IFFERENCES. Young,- b S Allen" hi unniodation And a -he my . / L, 1 7 , , , our< t : J k.11 13 q WxTS O!" 110HN-A&DuN J D,-E;.q-I EVERYTHIN, P in GR HORACE ITORTON. &4. -uoa(triCh rti kbyna%, !.&at as FrincZ Morri'si who piit in. SCROff,-EP, 'FOR SA J Z Iotfi iura)qll6f tity OJL'guOd ,6L-sth? Vo 1,' fi seconded T Mr. A, in. EF -I E d6v A; 06 tbe`-loivesf 'tendei-for -Collectdr,' zd'qt'appeat or, 'ALND FOR SALE )ted.) For view p,oderich -19rLh Nov.. 1'862. WV -6m KEPT d110.0 'FOIL B I nd "" ther 'application 6eilig, made; 'aidL­ thi houte it. Alaitin and L, o A e Ve yr lowestlremunc ative prices. iki](OXA Bell t'th L New Map"Pt, the, Coll ; -426 Goderich, Mills, Sth, ay. 1862-: ',.i ti tharlobert 1?rf;udfbVbe Collec'tor, provided 1196V Gd`C,i.h 18th Dtic. ortLesam. Carried. ed 201 - tons,- -to cars, Biandon," Carv,:l hat ice. provided '13L Sumindr f !!L his fishing Iis, ce HARLES DAY n PiG rie. or. trigging, and ru to AN'VACT board sails 'C InED The nex nimdtid­ofComita'io.be held at Srin­ h fri nds. Tivern lHo]a - EES TE LEY': i -further pa r complete. Shi is a CHINES..- D, JA -4'S .,$EWING MLA, 0 86;3 rawer., itars a pply to HENRY LAW, Dunrik, Feb. 113.IS631., ,swl -3m* 'Mr.. WAXZER's ndr ATLAwnc TELEGRAPIE.—With re-ard' to ICA L! ]KA S DoWr "in: M M or -elevat0g xltpt., -iheA4& tic cable, the New- Yor er .-NOTICE OF, ASSI at, eSiMLI.,Ie ON couRr,. J detach j rstaW roug (At 10 A, is beiii, bric resid6nee, kn6wwas day 9 By giv ha S PendaM"OfI is own, 1'a an KERT g -NOTICE "19 HE arnbel , , ­ 'L i1r No. 1. M..n . ..... Jam6i StrK Hiolton, C. W., ctors are, ON :VI l FRON WE U-1-1 pbuille t -2 rkeL -e C urt dnd Tit I 'oUtIty --aterpo t e n",ria. 02a, WAG- eLeo h of the Coud Ro All 1-indm ofrepair signed4 ibr All partiet- riiost ITs 51.qPI TCITT IT inst tl e said'Samuel P n in iifew minutes wall. ng,dnnli on hvfland 'a micalbi othetl nre'noti -to f -in. zaey,ai in one Dfvfsllq COURT- Aiabte to tGFel Will be-scil"ft,tbe mok'rilo unab & N6t L 4ut 6f Oiderj The Vbnois vicira'dapted ifor ;rofi sstonal acUiArned on Zm 'y. .. 6ni the. date hereof. a pa I in e it, term ' Thehouseetintaiiiii lit n dr;e re the. cbunts Wlihilf. a frameL non. qu cellarage. a: 'Ind st ,intially made of the test ma-, theHoise -but were Ilmirentied otimeln ord to save fionS passe C' r1o'pay I *1 h su pply d.:; L A terja s is wir calculated to ]meet hd want, ihe Sena* by the 1wkhdrawaL of othei SAW ay r frompai vli repair.. Fur7 SMITH. ofwatr Thti Whole in, thoron' 6ribe public in.general. inl. L No ­i I' Tuesday 24th i- . . ' , - I !rfcugh-gepublica s'td-deprive tfie Senate of D.1edL 'c -ad 1;c obta LbV appl n 4 2 this I wZ3 liter pat- ulars:, that Lit dottit 'at. o y, came to sw a time ad in a Z63.' ';`WA4 'this b ,E 1004RE fhursd y Nth a, q69rum DAS Me. F. pi6prjetor, on ill; N " Harpurhey. that wheaL O' 2 L "take Action upon therathere were,,not iluffici- ollIvr-way. -bod Goderich, 16 5 foi, sale at the Nun ry,,w ere One M I a o. 10 Monday 00 Cl, isat zilearibers to constitute. a ki'al fb JanuarV, 1 19titAY -STEE&- W.-,, T; N, It4#aE=s: —The, n t in o bsc ribe;Aot Tues ay,:31st e Assizes at Goderich. 'N L for' ip, ,Co*o,; P"al"a FE' ROM1S FLAIRBSIR dumb6 to 27; n. to. uship. of, :Auz"t' Of. Tfui n & H I' bED 'DE 11 9 . vione I car airilies in.tbat city are takiug 4dvunta, ETER B, 11;;OWN, e:6' ner'15 he 6 [to to Prove '61tt IbJikh pride of. raw dotted. b , S, IVI P -e Monday 6 tb, oun allina t6 Yearl'- the iiiLuilac. V"jpert an tal; t away; THF ORIGINAV turing- companies at %reat'o S wobjk ,, 91 JU,,EN T OLIVElf;r.Phis! A l We' hear of omi. ' ­ '. I - -- nll IERMAN AJA in SIdd 7 -Y at W*r A wlich o et,$60QWas iDblai d,i46nef IWIY. 9i 'Ni .. .... T 7 HO'eftb ished the first ofame Fracticelln Conte tS THE CANADIAN 'AGRICULTUMST Gel. Cotton mattre AN RNA b1s'. W years P ygently, ITT '112= inatic 8d - e I a5m. 64 tentt - Co b isro : COURT. ` W R -ch4ii6.diiSe ih !y.&w I Slide Maker .01`, AGRICULTU-B E will' be -in the followi - - " I YIN DAis M RE—Congress has 6fily; - ng tI , I -, - I V ' - " , , , , W OF'Url in me. Singe the skirt inaly bm7ICV40WLl ll tp nine 4ays. more 6D livie;- A­speciIal to the 1,Ml! The, cord -w6r" wiih ititi,grelitest eaveyj.nd ;iftil, ILTO 1), -p` 60 12: dii u t epri it 5tI The i rr 863: b. Jind si o ;,3110## APYriK IG I- lies iMq 1', No 8L av 9 'C')n cription -.'Bill -still , F T1 iv mdalte. 1. vm. ,t4 "K tbc,drc Skirt virithou d vjh i Offiii can. 11101) NON OF lie 313 ri ifie,Speaker'a table., S tu,,day 9t Appeaance., nbt be HIS LONGL Walkertiin. hifidifti6ii 14its ififro- as- , ivill for tbii,futdie,'oe. piibhsh '!)a)( No, 9 Wedn Al"CALLUM,* Co ) Pearl Xwitlioutilebate as-t6m D 1-3th T ER, '75 CE TS; TeemwLAterand'Itiversdale, '60t IL' ilia buster it neresBary t gam' an opportunity Eachzutber will contain a, NiIdST"T ' Rdfiler s hozel..­ .,...;loth k 111h -------- --- t1jar y Wood Cuts., FEjj: L , jaik. -'. . .'-. . . .. . G ER; -Sk 9- -13th OOP' -12th 6C !.nimportantaiiiienduents The .46th zur be.submuia ifl-the House by mernbisi B. in for aft' at *0tW"f- The Tlade - Supplied oom, be Militiri,Committee, but AiE zBilt will 0 Ai%iiy VILLi-AiM. t oti,','sHotel..,17tb cut, I h a a 6­ Ifith Eviered. ave wceilVdill'itlil ilt fiZe$j !i 26tfi' P' -fiilidiiaj 1 11, - ..,. 11 , , - - , , 'L t. . - % , , t I & 7-s ote E. R' T -o the eiicb.'Huron, 23r4 dl ruce. f- r N'fi ' - itute; J&60 "I boperi Zr do tbited c dti a t 'drola,h1lisico respecting eopera4ions.9 tue Five to.t.wenty,wPlesi Pet cedt­d unL-- f Ludii-iow-Staize Hotel, th-'­ ised toltfilrtyL I The, hV4 rrEESW 'Tlie! -'Twcnty 'fiveL 6pitis,35 per bent 0145sp . S., a. and II - low in O*ratidnjn Canadn' JL L' ;, ­', Twenty-fiVetofiltycopiest;.2-0 T'rcen, -Woodberryls: Hotel.. vZith- ang,to I 'h ue -:at at L e was, 1110, P -G, fiiriib dldl ituddidis ' UAL MEETIN -of - TABMS, Zd0NALD,t Waggon.Viikill. 141; accounts Fifiv Copies and- cl Isint1here' d "Safferififf 'AfloWed. an -pers'p;mUng th'!s notice.will, at the wot 4,will- cart rrHE ANN army r1ronL sla ihd ge ­', 4, j;d, role, Ig Ma hines X' orthoflurmi. htess; "etlY in ad 'iedlojd 'all bth6r Visrusements 'All Gen nine WatiIIer Sewin ppe - i"' . _ L _ 7, 171d -.-, - 1', . . . .. . ....... InSubscriptions Imiyable hearthestamptifiL amilton De held C 4tamped 'Sill`66 or- the oUrL R. U's, le" jngmU1e7-tt;jjdm and-edtti' EDITOR I qf `Ile C,;,O,u 0 -7 Atr. it H wn4 tim'61i6ilig of ad mild'd hot" -Cifid VID W -TS All correspon ing'pa 'a 0 a 0 A A o5i ere Td re t b" T [OF, daj' 6f.'Ih tr time of Lrp Cafidda..-M r", L, Sirm ;Licen- it c: hus, saving. th vana,"Is so- 913 6abheriber wishes­iiii ippTLemic-6 e aoka., the shoileSt nb&!,. I iat6 of tlie,,Edin , bri spenme, Y, ofi l Olk me no Inimillesd bizse&in,-fa;Tout, -1 7 of ridi, Dili. irgh-VeReridury College iind I T be , appljeantlmiil , , wil ", , 'fi ­­­ - ­ I ., j, L ­ T ..dorredt- 11) ormat1oh Ver*deiVjij ionsu -R'bii- el6ft1zoii the ivoij *hri6f tot th'e'yeft 'ge i.gL x1te 114dw Of-Agnettlitme furnishL RdV"tD (;Ust in, on both,siders. &al- w 14 -30 464 fro, ajd_F IL 6 ..SHA -j d man a - Canada I'i:conimefidations.w.,to 4bod-.i nionil'aal IT bletter ix:eii 26th instant. M -To' mitlind .:, 4c, ATHURL 0 J- 0 aff-rt .1j, TJ "L, A o.. onir a nw n Bartle nee as th rom, Zntaifr 0.. Ashfiela.' to n:. drich 6111 Fcbuary. AMUCULTVRX. rics. rii " r God stve;nember 1. MI em coronto u;ry 4,, 186 ,,L Aii'mden to be addr",bed to the §Paretery 0, I .1i , , I n compt (L ;o, awal,&, Tecelpr UI oar foeign, I'lptirtAlbeff at I