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The Blyth Standard, 1945-10-31, Page 1
r THE1 VOLUME 56 - NO 10, LYTH STANDAR BLYTIT, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 31, 1915 Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. 1.____,_ Plane Drops Leaflets Of 0I3ITUAItY Two Local Servicemen (dad '1'o lie home After LOn;,r Public Libraries Inspectori Congratulation MRS DOUGLAS MORRISON Overseas Service TO SEVERE SEIZURE The community have had the pleas. Addresses County Ass'n ore during ILe past neeli of welcoming Leaflet Dropping Gives Young Folk This uunnullitr v:as shunc 'I late 2222 of tilt' libraries Mr. Bowman also NO of our Srlyirenun back home Quite A Thrill -- Jack Nethery Will Bt.: 92 On Friday londay atlrru.'on t„ learn c,1' the sod• •. • MEETING }IELD IN BLYTH WITH LETT- 'spoke of the resignation of Miss Rose IIc❑ passing o; airs Douglas Morrison l Ile Bernard u d I bon l Hall, Niel I;dr Wins $i For DeliveringFirst ABOUT FIFTY PRESENT Aitken, whose untiring efforts had been \Ir Anthony 11at;t!i!t, of Llytll, will \1'illianl Riehl arrived in Halifax. ;Cling l.eaficl To Chairman tl \Irs alma -kiln succumbed to ;a severe _ __ largely responsible for the formation of obs('rcc the Ill ivti1',ir of his with 9700 other Canadian Scrliccuu'I', :cliurc ".bunt ::15 111 1he alternuull the Huron County Library Association birth un Friday, Noycnlhcr 'nil \Ir aboard the Be Ile France on Sunday, I'he Ilur, n 1', unty I.il,t';uy .1s -oris sMc had been rle;uting np the lawn, Ihr hall been the firm librarian, arrrpl- Iltlgg•i3I i, enjoy int; gl!uiI health, ;lull is hoot watt in the' O1 I' hrr ?Ist Both nun \\ err ;Ippar' lien met in tin L'I\tM \Irnnn'itll Hall SH I3lvtb Still1In Lead, But act of burning leaves ills this rrspon-ibility II 'n to hrr a fr,•Ipuenl visitor np lotyn Ile i; Myth', enlly oil the s:'nu' Dain whish ;u'rivr'I 1i.1111,111:1:1101',1: 1 ridtly c\en1 t;, \1it11 ilfty delegate, Nlillgin Is Narrowing' \ehen ,M'.' \la, ,ulIllcnl}' stricken, and in London un \londx}' ctcniug, but ar- recul;lr duties ;i;: chief librarian of Hie oldest resident, and hearty i biotins frau flu: \:Ino.!, Huron County lib- _-_-_-_ Ir, Ilap,cd on the lawn Neighbours, Goderich Public Library Her resigna ______- lions are due I'1111 u11 this U('C;l,lnll I i nl'dlll.; to ltd.- Richt, neither kl:e\1' lilt' %'sane, pr.'s, in ,1111e ill the 1'cr\' 'h>- Blylh is sl,;l leading the County on yho \err'' atm y'orliing rlo,c by, saw tion had been riaai\• it w'itit regn't, and vllll'I• 11'x1 till ill!' ,;Illll' hostas ur IraIS - 'I''c' b e lit '.1!•• I ,I l d l_ at I a percentage ;,,tri, in the 9th Loan her, and called Mr Morrison, who was 'I'In'y shoot: hauls in Blyth a ion ,It' ..f Drive, wi:h a total rcport(.,l tip i,, institute Meeitliiir Postponedtithe x1 „id; in hi; barn They carried her I Thy spe' i,,l •+'ca days ;liter returning 1 I The regular monthly Meeting of the into the hoose, hart by the time mr'1i- \\;I- \laj„r 127 ittrsd,ay t,l' til 3511 side eribed for' The Sl utdtlr'I had the plessors 'of 1'7 I!rt•t• 111 c.1' 1 tt; of w',-1,0'0 'file Blyth Women's Institute, \\Mich is 'eat aid could be summoned she had IIc Libranes, of Toronto re 111arly held the first Thursday rsday of itas,cd ;Wyse 11rs \lorrisuu had ;tin.a brief shat with both these ux'a: ! race, however, it tightening, a, other i i ideip;ll;lies pant on a Drive in till cacti nunith, h,1,, brcll postponed (Inc ,o geared in tier usual health, and her campaign Notable ;among these are the sad ,Ind sudden passing x11;1) of ,su(r!t p•I,sin \vtls a scycrc hb,\y 10 the efforts of I':asl \\'ay;nn„h anti one of it',inenibcrs, Mrs 1)011al;ts \tor - ,hart 1itiliyl, stn(; friend, She Vests in risot The next meeting \fill be held her llttll yea, • (;udcricll 'fownsltip., itt have held , , second all 1 third plana. respcclively ry_ I I'hnr,'Isly, Nolcntber lith at _,,,0, in the' The laic Mr, NIorrison was a (laugh- er since the Loan started F.a t 1\'a- bmeinent of the \tentorial 11all Ice (1):1:11 f \I r, 19ialta C1,1y;ul, of 11111):11:,11'1:11/111:111 yth, ;ur'1 \II, lysis, 1listricl President, as the lair Ju11n (,n\y;i Shc vas horn tyanc,lt has raised y11,1i1H1 i,( their k expected led to lie n est I 1 quota of $97,000, and Guderich To\\•u- I I ''• t in I':t 1C:ntrtosll 'fua'u,hip, on the ship \Viol $8"),8'11 of their $120,000I'llis pronli•i, It. be :I very inlerestit,;„; Anhui, Road, about 2 utiles west of and profitable ;,fternuon \Irs ivers PI al In I'919 Nile married the late qu.Ix ra'scll Ilnl'etl lowrship i, al- 1 l ahead of the deadline i( tttilll 1;7117 ha11 ui ha, a \cry pl(a,ing wanner a n er She will Wesley Taman,, and to this tnlio:t lw'., bring to os :1 profitable ;Intl \rol•th-Id:tuchtcrs ivint born \Ir Taman their gnolx n( ,kll?,tHlll raised I"I' Itlhile message \ cordial invitation ris lulyll,llip have putt oil a spurt dltr' lexll'lldell to ;III. 1':1111 etll`1' 1" attend lilts, ing the past feta' day; and mow, have 3ti percent of their gnulo of $133,090 Te all illi' Itt,tisutr utreli'gs \Inrri;ou, and since that tine' h;ls re - ('n111111' I;1, raised over 51) percent ui :\t the close of the ntcetit'i; a social tided i11 i;lylh time \\'ill be spent, when a 1110 Ica \ti11 \Irs \lorri,t.n tats, a member of the it's uhjertiyc of $1,170,(100Ibe served II Istc,ses, NIcsdatucs Ilen- :\s yc ,latcl! 1;1'1 \yuck, I;lylh atilt Blyth l'nitcd C'lun•ch, and an active try, \','%%dint L;lillie, \piss .\lice Gilles- worker in the \\'omen's Institute She have a tough time to win the County pie tic was also a member of the i;lyth Red I'layuc, hilt :I good he;n'e during the last half of the Campaign will do it Last Thursday afternoon the \'illtlgt' Few Appeals As Calll•t Of w•r hour ncd with t visit froul t plan, 1)_1I91o1► Sits were 1•e'•\' Il;tiit'\' III I 11 ere ' ace more t,lgetllt• • 11'ittl and friend, had it not been for the fact that the Colony Council hail token a keen in- Irs,-t in lilt 1:ojccl at the time of her rt ,i!',n;,tion the n'it''Ir scheme might \\ut t they I \Ir \ I•. i' '.;':ie. I'resi'Icnt of ilu• h;n;ie f,lllt ti tl !a.te.:11 Itt explaining latiye, •\s''oeiation ptt,tdcll, and the minute, the ('t'Inliv 1.ibru•y set-np, \Ir Ihaw- antl e cruititt mall lah'11 I!lrt bclorc ton long it ;Ir\ to have a ('onnty PTE BERNARD HALL Pte Bernard hall was met at Lon- don by his wife, and two children, 'of the hast ...glib'. meeting were teat by the Secretary., Rt'\' 11 l' al ,o nm• central point '1'111• I'rr,ident etitit 1 nn \i r, I'.rlinuer, I (Ie •uriacc "f the y' '.'•:11 this As- 11r, :\ssoc:tttiotl', I.i!n'a1'iaii, foi' ;I brief "'ri.l!ion could do Ins Ills t'uuntr hart ,r,'pi, rt ;ht' stl'd that the Ilurou 1 tits- Inerel,i hien lit alr11e11 Ile ronl'l lice t\ Library :\,:'':ation fltacl been formed IIu1lllllg I,III 71 blight Itltlrl' III sl'Ire fess Marguerite and Rhea„ and arrived in Ihr llur'm C,'unly library :\socia- i i the ftut of Pill The first Unit of Blyth very Etat' on 'Tuesday night in last luck In ,!site of the lateness t.,,honk, cuntpri•e(t lti volumes A Unit tion 11hc hour a few citizens waited up, tot today consist, of 1111 books, and these Warden Alexander Speaks I >, .iciconte loin back hunk Others, who sore changed lour links a year, >o that In •eco;nlinl.' 11r J t,wnrul cote of passed ,t%: tIy ii, 1-- I the nteuluer llbr;u ies h;ll r access to In .\ngtt,t, 1'1 R, ,Ile Married my were not ,tire of his arrival that even- ,_ Ihanli \Ir .11ex :\!t itt'Ier, \\'soden 4111 books fur an annual fee tt `-' „f tlnrou 1 ing, had 1 aired fur the nightonly, spoke briefly regard- le Itall \1'a: :unong Ihr first lural l(ttetthitsou figures bays jump'. tie -1. nut lin (on :'y Council's interest ill Wren to 1,tiisl IIc signe'I up un Nu- nncndutt,ly ,ince it's inception The Ila- Ithe lotmty I.;luary .\s,oeialion 11' yember 2nd, 111,;1), with the Royal rot' County Council were quick to re- j _ Sal/1111:a Ill:lt the t'„Rote' C0111161 %list, I:ccn- Canadian linty Service Corps Ile %Vali cognize IIIc %•slate of III(' .\ssuctatioll, Ila' interested ill it's procress, and would and this tear gave a ?I 0HHI grant They •also one of the first lural Wren to go Ido ;Ill they could to further it's inter - Overseas proceeding ;11;n 11,1'e „all .\b,t'clatt„II (:UIllillllicle1 c t Cru„ Society, and actively i;ltcreslc(I I 1 ' ! to England on headed by c1'\ c R J Bowman, of Urns. in it's work December 41h, 1939, with the first sets There are now Ib member libr;u•_ Pcderaoon is Interested Itesidc; her sorrowing husband, :die ('xnxdixu 1)itt,iun The future look. ' rd anything but bright it's, and all apl,liattion i, in from the \Ir Massy `sturdy, President of the is survived by her mother, \I N Ilian;l h' ! t (ur the :\hied Prrd\Vicl1 library Also many public htlnich Ilcw over the Io1Vn, lroppiing \lentber, of the Blyth \lunItttiil (1.11';111, and two daughters, lDorulhy), cause in these clays \iter a period of Huron County Federation of :\grictll- 1l';If1els U( l'Ullgl';III1I;IIIUIIti to illi` t'lll , r ; r_ s('IIUUI; are making inquiries, :1, well a, litre also spot:. \Ir Sturdy said Ile. ('onncil :net al a Court of Ltltswn of \Irs James Ncwcll, of 1\utghant, and training tl soiree and susscx, in I.ng the Federation of :1'riculturc null' zcns The ntc•.stlgc on the lea flets , g 0x1 present ,II the first organization 'the :\rses sten' Roll for•the year 1')•15 (\,aryl, \Irs Harold hockey, of Exe- land, Pie Hall proceeded to France in IVa, from Rey \\' :\ Beecroft, Huron I I -le scho'!I :\rias Inlcctin' of the Association held in lou "Thursday evening, October ?5th, ler 'Three sisters also surii\•r, ()Call), the Spring ill I'1411 This was just %%'belt g County Chairman The message ap- the Allies were tryilt Ma er Mowat( Gave Fine Address (i,ttIerich, as a delegate from the Aub- y'i111 Ihr Rccyc ;Intl all Couleillors \Irs A It Grairgcr, Ogcnul, Sas.k; Miss g to stem the tills j pencil in last week's Standard The I of German might and its , 1 urn i.il, ar\ 11, ;n'd, :nal hall always present 11inn;fru, Cut\"I n, l\ N, of Cochrane; ', just friar to the Major \foya't, Inspector of Public Young people were on luted, \\';ailing to \'cry few iiia its were entered and (Margaret) airs J 11 Adam, of God- 1;111 of Prance 11is was the only. cont- 1:ibrarics, who was the guest spettl.cr hart' lirol'ty inteee,led in it 110 v. in the dollar ufl'ereo to the firs) per ;i);aiansl the Assessment Roll, and tllrlerich; one brother, John Cowan, died•plrle Canadian Unit to land in France of the evening, gave a splendid 'address hrirfly or our obligation to the sun to deliver a leaflet to the lural 1 1 al that time They lauded at Brest During the past summer \lajur \loyatt betterment of (immunity life ile said numbers having subscribed to the oath lin November, 1 942 •I; chairman, Leslie Milburn I'he plane „( ol'firr, the following appc;lls were ' I uncial services will he held at herand proceeded to within about 0 Wailes has lead occasion to Visit Huron Conn- 'that he would like to sec some af(ilia- zootncd over the main street, and drop -,dealt with late restttette, in Myth, this 'Thursday II o1 Paris T‘‘ dee days after they fly quite frequently, ;and he spokeof lino between the Huron County Lih- ped the leaflet,; The hind caught' 551, I;tylh I •lair -Nuys' ,\ Boys, :\p- afternoon at _':all o'clock, Rey :\ S nc- %t'cre ordered back to the l'oasl, and the splendid community spirit \yllirh rare :lsso1 itt 11 and the Federation of them, ;01'1 some of thein settled on 'wham, Myth Estate Lot No lllti \It'- lair, pastor 1 1 (lie United Church con- Iha(I to make ticir exit in a Iturry to (lrrcrailed titl(rt+} matt the tCouuty, di',•\grieniture '.tiany' Farm Portuns are Dinslcy ,,reel, beside the hank of csca ,t bcin taken t ',enquiring about the set-up of the As- Cunnncrre 1'Icl: Nclhcry was the firs, umlaut Survey is nut the property of ducting lnt,mii:nt wilt in, made in the i ' tis Prisoner by the is reflected in the splendid growth of I the I,lyttt Estate Ittitlt l'n;un COnieitni troops orixtion told ;Ire becoming more and ! last ;III1':I'tl'l' UI (Il'rlll;lla iron ), (O11'ard tht' 11'111',',1 County Library Association 1' to get to \1r Milburn with one of thew, Moved by \11• R ttttc• k, seconded by the const 0t their 1111' bail: to Ihc'Pcuplc dip not yet fully tiihtzc the!more intereste', iu the service it has to and collected the dollar The synnpatlly ci the community is 'offer air \fright, tint: this appeal be granted t•xtcndcd to the family in their Very coast their withdrawal was hatnperedIvalue of libraries, and their pu:;sib3it- The irlane was a "Tiger \loth, :Ind it and the correction be made on the .sudden anal sal hcrcayciiicltt greatly by refugees, fleeing, they knew irs in a Denmclatie colur). there they Before the gathering broke up •the flew in several times at roof -top level Rnll Cornett - not where, ;and the country they it dean fulfill a very important it t rdncatiolt- 1.'ca1 ladies served refreshments, and an \Ir \'tititdalcr, County Organizer ;114, (;11twright, Edmund, r\ppcltanl, - , curd through was in a stats of tnrn,il al duty \lajur Mowatt deplored the enjoyable hour leas spent socially was on band for the inn, and grown- Duplicate aassessnn'llt on land Bee MRS J T McCAUGHEY Pte %Call arrived in Sicily jttst alt the _trend of tite times during the past scv- .\ vote of thank; was tendered the ups, as well a, children, enjoyed the house assessed lou high , conclusion of the Sicilian canti'ail n 1er:al yearn, it \\ 16\11 the young people ladies COI. the lovely refreshments excitement \irs J '1' McCaughey ughey highly, vs- \' \toyed by NI'. \'olden, seconded by That teas in Jitty 1')43 Ile landed oil in the smaller ctmuntnlitics were crowd- tcemed resident of \l orris 'township, \7 \Ir \\'ri;tilit that assessment on bye passed 41111 :❑ the laintun Il ;pili! Ithc tut' of Italy and was in tits italian ing to the larger centres where oppor- 1 1 1 th School Hoard Meeting hoose be reduced *1511 can't(`l on Saturday :yelling, October '7th, of i`''Itl!I'rlign frn;n Reggio rn the Italian 1111163es both in education and other Over l,l\'C Hundred Partake Y \toyed by \Ir I:crllicli, sccoude,l by tut' right north to hussi, whish is just br;n!rhes of social lilt were get;Iter 01 liolniteolls Fowl StI )l)er The regular nuc'ting of the 111y1h ter an illness of three weeks' duration air ',imam', that assessment on land north-east of Florence In hrhrtt;n y, The small community is the baeld'ultc \lore than five hundred people were School Board oras held October 25111 she was in her 70111 year 1945, he iandrd at \larscilles, 1'raucc, of our ,rational life, 'Ind everything be reduced $19 and that acreage of \Irs \iii illtlt1 0 a daughtci u( served a delicious fowl slipper in the in the Secreta;y's honer with 11' \I ills,lf:lrnl ,;uta hr corrected on roll as '!:j and proceeded n'ith Itis ,'nil to Bclguint possible shoul(I he door to 1itp this Meth NI ...modal hail oil "Tuesday ev- R I) Philp, s Creighton, J Armstrong I the Late Daniel \IcOtteeln and \l;uy acres Carried Cochrane, nalilc; 01 Ireland, wh., sit- and Germany, and later back into llol community life flourishing 'fou seas' ening, by the ladies of St Michael's and I? I Cartwright present lila, I':'ll\ard , NI r an 1 \Irs 'I'hnntas; land plc lutt'td the civilian pc mil- sons he gave for the decline in the 1 h minutes el the previous meeting ; tied in liruwn County, \\'isconsin It I Church boast goose, chicken and I 1(r and \Irs 'I !minas I'awards, :\ppcl I tion in the various countries quite population of rural arca; was 1110 lack !duel: were featured l lead convenor for were tt I,roye(I as read on motion of was while \Ir McCaughey was Visiting al.Proved pant-:\sscs,cd for three acre:, only one rclatiye, Ihcir that he stet her, and friendly and •very co-opclshite 1iol of the lust ct I l Itional facilities, and the supper was \Irs Frank Benninger, Trustees 'R D Philp anti S Cry ightoll land ' it ti: ulal ly struck his attention as Ihr lark of work The only solution t" acre she Isaacs carne lu Myth, and they were 1 who had as assislanl convenors Mrs On m alien u' 'I'rn'aers Creighton and Moved I,y Mr Wright,seconded by 'being a ver modern, as well as a the problem is equal t'acitities for the I lames Phelan, \Irs lulls 1leffron, Mn Anustrnng a field day grant of $10 ID nlarnetl in tit \lirllxrls Churrll, uu \Ir \''amen Ila' assessment on laud be ; Iltuc ,t(11h, 1')11) Pr iitL„la now of we;tlthy country 1It made many warm smaller :ntuticipalitics Major \lowattt 'Phomas Kelly and \Irs Iicu,n liana_ was approved iter air Gray reduced $1111 to cover the sale of land friends ih0re, tool this fact helped to who Inas hada wide military experience' Ilan Gratrftil thanks ;uc extended to Account, a; follows were ordered Landon, officiated at the ceremony to Allan (,rant Carried \Irs \Icl'aurhry Netts a devout mem- oft the pangs of homesickness which turned the tread of his thoughts to Ihc' Mrs Harold \'olden for her invaluable trod on 'notion of '%Trustees Creighton Moved by Nit Kcrnirli, seconded by. Ibar of til \lirhacl's Church, Myth, soil nil herr, the soldier overseas rrtm'tnng seryl(' utcn \\"r hays a assistance in the preparations and Armstrong: \Ir \1'riglll, that assessment roll as I Pic hall wishes to express his ap- grave responsth„Ity it! rt'-cstah1i,11ing Taylor Forbes Ltd, Guelph, rt' t' 5 was very active in all church quit: she \ series of Bingo game, followed amended for the year UI , he confirm- Itltas always a willing con to predation to for Blyth Red Cross, the 'these Waco bar into our ,yay of lilt Idle Supper, with \1'r Earl Helly in pairs to trap tC' - cal Carried lily 1h \\ omens Institute, the Bridge \I twit hat, been said about rch:ll,ilitation I ]Myth Standard, Account _ 300 I local Rol Cross work rllxrgr This in lura was followel by \loved by Jur 114;111011, seconded by Ik i Ir:: her sorrowing husband, site Club, ;and ;ill other org:inizati'+ns and :Iliac is a great deal more to it than is Dr;n\ lura 15 -pound turkey, conl- Plyth 'I'clrph,,,tc System :lrruu tt '-9 `5 \Ir \'olden that we do now adjourn I individuals who remember /I him with that \Icn wh,i have been in the scr- (;ord'tn I'hun;psun, umsir, buul;s 8 55' lis survived by one brother, Michael Mc Iplctc with ;all the trimmings, donated Carried gilt; wink he w'as away Ile also \tishc: vice for several year,, have forgotten \V 1 (;afire & Co . 7 ,i0' Onreu, r( Norway, \lirh; also sur\'iv by \Ir and airs John lleffron The Gurdon Elliott, Clerk 10 titanic all those who extended little our way of living \\'c must do more R 1) Philp, first aid kit 4 25 Ing Is a nephew, \Ir Earl McQueen, oC \\ inner was Mrs Dominic Flynn, of t, ., acts ;and kindnesses to his wife and than try to take thea hack Into the Corp c1' Myth. ;and;ting 1943-4 30 00 \lilwalkce, \V's, and a niece, \irs !try- Clinton children community \Ve nuts, take the com- R,I) Philp, engraving shields 2 7J Ted Prest Unhurt When Ills ant, of Detroit several other mint- I'he evening enlrrlainmcnt closed \fter a month's furlough he ii 11 re- 'nullity to the soldier 'flte. war has A 1 Gray, grata field day _.... --. 10 00 j Car Collides With Cow hers ui the family predercasetl her hurt lu Lundo;l, from wllcrc he hopes taught them to think dif lcrrnlly than with tl lance, with music supplied h\ On motion of I. i) Philp and J Ann- proceeding Innertl services were held in St 11'ilhcc's Orchestra \\'bile ,rureell;n' beete on s;aUlyday i to obtain ;ill earls discharge 1\e who have tcmxine(I iu civil life It strong, \Ir (;ray was authorized Io se- night •1'cl1 I'rrsL sun of \Ir and \Irs NI t fitters Church, Blyth, at ):3O '%'nes Inc pastor of lit \lichacl's Church, is one of our gravest responsibilities cure cupboard for \piss hlcmiug's Dred Prest, of Londesboro, figured in day morning, with Re,ptieut !Hell \lass BDR WiLLiAM RIEHL Father McDonald, extyuls grateful g it sting by Lev Fr NIrl)un'II to see that these young 11!1'11 ;arc mads class room „ :a motor accideul \chirp might rosily gthanks to all who helped in any yay to On motion (.( h. J Cartwright awl jhat'e proven more serious fur hie Interim/0 was made in sl \lirhacl's :\ other boy who is very hapity to be to fret at b'utt's and unci again, tlliuk' italic the evening so outstanding a suc- Crci ;bleu lin;lid i'•ecicleil to have school re -united with his wife and family is in civilian term'. Cemetery, \Inns 'l'ownsllii, I cess t lust north 0l Londcsboro itis c;t•, a i Bdr 1\'illiam Riclll hill ;luso is in tic paths gravelled where necessary, 'Frits- Thr Pallbearers were Messrs tubo Mr Bowman Moves Vale of Thanks P 19'8 l'hc\', rcllilicd with a cow, which tee Cartwright 10 arrange was un tit.. road The time was about Craigs, •Joh11 \le\ichol, Charles Nichol_ best i,1' health, c;td his friends Inc hap III ousting a late of thanks to \lajor \toyed by Trustee Philp, st:couded son, Patrick. Kelly, Frani: \IiCattghcy, Py to have hint home W M S THANK OFFERING 5:311 iu the altrtnuuu, and Tel Lailrll Mowatt for his splendid ad(Iress on by Trustee Armstrong and carried that I and Thomas C'arbcrt (till enlisted in Srplrmhrr, 1 )41 at community life Hes puke of a prov- to sec the animal until it was too late Lyndon, and proceeded overseas on i Monday evening a most interesting \1r Garratt be allowed to secure nee- = 1=ricuds frau) a ili,tance includri' al iuus address Major \luwatt had given (melting was held at 8 o'clock to hear Ito ayo'.I all a cidcnt In the collision cssary books l., the amount $45 the' e colt• yeas killed, and the car was and \irs Lewis NIclangbey, 1,ow,on; *January 7tlt, 1'942' a.• ;t rd. -4% -.-cement l,!t hcnsall, in which he promised nisrll to 1)1.and llrs \\'ilfurd, former residents It I O'Rielly, Dahlin; Mr and Mr., for the \It•dinm :Artillery He trained;' NIecling adjor:rnrd on motion of darn, ,ti considerably Fortunately,do all he could to further the interests of i iii, who are now on furlough Thomas L itlitot', Stratford; \Ir and at 1-udsltol, England, and in September, 1 6 Trustees Cartwright and Creighton the driver came oil unscathed 1942, was allaciud to the 5111 Canadian Ifront Chrngtu, thins \Irs George holland, Dublin; Mr and! Nis Sinclair presided and a special -Leslie Milburn, Secretary The coy, \illicit is repnricll a` to Mrs \\'illianl Urvert'tux, S(afurlh; Mr I1lcdium Regiment, I: C :\, and ,vas oil October 1810, 1944, near Rimini I I i -- t;lhlahl( our, was the property o[ Mrand \Irs 'Thomas Feeney, St Columbant'with them until Ihr 1Zegimenl broke up 1 On Nlaveh Illh, 1'.145, he crossed to program for "Thank -Offering given in DISPOSES OF PROPERTY Phomas Fairservice, of Lunleshuru lir and Mrs F.arl \le(lueen, \lilnalkce, fol' rt' posting in Illy, 1945, from where Southern France, lauding :at \Ixrsielles, 1\Ihich sev:ral members had a part Dir and' Mrs stcpllcn \\'bite and `-y--- \\'is; and \Irs Bryant, Detroit the went to tin. 11111 C'ar.adaian Army In Itclgul:u they lead a two -weeks' rest I'bc tilt im l:hina leas brought many children, of Toronto. spent the week- IN CLINTON HOSPITAL Sincere sympathy is cxlcndrd to \ir Field Regimen, These transfers took and were re -organized before again go- new duties for nodical work In the end with friend:. in Blyth \Ir \\'hitt' l rs \\'edea• Recltnic is a patient ill \ItLlighin Ills sad bereavement place while he was in holland, and he ing into action at Nijnlrgcn, Holland, University, tine ars, dentists ;and many I cy ereavemen I I :others, :air bei! trained for work has disposed of his brick cottage on me Clinton hospital yhcte she under p yomnl up al \r, n l:e rttrialion Dl ,tit I r:'tln then oil he was continually in: g Queen street, to -Mr Alex Manning, ofin Lngltit,!d before being sent hone the lines nal the end of hostilities ,antnug thein own pt. tilde Six former tecta a slll'ee;.,:ttll operation 00 \l0tl- liclgrave day urorniug BIRTHS 11:11 boiled ie.. Sicily on November Pie !'ielti \tithes also to thank the student; are nor, at NIeriill Iiuiiersity \r\Irs Iie:lj "Taylor is also a patient ill NI?11.-1n chum Public iiuspital, on 25th, 1943 willl the ist Canadian Corps illyth Red ('tns:, the Blyth Turnip on post -graduate studies t;u•uugh schOl- RATION COUPON DUE DATES ,the Clinton iltopital, havi:•g undergone satnrdsty, Ottuter 3731, to \Ir andiThefighting iV;ls just over there, and PL•lt, the Clinton Branch of the Lan-,arships I t sal• 46 to an operation on '.Tuesday morning \Irs George Neil (nee latltlecn Bea- the gut his first taste of actual trarlare ad. of Legion, and all other organiza- I .\ grater I t 'c of thanks was given Coupons oust valid are sugar I 65, butter 116 to 128, preserves 33 to s 57 \\'c wish both these ladies a speedy cont), of Kirktum, the gift of a ,laugh- in Italy lie proceeded with the ad- tic: • and friends who remembered himi1:) lreand `\irs \V 1 t'rd for their sit':udid Ititd 1'1 ;o P19, ureal MI to M9 laud complete recotcryter-Marilyn Edythe }Vance throughItaly, and was wounded while he vas Overseas ARCTIC Y-IARVEST Gardens now flourish in the land of the midnight sun (top). Even this old one at Fort Albany, on James Bay, is way down south by modern standards. (Left) This 10 -foot sumflowcr was grown at Fort Laird, N.W.T. (Right) These giant cauliflowers were grown near the Arctic Circle, believe it or not! (By LEONARI) Bl" 1'I.ER) Canada's frigid north is not as barren a, most people think, Care- ful cultivation of sheltered Arctic Circle will often produce ample dividends in both vegetables and flowers. The vegct,thles are par ticularly welcome, since fresh vi- tamin and mineral -rich foods arc not easily obtained in the remote settlements of the far north, Northern gardens have prob- lems peculiar to themselves. The growing season is very short and the gardener has to he constantly on the alert. Tender plants mus,t be covered up when frost threat- ens, and sowings killed hy late frosts trust be replanted. The same watchfulness is necessary at the end of the season when early frosts might destroy tomatoes and other tender crops. Season Short To compensate for the shortness of the season, however, the hours of daylight are much longer than farther south, and the mysterious catalytic agents that promote growth in plants with the aid of sunlight are able to work on a "swing shift." In this way adapt- able plants, like the potato and cabbage, are able to complete three Re :ieve Headac ie Quic <! To prove how fast Aspirin is ready to go to work, just drop one in a glass of water. "Clock" its disintegrat- ing action with a stopwatch. Within two seconds, you'll see it start to disintegrate, It does the same in your stomach. That's why it stops head- aches so quickly. Get Aspirin today) The "Bayer" cross on each tablet is your guarantee that it's Aspirin. ASPIRIN NOW-NeLow Prices! Pocket box of 129 . . . . only lea Economy bottle of 24 .. only 294 Family slze of 100 ... only 79e ROTEL METROPOLE All Beautifully Furnished With Running Water. Rates: $1.50 up NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R, STATION normal months' growth in two months of longer days. To pro- vide extra raw materials for the "swing shift" and to give plants a quick start in the spring it is neces- sary to use fertilizer. Rainfall is scanty in the north, and much of the moisture is furnished by the thawing subsoil. I3eyond the tree line the soil oc- curs only in cracks and crevices and in river bottom lands, 'These Arctic soils are usually very acid and are composed of undecayed plant debris. To salvage nutrients locked up itt this material and make then) available for plant growth, it is necessary to employ trillions of bacteria. These bacte- ria arc present in all good garden soil, hut are often lacking in the Arctic soils and have to be intro- duced. This is done either by ship- ping in a small quantity of loam (often a trip of two or three thou- sand utiles) or hy using dog ma- nure which sometimes contains a desirable type of soil bacteria, Eskimos Hc.t.p Sometimes a whole summer has to be devoted to "growing" the soil before one can start growing plants. First the soil must be scraped up and brought to the gardensite. For this purpose it is often possible to enlist the aid of a few Eskimos who think that the crazy white man is going to cat dirt. The soil is dumped in a cold frame or other protected spot and Time is added to neutral- ize the acidity. Next a complete fertilizer is mixed with the soil, This soil is kept warm all sunt - mer and by the next season it is in good shape for raising vege- tables. Competitions Held In the easterly part of the Northwest Territories and in nor- thern orthern Quebec, hotbeds or green - hones have to be constructed be- cause the outside summer temper- atures arc not high enough for normal plant growth. Sometimes it is even necessary to use a coal oil lantern or heater to keep the temperature in the greenhouse from falling too low at night. In spite of all these adverse condi- tions, good salad plants are being grown in the far north. Crops of lettuce, radishes, chard, spinach and endive thrive in many parts of the Northwest Territories. At Lake Harbor, in 11afiinland, over 100 tomatoes wt'rc ripened one year, awl some enthusiasts arc trying to beat this record by growing to- matoes even farther north on Hal - (inland. In order to encourage northern- ers to grow their own vegetables the government and a number of companies have issued gardening literature and promoted vegetable and flower competitions. The Hud- son's Bay Company have been holding these competitions for the past four years, attd some of the entries are shown in accompany- ing photographs, Soil Producing for 250 Years Although gardening north of the Arctic Circle is a relatively new venture, a little farther south, on the shores of Hudson and James Bays are fount) some of the oldest gardens of Canada, In some of these the same piece of soil has been producing con- tinuously for over 250 years. Anyone who thinks that pests are confined to southern gardens should read the tales of woe that come out of the land of midnight suntans. Grasshoppers, maggots, caterpillars, mice and even sleigh dogs scent to be attracted to the garden, while all the mosquitoes from the surrounding country come to feast on the I':•r Iworking gardener. WHO, US? Quizzical expressions on faces of Jap interpreters Hasegawa, Nimori and Inoaye indicate the:, ,.:n.Id never, new be guilty of British accusations, Trio arrested in I-Iong Kong is charg_d with collabor- ation in brutal treatment of Allied prisoners. They await war criminal trial. NATURE STRIKES Wreckage looks like result of air raid, but was caused by fierce typhoon which struck Okinawa, de- molishing U. S. Army post office and grounding many Navy ships. Only deck and twisted girders of roof remain of building as mute ovidonce of storm's fury. FORTUNE HUNTER Postwar plans of Cyril Wileman, 97, British sugar•proccss worker, call for a junket to the United States to claim a $15,000,000 for- tune left by the late Thomas HIen- ry Blythe, California gold pros- pector. Wilrrnan alleges inheri- tance was left to his grandmother and never claimed, Nevem, Wouderloom* WEEVEND NtISIII:Itl.0i)s1• Is +tit Iugcnious fr,nnrlc.=s heaver, You con carry it in your hand- bag. 11'M III:e magic , 11'ithout e:;perir,t't', you Intl woaro Loom- (zip rugs, Fen1- lovers, bolts. hnndhags, afg- luuts, Iuncheon-sets raid nnnty other bountiful r�rticlrs. You ran utr• wool, 'aitdlewick, raffia, lads and Muds. \1'tn1VENII S 0 ,'I)t ItI,t)t►M• n' es le,,s Illtt c. \t'l' I;t'I' \'I) \t t)S'ul;Itl,l)0 1. compluty with in,U•urtiolts and nnllernr, true Ih,llor. R'rIle for free holder or Order ladoy from J. L. RICE AGENCIES .tt'tO .1ulut,on SI, IC I SG5PI'tl \•, ONTARIO. Let's back up the welcome to our returning herpes with more Victory Bonds. Canada must care for our wounded veterans, rehabilitate all service personnel, care for the dependents of the fighting men who can never return and assist those veterans who may never regain full capacity, Every Victory Loan dollar' helps to do all this and Is also a secure, sound, interest- bearing investment for the future, SIGN YOUR NAME TO VICTOY THE PICK OF TOBACCO Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. 110w and where should a wuut- an pay her hill when she Inas been staying alone ata hotel for several days, and is ready to leave' 2. \\•hen a ratan is eating in a pub- diuingruutn, and a woman stops to speak to Iii, should Inc rise? 3. slow lung should a person re- main when staking a social call? 1. Should the guests be provided) with plates and napkin- Lir their canapes at a cocktail part v? 5. \\'hen a neer leaves ;t room, and says good -by to a group of girls, should he avoid turning his back towards them? 0. Should a woman show the saute regard for her associates a, a man, in asking permission to smoke? ANSWERS 1. Ask for the bill to be sent to your roost, that the items may be checked and totaled, '('hen pay the bill at the desk. '.('Itis will save time in going over the items at the desk. 2. Vcs, always. 3, From 1 to 25 minutes is long enough, 1. No; neither plates nor napkins are necessary', as canapes are taken villi the fingers and eaten in one or two bites, 5, Yes; this can he avoided very gracefully with a lit- tle prartice. 6. Yes. TABLE TALK.I Beet Jam, Beet Relish, Beet Pickles This w•eelc's recipes from the Consumer Section of the Domin- ion 1)epartnient of Agriculture in- clude a recipe for jams and two of their most popular recipes for beet pickles. For those who, any day now, will be bringing in hats from the garden to store for winter use, here are a few reminders, Beets keep best at a temperature be- tween 33 deg. h and lits deg. F. To keep tltcln crisp in storage, evapo- ration should be invented, so a covering of sand is called for. Twisting, rather that' cutting the tops off reduces bleeding and this helps not only to preserve the col- or hut also to prevent decay. Ruby Jam 4 cups peeled, finely chopped beets cups peeled, finely chopped carrots 1 cups boiling water S cups sugar 2 lemons, grated rind and juice 3 oranges, grated rind and juice teaspoon allspice 'A teaspoon cloves Vs teaspoon cinnamon teaspoon ginger Boil t•cgrtal,les in water for 20 minutes• Add sugar, bring to a bail and buil 10 minutes, Add grat- ed rind and juice of lemons and oranges, and spices; boil tltitil thick, about 15 minutes, Pour into hot, vtcrilizcd jars, cool and seal, Yield, about ;t pints. Pickled Spiced Beets t5 large beets 3 large white onions 1 teaspoon celery seed 1 tablespoon salt 1 teaspoon mustard seed '.i teaspoon ground cinnamon cup brown sugar 5 cups vinegar Boil beets until tender, peel and slice, feel and slice onions and mix with beets, Pack in hot steri- lized jars. Add spices and sugar to vinegar, bring to boiling point and pour oyer beets; seal. Yield, 4 pints. $set Relish 2 qts, cooked 'chopped heels 1 qt, finely shredders cabbage 1 cup grated horseradish (optional) 2 cups vinegar 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper Mix all ingredients, put into sterilized jars and seal. Yield about •I pints, 100,000 New Radios Before Christmas The Canadian radio industry will deliver 1011,000 new radio sets to Canadian buyers before Christ- mas "and should be able to mncct the full demand within a year," R. \[, Brophy, president of the Radio Manufacturers' Association of Canada, said last week. He was addressing a joint meeting of the United Slates and Canadian asso- ciations of radio manufacturers, Britain Reclaims Two Ocean Liners The super liners Queen Eliza- beth and Aquitania were ordered withdrawn front U.S. troop trans- port service last wale. The order was effective imme- diately surd was expected to slow the repatriation of American troops since the liners had a ca- pacity of about 10,000 troops. The vessels will he used to re- patriate British troops from the Far East. \\ CB -1145W f Just break a Cltristie's l'renliurn Soda Cracker in two . , . see for yourself how delightfully crisp k is. And hots that crisp, tender texture adds to your eating enjoyment! Alarm! Chrisiie's Biscuits ALL FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS \' i,h the $100 clothing allowance after discharge, former C.W,A.C, volunteers can purchase a complete civilian wardrobe that is both practical and attractive, says Miss Eve Trill, stylist and fashion show commentator of Ottawa, .Miss Trill is pictured left, describ- ing the model budget to Capt, Doran McKordy, Victoria, 13,C,, officer commanding No. 12 Admin Unit C.W.A.C., Ottawa. The budget allows for dying and altering Army greatcoat, caps and ii, {1DAG p HELEN TOPPING MILLER l'II.\I''I'lilt 1\' Adelaide's eyes were suddenly wide and excited, "Gary we could couldn't we? Could you lead a neap?" "Not definitely, 1 knots There's a fault that runs through this arca — and you see this?" ile crumbled the bit of frocic in his fingers, "Sul- phur in that — smell it \\'here there's sulphur there's oil, usual - find out, tell if you "oh, Gary — let's get a slap! Let's go now. 1\'e needn't tell any' one abort it — till you know entre about it." Her face was flushed and eager, her eyes burning• He tossed the crumbled clod away and was ab- ruptly sorry he had said anything about it, Probably he was wrong anyway, Every young fellow who had a couple of letters on a degree had a dream of some day finding the biggest oil strike of all, And oil was like lightning — dark lightning, 1\'here it struck, the peaceful earth was never the saute again, "Yes," he said slowly, "\1'e can probably get a map. And an ex' Aerie sed geophysicist could proba- •hly tell 'whether there's any de- finite promise here or not. What I've learned was how to get oil out of the ground after someone else located, but I wouldn't want to advise your father to hire geologists — not yet, anyway — not just on my word." • • • "Oh, but if there should be oil under this place, Gary, Dad would be glad to hire any number of people, 1f you should find some- thing — and it turned out to be inr portant — we'd be terribly rich, wouldn't we? Antl you wouldn't have to go to Mexico. You could star' here and work for Dad." "You mean — you'd want me to stay?" Stumbling along, his feet feeling wooden,, he could not look at her. His head was buzzing, Her light answer was like cold water thrown into his burning face, "Oh, but of course! We have fun. I can talk sense to you and not have to listen to a lot of awful non' sense about my hair and any eyes and all that dreamy stuff," "1 see. So you want to go on — talking sense?" "Of course, You've no idea what a relief it is." "All right," he said, a little flat, "We'll talk sense, then." "And we'll go straight off and see if we can find a map, Gary — if it's true — I want you to tell Dad," It was not easy to find a Wrap. Tiley tried a half-dozen places, and Gary saw the old, avid, half -suspi- cious look come into the eyes of the men from whom he inquired, Like the widened nostrils of a wolf on the scent, like the taut stlspeit• sioit of movement that stiffens a crowd w'lteti a voice cries "Fire!" • • • "They're all alike," he told Ade- laide, "I can walk into any hotel hi this state and just say 'oil' to somebody in a low tone — and every man in the place will w•alc11 ins after that, and a lot of them would follow ate,,' "I'd follow you, too. Oh, Gary, l'nt so excited'" "Ever hear the story of the well ;eget. who got to heaven and the ,lace was so crowded lee couldn't et in?" "No, I'll bite. What did he do?" "Ile stuck his head in through the r 11 • gate and yelled, 'They've ,truck oil in hell!' And in five seconds, flat, half the crowd had run out, and the well rigger moved into the best mansion on the golden street." "\laybc they'll have a map at the hook store. Let's try there•" But the book store had no Wrap, (hough the clerk looked at them with quickened interest. "Only ratan around here who might have a trap like that is odd Hughey Fothergill, Tic worked clown yonder at Spin- dle top when old ratan Lucas brought that big gusher in, thirty year's ago — and he's been prowl• ing around tyitlt a doodlebug ever since, looking for oil, If he has a (nap, you could maybe get a look at 'it, but 1 doubt if he'd give it rap. • • • "I know old Hughey," Adelaide said dubiously when they were in the car again, ".111 right, w'e'll try 11ughey." "What's a doodlebug?" "ft's a kind of a contraption made out of a twig or something. They walk around with it — and it's supposed to clip and tremble when there's oil under the surface." "Well does it?" "I've heard stories front old -tiny ors who claim that oil was found that way, Probably it was lack," "This is his house — there, where the pig's asleep in the yard. The door of the sooty little shack stood open, Gary banged on it and shouted, "Hello—anybody home?" "(',it out," croaked a voice, "If you're one of them reliefers, I don't want nothing, I just want to be left alone." "I'm not an investigator," Gary said. "You're Mr. Fothergill? I'm Tallman — a petroleum engineer. They told me uptown that yon Wright have a geological map of this county." (To Be Continued) Mo.nty's Beret Gift From Soldier Field Marslial Montgomery, new colonel -commandant of the Royal Tank 1 cg1inent, revealed the Fec• ret of his famous beret In a Ines• sage to the reginent, 1 -ie said it was given hunt by a sergeant com- manding his tank during the Bat- tle of :\l mein, TA CHRONICLES ¢I GINGER FARM The return of service men to ci- vilian life is becoming more evi• dent etcry day. Not only by the fact that the sten themselves are back in circulation, as it were, but by the disappearance from banks, stores, offices and factories of the girls who were currying on in their absence. How niton the remark has bees niade---"\iark my words, these girls that have been holding flown war jobs will never want to settle down and just look rafter their hones and familia." * « - Perhaps my cxpi.rience is lim- ited but from what I have seen I have conte to the conclusion many of these girls arc only too glad to settle down in homey of their own —if they have houses to sctttle in, Take the case of , the young sales clerk 1 was speaking to the other day. , , "So you are leaving us and setting up house, arc you, 3drs, Blank?" The girl's face was absolutely radiant as she answer- ed—"That's right—this is my last week at the store." "1 suppose you are glad, are yore?" It was really a very stupid question. ,':1st I ever!" came the reply without any hesitation at all. :1nd then the y.nng wife who held quite an important office posi• tion anti was so cons:ieutious site felt she could hardly take a day off at all during the war. But yet, as soon as her flying officer came back front oyereas, the two of thein lost nQ time in starting out on their life together. And, when the girl left her job someone else was found to fill her shoes. '(here always is someone. Right now, after six years of war, aate would think people ev- erywhere would be glad to live at peace with one another. Instead we have strikes and more strikes, agitators demanding Icss work and more pay all the time. And into this maelstrom of discontent conte the returned seri ice Wren, sonic fresh from scenes of action, others repatriated from prison camps. it is a good welcome home for thein, isn't it? Especially when they, too, are going through a period of readjustment, the difficulties of which it is impossible for us to mt- dcrstand. The best We can do is recoguiac that it is there and slake allowances for the restlessness that seems to be a result, 1\'itlt so many problems facing folks everywhere it doesn't scan a very propitious time for floating a new Victory Loan, docs it? One hears so often—"Mr. Ilsley tvill never make it this titin!" .\nd he won't either, unless we all dig in to help put it over. We have an- other sv;tr on our hams now—a sa rtgainst inflation and, as Nil-. 1Isley put it, "1t is a time for ac' tion --not reaction." 1f only people would try to un- derstand! Wild spending now would be little short of ;t di\;aster, It would bring on another depres- sion gr.lcker than anything. Don't make any mistake about it — it's the wise guy thrt his; bonds. Not only that hit every dollar invested in Victory bonds now is one way of doing our hit towards making Canada a country worthy of the sacrifices our boys made „over By G wendoline P Clarke • there" especially the snrrifices of the boys who will never conte back. • • • Buy a Bond? Why not? If you haven't gut enough ready cash you have a year to pay for i1. This is uue occasion when it is quite all right to "buy on line," How Can I. By Anne Ashley Q. 1luw can I prevent the break iig of rice kernels? A, Do not stir rice while cook because it breaks the kernel' and snakes than mushy. 7'o avoid sticking to the bottom of the uten- sil, grease the pan before cooking. Q. flow• can 1 remove tar from the hands? A. By Hibbing with a slice of lesion or urange peel. The oil' in the skin dissolve the tar so that it can he wiped off very easily. Q. lloty can 1 Make the surface of aluminum look like new? A. 1;y pouring a few ounces of vinegar in each aluminum utensil, (feat it and then scour the sur- face, Q. How can I loosen a clogged sink pipe? A, Diss,•1te t,j•pound of copper as in 2 quarts of slut water and porn• it down the pipe, Repeat if necessary. :\ solution of soda and vinegar poured down the pipe will dislodge grease. Q. flow ran. I stake a substitute for soap? A. In an entergcury, oatmeal is an excellent substitute for soap. Place a small, quantity in a cheese- cloth bag and wash just as it using a bar of soap. Hun Casualties -- Premier Attlee told the Com- mons that it is estimated that Ger- man casualties in killed and per- manently disabled between Sept. 1, 1139, and May 10, 1t115, were 7,- 100,000, ;•100,000, Men Are Working To Exhaustion Chronic fatigue and nervous ex- haustion are getting men down down in health and down in resistence to cold and other nihnents, It is high time for a build up with Dr. (7hase's NERVE P001), the Vitamin BI tonic, It will help to steady your nerves and help you to sleep tetter. It will help you to digest your food and to regain energy and vigor. Ask for the new econ- omy size bottle of Dr. Chase's Nerve ,Food 00x.-00ets. 180s—$1.50 ISSUE 94-1945 PAGE 4. THE STANDARD Wednesday, October 31,194 1, li. I r I t i r. r. i , l r I. r i 1. r. 1! n, iO INICOLORO[O[O[Ol'O[O[OIKO[O[.. , ... , c .1 I ti ;Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH — ONT. LONI)ESBORO \Ir and Mr; James Crayford with: Londesboro Unit(d Church on Sunday (Results Of Field 1)ity Sports \Ir and Mrs Junes \IcCuol I\ycrc well attr dr(I At 131y11t Public School Air- an' mrs Janie, Roberton, Mr The ain'It,!riiiiii, IiIch was health- I'bc annual I irld I)n) events have bcrn'ronlplrte I at tbo Illyth I'nhlic fre', \Vimthata, ttith \lr and Mrs Al) Voddcn Miss I)unoth} Little, 'Toronto, and Mrs Beath:on, Clinton, with Mr an(l INSURE NOW! AND .13E ASSURED. Mr; R I•' 111',et;'; Mt•, I S Andre , London, ar,d \Irs J. N. R. Elliott. Once Phone 104. "COURTESY AND SERVICE" ftD80tbt;'tat7taltDiN2i1NA2019i-Dol2a2illtrit319thlatN2IND atiatANDOt iDINDiD4iDINDtDtl l Cal' - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. herr .Nil, n, t,ith \Ir and Mrs Alex Gordon Elliott \Mens Residence Phone 12 or 140, A .lr and \I r. \It Shaddick and family A 01 Clinton, will \Ir and Mrs Thomas I airscr\ ice NIT! and \Irs !idol Vincent, (iudcrich, - with NIT. and \Irs •1' Adams • ••r • I \\•ri I loan ar l ll linty, Lindon, and \Ir and \Irs \\• q.. .j..4.t.,1., N1HW1.,. q.. + .1 ,1 0.1 . : 't" l.•b4: :4...l.,i''0 4 i4i '1•.i >ia g.y.;.. , .l.g g .l.g.. ...j, NI r a I t d NI 1 t- , /it .4 ;_; Dii 11 t' 11EMEMBEIt t. \Ir, RubI t Fr;irscrt ire ..tcke, ormgepo t, C. n n, with :,.i :111,i•t•>_. . \Ir and \I r, Percy \I;nning, Clinton, . .. with \Ir and \Irs Frank Tautblyn .. ., , NIT.: I) .\ .\i, Jerson, Exeter, spent the '• the week -end ‘suit \1r, \\•nl Lyon Mr and \II, Fra• k Mc(;regor, \I r:. THIS IS YOUR LAST 3% VICTORY LOAN FOR AT LEAST A YEAR. INVEST your Savings SAVE by the Deferred Payment Plan 3 percent Down - 12 Months to Pay Help Your District Over The Top and Make The 9th Huron's Greatest Victory Loan. Huron County National War Finance Committee. 2 and Mrs. T Cox, Jack and Helen, of Robert Fairservice >. Ethel, with Mt and Mr, Jack Arm- \D• and \Irs Mervyn Pipe and fam- strong lily spent Sunday with \Ir and \Irs The editor is it receipt of a novel) Ct- ,tic bouquet of \'iulcts, picked and \M r and \I rs .Arthur Kerslake, Bobby John Pipe presented to bion by \Miss Lena Living- ston and Patsy, \Ir and Mrs \lclville Mcrae \lr and \Irs Sidney Lansing were in stun The violets were picked on the ”-of Exeter, and \l r• and Mrs Bert Lobb, Owen Sound on Saturday 31st da) I.f Or(ubrr, and were indeed •* t\itl! \Irs 11 I.y(11 Congratulati. ns to Mr and Mrs \Mrs .•cry refrcrhintt to gaze upon in viewMiss 011ie Moon, Toronto, iird \liss ley \-odder, \v'u\ celebrate their -Inst of llu' weather probabilities, which pre- cutst Knox, '!'grunt., w:lh their par -welding anni:crsay ou friday 'dieted snow for some regions for the cots '1.1' Farn1 Fortran meeting \vas held lfirst and \Ir, Charles Scott, Auburn, \donday night at \Ir Stanley Lyonii day of November with \Ir and \Irs Fred 1'rest ,with 23 present \Irs S Lyon con - Mr an.1 \Irs S Daer, \Ir and \Irs ducted the tames Next slouchy night Bert Darr and family, Auburn, and the meeting will be at Mr Meredith' .\neiver;ary Services will be held in \Ir and \lrs George \Matt, \villi \Ir Young's the RIytdt Presbyterian Church on San- ;_' and \Irs Charles Voddcu • I Anniversary services held in the day, November Ilth • .a • ' and \Irs Ilelh \Iogridge, Auburn, fully dee Irate I with 'annus' and calor- I with Nit-, \la!garet \Iatuang led foliage, Iia, hell filled at the mon- Sol l In events had to be rant off • \Ir and \Irs 1).mtau, lirus.r1., and 'ing service \viten le:• Harold Snell ('t on different da); due I.. the inilrnun• Mr and NI', 11 11'clls \\1111\Miss Eli- Auburn preached from the text, "I trill c\ of the IIc!Iber, but competition zahctlt \Iain, 'arise ae:d go to My Father'' In the I\\a, ken in all ryrnt,, and \yore I \Ir and Mrs Ray Fisher,(;alt, with cycnirg lite at rndance (vas good and greatly ,rnj \cd b) all who participat- Mr and Mrs J Snell 'Rev Snell preached a very thoughtful (tl \I r and lis 'l•Id1, \\'cstl•ielrl, \vitt' and appe'nling sermon \lurk credit •I'le fl'ltntt int o Inner,' and ru!Inct s - \Ir and \Irs C Stewart i; dict Professor Cook and the smolt Ittl baso been +lcrlared by Lite teachers \Ir and \I r•, \\' \\ills and Douglas for the excellent music at both service ! \\ no \\ ere in :Itart;c of the Field Day hof Clinton \vitt+ NIr and \Irs R Young- Thank -011(161g antountc l to around' cyrnt,: hIuR $,iOU Boy., 11, 12 and 13: I! \Ii Fern \\'arson, London, \Ir and The \V \1 'thank -Offering Ser -11 Running Ilrl ad Jump George Mann, Here.: Slorach, I:at'I \\'1;t - field l Standing Po (lad Jnu+p — George Ilautm, Derek Slorach+, Kart \\•hitfield Pole Vault -- John Sibthorpc, Leon- ard Mille), Derek tiloracll Stan';iug lliglt .l t t,—luhn 5ib- tllorp , George Hamm, Carman \Ic- 1/inlaid I)a,t-- -Karl \Mhitficld, John Sib- thorpc, Canna!! McDonald Shot- Put — (;gorge Manan, Derck Slorach, Canna!) McDonald i nnning high Jun+p--(;gorge Ilautm, Derek tiloracll, John Sibthorpc Running, 110p, Step and Junlp— Dnuglas Kilpatrick, Karl \1'Iltficld, john Sibtborpe The Winners 1.rul'gi' 11;IIIIIII, 23 pulllts .1 1 Sibllnlrpr, 15 points Derck Slorach, 13 points Boys, 8, 9 and 101 1)ash—Peter I),1\\,on, Ilcrbic Dcut- laris, Douglas \IeNall Throwing Mitt hall --Peter Dawson, 'Murray 1lanu, Donald Armstrong (Continued on page 51 • \Irs L hila•, ('udrrich, •with \Irs C vice will be tui next Sunday morning; \Matson at ten o'clock Rey PC1'111;111 wiIl b.' Mr and \Irs N Radford and Shirley, the speaker \Mill the members of the I:l)th, Mr and \Irs 1' (ribbings and \\' M 5, Jlission Circle and Mission i;unil), \lr a,rd1 \Irs Inert Shuhbronk Baird, ineA in the basement at u:45 and Thelma tel Muriel, with \Ir and M rs go I du: ;t d:totium in a hod)• 1 11 Shu;throof• The nimithly sleeting or the \\' \1 S Donald Ilunk;ng, Ted l'rest and 1.loy•l L'ngin:,'+ returned home from Mary \l,+ir, and \Ir and \Irs \Min the \Ves't bast \seek \lair, \\h \Irs Lithe \Vcbster I \Ir and ,\los D R \lair, Detroit, \Ir and \Ir. Matt .\rmstr.'ng, M r spent NIorda% with Mr and Mrs \vill br Bend oit Thursday, November Vali at 2:30, in the basement of the Church (;roup No 3 \rill he in charge \Mord for cull rail is "Promise,'' VIOLETS iN BLOOM ,i ----\' PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH :_ ._< ♦. ,. ,. ,. _. ._ a=, 14,4 44.14.0.i»:»;"4.rr:Ni»':..;..iH:'i''rOr:.J4+0.4:•a:4i4.14.1. 44.4 4444.1 4 ✓1', WESTFIELD to \Irs Cameron and friends Mrs George \Viglttmau and Alberta Among those who attended the fun spent a few clays last week with Mr 1\' eral of \Ir Kenny Cameron of Luck- Canlerun of Kincardine now on Fri•'.ay Isere, Mr William Mc \lises Phyllis and Violet Cook vis - Dowell, NI,- and Mrs Norman McDow itcd last \vcrk at the bonne of Mr and ell, Jit an 1 sirs J I. JIcUu\vcll, Jnr \Irs Albert Nethcry, of Hamilton Marvin \lcDu,\ell, \hr and Mrs .\ F. sir and \Irs Douglas Campbell and Walsh Jlr Lloyd \Malden The sym- pathy of the community is extendedJohn visited on Sunday with JIr and !Mrs Olga Miller, of Gocderich 0 \Ir and \Irs Harvey \icIotvcll and \Ir \l array \IcDo\\ell visited last \veck \vitt' friends in Toronto and ilatuilton and Kitchener \Ir and Nit's 11 Carr of Los Angeles, California, visited last week at the home of \I r \\' F Campbell and other friends 1.:\ C Ivan \Vightinan has received his discharge from the RCAF Mrs lI \iati ers, \Miss 1iattie Gal- lagher returned to their home at Luck- ' now on Saturday after spending a couple of n•ecl,s \Lith sir and \Mrs Earl \\•ightnta t JI r and \Irs I S McClean of \\'hitc- church, Messrs Harold and 1)onald Sprung of Lon-dcsboro, \vert guests on Sunday at the home of NH- and sirs Clarence Cox \Ir and Mrs \Vat Govier moved their new home at Illython Wcdnes- day \Vc are sorry to lose them from our vicinity, and wish them well in DECORATOR'S SHOPPE their new home EDITH CREIGHTON'S PHONE 158, BLYTH. SUN WORTHY Wallpapers ARE INEXPENSIVE LUXURIOUSLY DESIGNED LASTINGLY BEAUTIFUL PRICES ARE RIGHT ALSO PAINTS AND ENAMELS OF QUALITY RiDSMEL to Stop Pa!nt Smell SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY. * f f Attended Funeral sir \\' F Campbell, and \hiss \\•inni- fred, of 1\'cstiietd, attended the funer- al of Mr John E Ford, at Comber, on \\•ednes las' \tr Ford is a brother-in- law of Nit. Campbell \' ( EAST WAWANOSH \Ir and Mrs \Vitt \\'eekes, Joyce rind Robert, of Clinton, visited With ••\ir and Mrs George Charter on Sun- day sirs Rintot,i and chillrcn spent the week -end with Mr ;and Mrs George i Caldwell \IrsRcid i; visiting her daughter, -,Jirs Prank ?.Marshall ' Entertains At litallowe'en Party Mkslfildred Charter entertained ov- er 30 high school chums to a Hallowe'en Party at hei home on 'I'uhsdav even- ing Games \scree played and refresh- ment; served A good time was had by all F. C. P IIE S'I' ,A Hallowe'en Party is being held at No 16 School House this Wednesday - Phone 37-26. LONDESBORO evening Mrs Aubrey Toll is the teacher FARM MACHINERY OFF RATION LIST All rationing controls have been removed from sales of farm machinery, and restrictionson the production or importation of such machinery have been lifted. Price controls remain. Generally, maximum price for farm implements is the price at which such items sold during the basic period, August 15—September 11, 1941. Quoted prices do not include cost of delivery to the purchaser. Under Consumers' Credit Order No. 225, section 10, terms of sale for farm mach- inery are: 1/3 of quoted price paid in cash; the balance of the credit price to be paid within two years of the date of the contract in stated amounts at specified dates. Any allowance for a trade-in is to be deducted from the unpaid balance. Despite the lifting of production restrictions, it is expected that the shortage of components such as malleahle castings and sheet steel will limit the maximum output of farm implements during the year July 1, 1945, to June 30, 1946, to a 24% increase (on tonnage basis) over the output in the preceding 12 months. Farmers' Poultry Prices Farmers selling all types of poultry, -except turkeys, direct to consumers are permitted a 25% markup over the whole- sale ceiling prices estublhhed for the zone in which they are located. Turkey producers are allowed a 20% markup over the wholesule level. Potato Storage Allowance (Order A-1560 now in effect) A storage allowance of 5c per 75 -Ib. bag of potatoes and 7c per 100 -Ib. bag is allowed on November 1. Another 5c per 75-Ih. bag and 6c per 100 -Ib. bag may be added on December 1, and another 5c per 75 -Ib, bog and 7c per 100 -Ib. bag on January 1, 1946. There will be no storage adjustment for February but monthly in- creases will be resumed on March 1. FARMERS' RATION COUPONS Coupons covering former soles or farm household consumption of meat and butter, and sales of preserves must be forwarded ,to Local Ration Boards in primary producers' envelopes (RB -61). Reports for November should reach the Local Ration Boards not later than December 10. Following are the valid coupon dutes for November: MEAT BUTTER SUGAR PRESERVES November 1 M 9 128 M 10 .. 15M 11 129 66,67 P20,21 " 22 M 12 130 " 29 M 13 131 . ,. B 44 .. ., . , Farmers are required to send in "M" coupons to the Local Ration Board for meat they consume, and meat they sell to farmer neighbours at the rate of 4 It's; per coupon. Farmers who slaughter meat need not turn in at the end of the month more than half the valid meat coupons in the ration books of their household. Farmers who purchase meat from other farmers must surrender to the selling farmer one meat cot'pon for every 4 lbs. of meat purchased, even if this means surrendering coupons not yet van:d. FARM SLAUGHTERERS Farmers who slaughter for their own household consumption or for the consumption of their farmer neighbours, are not required to hold a slaughter permit. Any excess of farm slaughtered meat over the farmer's or his neighbour's needs may be sold only to the holder of a regular slaughter permit in quantities not less than a quarter of Beef or a side of Pork. Sheep, Iamb or calves slaughtered by the farmer for his own or his neighbours' use may not be sold inlb the meat trade. Licensed slaughterer's quotas for cattle have been temporarily suspended and until further notice a licensed slaughterer may slaughter all the cattle needed for his requirements. is your assurance of a fair share. Is a protection against waste ...shortages ... inflation. That is why farmers are asked to continue to collect and turn in• coupons to their Local Ration Boards—once a month—in the RB -61 envelope. For further information apply to the nearest office of the ' Varfime Prices and Trade Board. WeanesiraY, October 11,19IS BLY'1'1I TOWN VALL Saturday, November 3rd All 'falling Picture Show tho:•pc, Rhea \le\,111, 1) i'; Johnston `;iandin,'. Ito. 1 Pimp (,lot;a Sib• thorn'', (tori, Johnston, E.\I Ir., \lorri, ono Ili} II •Inns;,- Gloria Sil,- I'I u' IL,I Nail iIuranin;'. Iliyti lump --Berl ire \le- Nall, 1,1 'rat e, Doris John - „I, It,,nll( \I "COURAGE OF THE NORTH” slot A Royal t ,martian Mounted I'ohre 1).1.11 --((11,;1 \Ir\all, GIu1'l;l ,toI\• with '•1 ijitaiati" King ('l the Illorp•, Iteriite(• \Ic\;Ill Dogs ;Ind "1)y1i;smite" the \\ou'Icr'itt sii !g So: H,111-1,orctt;l Ni- 1forst. in the vast ALS() tenni, Gloria Sihlherpc, Evelyn \lorris BING CROSBY IN s Run':in:; Ilop Step and Jump—Gloria "SING, BING, SING" Sihthl rile, It Iris I(lhn,t n, Herni(t , Dare's What a Musical Ccsne:ly This Is r Snowflake \all THE STANDARD 1 PAGE 5 GROCERIES SCA RC 1: I'T'EMS 1''OR '1'IiIS WEEK LIGHT AMBER HONEY CUT MIXED PEEL WITH CHERRIES AND FRUIT RAISINS REGULAR ITEMS Cookies Ammonia Also New Series Added Attractions! "NEWS PARADE" "VIC'T'ORY OVER GERMANY" "THE WORLD IN ACTION" "CARRY ON CANADA" CARTOONS AND OTHERS All This For One Admission Adults 35c 8:30 P M Children 20c Come All! Tax Included It's Gocd! I' icld I1ay Results ((,t tintic l front page -II Rumnin. High jump -Peter Dawson, I)011al(1 :\rout rong, I Icrhie I )encuris Standing Irma I Jump ---Peter Da\v- sun, Ruhcrt 'lar hall, I)on:tld Arm- strong Itunniiit Ilro.ld Jump—Peter Daw- son, Donald .lrtnstrutlg, Robert Mar- shall Sack lace—Peter Tait, \\'endell (;rant The Winners: l'eter Danson, 30 points 1)(mal(I Artie a ong, 8 points 1lerbie Dunn,r;s, -I points 1 bort \larsltall, 4 points Boys, 7 and Under: Dash—!;obh1• Galbraith, Billy Fos- ter, Bobby Harwich 1):t\t soli, 1I(lVal' d Winners: Gloria `ihtliorpe, 20 points Doris J"Iln..lon, II points khe:l \I(-. all, ti polls Iternitt 8 point, Girls, 8, 9 and 10: I )a,lt •— :vont \lorritt, Eleanor Browne, Petty Tait Running High Juntp—Anne \lorritt, I?le;non• Dent ((:s, I'.lennor Browne Running Broad Jump—Anne \lor- rill, Eleanor 1)e.,tnari,, Betty Tait 'flirowing I1,111--- Eleanor Ovolaris, Betty \Icl)unald, Janis \lorritt Standing Itro:,(I Jump — .\nne \Int• - rill, Betty '('ail Barhara Kilpatrick Sack mace—Rose \l; i it• \\'ltitfield, Eleanor Itro\\nt Barbara Iciip:aricl; The Winners:, .\ tine \lorritt, Eleanor Browne, and Betty Tait Girls, 7 and Under: Dietl—\leery Desmarais, Joanne Ilod- gilts, (,lelt\•t•e l ii tots I nnniug Broad Jtnnp---J'titue Ilod- gins, \lacy Desnt:rt•ais, rent 1'n\veIl !lopping lace— Marlene \\';sl,lt, Ilcr- nice Johnston, Marjorie Atkinson '1'hro\\ing Balt — (lcnyce Itaiulun, ()live \\'ll on, Joanne 1ludgius Standing Itioa(I Jump—Donna Sib- Ilu'rpe, Hemet. Jolttlstrn, \larleuc \\'alslt Running Broad Jump—Billy Foster, Leap Frog Rare — \larlene \\'al,Ii Bobby Galbraith, Jack Tyreman and Olive Wilson; Matrjorie Atkinson hopping Race — Bobby Galbraith, I and Bernice Johnston lack 'I'vi'eti an, Lynn \inrris"tt The Winners: Throwing 13;01 --Jack '1'yretttan, 1101.- \;;;;.;e11,, \\';1L h ; Joanne 1 fodgins by Barwick, .\I\in .\rntstrong Bernice Johnston tied fur 2nd and 3rd Standing Broad Jump—Billy Foster, Jack •I'yrentan,1(1111y Cartwright Leap Frog Pace—Ropily Galbraith and Jack 'fyretmau; Jimmy Tartan and Donnie felly The Winners: Bobby Galhr;:ith, Jack 'Tyrein;n and Itilly Foster Gills, 11, 12 and 13: Running Broad Jump—Gloria Sib- • BLYTH UNITED CHURCI{ Sunday, November 4th 10:15—Sunday School 11 :15—I'he Ilttnlan Countenance 7 1' \I--.1 King's Confession TRY A V — CLASSIFIED AD. 25 A proposed Hog !I Marketing Scheme for Ontario, under the Farm Products Control Act, has been submitted to the Farm Products Control Board by the Ontario Hod Producers Association. Before the Board will consider recom- mending the scheme, it must be satisfied that a fair representation of the Hog Producers are in favour of its adoption. In order to obtain the recorded views of the Producers, a vote by ballot is being taken on the question "ARE YOU IN FAVOUR OF THE PROPOSED ONTARIO HOG PRODUCERS MARKETING SCHEME BEING BROUGHT INTO FORCE IN ONTARIO?" .1. GiP) tsi.N1aT V1. 106AGRICu uR 1>>tt'C, s,O V. , I(. Ii• O lcc, Ai 11Ct11tttC Ont.Clinton, CENTS REGULAR PRICES Per Lb 23c Per Pkg 5c Van Camps I'sc-Cooked Beans Pk 5c Red Rcsc C(.ffee Per Lb 43c FROZEN SEA SALMON Fresh Fillets — Smoked Fillets PIONEER FEEDS SHUR•GAIN FEEDS A. L. KERNICK Groceries — Egg Grading Lecher Storage Phone 39, Blyth AUCTION SALE Of Dairy Cows and Young Cattle At the Fair';ruunds, Goderich on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8th commencing :It 2 1' \I Sharp, and consisting of • ,ill heal ;;t.od (itlalit'' Dairy cows,1 Springer,, an:I Fehrnary and \(shrub' Calver,; III heifers, ,,tlppused to he in calf ; 25 yearling heifers and :steers, of beef t}pe \•I•EE—Cows guarantee(( to he in call', : no proven not to be inside UI 31) days, 10 percent of purchase 111o11- ey to he refunded TERMS—CASH .\ 'fo\wn,hcn,!, Proprietor 1; \I I.a\sun, (.lurk Edward \\' Elliott, Auctioneer 10-1 • ' -1- '--- - •- - -- - ROXY THEATRE, CLINTON. NOW ('LAYING: "The Last Horse• man" and "Kansas City Kitty" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday "THOSE LNDEARING YOUNG CHARMS" Mixed \ti111 1"ve a;l(1 romance, spiced \ritlt sparkling dialogue and a (111,11 ,I sophisticated gaiety Rohl Young Laraine Day, and Ann Harding Thursday, Friday, Saturday Alan Ladd, Loretta Young and Susan Hayward of sI icli 'l` oa F.el , filo-grained best-selling tnul ivel 1 M111N1.11V1` CAPI'T'AL TI-IEATItE REGENT'1'IfI ATItE GODERICH. 1 8EAFORTii. NOW PLAYING: Dick Powell in: "MURDER MY SWEET"VOW PLAYING: Donald O'Connor and Peggy Ryan in: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesmday "PATRICK THE GREAT"" Deanna Durbin, Ralph fle!lay and Mon, 'Tues, Wed, Two Features David Bruce Monty Wco.11ey, Gracie Fields and In tthi(h a ttin,on" aeuelt a es a i Roddy McDowall iiiii't tiiluttta! ride to track (16 »,11 Rom.ole, ol the I\\dight ,,l lite i, the her mall doom 1 1' an appealing comedy n "MOLLY AND ME" LAUREL ANDHARDY inn I!:( It. o:.eat `pankli 1,11f -tot• rt —"THE BULLFIGHTERS Thursday, Friday, Saturday Dcrclhy Lamour, Eddie Bracken and Gil Lamb \n , ev tttn.of carefree entertain- ment Tit this tropic:(I paradise "RAINBOW ISLAND" "LADY ON A TRAIN Thursday, Friday, Saturday Phil Harris, Rochester and Leslie Brooks \Inoiral tonu•rlt ;(t it'• liveliest, ttit!I a earl of top-flight radio an(t.-c1 eel; inn -makers "AND NOW TOMORROW" "I LOVE A I3AND•1 } ADER" Filmed in Technicolor COMING: Veronica Lake in: COMING: Jack Oakie and Susanna COMING: Maria Montez in: I " Foster in "BoweryTo Broadway" BRING, ON THE GIRLSy "BOWERY TO BROADWAY" __ . • Matinees Sat & Holidays at 2.30 p,m• Mat., Wed., Sat., holidays 2.30 pm Matinees Sat. & Holida,t s a• 2.19 p.m, 4.IN*111 . 4 CARD OF THANKS I desire to thank the staff and doc- tors of the \\•inghain and Clinton 1lnsiiita1s, and my friends and neigh- bours of Blyth, fur their kindness on my behalf during uty recent {Ime, The card, fiotsers and fruit were ;:•catty appreCatcd —\Irs 'Phomas Elliott TRINITY CHURCH, BLYTH 23r:1 Sun(tay After 'Trinity St( -day in Octave of .NII Saints 111 :\ \I : Sunday School 7:31) P \1 : Evening Prayer and Ser- mon TRINITY CHURCH, BELGRAVE 1 :45 11 \I : Sunday School 2:,111 1' \I: Evening Prayer ST MARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN 10:30 :\ \I : Holy Communion ORDER YOUR COUNTER CHECK BOOKS AT THE BLY'T'I-I S'T'ANDARD TO ALL HOG PRODUCERS IN HURON t.= Only Hog Producers who /r 11-0\ arc registered for the purr \\ 1 \ pose with their own County ../ I-• \ Jt Agricultural Representative will be entitled to vote on the scheme, All Hog Pro. ducers are therefore urged to register at once by Mail or in person at their County Agricultural Rep. sentative's office in order to be eligible to vote. When registering by mail, please forward name, address and township. A PUBLIC MEETING Will be held at See Bottom of Advt. f At this meeting the scheme will be explained fully and questions answered, Ballots will be supplied at the meeting to producers who have registered, so that they may vote then, Registro• tions will be accepted at the meeting and also for ten days after it, All producers who are registered will receive ballots, either at the Agricultural Represent. ative's office, at the meeting or by mail, Copies of the proposed scheme may be secured at the Agri. • cultural Representative's office or at the public meeting. All ballots must be returned to the Agricultural Repre• sentative before December 8, 1945. •' Any Ballots, received after that date will not be recorded. ALL HOG PRODUCERS ARE URGENTLY REQUESTED TO REGISTER, TO ATTEND THE MEETING IN THEIR AREA -- AND TO VOTEI C. F. PEMMIM Belgrave-8.30 P.M. Mon,, Nov CARD OF THANKS The Ctttimittee of St Michael'; Church Fowl Supper wish to thank all those who helptd Werke the evening such an outstanding success Special thanks to those who loaned their stoves, and to all ()tilers —The Committee 10-ip CARD OF THANKS i wish to express my sincere appre- ciation to friends and neighbour, for the Many acts of kindness shown in my recent bereavement Also to the nur- ses in the Clinton Public hospital, and to Dr hI•,d(f fo, their efforts, and ser- vice, during .lir; \IcCaughcy's illness ' l0-lp -'1 '1' McCaughey LOST in Blyth Post Office, on Wednesday, October 24th, a ladies wool plaid scarf Finder please leave at Standard Office 10 -Ip FOR SALE Dining roost table; chairs; buffet; and Chesterfic,d suite, and sosue other articles Apply to 'iirs Thomas Elliott, 131yth Ont 10-1p 12 FOR SALE Desirable property on Dinsley street, (moven as the \lonely Property Apply to Leslie Milburn 10-3p WANTED r1,0.11..+i.+iI/4..:••:44/.:•1...;.+41+0•:. 4$1,......:..;1. . •+.1.. .1 JHS. ti111••••+•4..14 1••1.1111 441•x••• il LYCEUM THEATRE 't« ; WINGHAM—ONTARIO. ATKINSON S 2« Two Shaws bat. Night POOL ROOM. :, ... . Thurs, Fri, Sat, Nov 1•'2.3 -04 i. «_ Met!eCorel Wildeon, ,uirsMuni, SMOKER'S SUNDRIES ri "A SONG TO REMEMBER" " .- I Ubilc(O5, Cigarettes, I op,•t; ; he 1:f..;01(1 nm,;c of Chopin filmed; and Other Sundries: ,ii.':4,in gi. cions tcchnieolor :_O1)en all day and e\'e1)lllg. =: ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS":::.;Main Street. 131yth.:i, +y,Matiooe, Saturday afternoon, at 2.30.,=,','.•t„•i•.,.01..•.•;uu;.;.••.1..•.1.1•0/•i.••uu00•D•1.,t1 Mon, Tues, Wed, Nov 5-6-7 ;; 1 • James Craig, Signe Basso, in I If you are e l ou dy, ‘write BOX 32. (! irk,t ,n, \\',1!i Scml stamp ., EDWARD W. ELLIO'1'T >, "DANGEROUS PARTNERS" V, >, :1 ntcluriranta (•f two people who lived d;utgcrott'ly ',1 • 1.1 ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" •.4•.•1.•..•.44•.•.4•4 1•1• 441•.1.11•..•..••.•..•..•.1..;..•..;,.•....;: THE MISSION BAND OF LOVING SERVICE ARE HOLDING A SALE of WORK AND SUPPER Sat., Nov. 3rd front 5 to 7 o'clock The Daisy autograph quilt will be sold auction at 6:3(I Admission 40c for adults and 25c for children Regular Meeting, Blyth No 366 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6th Regular nutting, for the transaction of General Business :111 brethren re- quested to be present W H Morritt, W G McNall, \ublc GrandRec-Scc'y NOTICE • L'ret)cd lnctioucer For lluron Iias returned from service with the Royal Canadian .\ir Force, and will be rontinuing his former occupation. l',,rr(•.pon !cure promptly ans\vcre(1 Immediate arr•;(ngentents caul he trade for Sales Date at The Standard Office, or by calling Phone 203, Clinton. Charge nodulate and satisfaction Guaranteed. G. R. AUGUSTINE REI'RESENT'ING THE MONTREAL LIFE "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY" Associated with The Atlas Insurance Company, London, England. LIFE • PENSIONS • ANNUITIES WILLIAM H. MORRITT LICENSED AUCTIONEER. • Specializing in Farm and. IIouseholj Sales. Licensed for the County of Huron. Reasonable Prices, and Satlefactioti Cuaranteod. ror information, etc., write or phone William 1I, Moffitt, phone, Residence 93; Shop 4, Blyth. Voters' List, 1945, Municipality Of The Frank's BakeryVillage of Blyth, County of Huron \()'PTCI: is htreby given that 1 have PHONE 38. BLYZ'II, ONT. :\ used shot gun, (preferably pump) complied with Section 8 of the Voters' Anyone desiring to sell, please leave Lists Act, and that I haws posted up inforncttion a`. Standard Office' 10 -Ip at my office, in the Village of Blyth, on the 26th day of October, 1945, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said \luntcipahty, at the municipal 14 1'orkshirc pigs, G weeks old Ap- elections, and that such list remains ply to James Gibson, phone 15-9, Hlyth,there for inspection I Everything Homemade 10-1 And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any - 'errors or omissions corrected according ' APARTMENTS FOR SALE Ito lacy Licensed Auctioneer. Dated at my office this 26th day of Specialist 1u Farm and Household ]'our apartments in Blyth, will be October 1945 ISales. sold seperate or as a whole, $650 each, GORDON 1:1.1..10'1 T, Clerk II 1,leeused in Munn and Perth excepting the south one, $700 ForGORDON terms apply to John Clark 4 Ontario Counties, ]'rices reasoutuble; saris street, Apt 5, Stratford 10-3 f tetiou guaranteed. FOR SALE PIES, CAKES, COOKIES, BUNS, COFFEE CAKES. FRESII EVERY DAY 1 HAROLD JACKSON PIGS FOR SALE FOR SALE All-ste,'l tractor discs, nearly new; McCornrck-Daring mower, 6 -ft cut. 20 pigs, 6 weeks old, ready-to-weanoil hath ; rubber -tired final wagon, in Apply to Lewii \Vhitfield, plume 130, (good condition , Massey-liarris packer, 10-1 'slightly used; one-way disc \IcCor- ()tick-Daring; walking plow; hay . The next meeting of the TTuron press; four -section harrows and divider; County Council will he held ;n the dump rake; cotter, newly painted; bug- 'Comity Chambers, Court 11 use, Gone- rs•}•, steel -tired, 1 four -ply (>" Uactor'r;ch, commencing on Tuesday, \oweut- belt, 11N) feet; shot glt, Excel; 22 re- pcater (St.vent.) rifle; \'cCL•try kitchen range. water -(tont and reservoir, ivory - enamelled with black trim; 2 setting machines; lawn mower; chains, grease guns, gasoline pumps, tools, etc I Apply to Nits Bert Anderson, \Va1- tott, phone 908, Brussels, or 170, lliyth N W MILLER, County Clerk 10-1 Godcriclt, (stat io 10-2 Myth NOTICE For information, etc., write or phone (Harold ,lacktton, lt.lt. No. 4, Seafortt. Phone 141.661. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL NOTICE Voters' List, 1945, Township of East Wawanosls, County of Huron NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Scct'oit 8 of the Voters' Lists Act, and that 1 have posted up at my office, lot 29, concession 5, East \Vaa•auosli, on the 291h day of October, 1045, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said \I uuicipality, at the Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection And 1 hereby call upon all voters o take imnediat" proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law The last Clay for appeal being the 19tit (lay of November, 1945 Dated at my office this 29th day of October, 10.5 R R REDMOND, CLERK 110-2 Township of East \Vawanosh her lith at 2 p to All ;recounts, notice, of deputations and other business requiring the atten- tion of Cunc,l sbottld he itt the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, November 10th Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVES) PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50x31; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. SIDE GLANCES Ly1• By Galbraith COPR. 1944 BY NEA SERVICE. INC. T. M. REG. U. 8. PAT. M. U u r "Considering the way they have released women from war work, maybe their mothers will start taking care of them soon and wo can again use the old tree as just a pure loafing place, as God intended!" i 1 I1ORIZONTAL 1,6 Pictured U. S. official. 11 Robs. 12 Beetle. 14 Tarnish. 15 Belief. 17 Limbs. 19 Spring harvest in India. 20 Indo-Chinese language. 22 Symbol for erbium. 24 Large cask. 25 Large antelopes. 27 Foundations. 29 Yes (Sp.). 30 Dined. 31 Guides. 35 Cubic meters. 38 He is director of the U. S. Office of — Information. 39 Male fowl. 41 Born. 43 Grandparental 45 Central American yJl 17 U. S. OFFICIAL Ansuer to Previous Puzzle CIHIE!NNAUILT CHIINA HAIMTOTIT'ER M 1 NTS I S •Mu EV ER:';PA • L S BIAN5• YEAR_ PrE- EGOr 5TY .'t;` CATTL E LOOT: EtRNE'JE -KP NTON FAL WET S LILANO YET,: N NIONES GIIR E E'T tree (pl.). 46 Maple. 47 Sodium car- bonate (pl.). 49 Greek letter. 50 Censure. 51 Tenant. 53 Swamp. 55 Bamboolike grasses. 56 Portion. VERTICAL 1 Star name. 2 Hawaiian S A7 YE N D� Si -{HYMEN c;N AMEi:',T0 riAIDE ANAL ENE E E ESSAY_ 2 3 14 5 garlands. 3 Male. 4 Cloth measure. 5 Royal Society (abbr.). 6 From. 7 Symbol for aluminum. 8 Large tub. 9 Passage (anat.). 10 Upper house of Congress. 11 Straggler (Scot.). ■ 0 13 Type of puzzle 14 Perched. 16 Vital metal. 18 Deductions. 21 Kind of willow. 23 Scolder. 26 Employ. 28 Weight of India. 31 Flavor. 32 Barterer. 33 Fish eggs. 34 Subdues. 35 Rises in vapor 36 Incase (var.). 37 Appears. 38 Has been. 40 Drunkard. 42 Before. 44 Narrow road. 46 Winged. 48 Female saint (abbr.). 50 Feminine undergarment (abbr.). 52 Short for Edgar, 54 Exclamation. 6 7 8 9 l0 12 20 -19 "'Ln'•l9 16 22 23 ./'Isrj j 24 • 27 28 51 32 29 30 38 ?2%%,',a39j • 44 4 • 3 47 51 55 1i jr 49 � �/ 50 152 ''"53 5'3 Looking Ahead As Smith and Jones were wait - Ing at the bus stop, a passer-by Ittopped and asked Jones the time. Jones did not reply, After the stranger had passed on, Snaith asked: "Why didn't you answer hhu?" "Well It's this way," Jones re- plied. "If 1'd told him the limo, he might have got chatting, then we might have had a drink to• gether, and in the end 1 might have asked him home to supper. "Them he might have met my daughter—and she's a very pretty girl—and they aright have fallen in love. Finally they might have got married." "And let mo tell you, l don't want a fellow for my son-in-law who can't afford to buy a watch." TI -IE SPORTING THING IN ©F RMAr ON ' `i�' t 'i I��n• _ i, (q•,�' <.. O 11> "Got any new dirt, bub?" 36 n.1 . 1 THIS CURIOUS WORLD =mow: IS A SOUTH A.1\EIZICAN FLEECE -PRODUCING ANIMAL 7 BORN OF A LLAMAFAT/1E/Q. AND AN ALPACA /1407;41:E/2. By William Ferguson 1, 7� TeCe6RAN-1 PEANic OF INDIA, HAS THREE LEAFLETS FORMING EACH LEAF, AND TWO OF THESE KEEP uP A CONSTANT W/G - VVAG G//VG AG THOUGH THEY WERE. FLASK'//VG • S/G/NAL.S. COPR, 1941 NY AEA SERVICE. INC. \ T. 1.1,. RH. Ur. l'AT., OFF, , .r 1 _ / / • \h'E SPEAK OF THE MOTHER TONGUE ,AND THE FATHERLAND , " LAYS W. R. GWILLLM, PHOENIX/. ARIZONA. FUNNY BUSINESS By Hershberger /.7ji,oyi.,�/,/,,ryw/r:�iiii %/''%// :i;; i7.1 sais:,:4.1),,,Le;-ref./•:.5, 22i,f5 //FY ; .r/ e"�/'/"'.;� WMR j ' " �BONDS r, t 4,','"i i// 4 /.j/j % 0 IRO r7C. R. 1.44 r'INIA !('ICI, I C.T. .R'•'� "He goes all out when he gets seasick, sir!" MOPSY by-GLADYS PARKER 1 r (Do DOT, DOT DASH, DASH, DASH, DOT, DOT, DOT „(.0) CROSSTOWN By Roland Coe "Sure our secret weapon works! Watch what happens to Wilson's barn!” MUTT AND JEFF— It Must Be the Reaction That Gives Jeff the Kick By BUD FISHER WE GOTTA TAKE IT EASYy oN THE STEAK,NoW THAT 't'HERES A MEAT SHORTAGE! YEA! FINE MANNERS YoU HAVE! IF I HAD REACHED' FIRST, I WOULD HAVE TAKEN J E SMALLER PIECE; 1 YOU? r. WELL, YOU GOT IT, DIDN'T WHATSTHE MATTER? DoN"r You CN30Y THE MEALS I t-1`CooK?� MEN WN`/ Do YOU EAT EVERYTHING LIN SIGHT? 1fBEC,AUSE IT GIUC:S!•iU DIGESTION, AND I'1 NUTS ABOUT AICARBbNATE OF SODA! N11t•ra REG'LAR FELLERS—She Didn't WHEN l GET A FEW MORE BRANCHES TIED ON ME I'LL BE 50 CAMOUFLAGED THAT MY OWN MOM WOO KNOW ME. NOW I'LL TRY IT OUT ON MOM AN'SEE NOW GOO() IT IS! POP—How Else Could It Be? AIZEN IT YOU GLAD YOU'RE A GR..AMDFATHER. ..... 4 rr, mi.. An fled. reun.a OF COUii'SE I AM MY GOODNESS, WHAT A LOVELY PICKLEBERRY PLANT; I GUESS HUBBY BROUGHT �\ITWHILE 1 WA5 OUT! `iJFI. By GENE BYRNES By J. MILLAR WATT -BUT I'M A LITTLE iiu91OUs ABOUT BEING MAR2I ED 1-0 A GRANpMOTH Ea VOICE y�OF THE PRESS WHO KNOWS? IVe confessed that we didn't know why trees turn red iii the fall. But the arbori-cultured Chat- ham News is brighter, and says it's because they're embarrassed, knowing that their limbs will soon be bare. Thanks, pal, and now tell us why a hare gooseberry bush doesn't have goose -pimples? Or does it?—Ottawa Citizen, THE POOR RICH Few things are more detriment- al to a person's character than for him to have nothing to do and plenty of money to do it with.— Kitchener Record. YOU SAID SOMETHING It'll going to be a tough job, re- marks a cuntcmporary, to make a grand new world with so many of the same o1(1 people in it. — St. Thomas Times -Journal. REMEMBER? What thrill does the youngster of today have to equal that of the nineteenth-century boy with his first pair of copper -toed boots? -- Christian Science Monitor, War Medals Woolwich Arsenal has received Its first big order for war medals —0,225,000 of them, The order will take two years to fill, maw asst lalb. You WItI Enjoy Slnying At The St. Regis Hotel TORONTO • Eery it"ont vvith Bath, Shower null Telephone, • Single, 12.60 up — Doublc, $8,60 up, • Good Toad, Inning nnd Danc- ing Nightly, aherbourne tit Cnrlton Tel, IIA. 4136 r:u.Lu, wn,r,luCr..ac,1..�4J,�ud4�m.nf r„(dm..,, L.,661iy. GET AFTER HEADACHE PAIN THIS WAY- ? Instantine Tablet brings FAST RELIEF! NEXT TIME you suffer from a simple headache, try the Instantine 1-lablel- taly to prompt relief. You inay be surprised at the speed with which 1 Instal:line tablet can bring you fast relief. Itgenerally takcsonly one Instantine tablet to start bringing welcome relief from headache pain. You see, these fast -acting, prescription -type tablets go to work almost itnmediately easing pain,1essening discomfort. Instantine's scientific combination of three proven medicinal ingredients works in these ways to bring relief; 1. Speedily ease the pain. 2. Prolong relief from pain. 3. Reduce "depression." Give mild, stimulating "lift." Try Instantine—chances are you wilt never again resort to slower -acting preparations for relief of simple pain. Remember Instantine, too, whenever you sutler from pains of neuralgia and tleltrftis. Your druggist has Instantine. ane nsa n 12 tablets 25¢—about 2t o dose hat Effective Relief from Simple Pak OTTAWA REPORTS That Can dian Individuals have More 'Titan Trebled Their Savings Since 1938 ;ouue intere,ting ;acts about the fin.lmt i.d ituatiott of Call:oh:tits were told to the hoose of Coal- men; recently In' 1 it Ire Minister Ilsley. Individual. have more than trebled their •aviugs in hank ac- counts, government securities and other MIMI( ;wet; since 1938. it was estimated that at May 31, 191., individual Canadians had in currency, hank deposits, refund- able taxes and dominion govern- ment securities more than X9,500, 000,000 — representing an increase of more than $6,500,000,000 cont pared with 1935 --- and Ibis docs nest include savings in the form of life insurance, pensions, homes or Cnr)nl'ale securities. The intensive campaign to bt)r- row from individuals has borne good fruits. The number of indi- vidual subsrribcrs grew from 916,- 5.111 1fi;5.111 in the first victory loan to :I, - 17t+,21., in the eighth loan last May. It is the hope of those inter- ested in tite economy of both the country and individuals that tltii great number of subscribers will be maintained or exceeded in the ninth Ivan. Canada is on the alert for oppor- tunities to enlarge its trade mar- kets. \\'ith Canadian products ra- tioned to foreign markets (hiring the war, there was no need of ad- vertising but now the time is at hand to map out a really broad and vigorous program of peacetime trade promotion. For this purpose all trade com- missioners ners stationed in Latin American countries arc being railed to Ottawa for a conference in November, Trade and Commerce Minister MacKinnon has an. flounced. They and senior trade officers in Canada can conte to close grips with all the many in' dividual problems that must be taken into account if the program is to be practical, well-balanced and troll -sustained, Latin American countries arc markets of ever; 'creasing import- ance, Even nide, the extremely difficult conditions that prevailed during the war years, Canadian ex. ports to Latin America increased by 70% and imports increased by almost 100 per cent, There is warns goodwill between these countries and Canada and it is good policy to foster this feeling. * t * The fame of Ontario as a good place to live has spread far afield, Major James S. P. Armstrong, Ontario agent -general in the Unit- ed 1<ingdonl, reports that about 30,000 persons — 90,000 if families are counted — have indicated that they would like to settle in Onta• rio when emigration is possible. But great care must be taken in selecting immigrants even when it is decided how many more people Ontario can suflort, Persons inter- ested in settling in Ontario must answer questions about their work, the availability of funds for travel and so on. Unsuitable 'persons can . thus be weeded out immediately. Major Armstrong said it was made clear that the movement of settlers would he elective, with the probability that priorities would be created giving precedence to Bri- tish oleo and women who served in the forces, to craftsmen whose skills were required for Ontario districts or industries and to those with plans for establishing new in- dustries in the province, 1 NEW CONCRETE MIXERS 4 cu. ft. and 6 cu. ft. power 21/2 cu. ft. hand or belt Concrete Block Machinery Rock Crushers Enquiries Invited Wettlaufer-Welker Industries Ltd. 1290 Bay St. Toronto, 5, Phone Midway 9817 ere's a SENSIBLE way o relieve MONTHLY FEMALE PAIN Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegctable Compound not only helps relieve periodic pain but ALSO accompanying .nervous, tired, highstrung feelings—when due to func- tional monthly disturbances. It's one of the most effective medicines for this pur- pose. Pinkham's Compound helps nature( Follow label directions. Try itl p�//_-�_,VEGETABLE � dig$-�bnAlp n'a COMPOUND Have You Heard? 1IAVE YOU iIEAJtI)? Sil1iI1}! til a rani rl I 11.111 v;.,iling for the convert to seeing a little ho;; in (1111 of hila looking at his watch, hent forward, and to.ketl: "Does it tell the lintel' "No," anr.ticrcil the little boy, "you leave tt, look at it." Fittings in the house of a llollywood films actress are made of gold. All the cur- tains are h.rog on hc,r former wedding rings. —C)- 1'he customer looked dubiously at the lone and rather wilted head of IctR1a ', "Are there any vita- mins left in that;" she asked. "I can't honestly say that there ain't, mum, but no more than a little water will wash off." —0— "I had money to burn," ad- mitted rho man -who -knows - better -now, "And an old flame helped me." —0-- During 0-- l) wing s. discussion on girls, one soldier remarked: "1 like the shy, demure type myself. V011 know, the kind you have to whistle at twice," Allies to Scuttle Germany's Moats The London tinily Express said recently that most of Germany'r; U-boat fleet will be taken well out into the Atlantic and scuttled. Britain, the United Stales and Russia are selecting six U-boats each for experiment anti research tho paper said, The remainder of the 180 aubnlarbles now In British waters will he stripped of instru- ments and mechanical devices and scrapped, 1t said, U•bonts captured in Germany and Norway will also be destroy. ed, II,\111' CRICKS FILL, YOUR PENS 1VITII GOOD laying or ready to lay pullets now, IVe can glvo immediate de- livery on tunny pure breeds and hybrid crosses, Also day old chicks hatched to order for Fall -delivery. free catalogue, Top Notch ('hlcicel'los, Guelph, Ont, .A. PIM" STAi(TED CHICKS ON bend, also some. hying pullets. Day -olds Immediate shipment. Order now rhtrks for delivery during balance of year. (tray Hatchery, 130 John N, Hamilton, Ontario, Pllid,E'I'S PURI: 111(1 I;Us AND HIybrid crosses. 12 weeks up to laying. Fall Hatched chlcics booked to order. Taking orders for 1940 chleks, Send your order 1n now and bo sure of the breed and delivery date you desire. Free catalogue and prleellst. Tweddle Chick Ilntc.herles Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario, 25 FREE CHICKS OUR BABY CHICKS ARE THE progeny of FoundnlloI and Re- gistered Birds. All Breeders blood -tested. Prices from Sc to He, All guaranteed excellent layers, Don't delay, order now, Goddard Chick Hatcheries, 13r'I- tnnnfa Heights. On). FOR BIGGER. C'HICKENS', ]II;T- ter eggs, best profits start with Top Notch chicks. A \yell known Home Is always n safeguard of quality and Top Notch Is well known to poultrymen. Top Notch are bred to proven formulas for livability end productivity. Slnrt today with Top Notch clucks and be assured of a Top Not It In the European markets. Write at once for the free Top Notch catalogue. It will completely explain the Top Notch breeds and pekes, Top Notch ('hiclrerles, Guelph, Ont. BUSINESS AND PIIOPi:1RTY IF YOU ARE 'r1IINKING OI' SE1.- ling your I3usiness or Property, largo or small and want good re• sults, consult this office, 30 years experience in selling all kinds of Property, for further Informntlon Write, George Lawton, 709 Ouel- lette Ave., Windsor. Ont, i1VSINT'S5 01'I'ORTUNiTIES WIN PERSIAN LAMB COAT or Hudson Seal Coat or Muskrat Coat and Muff valued at $500.00 or $400.00 in cash Tickets 25c. or 5 for $1.00 ELI'/„L III•:1'11 FII i' ('II A I'TI:II, L0.1).1:,, Sudbury. Ont. lend your purinl male or money order to Mem, 1,, Slntpsou. OS ttingsmnunt 11141., Sudbury, lint. $7,000 OPTIMIST HOME "MAY BE YOURS" AI SO I'ARTI(:II'ATE IN $50.1111 monthly Bond drew. Other prizes Delnile on receipt, Shores $1,00 enc) or 6 for $5.00. Send for shores to St, enthnrines Optlmist Club, Box 4.13-11.. St. Calhnrines, Ontnrin $10,000 HOME BUILT ANYWHERE IN CANADA to winner's specifications, or 110.000 In cash will be awarded lucky winner. Also dolor° on $100 monthly draw, Winner Is still eligible for ?louse drew In December. All proceeds for child- ren's welfnre. Tickets $1. each - 12 for $10. Moil rcmlltnnce to Sud- bury Etwants Club, Box. 63 DYEING AND CLiJANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Informntlon, We nro glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment i1. Parker's Dye Werke Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To• roma 1,(111 SAI,?; PiANOS, A LIMITED NG\IIll11t OF our small new planus will soon bo nvallnble. Write for clrculer. Orders executed in turn ns re- ceived. Factory 3105011 and nisch Limited, 042 Ieing St. West, To- ronto. SIGN YOUR NAME TO VICTORY '1'hc 1)3 icr day an observer in Britain remarked: "The British earls out of the war tired, cross and impoverished." He vas referring to the people of the British Isles, If he were doing his observing here in Canada he might say; "The Canadians cane out of the war tired, cross, period. Such an observation alight be justified. Located far from the scenes of battle, Canadian homes, factories, and public services re- mained intact throughout the war. Thus this Country was ahlc to satisfy the demands of a war -hun- gry machine, And in so doing, Canadian citizens earned money on a scale never equalled here before. Right not;, in addition to holding several billion dollars' worth of FOR S,tII ATTIIN'r1UN, l'A11111:;110. FOR Salo: Tractor Tires, made of rub- ber, rulUtble for bolting on steel wheels, $10.00 each, When order - Ing state diameter nn(1 width of wheel. Natlonal Rubber Co. Lcd„ 5 Wiltshire Ave., 'Toronto, Ont. BAILED IIAY FOIL SALE, TIMO. thy I-lroom Grass, lied Top Mix- ture and Upland. For purtle minrs write J. Firman, Mouse, Mnnl- toba, REGISTERED COLLIE PUPS SA- ble and white ten weeks old ren- nonnble. It. Merlon, Scarboru Bluffs, Ont, GRIMM EVAPORATOR 6' x 18'; 1,700 buckets, spouts, covers, storage nod pothering tanks, set- tling can $600, Ii, Barnes, Send- - ridge, Ont, ELECTRIC MOTORS NEWV, USED bought, sold, r'e.built: belts pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd, 2326 1)uffcrin St. Tor- onto, ALADDIN HOMES ORDER NOW for 1915.19111. Pay Ilke rent, Send 26c., 32 -page book. 2628 ]toward, Windsor, (Int. ON11 10E 31s'rEIt111 "St1EARLiNG" Suffolk Ram. . 1), McTaggart, Harrison, Ontario, 1 TWO 1'UIIRO\V 111011 PIA\V, like new. 1, II. C., O. Rrndley, Mussell. tint. RI1(U0'I'1:111x11 RABBIT 11()UNI)S. Apply for 0010s Llst, Corey Ball- zet', Middleton, Nova Scotia. BLACK 1'l1'1511t;11 GIANTS, I'IV11 months old. floe breeding stock, 34.00. Adamson, 35 1)euisun Rd.. West nn. Ont. FOit SA1,1.1 1{0l1IEN 1)1'Cla I'lt1%I: etorlc ducks 33.00, rUnk'n 34.00. Archie Pegg, 111, licspeler, On- tario, , STI'lIII INIl N1'1111E1, SPI NNlel IS, epeelnl heavy duty for tractors, 31.25 poslpald. ivrul Martin, SI. Jacob's, (Iltt:u'lo. • 'MVO Yl3.-\ 1 01.1) 111'1,1, I'IT11E- bred Ayshtre and 11n1eleln ('rose. rensouaide. Apply to Mrs. Sirs/ -ie. lInwIceslnllr, fent. Phone 53, (fro, D E 1,1'0 1,11111'1'INi; SYSTK11. comnlele n'Ith halteIirs, gond COM] 111011. l.. 1Jpprrt, 11.1. 1, Hight:in) ('reek. , 1). D. 111'N'I'/1R'S DISPI?1tS:\1. Sole of 40. young Sowell Short- horns, 'Thursday. November S. 1945. .'t Fele (trounl", I:xrlet'. ileal Sire: Rohlntvnn,l Reward by MullhIlle Ransom, Write for '1l- alogie to 11..1. Hunter 179 Quern Street, NVaterino, Ontario. FOR SALE: 0'\VYlal-Il AS01;1' Steel Separator, 24.41 wllh clo- ver ettarhntt'nts, neerly new con- dition, 101 Super Massey-it:rrls Trnetor on rubber, used three sen101114. 1.11.('. ('1111111: Box, 12 Inch, nearly new. Friend Orrhnrd Sprayer. P.N. 25. 400 gni. tank, power take -off driven, 1000 Ib. pressure. on robber, new Ihls spring. Earl Tansley, Sl. George. Ontario. F.11t1IS ran 5.41,11 13 ACRES NiIAIR 110\\'\1.INV11,1,1;. god hearlllg orchard, poultry louses fee 2,0nn birds, burns, silo, price $7500. 'terms: Inol'n land nvnllnble eolnplele hnthrootn, furnnee, hydro, 10 miles from Oshown, possession arranged. A1. L. Clemens, R.R. 6, Bowmnul'Ille, Ontario. 100 AGREES, 111OAIIOSA TOWN- sldp, 8 acres good hardwood hush, h:tl:utce elem•cd, good clay loans, no stone; (rank barn, plg pen, delving shed, henhouse, frame dwelling drilled well; Im- mediate posersslou: Rnrlcwootl, 6 miles; school, 2 miles, Perry It. Penvay, Everloll, Ont. 'ITWINFARMS, [0 AND ND 00 ACRES. good dairy or mixed farms, gond buildings, water in stable, wind - 10111s, silos, highway 1,e mile; smn11 maple bush, hydra avail- able. Pnrliettlnl's; Wesley Davits, Soperton, Leede Co., Ontario. Victory Bonds, Canadian citizens have a total in savings banks ac- counts which is the highest in the history of Canada, A critic might label us "cross and tired." But if he really knew us, he would not describe Canadi- ans as ungrateful or selfish. Confirmation of our true nation- al spirit will be forthcoming in the Ninth Victory Loan campaign, To provide for the civil rc'estab- lishmeut of our men who fought and to provide at least n little of the goods which impoverished people across the Atlantic must have to survive, our people will buy Bonds as enthusiastically in the Ninth campaign as they did in the previous eight Victory Loan drives. indeed, they will do bet- ter than ever before. F:►IUIS FOi( SALE 60 ACRES, EXCELLENT SOIL, 16 acres heavy timber, fnlr 6 -room- ed house, basement. Stnhlee, hen house. Fruit tr'eee. Close to schools, town, Drilled wells. Ily- dro, gas, available, aged, alone, early possession, Terms. $3500. Norman Sherwood, Newbury, Ont, 60 TO 96 ACRES FOit SALE, WITH buildings, good water, close to school and churches, 6 miles from Rlmcoe, with or without stock and Implements, immedl- ate possession, Mr. A, 11, Conlin, R.R. No. 4, Nlmcoe, Ont. 1(1,31,1' WANTED LINO OPERATORS AND FLOOR MEN WANTED CUMPETIINT I.iNO OPERA'T'ORS and floor men wanted for news- paper printing office, permanent position, highest wages, Wilson Publishing Co., 73 Adelaide W.. apply nearest Employment and Selective Service Office, Order No, 1, elEDI(AL 1lt1.11'r 1l'I('l'S; 'ren; PRI NCI - pal in r dients In Dl\oi's Rem- edy for Itheomatle Pains, Nell - rills. \hor's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, ((tIown, Postpaid $1.00. S'I'O11ACll AND Ti1ttEAO WORMS often ere the cause of III -health In humane. ell aites. Ne one Im- mune! t\'hy not find nit If this Is your trouble, Interesting per- ticulars — Free! write 1lulveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3 BA11me; I:KA Ft((('1' i3AL11 DF.• stroys offensive odor Instantly 45c bottle )(claws s::rt t Nrntn:,t i)rua shor Ilita Wn RN.11)), FOR \VIN'l'NR. Build up your rrs1e1111, with Merrill:, Sy, 1rnl 'I'ue.lr 1'nhlels. t'mtndian frlvorile for forty years, Froin your 1rue,clel or po:Spon 51,00, from 5l rrill Pro - duels, 98 Silveri Ir'h Ave. Toron- to, Ontario. of Itheuniatir Pains or Neuritic to try 1)IxnII's Remedy. 31 mnro's Drug. Slim,. 335 Elgin, ((dawn, Postpaid $100. i'll )'i'ONRA Plll(1 PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS 12 FOR 69c ' Select your favourite negatives and send to us, w'e'll return 12 prints mounted on attru'tive, embossed greeting cards, with envelopes for melting for 09e. The most nrlghtnl greeting cards you can get—the IOW your friends will keep — cards that men on /tette° servive til hone and oversells I11ce to get. .Order earl)'. (2 Photographs on re/mien. for 251'.) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Ilei 1211, 1'e, it 'verminal A, Toronto "Your quality In colouring and de- veloping Is excellent," writes a cus- tomer at Peterborough, Ont. "and your service 1s prompt end gunrnn- teed, I ant particularly fascinated with the coloured enlargements and Christmas cards, Your prices for such quality work aro really econ- omical and 1 appreciate your prompt reliable service," Any Size (loll -6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED ANI) PRINTED 211e 3 SIOUr1'i'El) ISNI,Ail(11011NTS 201e Size 4" x 6" In Beautiful Easel Mounts You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for n small od llllonnl charge. !Named Rnlnr1r enlenlo 4" x 6",on ivory lint mounts, In frames 7" 9". Burnished (fold or Silver, Cirensslnn Walnut or tllncic ?:bony finish 69c; If.enlnrgemei t coloured 79e. l'rint your name and address plaln- ly, on all orders, DOTHI5 FOR 0 Coiahin WHEN A COLD stuffs up the nose, causes mouth breathing, throat tickle and (light coughing, use this time -tested Vicks treatment that goes to work Instantly ... 2 ways et once) At bedtime rub good old Vicks VapoRub on throat, chest and back. Then watch its PENETRATING - STIMULATING action bring relief from distress, It PENETRATES to upper breath- ing passages with soothing medicinal vapors, It STIMULATES chest and back surfaces like a warming, comforting poultice and it keeps on working for hours, even while you sleep — to case coughing spasms, relieve muscu- lar soreness and tightness—and bring grand comfort( Try it to- night , , , Vicks VapoRub. Aviation Era The aviation age Is here for George Turner, 19, Cameron State Agricultural College sopllolllore, IIe makes the 15•mi1e trip home from school each day In his own airplane. It takes 20 minutes, POULTRY WANTED Send us your chickens, fowl, ducks, geese and turkeys, (stuns be dressed.) "Highest prices paid." QUALITY MEAT PACKERS 203 First Ave., Toronto TiME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your /lime properly developed and printed. 6 Oil 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS Z5c REPRINTS 8 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality, and service you desire by sending your films to iArl'RRIAL 1'111)1'11 8(1(11IC18 Station 1, Toronto IIAl11DI11:SSING L E A 1t N (HAIRDRESSING 'I'IIE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes, tlobertson's Elnlydressing Acad- emy. 137 Avenue Road, Toronto, MUSICAI, INSTRI'MEN'IS FRED A. I1UDDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical Instru• meals, 111 Church, Toronto 2. lll'I'(III'I'1'NI'1'11;S 1'(111 ►1'11111;A1 BE A HAIRDRESSER JUIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL' Grout opportunity, Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest eye - lent, Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL HAIIIDIIESSING 0x'11 )I ILS 358 RLOt,tl lV , 'I'uRUN'I'O fhraochrs: 44 King St. Hamilton .5' 74 Itldenn steel Oftewit. I';:11S1IN.51, AS'r1;11,U(ilc'AI. 111L11)IN;h 10c. 0001111s your lucky days, When to plan( end harvest by moon's plutseo-, err, Fond birth date, Lnu- rentlnn Specialties. Sl, Laurent 3101W -eel, 9, flue, 1' 5 1'EN'1'S FE'I'lll;lis'I'mNIIAl11111 .C• 4'0511'ANY Potent Solicitors. Established 1390: 14 King ll'cst, Toronto, 'look let til Infornwllun un re- sold 11'AN'1 ED Ql'A N'I'I'I'Y Ole LARGE, 313 11') 1,1015' trees, Manger 03101 ('onlp:toy. 85 King Street (fest. 'rorui(1, Ont. PEAT lwits, FKATllEli Alii)~ 01' all descriptions; highest prices paid. For particulars .write to Queen Pity Feather Co.. 23 Unfd• win SL, 'Toronto, WANTED '1'(1 PURCHASE l'li l,L- cls nil ages end breeds. 111511 prices prod Appy Ito,. No 51, 73 Adelaide 11'., T'or'onto, HATCHING EGGS 11'r\NTED FOR 1916 hetet/11)g season, blonds cell- ed and bloodtrsled free of charge under Government Supeevislen, Guaranteed prentitnn, plus hatch- ability premium paid. l'or full details, write Box 39, 73 Adelnlde 11'., Toronto. DAIRY WANTED l')' 1'0 $30.11110, !n towel or city where expansion Possible, experienced, strictly confidential. Box 55, 33 Adelaide St, 11'., Toronto, BETWEEN NOW AND LAT?: Spring, White ilireh Bolts, 27" long, 7" and up top. Must be fresh cut, free of doze and large limb knots. Also interested in Poplar and llnssw't,o11 Molts, 6" and up top. 40" long. If you can stlply In cartels, write for our quotations. /iee'(,Ilnu\ odea Vere Limited, (liven LOGS: BASSWOOD 13 E E C Ii, Birch, Elm, Maple, also Poplar good end White Birch Bolts, to The ons t (' . Ltd., Oakvillee..n Ont., ISSUE 44-1945 PAGE 8 SPECIALS ,,I,• Children's Hose 19c to 95c Ladies' Cotton Hose 25e ' Ladies' Lisle Hose 29c to $1.00 Heavy Wool Breeches $5,95 and $6.75 Men's Heavy Wool Trousers $5,95 and $6.95 RUBBERS and SIIOES FOR ALL THE FAMILY. Olive McGill THE STANDARD PERSONAL INTEREST \Irs Moody of KUchcncr visited the past week \vitli \Irs Metcalf, and , th- cr friend, in Myth She informs us that her :on, I'It-Lieut R It Rubinson is now stationed at Ikmrnsnto th, Eng- land \Ir and \Irs \\' t)atley and \lr and \Irs I': Hitcher, of Detroit, spent Sun- dae t\ith the forin&r's ncice, \Irs Joe \Iarks, and cl'adren I'te and \Irs 11 I lall, Marguerite and Rhea, sp;mt the week -end with friends in Guelph ane; Kitchener NI:- and \Irs (.•breves Johnston, lima h and l' nrth, t isitctl un Sus ! ‘v 1tIt \I r and \l r.= hu'scl Itrad+hayaty of Janu•s,tuwn \Irs \\'illiatn Cockerline has just re - R. K I turned ,titer an enjoyable two -weeks' d I t•acat:on spent with relatives in Port 111000 9004479**114)r *119t$Lia$t$INNIt901111 tINZADlmltfiPet)2010hlh719441i111/0/ t INI11i `tanlcv and St Thomas Mr and \Irs • ------ - j('ocker'ine in::tored down a week ago g'(+4•44-44.44•41.484-4:*••.90••�i,•••••01.0•.• •••.•••.•.• ••i,• •••••0,••.•••0•••.%.••••••••••�••�••�•�••�•%� I Sunday, \Ir (ttekerliite rcttlrttit'g, and •_, • Mrs C'nckt rime remaining f.r a longer �_• visit •• I \I r Winter 11t Lyon o t• l: yal Oak, ;; Michigan, am! \I r and \Irs Albert Bowen, and Wayne, of Exeter, spent • STUART ROBINSON Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. Please Phone Delivery Orders Early. Morning Delivery. North of Dinsley Street. Afternoon Delivery, South of Dinsley Street. Delivery Orders - $1.00 or Over. if Chicken 1Taddie 35c Neilson's Cocoa, half lb. 19c Aylmer Tomato and Vegetable Soup, 10 oz. tin 10c Shredded Wheat 2 for 25c Tea Bislc Kraft Dinner r Red Rose Coffee per lb. 15c v Oranges,Lemons and Grape Fruit. •• C) yet,' she said 'but you allow yourself °• •: •_• I = WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER • 21st y 1 W4.�•04440.4 4+ • • .4 'et•. (.0 •40.0 ••.0 04 4.:0• ••04 • • 4040.4•••04040„40,•4041 to 1)e a tloor-toat" ! I >: !I• 4 • • • ••04. • 0•• •4 0• • 0. 0.4 • •4 4.0.04 • • • • • • • • • • • �� That started me wondering if 1 FROM 2 TO 6 P.M. • �, t I g , u The Irl TELEPHONE 2D really was :door -loaf ur if my aryunin- 1:: ;t Reading, Much Entoyed`At 'r(' rai article is Mrs Script- lances and iricrrls were I R. D. PH!LP'S DRUG STORE :� geour's own creation: I !laving occasion to call on \Irs Gar- FOR APPOINTMENTS. ;i: Lions Ladies' Night Meeting ' 1 his ,tory nt Itt never have been ,• tell, t'. n kiic\\ holy slue and s•dan her r'.' •••1• .. ••, ••. •• ...0••40 • • ••••• •• •... • .. TItc f( II \vita; r' alit';; %vas the ( Ill• \\'ritten, had it out been for a visit from 0. • •M. • • • •4 • • 0t•OM • • • •M9 house is, )tut ,u+ shiny as a new pin 1 referred to in !1st week's report :f the nu' fries cls from Detrol, one of ]n a few urinates Nil-, Ilydd came run- i Lion; meting, which was g:ycn by whom asked plc, "What do you do for ning over to borrow Mrs Garrett's iron ---- Mrs 1, M Scringc.mur, as part of the diversion in this small townI quip \Irs Garrett explained later that \Irs to Id it,ad been doing this every day --�- for a week What with the stork keep - 35c 20c ': the w-cek-e10 with their mother, \Irs •: 111' ilntyen, of li!yth ':• I\lessrs I.loycd Longman, Donald ilun- :: king and I?dwasd Tient, have returned •: front \\'.;tern Canada, where they as- •: � • sisted in narvet tint operations \Ic”srs Lloyd Tasker and lack Nlot•- :=•,ris, of 'Toronto, spent the week -end :, A. L. COLE •' with the forme' s parents, Nit. and \Irs • A R Tasker ••• ;; I \1 rs I. \1 tit rinigrour is vi.iling with • her sons, \les -r; Clifford and \ :.array Scrimgeour, a:i l families, of Tialson- '• • burg 1 •• GODERICH - ONTARIO. • I " ' home after ::: Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted,:i: 4. Willa 25 Years Ex ericnce '=1a pleasant vi•it in Niagara Palls,''• P Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Immmomewerg. Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For International - Harvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing. Vodden's BAKERY. WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, IIOl1'IE-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "THE IIOME BAKERY" H. T. VODDEN, i.4 OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN Rrantford and London :I • ped back, 'Say if jou 1'ullowc•I HIV for a while you wouldn't need to ask that" W.11 be at :: R. D. Philp's Drug Store:: BLYTH, ONTARIO NEXT VISIT >• :4 Wednesday, October 19Eil -� -- Keep Blyth In The Lead BUY VICTORY BONDS R D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER -PRONE 20. 1Ct4tta(41Rt61Ct(t4tS1CtHleteNtICRIKICICiCK t4 818t4i{iCitiiCaRt+liCtCtKIC10041CtC1Cidt€uCa 1 ra Living -Room Furniture We are offering Several New Designs in Ches- terficicl Suites and Occasional Chairs - upholstered in the latest fabrics at most Moderate Prices, .A wile selection of End Tables, Mirrors, Has- socks, Living -Boom 'fables, Wail Brackets, Coffee Tables and Other Odd Living -Room Pieces, which help to make your home more comfortable and en- joyable, A call will convince you of the many excellent values we are offering. DISCHARGED PERSONNEL MAY RETURN TO OLD JOBS The Reinstatement in Civil Eniploynient Act, passed by Parliament in 1942, sets forth conditions under which employers MUST REINSTATE their former employees in their employment after discharge. This Act and its Regulations r.re adminis- tered by the Dominion Minister of Labour, th( ough the National Employment Service. Reinstatement Officers are available in the National Employment Offices to answer in- quiries, and assist in adjusting cases. Employees - either men or women - are to be reinstated if: (a) they worked for their employer 3 months immediately prior to enlistment, and were not replacing another employee who has since been reinstated; (b) they left their employment to join the Armed Services, the Merchant Marine, or the Fire Fighters Corps; (c) they apply to their employer for reinstate- ment, verbally or in writing, within 3 months following discharge in Canada or 4 months if discharged Overseas. Provision may be made for extension of time if the employee's health prevents hint or her from returning within the specified three months, in this event, the employer must be advised within the 3 or 4 months, as the case may be. The following points in the legislation are also important: 1. Discharged men and women upon reinstate- ment are to be given conditions not less favourable than would have been enjoyed had they continued in employment instead of joining the Forces. 2. The period of time spent with the Armed Services is to count for seniority rights, pen- sion rights, vacations with pay, and certain other benefits. 3. Discharged personnel who cannot perforin their former duties are to be reinstated in the most suitable employment available, at which they are capable of working, 4. If an employer dismisses a reinstated em- ployee within 6 months he must he able to prove in court that he months, reasonable cause for so doing. ALL EX -SERVICE MEN A111) WOMEN ARE URGED TO USE THE FACILITIES OF THE NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE WHEN LOOKING FOR WORK. DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR HIUMPIIREY MITCIIELL A. MacNAMARA Minister of Labour Deputy Minister of Labour (45.W.o a ing the Dr Itttsy and the wet weather staking so much rheumatism, he hadn't had tittle to take \Irs Ilorld's iron down to \Irs 'I'hucll's I told \Irs Garrett if she kept that up site was nothing but a door -stat On my way home 1 thought 1'11 do a paper on door -mats some day \\'ell Monday morning was trash clay But 'Tuesday morning I just gut out my pencil and paper when the phone rang, it was \Irs Philp, asking me to tttinrl her childrt n while she gave some music lessors It was raining that day, so 1 didn't dare let them out of the house, so no writing that day In the evening Frame and Ccnetta carte up to play bridge, anti hots I hate playing bridge, hitt then we are fricrd: \1'cll \\'cdiic:.day afternoon carte and only one sentence written, when the 'phone rang again, and it was \irs Chellew Nobody wanted the line, so tvc talked two hours, and after sapper I had to help hunt \largo's purse She was going out and couldn't find her purse Clean exhatu ted i went to bed \ly arm ached with bol I:ng the receiver so Long I couldn't sleep the truth hit me 1 was so discouraged And all of a sudden I can't do that paper on door mats because 1 ant a door stat and believe me 1 just let myself have it, and in a way it was a relief So I there and then resolved to reform, fur anyone who let people run on them has- n't. an oz of self respect, and from rem' on 1 was going to have a whole pound Then 1 thought of some of my friends, and 1 smiled when 1 remembered how \Irs Ilarve \IcCallttm had taken care of \Ir and Mrs Elliott's children for a week, and just a, 1 came in the door one day she told me she had called tip the game warden to ask hint to suggest some new• games for the children to play, and wondered why he laughed so hard, but taking care of a dog and a husband is a big job for any woman 1 wits in Robinson's store the other day when t1rs 1'cn Whitmore came in, her face sunburned and quite worn out She gasped, she toast have a coke, she had been taking up their potatoes Of course, they were blighted like every one else's, but Ken insisted they be taken up, in spite of the advice le tit \ir and \irs Kyle had given him, but In SPECIAL . S. Chellew Home Furnisher Phones 7 and 8 - Funerat Director. I1117PIT i$iDMIlLII$intlli9lDla't131IIa$I$i$i$1191 211,$iffiiniat21N7i$i$i$i$i3i$ikiND"IDIDMidiMNINDIDiDi 1 1.1 f v l li 1 • 14••••••.•'•4.4.••.••.4••• 4144144/•4••.,44•+410414144414.444•••4.4.04440./••/•..••.•••4.4.•..•.14.•..4.•..••.44••,••4•••*1.41.4 •;,t This Week HURON GRILL FRESH FROZEN SALMON FILLETS. FRESH FROZEN SILVER BRIGHT SALMON STEAKS PROMPT DELIVERY Wedaesday and Saturday. i Phone 10 N. McCallum Butcher, Phone 10, Blyth, : BLYTII --- ONTARIO. >• ._: • .j. • • 1 ERCELLEN1 FOOD. GOOD SE1tVICE. Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG - Proprietor •• 144.41•••41:40. 4•••414141•• 1••1•• ••• 141•••4 4414 ••• 4•• •••4.4.44••,1441•• •44•• 141•• 4: 4 ••• ♦•• 14.4:• 1•• 1.4 ••• ••4.4 ••• ••1 ••• 141•• 1••141 ' .4•..•.....•..4•....,,...4..,,.11. •♦44••••44.4♦•••4♦it Farewell Party For Farm Forum I-Ield First Mrs Edward Dotlgan Meeting A very pleasant afternoon was spent The No 10 East \\'a wanosh Parte at the home of \Irs Harvey \\'ells on Forum held their first meeting of the \\'eduesday, when the East Boundary scas.on on \Iunday night at the hottte Quilting Club entertained for \Irs Ed of \Ir and Mrs \\'alter .\Ic(;i 1 The Dougall tc;)ic \\ as "Tint; Intp.rtvtt Is :\grictil- \Irs Dorgan has been an arde-t Lure to Canada" I:ecl•catinu period worker in the Club and will he greatly ' missed henry had known it to ado was at the During the afternoon, on behalf of nose Art speaking of sales, \I r \fill ' the Club, \Irs ; amen Brigham present- ' \\'aison had bought a mother pig and ed \Irs Dungan with a 'fable Lamp, nine little ones at a sale Something with the hope of all that it would shell had gone wrung with the mother pigs the Light of happiness for many tears making attachments, and \Irs \\'atsoit for both Eva and Ted is raising then; on the b,ttle Some \Ir and \irs Uougan leave shortly jolt, even for a nurse to tale up residence in Brussels \\'ell today marks the end of one I door stat, meaning rte, and I'm going to To Address Lions Club finish this p,t,:t'r and go to Che Icw•', Rev Harold Snell, of Auburn, will and buy a new• door stat for the front speak to the n'yth Lions Club at thcit door i saved the price of it by saying tivxt rega!ar ntteting on 'Tuesday, No. "No" quite firmly to \t rs '1'yrcman this vett;!ser (tli A full attendance of morning when she wanted me to buy members requested some Aron products, and a little first- uess is going 'to he at habit from now on I'm not Avon, or saying 1'11 not.- buy any more \vas cucductctl by \Irs Norman Rad- ford \I rs It I'cv was appointed Se.e- retary for the coating year \Irs Fal- coner will be convenor for the firat series The ntectittg :text NIon•Lty will be at the home of \l'. and \Irs I) \Iclienzie Recreation committee, 11 t' and \I r; \\'alter McGill Norman Radford ty:11 have the five minute speech Every - Ludy welcome V' A large croft d attended the slim -tin.; ntatclt Ityld on Robert Patterson'; farm this Wednesday afternoon :\11 events were keenly contested .\ ful- ler report will be carried next week 4:4,t•140:4+ 1:44:4••tMt4•tHt•1••t••t44t••t••t•11++4:••:NtNt•1�•/�/4t••t•1,••t••�••t••4++It44t1••4•t••t••1•:4+•t4 i, 4+ 1:4••++ look after toy friends chil- . • • ;• 4• • 4• • 4• s4 4,1 4, 4• •4 ,• • 4, 44 4• 4 •=4 _• •=4 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• •• • •• • 4• (Ircn, or play bridge I may even give \Irs Chellew a ring once in a while, if she doesn't call tate, for our small town, with it's everyday doings, has a over the cit\• like a tent Little kitdecsscs done for each other of it more importance than a 'hill of the Lions Club Means', but make of we small t-onfolks onrt big family, and the recording angel writes on v MINISTER INDUCTED the tra ilauual ceremony of the \Irs 'Whitmore said, '0, those sten, church, the Rev J I, 11 Henderson was when they take a notion there is truth- inducted as Rector of the Anglican ing you can do about it f Churches in the Parish of Blyth, ncl- 'l'he days are getting shorter to fin- grave and Auburn, on Wednesday last, ish this paper, and I thought I'd get by the Vcnerabale, \\' J Doherty, 13 A. at it again, but there was a sale on D I), Archdeacon of London Mrs Henry rya: there She remarked 1 Assisting the Archdeacon were the she never knew of such a place for (tit- Rev 1, V Pocock, of 1lespeler, a former ings Every day and night was filled, 'Rector of the Church, and the Rever- and she was so tired She had asked ends C F 1. Cilhert, R 11 Holmes, R \ir Henry to let her drive that horse ,P 13ttlteel, and 1 N I1 Mills he diad bought a few weeks ago at a 1 The ladies of the Parish served re- 4' Isale It had been advertised as a tn.:- freshtnents in the Memorial Hall after- ,•:.y.;. ,4,4..,•q•;y4•,4.4;.,•q4,.;4 •gi;••,4yM •4 ,..est,•...:. • •4s•,A+41••2++2y+•r•,.•i•.••.4.r•;•q•;;! ning horse, but all the . running Mrs.) wards , • >: -4 4• • •• 3' 1. 4.4 i:4 44 4.4 • • t. SPECIALS THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Salt and Pepper Set 9c 19c each 24c each 19c each 19c 6 for 29c Cream and Sugar Set Refrigerator Jar, Butterblock Mixing Bowl, Large Fruit Nappy Wendy's 5c to $1.09 Stor� TO SERVE YOU WILL BE OUR PLEASURE