HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1863-02-20, Page 37*. P 'Q- IN - - 7-1, 1_11",717 M." K ft I'M *110 11 We rj Z aX4 E IM!, ogid i410 24 7 W -4, R 71 6 ria sill, SEM.' .... .. 111 E: I: W E 1E, K 1, Y, *J G N A L. I t Xr, EX A t j 5t X LX b3 E 3 If A Wi 01a Rochester' Xftr'sery.. OF THE TENTH V,i OF THE a Fro. th. sp,aag& it 0., N _.' CA-911VIET' WIRE! olin P - io-ney -B, y - or njoutljs:a ( there -lived !it thiq ULSON, Proprietor.: -ER14 ll.r% I ' I I .,, e , , — I , I I . I I I "C6 S. M .0 ATLANTIC -:,MONTHLY., cl, lit' fol"na .0 About fo j , Nrus Holmes, will at the 11 e, A NE -eity, a carpenter namei o'. striou3 In Ilcilnist, .1vas not. ACRES UNDER CULTI'VilTION- aunfl­ :ou .......... ,'I n ,, -1 D', flo. 614A k--EM,P0R1LjM, ge- Fedor'Nitschd fer allho iO indn 250 fla .-Allat By '-W M' SAVAGE round ilia. cort . I I : I I , b lessed with more than a noie' I"Ioly 'nad. G derlcl y ofthis world S 1-1A'-N111,TQ 4 I 1 'T-kJttFT.- 'is'still ahead as a. purveyor O Lvel`Y littl g-1 i,ty to 11"' di fit* Mr. Hot es nt,i of d1h. bi,iil o About 3 awn R l 'I'll , , " N"tl i I ,;. - - iteraturc. Ali nierpii- ol -Door to tire season., flis oystens. Finnan k P i iridonize in th is T11ETOBONTO COLLEGE, C.'-Wl' luxury of left this city and too a jn qgin; front, Plattsbur ga 'I -a -a. ",in this coullty, o Iladdies, ciprl, & llo - " -Alaga.il, railroad, wheri?lie has site& beer. workjpgsl HE he it ix".,., Il'.1 I(of good itov,t . ....... aI 1 -1118 -INSTITUTION, located in the Meehan- WE THE 'UNDERSIGNER the samples scrij to outr sd.rictimil are first On Friday aa. the 6111 or VEb]rIi_- i, -sl 1"Ittlite, 2blv1ttu,, lro*-fust been added, ofl; -,VNT,, STRATTO GO S. chain, of cilen, ive itud ;Io N ursery-wotildAraw, tilt- T .11, ld, dowell ,.v a "i" 1. SKI LA irs ci rate, in quality- ElliCuMS on C. Jclhllso l f New l'ork. City, attention of. inteadinKI planters, to their litrge -nnitn ,r, WAS 1P.9, IIiL'Ix,a iutplr ,w or it.. I, irr! Col'ule$, 9stablimbedr in Ncw.Yoik;, Godibrieh ind-Cdibnn 44'o Ili xmortni&ut, of: to try., e or.,," A ple"asant-looking glin I arrived at, F d Albinsv Troyt.Bujittloi 'F r1Nov0NuIWSt.r4­. it:,- "All liw Xlevelandi, Dcuruit, Cbita:rcl.and St. Louis: I Having purc 1)­Udly "01 stlpplii d sp pt t4c.in.ter The objc i df -these Colleges, is ta impturt.to inqui -ii- lu ing low 'Practical v2i Th' fl llowiiig: ainl6ir dard T ItIell. at) k.9-ADLE 'S S irj rfield in search of Mr. Hc,lmesi and hits P. - al-betwecir,",tbal; time huilthe nk -les Ow''a'if and ta for its c -I oo,, ;I 211,'M, or I'll*,! in tho Plan— pre,,e a ni ml ingA for hint. This. ; : I , ­ I I i, : . . i I I , - . ­ . .. 1.1-tru`c66n in BoilL-keepinIlr', Uournie'rciul-1aw. an hAndail. in for ub ication A Bilp- a_r.'n_ coN.-IsTING oF or Rot be it let Viir was by himlirrom 1 tllulnerioial Arithmetic, 4encerjou'lliviin Goodflellow"of 'Intittsbaig, staring IeCtTn­is to be held 10 ary III, . It Arr. Ho!rnes was liv AP.PLES, L Penmilinship, -&c.;- slid to fit Aissi In Mthe'riges series in the FEARS: st airioracturrsa d Ump con tilmly6lr,;And tistl in that plllcei III(: antiloir .1, C vil thein fior riny dcl mtinuat 4, bus d' own, I'n : . . ..... W. evenin goes out t n- lhcy :ln'y OAN­rcconnaend them i- i-ijuiL.bca thy e 11 lete a nwilt ol.' J. Oi,irlt Ilouse irt this t hint this . aftirnbon 0, Ila 0 imiraal..f IlVtid-le. il-firgichalim,, of,,hi h "'o "A com i.,oInerl in rail its w, ,title the %;/, good4r6es,,and advi-c persells wiAmlg 4'i iicit tbc,_, 5th, inst", at 7 in to' t.ake birno, lie, ti A in thL"Ang..il it b,,r..,yhh tll (ijl of -- Liliu "%,Jfiet . of Ivedu ty Winds that the "cholaiNhips -s,, Feicheiiil in anyXiAli-re'llf j1pirt, tFe" Xo purchaiie',thcht froin, the atic ve tz T*e -X66tarine Y T)o, "w'd is full fu.EI'6 nirc, I'd ­iai'i Ne iv York,,aud who ti,as- Lliar, he. Collviie fi open dit lind cVenul .r - john, Vewili Cane -aud E ai QH ge.. T ' -ated ' IRS 'As able speakers-, w IL a' present -Inte D. It IF Westchester-coun in,' aad viiw .,,-ja; 4kithout' addiiicnial A Sjj liit " : , the elia 'b olwsi a Apki6dts, Lil CIINB9 a; 7 tosaddress the alectin ,alid flice. iiise thev --ireat 'uncile left 'him I property. valued at -Also, to their laresiock 6. TASIE,S & DAY; RlLsil)NNT PRI-XCiPAL. a njjo, 'o.Phu, ,to a ja"""'Wil ki "tIon' T if'.this there is. land loctried agzha,.Xull ofll"!, llow .1,arkin", For fin'ther utornurtioa Iplea.-at call it the Col. ji,hribariohoe, 6AB_ ES, Rli DSTEADS, f of 'a"NATIVE' 'AND, R I N llroam,,iorf mvvfliuld llr,,1144ior will eowin­ 'le -e yr.,eniilbrcuiiiloliuen -Pup, o file ya u and FO E G - 'GOPES 1 1 t'"' -`1 hlfillcl. W; I,.: - j lid Ujicular,enclonn A. i 6 widtly ­bx lin hon" C.! STANDS .-'MATTR-AS ate good one, all.wfio a, itikoc. hear", A collection: vill be taken marnp. Addretts littlYANT, ZTRATiorl in cash I Gurrants,,- Gowelyerrips I I go and $ioo'000, And, fl.'.t ;o dt, ierim1lvdr villual lu and,colcratio- 7 Toronto. J aii. I.- li563. ii,;,34w4l&h J.'j. Mr. r, Nv, i j i;ccin,oa. wllo c 'trid., W upit the, 'S6 'of the ince S- 'j C' I- V) -a I jZ_R S' gpapQn C. -a ih tia: :I­Atli li _a. W v: , Teiav _Z Pat,. . : I, It s k tl,.Iy. :How to Sweetili'l L the Gals. &-c., of the ItFading and hitelit oall,15'." hnv, toro­ oloiotio vno,tau;ai-iiy . ,ri F ­ o it Partietibrit' fitfenlion plaid, to orde 6 F BROS.,CLOVilt ft., !IRSEIfy" IN ORNAZE NTAt TRZE S fit Priiscaial Poel IN tilb " Athilait' red work. As To4 hear "6ri te 1. t e 4NECQUERED, STORE' he. etripluys-nont NA"thellest. workineA,-and uses I er" rhei6ilon-ing autljor sic still uniong, I!ie rehilur,eini -FOR Ar. G.D. -h nothing but ike '. gv inateruk1s, hisfurnatire cannot R6GHES story is wort i a' 'he 8 ru6s; fEtt.-- G6uld; the gen . , it . , : quarter n t arkly land'- well-ittr5rined travelling t This Nursery canuot be surpasse jitoo- 111m,311 I"vell. Mirket, S lq i ar, 6 C, s. or-), is, captal 'but, jfLtrakeS I a m. nito teil % It -on p". Lianberan tlear EIGHTY olitice ta ed in exchange -tha abo Sive nurser)-,.. if. , This he -does. In sc in such wel s, as, v T. W. lliil;iiwm. nthor.,- Margirt- T=,FRONT ACR -1E ve :a. -Orelldrr# ­ - k f r xten 'a age 0 'Se \L18T of a Is x amongst many l3eari jg 11j,"NVI fIo%itr­Mr,l, A. D.T. Whi for furniture. n you- suillitiedti 0 is Numery:- 01;'vcr Weiatell iolni,-s ji;Ion 6- W-hilli-E, Aloderich, Oct. 16tu. lwe 8*13*3s, town called oil, usi, yesterda tile . : . 1 '11 1'. pl, Puyard'Clivio wh . is 'Be -ti; -a rti­qer 8 Loitt 7 se'lof 99hibiting-'his spqdim GODERICII I !spcisc so Tdrul % . .... for the parpo 1 all Answorth, 1hos, flall,Janres Lorrals', inan. Jolla Wt-iss, s rd,'an&.dwarf ornamental IW411, he v you ,of any of this here serif of fr standa nj Elliotr,, J allies be; replied'the It coLUORNE omplete 'Wall our 8aV -.Cheap. to H A R V 12 S. .I. T. To MA]a U111% .1, CA Henystuff s the pal'oli lit, r shrubi,. ftqwers, U. -The. list appears 6 . . : . ON.) s, and h, very, and- cc) s io b nes Morris. Ie vill a 'married told me to 'invest k to part f thatt is rarely found in Carl, cries. diartinars nigin me.ninepeneG and %%-III li,,iii %vor T Ins'e 901% -hall 'mount in s ' ItoNv the Pn;ITI U&I so a Io M;.`,C. CA M E. AwANQII in n and vicinity, wit either tlle-fir. t' or oy ornbi,- Y' -69LUSIVE HARDWARE f %% olicitor, oderie or fla, w. p,d: nd b -k .her ir I could finct ;ome to uditi so if Sares BaIrdiDaviq mellwaine, Harrilin. ONLY' ORE -Y G&ierich, IS62 wiVsvv42 i­eouple o6eeLs au.d, we cordially re-' you!ve a minc14 I'11'ju.qiIirft!I1 rbund ' The Yankee, smelled-. d Iiiiii id the notice 'of irld w4ficali bilino John C lohn-ruiley. ;PUB 'NOTICE commen ited unfil th drugi,er -t t on. Col itis for T vcltt . nd C 8 HE EBY GIVEN jhm at co,. -it it bottle of I I It i'd is': iii;, do CAMPBE, LL A(ient f , List -I Preral.,115 etc., . ...... er tr the empiration or Tvienty days Irc?nv the, [' L 'ot'-t geetitill' Stull t1lat jyj Suit yolc ' M$j no odench. hereol' applicati6n,_wdl toe made tu Robert TEM -f will stAyfor PubliShers. r, Escialre.Judge 6f tfiel Sdrrogate Ci urt fii TICKNOR aii'd you cari't, I11,it )at ; but to -get United-ficitintiesof.Huron and' Bruce,for thd ap- pointineateir James_7Watjulj of*Ihet(,wa ister ANri 11., just hold, on si cIlich th Cu F6r MC S ?WL :It '35 'I'll of it.i you a_,wd big:sml llt' .1 !"ll , , __ ", I untyof-Huyon; Lstfifir as.guaj- dirin ou Arthur Strachan Hamilton I Tu 1411a Julia Hurnilton',Iinf nfchildren uf the I lut till:l t_,at lir ath Ay neow, AN D Bayfield u ian Is 'Padl, 'BE ATEN. Morgan liamiltudin his lj time, oftlie ilialovv -the 1qge 0 IX Sic 11 11 rou put it ujider L The 6i" cc of* Godericli, Aactor of AIL-dicine, dccea _d. gn Ther'lWu4icitins pve7 a Bal las,t it, in Ya or as many ti, man Clipittin R Iisop _D suppu ie it or),; -smelt ETAVIN6 made 'i Y. K I X red. for bi N C E that he air, exceedl lur7ally tllill , of, as the cilles he but rollin- ; , - — I I I , Dill sGA'ftDI1NER-`-& CO bdildih ..,., slid :I a vo se- I gi %d L EGS T 0 A N 0 U rec -a, at creditb1c alf 'ho has ateIj'rLturacd' irom us 1, isB Its: JL A16GREGOR Book-Lindcr and th g Stationer.. yery advat o ra has'nutit ei ed. a, nd. Lver.-held in.this lip his -sleeves and dIoubl ag y1i his fists hey Pliiladel hta-wnh a and 12th day Febraar l 11 .11147-7, 1 Ileg to infor the jall that the' `epared to In y lisi.Ve ofened -;is present- other inateriaD, pr witli-stal wilh: ONE.' -'TENTH M STOCK F k, k -D lki b WHOLESALE 4, RETAIL Ajarge party %N s; id. m, nk our 'You made -pile sm ll t1 at.eylerl in.l. sttifT. yi! IN710JR, "tit at icli pier - cheaper greatly- W-elljoy themselves. I'll make you , e!l fire -and britti. oF T11 r It."! ou "Wbich he will Sell At Hardware on:Itie Court Hou e,Srfua kep, up ivir reatLspirit unt wur? rI Iey ill at it a late will' oil hand a.larre' garoad: ager Uftlil-the early dawn uf.-',Ll;e IT 51"r or' ZURCHASE R6d ed RhUs I C Exci,+E, . L' ' . - . losup, : ., . , Greatly Up whielf realized it ttFsT A OUT, 4 IrFkfii._ s T1 R. I I N - . 1, .'L ' . ay T he proceeds A D HE BALANCE V ­rlotmesuol,. is intefidedin part to. pu to. - , 11 1 e I L iiistrame Ljuis',Bauer,t.henIth fflitier of the city of, W.EST, ST.. G0DZR1q4i N. QWW F it 6. 'The, musicians' may eon.gr-au- 'Brooklyn, . Y. X I R -e, EquAl''Ifinual Ifisfallients RUT Band lion. Plitt -4 tire :Oil$ nd Paintq t:* The. atmS Y' colum --th' Houptantaie' alselves upon tile, the'sale of ive cofibel'iriall the.stores bit' with i r6st afli , cut. . Nei or ist of s 66 7 firtit lfulL HOTEL- V lcntia,, Layer Raisins, P t d6 E vrhicb_-bas anearled thi' that city where- i wassold ircurnsian DAYS ' 'Wt. as llo N Tf . IE GRA - EL I I I tO I A Currants - Turkey and other IN fl:A mr r 'ILDING. cill kindilt Spadg and Shoval- mmot'but ,,is 1i'ehled"iioithisi:irc]crareasfo; ws, 198i. Guns.aud Pistols; al P; ene -as efl as the'other 1'. liceta, to Germar in, Jan; -im A C01 God IrBrass w! to ROXETER,­ ntst con., 50 acres, I' vice$: - tiiruv kfnd frilincls:fro'ln a distance, fmily of eight- pers ur Alailtv WEAR W 1 7 RFPAi'El) ON F rench' PruiIes Ituts, III X9 ANDC JEWELRY itafige" Lemon, and Citron cav;ly assistA oil- the occasion; ,led, o saws eet, lici nd di st con., .50 ho,best Styf . Z K in ret.uniing hanks to the Peels; S.R. Almonds- In t a an e made, li.i the and ziness, -and sor ie rrenib rs of the fami- 11,t nli 1 liu 'e be, 11in 2d con.j,,/1'00 - 1 Acres u 2 1, in 100- acreLsi '.ALSQ) A Go(?D AS lierliusly plaod. de' - al. -is became swol -d e fl sI19LIN6 Wits in Sluth _N to C4.14a lassop" woull- Bra C Their l , Pr him' rus of np7. ; alcltes his &4 1AT t- other symp -an Nurih,u' 20 in Ali - 10'0 jNUtSr d Ninls ildirg at tbeit to;% and, tho-v exhibi ad various f.ends arld rheptibli. 11111c allv' '&c W ughtNa i - , &, . I ro ... ... .. u,,e now in h con., loo cres Constiontly on hind and _yrin rpriderd. vailuable:assistance. tros, t6ins . , z : 1. 1. [to- a,prupLr o of Tery. Ve cri, tlom- '100 aems. Shelf _HardWarq Is ii(3apt M will -not' be forwAten I Aik rA tlO NJ, I.&K IWIIA6 'which is latended.for gLr to LT, awlitioll to p CAN liu I at lts op [16 will ,till stiare'of patronage hitherto TOWN$ill-R-OF arri Lninr 'bum er Ge ,-lick, & th He -a' iinj. Lt:t no il or other given- O OL Lots 21- Inta cannot omit to rition J,Ain D. 0011' have tak" b,46 eb excited -for Montreal eacb: 011 OR Eve4thinj.tUt ittoutd1be kept in a Ha ring r notoa il mmittee had 1.9 ili;ri liver, have TO.WNSaIP-OF CRT'w: ron-iiall %-horn 11-11) C ad, an' w -ek. n h ng `H` REDUCED: I AT T H E- auun euie ats for the supperi ho perl ;t ne we oi less tli 10 b UC lot "t.in Ist, 611. 100 an -"a III, his.parf aconsidering, the 1liallted. amull It changed-landsi of* couns Iii'.rton, will filld Dav$, lj(?ts 3.1 anc co At., his- disposal'- and I i olut who knt;ws yr 11-tude- but chiellpon specula- It not -been to the' v .41tmd 32 i .66derich W a 0 lndiu at rkil n.f.; c6ii.. 100acreseaci y, Mo un6 and -Twaakay, Young friind iR irdilt he is tl cx .Tht nian as 'the f4elit -stroo,4 y. Prevails' %orld the firizer oWroxeter,,and (9- - ltolls, Soluch & j 2414 8 C0ZI..j,9 'aa! Vs,l ong3 lips 19 ther right place, nd mosLeatilit0y deierves' jjjj ' stand 'or aa stiperior It' rt n. GOIDERICH reseut Minis6y ql!-Y 1, 1 nJ00 aLres, HE subscriber, in r refturnin.- ithanks to hi clotomerrIbir, the, liberal,autillort exie.n.d to , I agon Crh will be enact,ad.,-,, t",fee of-., the.peop him in the Wool Cnrhij , C166 o e. not fill $Xcz.qe lity, of- more amount welcome at any hour of day or T wbether ilie-p of. beg .,An,d 10 Fu a N ofill :9 Mnhufiaettiring laiiiin to inme tha III !Lv rable- nott d N iky- one hundred -arld couple. tthe In0l;t county (city. Lots 33 n&34.iaj0 con., W P is so decidediv L., Bui- TO WN SH P F T U RN BE tty tAILL, KINDS. .'nsK has ba -favoti be -!a(, lon,. New -as expe , en parrcd 'in fit in NIT E 43-ij -1 aop '50 li, first chass:.ordeir *6 ad havitif, v. ru for his fi liing g up,evervt mr in- to- ms(ilves (if SU 11 SOnrce U re..e 1 11 p n, ved the';vemptilis of eiperienced workm6n, h .10 W I (A avail the enf,"& title, act qu6tam frietrrds. wil . ha ableg'from this dati, ;. to execute, orders t It is to ivii ex. C H AA DN call to Cjj.1,ai.rS NVIDD Esq., (32oderich, 'any. amount BAM tirjns o0tte diIi-rout Sales i6i ll have .b` Fror. . ous branches. Partiesi'a4UerLAoforc,-c6m!ngfrpI TO' 0 sI_ Inadit inivare temis, b*",It'- prices have'Itilly ill'Seldtim . I . I . I v woo di gettin" .The socal doins in this.t sq.;, 16 up:( -our: list prices.'eurrenti.au now ruled'on b it THQMAS GA,LTj E IN LA RGE-.VARIETY ANO C'H'EAR. a ihe fiameday, kn tifill(ift, carry it nare to ., t em. un, illin i -sell n ain.fatuire.ri a y more 'at,' rn 'at a 1 ad 6 e --------- 77'—' . e- Ith Mft , 1: o since t a co o ealf. I . - ; . h mmencement of' - -:fti. LF Ifor tureaelivery. Littll d hig in 't - 'j, I sibnary xnelitirigs, and %vvd ings R SA" w or cloth' or I , mratily of, go 1avefolloived eauh, otlitipia 'f eval fullowing toast - . I _ . , ;. : .., #6m burs; we I t a. priniers. the -pahlic such ripid.suc- sind the ena noCvt,' that predictiog i RS THEsul I, U ofHaronandBrucelhat he has on bmid a —10 1 LIQ1_ The -Tea and Sfissionhrie-etiaj, s 4 Ln6wn"A itor Godini6 Milli t ..I it -bs;,C tte cuiters fie or fflrdlb The devW is aers, 'Straw - A, iffies, Robm, -4itre bouidrawii .toa,close but Weddings .satisr, wit the, co wrirrer, but re rand' i 6f the fc 1 'S et e. alttc .I - , -:- . ;,nda dIiil' seenatto lia've noplld,.b6th quires t oftb the Callibrill. Rtnuailt,o, Hartell'i and Henne olidand Tho P G66d cordwood is 'en mteicc nngc. tit; extensfIvely epid6inic. '. There, i file I I I I 9, no in a fe- 0 \ Sndeman's No.. 1 Pcirit , : & E . BSL . V R. doubiti a design in it ,Ml The'inissidnary. he -Countv:Council of Sidicoe at its. late a it, a ictlic-lil or. other artier Is in. THE MAGIC TI it ell No ; I Sherri. . DeK G' 'blianY Lady meetill-S of a M lthodiiit bodiiis have been at Ba:rr'ie;,ad6pted A:m'P ill ,old oil t,rea I I , . fit, I; 1863, w49 lim` al Idthe gentle itl the mo* unable EING,a;, uriting and aclior rictoriii Stmets Glliticr; 4uhe' s deputaiioni 0 ok, BoothlsOldTom itrwood'and*boittel' Old h Co mbine wit or odDunlail's Scotch; 9 ., I C I stantself or Gentlerinin7s Wate d f B Jamaica Ram. p -iv ndirrgimprovemen Compan and Poteeti, a4d'other''Whi.ktty' beia,;'very welL represented in point ot' abill to combel the.N ther to awidi a ood '5.OT q eairaThe IN-. Y. Illustrated Neis'.: the. ieadhi site; as weil,as ill t'' U I 1 1 -in its -is: picttIria -paper i7ut prubably oa The wlntlu in -of the- nitbd States ;it, ip, L = front townships and towns T.1itile nicer'. pamicularl,., of Jan 10, 6.3 _' ij novelty,_ 0 '-the iter an in' the baCK- Supposed y .7 mentat food bei otepi'ctr -9 ther . th of thpis ityl tird-:11te sty ra -A- wo'". The. cl..vdjtLof success; :howev Hubbard Bros.' Sol I u ad liretv to the's EVERYTHI ftan NG' In GROCERIES'. porters It, .' no; due, peakers.. This Wc. Ievnn. ongreg; iewhat funnd )r '4tyAjas rectint!j bLaome son C on of this town will SALE, VER, and is usical tat I ent; an&thc hold e ivrsary o'thuir Church opell­ This is one of t e..pr pertorinance @7 sac, ad T th Alin FF n., TABL E. -TORS & PT A ' ND, FOR h, ettiest no' t , the very lo ieit'rtnrinn ratiVe prices. j venitat'and dlieirledi r ibe'b6ot Aiid-.cfiea'p. on e p'far iniisie'lials; bean redita',le ODERICH. in ghaDR. and,s a 95 2NO'AND Goderich ISih Dec. 1862. -w26 general aud-raliable use"',ey -ould -ON.T ist timepiece for and has drawn out dollar tht'%v TIM ir offered..' It -has 'dL NAT, within it an counact9d 7-77-1 b _ilre pocket ORTO Its.- own win ing, attac, -.. oremair.ed.suit- in ave orditless its machinery, "as I mecting a iII]Iwi i HOME' ',1ANUFACTVH iinderin', .i k j, e ssary, -e. "OF' 'N ES" - avcbl,ai, ornpose oftwo HE TEPHENSON T -T, REV.-W.R. 1-1 Y S'l d I D ment r argely attended and, was air enw F Thecaseg tIl 01' w0I tire' 1B6lrFALO. N. Y., rd raised bein INGIMIACHI orator 'r tali'L'the out roriebemg fine,16eirrat gols. ai ci still, moo out cit'jitioportion, it would, seem 16 W ) establiAi d Botanic P me HC ractice in )NES FR 0 M $5 UPWARDS AND MADE W ORDER, 'A ruby action ty'.rnot:6 thanL30 yLlin -ha., It has iflie proved rjf,preach artat o1c ocL hiis.very hard.;ear, las itrwill, to a cer d. . It is ea L, :ll 4th Nj',tiveralier, IS62. -is wArriante dal acertrate timepiece,, tain ettet.t, Getruct zoar the. salitrie 'of tire- je'voted two-Airds of hia, lillicAd chr Gode 'w4O itient, and d f I _ ' ' of its IF fall P p b is, x1ow, poorly paid and ncver.'gerttdn, :46d gtheral debility, will be in the owing i fengrrrv e rper places in itt yesic e: -A- PT_T Mj± a' dIdzen,.t204.00. Suirrio,16',Wate'llest in j for their I WINO. MACEms. Full year's iiallary; ' The oraorical 4ce SE b musi.i6rA1eflhct,upo6 audience puts me iri, I ; I . , el to allies ree mi oll" f RUARYI 186 w oe I 00031tet e AT et. !Tand ableron alive 01, 1. ! , N t r4onls'll insin, ofan InClUentreIZIted. F anl E A -M E ' T Al s Sitting till r IV hitfic .1,1 - Will he lield ii MONDAY 10thl&, 11th a in e 'tacilleet ro- elollseuce of the Rev: Gio. All kinds of repairing done most r6as .......... 12 11 13th those, in tire r 'WaS Sojjejtjn mcajIS X'6 ea"ry on its urp C.' onabl'o, terms. :P:SrZ:S_P (:3;IT -j:[ e, o It I 'n, Th- Dr., noticed early case ior torejoSe Wjjjj so or. C lil,i Xrm-trougls Hotel 17th utlI.0 Sts... ap pin, AiNLEYIiVi the dis urse tbatitwaVinierided I9jh 6t s 39- 5 1' w L and inwardly res6li-d -not to, Ho PLLU,Mi§ER, Dovr, Addrbs- -hrrything. He happe ive o . 20th &'.21st BU JES3,'r-DjRECT "I his`Tpbckef.., HZoi d -to It: 23rd golif as irdllealicomiiderabl sil ver and cop- aT -.24th P_ h McAllister, and Ach son, r any bf the Ladies oI7 mcKNsv silofel. .-.7.. . W, ,pe.r7 6ose jn ulitfi, LI:CkN0W­-S 'y' stor6 t6lie Hotel- 'op 'st6kes of the speaker's eloquence al hitri 26th 27th. der- !- r a D ''a -i furon ff t pdsi?c, the I Ixe to glVe t e, copper, and' a few, more- the Conn h tiV FLEM PiG ysicin ;6 Where he' can e -cot ff "% - The' most simple -andl chi 6, *ir-Day _ tioai­was take emptied got STLi.: N [tee b ui. d car all, forms of e. ga IN tthe, sil eriand wlic rrhelci and, th d, sit Dngring' Dijeases n 'up ther Dr. Consultation aAd--,-erVjqer _td LEA ESI T . :L ' " 6W In use for 016 rH4MAS FAIRRA 11M, General Ages HIS: CELERRIT D, LECT atik. Water. : r I r ' UP 11 JL i ftiend, howievei,-'was-more U11E -old orhot Z7 Doctor' 12 wIDUAL R for the conwynnce of t tiorl Com in B. B,, Couvqan -on f 1_NDIV e -of Dwellini, Houses, Hotels itad oetinittioutt: inispecting.si collection, he, lertr hit ion on . pfifte(Lup withI t.., -C ange,at, o" "Af 'the Uft ALE liri V - 3- 'We ievant L friteso MrEt _S_. Village !,eo A h loile fare the SCHOOKER... S WALI is ti;,-a,_Quaker friend for m - o Th6L`Quake a 7.o dal Evening; 24th inst. 2 6 F61i Ua& mcrry IT' e rep&d ' '"*Atany othiii-ilme, frie.d.Rodge Gode'r; h' F V. 9th, _B -;od' -thee f or pring; has a can irt, boiird,. jil,. jojf N,XcLE.AN: ' Hot$. n a seems. 7 -t out, o fth in, I lend reely, n 1,90 toils, our yea er ATTENTI N- I" a'gii front Se* -r ins e Ail theL best:n aim:- _tfie Tea rree Church, ng,'cluid'rutiniing tacitl6i all Copper ''.13o' fie Water" -Taks -,Wasli t s C iot to be, thy right mind;" meeting ofte f ich of iood thingsi The.Cheapest eLW cr pit 'd besv te! k ANZEIL I is -'Ala b. is a fast ;For W atenuid in Cana a, uniteil rjajli irl jVell dalolated to Msills; Sill &.at aud"Ir6i , ld ies, ii prfectlaim. L T here 4i2lg, PiEcm,ovAsso Wit s, d 50 til rsapply to W,Istilt ad ft U i zdade lipthe the be L a ; he 0 bi tA the most- Pe,?16cf that, *1 dud: not izizi Ap in jojntf jr_ al d ihtt resent, atid,prrcrbably . , -i Y LX WE. Da'Cfijj List, F ne Gold.Tiates HEN S16 I . ­.­­'.'%­' ji-­ . , , . , r , jrll : Villa e Pro6c,. IF Wr UrCiiiiij y it in less lirrie thare is n d , d ',d weirit away' ftpll--Oreide Jewoiry 's6rlt free- '.'Ad res Nrivil(ti",0 e water call be ratseil b d am" diid'or'a hundL ,wantof'rooin in the,.Cloirch.; Ther chaii. was A. A, ,e "ItCE & 'cismitv ru n adiies&ntisirf6i its intro- F r arIA*h AL-6inifacturers Co.' -b the Rev. W. C. -yo or tIt nThe sitenti.a4rFarmem fli li' ba lly Riv e,spea ers ,_ fbll-o'wad-ware-of lity orih I'Com an t etri, velt.,to FAD. vii vj t4t th r: T. 0U9T is it o e:u "91 ztG3 How Ii S b a d h ETING"o'r advantige25 over aptillit'r an t ek rHE XNNUAL ME reholders Lr '' . ­ rL''-,,,­:r" " , r I - . . Gtlliiilcu 6 terms. oble INj6: J. ofthe Huron soukht to prevalit anicin, maslionehargedi, AMES e fi ld _RA1w1 T ral bl: -1bat ulding Society will' HYDRAUVC- ire]thc,jVcn.kn6wi y-. smon,-th zi GE -Mad, -interest inadFAnce. ger: Setin, for Min late, geueiirlly-; uutil 'om F rizes at, the li ing, By which water can. be clevatc d from er are .,fi for ihb ,*atermy Furniture Wat 8111 Sr -di'Grideric spriagn or creekii'6 Farrar Vtionj ',!;Aiic ica'Jul AnieridaA, tiffter 1 it the Town 'Reidences.i-This 0 o'F' the eiids-of eX aiT k 1`t;D'W e 'HORTON 0II:.yofidiLL , the I they, av-NN R eR01111 See6if'-dity ofl a fiirqdircs no% man, in I I , r , r, 1111-- Its b TA ed trill aia twIterially 4 o I Mo , stair a& in, arrid4nUthrow w steady, stream i water, nr6iind alike I Boa6 ior the yiar tvil 1_ dre&*skint 'Alt EESW'A_T on-' the, 'R 6,w round.: Mach 3jeC mijilesi - h6ightb of !Leir man-utact_4re.)Iow ,nL'oxratLOn 'liI Ca trada, -p -workiing to -the iii the fln,ing TEE 31nall a Ifi -MGx&er,Cheur.,4 atte rdmbe and IT C h' 'ki' be let down At p j ES -McDONAU,,Waggo" 31aker, L c,. b :h i o e ori -and it to Ise I c eu t e It rt may ope Secretarv. IT, 1, i, e tr&wor -6f SUAVE !GO ODING, AM tot, e InFlo iblat';'hek, la!rars are xq. ended ME.in ties, u *ith the grialelt a d A ­ r ship I Nvatikancishi al;&I l;jv46td; JAMES %VAT$ON.:,F_%q PtIN:21ficDONALD, Lci_ All Genotine !Wariier, &'Co.Is Seydni'Michin AheA' " likiR without e;)iI it o Its F ofqornfutberlas ineer,rislink .1 , 1, L I Hp!14C I "r,,, 1, IS, r I - %-.J 27cdn.'4; tov.Ih niarV, 'Sb3 be , the M_Wa :itar :t,4 .R Seim an b, the Ist -6 in on theill ate. A Iprortaut- adfuntur vme ink h' III .49 b4 year,, old ere y not, to prove c I:FoILTMG rette ran 3' Ines'.. III wal anaway4 AP %EN ICE',WA= purc tv, P rERL,:15',,CENTr 'p, _7 appn PHN ere I TY11air. All 13t _ Lff _4po-ffSeine afi v,Aleiandria,, jAME&,;WO0DS. bet' all nk sbouiq STREET &r-, pkred­ lately, ii property p ayLe 777777777 a iit _ 4'r anseem yj in :one w3l. 77— rep H bic hasnifthttodlition-biIiard abiilt,fi :9 TO _fZT. ve hundred negro; iber,*isli6s :an ap-prentice'.to I Ne tates T Th&,, St I ther-pr6oliy,oftN E fb e Viceroy,, in order C.,AMB INTQr, THE -ENCfOSUR F ax rise o seat ing; to lot a ng'thd )t6-Uu Orf eax let KASbiiiiilled ilgit j ndatilinsiarii to gobd. n t L SITES. I IPROVD TARMS. all isrespec splief erg j L W6L liereb , OUVW jb4 i n brilicsi L from I 7:, : - . - , a er in nautho -to oWifaft'dParir 'oul b pq t)wild T' )wI ier A WAS our sole -A of in Huron andr trin'ro nff& rt At 4e(WI I r be obtsified lit,' ....... prlilserMpay a achinev A JOHN HAWKINS. oil L' 4 Tell at4.,, '31 'L 30w4 Kintail'P. L1130 P, u ijii mp.zppro .-ofitlicirrellijoval. 4, 1863; 2*3 j r;